HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Abernathy-Ayers STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA | | DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES Microfilmed by DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS Raleigh, North Carolina 3 INDEX IREDELL COUNY, NORTH CAROLINE CORONERS’ INQUESTS n.d.,1854-1968 Abernathy-Ayers Bady-Berryman Biggers-Boyd Brackette-Brotherton Brown-Byers Cagle-Campbell Carlton-Cathey Chambers-Clouse Cockerham-Corry Cottril-Curtis Dalton-Dowell Drum-Dye Eagle-Evans Fain-Furr Gabriel-Glovier Goforth-Gwaltney Hackney-Hayes Heaggans-Hinson Hodges-Hoover Hopkins-Hutchins Icard-Isenhour Jackson-Johnson,Press Johnson, Robert-Justice Kale-Knippenbert Knox-Kuhn Lackey-Lazenby Leaird-Lewis Linder-Lyon McCarter-Mc Whorter Mackey-Martin Mason-Mayhew \___ Meadows-Mills Millsaps-Moose Morrison-Mowbray Mulkey-Murray Myers-Myrick Nantz-Nobles Olephant-Overcash Padgett-Perry Pharr-Poole Poore-Queen Rainey-Reddeck " \ Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Coroners’ Inquests Redman-Reynolds Rhinehardt-Robison Rogers-Rupard Sadler-Shaw Shepherd-Shuford Sides-Smith, Gladys Smith, Henry-Sprinkle Stafford-Sullivan Summers-Swilling Tabor-Thomas Thompson-Troutman Tuck-Tuttle Upright-Vinson Waddell-Waugh Weaver-Westmoreland Weston-Whitlow Wilkenson-Zimmerman Unknown, n.d., 1886-1961 * DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY ' This is to certify that the micrographics appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of reco originated during the normal course of business by the Iredell County and consist of Coroners’ Inquests 7 No date, 1854-1968 The records begin with 0.2. O5YV. 973. / Mice athy, - Lose) and end with It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina, chapter 8-45.1.and 8-45.4, "Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as Evidence ct"; that the microphotography processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed; that the film forms a durable medium for reproducing the original, if necessary; and that the film used conforms to American National Standards Institute, Photographic Films-Specifications for Safety Film, ANSI IT9.6-1996 and American National Standards Institute, Imaging Media (Film)-Silver Gelatin Type-Specifications for Stability, ANSI / NAPM IT9.1-1996, This is further to certify that the microphotography processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date filming of this reel began 9- of - 73 Reduction Ratio VATIOUS ~ Date filming of this ree] ended Microfilm Camera Operator Iredell County - Coroners’ Inquests _ No date, 1854-1968 — Abernathy-Byers C.R.054.913.1 ? 25 November 1962 State of North Carolina { County of Iredell. Mrs. Lucile Matheson Abernathy, 64, 1116 Davie Avenue, Statesville, white female, came to her death at abowt 9:00 PM this date, death being due to a coronary occlusion. : - Rev. Gene Witherspoon dalled the undersigned that no one could be raised at the home, and Mrs. Aberthay lived alone, and ‘Lieut Marvin Henderson, Ernest Troutman, and the undersigned and the Witherspoons found the deceased upon the camode, slumped to the back, and died. No marks upon her body, and no evidence of foul play. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the death of Bernice Adams, colored, age 2 years. Bernice Adams, age 2 years, colored, was burned to death at the child's home in Batringérs Tow nship on Monda ay after- noon, December 14th. The child's clothing caught fire while playing. Sheriff Walter D. Morrison was with me on. this investigation. We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was helde This the 15th day of December, 1942. State of North Carolina. ” County of Iredell, -- Edd Edward Adams , éetonex male, 1s, Rt +> ptetenvitie,: Belmont community, Statesville, N.C.,° ‘came to his teste. at ‘Heo! on ‘this. date due to a ene occlusion, a es spd Ore BG Sei? wee Mees, wth CA age a Mae § 4 a: The deceased: oubject was found dead: in: bea ty his. ate Wawel Clarence Minor, in the son in: law's. home. a, i & ae ies « ¥e $ tee SCN No evidense of lieitea on his body, ) evidence of airasgiey iT and ‘no evidence of foul. play. Death was an “to nataral ‘WAUses « pate No. inquest necessary. Report of the investigation of the death of Genie kK. Adams Genie E. Adams, 7 days of age,ddughter of Kabérté :Adams died this morning at the home of her mother. The child was a pre-mature child and ai@ not have any resistance. They did not have a doctor with the child. Viola Long was the mid-wife with the girl when the child was born. There were no marks or bruses found on the child's body. This call came from Peterson & Magnum. No inquest was held as it was deemed unncessary. This the 24th day of September, 1946. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middile Last 2, DATE of _ DECEASED___ Jamies Conrad Adams DEATH 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED... NEVER MARRIMD x 6, DATE OF BIRTH %. AGE Male Colored WIDOWED. DIVORCED 42-13-1928 37 2 8 PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP ©. 9, USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Mooresville | (a) STATE cae (b) COUNTY Route 1 220. io EN Rs oe. iy eee (é)°3 kaa ai TOWN: Me rille (a) TO Moonen : OR RFD NO... Cabarrus Avenue 10, CAUSE OF DEATH , ; INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY | ONSET AND DEATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) : DOA. | injury. ANTECEDENT CAUSES , DUE 1 (b)__S$ , <f acture, . DUE TO (c) . i hla, tilllhinhantnan as tins PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS _ tenors alan net iJ. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES _ NO_x 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: : I was called by Dr. Wrenn on 7-3-66, who stated that a patient had been brought to the hospital DOA. He didn't mention at the time that an accident had been involved and I didn't realize until later that this was a coroner's case. According to reports, the deceased was driving a car which was involved in an accident, which was practically head-on. Adams was thrown from the car into a ditch. The accident was apparently caused by Adams, who was passing a car, causing the other car to veer from the road, finally ending up striking another car. He was DOA at Lowrance Hospital when seen by Dr. Creighton Wrenn. arry/S. Underwood, M. D. No inquest necessary. Investigation of the death of Larry Allen Adams, age 3 months. Son of Mr. And Mrs, T. E, Adams on 7th. Street The parents had had no doctor with the child and it died during the night. It-was found dead in bed, early this morning. The child looked like it had had a severe cold. The Johnson Funeral Home was called and they called me to make an investigation. I had a call from Dr. -Lonnie Little who make an investigation also and he informed ihé .that he thought the child died from a severe cold or possibly phenumonia. An inquest was deemed unneceasary and none was held. ? This the 26th day of February, 1941. > Ub dab b, Countys OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-21 | NAME OF First : Middle Last 2. DAZE Month Day Year DECEASED Elizabeth &E, __Albea DEATH - 3 9. §=«63 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE S$. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED -=—« 6. - DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE F wW WIDOWED DIVORCED _8=12-1877 | 76 PLACE OF DEATH : 9. USUAL RESIDENCE: (o )COUNTY. (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE Iredell Turnersburg N.C (o) cry TOWN Harmony (a4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 CAUSE OF DEATH . : INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB:(®)* Coronary thrombosis ANTECEDENT CAUSES \ : PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES | Pemntmenty 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This patient was seen by Dr. Robertson in Harmony. There is no question in his mind that the cause of death was natural. ‘Po inquest necessary. 17th May 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Thomas R. Albea, 33, white male, Rt 1, Harmony, came to his death at 3:30 o'clock this date due to auto falling upon his head at Morrison Windsor's garage, cause of death being lacerated brain. The deceased was under his 1953 Hudson, and the chain hoist poleased and the differintial housing crushed his head on block of wood under the car. The undersigned removed the body after ambulance call to the scene to Reavis Funeral Home, Harmony, and $2.36 in money was given to Mrs. C.B. Reavis at the funeral home, this being the amount upon ‘his body. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. 