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Thomas Eaton Swann Papers, Archibald-Asbury
sobblly Cé& & weed ( t { % eae 3 [ot BE ¢ ox er ; eA (hey a Ye oe eu rd (rv [RAG - sf ee ty rr oh! few sisi Ee Ard oe 24 | L. ) jie der cen de : _| Hu > aert lt AEP IG, ie bite ) : 4 ty en : tot char. ; ee thet yr Hee «Le! Ly. obec : (EY hh ee. oie ey hen +c | c. pet pe: ~/ Hse eee, ‘ pe sey Ce. - p H P..ARCHIBALO 2017 WINTHROP IRVING, TEXAS a | ath bp. UM. r \ \ wiAn a Obi Wy, c x oe ; l By C04 ) \) - ae ° : . f ~ WAL x 4 oh ATO 3 ¢ \ s YACD9 : Tee YA A es q 4 Qe y wT : MWe A 2 A. pans basal ded. rere Rt a | P ok hb Se te Ye he * SOME: RARLY TARD-RMeokDS Id THR ¥INTH CREEK 2 SOUTH YADKIN ARRA. ’ ; At Presta ls Ne Ce Febs 6, 1787, Nathan and Nancy Robey ® David, ‘Jemes and John Lovelace, Toe of. Isaac. tract: ; Rought by Isaac. Lovelate from Margaret Rose-- breugh, Dee bes 1772, Deed: Book A, De 444, recorded Nov. 20, 1792, Dee. 2. 1 te Mary Rese's “eg (widew ef John, daughter of John end Jean (Gravy}. Knox, sold Hesebrough homestead tq John Fitzgerald, Sr. Jan, %, 1765; James Rosebrough to Jehn Rosebrough, Book 6, p. 57, ~ Rowan Co, | records P42 4, 2 76h, eat Aron be1é received grant of lend both etaee of ta a ¢ Gaughter of James and Prodence Hell, whe died 0 . 284 17 1 rh 63,: He @ied/Oat.s..22, 1789, Both buried et at ig eke ont ent .* - Rowan records ah | pees lames. a ay @.° July 18, 31622." | ' Samuel married Rachel, @s Thomas and Priscilla Belt. Prudetice married Robert Gracy, — Rlisebeth marr. ed so me Margaret married eS tuck. > yeaa Fe 4, 76s. Williem’ ‘ventoaia ocpetied grant of land in St. Luke!s Py she mm “Mergeret, ds of Abexanter MeCorkle, who died July 175°, pre ed 1777» Both buried at Fourth Creek. Children named in will Oe, vat Salisbury, Qets Gye 77%. Wiliiem, Alexander, Margaret, Fliz«beth, hem Piege to Martha MoGorkle was Jan. 8», 1765, witnesses Mr : ai beldy Rewan-records | ty 2542757. 640 acres veranted to Rev, Mr. Jphn Thompson lying | dpe tel @ounty of Anson, ob both sides of Fifth Creek, He ; left it in 9 Will to Roger and Hannah Lawson, who transferred it te 56, to. oaks James Rosebrough, Rowan records OA, to Mr n, County of Rew Aneor, Rowan réedrdas ‘to ae Hall (Deed Book 55 7.308, Saligbury). |’ omer Doek Ay heared te J ach Bed Psd PALS OTF. Phy. Meer AZ Hall den Mele : gay «. Rie la te Wo an echt y72- I de ¥. & v by. LZ. le CK 4A t 1VA6 a /£4 F- yi a re ee | pile l A ee, dear! s : dhe ] Yt. jar Zn. Tel yeh 1/9: S Ca a dow Biri ey oF. ue | ha tae c| ele tbegg pi x P. ‘POH p 119 y,, vba, é ‘ vad : pe a 7 + Vy i : | aig ‘ . f - - ——s | : on e | ‘ § . are ra Jars a oy vt ai/ | AAS en i Mh a | 2 RAAT 2 Shin MS \AXTT, Z. “f Pe Ie “putt § he Wy KR at Be ~— dis ty A er ih eh us A eills wh Te Yah — cafes ot 1 \ Weert Shes liq & 48 ae Noo - tee ye / My a Ni. reds tS LL TES IRR, Mlle AO VUES — » ae or Mand OK Lenn aH Ls te ala! it Pop Pao VA WN el ) ie aa J I bal oa Kato Wha J kes | | ee ee — — _— - Re ee oe ke er ey 5 2 b < iis rey ee GN Pe BN ek OR 2, ee Met hatiee ite es ; : . Pe Re ee oe eo ase 3 ‘ a ce ne eee af eS 5 pe bey & ; on Ss “ae © s ’ Eee PRE hie neh : . Pie 7 te , . 2 ? é ‘ 4 “¢ ' ‘ : ‘ gee nf wee : i/ { : ‘ Oe: he A 2, af v7 j : eek oe a de” . ean Ll hate fg. | Sohal eect 1 Merp oe Abb Nob PT Te pelt find mired bs H. P. ARCHIBALD : 119 NORTH HARRIS BELLVILLE, TEXAS 77418 C J 2 eet. st be va fs pee fei fe KITE : x). [/+ paw [74> | CL te Le cathe of AO. Z- ot , pe. 7 ae | | : ip. Lp f Mier Lak Gao eG ae Bet. tf “The water wheel at White’s he | mill, which has been frozen up i: |}for the past two weeks, was started Monday and the ‘mill is | now running.” | “The voice of the oldest in- 4 }habitant is. heard in the land- ,| these days, proclaiming about ‘the weather that was cold when he was a boy.”’ 4 “A six-months-old child of | Rev. S. -F. Wentz, colored, of this - place swallowed an open’ ine | safety pin some days ago, and, n. |-the pin passed from it without j i any inconvenience. | ‘men . regard. it = remarkable case.” — “As R. A. Stone, Esq.¢ of Con- cord township, was riding home 4 ld post office last Thursday, a loose mule ran by him and kicked him on the shin, cracking - the‘ shin bone. The »» |injury was quite painful ‘but he »|is improving.” . “Hiram Allison,“ a_ colored brakeman on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, got »|the fingers of his left. hand caught between the bumpers a te few days ago-and badly mangled. Dr. W. J.. Hill is treat- ing the fingers and does not ,|think © amputation will be “ s (€ Toe & ff A F133 7 ale perk Nez ale a <-( e ay LA: Ph a aeseais’, | fps Q Cl fe e <3, 4 Yn wef chs. Q ae | Stf nb. LL, Rt See obett at fois yoy? || |. “Put - Hee Re Ke oT kt F es oe I weuld like to ive Majz ‘af-vou-ftan 12 Cae okey 4 a fy. 4 eat |e pec lA J¢ , : a — if Pow Lh best Lecbpile PE a oe yy” ie am © oe The hie CZ : (2. we dae ge _ - IH. he os) Ri ne MA LAs Ai? / v2 V fe hy Penscieat Ase et ie 3 +i wy * s 66 yeats! old y} <5 She vas the oldest was 80 years o1d* wl in 1899, ‘wt of}: en —_— His; 1Bt wife, .deline and. Wm Smith me arried 43 wears younter t ¥ [would like th have Mr. crioLd? s address .4f you can + for’ mes. r i +R @rcete pee 2 all Ward z 7p J Sie ely Eile fob om 0M 34 6i- 6E hil Q. Pe +e Cocwnactt Mirered, oe Mr.i fT. E, ‘Swann Rt. 1; 30x 147 Statesville, N Ce. i. Dear Mr. Swann, Many’ thanks for your interesting letter and tHe clipping about. the ‘Arnold: seunion. Our “Winstén | not (would not) print information about reunion: "to announce the dates of future. reunions. 4 Do‘ you have any information about’ ihe Arno Southampton %o., Virginia? ---- tefore the I believe that my Capt. Thomas Arnold (came from one of the Virsinia Counties mentioned . Tf fave not- found Ssonnect ton. be married, 1824, Mary Hunt in Kk pamuel- could have be®n.a cran married Elizabeth tricht. T to'Kentucky. Sa LT e 4 A Hope, to hear from.y > | Paap I jars N r is trot, Richard. wright « cane te Vispinde in 1688, et ty a “Gants Richard Wesght - aan) / 07 howe Wortron 9 | Nader Frencie Weight (1680103) fob d Aeme Washington (1862-1686) | i oS Judge John Wright (168261730) {5% * (= Derethy Aumpey (died 1738) kh. by Bent, John Wright ans 72) = "| -. ELfgabeth Darnell (Living 6-1-1785) tlie Wtgnt, Je. crate a: i _ Sian of John Wright, de. and Anne Villtens ton (Will dated Ont, 8, 1789) 9% 2, Py 160 Thowas itrtght: SE Ties hak’ in / 7.74 euatind Seo. “te 171 Seeyal Arnold, born ebout 1750 - died Dec. 5, 1331 e753. of Anne Willtens (born 1733) ” 4“ Lewis Elliott Iseec Elisberry . Robert Martin 1. “- LR: am Patty ( 2: % r G. Riley - Nancy. Young . ? 9 ad i Hy mA) Hil peau ® e. _ * o * ® . we * e © * ‘Semyel Arnold (Rev, War) ° Sereh Hardesty : ‘Let Adaline Dickerson 2nd Marthe Jane Evans - “Caroline Geugh - (Civil wer)’ SJdoenneledd “J Ruth Auriel Hanes _ Yom Sprinkle e a fa, / 4 Capt Wee ee y ft Paved bulee = a 3 2 g #; , A Lipiek fdr a Coat og) (Loulé 4 < 7 J 7 \ “ ; & Eo. oA PF un A f ), Parr a » / Cb A tthe NMAC Ad Ki’ 5 ae} ff te ee: ; a = be aU d V: 7 Gi" iy. | PEE tak. ¢ RAE CHa) Lie} < are 4 . é aN + My jig tt aia reeds ‘then. lr d ‘he “9 y b7 | / y Se reat zene hark LA ip cele Se PA =>. es s YY he i - a Cant, Aicherd Weight “~ ~f{ be coy Najer Frencis ee fered a renee ee Wottros Hk ae jie teight (16801713) 8 dad LY eke be ge John Wright (1682-1730 , » Washington (1662 ; A m me e - -16%0) me Geet. sn tem ansitea) 3 Dorothy Mey (6800 1738) «7S oe = 5) S. dahn wight, dts corn.to™ ay. : er e Thomas. Wiens Weight i : :, Weight. 257. ba) i | : 421 deted Oet. 6, 1789) & 2, P; 160. ms aS Living Subs Va, « still married Sent. . 1m Y ; : A 3. Neney Wright 1038) ye = Sanyal Arnold born ele da: he Agathe tright | 5; Qaabee ee “died Dec. 5, 1331 = ep ei 7c mee : . “Hy 7 Lewis Eliiett , cg nee. oe 7 i eae lenee Elleberry . ) he : 2 t : 2. ele pees rene Martin (0) -- 9% Willies ° Pe e3T gee : ‘ m Patty fy? 7 Sell os a 7 Pa 25 e ae Ge iley ee bs \ y = J - 2 * ~ Nancy Young : . 5 rode a 3 Slee lt = oe ® of . 7 Pol: y ” Lay é Willies * Sf } eo 1, Cigebeth wright _ - Wright wetried Senual Arnold + (Re ev, Wer) us ¢ ‘2. Daniel Agnot 3S. Willies é # Saith ee Sereh a eee ee liabliae Plbeese s hones Lee Arnold 2nd Marthe Jen f es ‘ a Deniel Arnold i'* Caroline Goan: ~_ site) le Ruth Arnold "Ruth Auriel Hanes © GaleGaG Grendparent , ‘ . Tom Sprinkle A ; “7, : pM Za, / - Cagle biter ge | c / acount Uy a Sf > Ps . the LZ s Be = e - LP >? ia + j ys Cw Ay FZ LP Le : ) c | z fin ee Se ‘ a j . Ki : G 4 ! Lon 7 , e 7 / ‘ ' f* re 5 pd 1939) their childts. wae % ye31) nartiod suse (Living ‘non.29) 2 : ) m. 2nd naroeret Beahy - ehitdrent vad 4 (ites-184) a, is dow, Foglesen '(ghelbyville. Tenn. ) - (e19-1896) (Ake.) | : * att ee 964) enel T Vell a Sivas Patty Arnold I 1817-1884) % Re arver at "te OLX arnold I! (1-25-1889, 1-1-1931) a willinghet (S.C) ’ (Riverside, plif. 2 "iBR Ann fon Aged Qliver Per arnold 111 Kcalaf) madered | id (1810-1860) a, Nancy Johneo (mar. 1832) (died welton, lexe) le Arnold w. Kereican Dyer (toe ie aot & Chizebeth Arnold % => white | ' . Merriet Elizebeth Davidégon in Walker * f yrs of age Smart ‘(Wertrece, Tenn.) No issue. : ) Stencel : at Ie ge Catherine Stencel - Cs Pe e4, Hugh Agnold % mettic Willinghéas (acon, Ga.) 2 chilcren, do yours ts arnold «OO Gray (Nashville, Tenn.) be | a ve 8) Aeneid % nabert Pety . | (6) Gm, Jones: Cunninghen a. Seilie. ae a) 14, att: “ mattie Cunninghee / ee - ¢, Janes Cunninghes : ; je d. fren Cunninghes eherson (toffee Co, fer) pencléd % Cheries Mi d Me. see” Chiteeod (gedford Cos Tenn.) ee 44 “ = 3) 4 after vadiae elected to the Legislature for the znd tine. a time of his death - Heaptanville, ‘* C. + Bw 0 years old, ag | , merried e “ise eaiteal 6. (177201838) me. 4 Lawson : Arnold (190061691) a, Mery Mechen in 1827 - jreenwood arnold |. John Rbt. Cochten (1842-1923) ' a *eedowell Sherer? oes ime Alice Dgrte . (Cal cf5), ase Cleanct n_ je Dorothy Greenwood Reed M.- ‘Cherles $. nivet a ‘ah Smith (pb. 1795 Nele = (Det 6 1798, died Bedford Co» ' \f Senuel Smith & Sereh Dewell) ¢- 1981 Tene) & _ Sarah Hardesty ree aah tem (1780-000. s, 1991) worried ‘Laxabath triaht (Living nen. 29, 1839) their childrens : % domes Aenole (1783-1841) =, let Henneh Borin (So.car,). m 2nd margaret ‘Seyby| . | childrens (1) Janes Arnold a, vidow, Foglesen (Shelbyville, Tenn. ) (2) » i ag te Arreld I (1817-1864). m, Rechel Terver Voll ston (2190396 (Ale.) verfPerry Arnold 11. (1-25-1859,1-1-1931) %. Ann pALsngned (5.6. ) * gl, "1BB Ann Apnold (Riverside, Celif.) — tie ee a2, Oliver Perry Arnold II! (Cafif.) mh 3 + (3) Theses ceehin Ove A (1810-1860) =, Naney Johneon - (fer. '1832) (ated | Belton, Tex. } 2 8 la Arnold .- ‘Herrison Dyer | o: : b. Margeret Elizabeth Arnold: =, 1, 4. white / } oe c. Joseph Oliver Arnold (b: 1948) =. Merriet Elizabeth Devidton — Gl. Leole Arnold =. Or. John Welker | a2, “ies Jenis Aeneld (Wertrace, Tenn.) - be Jones Arnold mm, Nannie Frencee (Wertrace, tenn, el. Teomas Arnold « single - died at 23 yre of age {DAR 19193 + ~>ret. Mabel Aeneld =, f. W, Smart (Wertrace,. Tenn. ) No { geue + Jan, 28, Se? e3. Kate Arnold” a, W.%. Stencel (MeCe) le, dunes Stencel ee | Py Catherine Stance) hat ‘* ; e4, Mugh Arnold =. “attic Willingher. Ideon, Ge.)-2 children, de young _ (4 : ‘ Arnold om 7? Gray (Nashville, om? 7 Arnold. a,* Robert Pety _ e ) ¢ m, Jones —— \« | @e Sallie . i be Mattie Cunninghes Ge Janes Cunningher — d, Frank Cunninghes _ : (7 jactbe_ton tonel¢ me Charles Righereon (coffee Co, Tenn. 2 of dm, Stephen Chitegod voreee Ce Tote) 9) weure | Aenold (single) — 2 Eiishe Agneld - died @ few deys efter being elected: to the Legislature for the 2nd tine - engaged to be nerried et the time of hie death - Hanotenville, Ne Co coal tS CL ee eee old... ( % went fron Rec. to Kye o » ane maraied | a Rise Bradford - e s. Ehigabeth Amol =. “ohn Parke (Ne Co) (177201838) Me Berry (S.¢.) a Prd eae erry Arnold (160001891) =, Mery saghoh ‘tn 1827 a, Greve Arnold (1843-1931) =. John Abt. Cochren. (1842-1923) - al. Grace | eehren =. wn “eeDoeel) Shererd le Lydte Shererd me Wan Brackett (Wm. , ut. Me a2. John Sebert Cechran, Je. (died~1927). a3, Cleance Frey Coghren », Prentiss Bishop Reed. DAR 130478—>1~ Dorothy Greenwood Reed =, Charles Ww. tiagenan (Calif. ) _ . , @&e Olive Pettersen Cochran 1, Cherles S, Minor = - S-apeannd (Oct 6, 1795, died Bedford Co, Tenn.) 0. Sereh Smith (b. 1793) Neci = (Sereh Smith, Oaughter of Senuel Sith & Serah Powell) d. 1981 Tarte) + Danial srnahe (be about 1798, died efter nae i039) Lo. Sarah Hardesty — 7 é 4 4 oo Alice borter ) i eg ny woe e ne tee cr evn aot - oles os leek Rint aa. ABT | / ee sti ort ab | beet NS Wa bias ore be Arh Tow epee. sgt? “eof Winston-Salem, N. C. July 26, 1967. Mr. ‘F: E. Swann RQ. 1,.Box 147 . Statesville, N. C. 28677 “| Deer Mr. Swann, . r I did not get te the Arnold reunion at Flat Rock | this: year. ‘We head made plans for that week end, before Iwas notified that the date had been. changed for the-reunion. I: would ~ é appreciate the clipping very much,’ as we did not: have anything. in’ our paper about sh : Er heve not had time to do renéetch |i on the Arnold fenily this oupner, but maybe, efter achool starts I can’ ‘get back to it. I believe that Capt. thoes Arnold, Rev. War soldiet’, sain to Surry Co. about 1774-75, from Prince William Co., Va. I think that he was descended from one of the- first Arnolds.to come into. . Virginia. Of course, I can't prove this, yet. ae You have not told me abqut the Samuel Arnold of Ky. born-1806, — matried Mary Hunt 1824. Do you have anymore information about him? . He is probably one of the descendents of the two Arrold brothers, John & Thomas, who moved. to* ky. from Surry Co., Ne Co Samuel Arnold & Elizabeth Wright Arnold’ were the parents of the John & Thomas who aver to Ky. Hope to heer from you “again, ‘soon. I am-still plenning fo come ‘to Statesville as soon as | can find the 4 aaa to do more research, Bt *. 1b! Sincerely, © - ob tet | Pe aoe a: bal ew et: “re. Tom Sprihkle i - 1817 Feirview &lvd. -P, S. Do you have any eaence of a jhake Arnold, bi about 1795/1800, married Katherine Morgan, b. Sept. ll, 1798, ‘di Sunk 20, 1889 - ‘katherine Morgen wes. born in now Lovnty and died in Bedford Co.,. Tenn. a | Dacre Pine. ey: i bo. tae ATE Fg tt py ” Bate bale | : din, | 4 jc 148 < tere t #4 ae yf “4 : — 5 « : e Un, eben pibados: : : i AG Ve Je es a Bt | od hot << fob ag cat “Lo THE GEORGIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, Inc. _ Atleata, Georgia Mrs. T. E. Swann noute 1 eee Statesville, N.C. - Dear Mrs. ‘Swann, ra i ve 4 Sorry to .be so late answerins vour letter. the go since hbefore«Thanksriving and my. hustaad, Tc been in the hospital twice since) ‘Christmas, and cume last Satutday after, an: operation for “idnev Stcnes now that th ings are bec {nn ine to Settle down, I ca . back to my a ancestors. : PY oe ‘I called Mrs. Agnes Dodson last nigrt, that you-menti.oned in vour letter, "Th but there are no Arrolds mentioned .in gave me.a lot*information concerning p4 She, also, told me about the McCubbins Rowan Co. Public Library, in S:listury;: today. They “ave a very nice Genealorical | i didn' t have time to look.up evervthine. t but hope that~I can -go. back over there. soon, | 2) leaving the Genealogical room, my eye caucht t on, one of the books - I slanced throurh it, but have time to write anything down. It would -be your time to fo over. there, iff vou *aven't «lr - read. that pm book. It ista +1 yped,manuscyipt, for the only copy like it. I saw the names, - sieHa John wright who married Anne willisms. You nad a note onthe back of your letter - married Susan. Arnold in Fayetteville, !