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US Public Works Administration Files (part 19)
CITY OF CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA Seytenber 15, 1936, of the Offer mate by the United States of America and dated September 3, 1958, os anended by the acceptance of said City on June 12, 1960, of the Offer pate by the United States of America and dated June 10, 1940, by striking out, im line 9 of Paragraph 1 of said Offer dated Septenbor 5, 1938, as amended, the figures "$466,353 and inserting in lieu thereof the figures $479,865". Coumcilmen Ward seosméed the motion to aiept the foregoing wesolution amd the roll being celled the following members voted aye: Goumcilmen Albea, Baxter, Hritt, Hovis, Hudewn, Huntles, Little, Nance, Sides, Ward end Filkinson. The following members voted nay: Home. | ‘Te Mayor thereupom declared seid motion carried end said . reosiation atoptet ~ S staeaerousys emd reed, : euweesen ee (oe metiog oy mate I, Alies elected, qualified City Clerk of ae the City of Charice Borth Carclina, HERESY CERTIFY that foregoing atts aed | extrects the minutes we ~ : = ee ae = - of | | . ae the City Council s = & ‘ sae a aa veh ii faa omc hamraemone sve ier ee ee ee) a see ¥ i : f i ¥ s ‘ 3 é as of September 3, 1938, and accepted as of Septenber 15, 1938, as amended (Docket No. H.C. 1412-7). § i § 8 8 ! 3 é : ef Charlotte, North Carolina, dated fapletion of Geampletion of the Project, as dated June 28, 1940, was dated Novenber 25, 1940, the provision of Paregraph 2 the Offer herein relating to the seended ani as as modified ty the Gaiver, Ba . Waiver, ee oe to permit > GEILE SATS GO AMERICA 2y etinme Camissioner of Public Yorks Ws - extent Said Paragraph - is hereby further waived to the te perzit Aetion of the Project sot later than ! ' near) Set: i ‘ REE ET RNa A ‘ CLO RENT: Dated: City of Charictte, : Docket No. B.C. 1412-7 Charlotte, North Ceroline The United States of america hereby offers to amend the North Carolina on September 15, 1986, of the Offer mate by the haha inden ad Salpaad es pt coca: 1938, as emeaied Wy the scceptance by the ead City on June 12, 1940; of the Ofer mete wy the hited States of ierica and ated June 10, 1940, by striking out, in line 9 of Paragraph 1 of said Offer —— dated Septeaber 3, 1938, as amended, the figures "¥466,36 and inserting im Lieu thereot the figures "$479,065", 2 GA? 372. 23H Pr. ¥. 1973-4 To be attached te Offer made by the United States, of America to the City of Charictte, ‘Sorth Carclina, dated as of September 3, 1533. and accepted as of September 15, 2956, as amended (Decket Bo. B.C. 2412-7}. me 28, 1946 Paragraph 2 of the Offer herein, as amended, provides as follows: "2. By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenants to Begin work on the Project as early as nossible but in no event later than 8 weeks from the dste of this Offer and to complete such Project with all practicable dispatch, and in any event within 15 months from the.commencement of construc- tion.* By a Waiver dated October 29, 1959, it was stated, with respect to the above-quoted Paragraph 2: = "Said provisions of the Offer sre hereby «aived to the extent necessary to permit completion ef the Project not later than May 25, 1540, tet on condition that so further extension of time will be granted and that in deteruining the cost of the Project fpr the purpose of computing the amount of the grant the cest of any work done or performed subsequent to such date will be excluded." Tt has been determined that the daté, May 25, 1940, specified for the com pletion ef the Project in the abowe-qooted Paragraph of the Wairer of October 19, 1939, should be changed to @ new and later date, and that, accordingly. the condition specified therein should be modified. The premises considered, Paragraph 2 of the Offer of September 3, 1938, as anended and as waived and modified ty the Waiver of October 15, 1939, is hereby further waived and modified to the extent necessary to permit completion of the Project not later than July 31, 2540, and the parmest of grant on the cost of work done or performed subseqnent to May 25, 1540. Approved: WEITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Works Adzinistrator ‘Seq; © W. Qerk Acting Commissioner of Public Dorks > oR ee ee Copy Conformed To | Executed Origtoal JUN7 1940 Checked.... BEEDESTIA Leral Division ~~ _ —— ee P. W. 3495-10 FEDEFAL WEES AGENT Public Works Administ ratios 'Accepted By Washington, D. S.. | Applicant mete, wh 19 940 Docket Ho. N. S. 3412-F City of Charlotte, Charictte, Eorth Carolina. The United States of America hereby offers to amend the contract created ty the acceptance by the City of Charlotte, North Carciim, on September 15, 1938, of the Offer ande ty the Gaited States of America and dated September 3, 1936, (1) by striking out, in Zimes 4 and 5 of Paragraph 1 of said Offer, the words “and the acquisitic= of necessary land" and (2) ty striking out, in line 9 of said Paragraph 1, the figures "$450,000" and inserting in lies thereof the figares "$466,365". = UEITED STATES OF ANEEICA Yeteral Works Adtzinistrator 3 ) & W. ost = qeting Constawtacer S s To te attached to Offer made by the United States of America to the City of Charictte, orth Carolina, dated as of September 3, 1933, and accepted as of September 15. 1936, as amended (Docket Ho. §.C. 1412-7). Jue 22, 1940 Paragraph 2 of the Offer herein, as amended, provides as follows: "2. By acceptance of this Offer the Aprlicant covenants to Secin werk on the Project as early as possibie but in no event later then 6 weeks from the date of this Offer and to campliete such Project with all practicable dispatch, and in @ey event within 15 months from the commencement of construc- tion." By a Waiver dated October 19, 19SS, it wes stated, with respect to the abore-qnoted Paragrazh 23 Jf e: Le ®Said previsions of the Offer are hereby waived to the extent necestary to permit completion of the Project not later than May 25, 1940, tut on cordition that mo further extension cf tine will te granted and that in determining the cost of the Project for the purpose cf computing the @mount of the grant the cost of any work done or performed subsequent to such date will be excluded." It has been Wetormined that the date, May 25, 1940, specified for the com Longe gs the Project in Er eee ce eck the Waiver of October i833, should Se changed to a new and later date, acd that, accordingly, the seacae specified therein should be modified. : The premises considered, Paragraph 2 of the Offer of September 3, 1958, as qmendei ani as waived and modified by the Waiver of October 15, 1335, is hereby further waived and modified to the extent necessary to permit completion of the - Project not later than July Si. 1540, ami the payment of grant on the cost of work dome of performed subseqent to Mar 25. 1940. approved: he \ — - Bes WEITED STATES CF AMERICA Fe3eral Works Aizinistratar ommisstUner of Psblic Works ¥ P. W. 1496-10 FEDERAL YORES AGENCY Pablic Works Administ ration Washington, De Cs, Dated: JUN 10 1940 Docket No. Ne C. 1412-7 City of Charlotte, Charlotte, Horth Carclina, The United States of America hereby offers to amend the contract created by the acceptance by the City of Charlotte, Morth Carolina, on September 15, 1938, of the Offer mde by the United States of America and dated September 3, 1958, (1) by striking out, in lines 4 and 5 of Paragraph 1 of said Offer, the words “and the acquisition of necessary land® and (2) by striking out, in line 9 of said Paragraph 1, the figures "$450,000" and inserting in lieu thereof the figures "$166,365", USITED STATES OF AMERICA i Federal Works Administrator wy if i y / ommiss ¥ “Sear etetepy sytem OT TIN SEaEZIO SAT pRSeLy o3 FUCtS Hee | es £ Se et emp jo se tooaty = a ‘out 39 “poty Rage Trap. Eurcg Strang ys pa set sO Sat wROeRs © or @ieated scuq t “JnmeMn:SSINEIB AT ee ee Oe. = ymwottdty pres ot sotzeny to. tne lt te ai Be pew 2030 eies zo kdeo SyeTdsdo pus ydert09. ‘ens, F sj queotrddy pres Lee ¢ any Jo Rabo poysez 72 on by a. Sage NS ed se wass0 ONTEEONOD SLVIIzTIesS ore ts aw “2° WOLDRINSYM ROLLVULSINIGGY SxBOM DIIGN¢ ADNIDY SHHOM TWyHS034 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS LEOAL DIVISION hs have compared the offer as net out in the attached proceodings of scovptance executed by the applicant with the draft thereof bearing the approval of the Ingineoring and Finance Divisions and conformed copy ee offer, and find it to be a true and exact copy of such approved : Docket Nos Ne Ce 1412-F City of Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, Administrative Section Checking Unit The City Council of the City of Charlette, North Curclina met in regular session on thie above date at 4:00 o'clock, P, H., at the City Hall, being the regular meeting place, with the Mayor Seis eA cnt ‘he Sekleuling mubien, sunbtiteting & Gules, answered presext: : Cowpeilmen Aldea, Barter, Hndson, Bartley, Ward and Wilxinson. The following members were absent: : Councilmen Britt, Hovis, Little, Namee and Sides. The members named constitute all the mambers of the City Council. ; | After discussion of an eucnistory offer of the United States of America dated June 10, 1940, the following resolution was introduced and read in full by Mr. Wilkinson, who moved its afoption: & RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE AlEmeTaRY _GEFER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ef the City of Charlotte: SECTION 1. An offer of the thited States cf America to enend the contract crested by the acceptance by the City of am offer dated September 5, 1956, a copy of whieh amendatory offer reads as follows, be and the same is hereby in all respects sceepted: ~ ~ 405745 054d "FEDERAL WORKS AGRICY Public Works Aéuinistration Washington, D. ©., Dated: Jun 10, 1940 Docket Ho. HN. G. 1412-F City of Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina. The United States of America hereby offers to euend the contract created by the acceptance by the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, on September 15, 1936, of the Offer made by the United States of America and dated September 5, 1938, (2) by striking out, in lines 4 and 5 of Paragraph 1 of said Offer, the words “end the eequisition of necessary land® and (2) by striking out, in line 9 ofssaid Paragraph 1, the figures "$450,000" and inserting in lieu thereof the figures UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Pederal Works Administrator (ae4.) B. UW. Clark ” cing Ganlactousr of Rablis Weeks SECTICH 2. The City Council agrees to abide by all the Terms and Conditions which were made a pert of the offer of the United States of America dated September 5, 1958, as amended by the offer hereinabove accepted. SECTION 5S. The City Clerk be an@ she is hereby authorized and directed to send to the Public Works Administration three certi~ fied copies of the proceedings in connection with the adoption of this resolution, setting forth this resolution in full, ani euch further documents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of the amendatory offer as may be requested by the Camissioner of Public Works. = Mr. Hadson,. seconded the motion to adopt the fore~ going resolution ané the roll being called the following members voted aye: Councilmen Bexter, Hudson, Albec, Huntley, Ward and Wilkisson. fhe following members voted ney: Hone. The Mayor thereupon declared said motion carried eané said resclation adopted eas introduced end read. Qn motion duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned. I, Alice B. MeComnell, the duly elected, qualified end acting City Clerk of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, Do HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached copy of extracts of the minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of seid City held on’ the 12th day of June, 1940, is a true, correct and compared copy of the original minutes of such meeting on file and of record. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the copy of the resolution appear- ing in such minutes entitled: "4 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE AMEYDATORY OFFER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA* ie a true, correct and compared copy of the original of such resolution adopted at said mectiig, which*resolution is on file and of record. ot cA : : i WITHESS my hand and official seal this the 15th day of June, oa e% ee gee EAIFER (C742 To be stteched to Offer made by the (#3 (tes United States of america to the City (] ~~ of ere North Carolina, dated as ptember 3, 1958, and accepted as Of September 15, 1938, as amended (Docket No, N.C. 1418-7), 4 ,a8 emended, Paragraph 2 of the Offer herein/provides as follows: "2. By geeceptence of this Offer the Applicant covenants to begin work om the Project as early as possible but im no event later than 5 weeks from the date of this Offer end to complete such Project with all practicable dispatch, and in any event with 15 months from the commence- ment of construction.* (losses S62 s a Waiver dated October 29, 1959, it was stated, with - Se ee i? = Ss 2 not later than May 25, ‘but on condition thet no fer the completion of the Project in the sbove-quoted Paragraph of S 2 the Waiver of October 19, 1959, should be changed te a new and ee later dete, and that, accordingly, the condition specified therein a eee peat Raed eno, el re aaah leper ¢, * UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Works Administrator By ' “ (Acting Comeissioner of Public Worte 7 3-Jo é Ay FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY Gia “¥0 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION : ee ae ; 64+ 48 Washington, D. 6. 2 el (Ae Dated: Docket No. N.0; 1412-7 Wel? | City of Charlotte, Ai of ¥ : Charlotte, Nerth Cerclins. [fice The United States of America hereby offers to amend the contract created by the acceptance by the City af Charlotte, North Carolina, on Septenber 15, 1936, of the Offer nade by the United States of Anericn ant . dated September 3, 1938, (1) dy striking out, tm Lines 4 aS, 5 of Parserant 1 of said Offer, ‘the words “and the acquisition of necessary land" and (2) by string out, in Line 9 of said Parageaoh 1, sb oiceccn ue dee and inserting in lieu thertat the figures %4se267 URITED STATES OF AMERTCA Federal Worke Adzinistrator By Keting Comuissioner of Public, Works Washington, D. o. ina. Dated: Docket Ho. NH. C. 1412-7 AC oe offers to anend the contract Dity of Charlotte, North Carolina, om tay the United states of Anorice WATTVER To be attached to Offer mde by the United States of America to the City OCT 19 1939 of Gharlotte, Herth Carclina, dated as of September 3, 1935, and accepted \- a8 of September 15, 1938 (Docket Ne, N. ©. 1412-¥). Peragraph < of the Offer Berein prevides "By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenants to begin work on the Project aS early as possible but in no event later than § weeks from the Gate of this Offer and to complete such Project with all practi- cable dispatch, end in any event within 15 months from the. com mencenent of construction.” — Said provisions of the Offer are hereby waived to the ex- ent necessary te permit completion of the Project not later than - Map 25, 1940, but om condition that no further extension of time Will be granted and that in determining the cost of the Project for the vurpose of computing the amount of the grant the cost of any work done or performed subsequent to such date will be excluded, # A&pproved: VYRITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Works Administrator (Sgd.) & W. Clerk By Acting Commissioner of Public Yorks ‘ en % ‘ | | | P. ¥. 83315-66 weORMeD TO eet GIN AL FEDERAL EMERGENCY “ADMINISTRATION a : - : aoe — Bs 2. We &: Ua = | SEP 4 ee £ * Saccty <e Dat .- : : * oe q * Washincton, Ds Ces SEP 3 1938 City of Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina. 1. Subject to the Torms and Conditions (PYA Form No. 230, as amended to the date of this Offer), «hich are wade A part-heneof, the United States of America hereby offers to oid in financing the construction of a hospital building, a murses' bome and a ilmndry-boiler house, including necessary equipment and the acquisition of necessary land (herein called the * t")» by making @ grant to the City of Charlotte, North Carolina (herein called the YApplicant”), in the . amount of 45 percent of the cost of the Project upon ietion, as determined by the Federal imergency Administrator of Public Works (herein called the “heetate= 5 trator"), but not to exceed, in any event, the sum of $450,000. 2. By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenants to begin work on the Project as early a: possible but in no event later than § weeks from the date of this Offer and to comlete such Project with all practicable dispatch, and in any event within 15 months from the commencement of construction. ¢ 3. This Offer is made subject to the express condition that, if the Adminie< — trator shal) determine at any time that the Applicant has paid or agreed to pays whether directly or indirectly, a domus, commission or fee to any person, firm oF — corporation for attempting to procure an approval of the Applicant's ee : or for alleged sezvices in procuring or in attempting to procure such approval, or for activities of the nature commonly known as lobbying performed or agreed t6 be — performed in connection with the application, then the Administrator shall have the right, in his discretion, to rescind this Offer and any agreemonts resulting here- from, amd, in the cvont of such rescission, tho United States of America shall te under ne further cbligation hereunder. UBITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Emergency Administrator ef Public Yorks sGS.) HB, &, Gray By Assistant Administrator ‘ > & = : = 5 st = eat Se E & . a Fe: = Bhs oe Bo ie WALVER To be attached to Offer mde by the United States of America to the City of Charlotte, North Carclina, dated as of September 3, 1936, and accepted oct 19 1939 as of September 15, 1938 (Docket No, Bw. C. 1412-¥F). 