8 May 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr. Arnold Leo Alberty, white male 59 Cascade Street, Mooresville, N.C., came to his death at 11:45 pu 4 May 1956 due to asphyxiation due to compression of throat caused by auto turning over on his body after auto accident. The deceased was proceeding north on Cascade Road, Mooresville, N.C., and failed to make a sharp turn to the right at the intersection at Cascade Mill, jumped about a 4 inch curb, careened to the right to the corner of the mill, car rolled down an embankment at the east end of the mill, threw his body from the car in its process of tu over, and alighted on his chest and neck. Individual stranguled to death due to pressure of weight. Wo severe marks of recklessness noted other than car jumpi eurb, no evidence of brakes applied, no odor of alcohol on the tone of the deceased, no broken bones noted. There were no occupants in the car other than the driver, ana his vehicle was the only auto involved. His ear, a 1949 Ford coach, N.C. BU 168 was damaged about $50.00. 4 watchman at the Cascade Mill found the deceased at 12:15 oclock 5/5/56 and Patrolman Davis of the Statehighway patrol and the Mooresville police were notified. Body was rémoved to Cavin Funeral Home for preparation and burial. Wo eye witnesses have been found, however, members of the Gascade Mill force heard the noise and thought that the train shifter was shunting cars on the rail siding. No inquest necessary. ymer 7 Coroner, Iredell-c€ounty. Report of the investigation of the death of Andrew Alexander. . Andrew Alexander, colored, age 91, died at tie home of his nephew, Fred W. Bailey in "Sha rpesburg towmship. He was sitting in a chair and fell over dead. Some of the family were in the room at the time. They did not have time ont dO doctor. It is believed he died from the infirm&ties of call came in from the Peterson-Mangum fweral home =e An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was heid. This the 27th day of January, 1940. OFFICE OF THE CORONER | IREDELL COUNTY i. Cc. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. De, CORONER + 1, NAME OF First Middle i DATS of _ DECEASED John Alsbrook Pistender { 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, VARRIED NOR MARIO. _ 64 DATE OF BIRTH Ts AG : Male Col, WIDOWED. _s~DIVORCED._—s«y. Rk a etal 8, PLACE OF DEATH : oe (a) COUNTY . (b) TOWNSHIP 9.- USUAL RESIDINCE Iredel] ille (a) STATE e (6). COUNTY 5 Tinwood Road a, pe a heskeabuns (ce) CTIYS TOWN Chaplotte eee (ad) s ADD ; 3 | , OR RFD NO, 5827 Green Street 10, CAUSE OF DEATH hs | . INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DEATH - IMM{DIATE CAUSE (a)___ Crushed chest Immediate ; = ANTSCEDENT CAUSES — DUS TO (b) DUE TO (a) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fractures of right femur, mandible. : dk WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES aM Ait 12 R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: This man apparently was in a car which went off the road approximately 1:00 a.m. The car was found at approximgtely 8:00 a.m. in the morning and when this man and the other man in the car, Ezell Mounger, were found, they were both dead. They were brought to the Cavin Funeral Home where I examined the body. Cause of death due to injuries as noted above. Since both men involved in the accident were dead and no other persons were involved, no inquest was necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Upha Lackey Alexander, 69, Harmony R.F.D. 1, came to her death this date due to Dr. Paul M. Deaton's diagnosis of Anemic, Artersclerotic, Nephritic condition following an open reduction in May 198. The deceased passed away at the Vendora Rest Haven in Union Grove Tewnship, Iredell County, N. C. ed had been unattended by a Medical Doctor for a period of one year. The deceased had been confined to the Vendora Rest Haven for a period of seven months. The deceased was in bed lying upon back, arms and legs drawn to body. There were no marks of foul play. The body was turned over to Reavis Funeral Home, Harmony, N. C. for preparation and burial. Lptiree td Magy J Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Fred Allison, colored. Fred Allison, age 45,colored, was found dead iuxumt about 1:50 p. m. today at his home on Parker's Alley just off of Drake Street. Dr. Holiday was called. He had been treating the man for different things, heart trouble and other things, The Police office was called and they came by for me and we went to the home of Allison and made a thorough investigation. After make a thorough investigation of the case we deemed an inquest unncessary. He was an employee of the Statesville Flour Mill. Dr. Holiday saw him yesterday and it was his opinion that he came to his death from influenze compications,heart trouble and syphilitic condition. This the 4th day of February, 1944. in Re Inyuest over hody of oren: Mm ..zcex_hder,Col. March Sth, 19 Cost of inchest. SeLe Parks, coroner Sede rb ews. duapens es sacateadoaGu X..Kincaid, JULOL soe e eee e eee ec eeee sees eo e000 N.C.Sharpe,’ 6000's mph e's 6 R464 08 6 0 44 be Oe i. ¥.Coley, Neb ete eee ee cence conseceee FeO George eld. (SOO weet er etc cersecesewees eM @.5 + Alexander! OEE Ws os bd 0 4 wad 046 60a ee es 2200 : Clk nidrets*® * WO RAMEE Gs cio bas kee bc ebbc se ceue -. Je. Bonver, acai susmonihg ‘jurors.... — ‘S$-00 Henry Hicholson, geenene BOS CANONS. 26s aces: * BeO0 Tot:i, $54.00 ‘ Inquest held over remains of Graham Alexander,Col. Sunday March 8th,1925 oe ‘ *’ Following summoned to sct as Jurors:- J.N.Kincaid E.C.Sharpe W.E.Coley George Field C.5 Alexunder CG A-Andrews “ eo ae a . £7 2 f aed Vf A a a. : . 2 o® LA May 15, 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Margaret Caldwell Alexander, 31, 347 Bell Street, Mooresville, came to her death at Mercy Hospital, Charlotte, N.C. due to pulmonary embolism due to fractured pelvis and internal abdominal injuries caused by being run down with an auto and murdereé. Time of the run-down was April 30, 1961, while trying to get away from her husband, John W. Alexander, same address. : Dr. W.M. Summerville called the undersigned regarding this death, and autopsy was ordered by him there in Charlotte, and Chief of Police Lloyd Shumake of the Mooresville Police Department was called to investigate and charge the husband of the deceased with Murder after the medical evidence of Dr. Summerville. No inquest necessary. Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. - Wo» 63-32 1, NAME OF First Middle. Last 2. DASE Month Day Year DECEASED ° Worth Washame Alley DEATH I ee 34 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED, NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH: 7. AGE Male -White WIDOWED DIVORCED = 6-28-15 17 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE ae (a )COUNTY . (b) TOWNSHIP .. (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell Coddle Creek H.C. red (o) try or : TOWN} (a) STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO. kFD 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN © PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (#): Coronary occlusion | Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Arteriosclerotic heart disease DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: At approximately 5:00 a.m. on the morning of May 5, 1963 I was called by Mr. E.C. Cavin, funeral director in Mooresville. This patient had been found dead in bed. I journeyed to Mooresville and observed the body, ascertained the history. The patient had apparently had some heart trouble prior to this. I believe the cause of death was due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. = Harry’B. Underwood, M.D. Investigation of the death of Zeb Alexander, age 71. Zeb Alexander, age 71, was found dead this morning about 9 o'clock at his home 4 miles southeast of Mooresville. He was found b, one of his colored servants in the drive-way of the barn. lr. C. Le Giloert accompanied me to the home of Mr. Alexander to make the investigation. The family did not de- sire an inquest to be held. His son, said that'he had been seffering from a heart ailment, and it was thought that he died from a heart attack. He lived in the home alone. This the 24th day of April, 1941. Coroner of pbs. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First -<- Middle > Taste 2. DATS of DECEASED___ Scottie Keith .__ All good DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NEVER MARRICD_ x 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male White. WIDOWMD__ DIVORCED. ite eg 5 ‘PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell ; Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY ote sini we ROdOL) (c) CiTY>~ TOWN Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD No. 1327 Fourth Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVsL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Respiratory and circulatory failune — wont a MASA ANE Rhiciehieticiern ANTSCEDENT C.:.USES DUE 10 (b) Massive brain damage 18_hours. DUE TO (c)_ Accidental skull and brain trauma 18 hours PART II, OTH"R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 3 WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES | 22, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The victim was apparently riding his bicycle shortly after lunch on 6-12-64 when without looking he rode into the main thoroughfare and was struck by an automobile making approximately 30 mph. The patient was unconscious when reached and was brought directly to the hospital. It was found that the child had a linear fracture of the skull and also a fracture of the left femur. In spite of treatment, he never did regain consciousness. - Fa fod] Harry! B. Underwood, M. D. No inquest necessary. NORTH CAROLINA, . IREDELL COUNTY secorp OF CORONER ON INQUEST. Be it remembered that on the 30th day of August, 1935, I, N.D.Tomlin, Coroner of said County, attened by a Jury of good and lawful men, visible; C.L.Pope, H.C. Alexander, ee Fred Poston, Neil Hoover, C.W.McNeely, Fred -A. Davis, by me summoned according to law after being by me duly sworn . and empannelled, in Statesville lownship, Iredell County ‘did hold en inquest over the dead body of Caesar Allison, © and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, . 