*.C. Another note say ine that Essek Arnold Of. 3 evi in Salem, 7-8-1835. “Do you have any th ing else cr Arnolds? . bP ad I would still like to réad. the took -'"Frost*s - hope. that I can bring my copy of "Yadkin istorv' before! long. . ' iope tp near from youn aga’ WV Din k 16; 1967 To the Editor, Our war at home. I am ask- ing how patriotic are we in our own, our native land?’ I can scarcely see our flag raised without the tears filling my eyes. Every red stripe repre- sents blood shed: for our free- dom, the blue for loydity, the whité for purity and a.star for each state, yét we stand silent. and &nconcerned in the. midst of a war which is rapidly. de- stroying all that flag stands for. Any thinking ‘person knows _| that we are living in a terrify- ing world crisis. Forces are at- work through. strong organiza- tions to destroy all. that is right, pure, and fine’in our civ- ‘ilization. I give-as proofs, our destructive riots, increase ‘in crime, broken homes, alcoholics, dope addicts, morality that has dropped below that of a dumb ‘animal, literature and movies ‘dirtier than a-cesspool, dishon- esty in government, and practi-. cally all professions. Yes, even touching the teaching and min- istry. Those are the things ‘that ‘are destroying our country ‘and the battle against them must be fought here and_ not: neces- sarily with guns; but, by clean | adults and youths who are will- ing to stand up and be counted. 1 | Yes, live and fight for the right. I place a large part of the. Letters To The F of dope ‘that is like telling a child to play with a rattlesnake whose fangs have not been re. moved): L How many people do you know who have fallen from positions of hofor because of the use of alcohol, -dope or. immorality? How many do you know whose health is ruined because of these things? They go to the hospitals to be. treated 7 bad ‘“‘hang- ‘overs’. New. our nie (the hope of our country) are wading through this mess and must fight the battle. Will you halp them? I had an unusual experience last week. On Monday. night I Spoke to the Beta Club of-North High School on character. Nat- urally Beta-Club members are the top bracket students. Tues- day night I attended a meeting for information and advance- ment of the special education classes in our schools. These have béen called the retarded’ classes. These are the students who would become quite dis- couraged -trying to keep pace with Beta Club members. Both groups and all. between need your help. North School has about 40 Beta Club Members and I never spoke to a more attentative or | well behaved group. I tried to tell them about character which is one of the three goals of their club. The three goals are schol- oe. lepdership and charac- tant mind, quick to grasp and | understand :things. The second, | leadship, is the ability to get people, to).do what yx want. DAD & LANDMARK ntors Probe ‘ ( | Air Force Maj. Michael J: Adams, a Korean war veteran, | Wednesday rode the sleek plane from the iower boundary «of | | spaceythrough a death spin to|.; the floor of the Mojave -Desert. | the tape-recorded conversation / between ‘Adams and ground controllers during the flight could provide clues as to the cause of the crash and why Adams failed to eject. 4 In the tape, Adams said, “T've lost thé dampers ‘devices to control oscillations of the fi | what are-the temptations that } | may head them into the wrong | road and how can you help save them? These are some of the NASA investigators had hoped | ~ ’ First, the desire to gain wealth | at any pele, to dress and live | better than your tions or power. Third, the mad oft with the wrong crowd to | have a big time. They enter the | social circle, start with the X15), but-I've got them back cocktails, to be like the crowd, | then end up. an alcoholic. They start taking little things or mak- ing dishonest trades, and end behind iron bars. Another mod- | health and all respect are gone. Many sell their purity and self- | I tions that character is subject -|to change. “The higher one climbs the harder the fall.” What are you doing to keep people from falling? — “Oh! What a tangled web we weave when first we practice | to deceive.” Another quotation | learend in p | oon A If not climb her sabes and wit: selves our fortune lies. fe is what we make it.” Della Arnold | Second, seeking higher - posi- | ; rush for pleasure. Yes, they are | | _ Toward A Tighter Family Circle It is becoming. increasingly apparent day by day that in intellectual circles the family cirele is regarded as strictly ‘Square. _ Psychologists. and psychiatrists have suggested ways to make home life endur- able and, possibly, even pleasant. Their proposals include premarital test flights’ World Shrinking This is for men only. Let’s face it, fellows. "Things haven’t ' | been going too well for us lately. First, there was-this kooky court de- cision in London that a man has no right . to blow his stack when his wife does a | little backseat driving—like telling him maybe that he should stay off the road. This judge, you recall, ruled that a wife is entitled to a divorce on the grounds of marital cruelty if her husband _ indicates her kindly suggestions are get- ~ ting under his skin: (In this particular case all the poor "guy did was run a red light and crash into a truck, just to show her’ he did too _ know what he was doing. Then, in Paris, théy've appointed “ - women as traffic officers. That's right— women traffic officers! To direct traffic! —_ next? Well, do you want to bet that one of _ these Yays a man won't be able to get a- i driveg’s license unless his wife signs his application? ' , Just kidding, of course. They would- n’t dare. And yet... for compatability, five-year trial marriag- es, and light-hearted . but’ “healthy” -in- fidelity to spice up marital monotony. And now a study financed by the U.S. government has concluded that the way to whip the drinking problem may be to Start kids drinking young and teach them how to hold their, liquor better than some of their parents do. ' This’ proposal has been endorsed by 4 . the National Council of Churches — an important ally, since one of the pe tions of the Cooperative Commission on the Study of Alcoholism is that liquor be served to young people at church func- ‘tions. "The thinking is that youngsters are drinking anyway, and that they might drink less and hetter if they could .do it openly and within the family circle. This . would at least do away with hypocrisy, hidden guilt and the lure of forbidden — fruit. Maybe so. It will be interesting to find out. But you have to suspect ‘that quite a few grandmas and grandpas, and perhaps even some parenits, will be shak- ing their heads at the new turn ay togetherness is: : Little did they dream they would see _ the, day when the family, kids and a “would gather around the fiteside a bottle of booze. Hello-Hello-Hello =. With the trend toward au and computers so well estak Sr pd LG eri, ly : eee nt iB. 2 tt P ye] All ol LDF tp d tars 4 4 « cf yo OS be 1 ela CAD, hy He 4c Fen Nye Contig PY 7S tee of bor-iz ee Neyf & bead. 2 ice I cg “ htetaceéh ot Hr gee ps Lads a , zat Le cong LEA Fire lV az bthe ZF e WR yt ie Ji-wt4 5 a3 te vel ode ck peta oe ak < ps eet - J > ea Jit Pidlauy /_ 4 oo tigizd eee i. fA f ee lob x 2 : a tn fe fee Lt ( fH ; os : C nL be cee t/ {-5 xt a A= 3~ Fi ( 26 = Mr, I.: E, Swann Rt, 1, Bax 147 Statesville, N. C:) 28677 Dear Mr. Swann, o~ ¢ I have thoroughly enjoyed your."Frosts % “elated Faz the fact that one chapter is the history of! my 3-G-.- Elizabeth (Wright) Arnold, Ihave written to Mr. Fros Tenn, to obtin a copy: of. the’ book. :;I have: found in the book that has been most Helpful. <I it back. to you before now, but :we save had immediate family, that I haven't nad tim _i ealled your daughter a few minutesiaco will be coming up there. I will take Friday, in case she gets up there th My, "Yadkin County “istory" is: loaned. 61 yet, but I hope that I can send it. to fqr wore inf sO far, no results, of any of them exc¢5t.,5 1 leads to follow,up, as I really appreciate the.loan. of that vou copied for me. j , oy :.* 7 : dared (tr sat a Jar a Ee. L27C : 2- UY x bite may ) \ —_— f 5 Poe It used to be JFK and RPK, but more recently some of the * image builders have begun to “I recall a large fire shortly — thereafter which destroyed the ‘Iredell hotel and an adjacent livery stable, including several _ “Now, my problem. I had three half-sisters when I left in refer to the younger brother as . Kennedy II. That has.a real royal sound to it, but.so did de Gaulle up to a few days ago. For the sake of Democrats Down In IredeH and elsewhere, we hope enough delegates to the Chicago convention get the Oregon message to make it stick. If that can /be done, then ‘we Will only have to choose the lesser of two or. three other evils. IN ISTH PLACE — Iredell ranks 15th among the 100 coun- * ties of North Carolina in. per of a single rela- tive anywhere. “You no doubt can express _ my desires (to locate my rela- tives) more coherently than I have.: If you will mail me a copy of. the issue I will be ‘grateful. My grandfather there was a veterinarian, Dr. R. A. Bass.” re Mr. Arnold gives his address as 502 Spruce Street; Chatta- ‘mooga, Tenn. 37404. If «anybody Down In Iredell can help him out, why don’t you do so? ‘capita income, according to fig- ures just released by the De- 1 partment..of Tax Research. H. C. Stansbury, difector of “the department: reports our 1966 income averaged $2,420 per per- son, for a total of $169,059,000 for the county. - eye, There are, all told, five ‘coun- ties with the per capita income “under $2,500; the: others are ~ . New Hanover, Rowan, Onslow , and Buncombe, listed in ascend- , ing order. 4 Catawba is in fourth place, with $2,889, and Cabarrus. in sixth place, with $2,757. _-Mecklenburg tops the list with $3,299. and Guilford is. second with $3,078. Hyde is. at the bot- tom, with $1,143. 4 Leo J : Sen: Dj et dh be ef jee ISO alu HN eg : 0 ocx Py UA r730-. ao ee Bnrr yrolil es ip Hes ee beet. | OS i 60909 SIONITII ‘OOVOIHD. “ouy "TAD ATdS SIONITH ‘OOVSIHD « 2y ON LIWNNSd ssv15 Suid TIVA A'ld3e SSSNISNa Indo, ~ pico | ff sone fa: i es A nL fez Peace Li ae eX due ca CA. ete ee QL es c) Re 4 y Zé] 4 | ly Nee! Cel. dt. Ps. a“ A Vet ine fy Cle Cd : Gade Aa > Feb. ini His, + tt ie “yes {x sf. We. [ona wo cin Fed ve eke loved ( 2 sole yh JTF OC - Levelfnu a Go. Py ss 1 bolls qi Gat 3. =i - HS yar | Petion|sbeertteate «af L¢é c Lf pee 44 Ta. Lk (4 Lok ee petoe tes pth 4-43 1\3 2 L le ; ¢ gagady. Spt Ace [deka Ce -/ ies per [808 4 Gab ey erriy ae Plate. a: Ca. ds p=" (no AJ aie Bt q. 4% poe weeds oe C weet ) ed C Beh c pet oC eed Balak. Cenk, Blhsic bork) Wee ge. dm Rose lf Cont, Cfille Carre ji JP pet. a3 Afdne =o, Gl vee pelicls ee nen: ge) eee tac. ealeb Lk: | “ae AP elle a: 4_ lye bial oo he 1B A eid | | EAeaced fy hath fan to Fe ial [te L elt 1@k Xt te J 7G me toh donee chat) 60 7% Wie thei ft be—ct cele St AA Ae ae oe ee Ly Zi beat: te Vik {Vella “Le bea be q he ace ged awn-cet fe 4 ¢ <bece eh bj Pew: pees Fag. / ours L /99D) Lf Ht pe A whe, bee sh os: bk : — Da ger PAGE 48. To Editor. * To the Editor, : ' i came home from Davis. Hos- | pital Wednesday afternoon, and | after the kindness that -I receiv- ed there, ‘I feel as if 1 should| never utter one word of criti-| cist of anyone, Doctors, nurses, | | nurses’ aids, maids, and even) | paper boys could not have been . more courteous and kind in their | efforts to make me comfortable : o & x E morality sinking lower day by | , loss of faith in and respect | for law, dishonesty and trickery rampant even among officials | . and especially among many | : politicians—these are just a few | of our problems. There are riots | | PREV TERE "and 5 H i I in i 2 f Z cH £ ae Z E a z ee 22 $38 é i Fe rik EF ‘Te ae gee erik ak { . ; ? /.. there are many Communists: in | ; ‘ our country who are allowed. to ; 2 FS : 7h g many ways? You are yet tree to make “your choice. Do you want the war to continue as it tion in Forsyth was a disgrace because so few voted. The paper |. _ stated that about 10 per cent of the registered voters. were call- "ing the shots: Are you going to _let 10 per cent call the shots in this county? — : _ The laws under which you and’ your children must live are far more im than a_ bridge club, a spotless House, or being | dressed in perfect style.. Take to get informed about im- things. These important «Start in training children school, and government. -Remember it was government that closed the churches in Rus- sia. Your carelessness. could do ‘ - |. Della Arnold | v beens . ‘Hop beer owes its special fla- vor to a yellow resinlike mater-~| jal called tupulin RS Mrs. T. Ee. Swann Rt. 1 -.Bex 147 Statesville, N.C, 28677 Dear “irs. Swann, anjpgyed your letter so much and it helped to fill in some of the pi are on the children of Johm' Wright (1731-1789)"and Anne Williams.; Altnoush, Wri. is a Side-line.of my Arnold femily, I think that I have almost a$ much jinformati the Mright"s as I do the Arnolds. +: e 2 Migs Della Arnold of Harmony, N. C. helred me jet ptarted almost ?-years sq0. . Her father, Willian Smith Arnold, is iy I have a Genealogy chart that Tam sure that you will want-+to see, to the fact that I have only one cosy and cannot . set another one, I* mail it. This chart ‘shows the Wricht family Back through thef Saoroes family. 7 4 a oo i 7 ? / foo? ) I am enclosing a copy of the Wright's shown on-this chart, which you ay (b The notes in "Red" ink are taken from your letter which l received yesteré Ny Arnold line kk is ‘listed at the®bottom of the pace. I ar, atso; centin copy of Samuel & Elizabeth (Wright) Arnold's chilcrén, Perkass you He information about them/ or know .of ‘someone who does, > A I would like to have your comp late line of Wriaht's, Since 2 families are the same, . * 1 Could go on and ‘on “with ai fot this, but there fs. just +too nueh to te copied. If you will write and -teli ne Ehe directions. t¢ I will be glad to bring mnyrecords, .chart, -etc., and jet. yque ef also like to see your copy of the book of Nhrosts & Fanilies library does not have this hook. yO ‘ Hope to hear from you soon, : A +7) Lola-Arnola * ? Pa Se) I have @ copy of "The History of Yadkin County + 1350- 1965" which’ sad ceen ‘yar helpful. There is a list of active members - Noy. 1749 « attendiny "2 Betty 4 ‘6 House", which is’ now Flat Rock Baptist: Church...