HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Brackette-Brotherton Coroners’ Inquests Brackette — Brotherton Report of the death of H. C. Brackette H. C. Brackette of Mooresville was found dead this mornin; about 6:40 o'clock. He was 51 years of ave. He went out of the dining room after having his family seated for breakfast. He cut his throat with a razor. His son found him a short time dead ‘from this wound. A doctor was called. Sheriff Moore and myself were called and after making a thorough in- vestization we found that it was a case of suicide. An in- quest was deemed unnecessary. This the 9th day of February, 1958. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Sandra Bradshaw, 11 months, colored female; Jimmy Lewis Bradshaw, 2 years of age, colored male, brother; Dorothy Bradshaw, 8, colored female, and step-sister of the above deceased children died as a result of home-accident fire at 1:30 PM 5 November 1954. Sandra and Jimmy Lewis Bradshaw were consumed by the fire, and Dorothy Bradshaw died at 2:15 AM 6 Nov 54 in Lowrance hospital, Mooresville, N.C. due to the toxic reaction of the severe burns caused by the fire before her mother could re- move her from the burning home. The three deceased children lived with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Bradshaw, ReF.D. 2, Mooresville, N.C. on the Dr. Wilson Moore fam. .The father, Lewis, stated that he and Mr. Kenneth Langley, manager of the farm, were in the field working some distance from the home, and that his wife and Dorothy ran and informed that the home was on fire, and that the two younger children were in the home. Lewis stated that when they arrived at the home, it was falling in, and that he took his wife and Dorothy to the hospital as soon as possible. The cause of the fire is unknown. The mother stated to Sheriff J. Chas. Rumple and the undersigned that she was in the back part of the home doing her house work, heard & noise and met to the front part of the home, and found it enveloped in flames, that she was able to remove Dorothy, but could not get to the two younger children, that she could not save them. The mother was severely burned also. : The bodies, or cremains, of the two small children were found at a location in the ashes just inside where the front door was. No inquest is necessary, and no evidence of foul play was notedi VWWhene Ww Marvin We Raymer; Coroner, Iredell County. ) an. re e eas eo Be AKO Lows a beable Ses foo Re eee ; 3 pec, oa of fe Fis We As Os Pweg ao Tay dan Catcta~5 a6 \ AT hate 0 t)..¢0<. 0% oo TD oe wie ee teli Sle ha oe ade af "13F . eae << . 2 a MYL eu Oe: Bs Zs be Le Pre Frvniny C , Eo a = e 7 Ff. LAke ea ki Lib W Sbuncr eg Stir FA Jfaerr 2MLOL;S Lut Eon LEA Servers ~ Gua July 19, 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Judith ann Brantley, 2 months, 160 Park Terrace Statesville, came to her death at about 3:00 aM this date due to kcute Interstitial Pneumonitis. The little girl was found dead by her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Brantley when they awakened at about 7:30 AN s date, and rushed the child to Irgdell Memorial Hospital. No inquest necessary. / Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-20 NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE Month Day Year DECEASED Robert Lee Brantley DEATH 3 Lh 63 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5\. MARRIED, NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE M W WIDOWED "DIVORCED om 8-9-1883 79 PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE - (b) COUNTY Iredell Coddle Creek N.C. tredell (0) TRY TOWN Mooresville (a4) STRETT ADDRESS CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSH (=): Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called from the Lowrance Hospital in Mooresville that this patient arrived DOA. He was seen by Dr. Painter and pronounced dead. There was no question in his mind as to natural causes. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joseph Nathanel ereneen 82, Rt 2, Hiddenite, Sharpsburg township, _ White male, came to his death at 9:00 pm this date, death being due to a heart attack. The dedeased passed suddenly at the home of his son, Johnny Branton, | and passed suddenly. Wo marks were upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Aiyium Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. June 3, 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell Leroy Bratcher, 41, colored male, 205 Madison Street, came to his death at 10:00 PM this date at Iredell Memorial Hospital, death being due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased was dead on arrival at the hospital, and no marks were upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Augustus M. Brawley, 88, white male, resident of Carolina Hotel, came to his death at 12:15 PM this date, death being due to brain injury received in fall at the hotel on front steps backwards 16 days prior to this date, Mr. Brawley died at Davis Hospital, and Dr. J.S. Holbrook called the undersigned at the time of the accident, and advised that Mr. Brawley told him that he became overbalanced and fell backwards onto the sidewalk. No inquest necessary, and no foul play whatsoever. Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredeil County. Shit Moan". he agen oe o ) told Gs 3 foot Phe bor Le VAAGT eC cf C4 ose bw Yasvrs é uflin her's ctu te Vive 1 es tfE. Tie? Mi ic } JIA “LY Crt, il thc VE UL Le Ar of Crib, o/h, Cy } wrarcivty. Xe <0) nd frre Wied tei Otraine Le yer le tr Ma Ll Uf. prog, 100, te Aa beets op tee Par A arreld ie = Aang g ris Peta A hiding Writel fe bre bint- gg a AA Patt. faa Zz tty thloauey Cor, , State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Olander Triplett Brawley, 57, Barringer twonship, Iredell County, came to his death sometime early Saturday evening, 21 May 1955. Autopsy report of cause of death to be attached hereto after completion of investigation. The deceased was found at 6:30 AM Monday 23 May 1955 by Robert Lee Beaver, R.F.D. 2, Cleveland, N.C. about 1 mile north of Amity Hill on a rural road that is travelled quite a lot. Sheriff J. Chas. Rumple and the undersigned were called to investigate, and the body was lying on left side, head against the left door of 1937 Pontiac coupe on arm rest. Urine was noted on seat of white overalls, and that this condition could not have happened to deceased in position that he died. The auto was ina ditch on the left side of the road about 3 feet deep with left front wheel in deeper position than rear wheel. Auto was in gear, no evidence of spinning of wheels. Ants were thick to the body. No rept Cage on the body, no drivers license noted. Auto was apparently stripped clean of personal possessions. At least 100 autos passed ditched car with deceased in perio& of 36 to 48 hours that deceased had been dead. Rain had covereé tracks around auto. No narcotics or whiskey noted in car.. Coroner's Jury consisting of Abner Overcash, 26-4326, Rt 2, Cleveland, E.R. MoNeely, Rt. 2, Cleveland, Howard H. Munday and Virgil Menscer, 26-4712, Troutman, Ralph Cook, 4323, Rt 2, Cleveland, and W.H. Moore, Rt 2, Cleveland were summoned and sworn to observe the deceased to detetnine cause and manner of death. Jury ordered autopsy and invest} ation. flee We He Coroner, Iredell County. va SUMMERVILLE. M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Name: Orlando Triplett Brawley Service: Coroner Raymer Date: 5/23/55 Path, No. 1-49580 Prosector: W. M. Summerville, M. D. COMMENT: This autopsy was performed at Bunch Funeral Home, Statesville, N. C., May 23, 1955 at approximately 1:30 P. M. Coroner Raymer was in attendance. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: This is the body of a normally developed White male appearing to be approximately fifty-five years of age. There is a moderate degree of post-mortem change involving the skin. There is some loosening of the epidermis. There are a few small punctate hemorrhages, particularly over the posterior, lateral, and anterior portion of the left shoulder. The abdomen is markedly swollen. There are no other significant external findings. PLEURAS: The left pleura is smooth throughout,i with exception of a moderately dense adhesion at the apex of the upper left lobe. There are scattered moderately dense adhesions over the entire right lung. LUNGS: These are boggy and of a dark red color. The cut surfaces allow considerable frothy hemorrhagic fluid to escape. The tracheo- bronchial tree is not remarkable. HEART: The pericardium is smooth throughout. There is a moderate amount of dark thin fluid present. The left myocardium is slightly thickened. The endocardium and valves are not remarkable. The coronary vessels present scattered atheromatous plaques. The left anterior descending branch shows considerable atherosclerotic change with narrowing of the lumen in several areas. A thrombus is not demonstrated. ABDOMEN: The peritoneum is congested. There is approximately 50 cc. of serosanguinous fluid in the peritoneal cavity. LIVER: This organ is normal in size and of soft consistency. The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture. The extra- hepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER: Negative. .W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. “ UM D THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 2 Brawley SPLEEN: This organ is soft and of a dark red color. It is essentially normal in size. Thet¢cut surfaces show partial obliteration of the normal follicular architecture. PANCREAS: Negative. ADRENALS: Negative. KIDNEYS: These organs are normal in size. The capsules strip easily leaving slightly granular surfaces. The cut surfaces have a dark red appearance. The line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions can be demonstrated. The ureters, bladder, and prostate are not remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: Negative. BLOOD VESSELS: The aorta shows a moderate degree of atherosclerotic change. LYMPH NODES: Negative. HEAD: The scalp and calvarium are not remarkable. The nieninges are congested. The superficial architecture of the brain is essentially normal. No areas of hemorrhage or tumor formation are demonstrated. OTHER EXAMINATIONS: Blood was obtained for chemical study. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS: 1. Coronary arteriosclerosis. 2. Arteriosclerosis, generalized. 3. Left myocardial hypertrophy, slight. 4 5 . Chronic pleuritis. Postmortem degenerative changes. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL Sections of all organs show considerable postmortem degenerative changes. Sections through the heart show some hypertrophy of the muscle cells and marked atherosclerotic change with calcification, In some areas, the lumen is markedly narrowed, *s Ww. ee M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 3 Brawley The lungs show a number of pigment-laden macrocytes. The kidneys show areas of pyelonephritis, a few fibrosed glomeruli and a few tubules containing casts. Other organs show no unusual changes. DIAGNOSIS: 4. Coronery arteriosclerosis, marked, 2. Myocardial hypertrophy. 3. Chronic pleuritis, 4, Focal pyelonephritis. Signed: WY17 (pe ; W. M. Summerville, M. D/ Report of the investigation of the death of Parley. V. Brawley of sy ee Township. Parley V. Brawley, 57 years of age, a farmer of Barringers Township shot hinself with a 12 gauge:;shot gun at about 12 o'clock today, February 2nd. There was no reason assigned for the act other than he had not been in good health. On yesterday he had taken several tablets but the family got him over this atsempt to take his life. As it was beleived he attempted to take his life yesterday. ‘The gun was lying at his side. He was in the bath room when he shot himself. Sheriff Morrison and myself made this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held as it was a clear case of suicide. Ie had a harmer gripped in his right hand and it was thought he used that in making the shot gun go off. This the 2nd day of February, 1943; 11,1 esseon Hv of Iredell County. 27 September 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Paul Irvin Brewley, 43, white male, 1435 Stewart Avenue, Mooresville, N.C. came to his death at 3:00 PM this date due to self i wt nflicted wounds. Sheriff J. Chas. Rumple, Chief of Police RC. Dyson, Mooresville Police Dept., and the undersigned coroner investigated the death. The deceased was found RERELNG by a rope from a rafter in his pony barn about 150 yards to the rear of his home, rope around his neck, by his 10 year ola son, Irvin Brawley at 4:00 Pil this date. Clyde Brawley, 34, Rt. 3, Mooresville, N.C., and Carl Brown Mooresville, N.C., who were building two additional rooms onto he Brawley home were summoned by the son. Irvin Brawley. Clyde Brawley notified the Mooresville Police, and éarl Brown cut the deceased down from the rafter. Both Clyde Brawley and Carl Brown stated that the deceased was around the home most of the day, however, was in and out quite a lot, and appeared quite nervous. - Sapt. Spencer of the Cascade Mills stated that the deceased did ‘not work today, that his wife called early this AM and said that he was sick and would not be to work. The deceased was an overseer at the Cascade Mills. Mr. Spencer stated that the deceased was one of the pest men that he had, and that the last time that Spencer head seen him was Saturday morning at the Cascade club house and that he appeared in excellent spirits amd having a good time. Upon careful investigation, a 32 calibre pistol wound was found inflicted in the base of the paiet of the mouth, ani the point of exit was at the occipital suture joint with the parietal suture. It is the opinion of the three aay ants eerie officers that the deceased placed the rope over the rafter and around his neck with feet on the feed rack in the pony barn, placed the gun in his mouth, shot himself and swung out over the hay in a pony stable. The rope was about 2 ve feet east of the edge of the feed rack. The pistol was on some sacks on the inner edge of the feed rack with the barrel wet about two inches, fhe ranch wagon Mr. Brawley owned and drove was parked just above his garden east of the pony barn with two guns in it. There was $56.50 in money in his pockets. o notes were found. No inquest was deemed necessary and death was ruled self inflicted. dy 5) , | Marvin W. Raymer . Coroner, Iredell County. 