HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Biggers-Boyd Biggers — Boyd / — DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C, CORONERS REPORT ON JOHN BIGGERS: Coroner was called at 7:20 am to the residence of John Biggers! daughter at 444 North Race Street arrived at 7:50 a. m and found John Biggers 79 year old colored man lying lifeless on hts left side. | The body was cold, rigor mortis had mot set in. : ' History given by informants( Mack and Rose Morrison ) revealed that for the past month John Biggers had been treated for heart disease. He retired about twelve thirty and at two o'cloek he was seen by above son-in-law, Mack Morrison. At approximately aix thirty this a. m. his daughter heard him gesting up out of bed. At seven thiryy he was found dead in bed. There were no marks on body indicating violence. There was generalized edema. Coroners verdict death due to heart attack. No inquest held. David L. DP eens D. Coroner IN THE MATTER OF THE DEATH OF KATHLEEN BINKLEY Be it remembered that on the 23rd day of August, 1955, I, N. D. Tomlin, Coroner of said Sounty, attended by a jury of good and lawful men as follows: J. F, Tolbert, J. J. Gantt, D, P. “llison, F. 3. Gaither, J. A. Gaither, and E, C. Messick, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after by me being duly sworn and examined at Harmony, in Turnersburg township, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Kathleen Binkley; ani, after inquiring into the facts and cirsumstancds of the death of the said Kathleen Binkley, from @ view of the corpse, and con- sideration of all testimony, the jury find as follows: That the said Kathleen Binkley came to her death from a self-inflicted bullet wound from a 32 caliber pistol, in her forehead. I find from the evidence thet the pistol was faund near her body in a surface closet at the home of Mr. J. V. Beggarly in Harmony. The pistol, the property of Mr. Beggarly, was found near her body. _ Inquest held and the record signed in the presence of N, D, Tomjin, Coroner. The signed record is attached hereto. J. ¥, Tolbert F, B. Gaither D. P. 4llison E. C. Messick J. J. Gantt J. A. Gaither | The officer summoning jury, taking the coroner to Harmony and back, Mr. C. R. Bailey. Coroner State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Glenn Blackwelder, 42, white male, Park Drive Extension Danny Carl Blackwelder, 1, white male, son of William Glenn and Ruby Weston Blackwelder, came to their deaths at about 4230 PM this date due to severe brain lacerations and. mltiple injuries, received in auto-truck collision. - Place of accident was U.S. # 21 about 11 miles south of Statesville at intersection of U.S.# 21 and rural road 2390. Investigation revealed that Ruby Weston Blackwelder, wife and mother of the aboved deceased persons, was driver of 1959 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, N.C. BW 6310, headed north on U.S. 21, ran off the highway on right side headed north, came back across the highway and struck 1954 Ford driven by Francis Odell Feimster, colored male, 33, Rt 1 Troutman, and struck left rear of Feimster car, then struck 1958 Ford Truck, 34,000 class, driven by John Lamon Wood, 30, white male, Box 87, Hinton, W.Va., struck truck in right ditch of U.8. 21 headed south and turned same upon side, and Blackwelder car ran under rear of Tandem. Ruby Weston Blackwelder received multiple lacerations, both arms broken, and broken pelvis. No charges made, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Carolyn Sue Blackwell, 3, Rei#.l. 1, Statesville, N.C., daughter of Lum and Beulah Blackwell, came to her death at 5:00 PM due to being burned to death by fire. Said fire was the home of the parents which is the lower or eastern section of the Belmont colored section of east Statesville. Beulah Blackwell, mother of the deceased, stated to Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersign6éd that she had gone to a neighbor's house:-for water, and that upon her return to her home that she noticed smoke coming from the kitchen, that she left an oil cook stove on cooking supper when she left, that the house was loosly papered inside, that the house was an 01d log house, that when she opened the door, the whole room enveloped in flames, that she got her ten year old daughter and baby out but that the deceased ran to the corner of the room and that she was unable to get to her, that she was severely burned trying to get to her child. No inguest was necessary and death was due to accidental home burning. Marvin We Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the death of Doris G. Blackwell . Doris G. Blackwell :, 1 month and 5 days old, died at about 8:50 Saturday. morning, January SOth. The parents had been unable to secure a doctor for the child and it was believed that the child died from malnutrition as the child was very thin. It had been only about one hour after the child was seen until it was found dead. No inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This call came from the Peterson & Magnum Funeral home. This the ldst day of February, 1943. He Mw phi Coroner of Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Jeffie Lee Blackwell, the son of Robert Blackwell. Jeffie Lee was found dead in bed about 4:00 a.m. this morning. The baby was well when it went to sleep last night. There was no cause found for its death, unless it was smothered. No inquest was deemed necessary arid none was held. This the 4th day of January 1940. Iredell County, N.C. Report of the death of Monroe Blackwell, colored. Monroe Llackwell, colored, age 72, died at his home about 2 miles south of Statesville last evening at 6 o'clock. fembers of his family were with him at the time of his death. They were unable to get a doctor with him before he died. The members of his family said that he had had two strokes of paralysis and it was velieved that he had another stroke that killed him. No inquest was held as it was deemed unnecessary. Deputy Wade Moore was with me on this investigation. This the 6th day of June,1947. ! é « Coroner of iredell County. State of North Carolina . County of Iredell. Robert Joe Blackwell, Sr., Apt. # Short Street, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 6:30 PM this date due to pneumonia. ee The child died in bed, un attended by a Medical Doctor, and the undersigned checked this death; had a history of two days of common cold. and no inquest was Wo Evidence of foul play noted, ee Phowmsrfeyar Marvin W. Raymer, Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Sarah Anne Blackwell, 16, colored female, came to her death at 38 calibre wound to her stomach. | 11:30 PM this date due to The deceased subject stated to Dr. Wesley Palmes that she shot herself, however, autopsy was ordered due to the questionable circumstances, and until the Statesville Police Department could investigate. Autopsy report is attached. No inquest necessary, and death was due to suicide. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. W. C. PALMES, JR, M.D. 403 WEST BROAD ST. TELEPHONE 8394 STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA November 22, 1960 Mr. Marvin Raymer c/p Nicholson Funeral Home Statesville, North Carolina Re: Sara Blackwell Col. Age- 16 Dear rete : Sara Blackwell age 16, colored was brought into the emergency room of Iredell Memorial Hospital on November 7, 1960 at about 5:30 P.M with a history of having alledgely placed a .38 caliber revolver against her upper abdanen and shot herself. This was said to have occurred about ten to fifteen minutes before being seen in the emergency room by Dr. John H. Nicholson II. She was alledged to have admitted to both the nurse and Dr. Nicholson that it wasas inflicted wound and she also stated to me that she shot herself. At that timé she was still conscious,alert and coherent even tho in a very weak condition, The diagnosis of severe intrapeitoneal hemorrhage was made and she was teken immediately to the operating room and while blood was being pumped in intra- venously the abdomen was explored within twenty minute after I sawher. At operation approximately 3,500 cc's of blood was found within the abdominal cavity, the bullet havin: coureed through the mid portion of the upper epi:ast- rium through the right lobe of the liver into the mid body of the pancreas ss¥er- ing several large arteries and veins along the lesser curvature aspect of the stomach and then severing the portal vein near its junct'on with the splenic vein and then finally lodging in the anterior vertibral body of the first lumbar vertebra. The patient was rapidly exsangynating and all attempts were made to secure the blééding vess’ls both by ligations and packs. Eleven pints of blood was adminstrate during this time. Aboué forty five minutes after the opening ofcthe abdomen the patients heart stopped beating and a left thoracotomy was done and cardiac massage along with other @mergency measures wer taken and the heart beat was restored. Packs were placed against the remaining bleeding vess#ls . The atdomen and chest closed and the patient lived for three more hours expiring at 11:30 FM on November 7, 1960. W. C. PALMES, JR. M.D. 403 WEST BROAD ST. TELEPHONE 8394 STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA November 22, 196 Contd: Sara Blackwell Age 16. An autopsy was done at that time revealing the above described fingings as noted at the time of pperation and the bullet was removed and duly marked for identification, The cause of death was severe intraperitoneal hemorrhaze from fhe severed vessels in the posterior aspect of the upper abdomen which primarily involved the portal vein and its branches. If you desire the bullet I will be very happy to include this. Incidently the uterus was normal with no evidence of pregnancy. With kindest regards and hvping this will be of help, I remain Sincerely, WMbbeleresih > 8 - May 10, 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Walter Blair, 59, colored male, 532 Fraley Street, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 12:15 PM this date, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was in the presence of his wife, Ida W. Blair, at their home, when ‘the deceased became violently i111 with pain in chest. No marks were upon his body, no evidence of struggle, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. unr 1 Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Irgdell county. , a ° a WAG ni F State of North Carolina. (73 : - hed rt i. ¢ TT ‘ re ; ' é f “ ci ¥ oy Keo itht aa wer / \s2) 4 2 “t/ oe 9 : Urs Ur atid “a (4s . CL” SEH OWS County of Iredell. Donnie Blankenship, 15 months of age, white mile and Mre, Homer Blankenship, 620 North Miller Avenue, Stat came to his death on 12/8/6 on 12/2/56 at his home. gon of Mr. esville, N.C. 6 at Davis Hospital due te severe scalding fhe parents of the deceased child stated that the child fell into a tub of hot wash or laundry water in the home, end that the re- moved him to the Davis hospital for the severe bums by hot water, This is an unfortunate home accident, and no intent was noted on the part of the parents. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle rst 2. DATE of DECEASED_ George Tommy _ Gaston Blanks. DEATH _7._... SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NSVER MARRIUDx_ 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7; AGE Male Colored... WIDOWD__" DIVORODLo Gsl7-19hkh 2 PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDSNCE i 2redel) Jroutman _ STATE (b) COUNTY — : = 2 Mecklenburg (¢) CITY, TOWN. Charlotte (d) STREET ADDRESS OR R™D NO. 2345 English Drive CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BSIWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS@D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMMDIATE CAUSE (a) _. Asphyxiation . _Immediate ANTSCEDENT CaUSES DUS TO (b) Hrowning __ DUE TO (c)__ PART II. OTHSR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS «» WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_ x 12, REPORT OF INVSSTIGATION: On July 4, 1964, the Sheriff's Department was notified that there was the possibility that someone had drowned in Lake Norman. He stated, however, that when he got to the area where the incident was supposed to have occurred, the colored people there had been drinking considerably_and no one volunteered any information. The searching was continued, but it was not until three days later that the body was found floating in the lake in the cove adjacent to where the deceased had been swimming. Because of the bloated condition of the body, it was not possible to tell whether he had had any other injuries possibly inflicted prior to the drowning. As there were apparently no witnesses, inquest was not conducted. | 23 January 1953 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Virginia Carol Blevins, 5, white female, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. LW. Blevins, 700 Parkwood Avenue, Charlotte, N.C. came to her death at 7:30 AM 29 November 1952 due to Fractured left Femur, profound shock, and fatty emboli in lung tissue as after- math of fracture. Death occurred at Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.C. where she had been a patient from 9:00 PM 26 November 1952 following a car accident. Said accident occurred about 2 miles south of the city limits of Statesville, N.C. on U.S. # 21 just north of Barium Springs. In talking with lirs. L. W. Blevins, 700 Parkwood Avenue, Charlotte, N.C. this date, lirs. Blevins stated: " I was the driver of our 1951 Chevrolet sedan, was driving north on U.S. # 21 about 1/2 mile beyond Barium Springs and about 2 miles south of States- ville when an oncoming car forced me off the highway into the ditch on my right. Our right front fender was crushed. ‘The State highway patrolman helped my husband and I get “our car out of the ditch. We took our little girl to the Davis Hospital and were ushered by the patrolman. Ly husband received a bruised right shoulder. I do not Imow what make of car, color, or any description of the car that ran us off the road." State Highway Patrolman ii. k. Bledsoe's report stated that he was patroling on U.S. # 21 south of Statesville on the night of 26 November 1952 and that he came upon a 1951 Chevrolet 2 door sedan in the ditch on the hill this side of Barium Springs. Said Chevrolet was coming towards