--The. Arnolds, Wrianrts (Ann td ary Sally, and Peggy Wright), Frances Riley and the Elliots are all listed as Hein active members. Evidently, these families were close neighbors at that tide, 1812 tax list of Hamptonville gives Zachariah Petty - 300 acres; Thomas ari jht, 450 acres; and Samuel Arnold, 292 Acres, Bak a d PSU, Aly Mfder and li. in Kans; John D went to Minn; three daus- apparently d in infancy. What wae Violetta’s maiden nm . 2012.23 ARNOLD, WISH, WRIGHT, WIL- LIAMS,. BAGBY,, BR ADEDRTs PARKS, BERRY, | HARDI STY, SMITH /, Mus. Ts Me Sprinkle, 1817 Fairview Blvd, Winston-Salem, N,.C,,27107 wishes to crspdi;with desc of T a b 1727, Rhode Island ?, Va, d 1795, Strry Co NC, m.Miss Wish and had 18 ch called “The Immortal’ Fighteen.”’ He was Capt in RW, ‘‘Corps of Invalids’? Reg; com- missioned 26. Aug 1776, Have into ca one ch: Samuel b Spottsylvania Co Va_1750, d 5 Dec ‘183! in Surry-Co NC, m “5 Sept 1771 Fauguier Co Va, ETizahtth Wrig dau of Capt John Wrigh sht an aie Samuel mv fo Surry Col 17 Me pvt in RW Col Dixon’s Re’, wounded prisoner of W, Aug 1780; made guns shes Rey, had 8 ch; Janyes m w/2 Margaret agby; Elisha, sgl; John and bro _ Lion is m@v_to Ky, one m Miss Bradford; Elizabeth m John Parks, NC; William m Nancy Ber- ry, dau of Hudson Berry of $C; Daniel m Sarah Hardesty; Fligah moved to .Tenn, - Who were the othe: 17 thiot Thomas? Will Xch data, i Cepnetd- Ieigt™ sepnjou/. i Bre A vu frs3 x ) i r FL. i ort betee £. uit ei ce -€ ra Bk im IN Y ae -. Yt te Coin Sion. 3 XE i Nhe lot OF Liss A) sos porwr Le ee BE opti : 7 x “ee Le fe , ai i. ei cat | Ue ey, > e De : Cds ee Niet Ba: Ge andes ~ i : , if 3 we NBs de a bh & eek a Be 16 - “ ah tZ ’ A : ; | eee yep Cth Hare tots Coe a’, = pbc Ae He. eee 7 [TOY 772. Vea! LLL ’ r fg ; 2 oe deok dt oc ba oe ry : - Sil* 3 f J 1 te vd “yh ce c= = ) rw ~~ = | ea | : : | Blige. 4 UP Be Po J L t i, \ Ae : ee j Craven li : f 4 or ae A] Le es LL 1 ppt f < -977 0 1¢ 1A pl- yn “Ts "7 g tal, = LU 782747 oP / ( ps iw f LA 3 % vd) ae - Ha ae LoD LE: bea Gel. ici r : ee f 1 x. _— Hite. f bt Mer te ee / : 6 ~ ok - ti, E c ps ne gle 14 tee Pte ae | = Ae SF Ke Dhl: \ pk ca os Ae on4 HL. LY aA az. ep s rede € rae : : —T\ t- /Sce . es thi hea Dy gta cb 2 tl c a ete. Lele = ie best y ee Oe. Ar20 shee: A F fC (F. (fe5 pos are ‘ rs : 3 Le x t Gf pe bs h t~ 4 ale ee : ~™ 3 ese be ee x 2: led tit Qc pe Di ie re ; ik own nig rhe wee : PS fe y ae TS. pith ban es Ga Mec b: at oe of JOSEA (Rete det | ee ; = Se Bot 7 Ae art Cb — be. : re a he 14- hee Diterned : ee a bis e -f--/300-— A ese ne) oT] . R dex - Sue ci Are State of North Carolina = | _ Bepartment “of. Conservation and Development. a DOAN E. STEWARF’, DIRECTOR * BILL F. HENSLEY, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR jJanuary 29,6 1948 Mr. T. E.. Swann Route 1, Box 147 vo ee 7 Statesville, North Carolina .28677 Dear Mr. ‘Swann: *Your letter’ to Wildlife in North Carolina has heen forwarded to me. re I -have always. ‘been reluctant to trace my fambiy trea very. far for fear of finding someone hanging from it. s8It is comforting, However, to discover a gegttemen of the cloth some-z where in the branches. + - All the Arringtons in the United Statés may be traced to three brothers who came over ‘from:England and landed ‘in Charles South Carolina sometime around ‘1800. These brothers went -thre arate ways and, as far as/I know,’ all Of jus. May trace 6ur linea one or the other of thes se i @ .The North darcilus Arringtons are hot closely yelate the South Georgia Beep OTN: which is my bf amily. Yours truly, 1’ Arrington,. Out@oor Editor avel and Promotion Division hed tt ee. Di coee: placid 5 1 A 7 a A Lb #. on iy © ferfe.P PUGS, ie | Wh. ob: ene i pesca f Od]. ea e ee Ls { . eee ad Deb o . eee “enn SBRO 1b & y - ) Wawy ! oe, eh , | JAK, l4~t> eter | (ti 7) fe. pt} pon rapt Az ? a 4 ALL My et “ A eres 4 ky “af L J. wf . 2 Unt ta Omri? aul dhe Qeree | | at et EG r Soy pte — CJ ye} ¥ ; } : 7h . whe ad On IAS (ON fH - at 7 Lel } ee 4 A Ly An La (a4 ee A. hie a D - J 7¢ x —_— Prrmbo nen _ TH S Orn Grae 6 ane I 3 Dw) Yer Hey St fanart ‘C4 ad, pa ‘i Gee > IN-t_- uu ms) int ye | aM Vy epoca Now dhs Cin ayo yor - ae ee pase dare We N-¢- by CoM teat ot ay ee ae | )3a + $0) aE cv % Ae, a bts Nie 4 J - Shia. 4-4 [$40 ne yc hice ha leche — ; J : | ws i weme 4 bent * Ae dive <y) 2A~9 oe aw Ak Cbd 1) Qoul frreng lin Ne ju jeaiit f tf cogil pt (UG ay the el: Lleol “Prowne_ + JS if — pv a hed ye AL PES +e We wi Se [8/6 tert | As fa) - Xa. ettind As OU som 7 Athy § gi ies Clubs he athe de rb + fas jSrs 4 pronh TN liad dak ony 3 Rh oc. —, DW Cima ee Wi LKeS de. (Ut elute pet on “rl Un hp ‘Qout losing Toe “toys = © | Dy 1830 Ary) binds H Savad' ew; AM, At Sop 1532 Aesvadd 4. Catal t et Ocnit Mhel 15 ‘orb SN oe et A hid he AOn Od at host. Gru gh 18 Se! oj Ws met AA fy AAw-rF / LS ip A. 3 yy Sane ; re lst.! LT? ha “¢ : Sink po na eS ay Bagyet 5 : Aves AAm Dy he ane eed A+ ~ Qh dodergho- rT. (eA t Ss , gas Tod as ges: $30 — het dure I Eee | : ‘hte : ; poe Ode As ee a Ee Be f Ty ie SMALE é ie ie . ; pbk, tne ins Pee eco ae | WIT Ve i) Cf bb: — y Page ~~ 3 the ort uk i Xs "Na de ee | om ‘| Urdthnt 2h ale tw Gea bpp caf’ 1 be [bb ~ Dom beet ie ¥ day Ay-try oe: t d Pe: ix. i (I a oF | Aprade lps dae pia & ws praonty Dire Ethabbad Ac. to odd. Fee ced. arid re pas oye 'S jolie onan Fnerhig 2 Ap te phe - J a bib bing * soils Mu! tat. Je Ue "D) Boids blag det C1 Yu th wt ; Son ke hod | oe i a ae ee ‘| i Ty i a At | Dalat Oh nana pon ‘at au rh. bis pop, Bh Be Y Ai ed aa Dy ge ha 2 orl De ert Ae GLo# Ae. eg 4 nay ¢ — L.<e3 Mitgcde ae nud. al pre Gtk wy Ag a tha ALCL : ttt oh bu tn eTuphutt = wl id: J + fp ‘Y~ . : (NP She haan arg Baia | aot im Ma tate ter Ade wat 2 JPY 1 dee Prods iat re Ae} F - or Jes - apo , he Ae Ay, Bie ted 2d p erty n ud (0A) Ze aye ape Ae WW At LOL l “ we | Oboe Pape si Pep babe > ' . iS fei i . : ‘ ity Hy AK o CAM s ANU AAP Bx d: Ral ht a e : : & , Ak pha ae 7 hag Ake ‘ela Mya. iy avd ke ff } » he a iL tk que aie ce dat tbe ) Bhd ie i ae Ue Een ined F Pte Cpe | Ye aes — AKT Fh. Kou LA gt oy ot Anns S 3 , SE, Lassnt 4. prtitey War thy Ae 2 eh te 2 ae oud Heol uot —| es i Li } ou ? yA Rha (2h ur08 4) Wry — Th e < Lichen | ge Pome: GO er A ho 247" Al Oe gd eas | Ortec Fed weewee Ao A ai ie Oe bale An [930 xd Ub ; ANU ibd. Aceves a Af irs fy — Cr bbat a: oh re ebb Lvdsl 2h Obbat 4 Ge crullag Ko dhe Cape | S49 Le zr $740" bl 47 $4 =. $4 - SS- Yb — A pF : Grew Bee | Re erinto pov AU fat 8) (ee oo 2 Abl Poca U4 al lames: ne sé > “ag oa j ay pW 5 OF LA mle a le de <p y | - 2 ; i As ‘ AS —T~, 24 aa be, LON 2 Cnid ry Co | “ Qeet'y ?) PVARY fa 5 wal ' - . . Es Eg. WC v ua Su - che Mt J Ay ore ae 1 . e ‘A se. 2, q American Studies Association, The, organized, 393; purpose of, 393. ~ American theater, réasons for decline of, 480. : | Anderson, Mary, performs in. Wil- mington theater, 322.< 3 » Andrew: Johnson Memorial, State. Litertfry and Historical Associa- tion interested in, 179- Ani the: War Cam » received, 266; _. Teviewed, 257. Anglican clergy, advantage, 19. Anglican parishes, experience dif- ficulty, 17. * Annuals; furnish information about Baptist schools, 48. bors ° af Appeal to-Arms: A Military His. tory of the American reviewed, 534. Appletow’s — Journal, Haynels poems, 409.” Archeological Society Carolina,: holds Raleigh, 113, 160, Revolution, ~ of” North meeting — in dis- © B, publishes Area and Administtation, men- | tioned, 201. -Arten, Michael, Green Hat, 484. - Armstrong, John, orders creation of brigade, 421.” Army Air Egrées in World War I] The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Sa pan (August 1942 to July 194%), The, reviewed, 384. Armytage, W. H: G., article : The Editorial. Experience of Joseph Gales, 1786-1794,”. 332-361. dramatizes The Arneach, Molly, acts as secretary’ for Cherokee Historical Associa- tion, 241. : Arrington, Katherine Pendleton ~—vterted Gistrict vire-president of North Carolina Society for the Preseryation of Antiquities, 114; ‘ elected ” president North Caro- | lina State “Art ‘Society, 113. Article 41, Halifax Congress aids education by, 8. “ Asbury, Francis, Pettigrew writes to, 23. .Ashe, Samuel. A’Court, State Lit- -erary and Historical Agsociation honors, 161; ° writing ‘during period of 1900-1909, 171. Assembly ~ of North Carolina, chooses commissien to church’ affairs, 427; creates new parishes, 427; establishes. acad- emy at New Bern, 441% fines vestrymen, 431; grants freedom * to the early church, 428; -prants regulate — INDEX TO VOLUME XXVIII ® 547 indulgenées’ to Protestant dis- Senters, 427; makes new: church laws, 429; orders parishes to hold elections, 431; passes new Orthodox Clergy act! 429: raises “salary. of rectors, 429° - religious requirenfents of, 427%. - Association» of Superior Court Clerks sof: North Carolina, “W. Frank: Burton addresses confer- fence of, 542, 4 As You ‘Like Jt; presented in the_ Wilmington theater,-470. ——” Atkinson, Natt, letter from, 514. Atlantic Coast Line, omentioned, ~ Sui7.. S Auer,® Florence, Wanderer, 475. “fe Austin, Gene, -produces Broadway Rhapsody, 464. - Avery, Robes't; letter’ from, AXX, * 6012.3 : Rea : ; > Avery, William Waightstill, elected delegate, 7; studies law, 287. i Aycock, _ Charles — B., Baptists pleased, with “educational efforts of, 66; elected governor, 156. stars (in ~.The 1 B Bacon; Frank, produces: sensational play, 481. ‘ ; : Bailey, George ).M., manages Wil- mington Academy, 472. ; Bailey, John 1, teaches law: 278, 280,. 289. : . Bailey, Josiah. W., reports to Bap- tist State Convention, 605 Writes of Baptist: schools, 59. Sanner of the-South and Plant- er's| Journal, publishes Hayne’s ” poems, 410. : Baptist academies, duties of trus- tees of, 51; have large enroll- ment, 56;. lack: financial support, 50; Wake Forest College stresses need of; 49. : - “Baptist Academics in North Caro- lina,” Varticle! by George Wash ington-Paschal, 47-62. saptist mountain schools, absorbed by the state high school system, 62 : e Baptists, ~establish- high sekools, 59; experience difficulty in’ op- erating high schools, 58. Baptist. State Convention, es ab- lishes_ Baptist. schools, . 47. 5&8; publishes school statistics, 61, Bardolph, Richard; publishes “Lib- eral Learning and the Spirit of 16,” 640% publishes “The Requir ¥ Pais a # 4 7 Dear hr. Swann, — . : ead | My husband mentions occasionally that -ne would like again, but this summer has been: my tire to ster tome, it Seems. improving; infact I feel Sure I ams In that‘ cass wé hope tio pet dtarted iting again soon. To try myself out I-had ‘lyde. take me ty the lf rary £ an hour’ this afternoon, but\ I was glad@ to corie home at’ tre end if tne. I'll try to give you a few things I. flound: In Corbitt" "Formation N.Ce Younties" I found: Iredell: was formed. from Rowan in. 17P8. conts 9! “and Wilkes .were annexed to. it? in’ 1793. - Tn-1b1). anotker Act amended Act. In 1816 a part of Iredell was annexed to.Wtlkes. In 1#18 nants Wilkes and Burke were added to Tredell.-Alexander Co. was. Formed fr | from parts of Iredell, Caldwell and Wilkes. As I read these portioms | on the lockout for any of the amily names ip your letter but folfia ' The Rowan Court Minutes are abstracted and indexed infthreeihooks the History Room."Aug,. 5, 177h,Wm Arrington to Matt. Troy, jproved by Jonr Brandon."Milligans in the index were: James, John, Joseph, Nary, Robt uel and Wm.Thepp were so many I knew I had not. the strenrth to Idok today. "Aug. 15, 1770; David Donnelly, “orphant'son of Mary Mullican a ticed to Robt. Luckey for 9 yrs to learn the: cooper!s tradeé.It seems Milligan, Millican, Mullican, Mulligan, ete. are-all considered. the Luckeys in index:Adam, Ann, David, Geo. and JPe,y Isabella, Jatey Jesr 5 oe Cnet ey Come -John(lots of pagges)Sr. and Jp.;Josenhy. Mary, Hichard, Rott. ir. {a lot) $Samuel sr. and Jr.,Thos., Wm.( a lot). cS | “In the files I+found:Wm and James’ and Samuel in 1776 were -on 2 uaa on the west side of Deep. Creek. In 1762 there was. a.Wm on the rifive’ te "the Dan River and Carroway. There was also a. Wm who 'wa's a fustice: én- > cat Creek. Clyde's Quaker Osborns settledion Polecat Cr. IniSoutrern 7% ford’ Co. in 1753. We have visited the. old homestead and Céntre emuinch \ the where the Osbornes still. are. Across the Hwy 62 from-Centre ‘Meeting House the home where Edward R. Murrow grew ups The. above Were- Vil fi-ans} | Bke 9, p 458,N.C. grant # 438 to James Stephenson’ 6lj0 ja. 10/1@/14323 on the Main South Yadkin adj. Architald Wason(sp),Wm Cowan, iand Solomon | ° Kelly. { e Lee. Se eee .4 bdat ts > ..'On-page 230 of Vol. 3, Compendium of Amer. Genealogy by Vitkus? - John Arrington, (176-18))) married Mrs. “liz. Nicholson Mann...Artcurétheir son, I suppose; died 1795 was Asst. Quarter=Master*ieneral of N.c. troopa- under Joshua Potts,married Mary Sandifors, wno died in 1505.; I’ don't know for sure about the relationship, I probably have it wrong. me / In Genealogical Helper for Sept. 196) queries:irs. Severley \N. oter- cula, 212 Youth Hellis Ave.,Fullerton, Calif. offers to exchange info. con- “cerning the Arringtons and traces them fromiWeC.,w@m@ Iredell’ ¥o., tid Ga. to Ark., and Indian Terr. She is the editor of a Yhomps$n Family Vagazinee. I have reé'd a few covies but the ones she’ talks about are almost all in the: North. Any way it sounds like she knows plenty.-about the Arringtons. Nrs, Robt. Winfree, 1120 5, Charles,Belleville, 111.62221 off'ers- ditto Arr n;' Mrs. Geo. A. London, 603 Ee llth St.Coffeyville, Kans.6/33% wants [inf inte Pe Guilford Co.,.N.C. in 1790, whose dau. liz it. Josen! “in 180. i: ge a: i ap Page 88 Hayes' History just lists among. other justices! who becane justices in 1418 the name of Jolin Arrington, Sr. There is no ther, refer- _ ence to him in the index. On page 217 there is @ Rev./J.L.Stephenson: wiio was pastor of Friendship Church, Millers Creek, in 190, no other ref’. ut ' ¥f there are any of these Ct. Min. refs. you wish looked un, pA2y: = be glad to do them for you if I stay well.enough. We st‘1) hope to visit: you soone. mae ie : Peet oes “Sincerely, | = eat 4 lee t W(t Ng Dar tee Y MI ° 332d do SF ee ; 7): } Fie if. A s y t Corf ‘) A ae [ hte’ oy , (drsty seh q a 2 4 ‘ r~ r he NA AA pe CRA ‘ e Mi 290 ~2 9) Lippbods 7" . = IME (rungdipn — Gur + Carty te Ue AI “Mi “og (3, - . : Nriw cow A§ PU sae + 1 _ 4 LS [GAR A3e Up eid Ja bomb & Dina And PO) Qe haw > Lhe: SUP Ajthe. FY ee WO §L On i @¢ nde i uC brtit Le. lide Al Wen tes —e oe fA. 2 + Ae She « A a (Ut) 2 HL LA Le ke ] ] j'4 on ¢ Onn ( i yet he i Sct. € i. bn &, Dru Axl Ls ;e> A$ SS ce hath K C Ch | é ts ihe Li Ye i bas? ie tt ips. et a “ ae STL iY 35 | T4, pnd Tay ke Ue Wade zs Db AUhes ik. yor. pH / At ung id Lt pd / / Leas a6 teh 7 lobes sgt | yp finding 7 poly ahd Pap 2 ured 2a Oath “ Ohivtks PAYA pont fH) Se eL UA xr pat +77. % Uden: Aud 3 A fine ue ‘be dod rhe says warts Gore 2 ales A | a ae : ke s Ju ye tbo )7 rah st all ped : the. Girt ae Obes No 2 tbe \. 