27 February 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Vernon R. Brawley, 67, white/male, R.F.D. 1, 01a Charlotte Road, Statesville, N.C. was found dead in bed this date at 5;00 PM by Mr. Will Gregory, a neighbor. Mr. Will Gregory called the undersigned shortly thereafter, and also the deceased's son, Davis Re Brawley, that he believed Mre Brawley was dead at his home. Mr. Gregory stated that he went to the deceased's home quite often to check on him due to his living alone. Mr. Gregory stated that he last saw the de- ceased alive Monday Morning, 25 February 1952, and that he was apparently in his usual health. The deceased was in bed on his back, fully dressed, no apparence of strpggle; however, a frothy purge had been expelled from oral and nasal cavities; purge was dry and no apparence of thoracic or abdominal 888 or evidence of tissue gas; however, a terrific odor prevailed. The deceased lived in a one room concrete block basement about one mile south of the city limits of Statesville. His family stated that he had been mentally de-arranged for about 15 years, and had been ill for the last six weeks. Personal possessions included .38 in change, a pocketbook with no contents, 2 boxes laxative, and no identification waz found, however, Deputy Sheriff Marshall Maness and the under- signed knew the deceased, and identity was established this way. Deputy Maness and the undersigned contacted Dr. 7.R, Griffin, Troutman, N.@. who had attended the deceased for quite some time and Dr. Griffin was of the opinion that the deceased came to his death due to strangulation of vomitus materials from deceased's stomack caused by an epileptic convulsion. The deceased's history with Dr. Griffin Showed the condition of epilepsy for quite some time. : The deceased lived alone, and would not live with any of his children or people. He was known to be mentally de-arranged, but not quite insane enough for an institution. There was no a&pparence of goul play, and no inquest was necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Cleveland Brawley, 77, Rt 6, Statesville, N.C., Loray community, came to his death at about 8:00 o'clock PM this date about 100 yards from his home on the Campbell Road, death being due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased had been visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Sam Combs, for a period of 30 days, and was carrying his suitcase, medicine, coat, ané two shirts upon his person when found dead in the right lane of the road by Royd Combs, a nephew, at about 8:45 PM this date. | The deceased was lying upon his back, no evidence of struggle, and no marks upon his body. $115.65 was upon his body, and this money was given to his daughter, Mrs. Lillian Brawley Blackburn. No evidence of foul play noted, and death was due to a heart attack, of which the deceased had a history of 12 years previous to his death. | Mpwas l Marvin W. Raymer / Coroner, Iredell County. ~ State of North Carolina. 30 April 1951 Lt County of Iredell. Thad WN. Brendle, 51, Statesville, N.C. RFD. fl; Na Mrs. Thad N. Brendle, 51, R.i'.D. #1, Statesville, I.C.; Raymond R. Madden, 235, 1031 5th Street, Statesville, N.C.; John E. Nicks, 22, 1019 Boulevard, Statesville, N.C; Vernon E. Jolly, (col) 127 Garfield Street, Statesville, N.C. came to their death as a result of the collision of the autos driven by Raymond R. Madden and Thad Ne. Brendle on highway U.S. 70 one mile east of Statesville, N.C. 28 April 1951 - 200 yards east of the So. RY underpass. Time of collishon was 5:30 PM. Sheriff Charlie Rumple, Patrolmen Jones, Roberts, Pearson, and the undersigned coroner investigated the accident. Investigation revealed that a 1948 mercury sedan driven by Mr. Thad Ne. Brendle was travelling east on the Salisbury Road when struck by a 1948 Pontiac coach driven by Raymond R. Madden who was trevelling west at a tartfic rate of speed being chased by State Hishway Patrolman C.. Pearson. Putrolmen Pearson stated that the Madden car had run him off the highway four miles east of Statesvillc, and that he turned and gave Chase at 80 or more miles per hour, however, the patrolman never sot any closer than 500 yards of the Madden auto. Patrolman Pearson radioed to Patrolmen C.Il. Jones to assist him in stopping the wild auto, ani Patrolman Jones planned to intercept the speeder in Belmont, just east of the city linits of Ststesville, N.C. Statesville Police reccived a call from Mr. Leonard Nantz and Mrs. John A. Nantz who live 6 miles cast of Stutesvillc ot 1.3, 70 that a drunken and reckless driver was headed towards Statesville and stated to please stop him before he killed someone. Statesville Policemen He?. Lackey and Thomas Waugh were dispatched to stop the speeder east of Statesville. {Two skid marks or black marks, canparently those of the two left wheéls of the Madden auto travelled 210 feet on the highway vrior to point of collishon with the Brendle auto; and 165 feet across the white line on the left side of the highway headed west prior to the point of impact. The Madden Auto struck the Brendle Auto 7 feet from the white line on Brendle's side of the road. Brendle auto gave to the right as far as was safely pessiblp to do so prior to being struck. Estimated speed of Brendle auto was 35, estimated spped of Madden auto was 100 miles per hour due to speedometer hand locking and remaining locked after accident. Mr. Wade Harkey who operates Harkey Service Stetion, Salisbury Road was the only cye witness and stated that the brake lights of the Madden auto never came on and that Madden roared full speed until point of collision. Mr. Hirkey identified Raymond R. Madden as driver of the Maddcn auto when he passed his service station. Mrse John A. Nantz stated that Madden was the driver of the Madden auto when the auto left from across the highway in front of her store and that Madden was in a drunken and staggering condition. She stated that Nicks did not show signs of being as drunk as Madden. She stated that Jolly drove up and parkeaé across from her store and that Madden and Nicks got out and talked to two girls in a Fleetline Chevrolet Coach and that Jolly tried to get Madden and Nicks away from the women and into the Madden Auto, but Madden and Nicks talked to the girls quite some time. Mrs. Nantz stated that the colored man - Jolly - insisted that he drive, but Madden pushed him from under the steering wheel and drove away at a vory, very reckless Swaying, swerving rate of speed. Raymond R. Madden died instantly at scene of accident at 5:30 PM. Vernon E. Jolly died instantly in accident also. John E. Nicks died at 5:45 PM at Devis Hospital, Statesville, N.C. Thad Ne. Brendlg died at 6:00 PM at Davis Hospital, Statesville,N.Cc, Mrse Thad N. Brendlg died at 7:45 AM 29 april 1951 at Davis Hospital. No inquest was deemed necessary due to all parties involved bei killed, and that a statement of facts to protect the estates of the victims as well as Iredell County would be filed by the Manfnes for Solicitor Zeb A. Morris. Awe W) mee ARVIN We. RAYMER ORONER OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle L7st DECEASED___ Joseph S. Brewer 2. DATE of DEATH 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NSVER MARRIND. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED. DIVORCED : 3-4-1897 67 ie 8. 30, 4 wt 1. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE __ Iredell oe Statesville Iredell Memorial Hospital CAUSE OF DEATH PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY (a) STATE (b) COUNTY ie —Iredell. (eo) OITY,, » TOWN. Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO._ 427 North Oak3and Avenue INTERVAL BSTWEEN ONSET AND DSATH IMM{DIATE CAUSE (a) __Brain hemorrhage, widespread ____Approx. 11 hours ANTZCEDENT CsUSES DUS TO (b) Fractured skull. DUE TO (c) Accidental fall PART II. OTH®R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED’ YES SPORT OF INVESTIGATION: ected I was called by Dr. John Rosser at Iredell Memorial Hospital, who told me of the death of the above named person due to causes as stated above. He had apparently sustained a fall at his own home. There was no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. i arry/ B. Underwood, M. De North Carolina, Iredell County. co , jsp) In the matter of M. O. Brewer, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 6th day of March, 1941, I, Ne De Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vize: Je C- MicNeely, W. A. Travis, L. F. Warren, He A. Freeze, Re Neill and W. J. Matheson by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of M. O. Brewer, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a considera- tion of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury after hearing all of the evidence that could be procured and viewing the place of the wreck and wrecked automobile that the deceased M. O. Brewer came to his death while riding in an automobile with Fred Riddle and as a result of reckless driving by the said Fred Riddle's while in an intoxicated condition. And, we recormend that the said Fred Riddle™« be held for the next term of Iredell County Superior Court under a justified oond in the sum of $1000.00, charged with manslaughter and reckless driving on the pudlic highways in an intoxicated condition. This the 6th day of March, 1941. Signatures of jury is attached hereto with a typewritten copy of the evidence. Inquest held and recor gned in, the presence AEE Sati Coroner of Iredell County. NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE N. D. TOMLIN CORONER IREDELL COUNTY EVIDENCE Mr. SUMMERS after being duly sworn, testified as follows: Qe Ae Mr. Summers please relate to the jury just what you saw in connection with this wreck and death. I did not see the wreck. I heard it - I was on the east side of the house and it happened to the west from where I was at. I heard a noise and I don't know what made me think it was a wreck but I did and I stopped what I was doing and listened but didn't hear anything for a minute and so I went on with my painting and in another minute I heard Mrs. Little call to me to come out there had been a wreck and I ran down there. Both of the boys were still under the car when I got there. I did not see it so I cannot tell you how it happened but the boy that is dead didn't live but a few minutes after we got down there - I saw him breath a time or two. He was tied under the car and we couldn't get them out so we got help from the lumber camp - we had to pick up the car before we could release them. What did young Fred Riddle say relative to who was driving? I think he said that he was driving while he was still under there. He asked me to get the steering wheel off his face and I could not get him out until we got help. When we got him out of there he said the dead boy was driving. I just could not tell from whére they was in the car who was driving. What did he say when he got up on his feet? He said the other boy was driving. Would the jury like to ask any questions? THE JURY: Was he drinking any? Well I would hate to say = I don't kmow. I didn't smell it on him. He staggered about some but he was knocked pretty hard and I just couldn't say. BY THE JURY: He didn't say what caused the wreck? A. Q. Q. No - not anything that I heard. Was the steering wheel on the left side after it turned over? The car was laying right on its top - wheels in the air. When I crossed the road I went right on in the fill where it was laying and the front end was up towards the road. He was laying on the left side as you approached the car and his face was under the steering wheel but his body was up at an angle where the seat was. They were both in the front seat but you couldn't tell exactly where they had been sitting. I could not say which one was driving. The dead man was he long ways with the car or doubled up? His body was doubled up. His shoulders were on the ground and the rest of his body was up in where the seat had been. On the opposite side from where the driver would sit? Well his body was just about the center of the front seat. The Riddle man's head was under the steering wheel. You could not tell from where his body was whether he was driving or not; there wasn't a thing between him and the floor board but the ba ttery. | Q- You are talking about the life man or the dead man? A. The living man. } Q. Any of the jury want to ask any further questions? BY THE JURY: Were there any brake marks where the car turned off? A. Yes sir - they were just about as straight as you could lay anything off. His wheels slid - he had been applying his brakes. Of course, the brakes might not have been applied as they should have been but the tracks showed there had been some brakes applied. Qe. Of course, if you didn't smell anything on the living man you didn't on the dead man. A. I didn't smell anything on either of them. I wasn't thinking anything about that - I was just trying to help them. MRS. JACK LITTLE after first being sworn, testified as follows: Qe Now Mrs. Little you were one of the ones in the car there where the little road turns off going up to the house - tell the jury what you know about this. My sister and I were coming to town around three o'clock and as we turned into the driveway we saw a car coming down the road and I was up in the driveway before it came by and my sister said it had turned over. I went to the lumber plant and got help and called the ambulance. I did not go back there until they had taken the men to the hospital. Q. Were they speeding? A. Yes - I said to my sister they were driving awfully fast. Qe Apparently about 50 miles? A. I imagine so. Q- Any of the jury like to ask Mrs. Little any questions? BY THE JURY: You didn't hear any statement any of the men made? No I didn't - I didn't see either of them. MES. NED SULLAVAN after first being sworn, testified as follows: Q.