2 of the Offer herein provides "By acceptance of thie Offer the Applicant covenants to begin work on the Project as early as possible tut in no event later than § weeks from the date of this Offer and to complete such Project with all practi- cable dispatch, and in any event within 15 months from the conm- mencenent of construction." Said provisions of the Offer are hereby waived to the ex- tent secessary tc permit completion of the Froject not later than May 25, 1940, but on condition that no further extension of tine will be granted and that in determining the cost of the Project for the purpose of computing the amount of the grant the cost of amy work done or performed subsequent to such date will be excluded, Approved: # deral Works Administrator Le Acting Commi ee Yous es Se te & 8 ' B, W. 83515~66 FEDERAL EXERGINCY ADMINISTRATION | QF PUBLIC vorzs Washington, D. 0., Dated: . SEP > 1938 Docket Ho. Sg.f. 24127 City of Charlottes Charlotte, Nort: Carclina. i. Subject to the Terms and Conditions (P#A Form No. 230). as amended to the date of this Offer), «hich are made a part hereof, the United States of America heretvy offers to aid in financing the construction of a hospital building, & murses' home ahd a laundry-boiler house, including necessary equipment and the acquisition of mecessary land (herein called the *Project"), by making a grant to the City of Charictte, North Carolina (herein called the “Applicant"), in the — / @mount of 45 nercent of the cost of the Project upom completion, as determined the Federal Gmergency Administrator of Public Works (herein called the ” trator"), but not to exceed, im any event, the sum of $450,000. 7? {teri eee Project so early s2 possible bat in no event later than @ weeks from the date this Offer and to complete such Project with all practicable ve: = ar event within 15 waaths from the commencement of construction. 3. This Giles Sh mate webgect to the express condition thet. the Adminis= trator shall determine at any time that sangre condition Shah 19th Ata whether directly or indirectly, a bonus, commission or fee to any pers nce, tone or corporation for attempting to procure an approval ef the Applicant's s applications or for alleged services in procuring or in attempting to procure such approvals OF for activities of the nature commonly known as lobbying performed or agreed to be performed in commection with the application, than the Admiyistrator shall hare Tight, in his discretion, to rescind this Offer and any agreements resulting here- from, and, in the cront of such rescission, the ee Szates of America shall be under no further cbligation herecnider. - * UNTEZED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Emergency Administrator ef Pabiic Yorks = Wot Assistant Adninigtrator atts +. leg ee we FEDERAL EMERGENCY INISTRATION. S : OF PUBLIC womens . : as as | a _ WASIENGTON, 9. c. SEP $0 fgag CERTIFICATE CONCERNING OFFER = se SS ae Assistant to the Exectitive Officer. Pederal Emergency Administration of Public Works. L. Dd. Yors Ho. 104-D é P. ¥. 78071 (8-29-35) . VRUSRAL YMEROMNCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS | LEGAL DryTstow We have compared the offer ad sot out in the attached procesdings of ncceptance exoouted by the applicant with the draft thereof boaring the approval of the Bagtneering and Finance Divisione and conformed copy. - of — offer, ond find i¢ to be « true and exact copy of such mpproved draft. , ) Docket Now Ne Oy 14lanl Adminietrative Seotion Onesie Unt City of Charlotte, : Charlotte, North Carolina t & ae a, KETRACTS FROM THE MINUTES OF A SPRCIAL MESTING OF THE CITY CoUNCIL OF TER = dak : i Fr iii i i Hi ll bt Mn bof the offer of the United States of mmeries to aid 088292 SEP22°38- aay ae y ; # : a ding voting aye: Councilmen Baxter, Griswold, Hovis, Eudson, Mmtley, aad the following voting nay? | 2a iin ried and the Mayor and City Clerk thereur G ae | CERTIFICATE OF CITY i > 3 i l i 3 rf ve m | at CT REE ELH 4G ERBEL RE OUR FS O9BIUSTUpEpy MSVSRESEE [er epez seg _*UOTZONIZSTOCO JO YtemMEeQUEECS UTURTA guess Sus UE pus *qogeds tp eTqeots qons szetdmoo 0; PUR 4650 STU FO OFEP OTF Wey? 1938, {ues Ou UE 9mQ eTGISsOd se AT Ive Sv FFeq 0} syueUeAcS QuBOTTIdy ey; Te330 STUI Jo YS yderterez 6£-9-0/ "9M 2 "TT 04 BoTLecy 5° sez3g PelTaD oui 4q epee tez sO 03 Peyoesys Og OF LY "ee/ 12/6 ¥-99-1- se tof byron e Vcore . ; :¢ ee er *LOPUNOLOY WOFABFTTQO soygunz ou aepun o 4 503043 POFEU HYD “UOTSstoso’ YonD zo vee Phil eal ge gah YUTZTNGOL SQuUOWOOLIe LAZY puL 16530 BEUX PULOPor Oy ‘UOTAQO208Tp JY UT “9U%;4 843 eauy TrwKs SOPUL4STUPUPY 644 uouy ‘uoTsHOy Tdde 43 UV}4 UF ZooOUNOD Uy pomOZzed eq 04. peer7e 10 powrozz0d Guy ~AqQoT @@ umouX ATUGUMOS eanyeu 42 $9 BOTRTATQOW 203 20 ‘ TuAOAddy HOUs arnoodd of Iupgdmoeggw uy 26 Pupanooad WU} SOO, AL08 pote tte : 10Z 40 “UG}Z WOT THY B, 4iTsoTtddy ous 3° Tescuday ue ernoosd 04 Supzdweysu 207 uopyezodz90 20 Wits “*uosaed AUW of Oez co UOTESTumOO ‘onuog @ 'A[WWestpuy 20 ATI9eA1D tayzous "fed of peetsae so pred swy guwoy{Tddy ou, 4049 emt, Are 4% OUPULOZOp [TeSys sOquLZsTULEpY eyy Jt *4¥U4 UOTSTpUCO seetdxe oy 09 q2efqns epew vt 10336 stu v £9018 “A *d a a ee PR Naha ea 2ganaH Lum «a ‘poooxe 04 300 yng “(8 aM. «we Vidwoancl _ pie lipides Sale dpiiode ci P i , , “trmpy AousBsourg (waopeg oy 43 poaressenp op sen dn ef m9 8 ee est nde t oor ot { " res enim @ P. ¥. 3315-56 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATIGN OF PUBLIC WORKS : Washington, D. Ces Dated: Docket No. N. C. 1412-F City of Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina. 1. Subject to the Terms and Conditions (PVA Form No. 230, as amended to the date of this Offer), which are made a part hereof, the United States of America hereby offers to aid in financing the construction of a hospital building. @ morses* home and a lamdry-boiler house, including necessary equipment and the ~~ acquisition of necessary land (herein called the "Project"), by making a grant to the City of Charlotte, North Carolina (herein called the “Applicant"), in the amount of 45 percent of the cost of the Project upon completion, as determined by the Federal imergency Administrator of Public Works (herein called the "Adminis- trator"), but not to exceed, in any event, the sum of $450,000. 2. By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenants to begin work on the Project as early as possible but in no event later than 8 weeks from the date of - this Offer and to complete such Project with all practicable dispatch, and in any event within 15 months from the commencement of construction. 3. This Offer is made subject to the express condition that, if the Adminie=_ trator shal! determine at any time that the Applicant has paid or agreed to pay, whether directly or indirectly, a borms, commission or fee to any person, firm oF corporation for attempting to procure an approval of the Applicant's application, or for alleged services in procuring or in attempting to procure such approval, or for activities of the nature commonly known as lobbying performed or agreed to be performed in connection with the application, thon the Administrator shall have the — Tight, in his discretion, to rescind this Offer and any agreemonts resulting here- from, and, in tho cvont of such rescission, tho United States of America shall be under no further obligation hereunder. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Yorks By Agsistant Administrator DERAL WORKS AGENCY FRCJILT FILES SScTiIon & CORRESPONDENCE ORIGINATING IN OR DIS2CTED To THE CENTRAL OFFICE (MASET"GTCN) AFD TyTaa- OFFICE REMORANDA. GhI-0VS9RGEE / {i} “ata “20g "sta +90 *uoppdeo -xe qnousTa tet: oS “Zymo setatyeem> Puyj,oejss} sepec eSugys PeETSog ys pues seuemmscp 4osiquos SH5.gyTs coms RESTS Se *: ee pimes Sum 4208 TITY Si ‘anew or “a + Wed sur yuecoatans (eas yeerameg) es veaneng — ae “aii. :soronremon sere . SUTTORRO waeen *2930T22E> : 4oLwMec TwNOISRY - WOL Yti She = RIOM xs Se $ as AQNSO VW SoUM “lweigGe- : * am, eli Ane bes “EM, 5 is w it WF6? 22 CBARLOTTS ECAa ZI lolDaM COME. 5 F CLARK CORNISSICN SS PRA. M4 RECEIVING WUMEAOUS REQUESTS FECK CONTRACTORS POR Parmgrrs GS SOCKET POURTEEE feELYE Fr PLEASE ADVISE MESS SBOTIIAL cust REQUISTITON Wit BE PAID Ja$ W ARMSTRONG CITY MAHACER. 11 254M 415142 01314 P. @. A. Fore Bo. P-i24 g os 3 (Rev. 7-22-39) @; = ; an : : FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION PROJECTS AND STATISTICS DIVISION NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION BY EXAMINING DIVISIONS OF CHANGE IN ALLOTENT . a: z & ‘ Allotzeat Unit Amendatery Unit Projects and Statistics Division sept Mes.as wate COT wee =. * ors Saree fee ES CAAvSE L. A StA RESSEST & BATTER oa. ¢. &. Sertr CITY of CHARLOTTE ‘+ CHARLOTTE, N. C. ‘ wusvenyes sedsanele July 24, 1940 ~ ee padi; us Mr. EH. A. Worthen, Regional Director, gion #3 Public Yorks Administration, Washigston, D.C. - Im re: Docket M 1412-F Charlotte, North Carclins Hospital Labor Relations: BS Dear Sir: We Inve received from the Piedmont Bngi neering Corporation, ; ‘who are contractors for the Refrigerators ani Refrigeration Byuipment (Contract 50) on the above project, a request for the approval cf the following wage rate: (CL ; eee Refrigeration Mechanic Foremn - $1.10 per hur } Assistant MBfrigeration Foreman - 70 per hour we lave ve these figures ani it appears thet these wage rates are in line th prevailing wage retes in this territory. _. “All you kimély advise at your earliest convenience relative to this mtter. = ~ ¥. truly 420811 JUL2540 “THE FRIENDLY ciTy” of Public Works ve Bivicyn) seston Dicer, Becton Bo. 57 Ae Sm tpt matt ma bn re ssi with andit Report Bo. ¥ covering the final audit, Ail costs: shown in Calaun 5 of INS Form Wo. 160 are uqproved ee ee ee xe Bid Donte retained | Poree Account aber, no approval requested Pores Account material, ao approval requested ing lnee tas: Qumer"s regular employees KiscelLlanecus: Gusts os shun 66 felis Ratiin Sis Tote] Eeclusions $ 5,626.38 all . reports have been distributed. test approved estimated cost of this project is upon which estimate no deficit in the Applicant's if. 7+. Ce) 419140 JULi940 Page -2- fumés is indicated. However, there is pentizng im the Central Crfice au Amendatory Application based upem a revised estimated cost of $1,066,563,.00 and based upom this estimate « @eficit in the Applicant's fusés is indicated. The project was 94% complete es of Jume 3, 1540. Tt is recommended thet thie requisition be placed im lize for payment om the besis indicated above. f) j J ; - 419140 JUL1940 a . en ¢ Sovetas ¢ =e Ceent 4. etn eee ww. &. Hore easce sae te CLAUDE & ab8E4 “Eeeeet & Saxurer 2. ¢ & emrrT CITY of CHARLOTTE “Sei: ' .. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ” < f= 27, 1940 € i. EA. Sorthen, _Regiomal Biresctor, Public Works Administration, Washington, BD. C. ees: Im re: Docket BC 1412-F Charlotte, North Carclim Hospital Aamin, JUE:fe Dear Sir: ss ee kek Gee geek wemeemen, ah the above docket, of this date I am submitting the Mllowing in- formation: 1. The emtire docket is more the OO€ financially complete. 2. We Imve supplied our full share of th fants, 3S. The fumistRhet we heave on hand are tesutTicies and we will become delinquent in the payment of completed contract. ‘be The Gocket will not be completed within thirty days. S. The expected completion date at this tim is August 1, 19@. 6. We have completed ami accepted fifteen (15) contracts. 7. There are twenty-one (21) incompleted contracts, covering equipment only. “THE FRIENDLY CITY¥™ at 998 if = 41914019% F.W.A.-Form No. 1-A @/ FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WASHINGTON Col. w. Clark Alan Johnstone Acting Comptroller General's letter of July 5, 1940 - B-106835 Correspomdence between Hr. H. A. Wortham and Walter Kicde & Company, Inc., re bids for ten 10 lb. carbon dioxide type fire I hand you herewith for your attention the Acting Comptroller's letter on the above subject. e There has been received from Walter Kidde & Company, Ine., New York, New York, letter of June 17, 1940, as folices: *Subject: City of Charlotte, E. Cc. Bid Opened 2/27/40 for Washington, D. ©., with whom we then commnicated, aa he advised us as follows: ‘Identical bids aleays raise of free, open and fair competition. - This aedainistration adopted the policy in such cases of participating tae purchases made on identical tide only in cases where the to the party paying the greatest freight cost. This the award to the party bidding fer the lowest %, i give increased work to the transportation agencies.‘ General Accordingly, of the United States. respect thereto. =. | 5 & eo a i rH FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON i ERY eee EER TS Docket go. B.C. 1127 ~ Sospitel jy 5 40 * L.D. Form No. 16 (Rey. 7-24-39) FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION LEGAL DIVISION ASSIGHEENT HOTLIECE ur. _ Crowley ¥ ETNA RE MG NR a ; 4 Re: Charlotie, BCs... Docket No. M0. l4i2-F Above application is assigned to you for: _ Griginal Report. Supplesental Report....1_(Grant) Loan Agreement. Asendatory Lean Agreesent___..____....... _ Grant Agreement... Asendatory Grant Agreement Apendatory Offer... Final Execution... Remarks: Besed on apended application attached - cket Attachea * Docket Already Sent June 26, @,. fanili Public Yorks bist evretios Interior Building @eshingtoa, a» c Deg Mr. Cahills. The writer heresite fishes te shtin lode mith timuks the kind interview granted me upon my recent riseit Se-your offices in the interest of a protest to & consultant's @ecigion on tm averted contract, 1.6. Docket Arc 1412 FP, Cearlotte Mamoriel Homitei, Gontract #25, Section ¥, Mettresses ant Pillowe. Your indulgence and courtesy wes most @ppreciéted. Respectiaily, Eamert: Whidlock: Resort: the two wings of the Hurses' Home Gom here, amd the City will it be necessary to have the monay in the bank before the ~ oppliechies geen Ot ae S No, that is not necessary, Mr. Miidliock. Merely make it thet the money is available ami cam immediately be put inte construction account, but show us by > I see. Sow here de M@iaaiGucthiic She meneetat Mental tion, you are familiar with the siteetion dom here, has a in Band which it is willing to term ower to the city to put city in funds to ge ahead with this work. How the ocia ti. Daan? Get yok's we Ubcuebeeh Maris aha that. They sill next Tuesday, one week from today. Theat is etirely teo iate. That is too late — that is if the essurance is made — the application goes in and the aamurance is made, it is sure” that it will be dome but they hewen"t actualiy dome it, now wi they actually have te zeet ani make the appropriation and £ that soney in the hands before tie application #111 be cc Th Ho, that is not necessary. Of course nothing is dome until £¢ is done — the @irector'’s a ing basn't been held. Yes, but the point is it is for the surpose of securing from me edditional funds. You do not bawe to cut inte the bank your — portion of the additional cost, bet omky assure us that - defis- itely, that the fumdis are available, and can ami will be depasite at toe proper time if the construction eccoumt. On that asea we will proceed to consider the eqplication. If the application ~ 4 >. ip approved before we vill astenliy sdvance funts unter it Ws will require that you put the additional funds required of ye in the construction sccount. Tes, well here is the situation we can assure, and I's of : of the Hospital Association, we have in the nature -—- indivie — duals, as the Cuirean of the Building Committee, can assure ¢ and write then a letter that the fund will be available at SV Git agate ais nce, en ee me they ill do it. Sow suppose for some unknown reason they should fall dom on it? Mell, it has all been done in goo# faith. If we find it pat up its share of the money it cen merely advise us that | is what hasimppened and it is unable to proceed. Tes, well now the situation is this, I can — ur. Henty/of Board of Hospital Directors is at Myrtle Beach in South on @ vacation, and he called me on the phone this aorning | Sie ect er ie bench ae te : to have « mesting of the Board called to actually ado lution. Now we want to get the application off totay. You must do that, sir, if it has any chance at all - I's that even now it has practically no chance. " Well, the application is in shape and it will do no herm ¢ send it up — : “That's right, send it along at the earliest possible moment « We-will do everything we can, but the indication is that best we would not be able to get it through in the but send it along and if it is possible we will do it of All right, thank you very such. All right, Mr, Whidlock. : al + Ee yea m . iv Ng be 4 ; Poy ! c x, ie “- a Ls sees « @¢ @ © & @ * *»* = ne fi hide aed PEREEEEEEEECE EE FFP PPP PPP PPP EF PREEEEEEESEEEE SE cre teen ey a dhaazsaasazaz2 sf} bibbebibeteses fy are u Legal Docket 8. C. 1412-F pe . Imghem Mack, Esq. Administrative Assistant Legal Division Albert M, Littleton City of Charlotte, H. C. Acceptance Proceedings 1 us tranettting baronfithsertisted sro ceedings, in duplicate, evidencing ‘the action taken with respect to the acceptance ef the amendatory Offer dated June 10, 1940, in connection with the above—captioned Project. I have examined said proceedings and the resolution included as a pert thereof, end have the Offer set forth in said resolution «ith the Offer sub- mitted by the Government, and, in ay opinion, said resolu- tion constitutes a valid acceptance ef said Offer effective as of June 12, 1940. : ibs eta Albert M. Littleton Regional Counsel, PWA Attechuents: 2 Attechsentes 2 Cc: Mra. Perling OFFICIALLY. ani FORWARDED ‘you APPRO 1 OR NOT LM gue THENT sna OW JU a wAYOR Lee 5 ‘ iti : a is | Aint Sates conadel Ava. ee Ne hl een +3444 ee wane re Me SECEIVED. 