31%. oo 1) ur Wee Hede eb omat /) yaad o aus aa rm cope he dak | wh | Deed AL soa ps peed 2 Fe as — Holy Vaadbe = ypu é Oyen a ae A li, thy. Avda he 2 Feicil da ie es Ue 2) C las U | oe po eo ph gad. Are A Tel pd ro i ud da ce AU 4 4 T.. : 4 | ; ae He oe 7. sa 14 tLA Dime et Yn Fo | ery, C4 00 A ‘ Wh). ony ohne. DUN a f L ) ese das ee a ei 7 by ae at Sh oo Ab APSE 7 iy ge ior me wee 8 art iebtton ot tt eT | ‘aie ay entod Ae os , ee ; D . is / ss oe Vv. is than ee j bg a. ‘a AVr+6 3 Nrur « 2 oat Ai: ae se ae me eS : Pipe Dros ele pont Ye ns Oh cl : ears 5 ce AMS oT. | Prd Seed | J yank: Shploloes OM PD oh te | u. fe spp Ala << eaT bby Fhe die LES UU e¢ ) fo #244 -—_ y : 2 5 : #0 t iad AL as a tes Camden Ct ‘ pete Utd Hise bind erg st ae Apis (mourey Ae pt Pro-F ae ah punk, igen C4 a: soa ee Sou the guint rt peed ee dae t+. ] rape He thie 2 NAS a Bagatenhe phe Pe bint did hark Zor apr yer eT alee lisse yore | 4 tr ar ls Phot bts Wu ie oe | aa Ao at re yr hed Led woe! Aspe 2 ie Lod ee. qo ddd oe Doge dad dud hae SUL Res wo ithe To Dither ar, pref os. ehikdren ad oan dai a Pring wil aay get. ee ay hh > O not 2 Abe ahr te A ee eo Ax: A hee gure fe 4 Lae any bs Ph? Pho i bab aud 4 (A hot Yr Ur. a Uv € Spiebad AAA Be idle z Ha. tat pal WU Gedatoe | A | abd 2 Goon 3 ae Pu OD AL rb nye <4 is a Oar ain dks eh coe ww exael Le te i” ; tndnciie Be gird yd ay, per I & MRS. ” B. ‘BIG ees a J - /\ G3 WENN « Kh- 1. Lory ale Sf abdvdets ite: | ML bu es gy W (4 : a ~ yy Pus C It " i di wl the ate y t zh Cruse, 7 he tr ee U. ; hivvelt Ki: | Ore Moceby Ay yn : ni Te etiyd he dlanyd Se reas tad Goss / date L a : teal ® }! a Yy Pe & ihe, & 4 \ ifs pre ry 7 Ire ae: th nck Ye af Poy Ch \ t a G ud eth Se f él ce oS |) 5 Ua hadis Ry iho Aros? st a1, ‘ : i-r = 4 | CTV | Wgone- - v TV SON) ats y {? 2 a , ein dl Minatad --§ Oe pice rt. / - y 2 NG “Urhe: neue ye Le | Lakes sa bb bee J : iy. 4 , %- Uhe UL (Naw lens wi het He yr © = oe Wo, Prt Lin UAE we : Thi ae hou rh ‘| oo Miemte We Snud LU ee nbd a ny } UN Au , | ; A Dae - AS 1 Spe Tt < Tretia { - + jw ! re Bix Pavone =e ppb Pbb i : latent = ane Mi adc pee a ad Laan dnd Boe a / mel 1} de a a fe ~ - gear ce ep ‘ | = col 3 : “ V yt "a 14 tN [4 Cee 7. ae ti oK_ : | — pe NL a : d : ; - J Z t. Lee & omer nen ia ( ole ” i? . j VUAce ak : a w | eed L} ps - rt 4 : d ft ene a < Une 5 fc 7. a & t 5 aA | y hex [BIT fever fj +x Creer ey 4 5 fs Ae } fe. ei & Lg: < Ke ef by ek Wo lg ae ~~~ a, Ly Lees ha Leola | Ve. hoa gk ial cdl lehrs. vet Pe . Le fet | eviations + C228. ft) cross, ‘Jesse Cay Rte Box 365, Morse Dr., Carmel; Calit, 93921, Xch data on Ephraim-JAC KSON of C he ster Co Pa and lesc, C229 ~ tary « ROSS, Mrs, ic hard, Fas -ter, lowa® 50028, Will) xch Gata: Apt DYE, HANLEN, BRADE IE LD KIRK PN- DALL Ohio, lowa. DECKER} DI SHONG, SIPES, KERN, Pa. MORRISON, WILSON, Ill, Canajla. -CASTOR, DALRYMP ee MIC K, QUIVEY, MOWERY, lowa, oS E Ind, GRAY, Wis. also MC} "LROY Ire _ C230 - @) cRoss, Mrsv-R, L., 2080 Chanticleer Ave,, Santa {C ruz,Calits; 95062, Xch infor? CROSS, PARK, KEFFI- O’KEEFE, Canada, BARNES, PETTICORD PRICE, EBY, DORMAN, WW ANDLING, Md, Pa, Ohio, FE "RGU SON, YOUNG , lowa, Pa, Ireland, REID, SAND} RS, WH LIAMS, WOODROM} , FARRIS, COL LINS, LAN- CASTER, CROCKER, MORSE, BEELER Tex... ; . o¢ +L C231 ) CRO SSE Mrs. Melba C., 631 Bryn Mawr, N.E oa Ali uquerque, N. Ne x 87106, Joel ‘ARRINGTON b 1817 d 1904°n 1898 Sarah? Lotiisé MILILIG AIX of Hardin Co Tenn, dau of Harve} MILLIGAN who mov to Red: Riveyy Co Tex; Joel ARRING- TON s of Henry ARRINGTON wre tove ‘i Smith Co. Tenn frem N.C, Nm of w and needéd, Nri’of-w and Pp of I farNey MILLI- GAN needed, Xch_ PATTH HOgnOSW LL. SIMP SON, Will I bel-R, (t}. CROUCH, Mrs.-L. Me, Ife | helen =F a ' Lak wa J To-egeat i ee a Poy qee: 166 | | { * * i pire C a ae : i Pp La x fi ei vi ] f Pees .& Te Pau el eee Jil : oa PO} BW, ee IS dx: | tel of WiC oc ROKR ; }% Cs Pb een Gt aut a as s7% “| atfead ee : OO (eabeeery | , tL 2s%2m/} At ee We pa ZY (410 vbvva Ai \- Ve pet Ura le: dares mrracs fk A * a \ oS : 7 ‘+t me \ f sl x Vi P O Bex 514 Benham, Texas 75418 _ April 29; 1973 Mr. T.E. Swann, . Dear Mr. Swann, : Thanks se‘much for the letter from Mrs. Stikeleather-fnts-~- mann, I believe that I have enough histery te aL. her with eur line. I bought the Frest book, you know. I alse have o copy ef Dr.Philip F Laugenaor's papers which I believe men- tiens several ef the name that Mrs. Entsmann mentions. I. am send ing a cepy of this letter te Necia Kelly to-day. The Stikeleether name in the newspaper clipping which you sent on th Nerth Carolina history was just ore of the partici- pants in giving the history, d found the clipping. ‘The forege- ing statement is wrong. - Teni ‘L. Stikeleather was ene of the 12 penta tants in th beauty pagent held at the Mec Gray Auditorium, I-will. be glad te return these clippings, if yeu wish. I am so glad to see the stimpsen name shew up again - it being part of the given name of Mrs. potemenn' s deughter, Again, thanks @ million, . AS ever, 7 j f j, €& { eee an.- Fay Lovelace 4 J a Trt Vv DTy / zd, i} Ait rmaky ¢ o h J a “4a YOON i Ta Jiro — /; Ao 2 : /V CU pri i Cav - 9 FFE, i Fk Mored. S71 pracogs: Jregnud q ~ ° a. AU rr yb Tye WH Ch es Hoy Hue Lhe . | , "Lob thd: Ck LLL hit Jey de eth G3 Jay x / thes Te Pasite trash: Grados Cs Vk. D a “hd } Ame AT) EF ix : WV | . . Mempa, Florida, : m4 November 14, 1967.) Mr. T, 5, Swann, Route 1, Box 147, .. Statesville, North Carolina, 28677. ¢ Dear Mr. Swann:- | 4 thank you very much for the address of | Mr. Momer Keever of, your fair city. | I have written hia, to see if it is possible for me to get any more information on Bishop Asbury. I have copied his Texts’ - on the life of Bishop Asbury, in the North Carolina Chrils tian) Advocate, which I found very helpfull... — ’ I have listed what I have on the Bishop and asked him if he | could be of any help in getting more data on this most inter- . esting man. s : - Also, I have told him of my efforts on the Asbury's who came from Statesville, and offered him my records it he s o wished to improve on what thet kenew about this line of Asbury's. I thank you for your help in this most interestinf endevor and | in closing I wish you the very best of helth in your coming years, from a younger man of just 80 years, whé is is still very interested in the Asbury family history. . As you can see, I am not to hot on the typewriter, but I am in here trying anyhow. Ao Sg - rt 44 - Again,Thank-you for your help. | Sincerly yours, - L7yarry G : Harry C. Asbury, Sr, , 208 S, Habana Avenue, Tampa, Florida, 33609. ¥ r “hy Sod | * -* ASBERY PARK: NEW JERSEY VAUNE-JULY ENGAGEMENTS DATE | ~ , MORNING | AFTERNOON, =] EVENING Sunday & | ale LOOK AT THIS TYPICAL SAMPLE PAGE - — and see the ex raordinary utility and appeal of gur “AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL’ ENGAGEMENT CALENDAR. Unc allenged as America’s most bean- tiful week-at-a-glance style Desk Engagement Cal- endar, it. features |54 gorgeous post «card views, in | full aapucal copes of famous. or picturesque: phitces. Right hand facing pages provide convenient spaces for your appointments, remindcés and me mos. Plas: Wednesdaygg ° tic bound between .gleaming kromckote covers. Packed in a dazzling gift box that’s.¢asy to. wrap and inexpensive to mail. The ideal “not too much or too little” gift for so many friends and relatives. hursde eee és ee / | Price $1:50 \ USE. THE FOLLOWIN WHOLESAI E PRICES FOR oe Y ERS Four to Nine Copies. . =... ‘ch: oq 10 Ten to Nineteen Copies. . .- . .. -Each, $1.00 Twenty or More popies. ss Each, $ 0 The “America the Beobritut” Engagement Calendar ts: supplied only by THE WRITEWELL €O.,°108 Mass Ave. Bx». Mass 02115 Monday ny . Tuesday 28 > s <r Ce i 4 a“ 3 ¥. fat. z r—€ « yo us Ck vt Pa < co C of ut Mpc : vs a 7 pas ie Slew: a. Nigh fe eed =~ ff" - De T4€. 3 ) Fre 2 theta le ‘ > BG bth af nal Pore A 4 ee — \ NS ~S m ae bs wel Bec adage! Te LA, Pa ne Cpe eet : / $76 laren Bt eM, ea ‘ A 4 q A KR, “: ZO: i se Men G'. hf pr = Bigeo at Ahn ABM 6 | . tl Lals ketae aa ry isi LA iDiewite| - a Pena ay el Hele, ae pes whe tits ; “Pee mete! O bye hi Klab.cf 04d : ‘ =e : coe tee } , ° he 4q Ls ¢ C - s _% damn MC 5 ée © -G.. quam * Ufc x Lt c «x bh. ea so LA ¢ 4 PEt TR: ax x4 yle t yf 1 eC jon ; mia b- {. ke at gL fe. ie Ca pl tee Mead. pi aor Wu Late. be lhe. ne - a any 4h J =% SHSHOHRHSHHHOOSPOPTOSHCOOCOEOOHOOOCE®S F & te | = a4 alin ante Hey | —— fie Libel wan Jie ELAS Y 479 F* K - Le aX 7 : <. vec Teh y he tot bosh 9 | + tt, LAA fee pope cab hoy at bleh, cf ja pion £ ax } Jf ce Ae tC he! . eis ki 1 hore UC Ei wal: bx a 4 ie as He ehca ; — mk. jacelee i i Oleh A pir He Bavenel tosh Ty “4 ee Aik’ flew vk oy | (*. stot “a etree en ot og Wp Pree ie os aa Ate e tk: tear: AS ath BAAS are L. ah [Ra : st ee 72 Fee aes Tf Cx be | py baer Chae. fpialhd 155 Weer Gy ‘fre. te 2 i PEC © yet, OG a of ie Dileys f. I L. et 1+ - Me cele FX A Vagos. ES | 6 <pe Cte ot reky J : ' Oi; ats. A t Ane sdilhins i ot. ore rh ect LE. Jel. eg H ior]2 97 Pee a ZL is tes ; 1 bec 7 fect borncele | wae 4 J] : ce pe al fest fad R14 GA A ey bd a ose ‘(me Be aN deed Bee) e Ads >fo jee fe. cect Ze poelliz ¢ V4 eer jreid-etuds ical: “ aan or: aa “y | er. » Lhe Jennel Hh HT, : Cede. a 17 tek 4 Pare hn j steee | 193 Bi Ld Le ely Hi arwtesten [UT wba ces 9 Ml ty ¢ Vy ceeth, /2te fice RE lai Zi be whe be ) NC obey fact ey pe Se oli Ol fe titnrdk, Big ot-< di Ethan, ied PR. le fy (Cah Ei ne ay orlrttm oF Dan reeled Aik: Prk ek > [ ; Vek Ae ap a ed tb I ee ble in cay LOrtten : Ee fi. trot leks. yp} tic ne - my ? e( IN ade EE Chae o e> a» VF fake to Jig L~ ot. { be 7 ur hl jie pa (feat ae oy CC oo (HL Aa October 3, 1964 “| Dear Mr. Swann’ | ‘Your letter of 23rd was. 80 interesting and I immedieately wrote my niece, Mrs. Philip Briscoe (nee Mary Louise Asbury, daughter of my second brother, Dorsey Frost Asbury) quoting what you had written, -She was. wery glad to get the notes you gave. jos Miss Magruder also was interested and said she remembered yoU6 My niece ‘4s wanthitg to correspond with you and asked for your address which I am taking, the’ liberty of giving her. In the “meantime, her address is "Crofton", R, F. D. 3, Annapolis, Mas, 2)Y03 -and she will be very glad-to hear- from you. Stie is also won- dering if you would be so kind to leave your data to her if your family members are not interested in having them. Too bad I am not near enough to type them up-so others could have copies of them. I would be glad to do it. . And if you should decide to aa léavé-then to my niece they would be. in good hands as she is mere , interested in genealogy. e git Le It is rather coineidental for one to have married and then find that her husband has Swann connections too, It remains to be seen whether they are descended from the sane family of Swanns.. = | There was a William Swann in Virginia’ 8 early history. Do you - guppose that our William Swann is one:of his descendants? Does | your connection GO | back to him?. : I imagine that Miss Magruder and. my niéce will contact Miss” | Riddell and Mrs. Poland to see if the hawdata that they do not ‘have, However, Miss Magruder has been collecting Briscoe data | for ho years so hers must be as near complete as possible. How- ever, new things come up in the search. I giess' you knew that’ Miss Magruder is a descendant of. Susannah Swann en per en ed . Philip Briscoe. — ft | The father of my, niece’ 3 husband. hal an : unusual - name and I | _ guess it is spelled "Clare". I do not know what his second, name _ ds, and I do not know if this was a surname in ancestor's, It always seemed unusual to me for @ man to be named. that, but, how-_ ever, I ha@e a half-uncle who was namai George sama 50 I guess * it was often done in, {eee erTeRres “ * With best wishes, im . oN Uefa, ey é | + “May 19, 1965 Dear Mr. Swann: | i -Thgwtwdetreally my parents that made the deeds. Mr. Day (Uncle Bill as my mother called him) was the husband of her © aunt, Ida Woodward Day, but I do not recall hearing her speak of making them. Our family was in Gaston County from some _ %ime in 1892 until 1896, I remember the move to Burke County | | _ in November or thereabout in 1896, It was the third move to Burke County and the last move but two that was made. When we got to Burke County we had to live At apo th house until’ the _one my parents owned south of Morgan Ne” next move was to east of Morganton, 44 miles, to what was called "Old Sheriff _ Berry home" and we lived there until my parents left us, Dad: - din 1939 and Mother in 1943. Farm was sold in. 1945, Do you ever look up marriages? I mean those back in the 1800s, That may be the only way to find the Pooles, I asked Mary Ann Woodward to look these up, but have not heard from her / sO do not know ff she is doing so. The names I want checked are: - Henry Poole, Fannie Poole ani la Poole, These are the names of . the children of William and/€valine Woodward Poole as my mother remembered them, There may have been several other children. Great aunt died in 1869, so the marriages would be after that - time as the children were small then. ~~ I Do you remember sending the list of Pooles out of an old, Statesville telephone diréctory? - I think the first one of -the thst was Rev. Y, D. Poole, and he answered telling me he was gas from Marion. I wrote others but they were not kin an@ knew nothing { ‘Of any connections of those hames. Thank you just the sane for ‘ the clipping. ae : : eo 2 : 2 ‘ \ a I thought by the river being "Catawaba" that. the county name | was spelled the same. I know when I first began working in an office my boss uséd to pronounce it "@ata-wa-ba" in fun, thouch Be eey it was pronounced "Catawba" even though spelled whtn the extra a.. Tt. : ao tors . William Poole, according'to my mothers: brochure on Woodwards, - was a brickmason, so I suppose there are buildings in Statesville. : that he help build. Most of the trees that were set out by the : * ° Woodwards have been cut down. They were on all streets. - I’ think. “*# it was my great grandfather that had charge of that. It has been 80 many years since I heard my Mother tell about it, that I have » forgotten whether it: was her father or grandfather that did this, >. Great grandfather was a lover of