- Now Mrs. Sullavan just in your own words tell us what you know about it. A. My sister and I, just like she said, had turned up our drive- way and we saw this car and she said, that car ts going to turn over and I said its already turned over and she stopped and I ran down there and she called to Mr. Summers and he got there about the same time I did and Fred was calling the other boy to see if he was hurt and when Mr. Summers got there we tried to move the steering wheel off his face and make him more comfortable - we couldn't move the car and the boys from the plant came down and got the car up and pulled the boys | out. We got the Brewer boy out first and then we helped this boy out and layed him over there. I knelt down by the other boy and he drew about two breaths after we got him out from under the car before he died. What statement did Mr. Riddle make about who was driving? When I heard him calling to the Brewer boy I called to him and he said who are you and I told him and asked him which one of you were driving Fred and he said I was. He was \ upset and talked out of his head. Qe Did he curse? Ae Some Qe Do you know just what he said there about driving? A. When I said Fred who was driving he said "I was, By God." After we got him out from under there he was still quite upset and didn't know what he was doing. I didn't smell anything on his breath and I couldn't smell anything on the other boy either. Qe Any of the jury like to ask Mrs. Sullavan any questions. BY THE JURY: You coudl1N't tell which one was driving? A. You could tell they were both in the front seat but you couldn't tell which one was driving. Qe You couldn't see them well enough coming down the road to tell which one was driving? A. No they were coming too fast and we had already turned in the driveway. Qe Did the Brewer boy look like he had tried to move? A. No - they were so twisted up you couldn't tell anything about 4t. Mr. Summers remarked when he got down there that he thought the other boy was dead and I tried to find his hand to feel his pulse and he was so doubled up I couldn't find but one of them - the other one was doubled up under him. GAITHER after first being sworn, testified as follows: As Mrs. Little testified she called us to help get the off the boys but when I got there they had gotten them out of the car. Anything that I could say about it as already been said. The bodies were just as has been testified. The testimony ofthe other witnesses is all I could say about it. Qe Did he make any statement about who was driving in your presence? A. Mr. Riddle said Brewer was driving. Q. Did he appear to be drinking any? A. I wouldn't say he was drinking but he was terribly upset but I didn't smell any on him. MR. HOOVER after first being sworn, testified as follows: Q. Tell just what you know aboyt it. A. Well the boys were out of the car when I got out there and we couldn't tell what shape they were in. We saw the scene where it happened and saw the boy Brewer and Mr. Riddle up at Bunch's Funeral Home and Mr. Riddle made the statement to us that he was not driving, that the other boy was driving and that they had drunk some wine up the road a little piece. I can't remember what the name of the place was and we could smell it on him up there at the funeral home. I asked him if the other boy could drive the car and he said he had been driving but the other boy was driving when it happened. He said,the steering was bad and it showed at the scene there that the brakes had been applied. I asked him why he said he had been driving and he said he didn't know. He was drunk enough to stagger after we brought him to jail an hour or an hour and a half after the accident happened. MR. SHERRILL after first being sworn, testified as follows: Ae We were called and went to the Bunch Funeral Home and found this boy dead and went to the place of the wreck = there is a curve there in the road and instead of making the curve they cut straight across it and went down about a twenty foot drop. We brought this boy to jail and he made several wisecracks about the jail. I first asked him if he felt normal at that time and he said he did and I asked him if he remembered what he said in the presence of the ladies and he said "yes, I remember cursing" He said "I did not tell them I was driving " that the other boy was driving. He said they went to Mr. Shoemaker's out the road a piece and I asked him who was driving and he said he was and I said you must have been driving when the wreck happened and he said no I stopped at the top of the hill and let the other boy drive and he drove until the wreck happened. He admitted drinking some wine and he said he did not follow drinking much and one drink of wine lit him up. I could not tell whether it was wine or liquor - there was a bad odor on his breath. FRED RIDDLE after first being sworn, testified as follows: Now Mr. Riddle we want to make it perfectly plain to you that you do not have to testify and anything you say will be held against you at the trial. When I started to the store I asked Brewer if he wanted to go and he said yes. We stopped at Mr. Norris’ store and then went out to my sisters where they are building a new house - came on back to town and got a drink of wine and went over to Lex Shoemakers. I don't know exactly what road that is - its about four miaes from town and we stayed about thirty minutes and I drove from there to the top of the hill and he asked me to let him drive and I got outand let him drive and when we came to the curve he drove right straight on over. Q/ Did it knock you unconscious? A. Yes sir Q- Is that all you want to say about it” A. Yes sir. SO OD OF OY GF EE OO EF OE OS ES OS GD Oe EF OD GE Ge OE SE OS OF Oe OF ae OF GE Om OF Ge GH GE OF EE Ge OF Ge Ge EE ee a OF am GE Oe GS GS GD ED Ge OS Ge GD GE am OF GD GS G&S an OP oe aw Oe oe The above evidence taken and transcribed by Catherine Phillips. This the 6th day of March, 1941. \ ! ‘Ss Ne te TOMLIN CORONER NORTH CAROLINA BEI) IREDELL COUNTY EVIDENCE Mr, SUMMERS after being duly sworn, testified as follows: Qe Mr. Summers please relate to the jury just whet you saw in connection with this wreck and death, Ae I did not sce the wreck. I heard it - I was on the east side _ of the house and it happened to the west from where I was at I heard a noise and I don't lmow what made me think it was a wreck but I did and I stopped what I was doing and listened but didn't hear anything for a minute and so I went on with my painting and in another minute I heard Mra. Little call to me to come out there had been a wreck and I ran down there. Both of the boys were stil! under the car when I got there. I did not :ee it so I cannot tell you how it happened but the boy thet is dead didn't live but a few minutes after we got dow there - i saw him breath a time or two. He was tied under the car and we couldn't get them out so we got help from the lumber camp - we had to pick up the car before we could release them. shat did young Fred Riddle say relative to who was driving? I think he «aid that he was driving while he was still under there. He asked me to get the steering wheel off his face and i could not get him out until we got help. then we got him out of there he said the dead boy was arriving. I just could not tell from where they was in the car who was driving. What did he say when he <ot up on his feet’ He said the other boy was drivinge Would the jury like to ask any questions? THE JURY: Was he drinking any? Ae Well I would hate to say = I don't kmow. I didn't smell it on him. He staggered about some but he was knocked pretty hard and I just couldn't say. LY THE JURY: He @idn't say what caused the wreck? Ae Wo © not anything that I heard. te: Was the steering wheel on the left side after it turned over? A. The car was la right on its top - wheels in the air, then I crossed the road I went right on in the f11l where it was laying and the front end wae up towards the road. He was