Statesville. Front Fender was dented. Accident happened at 7:10 PM 26 Nov 52. Chevrolet was driven by Mrs. Virginia B. Blevins, 700 Parkwood Ave., Charlotte, N.C. Road was wet, rainy weather, shoulders of highway new and soft. Car was drivable. Parents drove car with child to Davis Hospital to have the deceased examined behind patrol car. Dr. W. C. Palmes stated that he and Dr. James W. Davis did everything in their professional power to save the child, but to no avail. Notification of this death came from Mr. L.R. Fisher, Com- missioner of Motor Vehicles, Raleigh, N.C. It is with much regret that the driver of the auto that forced Mrs. Blevins off the highway and caused the death of Virginia Carol Blevins cannot be apprehended. igen dd 1 tayo - Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joseph Warren Blount, 62, white male, Washington County, N.C. was found dead at 7:00 AM 30 Apri 30 195% in a gully behind the Columbia Baking Co., South Center Street, Statesville, N.C. ‘the deceased man had no means of identification in writing upon his body, was dressedqin army trousers, black shoes, dark grey coat, blue shirt, and grey sweater. The deceased was lying upon his back, left hand under his peky, Tight hand was free and gave appear- ance of moulding mud smooth at the hand. The chin was tightly pressed down over the chest due to bank on east side. the right trousers pocket and right coat pocket were pulled out and no con- tents were therein. Eight cents were in the back of the coat about the balt line. A black note book ani pencil were in the left coat pocket stating that he had had cancer, was unable to work, and was of the begging tone. Dr. J.8, Holbrook was called to examine his — body at Johnson Funeral Home, Statesville, H.C. and no marks noted. A Coroner's Jury consisting of R.E. Cook, R.H. Patterson, John D. Gibson, S.L. Iamberth, Reid Money, and Archie 8. Bost were empaneled and sworn before the body was moved. Jury reconviened at 6:00 PM Sunday 3 May 1953, signed and sealed the following, “We, the undersigned Coroner and Goroner's J in the case of Joseph Warren Blount, 62, white male, Plymouth, N.C., who came to his death at approximately 1:00 AM Thursday morning 30th April 1953 in a gully at rear of Columbia Baking Company 100 yards east of South Center Street, 500 block, Statesville, N.C. find - That positive identification of Joseph Warren Blount will be confirmed by seere hs bf the de- ceased ‘s brother, Stanton Blount, Portemouth, Va. inthe next few days, otherwise, deceased will be deolared unknown, We the Coroner's are of the opinion that Joseph W. Blount came to his death due to strangulation, that he pawned his personal items, that there is no evidence of violence, and desire the deceased be given a conservative, Christian burial as directed reasonable by the Coroner", On lst May 1953, Mr. J.W. Beaver stated that the deceased was by the Interstate Equipment C » Statesville, N.C. and that he stated that his name was Joe Blount, Plymouth, W.C., and that he had a watch, razor, Masonic pen, change purse, about $6.00 in money, and that he tried fo get the deceased a room at the Salvation Army and the Carolina Hotel, but to no avail, and let him out at Gray's Cafe, Police Chief A.F. Hartness established contact with the Sheriff of Washington County, NiC. and Chief of Police Brown of Plymouth to get relatives to come to identify the deceased. The wife, son, two sisters, and two brothers were contacted, but would not come. The deceased was ordered fingerprinted and photographed on date found to try to establish identity. Johnson Funeral Home was ordered to bury the man and give Christian Burial and send statement of charges to Coroner to be 0.K.ed. Positive identity was made by Stanton N.Blount, Portsmouth, Ya. on 12 May 1953 by photographs and nogoriszsed letter. ees ape Coroner, Iredell County. POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF STATESVILLE STATESVILLE, N. C. A. F. HARTNESS CHIEF OF POLICE Sunday 3rd May 1953 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE, the undersigned Coroner and Coroner's Jury in the case of | Joseph Warren Blount, 62, white male, Plymouth, N.C., who came to his death at approximately 1}00 AM Thursday Moming 30th April 1953 in gully at rear of Columbia Baking Company 100 yards east of South Center Street, 500 block, Statesville, N.C. FiVO—: Positive identification of Joseph Warren Blount will be confirmed by photographs by the deceased's brother, Stanton Blount, Portsmouth, Va. in the next few days, otherwise, deceased will be declared unknowm. We the Coroner's Jury are of the opinion that Joseph W. Blount came to his death due to strangulation, that he pawned his personal items, that there is no evidence of violence, and desire the deceased be given a conservative, aeeehiney burial as directed reasonable by the Coroner. R. E. Cook KE . R.He Patterson John D. Gibso eLe Lamberth s aa Meniey el Me4, Archie 8. Bost GAtan xf eg Jiro, lo Coroner, Iredell County 3rd May at 7:00 Pil 105 Arlington Place, Portsmouth, Virginia. 8 May 1953 Marvin W. Raymer, Coroner, Iredell County, 135 East Front Street, Statesville, N.C. Dear Coroner, Please find attached hereto photographs. The subject refered thereto in these photographs is my brother, Joseph Warren Blount (please check é ) gs no Ce re Very truly yours, I certify that Stanton N. Blount personally appeared before me this the / day of May 1953 and kmows beyon@ any reasonable doubt that the enclosed photographs (are those of his brother, Joseph Warren Blount. sure Dubden 28 ibe adLY Veter, Bates Pete Me / IZ -1G53 ao ee Official sear “2 DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, N. C. April 30, 1953 Mr. Marvin Raymer Iredell County Coroner Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir: At 9:00 A.M. this morning at your request, I went to Johnson Feneral Home to inspect the corpse of a man whose age is estimated at approximately 65- years, whose body was found early today in the ditch back of one of the bakeries in the city. There were no specific marks of identification, however, his hair was grayish, his upper teeth were all absent, front teeth below were still present, and he presented a tracheotomy, which appeared to have been of longstanding. The exact duration of this tracheal opening, of course, is indefinite. Thinking of the exact nature of the cause of death, a medical examiner would first be concerned to know the cause for which the tracheotomy was done, One of the frequent reasons for doing this operation and leaving a per- manent opening is the presence of a tumor in the larynx, which tumors frequently are malignant. When and if this man’s identity is determined, these facts may shed much light on the factors explaining cause of death, You state that there is some information that this man had been seen in a staggery condition, indicating that he had been under the influence of alcohol or drugs. One might conjecture that as result of the ailment for which tracheo- tomy was done, he had taken to the use of drugs or alcohol; a slight overdose of either could have caused him to lose footing, fall over into the ditch with his neck flexed in such a manner as to obstruct the tracheal opening and, therefore, cause suffocation. There were no marks of violence, Respectfully, Mie. J. S. Holbrook, M. D. ‘ CORONER'S REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Mre.Grace Keyes Blumenstein, Deceased. Route#6 Box#470 Statesville ,N.C. Female, White, Married,Aged 34 years. Date of Death: April 23,1949 FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased with her husband, Otto Blumenstein with their two child ren,Gery Lunn(3% yrs.) and Brent Alan (5 yrs.) lived in a rented frame house owned by Mr.Carl A.Thompson,located in the Woodlawn section of this city,on the West side of Hickory Highway. I was called to the residence by Sheriff W.D.Morrison about 8:15 A.M. Saturday,April 23,1949. Upon arrival and examination showed the house was on fire and flames were confined in the bath room of the dwelling. City foreman had extinguished the flames,and Eron Gabriel,city fireman had found the body of Mrs.Blumensteinlaying on the bathroom floor on her right side. Several holes were burned. through the floor and sub- flooring,through which you could see the basement. The fire was discovered by Troy Pope and Henry Cashion who operate a service station near by.Fire alarm was turned in at 8:00 A.M. by Mr. Cashion. Mr.Pope ran to front foor after finding back door locked.He forced front door open and heard cries from the two children.He carried them to safty. The husband had gone to work at 6:45 A.M. FINDINGS: The deceased was charred from a few inched above her knees up, including her head. She was dressed in a gown as a’ small portion was not burned as it was under her right arm pit. A Prefection oil heater was on her right,turned over,with the lid used for re-filling laying open. Stove was partly cracked,about two inched,as if one would open top from base to light.Do not mean metal was cracked.Stove was not burned at the base. Hot water spicket was running about one fourth way open. Was no evidence of any fire reaching from her body to the oil stove,which was about 3 feet away. After examination of the seene,and talking with husband and witnesses, it was the opinion of Sheriff W.D.Morrison,Chief L.M.Gaither of the City Fire Department,and several officars from the Police Department it was of all concerned,the opinion she met death by accidental burning. No inquest was thought necessary and the body was released to Johnson — Faneral Home ,Statesville,N.C. for further disposition. ADDENUM: Rhumors of foul play were pet speculated and Mrs.Carl Thompson,W.Front St.City,who is a sister of the deceased received three annonimus phone calls,asking if her sisters death had been investigated enough. Husband of the deceased cooperated with the investigation. Wednesday ,May 4,1949 a Coroners Jury was summonsed,composed of Mr.John Montgomerg,Mitchell College,City: Mr.W.W.Sherrill,512 Walnut St.City: Mr.Fred Horton,Vance Hotel,City: Mr.John T.Alexander, Box#247 City: Mr.J.C.McNeely,Rt.#6,City: Mr.Raford Warren,Rt.#6,City. These men,along with law enforcement officers visited the home on the Hickory Highway,then on to Meacham & Watts Masonry Co.on the Charlotte . Highway where a fire test was preformed in the curing room of said co- mpany.A wooden doors similar to the floor deceased was laying on,along with a strip of lenolium cut from her bathroom floer,with the same oil stove found in the bathroom,and using kerosene from the same vat she usually bought it from,we re-enacted the scené. CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Page#2 CORONERS REPORT —CONTINUED: Oil stove was filled to capacity with kerosene,flap over fuel can was left loose,stove was lit and turned up to high. After 20 minutes which allowed ample time for stove to get hot,i& was kicked over. Stove nor floor ignited,but flames came out of stove around the wick. When stove was partially cracked open similar to how it was found in the home,the stove and floow ignited. A night gown of rayon jersey,similar to gown deceased was wearing the day she died,was placed on the oil stove and it did not oatch on fire. Gown scorched and seemed to melt and stick to stove. Finally a match was applied to the gown,and it imediately flamed up. WITNESSES AT CORONERS INQUEST AND THEIR STATEMENTS IN PART: Dr.L.B.Shaffer ef staff of Davis Hospital——City Stated: He examined the deceased about three days before she died. Found her slightly nervous but in good physical condition.Did not think she Was pregnant.She came to him due to irritation on the eye lids. J.R.Benfield,Ass't.Fire Chiel—City Stated: Call reached fire department at 8:00 A.M.April 23,1949.Upon earrival,house was filled with smoke,and fire in bath room.No one else except fireman were in the house at that time. When he and Eron Gabriel opened bath room door,they found deceased on floor. O.F.Frye,service station operator next door-City Stated: He and neighbor entered house through basement window and squirted water in fire from a garden hose before fireman arrived.Heard no crys or screams other than the two children. Halbert Hoke—Grocery store operator next door-City Stated: He noticed Mr.Blumenstein leave for work the morning of the fire,and it was a normal departure.Had sold deceased kerosent on many occasions,and always in a one gallon glass jug.Heard or saw nothing unusual there that morning until notified of the fire.Gave the Blume—- nsteins a good reputation as far As he kmevw. Troy Pope-Service station operatow next door—City Stated:He first noticed smoke coming from kitchen windows about 7:55 A.M.April 23,1949.He ran to rear of house’ and found the back door locked.He ran to front door and it was locked.He could hear the déhild- ren crying inside.He forced the door open and brought the two children to safty.He did not hear any other cries. Gave the Blumensteins a good reputation in that community. Mrs.Eleanor Bppe-wife of Troy Pope—City Stated: She entered the house and helped clean up the kitchen and bed room on that morning.She noticed several double hands—-full of sand in the bed the Blumensteins slept in. Also the sheet was soaking wet on the side the deceased Blept on. oa Mrs.Estelly Kuykendall—housewife Salisbury Road—City Stated: She kept one on the sons the nite before deceased died.The Blumenstein's with one of the sone attended a ball game here in Stat- esville. After the game the Blumenstein's came fop the child about eleven that night.They came in the house;ate cake and drank coffee. They appeared very happy,and she gave them a good character. W.D.Morrisen-Sheriff of Iredell County—City Stated: He ner his department had never received any complaint from the Blumenstein's residence. Otto Blumenstein—Husband of deceased-——City Stated: The morning of April 25,1949 he ched his time card at : -M. at the|Sguthern Screw Co.Statesv{yle,N.C. He attended a | COAT. along with wife,Grace,and one sonfAfter the game they went/ by | th4' home of Mr.&/Mrs.Earl Kuykendall and pitked up @ son they weré keep- ing for them whfle‘they attended the game. . CONTINUED Page # CORONERS REPORT-——CON TINUED: 6:55 A.M.at the Southern Screw Co.Statesville,N.C. He attended a ball game along with his wife,Grace,and one son.After the game they went by the home of Mr.