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Biography and Index, Thomas Eaton Swann Papers
+ Microfilmed a Oa a DI VISION OK ARCHIVES AND HISTORY — Archives and Records Section eG By Raleigh; North Govier as Fetes. 24 IREDELL COUNTY PUBLIC’ LI STATESVILLE, .C. + THOMAS FATON SWANN PAPERS ALPHABETICAL GROUP: oe RED. RATIO. - DATE FIL! ED a | THOMAS EATON. SWANN : é d: ' oy be ee ea hee For at teast forty five of nis 96 years, Thomas’ Zaton. Sweltin « devoted] ly Eg! many hours doing research in. the courthouse and ‘checking i s Filed ‘to help others: who were trying to find their ‘Iredell County'-roots. Many. addi tional hours were spent unselfishly as he traveled | over, the cdutitry= Side to find some abandoned family graveyard orto seartch’ a: church ceme= 4 tery for a‘ wanted ancestor's resting place.- He. spent more ‘than 45 years” a. researching and _exchatiging” ‘data with’ persons With the same, neestral Fi lines. - He was the: “7th genera tdon of Swanns in America so there were many : ‘direct. and allied’ lifes to share with othets.. -Thesé newly found cou-"> | “gins have all expressed’ prifie | in their Iredell’ County cousin: as they: grev- s 6 love. and respect him through correspondence’ that he had with them over. > the years, .Many of then traveled to Irede!l. Countynet-dnly to do rea. 3. x search; but, especially, to meet the man who had. ‘unti rely, hel ped ther their. ances tty in the red clay hills, Of. +petpit County. . ee > \MES Staunl as he was called by young and oid: jamal the fourth Thonas ~in the‘lihe of 7 generations of Swann in America. Very appropriately, ‘when eta: His second child and only. son,. was born in. 1925 by. he became: the 5th’ Thomas. in the 8th generation’ of Sn ce ‘ el L t 4 i ; } ; % a . 4 Se ‘hoes Baton Swann, who hase become known’ all over the Upi ted States- for his ‘work in genealogy and- fami history, was born on-September 15, ~ 1882 near Cool Springs. “He was:‘th@son of Thomas B.-and Rachel’ @aton ‘wann. His father established his‘ home in the community that had been/ hone: for. || the Swanns since Asa Swann had nigrated to Iredell. County. from. Charles , County, Maryland, | * Mr. Swann wrote, "Asa Swann, second -son.of Thomas Swann. I was born in 1764). He. was married to. Ruth Belt, daughter of Thomas and Pri’ _cilla Bélt,. in 1792. Tradition says they married and came: te North © sareli dell on horseback. Asa bought land from. Zephaniah Swann in 1793 on Little ~ * Dutchman Creek across. from, New Hope Church. They’: had Only one; chiid, dneas, * » who was born in 1804 and who “married Nancy ‘Holman, daughter of David and, || _~ Rachel’ Holman in 1834. In 1839, they ‘bought part of the, old John Thomp-. ah. On land grant, on Fifth Creek and there settled.; This grant dated 1752? ‘ _ Rev.