HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Bady-BerrymanCoroners’ Inquests cae | Bady - Berryman | : ‘ Investigation of the death of Carl Lee Bady I made an investigation of the death of Carl Lee Bady; one Xuax month old and it was thought that the child died from the lack of nourighments. This the 17th day of March, 1934. HAT tid Coroner of Iredell County State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Lee Russell Baggarly, 41, white male, 724 Biller Avenue Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 3:45 4M 19 May 1953 at the Davis Hospital due to self inflicted shotgun blast into his head - frontal skull and laceration of left frontal lobe of brain. Said —e blast occured in the navth east bed room of his home at 12:35 17 May 1953. Captain Hubert Reid and Phhiceman C.R. Dagenhart investigated the scene of the shooting. fhe 12 shotgun was leaning against the outside of the right leg. ‘The deceased was barefooted at the time of the shooting. Discharge of shot ranged from the midportion of frontal bone to left parietal suture. Brain matter was on the bed linen. Deceased never became aonscious after shooting. Shot ranged in fan fashion in north east portion of ceiling. Only wife and small child were at the Baggarly home at the time of shooting. fhe wife, Mrs. Baggarly, stated that she and her husband had had a. violent quarrell before the shooting, and that her baby be- gan to cry and that she went into another room to care for the baby when the shooting occured. Mrs. Baggarly stated that her deceased husband had worked the garden and washed the car on Sun morning before the quarrel. Mrs. Baggarly stated that her husband was quite nervous, and that he had stated several times during the last year that he was going to kill himself. She stated that she made no attempt to stop him from shooting himself. She stated that she called the Statesville Police Department just after the shooting. No inquest was deemed necessary, and death was due to self inflicted shotgun wound. (Phased Kg po Marvin W. Raymér . Coroner, Iredell County. ~ bvember 35 1959 State of North Carolina. - County of Iredell. Nancy Ann Baggarly, 91, Rt 5, County Line area, came to her death at about 6:00 PM this date due to myocardial failure, due to senility. The deceased was found by Mrs. L.E, Chamberlain, who went to check upon the lady, and Glenn Westmoreland called the undersigned, and the elderly lady died without struggle. No evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary. yi ge waynes) Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. 31 May 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Arthur Bailey, 48, 608 Adams Street, Statesville, N.C. was found dead by his wife, Mary Miller Bailey at 4:30 PM 14 May 1955 on the couch of his living room. Dr. W.lie Summerville was called to perform an autopsy to determine the cause of death. The deceased had been dead at least six hours when found by his wife. Lillian Ramseur, same address and of the same household, was in the same home, and the same room with the deceased until 4:00 Pm when seen hurriedly leaving by the neighbors with the dead man lying on the couch. She has not been found as yet to be questioned. The deceased was lying on his back, a pillow up the right side of his head with hand pring th the corner about a foot above nose. Suspicion of smouthering was noted. <A vial of iodine was noted on the couch-side table, and hammer at head of couch also. In dark room, no evidence of marks noted other than wrapped left hand, however, examination of thorough nature could not be made. The wife stated that her husband was in good health and spirits when she left at 8:00 AM 14 May 1955, thet he drank his morning coffee, but ate not the breakfast prepared for him, that Lillian Ramseur was going to iron clothing in the home that day, and a number of dresses were hanging ironed. The neighbors noted the deceased in the yard at 9:00 AM and that he was alright at that time. Statement of Lillian Ramseur and autopsy report to be attached hereto when investigation is complete. 2 Coroner, Iredell county Ww. M. ra. M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Name: Arthur Bailey “** — ' Coroner Raymer Date: 5/14/55 Statesville, N. & Prosector: W. M. Summerville, M. D. Path. No. 1-49204 COMMENT: This autopsy was performed in Statesville, N. C. at approxi- mately 9:45 P. M., May 14, 1955. Coroner Raymer was in attandance. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: This is the body of a normally developed Negro male appearing to be approximately forty-five years of age. There are several small superficial abrasions at the base of the left thumb and a small abrasion at the second phalangeal joint of the middle finger of the left hand. There are no other significant external findings. PLEURAS: The left pleura is smooth throughout. The right pleura presents a dense adhesion at the apex of the upper lobe and several small moderately dense adhesions over the right upper lobe. There is no fluid in the pleural cavity. LUNGS: Both lungs show large areas of dark red discoloration. The cut sur- faces allow a moderate amount of serosanguinous fluid to escape. The tracheo- bronchial tree is not remarkable. HEART: The pericardium is smooth throughout. The sac contains a normal amount of clear fluid. The left myocardium is slightly thickened. The left _ ventricular chamber appears dilated. The papillary muscles are thickened. The endocardium and valves are not remarkable. The coronary vessels show scattered atheromatous plaques. In some areas, there is narrowing of the lumen.. A-thrombus is not demonstrated. ABDOMEN: The peritoneum is smooth throughout. The peritoneal cavity contains approximately 50 cc. of thin straw-colored fluid. LIVER: This organ is enlarged approximately l cm. below the costal margin in the right mid-clavicular line. The liver edges appear rounded. The cut surfaces of the liver show an essentially normal lobular architecture. The extrahepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER: Negative. SPLEEN: This organ is approximately twice the normal size. The cut surfaces show an essentially normal follicular architecture. PANCREAS: Negative. ADRENALS: Negative. W. Mealy '‘MMERVILLE. M. D. : THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 2 Bailey KIDNEYS: The left kidney is small and the right kidney is large. The capsules strip easily leaving slightly granular surfaces. There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions. The ureters, bladder, and prostate are not remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: Negative. BLOOD VESSELS: The aorta shows a moderate degree of atherotic change. LYMPH NODES: Negative. HEAD: The scalp and calvarium are not remarkable. The meninges are slightly engorged. The architecture of the brain is essentially negative. There are no areas of hemorrhage or tumor formation. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS: 1. Pulmonary edema. 2. Left myocardial hypertrophy. 3. Coronary arteriosclerosis. 4, Kidney pathology?, Note: Blood obtained for chemical study. MiCROSCOPIC PROTOCOL ’ LUNGS: These show marked congestion, some fluid in the alveoli, 3 and some of the alveoli contain red blood cells, ie HEART: Sections show a moderate degree of hypertrophy of the muscle cells, The coronary vessels show considerable atheroscleroticchange with marked narrowing of the lumen in some areas, LIVER: This organ shows marked fatty infiltration and some lympho- cytosis of the periportal connective tissue. SPLEEN: This organ shows considerable congestion, e | w. R®® JMMERVILLE. M.D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2, N. C. Page 3 Bailey KIDNEYS: These organs show marked thickening of the small arteries and of the arterioles. In some areas, the lumens appear occluded. Some of the glomeruli show thickening of the basement membrane, A few are fibrotic. There are scattered areas of pyelonephritis. A number of the tubules are dilated and contain casts. The process ia more advanced in the small kidney. ! BRAIN: Sections are not remarkablw. PANCREAS: Negative. f ADRENALS: Negative. DIAGNOSIS: 1. Arteriolar nephrosclerosis. 2. Myocardial hypertrophy. 3. Coronary arteriosclerosis. 4, Pulmonary edema. 5. Fatty infiltration of liver, marked, BLOOD ALCOHOL: Negative. Signed: lyn | Ge aw th W. M. Summerville, M. D, State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charlie Bailey, 44, colored male, Garfield Street, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 7:30 PM 10 july 1954 at the intersection of Jefferson and Washington Streets, Statesville, N.C. due to a knife stab wound to the right ventricle of the heart by Johnny (Kay) Iazenby, 24, 508 Atkins Street, Statesville, N.C. Dr. Paul M. Deaton, M.D., performed an autopsy at 9:30 PM 10 July 1954 at the Iredel1 Memorial Hospital and found the following: severe cut and laceration of left arm 6 to 13 inches above the hand, Imife stab wound entering body of deceased between 5th and 6th inter- space of right thoracic, knife went thru medial quarter of right lower lobe of lung, thru the pericardium, and pericardial sack full of fluid, Knife entered superior and medial quarter of right ventricle of the heart, and penetration being complete into the right ventricha. Statements of the following witnesses attached: 1. William Iattimore, R.F.D. 1, Box 11, Statesville, N.C. 2. Ossie Lee Scott, Railway Road Alley, Statesville, N.C. 5. Floyd Turner, 707 Washington St., Statesville, N.C. All the above three eye witnesses are colored citizens, and their statements were taken by the several signed officers thereon. __ Statement of Johnny (Kay)Iazenby, 508 Atkins Street, Statesville, N.C. is attached, and is a confession of the killing. The knife has not been found as yet. Johnny (Keay) Lazenby was ordered held for Grand Jury Action without the priviledge of bond by the undersigned coroner. Dr. W.R. Brandon was first called, however, he would not give cause of death and advised an autopsy under observation conditions of the body of the deceased. No inquest was necessary. Statesville Policemen Paul Jordon, Russell Austin, Sheriff J. Chas. Rumple, and the undersigned investigated. Coroner, Iredell County. - POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF STATESVILLE STATESVILLE, N. C. A. F. HARTNESS CHIEF OF POLICE \ . : : \atc Challe Bailey, what did I tell you | ny (ing hamaaey cutting apd making motion of POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF STATESVILLE STATESVILLE, N. C. A. F. HARTNESS CHIEF OF POLICE I, Ossie Lee Seett, make the foldowing statement upon accord to Statesville Policeman Paul Jorden and Russell ' Raymer the following about the eubting of Charlie Bailey this| ee I first seen Charlie Bailey on ‘ se ttng Ngee ne I had been talking to him less than 15 om (Key )Lasenby walked up | and eau Lasenby hit Bailey, Bailey had and when Lasenby Hit Balle, o I POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF STATESVILLE STATESVILLE, N. C. ‘A: F. HARTNESS — CHIEF OF POLICE actual cutting, but tock knife from Lesepliy: Threw om. fought after the cutting, end I helped path then. “Pd three, Ourien Bingley and ; POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF STATESVILLE STATESVILLE, N. C. A. F. HARTNESS CHIEF OF POLICE WO duly 195% I Johnny Laseaby, 24, 508 Atkins 8t., Statesville, N.0,|ée this date upon my own free will and accord state and testify the f to be true and correct in the presenee of Sheriff J.Chas 3 Waugh} and of my rights as a citisen. HI << and Ossie Seott sam Hever saw the kmife anynere to the Palice Station on my om and gave uw. pale, Hae T. V. GOODE, M.D. P. M. DEATON, M.D. TOM GOODE, M.D. J. H. NICHOLSON, II, M.D. Report of Autopsy THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE, N. C. July 10, Charlie Bailey, 44, colored, brought to the {& 7330 P.M. Autopsied 9:30 P.M. Findings: Well developed male of about 44+ years of age. is a contusion of the left eye and of both lips. There is a deep laceration of the left forearm, flexor surface, and baring the tendons. One tendon is severed. This laceration is approximately five inches long and extends to the ulnar side of the forearm. The laceration is located in the middle third of the forearm, extending into the distal third. There is a superficial laceration just below the middle third of the left clavicle. There is a superficial laceration below and médial to the right nipple which is approximately four inches long. Just above and medial to the right nipple is a laceration running longitudinally to the axis of the body whish is approximately 14 inches long. The tissue medial to this laceration is soft and there is a marked depression between the 5th and 6th ribs as they join the sternum. On opening the chest, the last mentioned laceration is found to extend medially, penetrating the medial upper border of the right lower lobe of the lung, and passing into the pericardial sac. The pericardial sac and right pleural spaces are full of blood. The laceration extended through the pericardial sac and penetrated the upper border of the right ventricle, the laceration extending into the cavity of ‘ the right ventricle. Cause of death: Penetrating wound of the right ventricle. P. M. Deaton, M.D. Fora No 5S CORONER'S REPORT CF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County’_Iregel} - Case No. 7 4 Date: April 18, 1968 geport of death was received by me at 1] A.M. oo April 18, 1968. fron Mr Reid Summers of Bunch Funeral Home nd who reported .the. following facts conderning the. death: At 12:15 A. M. he received a call for an ambulance to come $ mile East on U.S. 64 at fourth creek. At the accident he found a 1957 Pontiac had left the road on left side traveled down a 22 ft. bank and 141 ft. to fourth creek and overturned in water. The driver ‘was pinned in car under water for about 45 minutes. There was ne one in car with driver. Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the following: : 1932 Name of deceased:Miss Doris Marie Bailey oo Avze’_35_(April 24, 1962) Address: _ 357 Brevard St, Statesville N.C. S«x:FeMaleRac:: White _ Next >of kin:_W. M. Bailey Relationship: Father _ OE a Address: Same as above. ~~ Time and place of death: 12:05 A.M, At the accident. memes atid addresses of eyewitnesses Mir. Ken Burdett 937 Cochran St., Statesville, NM. C. Se RR. ce RE See RE mE POS TT eR ES AN RE oem a LN ON RE ON ON RO: CO ER OR BR Names and addresses of othex parsons who can give information concerning the death: ae - ners i > Te ewe ene —— ~~ (f) Condition of the body: This deceased had a compound fracture of the eft leg inst abeve the knee. No other bruises on bedy. _— ae Form No. 5 Exact location where body was found: Om driver side of car at accident. Apparent cause of death: Drowning. Fee VO ae 10 eH eR ene RH Oe due to auto accident (Briver pinned in car under water) _ Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or vefault. if any: None eee me. RA Ne EN ee PRE RN RRR ERE EE et rete Names and addresses of suspects, if any‘ Weme PE RM ET NRE AIRE FER MOT RS OS Oem am ee et 8 ome eek. Based upon the foregoing investigation, I fiad _ (no cause) -vike one) to hold am inquest. The inquest will be held on tna day of 19 sat o'clock, at_ eee ee 1 April 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George Bailey, 35, colored male, 365 East Sharpe street, Mooresville, passed away at approximately 6:00 AM this date due to a heart attack. This colpred subject lived with his parents, Jim and Laura forrence Bailey, who found him dead in bed at 8:06 AM this date. Upon investigation, the deceased subject apparently died in his sleep, and no evidence of foul play noted by anyone else. No inquest necessary. ~ Coroner, Ired€11 county. Ra 3 August 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Lelia Bailey, 52, colored female, corner of Madison Street and Quincy Street, Statesville, N.C. came to her death at 4:00 AM this date due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Policeman Victor Serino called the undersigned to come immediately to the above address that there was a colored woman lying on the floor and blood all over the floor at 4:20 AM this date. Upon arrival at the Bailey home, the deceased was lying on her right side, -hands and arms and legs drawn towards her body and about a pint of quart of blood on the floor which came from her mouth. There were no apparent marks of violence. Dr. R.S. Holliday was called by the undersigned and he stated that he had been attending the deceased for a period of one year and that it was his opinion that death was due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Members of the hous&hold were all about half drunk and none seemed to know anything about Lelia Bailey, deceased. No inquest was deemed necessary. Coroner, Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. af te. In the matter of Lonnie Bailey, decegsed, i. Be it remembered, that on the 22nd day of May, 1942, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended.by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: F. G. Deaton, Gus Deaton, W. S. Kelly, Calvin Younger, W. S. Alexander and Frank Hartness by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sowrn. and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, N. Ce, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Lonnie Bailey, and after inquirng into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the ‘jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find that after going into all the evidence thst could be procured ‘that Lonnie Bailey came to his death by being struck on the head with a blunt instrument of some kind. Signatures of jury and findings of jury is attached hereto. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N. C. ow HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER | VE green sureniae c00iS : ’ By .nnveccosenerer? &y Go 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE | 865 Sh DECEASED pay Curle Bail 1 ation ; 2 63 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDX 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE’ Male _Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED 9-31-62 Ld mos. ee od 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bd) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (vo) COUNTY - Iredell N.C. Iredell ¥ (oc) cry TOWN Statesville, N.C. (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 10. CAUSE OF DEATH PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY IMMEDIATE CAUS® (a): INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH Bronchopneumonia 1 week _ ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (0) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr. John Hardaway called me on the morning of January 24, 1963, reporting that this baby was dead when he saw it, apparently no evidence of any foul play. : No inquest necessary. Thy IB Lida ap Haryy B. Underwood, M.U. Report of the investigation of the . death of Jim Baity, colored. Jim Baity, age 64, was killed at the crossing at the junction in North Mooresville when a train hit the car that he was riding in. ‘There were four other passengers in the car but these were not hurte No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held. Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford accompanjed me on this investigation. The call came from the Cavin Funeral home in Mooresville. This accident occured Thursday, April 15th, 1945, at about 4 o'clock pem. ; ae This the 16th day of. April, 1945. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Lsst § | 2. DATS of DECZASE)___ Lewis Alexander Baity. DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NUVER MARRIND_ 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE - Male Colored. _ WIDOWED -_ DIVORCED 5-16-1925 oO PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (bo) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Troutman (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Home Ne Gs ‘ trvedeld (d) CITYSy TOWN Troutman. (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. RBD # 1 Sone CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DZATH IMIMMDIATE CAUSE (a)_ 3rd degree burns of entire body ANTSCEDENT CaUSES DUE 10 (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT OONDITIONS i) MaS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12, R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by the Sheriff's Department at approximately 1:00 a.m. and told that a house had burned down and there were some people who had obviously been burned in it. I proceeded to the Troutman Fire House and was then guided to the burning house, There was just smoldering going on at the time we arrived and it was obvious that there were two adult bodies completely burned lying in the nubble. It was known that the above lived in this home, Death was apparently due to the 3rd degree burns of the entire body. No inquest necessary. rry BE Underwood, M. D. November 28, 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Martin Aaron Baker, Rt 2, Statesville, 2 years of age, came to his death at about 8:00 AM this date, DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital. br. Paul M. Deaton called the undersigned, and stated that he could not sign the death certificate, due to not knowing of cause of death. Dr. Lee Large was called as a pathologist to. determine cause as several young children were dying suddenly, and found intussuception, or obstructed gut due to ileum into ascending colon. No inquest necessary. Mit U, Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. FORM NO, 196 AUTOPSY REPORT PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Gerenor Baker, Met. Mertin Aaren tw mi 2 yre HOSPITAL No, AUTOPSY NO. OP <M |PA°177h ATTENDING PHYSICIAN De. Deaton IHOURS POST MORTEM 5 heurs DATE OF AUTOPSY Novenber 28, 1962 ome oie into ascending colon. 2. Intestinal ebstruction. « tall hygroma upper mediastinum. e Moderate left hydrothoraz. H. Lee Large, IFoo Me De/eav HM. LEE LARGE, JR., M. O., PaTHOLOGgIET OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED James Earl - Ball ; Male White 8. PLACE OF DEATH . (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Statesville (a) STAT (b) COUNTY Tuscarawas Highway 21, North Ohio (c) CITY or TOWN S (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Royte 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)_ Severe head injury __Unknown ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Open fracture-dislocation, right ankle and foot, Fracture of right femur. Laceration, left arm, 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Highway Patrolman R. P. Mullis investigated this death. The accident apparently occurred approximately :30 a.m., according to the sole survivor, Robert A. Hansen of Salt Lake City, Utah. The deceased was apparently the driver of the car which struck 4n abutment at Stikeleather's Bridge just south of Harmony. The car ran off the road and skidded down an embankment, landing in the creek bed. The wreck was discovered at 9:00 a.m. by James Lambert, Harmony fire chief, Ball was trapped in the car. He was brought to the hospital by Johnson's ambulance and examined by me at Davis Hospital. The injuries as listed above were the cause of death. No inquest necessary. 2b Plate arry B. Underwood, M. D. ‘Oy ct = Ps vet lt me Or), thine O dra aL Cru eo Sn Sasol ma A OV Ke 2 ad eg. en ree Yu Agre oe gf = ee pant pie “} os x cheb ’ ~ aa 2 oY Ue, phe afbs L Lang oe oa hod | borne, okreleng sued. Boat Report of the death of Mrs. Lila Billings Barker Mrs. Lila Billings Barker, age 34, dropped dead this morning while walking along 9th Street with a friend. The report was that they were going to Long's Hospital for a physkcal check- Uupe Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigathon and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. There was no evidence of any foul play and it was presumed that she died of a treart wttack. This the 29th day of October, 1947. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Regie Barker, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 14th day of January, 1945, I, Ne De Tomlin, Coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: Howell Redmond, Kenneth Redmond, Lex Bowles, W. S. Thomas, E. M. Davis and J. E. Deitz, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, in Iredell County, N. C., did hold an inquest over the deady body of Regie Barker, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured (the jury wanted to see if further information could be procured and voted to have another sitting of the jurors on Friday, January 19th, at 2:30 P.M.,° when the jury found the facts as follows: We the jury find after going into all the evidence that could be procured, that Regie Barker came to his death as a result of having been struck by a truck driven by Joe D. Pardue, and that the jury exonerate Joe D. Pardue from all blame in the death of Regie Barker. This the 19th day of January, 1945. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Signatures of Jurors is attached hereto with their findings. ine bisa Gr s lk Mmbad ae ye 8 Dts yore woh wee fbrgpo tien 2 +77 Ap Ze orate =< By moet Gey ws A a. Fete eS per OO LO OE = 0 /\y-vB 1 Pr ee eae 710 VAS9 4 brrecsreg oe past ean ney Be Prion og grrr ries aoe Dif been) 7 TIMts tte! rec ore ~ Gee we a aS ORD OD POEMS ev 2 ACL, ONL, TO) / ee 4 Pre mt 109 ro" ay / Yay 7g’ ee ee Oe Z eett. cte, | > | Reve a! p verge O hy mn bong spas “hg ee. rey Arete. MALO, WA Le ours Li ays z ere 7 oe ey aja. TI ys > Cee ~ pve g oe yr Tre wae a rats ws ete ttm GL PES Pe APIA YG “~ER 2 rel 4 8 * 772 - Ub ney merry oy oryn ry gfe +09 | tee hp ge BG eH by pee dave bo ae ae rb yyrohy ot See et ge mh ge Se a ae Fro bee of ope HZ 23 February 1956 State of Worth Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr. Joe Washington Barkley, 56, 939 Eighth Street, Statesville, #.C. came to his death at about 12:00 noon this date due to a Cardio Vascular Accident in his back yard. Statesville Police Department called the undersigned’ to in- Vesti genes The deceased was flushed and syanotic. Wo marks on is body. ; Dr. LeM. Little, M.De, was called to check the deceased's history after his identification. Upon checking identification, $921.00 was found on his person, and proper signature was received from the next of kin for same. Buneh Funeral Home given body for burial. rvin W. Re Coroner, Iredell county. eae | a. oe ly Tiga 19 August 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Earl B. Barnes, white male, 60, High Point, N.C., was DOA on Greyhound Bus # 1793 driven by R.O. Hicks, 1243 East Sprague Street, Winston Salem, N.C. at 13:30 AM this date at bus terminal. Death was _ due to heart attack. Bus Driver Hicks stated that Barnes was placed on-his bus in Charlotte, and that 5 miles out of Charlotte, he became ill, that he administered First Aid, and made him comfortable; arrived in Statesville, and called —— for ambulance and police help. Body was removed to Johnson Funeral Home, A.B. Yarborough, High Point, N.C., nephew of the deceased was called and notified. Mr. Yarborough stated that the deceased was a vagrant, and not to get worried about same. Statesville Policemen Overcash, Moose and undersigned checked out. Marvin W. wfage Coroner, Iredell county. .e NAME OF COMPLAINANT INVESTAGATION REPORT Baxi 5. Barnes POLICE DEPARTMENT : ica | DR High Point N.C. . orrense__Death by Heart Attach earn oe ce on Greyhound Bus # 1793 TIME COMMITTED.____sM. DATE 8-19-58 HOW ATTACKED Dispatcher Sherrill REPORTED BY. appress_Creedmore Cabs PHONE sts OF ATTACK Time RePoRTED_1?33 A _y August 19th, ie 58 reported ro__\! Hi. Manning OBJECT OF ATTACK HOW REPORTED__| &Lephone OFFICERS assiGneD_©e&Tgt. Overcash, Moose and . - " TRADE MARK Marvin Haymer,vounty Coroner PERSONS ATTACKED... VEHICLE USED. Tn SE > DETAILS OF OFFENSE: (STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION, ACTION TAKEN, WITNESGES INTERVIEWER, EYC.) Dispatcher Sherrill at the Creedmore Cabs called and stated that officers were needed at the Union Bus Station as there is a man on the Greyhound Bus dead. Coroner Marvin Raymer was advised and assigned officers along with lir Raymer stated they talked to the Bus driver, a R.O. Hicks of 123 Kast Sprauge St, Winston Salem N.C. and he stated to them that Earl B. Barnes ws was brought to the Bus at Charlotte N.C. by a baggage boy and he helped him on the bus. Approximately 5 miles out of Charlotte Barnes started vomiting. The driver tried to revive him with amonia but wasen't able to. Stated he propped him up in the seat of the bus and opened a window to give him air. The driver avaved in his opinion he was dead on arrival at the Beis Station in Statesville N.C. Coroner larvin Raymer notified Mr. A.B. Yarborough in High. Point N.C. by Telephone. Il Yarborough is a hiephew. af Barnes. He stated he would notify his other relatives. Coroner taymer ruled cause of death was Heart Attach. The body was moved to Johnson Funeral,’ Home. The bits was number 1793 : =» Fhis case is déclorad y. a decd sae care Bugeel / ee sy 5B Ay ie « 0 Or ate ; RECOVERED < DATE VALUE QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use a sTaANoARD DEscRiPTion) csziM Aree + . BY WHOM RECOVERED OWNER NOTIFIED BY | HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE RECOVERED A ‘ DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED NAME IF KNOWN ADDRESS HEIGHT | ALIAS “BEARD | SEX | COLOR AGE | COLOR HATR NATIVITY OCCUPATION U “NAME IF KNOWN HEIGHT ALIAS . COLOWHATR AN ER MA w U ARREST NO. | NAME OF PERSON ARRESTED Report of the investigation of the Harold Barnes Harold Barnes, age 15 years, was shot by Eugene King, colored, on Saturday night at about 9 o'clock. They carried Barnes to the Davis Hospital but he died on Sunday morning at about 12 o'clock, Noon. This occured at Jim Hall's service station near Scotts. Fletcher Elder was the aiy witness to the scene. King was placed in jail. This the 18th day of February, 1947. / / ! 4 + Coroner rede County. Report of the investigation of the death of Jennie Barnes. Jennie Barnes, colored, age 76, fell from her chair in her home and died suddenly on Friday night, September 27th, 1940. She had had no doctor for about a year but she had been suffering with high blood pressure and it is believed that she died from that. Deputy Sheriff H. M. Reid assisted me in making this inves- tigation. She died about 7:00 o'clock last night, and Rutledge and Bigham have charge of the body. This the 28th day of September, 1940. Mh es Coroner of trea SEUUERR SuRERIOR CODR! An sn hee 29th July 61 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Michael Anthony Barnes, colored male, 1 1/2 years of age, 415 Newton Avenue, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 5:00 PM this date due to lacerated brain. The infant is the son of Patricia Barnes, same address. Son Thompson, 43, Rt 5, Statesville, colored male, stated that he pulled up and stopped at 415 Newton Avenue, picked up two of his sisters children, and that as he started to start his auto, the car rolled back and he felt the bump of the car going backwards, however, did not see the child until after he had pulled forward and a lady hollered. and he stopped, saw the injured child, picked it up and took to Davis Hospital. The auto was a 1950 Chevrolet Coach NC CP 391 registered to Hester W. Thompson, his wife. Chief of Police W.T. Ivey investigated, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Otis Pink Barnes, colored male, 55, Rt 2, Cleveland, Maze community of Iredell county, came to his desth at 6:00 AM 4/15/57 at Lowrance hospitel, Mooresville, N.C. due to severe internal and spinal injuries due to euto passing over and being dragged over his body. Accident happened at 12:00 PM 4/13/57 in the yard of James Lucky same address as above. lLuckg stated that he was in bed and Barnes and his wife, Maggie, and Benny Moss and Louise Moss came to his home, and that he worked for ea living, was in bed minding his own business. Deputies Tom Thompson and Marshall Maness investigated on the night of 4/13/57 and had the colored witnesses at the Mooresville Police Dept. at 1:00 o'clock PM 4/15/57. “Investigation revealed that Pink Barnes, aeeeeeee was trying to get oO his drunk wife, Maggie to go home, that he was trying take care of her, that Pink and Maggie were on the back seat of a car owned by Benny Moss, end Mose and his wife, Louise Moss ere on the front seat.: thet Maggie jumped out of the car, and Pink was in the process of getting out of the Moss car to get his wife while Benny Moss was backing up and turning in the Lucky yard when the back door of the Moss car opened dragged or struck Pink down, the bumper of the Moss car locked with the bumper of the Lucky car in the yard, and the lucky car was dragged over Pink while Benny Moss was going foward, not knowing that Pink wes out of the car. Death listed home-yard accideht and not a highway fatality. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. No inquest necessary. North Carolina, { INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF WILLIAM Tredeli County. BARNED of ELKIN, N.C. By CORONER, N.D.TOMLIN. . Sheriff Kimball and Yeputy Hallyburton went upon the scene of the wreck of the Truck in vhish Williem Barnes and Jim Shoemaker, the driver of the truck were riding, and found upon investigation that the Truck was going North and left the reed and hit a ceceeecoe Pole, turning and ran into @ *s yerd hiSSing a ree turning over pinning + << under the truck, o ehen was taken to a Hospital ‘ia Elin, N.C, where he died from his os August 28, 1935, about 2 O*elock, AM, The i was. purely acci ental. The driver, = Shoemaker, was exhonorated of all blame. after hearing the above ee and from the circumstances , an inquest was not deemed advi . Witness ay hand, this the 29 day of August, 1933, North Carolina, Iredell County, IN REiinvestigation éf the death ef Cal Barnett, by Coroner, Sheriff J.W. Moore,c.R. Bailey and myself went out on the Turnesburg Road and investigated the death of the above named person, no was found dead on the highway, in way is known as Fairview Settlement, Report from the Bunch Funeral Home stated that they found no bruises or marks of any kind te show signs of foul play. an inquest is deemed unnecessary. This December Slst., 1938. a0 Wovember 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Alberta Reid Barrett, colored female, 37, 205 Jefferson Street, Statesville, N.C. came to her death-at 5:30 PM in the H.F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N.C. due Generalized edema, Tertiary syphilis, cirrhosis of liver, chronic alcoholism, and chronic nephritis agcrevated by an accidental fall at the home of J.C. Scott, 705 Washington Avenue, Statesville. N.C. on the 6 November 1952. Date of death was 8 November 1962. Dr. T.V. Goode, Jr., called the undersigned late in the afternoon of Saturday 8 November 1952 that the death of Alberta Reid Barrett should be investigated because she was admitted to the H.F. Long Hospital about noon 8 November 1952 by a group of drunk negros and that the deceased stated to him that she had fallen in a ditch, and that she had stated to Dr. JeLe Pressly that she had run into a door upon admitting. Dr. Goode stated that the deceased had a cut on her lips, bruise on her shest, and a bruise on her left leg, and was considerably swollen all over her body. Dr. Goode also stated that the deceased's previous history at the hospital revealed that she was a chronic alooholic, that her liver was hard and large, and that she had syphilis in the advanced stages. The undersigned called Captain H.P. Lackey of the States- ville Police Department and related the above to him. Captain Lackey, Sgt. Tom Waugh and Policeman Jordan and the undersigned went to the deceased's home and talked to her mother, Lillie Reid. Lillie Reid stated that her daughter, Alberta, lived with J.C, Scott at 705 Washington Avenue. that she took Alberta to the HiF. Long Hospital at about 8:30 aM 8 Nov 52 for treatment due to an injury she received in a fall at J.C. Scott's home where She became tangled in a rug and fell against a door on 6 Nov 52, that Alberta had been sick for-quite sometime and that her whole family had tried to get Alberta to get medical attention for quite some time. — J.C. Scott stated that Alberta lived with him, boarded there, and paid for same board, that she got tangled in a rug and fell apart a door on 6 Nov 52, cut her lips, and bruised herself but she would not go get medical attention. that he went to Alberta's mother, Lillie Reid on the morning of 8 Nov 52 and tola her that sete auck had to be done for Alberta. that he called a Lewis Taxi with Smitty as driver and sent Alberta and Lillie to the H.F. Long Hospital. Scott stated that Alberta had been sick for some time and that all Alberta wanted was liquor and no medical attention. Both statements of Lillie Reid and J.C. Scott were confirmed by Vanmeter Reid and Estelle Gresham, sisters of Alberta. Due to the above statements and findings, no inquest was deemed necessary, Marea) Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. \ Report of the death of Jasper Barrett Jasper Barret, 25 years of age, was shot accidentally by his sister-in-law, Juanita Hildreth, when he was trying to take the gun from her. The shot went through his heart killing him instantly. Sheriff Morrison, and Deputy Sheriff Boyd of Mooresville were with me on this investigation. Mr. Morrow, Judge of Recorders Court in Mooresville was also along on this inves- tigation. And we all deemed an inquest unnecessary after hearing all the evidence in matter. This occured on Sunday morning about 2 o'clock 4@ their home near Mooresville. When we arrived in Mooresville Juanita Hildreth had been placed in jail awaiting investigation of the death of Jasper Barrett. After hearing all the evidence and her testimony we found that it was accidental and she was turned loose. This the 8th day of April, 1947. WAR Report of the investigation of the death of L. Cleve Bass. L. Cleve Bass, age 56, fell andidied within 50 minutes yesterday about 1:00 o'clock. He fell against the side of the door and he was carried to the bed and died about 50 minutes later. Sheriff J. W. Moore and Deputy Sheriff Bailey assisted me in making this investigation yesterday. It is believed that he suffered a heart attack. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and nons Was held. He lived in the nopthern part of Coddle Creek township. This the 10th day of June, 1940. 