HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS Public Works Administration Files (part 27)Colonél Clark calling Mr. Osle * Col. Clarks Helic. Cole? ir. Cole: Yee sir. Col. Clerks Cole, this is Clark. lr. Cole: Yen Colonel, how ars you? Col, Clark: Mr. Cole: Cole Clarks id them that se froened om tint practice, Stat we Gon*t want it. I contacted Butler te —~ & man at this letting and I sented to call Jom - up sc that you wouldn't approve tuic avard untiz we bave gone into this memtter. Amd Oole, the Com sclidated people don't want to eet i: the lime — Light on this umerstend. They do not? * Ho, I don't expect that tay do. But Bere’s a gord teagh case on thet. #0 oaé an investigeétion where it wee $2500 specifinsliy We would like to step thet without getting inte too big trouble, ur. Cole: Yep, eel] now shen vet thing comes in refer it te you. Is thet it? Col. Clark: Yee, mow-I can't ¢232 jou whet the bid letting is - because I mst have gotten excited emi didn't ask. the men that, ani ales I'm not quite sure thet a 142Z is the mumber Bet I dcoinow thet it is = hoepl= tak at Charlotte am tint is the only thing we here Mr. Cole: Tes, well that's ala right, I‘), ebeck that up ani get the dope and write the instrections right exey. Gol, Clark: I tisk Butler hee Been in touch xith his represemee tive of your office, ee See Re oe ee 7m ae ‘= Me ir. Coles Yes. Col. Clark: 421 right. How are you getting along? irs Coles Thank you Colonéle Cols Glarks All right. > * ie it ae s e e FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS i Wasninerom, D. C. Mareh 13, 1939. ee SRMCRARDOM p — s Mr. Isemann has talked with Colonel Clark about the operations of the Carolina Brench of the Associated General Contractors with particular reference to e pending bid open- ing. I raised the question as to whether we should agein eo on record with the AGC indicating, even in the face of their recent explanation of their operations, that F.¥.A. does not aporove of the methods of adding a bidding fee to their prices. However, Colonel Clerk felt that in view of the several dis- cussions with Mr, Harding and hie understanding of P.W.A.'s attitude, it might be best to await the outcome of the current bidding. The DI will have « representative present at the bid opening snd will escertain what bids include a bidding fee in their submission. } MS, Pettersen + ee 9 - ath Se ere ee es aeseny atten Be Se Pat tam, Apectal Agent is Charge CONFIDENTIAL NOT PO FURLIO INSPECTION ONES SE aS Referred ta SES fer ee ae ebthon, ae 2 ERE Rt ee ree ee ; EE Ne a - FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS WASHINGTON Date of report Sernad wumber; owes, type of report; name of spenal agent Re Ce 112-7 (P-1) MAR 2 4 1939 | ORIGIN: letter from the Director, dated March 9, 1939, - with attachnent. Administrative Js Be Hancock and Bs M. Loweree, Special Arentss + Docket: UW. C. 1:12-P, HOSPITAL AND WURSES' HOME, CHARLOTTE, N.C. (G~$1,50,000.00) ISVESTIGATION OF PROBABLE INCLUSION OF ESTIMATIMG SERVICE CHARGE IX BIDS OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS Investigation disclosed tint the Associated General Contractors of America, Carolina Branch, sent comtracts for s so-called estimating service charge, to be to it by the low bidder, in the amount of $1,000.00, to each of the prospective bic on this docket, ani thet #ix of the eight bidders, includine the five lowest ones, signed the contrectse. Consolidated Encineerin: Company, Inc., steted it would sot sien, amd no expression was obteined from Hardeway Engineering Company. Ce Fe O'Connor, of the Consolidated Engineering Company, Ince, stated thet H. Ws Loving, Secretary of the Associated Gemeral Contractars of America, Ince, had stated that it would be necessary to include the estimating service charge in his bid, bat _ this was denied by Mr. Loving, who said that bidders are never instructed whether te. include its Representatives of all bidders who simed the asreenents in this esse stated that they had not included the estimating service charce in their bids in eny manner whatever, nor hed they been instructed by Mr. Loving whether to include it. — The five lowest bidders stated thet there was no acreemert amon themselves xhether to include it anc such charge wes paid out of profite earned, being considered a pert of administrative overhead expeme, but that the margin ef expected profit incladed i their bids was mt increased to allow for such payment. Wo indication of such sharre heaving been included was disclosed by examination of estimate sheets of the five bidders. = It was disclosed that sane of these bidders have ineluded this charge in bids on other projects financed in part by the Public Works Administration, and V. P. Leftis, FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS WASHINGTON Serial number; origin; type of report; name of specsal agent We Cs 12-7 (P<1) ~ Pace 2e Docket: contractor who did not bid on this project, has obtained contracts durims the past year on North Carolina dockets 1368-F, 1319-P,.1498-F, 119-F and 150-F, Brief: which specifically included estimating charges in the amounts of $800, $650, $1000, $100 and §2000 respectively. Mr. Loftis stated that it was the practice of the Association to cancel executed agreements to pay the charge, in cases where all bidders refused to cooperate, which was admitted by Ruth Sale, seoretary to Mre - loving. Twenty-five per cent is retained by the Association end seventy-five per- _ distributed to the next five low bidders, which practice is not concealed and is & to the architect aid the Owmer's representative. ‘ oe - Recommendations: nn: : le That the contract be awarded to J. J. MoDevitt Company, the low bidder, 4 the smount determined by the Owner, based upon the low bid and alternates thereto. 2. That on North Carolina dockets 1368-F, 1319-F, 1398-F, U19-F and 1369-F, estimating fees of $300, $650, $1000, $00 and $2000 respectively, contained in the 3 pagan jhe. Vieakang be deducted fran the grant base, and that the respective Qmers } go advised. 2 ; a 3e That on all dockets where final grant payment has not been made, Omer required to submit proof that an estimating service charge, to be paid to the Associated General Contractors of America, Ince, has not deen included in the came tract price, and if it has been included, that it be deducted from the grant bases le That in the future applicants be required to include in bid proposals 6» statement thet the bid dces not include an estimating fee arbitrarily fixed et an amount uniform to all bidders. pe 5 Thet Regional Directors be advised te notify applicant contracts on bids incleding such estimating fee will not be apprared. <3 6s That the Associated General Contractors of America, Incs, be requested to ~ gdvise its chapters of the above requirmentse : 7 “ (Extra copy brief) MAR 30 1939 @-F an ee He 8. Petterson, & CONFIDENTIAL NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION BASTS FOR INVESTIGATION This investigation is baced upon a letter from the Director, Gated March 9, 1939, directing that the bid opening on docket H.C. 1412-F, hospited and nurses' hom, Charlotte, North Carolina, be attended, and that an investigetios be made of the possible in- clusion by general sontractors of an estimating service charge or fee in their bids. Attention was directed to the report of Special Agent Covington, dated June 1, 1958, Mise, 16,373, These instructions were based upon informtion obtained from the Consolideted Engineering Company, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, and it was directed that the agent contact H. W. Berger, the repre- sentative of the Conaedideted Engineering Company, Im., in Charlotte, — North Carolina, “tion Corporetion Bstimtor, A. BH. Guion and Company President, J. A. Jones Construction Company Secretary, J. J. MoDevitt Company Vice-President, Southeas- tern Construction Company Secoretary-Treasurer, T. A. Loving & Company President, Southeastern Construction Company Secretary~Treasurer, J. As Jones Construction Company President, A. H. Guion and Company President, Goode Construc- tion Oompany Secretary-Treasurer, B. Cs Licensing Board for Gon- trectors, and Contractor : E. Franklin St. e0n Builders Bite. Charlotte, on 215 Kinney Bldg., “s Charlotte, Re c. ta 209 W. Fourth St. Charlotte, N. Oy 505 Builders Blés. a Charlotte, Nes . 218 W. Second St. Charlotte, N. Gs. Goldsboro, HN. ¢, 218 BW. Second St. Charlotte, B. ¢, 209 W. Fourth St. Charlotte, N. Cs 215 Kinney Slide. Charlotte, BN. ¢. 608 Builders Bldg. Charlotte, B. Cy 201] Builders Bldg. Charlotte, BH. Ce Architect Seuaielat Bank Bide. Charlotte, ¥. CG. . Special Agent Interior Bldg,, North, Washingtén, D. 0. City Manager, City of Gharlotte, N. C. Charlotte Executive Secretary, Caro 4059Builders Bldg, linas Branch, Associated Charlotte, HN. OG. General Contractors of America Secretary to Mr. Loving 405-9 Builders Bldg : : harigtte, ee. beats Special Agent Aine Baek Bite, ine nat ite : authority of the Public Works Administretion Appropriation . 4st of 8, an offer of grant 1: amount of $450,000 was made to the September 1, 1958, subject to the terms and eonditions of P.¥.A. Form Wo. 230, dated September 15, 1957, as . the offer. Sits offer ma soeepted on Septem Bids on the omstruction of the doller ani laundry wilding end the stack, and the installation of the boiler, were opened on October 21, 1956, and contracts in the amounts of $25,540 for the construction of the boiler and laundry building and stack, $5,295 for the installation of plumbing and service lines to the boiler and laundry building, snd $13,747 for the boiler end boiler foun- dation, were awarded on October 29, 1955, to J. J. MeDevitt Company, Acme Plumbing Compny, and Tompkins-Johnston Company, respectively, . all of Charlotte, North Carolina. Work on the project started Octo- ber 28, 1956. As of March 11, 1959, the J. J. MoDevitt Company con~- tract was 96 per cent complete, the Acm Plusbing Company contract was 78 per cent complete, and work on the Tompkins-Jolinston Company contract had not started. The project as a whole was 3 per cent complete as of March 11, and is estimated to be spproximtely 27 per cent behind scheduled completion date. Bids on construction of the hospital building and nurses’ , Plumbing en@ heating and electrical work for both biildings, gente and X-ray equipment, were opened on March 10, 1939, and of contracts are expected to be mde at the ne xt necting of the City Council, . LST oF seers Memoramdum of Special Agent Hancock, dated March 9, 1939, re- porting interview with H. @. Bercer relative to estimting service charge to be paid to the Associated Genersl Contractors of America, Carolinas Branch, by the suecessful bidder om the sub ject docket. Bid Gp@ning report, Gated March 10, 1959, listing the names and addresses of the three low bidders and amounts of their bids. Memorandum of Special Agent Hancock, dated March 10, 1939, relative to interviews with representatives of bidders concerning estimting service charge. ee Affidavit of C. P. Street, secretary, 7. J. McDevitt Company, . . dated Mareh 20, 1939, relative to contract with the Associated Gene~ . @ervice charge, and stating that no part of the charge was included — dm bie estimmte, that it would be charged against overhead expenses, ‘that he bes em some occasians incluied it es « s¢ e item, and that he @14 hot Peeeive notice of withdrawal of agreements = _ struction Company, dated March 21, 1959, reletive to estimsting ser- - vice charge,and stating it was it was not included in any manner whatever but is charged ageinst overhead, thet he does not kuow _ whether estimating costa would be higher or lower without use of the — Association's services, and that there is no agreement es to whether | the change shall be included. 3 Statement of Earle Shitton, presidest, Southeastern Comstruction Company, Gate’ March 22, 1959, stating thet be does not know whether ‘getinating service charge agreement was cancelled in this cese, and — . that on some occasions such agreements were cancelled when eli bidders failed to sign. ‘ x 2 Memorandum of Special Agent Loweree, dated March 22, 1939, relative te interview with Mhitton, who steted that he believed he hed heard am estimting service charge would not have to be peid is this case, Statement of Edwin L. Jones, secretery and treasurer, J. A. Jones Construction Company, Gated March 22, 1939, relative to con- tract with the Associated General Contractors of America, Carolinas Branch, an? stating thet no portion of it ses included in their bid, that it is charged to overheed, and thet they heve sometimes in- cluded it im their bids. Affigevit of A. H. Guion, president, A. EH. Guion aad Company, dated March 20, 1959, relative to contract with the Associated Gene- ral Contractors of America, Oarolicas Branch, aii stating thet the estinsting service charge wes not included in any wy whatever in their bid, that it would be paid out of overhead, that he éid not re~- ceive any notice of cancellation of agreement in this cease, and that they have aot.letely included charge in their bids, AfTidevit of Roy L. Goode, president, Goode Construction Cor- poration, Gated March 20, 1909, relative to egreanent with Associated General Castrectors of Anerien, Carclinas Branc -heaibras Piagg Sacto not inckude the estimating service charge ot the charge for their own cost of estimting, thet) head expemme, oni that be @i6 apt receive ment in this case, Affiderit of V. P. Lottie, secretery-treacurer, Mert Gerolim — Licensing Bourd for Contractars, end contesetcr, dated Merch 21, iss, stating thet he did not submit B44 inthis exse but has obbained five mee contracts wiieb included estineting service charge, ani giving details of saze, sm thet it was reported that the Associated Gemeral Con~ ej tractors of america sent word tant agreauemts were cancelled in this \ 5 -Shiteuat of Welter %. Kook, orehttent, dated tees 33, 1099, relative Sm practice of the Associated Geanral Contractors of America, Carclines Grameh, of obteiming agreements fur ap estimating service ariagie cs npn neha icctas dele esata a leat Horth ant Goeth Carolina. | Meekcaabed ct Seeuted ae Sascode, Sted Ireh 44, 1909, re sothitie! MaMteion atts 32 meeas! oukeiadien vos SaUNIGS UF Om : Associated General Contrecters of America, Garcliuae Breach, of collecting am estimting service charge fram low bidders. : Gag of u letter fran the Oarclings Grams of the Aamociated General Gomtractors of Aseries, dated March 6, 1959, to genersi contracters, bidders on the subject docket, enclos ins cosirect for estimatiag service charge. Runet copy of « comtrest on file tm the office of the Aso- iated Gemarel Contractars of america, Carclineas Branch, signed by representatives of six general contrectors, bidders on the subject docket. Memerendun of Spectel Agent Cook, dated Merch 14, 1959, re- porting isterview with offieialis of the Ouusslidate’ Engineerimg Company, Ime. relative to eetimating service charge on the subject dockets Copy of a telegram from Comsclidated hictneecing Compas, Inc., contractors, dated March 8, 1939, to Harry @. loving, Zre+ cutive Secretary, "pasociated General Coutracters of Amrice, Caro-" linuas Branch, asking if all contractors bidding om sub ject docket © had sigred ostimting service agreement. Copy of a telagren fron leery W. Loving, éutet Iareh © 1959, to the Consolidsted Engineering Company, Inme., stating ali contractors bad signed estimating service charge acoder. Gopy of a telegram from Oonsclidated Eng imecring Company, Ine., dated March 6, 1959, to Harry W. Loving, esking if estimating service charge on sb ject docket bad deen approved for inclasien i vase vy the Public werks SERS RARP RRL Re Bisse ie «i hae, ‘cut wa 1899, sie to the practice of the Association in handling eetimting service ; change, sith particular reference to the maner in whieh 18 sas tnndle os Ce Ba fort Kemet: eee i snains Gk distin Ag toes, Wak ek relative to his interview with Miss Ruth Sale, Secretary to Barry ¥. Loving, in which she stated that agreemats ware cancelled es in this case when they were Sot able to get 100 per cant cooperation from - those bidding, and that she 4id sot inow whether sotice of cammelle- ion hed bem given tm this Case. : - Statement of Special Agent Hancock, Qeted March i5, "0, relative to examination of estimates of five generel cont reetars. who were bidders on the subject Gocket. Statement of Special Agemt Loweree dated March 235, 1ss9 giving details of imvestigation emé reeson way Barry ¥. Lov ime was not reinterviewed. MemLcmnDR OF IATERVE 92 A. W. BaRGeR : Miri ae Dorje, ‘Sebcsesindy (ieusd “Aieenger. SP Mey. Chasalidated Begineering Company, Inc., 30 East Pranklin Street, ee Se ee North Carelima, March 9, 19%. ir. Berger stateé thmt his company intended te Bid on docket BR. ©. 1412-F, hospitel and nurses’ home, Charictte, Barth Carcliza, and thet they hed received a communication fron the Associated — Gemeral Contractors of America, Charlotte, North Carclios, that an | extimating serrice ¢ ef $4,000.00 should be paid by the low . BiéGer em this docket, of which epplied es an estimeting Service charge on the hospital building and $500.00 om the nurses’ bome. fe was not aware of the natures of the communiestion, but thought that it was either « letter or a telegras. Be 5 mr. C. F. O'Conmmer, superintenimt of » whe Fae ome penycetins Pin rallge tothe Reale room pees arin the ee ara te she soaray'e_ five in Bab ik: daeigar ales etsink Xink a ur. Aneccizted Gantral Conbracters of America at Charlotta, om him and explained that 25 per cent of the estimating service iaicge “neh bo Sota Wh Vw kcqechaniah txt tuek 98 tor ooet would be divided sqally Detween the five next low amsaccessful bidéers, but thet Mr. Loving had not definitely requested that he imelude the 94,000.00 service charge in his bid. Bo statexzext was obtained from Mr. Berger because of his lack of definite information. i FepeRA@EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF P@Buc works DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS Recon No 3 REPORT ON OPENING OF BIDS © EES Soe sia cilleancte bee ica se a sariidusilinibimensiidicindicen ics ean Date of report Deseription and cation of project ToFicns. o BH. ¢. Docket No. NaC. 1412-7 Merah 10 Work covered by this bid: Hospital Building end Burses* Hone » A259. Applicadiity of Charlotte, Barth Ceroline. Toteid number of bids Applicant's estimated construction cost: rece ved: Applicant's total estimated cost: - heerrandér grant: nnn Bs Tata amount of funds available for this Dicselimestkekcas project: s ee iain padi a ee “2 *% ae: Bids opened at: Charlotte, Ne ce. £2 Date Marth 4 9 Rens 10 Asie. : Rslesacetst LOW eet seats Address — at 506 Builders Building ae i OT . Charlotte, N. C. Southeastern 218 Wy Second Street Fg Construction Co. “| Charlotte, B. Cs Je A, Jones | 209 W. Fourth Street Sons truction Cos | Sect te Ne Re alo Ah al AR iene leet phatase = re mn ce : Dew lomost bidder's qualification set ome requirements mt: --- -- te) Financial reaponsibility? 2... *) Adequate plant equipment? _ ie} Appropriate technical and practical ‘experience? ees Z : “Have any of the ‘above bidders defaulted on any previous PWA contracts? a _ Are any of abore bidders on “Grey List"? lo > fap tye pig mle raat desrigg grag 2p city. Sounci inet; 1. 8. Soak, archtnemts _ Je 2._Browm,, Engineer, PWA; Contractors and Material Men; T, RB. Owen, R.E.I, . ee + List all alternates of three low bidders * __........._.. See. Attached Sheet... ; Tiss eney iereshatdinn: Suseatidieton Engineering Company, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, states ; they would complete in 525 days rather than 300 days as specified and Hardaway Co: _ Gempany, Columbus, Georgia stated that they would complete in 330 days rather than 300 ‘Specified and alsc added an additional alternate mot called for in instructions to Remarks: Bids were opened by Ws W. Hook, architect, and reed by J. B. Marshall, City Manager, in the presence of the above named persons and were examined by J. fT. Brown, Engineer, Public Works Administration, ani by the unfersigned special agent. All bids were in order as called for in the instructions to bidders except as above mted. All bids were received prior to the time specified for the opening and there was no protest 2 of the assemblage during the opening ani reading of bids. The bid opening was held im the City Council Chambers, City “all, Cherlette, North Carolina. Sag at ee At oe CONFIDENTIAL a. Se. Patterson, Special Agent im Charge. NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION *Tatbuiste on additional! sheets if necessary. a ae P33. MeDewits Co, D $7000 Dp escco” D $6TOO ‘ D gas00 | © Gouthessters _— ee te / ~ Gonstruction Co. D §7052 D $6414 D $6606 D $4900 MEMORANDUM OF INTERVIENS WITH BIDDERS ON DOCEIY #. Cc. 1412-5, HOSPITAL AO) NURSES' HOME, CHARLOTTE, WORTH CAROLINA, immediately following the opening ami reading of bids for the construction of the hospital ami mrses* home, the undersigned speotl agent called the names of the general contractors wic had submitted bids and requested that they meet with him in the office of the Gity Manager. Each of the below named represeriatives were interviewed privately ami each stated that he hed not included in his bid an es- timeting service charge as « seperate item of expense or in any shape or fashion, nor had he been informed by the secretary of the Associated General Contractors of America, Carolinas Braneh, that he should or should not do so: : (2) 8. L. Bartlett, Estimter, Goode Construction Corpersti se dim, Charlette, North Carolina. (2) 8. G. Over Estimator, A. He. Guion & Company, 215 Kinney | : ‘Totte, North Carolina, ~ | (3) 4. 