music: and played the violin, and. he also taugit dancing. He and great: grandmother would .go to the ; dances on horseback, she ridfing back of him and holding to him, * He died very suddenly. They had been visiting and when they got | home, great: grandmother went out to fix supper, and when she went _ to c&ll him found”6n bed which she thought at first in sleep but bt _ found he was dead. Later she married Mr. James Brown, who, some” ave said, was just the age of her oldest son. . This is enough of my ramblings. Thank you again, : : } b : /) if UGEN AL MAE i § > bedr Mr. Swann: Oo = ie I have. been taking a éidaay some days so l have not answered I am enclosing an-article-or two my father's arny life. This was second brother left and had been Mary Louise 3riscoe, found them for & picture. | ; rh bys ty fs "> is. 8). © < ry e S 2.0: % > ) ue ct S, Noe " Oo ® I think Mary. Vir=3 inia % research work this fall. She has not death of her father. She and Louis A ' leaving Raleigh on June 2lst, in tneir dau met dauzhter and family- when the beat care in! am on July 2nd. They. did not cet: back towgtalei cn until Auus They came by train. to Chicazo and airplane to Halei.ch y had a wonderful time, saw some of tne western Frosgts des and loved them. as done about Thomas Swann of Caswell County. She ha notméentioned to me. He c.uld have bou-cht the- Land on Siils Creek moved until a later date. : f I--do not know what Mary Vir ‘intial h I fave Bt heard from Mrs. Henry Poole. er information that you <ot from the man ad0ut Heury 01 hope I witl hear from Mrs. Poole, but ,every fadiity ha similar to otners there may“ “not De _any connection Poole's family. <y 3 had a better of thankaé from Consin-Wricht Frost a said he has not had a leisure minute’ since nis retireéne teaching last June as his Credit Company hé 38 kept intn He, said “he does not have the vcressure -on nim now sdp0l work had to be kept up, but with re-orzaniz Credit Company he has kept busy, touch. he may on his hands when this is pantie wee. pas had fanily research. | He sot. an order for | nine of Judge Frost of Kansas. Sity, Mo. Woo had.beéen York and saw the book in New *herk Library. his parents had visited North varoliga avuut . That makes two Judzes that I know the other is-in Californias “Leay EE 4d ow; O ct baa <3) mM 1 4 ~ wo ‘ > ia i cht Mu 1p MO ~ <4 a ‘Gq 08 Ce ae, + ple ~ pada ‘Yes, the w-ogs are pretty n. oe Lo@king nort and east from my. ay them very, much, sa Best wishes. —- Dear Mr.Swann: . It has been 2 Lonz $4 Le '81 -ahything on Francis Asbury (bro preciate havi g it gent to Mrs: ia. Ga SOLEN: Ihe. Lodze North (452 Moss [rail apt. soodlettsville, Tenn, e His wife was slizabeth Lineberger, Line it would algo Ye apgorec elate: cords show 0) Ly date of ent Ldren wignout their. birth dates, My re “Mrs. Bolen has been trying to get d pose she tried Lincjln county, not know! ati least the data I nave gives death jo! Mrs. 3251en w: ecently in. North records on tynis nf - but she did Bet the data. le | Yesterday kev. Howard A. Wilkinson of i A rotot wg me and he-was searching ‘on’ tiis line as. 85th are deseensa Rev. Daniel Asbury as Il am. _ He is kKin-§0-Sarsara-asbury On; the Wilkinson Line ‘and had gotten tog data of wile ns had, oe the Asbury data.- | I hope you-aftd Mrs, Swann are :i pléasant memories of-the day in dan - Swann, JI wonder if you will n* a7 é My neglth is Ke dpi nid ra addut two weeks azo and ; Old-acse pains come along Segt wisres Decemrer 18, 1965 a & Dear Mr. Swann: _. Through the kindness of my cousin, Ricka Webster of Columbia ee S.C.,I have the enclosed copy of write. up on mj great See eee ‘Daniel Asbury,which was in “Early Methodism in the Tardlina® 57 Wr, Gnreltinehe like this one eapésially as It gives a de- -*seription of my great grandfather, which is next best to a pic- ture. - I have been trying, as-‘you know, to locate a picture of : him, but so far have not been successful. Thefe may be a picture among.the family, but all the older members have passed on and . the failure of putting names on pictures by ‘them has caused us | not to know if we have seen it. ~ _- I had such a nice surprise yesterday afternoon when I went - tO answer a’knock at my, door.* There stood Louis Woodward who had come in to see if I were at home, and he,called to his wife, his’ sisters, Lina and Ethel, to come on in for I was at home, a — nd missed seeing me on account of research in a long Sheeand. Louis ary to welcome their bate wie my father said about his hance oon have had a“hand Cap al] | ints earing and t rerefore did not he . missed a lot, father did abe. = was not born until 1 45, and grand.‘ - _ but not’perfect, "80a Rearing aid, which is a help ee ee: ew rf Did I tell you that I.had located the watch Ahat Bishop . Francgs Asbury used in his last days? This watch was ziven to my great grandfather, on his way home from Methodist General Conference and stopped to see Bishop, but found he had passed. On several days before, by the friends that Bishop had been staying with and some, other personal property, It was willed to my grandfather, and he willtd it to his namesake, Henry M Asbury w&with his family moved to Idaho, settlindat Hoste, I have been corresponding with the oldest daughter of the family for years, but when I asked her about the watch she wrote that < she had never heard of it. I then wrote to her >rother,who still lives in Moscow, and asked him if he remember”his father saying ° anything about this watch, He wrote back and said he had the © ‘watch and it was Just exactly like-it was described in the write- up- I sent to him, i jfwas. 80 happy*to Know it was still owned | by a member of the family. Cousin Xoy 1s married but does not have children, so. I am wondering which one of his nieces and | 4 (4 $ rf t nephews will get the watch, I wrote him that-the Methodist : Historical Association at Lake Junaluska, Ns ©. would be gl od; ‘to have the watch if he evér decided: ta sive 1t-ame one, My) Weather Page had the little trunk that Bishop used an he gave © Pivuu-tetton. _It-1s purely a keepsake, put. one : : i oe ee pemdenntyol the] ownershinoy you and Mrs, gy 44 iit ot | iday ana have ann will. have. y a most Joyous Christmas ‘ar aim iiaEE LY nd a Happy New 5 “DANIEL ASBURY, 1796-1625, * Ts | ORR SPO ee ey on india: ope in the Carolinas y | Ohubistaberg (cShreitsberg) a } < Born in Virginia, February 18, 1762, and dying Aori} i -1825, he was a little over sixty-three years old, He wee © } truly one of the heroes of early Methodism, He treveled seversl: years until 1791, then came the ineviteble loestion, ard he} * settled in Lincoln county, N. C., for ten: yeare of farm Life, ‘In 1801 he was readmitted, and during his itinerant life was _eixteen years on districts, twekve on circuits, one resting,’ ana ten located, thirty-nine years in all. as of emall stature, bald, loss of teeth preventing good pro- ‘muneiation, with a fact thin and furrowed, but its expressisn ‘always kindly; and eyes indicative of humor,. He 18 represented — . nor,. With-an intellect above the common order, his Opportunities for early culture, a ted--he says he never heard of a grammar book--yet he was ‘ligt | | ‘well informed in the Bibie, its doctrines, and theology in ge er lj he was by no means unacceptable to persons of @ulture, and |. head with so much sterling sense, earnestness, » ' sl.olic-*. peptability. His early training in life was aney. Captured by the Inarh#, endure the hardships of the itiner- Canade, hardened him to perils. sha tae he British in | Mountains gave him endurance. ” and the roush fare of the. ‘were dain Le ¢ A bit of fried baoon. and cordbre.a ! tied compared with cold creat ‘ol ornor | + Arrést for preaching and being brougny ee ey te trates never intimidated hin, for tn tee ee eo re Maal = ‘to say-and do the right,’ 4A thet hour 1t was dived hia 4 aun necessity he wasgome tine located; but Bettine beens ar , y the labor of his wife and chilaren they were Recocte m ~ left free to travel, and recompensed by. the As to money r. ¢ gladly broke the bread of life to thouaands. labor for Go ittle or much or nog, he never slackened his” estaoal’ & and souls for one hour, At last Cane superans to the duvaae oth on oars we Say ; il at get g al Last of | ° | 8 f morning, Boril 15, 1525, erne th dal kag ~ deal ees more vigorous and cheerful than Teaai | as if hearing “the Last Koear sadll deneia go beciag sped a3}," fell 4 7 i- tered into life, Sudden death in Fomity| is geadon elecs “f Dear Mr. Swann: iiJust to.let you know that J am trying to tet .tne aliress &), of Mrs. Hoy from one of my n&ecés. She must be away from hove or I would have heard by this time.: If you. know anyone in Valdosta, Georgia, perhaps you can get in touch with her in that way. Mr. Hoy passed away several years azo; but perhaps she jican — give you data or tell of some other. person that knows Hoy. higtory. \ I do not know about. the spelling of McClamroch in the old - way, Mr. James MacLamroch of Greensboro, a lawyer , prefers it spelled as Bdove. I have’ a map.of Scotland which was issu: at. * (on $t. Andrew's Day by the Washington. Post that gives the Clans, and it 1s spelled McClamroch in that.as far as my-memory rec! ls -— ~ Just now. This map was issued in two numbers of the Washinston - ‘Sunday Posts, and I failed;to get the first issue, so it is got’ complete, It is.an interesting map. I. have been thinking of writing and asking if they have ‘published‘it again this year, cute ‘just have jot dorie it. The number I got was published in 195 eer i pe to. =) ‘Mra. Betty Woodward could be/some of my great ipo Clon} -Haneock Woodward's descendants and then she may be some of tie South Carolina Woodwards, who claim thelr ancestor Can 1 dire@: from England. I have, been: told that some of the descendants of my ereat-unole settled in‘and around Belmont 9nd Mt. MOLES. but letters to them have not been answered. I note , howe¥er, that some of her brothers live in Hickory so she could have met .- descendants. of my great uncle there or near there. I taink’ § shall write her in care of her father and sce what. will. comejof it. Thanks for sending the clipping. ot ‘The Mrs. Hoy I mentioned adove 4s the motaer of my great! nephew's wife, and. woud d know more of the Hoy history tha the younger person, 3 i Hee | epost q rT. am still Looking for Lhe ‘descendants of William and Jane ‘Evaline Woodward Poole. Just now I am waiting on, reply from a lady) in Wythwible , Virginia, that has the data that one of her ancestors ool ected, & Mr. Pach Poole. I ‘doubt that she can, zive me the data on my kin, but I thought I would write to her tof sec what she would Baye 2 f3 ry As soon as I hear weil my niece. ‘the address will be ser tl to YOR « : . . 4 S Thanks again for all the Anfor: ation’ gent to me, and with dept wishes, I am 7 “Very becbeattitis : | od : - J : ek, Ha be: 1) =a) i Odtobder 11, 19 Dear Mr. Swann: . Thank you for your letter of the Sth and infor I am returning the notes from Mrs. Donohoe. They teresting, But as you. said there is nog connection forefather in New Jersey mi gtated from Virginia N. ve «, which could have been possible. Ys, e Bishop ‘Asbury, beir g given the same title 33 3is%on was ordained a Bicnop, General Assistant to Mr. Wesley name Cokesbury wis given the first college in honor of and.Francis Asbury, the two superintendests, combini names. .This first: college was at Abingdon, Mary lan + Dr. Coke was s¢ t ‘over from England by Mr. Wesley ' The above I got from Francis Asbury, by Horace M. Du Bose,*D. De Author of the Symbol This book might be in the Statesville Library, and - will. be glad to mail you my copy so Se can read ay connections of the above two and Mr. Tobias” Gison. also mentioned in the book. It is av ier Wnteres of the Bishop“and his assistants, and goes. throug of the Bishop in 1916, covering tne work through It 18 too vast to try to put ina letter. I have today received a Lot of: data y Ahnapolis that I did not, know existed. ne a‘copy of "My Life" by my father weich I tad no_ ever written, telling of his Life in the Aray 1S prisoner in Virginia and Elmira,.N. Y.: I knew but*’did. not know he had written it up for my Dr Lived in Texas, and Sam sent a copy d¢6 my brothe was my Niece's father. My niece went throush had packed away on the death of"her Mother and { data, which is just wonder! ful... ds nave been typ afternoon so I can have coples oficach iter a tie data to my niece. I sent-.a eeoy of he may have data that | Ijwould be much dleased {3 Troutman and to ascertain if: son of Jane Evaline Woodward Poo tha king yo . aad with Dear Mr. Swann: 2 & Thank Yu u for, your letter of the 8th and I am fe unrnate the notes from Mrs. Donohde. teresting, but.as you said there is nog connectiagn forefather in New Jersey migrated: from Virginia to N. Jes which could have: been possible, a Dr. Coke was gent over from England by Mr. Bishop Asbury, being given the same titlé as Ms} /was Ordained a Bishop, General Assistant to Mr. name Cokesbury was given the first college in hono and Francis Asbury, the twa“superintendents, cor bio! names. This first college was at. Abingdon, Maryls The above I got from Francis Asbury, A_ Blograph ic by Horace M. Du Bose, D: D. Author of the Symbol of ‘This book might be in-the Statesville Library, and 1: ; will be glad.to mail you my copy so you ¢an read “re connections of the above two and Mr.. Todias Gibson, wid "yaaa mentioned in the book, It is a very interesting ) .Oof.the Bishop and his assistants, add goes through to ti ‘of the Bishop in 1816, covering the.work: through a°l . It -18 too vast to try to- put in a letter,. lo-t have today received a lot of data from my Annapolis that I did not know existed. for one ,a copy of "My Life" by my father wich I; nad no ever written, telling.of mis tife.in the) Arny 1 prisoner in Virginia and Elmira, Ns. Y. LT — phe but @did not know he had written it-up for my b lived in Texas, and Sam sent, a, copy 6 my broths was my Niece's father. My niecé went throuch t+) ‘had packed away on the death of her Mother and fou i data, which is just wonderful. ' l'nave been typir _ ernoon so I can have copies offeach item as ‘I ‘the data to my niece. C da * (I would be-much pleased Troutman and to ascertain if son of Jane Evaline Woodward Thanking you gz 5 May 3, 1965 | h Dear Mr, Swann: “ae . Yes, 1t was your reference: to Bishop Asbury holding services” that my niece sent to me. — oe hee : * No, I do not know-how the Mt. Asbury got its name. This ts | ~ _ the first I have heard of it. It may have been from either. the Bishop or my great grandfather, Daniel Asbury. I never heard my father mention that his grandfather preached -in Alexander and Ire- dell, but he may have done so as he was Superintendent of a large number of churches. Marry Asbury's notes on this sme: "In the: year of 1786, Daniel Asbury entered the Ministry of the Methodist Church, and was assigned a circuit.in Catawaba (It is a léng, day “Since I had seen that spelling of Catawba), County, North Carolina where he traveled and organized other churches in. the state of North Carolina... a \ i Daniel Asbury was the Presiding Elder of the Savannah, Catawaba and Broad River Districts, for 20 years.”