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First ARP Minutes 1930-1945
: Totalnumberofmembersonroll Pieasedonotomitthin)heJbg....Humberofactivemembers(Seenote6shove.ep22scaeukeelia«igeeSias md|.TotalaoyDeathkaawytended.4—-—----=FByDeath_..----4-------aePen d ul l PesDetentiegno==lMinthisTotal_—-——AssessedoF|Paid|Promised2l.aoeeukip3200.aaa..-<...._--------------—-———§....-F[Bisa Oe [7-t-3F TotalofSynod’sBudget.i(SeeMinutes)~---jasestawse—aneotaaee sae,|hazeTotaltoothercausesofSynodaint.lkaonipene|LyTotaltoallotherlocalcauses(Building,eep¥).eoxZ2repairs,ete.)-------------------"~|SabbathSchoo!s—aiPe1.NumberofPupilsEnrolled......-------ax2.NumberinHomeDepartment$.NumberCradleRoll-~----------------------~~~~LadiesSociety—NumberofMembersEnrolledYoungPeople’s.ChristianUnion—NumberofMembersJuniorChristianUnion— aneaeaeed<SelectionfortheYear|—00:a.eodaar9ee:TALPAID||$--------------(eyv3|cGvecrvecarefullynote7)TO,iition)(DivideTotalpadBenumberofactive—roa3:iLOLOLVgpelKeValueChurchProperty--------------------r—ea,eelsea¢4_--+--b---------———ValueofParsonageProperty------=<ennedyjustoneCopy,Clerk NameofChurchNameofMinisterorerms,Postoffice—2TotalnumberofmembersonrollFomembers(Seenote6above)fa?Poi#AsNumberofactiveNumberoftithersNumberoffamilyaltars Accessions:gae3ByProfession3ByCertificate43TotalsfLosses:-_ByDeath9ByDismissal(@Total4/Baptisms:—_Adults2InfantsgTotalLfAssessedoriiooiePromisedPaidSalary,$$3ooeo-TotalofSynod’sBudget(IncludingHomeandForeignMissions,ChurchExtension,Orphanage,|Education,etc.SeeMinutes)ss.YLTotaltoallothercauses(Building,|repairs,etc.)Si41477LetSabbathSchools—1.NumberofOfficersandTeachersaoeFif-4Ato NumberofPupilsEnrolledvo AverageAttendance4.NumberinHomeDepartmentw=or NumberCradleRollei6.CollectionfortheYear|JZiftfortheYear|LiCollectionfortheYearLadiesSociety—NumberofMembersEnrolledAverageAttendanceiadCollectionYoungPeople’sChristianUnion—NumberofMembersJuniorChristianUnion—NumberofMemberssecessionCollectionfortheYear(Observecarefullynote7)TOTALPAID(DivideTotalpaidbynumberoftion) membersincongrega-AVERAGEPERCAPITA$_2v~¢2@,ValueChurchProperty_ ValueofParsonagePropertyss_$S/YZSPO&iePLEASEFILLEACHBLANKBPicgthpe-=F°(0 -F7—-F 4 Snes ee-- \(4?2’Postoffiee-<éaé/=lotalnumberofmembersonroll7NameofChurchNameofMinistersinaF0$ 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|tal;efofmembersonrollGowNba::Se:faNumberoftitlome“ByDeathSOTota?/Paid3000.005901.00AssesseI,3000.00>Le5ooSec5901200LadiesSociety—NumberofMembersEnrolled;2CollectionforYoungPeople’sChristianUnion—NumberofMembeCollectionfortheYChristianUnion—NumbofMembeJuniorNun44_Contributedby-hiviCollectionheSocietiesnote7)TOTALPAID|!$Yi$mbdersinAVERAGEPERCAPITAsSFoes|‘4.ge>iif=VahofParson:Property3.4=-PLEASEFILLEACHBLANK4/9-22ReturntoE.B.Kennedyjustonecopy eae ee H \ ‘ Af.SSION HURC‘ A PHILADELPHIA PUBLICATION AND SABBATH-SCHOOL WORK 1319 Watnur STREET, rHE \ Lt -PRESBYTERIAN (€ OF MINUTES OF THE 5S PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF ,{6Z.——iainSmS—-LOU2@auasvasNameofChurch-$A—4*—<:NameofChurchreerwefaleyaa,YZNameofMinis‘aneeteerofNameofMinisteror Clerk(“@*-*SybPhetcc,Postoffice‘—Postoffice.,TotalnumberofmembersonrollASx,@zsTotalnumberofmembersonllof<Numberofactivemembers(Seenote6above)GGlNumberofactivemembers(S«note\loZONumberoftithers:aolfsNuinberoftithersZaNumberoffamilyaltarsoSiesonoe;“Y-LAccessions:erof familyaltarsByProfessionq-LByCertificateL<Total¥gaccessions7Ff-LLbyibession(4ByCertificate;TotalLosses::étalByDeathSeByDismissal4TotalflL.OSSes42:ByDeath-|Inate;7Th.4AFBaptisms:aaeee.4-[Total$AdultsInfants7TotalZ¥oe~fyoe“xSAssessedorPaid—aPrromised__Assessedor——f.Salaryni‘sLZ2.820%¥Ca.<>ai;49co|TotalofSynod’sBudget(SeeMenutes314@~<~O5LYOo.PE-rotalofByncd’eB—oad29a2+2OVe~~|iisisuUdcEE‘i‘-}Orphanageol4or=aOrphanas~~(er\/<¢~*Soo<TotaltoothercausesofSynod’;fwm,g-“|Totaltoallotherlocalcauses(Build-|ZéSr—{;Ning,repairs,etc.)--Ny—:aeJ”2sem%,SabbathSchools—|Sy2Ny\1.NumberofPupilsEnrolled“7ao?\SabbathSchools:|\1.NumberofPupilsI—ai~~2.NumberinHomeDepartmentis;2.NumberinHomeDe)3.NumberCradleRollte2J4.CollectionfortheYeart&G63.NumberCradleRollt+S.LadiesSociety—4.Collect;UANumberofMembersEnrolled472b+LadiesSociety—‘9CéllectiénfortheYear|$7i:4winesNumberofMembersEnrolled7Doo.eYoungPeople’sChristianUnion—¢eeCollecticYNumberofMembers=YoungPeople’sChristianUnion—eeCollectiohfortheYear|$a’)sesNumberofMembers£i¢aaeJuniorChristianUnion—|CollectionfortheYear$4O<;NumberofMembers:“tifJuniorChristianUnion—o.-CollectionfortheYear|‘$r7aNumberofMembersJbeGgJfIntermediates—ZCollecfortheYearbifers<LL:|intermpeiatedy“etlemaeoeCollectionfortheYearroFoowrofMembers[27.awCollectionfortheYear)!$.(Observecarefullynote7.)TOTALPAID|,Go!SoSess4get|“#it?emerne?(Observecarefullynote7.)TOTALPAIDwef'P6talpaidbynumberofactivemembersincon-| onlcaAVERAGEPERCAPITA|Loy~s(DivideTotalpaidbynumberofactivemembersincon-;getaia,nagregation)AVERAGEPERCAPITA)£2-F°ValueChurchProperty-----------------$92.PL?|,:|ValueChurchProperty°2poolie'ValueofParsonageProperty----------------sLocto-=|!:|ValueofParsonageProperty$ai} PLEASEFILLEACHBLANK.ReturntoE.B.Kennedyjustonecopy,sendone3cjSteoedda;Selabetadsondkeeponeohfle.PLEASEFILLEACHBLANK.ReturntoE.B.Kennedyjustonecopy,sendonetoClerkofyourPresbyteryandkeeponeonfile. ennaitnnaeaa eeYe PLYIWee|| ,; | PREFACE i i “a:ee ¢7.2 pos wt byw i »©§z:24 4o 78 >28 $°g S §88 e 2 o e | sShog®ff fo fy fs wee PES EE |lebedede e285 EE ~ mSae Ff d 72 g.oe |rr . BEES 3 Zo ay a2 oy Ze 2 z us.B 2 |25 ss 8S 3 B The “For f Gove ” °ff 38 Se S¢2 §+Bg §ese 8s 6 2 |a:9 FBe og 5 g 28 lirects tl xm of Government”of the Presbyterian Cl h,in Ch ms 9 38 o=per ff ‘S 'es @s.™ directs that ‘‘ev Saat 2 aes s é t-hurch,in Chis a‘‘as :i 3 9 i ous G of 28 is og 2.38 Bo 8 3 .2 4 ny z z 2 |;every Session shall keep A Fatr RECORD of its vapte r [X..,Section VIII ;“al ee a:oe ie me eo @ @0 3S ''i Sc @ 2.8.8 })2 east once in eve as ::;ils proc eedings ;whic -at °a oF |a me owe ee SC &|!i i a e »s 8 ry year submitted t }.a»cn record st ‘i}| oar vy —ss gz Za Za &ae ree 7 ;i iy a >Fo i 2a ;=’o the inspection of the P al eS sha e,al af O@be 3 £3 8 82 85 &Seal gos |P|ct a eas a F Notwithstanding this direction,great a oe ie @ *oe 8 2 9°S i 4 al ,:a ’‘at want ¢“%nee 8 ‘ue ;a ‘Sty E <:z 73 cf 5 és mt ~of a é |by te °2 :):.section of the Church,in the ee airs )-itness and precision is found in every mB s ;2 Sp 64 a ;ot 'S 4 ae j ::.;:-eping these re .;: 1 e 25 a |Z.a ar ee oe ZF 18 ¥-12s ioe 4 uniformity in the size and kind of books in which they «gece ;here is also a great lack of - coe;Ft hl}Ute OF ‘eat @ |eee ee capeige tag“eee gee Seanay are inscribed.t 6!:8 s FO tf a coe [ae ee S fy!is with the desire of «; | 5 >.&'z.3 reg i &.2.5.4 are ;-:asl cies ak Gade of aiding to do away with these evils,by presenti ai |<8 .-fc.8 s ie ca w oe ee |@ = rae?of ¢ssional Records,that the Board of Pul i;y |.nting to the Church a } !:om 'a |mm «|'Ca “ .ur .hentia 4 :‘1 é ae 4 $6 ee ee .ot 9 oO}ar af @ -oo a 4 ae:Bae ee eae :exvoled*s inieters and of Presbyteries,prepared this |-ition has,at the request of a i &3 4 ri cs =|=|21 eI %!8 ,=\==:!i 8 ,appointed by theSession,and the entries le ts :S DOOK.It should be kept by a (lerk 4 <:bh SE Ef mec as Yy wt MR as :»madein a neat «ser é ' eo .=:.Bly SOS 8 |ae Per eG freemen or oe ti interlineations and corrections being carefull id a 1 neat and legible hand,the necessity for f y ,=e =ae j =my ‘.«av » : Smt se o siSE ASB ENG:eed)eA Poa elope A CHURCH REGISTRY has lik degooong o =i ‘i 1 ‘i :'j oC .,..as ew1se e >:. A w-ip 73 a.fi S1eQsrs Sil st!|!a Bai ge hi te)ee +annually carried to Presbytery for inspect een prepared.As it is not required to be | x OU hy *&=|ak at iN =|\eR ;;Pee 3%NI 'ee { same time with the boo!of Mj nspec tion and approval al cal ees oie Gs »be G g aA v 1p ay a s.r oF +ei,|'ee s2h;ms 4 oP eee aul tha 4 =of Minutes,it seems best that it should u 1 “iot be filled at the j 1 vy ‘a!i i i =.a |!i ¢t i :i ..e two may .ae ‘ .‘sually »a in i Dae 4 RRS e see NE RE Pap Hei T ALE y be obtained bound together or apart a } i oO}‘ee 'on!.' °<cede Bt Bi ei oe te ae g .)a hy SAIS .ae CE He tg eeewet i i ;'J J ;f ~sania tin i 'me,tT SE Bae ee.hay!ft For the |.Pace OF epOrDS i ZA i '!''ie “NY i cal 1 a”>J i>O 1 tat ;or the benefit of inexperience ed clerks of S *a i >7 |'i :m~%,'‘''j aa os ee exhibit the "erks of Sessions,we present he f :4 z oes Ny S N we Ny Bie 2.26 1¢proper method of making entries,upon I nt the following,which will i 1 'i ; —..‘ ‘>,<> . # cd fo ~iS)my”i)HS le oh oe 1 4 NAN recorded : I 1 number of the commonest matters to be i 8 iishy iS Sy DIUM ipig |=RRM ioTNR]MIN |g iei LDig Oe POM Pin|THEieQi i i tf KY ,UTES OF SIS ke ¥) ';!'j '!i r ;‘i i }'' -4 yk |:mon)y ||;||4!a |)oe eb a ISSTON :j |‘i ;!'i };'i ' 1 Powe Y 'Pa |Pa eo et bt a| ;i i 1905 ‘| N “2 OS T ois JoHNSVILLE,Mari ,: We >MARCH 22D [he Session met at the parsonage at 3 o'clock )Rance #9,908 | ‘..;.«CK ee . | /7 F”\the moderator,with Elders John Williams,Ji »p.m.Present,Rev.James Smith yi <a my ¥..ee meeting was ee ’ams,james Short and |homas Wins > v ere &2 Oo F on “ r opened with prayer.[he minutesof tl oe [he S ==2 =?§=&xg Id a a Mr.Robert Sutl i *i1utes of the last meeting were read 8m Ie 3S ze za 28 6k FG:>¢ese &oe zz w%Sessi Sutherland and Mrs.Eliza Foster (wite 2 4 ®==}Am Uk 4 ‘mine ee 8 8 2 (2.Se VS Ss : Session and i ated .wite of David)‘vec hat ®o 8)Be G2 So a t ee ae es be esa es . and were examined on their religious ex uppeared before gl i 2 ge ge GE Ae eee ett esi eG eioke ge =&**|sermons thera era raping Wig pce amg,wey eS . ae g 3 -Se SS g a mae ¢moO ag“anwee &3 _is Lealas M —<ore esus irist,they were receiv ~B °6 ae a3 5 8 44235 %@®=tn 5 wo =a 2 otk ‘p-Vir.John K nigt t |M . received to mem 2 ae oe 8 5 &o>z ;US o 3 RS ,,yht and Mr.Thoras weeg ;z a 2 a]ae er ST ,e es Be F 2 ee ame =:zo ||received to membership,and it wi ymas Roberts,after due examination,were oo 7 g 8 e Sm eo z!a ae t Ye 8 a »&:gs 4 5 =|April 2 »*it was ordered that they be baptised on 5 ibbath m °3 4 =CO =m Oo =.nD =} — ws <orning, =7 H g S 3 B,ae 7 8 ‘ce z es &&&eo 6 e os <pe 2 &&gs ze 2 oy i P 3 &=~5s «5 3 g > A free conversation was held upor the sti 8 &r a a]ae =eeog a 2 S =g g which it appeare |1 the state of religion in the congreg a 3 5 BS «a wy BE _o g 3 4 le ppeared that there were much cause f{gregation,trom ;m2 i e ¢ee ak 8 mM ~~=Oo It havi ause for gratitude and encourageme =s a PP Sh os =e yp a §= t having appeared that Common Fame cl 1 <a ":=|~“; t } : -«"che re .: 2 ba a s 3 8 3 $8 .D =x | conduct in several particulars the Mod 're enry Adams with unchristian ' ~—a ’ ; . €,i eT: z |dp cone eB 2 a =5 c committee to wai rator and Elder Williams were appo ; 33 |te &a ao ==5 4 :ait upon Mr.Adams upon the }ppointed a ;8g oe e SO).OY Ow zg 6 gE.5 so wy &‘meeting.s upon the subject and report to Session at its next $63 EW =2.S.i a .4 «F. :mey She &O.e a)8 >a >a Bu 6 WG Mr.Charles Thomas appeared before the 5 ‘ei z =Sis ©a 6 ~~g && agains N .ore the Session and _prefer ed “rte t M ws 3 g -5 £a 2 Ras gainst iVir Samuel Long.Afte A I r certain charges me o s Ns Mg \g e £‘k nig Sega .After hearing the charges,the Sess “ree Ig : Pie |as 3 mi AN sl og .N eS give the accused a copy of the same vstthy of Session directed its clerk to 7 aR 1S 4 a2 e o .nS g sz B §} and to cite all concerned to a“ee of the witnesses to support them i »Ss bs i}Ps e =fa S.