laying on the left side as you approached the car and his ‘ace was under the steering wheel but his boiy was up at an angle where the seat was. They were both in the front seat but you couldn't tell exactly where they had been sitting. i eould not say which one was driving. The dead man was he long ways with the car or doubled up? His body was doubled upe His shoulders were on the grome and the rest. of his body was up in where the seat ha besn.e On the opposite side from where the driver would sit? Well his body was just about the center of the front seat. The Riddle man's head was under the steering wheel. You could not tell from where his body was whether he «as driving or not; there wasn't a thing between him and the floor board but the | battery. You are talking about the life man or the dead man? The living man. te Any of the jury want to ask any further questions? BY THE JIR¥: Were there any brake marks where the car turned off? Ae Yes sir = they were just about as straight as you could lay anything off. His wheels slid = he had been applying his brakes. Of course, the brakes might not have been applied as they should have been but the tracks showed there had been some brakes applied. Of course, if you didn't smell anything on the living man you didn't on the dead man. I didn't smell anything on either of them. I wasn't thinking anything about that - | was just trying to help them, @oen oan _ eo eit ees ee seme MRS. JACK LITTLE after first being sworn, testified as follows: Qe Now lirs. Little you were one of the ones in the car there where the little road turns off going up to the house - tell the jury what you know about this. My sister end I were coming to town around three o'elock and as we turned into the driveway we saw a car coming down the road and I was up in the driveway before it came by and my sister said it had turned over. I went to the lumber plant and got help and called the ambulance. I did not go back there until they had taken the men to the hospital. Qe «ere they speeding? Ae Yes = I said to my sister they were driving awfully fast. 2e Apparently about 50 miles? Ae I imagine so. Qe Any of the jury like to ask ra, Little any questions? . BY THE JURY: You didn't hear any statement any of the men made? Ae No I didn't - I didn't see either of theme ee Oe ae tte sen mw _— — MES. NED SULLAVAN after first being sworn, testified as follows: Qe Now Krs. Sullavan just in your ow words tell us what you know about it. Ae My sister and I, st like she said, had turned up our drive- way and we saw this car and she said, that car is going to turn over and I said its already turned over and she stop; ed and I ran down there and she called to Mr. Summers and he got there a out the same time I did and Fred was calling the other boy to see if he was hurt and when Mr. Summers got there we tried to move the steer wheel off his face and make him more comfortable = we couldn't move the car and the bo s from the plant came down and got the car up and pulled the boys out. We got the Brewer boy out first and then we helped this boy out and layed him over there. I knelt down by the other boy and he drew about two breaths after we got him out from under the car before he died. : What statement did Mr. Riddle make about who was driving? When I heard him calling to the Brewer boy I called to him and he gai: who are and I told him and asked him which one of you were driving Fred and he said I was. He was upset and talked out of his head. ae Did he curse? A. Some Re Do you mow just what he said there about driving? Ae When I said Fred who was driving he said "I was, By God." After we got him out from under there he was still quite upset and didn't know what he was doing. I didn't smell anything on his breath and I couldn't gmell anything on the other boy either, Qe Any of the jury like to ask Mrs. Sullavan any questions. BY THE JURY: You coudlN't tell which one was driving? Ae You could tell they were both in the front seat but you couldn't tell which one was driving. te You eonudan't see them well enough coming down the road to tell which one was driving? Ae Ho they were coming too fast and we had already turned in the te Did the Brewer boy look like he hac tried to move ? Ae No - they were so twisted up you couldn't tell anything about ite Mr. Summers remarked when he got down there thet he thought the other boy was dead and I tried to find his hand to feel his pulse and he was so doubled up [I souldn't find but one of them ~ the other one was doubled up under him. et OE ee ABN a RS A te SR RS a eR a ese o——-_ Call A se ue A ARE A, a SO SY OI A EHO Ha ce eRe GAITHER after first being sworn, testified as follows: As Mrs. Little testified she called us to help get the car off the boys but when I got there they had gotten them out of the car, Anything that I coulda say about it as already been said. The bodies were just as hes been testified, oe testimony ofthe other witnesses is all I eould say about te Did he make any statement about who was Griving in your presence? Mr. Riddle said “rewer was driving. Did he a:pear to be drinking any? I wouldn't say he was drinking but he was terribly upset but I didn't smell any on him PLEO DL DLE LO EOD OP ED NE EE ee ene a PPS HK BOOSH BOAO O@WAe MR. HOOVER after first being sworn, testified as follows: Ye Tell just what you know aboyt it. Ae ‘ell the boys were out of the car vhe I got out there and we couldn't tell what shape they were in. We saw the scene where it happened and saw the boy Orewer and "r,. Riddle up at Bunch’s Funeral Home and Mr. Riddle made the statement to us that he was not driving, that the other boy was driving and that they had drunk some wine up the road a little plece. I can't remember what the name of the Place 'was and we could smell it on him up there at the fumeral home, I asked him if the other boy could drive the car and he sal d he had been driving but the other boy was driving when it happened. He said the steering was bad and it showed at the scene there that the brakes had been applied. I asked him why he said he hed been dri-ing and he gaid he didn't know. He was drunk enough to stagger after we brought him to jail an hour or an hour and a half after the accident happened. Se ie ee ee A A A A MD a a AID te se wae ae te i a A eh. si MR. SHENRILL after first being sworn, testified as follows: Ae W were called and wont to the Bunch Funeral Hiome and found this boy dead and went to the place of the wreck = there is a curve there in the road and instead of making the curve they cut straight across it and went down about a twenty foot drop. we brought this boy to jail and he made several wisecracks about the jail. I first asked him if he felt normal at that time and he said he did and I asked him if he remembered what he said in the presence of the ladies and he said "yes, I remember cursing" He said "I did not tell them I was driving " that the other boy was driging. He said they went to Mr. Shoemaker's out the road a piece and I asked him who was driving and he said he was and I said you must have been driving when the wreck happened and he said no I stopped at the top of the hill and let the other boy drive and he drove until the wreck happened. He admitted drinking some wine and he