4 to-wit; That Caesar Allison came to his death from natural | causes. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of, Basham te, | : Coroner of Iredell County. fZ fPeccndals. fl CDE. ot Ot OTF seem Report of the investigation of the death of Gussie Allison, colored. Gussie Allison, colored, age 56, wife of Isadore Allison died at her home this moming at about 9 o'clock. She had been sick for several days. Some members of the family had called the doctor and he did not get there wntil after she had died. She worked at the Statesville Laundry. Deputy Sheriff Wade Moore was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the 1%$th day of December, 1945. a cla of Iredell County. October 26, 1962 State of North Carolina. * County of Iredell. ee Hiram D. Allison, 76, colored male, 314 North Tradd Street, came to his death at noon today, death due to myocardial failure. The deceased was found by his son, James Allison, in a chair in the home, and upon examination, the deceased just died. No marks upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell. County. a ee IL oe CE mR CS ONT SAE AE EB He Wigte KL sth (pile Bett! Cees | ‘ ee we a Listen Soo. ge Y Auger Es | PLE 4t ee Goo-drniar Le LTH 1% Goes eS. hepa A- CEs Shoe fr ican as, oo ix! ont ah” dhe A aa gt Y smn, —— eae Me coe tga ee & p-higose titer its. As SaacaxBs| To ba rv aciath / Aad Ey Dy ok aah ke pny Jaa (eeac 11 Kis Meal J.A~ Maa rs bervsig, etd batl.. aa we Nils m an eeetay lathe, eee fo ae . ee eF , “a8 £. fg tatee Mtns, ot ie ees esha beds ove OW, dater dey “F =a i aor 1699, Mah Vea Mla, 4 (tis pine Avg ee ee SZ oes 5 shout Pek (osc ras 8 Z Ge fot tafe fick tox Tl lai aa Lf Gosce 1 Ae a> * of A fi Pons one Ab Mie SLE, ey ae Vb : Beat Rear genre pnicatpehininenediiciates Z | qe ert J were va We nak aE poe is Be oe pe fl B-Clb-cte~ y~ farA CA het tL hes a, eae Lo! Oh ocd. Ge pik oe su ack her hahih OF2 Ve fF hin MRK Sie. Pog i. fe C, | ‘ at bry about I gear ae | Mand, Inrange y é- roleuas LA Lar berg, Anh, Ne hae Mtn hall han—t—Sferucs Oe Milciwm: tena: tee s the ak O¥ wrtkiucs, cael LX Meaks He es t- Shih barnes K Mls Zs/ oH Ah ffe« woe te hy 7 Mac ee ‘ . ZL a State: Nerth Carelina Ceunty: Iredell Celered, Male RE: Larry Wayne Allisen,/age 6, Route 8, Statesville, Nerth Carelina age 19, White, Male Clyde King Jelly,/Reute 1, Hiddenite, driving a 1953 Ferd, @ deer, License Ne. BY 677, at 55 miles per heur, 50 yards west ef Mr. Bearfield's Stere en Highway 90, at 5:30 P.M. en June 26, 1959, struck Larry Wayne Allisen, age 6, ef Reute 8, Statésville, the "allisen child was killed. Glady's Campbell, Reute 2, Hiddenite, White, Female, was driving behind the Jelly car at the time ef the accident, her speed was 45 miles per heur, the Allisen bey was en the North side of the read and his sister Brenda Allisen, was on the Seuth side of the read. Larry Wayne Allisen was standing en the Nerth side ef the read as the Jelly car appreached, the Allisen child stepped inte the read in frent ef the Jelly car and was struck, as soon as the car struck the child the brakes were applied, the driver was geing at approximately 55 miles per hour. Jelly had Liability Insurance with C. C. Fex ef Statesville. Parents ef Larry Wayne Allisen are: Cecil and Claudine Allisen, colered ef Reute 8, Statesville, Nerth Carelina, Marvin W. Rayme Cereoner, Iredel 14th May 1961: State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Adell Gaither, 65, colored fettale, Rt 1, Harmony, N.C. David Alexander Gaither, 62, colored male, Rt 1, Harmony, N.C. Lee Odett Allison, 1, colored male, Rt 1, Harmony, N.C, Ophelia Allison, 37, colored female, Rt Harmony, N. all occupants of 1950 Buick sedan on this date at 10:50 PM on old #.75 about 10 miles northeast of Statesville, missed the bridge and all subjects were drowned in the Little Yadkin River. David Alexander Gaither, the head of the whole household, was owner and apparent driver of the death vehicle. All bodies were removed to Rutledge & Bigham Funeral Home. No inquest necessary. | Sheriff J.C. Rumple and Patrolman C.E. Gaither investigated, jwon herr Marvin W. Raymer Report of the death of the infant son born to Hazel Anderson. From all the evidence that could be procured the Coroner and Sheriff found that the child was born to the Said Hazel Anderson at about 8 o'clock Monday morning, May 20th; that no one attended the said Hazel Anderson; that she placed the baby in a paper bag and carried it out into the yard and put it in some undergrowth that Nellie Gibson found the baby and carried it back into the house, covered it with a towel and then she called the Sheriff's office. Deputy Sheriff C. B. King accompanied me on this investigation. The County physician was called and he said the baby died from hemorage caused by severing of the cord. Dave Loftin drove by the home and took Hazel Anderson to the Davis Hospital where she is still a patient. ~“ This the 2lst day of May,1946. Coroner of iréde Report of the Investigation of the death of Le Ts Anderson, colored. 8 L. T. Anderson, age 41, colored was found dead in his bed at about 8 o'clock Sunday morning, November 1l0th., at his room at the Skyland:iHotel. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Shuford was with me on this investigation. From all the evidence it looked as if he had died from severe pain. No evidence of any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary amd none was held. This the llth day of Novenber, 1946. Coroner of Irede ay “Report of the death of Spencer Anderson. Spencer Anderson, Age 25, shot himself in the head Sunday afternoon supposed to have been about two o'clock, died this morning in the H.F. Long's Hospital. Mr. Anderson was brought to the hospital in a semi-mmaconsious condition. After he was put under the influence of a narcotic he never gained consciouness. He talked a little before this narcotic was given to him. I was called to the hospital this morninge An inquest was mmk deemed unncessary and none was held as it was very evident as to how he came to his death. This the 17th day of October, 1959. J LM of Iredell raged CORONER'S INVESTIGATION OF DEATH OF ZENO ANDERSON. (Note: Accident estimated to have occurred Wednesday night at about twelve o'clock. ) First Witness--Mr. E. W. Allison: Mr. Tomlin--Mr. Allison, tell in your own words all that you know about this matter. I came by Elmwood around 7:30 pem. and took Mr. Zeno Anderson home and he decided he wanted me to take him to his daughter's. Qe. Where did you pick him up? A. At Happy Valley Service Station. We went on to Mr. Anderson's home to get ready to go to his daughters. Q.- Who did you take with you? A. Zeno Anderson, his wife, Mrs. Zeno Anderson, his son and daughter, Leon and Grace Anderson and his grandson, Taylor Miller. Qaylor Miller and Mr. Anderson rode in the back of the truck. Whan we got to Catawba we decided we wanted something to eat and went to the Filling Station to get something. Qe To whose home did you go in Catawba? A. Howard Beaver's home. Zeno A rson, Leon and Taylor went to the service station and when théy came back we ate and they said that Mr. Anderson got a pint of liquor while they were gone. Q. What time did you get to Beaver's home? A. About nine o'clock ae Who was driving the truck? Leon Anderson a Who was in the cab of the truck with you? A. Mrs. Anderson, Grace and Leon Anderson. Zeno and Taylor Miller were on the back of the truck. Q.. Did you stop the truck or get out after you had started back home? - A. No. Q. When you left was Mr. Anderson intoxicated? A. He had taken something to drink and we had to put him on the truck. Q@. After you left was there any commotion or disturbance of any sort on the back of the truck that you could hear? A. No. Q. About what time did you reach Zeno Anderson's home? A. About 15 minutes until one. Q. What did you say when you got there? A. I asked where Mr. Anderson was. Taylor said that he didn't know, that he had been asleep. Taylor said that he was in the truck when we passed Clinker Brick. We looked all around for him but could not find him around the house. We inquired for him at both hospitals and went back as far as the river but could not find him. We went back to Mrs. Beaver's but he waan't there. We went back home thinking that maybe he had crawled out of the truck and hid. We inquired at Johnson's and Bunch's Funeral Homes. We found out later that he was in jail. Q. If he got off the truck, he got off between Catawba and the road turning into the Anderson home and left the truck while it was in motion? A. Yes. ’ t a Q. Was he hurt in anyway when he fell off the truck? | Ae I didn't know anything about him being hurt until , this morning. Q. Was there any fighting or any disturbance between his “grandson, Taylor Miller and Zeno Anderson that may have resulted in foul play? A. None that I know of. Q. What is your opinion of what happened? A. I think he just crawled off the truck not knowing what he was doing. Q. Was he unconsious when he got in the truck? A. ‘We had to help him on. . Q. Did he have the mental capacity to know what he was doing. A. No, not exactly. Second Witness--Dr. R. Se McElwee: In response to a telephone call from the Jailer, Carl R. Bailey, Thursday morning around 9:30 o'clock, I called at the jail to see a drunk man, which proved to be Mr. Zeno Anderson. He was in a profound stupor, apparently resulting from drink. His heart and lungs were normal and his pulse reacted normally. There was a small scar on his right kmee and a small scar over the left eye-brow, which we thought to be sand scars. There was no evidence of any abrasions on the scalp or any depressions. His scalp was normal. He was in the same condition during my afternoon call and when I made my visit the next morning he was dead, having been dead not longer than an hour. Q.