°~~3 ®\ .z appear at the next meeting of the judicato f a8 ‘|59 >4 nt r ©~»3 |det John Winsor was appointe |t t ||oa ||4 = i —oO ft >»¢.. re as =:Z <M4 “ 5 rs L Presbytery. »atten the approac hing meeting of the eee ereremerenenmn ~hor ~> ° .; s wh th _“ " (losed wit ave ;g é wn ww a5 ~ze t 1 pr Aye l “N «A n R Signed o>Ny NQ , By ~JNs >S aoa |aea PRPwwe ts >>~S WN gs &e JOHN WILLIAMS,Clerk i >||®SO)BE EF S,Cler ot 7)rif We ||m 6G iPoS {a .{ee SRP ah lEK ts|4ues j :j j |as "1 x ff o 1,4 |pak |mm |ee,Is kaj || ) ’‘{ity }P i>|MQ S %i N.B.-A complete exhibit of “Forms for Session bl r ||;; Church Season The volume can be pur eee 'p is pub ished in Roberts Manual for Ruling ft Iders and } i o rom the Presbyterian Board of Publication i} i if :; pox,oeanes“A-s\~~}YY~xV4NY“‘%ayyhe‘*NX..\*'\=\ey_~zt.,iy‘\..~~x<x~»On|\Y)\.\\ofy=¥-‘\.y‘NNLit\‘‘:Y)"\¥*‘a’‘\LLvy—*Nci~‘’y).N.wi\LiJ\Si.*%—~~f4\¥—/~‘P‘ii,\aNY.AARqe=7)‘\)7'==t\\\4%.i\ySd—s~.¢*Jq~a‘¥\v“*rbiNameofChurchFirstA.R.P.ChurchNameofMinisterorClerkPastorRev.J.H.PresslyPostofficeStatesville9lL.CeTotalnumberofmembersonrevisedroll3Y7Tithers:(1)No.¥%#7(2)WhatpercentofmembersFAFamilyaltars:(1)Noe?;(2)Whatpercentofno.offamilies22Accessions:2gtByProfessionzuByCertificaterTotalY7Losses:ByDeathZtByCertificateLFTotalzGSBaptisms:AdultsJ4séTotalZ-7AssessedorPaidSalary$$24os.TotalofSynod’sBudget(SeeMinutes)363Oo;OrphanageSy-TotaltoothercausesofSynod¥Ztou<Totaltoallotherlocalcauses(Build-:ing,repairs,etc.)¢geoSabbathSchools—1.NumberofPupilsEnrolledFOC2.NumberinHomeDepartment3.NumberCradleRoll[64.CollectionfortheYear$Lfco#LadiesSociety—aeNumberofMembersEnrolled(/2~‘CollectionfortheYear$VEL=e/|.YeungPeople’sChristianUnion—4.\NumberofMembersZtOoaCollection’fortheYear$$—\\¢JuniorChristianUnion—afNumberofMembers_.ZtJa)aeieCollectionfortheYear$=jntermediates—ifNumberofMembers._—.ae:~CollectionfortheYearoeee(Observecarefullynote6.)TOTALPAID$£3a.(DivideTotalPaidbynumberofactivemembersincon-||gregation)AVERAGEPERCAPITA3/@@4— Insuredat'$jeInsuredat$PLEASEFILLEACHBLANK._ReturntoE.B.Kennedy,DueWest,S.C.justonecopy,sendonetoClerkofyourPresbyteryandkeeponeonfile.MAKEYOURREPORTFROMRECORD.COUNT,DONOTGUESS.Se4 — sr re NeA«i NameofChurch7ERP.NameofMinisterorClerk#7w/7/FFSSKzyad[7.wTFC«,fsPostofficeS41feeKe&Acane£77Totalnumberofmembersonrevisedroll~4dTithers:(1)No.#5(2)Whatpercentofmembers<FFamilyaltars:(1)No6(2)WhatpercentofNo.offamilies20Accessions: ByProfessionjoByCertificate{7Total49Losses:*ByDeathdWByCertificategTotal42Baptisms:aAdults—{4Infants_£LeTotal20AssessedorPromisedPaid2oe=“ceSalaryZéeea$zkie$ZLOrTotalofSynod’sBudget(SeeMinutes)36302¢Jose—Orphanage65.c¢6TotaltoothercausesofSynodfi25eeiTotaltoallotherlocalcauses(Build-ing,repairs,etc.)SabbathSchools—1.NumberofPupilsEnrolled2.NumberinHomeDepartment(GTOiffe.e¢553.3.NumberCradleRollix4.CollectionfortheYear$12F2+LOOLadiesSociety—NumberofMembersEnrolled/-UCollectionfortheYear$bhkeeeo20|CollectionfortheYear||$beoss«JCollectionfortheYear'i$2.€GoZt|iCollectionfortheYear||$j4COAddforamount'$sage(Observecarefullynote6.)Deductanyamountpaidtobudg-_||etbyauxiliaries.el(DivideTotalPaidbynumberofactivemembersincon-YoungPeople’sChristianUnion—NumberofMembersJuniorChristianUnion—NumberofMembersIntermediates—NumberofMembers gregation)AVERAGEPERCapitals4/7———ValueChurchPropertysi0002-—Insuredat|isg20¢¢——ValueParsonageProperty$447@2.-—InsuredatsBore—= PLEASEFILLEACHBLANK.ReturntoP.L.Grier,Charlotte,N.C.,R2,justonecopy,sendonetoClerkofyourPresbyteryandkeeponeonfile.—-+wees6sal MINUTES OF SESSION. YEe,PZCr2> Gy Za peos eye na ee Jeo A¥—S7AIG In Memoriam, A Resolution of Respect, Whereas,November 14,1920,ourHeavenlyFatherinHisinfinite—wisdom deemed it expedient to callfrom.our midst,brother David Au->gustus Morrison,since May,1886,an esteemed member of this congre-gation;from February,1909,untilFebruary,1914,a deacon;and fromthenceuntilhisdemiseanelder,therefore be ityresolved:First,That we,the:members of the First Associate Reformed Presbyte-F., rian church,assembled,bow in hum-H., ble and reverent submission to the ] w.ll of Him that doeth all things ste well,and who hath provided an tu »abundant entrance,according to His fai®word,to which our brother was call-Cli ed in the 78th year of his age.aiSecond.We commend his devoted co’wife and children to the care of an “f;*all wise Providence,in whom he pit Y his trust;and who put it into’the heart of our beloved brother and co- 'l laborer,to be a kind husband a lov-Us -ing father,and a faithful member Bi4andattendenttothedutiestowhicharlislifewasdevoted,M$Third.That a page in our Church thRecordsbededicatedtohismemo-offry,and these resolutions be recorded H'|;~woes«thereon;a copy sent the family,and wacopytotheChurchpaperforpub-bj;”licat’on By order of ‘Sesion,¢:tev.J.H.Pressly,Pastor,f;Statesville,N.C.,Dee,15,193:.v ‘es a MINUTES OF SESSION. eat.¢ocstint inte At-ge~ae Coy Ateente_ Kiidetn Pr Ao asLeni a oe7-OO ae 7 i g-Llp A 241 te +Tk’ene -~e es by e 25h VCE fai 7 Lledo£ 7 a—:7 “<>Pp LASuZA£f - /q s,7 a Gf ‘MX [Ze —a J \/2k.—Vebe-aT ; MINUTES OF SESSION. MINUTES OF SESSION. oe ae std ae =.Pieaharets ae ae Soo Lawrie r Zeta bape Jae BE VELrott,of«©Ze wt kgf.P35;oan (Co I\Jfon-nels 2Athos G roe tends emer fentc anéae fazeaeter,“he Aten <Y el Mol —- A ,LL Fae . Cc L_ChmeK .tha A,<x,Lh 7 .. Za oe Grcechlpa Asp tarC wir’ms curr fw.ad 3 ae -a 4 Lr es ee ff irre Ze atin,ES pe,ob chase &Loni©falpor 1-—<_nighrackd F TK LAist Ck,coe cees fod,fh,‘asaBe,& :od 3 LP fs pSLf CBE wok >wan $72 LALce!tes :Maat p74 2-2 Cts c 24pL a=Am a.Lown as hots Lt Bem s71-=9 a — a “of ~—~ hE fic2 Z ”2 it DM Pf.stgudeal oe A = (A CMG mre oe -Satin =>»Lea M cA<z-al yt new Z,thru wwf.r 4 /oatcheLeas2asmafH Gaia Ae Sev Peete Ae oe Pi 8,“se tx a i.VE Az et ee an aa re as a=Kae,<—2_f - 22 a <2 (a <0 CNA PHY. ee emeos :favs :<<a Pres ne Octet et:ait I MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. eet,Bat Bek eK a |Joo oc +K-awre =aON os «tal —=ek ae i oS /a lle.CastLeigas,Fe E XL oo ae baxIonIaapohaa.fo ZLZF AK pom Se A:Lhe ole LAG,Panes hoor.ea Lae tee aa ae A —Measakas cee.Aftab ee Lawl |Le fearse a’!:Zu Cz=it a cle ek cos Be S<~F 3 L265)a]4 he herr eon ,LE FF iggy 'ee—Bev2 A ore -~ne oA es ——Sie e hill atez 2 awk lei -tf<oe :lir>mrA ye an Jaf)Fe a LTD |ager,eo eapwtane Azp |- gy A=,Bic ak AL (fe Lcaiaiilh Pt trek|pth =. _SAA gi2e8K Zo ChOy ¢C+(i fy 2 /fo-wlbr-a en p<ae 4-5!~De Cy.nb hey io «Pm |ee a Za |~~!Z as Jacana ;Ce 4 rhe eae ia Z :seni = —+tiKa>-ern “Hx Gow Go -M4tthieg <DO wee Zit -s apiliita,we Lo a niet |ie te eae Age,eee 4 2 if OS wae Taig a 2eeznekeo~og ee i Lill ee Sh anh 1 A iecamorater fons f.os c1wky Bf |SLA jo 70 00,PE.a|a"he Bored on 1l.He feels Yuuede TIA Atayce hha7'fieOe Ze se hrod |Be QE fbi Lal.ha fare atl PEAS amy LA Kea 2 <omye.€|ih 7 ti.Aikeeinnat Ob at Lopes Yi |oeLLEfas Ge we |Pe b ;|i.lr rts A tell ve.7 S216 tC g~a2 tt ahet eof t ae fer J PSL,|IZ Ce CIM oh a lial 7 be Stesunl,:ine \bug,Hzpact (a fay —2#iwZ,ie <a Canal fe &ait”_——_pgEOD 2 gees S~-Meliss on Riphig Zap }en ee ye ! Bug th 4fa Athule.{||we Louse te .oe aee—eaexia.L y a2 bog on = \ oa H _MINUTES OF SESSION. Receipts and Disbursements of Building Fund for Education Building —1 we 'peepee sg 3 mee “7 oe Names Amount thee |e — LIST OF CASH RECEIPTS 1,000.00 }svat j DY sccoresererscererscecessoessoorenees A Se sae Names —Se."84.00 STATEMENT OF BUILDING COMMITTEE t 52.00 E.B.Quinn eaneenneneneenes ~Miss Annie Alexander .....-sssssesserer s 5 J,Di,Ramsey cessssocsssecssssseeseersssscenesersnanen 3.00 ;‘ Mr,A.Y.Alexander «..scssccsssessssersneersneee ep Sonal ~<a 7.00 FirstA.R.P.Church ,a "50 Miss Sadie Ramsey ...s-vssrssessssseeersensers 76.00 ‘Mr.J,L.Austin ...21h ERCROAANE /D.A.Ritchie...——. 100,00J.Be Alexander .....csscssessssseerseerssrsneeseerees 24.00 M.E.Ramsey,Ir.cssvessssssseessesesessssenssenners as J.CG.Alexander ....ssscsescseesssessneerneernneeeserents .Pred W.BAMSCY covccsrecccssersscercssssosssnseoossnee ‘‘ A,FB.Alexander s--sssescosssesssnsersseesrsenserssets a ceri fonmn ccendinmnaiinniecinnnnntt am 9 Statesville,N.C.,Jan.2nd,1928. Ross Alexander .....ws ove a Be :‘ -OO.ley nn 0 Te yee coco 46,00 RECEIPTS TT.Je AYOTS coscesssscssssecrsssecssnosnnsccnnsssonsnscenssees ‘::RS GAMO seccscccecsocen 3.75 Amount receive ae _——Mrs,J.W.AMi8On eneennnnnnnnnnn i ee 50.00 Amount bo ved from Subscriptions,- %27,083.89 ae »Moe —EE 100.00 ‘Alex @ROrpe eececcsssssesseseressesnseensereneesne on unt borrowed from First National Bank,6,500.00 j cal J.8.Alexander i :i i.daeanstanenrininennebeesnenenes x —_— eg oe ome N.Mf sg eimai 85.00 Total ‘Reset ———— HH se.mpl "448.00 M.D.Stimson oscsescsecsssssseesesesneerneensensnrersstes 57.00 ceipts,.:.::$33,583.89 Hi fea J.L.Bost ne io uaaaaampatace re 1.00 H.H.Stikeleather ....csveseeeseensensensenseres 35.00 .&ade.“400s Mrs.A.M.Sherrill ...43.00 DISBURSEMENTS -_zw.A.Barkley ~~$5.00 Sige Mollie Sumter "470.00 |To amount paid for McElwee lot,-_&367.00 Bell Barron Circle .....sons 79.00 a...ei 86,00 To amount paid on Wood “° —Men’s Bible Class ...-cssssseessssersnceceerserees 1,960.00 Mrs.E.V.8 34.00 T ward lot,~5,000.00 f .a ‘.P.bs)COP ccrccsccrcsccesvecccosecccsersooenersoossooooess ot.0 amo ‘:.“7 'Albert Cooper ..ssessccssccscsssessssssssesnnnnssssenses ~~t :is “970.00 unt paid on Building,és m :16,600.27 ee E.G.Cowan ose.ooee ‘age seg 225.00 To amount paid in Home B.&T nee Te }7 aD Te scoideoneenoouuanancanicn 97.00 E.M.Shelton ;a $3,657.50 |a ee 115.00 T,G.Shelton vs 425.00 —To amount paid in First B ;rk Dees e 8.0 Mrs.Mary Sims...360.00 .irst B.&L.$3,657.50 7,315.00 iH Chas,P.Davidaon ......scscsssssesesseseencsnsersersens 16 Fe eiccccarersnesicinerennerinl 7.00 To amount of Interest paid . I B.ls Davidson oe aha alaanderonnne pe +d wo .cherriil ian 1.00 i Tiieech telance ,*i 4,012.50 -ee al 85,00 Mrs.W.A.Sample ...a 400.00 :a ”.--289,12 |.is Davidson Soi caneuapnnseniacdiens 5..:Be aaa ee 61.00 ! |Miss Pearl Davidson ....csccsveseseerenerererenes ~.,cavadior penne 250 )sien :erie 1,Davi Kosibimapeesian 5 J.F.J satsursessonsees amie ata aor |i!nT 450 Mabel Lowry Girele ern 4.00 i z Misses Mabel and Ellen Fuller...53.00 ee 36.00 3 I Ji Fi Barge ccscsscccsessssserseeseesensssscesesssenenenees 66.00 Cc,W.Washington ....niisdecapanmsenition d ee :a eS ; H Mrs,Chas.Evans ..cccsccscecssesssnsensnenererersees 52.25 J.C.Walker sc sgaamennnasspunsnaphanonrseneensione vor :’e balance on Woodward lot,Ms #10,000.00 -re SS hao oe |,We are due First National Bank,6,500. ©,ms =ee or a 40.00 A.E.Welborn aces 5,015.00 7 1900.00 a i enema Te>(Pomerat 240.0 |*‘Total,ae et xc a. seutsawebaguess 25 00 H.A.YOUNG cccccccssccssrsseseresernessnenesssnennenens 10 00 :7 --.Re a #%16,500.00 13 :a eaun &.:..Agereaa 425.00 ies:Miteah DORRO scsicorccssmesrerineeonncioee 22.00 9 amount inB.