4. Jones, President, J. A. Jones Comtraction Company, — _- WH West Fourth Street, Charlotte, Worth Carolina, = :- MA) Ge Pe ¥> Je Je MoDevitt Company, 505 Builders (8) Ie Ms Sewell, Vice-President, Southeastern Construction Con- : : pany, 2 Second Street, Charlotte, Worth Carolina, = (8s) RA Ere. Secretary and Tressurer, T. A. Loving & Company, ws, Carolizm. ; _ ‘Representatives of the Hardaway Contracting Conpaiy, ‘Columbus, Georgia, and the Consolidated Engincering Company, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, did not present themselves at the office of the City Manager. It was ascertained thet Mr. Baiden, represent Herdaway Contracting Company, bad found it necessary te return to SGolumbus, Georgia, immediately following the opening of bids, Although Mr. EH. W. Berger, representative of the Coneolidated Engineering Company, Inc., did mt present himself at the City Mameger‘s office, he was interviewed by the agent on the night of March 9, 1956, and stated thet he did not intend to include in the bid of his company am estimating service charges. It was not that Mr. Berger be again interviewed on the morning of the bid opening, but a representative of his company was called for to eliny any suspicions that the other contractors might have as to the identity of the camplainant. * arripavir @ Strate of BGATE CASCLINA | sg Merch 20, 19996 Counrr or MECKLENSURG : 1, 0. Pe STREST Special Agent, Division of Investigntions, Federal Emergency Administration of ‘Publie reeks of my own free will knowing that it may be used against me. No threats or promises of reward or immunity have been made to me. em I am Secretary of JsJ.MsDevitt Company, 505 Builders Building, Charlotte, B.rth Carolina, General Contractors, who were low bidder on the CharlStte Memorial Nospital, Docket N.C. 1412-F, I signed a contract, on behalf of mp firm, with the Associated General Contractors of Americ a, Carolinas Branch, to pay an estimating service charge of $4,000.00, provided my firm vas low bidder on the above named docket. inasmuch as my firm was low ° bidder, I intend to pay ¢4,000.00 to the Associated General Contractors, Carolinas Sranck, in accordance with the contract Signed with theme I did not include the $4,000.00 nor any part of it as an item of s expense, neither specifically nor generally, in making my estizate end submitting my bid om Docket N.C. 1412-F. Nor, did I inelude == anything for estimating expenses incurred within the office in pre# . ing such estimate. - This item is included as a part of our general administrative overhead expense and is computed on an annual basis - just as are other items of cverhead expense and this would be true whether the services of the Associated General Contractors were utilized in the instant case or whether they were not. This is because i estimate that the cost of this service to us, with the : *“Yeturns which we receive from it on the jobs on which we do not ' obtain but on which we are one of the five next low bidders, is less than our estimating charges would be if we did not utilize their... — services and obtain occesionel payments from the bidders’ funde Bowever, I wish to state that in times past we have oocasionaily included the biddera' fee az a specific item of cost, including some | projects which were financed in part by the “ublic Works Administrati _ just as we have sometimes included the State Project Tax which now — obtains in Seuth Carolina and which formerly obtained in North Carolina, also. Im a given case my determination as to whether or not to inclade the items of bidders’ fee or state project tax is governed solely by my anxiety to get a particular job: that is, there — ere times when a certain job that has been advertised will fit parte feularly well into our plans and set up, and on which we are most anxious to obtain the contract, and on such occasions the bidders’ fee is wholly absorbed by us, assuming that we are succesful in obtatring the contract, cf which the subject docket is an examples There have not been any recent cases where the item of Sidders’ fee hes been separately included by me in prepering my estimates, end I am not able to place my hands upon the last such case, nor to req call what it-was. Nor, am i able to estimate without eae great deal of examination of records, what eee of the jobs we have figured has included such fee, and wheat has not. als. Er. U. W. Loving, the Secretary of the Associated Ceneral Contractors, | _Garolinas Branch, did not inform ay company that the estiuated ao service charge should or should mot be included as an item of expense in submitting our Did and to my kmowledge hes never © ©Snformed ug that est mating service charges on any other project should be included in the bid price, neither was there any agreament between the contractors bidding om this project nor {2 there eve? any agreement between contractors bidding on other : projects to éneclude or to not include in their bids an estimating “= service charge. > dm accordance with ah agreement tetween members of the Associated -Seneral Contractors, Carolinas Branch, and the executive officers _ Of that organization the low bidder on each project pays an estimating service charge which is based upon a percentum of -..the estimated cost of the project to the Secretary of the -, Associated General Contrattors, Carolinas Sranch, and the - organization retains 25% of this charge and distributes the remainder in equal perts to the next five low bidders. -Whas Carolinas Branch of the Associated General Contractors, by ats activity in publicizing projects upon which contracts are to be let, the names of the prospective bidders, the names of the : architects and engineers and by contacting for its members material Gesliers and sub-contractors save the ceneral contractor members — of the organization wnestimatable expense which would otherwise be incurred by each separate contractor in securing sub-bids from material men and sub-contractors. eee ; oe -t have read the above statement previous to affixing my signature anc find thet it is true to the best of my knowledge and Delief. eet = Special Agent rs Pyblic Works Administration ~ e arrpavir @ Srare or _._Bert® Cafohine =| ; ae: Counrr or _ Mecklenburg I, 20 Me Somelh CC , ke this statement for Ba EB. Lowere@ 0 Special Agent, Division of Investigations, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, of my own oa free will knowing that it may be used against me. SS re ee made to me. oJ -o sR i. I am Vice president of Southeastern Construction Company, with offices at 218 West Secend Street, Charlotte, Borth Carolina, Wy company submitted a bid op the Charlot@e Memorial Hospitel, known as docket Io. B.S. 1412-F. Me@ch 21, 1959 3. Had we been low bidders, emi obtained this Contract, we would have peid the $4,00 out of the profit earned om the job, but in prenering the estizate, and subnitting om bid, we did not increase the % margin at all, to allow for it. charge is overhead expense, the same as salaries, . particular I bewe reed this statement, before best of ag knosledge, belief and present —° lie Workd Administration. March 22, 1959 ea I, Barl Whitton, make thie statement fér *. M. Loweree, who has { Saentified himself as a Special Agent. Division of Investigations, Pub- i; Boe I am President of Southearstern Construction Company, with offices. 3 at 218 West Second Street, Charlotte, Norkh Carolina. Mr. Sewell, Vice President, is out of ‘town, and I am unable to sta - Of my own knowledge, wheth@r our firm was advised in any way that the - agreement entered into to my the Associated Ganeral Contractors of Aler: -. doa the estimating service charge of $4,000.00, in the event we had obe — tained the contrecton dockst WN. C. 1412-F, was canxelled or withdrawn or | them. As far as I know, it was not. ou ee Some occasions, recalled or cancelled the agreements to-pay the estimating service charge, where all the allied to sign similiar agreements, but I do not think tha te all cases, the matter a determined, I believe, a. pb t job, amount of charge, and possibly other conditions. habinen’ ialewmaiek to supplement that given by Me. : Search 21, which I have seen, and in which I concur, “3 “correct, te the bey oF My Rneiedgn, ee MSMOSARUGH OF TINEAVISN NITE SARL WEITTC Gu March 22, 1939, during te course of an interview with Er. Earl kitten, President, Southeastern Construction Company, 225 West Secont Street, Charictte, Horth Carolina, lr. Whitten stated he believed he had heard that the estinat- ing service charge would mot heve t be caid om docket Ee C. 14)2-F, but could net be sure about it nor recall the source of his infarmation. Por this reason, he declize? to include thia information in bis statement. .- . = Be My Loweres, Special Arent. March 22, 2935. gp Bare 22, 19 -- Ey Béwia L. F W. sth St., Charlotte, N.C. muke the statement s who ac idemtified himself +, sicn eof Inres- s. 2. Leweree es Special igen : im prepering bids on Public wate projects included the estinate Service cheree Associated Gemsral Contrectors of Amsrican and records, thet this may have been in one-fourth te amy Pablic Works Administration centrects ia which thie service charge waa we would have <a. h — ae deing Business et #85 Kinney . end ay fice ses one of the bidders on the Gherlette Memerial Eeapitel, Dockst HO lélads pfs nba No threats of promises of reward of Satmunity have heen Selicing, Gherlette, Merth Cerul ima, 1 : : Fi 2 i ' . ! [ i free will keowwg that it may be osed against me. made to me. mn Bie oa A ae ka os ie ee ae eo ae ee fi 1 Ht a i E if He i batt i : mn i biti it 2 a i a i Hy i Hd ii nN raft A ig Hee beeed upon cost ef eperation orer @ period ef pears, cost te sdbitoes anh Gs oe Sema icaranneh Win aeeviee SAUNA tor tae aesceieted Drerel Centrectors ef Serica, Carclizas Srench. I hewe read the ebere statement af it is true to the best of up kmceleige sometioes withdraws the tm times pest, the iseociated Gemerel Contracters have made to me. I em President ef the Goode Construction Cerporation : ‘© J tractors, business from the above address and whi ecompany was ~ ene of the bidders om the Charlotte Memorial Hospital, known es Docket — | B.C. 16la-F. | This company hed @ signed coutract with the Associated General . tere of America, Carolina's Branch, to peéy an estimating servi oo previded the company was low bidder on the above project. s company 4i¢é not, however, in . ite estimate nor fitting its big om this project, include % .0O nor any portion — it as sm estimating service charge nor wes any smount included to the services of the Associated General Con- ‘s Bremeh, nor cur own costs of prepering — contract we sould | agreed upon ef our profit «ss = wish to state emphat that added to the expected profit to further be noted that we do not obtain direst to the While we empley em estimator who makes up quantities end labor required for seach perticular jod, tse actual prices of such work, profit ratio, exé miscellamecus expense items involved, are computed by myself ext final bid to be submitted is prepareé or i by me including the bid submitted in the subject docket. Hence, = able to stete of my oem knovledge thet the matter of handling the service charge of the Associated General Contrectors is entirely at by us as stated ebore, im the event that we cbtein contrest.- 7 e AFFIDAVIT ae . In acooréance with an agreement between the Associated Genersi . Qentrectors of Amerios, Carclina's Branch, twenty-five percent (25%) @f this service eharge is retained by the association as for extra expense which they incur ia assisting General Contractors to — @dtain bids fram sub-ccontrectors and material men and for publicising — ‘fhe mames of the bidders an@ also for meistaining the central poiat — ‘plen rooms in which plans are aveiletie to ali material sen ead oua- _@entractors. ‘The remaining seventy-five percent (75%) of the service — | @berge peid by the low bidder is equally Gistributed between the five mext low bidders. Be. & : lone Ae | Generel Contrectors are not told by the Secretary of the Asscotated _ | @emeral Contractors Association that they shall oF shell aot ineln@e =. ' the estimating service cherge as a part of their expense in submitting | @ bid nor is there any agreement between contractors to include of sot s to include the estimating service charge es & special item of expense. | I have ree@ the above statement, before signing, and find it is true ae : . _ @mad correct to the dest of my knowledge. ‘~— oe * - I am Sect etary—Treasurer for tne North Carolina Licemsing Board for Contract— ij i : Mn i i i ill bee thd lis ik id ae vi : ie . it ig3da oF ff Le HE i i if i i i i i ti hi ih iH Hi cal dit i 1 i il iH Ht hit i with offices at 201 Bullcers Buliding, . No threats or promeses of reward or menenity have been | | x q | ; ‘ statement, before signing it, end it is true ami correct, te te » bolief amd present recoliection. thks i, 142 Pe Bets Special Agent, Divusen of Investigstaoms, Federal Emergency Admimetretica of Public Works, of my own | free will knowing thet % may be used against me. Cererr or Chine smedde to me. We are, therefore, returning herewith your signed comtract on this project. Yours very truly, CGaurclines Brench, Aspocieted Generel Contractors of America, (Signed) Ruth Sale Ruth Sele, Seety to Harry ¥. lowing. I teweby certify that the above is = true cogy of Letter found in ¥. P. Leftis, contractor, 201 Suliders Building, Gharictte, B.. C. 1338. THE ASSOCIATED GHMMkal CONTRACTORS OF ABEHIGA, DE. GARGLINAS . BRACE SIILDERS BUILEGNS CHARLOTTE, BH. ©, april 6, 1938 D. B, Tribtle & Co., Ine., Glinton, Ss. co. Mr. J. C, Eeelep, Columbis, &. C6, Mechanics Contracting Co., Columbia, S. Cc. Mr. T. B. Moore, Columbie, &. Cc. “>. ¥,. 5S. Bogen, Columbia, &. oc. ¥. B. Moore lumber Co., Yark, S. Cc, ©. M. Guest & Sons, Anderson, S. C. ur. ¥. P. Loftis, Charlotis, B. c. a. 3, Kehm Comstr. Co., Golaumbia, S. C. Mr. J. R. Boleombe, Columbia, S.:C. lip, Geo. R, Price, Columbia, S, Cc. Wheatley & Mobley, Augusta, Ge. Southeastern Constr. Con, Charlotte, 5. G. Gentlemen; Confirming telephone conwersetion of todey between you end a representative of this effice, due te circumstances beyond our control, we find it necessayy to cancel the Estineting Sarvice Charge on the Livrery Building at Srengeburg, South Carolima, for which bids are due April 7. Be ere therefore retutSiing herewith poor signed ¢oc- tract. Yours very truly, ASSOCIATED GRHERAL CONTRACTORS OF AMEHICA, INC. (SIGNED) RUTH SALE HITH SALE RS: gb Ses.*y. to Harry @ Loving Enc, I hereby certify that the abere is «a true copy of letter found in the files of ¥. P.loftis, ecctractor, 20] BuildersSldce, Charictte, 4 ~I=s Ee Co, on Earch 2l, ‘59° e ie iaweree, = a. Agent, blic Sarks Administrations Mareh 135, 19399 ey i, Meller Ktiei, Aeehinet, Guummciel Maat: ukiing, Cerastin, Serv igemhk fied kinbeld ao 0 Special Agent, Division of Tovestigntians, Puaiie ™ MEMCRLAIDUM OF INTERVIEW WITH J, 5B, MARSHALL Mr. Je Bs Marshall, City Manager, City of Charlotte, North Cerclina, was interviewed om March 14, 1959, Mr. Marshall stated thet before becoming City Manager he had been associated with the firm of Tucker ani Laxton, Engineers, for approximately 17 yoars; thet during that tine he had been in frequent contact with the . Associated General Contractors of America, Cerclinas Branch, and was familiar with the prastice of that association of collecting an estimating service charge from the low bidder en projects upon ‘which bids were submitted. | Mr. Marshall farther stated tint this practice was not cam- eealed from architects, engineers end sponsers, and thet although — he had not been actively connected with the construction business — _. fer several years he understood that the Associated Geral Con- | * tractors of America were continuing the practia of solleoting om ae “ — charge fram the lew bidder, : qe alno stated that he had’ unlerstood that contractors Saad 4 ra so plette, orth _ Soran mak en aver or ehe poeteen. pot i ee aa ee of ‘a eee —— ee Sean Se - i seul cay ce Leak ioe We OO ' wt Sind" adel of abe ate, soe mas ering HO s Merch 14, 1929. Je Ji WoDeviet Company, Charlotte, N.C. Southeastarn C ; Charlotte, iJ. ke Jonesntis ie CONTRACT Carolinas Branch, Associated General Contractors of America, Incorporated 405-9 Builders Building Charlotte, N. C. $3,500.00 Hospital Bldg. Nurses! Home March 6 9 39 a 4,000.6 ombination Bid , z = |. For services rendered and to be performed, I (We) promise to pay to the order of Carolinas Branch, Associated - ; General Contractors of America, Inc., within 30 daya after receiving the first estimate on the following described project, the sum of Thirty Five Hundred Deliare constr. of Hospital pare ae | E ot less three per cent discount if paid within 5 days after receipt of first estimate, due and eke N. C., subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) If I (We) secure a contract on lump sum, unit price, cost plus or other basis for the construction of Hospital Building and Nurses’ Home (Description ef Preject.) Vor City of Charlotte, WN. C, q specifications prepared or to be prepared by C.c. Ae Ww. Hook, Charlotte, q. Ce Charlotte, N.C. (Lecetion) . are submitting a bid on or about the 10th ___day of March B @) If payment is not made as stipulated above, I (We) agree to pay 1% per month additional commencing 30 4 ee ; above is an exact of the contrast signed by | ix of ‘8 om Docket ¥. C. =, Hospital Building and Wurses' whieh are on file in the Charlotte Office of the Assos! a ee ee Se eee Je Pe ‘Caldwell Je Ae domes Canis beet Company P. Re Osborne Goode Construction Corporation J. C. OGverocash C. Pe Street Berle Whitton R. A. Bryan BC. 1412-F-1 WASHINGTON, D.C. MEMORANDUM to Mr. G. H. Butler: Representatives of the Consolideted Engineering Compery Incorporated, 20 East Franklin Street, Baitimore, ® wyiand, were interviewed concerning the estimating service charge required by the Charlotte, North Carolina branch of the As#o- ciated General Contractors to be included in all bids filed by contractors on the Chariotte Nenoriai Hospitai, B.Ceidid-F. Clarence FE. Elderkini, Executive Vice President and Trea- surer of this company advised that C. Pred O'Conner, Supertn~- tendent. of Masonry of the Consolicated Enginecring Company was | present At Charlotte, North Carolina on March 6 and 7 to deck over the site of the proposed Charlotte Memorial Hospital on — whieh job the Consolidated Engineering Company hea planned, to submit @. bid in connection with the con#tructie: of this pro- fect. Mr. Eliierkin further statee that Br, O'Connor, upon his return $0 Baltimore; Maryland, informed his that Herry B®. Loving, © Executive Secretary, Charlotte, Nort Caroline branch, assouiated General Comtrectors' Association, had stated it would be necessary . for the Comsolidated Engineering Company to include in it's bid an estimating service charge, lsc, that after tne contract is =. awarded to the low responsible bidder, the unsuccessful bidders. _ would be paid a fee by the successful bidder for the expense. in~ curred by them in #stimabing costs in connection nitn their unsuc~ cessful. bids, Mr. Elderkin informed the ariter that Mr. O'Connor _ reported Mr: Loving as Stating thet this eatimating service charge. rust be dicluded in ald bi@s gubpitted with!a thet section of the . ir. OtGonior eas interyiLewed and he corroberated the state- ment of Mr. Elderkin as cutiined above. — wr. Herman 4. Berger, assistant Generai Eanayer, Comsciideted ~ cgineering Company, advised that on March 9, he arrivec is Char- lette, North Carolina, to talk with Mr. Loving concerning the re- cuired inclusion of sn estimating service charge in the biG to be submitted by the Consolidated Engineering Company on the Charlotte Meworial Hospital, and thet Mr. icving toid him that this plan fee a! been in effect on all work, putiic snd private, in Char iette, Morth Carcliza for some time. Wr. Berzer informed the eriter that he advised Mr. Loving thet the Consolidated Engineering Company could moet co along with the Associated General Gon- iPactors' Aseociation regarding this plan, as officers of his compeny had been advised by Coijonel FE. ¥. Clark, Assistant Ad- ginistrator, Public Works Adwinistration, that the Administra-~ tion wes definitely opposed te such « piah. Mr. Berger further stated that he was interviewed on March 9 by Special Agent Sancock, Public Eorks Administration, Atlante Office, the wae present in Charlotte to attemi this bic opeming. He further Stated that at tie bid opening, the special agent requested certain representatives of tie contractor's sho bid om tle job meet him in the office of City Marager Marshell immediately efter the opeting of bids. Mr. Berger stated he did not sttend this meeting wits Special Agent Hancock as be had not been Fe-. quested to