4 TELEGRAM OFFICIAL BUSI MENT RATES 940 JUN 11 PM 4 04 THE MAYOR crry oF Chana, ONS t ¥ CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA | UNDER CONGRESSIONAL ACTS CONCERNING THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION, OUR 2 Phra, TO ALD IN FINANCING CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECTS, INCLUDING AMENDATORY AND SUPERSEDING OFFERS, MUST BE VALIDLY ACCEPTED BY APPLICANTS PRIOR TO JUNE 30, 1940, IN ORDER TO BE EFFECTIVE. THEREFORE ALL NECESSARY ACTION FOR VALID ACCEPTANCE OF OUR OFFER TO THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, DATED JUNE 10, 1940, ON PWA DOCKET NORTH CAROLINA 1412-F, MUST BE COMPLETED IMMEDIATELY AND IN ANY EVENT NOT LATER THAN JUNE 29, 1940, AND PROPER ACCEPTANCE PROCEEDINGS FORWARDED TO OUR REGIONAL OFFICE If THIS HAS NOT BEEN DONE. WIRE IMMEDIATELY ON WHAT DATE SUCH OFFER WILL BE E. W, CLARK // ACTING COMMISSIONER OF a . -*woTezata TeBeq SUR ETSY AT BI peTETEDY NOLLYELSININGY SMBOM 2Mana ADNSOV SMHOM TVu3034 (6f-92-ZT *~ 408) 62~}-d quy/sT3syusee Tey 076i . 2 war # ANSE lin eS DCRR tS Sa ge, il a a i fae i pbyRaS ial if ren alt leat at it g* aw i NOLONIHS¥M NOLLYELSININGY SNUOM DITENd AINASY SMHOM WWU3034 tetas sth i ill i Ve iu net Bi ; ee Ae nil inf : E i iat aly ae i E : i i 2 g g § g 8 g Sie it Sieg re MONIT css Projects; Finance; Gab; . A 3 FUsaTs voRrs Oe ee toe ee . oe =e = = —— Pree aa ee aor REGIONAL DIRECTOR ON cy mee aoe Charlotte, ¥.S- =: May 29, 1940 . ee X i OY LAST FETS a x lage - ean 5.c moe Wc Refer to File ici Sc isar B-3 fu" 3a Regional Director, Regien No. $3 * } T. B.Owen, pocideat Engineer Insp ctor = eS é | asted Nov. 18, 1950 i. J. 3. -Mershall i Lebor Relations most) x This office reseed 1 lente ane Dusted ee bes “ Stel pera peers ee Oe cine oe seer to Mr. J. B Mershell, Site Manager dated Bev. is, 1933- x am retaining the original certified eory af this payroll in my files ani attach herete the other three eopies of this payroll. I have cleared the non-compliances — involving MB. 8. Pruitt and R» B. Christopher on this dock ete 40051 4MAYSI 40 Acting Commissioner of Public Yorks (Attention: Projects and Statistica) Regional Director, Region Ho, 3 Extension of Docket Completion Date until getter wes settled. % ba) dee i Cg get A erode 779 “5 ai lg soa Y ~ agg n6Qwav25%t wr 4 S99069MAY25 20 a ee oa “qvet ‘eg Som trv 7 perasee you cus oy anq ‘slnuiee tuned opus 0s Praag at woreemevErayy ea | a | - ercemg owe 30 STETSTIZ OG GIP FTN same Seomsasme Jo seqmnE 7 *pepases on vanes nett weien eg ng nies eaahennss Ob ante Frege 3 x com weraeroes pee wee dammnees or ‘esneyme senate TEs 28 poms om er Seine + meq re eres ome tons een 30 emus ‘orm | Spm nteog v Persaaciome gr eusetems 80 08 ‘Se se-roet-om “on gxmsod ‘Tc1as0u THTE “OMEN ELLOTINED Si £0 ELK MILTIGHS £0 SIGS OTe WL OE — spesdope Stenowywwen sea woyyntose: Bayotros ou “etaqy upatisuncog fq pepucess ‘s9qRuE BEET ToTNOD Jo HTH |] “THSIUSOS “TYIMOMER ELIOTEYEO £0 DLLTLSOO BOL OU £0 WIS a weer ee ee PY, dh. ot completion dete of tocbet Bo. 1610-2, : _ SEDIEAG wy tans end the eerictal gual af ie City of ee Shipoey PEERY. << e Be.. s ¢« . x ie FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION REGIONAL DIRECTOR Taterior Building Eor Washington, D> c. Refer to File 3. 0. 1443-7 (2-6) ; ~~ Works Oz Acting Commissioner of Public FRO: -- egteset Director, Region Mo. 3 SUBIECT: Construction Defects (1) Divisien or Investigations Repert, Docket B. SC. 1413.7 (+6) dated March 15, 1940. * (2) Our mensrandue dated May 15, 1940 [{w of semoranius fron Resident Bagineer Bath Gated May 17, 1940. r Cuneaded that this repert be closed ee eS Pee Seer eee if jindtiades tie Y 4, Wt 2 Regional Director, Pa ~ 397093 NayoQ40 \ Z , Zz 9 sil ond se S94 ss see meu * 00 chen! FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY Fle TRL OCH SO 8 09 5 Cee eee ft aes = PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Sbaens ae teageigad as REGIONAL DIRECTOR wees, i835 * "7" a “Interior Building North ‘ 2B. c. Yours B. REGAN, JR. t 4eting Regional Director, BA y 395193 MAY1640 = ee oe Saree COeets ex (ae we. Bowes SA teR Sam ee CisURE . ayPta SERSERT = SertTeR oe ¢. S-Serr Ps CITY ei CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE, N. C. my Briso E. Dear Sir: IX mm enclosing three (5) certified copies of the Resolution of the City Council amending the Ordinance im mgurd te the operation of the Ebspital. Also, threes (5) certified copies cf the Peaolcticn of the St. Peter's Ibspitel Board agreeing te the anenizents and three (3) certified copies of the Resolution of the Sierictte Memorial Ebepitel Association, Imc., agreeing to the euenizenta, together with a copy of the Ordinance as it will reed es amauted. Very truly ee fo City oeeee 394485 RAY14N FRIENDLY CITY” 5 tng of the Soard held in the. offiga of ‘the assootetion fi the i> American Trust Company Building in the city of Charlotte, =e ee Careline, on May 7, 1940, at $200, ‘@Pelock, Ps ¥., after auc ‘end ‘legal hhotice of ‘hho Eine, place ami objects of the meeting, which objects, as stated in the mae ioe, included consideration - setion upon the matters corsred by. — resoln- Ree Fe At pas | A copy of the ordinanes as if will read whem anended is attached hereto, following the resolutions. : Nope ay Thats Mey B, 1940. = 394488 MAYIG% -RESGLVED, That the Board of Directors of charlotte Memorial Hospital Association, Incorporated, st & mesting éuly called an¢ held on this the Teh dey of may, 1940, after due end legal notice of the time, place and objects of the mesting, here- by gives its comsent to the emendments by the City council of | the City of charlotte in the respects hereinafter set out of an ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A HOSPITAL BOAED CONSISTING or KINETEEE ‘MEMBERS, PRESCRIBING THE PORERS, DUTIES aNd FURCTIONS oF sucH BOARD AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH adopted April t7th, 1940: (2) That the eleuse of said ordinence beginning : “FURTHER, pursuant to,* on page 154 of Minute Book No. 8 of the City Council be smended by striking out the word *the* at the eng of the seventh line of said clause and inserting in lieu | thereof the word “such,* and by striking out the words *pro- cured and constructed as hereinsbove set out," at the eni of said clause, end inserting in lieu thereof the words "unter the general supervision end directiom of the City Council.*® (2) By striking out Section 1 of said ordinance end inserting in lieu thereof the following “fhet there shall be amd there hereby is created « board to be known es the 'Char- ~ lotte Memorial Hospital Board' (hereinefter designated the *Boerd'), which Board shell consist of thirteen members ami six ex-officio members, for the purpose of operating the Cherlotte Memoriel Hos- pital {hereinafter designated the 'Hoapiteal'). The Mayor of the City of Charlotte, the Chairman of the Hoard of County Com missioners of Mecklenburg County, two members of the city coun- ceil ef the City of Charlotte to be designated by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte, the President of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society, and a member of the Charlotte Junior League, tx be appatihed by a: aes ll che City of Charlotte fer « term of five years, shall be ex-officio menbers of the Board. In addition, the seid thirteen mesbers of the Board shell be : appointed by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte, Six of the monbers of the Hoard so appointed shell be appointed for = tern Be of 10 yeers and seven of the members of the Board so eppointed shell be appointed for a term of 18 years, respectively, and a thereafter, upon the expiration ef the terms of appointment of each respective member of the poard, their successare shall be ae appointed by the Mayor for s like mumber of years from nomine- tions made by the remaining mésbers of the ‘Boura, as hereinafter —— provided end, in the event of « waeancy in the membership of the Board, by means of resignation oF otherwise, the mayor shal? | forthwith by appointment from nominations mage by the remiin- ing meubers of the board os hereinefter provided f111 the unex- = pired term created by such vacancy. ‘In the ease of a vacancy by resignation or otherwise or upom the expiration of the ¢ term of office of the ex-officio mesber from the Junior League, the Mayor shall by appointment fro& meminetions made by the remain-— ing menbers of the Board as hereinafter provided fill the wecen- ey so crested for the unexpired term, af if case of expirstion, ; for a term of five years. “In the @vént of « wacency or wecancies = in the membership of the Boerd by expiration of term ofaffice or. otherwise, the remaining members ef the Board shall submit to the Mayor nominetions for appointments. The Mayor may successively require any ioe of additional meosimetions, emi shall have power * to appoint any person so nominated. The members of the Board so appointed shall hold office until their successors have been duly appointed and qualified. The ex-officio members of the Board shall be entitied to vote and to otherwise participate in all pro] ceedings of the Board. The members of the Board appointed as herein provided shall serve without ccompensetion.* = 3 (3) By striking out the clause reno ty virtue of his office | shall act as chairmin of such Comdttee® in sub- . paregraph (¢) of Section 2 of seid ordinance. (4) By striking out the word “appointea® where it occurs in the third line from the end of Section 5 of said or- ) dinance and inserting in lieu thereof the word “elected.” (5) By inserting efter thé word *corporations® = where it ocecurs in the eighth line of Section 6 ‘of said or- E e < Gineiee ths words: Methber public or private." co fj By inserting after the word *oorporations® 7 where it occurs in the second Line ‘of Section 7 of said ordi- nance the words “either public or private.” be (7) By inserting after the words "if it jae: tn the fourteenth line of Seotion 8 of said ordinance the words "to the sr Council." (8) By inserting after the onthe Moubmitted that® - } tn tas ebiayh GME Gb heck Age ‘onke URGMas Vue nubes "the acquisition or construction % improvements so recommend- ed is desirable and that." goog . (9) By anserting after the word "Sear" where it first occurs in Section 10 of ssid ordinance the words “subject at all times to the general supervision and direction of the Council .* 2 , RSSOLVED FURTHER, that the President and Secretary, or eithe- of them, be and they are hereby authorized and .direct- ed to a@vise the Nayor and city Council of the city of Charictte and also the Public Works Administration of the United States ef the action of the Board and to execute on behalf of the As-. sociation such instrument or instruments as they may deem neces=\*" sary and proper to give effect to such consent. * Apetl 29; 2000 hes ten! | cm motion of Counatinan Hilkineos, seconted ty Gounet ina Santer and maninowsly carried, the folloving Ontinense, witch wes | reed by the City Attorney, wae wmsinowsly adopted on three readings, st testared Wy the myer to Be oe Orbtenane of the tty of Ceartettns AF ORDIRASCE Pa PoR THE CREATION OF on hee Tag eS arty MAES, parweh to un Ontisanee uly stepted ly the City Orme? at tan tity af cartons oo Aagiet 26, 1908, Where was fied with te Publis corks Administration an applisstios reqesting a grant in the fm of $480,000.00 te Fianmes tn part the coustraction ant equipmmt ef eaid hospital, such appliention being desiguted as “P.¥., Dosket Surber Nerth Gurclime 141B-P", by which applimtion the City proposed to Minanese ite share ef the coset of the projest im the sux of 2880 ,000.00 fram the preseede of the eferesnié gemeral obliretion bonds, & cortribution im the sum of €100,000000 by tas St, Peter's Hospital amd a lice amecxt by persone, firms and corporations, am! gush domt- iceg heaving Deen =e sortesplating that the sass cemest snd sentrol of a ae ~ Bgaaeeuny1a40 sat a . of snarten, Wy tte Offer, dated tepteuber 3, 1958, whish Offer was fuly amseyted by the City Comeil of the Gity of Charlotte om septanber 15, 1988, offered te fimase in part, eb ject te the tera: und eendi- Cems stated therein, the eunstrustion ef « hospital, « murses’ hams, a leumiryetetler house, including aessssry equiment, and the sequisition of the massenry lam, ty =mking « gremt to the City of Charlotte im the smunt of forty-five peresnt (40%) of the eoct of the project upon completion as determined ty th Public “orks Mees tae 8 INCNEAS, porven ts Ws Ser snd eomtttians af the afere> sala Offer to the United States of sari, the City of Charlotte nas Galy promended te commtrust the hospital project devoribed ta “end Offer, ant fm ander to mevt the requirusents of sid Offer of te | 3 | United Debtes ef imerio, ani the tot of Congress of the United States suthericing the Publis Marks Aduinistration te ale leans and gramte te public beties, sush heepltel project shall be operated ly the City of Gurictte as a Medtee) Center; and “OMS, in order t affeetuate the munisipal fumeticon contained tm Chapter 366, Seetion 82, tub-section 3%, Private ote of the Gemewal Assauhly, State of Herth Carclins, Recular Session of $SEDy teat, "Po cum, operate or anintein hospitals"; ant FURTUEE, parsuamt te the authority sonferred upom the City Goumeil ef the City of Gharlotte by Section 5] of sai chapter, and it appeering thet is order te promote the public health and the general welfare of the eitisemry of the City of Charlotte and te sarry out the provisions of Sevtion Sl, Sub-section 27, \of Cer Chapter, it ie herety deemed ami found necessary to establish a ge ae ee A Rte heepital facilities, wder the gantrel supervision ani directien of the City Counsdls Sn, SUNNEN, He Se CONSTI Ty tho Clty Gemetl of Ue City of Gharlette, North Carclim, as follows Section 1, That there shall be ani there hereby is created a beard te be imown as the “Charlotte lmortal Rospital teard* (heretaatter desiganted the “Rourd"), which Deard simll consist of “(atricen sabe dak etx en-citinte Sabet, 00 he purples operating the charlotte timorial Kevpital (hervimfuar desicmtec the ; “Moaphtal"}, ‘The Rayer of the City of Charlotte, thé Gairann of the Board af Comty Comiscioners of Nenklenburg Comty, two manbore of the City Oouneil of the City of Gharle'ts te be designated Wy the layer of the Otty af Sarlotte, the President of the ecklem barg County lméienl Society, and a mmber of the Charlotte Junior League, te be appoimbed by the Mayor ef tha City of Gherlo-te for a tem of five years, @mll be ox-cfTicie mxbers of the Joard, In addition, the said thirtesn umbers of the Board shall be appointed — dy the imyor of the City of Charlotte, Siz of the mubers of the Sear so sppeimwted shall] be appointed for a term of 10 years and seven of the mesbere ef the Beard se epreinted shell be appeirte: fer o term of 15 years, respectively, and therecfter, upam the expiration of the terns of appointment of each respevtive seuber of the tourd, their suscedaere all be appointed ty the Mayor fer a like mumver of years provided, ant, in the event of « vesnney Sn the mabership of the Beard, by mons of restguetion or otherwise, the layer shall fortiwith by aproixt- seat from newimtions sade by the remininy nmabers of the Seard af herein Be & ® of & vacumy by resigution or stivrcise oF upon the expiration of the Sam SF SEED Of. She warattote ster fren the denier Leaping the Mayor shell by sppotrtnes mowbere of the Roard ag eer a it ree eae Ape age fer the wepired tem, or in the ona of expiration, for a tern of fixe yeara, Be Ge_eveat of a emmy or weeension ig the membership sf ths le ef the Sound shall 1} sslntt te the myor sonimtiens tee egies. The Iyer my snssvesively require aay mmber of eddition] matmtion,, — and shell Ws all hove the power to aprotnt cay pares so masimateds the amabors Sf te Domed om appointed all behd afrinn watt their exsseesers have aa eam Se i a Ai REE RE ae es an Ras ” i ft pinta 0 4 a , , ee ter aranhe' ea a ae Gea " Mas ; 7m ed wae s s eee se ae ¥ & ee with t : (bp Ve j itu hit al i, i ts) & @ ob trol af phos of te 3 are —— ¥ card, at 3 3 3 os oe : thet earns, the taper - ee s y ef | Hi ii ace o ee ee (2) Grattst wih ether. nesessnry baniases which aay be grosdetey Se 34 for censigerativa, Mi Gaivem, Vise-intraan, and Seorstary sad Treasurer shall De elected for = term of four years ani the term of aaplaynent of the Aduinistrwter of the Hostel ahald be as detemined ty the Bounty Section 4, That ell lishilities, including paynents for corvices and supplics furniched the Hospital and without Limitations, the juyaent ef all salaries sad other liabilities of the Board and/or the Lxecutive Comnittes shall’ be psid fromthe inegac and revenues derived from the _ operetdan of the Hospital of true contributions of parconsy Tiras oF ccuperetlans fe tho yeryets of Haseiing $3 ser) tn epuenice of te Hospital. + = — Suction 5. teak acter te inetion ot the soujues described in the preamble teivot, uhigh jrojest constitutes the Hocpitel, the Hon pits) shall be operated one ficesl your bacis £5 comencing on July firet of each exlandar year oni en:ing on June Uietieth of aust’ folloniag salender your The Board shall — Rentetth jrepere an estinate of the incose und revenues of the Bocpitel frum all cowrees, incluiing doustions fron persons, fires, sor,orations, either ,ublic or urivate, and asaecistions, and »dall thereafter pmvpare 4 buiget, whieh buiget «pall inciule each and evry Sten Of sparation ent saintenance expenses of the Hoicitel, to and in- @luling Tumse 30, 194, Im Like menner, the Buerd shall, om ox before Jume iS, 1940, gre ere an estiaate of the income amd revenue: of the Hospital, iuelwiing