&L.,-a 7315.00 E ve 285.00 COU MMOWN’? cececsccesceeeesssersrsnrareneenensnnnersnsonns li alanece owin .-lo. z 4 one ae us .9 00 First B.&Li.Association «0...239.00 ¬ provided for,“*%9,185.00 ie B,B.Hunter «......0000:aetispassnesieniounccion aa Sade.$200.00 rae 7 cM Ph es oncunooeunnneenat wD.B P oD cevcevcescseseecsscensoeesecsscossosesooroosees ° °ao eee.a ee 134.00 Minnie Alexander Circle ..s.cccseseereenerers 100.00 Yours, Erskine Johnson ati ean j 4.00 Mrs.C.L.and Mable Poston...490,00 Sic TE 2,JERMAGG Lcvecsssesocesonceorsecvesesonsense 5.00 Miss Trene Patterson .....cccccceceeeereereeeeers 28.00 BUILDING COMMITTEE Thomas Kerr mie ee =Be 6.00 Babbath School .....ccccccceceeceeceereeeesseeensenee 600,00 }E M2 SE, ioe PE AIRE ces cccenscnctvisnesseseessvennroneniaia 18.90 Borrowed First National Bank .....+0+6,500.00 A,vt G.SHELTON,Treasurer Sittin mk LAWNS oanscscceeerecenrnsonsol 115.00 Borrowed First National Bank...400 00 ~a a WV,BE,LAeey,cxrvvccescscsssccsvvnneensseccsssnnssisveccs 1,500.00 J.Ge BCNON eecccccssesereersenneenenneneenennnnnens 7,478.71 Pm i Mr.V.EB.Lackey .....c:cssssccecssseeeeseenereees 100,00 comnasenaneiinani ee ae Methens ec esicieeic 32.00 Total Receipts...$38,975.39 William Morrison .......ccceesee i 108.00 a ee F Miss Sara Grace Moore ...one 6.00 DISBU RSEMENTS j Pe :BG.MOrrisom ....ecsccressssrsrerseesseneeees sie 15.00 Woodward LOt c.cccccccccccccsserseeeeeseeeeesreenenenens $5,000.00 »Mies Maggie Moose...ccsercceererseersnene 182.50 McElwee Lot -367,00 | i.Miss Rachel Morrison ..........ccccceeereeee .259.00 Building ......ccscresessersoesseee ee 16,600.27 ’ J.M.Morrison ........60000 90.00 Interest Paid ...ccccccccecreseeneneseseresrseeneeneees W.F.Morrison .....132.00 Paid First National Bank .......ssreeees cence T.O.Morrison ........Jieomsiinnioonen 349.00 Paid into Building and Loan - F.8.MOrrisom .cscccsescsescesssseeenseenenee cose 80.00 Cash 01 Hand «..cdcccsessceeeseereneees asi Miss Susie Nance ..ccccccccseccerrsereeerseeeeereees 5.00 eset { E.MOrriaon,Jr.ccsscsiscorocseeees ‘24.00 $38,975.39 ' J.Will Mills 00 =eS Se er T.D.Miller ..........425.00 EXPLANATION—WOODWARD LOT WW.Miller cccccccsscsscssecsssrcesscrveserseeerssenee 9.00 Cals creccrcccsesseerccererecsinccsesoeaccesenseorocesssessovsosves $5,000.00 a Mrs.Florence Miller Deal oo.149.00 Buliding and Loan Btoek «...cceeserreenee 10,000.00 W.PP.MeL@in ....cccccccccceresesrerenes me 29.00 Miss May Morrison ......jive 74.00 Total Coat ......csscssersereoesees$15,000.00 ”4 Cc.M.Miller ............hiernenesene 17.00 Neil Morrison .....maaanioioesiaed 19.00 BUILDING COST Mra.W.Y.LOVE ...cccccssersesscrsorees iis 6.00 Oa srcsecesisscercecsoocscensrsenrenseosesenssecnreseiensinte Miss Maggie McClelland .......isiivehanens 10.00 D.A.Morrison,labor ...nee EB.Morrison,Sr.c.cccccscccccssserersessorseeresessesees 2,500.00 Dick Ramsey,material ...... {Gales Patteraon .....ccsrecssererssrrserssesrssseess 180.00 D.L.Stevenson,material James 8.Patterson ..........an 14.00 J.A.Davidson,material te Miss Nellie W.Patterson .......:ccscerreeers 170.00 W.Li,POpe crsccseresesssessserersssverssrsrseseesseneees 69.00 PORBD siccrercsrcovsvevecesseseroooere Miss Etta Lou Patterson...85 00 | Scion’J.D.Patterson,Br...sccsseooossssecsssssseseseseessee 36.00 Amount transferred from Bank to 2 Pe DateaOe,Fi.conseasecnvsitorrsresocn-.ovesasins 59.00 First Building and LOAM crs $5,500.00 :e ee 130.90 Amount paid on this loan to date........01,905.58 ssscsseecnsdtiidanbyevesoesveserocsoese odtas J.G.SHELTON,Treas.C88 5 _January 3rd,1931 s MINUTES OF SESSION. |A ao oe Te tale 2 ee a aX <ae va A ener.<<2 24 ante MINUTES OF SESSION. ae +} aWMieK FAH 73/ po a ee ox p2caX em(Cay i gtlig ene ns ea fain 1 Lane Le! oa uf 54 he VE A E ae bois EPSta Seagenoman Aan stn Af Luclon of 4 A.REGY na Bu,abn)an [4 sees ——pods paws sha(bei Fs Foe aee one : Z <A Se ee ola ro «Za anhnme ae oa me te he PYCade ;oa ff fore ty,( — yf SF A -tt<or at alle a “at ih~2s 3 , ix =Om ee a ie —taKprefiefortaPicea=:saa an ae nefeaelet epee Citi cial Se.<Ui A:recente +ae ml ea ae ,ae .GOL ,_| MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. Be a}|haa o~e Cile mes—At@.6-7,cyav“iAAY* ~ess YerF2A UG epraaXK |Le tec ha ootgtle DK a ae -Saale i.te (p+oF -_=be f«)——c Heth \At'N}AX’‘A5Ss MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. —ey;aa ¢.|BL.Gage oe Merrion ftStatesville,N.C, Whereas,In the death of Mr.Mor- ,rison the church and community” |e .sustained a noticeable loss.i iL He was a very.loyal and faithful ae member of the Fist Church,and for Siesta tiinstlaeiaonsiconaekh .more than thirty years he was su-ry perintendent of the Sabbatin school, pe eee th and during his leadership the sehool | made wonderful progress. weer ~Mr.Morrison always took great in terest in all problems of his church and its achie ents and failures were the obje licitude. His zeal in ring strictly to fundamentals as?taught in God's rt word and his stfict observance §of i “?the Sabbatn Day Was a worthy ex- =ample and inspiration to his family,| church and community.‘ On March 29th,1931,Almighty | God,in His infinite wisdom found it .} }expedient to remove from this life L_—--the soul of our deceased brother and 't co-laborer,Eugene Morrison.Sr,a !f In Memory of Eugene Morrison,‘y eeeeeTg of his constant so- atchild of the congregation and an el- der for many years,succeeding his father,the late J.K.Morrison of sa-ry cred memory.~Be it therefore resolved:yl First.We the Session of the church bow in humble and reverent submission to the will of Him that wri i doeth all things well.That our | brother was long kept under the *' mighty hand of the Ged who gave §| him being and made him acquainted ’iJwithaffliction,this ®infirmity had 4“@yer become his fami}ompanion, oy he never complained%or becoiwe r z tient under chastisement. |ypecond.We commend his family tay e care of the same all wise Providence that caret’n and loveth His children with an everlasting love and will not suffer them to be tempted or chastened above that we are able to bear. Third.That a page of the church - recom be dedicated to his memory and a copy of this resolution be sent to the family and be published in our Church‘rer - t 4 ‘r of the Session.;.on a.“a aae |4aoe ’wonepeaneeats MINUTES OF SESSION..MINUTES OF SESSION. 4 be a (Fae ieee /aa ok CRECL.rg Pazar . . Jilin Lb "FEB.] | ;| |—|ae Seley _en fo |"GF a.a(fta—,(UE.Je ne LR aos itECG_LB.bfaly Nit fad.UFcsDip.behitha AKG | F pope Le vat?as fy (hie ieLheetwtfoiLoviesmh|Ss iee|Le _|AS,- a ) co aesar as .~2 asKerk., P LPO te Bdge.|4 Hard.diteZ i A ks |K-; .)ames Piss aL.Cx.eee «+=f amie.zs eK IK akg ef sa Bor :~wa :3 Sy Pas Og at Gro tf Aun?Ghee ;sr 7,F Z a 4 hin heed,Sr <a |tee oe C Wale >—2<4 ;4 4 U EF :agit a prea Or fh J a iyPfrertxChareadws,it Ye j J al /,LyDeleaAZrnp(77 a Jie ZC PHA Zz | eC La.caer2 Zo—-FASI/Cz2b bé tt Birryptcte}, oo U ‘mee a Ji >i fin ae Zz,< =Pema Boro.rr :Ze ae ey _——il c az..|viet Zaesehry 4 atti ,;¢€t MINUTES OF SESSION. —Laupte Be hati e =LPe Seciaeetitem LZ .ee a "eeL :7 ¢iseeeefos2 e Viz aes aac aidea hn 4 ft.ye anges gee |Z bea a ph ae Fo Away!;ioral a PKC _tney ci1tectny 4f &2K Aeadk FY :eo a “Sx ioe3a |lk ae ae iin ae x fee .¢GLE MINUTES OF SESSION. techie Zee Lhe Z2I—/AF/ og f Hert AA rhsaX BZee T;aseHe GZ =e >i cet tees Ger eA ulllany ga feLP A Lon fi,VE Lom Z SA,flay WZ7,Psa ”~hale Aor eV,SP Blip.(SAL ( (Ase ie Qs4 re lSpt— 7 L?IZ Ae etea 2 aski a ot £2,y Z {| og HN SAig fs nh wg PLiy..agheea ot Pe,ZaPitGYLfledofABok“4 TK Lay enn,Jone Aha3s202 ao A —o-<-7 as ~L+<.oe al a CScAislePF Res AaZ GZ Jhire hand)Kea hs a al = Mee a a=Mae/¥orqe~.wr <a ee ©2 ta Lyte hace MINUTES OF SESSION.} my —f-?ial .;Qolit—/%-/7 iff |MINUTES OF SESSION. :ees ihreserene basin °.a |FIRST A.R.P.CHURCH HAS :t oY The <ipet ; «|HOME COMING CELEBRATION ” }(Continued trom page one)i} {1c é |}|’oy 1 HOMECOMING CELEBRATION 2-2 ==| j GC fA /‘and Mr.Sharpe gave the history of |i |J Pit the local church.|mM” co aee --~~ ———ee : } {HISTORY FIRST ao The First Assoviate Reformed Pres-|via i Church Organized |tyterian church of this city,organ 4.|A.R.P.CHURCH|Sixty-T eda ty ‘ears apo ihe pas |p | ii °°.-Y |Avgust,celebrated the sixty -second|: |READ SUNDAY y oe ears res with a ene gm i if ii ”Ago Las August cay.Following an old custom of two |, i es Sunday services,with dinner inter- Al a aes z "a ::?Oe vening,the congregation gathered |t ole fi lors of St.Coates Hotel on aaa Morning Service Featured '"the morning service at 11 o'clock ¢a i 11469,With Bieven Members|,by Addrege by Editor \Charictwe News,was the speaker.VF ii ‘the foilowing history of the iat |Juli +,».a or if karlotte News,was the speaker.Af-4 ; 14 Associate Reformed Presbyterian Julian 8.Miller—Picnic \Srahee fe the Sal eet seal b iiding,)esis ioe :°.iy »Se r sche r if i] eee Me J.nie 09 =Dinner Spread in Sab-and oa ie siadinn in te ee ! a .Mr.J.S.Ale ,ras x ::.=S ; é read at the afternoon ae ta Foe School Building at *anit on the —s oe i} day:read and to hear greetings from the |, The First Associate Reformed _pestors of Perth and New Stirling|¢ii |, Presbyterian church,of Siatesville Rev.W.B.Pressly was ..jchurche mother churches of the)» !was organized August 7,1869,with ||full time pastor May 17,1878.ti |First A.R.P church of States-|s | eleven members,in the parlors of the||pastorate was terminated by his sud viiie;and from Pressly Memorial and 4 a sn old Walker House,later known as|den death November 25,1883.Mr.||IMamond Hill chwrches,Statesville,S 1 F} ‘the St.Charles Hotel.Just who the||Brow,the Baptist pastor,(later re-|,and the First A.R.P..church of|5; charter members were is not known|!moving to Texas)at the funeral said:|Salisbury,daughters of the local |, i. definitely,but Colonel A.M.Walker’s “Brother Pressly was a man who]|church vB ; ‘amily,the Barkieys,the Pattersons walked and talked with God,and so The services were attended by a t possibly the Ramseys,and the Mil-when Sabbath night overtook them 1 et rgregation that filled the church Cc i 4 lers.,Mrs.Mary Barkley Sherr Il is|)he went home with God.”Rev.D.G.a iditorium to capacity and overflow-wm i it ‘doubtless the only living charter Caldwell succeeded to the pastorate,||ca into the Sunday school room.Ma-; i member present,but she was too}!beng installed May 30,1885,resign Iny,bound to the chureh by ties of i Yo young to remember much about _it.|ing October 22,1891.He in turn was]jaffection,had come from the sur-|i it The organization,then as now,was||succeeded by our present pastor,Rev.