--John Thompson was possibly about the first grant in, Cool springs com= munity.: Asa lived to the vilpe ‘agesof 94, dying in 1858. - Sneas died shoft- ‘ly afterward, July’ 24, 1862.: _ Nancy. lived. until January h, whe Ruth died September 30, 2846. . oF ee | Sess 2 yt a 5 ¢ ae : Ne 2 A * 2 af Bneas Swann was the falthier. of a B, Swann gy. thel father: of Thomas, \ 7? # whip Swann. ' Thomas’ B. Swann bought property near. nisfa ther where hig ’"., son, ‘Thomas Eaton was “born and reared, It was a good Toéation for a fami-.7 5 +7 ae interested in education for their ‘childrens, Young Thomas E.\Swann ato 4 ‘tended ‘schdol at the nearby Cool Springs Aoadeny where*he graduated from. | ely ‘school. He attended college | at ake Forest. for eee and. tae eager to learn more. -AS I ve gong it. has become even more apparent, to him. HA Stony geography, rg During his young manhobd, Mr; lee worked - until “Ble 1920 as, ‘acl Lai mo. “agent for ‘the railroad=first out of Richmond, Virginia and then the Bal ce ‘more and Ohio: Railroad. ie. camé back) to the farn about 1920¢: 'Shortl# 2 af ‘Horl. he returned home, he marrred Ada Weston. They. ‘built their home. near: hrs "| boyhood | home-where ghey continued to! ‘fake their home until his death, 4. > : ° / > ae Thona’s and Ada. Swann theane “the pare ts ef six daughters and one son. Their: daughter,” Naricy;, born in. 1929 died in 1940. ’ Their. family and what it stood for in the community ig best told ina newsoaper story. from’. ‘The Landmark ‘in’ a story dated et 17; ) 1951. The article was written. by Mrsit Ww, bs: Lazenby and" Mrs. SL Miller, nenbers of ¥. ‘Se ‘Swan's Home; ‘Demonstration Club. .° ,.-” ea eo eg: “Today: s: Home Builds Tomorrow: ! gorld". has’ been chosen asithe matto.¢' / our home demdnstration clubs because we women are striving through our club | to- make our homes, our communities, and our nation a better place, tn which. ‘to live, We of the Two-Way Club ivel that this motto: may be applied very | aptly to. our ¢lub president, Mrs. T.°E, Swann; and ‘we think you' LL: agree ' | with-us. after you've read our’ story.. Mr.;Swann has lived in this SSmiunisty oe ie of his life and 29 years ago he brought his bride, the former Miss Ada\\ | {Weston of the: South River Community, here, ~Building:a home and redring a* { family, they agree,’ is a ‘pretty big job; ‘but they have always had: time to be a “good neighbor". Many of us have watched their’ family of 'six-children grow up and go through -school.. -Al1 of: them, have -graduatéd from-high « schaok and gone to college. Sducating a family of six has cabled for many ‘sacri--: - fices.’ Mrs. Swanri_ began. counseling: her. children at an eary age. She hel> - : : a them to realize’ that. "first things came firse" CTE they wanted ‘a be-.. come. us seful citizens of: tomorrow's world, i they. must pr>pare ‘boday’s The’ chil “dren realized : that’ being a good citizen also means being a well informed Sh tigens So their decision has: beén to do without many things that any fami- ly would like to have had in: order. that they