do se, also, that Re has no knowledge es to whet trans+ -- Zired at this meeting as ke wus unsucceseful in his attempts to... _ Semtact Mr, Hemoock subsequent to the seeting, uf. Berger informed — . Mie writer that the Consolidated Engineering Company was the high “Bidder, end that having no further interest in the job, -retesded —- -%e his office im Baitimore, Maryland, a short tine after the open- img and ennoumcement of the bids. Mr. Berger stated that upon hie ‘ina branch of the Associated General Contractors' sssociation 4 Aetter dated Merch 8, from the Executive View President and ‘Trea- surer of the Comsolidated Engineering Compamy, in «hich the asso- Gistion was notified that the company, although it felt thet the pien has considerable merit, it does not wish to be in any way imvoived or censored by the Public Works Administration for agree- img to any comdition thet has not met with the approval of the Public Works Administration, mad for this reason, the compeny would be unable to sign or inmciude in their bid the estineting service item, eet T. Newell Cox, Assistant General Manager, Consolidated Engin- eering Company, advised that on Thurscey, March 9, he calied on ~olonel E. ¥. Ciark, Assistant Administrator, end advised him that the Charlotte branch cf the Aggociated Generel Contractors’ Aseo- Ciation had asked the Consolidated Przineering Company to imoiuie an estimating service fee in their bid on the Charlotte Memorial Sespital job. Er. Cox further stated that Ocdlenel Clerk informed hin that the Public Works Administration was definitely apposed to Such a plan. Mr. Cox, alse, ativised that sitile in Sashington, he Ceikec with «4 Er. Knowles of the Associated General Contractors 1 Pf * ~ ee ene informed Bhim that the matter of including an estiniting ser- wice charge in the bide of comtractors kasd previously been taken up with the Public Works Administratior in Septesber 1938, that no definite information haa beer received from the Public forks Administration concerning this mutter. According to Mr. Cox, the Associated General Contractors’ Association prepared = brief eomeerning the merit end velue of such @ plan ami submitted this brief to the Public Works Administration in September 1934, re- questing a Gefinite answer from the Administration as to it's stand- ing in connection with this matter; also, that no answer nes been oe received te date from the Publi¢e Works Administration as te whether ees thd a meets with the apeyora. of the Administration. + Elgerkin end #r. Gek desired to go on ‘record au nek pro- | okie “againet this plan but desired to definiteiy make known to ’ the Public Works AdRinistration that the Consolidated Engineering ~ aos ‘ Company does mot wish to be involved in any way for sgresing to any Sordiition that has at ot at She FOE FR: administration. os 1 attegh copy of telegvam dated March 8, to Cotiscl tdntad’ Be _ gineering Company from darry &. Loving, and copies of tho telegrass Gated March &, to Herry W. Loring from Conselidated Engineering © =~ oa. alse, Copy of letter Gated March &, Se from Clarence Bs Elderkin in cennection with this matter. ; isin E. Cook, pecial Agent. &ttachmerts. SSE TELEGRAM CONSOLIDATED ERGTHEERING COMPANY En ineers—Contras tors «0 E. Prankiizn St : Baitimore, i. western Union = Mr. Harry #. Loving, Executive Secretary, wercliina french, f Aeeociated Gemersi Contractors Of America, Suiigers Buliding, Chariotte, By cs Phsese wire our expensé if ali contractors bidding ‘Se@pital Buliding and Murses Home your city have —— ey inets Serviee agreement Thanks POMRESEATED ENGINEERING y comPakt, 18. t A Gheriotte Maes & 1347 Compclidsted Engineering is. Inc. Setel ie are Signed estinating .cervice charge contracts from ali dadders Chariotte mene ees Job: Stop All. greetiy : sppreciate = i hc et CONSOLIDATED ENGINEERING COMPANY Eng ineers-—Contraectors “0 Ed, Frankiin &t. Baitimore, Md. | WESTERN UNION March 8, 1939 Mrs Barry ¥, Loving, Executive Secretary, Caraline Branch, . Assccieated General Venienchern Association, Builder? Building, incase tes North Savel Peni Has estimating service ones Charlotte Hospital been approved for inciusion in bid by P.#.A, ~ Wire collect CONSOLIDATED ERGINEERTNG CO. , TRC. March 11, 1999 I, Harry W. Loving, 405-9 Builders Building, Charlotte, B. C., make bio Shidendng otdteheesk wilactertty be tir. 3, Ba iensenti;. the his identified himself os = Special Agent af the Division of Investigan tion, Public Works Adsinistration. x ox Brecutive Secretary ef the Carolinas Branch, Aseoci sted General Contrectare of Anerica, Inc., Thich includes the States af North ant nae Disiie OA Re ne Sete ot Yas hove Selves: Aa Meets wot South Caran, ot in uerthonler sith reterenre to Deo Mes NO-ULG, Reape Dut laing aod Barone Home a Chaz In the interest of seoering free, open and & trot dogeen of tion on beth private and public construction projects in Worth and South Cerclina, you are advised that our organization bas been render ing a @istinct service to contractors, material suppliers, as has been intimated, bes resulted in substantial savings and lower - bids om wach projects, the clearing house for the Construction Industry in this section by Omers and Awarding Authorities, Architects and B-cineers, Contractors," Matcrisl Suppliers, SubCentractors and others having an identity of _ interest with the General Contractor. Architects and Engineers more Lt or less look to us to see that their projects receive adequate pub. itntty-aaneiel ecntrecters Supiad ch ue to ees that Uae bev aie” of work in prospect, material suppliers and sub-contractors secure information from us concerning work open for bids and a list of gen eral contractors bidding on such projects. : This is Accomplished in part through the medium of our publication, gant, SO Seen weekly, in which is listed the various projects up for bids. The Location of project, nature of work, name of architect or _ engineer, date, hour aod place for receLving bids, ancunt of depostt - Feginedy are shom, together mith a complete list of ere e pappliers ae sub-contractors ‘dn this terrivey, seule sh preter dagrn of putty tan wuld othersiae be poetties ; In order that we sey be kept fully inforned as to werk An prompect subscribe to every newspaper end other publications in our Aerritory at considerable expense, also spend several hundred dollars menthly ; phoning and calling on architects and engineers for iafopeabien con cerning prospective bidders, which is passed on to those interested in the various projects. This obviates a duplication a ‘effort and unneo=— essary expenditure of money by our Regular and Associate Members, with resultant decrease in the cost of deing business. For the use and benefit of material men, equipment suppliers and sub- contractors the Association maintains plan rooms in Charlotte, B, Ce, Raleigh, NM. C., and Columbia, 5. C., where plans and specifications es eoraing neatly #11 projecte ane kurt on files ach office is in _Sharae of 4 £ullntimn Secretary sho, st the request of the Oanere) Sate -> Contractor makes every effort to see that he secures adequate material and sub-bids on each project. The maintenance of these plan rooms at admitted strategic eee tends to acquaint a larger umber of material suppliers and sub-contractors with each project, thereby assuring a ; “roader degree of competition which unquestionably reflects te the bene-_ fit of the omer. This makes it unnecessary for many material suppliers j ‘ thenselves as well as Architects and Engineers. - Tt in a practice in Uda territory for mperianoed Superistandante end | ba Forenen to notify us when they are available and seeking 3 new | aloo for the Generel Contractor to call on us wisn in nest of such many sls cosnea us te anstet te General Contracter in perfecking hie or | ALL of cur activities cost money and for severe years we have followed the practice of placing Retinating Service Charges on each project in a accordance with a definite schedule depending upon the charseter and sise “of the project, which service charge is paid by the miccessful bidder to ‘Ape Asepckstiin. os CS ee ee Our schedule of service charges in effect at this time is as follows: COST GF PROJECT 0 $ 15,000 $15,000 100, 900 100,000 300,000 300,000 500,000 500,000 Up our practice“with reapect to placing such service charges, to be paid by the succeseful bidder, is in Zine with the principle that contractors should support and pay dues to the Association in accordance with the | volune of work secured which ie eonsidered a measure of shility to pay nlp Ho. 11. With reference to our service charge contract, your attention ie es- pecially talled to the fact that there is no requirement that the bid. der include the amount in his bid and you ns advised that there is nothing in our regulations requiring its inclusion. The signing of service contracts is purely voluntary; no threats are made hor an imouad effort made to secure execution of contracts. Any bidder geet or may not sign as he sees fit. Those contractors familier mith our : _ activities and operations readily sig as aoa consider the value, af. ; “service rendered and benefits secured well worth the cost, = 2 ra . 1 a pete the wording "Betimating Service Oharge Se « alone ce that we do not maintain a bureau for the purpose of making & er ag “turvey or detail estinates, however, we do render. considerable serv ce Of value to the Omersl Contractor prior to the bid opening for preparing hs om eatinate, ‘It Ae clearly Lntended thet the sucvessful bidder pay the snout. speci: fied out of bis om resources regardless of whether he secures contrast. on lump sum, flat fee, cost plus or othe basis and ropurdleen of the profit earned. If the Contractar secures contract on cost plus or flat fee basis, which ie frequently done, it is obvious that the charge due ae the Association is to be paid out of his percentage or flat fee or om resources, which is the intent and meaning of the contract and our regm | lations. In no instance are contractors advised that they should include the estimating service charge in their bid figutes. Out of our earnings from this source the Association elects to and pays the lowest five unsuccessful bidders submitting bona fide bids in part for the expenses incurred by them in preparing their b/is, It hes been found that this practice stimulates competition, that it rendihs s hoe larger mutber of bidders and that it is an inducement to each bidder te bid low which unquestionably is to the interest of the owner. if we discontinue our Estimating Service Charge practice it will be necessary for us to curtail our operations and I tare no hesitancy in Saying that P.W.A. projects tn this section wuld receive less publicity that there would be fewer bids from general contractors; that the — contractor would receive fewer eub-bids, with the result that . i os oe ae Ss es Servite Charge paid to us by eontrasters and in tum. spent by us in the cami, suscesstak hy in ne wlate acabecine rie Mahe wad tej officials or Architects and Engineers handling wrk in this territory, | from the Public Works Administration. It is well considered and tried practice intended and believed to be to the public interest by fully pubs Ucising prospective work, in stimilating competition and reducing cod ‘ to comers. 1% 4 not intended to furniah an opportunity for collusive ms bidding or to thwart competition or add to the eost of a project. On Docket NC 1482-F, which consists of the construction of « Hospital Building and Nurses’ Home for the City of Charlotte, N. C., our standard contract involving a service charge of $3,500.00 for the Hospital Building and $500.00 for the Nurses’ Home, or a total of $4,000.00, was mailed to all Contractors who had obtained plans. This service charge of $4,000,00 iz based on our regular schedule of charges in accordance with the estisntel cost of the job. Signed contracts were returned by J. A. Jones Company, Goode Construction Corp., A. H. Ouion & Company, J. J. MeDevitt Company, Southeastern Construction Company and f, Ae loving & ate Hardaway Contracting Company did not sign er-return the service charge contract, nor did the Consolidated Engineering Company, which latter firs es : tadhcabad An & Latter wigned ty Mrs Claresse Bi. Kiderkin, Rmomtive Host) 7 President and Treasurer, that after a conversation with Colonel Clarke of the Public Works Admini stration in Washington, that they did sot feel if 3 a position to sign the agreement; although they stated that such plan had considerable merit and would be willing to enter into an agreement, pro- vided that omers or awarding authorities were exare of the conditions "nos Mes None sf Ue bers on this projet were Anwtruted by me er ald 3 dated Rag eering alee: Charlotte, ‘eh lsh tie nat me 0 whee and handed him copy of our fora Letter and contract which ma : ‘te al other biaters, at also conferred with lr. Berger of the sane firm ao they should add the service charge to their By reason of the fact that Consal dated Magineering Company and Hardemeg Contracting Company failed to sign our service charge contract, you are advised that we did not render these firms the same degree of service we rendered to the other bidders on this project. Upen referring to the tabulation of the bids submitted for construction of this project, show below, you will note that Consolidated Enginecring Company was the high bidder and that the Hardaway Contracting Company was the 6th high bidder of eight (8) bids submitted: J, J. McDevitt Co., Charlotte, H. 6. Southeastern Constr. Co., Charlotte, N.C. de aA. Jones Conatr. Cos, Charlotte, N. Cc. &, HB, Galen & Cos, Charlotte, B.C. Goode Constr. Corpe, Charlotte, W, oC. Hardaway Contracting Co., Rook Hill, S.C. T. Ae Loving & Con, Goldsbare, Re c.- : _ Sonsdlidated Engr. Gor, Ince, Baltinore, Made t maintain thet this is a concrete illustration es to the value of the service we renmier to member contractors and that it clearly indicates that those sesbers who gubseribedite our service secured the lowest possible sub-bids and quotations for materials required in the construction of this project. In my judgeent aks overia that the position of these contractors who signed our contract was inproved by reason of our service ané that they were given « direct 4 advantage with tho remult that the omer oeoured » lover Bi sos ds I beve read the shore statanant previous to affixing ay gsture | “apt cand 45 Sage to Me beet a ny mente ond beets “Garry ©. Banout ive Secretary CAROLINAS BRANCH ; ASSOCIATED GEVERAL CONTRACTORS ¥. nance, : MEMORANDUM GF INTERV Ti@% WITH MISS. ESTE $115, SECRETARY, ASSOCIATED “OEYSRAL CONTRAC TORS OF AMERICA, INC., CAROLINA BRANCH On March 22, 1939, at the offices of the Associated General Caitractors of America, Ines, 405-9 Builders Buildinc, Charlotte, North Carolina, Miss Sale, in the absence of Ure Lovins, was asted why the Associated General Contractors had.on occasion with- drawn of cameelled the acreements executed by certain bidders to pay the estimatine service charge te the Association in the event they obtained the contracts MiesSale stated it was because, as in this case, they had not bem able to cet 100 per cent coopera- tion from those who were biddinz. : ‘ She was then asked whether notice had been given that . agreesent signed by bidders on Docket H. C. 1)12-F%, would be eancelled and she stated that as die was out of tom for several days before the bids were opened, she did not know for sure, but >» waderstood motice had been siven. Hiss Sale was asked whether there was any formal notice of cancellation in their files but ghe woulé mot look in the files, saying she did sot believe there < was anythinc and if such sptioe Dis bem nae: it was are a - telephmes is . Seed cal sas kauteobed 43 Geek sas aged sao & ens “emt to this effect but she declined to do so, sayin: she had no @fffeial position and would not make a written states? without approval oe Loving. B. Us Loweree, Sperial Agent. STATEMENT OF SPECIAL AGENT HAsCOCK RELATIVE TO BX@e TKATIGN GF EsTiua TEs » On March 15, 1933, the undersigned special acest in- terviewed the following mumed represertetives of scutractors or cantracting firms who #ubmitted bids on docket Ey C. 1412-P: . (1) SO. P. Street - Je Je MeDeviet 5 a : “ ssa ee = Companys . oe their estinntes, emi onrefinl examination ef these ec- ‘Back of the ee 3 STATHENT OF SPUCTAL AGENT LOWEREE Detailed estimting sheets from which bids were prepared on the subject docket, were examined by the undersisned special agent in the offices of each of the five contractors in Charlotte, North Carolina, namely, Geode Construction Corporstion, Goion + Company, J. A. Jones Construction Com-any, snd in no case was it spparent on the face of such sheets that the $1,000.00 estinatine service charce acreed to be paid te the Associated «. « General Contracters of America, Inc., had been incinded in the dstinstes, <3 Eowever, it was noted gn the estimate sheet of Goode Construction Corporation - that the figure of $9700.00, which was the portion of the estimating service charge allocated to the hospital building, had been written on tis face of the sheet end then erased, but in checking the totel it did not srpeae that. &% hed been incladed. ; * ech contractor who stated had on some oceasions included dio . estimating service charge in his by increasing his estimated margin — ef prefit to allew for payment of it, requested to furnish this agest with a list of bids submitted and contracts he might bave obtained which — included such charge, but in each case, exoept that of ¥. Pa loftis who had & jist of such con handy, the contractors" ee eee such information could not be obtained without a great deal of detailed — ; examination of reeords ant they were umrilling to make any ee Ze ing contracts cbtaiged thet migt® have included such clare. : irs Loftis stated that the Associated General Contractors ) ot kaarion, ‘Ines, hed requested histo make payment of the first four service charges listed in his statement, suimitted herewith at Exhibit 11, but he informed the agent that he spulé Sot make my of these payments until he knew Sor sure the attitude of the Public Norks Administration toward them and would not pay unless compelled to do s if such were disallowed in his fine! payment g i. Loftis also stated that an ite: of $2500.00 for estinatine service char included ty hie i contrast on docket 1514-06, health and medical © building for the Guiwersity of Forth Caroline, Chapel Hill, North Carolin kad been questioned by the Auiditine Division md he did not mow whether gach item would te deducted from His finsl payment. A statenent of this - @ocket «as inclated in the investigation made by Special Arent Covingten. ender Misc. 16,373 #%, report on which was sulmitted Jue 1, 1935, and Sel e eluded s recemente$icn that this item be not approved as part of the grant base. Ur. Harry We ioving, Executive Secretary of the Associated General Sontractors of Beerica, Ince, Carclins Branch, was not available for inter= view durinre this srent’s stay in Charlette and the agent wes informed that he would be awiy for several days sore om an extended tour throughout the territory. However, in view of the adnission mide by his secretary, Hiss Sale, over whose sisnature notices cf cancellation of agreements on other projects had bem: tent ou, the agent considers the fact that they require the cooperation of all bidders, i. 9., that all bidders must sicn their acreements, to be established. March 23, i9>>s FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ‘ON 'TVINHS ON LAM00d NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION a - ae RETURN TO COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY - PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ‘ON ‘IVIHAS . "Mh ‘d TZ 29 dered a-tfpi IN “ON LIMOOd Z: - bd 4 ~~ s > - RETURN TO COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS + ee FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ‘ON ‘TVIEUS I. = co NFIDEN | I AL NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION ie /_ . one meet ors ie—Tans a io : ees oe ee ia eS ei Se Ss Ee FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ‘ON 'IVIHUS TON ON LAYMO0"d Sewn ne rere es, weit Cl sf | CONFIDENTIAL | NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION RETURN TO COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ae £ Yt 1 < ee ee tia eo Say oe te eg 8 Rt a mee Re cae ed on) eet a FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION + = 2S chs ty] ore late 1% 12 you will let us know stot ¥ 339727 i : | \ | ¥ ¢ Hem rag . qaagaaaaes a aneg BboL LLL r ie : 3 i Letters this office ehmll be svvmitted in triplicates, orhes of any letters urittem or received by you shall be cant te us for review, Please seknowleigs receipt of this letter. Bit FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUSLIC WORKS AOMINISTRETION WASHINGTON FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PuBLic WORKS DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS ERB TON Region _ Jy Stiate, Seorgins _ Date of repeet Senal msemier; onwgia, type ef ergo; meme of special aguas Cr on: Ne Ce 1412-F (Bek) DEC 921630 Instructions from the Special Arent in Charge, dotnet ORIGiS= Decenber 5, 1939. (Mempram@em of Geos . Seine, Pecwsd of vepentagatson Regional Laiber Adviser, Gated Setober FE, 33), stew Rolations:&H:er, with attachaer t.) ISP Aduisé stretive : Irate Langenbacher, Speeial ‘igen Docket: Be Ce UA2-F, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, CHARLOTTE, SORTH CAROLINE. (e-Qick aan Brief: ALLEGED URDERPAYIENT OF WAGES BY 0. GLENS SUAGELIN, sURSGETEACEOE ies Sixteen wrkan, classified as Isborers end paid from 30f to Si ax Sour yy Ce Glemus Sumerlin, subsemtractor for ieGhing and plastering, were emplaged t= serve She Inthers and plasterers by setting up bucks and boards im the erection of scaffeids and by using wheelberrows and buckets te convey plaster aerter ext line putty from the mixing box to the koist, from the hoiet to the zilesterers,, or fron the Se teers ete performing this type of sark = Gaim . the resident mcineer imagectiar, ani four of the wrkmen inpolved coantdae Geka wack Gada Lilien the spprowed cate for whiek classification is 30¢ an hours The regiem] labor adviser aad Gear ic SMA oe ates oe” ———— for eee Sinariti otien Se Cy on. haere Charlie Molllwain, @lassified as a laborer —— a 30¢ an heer, used = hoe te mix mortar for 2S hours. The approved & mortar mizer is Gay an houre ace of thy aaron toned Meylayeet tne Saperect c= 2 aemegueenl by the resident engineer inspector. : Reccmendation: le Tht mae atjeotaaene be mde to the sixteen wetmem Tate im exhibit 31, im the sum set opposite their aamem 2. That in the cvent mage edjustments are wt effected tr eecordance with recommendation Boe 1, $1031.79, tte aueunt eeteslly psid during the period of underpaymert be ce ferred to the Emeoutive Officer fer consideration Em competion with the final grant payment. B= CO (Eetee eogyp Scat i-B € ee Sent Tieiincs nikensihcenoaen « Pattersan, Spend Agent in Charge. CONFIDENTIAL NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION ona G F BASIS FOR IBVESTIGATION -- This investigation is predicated upon instructions from the Special Agent in Charge, dated December 5, 1939, transmitting a mekorendum from Gece ©. Heldman, Regional Leber Advieer, dated October 31, 2939 (exhibit 1), reqesting an investication on the basis of « compleint listed hereunier as exhibit leas Sopy of a letter from John S. Turner, General Representatives, Ietermtiocal Hed Carriers’ Buildimg and Common Leborers' Union of America, dated Cetober 27, 1939, stating that & plasterer tenders ere receiving 30¢ an hour, thile the approved rate is 607 an hours (Sxbibit i-a}e George Yaughters Millie F. Jeter Kiesler Bright imeie vee Cherlie Helliwain Avery Eaves be 4. doknson WAMES AED ADRESSES OF AITWESSES Laberer Sorter Hixer Laborer Laborer Laborer Charlette, Be ce ; 618 S. Devidson St. Charlotte, My. Se 602 S. Caldwell St. Charlotte, BE. c 326-4 Be. McDowell St.) Charlotte, HE. Ce 92) E. Sth Street Charlotte, ¥. ¢. 