. I used the present) day fbtle .for his office as it has not been so-many years that it was changed from Presiding Elder to Superintendent. .There is a Baptist Church in. gomey County that has the name of Asbury. ‘I have not yet found how it got the name, though Asburys are in all denominations now-a-days. oes eee : f : _ Thomas Asbury migrated to Kentucky in early 1800s andidied there in either 18060r 7 and is buried in Mercer‘County. ‘His wife survived him and went to Georgi@ to live with their youngest son, There were other sons living in Kentucky, and it may be that some of Jacobs family knew them. _ Now the initials F. S. were my Mother's and she was the grand daughter of John Hancock Woodward, whohhad a large acreage of land in and around Statesville, and it may be that the F. S. Asbury you found deed of selling land was the sale of land’ that Bhe in- : herited. She and my Dad were married Oct. 5, 1871. He, 8. .M. Asbury, worked in Statesville, but I never heard of his owning land there. — However, at the time'of their marriage he was worting in Charlotte. It may be that my Mother -- I started to say ¢ power of Attorney to sell land, but I note his sale was 1871, the yeer of their marriage. I looked to see if Francis Asbury, oldest son of Daniel Asbury, had any children with those initials, but did not find it so.: The abdve explanation must cover. the deeds, as Dad may have owned land there. . When our home burned ‘in early 1900, we Yost all our family - pictures, and a number of the ydunger generation have been. asking me for pictures of grandfather and great grandfather Asbury. I had not been able to get a picture that would photostat well, so I am hoping @aemhhe—premiuess® the pictures of Aunt Sallie Asbury Duke which have béen promised tome, will have pictures of both to enable us to have prints made for the younger generation. I havea tintype of grandfather but it has:a blemish and so could not be used for this purpose. (Please excuse the mixed up semtence above) r Cc With best regards to and all. Mn. T. -&. Swann, Rdute 1.| *- Box. 447,° Statesville, North Carolina, 29677, Dear Mr. Swannge-. - : oe It was so. nice Go. have lives upiin Sta tesville). orth 4 the counbry hak .a lot of?-intres é *Weid Asbury, the son of Franci z am very much tnterestéd inset & femilies connections, a . + I have spent: qhite.a fey yesrs. af my retirement the Asbury family history,*but qne never 34: Mith what they: have andi are contknn: ly a, new to be added to he records. IT have listed what I g, sisters, but there. is which I' am hoping to be final day of rest. as i there is not many years iIf you can addi anything mapreciated by me. PI have copies of all my Asbury family poigraphy of Bishop Francis Asbury, ' that are interested, | . Sincerly, War. DANIEL ASBURY {1742-1825 ) eae -Dantel Asbury was born in Fairfax Count ty, Bir inia, 92 4 of Tomas and Martha J@nnings Asbury, ‘on February 18th, 1762, He married Ndvy Lester Morris, the daughter of -R, Morris Sere nad ‘ Lester of Brunswick eas es on Japuary ‘Ath, 17 I Denier’ Asbury was t90 young to Join the Continen tal Arey | with his brothers, James andGeorge. « h He served in the Revolutionary War, under: dolonel Roger Shark ar na started West. nit tf \ “ a In the first battle with the Indians he was: captured and was scalpned at that time, Lo meget « 4 Daniel Asbury wore a skull Gap all the time: thereafter. . 4 2 IDP2>—set2 | They kept him a ethene for five years, but finally tradéd British Forces in Detroit for. two ¢ Riadketa, that ‘being the “a jive prisoner.: j. Ses Daniel Asbury was on the list for éxchange’ on November Lt, His release took place on November Sth,.1742, . oT ise ° After the stoke of the War,: he was reléased from service and ‘started his my home-ward , after an .abse' ce of more than six yea rh No one recognized ‘him in the home place but his dog saw him and him to the house. ? He’ was then about 20 years of: age. C17be- {7 ¥ In the year of 1786, "Daniel Asbury ica the Ministry. o Methodist Church, and was assigned a circuit in datevabh Bey: North Carolina where he traveled and organized other churches in NB Le state of North Carolina. + Daniel Asbury was the Presid! ing Elder of the. Savannah, Catawabda and. Broad River Districts, for 20 years. fo The Reverend Daniel Masbury | was elected to attend the .Me bhi 4 list yeneral Conference, An Baitimore, Meryland An WSL6.7 Pl Be Hes After the Conference was over, Daniel Asburyystarted for his home in North Caplina, but stopped over in: Fredericksburg, Virginia where Bishop, Francis Asbury, hag died on March. a1; 1516, @ Daniel Asbury was given the worldly possesstons: of: iy gn hed a: Asbury as he was his nearest. relative, . | ht They were: -—ms watch, Bible, trung with its contents, eprewe 11: Address" to the General Conference for the | year of 18160, Wiicn he too. sick to déliver. to Conference. 4 : t - Daniel! Asbury died on May 25th, 1825, Be gerved in the Met>odist Ministry for about 59 years. He is buried in the xen obe th Shure? ~ Cemetery, Catawaba County, North Carolina, ‘There is a Mejor at f in his honor in ne present fr rer. h 4 ¢ . m FRANGIS ASBURY ¢, ellis | Born, in Lincdlton, Lincoln County, on, January 20th, 1721... = . a : : e 4 374 f% Nibd- in, Stateswillée, Iradell © ON, . : : : About wi186%. Married, Mdizabeth in, 2 oo. dn,. November. 12th, Asbury, Their Children: Continued, 13Bornvin, ion, iE oa tDied iin, on, ge ver YY rr SA y . James)-Asbury, = "> iorn,in, on, pied Sn Kingstor hy 17. on J i Va Nar, On, 9 2 « fy 2 ’ 4 Qe *. 04 | Aw} + ¢e FR ANG IS Their childrens Continued.. Rufus Reid Asbury Born’ in Statesvill:, on, Jenuary. 2fth, 18. d i ry T $ 1a wit in yar Died in, ‘Lumpkin. Count: as Ud fi 1 on, December Gn, NMarnnied Wainy 4 in, Georgia,.9o Rufus Reid Asbury décided northern part] of] Georgia Rufus ‘Reid Asbury and-.a from Statesville, North Lumpkin. County, Georgia.: ‘hile up there iin Geergia , Carolina and iMary Logan.,« fs b e s " ik sien dincuah of his Lite, Bert, 15, 1932. Great Father Advury and liother Asbury an follows = ‘Thomas astoury Sarried parere sscahage at Palrfax “apt nouse in Thoaas hemary wee a aecond Gousin of wap Prenohe sotnarye a » Pranche Mather wan naned Jose isbary and, nies moter" . | iasbeth “sbury Bishop Pra ces we * . Agbury was om in oN@ : or -ana near the Foot Ramatesd Bridge in the Parris or ‘Manate- apout 4 ait Bimal aguas in. Deeffora< ire. ‘ | Pa ) Grand Pather anf Mother, Rev; Daniel 9 vorr red, as T75Me 7 tT. Aare wee was. DOM 204° 224 1 C . 4 r arent - a t : ie : he » 1791. : _s y : ‘ | 2 , : 26 ‘ : ; ees (re . 7. ‘ . ANY «7 i’ AA mq yo V ew ii e¢ A if hil April mt was born Mereh “7 _— born Oct. 3, 1614,- vorn wake » 19L5.~ vory frequently $a) ker o> 1% then ir 4, eather. le te nee veel @ ‘rank aebury anc facily ac: CReBe | ae as y Ukved in che. _otte after | moved tovre, Fae ae wade wank with new Sw iie an’ et, games and they moved to deorste af tt r ‘tnehr eod both marries, | Grotners & Sieters of ~~ rather, Ripdoth Linederger earried Sov. 12 a Si2 % he Le Asbary wee marries, “ov, "hh ’ 1476 Agvary & Elisabeth McGoneal wae married Maron 23 La. Stésabeth Rodi caor wae merrieé ‘ur, 14, aoa, Bi i Ke detiay was marrie4 July 26, 15 5 le ve ay = warvied -40ct,15,; sa08 (oat*) © teanne Abernathy vas mervted uty 3, As, - — & or SustOs wos o aarried - ne “Aste. § sf i vesley Asbury ° fame 10, : LL Whlides & 12, a Be 8 t & Ss S$ a j r bs es : Bc : 3 Gee r Ai a exhree: gn if - rem-1638 = 18 9 yeare ay Patron, a vi tower - ey one ae ad The Story of My. Life as fol) own: P On egeah 19 at eoks Store I volunteers: wnder Csl., ~ar howe at. ee ghove Ory Ponda or herver, MH. Cc we: end I wert to the as. at” Court Hoane ¥a. where the 20%. ©. ‘antsent.-Lanes. ir’ s.< Wileosk’s “Avision wee io “asp, a4 stayed with ghen L after the Srandy Station vattle ia O¢teder, i took, Sypneid Lay sick in my Captain “.ineberrer tent “or over? 5. wocka a’ he to me. 4n4 just as I wan adle to walk a tictie the ircy * had te march on | Our Preacher {eV Caonifa had ne wae on benind > % eda : ; Bos 3 oe! Pate w4 _ him on his ‘notes and he. toke acroa- the Little Stuer ey % " @ile and when he was going of the midg of the River the i i oe = gesting ouP of the mit apt fe. Off in the mut i weter, te soldiers took. me up ar) s¢t me town by an o#t tres an’ QM. I ataye’* there until nearly eit ait f lsocket a4 above me and sew @ house, I th 1g t I weld eet up t spend the niaht, when I pot up to th "0, L foun people, man and wife, ant they % 9% me dn of4 thee a quire down the poroh for me t¢ sled on ane a v - @orm Dread acd a plate of a lito ¢ ghovy 2 the » . 2 etared with toap 5 dare & fi ola, ind. ten! went on.ay march te Oranze Court “oude to te ‘By wey torough the qountry. Soe po xco> gone the very rich peopl ¢ wild notis! ve ne 30 on the trip 254 when. I 4ot bach to ¢ and wus their iste. %e4 “tien Captain furlowe hone fo: 59 dara go 3 ve toh “% } CNT ME At GR 9 EB ears eet eR 828K ing YELL Iam Seek 64. the ie s : write you the eatery 2° sy tite. - ¢ ih’ Statesvi'te in eptenber aft rt wes “Leet to serve tz tana. rt nde for 2:yer en edn 12 months af threr: ‘a ‘& en we ft b> moved i: to ar. Jolin Agtury touge 1/2 9° about three monthe, an toen-was of) 6" Walla a ten gor’ for these 4" “ta | i. first wife Wies Atecveth herii. b ek ae afterwaris with Tyotois ao¢ oreys nid vers @ni'@4 to Statesyi *! @ $o ‘mil’ ¢@ ‘ts 6/ ta nergy. & feat Me t WA? there soit 1A deere; I * y ur * Phen, at wee eneagedq-ea ee a’ t for atx monthe, ac? then, i case Kone A” we marric’ Of Detoter LOT. | i 4 tren f moved ty Thiriotte i> & Srother, I lived tn @ Little one “4 houae 2% XZ suhld a 5 root Rouse on Mevere tr et. ives anf then i wert a th ie Mertale te linc)! ston “lieooka Tancery act the penton Caw, f Aefy % Net.ry Asbury ¢c-¢. ¢ “oe ‘Argirta ewe wet ! - OF Pattergon arc re Gea Gt or. 2 veut@s, |: 0 Deniel Prager of or-antoa. 1:5 ait went Meok to Gohhtf and Arither of cher! dtte @others farm for soout 4 pears. a nt ke was oA. PolLiie « dwarf ainte =~ “rade ew, “y mothere two ate. LR 4s IIS LENG MEATS S LT EPA DANES ~ > 4 uy Life tn sth -- the 'o Eat Cede Tatty foe 7 Ant iiferness Gth hoy 64, /nmex antet oe Ppotelives!: of May 64, £a¢ ee ore wae 2% 16 GO O ‘BO: rere t equine ereck for 5 dave Wit cit aoytaing to oe: iF Bhot lL polled soue polk greens 6! ent foems een s>ne pOTK, ergokcr @ Dread, 6°" 4 ef t cy gers for »oint - okeut, te. 8H8. at ae inf erni4e0cn - - gbout 3 moot, ‘fa th en Gs po obvet uel ty iets and kent us there a tii tag war! ves vir i? 4 “war about 13 sont he, my it ihe Ap prtaon» Tf: -@dle wetl at Yoint Lokout fo 9 Met ae Mags for @:'e ant srv@ ties 49 weiter $i et? moved to Eiaime, ie Yop 1 422 act 49. ” ‘eel tn. there. ‘The ate Bain Of the Mossi tal new: ontterea Jod. IT Updl ts ait ths byes nt a nmu-der of Seka reen’on fiom Da Mosdt tr twice Der, taye Ww a ratty ~ And the wood womer. a1 tne men of Gal Lf nite gave 9 and told us te f111 our pocketa full. 30 we mut. Ri ahmondé Va, and they Gave us sone com Dire aA } Ye on to Charlotte 8. ©. and gave us sone breed, 1 migh®, And then | started hoe wai ktn onl, \$o river and the. Yankey het burned the bride, th an O14 womnn on the banie -- acd i hed wersack taking to mother, © I het _e rus, the river-was > 4 ef trea: ete t had. mtil efter 12 eo’ oleck, 4 ‘ere ove | not seen hic atnee the der I wert, te the 1, Rynieme ant he geve us Qwo mules and olor } and we 29% aoc’ 19 5‘ olook at nicnt, aa"l thetliered, tut ay go04 woth. r hollered chet, soning to we and th & wae the hap ent t:-@ rust 2 i i oe at ite wre gb> 1¢.2 sonthe, | T. week ‘ta Me w79n. 45 ese mat. ov @ % pohoel, dut he could not ‘wake ne for nothing. or work eo I grve e the L4es up. I wert t2 Cot, Sd Slaontons Tar very-tr Statesville, §. ©. and served 2 ye-ra, ~i ahh t a ts ey fox Sherill 4 Co, in Setanonber Stetion and Sarried my first wv! “se... 1 wee working in Steteaville wen i married y ue 2 b> ers ' P. Sq Professor Clap had Large. be: nery arid woe tic.- reaide & 0! Newton Cpl lLere, ¥. ie : ia = iz wet Foytid peo ‘ Father’s Day—_ | Sunday, Ji une 18— is Christian — Education Day 5 ee | re ii’ : Jy Alor,» ¢ rs ; ; ee - 4 ’ ee ol ye . cf et & r ¢ “ XY , vy ) a , < A r 4 * . ¢ £ hp 3 - : eg Z t i = L a) 7 - : plod ; « } ; es ’ . 