might. go on. with their edyca tion. Having six children to’ ‘graduate from Mars Hill" Junior Gollese. is enough to make any parents. proud, but seeing - “them go on| to. other institutiens, > higher learning to-finish and then..go out’ into ae world to make their | places | as citizens id doubly. rewarding. | a [bs The youngest grt, « Carah Ellen, ‘is now a ‘Junior at Purdan’ Oni versity '! Greenville, 3. C,} ma joring in history. The other children, are “row in vari-- 7) ‘ous part. of- the | world, One daughter,” Ruth, is now, in Beirut, Lebanon ag . a missionary nurse; the son is now with, the Pilot Life Instrance company in Greensboro; Dorothy Holds a position as-secretary of-the First Baptis Church in Goldsboro, N. Ce: Mildred, a daughter who majored ‘in’ loch OL! BY, ‘is working in Greenville; SaiGa’ with underprivileged: children. "And cer-: tainly’ not to be forgotten is Rachel ‘who gave up hér job:as an. ‘accountant’ at Baylor University at:Waco, Texas: to &n equally important “Job, tha.t: of being a homemaker. ;. he. is ape Mrs. Quentin Harper, pe A very) important phase ‘of: the children's taifica fod whitch hay not-been - “neglected isthe spiritual. The Swann chiltiren were not "sent" td Sunday School.. They were taken to church regularly’ by their parents. And “now one of their. most treasuréd . memories is: the. Sunday * dvening, song’ service at.home withthe family gathered around +he.piano:., singing theig favorite » ee and. ‘Ballads. TY wholesome: aa of the children AS PE HEEL echt Oyo = ; i i : i 2 | , eat f e Mapas = + ot * 4 ; o 2 Z their parents who: say that they don’ + ‘want .to ‘take any ‘dhedit for | wha t they have done, -. They. just did what, every: 6004, parent would: have done® | “thie best - they _could’.: ° = Lee : Loa : 1 :*. Tn the last few years, as Mp. Swann's health begah t@ fail’ and: he re tp “fewer Jettens, several of his friends in. other. states wrote to me .askins: bout him and sending messages | ‘of love and concern ‘to himi, ‘One nan expres the fact’ that what he wanted most was to meet him for to him he wals the perfect example of tHe true Southern gentleman and the fact. that- he had in- - fluenced his life more than any man: that he'd ever known, He “visited.” in the Lredel -County..and met Mr,. Swann, who lived up to his: every, ex- pectation-something that few men or women achievé, Upon hiS passing, his a ' friend in Oklahoma sent ‘the following tribute to’ the: local newspaper. “Would you .be “kind enough to-allow-me sufficient space in prow nes pele s ‘to saya féw kind words of'\tribute to’ ‘oné f. the ‘finest ‘men: ‘that:I jhave ever Known, Mr. T. Ee. Swann? Mr. Swarn shared: with me and many, many others $ scattered all -over the United Statés the _records he had accumulated, _ through his many ‘years of the pioneer “families of | ‘Iredell County. We learned throus! our years of correspondence with him that he was.a true Pprenenia