||rcunding country and some from a i} f composed largely of families who had |J.H.Pressly,who was installed Aug-||distance to attend the homecoming,A 1. removed from Stirling,Amity,and]||ust 4,1892.There is a cocacidence||to see old friends again and remem- Perth neighborhoods;families with lin having three pastors,and three}her former days.Messages of greet- , old Scotch-Irish Covenanter ancestry.||clerks of the Session.Colonel Walk ine were read by the pastor from yt The elders were Robert RR.and|jer was clerk for fifteen yeers;Mr.|\\others who were unable to come but |ip ' a George White from rerth congrega a.K.Morrison for twenty-six years,|||\/hose thoughts were with the old ,:: it tion.Colonel Walker from Stirling,|/and the present clerk,Mr.J.G,Shel-]'!\church on homecoming day a tel-|, Pht and John Patterson from Ireland.||ton,has served for twenty years.‘egram from William ¢Miller und j,. rit "Deacons:Colonel J.S.Miller,W.W.]|The church suffered a very severe!!)fgmily.of Chester,S’©.;@ letter | a White,and W.A.Ramsey;seven offi-|!backset,when wrecked by a cyclone]t)f;¢m Horace Stieleather,of Austin,|, I cers including the pastor Rev.W.B.||June 10,189%.It was enlarged and]©yeyas’h Pressly.These have all passed over repaired at a cost of $6,000,the con t Editor Miller’s words at the morn-|¢ ‘| the River,setting the stage for otn gregation worshipping in the interim)"ing service were most fitting for thie ; i ers,who in turn have passed:elders,||in the Jewish ‘Synagogue,kindly ten-|©)omecomine occasion a reminder ¢i ‘i Wallace W.and John W.White,T.M.||dered.Since that time additional l'ta the church of Christ of the unlim-|5 j mi i C.Davidson,A.D.Kestler,T.D.Mil-|}lot space has been secured and a Sab-]t)jag opportunity to serve the Master |, i ler,W.P.Melain,J K.,Eugene and]|bath school building erected at a to-/¢);,,these davs of world tragedwsd¢ $ ID).A.Morrison.tal cost of $40,000.Building started |t wppas the attitude of Christ's dis-!; oi fhe court house was first used as|1922-1924.a ‘Tl eiple n this time when the world|| 4 a place of worship;then the Presby te lanka like +t needs God,when only God can save rey ‘terians tendered their church,which Afternoon Serves the world?Is the caurch doing as), was used about six years,one Sab-At the afternoon service the Peter did when his Master was on |; bath out of the month.The contract "kers were Rev.4.B,Pearson,(rig)tting by the fire warming j ~~for the church building was let Sep-—:f New Stirling Assoc.ate [+elf in complucency and in com-jr Zt tember,1874,and the building dedi-=d shurch:Rev.J.L.Hood,lfert?”' ; cated early in 1875,the Presbyterian ee ed Perth church;Rev.E.G.Music at the morning vervice wa pastor,Rev.W.A.Wood,joining in re ”pastor of the Pressly Me-|,,,ropriaté.The Psalms sung ¥ere | the exercrses of the day,foregoing _1 and Diamond Hill Associate (tpece of praise and of simple fa'th | service In his own chureh.The build-a ned churches of this city;Rev.iw God Olid Hundred,the ninety-: :ing of a church at this early day was’!Re les pastor of the F.rst As-—[fj,01 Psalm.and The L wrd’s My Shep |; possible throukh the generosity of e ite Ref ymed church of Salis-!,ard.During the offertors there wa ’ Colonel Miller who donated a__lot.sociale 7 John M.Sharpe.violin solo by Mrs.Harold Yount : Others contributed lumber,others;'bury;and Mr.cored "tenceiaitel gr eet-eee Frank De aton was at the ory’, brick,and others cash.I am so glad The four winistel ;||Mrs.. }to know that my father had a part inj *(Continued On kugv Piv~d-b/REN- the good work.as I have found pae pers,among his effects,showing ,lamong other things a contract for t Wbuilding.It may interest vou ,to ¢|know that the brick were put in the wall at $3 per thousand.| inatalled MINUTES OF SESSION. Examined G&Ap By The First PreshyccryOCT151931 ee |HOMECOMING HISTORYFIRSTA.R.P.CHURCHee Local Church Was Organized i“lors of St.les Healt on Au Reformed Presb nchurch,prepared by Mr.John M.rpe and Mr.J.8.Alexander,wasTeadattheafternoonserviceSun-eiThe First Associate ReformedPresbyterianchurch,of Siatesville,was organized August 7,1869,withelevenmembers,in the parlors of theoldWalkerHouse,later known as¢||the St.Charles Hotel.Just who thechartermemberswereisnotknown iamily,the Barkieys,the Pattersons, rs.Mary Barkley Sherr ll is:o44doubtless the only living charter'|{Member present,but she was too READ SUNDAY —the Ramseys,and the Mil-| MINUTES OF SESSION.DL /6 -/P2f|FIRST A.R.P.CHURCH HAS massccm,FIRSTA.RB.P.CHURCH [ CELEBRATION Church Organized _ Sixty-Two YearsoLastAugust whe tedService Features *Julian 8.¥) Dinner prea in rnbathSchoolBuildingatoon.. Rev.W.B.Preasiy was.....full time pastor May 17,1878.His pastorate was terminated by his aud-den death November 25,4888.Mr.Brom.the Baptist pastor,(later re-moving to Texas)at the funeral said:definitely,but Colonel A.M.Walker’s};“Brother Pressly was a man who} walked and talked with God,and sowhenSabbathnightovertookthem Caldwell succeeded to the being installed May 30,1885,resign- Fane to remember much about it;@ organization,then as now,‘|composed ene of families who hadremovedfromStirling,Amity,and!Perth neighborhoods;families witholdScotch-Irish Covenanter ancestry.oe “wane ae Robert R.andrgetefromWerthcongrega-tion,Colonel Walker from St ne,John Patterson from sgene::Colonel J.S.Miller,W.W.White,and W.A.Ramsey;seven offi-cers including the pastor Rev.W.B.arene.These have all passed over[the River,setting the stage for oti-ers,who in turn haveWallaceW.and John W.White,T.M.|C.Davidson,A.D.Kestler,T.D.Mil-ler,W.P.Mclain,J K.,Eugene andD.A.Morrison.The court house was first used as&place of worship;then the Presby-|terian:their church,whichusedaboutsixsereaneSab- .*esssed:elders, =aaiicoing October 22,1891.He in turn was succeeded by our present pastor,Rev. J.H.Pressly,who was installed Aug-ust 4,1892.There is a cocacidence in having three pastors,and threeclerksoftheSession.Colonel Walk-er was clerk for fifteen years;Mr. in the Jewish ‘Synagogue,kindly ten-dered.Since that time additionallotspacehasbeensecuredandaSab- by Editor|iller—Pien he went home with God.”Rev.D.G./| storute,| HOME COMING CELEBRATION(Continued trom page one)? ings from their several churches,and Mr.Sha ve the his fthelocatchurch.ws|The First Associate Reformed Pres-|tyterian church of this city,organ-ized sixty -pasts igang ago the pastAvgust,celebra the sixty -secondjanniversarywithahomecomingSun-(Ay.Following an old custom of two|Sunday services,with dinner inter-vening,the congregation gathered|for the morning service at 11 o'clock;when Julian S.Miller,editor of theCharlotteNews,was the speaker.4f-ter this service there wa®#a picnicjdianerintheSabbathschoolbuilding,,and another gathering in the church‘ac 1:15 to hear the church history|read and to hear greetings from thepestorsofPerthandNewStirlingchurches—mother churches of theFirstA.R.P.church of States-vijie;and from Pressly Memorial andPiamondHillchurches,Statesville,and the First A.R.P.church ofSalisbury,daughters of the localchurch.'The services were attended by ajcongregationthatfilledthechurchauditoriumtocavacityandoverflow-va into the Sunday school room.Ma-jny,bound to the chureh by ties ofaffection,had come from the sur- rcunding country and some from a \|}to see old friends again and remem-i,ber former days.Messages of greet-ine were read by the pastor fromotherswhowereunabletocomebut, ing service were most fitting for this| to the church of Christ of the unlim- bath sehool building erected at a to- tal cost of $40,000.Building started1922-1924, Te Janke Hke the ~ ;eg ng a theafternoon8&8 ae‘were Rev.J.B,Pearson, pastor of New Stirling Assoc.ate Reformed church;Rev.J.L.Hood, pastor of Perth church;Rev.E.G. Carson,pastor of the Pressly Me- ” out of the month. ; Diamond Hill Associate ee nateaas of this city;Rev.. G.L.Kerr,pastor of the F.rst As- ‘sociate Reformed church of Salis- .and Mr,John M.Sharpe. aa ‘tone yiinisters brought greet- ¢(Continued On Fuge Piv.)-eesaa‘ithese of praise and of sim fa'th t “What is the attitude of Christ’s dis- ciples in this time when the world needs God,when only God can savetheworld?Is the church doing as Peter did en his Master was ontrial—sitting by the fire warming iteelf in complucency and in com-/s f¢rt?” t Musie at the morning vervice wasf#opropriaté.The Psalms sung were phe mnmeei God —Old Hundred,ninaty-firet Psalm,and The Lord’s My Stiep-herd.During the offertory there wasaviolinsolobyMrs.Harold Yount |Mrs.Frank Deaton was at the or’,aen. asoaoh2mTaSremeenrcs|distance to attend the homecoming,|4 i} ;inJ.K.Morrison for twenty-six years,|||\hose thoughts were with the old).and the present clerk,Mr.J.G.Shel-}|!church on homecoming day —a tel-Pton,has served for twenty years.epram from William €.Miller snd|j,The church suffered very severe}|family.of Chester,S’C.;a letter|7backset,when wrecked by a cyclone!fificm Horace Stieleather,of Austin,inJune10,1899.It was enlarged and })Texas’hrepairedatacostof$6,000,the con-Editor Miller’s words at the morn-|4)gregation worshipping in fhe interim \ncemnmeominer ocrnson —a reminder |¢ iteé opportunity to serve the Master |,, in these days of world traged)€meanBE MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. ny peasTitaneeeeaeae211BZSKCeeBftreye&T ‘VE -i [ae oon a oa tt ol refark ~~a a’AaEAN A=cre 2XKzueX (CL Sreoeesd ress|inte te es.eeaeR.A a ehfFIG©arash aint }Ak LK —/_Z440+— ;a EL tee."aare <n la wee - i CA KBr ROBY,_Ob ae,tian a=A==Reo ey ena Be dll Sf beeps oe aOe = SH ao +tio--whe ae) Hz S P66 patna as Pe <7 —.a ao ae pe aefpyptaewelinxowlat 'leas sataae o Kirersrh ae eaialesseme 4 A ore 2Ore /)<<<{cee Puty Ge 5 eo otepaoe Sn = ae..a Ye'\ayoo. $wk,a any az ra *LC ite 6 nl z ow an f Sze fp SRL——‘p—f horm,,p Lte ¢<n.tgAnh cme7SlatEmobenFilesFBLASAAA--flee o~VE et t_D Z - )7 f) aotaeeeye4: MINUTES OF SESSION. Leet:wll Zt oe LL EO PT sead . mer) ene Pia Zé Lack |<a ¢ ae $s ai Z Pitre ome PAwa oe One,Se Cerin:as “ L4eMeAmb.C2,Nha Hor, Ve Slee ME,Naa LG efor Ltd xf Zo ecb J2 re tes ZKS Jazh ASntunten das i iP ee Ya (Perel,2-245,Zo ZF a.ms Ay ed ,tengo 2FontPocrvyChlailietesesoe~~fae Ml i me 0 7 aDatenSCLalhe)ax,ransnilh =.: ,J ha fevpee,fh (a OF LG Aletha! Z A a A LA /2pKoeraCEOS—_—Ww -2 esA“fs ae Re Jat,Z,a ae <mex Af Q <add yeypoela“FO dee hel | “7 :=:=A face atin Ze a ee PE tlee enbeae ‘ae .Kh heen a OS Mish : ae ae fe:Se gs ae ~— £2 if i Oe ver 2 ye ea Je CoO Cz br, forrrrt ,poreffk oS/ Scianictheianenaaienaenen MINUTES OF SESSION. Jicsy Lo GR of “1 etry «enn ae a “— (itl gle <sities é Ww ana ‘a het all t~w P V v7 Pa ine.ima”LAs fon oe p< 2 wae (OO ee —-FU-4,ape arr?Cane,gan LAL,ter K oS teeth CL sake 21 <1 hom “hace .maka %<2:Meccaiat &,Yl fPetca. Le,:Zt 2 LL aoe J <S sity Defaa ae hele 7 att fe loop Fy fre ry cena -a ,Offre aod— oe pt hint han Lowe hie apkoomeoSZ”Al.Unneg —ct Zpessige Lege o Kettemn 7a Aa.tke 4a,2g Fie _—2h oo bmn,As “04 ?eat a 4 Cte ey Omi Cu.forrye sl =GO pm 4 :(LG a alt Of !,kT sididefpfFt #ans Y — ene i. MINUTES OF SESSION. aeDre ae a oo LZ “pak as Jouleifn a Lett 2E ee CAS ZI pe aie ~careace:ZzAegeees ea pr fon.Ht. a <z ide ,:GS Slitscee :Ye ,Fiori BlLen."Sag ahL ae Ree 2 Encik O+«>r at << ea Ane ye—t % ¢ae aSyfhas lee Ed aeUa? Ait.