entigizeted denstions for current charity work, anc a wuiget, which shall ineluie exch and every ites of o,eretion and maintenemee «expenses of the Hoc pitel for the enewing fivesl year, = and on of before Juma 15 of each year thercefter such estiaste of the igsome and revenves and buiget shall be prepared for the neat fieesal yeser, ‘The Board shell wider ac condition edopt « vuiget i a a | eat 4 A oe f : = a ts) +) Tare stall be cad there ie werk}, shel be set aside into « separate "im Operation and 5 ey og ew ell + | Wade ehadh be tn excess of the reascushle estimated anticijated income ~ feet still be wed solely fut the aot poeta] Tumi desigusted as the “Charlotte Meworial Hospital Revenue Pund® (mureinsfter designated the “Hecpital Revenue Pund*), an. such » ud tu ial ‘ab fe eth sath yes arisnaaenie Pumd. Sis tureements from the foregoing Punds ahcll be mide oniy upon order of * and signed by the Administrator of the Sospitel aki cowmtersignd ty ths Executive Comittee upon vousbers -r cheeks theresfter is usd > met , sty 4 | ® tins Seretary an Trencerery , oe evetion 6. {the atrotsey ni treasurer Shell eat & Seere “tary of he Boum gt as Searwtary of the Bnwcwive Gomstttay. and "aha io the stinmtes oad recorde tharcef and tall be Yoo euatecian of ali Minute Books snd the proceuiings of the Beard snd of said ; Comnsqeny andy i Satision Unewtny' bo shalt verfore tae following / he Bemetary tot Treneurer shah Famioh «ont ead euiahant tnd : | fan the Fassae partermnce of hie auton, the quent of ends bond sal arty Same em, sectooel tye Bie a "prima, oo nototintiongy mete Ter the jurpeny of maintaining aes operating the hospital, the sequiring amc aninten.nce of necessary equipsmnt, the =~ aren = ingrovensnts and extensions to the ant of the Bo.pitel, the fwoishing of mecical ettention ams bospitclization to the indigent silipend poor 6f ths City of Charlotte, und for the perfore- enoe of other fumeticnsg ani shen. Jems *ions aru #0 wece;ted, the proceeds of suck wonations shall se deposited im th: ap. ropriste Pui or Pusin and shall be used solely for ths pursoses jecignated ty the conor wmiless « domation or comitions are received sithout ‘the ent mn ee @ ee rar sg Se. eh ore, ‘ie mondan wo dermal sill Se Gepealted in the Hosstel veranme Yo! aml Serer Cirtartinted to the several Ponts in tie tae cacomr aa reraimuors provided for the @hasrimution of whe rene are] inocu and revermnes of the “espitals Seaticaats ‘That won there is sreated in the Beplacsuent, Depresiation ani Conbingmay Punt a sun exffleiast te provide for the ccmtraatin of Legrowemmte ant wAdibione te the slast of the ¢ Memeitily eat 2 eqpeery 86 ag Rene atte erage So wreetee at Taio cperebice of the Mavs od to carve the mente of ‘ | ston ot thn Sy at carter the arse cc. ne ae a somte of the ek of saguring en eontrwetne eth prone | panty apesiftantians sed evtinaten to the Cty Somali of the City : ) ein ots We Seat w Se Sy teeth en Sao ot Pi Ae RS en a EI EEN cms, Depweaiation and Comtin-aner Pund a ext cuffieleat te acquire ead ccumtrast sneh iaproweumtbs, the City comsil of the City ef Charlette stall cedar the coqulathion oni censtrustion of the inprevenmte $0 rese> cendied Wy the Beard. SS Seatthon Py Bat the Meare stall anally, imwtiabely following the end of eash fiseal year, suberit te the City Couneil s complete, detailed repert of the operation of the Hospital fer wash fisenl year, which report, sume other things, shall shew the ja geeien | of BHemilten ¢. Tones, sasoulet by: ze c. gritticn a) oy passed, it was resolved “That The above resolution is a true and securate copy of the resolution passed by the Boaré of Managers of St. Peter's Hospitei, Inc., on Thursday, May 9%, i340. May 8, 1940 Minute Book 8, Pages 180 ant 161. AMENDMENT TO HOSPITAL ORDINANCE. The City Manager advised that attorneys for the Fublie Works Administration have requested sertein changes in the ordinance providing for the creation of a Hospitel Board, and the following __ amendment to the ordinance entitled “PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF & HOSPITAL BOARD CONSISTING OF NINETEEN MEMBERS, PRESCRIBING moe? POWERS, DUTES AND FONCTIONS OF SUCH BOARD AND REPEALING ALL ORDIMAICES AND PARTS. OF ORDINANCES IN CONPLICT HEREWITH," was unaninously adopted on three readings, on motion of Councilman Wilkinson and seconded _ by Counci Iman Little, and declared by the Mayor te be an Ordi the City of Charlotte: 4N ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A HOSPITAL BOARD CONSISTING OF NINETEEN MEMGERS, PRESCRIBING THE POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIGHS OF SUCH BOARD AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, ADOPTED ON APRIL 17TH. 1940. BE IT ORDAINED BY THR CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE IN REGULAR SESSICN: That an ordinance entitled "AH ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A HOSPITAL BOARD CONSISTING OF NINETEEN Mondhers, PRESCRIBING THE POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTICNS OF SUCH BOARD AND REPRAL- ING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH”, adopted April 17th. 1940, be amended as follows: (1) That the clause of said ordinance becinning “FURTHER, pursuant to", on page 154 of Minute Book No, 8 of the City Council, be emended by striking out the word “the” at the ané of the seventh line of said clause and inserting in lieu thereof the word "such", end by striking out the words *procured and constructed as hereinabore set out", at the end of said clause, and inserting in liou thereof the words “under the general supervision and directiom of the City Council,* (8) By striking out Section 1 of said ordinance and inserting in lieu thereof the follewing "Thet there shall be and there = - ® May 8, 1940 a hereby is created « board to be known as the ‘Charlotte Memorial - ‘Bospitel Boerd’ (hereinafter designated the ‘Board’), which Board shall consist of thirteen members and six ex-officio maubers, for the purpose of operating the Charlotte Memorial Hospitel (hereinafter designated the ‘Hospital'), ‘The Mayor of the City of Charlotte, the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Mecklenburg County, two members of the City Council of the City of Crarlotte, *¢ be designated by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte, the President of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society, and a member of the Charlotte Junior League, to be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte for a term of five years, shall be ex-pfficio members of the Board. In addition, the said thirteen mombers of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte. Six of the members of the Board so appointed shall be appointed for a term of 10 years and seven of the members of the Board so appointed shall be appointed for a torm of 15 years, respectively, and thereafter, upon the expiration of the terms of appointment of each respective member of the Board, their successors shall be appointed by the Mayor for a like number of years from nominations made by the remaining members — of the Board, as hereinafter provided, and, in the event of a vacancy in the membership cf the Board, by means of resignation or otherwise, the Meyor shall forthwith by appointment fram nominations made by the remaining members of the Board as hereinafter provided fill the unexpired term created by such vacancy, In the case of @ vacancy by resignation or otherwise or upon the expiration of the term of office of the ex-officio mamber fram the Junior League, the Mayor shall by appointment from nominations made by the remaining members of the Board as hereinafter provided fill the vacancy so created for the un- expired term, or in case of expiration, for a term of five years. In the event of a vacancy or vacancies in the membership of the Board by expiration of term of office or otherwise, the remaining members of the Board shall sutmit to the Mayor nominations for appointments. The Mayor may successively require any number of additional nominations, and shall have power to appoint any person so nominated, The members ef the Board so appointed shall hold office until their successors have been duly appointed end qualified. The ex-officio members of the a -3- May €, 1940 Board shall be entitled to vote and to otherwise participate in all proceedings of the Board. The menbersof \the Board appointed as herein provided shall serve without campensetinn®, \ ” . (3) By striking out the cleuse “Who by virtue of his offic. shall act as chairman cf such Comnitiee” in sub-paragraph » ie) oy Section 2 of said Orcinance. (4) By striking out the wort "arpointed" where it etcurs in the third line fram the end of Section 3 of said ordinance and inserting in lieu thereof the word "slected*. (5) By inserting after tho word "“corporetions® where it occurs in the eighth line of Section 5 of said ordinance the words | ‘“oither public or private". (6) By insert ing after the word “corporations” where 4 e it occurs in the second line of Soction 7 of said ordinance the words “either public or private". rahe (7) By inserting after the words "if it appears" - in the fourteenth line of Section 8 of said crdinance the words "to the City Council®. (8) By inserting after the words “submitted thet® in the fifteenth line of Section 6 of said ordinance the words “tho acquisition or construction of improvements so recommended is desireble and that". : {9} By inserting after the word “Board” where it cccurs in Section 10 of said ordinance the words "subject et all times to the general supervision and direction cf the Ccuncil*. En &€ BSvGiss mee Te = ee wW. &. Bors eacee ee tee CLAURE & aueea “SESGtet & Santee De ¢. s enirt CITY of CHARLOTTE & om Se CHARLOTTE, N. C. pape May 7, 1940 poo B. W. Clark, Acting Commissioner of Public Works, ~< Public Works Administration Washington, D.C. Im re: Docket H.C. 1412-F Charlotte, H.C. Hospital Legal -PR/w> Dear x Sir: Im connection with the above docket, you will recall that there has been a delay in receiving the grgnt reqisition which was sent to your office in December. This payment Ins deen held up pending the adjustment of the situation regarding the city opreating the hospital. Om last Saturday the Honorable Paul Exeert was here and conferred with us relative te some additional changes in he «< ordinance end it is my unierstanding tint these chenges will be mate at the next Council] Meeting, at which tim certified copies will be forwarded to your offices. Im connection with this docket, the City ms been con- siderably delayed because of their inability te get this grant pay- ment and we did mot feel it expedient to sign the equipment contracts, for which bids hed been received, until this matter could be cleared up. However, these contracts heave been sigmd ani are deing forward- ed to Washington today for approval. The tim of completion stated in these om tracts is Mey 15th ond the time of completion of the entire docket is May 25th. However, it is obvious that the docket cemot be completed within this tim, as tle contracts have not been sext to the mterial people ané we, therefore, wish to make application for the extension of tim ae! “THE PRIENDLY CITY” 392384 AAy-8'40 Sen £ vsias —— fbone2te — =. 8. Soe e27SR se hee SLAUGE i. 2. BEA HERSERT © SeeTEeER . 8. C, &. eeerr CITY of CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE, N. C. wntil Jum SOth, up the sponsor's share? It wulé pro- rovnatigel cots te construct the tuo wings. Very truly yours, 342: 84 WAY-8 ‘40 “THE FRIENDLY CITY” CECT COMMECTE D GAR ASE 300 OUTSIDE ROOMS LAL 6 BT TUR SHOWER COR ATs CE ORE R AND RAED JACKSONVILLE, FLA. — May 6, 1960 _ yet ur. lie c ae Amd... Acting cife G- eda Counsel : 4; - hx Public Works Administration = ¢_/ ta Fe ag sence De Ce : - Dear Charlie: My trip to Charlotte produced very setisfac- : tery results and I am sure we reteined the complete good- cifically stated thet the metter had not the attention of yourself or of Celons] Z felt the cost of land could mot be included in the grant bese in the circumstances. The City, while of eourse not. agresing, understands that the cost of land probably will be exeladed. The diseppointment to the ciyy is lessened by their expectation that other proper project costs will exable the City to sarm the full amount of the grent slictment. even though the land be exeluded. Therefore the recommeniation being prepared by Mr. Crowley to reduce the amount of the grent should mot be put through, but the recommendstion should be to 3919 16MAY-740 391916 MAY-rag ; Ot /ez Be} 3 pamey 92 “298ry-c yp neg-TeBe] ina 1" i W238, hai is Assistant | en Labor Relations _ SuSE: Notification of active sdverse Division 2 of f Tavestigations een dee eee een ee te ‘ Yon Wik As ncinek: further by te wadersgpat te the abore ioe is closed. 8 os si Section Chief. dsnes B. Ree Stn € Seve.as eS * = cOuNt iL MER wate COeec i mee oe ww N. HOSTS saree -ao "ER — ore @.&. hUSSCR 2. 4. MUNTLEF & PORES UITTL.C +8 mance CLAUDE i aLBEA 3 aa $ we 3 a ' &.® Mpes weRecer « saxtee 2.28 z SOHN &. wane oe.¢ 8 BeirT 42 & Wi ereeon Bay CITY of CHARLOTTE, me; CHARLOTTE, N. C. ge * $% @2S ee Aprii 19, 194 ‘ < Re ae ae . £. wee Mr. EB. A. Yorthus Regional Sirectar - Region © Yeters) Works Avency Pastitctc., Ce dn re: Docket Ho, Hc 1412-F Shariotte, F. 6. > oer ital LZCALSERB: Dear Sir: - in compliance with the rpecedure reccrmentied by you at @ur recent Gmisrence in Gach ington, the City Council ms escorted “the Griinacce sbich was agcested by Mr. Meuth api the Ch rictte Meaerial Hospital Association has parsed 2 Besolubion releasing the Git? for the original agreeent to lease th Ipspitai. Also, te St. FPaters Eospital has passed a resolution restinding that part ef tieir com> ract whereby ths City tas tc lease the hosrital. I-em mclosing three (3) ce~tified copies of the Ordinance ce=ced tr the City Soumeil-of the Cit> of Creriotte; tires {5} certified copies of the resolution of the Clatiotte Meanorial Frepital Assoc icon am three (5) cebtified copies of the rem jutica f Sain Fetexts Hospital. t CITY’ “984798 APR2O 49 Lsnager On AZud’ C6LPSE eq, poe ‘guemiynbe Areeseces Priputony ‘eencg so{joq-Aapuneyt 8 ‘oupg ,seernm © *TeaTGe0q © Jo WoTZeNZAETOD ogy ‘utezeq: pelea SuOTs <ypmse pew emsey ogy 0% soefqne ‘ated wy sommETs 4 pezezso ‘eNST ‘ST gequepdeg BO eggoTsEty Jo 4310 Sas JO THOMMDD £559 Om) Aq perdoooe ATHp _ wun aegz0 Goren ‘oest “¢ tequmaies prep ‘20770 931 Ac ‘orseuy Jo covers peat ows ‘woysmorTéde qone oy yumeaund "SEM pan igogoureqe Ut ZeoTatTod~ao" oq PTnom Testdsoq pres _——§@ Toaymo paw yenmndenen uy yuu PuTseTEmemO oper weog PuTaNy FuOy qd =qeuop Yous pus ‘euotzerodios pus eurty ‘euoszed fq yunome exTT © Puy Ps Teatdecy ezezeq *36 94s £4 9O"OOO"OOTS JO UMS SEF TT BOTINGTI}EDO F ‘gpuoq BoTISBTTAO TereweS pyesezoze eq; so speccord ey; uss 00°000'OSSF ZO wns og, wT goeford eqy Jo ge00 OG; Jo SrEyS Sy} CoTNTT, 03 pesodosd £340 ous woTaeortéde worms £4 ‘al-CTHT WusTOND Wis0K wee QOROCT “T°A*de SB pezeEdysep Buyeq woTyeoTTdde one ‘Teytdscy Pres Jo quewdynbe pus woTyonrewco ogy gazed Uy eoweNT 03 00°000"NSDS JO UNE e423 UT suec8 © Subgeenber wopqentrade we woTsergeTTTEPY SAI OFTAA ©%2 TITR POTTE sum reqs “Gost “sT ser@ay wo Saget TMD J 4510 ONF JO qrowneg Ato eqs 49 peadope <tmp sowsuypsy we 0; qwensand ‘Sve pus hy;20fwa eqretmber oq; fq peacsdds een spucq Gone Jo SOUUNSST OY PUR SOUUETRID Gone 03 yuesINd #20q08 perst Tend ems 03 peammscad [mp fun wotzsenb qons ‘Sven epue tgTeaTaseu TOTSOCMM S220TIVEDe OT Fe peywEPTSOD eq 03 Sutpting Testdsoy = Surdirnbe paw Suyqonryeme jo yoo oy, qed wy comers 0% 90°00" Cag Jo MME ous UT SpUE WTsEITeo TeuUSs 931 go eoumnsey 9Gy Jo moTySeNb ogy Jo O3—OTIET JO A4TD OG) JO STOICA POTS i -Ttenb og; 03 WTssyEgne em pertzom NE “ecst ‘az ATar wo TrouNOD £315 7 831 49 peqfope Stmp esousmypap fq ‘esgoTTeuD Jo 4315 Om “SVEGRHE “HLINESEH LOTIANOO NI SEQMVNTGHO £0 SLVd (QMQY SEOMVNIGE TIV ONTIVEGEE Gy GuVOE HONS J0 SHOLLONU GMY GEILOG ‘SUEROd EHL ONTGIG0GEHd “GERMAN NESLENIN 40 OMLLSTGMOD GuVOE TWLIGSOH V 20 MOLLVEED TAL Wd ONICIACHd SORVEIGEO WY aed wwe sez,0Tregy go ASTD ema JO SowMETPIO Te oq OF zoLME ous Aq PoTETOSP pue ‘s@uypees cary; uo peadcps LTenpmpawun sen ‘fourzossy Ait> eu Aq pees gem GoTgn ‘eowenTpzO Buymotyos ems *peTazeo ATenouTUSUN PUES TeprEy oy weETtouncg 4q pepucoes “GOSTTAT IA GeUTToUNCD Jo GeTIoe | (fF C) April’, 1940 8 ° Page 14. acquisition of the necessary land, by making « grant to the City of Charlotte in the amount of forty-five per cent (45%) of the cost of the project upon campletion as determined by the Public Works A@ministratian, but not to exceed, in any erent, the sum of $450,000.00; and WUREAS, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the efore- said Offer to the United States of America, the City of Charlotte Rieter has duly proceeded to construct the hospital project described in said Offer, end in order to meet the requirements of said Offer of the United States of America, and the Act of Congress of the United States authorizing the Public Works Administration to make loans = ané grants to public bodies, such hospital project shall be operated by the City of Charlotte as a Medical Center; ané WHEREAS, in order to effectuate the municipal function contained in Chapter 566, Section 32, Sub-section 33, Private Acts of the General Assembly, State of North Carolina, Regular Session of 1959; to-wit, “To own, operate or maintain hospitals"; and FURTHER, pursuant to the authority conforred upon the City Council of the City of Charlotte by Section 31 of said Chapter, and 1t appearing that in order to promote the public health and the general welfare of the citizenry of the City of Charlotte and to cerry out the provisions of Section Sl, Sub-section 27, of the aforessid Chapter, it is hereby deemed and found necessary to establish a hospital board and vest