3 . ; } x { : om / - . ; i ae : a: E < f é / , f oe SE ee . “ip < 23 d t / Ig ‘ fd veh ce “ ~ } ‘> (Eh + 4 ‘ . . e » - f i tT ‘ © fii } ¢ : got A ea ‘ t Y . war C3 fh i 3 4 d 3 & 4 e : ¢ * ‘ ~ / 4 f { } /y A Lf fiy + . { °, \ & ’ \ bee ° September 26, 1961 Dear Mr. Swann: _ ~ * I am enclosing the copy of notes to Mr. Frost that. I mentioned in my last letters. . These may be the same adyou have but Jo Della is a -@escendakt of Daniel Boone Frost's sister Hannah who married Davide Martin. Jo Della has been working on Boone-Frost etc. records since 1922 and assisted Mrs. Spraker in her book on the Boone Family by . doing research work for her. oo It seems very unusual that the family of great-uncle George T. Frost of Scio, Oregon, did not know anything of the second family if theg went to dregon with him. Of course, the one I have contacted is the youngest member of the family, but the historian.of the family who died some years ago, did not have record of the second family in - the data that he left with his wife. The wife attempted to complete the research that he had started, but she was. taken away this summer, go we do not know which one of the nieces and ‘nephews got the records. -Z had some correspondence with her and got the family list from her o: several months before her death. They did know of Daniel Boone Frost‘third family which was only one daughter, Margaret, and & member of the Samantha Frost Kirk family aid that Margaret married a Mr. McCoy. I have not been able to- contact her descendants for no - one knew where they had settled but it mst have been in California. I had a letter from my cousin, Mrs. Louis Woodward, last week and she is still very uneasy about her father. Had not been able to get sufficient help in the nursing line and was doing the night work her- » self. Said her father had been resting very well at night“so she got gome ‘Pest in that way, but I imagine it was very little for when one gets age of her father a constant watch has to be kept during i11- - pess, She said research had just to be left alone, | / & ar Virginia records has a William Swann, and I have been wondering if oub line is connected with him. According to our records great-grand- father William Swann was the son: df Thomas. Swann and Catherine Mc Gonneghey, or some such name- I could not make out the correct /spelling of the name, I shall be glad to have any information on the Swann- family and even if Samuel Swann branch is not connected it is good. to have recor of it. ee | , : I have not been in touch with Elree’ Webster but I have what they — know about the family from his sister, Ricka Webster, who lives in Solumbia, 5. C. She is enjoying retirement now and still ‘lives in Columbia where she worked for years, but says that eventually she will | -peturn to Statesville. The;were left without a mother in,early life _am@ housekeepers were not so careful with things so they have no re- cords of any dates. Uncle Webster,as we called him, had to be away . from home making a living and that left the children with houseseepers. Ricka said my mother's records on the family was all news to her. . That reminds me, I wrote the descendants of Rose Woodward Call’. early last year and not until about two weeks ago did I get an answer, At the time I wrote her son wassalive, but died shortly. after he got my letter, and his son just put off answering until this year, The gon was a dentist in Waco, Texas and his son is following his footsteps. & + ? I visited Aunt Rose when I was working in Texas during 1913-1915 and _ had a delightful time with her and family on their ranch near Corsicana,. It. was the first time I'd ever seen a. disternfor-<drinking water and at the time I was there they hauled water from the river for —_ uses, : ‘Many happyyreturns to you for your birthday. You have bhe same day as youngest sister, and this month is full of birthiays for our family connection. Today is the 89th birthday of my oldes& brother who lives at College Station, Texas, and from now on he will be telling Bhat he is in his nintieth year as that is the way he talks of his ALO. Do you ever get confused in the genealogy work?. Jo Della had this’ _+—to say: "As to the time - I know of nothing that takes more time or _ 80 “Befuddies" one." That is somewhat as I have found it. I have so ‘Much data and to get it compiled in the most"readable" list is going to take time, I hope it can be understood. - I think I told you of the Frost Bible that has been found with the record that had "His mother was Hannah Frost and that her parents were “Gapt. John Frost and.R. Boone who-was a-cousin of the famous Daniel Boone." This was written by one of Hannah's sons, and it is indeed &® record that helps out the line record, 3 / 6 t Hg Again wishing you all good happinés, for the year j Ly LM IA LL ee i | From: Wright W Frost -. | %30 Cherokee Blvd ' | Knoxville 19, Tenn... duly 13, 1962 Gepy of a letter from Jo Della daven: descendant of Hannah Frost Martin, (David), daughter of Capt, John and nefanee Boone Frost. Mra. Alban's address June 1961 was ark Jetton wees | aye y. Fla. — i "Dear Cousin Wright, ; | : : - I have intended looking for some old letters from Cousin Mary Buck Miller to learn whether she mentioned ‘John: Frost and wife, Zlizabeth Hunt having ever visited , | but I have either sent . these letters to Boone McClure or destroyed them, I know that there ‘was a fire whieh popeenes Aunt Polly's old Bible and family records. t You know, I'M supe, t minal se patties, Baril rtin was not ad by + Folly was just older and ~ ie ae ae | who married ny mother @ sister Anne, just , My Mother said that Boone frost may have Lived a short time dn. ind, David Martin was some place in ind.»and she believed he fol- | lowed to Mo, David Martin was Listed in the shme Dist. 51 of 1850 Gensus, ' moved fro. N. ¢. to penipepic Gey ko. Vol. 8, p,82 list or Living: ton Co, Blah. “(now is in Archives bldg, in - Washington, D. C.) re est . ‘ to , Boon Frost " C. Margaret Samantha e as( degree Frost age 22 b >, 8.8, John | ; ae Ipeme 4 | " ~ " -~ wt ~ " _ a € " ~ The ‘three ehildren - by second wife, =” £ Sarah Walter £, Daniel B. Hannah + 98 =) 5720302 My grandmotner Mary Winnifred Martin MeClure often beinkioned: her . Yeoet Boone's =r but I am sure She never saw her <randfather | L a o : pant Eee Srost dunt Hunt (Mrs. Nathan Hunt) lived in Jackson County .Mo. ( Owned a big grist mill as well as wool carding machines and were well to do, Their address was Lone Jack, which is S, W, of Oak Grove, Mo. ~- Boone's lived in Oak Grove, Mo, My mother's cousin, John Frost (Boon's son es I-renember) lived in St. Louis whén I was ligtle. He visited the family in Hill.Co,, Texas, _ probably before I was born, but Sis said that she remembered him. My mother sent ” a tin type of him but I don't know which tin type is Gousin John Cousin Mary Buck Miller spent years on the record. ‘She was a neuber of the Atehison, Kan, D, A. R. Her son Glenn Miller, is very likely alive at Bellmount Acres, ‘Atehingon » Kan, Rt.5, There is s daughter in Chicago, but I don! t heve her nane or 4adiress, ‘. @lenn might be able to help. Shall I write and see if I can contact him? I am sending a letter to my cousin Mame Hunt Henderson to ask her for Hunt records - as her father was Polly' 2 grandson, Noah's - son, There were 5 of those Hunt cousins, Polly's soriss Nathan, Noch | and Ben. (Ma be others but I did not know the faily) Mother said. that Cousin ohn Frost had ‘a brother, Ebenezer whom they oalled "Niser" and that Mr. Buck was Cousin ‘John's brother in-law, but ‘Mother-sometimes got things mixed up, . - (I heard of other Frost families Ay aEe8 but never met them, I knew nothing of Chaffin Beast. jGenete Mary Buck pe tried to get some of the records from Ala.. Es iw Pe Ai a - ee mao rf 750 Cherokee Biva e rie - Knoxville, 19, Tenn. td i 5 letter from Jo Della Alban, descendant of Hannah Frost Martin Wavid), daughter of oor John and Rebecca Boone Frost. Mrs. Alban's ‘aa@reas June 1961 was 4214 Jetton Ave., Tampa, Fla... — : A "Dear Cousin Wright 9 ~ I. have intended looking for some old letters from Cousin Mary Buclt, Miller to learn whether she mentioned John Frost and wife, Hlizabeth Hunt having ever visited Folly and Hi. lant -but I have either sent > these letters to Boone McClure or destroyed them, I know that theré . was a fire which destroyed Aunt Polly's old Bible and family records. You know, I'M supe, that Hannah who David Martin was not ' 5 (FO was just older and "sok goha Trost | obese abet pata to Bolly whop , $0 her gon . - (They were the pnts Enoch who married my mother's sister Anne, just. than mother) oe Tp a: > | My Mother said that Boone Frost may have lived a short time in Ind. Anyway, David Martin was some place in ind. and she believed he fol-— ase to Mo. David Martin was listed in the same Dist. 51 of L ensus, i eee fe | nowed from N.C. to Livingston County, ko. Vol. 8, 3.82 listing § for Livingston Co, Dist. now is in Archives Bldg..in- ss Washington, D.C.) gives: - -JF56 =—s-~ Boon Frost age 45. b. N.C. 2 Oy. " be . x. o1(e99ree Frost.age 22 b. N.C. | a ; bd. YN. on ye ‘J ‘ | eB 8 db. , ) Po : | : ‘y: The three children by second wife. — -My grandmother Winnifred Martin-MoClure often mentiscred her | + am al y, bu& I’am sure she never saw her <randfather ‘OSU. ee : ; . Pe : : : - : fat Polly Frost Hunt (Mrs. Nathan Hunt) lived in Jackson County.Mo. (T Owned a big grist mill as well as wool carding machines and were well to do, Their addregs was Lone Jack, which is S. , of Oak Grove, Mo. - Boone's lived in Oak Greve, Mo, = i 4 ; _ My mother's cousin, John Frost (Boon's son as. I remember) lived ‘in _ 8%. Louis when I was little. He visited the family in Hill Co., Texes, probably before I was born, but Sis said that she remembered him, My - mother sent me 8 tin type of him but I don't know which tin type is ‘Gousin John", Cousin Buck Miller spent years on -the record. © She was a member of the Atchison, Kan. D. A. R. Her son Glenn Miller, . is very likely alive at Belimount Acres, Atehinson, Kan.. &t.3. - ‘There is s daughter in Chicago, but I don't have her nane or adiress, Glenn might be able to help, Shall I write and see if I can contact ~ him? I am sending a letter-to my cousin Mame Hunt Henderson to ask her for Hunt records - as her father was Polly's grandson, Noah's gon, There were 3 of those Hunt cousins, Polly's sonss Nathan, Nozh and Ben. (May be others but I did not know the family) Mother said hat Cousin John Frost had a brother, Ebenezer whom they called | Niser” and that Mr. Buok was Cousin John's brother in law, vut mother.sometimes got things mixed up. - I heard of other Frost families in Texas but never met them, I Know nothing of Chaffin Benst., — - . , Cousin Mary Buck Miller tried to get some of the records from Ala, 2 a ¢ > ? ot + ce o 4 tip & RA & e. * é a. 'Zr2+2 22S 4 3/2 BS 1m) sm) as rae 3 ao : Cee Ss | .. @.Della Alban - letter fe... a Py but wrote me that she could get nothing. She said that some of the family had gone to Ala, oe 4 4 0 I do have the Dutchman's Creek Church Records 1772- 1778 about. Frosts and Boones. Did I send you a.copy of my data? Sincewly yours. | aM aS 5 Jo Della" five fe | DUTCHMAN'S CREEK CHURCH Pe aM, | : 3 . 1772.- 1778 i el are, (Excerpts from a copy of the ms, in the possession of Mrs,-J. ii. stchison, 7 Gana, N, C, and copied Jan, 1929 by Miss Flossie Martin, ) | , § | Pagel, “This Book is to be kept for a book of memorandum for the use of the ae \Gimrch in North Carolina made in the year 1772, made by. kbenezer \. Fadrehild Noy, 24, 1772. ° ee Fe Pees . Nov, 12, A772 in Rowan Co, in the forks of the Yadkin at,4a meeting ' "neld by the members of the Ciurch of Jesus Christ held at our ‘meeting house, we proceeded that in the first place to chuse a dcscon ae and the person maide choise for that office was Janes Thompkins) «nd . ‘in the next place to appoint a‘clerk and the person choise for that e -. +@ffiee was Ebenezer Fairchild, fees te Gas i: iy Page 5 “at our meeting held on Apr. 4 in the first perposed to rectify Sy ‘the Covenant, in the next place: to take outa deed for the use of the ‘ e yy tf (Omrch, The man appointed for purposes was Ebeneser Fairchild... Ee B+. 14. Feb. yé 3rd 1775 at our monthly.meoting we 2zreed it necessary Uhi* ee - | some members attend meetings---Report against Ebenezer ‘rost -~--It_/ ‘ was thought proper by the bretheren that s&benezer Frost should be ; - guspended until satisfaction could be given -- Aer es ie 24 It was agreed that 3 of the Bretheren should purches the tlenerts for ae ~ @ar Communion Senson #0 to go round six at a tine, Jonathan Haot, ’ Andrew Hunt, Mr. Rutledge, Wn. Brown, Peter Wiiliams, Ebenezer fair- ae fe child, paid. | & ses = - ieee '.. Page 27; June T -- Sbeneser Froéat through the goodnesa of God was drougit to er -* *\ gee the evil of his transgressions and acknowledging the same before God and the Bretheren and was received fhto fellowship again --| » Daniel Boone and Hunters of Kentucky by W. 3, Bogart f Boston, Lee and Shep ? pub. ib - : Es 1 New York Chas. T. Dillingham 1854 = - oe |. Page 15 Goon Boone from Bradnich, near =xeter england (Devons) ire) ° Bs a. orge known as the innigrent, settled in Pens., now the} |. .County of Berks," ‘He purchased “a large estate in the locality where he had settled and in the neighboring states of Md. and Va. He had need of all these possessions for he brought with ‘him from Devonshire a fauily of.9 sons and 10 daughters.) a "In that day 1717, the Colonies’ of Penn., MA. and Va. were a - field with space and verge enough for all those who sought 4 give their children a eapacious home.” (to verify see p. 18( note) Hist. Soc. of Penn., : eS ao. wok I Aut (notey: p. 18: Geo, Boone on his arrival in 1717 purchased ant ~. settled in what was then Serks County(fa.) ani laid out @ 4 town naming it Exeter, He also purchased land in different places, some as far south as N, C., and that he purchased and laid out Georgetown (Dist. of Co.) = wv f i Ps 5 sit Frost who married (1) Rebecca Boeie (daughter of ‘Jonathan and Rebecca’. was the son of Ebeneser Frost, Sr, born Nov, 23, 1746 at Morristown,N.J. @e combined Registers, p. 82 of First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, N. J.) aaa G@ied in Rowan County, N. Oo. buried at Cana, N. C. in the old Frost Cemetery ‘trom aden I, (Jo Delig "hiban, Nat'l Neds A. Ry all>" got the record in it reads “Ebenezer Frost, 6r. Born Nov 23, 1 “died Jan. 7,1824 Berries 20 wonts aye, "tis fheeh MAae wan ad py daugiter of whom he married Dee. 5, 1769 Revan Co. Marriaze Bonds 2, p. 244) is) eis second vife was Eiisaneth Vilaen when be parried® | Nov, 2 1775. She is buried by him. No record so far of where or when - - os Lene mother of our ancester, John Frost, died. m ne Sr. was the son of ie ee Frost of Morrie town ae (see! rrarel Fauilies of Anerica Comp um of American Genes boar! ; Ma, p Tal or “tires Vole 4p 2? — Frost m, 2nd Mre,-Elissbeth Hunt Marek 22, 1817 Pe Es geet: et « e s es 3 titer Vihacy Besanthe: Frost Kirk, daughter of Boone ‘Frost Tr Lette y »( 3287 Kempton Aye,, Oakland Gel. has in her possession) mentions in Mary Hunt, Clara, brother George and Rebecca Hunt ,Powell. Ee Hunts were her cousins. Zetta also has an old tin type of Powells - Zetta days it is colored even to the jewelry, 2nd as _ she Loved to look at it beceuse 4t isso pretty, On the beck is: atten: “Powells - Samantha F, Kirk's cousins," f , ase ~ BOONE RECORDS t B, England { t r ‘ ° : t , F eae - me 5 2, deores "Boone -s phackakith who aiea at age of 60. bd, Exeter in Devonshire, England ae _ @e Sarah Uppey, date of ‘wirth & death ‘at are 80, unl nown Be mre Boone III. ! S i“ 1666 at Stok, ‘England. Cane to Pena, in ‘4717 Mary Mausrides ob. 1669 at Bradnich or Brawich ,England, rks County, Penn. 8-7-1744 : 7 * hiedesin Boone . - Bb, 7-27-1705 in Devonshire (near sxeter) "enetahd mg. 9-28-1726 (1) Ann Farmer Ba: 2, Abington, Penh. - 1o ot “fe a. 2? after birth of son Jonathan(doha)1727 Ay 20 10-14-1762 An. Berks Sounty, Ponne ~ ? - (eg ae 5. John Boone 1 De 1727 in Abington, Penn. Secon m. circa 1751, Rebecca 7? * Ty es 4. * @, 10-6-1806 Rowan County, N. 6. | : # Rebecca, wife of John Boone left a will LRovan C Coun ity, N. Co). bigting some 6f her children « yop ished in Boone Family Bulletin of. March 1927 vin settlenent of John's estate in Rowan Records lists all of 8: 16m at the time of his death.) Sareh m, John Wilson .- : : oe Benjamin m Mary(Poliy )’ Wiles ht ' Nancy mJacob Clifford ae. - m John. Mcndcahall - DARR,recory says - -- - Catherine m Mark Whitaker | | bo. eires: 1760- -Rebecoa m Capt.