said he did not follow drinking much and one drink of wine lit him upe i could not tell whether it was wine or liquor - there was a »ad odor on his breath. a co ie = ane ses ee ee al — ¥R. PRED RIDDLE after first being sworn, testified as followst Qe Now Mr. Riddle we want to make it perfectly plain to you that you do not have to testify and anything you say will be held against you at the trial. When I started to the store I asked Grewer if he wanted to go and he said yes. we stopped at ur. liorris' store and then went out to my sisters where they are building a new house ~ came on back to town and got a drink of wine and went over to Lex Shoemakers. I don't know exactly what road that is - its about four mihes from town and we stayed about thirty minutes and I drove from there to the top of the hill and he asked me to let him drive and I got outand let him drive and when we came to the curve he drove Pivht straight on over. Did it knock you unconscious? Yes sir Ig that all you want to say about it7 Yes sir. SO Ce Oe oe Oe Owe we LR AE AR SE A OR SO SO RH ED RO SES cm A The above evidence taken and transcribed by Catherine Phillips, This the 6th day of March, 1941. NORTH CAROLINA BEFOXE Ne ie TOMLIN CORONER IREDELL COUNTY EVIDENCE Mr, SUMMERS after being duly sworn, testified as follows: Qe he BY Ae Qe A. Mr. Summers please relate to the jury just whet you saw in connection with this wreck and death. I did not see the wreck. I heard it = I was on the east side of the house and it happened to the west from where I was at I heard a noise and I don't know what made me think it was a wreck but I did and I stopped what I was doing and listened but didn't hear anything for a minute and so I went on with my painting and in another minute I heard Mrs. Little call to me to come out there had been a wreck and I ran down there. Both of the boys were stili under the car when I got there. I did not see it so I cannot tell you how it happened but the boy that is dead didn't live but a few minutes after we got dow there - I saw him breath a time or two. He was tied under the car and we couldn't get them out so we got help from the lumber camp - we had to pick up the car before we could release them. ‘hat did young Fred Riddle say relative to who was driving? I think he said that he was driving while he was still under there, He asked me to get the steering wheel off his face and I could not get him out until we got help. when we got him out of there he said the dead boy was driving. I just could not tell from where ¢hey was in the car who was driving. What did he say when he got up on his feet’ He said the other boy was driving. Would the jury like to ask any questions? THE JURY: Was he drinking any? Well I would hate to say = I don't mow. I didn't smell it on him. He staggered about some but he was knocked pretty hard and I just couldn't say. THE JURY: He didn't say what caused the wreck? No - not anything that I heard. Was the stesring wheel on the left side after it turned over? The car was laying right on its top - wheels in the air. when I crossed the road I went right on in the fill where it was laying and the front end was up towards the road. He was laying on the left side as you approached the car and his ‘ace was under the steering wheel but his body was up at an angle where the seat was. They were both in the front seat but you couldn't tell exactly where they had been sitting. i could not say which one was driving. The dead man was he long ways with the car or doubled up? His body was doubled up. His shoulders were on the ro and the rest of his body was up in where the seat had been. On the opposite side from where the driver would sit? Well his body was just about the center of the front seat. The Riddle man's head was under the steering wheel. You could not tell from where his body was whether he was driving or not; care wasn't a thing between him and the floor board tut the rye You are talking about the life man or the dead man? The living man. ie Any of the jury want to ask any further :uestions? BY TEE J ’RYs Were there any brake marks where the car turned off’ he Yes sir - they were just about as straight as you could lay anything off. His wheels slid - he had been applying his brakes. %f course, the brakes might not hxve been applied as they should have been but the tracks showe¢ there had been some brakes applied. Of course, if you didn't smell anything on the living man you didn't on the dead man. I didn't smell anything on elit'er of theme I wasn't thinking anything about that - | was just trying to help them one “ft ee a re Rs a a: seh: ie Som sates MARS. JACK LITTLE ter first being sworn, testified as follows: Qe Now irs. Little you were one of the ones in the car there where the little road turns off going up to the house - tell the jury what you know about this. My sister end I were coming to town around three o'clock and as we turned into the driveway we saw a car coming down the road and I was up in the driveway before it came by and my sister said it had turned over. iI went to the lumber plant and got hel: and called the ambulance. I did not co back there until they ha’ taker the men to the hospital. Le ere they speeding? Ae Yes = I said to my sister they were dri-ing awfully fast. xe Apparently about 50 miles? Ae I imagine so. te Any of the jury like to ask “re, Little any questions? BY THE JURYs You didn't bear any statement any of the men made? ie No I didn't e I didn't see either of them MRS. NED SULLAVAN after first being sworn, testified as followst Re Now Kes. Sullavan just in your own words tell us what you know about it. Ae My sister and I, pene like she said, had turned up our dri-e- way and we saw this car and she said, that car im zsoing to turn over and I -aid its already turned over and she stop. ed and I ran down there and she called to Mre Summers and he got there a out the same time I did and Fred was calling the other boy to see if he was hurt and when Mr. Summers got there we tried to move the eteoring wheel off his face and make him more comfortable - we couldn't move the car and the boys from the plant came down and got the car up and pulled the boys out. We got the Srewer boy out first and then we helped this boy out and layed him over there. I knelt down by the other boy and he drew about two breaths after we <ot him out from under the car before he dled. | What statement did tir. Riddle make about who was driving? When I heard him calling to the Brewer boy I called to him and he sai’ who are you and I told him and asked him which one of you were driving Fred and he said I wage He was upset and talked out of his head. y “~e@ Ae % =~@ Ae Qe Did he curse? Some Do you know just what he said there about driving? When I said Fred who was driving he said "I was, uy God." After we got him out from under there he was still quite upset and didn't kmow what he was doing. I didn't gmell anything on his breath and I couldn't smell anything on the other boy either. . Any of the jury like to ask tNirs. Sullavan any questions. BY THE JURY: You coudlN't tell which one was driving? Ae le he You could tell they were both in the front seat but you couldn't tell which one was driving. You coudan't see them well enough coming down the