tye ce those fine patriotic people . with such strength of character and: reli ious: |, faith, who founded:your county. The-day that Mrs” and Mrs. Swann spent a: ing me the. homes,. ‘plages. of worship, and the final res sting places of- my ys Allison, Lovelacé, and Sharpe forebears was one of the most. plea sahit jof a. My Tite... (Fs Swann's passing was a great 10s ss-to all of us who /knéw hin, bi bo. Dat his life so exemplified the good friend ‘and Oa tha tt all .of}jus - would like to be that we know our lives .have been she ed’ by. just ‘knowing him, Clark Hibbard, Oklahoma City Oklahoma". here were other: but thougti the. wane nay. have differed, the sentiment | was ‘the ‘same <j“? a sciciidiad aati nile te be # : wae! “J met Mr. Swann about 8 years ago (icoiien ‘another ‘fiend BAQ ives in ‘Birmingham, ‘Alabama ; another’ friend that. he’ never had. the privilege of meeting? As you read through this vast_amount of naterial that he cdl- i lected, you will meet many:of ‘them-and as you read many of the, letters fou a ie feel ie att of friendship. . . f ‘After Mr. Swann's ‘death, | ‘the care of his papers was given: tO. p@e oa ‘tHink that it would please him to know that: it willow. be possi blel for hany more’ to.share his work over the years for he wanted his work to*be ‘useful; ‘to others. . You, will no doubt read over and over his concern for these paper and t he could do with’ them. It has been a privilege, and. anhonor § LOR; me to help make it possible for his work. to live on. There | is more work. to |. be done, but in ‘futuré years, ‘the Swann Colfection wild be pl laced ays’ ‘the Jane Iredell” Room-at the Trede?1 County. Library.” Until that time,} I shal cherish them as use them to ty to- hete, othiersy . mh Leu _ The body of Thomas. Baton Swann was hala + rest gn; the South River . Baptist at as cemetéry - where he had been a member for: many years on Feb= | _ruary 8» , 1978. cae eae ves he & | Mildred: 5, Miller ot oe - 4 “GROSS: INDEX ai. ABERNATHY: 5 0 7.7 "8 Uo doa Shy *- BRARD ADAMS ane ht wt hope eles ae Spier, + AUBEA :* .. eet BR ASO SEE BEALL, DAVID ALEXANDER =~ PEs oR BRD. JAMES. JO} ALSO SEE "REESE cs He a So BRET. PANES Oi. Ged SMT ee BBL, JOHN GARSON. ALLEN =e *) pot Peat ee BERLE bb AL ALSO SEB BRUCE f°) pee 3 ete 6 ALLISON pe “ ALSO SEE PEARSON . eee Ae, ALLISON, ANDREW om 2 Ba BENNETD ALLISON; GEORGE: .- ol. "ug BETHANY. PREOBY. CHURCH IRS. CO: ALSO SEE GUNN! =. >. | potas ee ~ BROGAR-BAPTID’ r CHURCH (aE BeTI AiITSON, PANTHEA SHARPE. *.- 7 5 05 ‘BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, IRS. ( cian THOMAS Hew ote ee 2 BRAC > tes ~ ALLISON, WM. Ps . oe BLANTON. f | goo aT ANDERSON ete ee he Rie BLAYLOCK (Se: BLANTON & LAZENBY | ANDREWS + ss W.-M 5 jee ANGELL (SEE. ANDREWS ). ae ‘1. . BOONE ’ * ARCHIBALD | ie egos - ATSO! BE ASBURY &. PROC MMPTEDN gh IR ty Bde (CRS) BOONE) 2 “WARMSTRONG lt Soe be “J+, BOOTH» ARNOLD (SEE .ARMFIETD}-- a ate is. MOST 7 He ARRINGTON . | * ‘2. |BOSTIAN (SEB WINGFIE™D) ASBURY 7+" i de _ BOSTIAN BRIDGE WRECK, ALSO SEE JENNINGS - -.