<Z 4 To Lt ried 4ie 9 Seen eee MINUTES OF SESSION. Zesa IE alent,“tite et7 pala pee i a tiles LEltr LL,ete :Cea % =a a ‘sO formu *Res CA.ae aan he «BP 2tevohn AEA Ln J Bee oped foe Bowe yon wr 4 jesTee a es IX es §.2:eh se beCJ223s22s=nS =ed 5 o>a=oe 4s a A ; >ar}eg ™a Q ae :=on |a :he 2 a a od 3S ™lad 5 St on vw £.a —~Ts,3s om fey a es mM OU ;e ob os a - a i o_N i ; >uu &er)i i x~v aq i i ~~A yy j i —-2 >==Ss Ww !a v =ea ey i |Eeaai5 ; ZA °CO =.‘i ==a.=os a i i Y -lad os S &3 i C4 s 6uom|5 e &ft .=a ee ~oc ./ —-ee ae —og 2 §>3 5S 6 s >=gees s g & +~e a “we fal a}4d o 2 a _Gy—_BF 8 238 oO Fea RBA me £2gZ,nu at cee 1 48 =2 ie ne-ae 8 ee iti>2Z||£8°s £2 3 £26 P*©£8 2.2 €@ ee 5 a 4 f<a ee Bah iz2@6&@ &an:2 a l ee /Y llA aeee DR.J.H.PRESSLY'S-FORTIETH YEAR AS-PASTOR OBSERVED A.R.P.Preacher Pre- sented Handsome Gold Watch SPEAKERS TELL OF GREAT.PROGRESS) By Alwyn Morrison. A congregation that completely filled the main auditorium and also filled the Sabbath School room to ca-, pacity gathered yesterday afternoon, at four o’clock to pay a tribute of re- ‘|spect,love and congratulation to the four decades of useful and faithful! services of that venerable and belov-| ed pastor of the First Associate Re-| formed Presbyterian church,Dr.J. H.Pressly,of this city.The services, which held the closest attention of the big audience for the best partof ,, two hours,were in keeping with the occasion and were carried out in an excellent manner.| The rostrum on which the speakers of the occasion stood,was effectively decorated with a wealth of late sum- mer flowers in a variety of colorful shades and adced much to the beauty of the services. A violin and organ duet with Mrs.Harold Yount playing the violin and |’ Mrs.Frank Deaton at the organ,was’ played as a prelude.Four verses of “Old Hundred”): \were sung by the conregation as the opening number on the program,aft-|er which Rev.E.G.Carson of Press-| ly Memorial A.R.P.church read the scripture a variety of passages be- fitting the occasion.In_introducing! the scripture reading,Mr.Carson} spoke of how Dr.Pressly would standinthepulpitwithhiseye-glasses in|one hand and a book,maybe a Bible,! or Psalm book,or some other kind of gin his scripture reading to his con-'gregation.Mr.Carson’s scripturereadingwasveryeffectiveandmostsuitabletotheoccasion.Follow-.ing the scripture reading,Rev.Ek.J.Harbison of the RaceStreetMethodistchurch,_presi-,dent of the local Ministerial Associa-_tion,led in a prayer that was veryappropriatetotheoccasion.’ An anthem,“Praise Ye The Lord,”,was next sung by the choir.iMr.J.G.Shelton,who was master | of ceremonies and who is chairmanofthesession,made a few appro-| priate remarks and introduced thespeakers._itm-ee eae _—book in the other hand and wouldbe-|! i +3chu.|elected to carry up the call.‘|was accepted and Mr. ‘tthe pastor.~~ MINUTES OF SESSION. APD F 2s t Next on the program was a resume of the four decades of Dr.Pressly's ministry at the local church.| The first decade,from 1892 to 1902,was given by Mr.J.Stanley Alexander,one of the oldest living church members and also one of the oldest officers in the church.Some’ of the high lights of his resume are as follows: “On September 27,1891,Rev.D. G.Caldwell tendered his resignation and on October 4th it was accepted. The church was then without a pas- tor until August 5th,1892,On March hth,1892,the session met with Rev.! J.E.Boyd as Moderator to make out a call for Rev.J.H.Pressly of Due! West,8.C.,who was at that time finishing his course at Erskine Theo-| logical Seminary.This was put he-; fore the congregation,which number- ed then about 75 members and now) about 600 and the call was unanim- ous.Captain T.M.C.Davidson wasThecall Pressly was ordained and installed pastor of the local A.R.P.church,August 5,1892. Rev.W.L.Pressly,father of J.H.) Pressly was here and took part in the installation,giving the charge to Mr.Pressly’s salary at that time was $600 a year,but today it is five times that much. “Thus began a friendship and ties that has bound pastor and people of the First A.R.P.church of States- ville together for 40 years,but not! only this church but the people of Statesville and surrounding country have and are still enjoying the friendship and ties of goodwill of Dr.| Pressly.We believe that we made a wise choice when we called Mr.!Pressly to be our pastor and he did’ in accepting,but the wisest choice was when he made up his mind to go, down to Harrells,Alabama,to the’ home of Rev,J.A.Lowery and ask the hand of his daughter,Mabel,in, marriage.They were married June!19,1895.For the first few months | of their married life they stayed atthehomeofthelateJ.K.Morrison.|/ Mrs.Pressly has heen a stay and: buckler in every time of need,in'spiritual as well as temporal things to Dr.Pressly.UF “Tn due course of time the Pressly family began to increase and multi-} ply.In the fall of 1897,the congre-, gation decided to secure a lot and, build a parsonage.A lot on East) Broad street was secured and a seven! or eight room house was built in 111898 at a cost of about $750.Dr. Pressly and his family are living in! this house today,which was remod- eled several years ago. “On June 10,1899 our church wasdestroyedbyacyclone,which we he-|lieve was a blessing in_disguise,al- though this retarded the growth oftheoarofthechurchfor |some time,e greatest display of ,brotherhood and friendship."(Continued On Page Five).was a} WN t wt oy~ \ o -itieulations and articulations ;-congregation and which —;!———-—_—_r class met on Sabbath mornings r at other times.e system of deacons was put into effect f ana Capt.T.M.C.Davidson. this period the local A.R,P.church|©had a $Pressly’s ministry, "geven men. a number of A.R.P's.living in tha’ section of the city.Several membersofthelocalA.R,P.church withdrewandorganizedthePresslyMemorialA.R.P.church,a daughter of thejlocalA.R.P.church.The Carson,a minister of fine qualities and ore who stands for the best andhighestthingsoflife.This churchynewhasamembershipofsome150 to 200 members,and the mother church is proud of her daughter andforwhatitstands.The elders dur-ing the 1902 to 1912 period were:A. °’DD.Kestler,W.W.White,J.W.‘White,J.K.Morrison,T.D.Miller During under In closing,Miss‘Daviason spoke of Dr.Pressly’s ges- whichjhelpedtoholdtheattentionofhis steady growth ‘have a great deal to do with the vig-{or of Dr.Pressly today.Mr.Ben Ramsey gave a resume of!aqa\the third decade,from 1912 to 1922. e |'He introduced his talk with these|words:“This was a period of enlist- ;ment of man power for the church.” {In 1912 there were 157 members of‘the Sabbath school of which 150 were ,women and children and the other There was no organiza- ‘tion of young men at that time. |Shortly afterwards a Young Men's In 1922 a. »Jot adjoining the present chureh was, ®bought by five generous members of tithe church. _Bible Class was started. The lot was known as ‘the “Woodward lot.”A’hut was ,built on it where the young men’s and In 1918,the rotary |and this was one of the greatest of 'moves made by the session of the ‘church,wherein more men would be-jcome interested in the church work.|In the fall of 1918 the local A.R.P.., .church had one of its greatest spirit-, )=nisiinninangeantnetiil-mw:ual awakenings when the late Dr.W.. W.Orr held a revival meeting in which he stirred the whole congrega-tion.One of his sermons was the;“Say-So”sermon in which he had thewholecongregationstirred.When he was through preaching there washaralyadryeyeinthecongregation.It was one of the greatest spiritualawakeningsinthehistory’of “the church.In 1922 there were 310 mem-bers of the church,almost a hundredpercentincreaseinmembership.In1912thecharchraised$2,400 for lo- cal and foreign mission ¢,while today the congregation raises some$7,700 for ali church causes. Mr.Frank Deaton,the treasurerofthechurchorasMr.Shelton sa becoming a manufacturing city,with present},pastor of that church is Rev.EB.G.! Dr.| no doubt: jin his introduction of Mr.Deatoii, \ ; ;;,;I ;;jences during her resume. lowing are some of her remarks con-}eal church—about 28 years; ‘shown at this distressing time when, Se me ae es inued from page one) #thesun rose over the eastern hills, e members of Jewish Templenuelhadameetingintheirplace worship,corner of Kelly streetWestEndavenue,and offered toheA.R.P.church,their temple asplace*of worship until a new church=be built by the focal A.R.P.’s.‘This friendly and brotherly offer of the local Jews was accepted,and *}decade is an epofthechurch,coming into it at theearnestrequestofhiswifewhowas Miss Bride Alexandermarriageandwhoisnow the church organist.during the 11 years he has been in the churchgreatdeal of pride and joyfulness |}its wonderful growth.the buying of the Woodward lot,thebuildingofthehut,the building ofthepresenteducational worship was continued in the temple P.church builaing was years old. at success.There was added the church roll in the first ten years lby confession of faith and _certifi- jeate,230 souls.Lost by death or re- ‘moval 30,making a net gain of 200. -Pifty or sixty children were baptized. We believe the secret of Dr.Pressly’s Ist,his desire to win souls and 6 years you'd almost always find him ,in his study in the back of the old church,preparing his sermons.And rd,but by no means the least,the|New Sterling and Stony Point,Rev.ration and advice and prayers G.L,Kerr of Salisbury,Rev.J.L.elders:Capt.T.M.|Hood of Troutman,Rev.L,I.EeholsA.D.|of Concord.W.White,W.W.White!who brought goodwill and congratu- |3¢o-0lofthose six godl -@,Davidson,J,K.Morrison, Kestler,J.,and A,M.Walker.” Miss Sally Davidson who took the Lewis Thornburg of St.John’s Luth- 2,/eran church.Rev.J.Ben Eller ofgaveavivida¢count of the growth|the First Baptist church and Rev. .'of the church during these ten years.|C,E.Raynal exper-|church who second decade,from 1902 to 191 gave several humorousSheThe ;ing the time between 1902 and Rey. ‘In-|years,depression crease the membership of this churchp ehurch has met all of its home and 2nd,to give the best that was in him|foreign mission and local to the services of God and the peo le |expenses,always he was serving,and in order for Dr.|of the church a 100 per cent record 'Presaly to do this for the first five or each year for forty years in a row.|| i' 1923,which,with the lot,cost in theyearormore,until the present A.\neighborhood of $40,000.He spoke_was erected.