620 Kelleace Strest Srarlotte, Be Ce 615 Saxoncet Street Charlotte, Fs. C. S10 Sede's Alley Charlotte, tte Coe i@S Ee Stonewall St. Charlotte, We Ce 50]; B. 2nd Street Cherlotte, 3. Cé 1016 Oliver Street Charlotte, Ee Ce Henry Cooper Remry MeKnight Charles Beacham Will Batson Beldon Boya ‘soos wii Jeuss Boston Seti Posten scare cele John Powell David A. Draddy Ce. G, Sumerlin he Le Haddock Walter W% Hook Geode Ce Zoldmn Laborer Plasterer Tender Plasterer Tender Laborer Laborer Superintendeat Subeontracter Superintendent™ Architect Residant Engineer inspector Regional Labor Adviser HISTORY OF THe PROJECT dl, Be Long Street Charlotte, oe Charlotte, Be Ce 319 Reynolds Street ~~ Charlotte, He Ce : 1038 Es 2nd Street “Yay Be Coder Stress 1125 & Rill Street Charlotte, Be Ce Charlotte, Be Ce “4610-4 Ellison St. ' Cnerlotte, Es Ge. 2000 Oaklaw: Avems ‘Charlotte, Fe Ce 317 Be Belner Ste 2000 Phar Street Charlotte, Be C. 2008 Shenandosh Aves Charlotte, Be Cs ‘ 2605 E. Sth Street Charlotte, %. € 505 Builders Slide Charlotte, Bs Gs Charlotte, Ne Ce City Hall Charlotte, 3, C, Hurt Building atlanta, Georgia The work on this projeet consists of the construction of a hospital and nurses’ home, and equipment. Pursuant to Public Works Ad@mi nistration Appropriation Act of 1935 and subject to the terms and conditions of P.W.A. Porm 230, dnted September 15, 1937, as amemied to date of the offer, the United States of America made offer of a grams not to exceed 166,363, to the City of Charlotte, Sorth GCarclina, om Septmaber 1, 1935, to aid in financing this project, which offer was accepted September 15, 1939. ‘The total estimted cost of the profect is 11,036,363. Bids were opened March 10, 1939 ani the general construction eontract, in the amount of $515,100, was awarded to J, Js Devise... Charlotte, Borth Sarclina, on March 29, 1939< Subcontract Nos i, for Iathing an? plastering, in the amount of $/1,,150, was awerded to Ce Genn Sumeriin, Charictte, “orth Carolina and was approved on daly 11, 1939. Constrietion started on October 28; 1939 and on Decenber 16,~ 1959, the project was estizated to be 72 per cent complete and on schedules See Basie for Tavestigation. = Statenent of William Jones, laborer, dated December 1h, isn, <Fegetting Sork porTetmd end ages pais Statement af Joe Rivers, laborer, dated Decexber 11), 1p re- garding work peerormed and wages paide Statement of George Vaughters, leberer, dated December 14, 1939, regarding work performed and wages paid. Statenenit of Millie F. Jeter, laborer, dated December Ili, 1939, vegarding work performed and wages paid. Statement of Kisslar Wright, laborer, dated December 1, 1959, regarding work perforned and wmees paid. Mew rendum of Special Acent Langenbacher, dated December 13, 1935, reporting interview with Amezie Dows, Isborer, regardins sork sérformed and wages paide Statement of Charlie MeIliwain, laborer, dated December 11, 1935, regarding work performed and waces paid. Statemnt of Avery Eaves, morter mixer, dated December 1, 1939, regerdine wrk performed by Gharlie “elllwain and Joe Riverss Statement of L. Ae Johmeon, laborer, dated December 1, 1939, regardin<« work performed snd wmres paide Statement of Frank Brom, laborer, dated December 12, 1939, re- garding work performed and wages paids 3. ’*mnibit 27 <ehibit 28 Sea Bit 29 t Statement of Harry Lee Harding, laborer, dated Decesber bi, 19%, regarding work performed and wages paid. Statemnt of Zeb Craig, laborer, dated December Ui, 1939, regard- ing work performed and wages peids = Memorandum of Specie! Agent Langentecher, dated Deeesber 2h, 1939, reporting interviews with tm De Grose and Henry Cooper, plasterer tenders, ‘regarding work performed aid mees paide - Cope. S Statement of Henry MoXuight, laborer, dated December U;, 1999, regarding work performed and wages paide Statement of Charles Beacham, laborer, dates Decenbder Use 12. regarding work performed ard wages paide Statement of Will Watson, Jaborer, dated Decenber sad MP, Fe gerding work performd end wages paid. re Stitenent of Weldon Box, Laborer, dated vocoder Ti, 197%, rorart-! work performs wages paids .. : a Statement of David Hill, interes, dated Decanter the 197, recente ing work perforwed ond wages paid. — Statement of Jesse Bostu, laborer, dated Deemer Ui, 1953, fet garding work performed and wages paid. Memorandum of Special Agent Lang enbacher, daibedDecesber ue 1939, reporting interviews with Janes Partlow and Cicero ar ite laborers, regarding wrk performed anid wages paid. Statement of John Powell, laborer, dated Deeesber 1/, rer garding wrk perforsed ani wages psid. Statement of David As Druddy, superintendent, | datei Desember 15, 1939, regerding work performed end clessification of workeen. Statement of C. G. Sumerlin, subcontractor, dated Decenber 15, 1939, rerardine classification of workmen. Memorandum of Special Agent Langenbacher, dated December 15, 1939; reporting interview with A. L. Haddock, superintendent, rercarding classification of workmen. = Statement of Walter %. Hook, erchitect, dated Decesber 15, 1939, recardine clasei fication of workmen. Statemmt of T. Re Oven, resident encineer inspector, dated December 15, 19930, recardineg classification of workmen. Memranium of Geo. C. Heldman, Rerionsl Labor Adviser, dated December 15, 1939, regarding classification of workmens Gngineering Memorandum No. 11), dated March 14, 1939, regarding classification of workmene Excerpts from approved wage soales -- Tabulation of underpaynent to workoene Statement ef Special Agent Langenbacher, dated December 15, 1939, regarding payroll records and wage adjurtaentse - ae , y ee : Charlotte, §, ¢., Tec. i, 1333, . William Jones, 620 3, Myers Strvet, Charlotte, BN. C., make this steteszent for Irwin Lengentacher, who hes identified himself as « Special agent, pivis- ion of Investigations, P. F. A. 2. I em employed es a laborer by C. G, Saserlin, contractor, om the Hospitel Project, P.W.a, Docket N.C, 1412-7, and I beve been paid S6c an hour for «ll work performed. I a= = member of the Inter- pational Hod Carriers! Building and Common Laborers? Uuion of america. Other workmen who are employed as common laborers on the project and who are members of the uion are Joe Rivers, George Vaughters, Willie Jeter, Kisslar Wright, susie Downs, Charles gcIliveins, sma L, A, Johnson, ae sa" Irwin Langenbacher, Speciei agent. Gearictte, N, C,, December 14, 1959, 1. I, Joe Rivers, 618 S, Dewidson street, Cherlotte, w, ¢,, make this statesest for Ireim Langenbacier, who tus identified Bimeself as « Specie] Agent, Division of bavestigations, P.¥.A. 2. Since Sejtember, 1959, { beve been employed on the Mesorial Hospitel Project ty C, G. Sumeriin, plastering contractor, w~- Ger the supervision of David Draddy, superistendent, +I an Classified as « laborer and bewe been paid SSc an hour for ald work performed, places, #ucb eas stairways, it was necessery for se to use « saw and hammer in altering ia 4 bia + i 1 ui! th ni i : it tae i itt etd himself os « Special sgent, Division sake this stetenrnt hee PB, W. Be igectified hai: a who has din lotte, Sania: a for Irwin Lengen- 74 i 4 i i t iH fF . ae a i a a ae if f sal Irwin tengenbech e r , Special agent. Charkstte, #. €,» Deceater 14, 1939, i, Kinsler wright, 924 E, 6th Street, ee tas N.C.» wake this statesent for Irwin Langunbecher, who baa idectified hiseelf as « Spécial agent, Division of Investigations, P, 8. a, ‘Tam employed & C, G. Superlin, plastering com- tractor, on the Mewcriai foeyital Project, ender the supervision of David pradiy, superintendent. my time was spent with the leathers, erect— eee i Lie raed the hove mateoest and it ds tee to eS SEMORARDUM OF INTERVIST Wire MIE Doms . Amzie Downs, 620 Wallace Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, was interviewed in Charlotte by the wmder- signed special agent on December 13, 1939. He stated that he is employed by CC. G. Sumerlin om the Memorial Hospital project in Charlctte; that most of his tine has been spent at conveying plaster mortar in wheelberrows from the mortar box to the hoist or from the hoist to: ; the scaffolds where he unloaded the norter onto the spent at erecting seaffolés for the plar**rers by setting up bucks and boards, but thar wnnot estimate the time spent in any capacity. Sry Downs stated that he is classified as a laborer, receives 30¢ an hour, and does not know the proper classification for the work he has performed; that he has no compleint to make and does not wish to sign a statenent. , Special Agents December 13, 1939. 1. I, Charles McTlisain, 615 Sexoncot street, Charlotte, B. C,, make thig statement for Irwin Langenbecher, who has identified himself as « Special Agent, Division of Investigations, P.WiA, &. I ap employed by ©, G, Summerlin, plastering con~ tractor, on the Meaorial Hospital Project, under the supervision of David Draddy, superintendent, 5. I have been classified as a laborer and paid S6c _ an houpfGr all work performed. I kept no record of my time and cannot give the nusber of hours or any dates regarding ay work, = at cleaning up, In slacking line d lin _ & box of water where it would soak over night, - 8 I have read the above statesent and it is true to “the best of my kmowledge and belief, Bitness; Charles ucTliwain. Irwin Langenbacher, Special ager, . Charlotte, w, 6,, December 14, 1939, i. I, Avery Eaves, 510 Wade's Aliey, Charlotte, N, C,, make this statement for Irwin Langenbacher, who has identified bleself as a Special agent, Division of Investigations, P.¥.A, 2. I am employed by C, G, Suserlin on the Mesorial Hospital Project es a mortar mixer working under the supervision of David Draddy, superintendent. I am paid at the rate of 60c an hour, 3. At the beginning of the job Charles mcTllwain used « hoe to mix mortar with me about 2 days or 16 hours, Joe Rivers did not mix mortar with me but has been engaged practically all of his time at erecting scaffolds, He sets up the bucks and boards and at times uses a saw and hammer to alter the bucks. 4. Practically all of the laborers have carried plaster morter | from my box to the plasterers and have also carried the lime putty. There is quite a nuwber of laborers employed and I do not know their names, ' 5. I have read the above statement and it is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. lat Canim Fo Na Ut : i A : q | a ! L, A, Johnson. ALG read the above statement and it is true to the best @ ami belief, . etatenent for Irwin langenbsecher, who bas identified as & Special agent, Division of Investigations, P.W.A, a3 HE oh B I he = I; wake this . OE Aten: ARN i Charlotte, i Cys pecemim - 12, igsé. 1. I, Frenk Brom, 6504 E, 2nd Street, Charlotte, BH, C., ake this state went for Irwin igngenbacher, woo bes identified Rinself an & Special agent, — Div. of Investigations, P. %, A, 2. I have been working the past 5 weeks on the Memorial sospitel Project for C, G, Sumerlin, working under the supervision of pevid freddy, Super- intendert. 3. The oly work J performed comsisted of loeding plaster inte « wheel- barrow with a shovel and sheeling the plaster @ distance of about 40 feet — te the hoist, amd bringing the emphy «heelberrows back to the sorter bex, 4, I have alums been classified as « laborer and paid 50c an hour, I eonsider the work I performed ag that of « plaster tender and believe I should have received 60c. S. I have reed the above statement end it is true to the best of ay ‘epowledge and Selief, J Charlotte, #, ¢ sank Decent A, 1938, 1, I, Merry lee Horton, 1016 ver Street, Charlotte, ". C., wake this statement for wig? “ bacher, who hes ident ified ee Sr ee ee ot Tampahiqnticas, P, #. A, I am ciassified as « laborer and paid 30c an hour, w duties have consisted of cerrying liwe putty in buckets from the mortar the mortar boards where it is placed within the reach of plasterers, and erecting sceffolds by placing bucks and boards, 4, T consider the work T heve performed as common labor and feel that I bevwe been properly paid, S. I have read the above statement end it is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. oe : Charlotte, N, c., December 14, 1939, 1. I» Zeb Craig, 414 5, Long Street, Charlotte, §. ¢., meke this statement for Irwin » Who has identified himself as « , Special agent, Division of Investigations, P, ¥,4. 3. About half of my time hes been spent at Up rooms at which work I se rape up the plester which has fallen on the floor, ar doen't Dalf of my tine bas been spent at conveying plaster the sortar bax or from the hoist to the plasterers and wheelbarrows. In doing this work | workel eith the plasterer tender enent bas been rend to me and it is true to the =e Zeb Craig. MGIDRARDUM OF INTERVIEWS WITH Wit. De GROSE AND HEXRY COOPER Yiw De Grose, 1233 Ee Boulevard, Apartment #10, Charlotte, liorth Caroline, who is employed by C. Glenn Sumerlin on the Memorial Hospital project, docket BH. Ce 1412-P, as a plasterer tender, was interviewed in Gherlotte on December 1h, 1939. He stated that his duties consists of conveying plaster and setting up scaffolds; that some of the laborers employed on the project performed the same type of wrk but to his knowledge, Zeb Craig has never conveyed plaster mortar; thet Craig has been employed at cleaning up reoms and he believes Craig has > of his time in this eapacitye ... Henry Cooper, “39 Reynolds Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, was interviewed in Charictte on é Decenber 1:, 193%). He stated that ke is employed by Cs» Glem Sumerlin on the Menoriel Hospital project ese sterer tender, in which capacity he has — for about 24 mouths on the project; that his duties consist of erecting seaffolds by setting up bucks and boards, which work he always performed alone wee we Seberey DAs aver Redhsted kin Deviebe Shey: bre ; not allowed to do 80. Bach man stated that he is paid 60¢ an hour. Irwin Langenbacher, Special Arent. December 1, 1939 Charlotte, B. Cis December 4, 1939. 1. I, Henry Mermight, 1056 B. Sad Street, Charlotte, N. C., make this statesent for [rein ©, Who has identified himself as « q Langenbacher Special Agent, Division of Investigations, P. ¥. A. 2. I dm employed oe the Memcrial Hospital project by C. CG. Sumerlin, plestering contractor, under tee @upervision of Devia Draddy, saper- istendent and have been et work about 5 weeks. My work has consisted of cazrying plaster sorter from the sortar box in buckets to the sorter boards where it is dumped svithin reach of the plasterers, and erecting eceffolds for the plasterers. no other work. In erecting scaffolds Y set up bucks sometimes use & bageer to neil on « Srace, ; work is that of « plasterer tguder and believe that IT should have been paid 60c az Bbour. I am classified as a istorer an hour. I heve sarked « total of Sout 7 years et statement and it is true to the best of ay Charictte,. LP Cos Decenber 14, 1959. 2 : A“ ‘Cav tin Maclin; 206 ©. Cotes seeds heelatey C., make this statesent for Irwin Langenbacher, who hes identified hiseeif as a Special agent, Division of Investigations, P, *. A 2. For Bout S or 6 weeks I have been euployed by C, G, Gumerlin on the Mesorial Hospitel Project under the supervision of David Draddy, superintendent. I am classified as « lsborer and have been paid at the rate of 30c an hour. 5. Tao not remexber the dates, but I spent & total of about 60 hours working with L, A. Johnson erecting scaffolds for the leathers by setting up bucks and boards. jf did not use « gen or hammer. 4, The remainder of ay tine has been spent at. cleaning up, scraping dried plaster and rubbish off of the floor and caonvey- ing it out of the building in e wheelberros, 5. I think thet the work I have performed is comwon labor ant. believe thet I have been properly psid. 6. ik nare suet the shove statment eat oe ee ee ef my knowledge and belief, I» Mili Wateoon, LIZ5 E. Bill Street, cherlotte, =.¢., enke Te ft yy & | $3 oe is l Hl t ii | ie Charlotte, #3. C., Deceabgr 14, 1959. - 2s tiie Sop Houta 8 (Phnetie ond), eats B, C.» moke this statement for Irwin Langenbacher, sho has identified kimeelf as « Special agent, Divison of Tevestigations, FP, W. A. 2. For ebout 5 somthe I have berm employed by C, 6, Sumeriin on the Megorial Hospital Preject under the sup- efvision of David Deaddy, superintendent. 7 have been classified es a lsborer and paid 3$¢ an hour for all work performed, 3. About one-third of uy tine has been spent at clesn- ing up roous after the plasterers hewe finished. —- Ss ? ve , Sealatte, $. t., . Receaber lé, 1939, %: :: tenis WAL, 1H Rhine setae: davis se eect make this stebesent for Irvin Langenterber, who has idesti- ar ere Dixiaten of Tovestigntions, or. eh ae 2, ir whebk Wf wuinili’y hikte Noss: eudbioe’ te C.ce Saati 2 on the Mesorial Hospitel Project under tie supervision of Devid freddy, superintemient. 2 t. Nearly of all of my tise has been pent at erecting scaf- Sea hOs S06 Tne sneer cnet Slee eee S aAe A ee ARON _ end boards emé sometimes geed a hammer te alter bucks br nail-— ing pieces an the legs Se make thes lenge, 4. Prior te yesterday T G80 not spend aay a ee - & rooms, I Bmwe spent = little time at wming a whee convey plaster morter frase the hoist te the plisterers shovel to tarow in on tae warter Down. 5. I cassie abd. 60 WANNA 5 es nek miele ot mg Adee, tak Saaaet EIpe Sie oxeck Genter of hocks ae Hetee: ta amiution,. 6, I do mot know the prager classification for the efore- Sndlic tak as ieee ee ee oe ee a 30c an hour. I an esified as a laborer and paid st the ro Rargdoes ai 5S nt ee plasterers. — a. the atone statensat ag teen road ts ae and St ie true to ae Oe Ee eee ee Ra Fituess; Irwin langembacher, fpecisi Agent. Charlotte, n, ¢.,_ Decesber 14, 1959, 1, I, Jesse Boston, 526$ S, MCPowell street, charlotte, NH, C,, make this stetement for Irwin Langenbecher, ho: has identified himself as a Special Agent, tivision of Investigations, P. ¥. A, 2. This is the sixth week of ay employment on the Mesoriel Hospitel Project by C, G. Sumerlin and under the supervision of Devid Dreddy, superintemient . 