¥- poe BOWMAN '(SEE- BEAMON) ‘ fj. WOODWARDE# Oc 2 BRAND. (SEE) PEARSON). - MTN al ck it te BRANDON: E AVERY (SEE AUSTIN) ERD ‘BRAWLEY (SEE GIB ony BAITEY i , ~ABRTER CRESK’BAP. ASSOC. ALSO: SEE BAGGERLY Bix ee ES BREVARD oe RBI, THOS. PO ~ BRISCOE. : ie N BALLRY es te BROOKS. } Piet | i ee WOODWARD oo 8 BROUGHTER | - * - -BAIRD (SB8-BEARD) + 24 ae BROUGHTON: (SEE “BROUGHTEE:) BAGEL = fe it E BROWN] fo 5" BAKER; =< ;, ae -, * “*. BROYHT UL, gARES CORNERS . Ph ee BRUCE | BRUMBAUGH, MARYTAND ! oe ; BRYAN . ps BARKLEY* bs i ee = (SBE ALSO BOONE BARNET (SEE BARRETT) Pte eS BUCIE s ‘BARRETT Cee pee, y BURGESS * eye BEAL, Bp nae FunGa, Kore, ani)” ‘ALSO:SEE BAGCERTY--| * svi: BURRR PS : REG he 1. BURNETT: (Sah. BARREP”) ‘BEAL OF. MARYLAND ? -) @ BUTLER - | ce . ALSO SEE LAZENBY, “HRINRYS< : BYLARTY'S CHAPET, BEA’, DAVID a : Peto oe - €-" BEAT, ZACHARTAH t *peamen. Fo. 33 BEAR CREEK CHURCH CAIN “CALDWELL ; ATSO ORE FI, EMING: : >") HARRIS, - REV. SAME, CALDWEL!,, ABNERP> | | CALDWELL, ANDREW. ar CATDWEL', DAVID CAPT. | +, = . CALDWELL, REV. DAVID OF. GUL LRORD | co CALDWE'L, DAVID: F. CALDWE'L, JAMES AND JOSEPH CALLDWAY ee | CAMPBELT, ee CAMPBELL’, COLLEGE). os GAMPBELL:, ENEAS (1 (0. “Le: ,CAROLINA- CRADLE- °. ? CAROTINA WATCHMAN (SEE carOn INA, GRAD’ 38) ba CARSON 2 ft Oe ee CARTBR(SEE CARS SON). ees -~ GARTER, JIMMY PRESIDENT (SBE HEARD) ~ ‘” CARVER (SEE CARSON) - eee CASH — CASHWELL (SBR: CASH ay. _JCATHEY - . FS “CENSUS, 1850 Madison Coy Ala. «i oa “81830 ead CENTRE PRESBY. CHRUCH, TRE CO . CHAFFIN ; - CHAMBERS . CHAMBERS, HENRY. - CHAMBERS, MAXWELL CHARLOTTE aoe CHESHIRE © | CHIPLEY ~§ *: ae CHRIST'S: EPISCOPAL CHURCH NEAR €LEVELAND, N. C. °. CHURCH AND REVI GION CLAGETT ¥ : - ATSO SER HAYES - CLARK ALSO SEE GREEN’ # MYERS 1: “ CLARKSBURY M. .S., CHURCH, IRE CO Ctany = J pac g ALSO SEE Parry, WM, . cr AYWET Gi CUBARY (SEE ChARY) CLEGG /. . CLEMENT” “CT OBFE TER COATS (SES ‘wobpiaRD) 6 t: DAY > CODDLE -CREEK A. COKESBURY : SCHOOT, COMBS =f Ty haa: CONCORD PRESBY & CHUKCH, Dein. CONCORD METH. CHURCH, DAVIE (SEZ MORAVIAN FAS. a CONRAD (SBE WINGFIEL - COOK. 2 ete aye SEE PROS tr, SOCLEREE ag ALSO: SEE HAIRSTON- & 1 . CORRELL (SEE).COMBS ) . COUNTIES ‘OF NLC. “COWAN: BLS. - ALSO" SEE FI ENING COWDEN 1 ‘ a CRAIG - iby CRAWFORD.) .! “CREAMER! fat oy: > i. CRIDER: (SEE KRIDER )° CRITZ (ALSO SEE FROST, | ~Ghover CURRY. | hs * DAMASCUS BAPTIST CHURCH, - DAVIDSON - hip ce: ALSO SER BREVARD«. § DAVIDSON “COL ieee ry DAVIE ‘COUNTY - ALSO SEE (C’, ‘aMe ONT” = BAVIS ITs 41.50, SER PROST & PRAR TO - DENT : —— (SEE ISHMAN (A‘SO. 5 OER DODSON DOUGHERTY. DOUTHI TT DOWDY (SBE WOODWARD D) DUKE (SES GIBSON): a DUNWAP (SEE ALLISON, GRORGE DURHAM | al £4) DYSON (ar: (0 SEB. DYSON, BARTON “FROST, EBENEZ! TURNER ) | DYSON, BARTON (ALSO *S8E OBE ee AS UT THE of ( | tow pat BATON (SEE ELSBERRY) EBENEZER’ ACADEMY - EDMONSTON (SEE BEALL & RDWARDS) - EDWARDS. - : ELLIS (2: FOLDERS) ts ELLIS; GOV. JOHN W. ELLIS, ETHELDRED ‘\ELSBERRY a. ERWIN 4 3 ; ETCHISON -(SEE: E.SBERRY)*.