- In your judgment the stupor came from too much liquor? A. Yes. Q. Do you think the fall he had off the truck had anything to do with it? A. Yes. There was no bleeding of the dar or nose, only a little blood on the face coming from the sand scars. Qe Upon the examination of the body what damage, if any, did you see from the effects of the fall, after you made a more thorough examination of the deceased? A. A fracture of the occipital region, probably through the orbit. Q. Did you examine him to ddtermine whether there were any bruises resulting from the fall. . A. Yes. There were no bruises, except sand bruises and no other broken bones. The alcoholic drink and the fracture were responsible for his death. Third me ennee sey or H. Miller, Grandson of the deceased, Zeno Anderson: Wednesday, May lst., I came to Grandmothers between six and seven-thirty p.m. Q-How long were you there until your Grandfather omer A. Forty-five minutes or an hour. Q. Was Mr. Allison there at the time? A. Yes. He had just got back from Burlington, N. C. Qe Who first mentioned going up to see your aunt, Mrs. Beaver? A. Grandfather. r¢ Who went with you? / A. Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Anderson, Mr. Allison, Grace and Leon Anderson. Qs Who was driving the truck? A. Leon Anderson Q- How were you riding when you left the Anderson home? A. Grandmother, Grace and Leon Anderson and Mr. Allison were in the front seat and Grandfather and I were in the back of the truck. 3 What time did 72 get to Catawba? « About nine o'clock. Q. After you got there what did you do? ' A. We wanted something to eat and said something about going to get something to cook and my aunt told us not to go that she would cut a ham for us and she did. Leon, Billie Beaver, Grand- father and I went to get some bread. Q. Where did you go? A. We went to Riverside Service Station but they didn't have but one loaf so we went on to the next station and it was close Grandfather stayed at Riverside. We went back and picked him up and went on back to my aunt's. Q. What time did you get back? A. Around ten o'clock. Q. Did you cook and eat at Mrs. Beavers? Ae Yes. ; : Q. What time did you leave to go home? A. About 12:20. Q. When you started back home how did you ride? A. The same way that we rode up. Qe What kind of shape was Mr. Anderson in when he left Mrs. Beaver's to go home? A. He had had a few drinks. Q. Did you have to help him in the truck? A. Yes. Me and my uncle, Mr. Beaver helped him up. Q. How did you place him in the truck? A. We laid him on some sacks and put canvas over him. Q. Did he have anything to say during the trip? A. When we left the house he said something about me being on his side. I said something to him as we came to the river, but he was asleep. I went to sleep on this side of Clinker Brick and that was the last time I saw him on the truck. Q. He was there when you went to sleep? A. Yes. When we got home Leon came back to the rear of the truck and woke me up and asked where Grandfather was. I told him I didn't know. We looked all around the house for him but couldn't find him so we got in the truck and came back up the road a bit. Q. What time was this? . A. Approximately one o'clock. Q. What did you do after you left home. A. We rode back to Clinker Brick. Q. Why? A. Because he was on the truck when we passed the place going home. Qe What did you do then. : A. We went back ‘to Grandfather's house to see if he had got home. Q. About what time was this when you made the second trip home? A. Around 2 a.m. Q. What did you do then? : A. We found that he was not at home so Leon, Grace and Mr. Allison went to look for him. I stayed with Grandmother. | Q. What position was Mr. Anderson in the last tim you saw him on the truck? A. He was lying at the front end of the bed with his feet pointing toward the back of the truck. Q. Was there any commotion or fighting on the back of the truck between Clinker Brick and home? Ae Noe Q. Do you have any idea how he got off the truck? A. No, because the truck bounces toward the front and there was a rop across the middle of the bed, about half-way and the side planks are about waist high. ste =-3- : pe Qe. When you helped put him in the truck, leaving Mrs. Beaver's, did he know what he was doing? A. I don't know. Qe . Do you think if your grandfather had been in si normal mind would he have crawled off the truck? Ae Noe Q.- Was he able to stand up or get up in the truck? A. I think so. To get off he would have had to either crawled or rolled under the rope. Fourth Witness:--R. M. Thompson, City Police It was between two and two-thirty when I got a telephone call from Fred Cloer at the Dutch Lunch and he said that a tanker driver had stopped and told him that there was a man lying in the road near Belmont on No. 70, east of town. Mr. Sam McCrary and I drove down to investigate and found the man lying in the highway on the North sidd of the white line. We found his hat lying right on the white line about two feet away from his head. His left leg was bent under him and we straightened his leg out to see if it was broken. Q. Was it? Ae Now We smelled ditties on his breath or some alcoholic drink. He had passed out and was helpless. Qe Was his breathing normal. A. Fairly normal. We put him in the car and brought him to jail. Q. Did this man seem to be unconscious or just drunk. A. Just drunk and completely passed out. Q. Was there any evidence of violence? A. Just anlittle Llood on the side of his faces Q. Did you find any personal belongings on him? A. A key, a 22 cartridge, pocket knife and $1.20 in moneye Qe Did you find any liquor on his person? A. 1/2 pint of wine. The seal had been broken and some drunk out of it. Q. What brand was it? A. I didn't notice. Qe. Did ,you take him to jail and turn him over to Mr. Bailey for the reason that he was outside the city limits. A. Yes. Q. Was he found on this side of the CEEREREST A. Yese Q. Was it on a curve? A. Yes. Q. In your opinion if a person who had no use of his limbs was lying in the back of the truck would the centrifugal force of the truck going around a curve have the tendency to throw the person out? A. Yes, I believe it would. Fifth Witness: Leon Anderson, son of the deceased, Leon Anderson. Mr. Allison and I left Wednesday morning to go to Burlington and after we got back someone mentioned going to Berties and we all went. When we got there we wanted to go get same chicken or something to cook and Bertie said not to that she would.cook us some ham but that she didn't want to bake any bread. So we went to Riverside Service Station to get some bread and crackers. They didn't have any so we went on to the next station. Daddy stayed at Riverside. The next station was closed so we went back and picked him up and went back to Bertie's and ate. Around twelve or a little after we started home. I was driving the truck. Q. At the time you started to leave Mrs. Beaver's how did you get in the truck? A. Grace, Mother, Mr. Allison and I were in the front and Taylor and Daddy in the back of the truck. We drove home rather slow. When we got there I got out and woke Taylor up and asked him where Daddy was. He said he didn't know. We looked everywhere for him and Taylor said the last he saw of him was at me ines \ > ” 8 fl Clinker Brick. We came back to town and called both hospitals and looked for him but didn't see anything of him. We went back to my sisters, Mrs. Beaver, but they hadn't seen anything of him. Qe When you left Mrs. Beaver's what kind of shape was he in? A. He wasn't drunk. That is, not as drunk as I have seen him. Q.