5. Y am classified as = laborer and paid 30c en hour, 4, Nearly all of my time bes been spent st using e wheelbarrow to carry plaster mortar from the hoist to A ies toon at eae ee t tnish tan ck peeferesd in commis inher, 7. I have read the above statesent and tt is true to the ete ee Witness: ae es Irwin tangenbacher, Special Agent. MEMORANDUM OF INTERVIEWS “ITH JAMES PARTLOW AM) CICBRO HARRIS Janee Partlow, 2000 Osklewm Avenue, Charlotte, North Carolin, was interviewed in Charlotte on December 13, 1939 by the undersi med “special agent. He stated that he is employed by C+ G Sumerlin as 6 laborer on the Nemrial Bospitel project, for which wrk he is paid at the rate of $25.00 for a lO-hour week; that his duties consist of cleaning floors and windows after the plasterers have finished; that he has performed no other work except that on one occasion boards which are commonly used in the con- struction of sesffolds, were placed on the floor in @ recon where he wished to wrk and it was necessary for him to spend about 2 hours in moving the boards out of the room; thet he considers all of his wrk common labor and he has no complaint to makes see Gicero Harris, 317 & Palmer Street, Charlotte, Borth Carolina, was interviewed on December 15, 1939 in Charlotte. He stated thet he has been employed as a laborer by C, Ge Sumerlin an the Memorial Hospital project since October 19599 and is paid et the rate of 30¢ an hour; that his @ities consist of cleaning rooms and carrying sand or plaster from the stock piles to the morter mixer who uses these mteriels in the preparation of morter, which work he considers common labore Decerber 13, 19H tharlotte, i, fC.» pecemsber 14, 13958, I, ohm Powell, 1000 "her Street, Charlotte, #8, C:) sake tas etatewrnt for Irwin tangenbacher, who has rete bimseif as a Special Agent, Division of etic x: sure ®, Ay 2. For the pest 2 weeks (since November 50, 1989) 1 heave been employed by C. G. Suserlin on the Mezorial Hespital Project under the supervision of David Draddy, superin- tendent. . : 5. About 4 days or SZhours of my time has been spent at cleaning up rooms after the plasterers have finished. f| kept no records of my time and cannot give the dates or exact nusber of hours in question. 4. I also erected scaffolds but do not recall the names of persons I worked with. brace or to alter buck. : 5; I consider the work I performed as - am classified as « laborer end have been 6. I have reed the above statesent and it is true to the dest of my knowledge and belief. ; Irwin Langenteacher, Special Agent. 10, %. A. Jobewem perforued the same work for the same as explained in the case of Xisslar Fright (Peregreph 7.). ll, Prank Brow: spect all of his time conveying plaster sorter from the bux to the hoist, i. Marry Lee Gerding (or Merton) spent ali of his time conveying scrtar to She plasterers ami erecting scaffolds for the plasterers. 13. Seb craig hes spent all of Bis time cleaning up roces. i. Heary momaight bes apent about 75 of his time carrying sorter to end - erecting scaffchas for tne plasterers. The other 25% wes spect at cisaning up. 3 ~ 2 « 15, Charles Beachen bas spent all of his tise cleaning up. end carrying i, 131 Wtece ban spent shout & hows cleaning up ani the yensinder of — kis tine conveying sorter to and erecting scaffolds for the plasterers. © Y, Weldon Boyd ims spent about 40% of his tine clemning amc the reaaia- al oer comics tak ashes 40 cna Sceelian eauttedhe dur are Salama, 18, Jolm Powell bes spent all of his tine cleaning up, i@. Devid Rill bes spent from 96% to 100% of his time belping Geury Cooper erect scaffolds t carrying end plecing bucks end bomrds. oe amy beve scent @ emall part of his time conveying mortar te the plasterers. : 20, Jesse Boston bes spent practically all, if act of bis time con- Weying morter to the plasterers. I do nct recall that. any scaffolds, 2k. Go far as I know, Charies McIliwain did not siz apy sorter, 22, Me other workwen classified as laborers ere presently eaplayed on the project except James Partlow ani Cicero Harris, neither of uhom conveyed morter or erected scaffolds. 25. ¢ inve read the above stateuent and it is true to the best of ay Wmowledge an. celief, >? Charlotte, BH. C.» December 15, 1959, 1, I, C, Gann Suserlin, 2605 B, Sth Strest, Charlotte, N. C,, make this | siatesent for Irwin Langentecker, who hes identified himself as « Special fgent, Division of Investigations, P, W,.4. | 2. t hewe the lsthing and plastering coutract for the constraction of the Hesorinl Hoapitel Project, Decket N, C, J#l2-F. Tria is « oub-contract awarded me by J. J, coptractor, MEXDRANDUM OF IBNTERYISH ITH Ae Le BADDOCE As le Haddock, 505 Builders Building, Charlotte, -Morth Carolina, was interviewed by the under special agent on December 15, 1939. He stated that he is superintendent of construction for J. J, MoDevitt, == = = gemere] contractor on the Memorial Bospital project. =. = Bi Mr. Haddock stated that he December 15, 193s Charlotte, E.C., December 16, 1939 t, Walter W. Hook, anke this statemat for Irwin Longecbosher, vho has idegtified himself as « Gprecta) Agent, Mirision of Te pee Works Aduinistration The writer states that be Is the Architest far the Charictte Memorial. ies.) Saos Hospital, designated ag Docket XC. I6I3-F, and that the originel wage scales which were submitted te She P.5.R. fer approval were draw by this office in conjunction with the Quner*s represedtetive, Er. J.B. Marshall, City Manager, after canvass of the ceatrectors in this territery as to claseifica-. . Mae ct: Jaber anh prevailing wees retes yaia in this territory. i Tih, cyfecgnce to the slasesftontion of labor on the Guarda:se lmmorsat weference te that classificetion designated as it is meegeets co tieet oor. & gece ang this work is. srdiner tly. portare 3 Pee eee mee ee tt ya aties, sith the fzterpretatica of brick laper's tender were in no way related te any discussion «ith reference. ~ Plaster trades. abowe gtutecents ané it te true te the best of my knowledge a7 FEDERAL WORKS AGE cf gue O...- WORKS ADMINIST Be: le I, Te Re Gwen, above address, make this statement to Irvin Bacher, who bez identified himeslf as a Sp sial Agent, Division of Investigaticoge, FP. % A. I am o Resident | Inspector assigned — te the Memorial Hospital Project, Docket BH. & 1412-F. i Asborers. This epinion is im secord with we Irwin Langetbachér, Special Agent. Special Agent in Charge, Pivicion of Investigations. Regional Labor Adviser, Region Ho. 3. PUBLIC PORES ADMINISTRATION ATULARTA, GEORGIA Labor Classification. ; On the above refgrenced docket it sppesre that certain 3 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC RESIONAL DIRECTOR Burt Puilding Atlanta, Georgia Mareh 16, 193° Ene: SAW: 2d en GINETRING MEMORANDUM BO. 144 A\l Engineer Insrectors Labor Classification eS It hes been broughtte our attention thet Engi- meer Inspectors are having difficulty in seme instances in deciding if a workman has been properly classified and is receiving proper compensation in accordance with such classi- fication, This applies particularly tc classifications such as building labor - common labor - and various tenders. 2, The construction industry recognizes the a@uty of serving laborers who wait om and tend skilled mechanics of various trowel trades to be as follows: to prerare, mix and convey #11 materials from a stockrile tc the mechanic; to erect masons’ scaffolds; to wait on and tend mses. These serving laborers are usually classified as bricklayers' tenders, plasterers’ tenders, hod carriers, etc. 3; It is also generally considered that a building laborer is a laborer who is employed on the construction of a building. The term "common laborer” ic generally applied te en unskilled workman employed on other than building constraction. 4. Workmen in the classification of tuilding laborer should mot be confused with those eho cerve or tend various sechanice, as outlined in Paragrar& 2 above. S. The foregoing paragravhs 1. 2, 2 and 4 arriy omly where two classificaticns, "building Ister® and "common labor" sppear together in the apcroved wage rates. Lats. od Mh ght STANLEY ¥. SalGur Regional Engiserr, PF. %. A. Distribution: Office Field EXCERPTS FROM APPROVED WAGE SCALE INCLUDED 18 EXBSOGTED CORTRACT, DOCKET N.C. 1112-F »P = © = os Ps 2 = * eS = = TAMSLATIGN OF WEDERPAYIETTS SY Cc. Gor saeare, - SUBCGRTRACTOR, pockst #. °c. usee. Period of Payroll : Glasci- Hours Rate Yaces -_ fieation Worked Paid Paid ficatice Ee ne CP EE FET REN ee we ‘ a, & a) % of Fe ‘ lt ay ‘ 7 im i JO 85.0 Sakaki fa Tesder 035 56000 B is 12.50 «35 200.40 oO eS 35 i760 230 LHe 30 25-253 e350 8.15 230 he 90 oO 15.08 ©3525 2 52 “33 «9050 Laborer Laborer. Laborer _ Laborsr Laborer igborer Laborer iaborer Laborer 2 160 116 abe at 135 Th _ S803 % — 73 “3 bbb bb bbb b bb bbe «30 11.06 30 B00 -% STATSCENT OF SPECIAL AGENT LATENRACERR she complainert, John S$. furner, general representative of the hod carriers* emf commom Iaborers* union, was not interviewed. Members of this amiom stated that he had left town, and since the 8 union werkeen he mentioned as well as all worksen classified as iaborers were inter- viewed {exhibit 23, peracraph 22), it was not considered necessary to Agent intendel to interview J. B. Marshall, city manascer, who was abeert from the city, and waited one-*elf day after completing the in- vestigation, but left et noon on Saturday, Decesber 16, when it eppearsd that the date ef Ais return was uncertain. aes oe oe Agent exanined the certified payroils suaitted by Ce Glem _ ve Suneriia, which indiested that the workmen whose names are listed below were @uployed on docket EZ. C. :12-P the nunber of hours as shownr Peried of Exployment Rate ot Pay. HE rey Bey gif eight SRE e aaiHe ae yyy ate dic HY = + 8 og Wn nS on NAM Helga soGNGGeBuewe hy 3 SPaPETESTS? oy wi be ta ; 3 it will te moted that Willian Jones, Joe Rivers, teorze Yauchters, charlie Melliwain, and Selden Boyd were originally exployed at the rate of 30g am hour, and later received a raise in paye in their statements each matt gees his rate of pay as 3557 az hour, evidently forsetting te mention that he was hired at 5XO¢. Accerting to the superintendent (exhibit 23), Willian Jones and Weldon Boyd wpezt 5O per cent and & per cent, respectively, of their tine performing work which is considered by the regional labor adviser as the cuties of a plasterer tender, and consequently they are credited in the cedulation of underpagments on these bases, Similarly, Charlie Melllwain is eredited with 75 per cont of hie tine. ~ a | Bxkipit $2" pe a Charlie Melllwais stated (exibit 5) that be mixed mortar abcct LO hours daring the early part of the fot with Avery Baves, tnd Beree © © stated (exhibit 9) thet Melllwain nixed wortar about 15 bourse Tlimae is given credit for 16 howrs of sortar mixing, the approwed rate for = = which classification is the sav: a2 that for plesterer tenders ae Willie Jeter worked 459 hours, 2) of which wore spest at comes — labor (exhibits 5 and 25), end he is given credit for tie dffererce, oF 135 hours, a8 e plasterer tender. Acoarding to the superintendent’ s : estinete, Eissler fright and L. 4. Johmson spent 62) pee eant of their time at comveying norter ani erecting aeeffolds, and they are therefore : given ¢redit for 77} and 307) hours, respectively, #6 glesterer tederse ... The sugerintendent stated that Henry Metmight spent 75 per cent of his aS time carrying wrter end erecting scaffolds and he is Seerefore ive credit for 75 per cent ef 192) hours, or 136-7/5 hours, me « plasterer teniers Guerles Beacham €i4¢ not mko a clsim, but in enswiring the ecenk‘s ~ questions he stated thet he erected sentfolde about 0 Bours wrkis: with Le Ae d@bmson (exhibit 26), emi sfter signing his stetemmnt he ance ren marks wich indicated that he thought the agent represented on inmrans®: and wented to see shat kind of wrk the employees were doizr. Agent want immediately to L. A. Johnso> who stated (exhibit 10) treat Reacha® aid erect scaffolds at least SO Sourse Under taese circum stances, Beacham is given oredit for & hours as « plesterer tenders Will Wateon elleged thet he spent all but about 60 hours a} erecting seaffelis and conveying mortar ad therefore he is givem credit for hi total time, which is 252 hours, os or 192 hours, es « a plasterer tender. Jesse Boston stated (exhibit 20) thet he conveyed sorter ami erected seaffolds «il tut 2 hours of his time, and, the is given credit for 179 hours less a hours, or 155 hoers, es 8 > tenders ee ‘ See eee a ae Zeb Craig (exhibit 135) ané John Powell (exiibit. 22} made ro clainm® and the ellerations thet they conveyed sortar or erected seaffolds wre not correborated. Claims above the number of hours credited were =ct supported by the evidenes. ‘Ths contractor, the superimsendent, and several of the workmen orally stated that the laborers sere frequently. shifted from one Gity te another and worked in oll parts of the tuild- ing, amd for this reasen 2t eppears imgrobeble thet ome workmen could Ave an accurate estimte of the number of hours any ther worke: was employed in each of his various capacities. it will Ge soted thet the estimtes of the superintendent pmersily agree sith these of the = Om Decerber 15, 1959, erent exmnined the weekly somstructics reports of thé resident engineer inspecter, which indicated that Be did cot recort af © mon-compliaznee the employment of any laborer in tm capacity of « olasterer tender or morter mixer (see exhibit 27, pers 3) Sl adage Irwin Langenbacher, Speciel Agents a Ps DOCKET No, _/V.C..4:4/2-F— SERIAL NO... (2-4/_P.W. fe CTION % NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPE URN TO COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS i ° jam . aa, a= preemros, “2 = = ce —K, wa == c= eo 2 = — co — 2... CON CH ta A a tei nag wn ; ‘cca FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ‘ON ‘IVINS + -€THT Se ‘ON IaN00d oe i : i i a ' NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION RETURN TO COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS {<p eS Sg ee eS verse aomet serie i ee < a 7 eee Lee tet cat a Se See Saree SS > 2 Docket Ho. Bi. Cc. 1412-F (D-6) The subject case involved underpayment to wetchman who was required to fire boilers for temporary beat. No rate for watchman was included in the contract wage scale, nor was the classification requested by the contractor. The Special Agent of the Division of Investigations recommended that the workman be claseified as a laborer and paid at the rate of 30¢ per hour in view of the fact that no watchman's classification had been requested by the contractor. I concurred in this recommendation and wrote up the original letter for Mr. Wortham's signature, addressed to the owner. This recommendation was agreed to by Mr. Kirkpatrick and I was instructed to write a letter to the owner attempting to secure adjustment for the workman, based on the rate of $1.25 per hour and to classify the workman es a steam fitter. Upon presentation of this letter to Mr. Wortham for signature he refused to sign end after a conference with Mr. Kirkpatrick I was again instructed to srite a letter to the owner for Mr. Wortham's signature, changing the classi- fication to operating engineer. Mr. Wortham in turn refused to sign this letter and wrote to the owner on July 16 as per my original recommendation. The owner has made no attempt apparentiy to enforce the payment of the laborer's rete to Mr. Conner and upon return of the file to this office I was instructed to bury it. ir. Beattie of the Engineering Division has now closed the case on the basis as suggested by Mr. Wortham and as per his letter of August 1, 1940, a copy of which is in this file. i i iit g3G2 i ‘aif : oa e3 ‘il i se > v s & 5 * < iS a a Refer to File: N.C. 3412-F (D-6) By ike wD: ae ‘ pit Oi i Ohl wa St Fat Ss ed tis ie OR RU al ia ee aa Ren RARER Pe ee aaa it Ween ‘ . Wh ri Ujaccacart e i » 3 @fe ¢ SOVGciAB wer er SSUeCKh wee ww. &. Sov Rares Pee TEs CAavDe i. ALBEA e9eeert «. eanter o. ©. 6. eerrr of CHARLOTTE». 0% 4 CHARLOTTE, N. C. ; vi ee LZ : SAG. H. AMMETRONG sets ery mamacee August 3, 190 Bo byt jdt ve hve MAM 2a # % a ai Mr. HA. Worthan Regimal Director, Region #3 Public forks Aiministraticn, Washington, D.C. In re: Docket NC-1412-F Cheriotte, North Carolina Hospi ENG: Dear Mr. Wortham: With reference to pur letter of Jaly 24th, in regard to Piedmont Engineering Corp., Contract Ho. 30 om the adore docket, we ere in receipt of a letter from your Mr. HN. L. Webb, Traveling Engineer, °opy of which was sent you under dete of August 2nd, in which be raises the question of classification of Refrigerator Mechanic Foreman and Refrigerator Mechanic Assist- ant. As both of these men ere actually wrking with tools, we recommend that their cLessificetion be changed to Refrigerator Mechanic and Refrigerator Mechanic Helper enti that the rete of pay be placed et $1.10 ené $0.70 per hour, respectively. Please let us hear from you regarding this, at your @arliest convenience. Very truly y-urs, City Mere gor (423511 AUG-5 40 “THRE FRIENDLY ciTrY”™ P.W.A4. Fors No. 193 Re <0-40 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP _ To: COLONEL CLARK » MR. MADIGAN / Mr. Baker Mr. Bulger Wr. Butier Mr. Comfort Mr. Denny Mr. Devine ir, Dunbar Mr. Foreman Mr. Gillnar -Mir. King Ur. Kirkpatrick - Mr. McCall Wr. Plant Mr. Puryear “Mr. Schnepfe Mr. Slater . Taylor » Thoron _ ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Adazs Mr. Allen ai Colonel Babcock = Mr. Edy 35 Hr. Johnstone Mr. Sarre For: Approval Signature Recommendation Remark information To Check File Prepare Reply See Me orat “ct pane, NOLS@IMSYM ROULLVULSININGY SNUOM 3rignd AQINIDY SNBOM WWHIGI2 of CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE, N. C. July 31, 1940 arn finm AUG-6 Be Colonel B. W. Clark, Docket N.C. 1412-F Commissioner, Charlotte, North Carol ine Public Works Administration, _ Epspitel Washington, D.C. es i Dear Col. Clerk: ALAR ws LIM. I a endos herewith copies of letters from a I. J. MeDevitt Company (Contract } end Walter W. Hook, Architect, under Gates of July 29th ani July 30th, 1940, respectively, with further reference to the matter of noncompliances which Mave been charged against the City of Charlotte, ami concerning which there has been considerable previous correspondence. The Omer concurs with the Comtractor ani the Architeet in the opinion that the noncompliances as charged should be waived. : It is, therefore, respectfully requested that we end our Contractor am Architect shall be given a Bearing for e Tinal determination of this mtter, and that we shell be motified as far in edvance as possible when it will be convenient to present our views to whatever committee or board has jurisdiction in disputes of this nature. 422475 AUG-198 PRIENOLY ciTrYr” = J. d MeDevrrr compa ei. ENGWEENS AMD CONTRACTORS BOS RulLeene Bviidine TeLeewonn e<ee or : % s Pi. 3 — “co = rad =) — * : e Ae i \ ‘ : 4 Pein Mie rh AS Ped Pinas inaapical, ao iN ig andi «A ge ip th Be sti is aii aia ie. ag td i. RNAS SEI Yan A cea aan Ri as By WAS Sis, PES ke a em ‘ ‘% : L Haag} [fassassasanaaes jj. caceceetecetay HY stone ae a. nT ecieeeee didgddaeedasiaaa MAGSPPIGVIITI dat * iy . eae Pave “oe . on ie ft, m * y : : y ¥ z + ‘ é 4 ‘ ’ ca bx it ‘ : x o fi eu *.. sig a m ; i sd Fi i ry ie ba whose f Wai: abies 1) iat or i Ri inl ‘ ye ‘oy. if ey ‘ if Lise Le x ane : | ations iii. ne Bilis : ya mee i as , u Bi iit, ui F + 839) as Refer to Piles N.C. 1412-P (D-6) TOs Aeting Commissioner of Public Werks Fats Gegionel Directer, Region Ne. § SUBJECT: Improper Reclassification Be aes (™) = _sxinchad berets ia letter propared by labor Relstions addressed to the. caore - 3 Manger, Charlotte, ¥. C., regs 2 for night 23 ed docket. gate coca: fisetion is mde in view of Recommendation Bo. 1 in the above idemtified report. I have disedssed this mxtter persomliy oe ee SS ee ae Due te this i® iz my contention thet the heating boiler whieh was attended by the watelumn should not be considered temperary be reqeired for the eperetion thereof. The boiler in thie gperticular project inciudes a steker and inflow of water inte the boiler until sch tise as the water gage registered the proper height is all that is necessary for the water control. ‘The stoking of the boiler is done by ax soTreo> ae res JUN 5 - BS ning Canasee 402190 JUN-520 is again directed to the fact that this used only for the purpose of temporary heat ani te fire « boiler for this purpese would only require unskilied labor te keep : a ee er ; You are also referred to Yelune § of Job Des~ 02190 JN-5 40 Fao, mS nae ae ae eT all % > °g “@s9eT2e55 Tea tdsog 2-éUtt o8 t9em0a7 = © sr Fo rer a, vy oH spond im OD * “ct idl li x ‘ % ia he ee ie ee | ih ie re ies i iy, MM AA scMlattals al ABR. aa ae ee ae i - , . ai ‘i i Mics ; * =e ¥ : See / oudramestsee ir ae ; he 7H ik ra Hi We Brae 8 : war f f i it “i ry Moa le, oil ti " i ‘i 4 bil 3 ' al = a is as im Sa fz . we hy 4 a ve Ti i iy ’ y 7 a oi | IN a Na P i j eT ob if - pine = *. i F so -: é P F ri , sal i "7 4 a , oo it Bi tc . i a 4 =, i ?. v4 Bh aaah } 4 BB. J om e , 4 * A si ee a , ~ } 44 4 i Oa a wren oe { i hy Yeu sl fy ee y a eh Rae Pt ig bi a fa a a acting Regi onal Directer, a 2 ¢ i gival FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION i Borth Interior Building Washington, De C. Refer to File: Be Ce 1412-P (D-8) Regional Dires a, Region No. 3 Division of Investigation Report on Docket BH. Ce 1412-F (D-6} x an Gebiy’sn feRibbs ot ‘Ma ches cieuculll ft and it is requested thet proper action be taken by in comection with recommendations 1, 2 end 3. For your information will advise that recommendations 4, 5 and 6 will be taken care of by Bugineering Division. ps Regiomal Director, PHA 782% 89 J APP. O40 378889 APR-648 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON February 3, 1940 PLY FLARE SEE TO N.C, 1412-F (D-6) “ee The Acting Commissioner of Public Works The Director, Division of Investigations of alleged irregularities on docket N.C. 1412-F. Attention: Mr. Kirkpatrick ~~ | hawe the memorandus dated February 1, with attach- ment, from Ray ©. Kirkpatrick, Assistant on Labor Relations (Labor Relations-HJS:ef), concerning alleged employment irregularities and construction defects on docket H.C. 1412-F, hospitel, Charlotte, North Careline. : Although Mr. Kivkpeteick has specifically requested an investigation of alleged employment irregularities, I am of the oninion that the investigation should also include the Alleged construction defects. I am therefore instructing © the Special Agent in Charge at Atlante, Georgia, to make an investigation of both of these phases. A, H. Butler, Director, Division of Investigations. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS | | Region? - Atlanta, ceor Date of report: | Serial number; origin: type of report; name o . HN. C. 1,12-F (D~6) i = MAR 15 1949 ‘3 4p -_ = } ORIGIN: Instructions from the Director, = lg : ’ Period of oe dated February 5, 19,0, with attachmer ~%,, Bap ¥" - Ly March 5-8, 190. : — of Administrative Charles L. Jacob, Special Agent F Docket: M. C. 1h12-P, CHARLOTTE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA (G2 $h66,3 ‘Brier: ALLEGED MISCLASSIFICATION, EXCESS HOURS, UNDERPAYMENT OF 3 WAGES, AND DEFECTS IN CONSTRUCTION, J. J. MCDEVITT COMPANY — | Investigation revealed that N. L. Commer, with 11 years experience firing » Was employed by the J. J. MeDevitt Company, Charlotte, North Carolina, firing boilers _ | furnishing temporary heat to the Wurses' Home end Hospitel Building at Charlotte _ Hospitel. On days or parts of days that temporary heat was not required he either ¢ _ | @p around the boilers, carried out ashes, or was given laboring work te do in the anes. He was required on Sundays to act as watchmen in addition to firing the be Pe the water level in the boiler was mintained by hand operation and the coal was fed te $ boilers by stokers which would cut off automatically at 50 lbs. gage pressure. He fil the hoppers of the stokers and operated the boiler feed pumps. He was Sarried on the | rolls as « watchman but any watchman's duties performed by him were incidental te his responsibility of firing the boilers and performance of laboring chores in the buil He was listed on the payroll his first week for 16 hours at $1.00 and thereafter for / hours per week at the rate of $11.00 per week. The approved wage scale for the projet does not contain any classification of fireman and the common laborer's rate is 3% conte Per hour. He worked 6% hours a day, working 17 hours his first week, end 59g heurs per “week for 15 weeks thereafter. dis proper classification under the wage scale is commen iebor for 790g resulting in en underpayment of $51.15. He worked a total of 25i3 hours | exeess of 6 hours per day and 0 hours per week, the monetary value of the excess hours being $76035- investigation revealed that Esso Motor Oil was used by the J, J. McDevitt Company dm the operation of the boiler feed pumps to lubricate the steam cylinders which is not a: proper lubricant for steam cylinders. The engineer is of the opinion no harn bes bea s a es Fora P.W. Inv. 5 Revised January 1940 Region? ~ Atlanta, Georgia r 2 e | a FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS - Date of report: Serial number; origin; type of report: name ef special BR. C,. Ujl2-F (66) | Period of investigation: (Page Two) Docket: { _ Brief: , ylinder oil, was used in the pump cylinders © by Rowe-Coward, Ince, contractors RECOMMENDATION: le » BO That wage adjustment in the amount of $51.15 be mamas ts Ne L. Commer as shown in Exhibit 1. That in the event wage adjustment is not effected in sccerdencss with Recormendation Yo. 1, $196.00, the ancunt actually mete during the period of underpayment be referred te the Eeecctive Officer for consideration in connection with the fine? cet payment. That $76.55, the monetary value of the 253 excess bears, be “=? te the Executive Officer for consideration in commection with ~~] final grant payment. Theat J. J. McDevitt Company be required to use « steam =i iegier to lubricate the steam cylinders of the pumps. That the leak through the construction of the tummel et tie Saint between the roof of tunnel and the ventileter te Waterton Bie M6. That the omer be required ts taie qecessery aa i, eee “2 ft — measures to preclude the possibility af flesd wat tented “We = eee . Charles L. Jacob TY Frcdurucs( WSU, Ma | Acting Special Agent in Charge. . Referred to aes win in ete ecm dem pees — peer —s Special Agent. Date.. Ape-~9- 7948 ~ |for appropriate action. Please aSrises ~ &D (extre ipivision of Investigations ef acticn CONFIDENTIAL | dh tem sera SP ZL Not for Public Inspection [*o Bie Es Paha Birecter. je abi ca SR eg fd it. ha i This investigation is predicated upon instructicns from the Director, dated February 5, 190, to which wes attached correspondence listed hereumder es exhibits 1, l-a and 1-b. Copy of a memorandum Gated February 3 from G. H. Butler, UVirector, to the Acting Commissioner of Public Works (Exhibit 1). Sepy of = memorandum deted Fetrusry 1 from c Assistant on Labor Relations, to the Division of Investigations, (Exhibit i-a). Copy ef a letter dated January 29 from C. BE. Haury, Inter- national Representative, International Union of Operating Engineers, to Mr. RB. C. Kirkpatrick, alleging misclassification of labor and excess hours, SS Selitruction defects on the Memorial Sospitel, Charlotte, North Caroline {Sxhibit 1-b). HAMES AND ADDHESGES OF Wi THESSES 3. L. Commer Laborer iva Bexter &., Charlotte, He Cs Thomas F. Saddook doting Cherlotte, F. Ce George A. Kiddlems Charlotte, BH. C. 2. Edwin Wilson 1809 Please St., Charlotte, N. Ce Cleud Cemmen Route f i, Durham, BE. Ce Cc. Pe Brest charlotte, ce. Eirk Cousart Engineer Charlotte, NH. C. Thomas E. Gren Resident Engineer city Hall, Inspector Charlotte, He Cs Balter W. Book Architect 200 South Tryon &t., ; Charlotte, He Ce 3 a Exhibits ie-e anc z ~s l—> pitas wal hs aha da x obadeuk ini the Sty ot Charlo, Morth Carolin, eee eT nurses’ hom, leundry and boller house, ne oo sere oe eee nets Eorth Carclins. “By offer dated Sevtenber 3, 1938, and acoented September 15, 1935, made subject to the terms and coméitions of Pf. W. &. Porm 230, teteé Septeaber 15, 1957, as amended to date of the cffer, the Urited States agreed to aid in financific-the ject by « grent of LS percent cf its sost, oct to exceed ,000.00, teter inerensed te 066,363.00. Fusds to supply this crexnt are derived from the Public Works Adriristration Appropristics het of 1956. Bids were opened Geteber Zl, 1935 ané Contrest Ho. 1 for the constructien of the laundry end boiler buildixg was ewerded to 3. J. MeBeritt Coeny, Cherictte, forth Cerclina, in the amount of $23,530.00. This eward was approved October 29, 1938. Work on this somtruct sterted October 25, 1935 ani was completed 4Spril 7, 1933- Bids were opened March 10, 1959, and Contract Bo. |, for the constructicn of the bospitel end surses' home was awarded to the 2. J. MoDevitt Company in the amowst of $515,100.00. This award as Bereh 29, 1996. Work started on this contract ee ee equipment end piping, wae ewarded to Rowe-Coward Incorpersted, Durham, Forth Cerclina, in the amount of $15,965.00. The eward wes approved Mey 1, 1935. “Work om this cortract started May 15, 1939, and is sow spprextsntelly 58 pewnse® complete end on schedule. This eon tractor is i= defecit ent the bonding company, Actne Casualty insurance Compeny, Hertford, Commecticut, is completing the eon- tract. Ho work bas beac dome on this contract since February 2, project ctarted Osteber 26, 1935. ‘The project compieted and on schedule. Froject y 2, 182. List @ EXMisitsS Se. lL. Sommer, leatorer, dated March 6, 1540 speriemoje as firemen, work performed by hi th. perpe enc stocers, enc isarace of <a oe 2 - x oS ¥ retar Statement of . L. Conner, dated March 8, 19, regarding hours worked and work performed by him on the project. Statement of Thoms F. Haddock, acting superintendent, 9. Jd. NoDevitt Company, dated Marsh 6, 1 ©, regarding employnent of BN. Leon Commer, the oil furnished te Conner, and the waterproof+. Statement of George A. Middlemes, timekeeper, J. J. ¥cDevitt Company, dated March 6, 19,0, regarding work performed by and Sustructions givem te HE. Leon Commer. Statement of George A. Middlems, dsted Merch 3, 1980, regerding the time of B. b. Commer shown on the peyrolls and actual Bours worked. . Stubement of R. Eé@win Wilson, architect's representetive, dated Meroh’7, 190, regarding his observations of Comer's work, and equipment in the beller roos. Statement of Claud Cannon, foreman, Rowe-Cowerd, Incorporeted, dated March 6, 1940, regarding cperation of boilers and responsi- bility of Commer, his observation of Commer's work, and cil used in pumps. letter of C. FP. Street, unmager, J. J. McDevitt Company, dated Merch 7, 19,0, regarding the classification of HE. Leon Comer. letter of Kirk Cousart, engineer, dated March 7, 1940, regard- ing boiler room equipment. Statement of Thores EK. Owen, resident engineer inspector, — oe dated March 8, 19,0, regarding classificetion of work of BH. L. Comer, his knowledge of the oi] used in pumps, leeks in tummel, end hacard still existing permitting water te exter tumel. Copy of a menorendus of T. EB. Gwen, dated February 13, 191,0, recarding sllezed feulty construction of tummel. Statement of Walter W. Hook, architect, dsted March 7, 19,0, Fegerding tunnel leaks, present hazards, responsibility of con- tractors furnishing temporary heat, emi classificetion of work of firing the boilers : Stetement of Special Agent Jacob, deted March 11, 190, showing amounts of coal furnished J. J. Eqdevitt Company for temporary heat, Statement of Special Agent Jacob, dated March 1h, 19, referring te examination of plans, inspection of tummel, present hazard of possible entrance of water in the tummel, drainare of beiler roon, il leak in stoker, and umaveilability of Arther i. Seddock for interview, | copy of acrronee ware scale. Tebulation at misclessification ani anderaynest of wnges ta BL, Conner by 3. J. Moderizt Sonpanys Qabalation of exeess hours worked by ¥. L. Conners B. C- 1412-F (p-6) MEMORANDUM: The Acting Commissioner of Public Works The Director, Division of Investigations Investigation ef alleged irregularities om docket 3. C. 1412-F. Attention; Mr. Kirkpatrick I have the memorendum dated February 1, with attech= ment, from Rey C. Kirkpatriek, Assistant om Labor Relaticas (labor Relations-HJS:ef), eomoerning alleged loyment Seoneuhiot nae ecekinnes err nee c. U2 hospital, Charlotte, North Carolina. Although Mr. Kirkpatrick has specifically requested an investigation of alleged employment irregulerities, I am of the opinion that the investigetion should also include the alleged comstruction defects. I am therefore instructing the Special Agent in Charge at Atlanta, Georgia, to make an investigation of both of thesghhases. (sgd-) G. B, Butler G &. Butler, Director, Divisies of Investigsticas Division of Investigations Aesistant on Leber Relations Request for luvestigation Attached hereto is a copy of « letter which I have received, under date of January 29, 19,0, from ir. C. E, Haury, Intermational Representative, International Unica of Operating Engineers. MERA gue please Savecbignbe ths eiteeshions uate in the second paragraph of Mr. Haury's letter. fore, forwarding « copy of Mr. Haury's letter to that Division for such action as it may consider necessary. Mr. Baury's letter has been acknowledged. (Sgi.) Bay C. Kirkpatrick Ray C, Kirkpetrick, Assistant on Labor Relatioas IMPERWATIOWAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor c, &, Haury International Representative 550 Connecticut Avenus, HN. ¥. Washington, D. ¢. Jenvary 29,190 I am protesting against conditions existing on the construction of the Memorial Hospital, « PWA Project at Charlotte, North Carolina. The MoDevitt Company are the General Contractors. Leon Conner is employed as a firemen furnishing temporary heat for the hospital which is wader construction. Conner is on MoDevitt's and receives fourteen dollars ($1) per week. er wees sine 19) seven (7) days per week, and on Sundsys he is required to firing the boiler. look into the construction of the boiler the power plant to the hospital 1 is very porous and the been made. Recently, during heavy tunnel witil it reached a depth of six- ETETE eylinder oi] has not been furnished the fireman, end for two or to January 19 the pump reodived no ofl. One quart of oil that furnished to the fireman was Esso Motor oil. I am for PHA but must protest shoddy construction for profits at the expense of labor and taxpayers. My services are available and should like to be in Charlotte shen an investigation is made, so thet I may have my witnesses to substantiate these charges. Very truly yours, g § 3 (signed) Cc. EB. Haury International Representative fy gamit i a situs nas PRE a ne AeA — “Srare op Hovth Carolina Date March 6 3940 Counrr or Mecklenburg. . iy I Napoleon Leon Commer... make this statement for Charles L.Jacob Special Agent, Division of Investigations, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, of my own — free will knowing that it may be used against me. No threats or promises of reward or immunity have been — made to mé. aa | z > My address is 1782 Baxter Strect, Charlotte, North Carolina. My previous experience as e fireman covers 17 years with the Southern Railroad, I started in as a hostler helper and worked as e machinist helper in the round house at Spencer N.C. and et Charlotte N.C. for about 6 years.I was theanmade fire and water man keeping steam up on locomotives waiting to go out on a run, for about two years, I then fired the shop boiler for 1 year. I then washed boilers and packed boxes for three yearseI then started firing locomotives on the road as extra firemen and while I did not get a regular rum I was kept Busy as an : five years.I was cut off in 1929. In 1951 I went to and they wanted to cut me below $9.00 EME q week and I did not do any more firing of boilers until I started a Hoapital project for J,J,Me Devitt Company,contractors for the Hospital on Docket N.C.1412-F at Charlotte, North Carolina. é ee es I asked the Superintendent for McDevitt Company, Mr.iaddy,for a job firing the voilers furnishing temporary heat to the tuildings.He told me to come to work the following morning and from the time I started work up to the present tine I have been firing the bollers.There are two boilers and I fire de at a time end every two weeks change over and clean the flues, e@amine the ash end fire box, clean out the soot box, Blow down the boilers every day. I have the complete responsibility of the boilers.Since I started I have burned about three carloads of coal and have cerried out all the ashes by hand from the boiler room floor #hich is about fiftenn fest below ground levelsThe boilers are operated by stokers but I have to fill the stoker hopper by hand, wheeling the coal from the coal bin. Since I started,I work 9 hours a day including Sunday, making 63 hours each week, With the exception of one weeks time I have spent every day I worked principally tending to the boiler.I go through the buildings, the Nurses Home and The Hospital building,twice a day and close windows and shut doors to conserve the heet. This takes an hour a day.0n Sundays I make four trips « day and takes two hours to in the buildings.While I om making these trips the boilers are going and I h ave the responsibility of their care.,The 7 days that I did not fire the boilers at all I clesned up trash off the floors. I am on the payrolis as « watchman an¢ have been peid 314.00 per week less muy Social Security deduction of 14 cents.I do not actually do any watching but when everybody leaves at noon on Saturdays and on Sundays when no one is working i have the responsibility of the buildings ag well as the boilers.There is regular night watchman that comes on duty et 4:50 every day but he does not look after the boilers. I shut the geen off and kill the fires before I leave every days Previous to February 24 1959 I operated the pumps supplying the boilers with water from the condensation from the buildings.Since that date the heating contrector has dome no work on the job and he left the system open to where the condensation does not return to the tank in the boiler room end I use city water entirely te keep steam on the boilers. i wes not furnished any steam cylinder oil whem I operated the pump.I was given Zeso Motor Oil by the steam fitter that installed the pump connections and he eteted he was not supposed to furnish ofl to run the pumps.I askad the superintendent Mr.Haddy for oil, and he gave me the same kind of oil, oe quart at « time and over half the time I had no oil at all.The ofl would come out of the valve stuffing box like chewing gum around the valve rod. ~* a - Affidavit Napoleon Leon commer .. Gontimiesd, I have peed the foregoing statenent and it ts true and correct to the best of my imowledge and be and present recollection. Tn the event « wage claim beering is held by the City of Cheristte H.C. te determine the legitimacy of thig or any other claim referred to herein, I hereby grant permission to the representetive of the Public Works Siministration present st seach wage claim hearing to refer +6 or quote from any part cr parts of this statement, Charlotte, tiorth Carolin» Hareh 8 1940 I,Mapoleon Leon Conner, 1722 Paxter Street Charlotte N.C, make this cuyph eeontal statement voluntarily for Charles L.Jacob, who has identified himself asa = © ee ere of. =e Division of pede un cok oon Works captains! occ 1s by statement of snxeh 6 T ceuted 1 work 9 hours w aay T wish so etate th I start work at 7:00. A.M, ou the mraings that I get up steam and hare done that every morning that I got wp steam,whieh is every morning I worked except | on the? days thet I 4id not ge up sboemnk wavkih tn SLL tage cA GER © with sm half hour for lunch, On the days that I did not get up stecn I was on the job at 7:00 A.M, just the same as I did not know if they wanted ms $6 get up steam or not.0§ the mornings I dié not get up steam I worked in the boiler room keepitig the ashes or cinders canned OOS ans Perrying Shen out of Tie tellae Pools There have been days that I fired the boilers for a half day and the rest ‘pt the dey I would work in the building carrying Tumber and clean up the Duflding © and carry out trash. To tho best of my reoollection aherk Sans ses desk Ga tat I worked from 18:30 to 450 P.M. Se Soe Wales aS As SBELSiom So The 7 Rk Gait < 7, Dae Merken (SE Nears © Cay rete ae thas Et MTNeE a iaee % Berta: = ee In thie: event. ‘@ wage cleim hearing is held by. the city of Charlotte, H.C. te. determine the legitimacy of this or any other wage claim referred to herein ues TORT Ae A teas nth sieease te mater AC UT cris too elk present at such wage claim hearing to refer to or quote from any part | ts efi cet grate ghidl San hogcheng 3p sag mami yoalesYoetoabeg! : ee ee sale and f Charlotte, Morth Caroling, Harel: 6 1946 ECs, themes Peflendcck, voltrtarily mke this statement for charles L.Jacob, who hes previously identifies himself as a Special Agent of the Division of Invest Public. — Adminiatration.