- EVANS 2 EWING -.: ‘FAIR VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH, IRR. CO FARMINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH ,. +7 ATSO SEE QUIVE BRANCH. f ~ PELMSTER. FIFTH CREEK PRESBY. CHURCH, IRE CO FISHER 2 3a 1g FITZGERAID: - = 7. * - FLAT ROCK. CHURCH, YADKIN: co, _ aes "ALSO SEE HARBIN Fons McDONALD COMLE GE FTIOWERS FOOTE eset cae eA ea POSTER f+ Ros es ~ [FOURTH CREEK PRESBY, “CHURCH, STATES SVILLE ’ “=PROST, ORRONT. ST. “BAPTIST SERS | STATES Sv, 1B "FROST. |. Pa “AESO SEE.ASBURY © «+ % "HOWARD, <C-P WOODWARD iy EBENEZER, SRa; AEA ‘FROST, CAPT. JOHN: ° -FULFORD Pe a ee _.FURCHES : Ig -GAITHER (2FOLDERS ) : iu | BAT RE BARBER Lt LARD. *BEAUL OF MD. ? CAMPBET,!,. MONTREAT ASSEMBLY CLAGETT ‘PRATHER, HIRAM , CODBY = SMOOT ue ” HAYES ~ . . 4 ‘GAT THER ,: “GAT 4 Ses a -GROVE: GUNN - HAIR. HAIRSTON A%SQ EE . . HAMPTON ‘HANES - HARDING (SEE HARMONY ” HAYES » HEARD”. * GAI THER, AWG 38 ALSOSEE FROST FOR ANDERSON:GAL THER: GATHER, Hel, Piet i ae Seg a a GATTHER, M=Z. | GAITHER, BAST'L. | '. GALTHER, BENJAMIN GATTHER, ELAM j eee GAITHER,; FLOYD AND. "BVA 1, GAITHER GRAVEYARD- JEREMI AH’ , JOHN: ER LETTERS (CI GAITHER,, WA'TER GANO 5 GARNER | GATTON - je). -- GAY ~ATSO GAY'S: CHAPEY, GATT ie IVIU-WAR) GEORGIA ROAD, ‘GIBSON ,-- - GILL* .-AtSO .SEBrA! ie GI ELESETR ~ GODBY: COFORTH . é Gip -GOULD GRACEY ~~ GRAHAM GRAHAM, -ABEL-HUGH ~~ GHAHAM, -BI LY: : - GRAHAM; JAMBS-RICHARD -. . -GRASSY KNOB CHURGH; IRE. -CO “GRAVEYARD. ON HUI G. ies GRAVEYARD (SEE SHg?LOWF) GRAY, ANDREW..." iyi a BAN, “SAMUE, #\h os LFFITY ee 7 * GUNN 4... [ SEE GROVE sALEISON, | : . HAYES, Guy GWALTNEY, IP COOLEMES ! SEM NESBIT ALSO SEE STEPHENSON . HANNA +.” ‘HAZARD -. -ALSQ: SEE BAILEY “WINGFIETD)~ ALSO SEE HAYES * REY, - SAMUET, & JUDGE -f RAUL, “ALSO, HARBIN (HaRHON We) HARRIS. na HEATH ~-HEPLER ° oes ~ HERBS~HEDRT CK ~ HENDERSON HENDREN.. ~ HENDRICKS (SEE. HENDRIX). - HENDRICKS = ALSO | YEE WINGFT BED “HENRY HENDRY. ~ HERRING 2° . HESTER " < MEDDENETE << + HIGHWAY. - HILL nee LOGAN HILTO a ~ HIX om FROST) ee ~ HOFFMAN co -HOLLAND .. ALSO see MESLER: HOLMAN ATSO. SEE. CREAMER * GRIFFTETH . SIGLER %~ SMOOT ee “STANBERRY: HOOPER (s BE wooDaARD) ee HOPEWELL PRESBY. CHURCH: MERCK: co. HORN. - : HOUSTON: ‘ ALSO SEE REES HOWARD ALSO SEE FROST: | - HOWARD, ALVIN: HOWARD, C=-P HOWET,), om : ene HUGHEY (SEB .HUIE) °°. HUDSON (SEE REESS) . HUIE HUNT ATSO SBE ASBURY) BE BE HUNTING CREEK GRAVSYARD (SE FROST) TJAMES ea IREDELL COUNTY MAP (SEE ROWAN (0) “JACKSON”. Pe aa JACOBS : A'S0. SRE: GREEN, SAMUS”. ue Nat ~ JENKINS: © A cote JENNENGS ; JERSEY ‘BAPTIST, cence ie ; JOHNSON ASQ RE “ALLISON, GEORGE > 2° JAMO | Fee eee PATTERSON ( ie JOHNSON; - ARCHTBA’D . SiN eS JOHNSON, ASA: . # tee - JOHNSON, BAKER ° JOHNSON, BENJAMIN : JOHNSON, JAMES ° KINDER . ~ LOGAN “1 JOHNSON,” 8 ' JONES . JOPPA ~~ JOURDAN™ - JOYNER JURNEY * ALSO SSE-ALLISON eG 1 _ JORNSO IN KELLY (SEE ‘WOODWARD, ° KERR ALSO (SEE SIOAN KIMBROUGH . - tad KENYON - ALSO SE@ WENC sFT 26D KILPATRICK ° KING A’ 0: SEE A ‘4 ELI 30 N, . Gr ROR (Ge : KIRK (SEE. WOODWARD!) i: KNOX ae : ” oe -KRI DEH “{ATSO “RRC REDE LACKEY "xi50,/588 “Torun _ LAKE? NORMAN. LAWRENCE LAWSON LAY LAZENBY ATSO LAZENBY. ae LAZENBY , JOSHUA - LAZENBY, . JOSHUA - LAZENBY, ROBERT “GAZENBY, “THOMAS LEE LENOIR: | OWES ela ty "BWIS' GRAVRYARD, IRE . LIBERTY HI? bp ATSO, BOOK LEBERITY HI! LILHARD Of" Bel LINCOGN, ABKAHAM ‘A! an LINCOGN: GO; -OBT'T, “LINCOLN: CO. OBITS: (SE GINCOTN -ABHAHA™) , » LIVINGSTONE "COLLEGE op A LOCKE _*. | ty” 4. LOVE (SES vada) TOVBLAGE (SFOLOER) LOVET: CB, AMOS LOVELAGE, ARCHIE os | oe LOVELACE, CHARLES... * AlSO ITURNER . * TovEraGn” BUTAS »LOVELACE, JOHN ; es _ LOVELACE, « MOHN- B. & : Bt SANOK - & + LOVELAGE, -THOMAS LOVETACE, WILLIAM” - LOVELACE, "W. Ex # LOVELAGE,- VATCHEL . LYNCH, DR, ie. MADISON. MARTIN - MARSH :; a MARTIN. SSER/ASBURY 4 ‘MADISON MARYTGAND 4 MASON — bcbte MASSEY: MAXWETL ~ MAXWET, SEE MASSEY MAYES MEANS ~ - aE es -. MECKLENBURG DE BCLARATION, 4.- MERT DI TH COLLEGE BULLETIN oase26 SEE MCNEIL, JOHN: CHARLES. | MERRI LL | METHODIST. 2 ws MILLER! ei = ee MILLIGAN. ALSO SEE ARRINGTDY a *, MILLS: MITCHELL: COLLEGE MOCKSVI LLE- CHURCH 4 : MONTGOMERY = ALSO SEE NEBI cK. % 5” Hf PHI GBR MONTREAT ASSEMBLY . jf MOORE » ALSO $B. WOODWARD. MORAVIAN FALLS! > I < MORGAN) f°.) MORRISH 822 Str | pe MORRISON. <j. done W's MORRISON GRAVEYARD “SEE GUY MOSLEY ae e : MT. BETHEL 4 _, MT... VERNON ae MUELLER g SRE WINGFIESD MURDOCK, JOHN | +1 MYERS i). 0. bbe MCBRIDE... 7 || ts MeCARTY -SER REBIE Ho MecC’AIN SER TEPHENSON McCLAMROCK SEH FROST, & sBaNBIR, SR. McCLELLAND McLELAND McCONNEL! MeCORKLE 30 SEE BRANDON... McCURDY — , -, Set STEPHENSON i. MCFARTAND ° ~ McROY |} McKEE eB, : McCREE MCDOWELL AlSO'SEE McELWRATH: miter cx t MoRLWRATHS ALSO SEE. STSVENSON , McEWE oN a hs : i. ‘ ; McGUIRE MCHENRY™. « ¢ MeINTIRE MCKEAN: SEE BAGGERLY McKNIGHT McMILLAN. * MoNESELY McNEIL, JOHN CHARS McWHORTER NEETY NEGRO | NETSON 4 Ny NESBIT * ALSO SEE°GEL, -~- NESBIT, THOMAS AND WIT EAM NEW BETHANY BAP. CHURCH, ns “* NEWMAN» NEW PROSPECT: CHURCH NEW SALEM CHURCH, “IRE, ct NIAGRA FALLS ‘NIBTOCK NIGHOTS , NISBET NOELL* 2. NORTHCROPT | 7 NORTON” OAKDALE * ODETY © GES OAKDATS, emu oe OMLN: OLIVE BRANCH oa OTSZEWSKI, GEORGE. 7, " OSBORNE, (OL. ATEX.. PAIMER, REVS PAUL, PANAMA ANA = PARKER , SSORSE GHOST PATRICK” Boa S SRE PATI 0) * PATTERSON: PATTON © 2AN5O. SEE- PATRICK PEARCE. = PW tO | PEARSON: . ALSO SEE GOO UEMEE PENDLEY. GEB.PENN + PENN <PENDLEY \ PETERS PETREE “Ss PERKINS cr sf \ - PETTY,'a WI GLEAM + PHI FR PINCHBACK POOLE ? - POLK, JAMES &. . PORTER , POSTON. POWETI, * POTEAT ma POTTS33(2 FONDERS) ‘PRATHER = ~A'SO SEB. UI.LARD PRATHER, GIRAM : PURVI ANCE RAMSEY. SEE THIRD CR. PRESBY. CHURCH ~ REAGOR: - SEE.FROST. REED; REED, CHRISTIAN .