- Could he walk pretty good? A. Yes. se Q. Where else did you hunt after the hospitals? A. We went to the river four times. We hunted the rest of the night for him. Qe Did you call the undertaker? A. Yes, Taylor went to Bunch's I think. Then Thursday evening we went to Charlie Isenhour and he called the jail and found that they had him there. We came up Friday morning. We didn't think about them putting a man that was hurt in jail. Sixth Witness:--Carl R. Bailey--Jailer Thursday morning between two and three a.m. I was awakened by the police and they brought in Zeno Anderson and asked me if I knew him. We took him in the jail and he seemed to be. dead drunk. -I called the doctor the next morning and he came around 9 or 9:30. He examined him and said that he was alright, that his heart was good and thought he would be alright and would wake up by night but he didn't. I went in that night and wet his face but could not wake him up. The next morning when I went in he was dead. He had evidently just died, because he was still warm. The other boys in the jail said he had snored all night. Qe Do you think he died of over indulgence in liquor? A. Yes. CORONER'S INVESTIGATION OF THE . DEATH OF ZENO ANDERSON. (Hote: Acofdent estimated to have occurred Wednesday night at about twelve o'clock.) Pirst Witness--ir, Ee We Allison: Mire Toulin--lr. Allison, tell in your own words all that 78 ‘nace adont this matter. hs Tt dame by Elmwodd ‘around 7250 pcins tind took 13 enc - Anderson home and he decided he wanted me to take him to his re gis “ : a : Ms Zé hite up? $i, ta om é % 5 ’ + a ae fae Rt Happs aie Service Station. bE DRESS % tend We vent on to rs Andexson"® home to get ready té go to his daughterse cae : Q2i- tai die ‘pou tase wi a: your: 5 Rane: | Ae Zeno Anderson, his wife, Mre. ‘Seno. Anderson, his v poe and daughter, Leon and Grace ne ees Taylor ? | enyier’iiiiir tod wh. Anerson Fode tn the Deck of the truck. So fan Pilling Oeetion te get somethin something to eat and a to Filling Station to get something. vay Qe To whose home did you go in Catawba? Ae Howard Beaver's home. , ae sis lado. “iced cok Orie: tak i eee station and when they came back we ate and they said that ur, aon _; aferson got e pint of Liquor while they werg: sone we What time did you get to Beaver's honet A. About nine o'clock. Qe Who was driving the truck? A. Leon Anderson res Who was in the cad of the ‘rask with you? ‘Mra, Anderson, Grace and Leon Anderson. Zeno end Taylor Willer were on the beck of the truck. Qe Did you stop the truck or get out after you hed — : Qs : left was Mr. Anderson intoxiosted? : ‘se 7 eh taken something to Grink end we had to put hin ch tee Sous a. After you left was there any sommption or disturbance Tt te lcs sian ious tat el'ecostien aaoboe “3 : 5 ® Qe About what time did > Spat asa. Boe omg ng get there Re say you oe I asked dave Anderson was. Taylor seid. that that he had been asleep. Taylor said that he was we passed Clinker Brick. We looked all around ould not find him around the house. We inguired far voth hospitels and went back as far as the me. Uniaking. that mabe he had: evecied set of the We inquired at Johnson's and out later thet he was in jeil. if wibeene t off the truek, he got off bet : the Anderson home and left the truck while ‘was in nubian per? Ae : \ Re as he burt. de tinpeay ween ‘be 10th ait ten tenet Ase I @idm't know anything about him being hurt until Qe Was there any fighting or any disturbance between his & ore ‘tan fiat Miller and Zeno Anderson that may heave resulted Pp : : A. Hone that I know of. Qe What is your opinion of what happened? A. I think he just crawled off the truck not kmowing what he was doing. | = * Re Did he have the mentél capacity to know what he was Ae. og not exactly. this . Going. Second Witnese-<Dr. Re 8. McElwee: ins petplesion “Oa. a: belagmias end tvek the audainc aed Re aa neenian, eevee o*elock, I called at the Pye EX ch proved to be lr, Zann Andereun. Srgencbeh aevabaine’'f His oe reacted nors econ . scers. jeeps ae ne Gelaaese depréssions,. His ng eg * eit the next morning he wae deed, having been an hour. Re in your Sudgnent the stupor cane fron too mosh. Ae Yoss Qe Do ou think the fall be hed off the truck bed anything to do wi 4t? Ae You. There was no bleeding of the dar or nose, ony 0 AOE aoe wen eniapoeesen Gites kek la as , Upon examination body damage git sgkpin debe ne ates ann in a ee ee ig liquor? | : thorough examination of the deceased? wore reepessibic. for his me . Thire ee E, utlier, Ovninkben of ‘the ‘sndadusd} ; zene ednesday. May’ Late, 1"eeue to, Orengualhers veteuem efx Og were you there until your Granéfather canst Who wae driving the truck? How ou riding shen left the | were you when you Grandmother, Grace and Leon front seat and Grandfether end "clock. ‘ : he was on the truck when we passed the place oing home ee ge What did you de then. We went back to Grandfather's house to see if he Ag pigeons © sete oe beck to Clinker Brick. Ei Sesenne a. 4 ¢ “” ‘Qe When you helped put him in the truck, leaving Mrs. Beaver's, did he know wheat he was doing? F Ae I don't know. , ig Q. Do you think if your ather had been in his normal mind — he have crawled off the truck? : Ae . Hoe Q. Was he able to stand up or get up in the truck? , Ae I think so. To get off he would have hed to either crawled or rolled under the rope. : Fourth Witness:--R. M. Thompson, City Police oi, It wae between two and two-thirty when I got a te call from Fred Cloer at the Dutch Lunch and he said that a tar driver had stopped and told him thet there was a man lying in the road near Belmont on No, 70, east of town. Mr. Sam McC and I Grove down to investigate and found the man 1 in the y on the North sidé@ of the white line. We found his hat lying right on the white line about two feet away from his head. His left leg was bent under him and we straightened his leg out to see if it was broken. ’ Qe Was 4t? Wo», % x 7 ee ents “4, 4 “s «We gmejleda ae ‘on his breath er. some. alcoholic drink, 7 out ‘and wae hedpleses © © 0 Ran: Qe Was his brpathing normal. = A. Fairly normal. We put him in the car and brought %, Q.. Dtd-this man séen to be unconscious or just drunk. A. Just drunk atid completely passed out. Qe. Was there any evidence of violence? | A. Just anlittle blood on the side of his face, | . Qe Did you find, personal belongings on hin? As A key, @ 22 © Idge, pocket knife and $1.20 in moneye oo : ; Qe Did you find any liquor on his person? . , Ae 1/2 pint of wine. ‘The seal had been broken and some drunk out of it. : . Qe What brand was itt | Ae I afdn't notice. ming ot Q. Did you take him to jail and turn him over to My. Bailey for = reason that he was outside the city limits. ' Re eB ; a wee found on this side of the underpass? ® OBe Q. Was it on a curve? Ae Y@6e. Q. Im your opinion if a person who had no use of his : limbs was in the back of the truck would the centrifugal force of the going around a curve have the tendency to throw the person out? Ae Yes, I believe it would. Pifth Witmess: Leon Anderson, son of the deceased, Leon Anderson. Mr. Allison and I left Wednesday morning to go to Burlington and after we got back someone mentioned going to Berties and we a1] vent. When we got there we wanted to go get same chi! or. something to cook and Bertie said not to that she would cook us some ham but thet she didn't want to bake any bread. So we went to Riverside Service Station to get some bread and crackers. They | didn’t have any so we went on to the next station. Daddy anayes at Riverside. The next station was closed so we went back and picked | him up and went back to Bertie's and ate. Around twelve or a little after we started home. I was driving the trucks , Qe At the time you started to leave Mrs. Beaver's how did you get in the truck? Ae Grace, Mother, Mr. Allison and I were in the front and Taylor and Daddy in the beck of the truck, We drove home . rather slow. bg liga tying, tgs Bae > Baro lig. Sage and aeked him where Daddy was. He said he didn’t know, We -.. everywhere for him and Taylor said the lest he saw of him was at inlhian * ¢ | ™ ° — ¥ ay a Clinker Brick. We came beck to town and called voth hospitals and looked for him but didn't see anything of him. We wont back to my sisters, Mrs. Beaver, but they hadn't seen anything of him. Qe When you left Mrs. Beaver's what kind of shape was. * a. He wasn't drunk. That is, not as érank as I have Q. Gould he wall pretty good? } As es Q; Where else did you hunt efter the hospitels? pane A. We.went to the river four times. Ve. unted the rest of the night for him... see Qe Did you call the undertaker? he in? ‘geen him. A. Yes, Taylor went to Bunch's I think. Then ‘Thureday evening we went to Charile Isenhour and he called the jsil end found that they had him there. We came up Friday mor « We didn't think about them putting a men thet was hurt in geil. ea : Sixth Witness:<--Carl R. Balley~-Jeiler - Thursday morning between sue and three @.M. Iwas awakened by the police end they brought in Zeno Anderson and asked me if I knew him. We took him in the jail and he seemed to be deed. @punk. I called the doctor the next morning and he came around 9 or 9330. He examined him and said that he was alright, thet his heart was good and thought he would be alright and would wake by night but he didn't. I went in thet night and wet his face but Gould net wake Bim UP. The next morning when I went in he was. dead. He had