& Mrs.Earl Kuykendall and picked up a son they were keep- ing for them while they attended the game. He said he and his wife had not been in any ar mt in some time. The morning of Maril 25,1949 he got up at his usual time,about 5:30 A.M. and went into the bath room. He lit the oil stove and shaver in cold water.He did not wake his wife,as Saturday was the day he got off work at noon and she did not have to fix lunch for him on that day. He ate his breakfast alone that morning,but during the week his wife usually had coffep and toast with him---went back to bed and ate breakfast when the children got up.After shaving he did not remember if he cut the oil stove off in the bathroom or not. He said when they lived in Marion,N.C. on one occasion he and his wife wot in an argument and she slaped him,and he seized her and shook her by the shoulders,but did not choke her.Said this was the only time he had ever laid a hand of violance on his wife.After that within five minutes they were both in tears,realizing they had done wrong. He said nothing of a serious nature ever entered their minds---— both were in love with the other. He stated his face was scratched on the right side when he was carrying his child in his right arm coming into the house from the ball game and in order to get the door key he shifted the boy to the other arm——this made the child think he was falling and he grabbed him;thus scratching his cheek. The next morning while shaving,he came down across the three finger nail marks with his razor and this caused itbitation.He put a band @id over the area. He could not explain the sheet being wet on the bed,nor the oil stove not being burned until we burned it in the presence of the jury. The jury was charged to reach a decision as to, "How Mrs.Grace Keyes Blumenstein met her death?? _ Jury deliberated 1 hour and five minutes. Their opinion was,* We,the Coroners jury find that the deceased,Mrg.Grace Keyes Blumenstein came to her death by accidental burning". me Ke Ly ale’ redell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Weldon long Boger, white male, 17, of Davie County near Sheffield, accidentally drowned in Hunting Creek at Eagle Mills in Eagle Mills Township, Iredell County at 5:30 PM this date while swimming. Witnesses to the drowning were - 1. John Hepler, R.FeDe 2, Harmony, N.C. who stated that Boger worked for him as sawmill helper, and that Boger rode to Eagle Mills pond with Mr. Hepler on the afternoon of this date and accident. Ze DeBe Ghither, store rator at Eagle Mills removed the body of Boger from the et er it had been under water for about 45. utes. Mr. ither also summoned the rescue squad of the Statesville Fire Department. 3. Eugene Anderson, RoF¥eDe 1, Mocksville, N.C. stated that he was with Boger and Hepler, and that he lifes about 3/4 mile from Boger's home. My. Hepler further stated that Bo was not a good swimmer, that Boger had swam about 35 to feet and called for help, and stated that he was “give out". Hepler attempted to pull er from water, but Boger grabbed him fe Hepler under water two or three times. Hepler stated t he was unable to get Boger out of water which is 15 feet deep. The Statesville Rescue Squad consist of Curlee Thomas, George Blackwood, and Dwight re, Jo nfield, and Bobby Lamb under the supervision of Dr. 5.M. Robertson, MiD. worked for two hours to revive Boger, but to no avail. Sheriff Charlie Rumple, State Highway Patro Thomas Teal and the undersigned were called te investiggte. © inquest was necessary and death was due to accidental drowning. Jf - Mie legs Coroner, " Tredel County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First i Lxst 2. DATE of DECEASED Boggs. DEATH ; . pees ACME Sey cw 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NUVER MARRID.x 6, DATS OF Male White WIDOWED, _ DIVORCED_. 3-1-1953 8. PLACE OF DEATH . (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDSNCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE Route 5 WeGe Iredell (6) CITY.» TOWN § (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO, Route 5 .-O. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMM=DIATE CAUSE (a)_ Crushed chest. . | Instant ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUS TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS w+ AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES a me rain enna 12, RSPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called on the afternoon of September 7, 1964 by Dr. Robert Dame at Davis Hospital, who stated that the deceased was on a wagon load of hay when he attempted to get off and fell beneath the wheels, which passed over his body. He was dead on arrival at thehospital of causes noted above. No inquest necessary. Report of the investigation of the death of Will Bogle, colored. Vill Bogle was killed last evening by train No. 53 going Weste His head was completely crushed and his bruins were scattered up and down the tracke Constable C. L. Gilbert and railroad detective O'Quinn accompanied me on this in- vestigation. He was seen by a number of people walking down tne track from the Catawba side . He sat down on the track and the train killed hime No one saw the train hit him but it is supposed tnat second section of freight train hit him which passes there about five olcitock. Investigation held and report signed this the 15th day of July, 1936. Coroner of ease Report of the death of Carl K. Bolen Carl Ke Bolen, age 69, was found dead in bed this morning at about 7:30 o'clock. He had not been feeling too well lately but he had been working. He was working yesterday and came home about 10 o'clock last night. His family thought he died of a heart attack. Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford was with me on this investigation and we deemed an Anque.e Dywap unnecessary and none was held. This the 16th day of May, 1947. e . 1 April 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Kathy Christine Bolick, age 2, 2/22/60 Carolyn Christine Galliher Swicegood, 19, 2/22/60 Michael Allen Bolick, 6, 2/22/60 Novillian Swicegood Bolick, 27, 2/22/60 Vernon Swicegood, 23, 3/25/60 All came to their deaths as dates to the right of their names due to severe burns received on the night of 2/22/60 at the two-story house on the Statesville Flour Mills chicken test farm U.S. 64 8 miles east of Statesville, Still critical in Baptist hospital, Winston Salem is Kenneth Swicegood, 27, and Deborah Swicegood, 18 months of age. All these subjects are white, and others present in the fire and explosion caused by cleaning lenolium with gasoline sparked by heating stove are Brooks Bolick, 28, MesxxBuemkexBmittekyx2% Patricia Bolick 10, Sue Bolick 9, Jane Bolick 5, and Billy Swicegood, 21, all of Rt 1, Statesville, N.C. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, the Statesville Fireman, investigated. No inquest necessary, and home accident cause of deaths. Marvin W. oe Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Esther Jepson \O5s wife of Ruben D. Bo ’ 256 Forest Avenue, Cohasset, Mass., to her death at about 533 PM. this date due to severe brain laceration and chest injuries de to injuries received in auto-truck wreck at intersection of NC 150-115. The husband of the deceased, as listed above, was the driver of a 1953 Plymouth coach headed west on NC # 150, and ran into the path of 57 Ford 2 ton drink truck driven by Keith Ray McGee, Rt 6, Box nos Sali tbors, N.C. McGee stated that he saw the Plymouth prior to the impact, and that he was driving about 45 MPH headed south on IL5, that he applied his brakes prior to the impact, that he had no intent in striking the auto. State Highway Patrolman C.W. Warren investigated, and Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned checked to the scene of the wreck, and deemed that no inquest was necessary. Skid marks for the drink truck were 87 feet, and George Wilson, 50 McLelland avemué, Mooresville, who was on a farm tractor and involved, stated about the same as McGee. Karvin W. Wage Coroner, Iredell county. June 25, 1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Mr. Charles A. Bolt, white, male, age 5, came to his death at 11:h5 A.M., June 25, 1957, due to a fractured skull, caused by a fall in the printing room at the Statesville Daily Record. Dr. H. Lee Large, Pathologist, Charlotte, North Carolina, performed an autopsy to determine the cause of death. This death is classif#fiédcdas an industrial accident. Their was on evidence of foul play. No inquest was necessary. Autopsy report attached hereto. Coroner IredelY¥ County AUTOPSY REPORT PRESBYTERIAN HOGPITAL CHARLOTTE, Nw. C. “Bolt, ‘Charles A. ‘w | [a7 Brow. beacon ATTENDING PHYSICIAN JOURS POST MORTEM DATE OF AUTOPSY. Dr. John Rosser 3 hours | June 25, 1957 ANATOMIC IMPRESSION: Recent fracture left temporal and sphenoid bones (no demonstrable central nervous system lesion). | Small abrasions and contussiens lower left parietal scalp and bridge ef nose. Mild vessicular Oakes Solitary bullous right lower lobe of jung. Hyperplastic duodenal rugae (moderate). | 4 eats ¢ examination of inner organs confirms the gross f 8. The bullous in the right lower lebe of the 1 has been ede ly, the seat of an erruption of a portion of its continuity as manifest by the interstitial hemorrhage in the immediate picinity. The other findings of interest are the small fracture of the left Senyetee and sphenoid bones with the histologically demonstrated 1 focus of perivascular hemorrhage, in an under] convolution cf the brain, and the small nenexmaee fortuitously histolegically demanstrated in the fat tissue immediately adjacent to the pancreas. In the eyes of the pathologist, these findings alone, and without correlation with the d events which occurred to produce the demise of this man, are rather unsatisfectory. In the absence of any inflammatery response, and in particular a granulocytic re at the sites of the focal hemorrhages, would cate the lee fen occurred probably very shortly before death. In the absence of underlying significant brain en the skull fracture be reas- omably excluded as a cause of - It is more likely it was siaied class the thetas war opened tier waver and'Se ait oncaped ¢e since the rax was er water e Without the benefit of adntache taal Clinical information, the relationship of the bulleus lesion in the lung as a cause of — death is ectural, However, no other a morpholegically have been ithd to explain the demise of this man. One might $s st the pessibility of a pleurevisceral shock, or reflex synco- death related to a slight mechanical sajuny of the pleura at e@ time ef a tear with resulting h of the bullous, or secondly, the possibility of a fortuitous air embolism to a vital center. Definitive evidence for air embolism, however, has not been discovered unless the small focus of heme @ edjacent to the pan creatic head could be related to such. Air em in the reettts tad gle Tet ctatatannd eesti SPARS eethegts tract at o @ on a portico the. walls of the bullous. The fact stilt remains that the mechanian of death is conjectural. (Continued on page # 2) M. LEE LARGE, JR., M. O., PATHOLOGIST FORM NO. 196 AUTOPSY REPORT | , PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL CHARLOTTE, wn. C. a NOSPITAL No. AUTOPSY NO. | 47 7-1 .M, : -A-691 MORTEM DATE OF. AUTOPSY Dr. John Rosser June 25, 1957 PAGE # 2 | |Race Ww e Bolt, Charles A. ATTENDING PHYSICIAN Mild vessieular emphysema, and recent tear of wall of bullous of right lower lobe of lung. Recent fracture of left temporal and sphenoid bones ( no demon- strable central nervous system lesion except minute focus of peters ree ee hemorrhage in convolution underlying fracture). Small abrasions and contusions lower left parietal scalp and bridge of nose. | Hyperplastic duedenal rugae. HM. LEE LARGE, JR.. M. O., PATHOLOGIST MLL: es Bolt, Charles A. #57-0. P.(I.M.) Pe Ar 691 EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: 2 The bedy is that of a well developed and well nourished rather tall white male. Dependent lividity is present, but post mortem rigidity is not demonstratéd. Pupils are equal and round, and the conjunctiva are clear. Bedy erifices are not remarkable. A small abrasion and contussion is present over the left lower temporal region, and the bridge of the nese. There is a small amount of encrusted blood at the ti ef the nose, which apparently derived from the lesion en the bridge, since the nares are clear, On the nasal septum of the right is a small knot like protrusion at the ti There is a moderate deformity ef the distal phalanx and nail of the left forefinger, and the distal portien ef the fingers perticstariy are somewhat discolored a grayish bleck. There $ a conspicuous onychemycesis afflicting the nails of the great toes. Both forearms are the seat scattered linear scars, ome of which is associated with adjacent suture marks on the left forearm, The left elbow is apparently slightly deformed, and cannot be quite fully extended. Otherwise, the extrenities are bilaterally equal and symmetrical end free of evidence fer edema. The genitalia are these of a normal adult male with a small nodule resend] an onecomeee cyst at the base of the scrotum anteriorly on @ right. The subcutaneous ceanective and fat tissue of the anterior abdominal wall and thorax is moderately moist, yellewish, and rather well develeped, measuring 1.5 cm. {in thickness. The skeletal musculature of the anterier abdominal wall and theorem is quite well developed and a rich red in color. It is moderately moist. The pericardial sac and pleural cavities bilaterally contain normal quantities of clear straw colored fluid. The parietal pericardium is net remarkable. The parietal pleura, more conspicueusly on the left pesteriorly and on the surface ef the diaphragm presents scattered elevated firm grayish plaq s the surfaces of which are smooth, which are isolated and confluent and which measure up te 10 cm. A couple of smaller similar plaques are observed en the right. However, it shoul be noted that the theracies were epened under water and ne air escaped. In addition, the right parietal pleura is rou ened by remnants of firm adhesions in the vicinity of the bulleus on the right lower lobe as described belew. Heart: Weight 210 gms. It is normal in shape, size and pesiti Thats is ne evidense for dilatation. A couple ef silk