in such board the authority to operate the hospital facilities procured and constructed as hereinabove set out; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, as follows: Section 1, That there shall be and there hereby is created @ board to be known as the “Charlotte Mamcrial Hospital Board® (hereinafter designated the "Board"), which Board shall consist of thirteen members and six ex-cfficic members, for the purpose of opereting the Charlotte Memorial Hospital (hereinafter designated the “Hospitel"}. The Mayor of the City of Charlotte, the Chairman April 17, 1940. Page 155. of the Board of County Commissioners of Mecklenburg County, two menbers of the City Council of the City of Charlotte to be designated by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte, the President of the Meckien- burg County Medical Society, and a member of the Charlotte Junior League, to be appointed by the Meyor of the City of Charlotte for a term of five years, shail be ex-officio members of the Board. In addition, the said thirteen members of the Boerd shall be appcinted by the Mayor of the City of Charictte. Six of the members of the Board so appointed shell be appcinted for « term of 10 years end seven of the members cf the Board so appointed shall be appointed for a term of 25 years, respectively, anf thereafter, upon the expiration of the terms cf appointment of each respective menber of the Board, their ‘Successors shall be appointed by the Mayor for a like number of years spon the nomination: of the remeining manbers of the Board, and, in the “evel af ws boeare Sa the eneaichig o¢ tas best. % uke ot resignaticn or e, the Igor, (pon the nomisation of the ramis- ing members of the Board) spall forthwith by appointment fill the unexpired term crested by such wacanmcy. In the case of a vacancy by resiguetion or otherwise or upon the expiration of the term of office of the qmofficic nesber fron the Junior League,<G@goo the nomination of the remining members cf the Beard) the M-yor shall by appeintnent fill the wacancy so created for the unexpired term, or in case of expiretion, for a term of five years. The members of the Board so eppcintes shall hold office until their successors have been duly appointed and qualified. The ex-officio members of the Board shali de entitied to vote and tc otherwise participate in all proceedings of the Beard. The members of the Board appointed as herein provided shell serve withcut campensatica. Secticn 2. That subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the ews of the State of North Carclina, the Board shall perform the fcllowing duties: Adopt By-Laws for the conduct of its business; Adopt necessary rules amé regulations for the goverment of the Hospital and its employees. te) Section 3. That the Mayor of the City of Cherlotte shall, tmmetiately following the appointment of the Board, notify in writing each person so eppointed of his appointment ant in such notice shall 3 x fix the date, time and plece of the initial meeting of the Board, at which meeting the Board shall: fa) Elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman anf Secretary and Treasurer. The Cheimmem end Vice-Chairman shall be elected from the membership cf the Scard. The Secretary and Treasarer shall be 2 citizen of the City of Charlotte anf qualified to perform the duties of his office and may be © mamber of ‘the Board. td) Select en A@ministrater of the Hospitel and such other employees as are necessary to prepere - be Sppointed fer e term of four years ent the tem cf employment of the Admtuistratcr of the Hospital shell be as deternined by the ‘Board. Section 4, That all Lisbilities, incle@ing peynents for services and euvplies furnished the Hpspitel amd without limiteticns, the payment =f all salaries anf cther liabilities of the Scard and/or the Restutive Camittes shall be paid fram the incams ani revenues derived fron the operation of the Eeapital cr fram cestri- butions of garscns, firms or corporations for the purpose of Finar- cing in pert the cpereticn cf the Eospital. Sectica S. Frem and sfter the coopletic#e of the project Sescribed im the preamble herecf, which project constitutes the Ecspitel, the Heapitel shell be operated cu a fiscal year basis commencing c= July first of euch calendar yser ané ending June thirtieth of cach following calendar yeer. The Sooré shell forthwith prepere an estimate of the income exé revenues cf the Hospital from all sources, incleding donations from perscus, firms, Jena naneetahiiasn. cal chalk taanentiet pram a Weigel, with budget shall imclade eaéh emf every item of operation end meizt- enance expenses of the Hospital, te an¢ incbeding June 30, 2900. April 17, 1940 Page 158 Ie like memmer, the Board shell, on or before June 15, 1940, prepare an estinete cf the incase ani revenues cf the Hospital including anticipated éeonuations for current charity work, and « budget, which shall inclads each end every ite: of cperaticn and maintenance expenses cf the Eospitel for the ensuing fiscal year, @ ’ and on or before Jume 15 of och year thereafter such estinate of the incone and revenues end butgat shell be peeslired for the next fiscal seam The Board shell under nc ecnditicn edopt e budget setting forth the cperaticn en? minterance expenses cf the H-spital which shell be in excess ¢f the reascnebdle estimated anticipated ine-me -f the Ecspitel for the fisetl year ecvered ty such tudget. The gress incems and revenues <f the Hcszital lexelusive cf special dcaskicas for cther tina earrent charity work) vata At oid sais Gules aealicbs “ad ween ial @eataeones dc the “Charlctte Mencrial Bospita] Revenue Fund" (hereinafter designated the Shaptied Beowies Busd?l, ant sesh tnd ebull be cock Gibchy for the fcll-wing purpeses: fa) There shall be and there is hereby created "an Geraticn and Mninterszce Pind’ tate used for the preper cperatic= and maintenance ef the Hcspitel, intc which thare shall be set aside from the Hespitel Revenue Pund an @mcunt sufficient te previé: fcr the payment ef the reasonable and necessary oxpenses of operating end maintaining tne Ecspital, es ee eee eee es herein provided; after previding fcF the pr-per ceraticn ani meintemrnce cf the Hespitel and fer depreciat- icn, fifty per centum [S0%} of the mcnies remaining in tho E-spitel Rerenuc Purd shall be depesited into a fund designated “Charity Pané*, which Fund shall be used sclely fer tho care cf the indigent sick 1m pcecr of the City -f Charictte; “te monies remzining in the H sritel Heverme Panéd efter creating the f-regcing funts shall be depcsited int< = fund ¢esignated as “Renlace- ment, Depreciation and Contingency Pumd*, which Parz shell be used for the ~urp sed of re- placing equirment, the mekxing cf mjcr repeirs te the plant cf the Hospit<«l, the ccnstracticn of necessary additicns.t- the ispitel, or, in the event there is a deficiency in the Oseret- icm ean@ Meintemance Fund, sny mommies in this fo & ee = ae, Pees e i ‘ ES SS = April 127, 1940 Pegs 159 yh Paund not domated by persons, firgs, corporeticns or associations to be used for the purchase of equipment or the ccnstructicn of additicns tc the plent of the Hespitel may be used to make ecod any such deficiencies in the Ovrereticn and Maint- enance Fund. Deyoursenents fran the foregoing Funds shall be made only upon créer of the Executive Commi ttes \ upon: veuchers cr checks thereafter issued and signed by the \dcinistrater of the Hespits. ané ccuntersigned by the Secretary ené Treasurer... © Secticn 6 The Secretary and Treasurer shall act as Secre- . tary of the Beard and es Secretary cf the Executive Ccrmittee ané shall keep the minutes end records therecf and shall be the custcdiaes of all Mimte Socks end the proceedings cf the Board ané of seid Committee and, in addition thereto, he shall perform the following duties: (a) Receive all inccme and revenues of the Hospi _ end subject to the order of the Board and@/or + Seecutive Comittee, deposit such income and revenues’into the Funds hereinabceve created; {>) Keep proper books, records and accounts in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relating te the Hospital; and {c) Perform such cther duties as may de required of ; him by the Board and/or Executive Ccrmittee. oieag The Secretary and Treasurer shell furnish a good an? sufficient bond for the faithful perfcrmence of his duties, the ancunt of said bond en@ surety thereen tc be approved by the Bcard. Sectien 7. That the Board is hereby authcrized and directed te accept donations from persoms, firms, corporations cr asscciaticas made for the purpose cf maintaizing and cperating the bospitel, the ecquiring and maintenance of necossary equipment, the constructics ef ea@éiticns, imprevements and extensicns tc the plant cf the Hospitel, the furnishing of medical attention and hospitelizaticn to the indigent sick and poor of the City of Charlotte, and for the perform- ence of cther functicas; an? when acnaticas are sc accepted, the proceeds cf such donations shall be deposited in the eppropriate Fund My (os) April 17, 1940 Page 160 or Funds and shell be used solely for the purposes bentanatet te: the dcnor unless a dcnation cr donaticns are received withcut the éesignation of the purpese for which it is tc be used, and, in such event, the tonfeg sc donate? shall be fepesited in the Hespital Revenue Funé an? thereafter 4istributed te the several Funés in the seme manner es hereinabcve provided for the 4istributicn cf the gen- erel incame anf revenues cf the Hcspital. Secticn 6. That when there is created in the Replacenent, Der>reciation ané Contingeney Fund « sum sufficient to provide for the coustruction of improvements ané e¢ditions to the plant cf the Hospital, end it appears to the Board thet in order t- provide for the efficient operation cf the Hospitel ami to serve the needs cf hospitalization cf the City of Charlotte the construction of addit- , fons and extensions tc the plant of the Hospital is necessary, the Boaré shall forthwith make a detailed study of the necessary improve- nents, extensions end atditions to be rade te such plest anf shall thereafter cause to be ~repared the necessary plans, specifications ané estimates of the cost of acquiring an@ constructing such izprove- ments, additions cr extensions te such plant an¢d shall sutrit such plans, specifications an¢ estinates to the City Coune?] of the City cf Charlotte and, if it appears upon efMmation of the facts so sulmitted that there is on deposit in the Replacement, Depreciaticn an¢ Coatingency Funé e sum sufficient tc acquire an¢é construct such improvements, the City Council of the City of Charlotte shell order the acquisition and ecnstructicn cf the improvements as recommended by the Board. Secticn 9. That the Board shall anmuelly, immediately fellowing the end of each fiscal year, submit te the City Council @ complete, detailed report of the opereticn cf the Hespitel for such fiscal year, which revort, emng cther things, shall shew the following: 382795 APR2O4 Sy April i7, 1940 Page i161. fa) A camplote end detailed stetement cf all receipts anf disbursements cf such fiscal year; fb) & detailed stategent of the distributicn . of the imecme and revenues, incluting écnet~- fons received Guring such fiscal year, and a statement as to the balances om deposit in each of the Punds herein created; ani {e} A stetement as to the sumber of pay patients of the Hospital ané the mumber cf charity patients of such Hospitel received during the last fiscal year an? the arerage pericd such petients remained in the Hespitel and such — other information as is usually sutmitted in connection with the reports cf the operaticn ef hcepitals. Secticn ©. That it is the purpose cf this Ordinance to Board and tc orevide further that the Board shell pay the cost Oy yn provide fcr the cperaticn of the Charictte Memorial Hospital by the e THECTERS OF RESOLUTION oF BOARD OF Dinsus CHAKLOT™E MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, TH. otte Membrinl Hospital wae rming body of the city 1 ani of others WHEREAS, When the charl desire of the gove peter's — projected it wae the ‘of Ghariotte as well as of St- neo contributed funds to the city to make up the amount neces~ gery to enable i to obtein e grant of $450,000.00 from the pentse works sdministretion, to sefeguerd the paragenent and of the Hospitel . sgeinst me “poritgens and, in. order to provide ° such seteguard * an ‘egree- . operation M ‘ WHEREAS , ment wes * entered into between ‘the city ‘am St. Pe tation, Ince, xneredy the completed ang ouetnres \ rented Charlotte yemor ial Hospitel Assoc city agreed to lease seid #Bospitel when - to the seid Aasociation for a period of 99 years at of $1.00 por yest, with the understanding that os Leaeh Ore Roe of the net profits should be used for. cnertty; OM, mREAS, the public ¥ works Administration I cial: ee as « subject for aid by a F- We M- - further edvances on said grant, mee: to $200, 000.003. and, ae ee and thet end the project made él st the seme time the wishes of the Hospitel be kept out of partisan poli- administret ton hes be abandoned igibie for the 2+ We. A-« grant, aii coneerned that the manage" ment and control of tics may be carried out, e plan for leasing She Hospital inefter referred the Public Works suggested thet th umer the ordinamee here ena that the Mayor, appoint & Hospital to, to be adopted by the city soard to operate ne hospital; end, WHEREAS, the Mayor hes indicated his purpose, case a satisfactory © te appoint to mesber=_ couneil, in réinance is adopted, j8479SrRa08 % Ae a present board of dtrectors of the Charlotte sentir Hospital Ayers ie Le Ine +5 and, WHEREAS, the proposed érainance has been presented to this meeting and, among other things, provides that all vacancies on the Boerd, except in ex-officio memberships, shett be filled by the Mayor upon nomination of the Board, and. ‘further ‘thet of the members presently to be appointed, other than ex-officic members , six shall serve for a term of 10 years and seven for a term of 15 years; and, | ‘WHEREAS, it is felt thet the plan suggested will assure » Aapart ta manegement and effectually safeguard the P 2 _ from. politics; and, ; WHEREAS, this Boerd is advised that the trustees ae Hospitel have agreed to such plan; , THEREFORE, ‘ha, phdlew $6 auaeie fam Ciby to. et the P. W- A. and to get the = ; undi.abursed portion of seid grent, in the enount 4 : RESOLVED, that the city of charlotte be eis anne of ate 2 obligation to lease the Hospital to the Charlotte Memorial Hospital Association, Ines, effective upon the adoption of said ordinance in substantially the form sub- mitted to this. meeting, ‘end the appointment of seid Hospital ; Board by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte; end, further, thet the Preside:.t and Secretary of this Association be and they are hereby authorized end empowered to certify the ac~- tion nereby taken to the City of Chsrlotte, the Public Works- Administration and St. Peter's Hospitel, under the seal of the corporation. We hereby certify that the foregoing is ea true copy of a resolution duly edopted at the reguler quarter~ iy meeting of the Board of Directors of Charlotte Memorial Hosp{t41 Association, Ine., held gn april 16, 1940. “On “I¥VLTaZSOH Ss decd “is “300330 pus SOFOS TINS UT POUTBROT OEE JoRTqUOD PI ¥e JO sUOTETA | “oad 9930 T[¥ guq ‘*ourl *uspgepoossy Teq}ds0q Teysomey ©930T68I9 PESESLOTS SY OF SSEST PISS BATT 99 UOTZSBTTQo suv 50 ‘petteo -<u0o Sf *our ‘Tez {dso S,2e3eg °39 SY TBl Of “poASTIet ey 9390T “i8U0 JO £9TQ DIBVS eug PUB peputoSses Aqedey st cues 643 pus eq _*etvel (66) euyu-euyu «oy ‘oul *uoT4QeTOCeSsy Tea ,tdsoH TeTaomex. ©3307 13ND 0Y9 03 ‘peZeTdmoo UeYyR ‘TeqTdsoH TwTaomey eg30TaEUD ~ DEBS SsbeT 03 OQ90TaMID JO 44TD OuZ JO UOTZSFETQO aug 05 Suyp4vTet ‘eget ‘TI aenday egep ‘rour *Tea;dsoy Sssegeq *45 pus tour ‘uoTs -Byoossy TeqTdsog Ters0wex 0330T< 28ND “03 30TeEUD 0 £370 943 ueSeageq oe qowrquoe 043 Jo gaed quq3 puy *tedyourad uy peaoadds pus pesdeooe 7 fqereq st ames ou3 PUB oq ‘seTuBQS souye om0s 4QTs ‘qaracseq3 ee _Q°TT Juco ut ‘seouwny po yo sjaed pus Seousutpao Tre Suytecdes ‘pus pawog Gons Jo suOTZoURS PUP SoTEMp ‘exeaod 043 Surqrsoeesd ‘suequow useqeutu Jo BuTgstsuoo piso ‘[eqtdsoy & zo uoTqQBeds uy soz Suppraosd 09 @oueteyer ZT eouwUTpIO pesodoud 4syJ, tpegdope Artsncuyusun sta uoy yn Osea BSuzZAorrosy 349 ; *®lten *D “a £q pepucoes *te39np *H *f JO UOTIOH Up : *UQyaoteyy FOTT ues Ul sesouvutpao JO sgaud pus seousuyprc Tie Surrvede.: pus DMBOG tons JO suc}; {oun pue sergnp ‘srzeacd eu3 Surqtazoseud ‘szequem ueezeutu so pavog TVgydsou & Jo woTABVetS Ou 40; PuTpracad *eqqoTauyp so £355 eu3 Jo [founoD pus uocfey @U> ©2 pegaTmqne eq 93 souBUTpaO pescdoal 03 SUpsetou ‘opst “Si Thady wo prey 2ujqeem 98 peqdops **ouyl ‘[wqideog s,a0303 *35 JO saroPuue_ JO ptvog eug jo woypgnTosey era ees rene ; a iinlage eathes + re 1 GEnemas Z toe sareTawt ATCSRNETS james 4. VERNER WHLIAM W. GPEIGHT Se Je. ceces 00ess ew ecen res icaioed H/NGP ‘oo sete 24 Honorable George ¥.- yeuth Review Counsel Federal works Azency public Works Administration ®ashington, Db. C- Dear ir. Meuth: pt my thanks for your letter of April the memorandum which tT inadvertently asion of my recent trip. tte Memorial Fos- s+ was a pleasure to have Sn opportunity of meet- “you and your associates... Out friends from Oherlotte were. very eee for wich you gsve in probien. ; @iich the city v5 inter carried out in the resol ana@ the resolution and the pian would eerdance with the state ana federal la¥- With high reesrds snd ali good wishes, a Sincereiy yours. 1} : ttorney Genera. 