(1812) Jonn Frost. f Hanhah m. James Penry . Blizabeth m. Samuel Little - : John (called “Little John" was undor 16 at tine of 1790 Census. At the time of . his fathers estate settloment | né bous{t | Lend from ether heirs. : 6, Rebecca Boone* | aS d _ Aug. el, 1793. Rig Jona Frost. (Rowan. Co. ‘NM. Ob varriage Bonds Vol -1, Z hn Frost Was the gon of ebenezer pro «Be Historica) and "John St and Boone ang Ww * Mo, Census 1870 Vol, 16, Li * nate hartin and Hannah Post, | Cont'a a a Alfred Boone Martin m Nancy Ellen Doway~ children J Japper Martin d »1956 lines 4 Janes Mannion “ip Sarah mins (8 5 " Cora i. 2 . Josephine “ no children _Tey Ann Martin vings on County ps. 525 (reverse) Listing TLS born Illinois’ _* 9/12 ) my other’ s cousins. > ery Fone Winattred Martin m Jesse ‘3, ‘WoClure Dec. 21, 1856-- Ho. * ‘OOM apepee Janes ephriam Per indn SIL Died’ Married 2/5/1853 ,Mo. at 1857Tex.: = ne © 10/24/1859, Tex, Ais Leura Ann 7/3/1 1861 B 935 Jeuse Martin 4/7T/A863 1/29 937 | et - ~ Eeaae Walton 866 5/1/1932 - 8/23/1891 > Martha Jane 5/11/1865 5/15/1867 ~~ WAlidam Dee 2/13/1865 Mar, 1954 -> Flora Bell 6/26/1871 7/9/1922 p- Pames Wallace. 10/6/1873 1/A3/A956 > Mary Ellen 6/2/1876 . Oct. 1957 - ~ -feamuel Boone 12/2/1879 1957 Kate Bobpitt 11/22/1851 : a # Josephine McClure’m 0 yt Janes K, ‘Pohnington Jesse 0/23/A38 5/15/1959 10/3/1907 Anne | 1s 3/10/1906 JQ Della 12/6 6/20/1925 - Be oe ee ae Pep 3 Bs 9/2 ie, lst -Julla Rutan Cecil 2nd V. &noch iunt! 2. 8, Ne. tuthesZora altherford | Yella Wilmoth John H, terry” | Della Colville. ia@lter Boone Addie Dillingham Austin Beene Lewis Hutchison | Robert Saunders Jones ¥n,.Carleton Al ban ‘Rama Goodger . “Mallian MoGonazil Mpa information, cont'd hed 3. sons, Nathan, Noah and Ben."s....50 : am sending ‘ letter to Mrs, Ironco-Henderson, Claude, Texas who is the ohild born to Laura Ann McClure and Enoch Hutt. She is in bad health doean't see well but she is my only hope for Hunt records, She has a son (I've heard he is a millionaire) who lived near St.Jb. Mo., I » eli v8. b@ She could get him to try to get some information, Lis ss st have sent most of my data to Boone McClure who was going to géi it’ os and mimeograph it - that was 2 years ago. 2 ara I hope shis helps} it is all that I cap add with the ‘data I have. | Sincerely, Jo. Della ’ ~ ¢ a ae wie ~ ie : & “ . e . e a ~ 3 9 = ® a * 5 r < : ae 9 ’ ° ; ‘ , ‘ . sie “> @ é 9 a a, ’ P . . + . + L ¥ we . ‘ i > a > ~ . a é ‘ > ; > / \ | ry % - é e ’ . , 2 7 . se 4 . P = - » ’ ' . 2 Z - s : T ~ * a y . * + . : . ‘ f » : vs " \ f 3 * ‘ ex 8 ‘ . i iy , - . . j > + . : . » ‘ : 4 . < im ate e , e % 1 7 . . 4 . A 4 é i} , %* a <.2%4 4 7s ; A aS é : ) Zi ‘oe f = C wX “ye ¥ - é « 43 ‘9 ;.% + 5 a 4 s » : - oes 3 a ‘ > 3, . > @ > ,% v 2 . ‘ ryy Sinkveneeat from ie. Sracet. one SHPLEON,, STeKor in, (pets Aeugiter of George i. Promts dated _e. 2, eli é. ? i Le ans esting latin Sali td = z to me “now @0 Litvle Ot ny tlh the + a 3 as ) promeuter he did write letters Sook Goce % come: Mtevts whier G the plains made how seen 4 ve you ergy os we _ want at tais wribias Yor i ido aa ae cen ale. It was siven to ay youngest oy wy boot to's age which ane of hia three cl iyen get a8 coaplete a Hiatory of wy, oe parts Ft marPiag® ani dsctn ce <i ee wore seven of us entldrai-- SPauki in x90 | Glare ‘eli, Jeorse Yarsuia. ws having eros an iy i. think each of father's te aris Xt pocall wm fatr<cr esid kis. - ‘whe wes a brother of Jsrlel soon ena 1 “‘Qouree I could be ee too, p sisters tives | in Galifornia tut i not’ Angov. C tint . , Jasantas Birk visited us tuiee, py Last ‘@ $1 1595. Oe the tine, 414 not Live 12g She bai two sons cs Y "ind i don't reosli the other CHBS NOOR. esa wt Se yeare B50, at thede wosse suerte i fo welling pore Mg urother ag0"t “eH an ag elf was — i ace. 7+ sige & bat I wil? = to y ste he 2%. 4 nleges and n-phawtive 8 — the piper oa coe ey rio eS -aaiston, » ee ee Tree { —4F / -t- A vi ¢ l ALL Fo eae Ppa AD ERS S FS See ar a Sp + September 11, 1962 Dear Mbp, Swann: A t suppose that Mr, Wright Frost sent you a copy of the extracts from letters to him ‘from Mrs. Jo Della Alband of Tampe,. Bi: Florida. Mary Virginia Woodward sent me a copy, I have not a: \ fad anything from Mr. Frost only through her since he sent the ea) first chapter, to us. Poe RE: | a Ss 2 ae j _.. I have been corresponding with Jo Della about DAR Gata inasmich as several of my nieces were interested, and she 3 - ie i ven mich date on this and also on the family of Frost, ‘, Her last letter had as follows: "I've heard mfrom one of my lc. mother's cousins, She is 70, She asked for family data (I hadn't heard from her in 40 yrs) and sent some. Hannah Foost's son wrote in his family Bible that his mother was Hannah Frost and | that her parents were “Capt. John Frost and R. Boone who was a | gousin of the famous Daniel Boone,” Ina earlier letter she written that her mother always spoke of Daniel Boone as . \y "Uncle Daniel” and as. this corresponded with what our western XN eousirs had been to14 I had written her about: what each had es 4 ‘written. The finding of this Bible retoni verifies what: Mrs, PAN Spraker had on record and Mr. Wright Frost's record also, ko { If you do not have these extracts of Joc Della's letters I have an extra copy and will be glad to sen@-it to you, Very interesting lot of information. a . 7 G f. ; * — ihe I thave-not heard from Mary Virginia Woodward since - : early July and then she wrote that she was expecting her daughter ‘to. be home and ee would be suspended during that time, She and I are co-workers on the Woodward line so I have ‘been sending data as-I get it, and I guess she will acknowledge all when she is free to take up the work again. i One thing that has pleased me very mich is that Jo Della had the names of the: seonnd famiby of children of Daniel Boone Frost. They were listed in Census of 1850 state of Missouri. _ There the record stops. We do not know whether or not they went: _ to Oregon with him in 1852, We were in hopes that one of our Oregon cousins-in-law, who was interested in finishing the. family Gata that her husband had left, would help us by searching the Census of Oregon, but she was suffering from cancer. and was taken away in June, That leaves us without this data as the other cousins are not interested in the work. <a ». eC I have written a number of.Pooles but have not been. lucky to hit the descendants of my great aunt Jane Evaline.Wood- Poole. Some letters have. been answered and some have not, 80 it may be that they just do not care to give me the data, Thanking you for all. information, I ‘am Very sincerely, - 7 ’ Py | Vo Aled. us 4 A. : VO 2, Coby od letter from Mrs. Delohia Moore, LV ia : | | ee ORS | Wrer- (Fee Year Nibee : .- by : | | Loe | — I Haaten to hank you for yoursmotiher's nobes cour: faatly a: Hol Ah ~-* answer your questions about the Frosts of vane, '4 small villaze made lu} bus, SOf an academy, a three room building, . ane ‘room unfinished, two in‘usd,. |} where I) went. to school, ; Wee tet og The entire village was san ib sehen. There wére thre, biobuiits, enezer, John and Ben\a n and one sister Elizabeth, married. to Jim [Tal), | 6a with Bben. »John got married, sold out his inhaitgdre’ and went to Ky. Eben took care of. Bennie’ all hig life; he wis mortally | retarded but owned the homestead property, rather imposins, ¢comoared iwi’ the cottages and houses on John's and Ben's Land jup and down! the road, =. One of these housed the teachers of the. schoo}, another our’ doctors [fyhaiy +” _ Sister had a large family but Eben never haa* any lonilaren of his own, Ag ‘wife's name was Tabitha Saton,. She never told me abput the frost wna) 4 f owned this huge farm in.the first: place, not @ven his name, 39 |! le Wp se -a@e°I called him, was remote kin, using a’ famity name. He died.in = minawdy accident. about ten years. after I went »vack to Statesville to live with sy mother and brothers inxour Father's howe... The érepe myrtle tree Ne jo] is still standing on the church property there now. Lt 5 No, your mother nob anyone ever ‘méhtiohed. the ourial piace of vo Hancock Woodward. It was probably. in the Presbyterian chuiech cé>s* yy unmarked . ¢.¢ “ a ”- AS fee vw ACHE£, Pas Vast abe 1 freed | ~ Dear Mr. Swann: to my brother Sam, and I/know that it was some conversation andjone I would have liked to eavesdrop-on for both are lovers of jokes, practical and all kinds. Sam is very deaf, however, and I hope. Mr. Goerch hit him when he had a fresh battery in his hearing aid. ‘Thank you so much "hace is me ‘know: abbut: Mr. Goerch's visit I 8 Otherwise, Mr. Goerch would have had to talk very loud-and it might have made him hoarse, Sam has his hobbies,’or rather, he calls them projects and is very happy in” his. life of 88th years. _ (I have written so much Frost news to you’ Ir may be repeating ; but I do not think that; I have told you that I have made contact with descendants of all the married members of Daniel Boone Frost, the last being reeived this week from a great granddaughter of Lucinda Frost Hough. I had about given up hopes on this branch . Of the family, but I asked my cousin Pearl Woodward Jackson to - Bee if any Houghs were listed in Atlanta telephone and if so, to gend me the list. This she did. The first two attempts proved nothing, one being from the line out of Loudon County, Virginia - and: the other knew nothing about the ones I mentioned as she had: Married a Hough. On the third letter I hit the gackpot as an answer came from the great. granddaughter this week, Was I thiilled! ~ By the way, have you ever heard of: the tantly of Poole in your going around Iredell? One of ny grandfather’ Wood Woodward s sisters. aetttoned tn her shots They had three children that my mother oned in her sketch of “Woodward Ancestry". and probably- more: ones my mother remembered were Henry, Fan nnie and Ella. The er of the children died when they were very young, and her nane. 4 Jane Eyaline, the youngest daughter of John Hancock Woodwant, .I had a letter out.to Kentucky. about Squire Boone and family, trying to find out just, who his daughters married, but it resulted —- in a list. of references, most of which we hs4 already consulted... Mary Virginia Woodward is still working but other things have to be done and this is "Get reddy for Christmas" time, too, so she is ‘very busy. She has to stay close.on account of her’ father's health , and letter writing is about all she will be able to do now, if th HowWer, she wrote that she was going. to search sdme records. for ‘Frost information, especially on John,:the next time she went to State archives or library, I forget which, _ Best wishes to. you and Mrs. Swann*for the holiday coming and I hope more of your family get home tham did for [hanksviving. f - | ' - “Gordiaily y sf Ak t A: VOR i. (‘a i LA } December 34, 1960 * Vear Mr. Swann: _ Thank you so much for letting me know about Mr. Goerch's visit to my brother Sam, and I know that it was some conversation andone I.would have liked to eavesdrop on for -both are lovers of jokes, practical and all kinds. Sam-is very deaf, however, and I hope Mr. Goerch hit him when he had a fresh battery in his hearing aid. <-Otherwise, Mr. Goerch would have had to talk very loud and it. might have made him hoarse. Sam has hts hobbies, or rather, he calls them projects and is very happy in his life of 88th years. | I have written so much Frost: news to you I may be repeating but I do not think that I have told you that I have made contact. | with descendants of all the married members of Daniel Boone Frost, the last being reeived this week from a great granddaughter of Lucinda Frost Hough. I Had about given up hopes on this: branch “of the family, but I asked my cousin Pearl Woodward Vackson to see if any Houghs were listed in Atlanta telephone and if so, to send me the list.’ This she did. The first two attempts proved |. nothing, one being from the line out of Loudoun County, Virginia -and the other knew nothing about-the ones I mentioned as she had married a Hough. On the third letter I hit the Jackpot as an. answer came from the great granddaughter this week. Was I thrilled. | By the way, have you ever heard of the family of Poole in your ~gOing around Iredell? One of my grandfather Wootnnnd gs sisters married Wil - They had three children that my mother, mentioned in her sketch of "Woodward Ancestry" and probably nore. | The ones my mother remembered were Henry, Fannie and Ella. -The _ » mother of the children died when they were very young, and her nave was: Jane Evaline, the youngest daughter of John Hancock Woodward, — ere Z é ‘ tit -I had a letter out to Kentucky akgut Squire Boone and, family, trying to find out just who his daughters married, but it resulted |» ina list of references, most of which we had already consulted. | Mary Virginia Woodward is still working but other things have to. be done and this is "Get ready for Christmas" time, too, so she is ,7 very busy. She has to stay close on account of her father's‘health 7 | . and letter writing is.about all*she will be able to do now, if thabp "+ HowWer, she wrote that she was going to search some records for ) - Prost informatidn, especially on John, the next time she went to Btate archives or library, I forget which. a | Best wishes to you and Mrs. Swann for the holiday coming and I. hope more of your family get home thah did for Thanksviving, » ‘ \ . Le “ Sordtally aempr aes j ‘ | = Pi vat (attr. v)}, * 3 * sont: the: Searn femtly, =" yok the Pend would send them to mewhen you that had no conn@ction with your erring to them & my last letter to. ee * 8. iin ey: adepal official and h _ Alzk of our family go 312.0 of. Thos ,. Senn. | ‘I have only: js! Louis: Woodward, that he was the . ann. Any, information on Ethan 9 for What you gave in mily hag to be worked f whl attempt it. I am ). te! * disc gen town and has ti i act” the. book and want to aS bain that Daniel did not | heme received < print-_of : Son his grave and De not have been has. novel | not far from y. ot even F thou gb she is at. he Ifives in Spokane, ery. good - th. Cousin that makes it sad.to know : nee ger. ‘Garlton Hy baat ide : , Bae de ol.. we ee a, | ALE? flo i ) Ve ; det ly | ined Che PO (i Bee oe Kacld i teh = > 7 LA La f Cte te VL B ¢ # me) é At foe. Cy 7 C € md a e w wk c hg ién4 2 x . Gite -e- Lily ce? hho ci DF one deel 4 at ces « La 444 Vel ,-af He Z i hae, Hs uf hl | cd « tee phot [yp apo” r ss FH oe 5 , , | | ¥ 6 be z/ : 4 a 7 F 7, . 4 {. . : & OO be Ee t Cc 4 { E \ 2 f @ ng foes ! : ~ F- c ~cl 0 ae 7C <- vA t Bora al) Marat fot, We 4 ce edecl. ¢ | eon. =Y | Chae A AVE. a. be rpg Flgé-. 2 . Ba, 4) fe phe opel: | Le Hey abtce Cine OG. Ori c fot af iA abt fe Lute Ba Lie Ly " IN ey Bois) Freel - ~, Hee for a kda-eal, 4 ge ee Ab ae 11939 y SN eas we fr oT tte v <e ~ ™ Vel. t-e2rtc res oe Le, ay ax Jacy eee cad Eyl )) c /9 hth “Or LIF ie [it fe A a Ad ae 4 7 toned (200 3 Pas Ci pec c —€_ )¢e-ce 1s kt te : (> fj s-g@ e345 c ih wn fe: Viti) oT | Je oe nol + pte 4) Ae ip Pate Z / WDE, . (2 Ph Ghee Ce epon “ai \