atches are noted en the anterior and lateral episard- trig the larger measuring 4 cm. The overl epicardi hewever, is quite smooth and glistening. ergen is normal in consistancy. The cardium of the ri ven tricle measures 0.3 cm. and t ef the left 1.6 em. Rach is faixly firmly contracted and presents a normal Bolt, Cc. A. ; #57-I.M. P- A- 69) i. reddish brewn fibrillary exehitectae upon its cut surface. The endocardium chambers valvular appara- tus are net remarkable. Careful search for searr in the endocardium and myocardium is not aevseeter: The coromary arteries are epened as far as possible and they disclese eceasi atheromatous plaques none of which compromise the lumina and none 65 whi are ulcerated. A few similar plaques noted in the ascending aorta which are somewhat more the descending s » Wear the bifurcation and has a small fleck ef adherent. reddish material. LYBG81 : For the most part the pleural surfaces are smooth, mois and glistening, However, in the right base behind theré is em area of roughe the result of the af ed adhesions, and a eus is inadvertently torn as the 1 is removed. This bullous is estimated te have meas appreximately 6 cm. Portions of its walls are See eteniae, and others ave somewhat os and hy- eremic. The remaining pertions of the lung tissue over e@eir pleural surfaces are pinkish gray in color, and smooth and glist . The right lung weighs 555 gms, and the left weighs 552 gms. ir cut surfaces are: preg pen gray in color, and t cut with ae slight crep- tation. There is but a mi heney combing more conspicueusly in the apices. Palpeble pete eree nodule or foci are not discovered, nor is there significant: evidence for passive hyperemia. The hilar structures are bilaterally dissected and present no abnormalities, and in particular a careful search among the pulmonary vessels fails te disclese any abnormalities. The peritoneal cavity contains a normal quantity ef clear 4 fl and organs are in their normal anatomical pesitions. Maso ial surfaces are glistening. Spleen: The spleen is normal ia eaee size and position. It is moderately firm and mainta its crescentic shape well when placed on the table. The reddish purple cut wore discloses a normal trabeculo-follicular arehi- ecture. Adrenals Bilaterally net remarkable. Bolt, C. A. : | #57-I.m . P-A-691 Kidneys; One weighs 207 gms. and the other weighs 208 gms. The Capsule ef each is easily removed to reveal a reddish brown emooth and gliste surface. The cut surfaces are reddish brown and shew a normal propertion ef cor- tex and medulla ene te the ether. The tecture ef . each is easily discerned, well preserv and the cor- tico-medull line is well preserved. The calyces, pelves, ureters and hilar vessels are met remarkable. = The and stomach are not remarkable. In the first portion of the jm the rugae are somewhat exaggerated, but otherwise the du as well as the first pertioen ef the are mer- sal pide cuca, inter ate sth agua seas Ret a's She atheresclere re Ro sis ef branches of pesenteric arteries, bivex: Weighti830 gms. It is moderately f reddish and the inferior margins are sharp. The capsule is | smooth and glistening. The cut surface shows a discern- ible, theo Rot accentuated lebular architecture. — Zatestines: The remainder of the small and large intestines are re- meved and opened and disclose ne rmalities,. PELVIC ORGANS; The ur bladder contains a small meee ty ot clear poe fluid. The mucesa is intact. The prostate presents dlaterally ical umenlarged lebes. The cut surfaces are net r ble. The seminal vesicles are normal. The rectum shews no abnormslities. The stalp is incised and the calvariue remeved ef the usual fashion. In the lower aspect of the left etel bene is an irregular fracture extendi ete oe entire thick- mess of the bone. This fracture line c 8 ) spheneid bene and onte the cerebral surface behind the orbit on the left. There is but a slight discoloration ef the dura at this site, which is reddish purp fe subdural hematoma mor ts there an associated subarachnoid hemorrhage. There is a slight regional lation in the soft tissues edd musculature in immediate vicinity of the fracture and extending for a distance of ne greater than 1 em, from aks 180 Gere is Bot water § om, and clear spinal fluid. escapes when & opened, monigges are not remarkable,. and in particular,., careful search over the surfaces of . Bolt, Mr. G. A. #57- z. 8. ' PeA-691 cerebral hemispheres as well as the remainder of the brain show no abnormalities, including evidence for petechiae or Contussions. The brain is sectioned after Virchow's method in the fresh state in innumerable sections. Careful search beneath the area of fracture and in the contrecoup position disclose no focal hemorrhages in the cerebral cortices or underlying white matter. There is no evidence of brain edema, and the uncus of each temporal lobe is normal. aeest Borecnt’ pons, medulla oblengata, and cerebellum disclese no ormal- ities. Nowhere about the rest of the cranium or basal portion of the brain or the skull is there any evidence for fracture. Rone_and Bone Marrow: | These disclose no abnormalities. é MBGK ORGANS : The trachea is opened, and the larynx ooety visualized. No abnormalities are detected. The thyroid is bilaterally symmet- vical and discloses no abnormalities. The vicinity of the Carotid bifurcation of either side is palpeted, and no tumor discovered. It should be noted that the venous blood is dark bluish, and gastric contents have no abnormal odor. H, Lee Large, Jr. M. D. “Bolt, Mr. C. A. Normal. The grossly described milk eee is reflected by a superficial hyalinization and focal light sprinkling of lympho cytes. Aoxtah The section includes a focal intimal thickening in which is observed a light collection of lymphocytes with occasioaal foam cells. A small focus in the media is manifest by reduct- ion in numbers of nuclei. However, no defect is produced, hungsi * section to include a pertron of the grossly described | llous structure shows that the wall of the latter is largely hyalinized, and furthermore shows zones of interstitial hemo- rrhage unattended by an inflammatory infiltration. The immed- lately contiguous parenchyma of the lung, focally the seat of a hyadlinization, is the seat of a similar rather conspicuous interstitial hemorrhage. Entrapped clear air filled speces are included. The opposite lung presents scattered carbon lader macrophages, and shows several rather ee alveolar spaces iné te which protrude the chubbed free ends of interalveolar septae iiachea_and_Esoohasusy Essentially normal. The connective tissue tween the two is not remarkable. Parietal Pleuxa: A section is made to include one of the grossly de- scr yaline plaques which is seen to be merely a zone of marked hyalinization adjacent to which is a focal perivascular lymphocytic infiltration. An occasional lymph follicle presents several lipophagias, and otherwise the spleen is not remarkable. Adxena): Normal. bidneva; Normal. The glomerular, tubular and vascular apparatus are well preserved. ahomaghi The section is made across ee pyieres to inelude the rst portion of the duodenum. No ormalities are discovered. Islets, ducts and acini are not remarkable. Immediately Contiguous small fleck of fat tissue shows a focus of inter- stitial hemorrhage unattended by any inflammatory change. Gallbladder: Normal. Liver; Normal. Jlevs: Normal. Appendix; Normal. Golon; Normal. t & is Bolt, Mr. ©. A. Urinary bladder; Normal. Prostate: Normal. , Seminal vesicles; Normal. Skeletal muscle; Normal. Bone_ané_Bone Marpowi Sections taken through rib and vertebra are not remarkable. Skull: A section made through the grossly described lesion in the skull is attended by a recent extravasation of erythrocytes into interstices of kmmediately contiguous exterior soft tissue and skeletal muscle unattended by any inflammatory response whatsoever, and in particular is there no granulocytic response In the immediately adjacent bone marrow is a small amount of , interstitial hemorrhage. Sections made through the brain to include cerebral sortex n the vicinity of the aforedescribed fracture, basal ganglia, pons, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord. The architecture of the cerebral cortex and underlying white matter is well pre- served. There is, nevertheless, a small artery the seat of a perivascular hemorrhage into the Virchew-Robin spaces and ex- tending but minimally into immediately adjacent interstices. This is not attended by demonstrable inflammatory response. The brain stem discloses no abmormalities except for a solitary focus of perivascular lymphocytic infiltration by lymphosytes plasma cells about a very small subsurface vessel. The br is not otherwise remarkable. H. Lee Large, Jr. M. D. i le of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Parks Boovey, 28, 229 1/2 Edgeworth Street, Greensboro, N.C. came to his death at’5:00 PM this date due to accidental discharge of 22 calibre rifle held by Paul Thomas Fox, 17, at the Jason Fox home, 6001 Spring's Township, Rei'.De 4, Statesville, NeCe The accident happened in the yard of the Fox home. Paul Thomas Fox stated to Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned that he and the deceased had been hunting all day, that they were brother-in-laws, that he went by Boovey's mothers home at 7:30 AM this date to pick Boovey up to go hunting today, that they had planned an all day hunting trip, that they had come in from hunting and were in the yard shooting at birds in the trees on the east side of the house, that his rifle jammed, a semi-automatic, and that in trying to get the gun unjammed, that the side bolt slipped free from his fingers and that his gun fired striking Boovey in the left posterior thoracic region about mid-thoracic area, that Boovey slumpled and never said a word and died a few minutes later, that an ambulance was called, but Boovey was dead when it arrived, that there was no quarreli and no liquor whatsoever involved. That Boovey was to his right when his gun discharged. Egamination of the body of Boovey revealed that the bullet lodged in his spine. oe After double check was made by Sheriff Charlie Rumple ami the undersigned, no inquest was necessary, etonend fargo Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Gus Borders, colored. Gus Borders, colored, age 52, fell: dead on his bed at about 9 o'clock Sunday night, April lst. He had had a spell in the é@arly afternoon and then another attack at 9 o'clock that night. The family thought that he had died from a heart attack. There were no marks or brusies on the body.and Sheriff Morrison and myself deemed an inquest unnecessary. Gus Borders lived in Rabbittown. This the Srd day of April, 1945. : ; Coronér of Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Randolph Borders’ Randolph Borders, age 56, was found dead in bed this morning about 6:30. His wife said that he had a weak heart and she thought that he must have had a heart attack. Dr. Little was called and he came and made an investigation and he though that Randolph Borders died with a heart attack. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. There were no marks or bruises found on the body. This the 7th day of June, 1945. 4 (Id pho oroner of iredel.l County.” Ceroner's Report on death of - Garl Best, On Saturday 7 Mighteten Laver 218t,1929,I was called to investigate the finding of a dead body on #26 highway (Charlotte read) and the game proved to be that of above named party. The body was found about 50 feet from the roadside in a eluap of bushes. . It was removed by my opder to the undertaking parlors of Johnson's Funeral home and Dr.R.S.McElwee,countynphysician was called to make a t§jorough investigation of the torso. Said examination by Dr.MeElwee failed to reveal any outward signs of violence whatever - no br&ises,or broken bones. The mouth and throat indicated burns as by some caustic fluid and it being reliably learned that Mr.Bost had on the morning before purchased carbolic acid from the Boulevard Deus Store,it was detinately degiaes 2.Unkhe Papstaien, task Aegth yas tee Fesutt or se his death. Therefore it was deemed entirely unnecessary to gummanmadx summon a jury for investigation as to cause of the death, jury was sommoned. CORONERS REPORT JOHN L. BOST,Deceased ' Nove 5,1950 Statesville,N.C. FACTS IN THE CASE: Saturday,November 4,1950 at 7:34 P.M. the City Police Department received a call to come to the corner of Shelton Avenue and NcElwee Streets,stating a man had been run over by a truck. Officers H.P. Lackey and C.L.Pierson answered the call. They found John L.Bost © lying three feet from the curb on the East side of the highway. He was placed in a transit ambulance from Virginia and carried to the H.F.Long Hospital in this City,where he died the following morning, \ov.eSpl¢50. WITNESSES: Officer H.P.Lackey stated: He found Mr.Bost lying three feet from the curbing on the right side traveling north. ke was 26 ft. from the front of the truck. Shelton Avenue is 43 ft. wide at this point. The 1938 Chevorlet truck, driven by Mr. Clyde Hoke of Rt.#1, Statesville,N.C. was headed North twords Statesville. There was evidence the brakes had been applied, not in full force, for 57 ft. before striking the victam. He further stated lir-sost's right leg was broken almost into between the ankle and knee,and there was a knot on his head over his right eye. He stated Mr.Hope appeared to be normal except for excitement. In his opinion he did not think the truck was traveling over 35 M.P.H. MreClyde Hoke stated: He was driving his truck horth and had just passed the inter- section of Shelton Ave. & McElwee Sts. and had dimmed his lights for an approaching car. Just on the crest of the hill he noticed a man standing near the center of the Street and he seemed to pause or hesitate as if to descide whither or not to attempt to complete the crossing. Just as Hoke was about 12 ft. away,he darted infront of his truck. He applied his brakes hard,but was too close to avoid the impact. He stated he applied his brakes lightly when he saw the man;enough to check his speed from not over 35 MeP.H. to about 20 or 25 N.P.H.