* R&ED, ALEXANDER & ANDREW REED, DAVID ‘AND JOHN © REED, GEORGE REESE REDHEAD, Dk’. ‘JOHN’ » REID -| SEE STEPHENSON ROBERTSON : . RICKERT. - ROBERTS, ROBERTSON... * ROBEY. UAISO SEE* PRATHER; HIRAM ROBEY, THOS., NATHAN, JOHN} ROBINSON, < ATISO SEE BEIL; ‘THOS ROCKY S\PRINGS © ROOSEVELT? ~ ROCKWELL, £1 -F. ROSEBRQUGH:* >’ ROWAN COUNTY, N.C. os RUTHERFORD, GEN. GRIFFITH SAIN: “SEN Se SATEM M. E. CHURCH .ST.. ANDREWS ° SATISBURY Conytcs Mee. Fae SANDERS raiey , SANDY SPRINGS - SCHOOLS Saorr SCROGGS SHALLOWPORD SHARPE (3 FOLDERS): ALSO SEE , ' _ ALISON, GEyS (GE ™ BRANDON *. = ) MEGGER vad te yo 2 OS PREENER SHARPE ABNER °° 07 JSHARPE,. ALFRED) < - SHARPS, AMO? . 4 & SHARPE, JOSEPH. ALSO. SHARPE,’ SILAS.” SHARPE, THOMAS :& WALT™ SHARPS, WEGLIIAM ATO O88 SFiS } c - ‘, i SHAR PE, “ASCENATH “SHARPE, AZEL | 3S SHARPE,» DAVID SHAR P#r JAMES SHARPE, By Ave -! RR HARPS, “JOHN. a CHARRTS, SHAW ri. ° SHEPPARD | ATO’ “RE HERRI tadu - SHUBAL S¥GLER ot SILVER TOOTH SIMONTON:.” * SINGING SLOAN |. SUB: KE SLOAN, FERGUS /{ °°, SMI TH- SHE: ALEXA) SMOOT : NOW -GREEKH. | Be. CHURCH, -SOCLETY BAPTIST. CHURCH. SOUTH -YADKEN BAP. A07QC. )PAT NHOUK™: bo SPENCER SPLUMAN. i ST. PAUL LUTHERAN: CHY ‘TANBERRY STOSIMAN TEETMAN “SCHOOT, SPRY NER ‘STEPHENSON: © ALCO'CE AMR “3 fa art VTE at i - STEVENSON: STEWART. STUART STIKE LEATHER STH ‘ON Sat REWALI -STOCKARD - STOKES. STONE STONESTREST / STONY. POINT, ‘Ni -OTRAIN - STROUT . SEE WOODWARD: | * SUMMERS . ALSO’ SBE ALLISON,- “4 ; 2 BAGGERLY CLAGETT JAMES * JOHNSON: ‘LAWRENCE * MOORE] ** WATERSS SWANN « ALSO SEE BARBER | BEA'’,, DAVID. « BRIS 3CO iy - DENT . : ) PTRMING. >. TABOR PRE ISBY, CHURCH,: 1a. CO. TATUM | TAYLOR TEMPLETON ° Pe poe THIRD CREEK PRE BY. CHURCH ROWAN CO. TENNESSEE = +. Ee THARPE SBS" HEATH - e = THOMAS Bait } THOMPSON THOMPSTON, REV, JOHN THREE, FORKS BAP. CHURCH’: (NEAR BOONE, N.-Cy THYATIRA PRESBY, CHURCH, ROWAN co. TOMLIN . ‘TOMLINSON. AUSO SEE FURCHES TOMINSON, “HUMPHREY B, TRENITY METH, ‘CHURCH, IRE. CO, TROY. -. TUCKER | XN TURNER ALSO SE AT LISON; GEORGE hh LOVEHACE, CHARLES. , TURNER .OF ROWAN . TURNER, J, CLYDE AND FAMITY. . VANCE HOUSE, “STATESVILLE VANC"EAVE ~: VANDIVER °°) 2; . VANSTORY .~ SEE ALLISON, CRORGE ot VASHTT -AUSO SEE GWAT.PNEY VIETNAM : “WARD + WADDE7,?, WATBS .. ‘SER WELCH SWARD.>*, ..) SEE’ BATLEY WALKER ee WARREN - WASHI NGTON < e WAY HENGTON ma WATER. IREDEL', WATER: COR®, WATERS -. WATKINS ¥ WATKT NS sy WATTS WATTS WATE T WEATHERS POON ALCO WEBB WET SNER Witt BORN WELCH ~ « WHI TAKER WHITEHEAD, WE THER SPOON WHITE: *. WHIT’ OCK <. , WEECOX JI EY - ~ ite WETZIAMS, WILKES “€O., Nu C.- WILSON 5 + AT SO SEE WINGFIELD -<7)) WINSTON (SALEM, WETHER SPOON - 2. woos (W@oD) | WOODWARD. WOOFEN “S<" ss WREGHT (2 oe ~ YADKIN’ BAP. AS: OES F. YADKIN COLLEGR . *. YADKIN. RIVER YRTES YODER . “YORK *'. , YOUNG, HUNTING creek AUS0. SEE “GIL YOUNG, | SAMUET)JOF sROWA! (BLUR eis od u