— 3 Superintendent. for the J,J,MoDevitt Company on the Mamorial Rospital Bis1stinty ettce Laren 11940..I wns Assistant Superintendent since Tt have in the Feborts’ a7 irerrat card Toe "Leda Commer as « watchmen, from the North Carolina State | Jem ne = Yeon dows #9 the boiler Bouse end 46 not hove any ioe how nny Moana Ba ee ee ee. TpeeT Henk an Yea Sarees Te | Building. ’ Arthur L,Haddock give N.Leon Conner the instructions thet Ree ‘* iler, keeping coal and waterin the boiler but not to make any adjusthente on any of the apparatus as Rowe- Coward Ino, the contractors who . a oly oer hae Sab ma he min Hover Ute _ Leon Conner aterted work on December 6 and started firing the boiler on theday he started Fe hice Gos’ wv eka sin ae "yee , Goxgeny waterproofed crowd the outside aT aie ee hs ere Ge ‘knowledge what leak there was in the tunnel was taken care of =e the Wester Waterproofing Company on January 24 and I have heard ne ecugllaat aintes Sok ea I have read the foregoing statement and it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge belief and present recollection. Of Kens 4 _. Witaesar Thomas F, ck - Charles L.Jseod Spe Agent PYA. in the event o wge claim hearing ie held by the City of Charlotte H.5, to determing the legitimacy of this or any other claim referred to herein, I hereby erent permission to the representative of the Public forks Administration present et such wage claim hearing to refer to or quote from any part or parts of this statement. g v Charlotte, North Carol ita, Mareh 6 1940- Of George A. Middiemar, voluntarily make this statement for Charles L.Jacob, eho 3 has previously identified himself es a Special Agent of the Division of Iuvestigat ©) Public Mores Administration, 2 am tine-teoper for the,JiJ,MeDevitt Company on the Chaslotte kemortal Hospital, - “Project, Docket N.C, 14126¥,1 started about July 1 1939. I wes on the job when Arthur L.Heddock, superintendent hired N,Leon Conner. Haddoek told me he hed enga ged Conner to fire the boiler and work sround the | Conner started work on December 6 and began firing the boiler the sane day, ; ¥rom December 6 to February 24 iir.Cannon, foreman for Rowe-Coward waa in charge of the boiler room operations and looked after the boiler equipment. The instruc - Conner hed was to fiw the boilers; putting in the conl required and keepine the — “weter in the boiler and not to do any work on any of the equipment, s .. When he was not busy firing the boiler he was instructed to come into the bullding _ and clean up,carrying meterial and distributing it about the dailding. ne | We bave not kept any record of the days on which we have kept temporary heat on — iy estimate of the time that he worked in the buildings would be about one third — of the time since he started work. ~ : eae ee eo : i was instructed by Arthur L.Haddock to show N.Leon. Conner on the peyrolls as... I do not know of any inetruction given to Comer about watching except ‘on Sundays he was supposed to keep people out of the building and see that no mati was carried off the job. T have read the foregoing statement and it is true and correct to the best of ie tom _ In the event ¢ wuge claim hearing is held by the Uity of chetlotte to determine the legitimacy of this or any other wage claim referred to herein, I hereby grant ee permission to the representative of the Ayblic Works Administration Present st Ge such wage claim hearing to refer to or quote from any part or parts of this statement. Georges '4,Middlemes, sharers Charlotte, North Carolina Mareh g 1940 i, George A,Middlemas, volantarily make this statement for Cherlés L.Jacob, who has identified himself as « eccatyt ane Agent of the Division of Investigntions, nate ee. Admini gtrations iy waives ie S01 Sast Park Are. Charlotte HeC. and . am the etua: boston’ on the Charlotte Memorial cn Docket # M.Cs1413-P, for J.7.uoheritt Company Remneral contractors. tLéca Conner is shown On our peyrolis as e wnteliman end the 48 hours per week shown on the payrolis is only B en statement of his hours: ‘since his. heures are tinlinited. : oe ie Since he wae on uhlimited hours I have not Lept scoount of the actual hours thet he worked each day. He has worked every Sunday since he sterted, He ia supposed to $0 Work at 7:30 A.M. and eo hone at 4:50 Pd, with one ihealf hour for lunch. I check him during the morning and during the afternoon simply to mow that he is ong the job. during the day.I know thet he works approximately 9% hours: & daye 4 In the ovent e wage claim hearing is held by the City of Charlotte 4.0. to 3 Getermine the legitimacy of this or any other wage claim referred to herein, . I hereby grant permiasion to the representative of the Public Works Administrat Present at such wage oleim hearing to ere from any pert OF. Deyee: oF this stetement, © Bola ee I have read ‘the ‘pasipuiing statement before signing and it is true ee Sel to the best se = oe ‘delief and present Tepollection, Cherlotte, North Carolina. Merah 7 1940 I,R.Biein Wileon,190? Pleza Sts Charlette, ¥.C, voluntarily nake this stetenent for Charles L.Jecob, who ‘has identified himself as a Special Agent of the.» 9 Division of Investigations, Public Works Afministretion. ie I wm the representative for Walter W.Book, architect, on Docket# N.C,1AL2-F, — Charlotte Memorial Hospital, Charlotte H.C. I camé on the jobd on February iS euteeeding Reiger Devis, who was formerly architect's representative on the project and who is no lenger connected sith the firs, — oe Since I came on the jot the work beimg Gone has been principally tn the Nurses Some end Hospital Building, I bare had no occasion to go down to the - Boilershouse to inspect sork as this beilding has been completed for some ga time.The only work regaining to be dome in the Botler-ouse is the completion of the contract cf Rowe—Coward,who are installing pipiens and equigesent. es I do not know on what deys or how meh time Leon Conner has spent firing the — boiler for the temporary heating. Yesterday I was down at the Boller room al and Ledn Conner was the only workmen around,there wee 4 fire in the boller and . the stokers were opereting. While I wee there I did not see him setuslly ee hendling any coal.In the past two weeks I visited the boiler room om two . oceasions,eech time there was fire in the boiler, end the stokers’ were of once he was there and the other time he wes not theres?he longest period ¢ went Gon to the boiler-room to look around and get fanilier with whet was _ Shere and noticed that there was evidenee of oil leaking from the gear cases n the event « wage I have read the foresoing statement amd it is true and correct to the best of my Knowledge, belief and present Fecollection. 2 &. ges ihe Digrhes Nortificarclina. Bereh 6 1940 I, Cleué Cansen, Route #2 purhen, North Cagoline, voluntarily make this stat ie for Charles L.Jecod, whe kas previously identified himself as « Special Agent =a Division of Investigations, Public Works. Administration. aioe I was foremn on the Charlotte Momoriel Hospitel, Charlotte N.C,Docket @.C,141a-¥; for the Rewe-Coward MMMBENK Inc. contrasters on heating end ventilating end | & also Boiler room equipment and pipinge _ ees ae When Leom Conner starte€ work in the boiler-room I was in the midst of a test am the hesting #yetem and had the boller in operation. Conner worked — along with my man who wes firing the boiler, for st least three days getting — ~ gequaimted with the operetion. When after our test the condensation from the . buildings was clear end could be returmed to the boilers, we turned the operation of the brilers over to the Ecbevitt Compaxys 3 The only sutomatic control that was in operation during the time that Conner ae fired the boiler was the Pressuretrol which was sect at 50 Ibs, and at this : pressure would automatiesliy cut-off the stokers. The weter level of the — : water im the boiler wes aot under sutometic control and had to be watched by - * ees ing picking wp serap lusber an4 wood trash and ays shen heet wasn't required. ee which dc e steam cylinder oil,in the. lubricaters for the steum cylinders of the pups. I 4i¢ not furnish any % woter of% for the : oil E geve Conner was « quart of #10 Atlan oil for use in drip cage om sump pump emf for use on stoker bearings. There was no responsibility on the pert ef the Rowe-Coward Inc. to furnish ean oil for any of the egiigment being operated to furnish temporary heet. This was @ Pegponsibility of the McDevitt GoxpemyeI looked after the mainteinenes — and repairs of the equipment we instaliet. On Saturdays and Suméays I was not om the job et ell #o cannot say vhat Gomumer 414 on these @ays, Outside of these two days I did not see Commer do amy watchman's work om any weck @aye that I sew his during the time I was on the job. In the eremt a ware cleie hearing i¢ held by the City of Cher lotte to determine the legitimecy of this or any other claim referred to herein I herebr crant permission to the reoresentetive of the Publie Works Adminiatrat- ion gresent at such sare claim hearime to refer to or quote from any part or : parta of this statemesst, I have read the foregoing statement end it is tre = and earrect to the best of my knowledge, belief an4 present recollections Fitness: 3 Gearies LJ Ppecial Agent Pia. Claud Canmone o J. McDevitt COMPANY * ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS SOS Suritersg BuiLcine TeLermomet e448 Cusmorre, N.C. March 7, 1940 Docket No. MC 1412-F Hospital, Cherlotte, #. C. Mr. D. Frederick McMullen, “eting Special “gent in Cherge Division of Imrestigation PHA 1216 Hurt Building Atlante, Georgie Dear Sir: At the request of your Special Agent, Cheries 1. Yacob, 1 am writing you concerning N. Leon Connors wo is an employee of the ¢. J. McDevitt Company. It is required of us by the General Specifications te furnish temporary heat for the construction work of the above docket. it is permitted to us that we may use the permenent heating epperatus when installed, it wes my umfereteanding from the Specifications that thie permanent heating apparatus is fully automatically eontroliled, renuiting no ettention except that of keeping coel in the stoker hopper and of removing cliskers. On or about the first of December, 1939, the permanent heeting apperstus was completed and the weather mas auch thet temporary heet was needed. On December 6 our recomis show that ws employed the above named employee as watehman. I do mot know of my own knowledge the extent of the exect duties of this employee. From information which i have hed, a part of the duties of this employee was the keepimge of coal suppifed to the stoker hopper and the removel of clinkers. I understand further that this employee wetched on Susdays and Saturday efternoons end the rear or Boflerhouse seetion of the property during other tines. it is our belief that this clessification of this mem under these duties is properly that of ea Watchmen, es the work Cone in connection with the temporary heat is imeidental to Bie job. 4t is rether umususl for us to furnish temporary heat in the manner in which we ere furnishing temporery heat on this docket et this time. However, we frequemtiy provide temporary heat by means of Salamanders, stoves, or other equipment of like kind and the attending to these Selemenders or other like oar — 2 #2 Mr. DBD, Frederick SeMulilen: ss equipment has always been « pert of the duties of e Wetchean while on the job, es an incidents! part of his work. in the event a Wage Claim Hearing ic held by the City or Chariotte, North Polina to determine the legitimacy of this or any other claim referred to herein, I hereby grant permission to the Representative of the Public Worke Administretion present at such Wege Claim Heering to refer to or oucte from any part or perte of thts letter. Yours wery truly, J. J. MODEVITT COMPANY C . P-Struact— &. FP, Street BY: & eS @ aaa Blarkel, ME Br. D. Frederick McMullen Act Special Agent in Charge Di on of Investigation PWA 1216 Burt Building Atlanta, Ga. Mareh 7, 1940 Charlotte Memorial Hospital Charlotte, WN. C. Boiler House and Heating Work Dear Sir: At the request of ere Agent Charles L. Jacob I am advising you regarding the above project as follows: With reference to the steam driven boiler feed pumps as are used in this plant, shortly after the plant was put into service for temporary operation it was noted that the Heating - Contractor was using motor vehicle Standard 011 Company!s | lubricating oil in the pumps instead of steam cylinder ofl as is generally used for this service. This fact was called to the attention of the Heating Contractor's Foreman, and he was advised to obtain and use cylinder oil for the temporary operating period. However, it now develops that this was not done, and after - pecialist of the Standard O14 y? cebeteatin Basaran I f the opinion that - oa am o op no e ae = oF tabetounia been’ done @pquipment. The average gasoline moto are not prcves}y compounded to‘lubricate the ¢ r walls of a steams driven unit, however from actual observation of the lubricator it was known thet the oil being used was fed at a rate than would have been the case with use of steam cylinder oil, and, as stated above, for this reason it is the writer's opinion that — no harm has been done to the pump cylinders. However, it is the | writer's intention to make an inspection of the cylinder walls ~~ before final acceptance of the work is given. e The heating specifications for this project required tlie © Contractor to maintain daily service of all equipment used for ary heating purposes, 4nd since the Heating Contractor tempor. defaulted on his contract on February 24th, there has been no maintenance of the system since that date. The Bonding Company was immediately advised by the Architect of the various maintenance re ibilities of the Contractor and were advised that they would be liable for any and all damage done during this period of non-maintenance of the installation. In reference to the condition of the stokers, as observed by the Special Agent, mur. Charles L. Jacobs, it can be said that final finishing and painting of the stokers has been purposely withheld until the project nears it's finished stage, and in the meanwhile the writer had instructed that all parts of the stokers should be coated with grease to prevent corrosion. With reference to the woe Fo Page 2 Mr. D. Frederick McMullen Charlotte Memorial Hospital Charlotte, N. C. 2 Roller House and Heating Bork lack of oil in the stoker Riflex Drives, as were observed by Mr. Jacobs, the writer checked thoro ¥ with the stoker manufacturer's installation mechanic at the time the stokers were first put in temporary operation and these drives were filled to the indicated level with lubricating o11. Some trouble was experienced in the control equipment and it was necessary to remove the plates of the Riflex Drives and it would now eppear that in replac these plates they were not properly tightened. This would expl the presence of the oil drippage as was observed by Mr. Jacob. The Riflex Drive Housing Plates are today being removed and the entire internal mechanism will be examined, and the housing plates will be properly replaced and the housings filied to the indicated oil level with the proper lubricant. Yours very truly, KIRK COUSART, ENGINEER Lik eae f— Charlotte, Sorth Carolina, s Rarch @ 1940 Voluntarily seke this Statement for Charlies i él fied himself as a Special agent of the Divis Public forks Administration, i am Hesident Mginesr Inspector for the Riplic Works Administration on fockes_ N.C.1412-¥, Charlotte Kemorial Hospital Charlotte torth Carolina, my address is ord floor City Hall, Charlotte BG, and my wall address ta Box 1915 Charlottes, @0 Bot know Leon Bot even recognize him if I saw hin, 3 ore have teen between 150 and ween, tt Dtaseet and outside of the foreman and prigcipal worksen of the various Srades I do not know any of the nen I heave seen someone in the boil as Proper for this work, I wes Under the impression that the of the equipment in the boile- room and thet cla locked after the bofler equipment the firing is being done be putting cosh in the by In the event « wace clain hearing is held by the City of Charlotte North Cerolins to determine the legitimacy of this OF any other clei= referred to herein, I hereby erent permission to the Fepresentative of the Public Berks Administration present et such hearing, to refer to or read from any sortion of this statemt which te pertinent to the claim in question, I have x= the Toreaping statenent end it is trud ana Correct to the best of ay knowledge, belief and Present recollection, Witmesgs Charlotte, #.¢. Ped. 15, 1940 Dooket: 80 1412-F Memorial Hospital Charlotte, w.&, ENG: INSP: TROsmb Regional Direoter, Region No. 3 T. BR. Owen, Resident Engineer Inspector Alleged Faulty Construction. (1) Your letter Fed. 9, 1940 ( ENG: FaDi onl) (2) Letter to you Feb. 3, 1940 from Director Encgifieering Division ( ENG 16-F). Referring to letter from the Director Engineering — . Division ( Reference No. 2 above) addressed to you, the steam tummel leading from the power Sveti tan — and Hurses' Home is properly constructed. was a small amount of honey- comb in the walls when the forms were stri and this was fr e- placed by the Contractor, The tunne) has properly construct- — ed @rains located es show on the plans. oom i : does not have a floor @rain but it ‘to take care of any water that happens room. The step areaways do have drains nto the sump pump referred to abovee B. so EY 8 2 2 i fi na is F o § We have hed an whisual asount of water to contend with at the boiler room due te the topogr of the site and the fact that the grading by the Omer, will not be done until these contracts are completed. sf t. RB, Owen tT. Re Gwen Resident Engineer Inspector In Triplicate ( Copied 3/4/40-2b) Charlotte, Borth Csrolina March 7, 1940 , Walter M. Hock, Charlotte, 3.C., volunterilly make this statement for 0 Le Jacob, who has identified himself as « Special Agent, Divisiea © Investigation, Public Works Administration, “Re pact I am the Architect for the Charlotte Memorial Hospital, with am offices | loeétion in the Commercial Bank Building, Charlotte, N.C., 200 South Tryon Streste ete i The items brought to my attention by Mr. Jaood consists generally as follows: Item iy Tunnel Leaks <- About the First of Jexuary it was brought to oor at. - tention to our representative on the job et that time, Mrs Roger Be Davis, Aa that Gertain leakk-were occurring in the tunnel, and investigation showed that: these leaks were cocurring at the point where the tunnel made connection with the main Boiler Room, and after this fact ms satisfactorilly established, in- structions were given the Contractor to have these leaks repaired, and ware advised and subsequent investigation has shown, that the Contractor empleve: the Western Naterproofing Company to do such work as was nevessary to repair the leeks at the point of connection between the tunnel and the Boller Houses Subsequent investigation has indicated thet there are small additional whereby small amounts of water continue to get ler House ppeare that there is a construction jo heavy dowm~pours of rain,which occurred before the final zradi Wives Go ee quent te t “She major leaks developed in the Boiler Koom, temporary grading and ditoi been done, which in our opinion will prevent the excessive amounts of ‘ again getting into the Boller Roon, snd at the present time it appears Lite at the main whereby miter could enter the Boller Room would be through openings in a tunnel] ventilator and we will inmedistely notify the Contras de such necessary grading and ditching as will be necessary to prevent. this CUrPense.s ee age so gs g #2 at the present time landscape plans, which will ultinately necessary finished grading and the inelusion of sterm draimege Pou the Boiler Room,which will provide permenant drainage for this — =a" ch will preclude the possibility of any further water ¢atting inte ~ iler Koom from surface grade conditions, * The specifications of the General Contractor, which provides for tem . porary heat, states in effect, that after the installation of the permenant : heating equipment, the Contractor may use this permenant equipment te provide % heat and it is. understood by this that the General Contractor, namely y 3 f geo ties = e w 2 the duds MoDevitt Company, Charlotte, ¥.C., should provide all services in . connection with the providing of temporary heat, as such services are concerned with the provision of fuel,the firing of the boilers, and the necessary seintenanes” of the stokers and boilers, as they would ordinarilly be maintained by an Omer in finel operation. The contract of the Rowe-Cowrd Company Heating Contractors, required tint : they were to furnish full time supervision of equipment which had been installed by them, which could be used to provide temporary heat, and this portios: of the cna inated provision applied only te the items of equijment which were Surnis and imetelled by the Rowe-Comrd Companys a 9... Worth Caroling March 7, 1940 This supervision was properly a by ire bial who was the Poresan for the Rowe-Cowsrd Company on this Contract through Saturday, February 24th, st which time the Rowe-Coward Company defaulted on their contract and wm under. ag stem that their affairs are now in the bands of the Actun Casualty & Surety Company for settlement, and since that time there has been no supervision of ye Syeeees We ae By tae. Aeeee lovers Lenpaare In ‘comneotion with the Fireman which has been employed by the J.J, MoDovitt ‘to fire these boilers, we will state that the Contract Docunents did not Company Anelude a labor classification for Firemen in connection with the project, sesanuse ag ® general rule, the Glassification of Firemen is somewhat foreign te «a buil operation, and in this particular instance in our opinion, the Firing of the boiler should be done by an experienced Fireman or by a comimn laborer who has had previous experience in firing boilers of this type, ad the operation of the stoker and the necessary pumps and immediate appurtenances to the boiler is of * puch mature that « person without previous experience in firing boilers could ~ cause condiderable damage to the elt comes Th the ovetk & wage Shale hearing is held by the Clty of Charlotte North Cerclina to determine the legitimacy of this or any other claim referred to herein, I~ hereby grant permission to the representative of the Public Works Administration nt: teiksis ee Ee eke te ae otek Ge oe FE Re SE Pe Wee SI TK Gees en, T hava coad'the foregoing statement and sh tp true and correct to the bert of ny a and belief pee: ae etias : oe Charles Le Jacob, Zecut oe Public Works Adhinistretions STATEMENT OF CHARLES L. JACOB, SPECIAL AGkuT The following informetion regarding quantities of cosl snd dates on which conl was furnished te the Charlotte Memorial Hospital project, was obteined from Nelson P. Lyles, bookkeeper fer H. ¥. Johneon & Sot, Goal Dealers, 1115 Herth Church Street, Charlotte, J North Carclinay / PURCIUSES OF BUP axD SLACK CCAL BY CITY OF CHARLOTTZ, K. Cs ize November 2ist- be i 28th 400009 PURCHASES OF NOT AND SLACK COAL. Bi Sa de EES Sea March 11, 190. <@ STATEMENT OF SPECIAL AGENT JACOB Anu @xamineation of the plans for the tunnel on March 5, 19,0, retealéd! that the large section of the tunnel starts at “the boiler room with floor at elevation 15" 33" to a junction manhole from which the two branches of the tunnel extend to the — Sursey Home and the Hospitel Building. The full size of the Sunmel extends to the Hospital Building at which place the floor of the tunnel] is at elevation 52" 6". The elevation of the floor at the junction is elevation S2* 3°, ‘The branch to the urses Howe starts from elevation 56" 3" at the junction to 63! 