« He stated he and hir-iost were good friends,and had known each other over a long period of years. VEREDICT: We,members of the Coroners Jury find that the deceased, John L.Bost came to his death from injuries received from being struck by a truck drived by Clyde Hoke. We further agree that Clyde Hoke be exonerated of all blame,as it appears to be a clear case of an unavoidable accident. JU RYMEN 3 es E.Meachan, Fred T.EIliott redell County J.-B. goforth Charles Feimster H.D.Summers W.S.Poteat wW.C.Lunsford * Pebruary 17th, 1918 Dr. John Reece Grace Hospital ¥vorganton,. yw. C.: 3 Dear Doctor Resce: Oscar Bost, colored male, age 25, was seen in the. accident room of ‘this hospital on 1-31-58, dt 11:00 p.m. He had’ sustained & gunshot. wound: of the right hand, shortly before coming to the hospital. fxarination at this time revealed patient to. be conscious. BP was 80/60. Heart and lun,s were normal. A. tourniquet was applied to the right arm and he was given 500 c.c. of plasma. Blood pressure rosé to.155/904 Patient waa then taken to the Operating Room. Anesthesia was inducted with Pentothal Sodium, followed by 60-8. « Wéamdnation of ‘the Fight hand revealed marked destruction vf the - Boft tissues. There were multiple comminuted fractures of alk of “ - the, metacarpal bones except the Sth. ‘he distal row of carpal bones was also badly. comminuted. © Flexor and extensor tendons. to all fingers except the flexor tendons to the Sth finger were badly lagerated. Believing that no useful function of the hand.cunld be restored, the usual” type amputation was then d-ne, just above the wrist joint, : Patient received 1,000 c.a. of 5¢ glucose in normal saline while on’ the: table and his‘general condition seemed fairly yood when he left ¢ the opérating room. At 6:00 a.m. the following morning, his pressure had fallen to 80/60 and ke was given 500 c.cy of plasma, followed by 1,000 c.0.. of 5% glucose, During the day, patient seemed comatose and heart. action was irregular. Hb. was reported at 6O€; R.B.C. _Kiy630,000; W.B.C. 6,600; a catheterised urine specimen revealed a ‘faint trace of albumin and occasional granular casts, otherwise nege- _ Give. Blood urea was 10,0) and blood sugar was 85. During the day he was given 900 c.0. of citrated blood. He had previously been ~ placed: on Penicillin 40,000 units every three hours and. had received # Combined prophylactic. dose of tetanus and as gangrene antitoxin, . ‘Morphine sulphate gr. 4 was given every four hours as‘ needed for pain: - <His course during the day,.conténued about the samé. Systolic blood . pressure remained around 100, diastolic pressure could not be deter- mined satisfactorily. He appeared somewhat restless and did not at. _ auy time fully regain censojousness. His ene ssire ‘rose to 101.h F at, 8300 pom, and. he expired very suddenly at: 8:08 pam. . ‘ I hope this information will be“sufficient to complete your records in this case, cs ee fe SG Very sincerely yours, FLC/jw $3 Py Le Carpenter, Jr. MeDe CC: Devil L. Pressly, M.D, be oe Coroner GRACE HOSPITAL INCORPORATED ADMINISTRATOR: FOUNDED BY THE REV. WALTER HUGHSON. W. STANLEY MOORE MORGANTON, N. C. February 25, 198 Dr. David L. Pressly Statesville, North Carolina Dear David: I am enclosing a copy of the protocol in the autopsy on Oscar Bost along with my bill for $100.00. I hope that you will find the descriptions complete in this case. If there is additional information that we can give you, I will be most pleased to attempt to do so. Thank you very much for contacting me concerning this case and I have enjoyed working it out. Dr. Carpenter at the H. F. Long Hospital was kind enough to send me a complete abstract of the case last week. I am including that within the body of the protocol under the clinical abstract. I hope that you can stop by to see us in Morganton on your travel through this part of the state sometime. . ie JCR:FH Encl. (2) A-8-)\8 (Out - Long Memorial Hospital) Bost, Oscar (col.) Age: 25 Sex: Male Admitted to H. F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N. C., at: 11:00 P. M. January 31, 198. Died: February 1, 1948, at 8:08 P. M. Autopsied: February 2, 1948, at Barnes Funeral Home, Hickory, N. C., at 11:00 Ag (Autopsy was ordered by Dr. David L. Pressly, coroner of Iredell County). CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: 1. Gunshot wound of right hand, extensive, severe, necessitating amputation. CLINICAL CAUSE OF DEATH: None given. PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: 1. Surgical amputation of right hand 2. Fat emboli, multiple, cerebral, renal and pulmonary. PATHOLOGICAL CAUSE O: DEATH: 1. Fat embolization involving brain, lungs, kidneys. CLINICAL ABSTRACT : This colored male, age 25, was seen in the accident room of the H. F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N. C., on January 31, 198, at 11:00 P. M. He had sustained a gunshot wound of the right hand, shortly before coming to the hospital. Examination at this time revealed patient to be conscious. BP was 80/60. Heart and lungs were normal. A tourniquet was applied to the right arm and he was given 500 cc of plasma. Blood pressure rose to 155/90. Patient was then taken to the Operating Room. Anesthesia was inducted with Pentothal Sodium, followed by G-O-E. Examination of the right hand revealed marked destruction of the soft tissues. There were multiple comminuted fractures of all of the meta- carpal bones except the 5th. The distal row of carpal bones was also badly comminuted. Flexor and extensor tendons to all fingers except the flexor tendons to the 5th. finger were badly lacerated. Believing that no useful function of the hand could be restored, the usual type amputation was then done, just above the wrist joint. Patient received 1,000 cc of 5% glucose in normal saline while on the table and his general condition seemed fairly good when he left the Sree eos At 6:00 A. M. the following morning, his pressure had fallen to 80/60 and he was given 500 cc of plasma, followed by 1,000 cc of 5% glucose. During the day, patient seemed comatose and heart action was irregular. Hgb. was reported at 60%; R.B.C. 4,630,000; W.B.C. 6,600; a catheterized urine specimen revealed a faint trace of albumin and occasional granular casts, otherwise negative. Blood urea was 10.03; and blood sugar was 85. During the day he was given 500 cc of citrated blood, He had previously been placed on Penicillin 0,000 units every three hours and had received a combined prophylactic dose of tetanus and gas gangrene antitoxin. Morphine sulphate gr. $ was given every four hours as needed for pain. His course during the day continued about the same. Systolic blood pressure remained around 100, diastolic pressure could not be determined satisfactorily. He appeared somewhat restless and did not at any time fully regain consciousness. His temperature rose to 101.) F. at 8:00 P. M. and he expired very suddenly at 8:08 P. Me (The above clinical abstract was furnished by Dr. F. L. Carpenter, Jr., H. F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N. C.) EXTERNAL DESCRIPTION: The body is that of a well developed and well nourished adult colored male reported to be 25 years of age. The body measures 5' 114" in length and weighs approximately 190 pounds. The scalp is covered with a normal growth of hair. The external auditory canals, eyes, nose and oral passages are normal. The neck, thorax and abdomen are normal in contour and the paired extremities are normally formed. The right hand has been surgically amputated just proximal to the wrist joint. There are several superficial abrasions high up on the right forearm and right arm and a superficial bruise on the posterior surface of the right shoulder. There is an old healed scar over the left arm near the insertion of the deltoid muscle. The external genitalia are those of a normal adult male. Body heat is absent and rigor mortis is strong. Arterial injection of embalming has been performed before the autopsy. / INTERNAL DESCRIPTION: Sections reveal well developed thoracic and abdominal muscles with a@ normal amount of subcutaneous fat. The peritoneal cavity is opened and its boundaries are within normal limits. The peritoneal surfaces are smooth and glistening and there is no evidence of fluid or blood within the cavity. All of the organs within the abdominal cavity are normal in size, shape, position and relationship. The thoracic cavity is opened and the pleural, pericardial and mediastinal cavities are normally formed. Both pleural cavities are free from fluid or blood. ; The pericardial cavity is opened and there is no evidence of fluid or blood. Organs: The heart weighs 375 grams. The epicardial surfaces are smooth and glistening. On section, the myocardium is normal in color and there is no evidence of recent or healed infarction. The chambers of the heart are normally proportioned and distended with post mortem blood clots. The endocardial surfaces are smooth and glistening. The valves fail to show gross abnormalities. The coronary arteries are normally distri- buted and patent throughout their entire course. The aorta and great vessels are normally formed. There is no evidence of thrombi or emboli within the right side of the heart or the pulmonary circulation. The lungs are light and crepitant and show a moderate degree of con= gestion in the dependent portions. Several fibrous adhesions exist between the visceral and parietal pleura. On section the cut surfaces are moist. The lung parenchyma is crepitant throughout. A small amount of frothy, hemorrhagic fluid is present in the large bronchi. Mediastinum: The structures of the mediastinum are normal in arrangement. The thymus gland is small, represented by lipoid and fibrous tissue. There is no evidence of mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The liver is normally lobulated with the capsule smooth and intact. On section the architecture is normal. There is a moderate degree of congestion of the sinusoids. The gall bladder contains dark green viscid bile. The wall is thin and pliabie ana the biliary passages are patent throughout their entire course. Spleen: The capsule is smooth and normal. On section, the cut surface is moist and Malpighian corpuscles stand out prominently and the pulp is firm. Gastrointestinal system: Normal throughout with the mucosa of the pylorus, and duodenum intacte Pancreas: Normally lobulated with the pancreatic duct patent. ae Adrenals: Normal in structure. On section the cortical and medullary portions are well preserved. Kidneys: Normal in size, shape and consistency and imbedded in a normal amount of perinephritic fat. On section, the markings of the cortex and medulla are normal. The capsule strips with a normal degree of resistence. The pelves are normally formed; the ureters are patent and pursue their normal course to the bladder. The bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles and testicles are normal in appearance. Head: The scalp is reflected from the skull. There is no evidence of extracranial hemorrhage. The calvarium is removed and there is no evidence of subdural or extradural hemorrhage. The dura is reflected from the brain and there is no fluid or blood in the subdural space. The brain is removed from the cranial cavity, is normal in size and shape, weighing 1490 grams. The convolutions and sulci are normally proportioned with no evidence of congestion of the vessels. On section the gray and white matter are normally proportioned. There is a moderate degree of congestion of the vessels near the internal capsule. There is no evidence of hemorrhage into the stroma. The pituitary gland is normale Microscopic Examination: Heart: The sections from the myocardium show the strands of cardiac: muscle cells to be intact with the nuclei well preserved and the cross striations distinct. There is a moderate degree of congestion of the vessels and a few vacuoles are present in areas within the vessels. Sections from the coronary arteries fail to show significant abnormalities of the wall and there is no evidence of sclerosis. A few superficial areas of scarring are observed within the myocardium. These appear to be old, well healed, and microscopic in size. Aorta: Sections from the aorta show all three coats to be normal in texture and there is no evidence of arteriosclerotic change. Thymus: The stroma is replaced and represented by large groups of fibroblastic cells and lipoid tissue cells. Mediastinal lymph nodes: Normal, showing areas of fibrosis and amorphous deposits. Lungs: The lung parenchyma shows numerous areas that are extremely congested with the vessels distended with red blood cells and numerous vacuoles within the vessels. Additional sections throughout the lung parenchyma show peribronchial areas to be infiltrated with acute inflammatory cells. Many of the smaller alveoli near the bronchi are completely filled with acute inflammatory cells. The interalveolar septa are edematous and swollen in places and the venules within the septa con- tain vacuoles. Nile blue sulfate stains for fat reveal numerous fat globules in the smaller capillaries of the lung parenchyma. at. liver: The normal architecture is relatively well preserved with the lobules well formed and the central veins distended. The radial cords of cells are intact and show some degeneration of the cytoplasm with fine, granular pigment deposits. The nuclei in most of the cells are distinct. Spleen: The stroma is normal showing a moderate degree of con- gestion. The Malpighian corpuscles are distinct, a few possessing germinal centerse . Sections from the gastrointestinal tract fail to reveal significant abnormalities. Adrenals: Normal, and show the normal architecture with the medullary portion well preserved. The radial cords of cells in the cortex show large fat vacuoles within the cytoplasm. Kidneys: Sections from the cortex and medullary portions. show the glomeruli and tubules to be normal in structure, the capillary tufts patent and containing red blood corpuscles. A few areas within the capillary tufts show vacuoles. Staining of these reveals fat globules in the capillary tufts. There is a moderate degree of congestion throughout the medullary portion. The tubules contain amorphous deposits with a few red blood cells. Prostate: Normal. Brain: Sections from the cerebral cortex show some congestion of the cortical vessels. Many of the vessels are distended with red blood cells and there are several vacuoles within the vessels. There is some early degeneration of the glial cells and astrocytic cells of the brain. Very few areas show superficial perivascular extravasation of blood. Nile blue sulfate stains reveal the presence of neutral fat globules within the vessels. Pituitary: Normal. FINAL PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: l. Fat emboli, multiple, involving lungs, kidneys, brain. 