380052 APR-9'40 Section Chiet UNDER INVESTIGATION $09 43taegom +p er ‘goyaburgetos. By ssenrep pre seen yueud el re pes “ened seeurs rete posetiy “ream “2 ‘CO ‘HOLSemeSya 7 e SOLLVULSININGgY S¥BOM JITENd ADNIOY SHHOM Twuads4 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ~ PER nee aEeEa TO ¢ H.C. 14ke-F : lghe-F (D6) erent Op 4p [4d MEMOS ASD UM: TOs The Regionsl Director, Region + PROM: ‘The Director, Division of Investigations SUBJECT: Transaittal of report #.C. waa +). Snail o Give Gt Wk bade, aad Bae 33 OE . Sr ee ee ee re en Sheela eae eee Sones es eevee Ne wages, and defects in construction on the part of the J. J. MeDovitt . ‘ Company, contracter on docket H.C. ery: er femorial Image ig Charlotte, North Carelins. : ee Fleece receipt and return the attached sopy of thts ae Seglees] Meester, F.7LA, wf ¥ « FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON March 18, 19410 Legal-Gill/erp Docket No. B. C, TO: The Acting General Counsel PROM: George ¥. Meuth SUBJECT: City of Charlotte, North Carolina. te koe ei divisions, and the Uni . the acquisition of necessary lami, by mking « crent to the Gerth Carolina, in the amount of 45 per cent of the cost of ") Sompletion, as determined by the Adeinistretor, but not to _ event, the sum of $450,000.00. At the time of the filing of the application there had been organized *) poration to be known as the City of Charlotte } Memoria) Hospital Association. The Association ie a non-profit Corporation. The City, folloging the orgeni- sation of such Association, contracted with St. Peters Hospital that the prej- ect described in the Government's Offer would be leased to the Aesociation for @& period of 99 years at rentals of $1.00 per year.” The contribetiin of $100,000.00°HF St. Peters Hospital was conditioned upon the organization of guch Associstion and the Teasing of the project eran completics to this As- j sociation.” Information as to the condition upon which the contribution was “ © made ani information concerning the leasing ofthe hospital to a private ae corporation was not included in the Stolication. The aprlicsticn is for "as iy ; public hospital to be known as the Wemorisl Hospital". after the, J “ oe 7 ir We Page >. Mew. 28. % “George W. Meuth to te. tains Goat Counsel, Docket Ho. z. % 1412-P Re: vlexn ses > the City was ‘metities thet suth plen wes obfectionsble ¢ A@ainistratice. Aa.6 result of this notification, « conference was hejé in Colonel Clark's office on February ey isa, with whic® you are Semioiar, efter conferring with the paces: the City fanager ami other tepresente- tives of the City of Cherlotte, amd with kr. ». ©. Whitlock, attarner of the Chardette Memorial Bospital Assetietion, ani Br. J. Hanilte: Jones, Attorne? fer the St, Peters Bespital, it t wes Gecided ‘that ‘thers should be crested, by an otdinance duly adopted, « munigigei board te be known ts the Ste MemerIzl p tai Bomrd", which Beard cone be given authority, by nce, SF sate) order tas direction of tee City Council om behsif of the city of Charlette. In cooperstion sith the City officieis, « = stec orsinnnce a ERRATA» ae [ch oraes es been discussed in detasi penta os cL tae pete anced 9 ® cop eet, ‘at ceSIT EE the Tit Venader, tog advised se th agree to © Boar for the CLs at other mers of tls Boar Seer ae ec tae ee cee a it was the opiginal plan the ewening of Mareh 14, and that the City"Caunell meet on the evecine of March 15, but, BeceiBe of the absemce of certain members of the Beard and the desire on the part of other members that they tie their own private discus- siom concerning the matter, the plear which hed bess suggestec by Be. Jones, as Attermey for the St. Peters Hospitel Board, was not ecceptable te fts Cheirmen. be oma f eee ' Page 3 TREE HAT MAS} 3: VHA George W, Meuth te The Acting General Counsel Rer Dothet fo. N. ©, 1412-F, atl The meeting, however, was scheduled te be beld on March 15. This meeting wes te be @ prelixinery meeting for the purpose of discussing the questicn. The matter was to be passed upon et « later date, probably efter the submission of the question te the Bishop of the Oburch. I was informed by. tr President of the Stee te te “Bpiseo= paliss Church, the was sure that matter was finally sabnitted to the Bishop that the plan outlined in the attached ordinence would be ac- cepteble to him, =. The City Manager mab idvised that if there vere substantial changes made in the ordinance to submit the ordinance to us as changed for approval before final adoption. He wis also advised that when the ordinence was edopted it would be necessary to submit « certified counterpart of the ordinente as adopted, together with a certified counterpart of the extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the City Council showing the adoption of suth or- dinance and, in addition thereto, a certified counterpart of the mimutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of St. Peters Hospital showing the adoption of e eolati fia ee eee mary te lete te oer ete Mee Rice ores ita ae ee Ss Sees oe After going over the entize situation personally ith the Otty ant the verious other parties concerned, I am of the opinion that the St. Peters Hospitel Boerd will agree to the operation of the project ty a nezita Snes eect toe ity mest tn mevtartiny the for oh at lined im the attached ertinance, . a a§332 ili a iit “ail (hn * ‘PWA Fors Ne. FEOERAL WORKS AGENCY. ® ee oe . Section Chief. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON OO wLeset neree HO Labor Relstions-GEDes: Docket B. C. 1412-7 Mesorial Kosritel — Charictte, Ne Cy : ae ds Madizes, Executive Officer. Assistant on Labor Relations. ee. Division of Investizetioas’ Report, . dated Deceaber £2, 1950, eee: ra | Infornation eubattted by the Regional Director S ialikassiaae uit Ake pamiaaaeantene Geaumeiaes ia tie subject report shows thet ac se pcepoese' of =e eee = meer ae been effected. oak oI ea, wieocteia: Serhertax thas a aekteniall * has’ culdecesbeate tates ws\ere Salen of to you for your consideration with the recommendation that this amount be deducted from the grant base at tise of clearance of the final grent requisition. . 5 A detail of the non-compliences is attached hersto, Attachment (1) % TABULATION CF UNDRERPAYMENTS BY C. GLIKN SUMMRLIN, SUBCONTRACTOR, Haces Parp George Yaughters Willie Jeter F PRA 1940. Sanam Ze vo AOTING GENERAL 00 pt CTOR & COUNSEL, REGION w. 2 we. weve’ - «Cs REGIONAL + Wr. March &, WEG sc cncésetcesecssanvebs i, Heuth talking with Zr. Marshall @r. Warsheli? Yes sir. Skeedeoe eee “ FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON . nite he File: ms Not. 1412-F (3-3) Je ce Gi gan, Exccutive Officer Assistant oa Labor Relations Division of Lnvestigetions report. dated September 30, 1939 al dite alk WP is ose eed ato ee ee eee ee eet Te The Regional 1 sarin that bp Sn ate fo efitcl a aghetamne of cee maar eee eee eek ewe e ee enn eke wr *. ae vee PR eeaeReeenes a Ba ERNE se Pw ie hoa he ih ry ; is tne eee ree le Chetan re wae ene sa tes ne ea See € COUT AR ree count 4 eae CL. *eSE & ALOEA MEGSEST & Sen TER Ge <¢ &. Sarrt * se8ee88 CITY of CHARLOTTE a0 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Merch 6, 1940 Col. BE. W.Clark, Federel Works Agency, Public Works A@ninistration, Washington, D. C. Inre: Docket NC 1#12-F Charlotte Memorial Hbspitel Deer Sir: At a recent conference in your office Mr. MeCall very kindly offered to send assistants to Cle riotte to aid us in wo rm- ing out the necessary procedure in regard to the above docket. This is to é@vise thet we are now ready to @ into this matter and would appreciate it very much if these cantlemen will come to Clim rictte at the esriiest possible moment to go into the mtter. : We request that you wire us collect es to when we can expect these gentjemen to arrive. 4 Very trly yous, ETrade I . Mersmmii City Memger e eke MAR ¢~ 0 264830 MARW7'40 acta U “THE FRIENDLY CITY” oe ica bie Races ibe in Charlotte and the tender classifications and every man’ erial and builds scaffolds are so paid, I hope I have succeeded in giving you ion and that something can be done about i With best wishes, I remain, Praternmally yours, Jaf John 8. Turner General Representative Jst/& ec: Mr. Holt Ross Atlanta, Georgia PRSSSIT: : Bobs Alfred Jn Bulsintie, Gaetenis, - c- City Ber., Charlotte, N. ©. Hessrs. McCall, Eanert asi Mouth, PHA present. This is the case of the Cusrlotte Hospital et Charictte, #. C., — you have an agreement t turn this over te « Private —— oe se: — a by citizens of Charlotte ani $100,000 wes sent by St. 7 Peter's Hospital, Episcopalies, == eli one, which has agreed — te merge its resuining assistamts with the hospital when it is completed. Those funds were turned over to the City of % Charlotte to pat im the bunk. Tm order to provics meas for operating the hospital, an Aet wis passed by « special session of the Legislature passing laws under which euthorised wmite of the State could apply for PA funis, so this legis- lature pessei on Act authorising amy State to lease a hos- pital to private—sub-—corporetion smd that was -—- it «as Ga.. GLARE: =. SHITTLOCE: Me. MCCALL: =. WEITLOGE: mE. MCCALL: =a. MITTLOCE: ce. CLARE: Ma. MARSHALL: rere ws 0 layer — “and he advised us that would comply with the lew - ‘What would comply with the lew? i. wats Tash it would be WL right to lenee 18 wader the Lagisle- Get Mr. Neath up here, please — "Stanley Height was there also - <a it was agreed then that upon completion the City sould turn the hospital over to this non—stock, non-profit orgenisation. & written agreement? Tes, 8 written agreement. Sov this was ali discussed with : ¢ the PHA representative in Atlanta. Ur. Spier sho was at the time handling it with the PEA, went to Atlanta anid dis- cussed the aatter with Er. Meath - fuure Gat had Just been passed — Wright is not = lasyer. te ee ot eS & legal allotaest which — The City Counsel would act have gone into it for « cinste ‘SP Whee ted. Saas deg <<ffort- 0, abel Ge len; on 30 cover ™> anything - and if under the circumstances if PEA will take} it, we will go into it and they went into Atlante amd passed this resolution shich was reviewed by auditers from the PHA - Sk de sms tick ait greuk agement ®&5 approved, they came in atid went over al) these resolz- ticns - Gelonel, let me ask & question - VOL. SEARES = oa Before you do that, let ee say this — that the Charter Peerides that the Beyor sheil be Ex Officic member of the organization ~- and that the counsel shali appeint? 33 directors - Soe many — 13? Sounty of Mecklenburg has one director - that is the Chair— “gam - the other directors, 5 of them are angointed by St. Peter's Hospital which has contrituted $100,000 fn cash ~ we will use the rest in comection with the hospital - assis stance to charities be sauaged and proceeds to te ‘emmed over to the ospitel. Ke guve then 5 diresters - ‘Me gure thé Colored hospitel, an eld hospital what t8 going te Becone the Hegre unit, two dibectors - - then we gave the Junior League which is contributing its services in social service work - one director - (@r. Beuth comes in) Me. Beuth, this isthe cese of the Hospital at Charlotte, a..C. — where we hove gotten Inte a sort of jan - «= privete bedy Getting up a “front", if ft may be calied such, sr a pabiic body, when it reelliy has em eereecent to turn it over te a Board of Directors, which camtrol would lie within the private and not im the mmblic bedy — has the grent Sase 21> beex meid? ie - Tie @>plication, tiie is for grant only «enywe, the applica— tice iL. this cease, part. cf the grant wes Tile? Gy the City an ae : of Charlottes N. C., with our reg&onal office in Atlanta — that application was for a grant directiy to the City of ee = Charlotte to ai the Gty of Charictte in financing its con- struction of « hospital to be cuned by the City of Chariette. Nou when you filed this appjication, didyou, in that applica tion, or im any papers accompanying it, disclose in any way. that your plan was that the City of Charlotte, naving rire : its Rospitei, would tarn it over to some private outfit fe = operated | ‘ : : ir. Wersheli knows about that — ir. Speir - rather - Ke did ~ ea How did you do that — '*Y can't say about the application, because I would have to see that, but in discussing the matter with Wr. Stanley wright and Mr. Irby before the application was made, I teld ek S E exactly what the plan was — then at that time, ir. Stendey “ Wright wes very definite—not exzactiy his statesent that there would not be the*front“we are talking about, but it © would be a bona fide proposition thet the City of Charlette —— would tbufid thie hospital and iater on it couid be ieased as had been done in other cases — Just a aimite - you didn't have your discussion with any of the lawyers dow there? How, cetore the application was filed, I h: a>. Seusta - T i Gon't —' definitely recail - a. a ar. Speir, shat is your officiel status for the City - lL have mone - tut at that tine [ was assicieted vith the city in nancling teis matter - I az a retired business uan - In whet capecity were you aesociated witn the City in banding this mutter? Just taking care of the details mtil — acting as City Agent - Then efter epplicetion wes filed, you did gc down to Atisate and bad a @istussion with Mr. Weuth — shat vas the - neture of that discussion? : fiat gamd blew = tay i interrupt just a ae ~ sane exeainet.on ~ but shat we want te do is to help you if we can. Ke are in 8 me position ourselves, and out of this discussion will grow 3 what we can recomend in the way of curative measures — Certain litereture wes also taken by we to Atlanta, and that set forth just what wus discussed - thst is the leasing of this hospital, Charlotte Menoriel Hospital Association, Int, for its operation. Shem I took the application to Atlenta finally, I turned-it ever to dr. Hright and to Capt. Irby — about 4 or 42:30 P. BM. — The legislature hec pessed an ext; a cony of which Mr. Wiitlock will discuss with you, euthoriging: Cities, Mumicipalities, etc. te isase hospiteis to certein orgenizetions. I didn't have that 5iii with Bi had just Deen massed and it had not bees printed - the next morning the Bill case te ay botel- [ saked the evening previouciy -— i had telephoned tre cee a ree = § «= who was one of ay ex-employees (Raleigh, B. ©. } te secure this Bill for ee and send it to Atianta by ssroplate — “hick © ne did. { then celled on @r. Meuth and showed Bia, or he hac in his files, the part of the application axa I gave hia a copy of the Bili, end in discussing the matter with as I recall it, he said thic “have you complied. sit section so and so, ani such and such « paragraph” — I seid [ telieve in, or am @ difficult man?? 72? but I have here = S311 of 2 the Legislature just passed and received this sorning which’ authorised the ities to lease hospitals to provide for eta | Gnei he said Shave you — ak Bi nls oe did he sets this reventhy relessed statute or some other ~ Wo, b¢ was referring to soac other requiresents, tut I had Bvidentiy sose requiresents within the provision of B. G. iaw = I said t don't mow, tut I have here & Bill ehice epectficatie: provides for the lessing of tais which he reed and said to se as 1 recall it,"that askes it all right" - sereapn I telegreshed te ourfolks in Charlotte Strat the astter had been filed amd was being Gonsicered by your pecaie - cation with tr. @euth, we. s ee F you did dischese te hin that the plen of the City in substance was that heaving tuhit the hospital it would be turned over te this private ergenizeation to operate - The State authorized you to do tals - the hit of the thing is PRA funds getting into toe pictere when you oan only make allotmenta te a public body — if the vitr appaiutel or introduced? emether Goerd of Directors, wouldn't that ket thea out? I am not sure steet that - but we don't require thst when on a@:plicant has cemsteucted « hospital it shail use simply the regular officers of the City - necessarily siresdy in effice - they can employ other and additional personnel te rm it, but they aust be exployess or officisis of the é cy ~ §t must be See city's responsibility =sc they ast es eubject to disciatge — they mast be under the eastrol of the city at SLi tiaes - so that the hospitei, shiie it @ight not be ram by the Govermimg body of the city, it is mum through expiepees of the city = it hee purnose and imtent cf cur Lewes te aske an alloteent to a public body te eonstract 8 oreiect which no soomer constructed, turn it | ever to some prrivete bedy under = ne or other arrangesent te operate. Gow you underst<mé this sgreesent with the City was jease it te tre _. for $1.00 & Peer, ) percent of tie met profits stouia be dereted to -s- woe It ie not = orivate imetitution - it will all be devoted to charity a So the private petitincts yey fen whe charity, jstteats ~ there is te statute and we acted in good faita egy ee of Rorts Carclina end the Attornae General pessed the statute - we Knew the Government would: net aiiwance funds te aid prigate corporuticons, but we adide”™t noe that the Governsent vequliced Whack wie tackit ies officializ? ~ thereafter operated b; the city or the interest that constructed it ——— 3 Well, Se are the servants of the Congress - Congress said that we couid only waze to public bodies, therefere — The City of Chariotte, under the las, om operate the hospital Ties Jpn sheuld ‘aot Reve ashei es for the seney fer scooting you ‘cannet de ~ Peopie were calied upon to vote = special bond election for the tomstruction of the hospital — but tris isa perfect (pe purpese, or not a Gowernsentel purpose ~- to cali an electicn: construct a nospitg. - To pey the cost of construction of thehospite; by the sreceeds of tonds which the City of Charlotte wuld isace — ; could pot appropriate or lery « single cent for opera that the Town was scthorized to construct the & worth of boemds to construct the lic eet. appropriate $351,000 by authority si im Gaile eiection — we bad exactip the thing & See WPA Reiped us out on that = the Governaent put up the aoney andswe put up the sponsors share, tut =e can’t operate it =| — can't appropriate soney except for a necessary Government | purpose - “Doesn't the 1932 Revenue Sond Act authorise the City to operate a hospital? : iio, I. think sot - To finance the construction for theissuance or revenue bonds. These are general application bonds — You, nevertheless, bave power under the Act te construct a “That is for the construction of the hesepital - It Geesn't authorise the city to spend —— They would include the comatruetion in fits general tex ; letter - for the reason that it has been held that the const tion of the hospital nas not « Governesnt purpose - therefore they had to have an election ~- kh. WCCALL: They coulda de it with an election - COL. CLARKS Wow you are all right so far, and also they have a right to this if they were not using any Governzent soney uncer this other Act - to turm it cover to this crivate body - paying a portion of the cost for constructing and seeping a public hospitei in the City of Chariotte - COL. ULARAS ¥ou are legal so far, im ali your ‘stepe there - the oniy thing is you made 2 mistake in sanegesent - in our laws - =» 0 = Gur Sutrese Court has beld that & hospital in set an existing mmicipal expense - the City cannot levy a tax for the operation of the hocpitei - Bot wider any circusstences? Excert by special election, but we have had that for the building of the hospital - and you did that - » they got @ portion of the construction - He have lots of jobs; donations, froafmds, and what not - while we are putting up 45 per cent of the totel cost, the scetit kiebicptin scpete-4h anit Sek aebahthdiad | eile At 7 I just want to get one thing clear — I was heving so meny_ of them thet it — filing applications by’ ‘the theusands - I remember now that you were in the office anfi telked with me but at the time of cur couversation you dide't sutsit to me a forse of lease ~ The lease hadn't been drawn - You sutmitted an ict which would have permitted, I don't re aeaber the contents of the Act, «hich would permitted the : leasing of a hospitai and the work eat — Se a question of this lease wust heave been brought up in the : discussion - Underseored part in : it provides for the senagement of - on such teras Waich the Govermsent — (ur. Meuth readiag froa docruemt oe it seems to be obvious frou thet, there mest bave been some wid & Siscugsion of the operating body - There isn't anything in that file showing that the lense had been submitted or the question had been discussed - i call your attention, Mr. Weuth - Hesorial Heapital (waves pamphlet) There is not a copy of that in the ee I don't know whether you subaitted it or not, I am frank to say - You have got a ict of eagmpathy na het kite and a to ae why don't we discuss what we can do to cure this things I would think thet hed we known that the control wes going to “ene out, we sould not have sade the aliotaent - can't you set up a Board of Pirectora that does control - lame of Of ; <~ operate through 6 staff that is appointed, and the dayor oF “what not appoints the ten ~ why not, instesd of having: this - Board of Direetors of 19, have @ Hoard of Directors who has. the poser through the City, and Select a body to run that o the control of « Board responsible to the City - all appcintees of the governing bodies of the tow - Can you do that? : Hot in North Carolina - This Act here — it is tregendously isportent -— and I sill explain to you in a moment why — this Act says that the Govern— ing body of any municipality that in order to provided for the sanagesent of e mmicipally owned hospital mey lease such — hospital charter to maintain and cperate a coummity type hespital upom such terus eas the saviceine vodies of the terme upon which ***reading from Act -— etc ~ now there is your oi? = manicipal control right there -— they set oct in the lease the terms upon which it shell be and sust be ssintained. Mow t&ic hospital, if i asy take the tine — te are very mich interested ~ And we want to get out of « situation which haz developed here through so fault of amybody*s. There was a great isk of hospital facilities in the City of Charlotte - there was e desire on the part of the people to bring the city up to dat with respect to hespitel accomodations. The City of Charlot was wikling to undertake auch to do 80, tut not willing to manage the hospital - they cid agree, however, to cali an sledtiue. far $350,000 worth of Semis — you realiue that was Gaselficient ~ St. Peter's, cen. kp: the Beinn, offered to turn in their plant ~ they said we will give the City « check for #100 boo; The ‘efetawns sent tb wk and” ‘ia’ u eebbiboedem off dheut 3 edehd, padnee $195,000 ta one The momentum cot so great, it ran crer by 36 per cent. The Gity turned over its $100,000 to the Association, to the City. as did St. Peters Hospitei, which with the honds, sate $550,000 - tae City of Wnarictte said we won't ran it, bab if you will undertake the sanegement cf it to sanage it under a lease fros the City, we will do this - that was understood — and agreed - the citisens of the Gity thoucht that wes the | best way beceuse it squid take it out of City politics and the part wes set out in the Charter in wuch e way as*to maxe it representative of the people of the commmity. The appli-~ } COL. CLARK: dn. fAD SMALL a3 % cation was flied, emi we tried to apprise the PHA in Atlante of the situation - 1 resesber distinctly that Mr. Speir eile ae pe wanted to know how te get a copy of the Bili to present to the jawyers there - I told hia where it could be gotten a and hé said he had a man who could get « cony of the bill — : hé says the bill had not been printed at that tise and it , cost hia $13.00 to get it. We went to work and we raised this sqney, got the hospital alacst completed — here is a picture bt it ~ perfectly magnificent building on the park = er ee - now, in order to give uc on up-to-date hospital we need additional funds ~ nurses’ home, funds to rehabilitate the Negro hospital and right at this monest. ‘tees As being conmoted tx the Otty of Charlotte 3 campelin te do. wita $100,000 - subscriptions are - our goal is $215 A. = we are trying to raise 4 working capital and run stock off on « cash basis. Now if this thing blows up, pee at this tine, it will kill our campaign for funds — I See your point + wé are trying to cure 4 legal defect in it - and all your fecesaity doesn't cure it ~ the legal defect ek if you can shoe me tie way to cure it— work it out ~ 1 aa + not declining the need of the hospital anc that you ere going to take care of all sorts of patients and conditions including’ © the Negroes, tit we can do only what we can do — How tne same date this contract between the City of Cesriotte amd GRariotte semorial Hosviteal was adorted - I don't kas oo Ik ae whether this contract went with that application or not, but immediately after that avplication was made, the Auditers 2 of tne PA ip Atlants came to Chariotte te see that everything Be was done - they were furnished a copy of thie appiicetion in Septeaber and no question arose -— about 4% — — An auditor is not « lawyer - Probably _— L ; After you ~ a5 soon as past the legislation, it is set up an and you go ehead and — 7 Let ge 48k & question ~ Porther, that ‘upon completion of said hospital - a rental 4 = nae of $1.60 a year -— “the city /and the and te this non-profit asséciation - lave we anything in the PWA files, « copy of this lease be’ So far as I know there was no copy - Have we now - vn it Se died ok dace we any Copy of the organization peppers? They were given to Covington, who made the investizgetion = - Let me ask this other question - Iou say that you voted bowis for $350,000 and the City shared «ll cost, that this hospital association contrilzited $100,000 and that public subsctiptions ured over @ cneck to you before the check was turned over, did you Rave ari coral or written agreement with this privete hospital associstian which conditions its giving that €100,000 - in other wortig, @id they tie auy strings to the $100,000 - Yee - There is a contract there signed by the city ~ At the time the check was turned over - The contract between the City of Charictte, Chariotte denortta Howpital, and St. Peters - | Now one other thing - on one or two occasions here this morning, you have wentioned certain provisions of the - your Gity Charter — Rave we got those — what was the obhect of the Charter provisions ~' 2 lio charter of the hospital association — the Board of Din is — Only in the City Charter - now certain anenduents were asde— to that that when a aeaber would be the Har or ex officio = This was sil gotten up at the oame tise - What was the charter - I want to bring that out -— ali this provision about how the Board of Directors was done st that # let's see Fast what they were — governing bey of the asaeiae tion - The Board of Directors was ~ snail consist of 12 meubers = Since been enlarged to 19 - of these the Mayo of Uharlotte, Chairman of the Board ami President of Mecklenburg Uciv.? of Uneriotte siiall be designated by the Govermsent body COL. CLARE: WR. BRITLOCE: MCCALL? KREITLOCE: Wi, WARS EALL: Seperiocks 6 ee as Charlotte - five, St. Peters - in the event the Good Saeeritan : waits came in and became consolidated - two directors - in the event St. Petere or the Good Samaritan, the direebors ‘ they had the right (reading frou Charter) etc. Where is the 19th =- the ith is Junior League who offered to do the work of the - oe escdciation, and we arranged by amendment to give them one meaber —- oe : Liat Si eee s That was an amendment te the Charter of “his private associa . which was pat through by the Association itself inte the City ‘Charter ~ so por have only the aecid of the ony with + and tro appointees ef the City Uounsel who represent the. city on the Boerd - thet 1s all I want to imow - that was done, a1] that amendment sbout the Board of Directors of the. Association was accomplished along about the same tise thet $100,000 was donated - | Yes, Sir -— it was done in this way in order to get the money | fros &t. Peter's and the private subscriptions. fe hadi iots of trouble in getting it rigged up to shit everybody - the city - Now the lease between the City and the private association = $1.00 to the City and 50 per cent to charity — the other uanagenent? $0 per cent acknowledgemt of the hospital, operation and asintenance - . Ho stock holders —- Here is the agreement (gives it to 4r. McCall) OGhe CLARK: MK. MCCALL: gR. BHITLOUKS ah. MEUTHs ah. - SSITLOCK: SR. BCCALL: wh, MHITLOCK: OGL... GLARK: i. SCCALL: 59 ve The City buys the bondo~ Tripod contract - did Charlotte demor ial put in eny aoney? $136,000 collected from private sddvindeantau ~ i see the reason for putting them as two separate corporations = St. Peter's is the old hospitel, Charlotte Memoraial the new : which undertook this -— now the $36,000 is over and above the amount necessary and since the grant was made, we have, the association has put $20,000 of that $36,000 into the city treasury - : Let me | ask you this — out of the net profits | on the Menard} association 2 in rumiing « hospital pot isss on ae after deducting reasonable appropriation te plant equipment, are te be turned over. to charity, au after you deduct dues re ‘elation of plant and equipment and pay for operation and ‘nein tenance what becomes of the remaining profits, if any - — They are weed for charity - it is non-stock, non-profit a can't be residue ~ ee Put see some fund for that purpose - In atrikine ‘fund ~ city pays for the bonds — we have steed: put $20,000 of the $36,000 into the city treasury - since pet from PRA, are €466,000 I stili don't imow how to cure it - They have got a municipally owned hospital which after they completed finishing it they expect to turn over to s ortivate association to operate and maintain — ther have no contrei over the private association - they leasec it for 99.yeers at $1.00 per year - 38s The city bes a three cimeteenths control - ~The oniis ome saployec,or official, ex officio and the other tee are moatineted by She Coumsel but they have no control. over the Board beyond “mat — They souls be elected Br the City Counsesh — They er6 mot members oF the city councii — They are — Is not tuic managesen’t srovrided 6: the city now? 4 amg efreic not, legally - You Rave got your sanagesent right there ~ How about giving the city more representatives - | I con't think representatives will cure it ~ for thie reason: The reasom is that even though a private corporetion is et moment officered by. a perblic body is savte-thalens a private corporet/cn functioning as stich - commanity or city in this case Goemn*t confrol or operate -— I think that makes the ie S55 difiverence - it ouns property - Owns the titie wits a 9} year lease — Well, witr Gon't you huwe an increase of control through rep resentatives - woulc be curative — say that the city - 3 it would be tid the cerperaticn was whoiijy, conclusive emed mt comtroeiied by the Again you Seve « eS corpersticn wheliy cwmed ty the City and eaplayees of the City to rum #t < lou se6 We are airesdy emer Sentract with st. Peters’ hosnd— ee tel teat taeir donation «f $100,000 is contingent upon tue - Lity not operating it < Conditioned unom the city set operstiong 2t — ead you heve already put that $100,000 inte the cénstructiaon account — it was copditioned upon it being operated the mmey it is set up now - | . Copies ~ agreenent (£) lth ef auc. 19394 with the City of ; Cherlotte smi Charlotte Kemsrdal Hospital and St.-Peters - C Was this copy furnished to tue PHA with the applicstion — De you recall thet all of this was handled et one tive and at tie time that the Mayor signed the printed application th tripod sootract was signed ged I Bhink it was a pert of it, i aa not sure — S Tt isn't im tne folder — Have we got all copies including the original — aaybe it ip in one of the copies in Region 3 office - Let's look im every copy - i. origins! and 2 copies of that aqui i~ cation cose te Sashington — that leaves tee sopies in the 3 supposed tc be exactiy like ‘ie want to loos ifte i* and see =~ entire folder om teis case + ana see if there is eur corresson— in the Basbington office - OGL. CLARE? #8. GARSHALL SR. WAL: Sh tee NN Senay) SS ii eae COL. CLARK: se EF aes Gam you work cut «a cure, then? 421i. these eee utions Were Gassec the same day — Woat I am tepime to point eut te you, Sir, is this - these” officers out im the ficid - emgineers, lawyers and finante — people + they fiie tne origimai of each resort fm the regi@mai _ foider - the feiger contains tre criginal eoplication — ) what I am tryimg to point out is that the inlder contain img the original application waz Shere anything thet incteated Sere to Gensd tais hospital in this aemmer or that . contributions helping to madoe’ =p your share of the wont : ek in that indicates that 4t wis contingent like thie Ean there aay be someting the regional office - bat _ ellotaent was msde here at = mot nade wit any sctual | “ef any ouch plan on your part ! — University of Georgia wantec to teild = euni hanse the aprdication was for = fubliic pede = Rever know. meta} the detatied plans came ip and they Sed thetnsicnis of that particcier fraternity ower the top = we told thea We would rescind the allotsest and they have been working for 6 months trying to get -2% out of the fratatnity into the University.