evidently just died, because he was still warm. The other boys in the Jail said he had snored all night. ‘ Qe De. you think he died of over indulgence in liquor? “ eo s£@08¢ . < a COROWER'S INVESTIGATION OF THE , _. DEATH OP ZENO ANDERSON, (Note: Accident estimated to have occurred Wednesday night « about twelve o'clock.) ; on ~ Pirst Witness-<lr. Ee We Allison: Mr. Tomlin--ir, Allison, tell in your own words all that you know about this matter. : I came by Elmwood around 7:30 pom, and took Mr. Zeno Anderson home and he decided he wanted me to teke him to his daughter's. ; Where 414 you pick him uf A, At Happy Valley Service Station. : We went on to Mr. Anderson's home to get ready to go to his daughters, , Qe Who did you take with you? A, Zeno Anderson, his wife, Mrs. Zeno Anderson, his eee and daughter, Leon and Grace Anderson and his grandson, Taylor ote . @aylor Miller and Mr, Anderson rode in the back of the truck. Wim we got to Catawba we decided we wanted something to eat and went to the Filling Station to get something. Q. . To whose home Gid you go in Catawba? _. Be Howard Beaver‘'s home, “Zeno Anderson, Leon and Taylor went to the service station and when they came back we ate and they seid that Er, Anderson got @ pint of liquor while they were gone. Q. What time did ‘get to Beaver's home _ Ae Adout nine o'clock Qe Who was driving the truck? Ay Leon Anderson | Q- Who was in the cab of the truck with you? Ae Mrs, Anderson, Grace end Leon Anderson, Zeno and faylor Miller were on the back of the truck, : Did you stop the truck or get out after you had sterted ee ee ¢ ie Q, When you left was Mr, Anderson intoxicated? Ae He had taken something to drink end we had to put him on the truck, @. After you left was there any commotion or disturbance ef. any sort on the back of the truck that you ceou}d hear? wt ge gag My MOD iY oe eS beh gS Qs About‘ what time aia reach ane Anderson's home? e.; © “Ae? ABout 15 S metas ‘anttl cies iis ait Q. when you got there? . *» Anderson was, Taylor said that a asleep... Taylor said thet he was s went beck to Mrs, Beaver’ home thinking that sayte he had crawled out of the We ing at on’s and Bunch's Funeral Homes, ter that he was in jail, ; 3 If he got off the truck, he got off between Catawba road turning into the Anderson home and left the truck while Yese Qi sturdence between his that may have resulted . lor Miller and Zeno the truck not knowing thst -mentél capacity to know whet he we he = not exactly. inion of what happensd? } Ht d i i 8 i 2 ue he : iat i dsad ddd sad t Hew any fight that I know ofe Fe just Was there Vas Q@ Did he have the Ae I think he was Goinge QR Ae : a Qe rer he ; Q. Ghat is Whet t did yon get to Catawba? About o'clock. : after you got there what did you Go? ae We wanted something to eat and said something about going to get something to cook and my aunt told us not to go that . she would cut a hem for us and she did. Leon, Billie Beaver, Gr father and I went to get some bread, ae -Q. Where dia you got Ae We went to Riverside Service Station but they didn't have but one loaf so we went on to the next station and it was ‘elosed{ Grandfather stayed at Riverside. We went back and picked him up and > went on back to aunt's. , | | Qe What time did get back? . Ae Around ten o*clock. a Q. Did you cook and eat at Mrs, Beavers? “Ae Yosa | ‘ Qe What time did you leave to go home? A. About 12:20. : When you started back home how did you ride? The same way that we rode up. ee What kind of shape was Mr. Anderson in when he left to go home? He had had a few drinks. Did you have to help him in the truck? 3 Yes. Me and my uncle, Mr. Beaver helped him up. How did you place him in the truck? age We laid him on some sacks and put canvas over bin. Did he have to say Guring the trip? A. When we left the house he said something about ms , being on his side. I said something to him as we came to the river, but he was asleep. I went to sleep on this side of Clinker Brick and that was the last time I saw him on the trucke i ‘Qe saa there when you went to sleep? As. O86 : When we got home Leon came back to the rear of the truck and woke me up and asked where Grandfather was. I told him I didn't mow. We looked all around the house for him but couldn't find him eo we got in.the truck and ceme back up the road « dit. . ' Qe What time was this? A. Approximately one o'clock. Q. What did you do after you left home. Be We rode back to Clinker Brick. Qe Why? . A. Because he was on the truck when we passed the place going home. Qe What did you do then. : ; , A. We went back to Grandfather's house'to see if he had got jame. < ; pict g* ae ge Qe About what time was this when you made, the segond trip ome? £9 . 2 oes ghee Mf ee ee es :y he's bes <a Pr eA eS eg SMe B iatng «HE HAF LS ARO te OP Qe What did you do then? . freee ? _. de We found that he was not et home so Leon, Grace and Mr. Allison went to look for him. . I stayed with Grandmother. | Qo mat position was Br. anderson’in ‘the last 2 z Ae on Oey Ae He was lying at the front end of the bed with his . | font notatin *SraFtatry aig ggmmotion or 7Biting on the eck of as there any commotion or f ng on e the truck betheen ‘Cis ker 6k and home?’ © “rs Qs Do you have any idea how he got off the truck? Ae Ho, because the truck bounces toward the front and... . _ there was a rop across the middle of the bed, about half-way and ete saw him on the side planks are about waist high. \ “3° on hin? eet the side of his be pocket Imife end $1.20 in unconscious or just drunk. any liquor on his person? hin in the car and brought. side the city limits. The seal hed been dDroken end eil end turn him over to J s truck would % con, Lae normale comple idence have the t * on his breath or some alcoholic drink. less. “nel Was his breathing We put Did this man seem to be Just @runk end Was there ev. ind wine. on if a person who find found on this side of the underpass? Was it on a curve? Yese the back of the around @ curve ® Was he Just aniittls bleed on Qe Did you take him to wa Shet dbrend was it? Mr. Bailey for the reason that he Im your opini Ae Q Ae Q. Me was * in South ankae person mat A key, & 22 Did you f 1/2 pint of of it. Xess, I believe it:.womlde. .... e. Ae some drunk cut Q Ae ed cut and was Qs. Ae Was it? » Be. We smelled whi Hf en ok af) 8 He i aa) s it “1 He had pass limbs of the ~€ Qldnker Brick. We came back to tomn 4 dalled both hospitals je’ ané@ looked for him but didn't see of him. We went back to my sisters, Mre,. Beaver, but they hadn't geen anything of hin. . Qe When you left Mrs, Beaver!s what kind of shape was Be wasn't drunk. That 14, not as drunk as I have : j | Could he walk pretty got Yese Where else did you hunt after the hospitals? We went to the river four' times{ ye hunted the ' ‘ Then Thursday 41 and found didn’t — : Investigation of the death of Monroe Angel, colored. Monroe Angel, aze about 35, was killed by No. 16 last night about 9 or 9:30 o'clock. I was called to go make an investigation of the death. He was living near the station at Elmwood and his body was carried down the track for probably a distance of a mile. Some parts of his body and clothing were still on the train at Barbers Junction. The body was xurnxtuxpkara&au:teribly mangled. The deputy sheriffs, Wade Moore and R. H. Webber and myself thought he must have thought he was on a side track when he was on the main line. He was deaf and dumb. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 25rd day of June, 1958. oroner of Report of the death of A. H. Agnew A. H. Agnew, 45 years of age, of Dew West, S. C., was found dead in bed about 12 o'clock noon, today, in his room at the Vance Hotel. Sheriff Morrison and myself made a thorough investigation of the death and called Dr. Little but failing to get him called Dr. Rhyne to examine the body. There was no marks or bruises found on the body and an ingest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. Dr. Rhyne was unable to give the direct cause of his death. Dr. Pressley also examined the body. The body was turned over to the Johnson Funeral Home. This the 7th day of January, 1944. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mary Gudger Arthurs, 33, Coddle Creek Township, Iredell County, came to her death this date due to strangulation caused by self inflicted hanging. Said hanging happened in the bea room of her home one mile south of Mooresville, N.C. 200 yards to the loft of U.S. Highway # 21 South at 1:50’ py. James Franklin Arthurs, husband of the deceased, left his home at 1:45 PM to go to his business one mile away at the Mooresville City Limits U.sL # 21 South (arthurs Sheet Metal Works Company). He teptified thsi ie .2d lis wife were in the jord talking regarding the évening meal and the nights enter- tainnent with their sons David 15, and Robert 13. He stated that the deceased was in an excellent and normal mood at the time of his departure. Mrse Jake Donaldson, a neighbor across the street, stated that she was sitting on her porch and saw the deceased come from her home with her husband to his truck carrying a bowl of kitchen variety; and that the deceased ang her husband stood and chatted to each other in the yard prior to his departure - Both parties appearing in a jovial mood. Robert Arthurs, 13, son of the deceased stated that he cane to his home shortly before 2:00PM, Spproximagely 1:55, he intered the home and called his mother, that he went on thru the hone, and that he went to hig mother's bedroom and noted hig mother's bathrobe belt tied to the headpost of her twin bea and upon investigation why it should be theré found his mother beside the bed. He stated that he rode his byeycle to his father's shoppe one mile away to get him for immediate help, not t : to call a neighbor. His father had not arrived at hig business as yet, and he saw Mr James Robertson pass in his car and he fol- lowed Mr. Robertson to the corner of Main and Wilson Avenue, Mooresville, N.C. to get him to come and helpe Mr. Robertson and Robert arrived at the Arthur's home at 2:00 PM, both so Severly shocked and neither relieving her, went back to Mooresville to summons an ambulance and police. Police and ambulance arrived at Arthurs home at 2:10 PU, however, to much time had elapsed to Save the woman's life. undersigned and Deputy Sheriff Wayne Jenkins arrived at urs home at 2:30 PM and noted that a& taut Imot was tied of the bathrobe belt to the left post of a twin béd which is four feet high, taut knot was tied one foot from top of bed post, and a Slip knot was around the deceased's neck. fhe deceased was lyi on the floor, head Slightly suspended, ana Sppearance of no Violent atruggle. The deceased's neck was not broken. Wo notes were founds All furniture and ficturas of the home were well placed and in order, and the home was very neat and modern, James Franklin Arthurs, husband, stated that the deceased had unbalanced; that he, the parated; however, that he n somewhat pieved at each other for the last two weeks with the exception of the last three days, and ‘everything seemed in harmony in the home. ae { Mooresville Police Chief John Van@@ford, Policemen R Stallings ani H.L. Beaver, Deputy Sheriff Wayne Jenking and the undersigned were of the opinion ue to suicide after complete investigation. It is therefore recommended to the proper authorities b the undersigned that some course of instruction should ‘be insfitutea dn our public schools in Iredell County (No. *44Y (Nexs Page) &s well as our city schools which are supervised by Iredell County fax funds to educate or instruct the children of our community to be stabilized under adverse conditions similar to the above, as well as other accidental mmetiumtekx catastrophies that so often arise in our community. laine 0. agro Coroner, Iredell County. ete fi ethr< \ eh Hl oe , he 27 September. 1954. ye MP rep ig wy ee f ei) 6 RILED a we i pO eee ti “TMB a oe : North Carolina. \- uk Suen SITE. “i aiats , bid : ee x = MAE. AS, o County of Iredell. ue | 7 Ea ff : William Henry Arthurs, 68, white male, R.F.D. 2, Cleveland, N.Co,. Amity Hill Section of Iredell County, came to his death at approxi- ‘ ' mately, 4230 PM 19: September 1954 on the front porch of his home due _ to a self inflicted shotgun, 12 guage, blast to his head. — . . Coroner's :Jury consisting of Mr. iIgK. Johnson, -H.C. Sharpe, B.W¥. —s- Blackwelder, Ralph Brown, B.R. MoNeely, and Fred W. Beaver observed = >. * the body ant the condition thereof of the deceaseé before removal and edjourned until 9:00 AM Wedheeday 22 Sept 1954 at the courthouss, — Tredell County, Statesville, N.C... ae = 5 a eS A eae “Sheriff "De Chas Rumple, Deputy Marshall Maness, and the undersigned: oe _ investigated the- suicide. —~. . 8 aie Ce A oe Co ae _, Alberta Iyles,.c/f, RsF.D.'2, Cleveland, N.C. Stated that Mr. Arthurs came. by her home after lunch, stayed. 30 to 40 minutes, was : . counting his money, that she told Theodis Phillips, 'o/a;_.to take — Mre ixthore home. -.At about 10:30 19 Sept 1954 Pi the law came, that =. . she did not imow exacély what time Mr. Arthurs was taken home, that =.’ the last time he-was at her home was in August, that she LIVOS OM ete Clifford Beaver's ‘farm which 1s about 2 miles from the Arthurs home,, =~. a that mhe has: husband amd 6 children, that Pete Turner, Willie | Phillips,-:her family,- and Mr. Arthurs were. at her home. py, reodis Phillips, 911. 8..Celdwell, Saleibury, N.0. stated ‘that See -his aunt, Alberta Lyles akked him to carry Arthurs home, that Arthurs - ae had $44.50 on his body when he left the Lyles home. Thab he ‘and Pete: .< . Turner took Arthurs home before dark, saw Robert Lee Beaver and Beaver... . .@eked where they were taking Arthurs. Phillips and Turner wanted'to : _ IMake suré his tion¢gy was. on him and advised Mrs. Arthurs ‘accordingly. . Arthurs would never show his-moaney to count at homes Si ia res ae ee .. Ploya Tolbert, R.F.D. 2, Cleveland, N.C. stated that he talked to _ Arthurs at.10:00 AM to 11:00 AM'19 Sept 54 and that, Arthurs asked to. “ -. take bim to Elmwood;-and that ,he couldn't because, he was cleaning’ out. _ earburetor on car,. Tolbert stated that he went.by the Lyles. home: real ‘often, that he kept oa Arthurs often, on weekendés, that he had: had nothing to- drink all -dby. Sunday 19 Sep® - hal} A irs a Tigh Ss Mrs. Arthure stated that Turner and Phillips, c/ms, brought Mr. || Arthurs home end stated that Floyd Tolbert was eettine’Mre nena, drunk end teens his mohey away. from him. That Mr. Arthurs came home at about «© | 4330 PM 1 seeks Shee he took nap, revived at oer to.5:30 Pw. . That Mr Arthute stated to her axd danghter, Rosa, that my money is all. ‘> gone and. I'm going to put oer out-of way. -Roge and self ran when °° Mr. Arthurs was going for s organ, ‘heard grees -they got up’road ‘and that 1% did not make much fuss that Ii. Arthurs never.let his foiks. -.. Imew.-how much money he darrict’.” “That wife ax Rosa stayed at Mra, Beaver's until the law came, that the only reason’ that the shell’was in... Bhe. Gan was becauge she could not get it out, that Mr. arthure hed.” » ) Stated heretofore about a year ago that he was going $o kill self. . On a/ 1 Be -Jahngon... : ent: 8/ EsR. McNeely. * << g/ BWe Blackwelder s/ Ralph Brom = a/ Fred W. Beaver e/ H.C.. Sharpe _ NATIONAL CASKET COMPANY 664 WHITEHALL STRESS TA, GEORGIA = :«: N 275) INQUEST HELD AUGUST 15, 1937 IN CONNECTION "WITH THE DEATH OF DR. C. W. ASHBURN WHO = DIED AS A RESULT OF AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT SATURDAY NIGHT, August 14, 1937, 8 o'clock WITNESSES : W. ©, Pharr Now Mr. Pharr just go ahead and tell in your own wording just how this happened. Well, I was just standing in front of my house talking to a fellow who drove up just a few minutes before the crash and called me out and I Hadn't been out there but a minute or two andl heard the crash. I didn't see the crash, but I looked up the road and saw the car coming down and it slid on and hit the other car. Who was in the car that called you out? It was archie Cline and his wife. As quick as the car stopped I walked around to see if there was someone in the car and the doctor was in there and I started to run out to the garage and call the ambulance, Which ambulance responded? I don't know which one it was. Vie took the doctor out of the car and laid him down on the grass. He wasn't breathing? His heart was still beating when he was put in the ambulance. Mr. Claywell told me it beat until about half-way to the hospital. Did he make any move at all? He didn’t make any move after the car stopped that I seen. Did you help load the folks in the other car in the ambulance? No sir I didn't. Did the same ambulance pick both of them up? Yes-sir the same ambulance picked all of them up. WA. Campbell Do you live right up close to Mr. Collins? No sir I live across on Fayetteville Ave, Just go ahead now Mr. Campbell in your own words and tell what you know about this wreck, Well, I was standing right in front of Mr. Albea's store, I would say about fifteen or twenty feet from where the car hit. I didn't notice the car until after it past the store. I saw the cars together just as they hit. I just hollered in the store for somebody to call the ambulance. This Mullis boy was out of the car running around. I asked him if there was anybody else in the car with him. and who did he sey was in there? R. @. Worrison. We took him out and laid him down and the ambulame came in a few minutes and I helped put him in the ambulance. They all got in the same ambulance. Did they all go to Davis Hospital? I think so but I didn’t go with the ambulance. what speed would you estimate Dr. ashburn was going? I couldn't say because 1 didn't notice the car at all until the crash. Do you know just the hour this happened? I would say it was between 7:30 and 8 o'clock. This Chevrolet was coming from Mooresville? That's right. and it hit right over to the left side of the road and the doctor's car was on the wrong side of the road when it hit the other car? Yes sir it was. Clyde Albea @. A. Henry Nash ‘Now just in your own words tell what you know about this Mr. Albea. Well, 1 just came to the front of the store and i was standing in the store when 1 saw this car coming down the street at a terrific rate of speed and this other car was coming up the