2. Surgical amputation of right hand following gunshot wound. Referencet--FAT EMBOLISM, Warren-Shields: American Journal of Pathology: January, 196: Vol. XXII, No. 1: PPpe 69-88. Coroners Investigation in death of Robey Augustus Bost, age 71, August 21, 1943. Mr. Robey Augustus Bost, age 71, Troutman, N. C., was found dead in his field Saturday night about nine o'clock » after a seasch instituted by his family when he did not come in. Dr.Little examined the body and found that death occurred from a heart attack. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held, W. H. Shuford, deputy, assisted me in this investigation. August 23, 1943. \ ve Mr br dn N. D. Tomlin, Coroner Meacham & Watts eMasonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured . Concrete Products Statesville, North Carolina CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Calvin Augustus Bottoms, Deceased Route#2,Union Grove,N.C. Widowed ,Male,White,Aged 75 years. FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased died suddenly at his home at above address at #;10 A.M. on Feb.15,1049. Members of his family heard him fall on the front porch and carried him to the bed room. A doctor was summonsed and found him dead on arrival. FINDINGS: Sheriff W.D.Morrison assisted in the investigation,and in view of the fact the deceased had suffered with a heart condition many years, and was taking medecine to stimilate the heart;there being no evidence of any foul play,no inquest was thought necessary. The family doctor,Dr.J.M.Robertson it was stated,had warned the family that death may occur in this manner at any time. Death was contributed to a heart attack. The body was removed to the Bunch Funeral Home, Statesville,N.C. for further disposition. Member North Carolina Concrete Masonry Association / State: Nerth Carolina County: Iredell RE: Rebert Bettems, White, Male, Ag Female. OFFENSE: (1) Murder (2) Assault with a deadly weapon te-wit: a pistol TIME: 9:45 P.M., DATE: August 6, 1959, REPORTED BY: Desk Set., City P. D., TIME REPORTED 10:10 P.M., August 6, 1959, REPORTED TO: Kinder, HOW REPORTED: Radio, OFFICERS ASSIGNED: Kinder, Myers, Boeding, Thompson, Maness, and Redmend, PERSONS ATTACKED: Rebert Bettems and Betty Jean Jacksen. . , DETAILS: In censequence te a radio message from the Desk Sergeant at the City Pelice Department, the assigned officers went te the heme ef Charlie Baker, en the Leve Valley Read, near Reck Hill Church, and upen arrival at the Baker heme we feund the dead bedy ef Robert Bettoms lying on the ground, at the kitchen deer, face up. Bottoms had been shot twice with a pistel; ence in the forehead and ence in the chest. We also found that Betty Jean Jacksen (Step-daughter ef Charlie Baker) had been shot twice and was being baken to the Davis Hespital by her boyfriend, Melvin Dea, of 7th Street, Statesville. When Cerener Raymer arrived at the scene the Reavis Funeral Home, in Harmeny, was summened to remeve the bedy of Rebert Bettems te the Reavis Funeral, in Harmony. The assigned efficers talked with Charlie Baker and his wife, and they stated to us that Rebert Bettoms, Vernie Poole, and Wilsen Brewn, came to their heme at approximately 9:30 P.M. tonight, and that they were all drinking. Charlie Baker stated that he asked them (Brewn, Poele, and Bettoms) to leave and that if they didn't leave that he was going to call the law. Baker stated that Rebert Bettoms was trying to get Wilson Brewn to let him drive his (Brewn's) car and that the next thing he (Baker) knew he heard some shots and that Robert Bettoms walked about forty er fifty feet toward the heuse and that he drepped dead near the kitchen doer. Baker stated that Betty Jean Jackson was standing near Rebert Bettems (mear the car) and that she was shot twice. Baker stated that he then went frem his heme te the heme ef Ralph Millsaps and called the law. Baker further stated that immediately after the sheoting that Wilsen Brewn and Clyde Williams left his heme in Wilson Brewn's car, and that they headed toward Gates HZerden's Store. The assigned officers immediately started a search fer Wilsen Brown. We first went to the home ef Clyde Williams, but did not find anyone at home, and then we went on to the home ef Clyde Wilson's, CM, (lives near the eil tanks en highway #115), where we “ound Wilson Brewn's car parked in the yard. We talked with Clyde Wilson: and he stated to us that Wildon Brewn hed been at his home, but that when he (Brewn) saw a car drive up to the heuse, that he (Brewn) ran out the back deor. At this time Deputy Geedin shined a spet light in threugh the windew ef the Wilsen home and he (Geodin) saw Wilsen Brewn and Clyde Williams in the heuse. Deputy Geodin then called te Wilsen Brewn and told him te put up his Bands and come eut ef the heuse, and Wilsen Brewn did raise his hands and walked out ef the house. The assigned efficers then put Clyde Williams and Wilsen Brewn inte the car and talked with them abeut the shooting and Wilsen Brewn admitted to us that he was the one whe had dene the sheoting at the Baker home, but stated that he did net know that anyone was hurt er killed. Brewn stated te us that he had left his home, en the Chbhbley Ford Read, near highway #901, at appreximately 12:00 o'click noon, August 6, 1959, and that he went to the heme ef Clyde Williams, on the Grassy Kneb Church Read, and that he (Brewn) and Williams then went to Wilkes Ceunty, and that it was areund 1:00 P.M. when they reached Wilkes Ceunty and that they stayed in Wilkes Ceunty ugtil 5 or 6 etclick this afternoon, that they then returned te Iredell Ceunty and dreve to Gates Jorden's Stere, where he (Brewn) and Williams got themselves a soft drink and talked with Rebert Bettems and Vernie Poele. Brewn stated that Rebert Bettems and Vernie Peele then asked him to take them te Charlie Baker's heme, en the Leve Valley Read, and that by this time it was dark. Brewn further stated that when they (Clyde Williams, Vernie Peele, Rebert Bettems, and Brewn) arrived at the Baker heme that Betty Jean Jackson teld him to leave. Baker stated that he had lost his car keys and that he teld her (Betty Jackson) that as soon as he feund Continued en Page 2 Page 2 August 6, 1959 State: Nerth Carelina Ceunty: Iredell RE: Rebert Bettems & Betty Jean Jackson - his car keys that he would leave, stated that he get out ef his car and raised the hoed and was trying to straight-wire the car, and that when he looked up frem under the heed that he saw Baker and his wife standing on the perch, and that Baker said te him (Brown) "If you don't leave I am geing inte the heuse and get my gun", Brewn stated that he then teld Baker that he would leave as quick as he found his car keys and that if he didn't find the keys that he would straight-wire the car. Baker stated that he then found his car keys lying en the ground beside the car, that he then picked them up and get back into his car, and that Rebert Bettems then jerked the car doer epen and said to him (Brewn) "God Dam you, you wen't you wen't do nething", and that he (Brown then grabbed his .22 Caliber Pistel, which was lying on the front seat ef his car and that he then shet some three or four times out the car window, which was relled down, stated that he then left the Baker home and went frem there to Clyde Wiléen's home and that he sold the pistel, that he had used in the shoeting, te Clyde Wilsen fer $2.00. Brewn further stated to us that he was drinking, but that he was not drunk. While we were talking with Brewn and Williams, Clyde Wilson breught a .Z2 Caliber pistol out ef his house, gave it to us, and stated that Wilsen Brewn had brought it to his heuse when he came there some twenty minutes prier te this time. The assigned officers then brought Wilsen Brewn to the Iredell Ceunty Jail and committed him te the Jail. I talked with Dr. E. R. Caldwell, attending physician on Betty Jean Jackson, and he stated that Betty Jean Jackson had been shot twice with a pistel; both shets entering the bedy from the back ef the body, stated that ene bullet had entered the right thigh and went all the way threugh her bedy, and that the ether shet entered her bedy just above the hip bones. Dr. Caldwell stated that Betty Jackson was in goed conditien at this time and that they would perform surgery tomorrew er the next day, depending en her cendition, te remeve the bullet frem her hip. Talked with Corener Raymer and he stated that Dr. T. V. Geede would perferm an autopsy en Rebert Bettoms, at 5:00 P.M., August 7, 1959, te remeve the bullets from the bedy. Ceroner Raymer stated that after the bullets were remeved that he would bring the bullets to the S Office te be used as evidence. /flwon Marvin W. Raymer Cerener, Iredell County \ ! « & T. V. GOODE, UI, M.D. P. M. DEATON, M.D. J. H. NICHOLSON, I, M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE, N. C. August 11, 1959 Mr. Marvin Raymer Coroner Iredell County Statesville, North Carolina Dear Mr. Raymer: On 8-7-59 at eight p. m., I performed an autopsy on Robert Bottoms at the Iredell Memorial Hospital morgue. Examination revealed the body of a middle aged, white male, approximately five feet, ten inches tall and weight estimated at 170 potinds. The only evidence of trauma was an abrasion about two by three inches of the right forehead, just above the eye; there was no puncture wound in this area. On the chest wall, to the right of the breast bone, at the level of the fourth rid, there was a small calliber bullet wound, directed from right to left. X-ray of the head revealed no evidence of any foreign body, such as a bullet, within the confines of the skull. X-ray of the chest revealed a small calliber bullet lying at the level of the eleventh rib, just to the right of the vertebral column. Upon opening the chest, the wound was found to transverse the heart, entering the anterior wall of the right ventricle and making its exit from the posterior wall of the same. From there, the bullet entered the left side of the diaphragm, or breathing muscle, where it was retrieved. There was consider- able bleeding, approximately a pint, contained within the pericardium, or covering of the heart. It is my opinion that the cause of death was internal hemorrhage, secondary to a penetrating wound of the heart, resulting from a 22 calliber bullet. The bullet is enclosed. Respectfully submitted, [leek ie T..¥. Goode III, M.D. TVG:cd Enclosure INVESTIGATION REPORT IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT bf Seuss hf AGL townsHip__NEW HOPE OF 7! A PISTOL TIME scepeeres UBS Pox oa vre_AUGUST 6, 1959 = How atracxed ncronreojpv DESK S@ho, CITY Pa De appress STATESVILLE, Ne Conc neTR 3eh31) MEANS OF ATTACK TIME neronreo 10110 Re AUGUST 6 1. $9 REPORTED +o_MIMDER OBJECT OF ATTACK How rREePorTeo__RADTO - TRADE MARK PERSONS ATTACKED ROBERT BOTTOMS AND BETTY JEAN JACKSON PROPERTY ATTACKED VEHICLE USED. ao — DETAILS OF OFFENSE: (STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION, ACTION TAKEN, WITNESSES INTERVIEWED. ETC.) : - i In consequenes to a radio Department, tha eastgned officers want to che heme of Charlie Dakar, sn sha was swmoned to remove the body of Robert Bottons to the Reavis Funeral, in Harmony This case ss declared UNFOUNDED CLEARED BY ARREST EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED... Ld SIGNED. INACTIVE (NoT CLEARED) RECOVERED VALUE QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use A STANDARD DESCRIPTION) cer iMArEO e M RECOVERED OWNER NOTIFIED BY TI ME NOTIFIED x cd M 1 | HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE RECOVERED ARTICLES SELIVEREO? TO ME > by. SIGNED var DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED NAME IF KNOWN ADDRESS ‘ HEIGHT WEIGHT COLOR ALIAS BEARD SEX COLOR COLOR HA COMPLEXION NATIVITY OCCUPATION DRESS AND OTHER MARKS WHY SUSPECTED OR WANTED NAME IF KNOWN ADDRESS HEIGHT WEIGHT COLOR EYES by sib ALIAS SEX COLOR ++~+| AGE COLOR HAIR COMPLEXION . NATIVITY DRESS AND OTHER MARKS WHY SUSPECTED OR WANTED aa “NAME IF KNOWN ADDRESS _ HEIGHT ~ALTAS SEX COLOR COLOR HAIR NATIVITY “T OCCUPA DRESS AND OTHER MARKS NAME OF PERSON ARRESTED ARREST NO. NAME OF PERSON ARRESTED ARREST NO. * FORM NO, 3 <6. LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITICS NAME OF COMPLAINANT FOLLOW-UP REPORT IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT : DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC.: A Pata (NVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) me T = __» Pa oats AUGUST 6 : Re: 3 4 The assigned offisess talked with Charlie Beker and hie wife, and they stated l recommend this case be closed wrens. ce ee , CLEARED BY ARREST. . . O staneo INVESTIGATING OFFICER EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED . ©” signeo INACTIVE (WOT CLEARED) - von we, 2 "<1. 6. LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES | NAME OF COMPLAINANT . FOLLOW-UP REPORT . ADDRESS IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT _ROUTE $2, OLTN, Ne GC, ‘ OFFENSE DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC.: UNVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) I recommend this case be closed UNFOUNDED. . «4, s °« * ’ CLEARED BY ARREST. . SIGNED INVESTIGATING OFFICER , ; EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED SIGNED INACTIVE (NOT CLEARED) . “ 6. LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES FOLLOW-UP REPORT IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT © ‘ | | DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF WAVESTIGATION, ETC.: A PISTOL (INVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) 1 recommend this case be cloted unrounoso.. . ws ws OO CLEARED BY ARREST . Os si@neo INVESTIGATING OFFICER EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED 6. =. =) SIGNED INACTIVE (WoT CLEARED) . . i i) FORM NO. 3 “" 1, 6, LEAGUE OF MeUNICIPALITIES NAME OF COMPLAINANT . FOLLOW-UP REPORT IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC.: GNVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) a Il recommend this case be closed unfounblD .. . .. . . . O CLEARED BYaRREesT. . . . ()_ siqneo INVESTIGATING OFFICER EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED «6. «©» «=L)_~—s SIGNED INACTIVE (wor cisaneo) . 