— Dr. Sanforti, like you, was tainking of Bt wmiversity, @= peu are your Secpital. - lami for the frater=esse house - 55 ceute on a $1.00 amé tern it over — still thst && mot the intent tmat Congress het - Th S thing wee samited risht shortly after t2is -— What I can't. apdgerstend in thts comecticon — yee say that —_ 2i _ ae sooner had the erplication Gees filed than sur PRA aasiters came up_there - that ie wmusuel for thes to run. Shearer igo the thing so s0on ~- . They came after the alistuent iit ‘been made ~ esi, trobatiy set up a form of book—xeeping = i see - | Eg there anything in the Charter of the city of Ctmrlotte | te prevent the Git; froa ontabilisiing a hospital operating - X deets totae thre te anything im the Charter abet ik, ie - dr Warshali? Wak they dbs Se atlantis ther have gotten money fros these pettate associetions conditioned upon the nespitel not being. wum by the Gity — they are up against « protesition that mom if PUA pulis gut of this thing, or else that they set op part of the City government to run this hospitel they will - Se going back om the written agreements - sm? the private afenciations may ceil upon thes te return the momey - Are these private associatiau:, ize the Duke Foundation whics gives money to these hoapiteis ~ they mem** give it Se &- Qeblic body - mimiic hospitei + Ms not, and won't givd amrthieg - t. Peters won't give it to you — Suke won't give it to yes wmder certein coniitions = om the other Send, the Gorerm- gent won't give it except under decidedly different cond { tions = 2a “ z & MR. BHITLOCK: Were upon the condition Ghat it be operated according te this Charter ehich wae the Charter for the Aenorgal Hogpite] Association ~ 4t wae all worked out together by representatives of the City, representatives of St. Peter's, : and representatives of the group that incorporated as the seaoriel Hospital — they Scomtrituted an that condition and thane: 25's pewtision tu: Miers thet 1x that thing does not go go through as set out in the plan, the City sheii return the $100/000 to thea < and it is aiready spent — we sre, this week and next week, putting on « campaign to get : £225,000 end AE tle thing Movi up, Twill leave town — hak Sig aly pst oe Wis tendins KG | As that ab ie an operating uit - inatranent used by the City to operate the hospitel - in obae te get your dents Was necessary to Bet those things up. Sow is it possible to re-form your charter by which the City will itself create. = # Board to operate the hompital ~ tne Board to be respons | Bible to the governing body of the City ~ re-form it. is & question of getting together with the donors and working wk thet proposition - You sould have to pull it owt of this centro] apparently, and put it under the control of s Baird created and appointed by the City — to accomplish your point - and if you did that & the conor of these funds would say, well, you are going beck, and under that written arrengesent, you are supposed to return that money Us, because you are not carrying out the olan SOL. CLARKS aR. BCOALLE ~ 2S which gave you the money ~ now suppose you cancel this lease; pull it out from under their contre], and were faced with the possibility; of having to beeies that noney, could you work gut any satisfactory arrangenent with thea by which they will not ask for the retorn of the money, provided the hospital wil: ask for a Soard ~ I wean, just like a city hes tts gas department, or other departaents — The question that arose ~ that was it ~ that city counsel shaii be fected every two years ce other words, if the. present counsel’ was to contrel the situstion from now i : this one, who is in every may in syapathy, were mtionagee appoint a Board of sanagers, they. would appoint, I am sure, the Direetaré whe are sow there — hut Anat are you soley ado two years fros now - _ City of Sew York has tts transportation division to run, -the. ~ Subway — and so on, Birmingham has its om division te ran. a ite water supply systes — Here is a thought - Suppose the present counsel, I am not « lamyer, you know -~ just an Engineer ~ and everybody being cooperative, now the City forms this nex Bard, appoints thins es men, the same set of mem, could you @ake that Board a selfq continuing Board? and they woulc provide who would be tire head that departaent — call it @ Board, if you want to - provide terns of office end provide for their appointaent for a period of 10 years, soacthing : like that ~- mow I think you could sork out something like that ~ MR. BULWINKLEs There would be no Board in Charlotte that -—_— MR. MCCALL: But that 1s the cleanest way out - I imow you have troubles _ with the donors of these funds, but if you could work out that you mela not heve any difficulty «ith us -~ If this hed come before the Comptrolier-General he would rule it right out - You can't do indirectly with the law - perhaps you are doing directly - ~ you have used the City of Charlotte, ‘Worth Gargline ase figureheas - hen the project is finished to tum it over for 99 yoars at $1.00 per year I sould very well take thet position and I an afraid a ‘he would take that position and if he did, here is the man (points to Col. Clark) sho would be stuck, aes he and Mr. Carmody - for meking grant of federal funés in vishktisle a0 ipke he redscbad us & elie bobs 303 alka vate outfit - that is the trouble - Suppese the city creates a Board of Managers -— would there be any obstacle in the City having another agreement with the Charlotte Memorial Hospital thet if this hospitel fails to operate at « profit that the loss &f any wuld be ~- what I am getting st is this - if the hospitel lest $150,000 —-couldn't reise the money - 25 = That is true of enytuing that is held in « proprietary capacity by a City - mless they heave some funds they could legally apply, they are up against it - I believe you were frenkly, I 1 don't know bow Obicbar. Clerk feels about it - I don't see how you are going to clean this up any other way than to _~ these agreements you heve got here and get those private donors not to be hard on you ebout this momey they gave 3 you - they will have to take back those conditions - and set up « mmnicipally created Soard or sosething to operate this hospltel, to rum it ~ tat is the only way I.can see how Colonel Clask and Er. Q Carnedy oan avoid trouble with the CosptrellerGeneral on this thing = if ve cen be of any casistance throggi our legal staff ~ I wean, just go dom there end helz et eens BEES He oe that we want to try to tell you whet to co, or anytaing ~ like that - = Srey MR. BULSINKLE: I think it cam be worked out, Gentlesen, I think it com = os T have never seen anything yet that couldn't -~ “ When toey see the real situation that you ere in ant fe ©= are in because ve are in just as difficult « position about this as you ere - the question is whetzer or sot we hed any legal right to give you this momey at all and a might have to cemend its return - I would then be introducing a bill for relief for ‘the City of Charlotte - We operate the municipal airport by the body appointed by the Cty Counsel - That is whet we want you to do ~~ Colonel, we have severe] times referred to the fact that those gifts from the conors were given on condi- tioug that this would be s non-palitics! orgenisatice - the largest donor was St. Peter's Bcspital, Episcopalian, — they were very definite oni explicit in their statenent. that they woulc not go into this Af there was any yolitiesl ‘connection in it~ — | ae T think 4% oan be arranged to take all political conse tions out of it - | But I think that you could overcome the latter — they Would see the greatest good for the greatest ousber - they would submerge this te this other - sow when it cones to this question - they distrust the political thing ~ do I distrust lr. Bulwinkle ~- They have heard of the troubles that the Cook County Hospital got inte in Chhcage - Hospitels all over the coustry are operated by City or Coumity ~ mpunicipality - Let's let the attorneys and these gentienen get together = end you and I can be dispensed with 4 Truly here is a very seritorious preject which gets in 6 jam - and wants to play both ends ageinst the siddle - you want the private money ani the Government money becouse it helps you to build « better hospital ~ but when you get into the covarmnt she Governnt 8 only shia to give you the mecay unier ‘gurtain secfte._° cirovmstances ~ v Shore see waver Maw aitert ox éekan the cork of he City of Charlotte that they were Going anything that was not exsctly im accordance with the regulations ~ everybody wnarstands ani the ecmiaiatration understands T doutt went you quatiqnen tp think we triei to pall ¢ ae slick deal =. urs Spon clatetbutad toe ctrenians fron Hetagion to Atlante - £ deeb want to Satenject ourselves if ve are met wanted, bat I can sead Hr. Beuth com ~- let hin get together vith the City Solicitor ami go dom to Caarlotte and go over any dreft of euy articles or anytxing like thet by whiGh they want to set up Shis - ond make suggestions there that Can you wait teo seeks to do that - Sare - ; <ai> We have a requisition in here for iets end of course that - of course ve can't pay on it — I have been writing you right regularly about that $100,000 — but the letters are in the Legal Division - as they said they would go Gato the matter - we are going to be in en embarrassing situation after Larch : Peek You see until this thing is straightened out, it is kighly questionable whether or not he can make any further disbursement ~ it is highly questionalbe make = : If I okay this paysent, and you would not get any curative measures I em afraid I could be chastised + and it would seriously cripple me if I had to pay $100,000 out of my om pocket - Be would pase a bill for your relief ~- We are right in the aidst of « campaign - to raise $215,000 - we have actually subscribed sore than 4 $100,000 to the advance gifts Comuittee and Thurscay of this week the general drive, 600 people going out to raise the other $115,000 and if it gets out those people will cancel their subscriptions - we will be in e devil of a fix - - 2 = Jolly alemg the contractors - I will have to undertake to do thet - the same pub- icity that **###ee" sight come from another source, from these contractors, who will spread the word around that we can’t pay - So one here will come out with any publicity » ve won't come until you send for us - can : Of course, it must be worked out some way - this is right - | Let ‘thes write to us and I will take thet long te answer the letter - two weeks - ~ Fie Oe" Slidin- «45. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY a» co. remit Wiis mamma Waa REGIONAL DIRECTOR Hurt Peildin ne February 23, 1940 Atlanta, Georgia i% REPLY MASE REFER TO Charlotte, lina Memorial Hespital Labor Belstions: ME :mg Refer to File: e We. Ce 1412=F (5-3) 20: The Acting Commissioner of Peblic Works Pree Regional Director, Region Bo. 3 Division of Imvestigetions Heport dated Septenber 30, 1939 Copy of letter gated February 23, 1940 to Mr. J. EB. Mershell $s conssieitlh th Ieeskacbshiaae aos Oe Sat 75 chunit: hive Wee Gad ss valor at / * in comection with Recommendetion Ho. 2 we -— recommend that $4,566.80 the amount of wages actually paid te workmen shown in Exhibit 74 and $3567.50 the emount of _ Wages actualiy paid te workeen listed im Exhibit 75 te referred to the Executive Officer for comsideration in eon nection with the final erent peynent. ae We concur in Recommendation Me. 3 that $53.91 the monetary value of exeese hours be referred to the Execo- tive Officer for consideretion in connection with the final grant payment. . Je de MoDeritt Company, general contracster. has been requested through the cuner toe submit supplesental , payrolls cevering the excess hours as shown in Exhibit 76. The matter ef adequate inspection of labor conditions on the project has been discussed in person with ir. J. 5B. Marshall. 95961 7FE82640 We concur in Becammendaticon Eo. 6 thet all other phases of the case be closed. 2 Et appears thet there is nothing further this office cam de regarding sé fustment of these noncompliances, and unless s@vised to the contrary we will consider the case closed. ee ee ae tlle H, A. MORTRAM Regionel Director, P.W.A. $ 35961 7FEH26%0 * 5 = tert Bul lting atlesta, veorgia Refer to Pile: ¥. 0... 1418-7 (8-5) fect Acting anit ennai ss lec: Rest@ent Engineer Inspector “959617 F260 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION WASHING TON FES 23 7940 Ts Roy CG. Birkpatrick ’ Assistast on Labor Relations Thats Direeter, Engineering Division _ Seater: Aiiagts Seciig: Conaprastion- siosa Saslai-ct Jiar cheese Dhaene | eo we cureeted te hepiatal banpotr te Secertnin is” _ aeewuracy of the allegations made in ir. oF ae: ee Ee ee oo Se ee eee noua: = Sheen rsete ia tee ae Resident Bygineer Inspector's letter of February 13, 1940 to the Regional Director. You will note that the latter refutes the charge of faulty construction and, that while difficulty was encountered during construction due to heary a doctuier cae er ee ee ee for drainage have now apparently been made Athuge Digan Director, Engineering Division FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION WASHING TON February 25, 1940 The Acting Generel ee Worth Crowley Gharictte, North Caroline Hospital. My recent report to you with reference to work pending in ce wT oe ot rae nance as ieee ee covering the changes in the contract between the Gover Aunt sas ate heommaney. 59 the result of the approml of In commection with that there say be serious Ggubt of the and, to say the least, the ato within the approved and allotted with particular regard to the mtter of the eequisition of % site, wns undertaken by the Division of Investigations, ‘That bas now submitted « report, dated February 1,°1940, which @% my se’ on that the Applicant, since the inception of a_Antented to Lease the < Project te « private : Seas beams = Otte SeeeeeS Sinner Leth ints tome tomettaniaa Or bak, om the Pre ject. I think it clear from the facts disclosed by the report of the Division of Investigntions that the Project is and was mot eligible. 2 for grant. If the Project as a whole is nét eligible for gramt it mat: 1y¥ Follows that the item of land is likewise ineligible. of the eligibility of the Project es « whole, I think it elear t ae purported cost of land is ineligible because such land was, from @ legal eS A I standpoint, donated to the Applicant. : Page #2 orth Crowley to Acting Generel Counsel Re: Docket Bo. EH, ¢. 14127 ge) iy It ie sy opinion thet the « for this Project should ee ee chet Se saline Seen be immediately | ‘retarn to the Gorerment ell of the gran Ate: ay Da waned unless thi promptly reimburses si the suas should be Feferret te, the DopaFtaant of at that suit be instituted to recover the noneys Here- Seas EARN RT Ba cc Si oy eR tefere paid =e ee AERTS AVENE FF Sts € SOvVeGi.es eee ctwet.win eel = & ors se oe ren ci avBe i. Aiea eESSERT H. SAR TEe be_¢. S&S SRiTT CITY of CHARLOTTE ** CHARLOTTE, N. C. No Ana. ones se Febuary Zl, 1940 Hite 6 ins ith ~ epee el Mr. Rafe 5. Hewmn, Acting Regicnal Director, Public Works Admin istratiok, ae: Im ret Docket Bo MEE © 3-. Atlanta, Ga. labor Relations EMB:mg Deer Sir: In reply to yur two letters of the 16th, in regard to noncompliances of the J. J. MeDevitt Company, I wish to advise that I beve been unable to get in commmica- tion with Mr. W. 8. Hook, the Architect or Mr. Street of the Contracting Company, as both of these gentlemen beve been out of town all of this week. The refore, I cannot give you the informtion requested by Febru ry 22nd, I will, however, hendle it just as scon as I can get in touch with these gentiexme. Yery truly yours, hax fe i B. Marshall «< City Memeger RAKES) COPIES FOR Eade wees ©. ns Jee F 3. ¥e Massed by. Ai 23 concen nn DE FRIENDLY CITY” 345287 | Pons CSewliwen ae =.=. sore aera eee Tee CLAUSE i *RBEA MERGTAT & SAETER Se. <. S eeiTtt wth Col. CQL. Feb26, 1737, cnel iw Ga : Genel : | #: HE . : i f tee. CITY of CHARLOTTE "™Ze CHARLOTTE, N. C. - Fetvrwery iS, 19 timt the situation would here your to the eni thet tlhe currest requisition you furtipr in regaré our funds we hare on this docket, it is necessary thet som uxierstamiing be arrived at regardim this grest requisition as Soon a6 possi bie, ease acvise me whet bes Geveloped in this situctica. Very truly youss, qT: otf (eat. ii B. Marsiall W ym ir | . — City Mmeager “THE FRIENDLY CITY” sees Ns ow idea “ea Sgt ese Aes. Repaid WORKS “ Se Bags e ps = PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION REGIONAL DIRECTOR Hurt Building Atliazite, Georgia 1 ONY PLAS REFER TO Tecket: a, Ge 141267 Cherlotté, North Care Hospi tal ENG: BEE img Refer to File: B. Ce 1412-P (F-5) f¥9 é J UY f 4 Ts Acting Commissioner of Public Nerks 7 7 ns Faas Acting Regional Director, Region Ho. 3 Division of Investigations’ Repert dated January 30, 1940. pia Our letter dated February 12, 1940 - (ENG: FAD: em]: ema) ie iepenew theh oth-waeilaes Gihies . Skis office has been taken and that no further action is meeded for clearing the t. Unless advised to the a ee eee 2ee: Acting Commissioner tt “iy eee ARN REN - 4 : 7 ' i FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION REGIONAL DIRECTOR 150 Burt Building Avian‘, Georgia Deexets 5.6. 74 (ise? Cha rlotte,- BS Oe Fosrital es e ? FAZ he at otine Camsissioner of Publis works Attention: Director, fineerinr Ditision Seting feciconel Director, Kecion Zo. $ Alleged Paulty Cons<ructicn. Your genorandun Ent. 16-7, dated February 3, 1940 a teis ‘capt ok aeudbacll Peas. 2. “2 eae : Resident Birineer Inspector, to the Rerional < Director, ‘Region Yo, 5. The above enclosures are in further reference ae above menoranmiom end are being suluicied for cur ee . Enclosures f Feund 4 Lin Oth fo PWA Mal? Recm Z OPS 6, SeaeAS, Je. £ ting Resiosei Idrecter, PA Refer te File: 5. C. L43-? {3-3) TOs Acting Oumsisst aner of Public Works PRs 2° doting Sagiom) Direster, Region Bo, 5 SUBJECT: * Division ef Tuvesti cations Report dated sl ee ee a | Zee: Acting Cammissicoss 356833 FeB19's0 Se = ae es ae , y F f Ai i tide: aa NG OAM 3 : | q ey H Oeics £ « : : ies St Ps beige sy ‘ad o _~ Set r ' Ke - * A ty 4 ta m ai} i A fy a ah " fr, * ely A By e mate uh i he “ash F a aaa rey r he Z nt a: % ea * 7 7 1 : ohn 49°40 EG Nahas «| oy e bai = te. uw ora. pen = nae ma ; weve — Sa =; aes . oe tee = : ees > nhs ae 3 Docket: E. Cs 1412-F s ein eet re ni cyaame TTR ye sis hte : a H. A. Worthen, Regional Director, Region Mo. 3 ee Ae iing Commisctenes of Pblie. Wee 3 Division of Investigations’ Report < 2,3 EE eR en letter dated January 25, 1940, which SN en Se ae the sabject report of the Division of | - eels of apintanecin tion of worknen CO; SB He ay See e™ 5 2 ORR ett EME A Wowie Sen € SOOUGLAS teuec .8t* roe cSueTci. wen ne #.& ove eecc8 90s oOm CLAUOE L. ALBEA “ERSEPT & GARTER Se ¢ &. SerTtT CITY of CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE, N. C. Mr. G. F. Widnyer, Acting Regional Director, Public Works Administration Atlanta, Ga. . VE tye Tn re: Docket Bo-102-r- 3~~{y. Mhoriel We rar Cherlette, North Carol ima Labor Beletions: EX: Dear Sir: ; I beve your letter of the 9th in which you state thet vo have aot replie@ to your letter of Janu wz 19th, regarding the payment of eadjustive wages to plesterer tenders ani sprtar mizers on th: above project. Shertiy after receipt of your letter of the 19th, the writer in compamy with Mr. W. @. Eook, Architect om the above project, Mr. Loving of the Associated General Contrectors Asso., ani Mr. Street of the J. J. MeDevitt Company, comracter, called om you in your office on January 23rd emi discussed the qestion of mom-compliances on the pzo ject. Shortly thereafter, under date of January 5th, I erote you in fell es t& our position im the gatter and I am encl osim: ancther copy of our letter of thle 25th. It was uy opinion that this etter covered all of the questions regarding som-compliances inciuding those that bed been previously reported, as well as those set up in your letter of the 19th. Our position in regerd te ail of these is as set forth in cur letter of the 25th * you. ~ az If there is eny other informtice that w can furnish Tau be very glad to do 80. 7 yours, SS Yi Aas 343389 (x, B. Marsal) “THE FRIENDLY cs Py Mam ger il