|of the leadership’of Mr.H.P.Grierpresentchurchbuilaingisabout)of the Bible class which now has on {enrollment of close to 150.Mr.Grier“The first ten years of Dr,Press-'has been teacher of the Bible class ’s service here were crowned with|for some 15 or 20 years.Mr.Deatonto|gave an excellent descripresenteducationalbuilding. Mr.Deaton became treasurer of thechurehtherewasanindebtednessof around $4,000 but up to the present time there about $600.For forty suceess in the first ten years WAS:|years, before her Mr.Deaton said thet he has watched with a He spoke of building in ion of theWhen indebtedness ofconsecutive lean years,hardyearsthelocal is an through current giving the synod Among some of the visiting min-isters who spoke words of cutgrat- ulation were Rev.J.B,Pearson of Am loeal ministers lations to Dr.Pressly were Rev.J. of the Presbyterian stands next to Dr. fol-|Pressly in length of service in a lo-\ andE..G.Carson.Mr.G,E.4 1922:The church at that time did not Prench and Mr.F.A.Sherrill also :/the singing.Mrs.J.K.Morrison,4 Dr,Pressly and his wwe‘ y ,y she soon succumbed.the members being bitterly opposed,Pressly a handsome seventeen-jewel to the action,a reed organ was soon|80ld watch and chain as a token of 'o @ musical instrument to lead | and the congregation which souls joined |leaaing the songsvices.Her voice and ‘affected by the stroke;from which With some of ,purchasea to lead the singing of thechurch.Later a pipe organ,which ‘the church now has,was bought.De-_spite the opposition of some of the,members to the musical instruments in the ehurch,by prayer and suppli-(eation and friendly advice the op-position was won over.The Sabbath ‘school was just beginning to take its |rightful place in the activities of thechurch.The late Mr.Eugene Mor-\rison,a son of Mr.J.K.Morrison,|waa the first superintendentsjoftheSabbathschool.served inthisaeforthirty-five years,or until his health to giveAtthattimetheassemblyroom was1wherethedepart- ;ment is }} tall,stately woman who had @ strong|Pressly's family is making a mark| voice,raised the tunes of the Psalms/in the world of today.A daughter‘then|is &missionary in India.A son-is anumberedintheneighborhoodof250}doctor of medicine,im.The choir was on the!minister,anotherfloorofthechurchatthattimeand|daughters are teachers not in a loft as they are today.Mrs.|lie schools;a daughter is married ’|Morrison was stricken with paralysis!a Sabbath school ela yin the fall of 1904,while she was|Sardis;at the church ser-daughter are still in school—a@ re-speech were;markable family. ’ way... ;church,in which he envisions a new| spoke words of congratulation to’:family.Dr.! another a son and in the pub- and two sons and one ——Mr.H,.P.Grier presented Dr. love and appreciation of Dr.Press-ly’s long and useful ministry in thelocalchurch,“As Rev.Mr.Pearsonsaidinhisremarks,Dr.Pressly has now worked among the local A,R.P.'s for forty years.Mr.Pearsonpredictsatleastanothertwentyand\probably longer service to the local ehurch with a congregation of onethousandmembers.After the singing f Psalm No.#,Rev.J.Ben Eller to aclosetheanniversarywith Den re ne ee )MINUTES OF SESSION.,MINUTES OF SESSION. i ‘a !a eteeeOay <1-a,2 eae »elicit Sin _2teo K fled 7-nw hapa Pon |es |MA.;L Pe.Keer i MA.Slee La,Phn |Segoe ae,ooo —Z4t<s<pan on Ln a ||ee |Ze ele OF Ghethn...;[ler2 CecZ ie 4oo bf Ll ny~char st =~4||GE la GE crite bah forsee +Mak 2S,Me ga A -ala crre Lae f ita zx ,coe tee ar 1,leeA fe :LoL i ft fic <[-Vite.oN LA-Pe <Cre :7a I ie Reeo Ah Fy a Cal,ae i é fo,2 es ere “A wn Chee Fro Sa th bdrm a ;rs.a?So =fee, I.Zhen Boe ai See ola.of A tate 3 i Lodo Ke YG “ag Mi a aafltyitr tray Pana BL,<¢|5 |.|C2:aw =FB tivai —<—ZLama cB 1 Preseli }.vda Ee Ge 0 L ian Moy _= Ue _Jct,i.Ba Se |Ang $s foie 11 hey 2 Sosy y é |flat GisMinin ae hn oan wea ’dbl.‘ 1 ;ee eG, a bee LD ig Dstt thne.>ae,Ret cena |E |ast Ax “eae tees pa cee zs Jb map EF At re nea a+i od -hent-De |LE neneatn-ie ik 0 (Pow ppt silhten._ || |—+|CFR Ae MT eee -Perf a0 wat ae ry i A .7 Ww '~@2, MINUTES OF SESSION.‘MINUTES OF SESSION. _i IN iUsMORIUM.| _In executive session the First sesOciate Reformed i tresbyterian Church of statesville,ll.c.officially / § records its leep senge of logg,in the death of our | brother,Harry Perey Grier,0atober 10,1932, “@ desire hereby to make recognition of the faith-;ful service rendered by brother Grier,not alone ag a . j conecieutious Slier for seven years,and teacher of wttheMen's Bible Clasg for many years,but we wouldnotfeiltorememberthebeautifulgracesthatchar~actorized his life. 6 “@ desire .1lgo to record our unZeigned admirationofthenoblefuithandcourage,with whieh he faced|the problems of life and of death-the golden key } y-iil,sae =Zw "2 estawyZZL “2ee"dn Aa ao Oe tw “~c out.[+>oe7‘95 —7'A Hts once lr Ztt.2 ae 7 Z—Pyne tcek of Yi Be.ili:/A.Po.haa em,ee Sint eh foe in.sympathy in their bereavement,and commend them to Hin,|/:who Was our brother's keeper,and who ig able to keep ’ that opened to him the paluce of eternity. “He asked life of thee,and thou gavest it hin,even length of dsys for ever and ever."Pgalm 21.hk ‘@ express to the members of the family,our deepest 4 5 + i ogg fp Z them against that great day.|Prue a Ze So Lt _ents|Es ;It 4 |C,7 Ss crdered that a page in our Church records beAyatenge§ay 2l—Lome I PAYA dedicated to his memory;that these resolutions beAS.7 oe -recorded thereon,a copy sent the femily,and a copy‘Ng Hf,ontsind =Z ,|sent to the church paper for publication, y _YHA.ee Wes Pa 0-0 > :the Piret ch. i 7 79 sad oie es The,Sesgion.of the AaBeR PupA“tte layse_BG oxy Vinny Oy||ea h-Oe ese :.Statesville,ii.C.,liov.23,1932, 7 Z | MINUTES OF SESSION. i 4 as ZG Letty A2ae Gace ta =emer?i — ears ais eSeea <Zz-ony “eC MINUTES OF SESSION. Aegtater we®a?ELL Af.rater cute & LY,PitaeECeiar wovy &me HE Loa.3 |ee nga ceaia teuen (Zo4>Peden Pan ae Peee ,Eopce Hg Ptong sx a= aAMREEiAMAADOTSASETIREOaMESA:SARReSSSEESSISA:ee he tet (ee per ;EGIL a an | Le tte os a Hpac | gga ee o-STF eGi‘ee fA se ioe aed MINUTES OF SESSION MINUTES OF SESSION.#|i ed (LB as 184 si of ats.ee <<a oe Sgn @..hac -Peie oe reek Jrwepy- fe Dp iO Pitti test Dig <t uae ——{+“,oe ee a -4 Zh ee aft cere2h aisapetah ~Arye <r Lowi rll tte Bod ssidnl i ‘g.tim oe ~ \Mego n ale as ne al a «-Ze a 4 shp«.so to analf 24 ett .’:ie J ‘i cLee ee’)aed me foo :Logo 4s tisk,-7A ‘Sattar MLA-449 Zh Zt Ler Y -oe ;/7 f Cai. caip LH,cLwrneshtrs ,a =j .-a La fe >ZZ 2 Ly 5 y Kk .:/J Fw rr Ae a ee a Bor Zzeee:[Kfomeg——/ii 4 .4 se.*:Atv)Sue —,at 4 Ax=sh ea I for J |L,"an Zo&pull 5Lhdie ee a ge Ue a 4.. Lal,ia.gatt~f >,|‘. haa||Lt adisadicamia ao /:A)ag:Pe Ltt /‘-/s s A ;FF Dower L¥¥ Cha a ken ees.:i SI (Vier Ylewl Dltap2~24 Pane :;fed.ha wh .; a qa AA ee s Sf yy os SVT,(fa Jt vaililaJrrryGOPeefunBo4ee ey ‘;ox LS >Labpof-ee, fiw ee J :oe:|: 7i1i / 7: i”||i7) leet. ISAPi icine Zte V1 2:—:eeeeedieaemeane}——|+ageorrecemenageaEseTgonanhipentenarspuneareee=nineeneregreraecSmategerso+-cmc zs¥aeeOa MINUTES OF SESSION. ren}i6cavaisemuCOeeavso:Seasae;affai;'iI|:;;}oe::erenceliesorntaerrevendereseemedai,:{:};};;::oF 7‘i “Lp aa >hl Peeve 4 kle-+tin cf —API YA &petite ce b/Hh hg Lips s v PA liractoee.bowen TE footy AA.anceoan KAbikbe re AH,apa,MA Low lip Gem end vo LitéefPir _ TZ 47 tn 7 Lame Faun!Boel for aSjeeoe aisat:iad é o 2 7dk,oney HF a ae tesla Cpe C2 we had 3zyCr,a een ee. of 14 Bef fonrenane i B07. *ec a ‘since,ge } Bexez Ie Gl Despre fA UE BL.L/ef —Vo Le er?Say rey TA.<A ae ee a.~e xe A Ale.ine:Ze <arteA,Lop +thle et af oan.ciy QaiDefiaya“Mane pik Gale GE.-—zioll wf : -og sae ata MINUTES OF SESSION. Hei alte 4 AK fee ok at oaey Jf -199 RR oe oe al.eee stlc JorcdaX ~ tut JH lhe -5La pa ale,a BA chanel UWCE<p hoe Kc ee a Lofty Ptrplimate ofp He Cotte he E |toe anni ee 4S -Ltt,<fedctees’leedeeoe nee pated pov kar 0 Loved a TBwine |_—ae Ez ato Lake |Gata)ee ieee adits am sae Mic 7 La Le Site.=nr col P ed ae a a ea Mee a Ltn rl kce & HK Ary e eS wil Ckahet =Co e lee wlege, a <4 G wll ts/ae vrEAPPI 1 WewarminedGs The First bresd'BCT 11 1933 2 V-fecvagMod. |}i||:;|;i:|i/;7IH Ti:ai |oaeeeneimenenieeanacinaitndied.scaetnaaeij}'}:;MINUTES OF SESSION. ID we Vl Da sc ~a a ae 7 G i Porm Cub ay,a Ke Boresk faxing|LAA om reve K Gon vigiiinel HH 2x | vty pet idan iA —tA aLE,2SeePeeon,Zor.pl 4—<|;ge elpianktsflr ar aha (pers fendSp)Lore eZ wer Mei Za 34 Ee Ae 4;a.ns.et Sd Df ca, Z >/Bhete a.“-}-~<e 2 ee the Zz envul the ~ihe SL 9 Lt oY...|=en 46)Cope:hag! wsat zZ -.+pent Aye C eeHA7Salansing,“an been Few,eed Vann o ef Yd —~~‘ae Mf,/PZ<LZ honeeog~—,.b ah “; <x is K/7I9 i pillar att Se a. Weenies eae MINUTES OF SESSION. eePOoscwnaed2hbeGore ame | ee c al De ine LL,0 batorxe K x ant Shor Pt pGow nhc Ke,ee ten Cone . 2 al 4 cree eS xl |Ahh 4pvt f Bip a zr | “ne”<b wll Pa ~fe Ee (24 LLC San Stinintllavie nits env “"buy LE EZ Lap ais lak bo wid Wierd,oy bi Ae lenin tf LE ali “ates:ae 4 VR wba tee See ae Ztspe 2LoxZee~Bing PHA ol Pree Bas Mt ieeelh.Ft Boe es xFK “peesoatttntngffresbamast “BaCao_Latlt »Aet~Ae “fon> vv brute Sx aps of epbe itn .ae a a Epa ee p2é0-a.f ane Bene —e "ai ~Tae LEAF Re.pe Aany~7 Zhao tlt eet oy fae ae «ao Chi nde:F={ail <AE.GE Gun Le ne es,ery.Gt _—_—5 AL¢hyp jth MINUTES OF SESSION. Aeyy Fige ;!=OmAGE:2yP ede,A Cnvka A _~they oo xh i O88 £.:St +f eH.afd L ereCove Se ah — prea hl?o~Sto 22i,flere,Catonal Tae ee ge a PX «Aim,LA Ite Lilet.iene FOS og a = lh ad —tANa4,a ae g1ttz <s->”*P Lowe nig e a tha <aL,koehe =Lt Aefo.Bi Me Mca!an...Avdif on ze aa”=er Beep -‘2 oat mk uc ew,<22 eae 6Et ae on ae ie :a ge.=<site fa lige(C eaSEED F2hpelovedy et Locy ¢“Ge re, Ge 4/753 ee enn Ce. ©LHid4- aie. cian ae es or, ins die they Thee “/Ahte /F7,ee ~x <thea Mecelo ty ee Z ee PSoF“ea At Za telok opene oie:—LL.lho |Pe |pnt.hea Ltr 62 tte 2a ZL,Me Sieh ~7“Lh, ;Go iy >ae he he,ow pre Oe pla ss xDae ae ~;2.a Loh fs by aa 7 “a bq“7 eabitbfasen.«JodleG.oa LaiaMidh ate’aa yet A t.-L>>exe,“9 Peer Oe”Tihor<file mS tr od x Sin 23F : MINUTES OF SESSION. j sae af.i pe STi. 1 _7~0,c Pee r 2 ho prune CA 47 Af 2 thang Anni LC agent Fb zo so eine fx rh FL kp i"= fA al ee [-e FA .2-44a,<ppe,nn ‘ 7a -“x AH onl a sigh Sar:Aven CSrls SCA.+ “Cp <vs oA te ~~a —Z "Agee g nan QZ IS Aprrmies Fr Z er...mest ie : 2 vA Z f , }oe Ss Ber ae ee ‘eek wet.pr Ae,C172. )<n ee ~G<.eae J )JECELLE eae ,age ot 4 (7,$B 22C4creer€i cz.eae en retn~ ’—A 7 ao ke berg oo ae ez, Katy,be Oe es st 2 t+4&2. 7 . ses hy - @r2erco-w Zain oad,tis fap, Fr “rretlucscet:TF AG ne C z 4A yp me L-0 ePp—se ¢Loate sia 71SSahn SE hl Crt.eeonayeegg4 Band p+ MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. —ne Ey f2er a FE again oni cs SPidenr le ya AEGal T Yei aie tthige :agp .ae ao rn BELLEce:(pre;o A 42 PI AY)ovetc Cor fark Lennek ||fetes oanae {ee tees 9 ct lel ||A Looe ee.——“02.i Aigpe.