2. CJ STATEMENT OF WILSON FRED BROWN I Fred Wilson Brown make the following statement to Robert Kinder and Marshall Maness, whom I know to be Deputy Sheriffs of Iredell County, Statesvilie, North Carolina. I have been told that I do not have to ae ae statement, and that any statement I make may be used against me Court. 4 3 vert my home ( on the Chipley Ford Road, néar #901) at aperexinates : 300 ofclock noon cegast ty 1959, and went to the home yde Wilisans yr eaeseer 3 miles frofi ny 3s ) on the ett ce Chureh Road, and dams and I then left his and went to es County» arri there about 1:00 P. M. We stayed in Wilkes County until about 4 or otcloek Pe M., and then we came back to Iredell County to Gates Jordon’s Store on highway #115, At Gates Jordon’s Store Wiliiamns and I 9 soft drink and talked with Robert Bottoms and Vernie Poole. Robert Bottoms azd Vernis Poole then ask me to take them to Charlie Baker's home, on the Leve Valley Road, ad by this time it was dark. When we (Clyde - Williams, Vernie le, Robert Bottoms, and I) ved at the Baker home, | Betty Jean Jackson (Charlie Baker's He niga told me to leave. I then told her that as quick as I could my car keys that I would leave. I then got out and raised the hood on my car and was trying to straight~- wire it, when I looked from under the hood Baker and his wife were standing on the porch Baker then told me that he was going into the house and get his if I didn*t leave. I told Baker that I would leave as quiek as I could get my car started and that if I souldn't keys that I would straight-wire it. I then found ny ¢ar beside the carg picked them up and baek into my > 8 Bottoms jerked the ¢ar door open said "God Damn when Robert Bottoms said this I grabbed ing* Pistol, which was 1 on the front seat of or four times out the car window whieh was : Sar Siteca rar decor X cee arte e Wilson*s home and or Clyde Wilson f 200, I was » but I was not No threats or promises have been made to obtain this statement. I have ay candle statement consisting of one page and it is true to the best of my edge. STONED! Zac! Ail ear eet y Report of the death of John Bowie John Bowie, well known painter, age 54, was killed on the Taylorsville railroad yesterday about 5:30 o'clock. He was struck in the back of the head with a box car. He was also hit in the chest. A string of box cars was being backed-up and Mr. Bowie was walling away from the cars and it was evident that he did not hear the engine. He was carried to the Long's Eospital and died in about thirty minutes after reaching the hospital. He was knocked into a ditch when he was struck by the box cars. . This the 6th day of July, 1939. Coroner of Iredell Report of the death of Zettie Mae Bowles, Zettie Mae Bowles, are 1 year, was found dead this morning about 6 o'clock. Dr. Fléming had treated the child for colitis about two weeks ago. He was called this morning but did not EO- Zettie Mae Bowles was the daughter of Zara 3owles who lives on~7th Street. I talked with Dr. Fleming about the child and he stated that he had not seen the child in the past two weeks but that it had colitis two weeks ago. Thers was no evidence of any fowl play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 13th day of May, 1939. - Coroner o North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Sanford Bowles ,deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 28th day of March, 1942, I, Ne. D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: F. G. Seaton, We G. Lazenby, W. S. Alexander, J. W. Webb, W. N. Rumple and Je N. Milstead, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Sanford Bowles, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consiceration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to be procured that Sanford Bowles came to his death as a result of his pick-up truck .skiding into a G & M. truck,on U.S.Highway #70 about 8 miles West of Statesville, and the driver of the G & M truck, !'r. Rumple, was exonerated from all blame. This the SOth day of March, 1942. Signature of jury is tached hereto. ilredell County. Pagairk ot. (hs bake, af Borssperd. Mare bie we 4 , oF flit d re Mo Jo. wW- i , ) Pog EGU Jhiy nq re [Per Bill of Costs—Olvil—-Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Co., Statesville, N. C. NO; NS un THe SUPERIOR COURT. | Original @dinmons, or other original pro opss, includ- | ing gil Hl ames therdin { Bint 3 $190 by Every copy of same ~ a = _ 25 Filing enna and Affidavit ir a Filing owed ot and Atidavit % Ve) . =< Ny | Bond, including-Justification - S 60 Aphea! frode Justices , Se Pee 2 0 od from Clerk to Judge - = 50 Order for enlarging time of pleading |” . ~~ 25 Interlocutory Orders = = = 4 I . ot Attachment, Order in ~- - ai = x Injunction Order, including Bond and Justification 1.00 Order of Ar-est So 100 Subpoena, each name = - a = = = 15 | Notifying Solicitor of Removal of Guardian - 1.00 | Continuance _ - = = = = - 30 Caveat to a will, entering and docketing - 1.00 Issuing Commision - = a = S Affidavit, including Jurat and Certificate Seal = = = a SI = = Motion, Entry and Record of - 2 = 25 Notice : = < = = ss 25 Notice, for each name over one in same paper 10 Impaneling Jury ~- = = a we 10 Justification of Sureties, except as otherwise provided — = = = = > 50 Judgment final in term time - = oe Judgment final before Clerk - os ~ = 50 | Judgment in favor of Widow’s Year’s Support - 50 Docketing same -~ - ~ a « cS 25 | Docketing ex parte Proceedings ~~. —~= Docketing Judgment - = < S Docketing Summons - = Indexing Judgment = = } Filing Papers - - ee | Postage, actual. .~ °* a } Transcript of Judgment - - = Execution of Sheriff’s Return - = = Appeal to Supreme Court, including Certificate and Seal - - - - 2.00 Tranecript to Supreme Court copy sheets, each .10 | County Tax, when jury impaneled ~- = =. -8.60 | Referee’s Allowance = Defendant’s Witnesses se sé sé 6é cé sé ce se eé eé - so ' sot <==! eMeacham & “Watts eMasonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville, North Carolina CORNERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Deasie Sharpe Bowlin, Deceased Date of Death-Feb.15,1949 Taylorsville Road,Route#6 Statesville N.C. Widow of D.K.Bowlin— Female,White,Aged 69 years. FACTS IN THE CASE: Deceased had been suffering with a heart conéition for several years,but was not MMNXMNMEE under the care of a Medical Doctor. She was taking chiropractic treatments. She died suddenly at #:00 A.M. Feb.15,1949 at her home. FINDINGS: There were several witnesses present when she died,and no inquest was deemed necessary. No evidence of any foul play. Death due to @ chronic heart ailment,type not known. Body was removed to the Johnson Funeral Home ,Statesville,N.C. for furtherdisposition. Coroner, Member North Carolina Concrete Masonry Association North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Obie Bowman / deceased, Be it remembered, that on the 7th day of May, 1938, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful mens viz.: Fred Henkel, Sam Freeze, D. C. Rhea, C. Le Wilson, W. D. Mott and P. T. Raymer by me Summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville in Iredell County, North Carolina, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Obie Bowman, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be pro- cured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find after a very careful examination of all the facbs in the case that the case was a mental case ahd that she died in our opt on from syphilitic-menihngitsis. Signatures of jury is attached hereto. 1s. bey ° : whe den. dere Axor or wa hiv ahr ~. | ce Tae TS fn ee OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M.°D., CORONER NAMS OF First Middle Last 2.-DATE of DECZASED . Pauline Bowman DEATH wien. . SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIEDX NSVER MARRID. 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE F Col WIDOWED DIVORCED___ 4-12-1926 Bk Scere PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL R&SIDSNCE (b) COUNTY _ aredeli.. 3.) Statesvill (a) STATE ~ Meacham Roa me N,. C. Iredell . (¢) CITY,» TOWN Statesyi (a4) STREET ADDRESS ) OR RFD NO, 604 Drake Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL HETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DiSATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)__-Laceration of brain | mediate eek ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUS TO (b) Gunshot wound DUE TO (c). PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Dg WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES. . : NO_x Ws ROPORT OF INVESTIGATION: . I was called at approximately 1:45 a.m. on January 19, 1964 by Police Chief Myers to the home of Floyd Gibbs. The deceased was found lying on the floor of the bedroom in a pool of blood. Gibbs was being interrogated by the police at the time. Gibbs had apparently been dating Mrs. Bowman for over two years and stated he had tried to break up with her several times, but she told him that if he did that he would have to leave town. Gibbs said that he had called Mrs. Bowman at her home at 8:30 p.m. Saturday. He said that she was apparently drunk, but she said that she was coming to see him and he told her not to come if she was drunk because he was going to bed. He states that about 10:00 p.m. he went out of the house to return a cake plate which he had borrowed from Hammie Stevenson. He returned to the home around midnight and went to bed. He said that between 1:00 and 1:30 Mrs. Bowman called him and wanted to know where he had been and said that she was coming to see him. A short while later he said the woman knocked on the door and he let her into the house. He noted that he did not know who brought her to the home. Gibbs said that he went back into his bedroom and was lying across the bed when she came into his bedroom and wanted to know where he had been. She reportedly accused him of run- ning around with other women and then ran to the comer of the bedroom where she grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun. Gibbs said that they were struggling over the gun when it went off and shot the women in the face. He said that she fell onto the bed and then to the floor. His four minor children were sleeping in the room adjacent to his, but were not awakened by the shotgun blast. Gibbs stated that he then called the police. Examination of the body revealed that the woman was shot in the face just to the left of her nose and approximately two inches below her left eye. There was a large gaping wound in this area. Shots also struck the back of her left hand. Cause of death was as stated above, since it was obvious that the only other person involved was Gibbs, it was not necessary to hold an inquest. eo. (3 Erevan A) r arry B. Underwood, M. D. \ December 30, 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Carolyn Faye Boyd, 16, white female, came to her death at 4:00 AM this date at Iredell Memorial Hospital due to multiple injuries received in auto wreck at 11:30 PM 12/29/61 north of the little River on U.S. # 21. Dr. Wesley Palmes called the undersigned for permission for an autopsy, and same was granted, due to the court indictment to insue prought by action of the State Highway Patrol. Severe and extreme speed was noted, and the mechaniss of action were set through the Iredell Recorder's court. oe Autopsy report attached hereto, and investigative action is in the file of the State Highway Patrol Office. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. is — oe CHARLOTTE, N. C. ywe iv he Jl-4 NAME SEX AGE HOSPITAL NO. JAUTOPSY NO. Boyd, Carolyn Faye. Fr 16 HleI.M. (|P-A~-1576 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN HOURS POST MORTEM DATE OF AUTOPSY Dr. Pelmes 93 hours cember 30, 1961 A Cc B33 Post traumatic state, recent: Multiple eontusions, abrasion, and lacerations, external surface of body. Practures of right clavicle, 9th left rib, two lewer thoracic vertebrae, left lower femur and patelilas. Didecations, right hip and left knee (clinical history). Crushed right foot (clinical history). Lecerations of both kidneys with extensive capsular and adjacent hemorrhage. Laceretion ef right liver lobe. Multiple lacerations of spleen. Hemoeper i toneunm. | Subpleural and intrepulmonery hemorrhage, bilateral, Bilateral hemothoraex. Contusions of brain. Mild hemocephaly. Subarachneid hemorrhage, cerebellum and occipital lobes, brain. REMARKS Histologic examination of inner ergans essentially Soar Tras the anatonio ssins. In addition, fat emboli are oe in the lungs and kidneys, Bone marrow emboli are found within ungs. AL ANATCNIC ERPR ONS Post traumatic state, recent: Multiple contusions, abrasion, and lacerations, external surfece of body. Practures of right olaviole, 9th left rib, two lower thoracic vertebrae, left lower femur and patellas. Dislocations, right hip and left knee (olinical history). Crushed right foot (clinical rye dulend £5: Lacerations of both kidneys with extensive capsular and adjacent hem * | Laceration of right liver lobe. Multiple lacerations of spleen. Semetaneal ean’ s trapalmonary hemorrhage, bilateral eure ntrapa ° ral. Bilateral hemothorax. Contusions of brain. Mild hemocephaly. Subereachnoid hemorrhage, cerebellum and oceipital lobes, brain. Pat emboli, lungs and kidney. @ - Bone asaboli, lungs. Jehn P. Bos, KM. D./jom M. LE LARGE, JR., M. D., PATHOLOGIST Boyd, carolyn raye EXTERNAL DESCRIPTION: The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished y ite female. Rigor mortis is present throughout and there is dependent lividity. The hair is blond and eres Irides are blue. The pupils are equal. A large contusion is noted in the right temporal area, a sone approximately 10 om. in greatest diameter. In this area also are scattered superficial abrasions. The right side of the face and right forehead also show scattered superficial abrasions. A fairly deep laderation of the left upper eyelid 1 om. in greatest diameter is noted and edjacent to this on the left side of the face, there {s a contusion which involves the left cheek and side of the left eye and a portion of the left nose. This area is approximately 9 em. in greatest diameter. In the left temple area and left ear