94" with two manholes in between, the botboms of which are dropped below the level of the floor ef the tunnel about eighteen inches and a drain is shown at each of these two manholes. There is from the floor of the main tumel about fifteen the Boiler Bouse which drains the tunnel on March 6 revealed that while to the mars ‘Secbic § seach that considerable water fron which the tummel wes laid, and while the tunnel has been backfilled end covered over the trench acts ss an intercepting drain emi carries the water down toward « In en unusual downpour under the present con- éitions water might get into the ventiletor and into the tunnel, as the sill of the opening to the ventilator is just four inshes above the grade. Until the creding and landscaping is done in Chis section some cere and supervision should be exercised to see thet drainage ditches ere kept open end that no water impounds Beeinest the boiler house walls. STATEMENT OF SPECIAL AGENT JACOB (Continued) On March 6, after taking the statement of N. Leon Conner, the special agent observed the Riflex Drive Housings on the two stokers’ and noted the existence of « slight cil leak on seach stocker wWrich appeared to come cut of the joint where the housing is attached to the frame of the stocker. There was « plug in the side of the housing which was a test hole for oil but when this plug aid not unscrew reedily it was not removed. The oi] lesk indicated the existence of some o11 in the housing but it could not be ascer~ tained how much oil was in the stoker. On March 3, after the housing i lates were removed as stated in Mr. Kirk Cousart's letter on March 7, Exhibit 5), N. Leon Conner informed the special agent thet it was found that the o41 hed not rum out of the housings and the leak was due to an overflow of the o11 in the housings. There is a sump pump in the corner of the pump room which discharges the weter carried to it by the drain lines from the area drains. There wae no floor drain called for in the( boiler room, - and Walter W. Hock, architect, stated it was his intention to have a chase cut at the sump pump directly into the sum pit to drein the boiler room floor which grades toward the sump pumpe | Arthur L. Haddock, former superintendent for J. J. MoDeritt Company, was no longer employed on the project and was not available Marah 2s, 19k0 DOCERT NO, NC 1412-7 ORE G@ FOSTED MAGE ScALE CHARLOTTE, KC, JCHTRACT NO, CONTRACTOR ADORESS MINDEM KAGE RATES | 12 be paid each employee engaged in wrk under this contract at sha the site Popes: project in the trade or cccupation listed below, not less than the wage rate set opposite the same, namely: ; sszestos Borkers 1,00 Painters, Paper Hangers Sriexieyers 1,10 & Decoraters «75 Bricklayers Tenders 269 Plasterers 1,00 Carpenters e875 Plasterers Tenders 250 Cement Finishers 1,00 Plumbers 1,25 Ziectric Workers 1,00 Roofers - Slate and Tile 1,00 Elevator Constructors 1,125 Roofers « Composition «80 iaziers «8 Eettlemen 00 igging Operator 1,00 Sheet Metal Workers 1.00 Hoisting Engineer {1 drum) 1,05 Shovel + Crane «= Pile Drvr, Zeisting Engineer (2 dru) 1,25 Clambshell Oper, 1625 Irom Workers - Ornamentel 1.25 Steam Fitters 1.25-—— ires Workers « Structurel 1.25 Steam Fitters Helpers ~ 960 iron Workers - Roéduen 1,00 Stone Cutters 1.10 Lethers = Wood + Composition 75 Stone Masons 1,10 Lathers - Metal 1,00 Waterproofers 280 Martie Setters 1.25 Welders ~ Are and Acetylene 1,25 Mosaic an@ Terrazze Workers 1,25 Welders - Burners - Cutters 1.25 Mertle Helpers «60 Teansters 250 Terrazzo Helpers 260 Truck Drivers «40 Tile Setters 1,25 Laborers = Common ead: Tile Setters Helpers 260. Laborers - Building es0 Mortar Tenders 260 Pipe Layers = inc, Caulkers, Mizer Operators 260 Yarners & Plumbers Helpers 250 Morter Mizers 260 ' Amherizel Legal Deductions fron tho above wages: Social Security Tex - 1% Except executive, supervisory anf administrative employees ne one will bo allowed to work mere than eight (S) hours per day, nor more than forty (40) hours per week. a@@itional classifications approved: Slevater Construction Helper .80 CONTRACTOR &sbestos Worker's Helper 40 Terresso Grinder 260 BY Tile Setter Apprentice 2% THE ABOVE WAGE RATES ARE ALSO THOSE ACTUe ALLY BEING PAID WITH THE FOLLOWING ExcEr~ TIONS: EXCEPTIONS: I sertify that the ebove Posted Wage Rates sre those contained in the Cone treet and Approved Aéditions, Ze Re Onan, R.kels THIS CONTRACTOR IS B&LOTING UNIGN WON UNION LABOR. ts 4 Copies: Mr. H, T. Cole, Regional Director, Region No, 5 1 Copy: Geo C, Heldman, Regional Labor Adviser, Atlanta, Ga, 1 Copy: Ray C, Kirkfetrick, Asst, on Labor Relations, Washington, D. Cc, 1 Copp: REI 1 Copy tg files, ; peste’ on job by Contractor, on i we ty : < ; : ; ai ei er TASULATION GF MISCIASGIFICATION AND UMDERFAYRENT OF WAGES TO B, INOW COMMER BY J. J. MODEVITT COMPARY. Proper Amount — Ast, Claesi- Actunl ltons Should | 4.00 Laborer 1,.00 - 1he09 14.00 11,.00 1.00 11).00 U.00 111.00 14;.00 1:00 1,00 TABULATION OQ: EXCESS HOURS WORKED BY H. LEON CONNER Proper Hours Excess Appreved Monetary Value . Classification Worked Hours _ Rabe of Excess Hours — ¥ Laborer 17 l* 230 1 19% 230 19% 230 19 230- 198 230 19% 30 19b 30 19% 230 19% 30 as 230 +30 -30 598 59% 59% 59% 59% sob 59% Wk 59% 59% 59 59% 59% Chester E se EES Sa * Cenner worked BE hours each day on Dec. 6 and Dec. 7, resulting im one oo excess hour daily basis. The remaining excess hours in the tebulatian are excess hours on weekly basis. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ‘ON ‘IVINAS t-—<thvViy\ ON LAWO0d a. y < > CONF IDENTIAL NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECT ION RETURN TO COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Bi ba 3 oe e a - - Beery eee FA K2 : ‘ : ‘ Bas Pee ere a *® : odes > oo eee sere cern ‘ se 5 pence amen : wa ae Se 8 ak eS ee MRE ae a Ne eS Se ee en 4 2 > FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY Z PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION = > 7 F 7 VL ON LAM ‘Mid > = CONFIDENTIAL NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION § espe, e 6, SortnNENT pC ernES ; 5 aS ES Ea peepee: ie a San Seen - om ie ute eee oe Sts eae HOLVULSININGY LNVISISSV OL NU0Lda NOLLIZdSNI 9ITENd YOd LON TVLLNAGIINO) & ex (s reo (Dr Ad P. W. ome — NO. N.C. ii2: SERIAL NO NOLVULSININGY SHOM 9178Nd ~ DOCKET esn;eUusTs stq fq UOTPepusewsooses SFG. 499340 03 seETTEqWD eT: Jet TeQ pus eBperacuy fe yo 4 Sjoestp pee * $ jo junCED ®Y} ©} 70627500 poe ens) ose ceted OU} Ut UST yT<taber juerd etyy yo juSssfed ~ JO Buyietsetoo arog Sty} wt perreit Sewsooes ATSHOaTueUN se, itmEAD eqy 83087 SYR BUR Apt IIe0 Aqesey 7 TET “Tt tenPer ‘gp gge*aee zo pemowe oes ot re TE uo “oe a sO Funowe ey, cr eoververo @aU2 SLUNGOSY Jo BOTSTaTq oy) pre peafese: weeq svy 310de2 yTpne joeforg “THs coryeryeeaur so worstatq worsy peATooe? aozereery BOTSTAtG BuyreectBug worj peateoe: sousses7g ¥ wusoy oUt Zep goefoRt ogy go Odoos Or, MEAS POeTHY HA pULT yeqs AON; ONE On UND AoUR £2 PORTE TO ST GeUEP oc WHEE US goT “on mmE “Y*RZ GO PeprOIET *16°GER ORE 8300p pet | | SE S$ a eotrddy Aq pegeyuiny oq. rm? — Ss pir prog 07 penreran 0} perynbes spuny 1, Ppy @¢ 0} Spung Wad Ssec peystumyg spung te}o, Te? -—- yeeafed sty} B@etpare queottddy £q pewrero peystuing spang Se 6380) pesmnour Tejo, =~ —__— Os — pozerdmon 3809 “fora pd SOLVES “IVIONVNIA ~ ses eee “ ~ - - aries SOTAPY STUi “GSGNSNNODSY LAGNA Wasa 35°66? — ae Fre : erst ? 53 Tze 4 a Sesueyy Po. . Sake y Fy Sysop GST Tslissey yed poureyy yo sjunouy }UBID peaoiddy yue1n pue 34605 zDefo24 | > saeakey j0Gig Teury yo woTyeqrareyeq— Vid ST peyenTpy SuOT BOT TSsVtD MRS Soar a SSS SESS SE eee eo eo om ve On aE -SOTOq peztiveEns ere copprsraber sty: 07 Barurezsed szouz oul nO Ser ELF § Jo iwompoTre 2UBsI3 @ UO uoTyTsTnbey Chad TeUt a (ZSh) ST peizTeqns sey juuoTTddy pemen eacae S%z g = aes ; - soe Gi ‘ON Tetzes SINVES NO SSXITHWOS KUOSIACY FAL 3 SURE OZ” . wet SE ‘on yeq00g aerpoe “hzpunel “wag seerra *yeqpéeem 86-06 a een wot; Tstnbey exe SUyTereO Wisoy “egsOTeUED po Sero syuNoTTddy ar - @ feel. @ © 'ee-sz-z *s0u) 8 7 Sheet 2 Desket Bee EB. Co lela 7 hes paid with the exception of 141”. pending further study «f the ‘The Chief Bxusiner hasdiiag in the fiaal advice Bo. Wage Underpaymests on Contract Bo 4. imvestigation Reports is clesring this rejuisiticn states that the cit the J. J. Mepevitt Gompany, Gostrest Bo. 4 al] monie> tae the 40% grant em the ancun 3 : : 3 | 3 : . : é a eet approved Costs Subject tc Grant - Final Advice The balanee of the atow.. suspended representing Conuiruction Costa $25.60 and & §1:28 are bem sonsidered detisive axsitaicas, : Ho other changes in detail of provious advice are involved. Total Coste Sudject te Grast - This advice on ok the ASE erent ca the: 7.27.2 e . 3% s Ghiet nena ¢ + ar MOUKS VCEACA NCY ADMINISTRATION yr te WOorKs _s g§20 Bees : fE CA VISION GRANT CLEARAMCE REPORT ve a OS at at = Din FOR DIRECTOR DIVISON OF INVESTIGATION ate 6, 19 DOE SO” ly WR | ; i ; 3 s Payment of the @bove grant requisition is hereby rexcemended so fer 5 reports by the Division of investigations are conmerned. eer dé ahichue VCR A QI CFF ~{ -f/ i 4 ch " " Ne oak ly oc Ae li aa A ec aaah ia — FEDER & EMERGEN: OF PUBL ADMINISTRATIVE GRANT CLEARANCE REPORT NO nh é 13a. * 5 OF att pending ques ons whitch should bx takin Into coatid Pde sended so far a: reports by the Division of Invesegetions are concetred PRC $44 (Rev. 2423-39) @ .., & ” Bate” JUL 28 ' Applicah@ity of Charlotte, Sorth Carolina R wa Project: Heapital, Surees Rome, Leuntry—Soiler Bouse, and Docket No t~4-2e Equipment. : acc TQ MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON GRANTS The above named Applicant hes submitted ite (45%) Finsl Grant Requisition ons grant alloteent of 6 479,063.00... The facts pertaining to this requisition are sumsarized below: EPS. FS Atha Rite tS. 2a. A eet oo ee a Se ERS SER SN. a i SE a SSS CSRS eS SS Se eres Classifications Bs Adjusted to PRA Deterginstion of Final Grent | Project Cost and Grant | Approved Grant — ( FA cost Glassitica:tons | | Slsined per Recuisition| —fosis_& Payment x! } abd. 8/7 and Eesements | : 4 _ Legal - Fees & Expense | Qther Adan. & Overhead ey 33 ——_ae—| | E | pes | TOTAL (crant? WB Ss,F He4- 1 OtigbiS At — knee ts! a ; pa : - $82 of Grant Bese $23 8-54 — | £93865 — _ Less Excess over : - is ; ce Ineginteprie Nene claieed by Applicant Som gens - im 2 Total Funds Furnished — $ ie tie be Ada'i Funds required to 3 Fund —$ BOE —s——Cisébe urrmished by Applicant— $§ . Lend Goste ~ $50,253.97, recorded on P.8.4. Porn ’ eis a2, be "be aoniiaes’ Fe foe itelactine tne tai Clearance received from Division of Investigation Jel-—-25,-3043 Project audit report has been received and the Division of Accounts gave clearance in the amount of $39.427.63 o?_ pas 2243 ; I hereby certify that the facts The Committee unanimously recommends. contained in this Form consisting of paymest of this grant requisition in the — es are true and correct to the amount of $ : . and dirscts— t of my knowledge and belief. the Chairman tO attest this recommendation by his signature. } -Ghief, Grant and Loan Payment Section = Chairnan,: Advisory comzittes on \ ; Sheet 8 Socket He. Eo. Mise Se Rxeiugi cos Preliniosry Zxpenaes ( sccounting Division) ~ {a) Salaries of Omer’s recular employees Sonetruction: (Engineering Division) {b) Cash discount allowed, Coat. Boo8? not deducted by Osner {@) Bid deposite forfeited ty Contractors te) guilders risk ingurence prexius for |" period. subsequent fo pro jest aoseptance : | (£) Overhead on fores escouat charged on an arbitrary basis, aot an out-of-pocket = {h) Zquipment of en operating nature, disapproved for grant participation | Rashaserieg (angineoring Division) F f ~ (8) Congultent*s Tee on Items (b) and (hb) above - Ot of $586.92 {j) Salaries of Owner's regular anpleyees Qther Administrative and overhead (Engineering Divisisa) {x} Cost ef stepler, aot fursished to the project (3) Selvage valus of office equipment terest - (m) Interest cleined for period subsequent to substantial completion dates of the | Missed Lspeous (Englnearing Division) specifically for the project. Totel Exciusicns " onstrue traction: (Hnginecring Division) ~ {e) Portion of Contrast Mo. 26, ~ guepended pending receipt 5 ({p) Fage-unierpayments Cont.Bosé | Ratmvertes! (Sngiasering Divistes) to Consaltent’s fee on item (o}abdere, 1 Sh of (23.80 Boad end Eiscticn Expense: Salaries and expenses of Elestics officials Botery fees Offies Rest ~ Send Election Set up acd take Gown booths Baliets, Stationery aed Suppites Priest Prospectus aad Sonés Signing and Sealing Sends Telephene end Telegras- Postags Advertisiag fravei Galeries of Omer"s employees, hired @pecifiealiy fer the projeet Aivertiaing for bids 4 _ Selesbone and Express Sheet 3 Dy tet ee BeGe 3413-7 feast rustion : Beller and Soller ligem Byuipmect Plumbing end Services Lises, Bo Plumbiag Sesting and Vectileting Hoesital Beating, Purses Hons Electrical, Boepital Rlestrical, Surees Home Elevators, Hospital Dambesiters, * General Constraction, addition te | Beress Hames Plumbing, Addition to Nurses Hone Electrical * Fee. Heating * ‘ee Approved Changes - Net Equipment Contracts less approved changes + Net Lees: Items 1 {2}, 3 (h), end i {8} aber [) Genk for Sovting hosting eysten Salléer's Risk lzeuranee Preeiums Asx Beiter ¥. Joc - architest Seatresct fee of: S 3/44 of $655,651.58 iconstrection itens designate? (*) and {x)} SS of $32,231.63 { congtructian: Stems designated (/) Bes We Be Male - Sonmultant F Centract fee cf: | ©. 9S of $798,569.14 (cons ructica - items Comignated (*) Generel Goastruction, Koapitel and Burecs oe Equipment Approved by Enginecring Divisiva ieust Theme i (¢) and 1 (4) (PF) adeve General Construction « Boile™Leundry mui léing Building 32,086 18 i, 611.58 7,923.0: Sheet ¢@ LboGket No, RsSe 141 2<? $3,262.58 (x) 32,251063 (4) 105,298.95 (**) 500.39 148.75 wedi = 47. 23.4624 33,697.76 Gheet 5 Deoket Se. Bog, 1418-7 Tmstelietien of partities for R.E.I. G@Tieos Kays for 3.3.I. Office Tngisesring Division reports the (40) Contrects were completed and no liquidated Jaanges essessabis or sesessed. The project wea completed withia the specified time as established by the Public terks sémiaistretione The Project was scospted by the Osner May 19, 1941 The Gener hes reiabursed th» devernment in full ($2,686.46) for cost of am@iting end Inspeétien incerred by the Government in accordance with Saiver dated Juss 8, 194. AL) documents required by the offer and acceptance have been received, exmmineé ani frand setisfectorr. > PWLC $44 (Rey, 2-23-39) ~ e WAN LO 15 94) Applicant “> “os as ‘ a er 53 ervas = Reqguisi tics No ae lee ard Project: Hoepital, Nurses Home, Seiler liawsé; “Sey duc ing equipmemt«. Docket No. TQ MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON GRANTS Serial No. ° Sead Sepp." a" . The above named Applicent has submitted its (45¢/ Final/Grant Requisition on a grant . “allotsent of $372,065.00 . The facts pertaining to this requisition are sunmarized bele ‘ ‘Picante Re RS a A ES SO RS OS TS Dae | et et ete eee ees SE es ee Classifications ue i 23 3 “oe Project Cost and Grant | Approved Grant 25." a» teak SS ai oo ee ee FINANCIAL STATUS yo ‘App'd Proj. Cost Completea — § _ Grant Total Incurred Costs as = PRA Funds Furnished claimed by Applicant ~- ¢ ‘Anmcluding this payment — $ only Total Funds Furnished — § Excess PWA Funds to be Estédd'l Punds required to gz ‘fransferred to Bond Fund = — § a be furnished by Applicant— ¢ *%s2#s@@ Clearance received from Engineering Division i-2-4) Clearance received from Division of Investigation —— Project audit report has been received and the Division of Accounts gave clearance in the amount of $ 5,909.00 , on__set-4t j i nivety certify that the facts ‘ Peateines in this Fork consisting of E pages are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. the Chairman to attest this reco by his signature. Tote] Coste per Omer's Bequleiti on $1,063 545,06 Less ~ inelicible costs as audited $ 58,424.07 Itess suspented for additional } informe tion $4,596 72 SS,352..79 ‘Potal Coste slixibdle for Grant denlitgl2 AT. : Audited Costa ag of November 26, 160 : 1,063,,346.26 Additional Coste extimted to completion > 78.608 26 < Pevel Auiited 4 Eetinated Coste to . eomp let ion 1,158,.086.,52 Less ~ Inelicible Goste as Audited 58-45 4356.07 Grant earned, based au 49% of $1,074,003-46 483,571.56 Zeotel Payment te Owner, including this advice 636,000.90 Mmrcin of reserve for possible necesecry > Sm view of the project aot beinc entirely : | @@mplete a waiver te perait payment of this Pequjeition will be mede a part of the seno-~ - Sendwe to the Acting Commissioner of Pablic orcs. Ree) GH BUTLER G. 8, Butler Birecter, Sicinion 2¢ fanesbhdetineh. “87200 pay Jo UOysnlsxs sy FuyusesCD Tesumon Ter9eusp Fup yoy Sy) Balj JeuctTs Suyacy ou 03 OT6TTK 4en jO Wmputiowen ey. Wyte soURyTGmoS ueeq Sey 9104; pepraczd Suepgyeymbes Teuys ogy ue tm fae qraiet 04 e073 70 Spy, 403 Gateses Jo uplzmm yueTOT mS 2 eeppaaad 900OS$ Jo qwmowe uns Gamy ey; Sy woTYTeTEbe: ep, JO quemdey “PRIIEOD IP SUCKS Bam FP Or mn AG seOCEs Se 48; C4 Papsuada, AGaidy H LOQRIND! KP SeSar KH 10 wawteg 4 —— erg tama 530 fe . = 893 (iy oc cét hig” — % Lag ante g 330 26 FEO FAUT OSG 1800338 DNVUVID INVES orn NOISIAIG ZAI VSiSINIVOV SHYOM DITaNd 40 ae on a: as ba cece” Oe a : - : Jug i Soe pie ge on Eee it oe eS ee ao a a ee" FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMinisT#B ION OF PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISEON GRAMT CLEARANCE REPORT bad ONE daly BP, 2940 re ee 6, ary <9. RAYMORD WIRE eran a oT Rae = RETA one so fer as by te Division of lnvestignmens ere concerned: P.W.L_¢.° geo a (Rev. 7/24/39) be: FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY = PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRAMOM ADMINISTRATIVE Divissom Grant Clearance Repert pa _ a 2, 299 7 a tents (Date) ‘onda you Feteraed. the reduest for clearguce ax the above reduisition On @ccomst of the grast on the above mentioned ee Is view of the 1 of | e, ple e indi teate bel: az grt poeta iP new developments that sceld affect your previcus capoownl. eae ae Gi G = SrTLe entrar atic + in ‘x Director. Bixisien of Investigatic Payment ou the grant a= shown above. is hereby cleared ae far as reports the \ aemcrwndum dated May il, ‘Ge ‘acting General. Geensel camserning she ate — on : ; . 4 oe % FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY .. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Grant Clearance Report . = MEMORANDUM -FOR DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS haan ce tarieh thee sougnst. for clearance on the above regiiett fon, ve ee ¢ abo paniinen see ee i G. Rave wsee Date... Sammy 5, 19O heting Azad stant Director, Division of Investigations Payment on the grant as shown above is hereby cleared as far as reports by the Division of Investigations are concerned. Rt For ¢. B. Pyocbontgiy FEDERAL EMERGE CY ADMINS sTe ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION a rte GRANT CLEARANCE REPORT ns or yivis AATIOG ANIM 5O8 DIRECTOR DIVISION. OF INVESTESATIONS reg tye Of peocc’ BempGtel Batietogs gree aes ¥. G, Ik PNOUNT EO. 5 360y00.00 *e EMSION NO: Sak Int. Jae ARH City of Curistte, Borth Gaveline APleape lint bipkove 2!) epaets wade by the Division pb teevestidations Ot ety peading questions id should be shat into ofr ithe payment of thus event reunite torward eoCE Pyechom. : e = REPORT OF DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS er hee tg PI a : ———_+-[Sgg,, were eS So e = oY SS Se ee aos ant requisition is hereby recommended so far o¢ reports e a bw ision of investigations are cence/ned. ee eo EMERGENCY ADMINIST (Mon OF PUBL. WORKS ADMINSTRATIVE DIVISION (pence GRANT CLEARANCE REPORT care ene RO, Ie EMORAND 4 FOP DIREC TOR, DAVISION OF AFY SNGATIONS De OF OCT Whe Beapited Si4g, _ DOOET NO. Me Ge aaaaw “AVOUN] 0. 3 M00, 008O PS RUSTON ING. Sil tat. Bae Please tin below all repels mmede tar the Ditlon of \ivinkgions of 2% pendieg aventons which tov be taken inte <a ns ee ont Ree Se era requisition is hereby recommended so fer a5 report: by the Division of investigations ere concemed. Payment of the ebove grant PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ea) “ON ‘TVIAS THT 7% 0N Iay0d Le "Mid CONFIDENTIAL NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION RETURN TO ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR : P. W. A. Porm Mo, 120 6. 8. covennment pavetons crmeed HO-—T008 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY ‘ LTO FORKS Lif INTStaat ION PROJECT FILES SECTION 10 4PPROVAL OF PROJECT COSTS BY ENGINEERING DIVISION AND RECORDS OF PROJECT COMPLETION AND ACCEPT HCE,