road to tell which one was driving? Ko they were coming too fast and we had already turned in the driveway. Did the Brewer boy look like he hac tried to move? No « they were so twisted up you couldn't tell anything about ite Mr. Summers remarked when he got down there that he thought the other boy was dead and I tried to find his hand to feel his pulse and he was so doubled up I couldn't find but ome of them =~ the other one was doubled wp under hime LP EL SOLE AOE LEED PLO YY LY LD SE EOS APES ED LD LD LYLE LL LTS ES PAE A AS ESS EE ED OO ED EOE OD OOD ete BEN GAITHER after first being sworn, testified as follows: ae MA. Re Ae As “ree Little testified she called us to help get the car eff the boys but when [ got there they had gotten them out of the car. Anything that I could say about it as already been said. The bodies were just as hes been testified. aa testimony ofthe other witnesses is all I could say about te Did he make any statement about who was driving in your presence? Mr. Fiddle said “rewer was drivinge Did he a;pear to be drinking any? { wouldn't say he was drinking but he was terridly upset but I didn't smell any on him, — tee LL AD ED A EA A LY YD AES ND OY OD HOOVER after first being sworn, testified as follows: Tell just what you know abot it. \ fell the boys were out of the car whe I got out there and we couldn't tell what shape they were in. ie saw the scene where it happened and saw the boy (rewer and ire Riddle up at Bunch’s Funeral Home and Mr, Riddle made the statement to us that he was not driving, that the other boy was dri , and that they had drunk some wine up the road a little piece. I can't remember what the name of the place was and we could smell it on him up there at the fwmeral home. I asked him if the other boy could drive the car and he said he had been driving but the other boy was driving when it happened. tie said the steering was bad and it showed at the scene there that the brakes had been applied. I asked \ him why he aid he had been dri ing ani he said he atdntt KNOWe tie was drunk enough to stagger after we broucht him to jail an hour or an hour anc @ half after the accident happenede SE nes ec RD. RE A AND te bee ie ARE st - MRe SUESRILL after first bein.; sworn, testified as follows: Ae ® were called gnd went to the Junch funeral fiome and found this boy dead and went to the :lace of the wreck = there is a curve there in the road and instead of makins the curve they cut straight across {tt an.’ went “own about a twenty foot drop. ie brought this boy to jail and he made several wisecracks about the jJaile { firet asked him if he felt normal at that time ana he said he did an i asked him if he remembered what he said in the presence of the ladies ani he said "yes, I remember cursing" ie said "I did not tell them i was driving " that the other boy was driging. He said they went to “r. Shoema:er's out the road @ plece and I asked him v0 was driving and he said he wae and { said you must have been drivin. whg@n the wreck happened and he said no i stopped at the top of the hill and let the other boy drive and he (rove until tie wreck baprenede ie admitted drinking some wine an! he said he did not follow drinking much and one drink of wine lit him ue = could not tell whether it was wine or liquor - there was a oad odor on his breathe PRED SID LE after first being sworn, test'fied as follows: Yow Hire Riddle we want to make it perfectly plain to you that you do not have to testify and anything you say will be held against you at the trial. when i started to the store I asked Srewer if he wante? to go and he said yes. ‘e stop.od at Ur. “‘orris' store ani then went out to my sisters where they are »ullding a new house < came on back to town and Jot a drink of wine end went over to Lex Shoemakers. i don't know exactly whit road that ts = its about four mites from town and we stayed about thirty minutes and I drove from there to the top of the hill and he asked me to let him drive and i got outand let him drive and when we came to the curve he drove riht straight on over. Did 1t knock you unconscious. Yes sir Is that all you want to say about it7 Yes sir. S88 A gS AR AR i On RE on a se cate <a Om A A FE I A EE NO SO BH cn A ce The above evidence taken and transcribed by Catherine Phillips. ‘This the Cth ‘ay of “arch, 1941, 2nd April 1959 © State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Mr. Howard W. Brezger, 58, white male, 232 Harrell Street, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 5:50 o'clock this afternoon due to laceration of heart due to a self-inflicted 32 calibre bullet wound. Chief of Police W.T. Ivey, Capt. H.P. Lackey, Sheriff J.C. Rumple, and the undersigned investigated this death. Dr. John H. Rosser, M.D., examined the body of the deceased, and the place of entry of the bullet was mid-left thoracic, and the place of entry of bukilet was mid left thoracic posterior. The bullet was recovered from the head board of the bed. The body was slumpad across the mid portion of the bed, east to west, and feet on floor. No evidence of foul play not@d, and nothing disturbed in the room. The wife of the deceased was in the kitchen preparing supper, no notes found, and only reason for suicide was ill health for several months. Powder burns were noted on the frontal Thoracic, and on the pajamas that he was wearing. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Daniel Harrison Brooks, 62, R.F.D. 1, Harmony, N.C., came to his death at 4:30 PM this date due to a cerebro vascular accident. The deceased was found in his yard by his daughter, Mrs. Erma Brooks Shoemaker at about 5:00 PM this date and was dead. Clothing consisted of coat, shirt, and overalls. Personal effects were given to next of kin. No evidende of struggle or foul play noted. location about one mile south of Harmony, N.C. No inquest necessary. i Coroner, Iredell o@unty. 1 June 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Frank William Brooks, 58, white male, came to his death at about 1:00 AM 5/30/56 in a hut behind the Verndora Rest Haven on South Center Street due to Cardiac Asthma and toxic alcohols. The deceased was found by Eli Fletcher, gardener at the Rest Home at about noon 5/30/56. He was covered by a comforter on the floor on his left side. His mouth was corroded due to toxic liquors, and his atomizer and medicines were to his head. Safety Director Ivey and Sgt Blankenship of the Statesville Police Department investigated. Knowledge of the deceased man's whereabouts were known for a day or two before his death, and he had received his poison liquors off Tradd Street, north, and men at the P.O. Iunch had chipped in to buy the deceased clean clothing, get hair cut and a bath. Exact place to receipt of toxic liquors could be established. No inquest necessary. Mw WH Coroner, Iredell county. June 2, 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. T.E. Brotherton, 76, white female, Mooresville, N.C., came to her death at noon this date, DOA at Davis Hospital, death being due to a heart attack. Mrs. Brotherton was visiting her daughter, Mrs. C.P. Elliott, 1801 Wedgedale Drive, Statesville, when the fatal attack occurred. No marks were upon her body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County.