&Be Bins ZK GHA wnt Wh eee tte we.os Y LoL eee th Mee,fie tue ey oy cab lads.total Ce7 Ly a a~*—a ae sh =a “z ue Y- beiFain,—J ot ha 7 | LealCee .So Jo~/SFIY |a eile ae.V-=Ke Sh Jowtey,A } -1 eed _oo tom SUry\oseu Ae a oe hae,tee Con ite <=pet ffo~—ol a |Spel AHghl L486 he,ee pads ig 7 aatteTEee.2 re,at Pee FnA.ee aOeCeetere.OG |rewa So.eine eee Grice 5tSA,hay 2%epee LYE Aon nye Mop.het fev lett John —thavok2tC/iat Etttra Rpifeer TS,A ‘ee Que ea,ANB tliat 5 gy.Kw <a Fr Fawr Pace ~%‘t*S ae ho ae Cc hans“R times (Pry ,Cafe,Me“oO 1 f “oy g oT oe :4 f2~}A ae!pe ——;7 Canty SFR Zale:aeamPS €| 4 <=>PF EOPP Kee oo Sx allDh &px é.At ra Z a,>,Ak Cues i a le f FOacys a bY:(MhabbrePca 7(Samafeee, Beer i a o are,a:;fs ,i 2°—“2 _/f-pas =,eee sx :He rsdn Lenn HE FF Aooity ||t =pe £Ly.rl"Ze.<oo soiigiia i Did tion,ff x Fy 0 >4 .| Be Men,“Cl Baar Banke Gibdiz,||, a |$=tk .<p—~PU.C:nape,Ktssbsey q aia Lave:cee ZA bay ws S “4 Cenk QS C2 thnk X c,|LF <“ft ::a.vee Ae <Gee,forme y of BML A '—.irae-:~.“i.Alive ohn Ubi.oe Rink rtl 220 H71”2 at Zz cS Stee ~~zt,ane:eit cos eae 7 ;t ;| eee oH hn 4 A '~A-2k $°—/FAAS if4t——atta >shee (i ae in Mewerins ie |Anat Oe,Ee.aoe La.GRA cn i=EO]tt Pee ZY.lod SL note Vol___|eens Lose Le Blame or’Datta MINUTES OF SESSION. Bea As lal aggt JPBY —2 he er pesLE ta |<ac—=BI-/P#G3 CF 2K,ahe = /T ay aw Serr,for «a a Hef ne MINUTES OF SESSION.| Lhe Khe or “A a eC Ce,Ww OF arr -7141.%“ing Gt uh L,——o +e A har j for C2 Puts aa AL Lore *i 2Gen1-<Co tier, oe ee ti AK Ap htth, frouhé :Vee,obi -vA 2 : 4a af Ak of.Jee fy plea peek,Gi SSas | i.,7 (id reg”tod ae o~r :Jot,Nita aceLy Ooty AeA “oe inne.ied ae ee al canal 2s Vag a Sf fon:a ¢eo ™ eo et mca Laake -idee alles im Coe Dit/Ce a —a a oat ie Zu) i f J yA So Le a J p~od-ay awhaatTasfe S&AY ate (eaToa OR. (py<“sass.A aSc-Fame Ke HK Porn,a Z oe mil i pe es Larkin hit /ZS,SIE j : c LIC S Faitin ‘ike fee ae df AneLALaked'igGorbeepee-Be ne /4 MINUTES OF SESSION. Ste ag Pe FE nl ila WKSifu en ZB he ais mk te |ce oo ap eea thy agaAgente fA2 ax nie he aeELE PaperOe 244.——OO toe aooatlSarefenxo; es OG Len i il MINUTES OF SESSION. iHi va ma t j 6Lee evan Bare fBhs rexXLaraeBsiaeeIkeaaoeEgrhNdMarke,FO Vraren,©Gu VE.Agpl i Ae €Herraser of MegasV-KAAflrbenh WS vv.pe ukbdiias Sa thusly 2 fry oe LXerec E tee ee Cot EileOE X Cicseecme Zzif neeyeehatheJier YF bey 2Kfhe>ree ts |So Misti,eee eitDeeeeteeeaneeeei.7-.ii}i{{ i:| |i i. |«:}moielatiintnieeiconslins;eeeasaali'eegidicalnc a wee oe aan ae MINUTES OF SESSION. Lda wen A 4- AN.sip LI 2 Pee EF Pteazeeene 74,Dxrhe oo Td Mite chesa = ter ie Py LtJBe lp!en.tannes ah ea,Lee ee Pisce HAZ iatann Ahag#juste,SJ)i ~Ang jr po rart lakh;<7 lg ved 4 Cy If eeriviant ie eZ?bik towk fete wero Hores(Ka ee ¥CU,bolinnfen —AA.SY ear —syntetChk:“Bbeeffas/fuAHFitrtawdldfenPith |2-/iFy , q MINUTES OF SESSION. fowein ceteke cure Glanme aefiAAsfatlrwning A Ph aithe PL Airateeemole AA,Slanfhh,©Oo od 20 rd Oo.Glia en,ry Ati.ne J CZSihdetter/.a ZLoffeurehayTatAate . oe sae pte,SRT ICMais*sadehaca dt eeAe :Bes:—a Oe a5 C MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. f Examined &Approved 4 =By The First Presbytery ‘|f :j,ae —3 y 2 TZ fe .t enare Lar Pr:ApastatrrupeleroaieKee eee fame 3 few peer ZA Lé OZ A7tn‘i.get ‘ea LK ‘>hel c g “CANA ty <n “sa iia )WAR-C4p—a—+ ©aa 5 240elon — itanctl a Sex 29--7 ZK +*iocieieeeaaetiie MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. “2 oe ad “Bo |tee headers 2h rrr ae oe 2 : Seve JIL oa the 23 ——./Bde l aay co ho ,- inf Def,FF ae « ra sacl,alk4Brraees“ald St Ara2kbine=os La a Be ee Mag whe te,,/ ao Be A/VOFs~ BMP MINUTES OF SESSION. be namry OS Blatnety -6&¢t, The First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Statesville,North Carolina, Whereas,the Blders of the First Assochate Reformed PresbyterianChurch,being assembled in session,and upon motion it is Resblved ,that inasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God,to remove from our midst by Zeath,Tuesday November 6th 1934,John Stanley Alexander,an exemplary member of our chureh forfortynineyears;for twenty five years an officer,and for thepasttwentyyearsofthattimeenlider,who has always beenpunctualinattendanceupontheordinancesofthe‘hurch, Wherefore ,there is a remembering of the dead,to whichweturnevenfromtheclaims6ftheliving;and while sorrowisa@sacredthing,we would have you open your heart to thesympathyofthecongregation»where brother Alexander seywdédsolongandfaithfully, He loved his Father's house;Stole away,gave little warningTohiscelestialzone;Say not,Good night,but at the Father's throneBidus,Good morning, Rejoice in the certeinty of spending a blissful etermitywiththosewhomwelovedonearth;of seeing them emerge fromtheruinsofthetombandthedeeperruinsofthefall,not onlyuninjured,but refined and perfected,"with every tear wi pedfromtheireyes,"Standing before the throne of God and the Lamb,"in white robes and palms in their hands,crying with e louduponthethrone,and to the Therefore,it is ordered that @ page of the minutos of theSession,be dedicated to the memory of biether Aléxander and acopyofthismemorialbefurnishedthefemily. Adopted by the Session, }Dec.3ra 1934, MINUTES OF SESSION. ms ss Lene o 72 ae CeLe SifButler pe 2 Agta’,Cede Wen Pi?K WA 3 a foi ql ig ee ee ep ~EY itt &Veh 72 noe,a a77DparnitnSANoySfGun.AS dpeAKtgleeowfiUPPrneth(RE iatbrSlrJiecon“GiiZ mad ,tecnatp A (av Sm.ee A aN Lr Three why ten Ar atK LIK fen LI o los slog tay -zt or Sgn? CBtta eee for he Dhae (fH 51>)a Bernal Hurt Sa Mair 40 WartsPekBape—A?Rieti &,Hersene,,a 7442 ZG, «fp -7 e tLfeckcottaotir}~tles,toTare “EES,<7OR,Manuf,£F Gur,VE Mrakeey,=~ tt ee,sae fe eeAreceti?7 ef HYATgtedllDime ed pewepeateBelkGIGucletKZiog < Det Caaf)be pre bz <2 eZee po ae la Aba C Later 4 C (Les gto MINUTES OF SESSION. as gs ales (MAastrv 7 eZ illo ”Cia The First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Statesville,North Carolina, Whereas,the Blders of the First Assoctate Reformed PresbyterianChurch,being assembled in session,and upon motion it is Resdlved ,thet inasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God,to remove from our midst by death,Tuesday November 6th 1934,John Stanley Alexander,an exemplary member of our chureh forfortynineyears;for twenty five years an officer,and for thepasttwentyyearsofthattimeanElder,who has always beenpunctualinattendanceupontheordinancesoftheYhurch, Wherefore ,there is a remembering of the dead,to whichweturnevenfromtheclaims6ftheliving;and while sorrowis@sacredthing,we would have you open your heart to thesympathyofthecongregation»where brother Alexander serwédsolongandfaithfully, He loved his Father's house;Stole away,gave little warningTohiscelestialzone;Say not,Good night,but et the Father's thronePidus,Good morning, Rejoice in the certainty of spending «blissfulwiththosewhomwelovedonearth;of seeing them emerge fromtheruinsofthetombandthedeeperruinsofthefall,not onlyuninjured,but refined and perfected,"with every tear wi pedfromtheireyes,”standing before the throne of God and the Lamb“in white robes and palms in their hands,crying with a loudvoice,Salvation to God that sitteth upon the throne,and to theLamb,for ever and evert eternity , Therefore,it is ordered that a page of the minutes of theSession,be dedicated to the memory of brother Aléxander and acopyofthismemorialbefurnishedthefamily. Adopted by the Sessjon, Dec.3rd 1934, ooh weRRRT CNETpovoaeece a a 7 oe >¢‘F Sy ete |ieee an ae.ma6 MINUTES OF SESSION. 7) nea.a adic +cust “) r Ps CoLE Ji Woke botlog~avler 4 ths Bre «zee Me fom SFPtebaPobreXK~Ce ute i. TD Ko-miate oe cy PES HAC:-Ly»:Dy:Stang Ce Cpa ~A J Cth FR hg Ne Lao thom,0 DAR ee CRE MeL0ChaIatfts.——he Pll &P Apr ne U5...Gores fuel ZX é toy 4 4 Lhe Ay A 7 7 4 4 ;J)@ al Ha .4(tay es,Rteglow Fo (Bie.Ka Ary J Pegn@e.gilt,groan. é 4(rue a CK Sox pe.I DP Tope log eee er To agenagéd-’Z /By vuant é ie.\Fautar a hehegwer if Che me4as:7 x ‘ ~L Spoilae Ve wth fot Re Brags e.Ltar-K.;cS ZX May “> “,, YD 4LOgr2-eh acs -COPS 4H >|se jae 7a VLSI _Joa f)_-«<.xh wie rou 9 -:4 —e a :—eC ,ia Cjteex fn Z Ce wliveia ar wits Lt .|Ce o ,<= ee .rs.Sai fr .z “le Fs aE Ie &.Arahins , nw».£Me £-t-a oii “A tse 4 ‘7 )Z Me fCLo3¢+«Ze ie ee ea TSA G ‘a Vente ee FA wilk At mg us «Ai,aSf,i e Vien rl -r La dae ony az dap -ae r oe ow I 2 fn ~~ity2 a Palehet foo fae LG A hme ic an a ee ee 4 r f 4.D 7 4 a .2 sahien “eS 2 Z tie i wt fr At 8 tL prwek ay Cals —4 7 é eo rasa ALL TL”2 7 £,a4+2 fy i.$e Cry ~~,-DQpeet-a Cl Be (Pre - 22 Lehane —LL Lhe tha,rr _smerte HA Ye po Lh,Cony Z sug Ahh ee6s"peorerasrneeseseatanan—sesaSeaeeTaSSETrEETESpomeeernceenenerrereceen-nemreperemasareneie MINUTES OF SESSION. ue?ee a(ee AE (asteh era ee -ia ae kateSixoh(pep tock AAEM. ee eneeRe 7 Nei “——ea E “a,aon Pe hep.Fs at AR ae cre -L<zpretel!:aa atta Jaen 5 Zr”rf Lp Ee —Sree4CmEET-amet ere.“Y.LS ae a<4)" a.Sie.Sa C—ak ia:"sii ~f orf OL::|il Meese oot a Lag x or ie Nac tae —<,Cet — Lifae%—?¥ a oth cana ae Zeit Muang ty ei.De stot i £Pn~ee “Zz a PH Z DeFASAfen,of |lllbang,CE a ae _an Mb tons geesa Lip <Cael ila ons. 2D Ueo a4 sacle:f 7 ane Propr Vie Bouse $Varty NB.4 Lf Ps X 62 =e ail Fe2... 7 vant.Aa dl BT nae MINUTES OF SESSION. Ti ere ;220k rc.inet”pen!10k for fy ¢an Ginflo >——3 seers fran Bi EE com Lo heftB<beaH aie play Cw S LTT - ; Ame Abewce!LP tscs,ae a:ee _jem pie nw ae v frccerks :fpr” hore a a ne |JDh,+hibay oe Cone)a ae ff ‘ ew ox.Lig)2h a ae ¢ 4 ”ffVALPrete,PurbriBe Vs FEL Cbrhe MINUTES OF SESSION. ort “Veet :ae ae f- yf Cunret’p>oe —q fr 7 itl alae “sof ace “saee <a ua?oeeee =iaya ¢ zie a re -i ee ~ 7 t- ZL cP C-25 an ie c ~74 biae.7 fila frrpbe Zh A+ Ve ei el peso i an zt< ofrial Fist,ingTea oe fifa L-_~>aod 2¥Diree t (;Wroby” SAS onatld,ce. ed Ag 27°" UE Labelfe)Bade a z Wn po oo ¢<1 MINUTES OF SESSION. Nha KG 177.. c2 ecall ase (legaty ee Dit ah X,z 44 een pe ft LE Lez cu :LP Bae (est,_<0&“doo ght.Mase / dite Prince QE +Pr _P-f db le C 4p c vy’‘nie of le L414 ae”¢Ceupy Linville &, SK we ey 2 ol Aad ons skh x Jl a prt Ly hbery 4%Lamump uihlnaude 74 <a ye a perf a ho oe LP Zs Pew S4LA. Vb is >GR ard La_sypnasarhelf ze p~“commas,dilen.,eal oe foraPe: L~of)LOK CuULe i hw a % at dl ee a Tih ; ~~2 oe Lapse chs yface.hada +tfuck | GO eee FeG sla aezuQnurege f= LAGSF1t > :pen.= 7 ae i oe Fn hacia i A EG ay uta hm at.Ziad =,L ets Za ee anate refer AA /Pr . .os lea te Ne Ad)ay he =ne LD x sce .ga 2 ge on Od Lory Je +po ate ae $ae--ss nial pl Saree Mihteds 4 ¢Lay Z ZL iar ~s ean <ae o~~aiin la for ‘santeeeAnes =.@ ZZt Z ; ‘yo ae oe fd .aeaie.heen age ed fk xtlawn MM / ~ MINUTES OF SESSION. ebacun 7 —|oe ee eg ZL,we fog £SP ef te TA7 Es Ziopertat wen Che ellis oD re i peg, Gosh we fis PE ay a.