18 June 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. WJ. (Cornetia) Bass, 219 North Maple Street, Mooresville, N.C. came to her death about 6:00 PM 17 June 1955 due to a heart attack. The deceased was sitting upon the camode in her bath room, doors open, Windows open in the home. She was last seen by her neighbors late in the afternoon on the 17 June. She had apparently eaten supper due to food on the breakfast room table. No marks of foul play noted, the screens were latched, both front and back, no lights were tumed on, no marks upon her body, and no personal or valuables missing. She was found by Fred W. Baxter, 227 North Maple Street, Mooresville, and a neighbor, who notified the Mooresville Police, the sheriff, and the undersigned. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, IredelI county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-10 1. NAME OF First Middle Lest 2. DASE Month Day Year DECEASED Naomi Battle DEATH 2 7 63 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED ; 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Female — Negro _. WIDOWED DIVORCED ce 12-25-15 47 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE : (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell Statesville Ne Ce. Iredell (co) Cry TOWN Statesville (a) STRETT ADDRESS a OR RFD NO. Houte 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE Caus® (a): Coronary occlusion Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO {o) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? > 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 7:00 a.m. the morning of date of death. This patient was found on the floor at her home. I proceeded to the home. She was found lying on the floor. There was no evidence of foul play. No inquest was necessary. PS Ltt Harry/B. Underwood, OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER i. DECEASED _ Larry Keith Beal DEATH 10 36 NAMS Or First Middle Last 2, DATS of SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED 6. DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male White _ _ WIDOWED__ DIVORCED aii 11-12-1941 2h 8, PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (6) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RISIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Route 2 Ne Ges. Catawba Love Valley Ra, (6) CITY op TOWN. Newton (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 503 W, 13th St. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND D2ZATH IMTDIATE CAUSE (a) Contusion of chest _Lmme 01 ete s ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUS TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT OONDITIONS Head injury. ij. “AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_ x. R=SPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was on duty in the emergency room at Davis Hospital when the deceased was brought into the hospital. It was obvious that he was dead from contusion of the chest and head injury. The accident was investigated by Patrolmen J. L. Evans. It seems that at approximately 9:30 p.m. on RPR 1591 about 500 feet east of Love Valley, North Carolina, the deceased was riding a Honda and apparently looked backward, ran off the road, hit a rock and overturned, He was thrown against a fence post. Death in this case was a result of this accident with the causes as noted above. No inquest necessary. « Underwood, M. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of W. Henry Beard, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 23rd day of November, 1941, I, Ne. D. Tomlin, coronerg of said county,’ attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vize: C. D. Vanstory, Dr. Lee Kiser, W. S. Thomas, J. A. Stewart, A. L. Sides and W. S. Alexander by me summoned for the purpose, acgording to law, and after being hy me duly sworn and empaneded, at Statesville, Iredell County, N. Ce, did hold an inquest over the dead body of W. Henry Beard, and after inquiring into theqfacts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a considera- tion of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to be procured that W. Henry Beard came to his death as a result of being struck by an automobile driven by Ray Beaver in the vicinity of Central School in Sherpesburg township about 9:45 P.M. Saturday night, November 22nd, and that Ray Beaver be exonerated of all blame in the death of W. Henry Beard. | Signautres of jury is attached hereto a wiherensied bens sam a rea setae daitiieanaals ‘ilctaiania : sor i . ‘ P , " , ¢ “~ * Wwetita~t eat nal > 4 a f St ‘ ’ 4 +f act hoe 3 a r ig SD ae an Pe te cane « % ~t tard - i: or 2 ee Bs a Ai ae tae Pie kes ON J aaa shes “4 a 4 Ree at Fees Sk Tt aoe op ated BBO Ra Soroner of iredeil County. . ‘ DLAoency ‘ ma = a <u. ~ OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Last 2. DATS OF DECEASED Lee Woodrow, Beard DEATH 3- SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6. Male White WIDOWED ___ DIVORCED x 8. PLACE OF DEATH 229 0% (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE at _Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY_Iredell Iredell Memorial Hospital. oN. ¢ (c) CITY or TOWN States ville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Oakwood Drive 10. CAUSE OF. DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)_ Crushed chest and cerebral 30_ minutes ANTECEDENT CAUSES contusion DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Amputation of both feet ll. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Dr. Roy Rowe from Iredell Memorial Hospital stating that the above deceased had died shortly after arriving at the hospital. Investigation by police revealed that the man was hit by a train while lying between the tracks. The events leading up to the accident could not be ascertained. No inquest necessary. September 11, 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. . Roy Heller Beard, 54, Rt 3, Statesville, came to his death at about 3:00 PM this date DOA at tr§dell Memorial Hospital by ambulance, death being due to a heart attack. There wwere no marks upon his body, and no evidence of foul play. Death was due to natural causes. No inquest necessaryl. Pr WW Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the investigation of the death of Sarah Hooper Beattie Sarah Hooper Beattie, 80 years of age, colored, died at the home of E. Le Sherrill on the Amity Hill Road Sunday morning, April 23rd, at 9:15. She became ill during the night and they could not locate a doctor for her. The call came from Rutledge and Bigham Funeral Home. There were no marks or bruises on the body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 24th day of April, 1944. a Coroner of Iredell County. } oy June 5, 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Nealie C. Beatty, 36, colored female, 204 Williams Street, came to her death at about 3:30 AM this date, death b@ing due to suffocation, soot to lungs, after being struck upon head with heavy blow, and used as a human torch after being dragged from her bedroom around her house to the back of her sister's home and fire set thereto. Husband Robert S. Beatty was charged with Arson & Murder by chief of Police W.T. Ivey. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, members of the Statesville Police Department, members of the Statesville Fire Department, and the undersigned investigated. The undersigned removed the deceased while still alive from the scene of the crime and fire to Iredell Memorial Hospital, where Dr. W.M. Summerville performed autopsy and toxicological examinations. Husband Robert S. Beatty admitted the crime, and was charged. No inquest was necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. va _301-DOCTORS BUILDING 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR. W. M. SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2, N.:C. AUTOPSY REPORT Name: Natalie Beatty Date: June 5, 1961 Prodgector: W, M,. Summerville, M. D, Path, No, 1L-81444 COMMENT: This autopsy was performed at Iredell Memorial Hospital at 2:30 P, M, on June 5, 1961, In attendance were several employees of the hospital and a captain from the Statesville Police Department, EXAMINATION OF BODY: This revealed the body of a Negro female appar- ently of stated age of thirty-eight years, There were severe third degree burns of the entite body with many areag of complete charring, There was considerable distortion of the extremities due to the burns, There were no other significant external findings, LUNGS: The pleuras were smooth throughout with the exception of a small adhesive area at the apex of the upper left lobe, There was no fluid in the pleural cavity, The lungs were voluminous and subcrepitant and deeply con- gested, The cut surfaces allowed a moderate amount of frothy fluid to escape, The tracheobronchial tree presents a number of sooty~like deposits on the mucosal surface, HEART: The pericardium is smooth throughout and the sac contains a namal amount of clear fluid, The myocardium, endocardium, valves and . eres? vessels are not remarkable, ABDOMEN: The peritoneum is smooth throughout, All organs are in normal anatomical positions and present no significant gross pathological changes, HEAD: The scalp shows considerable charring, On reflecting the scaly, there is an area of hemorrhage in the soft tissues measuring approximately 6 cm, in its largest diameter, over the right temporo-parietal area, A fracture of the skull is not demonstrated, Qn removing the calvarium, there is demonstrated a moderate subdural hematoma in the right temporo- parietal area, e Material was obtained for toxicological examination, The microscopic examination confirms the gross anatomical findings, The particles of clothing smelled strongly of a petroleum product of highly ine flammable character, 301 DOCTORS BUILDING 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER a DR. W. M. SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2, N.:C. IMPRESSION: Burns, second and third degree extensive, Subcutaneous hemorrhages of scalp, Subdural hemorrhage, right side, Pulmonary edema, moderate, Inflammable petroleum product of clothing, Signed: td Oh he W. M,. Summerville, M. D. Coroner, Mecklenburg County Report of the investigation of the death of Clarence Rankin Beaver Clarence Rankin Beaver, age 48, shot himself with a single barrel?shot gun at his home in Chambersburg Township, Iredell County, at about 12:50 today. The entire load from the gun went into his head blowing the top of hisrhead’ off.Deputy Sheriff Shuford was with me in this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as it was a clear case of suicide. The shot gun dropped::< between his knees when he fell. This the 2nd day of August, 1945. Form No. § CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL County: Tredell Date: 7=2=1968 Report of death was received by me at, 2°00 PB 4, July 2, 1968 free N, C, Baptist Hespital, Winsten Salen, N, C, al ee a en eS who reported tne foltowing facts conderning ine death: That Ernest Glenn Beaver Jr., injured in a Pedestrian-Car Accident near his heme en June 22, 1968 had expired. Yeung Beaver was injuried June 22, 1968 when struck en his bloycle by a car heing driven by Miss Maie Stener, 531 4 Walmt Street, Statesville, N.C, he accident was ruled unaveidable by the investigatien Officer frem the Highway Patrel. : Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the following: (a) Name of deceased: Ernest Glenn Beaver Jr. Age:_% 9-12-1960. Address: Reute Six Sent) Recess (b) Next of kin: Ernest Glenn Beaver Sp, Relationship: Parents Tee ee re ee omnes em Address: Beute Six, Statesville, N. S, | (c) Time and place of death: 1:35 Pe M. M, ©, Diptins Hospital, Winston Salem, H.C, Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:. oe Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: — Condition of the body: Form No 5 Exact location where body vas found: __ LS ON CN A Et ROT Nee tee tn Oe oe ee ween - leet near eneetetindin ied nd ie: adeat ieee eth Apparent cause of deatn: Ceberal Edema frem Severe Head Injuries _ FN Ry RNY me ee ON ee I Re a EE OE Oe RN MO EE ee MO Re On re Names and addresses °f persons admitting criminal act or vefauli., if em and addresses of suspects, if any: NET gee ae Ne, ET een ete oom Based upon the foregoing investigation, I find (MaKax) (no _ cause) TStrike one) to hold ao inquest. The ioquest will be held an the _ day of ‘ OR 2 ek me me eres ot 19 ,at o'clock, at Report of the investigation of the death of Joseph W. Beaver. Joseph W. Beaver, age 46, was killed yesterday, February eend, by a falling tree. A fire was burning at the bottom of the tree and it had burned until it fell. He was killed almost instartly. A limb from the tree struck Nr. Beaver on the head. It was very evident that it was an unavoidable accident and an inquest was deemed un- necessary. This the 23rd day of February, 1958. A abba Coroner of I OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER DECEASED Esco _: Bebber NAME OF First Middle Last ; SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, ‘MARRIED x _ NEVER MARRIMD._ 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE MM Ww WIDOWED___ DIVORCED__ eal O30 35. , PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUN (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RISIDINCE Iredell . Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY N.C oe Iredell Memorial Hospital Iredell (¢) ori, TOWN Statesville, (d) s ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 231 Fayetteville Ave. « CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN as : PART I, DEATH CAUS=D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Septicemic shock coe 7 _48 hours ANTSCEDENT CaUSES DUS TO (b) Gunshot wound of back __ 5 days DUE TO (c) PART II, OTH®=R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES, A NO_ X. 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Mr. Bebber was shot by his brother on 8-7-65. He was takento the Iredell Memorial Hospital, where he was treated for gunshot wound of the back and abdomen. He died on August 13, 1965 from the causes as listed above. The brother, Richard Grady Bebber, who allegedly had shot Esco, had been in the county jail without privilege of bond. Investigation by Sheriff umple revealed that the two brothers had been fighting and Esco Bebber was attempting to enter the front door of his brother's home when he was shot with a 7 millimeter Russian- make rifle. Knowing the above facts, it was not necessary to hold a coroner's inquest, and Richard Grady Bebber was to appear before Recorder's Court for further disposition. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Glenn Hedrick Beckham, 3, white male, Rt 1, Troutman, N.C., son of Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Beckham, came to his death at 3:30 PM this date about 3 miles southwest of Troutman, death being due to severe internal injuries caused by being struck by a meat truck, Said truck was driven by Paul Carroll, 29, white male, 1375 15th ave. N.E., Hickory, N.C., truck being a 1959 Ford 1 1/2 ton Huffman Sausage truck, license # SK 1767, which was headed west on the cemetery road headed towards East Monbo. | Mr. Carroll stated that the child ran into the road, and the tire marks are as follows - 12 feet prior to point of impact, knocked the child 25 feet, then the truck went 115 feet to right into a gully or rough ditch. Statehighway Patrolman R.L. Henry and Deputy Sheriff Marshall Maness, and Dr. B.R. McLain were there at the scene, and accident classified as unavoidable, No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY, VERDICT STATESVILLE TOWNSHIP Be it remembered that on the 2lst day of June, 1952, Dre Je S. Holbrook, Acting Coroner of Iredell County, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, to-wit: J. A. Brady, Jr., Thomas Stafford, A. Le Davis, Re M, Hoover, Glenn He. Fox, O, G. Fraley, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after me being duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville in Statesville Townshop, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the case of Ollie Beckham, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury finds as follows, to-wit: That the deceased, Ollie Beckham, came to his death by accidental burning. Sworn to and subscribed before me, the day and year first above written, Te Je Se Holbrook Acting Cogner of Iredell County, North Carolina, Jitsu) Coroner of Iredell Coun \ CORONER'S REPORT Case of OLLIE BECKHAM, deceased, male, white Chipley Ford Road, Statesville, N. C,. Date of Death: About I¥8O P. M., June 20, 1952, at the scene of the fire on the Chipley Ford Road, about two miles North of Statesville, Ne’ C. The jury empaneled on June 2lst, 1952, consisting of J. A. Brady, Jre, Thomas Stafford, A. L. Davis, R. Me Hoover, Glenn H. Fox and 0, G. Fraley, and reviewed the body of the deceased due to the history of the case, and ordered an inquest. Coroner's jury reconvened at 3:00 o'clock, June 21st, 1952, at the Iredell County Courthouse to hear the following evidence, DR. J. S. HOLBROOK, Acting Coroner, made the following statement to the jury: About 11:00 P. M. yesterday I was called by a police officer to appear at the scene of a fire on the Chipley Ford Road about two miles North of Statesville and make sure that there had been nothing unusual in the death but what was found in the fire, On the surface there seemed to be no reason to think that there was any foul play involved, but life is such and the law is such that we have to take every precaution to make sure. It appeared it was worthwhile to have you pass on that rather than place the burden primarily on law enforcement officers. Several stories were heard which will be repeated here this evening, most of which you heard last night. In the meantime, other facts have been uncovered, so it is your duty to pass on the facts you here. I made no attempt to examine the body. The first thing of importance is the identity of the body and there seems to be no question about that. We will try to find out the last person who saw the man alive, and also whether there was any suspicion that there was anything unusual other than accidental death. I don't believe there is anything else I need to say . The realistic facts is all that matters and the family, I believe, will give you all of the realistic facts, Mrs, MABLE BECKHAM, Statesville, N. C. Questioned by Dr. Js S. Holbrook, Acting Coroner, The purpose of having you come here is to make sure of the facts that you feel like telling us. Weby no means wish to cause you any more grief or enbarrassment. Your name is what? Mable Beckham, Wife of the late Ollie Beckham? That's right. When did you see him last? When he left Saturday morning to go to work. What was his condition then? What was the state of his health? He had some spells sometimes. Did he complain of anything? Yes, a cutting around his heart, Was he drinking et the time? I don't know, Was he accustomed to becoming intoxicated? Yes. To what degree? Pretty heavy. | Did he ever become so intoxicated so he couldn't leave the house? Yes, How often did he become that way? Very often, How many in the family were there? Who was left in the home when you left? There wasn't anybody. Mae and Shirley were uptown. She went back at 12:00, Did your late husband have any enemies? Noe Did anyone ever threaten his life? Noe : Do you have any explanation of what happened? I am not asking you to tell the jury what happened. Do you have your own opinion as to what happened to him? I think he was lying down and was smoking a cigarette, Where did he get the whiskey he was drinking last night? I don't knows : | Did he have it at home? I guess he did, | How much did he have? Half a gallon. | White? White, How much did he drink in one day? I don't know, You left at what hour? 9:00 o'clock. | And your reason for leaving was what? I told him I was going over to my sister's and stay over the week-end, _ How did he usually spendhis Saturday nights and week-ends? Drinking. How much would you suppose, the quantity as to quarts or gallons of whiskey he consumed over a week-end? Ae He bought two half gallons on Friday. Q. The only reason for asking this is to ascertain how completely involved he would become each week-end, SHIRLEY BECKHAM, Statesville, N. C. Questioned by Dr. J. S. Holbrook, Acting Coroner, Shirley, give me your name, Shirley Mae Beckham, Who was your father? Ollie Beckham, When did you see him last in life? Until 7:00 on Saturday. Last night? Yese | Was it dark then? It was still Light. What was his condition at that time? He was what you would say drunk, | You left about 10 until 7:00? Yes, How did you leave the house? I walked down the road, Who was with you? Lucille Combs, | Who else accompanied you from your house? Nobody. I was going to the store and met Joe and asked him to take me to the store? Joe Barnes Cass? Yes, Then where did you go from the store? Went and got a sandwich. | Had your father had supper when you left the house? Had you had supper? Yes, | What opinion do you have as to what heguened to your father? I suspect it was a cigarette, » Was he so <mmuptex incapicated that he couldn't get up and walk out of the house? -« I don't know, How do you explain the fact that he was consumed in the flames? I don't know, Is it your opinion that you father was burned to death last night? Yes, You are sure of that? Yes, ) How do you explain the fact that he didn't get up and walk out? I don't know about that. : Who was the person that was drinking with him? Charlie Yates, What hour was that? I imagine it was about 6:00 or 6:30, What lady was with you down at the house? Lucille Combs, Did she leave in company with you? Yes. Then where did she go? She went with me. | Where does this party live? Fourth Street in Satesville, (Mr. Brady) What type of lights do you have in the house? Lamps. How many? Twos Where are they located? One in the kitchen and one in the living room, Were they in good condition? Yes, Do you know what time this other fellow left that he waw drinking with? I imagine it was 20 efter 6:00 or 6:30, Were they friends? Yes, they work together. Was there pe reason to think that were not friendly last night? Yes, they were friendly. LUCILLE COMBS, Statesville, N. C. Questioned by Dr. #. S. Holbrook, Acting Coroner, State your full name please, Mrs. Lucille Combs. What's your age? I'll be 18 on the 28th of December, Where do you live? I stay with my mother, State in your own words when you went to the Beckham home and what you observed and when you left, I went uptown yesterday. Mother went to the beauty parlor. Mable said she was going to Bessie'’s, her sister's, That was Mrs. Beckham? Yes. Mable, What relation is Mable or Mrs. Beckham to you? I just know her, Shirley asked me to go home with her. She got some groceries and we went out to the house, When we got there he was drinking utkincit and he said, "Where's Mable." I said "Mable went to Bessie's", He got mad because Mable was gone, He said, "There's no supper.” I said we can get supper so me and Shirley got it. Shirley said, "I've got a date with this boy about 7:00", and it was 10 to 7:00. We left the house about 7:00 and got a drink and a sandwich. Shirley and Joe took me hoge and Shirley called me about 11:30 and said we had to be at the courthouse Sunday, and that's all I know. Bud was sitting on the couch and Shirley was powdering her face. Bud said, "Lucille, please do one foe for me", He said he he had a bad toothache and asked me to give hima BeC. I took out a BC.. out of his pocket; he opened his mouth and I put it in his mouth. I was getting ready to go and he said, "Shirley, give me another B.C." So I did. He said, "Shirley, don't go off and leave me." And Shirley said she had a date. He said, "Shirley, please don't leave me", That's the last I heard of it. Qe Did you see any whiskey there at that time? A. Yes, at the side of the couch, Qe To what degree was he intoxicated? Ae He was pretty tight. Qe Do you think he was capable of walking out of the house at that time? Ae He walked out in the kitchen and he said, "Lucille, I want you to get me some supper.” I said, "Bud, what can I make you for supper", He said, "Make me some Brown Sop", so I did. He wanted some bologna fried and I fried some bologna and Shirley got some tomatoes. He was sitting on the couch and he begged Shirley not to go off and leave him, I told Shirley I couldn't stay because I had to go home, Mrse We E. MORRISON, Statesville, N. C. Questioned by Dr. J. S. Holbrook, Acting Coroner, Give us your names Mrs. We Ee Morrison (Mrs. Bill) Where do you live? On the Chipley Ford Road. _ How far in relation to where you live in relation to the home occupied by the late Ollie Beckham? "I don't know just how far—several hundred yards. In sight of the home? Yes. Tell us what you observed yesterday evening, beginning with the first sign of anything unusual in that neighborhood. I was sitting out on the porch about 9:00. amd I seen a light out there like a lamp burning in a window, and I don't know just how long it was before it was real light out there, It looked as though a car might have driven out of there. That was my first impression when I seen the light it was so light. And On second thought, I hadn't seen any cars go by, and then I choneat | I believe Bud's house is on fire, and I awakendd my husband and he got up and called the fire doerteact amd by the time I got back on the porch it was a real sure fire, C. R. SHARPE, Statesville, N. C. Questioned by Dr. @. S. Holbrook, Acting Coroner Give us your name and official position. C. Re Sharpe, Assistant Fire Chief of Statesville. Tell us about your call to a fire last night. I was off duty yesterday. I was on duty and went home and heard a truck, and I called and they told me where it was. When I got there the house done fell in. I guess I was about five minutes