in a sone Sypeonina te ly 8 om. in greatest diameter there is still another contusion. Bulber conjunetivae bilaterally show fooal hemorrhages. The right arm shiva posteriorly scattered irregularly shaped variable sized abrasions @ sone 15 om. in greatest diameter. A deep 3 om. laceration with adjacent hemorrhage is present on the posterior right arm. Bluish discoloration of the posterior portion of the apper arm, elbow, and lower arm is noted and superficial lacerations and abrasions up to 2 cm. in reatest diameter are noted on the dorsum of the left ower erm and hand. Areas of bluish discoloration are noted on the right hand. On the rigit side of the chest and the anterier portion of the r abdomen one finds multiple abrasions and areas of bluish A@iscoloration. There is a 2 om. laceration on the right side of the chest along @ line et approximately the level of the right nipple. The left upper arm shows areas of bluish discoloration and scattered abrasions. Bluish discoloration is noted around the left elbow. The lower left arm also shbus scattered contusions and abrasions and on the hand in the thenar area there is a deep 2 com. laceration. Smeil superficiel lacerations of the hand ere noted elsewhere. The right aoe is rotated medially at the hip. fhe hip area is quite large and shows a light bluish discoloration. A 1 20 om. abraded area noted om the lateral portion of right mid thigh. Abrasions and emtusions are noted around the right knee in a 10 cm. area end the patella is palpated and noted te be fractured. Multiple abrasions are noted on the lower right leg and r surface of the foot. The right foot is quite swollen and shows much blubh discoloration. There is a 10 om. area of bluish diseoloration in the area of the left hip. fhe left leg is en ad, apparently swellen, show bluish discoloration the thigh. Two deep lacerations each roximately 2 om. in greatest diameter are noted medial x ust above the knee. Bone fragments can be palpate ough these lacerations. On movement of the Boyd, carolyn raye f6l-1.M. P-A-1576 leg in this area crepiteation is noted. The left knee is swollen and shows bluish discoloration. The left patella also seems to be fr nted on palpetion. Bluish discoloration is noted around the leftimee. Superficial laceration is present on the medial portion of the left ankle. <A deep large 7 om. laceration is noted on the left foot medially and extending to the dorsum. This is just beck of the big toe. The back shows a few small abraded areas. The subcutaneous fat tissue layer is 2 om. in thickness. Muscles are thick and medium red. Wo enlarged axillary lymph nodes are found. On sectioning the breasts no gross pathologic features are noted. THORAX: ‘The thymus is present and is norma} in location and sise. The left pleural space contains approximate 300 oc. of fluid blood. The rightpleural space contains epprpoximately 100 oc. of bleod. Pleural surfaces ere smooth, moist, and glistening in most ereas, howsver, the pleura is lacerated posteriorly at the level of the ninth left Bib. Areas of dark red discolorat{on are noted in the parietal pleura as well as visceral rleura. Pericardial surfaces are smooth, moist, and glistening. Heart: The heart weighs 250 grams. feardial and endocerdial surfaces are smooth, moist, and glistening. The valvular epperatus is intact. Aurivuler appendagessdo net omtain thrombi. The foramen ovale is cloved. Coronary arteries arise normally and follow normal courses. The ium is sectioned. No gross pathologic features are noted. The ascend aorta and main pulmonary arteries are unremarkable, Lunges The right lung weighs 400, the left lung 475 grams. Pleural surfaces are smooth, moist, and gi terse 5 bat in the two left 1 lobes there are indura subpleural dark red fool and similar areas are found in the right lower lung lobe. In the subpleural — Siste such sones there one thene *28RRGSERD oma e Coma ietcel /*th aly, se approximate 17° Pak. EP greatent diemeter. On section the lung lobes these areas show _ Gark red discoloration and much blood mixed with the Giminished emount of air and some fluid is pressed from these cut surfaces. The dark red sones extend down into the lung tissue and are slightly elevated Boyd, carolyn Faye #61-1.M. P-A-1576 and slightly indurated. Lyng tissue elsewhere is of normal crepitance and is pink in color and air mixed with blood is pressed from cut surfaces. Brenchi contain some mucoid material, but no gross pathologic features are noted. Pulmonary arteries and veins are unremarkable. Hilar lymph nodes are unremarkable, ABDOMEN: Upen opening the abdominal cavityyapproximately 500 ec. of blood is found. Peritoneal surfaces are smooth, moist, and glistening. All of the abdominal organs are in their normal locat‘ons. Spleen: The spleen weighs 150 grams, is wort soft and shows multiple lacerations, some quite deep, these lacerations measuring up t 3 om. in greatest diameter. Iy some areas the capasile only is lacerated end portions of the capsule are absent, Adrenals:= Grossly unremarkable, except the right adrenal is surrounded by much fat tissue showing considerable hemorrhage and bogginess. Kidneys: The right kidney weighs 130, the left kidney 135 grams. Both renal capsules show dark red discoloration and adjacent tissues also show dark red diseoloration. This change is much more prominent around the right kidney and on this side the hemorrhage is noted around the right adrenal around the right kidney, in adjacent retro peritoneal tissue, in peripelvioc fat tissue and in fat tissue surrounding the upper half of the ureter. The capsules of both kidneys peel away easily and surfaces are smooth, moist, glistening, and medium red except the left kidney shows a 1 om. laceration which is approximately 8 mm. in depth. ‘The right kidney sh ows one large irre ularly shaped 3 on. laceration whieh extends 1.5 om. down into the kidney Substance. Cut surfaces show a normal archi tecture except the areas whieh are lacerated. Cal: es, pelves, and ureters are unremarkable except containing © small amounts of blood and focally the mucosa. shows dark red discoloration in the pelves. Boyd, carolyn Paye foleI.M, P-Aa- 1576 The es ocphagu: temach, duscdenum, pylorc Common bile duct, her @ duct, & pladder, interior vena cava, porta ; and pancreas are groesly usremerxable. Livers ae The liver weighs 1100 grams. The lower — are sharp. The outer surface is emooth, moist 9 and glistening. Posterierly the right lobe shows a 3 om. laceration. This is lecated approximately in the middle of the lote. Considerable hemo is noted back of the liver. The laceration is 1 to 1.5 om. im depth. The cut surface of the liver except for this lacerated area is grossiy umemarkable.Fooally the right liver lobe also shows some subcapeu hemorrhage in an area 2 on. in greatest diameter. Intestines: Gressly unremarkable. PELVIC ORGANS: The bladder is grossly unremarkable. The vagina has @ smooth, moist, and glistening surface and shows fairl eminent mucosal folds. The hymen is not identified. Some fairly viscid mucoid material fills the endocervical canal and protrudes from the external os. The endemetriun is to 6 mm. in thickness and ant is seeeenns 6. The Fallopian tubes are unremarkable, ‘7 right ovary contains a 1 em. corpus luteum. The left ovary is unremarkable. The rectum is unremarkable, RETRO PERITOWEAL ORGANS: The abdominal aorta bas a smooth, moist, glistening intimel surface. Femorel veins contain fluid blood. The vertebral colum is grossly unremarkable tm the outer surface, but on sectioning the two lower thoracic vertebrae adjacent to each other are compressed and frectured and show adjacent areas of dark red discoloration WECK ORGANS: The right claviele in its mid portion is noted to be fractured. Considerable dark red disceloration of adjacent tissues is noted. No other gross pathologie features are noted. Bpeyd, carolyn Faye #61-1.M, P-A- 1576 BEADS fhe scalp, cealvarium, and meninges are intact. After the scalp is pulled beck much swelling and dark red diseoleration is noted below the contused areas deseribed and alse in the seeipital area. The discoloration below the contused area is noted in the cote es area. The skull is opened. Next the brain is removed. Venous sinuses contain fluid blood. The eens 4s grossly unremarkable. Vessels of the circle of Willis are grossly unremarkable. The meninges are removed and an attempt is made to demonstrate skull freotures. Ko fractures are demonstrated in any portion of the skzall. Brains The outer surface of the brain appears grossly unremarkable except in the anterior portions of the temporel lobes as these are separated fron the ovorl brein, there are noted bilaterally areas of softening and dark red discoloration each approximately 1 om. in greatest diameter. A small amount of’ subarachnoid henorenage is noted over the cerebellum and over the occipital lobe laterally, anteriorly, and posteriorly. The brain is 4issected according to the method of Virehow. Small emounts of fluid blood dre found within: the ventricular system when tho lateral ventricles are opened, On sectioning through the basal lia there are found, sdjacent to ependymel s 008, softened --:-gac? areas up to 1 om. in greatest diameter. On oversaw wen? the cerebral hemispheres, and many thin sections are nade throughout the entire cerebral hemispheres, one finds seattered here and there bilaterally in the . grey matter small poorly demarcated dark red fool and elsewhere vascular markings appear somewhat more prominent then usual. Sectioning ef the | - gerebeller hemispheres reveals no gross pathologic features except for the subarachnoid hexzo already described. The pons, medulla oblongata, and the upper portion of the spinal cord are grossly unremarkable, The pineal body is grossly unremarkable, John PF, Bos, M. D./jom Boyd, Carolyn Faye #Ol-I.M, Pra-1576 HISTOLOGIC DESCRIPTION: Thyeuet Vessels throughout are dilated and o sted. obules are seperated by a moderate emount leose / connective tissue. The lobules show a cortex and medulla, the medulle showing Naessellsoprpuscles. Huart: Unrem rkable,. Three sections are examined. Lungs: Alveoli in some areas contain much bloed. Vessels throughout are dilated end congested and many vessels contain large variable sized spaces. Small vessels are distended spaces. In a few vessels not only these are found, but in addition, adjacent to these spaces are collections of hematopoietic elements and in these areas |. the spaces have a well contain @ nucleus. Blood is present in some bronchi. Hem into the pleura is present. Spleen: The spleen shows marked dilatation of sinusoids fech are packed with red cells as is the red pulp. fhe white pulp is less compact than usual. Central arterioles ere unremarkable. Adrenal Glands: Hemorrhage inte the surrounding fat t issue a . No other remarkable histo-pathologic features are noted. Kidneys: The first section shows hemor into peripelvic aa Fat tissue. Vessels thr out are dilated and conges ted. In one section the cortex ragged and below this area one finds much interstitial hemorrhage. Tiny spaces are found in some of the capillaries of glomeruli. Glomeruli are regulerly spaced and tubules are back to back. fubular epithelial cells are intact. Vessels other than being dilated and congested are unremarkable. Pylorus: Unremarkable. Local Pancreas: Unremarkable. Liver Vessels are dilated end congested. Kupffer cells unremarkable. Peri-portal areas are unremerkabie. One section of liver shows the surface te be ragged and adjacent to the ed edged liver fragments there is red cell extravasation fill out the cleftriike spaces end in these same areas and adjacent sreas there is neutrophilie infiltration of moderate degree. In aceneee® areas focally some dissociation of liver cello is noted and between the dissociated liver cells quite a few neutrophils are noted. Boyd, carolyn Praye Bladder: Unremerkable. Uterus Thick late secretory endometrium is present. —- endometrial-myometrial border is regular. oeerrt The ovary shows deSeloping follicles and a corpus teum hemorrhagicun. Pituitary Gland: Unremerkable. Bone: A section of bone near one of the fracture sites of vertebrae show much hemorrhage in the marrow. trabecule of cancellous marrow are fragmented. Breins Multiple sections are examined. In the sections of cortex vessels are somewhat dilated and congested. Perivasoular spaces and pericelluler spaces ere rather prominent. In a few vessels clear round spaces are noted surrounded by bleed. PFooally there are hemorrhages of small sise in the sort. dere sometimes being perivascular. Ganglion cells fooally only as anedery outlines. Ganglion cells sometimes have pynotic nuclei. Such changes in ganglion cells ere noted adjacent to areas of hemo: e Similar changes ere found focally in the basal ganglia. The pons, cerebellum, medulla atntgpaen_ oat and upper portion of spinal cord shows some congestion of vessels and some fairly large perivasculer and perinuclear spaces. Fat stains of the brain ave unremarkable. ADDENDUM: Fat stains of the 1 show an abundance of = positively stained globules ide of vessels. Fat stains of ee show a few positively stained globules within vessels including glomerular capillaries. John F, Bos, M. D./jom W. C. PALMES, JR, M.D. 403 WEST BROAD ST. TELEPHONE 873-8394 STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Jan. 15, 1962 Mr. Marvin Raymer Coroner Nicholson Funeral Home Statesville, N.C. Dear Pete: I would like to include the following information regarding the death of Miss Corolyn Boyd- age 16- white on December 29, 1961, Cause of death: Time of injury: Time of death: Subarachnoid hemmorhage of the cerebellum and occipital lobes of the brain. Contusion of the brain . Bilateral hemothppax . Subpleural and intrapulmonary hemorrhage, bilateral. Hemoperitoneum. Multiple lacerations of the spleen, Laceration of the right lobe of the liver, Laceration of both kidneys with extensive retroperitoneal hemorrhage. Crushed right foot, Dislocation of the right hip and left knee. Fractures of the right clavicle, 9th left rib, two lower thoracis vertebrae, left lower femur and patellas, 11:20 P.M. Becember 29, 1961. * 4:25 ASM, December 30, 1961. An autopsy was done at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, North Carolina hy Dr, John 1A Bos, With kindest regards, I remain Sincerely, W. Y Palmes, Jr.,