road. It was dark but I could see by the lights and about that time the two ran together. It looked to me like a headon collision and it made guch a terrible racket. It looked like Dr. Ashburn just reared up and just jumped over the top of the other car. After it went over this other car it skidded, 1 imagine, around 250 feet after he jumped over this car. It skidded on the axle and fire was just popping from the tires, Then the motor was still running a good bit after it stopped. Someone hollered to call the ambulance and I ran back in the store to call the ambulance, The store was full and I didn't go back out there any more after this. It seemed thére was enough to take care of them and the street was full and I just didn't go back out there. I would venture to say that he was making sixty miles an hour if not more because the car was really flying. From where they hit Dr. Ashburn was on the other man's side of the street. I believe that is about all I know, Did you hear either of the two persons that was in the Chevrolet speak after they got out? No sir I didn't go back out there. \ \ Q. Now, Mr. Nash, just go ahead in your own words and tell what you know about this wreck. \ -2Q= Well, I was back in the store andl didn't see any of its -. Back in Albea's store? Yes sir. I went out after the ambulance came and that is about all I know about it. You called the ambulance? Mr. Albea called it. You didn't see the impact? | ‘No sir but they were both on the left side of the street when I went out there. Raymond Mullis Now, Mr. Mullis, just go ahead in your own words and tell how this happened. well, we were coming up Boulevard and we were driving pretty slow and this car was com- ing down Boulevard and we saw it was going to hit us and we pulled close to the curd and it just hit us. Hit you on the left or right side? Hit us on the left. That's all I remember and the ambolance came and got us and took us t® the hospital. ‘It didn’t knock you unconscious? No it did't. How fast do you think the doctar's car was going? I couldn't judge the speed he was making but I would say he was breaking the speed law. We were over on the right side of the street almost to the curb and - - Right side going south? Coming to town. In other words you were on your right side--the side you were entitled to have? Yes sir. Did you ever lose consciousness, Mr. Mullis? No sir. Who was driving the car, yeu of Mr. Morrison? Morrison was driving the car. Did it throw you out of the car? It threw me partly out--about half-way out the door when the door came open. I_@idn't \ \ \ fall down but stayed on my feet. The doctor's car didn't drag your car? I couldn't say whether it drug it or not. The front wheels were both gone on your car? I don't remember. I didn't look at the wheels. The left wheel is gona; I remember that. a About how fast were you driving? I wasn't driving. The Morrison boy was driving. I would say he was making about 15 or 20 miles an hour. I understood you were just leaving Goforth's and had not had time to get’ up speed. We didn't stop at Goforth's. : >< Was Dr. Ashburn's car on his side of the road or your side? He was on our side. And driving at an excessive rate of speed. Driving pretty fast. 4 and last INQUEST ON THE BODY OF DR. C. W. ASHBURN WHO WAS KILLED ON BOULE* VARD IN STATESVILLE ON AUGUST 14, 1937 AT 8 o'CLOCK IN THE NIGHT. Be it remembered that on the 14th day of August, 19357 I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said County, attended by a jury of good and law- ful men, viz; Frank Mills J. S. Flemming H. A. Thomas Charles Baggerly W. T. Summers Arville Dingler And after being by me duly sworn and empaneled at Statesville, Ire- dell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Dr. C. W. Agh- burn and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased from the view of the body and a consideration 6fvall the testimonies to be procured find as follows; to-wit: That Dr. C. W. Ashburn was killed on Boulevard on Statesville on August 14th, 1937 at 8 o'clock P. M. We the jury find that Dr. Ash- burn came to his death from a head injury caused by a wreck between him and a Chevrolet car driven by R. G. Morrison and a Plymouth driven by Dr. Ashburn and that R. G. Morrison is exonorated of all blame in the wreck and that the wreck was caused by excessive and reckless manner in which Dr. Ashbtrrn operated his car. The signatures of the jury are attached hereto. | This the 16th day of August, 1937. | brat we Ztug 1y {739 at foebs f arr ee L thr_fatrey frrtd. af [Jr av Late : hd tenths oe, / a hind ae e zs; d_ Of. SH rptyere An A+ wralich_ off otk _ Msrr~kh ste Yh Le ‘ sre ot haf WE Ahh December 6, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Alma Shook Austin, 65, Rt 6, Statesville, white female, came to her death at about 6:00 AM this date due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased made her home with her brother, Mr. W.M. Shook, same home, same address, who found her dead. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned checked the death, and found that the deceased had had heart trouble for years, and that there was no evidence of struggle, and no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. Ma scant Ul Hash Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the investigation of the death of Bristol Austin, 14 years of age. Bristol Austin age 14 years was killed while seeking shelter under a wheat shock from a storm. A bolt of lighting struck him while seeking shelter from tie storm under the wheut shock. Another brother was knocked unconscious but is recovering from the shock. This happened about 3:30 yesterday afternoon, June 15th. An inquest was deemed unnecessary. | This the 16th day of June, 1937. Micah Covcewece Yes Auth op Tho theo Johan Ca ey ves lant fdateccmttt Of Aces ci ee RAE | ~~ . | Pith a A = ra ——— ' ak : , . 2 : <—* Z ’ 4 ~ oe > 2 a os * ae co oa . en ee “a ex <$ \ ~ . - Orin at ~* ‘ —_ — ! ‘ wv Ire 4 OF a ie ant Sh manele VIE BPH & Seziccer. \ en . Lagecelary.. A-GA cage y tet oie e fs ee + a a“ H ROP ee Maes ee UP * agin ‘ p PEL GDh ha « ww Z 6 July 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr, Thomas Batson Austin, 63, 908 Sowers Street. White male, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 3:00 AM this date ace to Coronary Occlusion, The deceased was found dead in bed at 6:30 AM this date by his wie his home, was upon his back, and no appearance of struggle noted. Russell Austin, nephew of the deceased. and a member of the Statesville Police Department, called the yndersigned at 7:00 AM this date. Ever ing was in good order. and family found to be fine people. ily was advised to cail funeral director of their choice, No inquest was necessary. ér Coroner, Iredéll County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. | : 66-16 HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER : Noe NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATZ of Month Day Year DECEASED Norman Kenneth Ayers DEATH : 29... 66 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NEVER MARRID. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE 2 White WIDOWED __ DIVORCED, 8-9-1931 Be PLACE OF DEATH ; ~ (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDESNCE Iredell Statesville, (a) STATE (b) COUNTY DOA Davis Hospital oo, Fie Abe EV OBO 2 visi eeisiccen (¢) CITY, : TOWN Statesville (4) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 515 Elam Street CAUSE OF DEATH . INTERVAL ESTWEEN ' PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND D2ATH IMMIDIATE CAUSE (a) Severe head injury achat eta AS er honie ANTSCEDENT CaUSES ' DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II, OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture, left arm. ‘“”AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NOx » REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 1:45 a.m. on 1-29-66 to meet the ambulance attendants at Davis Hospital. When I arrived, I found that the deceased was dead from the injuries as noted above. There was a large laceration of the anterior aspect of the scalp at the forehead. There was no external evidence of skull fracture. The left arm was obviously fractured at its mid point. There were evidences of multiple contusions of the body. The investization of the accident was made by Patrolman C. H. Hoffman. The truckdriver was Mr, Bobby Keith Bilyeu, Box 175, Crossville, Tennessee. He stated that he was going west on U.S. 6h. The vehicle being driven by the deceased was going east when it veered into the westbound lane of traffic. The truckdriver blinked lights and stated that the car passed over onto the right side and then again came back across the midline and struck the truck. The ambulance drivers were Joe Troutman and Bill Baynard and they said they worked approximately fifteen minutesto get Ayers out of the vehicle in which he was pinned, There was no evidence that the deceased had been drink- ing. Autopsy was not performed, since it did not seém that there was -smfficient evidence of foul play to warrant this. The cause of death of Mr, Ayers was obviously the car-truck accident, No inquest necessary.