behind the truck. The driver of the truck said it was fallen in when he got there. What did you observe in relation to a human body in the burning house. At that particular time the body was laying on the bed, There was a metal roof on the house and the roof had fallen in. At that time it was covered; I couldn't say. The heat was so intense you souldn}t see anywaye There wasn't enough water to put the fire out. I got my light and discovered the body | was lying on the bed, Then did you satisfy yourself as to who the party was that was consumed in the flames? I didn't know the man to start with. Were you told enough to know that it was Mr. Beckham? Yes. I talked with his brother and other people and they were satisfied that it was him, HENRY R. BECKHAM, Statesville, N. C. Questioned by Dre J. S. Holbrook, Acting Coroner, Q. Give us your name please, A. Henry R. Beckham. They call me Bill all the time. Q. Give us your relation to the late Mr, Ollie Beckham, Ae I hadn't seen him in about twe—-or three weeks. Qe Ae Qe Ae @ Ae He was a brother? Yese When were you called about the fire last night? I was asleep. My wife woke me up about 11:15 or 11:30. Are you confident that the body removed from the fire was your brother's? Are you satisfied that it was his body? I know it was. You are certain of that? Yes. Do you have any opinion as to what happened to him last night? I guess he got burned in the house, Do you have any explanation as to how it happened? I don't know. Did he have any enemies? I don't know. | Do you have any reason to believe anything happened to him before he was burned? No, I don't have any reason. What do you do? I drive a truck for C. He Scott. SHERIFF RUMPLE Questioned by Dr. J. S. Holbrook, Acting Coroner, Just tell us your story. In consequence of a telephone call from the policy department I arrived there about 15 minutes until 11:00 about. When I got there I talked with Assistant Fire Chief Sharpe, and at that time the house was totally burned up with the exception of heavy timber, I talked with several people there around the Place and was told that Shirley said she left there Saturday evening about 7:00 and at the time she left her father was intoxicated. She said that he had some whiskey and said he was drinking the last she saw him, I talked with Mrs. Morrison later on in the evening and she related in substance what she seid here. She and her child were sitting on the porch and noticed a light and a few seconds later the burst of solid flames, She called her husband and he in turn called the fire department, and that's about all I know about ite Did you know this man? Yes, I ‘ve known him for fifteen years. Was there anything to indicate foul play? I don't think 80, , ' Did he have any enemies? If he had one, I didn't know it. In your opinion, is there any reason to interrogate any other people or persons to ascertain any other facts? I don't know how to answer that. Do you have any reason to think that there are any other essential witnesses to the thing? Noe I questioned Mrs. Morrison and she said she had been on the porch for sometime and there hadn't been any cars passing for some time. ’ e * + 4 ‘ tet x a \ : J - 2 ~< : c ae stLt marco tth< Zoe { Puy ye eey cp Tovrea Yor lined) “ Sei of u . y oo Ai Coulee Pee ae mk peg ht ne Polk Ph Zr fa pd co. poh Lheeol ns 1 pover Fi vie i Qe wl ee G 6 eth: Ov re beg ht— Ztge ho-w1t"- Lb v. Ke, a a - ee aloiif-~ Fy eG, wf a tcloer Soa eel Bete wf he phy Lee fae Crrob ase Ma A pecccrt Grass oo On Len eniela oy! The Aton? Co oe piper Wer, Chero ol semua eres. Semen ait: at brwiney, = Om pM Poseae? Ors Ofarmmnag Hho pe fred On Leonel, and Phas triilin og ae ms dt, Cermelilerr., Gow en Fin Pesiates nl ats - eA (ir ea pu b br thi, b ees an “i : Dib broken iain! Soe eigen possible Lasse. oe Bae a a entiin ms tog re ttt "a oF rms é ee TD Pee eID. or I | Hiaaa toy , a oe 7 beat ea foes met abet go He. sae : OV tr, Ant Ime ot, Saas 3 be Per ten a ie thai pe 4 uk beck tha bos a & Cx3.) |S cau abr Ka. Oxtee He tok foe a a ~ OB 6, Gat Crt os ¢ o ee 5 Gogh . or eee, Pie fo — Mie 6 3 : foroherit cree bret trod : Cees De Mea pred A Sp OEE ore ew y ere s pe 48 Se pithce Se Te oy im SBiver Rae 5 ome frw tne Teale oil ek alte ro 7 wre oir ao Booms bok as Abn cect, Ria eS me he hat 3 ae oo tr nV" ae mm ty ao RE got le —- gat a “> Ann x Warr Cre ww a oly], Poe a € ep Glee barn Abrw % nas 4 ne Bo ae Loe o a 3 tt “2 J. dowttlag pale. cs 7 & Par Natue ~, Aa e | DS Canice OPS oan hs rede ook ff, phy Mew Mh ter aw Ee Colic. om ko Rack aot Tian fore Kok a oe) oe ~~ #2 Ars Revie Yoree OB ce On/orn~ ee 7 are * Galo Bee Bae fa ne fe <r w14Gi, oc se S spn 7 Beary Cart » ne Pa a (70) $ Wante WHC me ak wk ae ie oe bie OC ascot oak Oak. Lo phe. cane eae ear ee. 9 exreiw~ rw : oo. gone eer a pornl \ Ot Anww agacr oe Wie to oes ee yPX hin Re Veta nag ee Boer re a oaks mek Soe Tie ge oro Ee : pe Cert RE ha | Gor bet han x lytic too F tard, ons pas ch dec rehic: . hace tuck ons re mete EI ce a a eo is Coe Dry Ore CWE & ol eae ot ee a i sd wasn << Bowron mm t- Eo inte a Sew of se peat, é fa Mest fait Bact oy as o bret Hee ¥ ahi. ~ & Lan Jorr8t_k Brrr flaw ort Ay A co Pade pol. B_ eau Onde’ ares he he wake i (ation — re en B= ood Bard — craig —_— SBE Kam — 9 cba Prat Cte Cony , cM Shires, hin. Pang ihe nag RKTT themes Ove Poh ue CLM oe INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF IRIS BELCHER, Died at the home of Lonnie Johnson. The said Iris Zelcher, colored, who was found dead _ in bed January 5, 1938 about 1 oclock, A.M.was thought to have had a heart attack. A closer examinatiomg of the body at the funeral home disclosed no further marks of violence of any kind. Dr. L.0O.Gibson had treated this woman. Deputy C.R.Baily accompanied me about 15 miles in Cool Springs Township to make this investigation of the death. After thorough investigation, Deputy C.R.Baily and myself deemed an inquest unnecessary. Investigation held and signrd by N.D.Tomlin, Comoner. This January 5, 1938. : CORONER’ OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. 0. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle L-st 24 DATE of DECEASED Michael Harold Bell DEATH SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NEVER MARRIED.x 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE M Ww. WIDOWED. DIVORCED. ___ 8-31-1944 20 PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (bo) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY DOA Davis Hospital vun—Dn Cn, ae Davidson. (¢) CITY,. TOWN Lexington (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. CC_12, Box 46 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL ESTWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUS-D BY ONSET AND DSATH IiMDIATE CAUSE (a) Severe crush wound of head. ____ __ Immediate ANTSCEDENT C:USES DUS TO (b) Automobile accident DUE TO (c)_ omen PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fractures of right arm, right leg. \ NAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO 12, R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was one of two students riding in the same Volkswagon which ran off the road and on the way toward the road struck a sign. He was DOA at Davis Hospital. Examination of the body revealed that the face and forehead were pushed into the cranial cavity, obviously a multiple fracture of the skull. He also had an open fracture of the right humerus and fracture of the right leg. Death was due to the causes as stated above. fo. hgh Gated No inquest necessary. North Carolina, | Iredell County. In the matter of Jessie Vernon Williams and Sjdney Bell of Wake Forest, N. C. Be it remembered, that on the 30th day of November and 2nd day of December, 1946, I, N. D. Tomlin, Coroner, of said County, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: W. A. Milholland, We L. Johnson, W. V. Gray, M. E. Ramsey, V. P. Link and J. E.. ~ Deitz, by me summoned for the purpése,according to law, and — after béing by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, N. C., » Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead bodfes of Jessie Vernon Williams and Sidney Bell, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit; That we the jury find that the bodies of Jessie Vernon Williams and Sidney Bell came to their death as the result of an automobile collision of the car they were riding in and a car driven by Marvin Yount of Newton, N. C., about 8 miles West of Statesville on the Hickory Highway; that we recommend that Marvin Odell Young be held under a $5000.00 bond for the January Term of the Superior Court of Iredell County; that we also recommend that Horace Yount be held under a $500.00 justified bond for the January Term of the Superior Court of Iredell County. Signatures of Jury is Inquest held and record signed attached hereto. in the presence of. Investigation of the <eath of Keith Ray BolT, two months old child of Luther Bell. ee ie The child was found dead in bed Sunday morning, Jarch lst, at 5330. After being notifed Deputy C. R- Bailey and myself went to make an investigation of the death and found that the child had had a severe cold and it was thought the child choked to death during the night. No doctor was called. No evidence of any foul play was found and an in- quest was dee:.ed unnecessary. This the 2nd day of March, 1956. , Oe Atynenr lyn, mae ane Li Aba St AS 1 SEF ae te ce yo Wnts eo witless Cer Corve Fair Gre % by Quan anna Cane — Gill ach bs hon ges a Le és, ee ge Leah Sy Sagohg ne | I Gah ME TAS s 6 Songer Vor. T3Mn bh /ot Gon vo | YA Arve act 2 hair MANY [Ooch oY a © OGurte, } fem fhe Granite Qed ) to Onrdaen< ® HH, ui anh hey lire. whet J Had ut wre frrk mm whiny A Cre by ak ale at tort Ld uke 9 tot tates 6H So a ed te 0 ten Le HH. ©@ Bid DO hee Boe cas hak eal tines Qh ola t ahicse eT Bata fe Fy Prenks K feo’ wkeae A SA 3 poe AS A i peor 8 on Jnr Pee ob adware whiwn of” fret, x. are be PNM Berra. 8 boproTt— ke in ahd NLooe 78 Ytes otf_ Cialis wn! tthe at hy; a Kaerve atwin (6 G2 eng 2 tw a. co o frnithtn hu en, pe ) Jal Arms & ‘Wa, : a a Bygr~ FR anh HG Rn Cnn We. Le Acelint a MO it MUNG 20 WT Land bh. ao . ae Wat om . > Bu Investigation of the death of Bud Bellamy Bud Bellamy, age 67, colored and who lived in Bethany township got up this morning and fell dead. Dr. Holiday had treated him for heart ailment and it was believed that he died of a heart attack. Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. this the 3Slst day of October, 1946. lau of Iredell Vounty. State of North’ Carolina. County of Iredell. Josephus Bellamy, colored male, 16, Rt 5, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at about 2300 PM this date death being due to crushed chest when farm tractor overturned on victin. The deceased was killed on the Sam G. Hall Farm, Chipley Ford Road about 10 miles north of Statesville, and had been apparently playing with the tractor in whipping and turning same in the yard, and the tractor overturned, trapping and killing the youth. The deceased was found by Mrs. Hall upon her return to the home. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. teh eceprenenbot ti nO trl vo tie Soe se “Of ath, oe ae we | BIZ hide. . prea FI tlcda eipek 42 He ar sir apenas oCc7m 072 oe ak. babe. Pes pa Pf Comte bx na | eo feof Can s eheee 4, G4 eee CA SEE aaPA eee, Cree Cl2e pa feo. @, 4 oo ? oO 7 Le SP OURS . A wel Ti Castigo ay , me y | ane Report ofthe investigation of the death of Thomas’ McKinnley Bellamy Thomas McKinnley Bellamy, colored, age 15 months, died at the home of his parents atabout 6 o'clock this morning. The child's parents lived near Davisville colored church on the Turnersburg road. No doctor was called but it was believed that the child had developed pneumonia during the night. A neighbor, Mrs. Arthur Reid, was called to the home by the parents but she said there was nothing that she could do for the child. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unncessary. This the 28th day of September, 1945. Report of the investigation of the death of Mattie Bellman, colored. Mattie Bellman, a:.e 54 years of age, died.at her home in South Statesville today. A telephone call came from Peterson and Mangum, funeral home, for me to make investigation of the death. Her family stated they thought she died from tuberculosis. This the 22nd day of March, 1939. ~ an 24 April 1957 \co . eum Y State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George Stephenson Benfield, 29, Rt £, Mooresville, Davidson Township, N.C. came to his death at about 10:30 PM 4/23/57 aue to accidental dis- charge of a 22 calibre rifle into the brain. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Deputies Marshall Meness and Tom Thompson amd the undersigned investigated. The deceased was iying back to the floor, head to the west of the room, Beet near the foot of the bed, rifle but to the south, and end of the barrell in bed covers near the deceased's feet; blood over the floor and on clothing and features of deceased. . The deceased's wife gave account of the accident to the Sheriff ana the undersigned in like manner at two different times, and stated that she, her dead husband, James Douglas and Douglas's two children hed been fishing, got home about 10:20, catfish in tub on Hitehen table, that her husband brought the rifle to the bedroom every night from the back room and kept it loaded in the bed room at night while they slept, that there was no arguement, that the rifle fell and discharged, that her husband fell also, that her husband bled severely, that after he would not talke to ber that she ran and called for help, that she saw rifle fell, that no insurance was involved. Robert Cavin of Cavin Funeral Home was asked to remove the body ard clean same for examination, and a bullet hole ranged from the upper lip near the left nostril upward behind the left cheek bone, bulged the left eye, entered the skull in left orbital cabity ani lacerated the brain, lacerating the left sinus prior to entry to brain, and trocar was ranged through the wound by the undersigned. After observation of the physical facts at the scene, and examination of the body efter clensed, no inquest was necessary. $5.00 and a Weltham watch was on person of deceased, Ol Waerw Marvin W. r Coroner, Iredell county ne Petia ene esc e ROMERO WT NeLrek ~ (ostomy - f a7 Lot prrr Boy “ie ER hacrcleg mr WP Ecrh Ll aah AX lbs ~ ard ch Pe a Ce, fase Pek 2 go S Q | Cammy Birk pad wha 4 fhe ihe, Car, | aoe 18 February 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. __ Pauline (MI) Benfield, 17, White/Female, 731 Cedar Sirees, Statesville, N.C. came to her death at 6:00 AM 16 Pebruary 1952 at the Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.C. due to Traumatic Head Injury, Cerebral Concussion; Extensive three days after auto accident at 2:00 PM 13 February 1952 on the Anity Hill Road 2 miles south of the Statesville, N.C. city limits on curve in front of JeA. Mill's home and ?.J. Proutman's home. | Auto involved was driven by Wade Donald Yow, 25, P.O. Box 382, Teylorsville, N.C. Passengers in the auto were Pauline Benfield, deceased, Sarah Benfield White, and Wade Donald Yow. Said auto was registered to Sam Johnson, R.F.D;s 5, North Wilkesboro, N.C., License #W-55 307, Motor # 18-5054602, Key identity "Gates 29 St Bik", State Highway Patrolman C.W. Pearson charged Wade Donald Yow with reckless driving on the afternoon of 13 February 1952 after the wreck. Patrolman Pearson stated that wreck occurred on a long curve at top of hill beyond 3ra creek, that right wheels of auto made wide heavy tire marks on dry pavement, heavy gravel pavement, for a distance of 12] feet prior to auto hitting bank on left side of road. Auto driven by Yow was headed southeast. Auto made a heavy wide tire mark, apparently right front wheel, for 50 feet prior to turning over. Auto turned over and made heavy marks in pavement and came to rest on its top for a distance of 35 feet on an elevated upgrade hill curve. Auto was moved by wrecker before Patrolman Pearson arriveéa. Three passengers were moved to Davis Hospital before Patrolman Pearson arrived. Yow and Mrs. White seen talking fast and quiet at hospital before questioned by Pearson. Wade Donald Yow stated to state Highway Patrolman Pearson, Deputy Sheriff Sam Laws and the undersigned at the County Jail on 16 February 1952 that "Wreck occurred a 2:00 PM 13 Feb 52 on the Amity Hill Road, that he knew the road, knows all the roads around Statesville, had driven a cab 15 months, had lived in Statesville & years 3 months; that he had a wife and child, wife had a Florida divorce, unoccuphed and unemployed since October; had been living with mother for a month; has drivers license and shoafers license, Auto belonged to Sam Johnson, North Wilkesboro; that he had the auto borrowed for 2 hours ‘Picked up down below the G & M Co.; Intended to buy Johnson car, borrowed to try out; Does not own car; drove &round town, to Pee Wee's Grill & Spot Barbecue; Had been down the Charlotte Highway to Barium Springs before stopping at Spot Barbecue; Did not eat at either place; Girls did not eat at either Place; drank beer at Pee Wee's and one at Spot-Girls drank same as Yow; Car had a straight motor and regular rear-end in it; were going no place in particular out amity Road; Mra. White employed at Mooresville # 7; dated Mrs. White quite a few times; had not dated the Benfheld girl; Mre. White was sitting in car next to Yow; Both girls were thrown out of car; Yow was driving, were going approximately 40, and not more than 45 miles per hour; 414 not kmow if speedometer worked or not; Had no trouble prior to wreck with. steering; car would not steer - just prior to wreck; Did not know if he applied brakes or not; dia not know how many times car turned over; has not seen or talked to Mre. White since wreck; did not take off fast at cattle barn, pulled into Amity Road from dirt road that leads from Charlotte Highway at Spot at a normal rate of speed; has been convicted of illegal possession of tax-paid liquors in Iredell Recorders Court while working at cab stend; 40 Ford coupe that he drives belongs to DeWitt Scott now in Service." Yow was told by the undersigned that anything that he might say would be held against prior to giving hig statentnt, He was informed of his rights prior to questioning in the presence of the above mentioned officers at/ the Iredell County Jail. \ Page # 2 Pauline Benfield, deceased Dre JeS. Holbrook, Staff Physician, Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.C. stated that Pauline Benfield, deceased, came to her death due to, Traumatic Head injury, Cerebral Concussion; extensive, deceased did not regain conciousness, skull X-ray negative for ekuil fracture, following traffic accident for three days. Dre Holbrook also stated that Yow requested to be examined for blood-alcohol content, and that after his examination and drawing of blood at the request of Yow; said blood contained .5 of one percent alcohol. Dr. Holbrook stated that Yow was not considered under the influence to the exten& of disturbing his normal faculties, but the odor of an intoxicant was strong from his breath and body. Mrs. Sarah Benfield White, 21, 731 Cedar Street, Statesville, H.C. stated that she, the deceased, and Yow were passengers of the auto driven by Yow that killed the deceased. Mrs. White stated that six and her sister were walking on Wise Street about noon on 13 Feb 52 when Yow picked them up; stated that they went to Pee Wee's, and Randy's Diner; denied having any beer; later admitted that Pauline had a beer at Pee Wee's Grill; Mrs. White did not have any beer at all. Stated that they left Pee Wee's, came down Front Street, turned off Boulevard, came out at Randy's Diner and went onto amity Hill road and that wreck occurred shortly thereafter, and besides riding around town that that was all the riding they did; that Yow went into Pee'Yee's and talked for quite some time; that she did not know who the auto be-. longed to; that Pauline wakted to ride down the Amity Road, that they head no place in particular to go; that she had to be back fo Abernathy Yarn Mill by 3:00 Pm to go to work; that Yow was driving 40 to 45 miles per hour; that Pauline went thru the right front glass; that she had not talked to Yow since the wreck; that father would not let Yow come to hospital or home, ran him off; that she had one child, divorced; Mrs. White finally admitted having one beer; that they turned over once, that she did not notice speedometer, that she was in the middle in front seat; that she had gone out with Yow; did not know if Yow had any beer or not; that she and Pauline had a sandwich at Pee Wee's; Yow ordered it for them; Mrs. White did not know Yow's reputation or his occupation; did know that he was in court in Statesville for selling liquor, and in court in Mooresville for liquor. 1939 Ford Coach, auto Yow was driving that wrecked, was checked by State Highway Patrolman Pearson, Capt HeP. Lackey, and the under- signed and steering wheel would turn both front wheels freely, noted that license plate was missing, noticed key, that is switch kee had "Gates 39 St Blk" taped on it; noted all tires standing; noted regular Ford Motor in it. Warrant was a, by the undersigned and State Highway Patrolman C.W. Pearson 16 February 1952 for Manslaughter charging Wade Donald Yow for the death of Pauline Benfield. Bond set for Yow was $10,000.00 justified by Clerk of Court Iredell County, N.C. for his appearance — in Recorders Court Tuesday 19 February 1952 for a Preliminary Hearing. Mrs. Sarah Benfiaasd White was placed under $500.00 justified bond for her appearance, same date, same hearing as a material witness. By the appearance of a re wanton disregard for life and 9 property, on information and belief, Wade Dondald Yow is morally and criminally responsible for the death of the deceased; and the above facts and the attached testimony will be given to Iredell Recorder's Court Solicitor R.A. Hedrick Judge C.B, Winberry for their review and hearing prior to Solicitor Zeb Morris to properly expedite the fixing of qe taeee octeee of this death. No formal inquest is deemed necessary in this proceedure by the undersigned. Coroner, Iredell County. 22 July 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Willie Upright Moose Benfield, 30, Barringer Township, Iredell County, N.C. came to her death at 9:60 AM this date due to removal of brain by 20 gauge shotgun blast. George Ray Moose, age 4, son of the deceased stated to Shertff Charlie Rumple, Deputy Richard Perkins, and the under- signed that his mother gave him breakfast, loved him, kissed hin, that his mother placed the barrell of the double barrel 20 gauge shotgun in her mouth and told him to pull the trigger, that his mother fell and was dead, and that he killed his mother. He stated that he went to the Hal W. Burke home about 150 yards away to play with the Burke children. The left barrel of the gun had been fired. There were no notes found. The house was well kept and neat. The deceased had been under Medical care during the past six months. The gun was leaning between the deceased's legs with butt of gun on ground. The deceased's body was lying face down on the front porch. Brain and skull and blood material were scattered over a twenty foot radius. fhe child had no blood stains on its person. Oscar Benfield, husband of the deceased, stated that he left home at 6:30. 4M this date to go to work at a sawmill near Mayhew fown and that everything was apparently alright at that time. The husband stated that there had been no trouble between he and his wife, and this was confirmed by the neighbors as far as they knew. Benfield stated that he and the deceased were married about a year ago three weeks after Ivey Moose, the deceased's first husband was drowned. Benfield stated that he and his wife kept the youngest ‘son of Mrs. Benfield, George Ray Moose, and that two children were in Barium Springs Presbyterian Orphanage, and that one child was in a Charlotte. orphanage, and that he and his wife had been trying to get George Ray in an orphanage also, : Mr. P. Le Shinn stated that the deceased was in his store on the afternoon prior to the shooting and that she appeared 0.K,. Mrs. H. W. Burke stated that George Ray told her little girl that his mother was dead shortly before Deputy Perkins came for the child, and stated that she heard a shot about 9:00 AM but she and her husband thought is was a back-fire from an autol Harry Horton, John Allman, Archie Horton, all of Rast Depot Street, Concord, N.C. and junk dealers found the deceased at about 10:00 AM this date when they stopped to call for junk. They went to the HW, Burke home; Mr. Burke went and told Mr. Pl Shinn, and Mr. Shinn notified the Mooresville Police Department. Due to the child's testimony of the happening, and being that he is a minor under supervision of his mother, the death of Willie Upright Moose Benfield is classified as suicide and no inquest is deemed necessary. : = Merton W hasgrer~ Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. 4 CSI Fy) OFFICE OF TEE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER < \ Noy 1. NAME OF First Middle L-st 2. DATE of Month Day Year DECEASED Dallas Wesley Benge DEATH __5 — ik AL, 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NEVER MARRIDD. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male __White __ WIDOWED___ DIVORCED_ etl O8 3B Separated = 8. PLACE OF DEATH | (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDINCE Iredell = Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY N. Co ~ iredell.. Oe) Tome! Stabesctid L as (4) STREET ABRs OR RFD NO._ Route 3,..Airport Road .O, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DSATH ~ IMMIDIATE CAUSE (a) Brain concussion __Unknown __.. ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUZ TO (b) Blow on head DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHSR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS + vid AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES x R2PORT OF INVSSTIGATION: The deceased was found along the side of the highway by Ralph Wolfe of Route 3, Box 218, and Richard Bowers of 1540 Bristol Road, Statesville, at approximately 8:30 p.m., and they thought the victim was alive. When he was picked up by Bill Baynard of Johnson's Funeral Home. he thought he was probably dead and he was pronounced DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital. The exact place of the accident was 14 mile above the Wooten Service Station on the Hickory Highway. There was found to be blood on the ground at the edge of the road. Jim Sharpe of the Statesville Record and Landmark stated that when he went past that area about 8:25 there was an old model Nash and another car sitting at this area and a man was walking back to the other car. Autopsy was performed and there was no evidence of skull fracture or brain hemorrhage. There was evidence of contusion over the right frontal region and also the teeth were knocked out, but there was no laceration to the lips. Remainder of the examination did not reveal any evidence of injury. No inquest has been held since all subsequent investigation by the Highway Patrol and the Sheriff's Department has not revealed any other person in connection with this death. I should add that a blood alcohol examination done by Dr. W. M.Summerville'ts office in Charlotte revealed a concentration of 1.20%, which definitely placed him in the category of being intoxicated. nderwood, M. 8 January 1951 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Karl R. Benge, 52, Sharpsburg Township, Statesville, R.P.D. 2, passea away at 4:00 am 8 January 1951 at his home. Mr. Benge, deceased, was last seen alive by his wife, Mrs. Bertha Benge at 12:20 AM 8 January 1951 prior to her retiring, ani Mr. Benge did not appear more ill than normale He was found dead by Mrs. Benge at 7:00 am 8 January 1951, ani no struggle was noted. Mr. LeRoy Reavis, Reavis Funeral Home, Statesville, and undersigned coroner were called at 7:30 aM 8 January 1951. Mr. Benge, deceased, was dismissed from HiF. Long Hospital, Statesville, n.c. 7 January 1951, and his history signed by Dr. Paul Me. Deaton and Dre JeLe Pressly noted cardio-renal-vascular disease and generalized edema was noted by undersigned coroner, The body was removed to Reavis Funeral Home, Statesville, N.C. for preparation and burial. There were no marks of foul play. The undersigned coroner, ceased's widow, after observin and stetemnts of above mentioned medical doctors deemed no inquest necessary, and that death was due to severe heart condition. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. October 31, 1962 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Clay Bennett, Jr., 31, white male, 807 Newbern Avenue, came to his death at about 5:30 AM this date in shed behind home, found by his mother, and Statesville Police Dept. and Dr. Harry Underwood observed in absence of undersigned. No marks upon his body, and deceased had been drinking heavily. Death due to natural causes, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. STATESVILLE 0ooxt‘carstin State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. ‘ Floyd William Bennett, white male, 30, 807 Newbern Avenue, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at’ 1:00 AM this date due to Acute Pulmonary Edema due to myocardial failure. e . The deceased was found dead in bed by his mother, Mrs. Clay Bennett, same addtess, at 6:30 AM this date. Subject was found lying face dow, head slightly turned to the left side. No marks of foul play noted’on his body, and no evidence of struggle. Death was due to natural causese Lieutenant Coleman Dagenhart, Sergeant I.M. Overcash, and the undersigned investigated. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. No inquest necessarye Statesviiie, WN. Cc. December 29th 1934 Report on the investigation of the death of Mary Lois Bennett, three years old, daughter of lhirs & lirs. W. A. Bennett Eigh St. Statesville, N.C. The little child had her brain penetrated by a pair of scissors. She was first attended by Dr. Herman and Drs Little. Her condition becoming so serious she was brought to the Davis Hospital, where she died within one hour after being admitted to the hospital. br. Hollingsworth and Dr. Clayton both gave ms the above information. > Coroner December 29th 1934 North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of W. Alfred Bennett, decegasec. Be it remembered, that on the Slst day of May, 1941, I, Ne D. Tomlin, corner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vize: W. S. Alexander, W. N. Rumple, D. W. Thomas, Joe Barkley, W. G. Lazenby and Frank Rowland by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of W. Alfred Bennett, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find assfollows, to-wit; That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to be procured that W. Alfred Bennett died from a bullst wound in his head and fired with sucidal intent by himself. Y Inquest held and record sigged \o in the presenc - Ss “oe ‘Signatures of jurors . and findings at hed hereto. — es CLERK SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY RL G. SMITH, CLERK STATESVILLE. N.C. 8th September 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Irédell. William Clay Bennett, Newbern Avenue, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at about midnight 7/8/62 about 70 yards southwest of the end of Parker's Alley off Drake Street, Statesville, N.C. SS Members of the Statesville Police Department called the under- ~~ , signed at 9:30 AM 7/9/62, and Capt H.P. Lackey and Lieut. T.A. Waughg - “a were present. The officers stated that they would investigate the circumstances, and the body was photographed, face down in a path in briars and under- growth, bleeding from mouth and nose, feet and legs. Dr. W.M. Summerville, Pathologist, Drs. Bldg, Charlotte, N.C. was called to autopsy, and death was due to a coronary occlusion, with blood alcohol of .3%. No evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Willis Bennett, colored. Willis Bennett was shot by trnest Weaver on Saturday night, September 28th, in abdomneme He died Wednesday night, Oct- ober 2nd, at 33:05. After a thorough investigation at the Davis hospital he was removed to the colored ward of the Davis hospital where he diede I have made a thorugh in- vestigation of his death and there was no question as to who shot him. I talked wibh Mr. Zeb ‘Long the,County Attorney, and he said an inquest was unnecessary. Investigation held and record signed by Ne. De Tomlin this the 3rd day of October, 1935. Apres Coroner of Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE of DECEASED Larry Phillip Benson 3 DEATH SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED 64 DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE _Male White - WIDOWED, DIVORCED en 3S PLACE OF DEATH ; ; (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP § 9, USUAL RESIDENCE = Iredell Mooresville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Lowrance Hospital N.C. 3 fn Ee (c) CIiY,; TOWN Mooresville ? (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 476 College. Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DEATH IMM@DIATE CAUSE (a) Contusion of brain stem as result of ANTECEDENT CAUSES : DUS TO (b) Automobile accident DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH@R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 33. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO : At Lowrance Hospital 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On December 26th, the deceased was driving a 1957 Chevrolet pickup truck at apparently a high rate of speed when he lost control of the vehicle on a curve. The accident occurred two miles east of Mooresville on Kistler Road. Three other people were injured but not seriously. Benson was taken to the Lowrance Hospital, where he was treated and did not expire until December 29, 1965. Investigation by Trooper Mullis revealed the truck ran off the left side of the road and then overturned six times in the road. Since the deceased was the driver of the vehicle, it was ruled that the causeof death was accidental. Shon (I fectevurr hp Underwood, M. D. No inquest necessary. REPORT OF THE DEATH OF ELBERT LEONDAS BENTLEY * 84. Report of the invetigation of the death of Elbert Leondas Bentley - 84. This old Gentleman could not get a Doctor, was suffering from Dropsey end hed en stteack end died et 4:05 Saturdey efternoon. I could nof 6 Deputy to gq with me to Mooresville, so Raymond Creedmore took me to the Bungh Funeral Home, et Mooresville, where I obtained the foregoing fects regerding his death. No inquest was fleaned necessary endanone was held. This June the 7th, 1945. State of North Carolina, County of Iredell. £22 Hansford Lee Bentley, 39, white male, came ! death this date due to 22 calibre rifle wound major vessels of chest by the hands of Steven Douglas Bentley, 16, white male, sons; and coroner's jury consisting of Charles Troutman, T.W. Deal, Jas. F. McNeely, W.W. Stilwell, Harry E,. Honeycutt, and J.C. Torrence ordered Steven Douglas Bentley held for grand jury action. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Deputies Tom Tompson and Richard Perkins investigated. place of shooting was 1014 Brantley Street at home, Eye witnesses were Michael Lee Bentley, Steven Douglas Bentley, and their grandmother, Mrs. P.J. Ferguson, all same address, Steven Douglas Bentley stated to the coroner's jury the following, "Father came home drunk, that he was mean and abusive, that the father asked where mother was, and mother and 2 ladies had gone to Landis. Father left the home, got stuck in the driveway, came back to the house, Michael picked up the 12 guage shotgun, held it in his lap, and the father came in and grabbed the shotgun, slapped Michael and the shotgun discharged into the ceiling. Steven got rifle and shot Father and called the police. The grandmother took the rifle from Steven. The father had no weapon, Dr. W.M. Summerville called to extract bullet for evidence, f vr Marvin W. sehr genie Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mark Berryman, colored male, 68, Belmont Community, formerly of 238 Chambers Street, Statesville, Nee came to his death be- tween the Statesville Chair Company and the H.F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N.C. due to a Heart Attack. ae | Dre Paul Ms Deaton, H.F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N.C. called the undersigned at 12:40 PM this date to come to his hospital due to a coroner case being there. Said case was re- moveaé by the Bunch Ambulance from the Statesville,Chair Ca. Dre Deaton was employed by the undersigned to determine the cause and manner of death since he advised was Questionable case and he was of the opinion after examination that death was due to a Heart Attack. Personal possessions on the deceased were $ 228.06 in money and a bank book # 2999 Statesville Industrial Benk with $601.56 balance therein. Said possessions were given to St. Charles Rutledge, witnesse& by Sarah Reeves, Mary B. Bigham, and the undersigned; receipt of the above is in file of undersigned, Other personal possessions on the deceased were auto keys and house keys, and they were given to J.D. Harris, colored male, who identifi6éd himself as grandson and next of kin present in Statesville, N.C. to the undersigned. W.0. Killian, foreman at Statesville Chair Company, States- ville, N.C. informed the undersigned that the deceased dropped over in the boiler room at 12/20 Pw this date and an ambulance Was summoned to remove same to local hospital. Reason for giving monies to St. Charles Rutledge rather than to grandson due to the deceased's wife being in Hartwell, Ga. and St. Charles Rutledge was instructed to get in touch with said wife and give same to her. Body of the deceased was ordered turned over to Rutledge & Bigham Funeral Home, Statesville, N.C. due to preference of JaD. Harris, next. of kin present. ‘No marks appeared on the deceased's body, and no evidence of foul play was present, and no inquest was deemed necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. FORM M-14 McNEELY'S—MOORESVILLE, N. C. LOWRANCE HOSPITAL INC. MOORESVILLE, N. C. X-RAY DEPARTMENT Haws ford BENTLEY, Mr. Haefeord L. (48) OP 2-21-60 F-369 Dr. Summerville KUB and Lateral Thoracic Spine AP and lateral films of the thoracic spinw show a bullet overlying the kth: thoracic vertebra. On the lateral view it appears to lie posterior so it must ee the verbebral body. The intestinal organs have been removed. TGT/jk Boomer ts. Hung T. G. THURSTON, M.D., RAD. d. E. WEAR, M.D., RAD.