“a “A Yen ike =ielinpoontt off= ACH Cyt Per eon Aah Lagetirg.Ag . “>‘eZ ¢Pili tia A Se Zor.afc Sat Ges a ivf Set te..2aa Ael jiph..,cum mie eink./tthe oe ie >i ote.eg € A oO.a LZ.Lead fA he 47(gb paee -MPS ohn oe .2 “Zea a.Gee 7 <I,“Ae q at 2.he Se Aree es Cee dainty ( GedSion >CA gl?i ncong a=)TA?A 4y aPa p-talog c a ae bly Ort —S—Merck./$-/7 3! MINUTES OF SESSION. ae nelsfe cone flue ater Ly 7 At Lb:he —G2 Learesitotty Ce oewii nit VWs ket ne os in 4ace ok a MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION J 7]7 Vi ,y Q a |pa Me eceA a ~«Coiite <4 rafoxx Peeleieeo oe “ene.,Pane a |a ae 77 as f—wy.a ere B<7 2 oD ee Pyreaeartt ee a res aa!AZ Pe iS od, &tle (Fem ZA Vaca |Yt de en a --—_-,eae.ors Se ee oer aa Cs eee ZK AhekLi.A egre | <A oe dL ly ‘v7 fa i 'ee 2.eee C Ayee tern «Le fN roe pherdtaih_+g er Peeweehag 4 Lifea/Oe,2 44M t—SS ote c 2 as foe “<_-a iio es ¢2 7 .:2 Z, C.f-5 ae ee or Ophag gE ow _Apt .eK Vor “4 r |:‘~NA aememeeayses f 7 ae.Cate ale wes Fo >bis cma Come agli a 4 a /MY —~—Ys —a.c nn ;fo fy as :_7 oe tye tere fee XK Lev Cn tat g &0 e _—*«Aha <2 cr Crtciun a ’oad r i ,7 "i |‘p <:Z 7 a C..Jt2 con JP 2 re fue ry *“FOL,b7;=}fala ——Honk,q 224E11 —frverlug EE a ig |ao Some 7 hi,|:Ct oe ‘a“2 Bew 21 t-sey han sZe 4“ait 8 i a /LA tae vr |Wer fart,ts Afr,H/.Se Ait e—y ph Any tem n tm oAY 4,&, bat Hee 2 i ad hg!|(pas¢“i ity oS Pe Oa aes bepredirr K a Zz &7 .I,’4 /4 -‘<2 *eateceles Ze c Afood Ge 5 Vibra ete.te blond KaoKe YF‘*¥t\R» a ;:£.;i as a Oa io Pt s -e iesya Whe,PR sian > 'meer ep br %.gmt say oa “4 -0 J esSPtenaonileSrfier:hes4rIf-ACCEL.a ZL ,t Y ,warLee IZ,4 e c ;5 “ —>‘‘“ile =-z ::é ¢ LS.fA2 \ “fe oF ie >./C £wfB ‘J ta ~Yg Bree eS Lt.90b~oes Lp "Zon a Vites free Co MINUTES OF SESSION. iidcaiebeazan mar en Gute:;Exe = ertGach ott pooper 2feng a.Maxx CL Dhukaledthy a Ce -ete I em os Drea Cte MOrwaeg |Sfhttp~a~ -O24.een et mathw on eek K =.Khai —Se a Loom Ade Ld Spiel ee teeye iz A ie ¥ao ote Zhe,g-<~fl Aa.ated ;gt C44. 2 (eo £Cue c gota Fiamma Cl, a e 4 Loe c SieinF ee.‘: tare Like 229 ey 7 Sine We .Heer gy pike-fem,J Hz EZ LE.DMs Mi VN ns0ek Vetesh LLtstoa wilh oA.os 6 can a fore joe /(a ty— (/ MINUTES OF SESSION. ib pots f= Let ae .:SS One -c .Met /q e pee Yow Prd t SAP gp ecthe,a —F ’— hon <2 Sia Jct att ee:os —UAE, Y =_ FR ie —itr-Aa-+Cae a es.Coa Phe See eee Curt ie eas a+b 4 yp" Fate *i s f en |ae CreeGEGA,sautilicasiee ile ‘sda -dhe,i puta”mt _A J y :cA.ol AES...e f J Fr Zz.gry Wry t eet 7 =.Yt——Kv/ ;(Aas ies oa Loe ee ?Pte l Ze a and G4, ée- MINUTES OF SESSION. = GE.cele IZ.ewe ee Ag,MeLEE hee (9Bae %weweerQa Ze Ly Lr “ifesCha,Ao fog oh Vor:of th fick BGIVA SeAy f ZeeACLK, Ul <1 of ee AY Jin hee,Yo QVuyv Gk her ——s Zy imu atDeehes,“hnthny 7 Prd S BiVAAlps Fer tanStine)-ZK fepr oo aX OK.Zhe ao oe:Lar 24eh BoP =sek <Ey an cag 4 ve 4pots Ht aa s massL-=i G j (Cn QI aa | SV Liclpho he MINUTES OF SESSION. iw.Gatien «a0 i ensZ-a 7 a?a CG<+~LELid Ex Le a bude eee 2,Jenn?C thre wadedfren (Le wo -Fe —_Marr soe ~ot S Aen 1 HxC GisdleZs i ¢EP Quam2 2 (en { Z |@ l Soncakes.: =i:Cre Le w+“a baaitline Lue tya i MX bee LES “eS TD kLig-Abs atlas $=ue Dk -saat iii iia,2 [leva ZB eT cone SuetZ8fr> a floor aa ing endl ,eee <1 torr”&4 a (.a Lo@ht, DK :22 “a at K mi oY Kany 2 Cntndae,<-t144LpDy(Gael,Cl.Cihln tom -Z2RtSs .Lc (A257 Sev sua.le ™ie ae Cites:: A awl Lor «ai frpe &|—>ss ~Pe . =re,Dey 4 | fir gy usury “LharwtyY i °/7,|a laif7ytruant ?¢LOL;.é MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. =Ue te (orl fe iL-»ee acts iad bieii 7 a Mi aus itte7 |c1teZd wah J |tine fh Mee CLertg Ab retin:fee a% i ee ee fAS 4s -rE Seowt,st 4 “Zh Cheuk (f?ee | E,Wntrite,LKfda thy -Ss ya |phy [lace p .a LA.ahme Oth ll oe ‘oofte-a?SAEfoname CE pou)Du.Sal ny~~GL o 0 Barmy tore JrveaX g as cede so ae i mz Zbl biihr BE Guy J tee,ho~vewee 4 aae feb Cede cet V7"Bey Bupa:i | ah ae beswe fa (ae ee il ie Ss ant!g EB Glhvan he hs + :fia free llaoedi caliaat,AA (i fresnel Merete.Vt1«I hotta oo te Presidio.a,we Ka a —Zien Ried -pty Davila ee a ‘?Mittin bHee Ae rowel tase ain TE Age fe i a ee LI i tnane rhe LLip Ate ctf Z/a\rte Sy ob ,LA K $k,saa oe sfforfnalyOffnBcac2<(pep “Gok (te -~&Law “illscites |7 cd.in:Learns ,Pete Cay Zit ee 2 20>ae:ix bra—¥Lokuthes ze a eat hook fz Gee?teq Bad (@R-=Seen wtf As o~ZYChu dy Juve’Ptah Pe An —Qitsesey &1 hrm iicaiagih Box as ew howto he Ltt nasal preheeT per Cora P244uos,a m dure &o-ofan tn afte Oz x Clas Eg BEZLLE ascii Phrok ,Te a a hatea et Ay (Badr Talactcnsad G Phe Ze eeAA——,tee Kon.L —S Waar J oe Pa-Bee YS petal)!‘eet Ac<2 a =| ’‘ge af?cae Zee DAL,ut hn—yAfpesndeLeerab—,User sp my po an C BFF levee ;AL Cred os ee ©teh,48 AS pevlle ZA il ¢AS 2 nian = LPL 2-7 FM bx fA Gee er _com juan ‘~Feat Hiha~~atte,| <ts~0-ba Jah TY Pl,=° (PACbn 79 Lise“eo hace Cho 3 .f-a?eee dat 2 2p neiceennaieeteeheetdree a~4ss MINUTES OF SESSION. :Bae,porA yA eee 7 fae PLee tii >Peapatiteeae Ahewal_ZI “x iit “ee a la a ae AK ea A PS4—~ea“Yb Sloth.©atld LL agVapeta—y eo -—tf Moen ar ie BKC Newby Kitighleysacalsagt-7 (LES 2Banoo “,Pridiiile., mess—(FISE os ad /CS tin.Ll a ee P ..Examined &Approved :By The First Presbytery Se6t -8 190 dai= a eee al oo a x“Buta ciinv -iets ence :“oe J ae >«etlaiele CouX.2c1eeleote MINUTES OF SESSION. SSS a by pop Zz (ee a ie ¢214+7 Z a VA s )2 ee LB,Toerpttme EE Goan Meee Whitin—| Dk HeeCt.a8 weor ;he weektacig :-.se : we‘ae ilaunsjalan isw+jie oe g yin I“—on Cc i yoAtm.L Dnata ca a «oo oS /on Keay i. BO 3 Ae dina ae ; nh.c z+twller 4 intba es *wil K Lh _—tue mer 4 a Ee nla tf Zilia (tid Benes ele eo corntf :J.czi-wt ieWE ee ae ae,la geNS hac(he ~~ne» C =Dipl er —MCF ahi BowRe | yj AAlelorrtee Wo LC Tionteitainenlibelii MINUTES OF SESSION. maa 7 ape a Ze HK (r-sks Foy tr Spe IL SERS 2 Wllrinn YSLipa Ze wht,rt Enpt,,£Manan +4 /LO Lamm—fg (Cnr onan,6 COeon.eo iyat ae~4 Seat-rA “fbf aime Geto a7 ZA ,me ee ew.121 Lhe EAE Semen.m~—C<4 Jen (24 ,re Yk Lavery KOsnees “fe dD Sr Ti ;=ee fate ov Az Aer tia S<s +a PyS i [perfa jee Treenf »- hp oy}7 pogwoky flute rah cGlina intssJ: Ctba bad on ventas-O Teme fits 4 Bye ane formes.pee oy ee. ihe a1,ines alee.af A ia AYE bikebile.ate. oe ae ikea it tia ewe il o-tg Foe.FF,aS [BVIIe KZ Zw 2k Xow Lae MINUTES OF SESSION. US.dope.Ate dwfta -©Ptrmuinn,76 Merriae |SL AG metal Sit fypee 2 BA enti Fey Y=pe <f7-= m/Z (obh~al Chey Lattin,er Cera g a Yow K ore.teenie :Eenlthnn re NE tapes < Pta,peg LG pawtety Zod 1t S Aletha Le ane a ee =_4 avs 462+2 o~ efor Be 1p 2raelore Spa Jishinpe fo ge —2>A MINUTES OF SESSION. |San ge ee Pe fag Ktoa.Ga 2:oaDainadecane >og aang eit,actete Sk— | oeme MINUTES OF SESSION. ZA 2H Coz i(2 A FLot—o e Le a x a be Plmaey Pon wiegaan(eens da <woh Q Same ae reptrrendl ©cnylalild td tlie 2-47 144 rem.(Ap Cawrcaiiae pet ao —24+rhe UTeeA,Prdzo | SF Lingle py erhtesCO,ae i AETSRE ee ie Ger Loe <_,AB [aaa Chan iepesaet only Sermetyeat Garg Om~x lg _—ra .faut e a.: OF SLespn «testeOe eK L4Aaf Iti || MINUTES OF SESSION. ise oy eX C Le 42UWtorts ater ’ ote Weele ater thane!pe Pry |Ay.eK /\ fra tn acne a 2LE A Ae ES J Cadi yz ble hos wf 7 L Lepicthy,1 JS Se =Jeceretitecs, fvOr mg ey a ey —cc:Gena eg L oO bei >z fet <u a « oo Lig pire |A—fbbip—P oeeeee aa.isd ja Jace,*4 owe La (Cah4 ¢1(O-__- eee Seca L >eesfethmg<4 Ge Fh,2+4 FZ hebne ke a!cw ay -yr"9-444 at -mTLe—4 Ji Fe o ‘kite oPA BA o.i a.LT ar % Yf‘i J C =~LHe.CO 3 JZ +*—|Blew Ore vd ly tae Kw EDs eidt-oaday a aa fect a —..pee <tie,L ew om vf MINUTES OF SESSION. Toa <4 >a “At ie ecu 2 oe Ae en's *AL i Aae a?p a “o sl hed ce eae :tt harthidhnpue ad a rt a ZK oe /Ga hr»7 Za ri aee41S orks er o|xPrepareCcPeerretiete.ee et et rA_ Secvupele (haw _kP¢Beige KG AvesMee.0 | ae 2a die bhi Py Kounditivtannll ene -<s | oy Maree oe Loewenh of ae ee 4 oe Cer7 Lot tl sia a <a ge:Oeco,Ci genie fora Seal =eee 7 jum,ce en mn 2 >. Te;Aunes x jini at hen~wh An Sg 7e4 | ;2.w lati —_—_.-oe Pao Ved i eae tiers Cth oy hort Go Aa, tele Zo oe.rae ge(posed Goceae2aeg;eine akvag ak.ils tt cae Ses Cee gad Ze Troe Giby -eae ae os /b Bwank Deidanditrts ¢x “Z,GSA >a FS SLOT nla.od ~“t er aaa &A250 ~ing es feetaree a Zz ncate:fr aettunAOR.ee Aik,/* la saem a thet oe(Sf x (TEC MINUTES OF SESSION. be ‘4) q rf L jZeeaere4,Kk MMA grpfh>©p aL SA Naw —aMaeSik fopianoy PE Sheth / ai ph,Protlans bn.Miah8 a Meio “—a wm VAw—-&ae.aX Mac ae pee PEGto a «Kap — CAA Kor A a Wti~» Ee ft —*Fae Bue of aK i -=.Silat >FE Tucheawe /ohne fn Gon apg fad.P PER.~ Va fish EDP 2 xk,Oz thos é CSL.Be a ++re_-ee MINUTES OF SESSION. Bet LEDesaeaSOaleEFMean hgfle fo--ve5 /aay St iipege Coy g oLwichtotaXinne“ome 7. py MINUTES OF SESSION. coca zw tue re d ;trtewtony (hpe-ca>h E Neayritme A9 JerratentFbGor poe Tait il Lai hen od SE fet Miltes4ialaisVex(Pray, YE tant”a Span lan.Aoraoh ce a G2Loan fr 4 rt ee Ke pwokte 2rteelere WH,A>|eee tert ——Vetere GA, «Patea Glen 4-0 Z Zen ~eum LEG 226,es en aioseatlyAarKLKPE,ae Ff 5 we Fey aia boned Pitee 2k 77 ”Pobre Pte.Ptmay Lathe lFIE **=Qe ve oa MINUTES OF SESSION. Ma.(lrpesrcrmn x VE roy Lh wid John£enn ted —4 feo (ate yet +R Yu &i cull ADK,Ar Bate”Lae CLM a —90 Sadguh pakif / leai:Fe 29 2.—nn =f fae 4fgfeoth,faa foe Oo -4 jpya<yr fee ats vt Laaent <c.,BA gzi sigil Oe ile ae: - byx kK +12.24s. ~hea.2.AC Aleu»Cliniwn ee | a etn :ae Ze ae 2 eeos Dara RS8.Cased ie tty Bhukaxn7 _o | oLyre Te he ea .1c IX ,Bove BA pet_kooK a Daler <Ger Gre Len Aspe YO ie DF fF :Zz (Cre tecdtonr gL EE <~Lb F oul aay Pte!Ta 7x.Tpfacoe he Llawrtf 4Lie,hen,“eo :we ‘nl f Ltn ,¢ )‘LyjiuSee <—<4<t-#ott ie e MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. —‘i '.a.y iala Za eM f~Any ofc L2 rer Vaan a :9 |ay Mivrbiinpt,:1 fof an-rc F .a (Sire f-AL Lp tte o7112+Lomo i Lye.'"pete ’;’“f 4 ,Ge QO Ve:} 4LE1 PART ~<ray ZS pera Af wu,-oaoR--ge.a peo a >,f -)4 F y, 4 ‘Z Ailry thet +9 (emg 4 40 we ues md UV SAX LL Z ee “7 ae ya |),mg |3 ||“7 To Le /I ,Cee “Pid ae 7 fF =pe ~zZ wf-m$h—+’é ”Rey Ziff o «~<¢@ A PA ,f nil A 4 |bea pa hLe Lp age —LeerOK Mrmr Mos :it :F }~~2 j A 4 ~>a»Ia EL tad,i (Ae Li VZ4 <tr “YF vw ¢DLirpetniee COG <Ofak, f /f ‘Vr Lackey,|for zt nage PPC yy as Cs unthad,iL e L,‘tte thay»‘et pees.aw ‘Laby ot A ZZCre papel ”i /4|Yoru.(reek Dover };>be oe a {i“f~J <)~~rag .!ADSy C~ar te Von Ae lz,<a on a Bree Af 4 A +4 or”“ 5?he;:a cu ,4)as ia Se 7,Zt <n-ee 4Z ak.Ji ‘ZL 4 A.‘a (Z ,<Le od A ( ,Z aang ian.{-os»ae c ae ,<P -”;t '; I "A;i,me ss if L é ss >a PODER B21 -<ageiy C4 hye.tt dice que i nngyiall Aif1Fine+t rm"|Ty (Faxed a Sagoo Favhe Lie LD time at A ‘ZuoN rh i hn thal,2a em acini mor,Fn 4a : \,ak .sul ,y |Se Me fier eet 38 Ke OE er ee v ya Is 4A 9 Wf YY /SFP OO aan ,at anre€.cal <react 4}tors .>,: eeaee 62 pelt .‘ff ,4 J ‘ LAP2 c Py a,_€ae 1 ay ns 4 rm,Ka, / CNG Prone?)2 toelrr Ly |0S ehh:Lhe 0 |Hic lor ot Lo Cc @-'; “aie,A aD.2 -& MINUTES OF SESSION.4 MINUTES OF SESSION.~ AT f ne \/se |or Ae noe ony BZ Zetec atk fpr iene A2z4 mt :aii Apmnem 'mr f-thy | 2 a.’j ;i gerLaPe Ye.Leche,>Alone WS Herfpe |A te Kel ourr tw ~~ttten tame C1 ane Jai.x Ld A a ee CcCOe es .peer oe .go>pee ASMbe oe -—(ee:Ake a.S .J Deeztgat ~78 Fee sige wa.kanye i a Ae;pe nc.cSe amtole,FE &-=_&.hse Ai hited)| 4A CL,a Sh seal Jae aici etctote —t*h.2—v7 Fone Cd SL,Gann «Ngee a CH wt”tifilerscil.Seton er i; o la.een lo é cua >wt e 665 hee Lioust i a ionwvsteer onw tt,-.Ciom nwa.ae a 4 —D-€_-4 <c--—=42 ef ZY Zz Au ke hot <——os <<“4 --j LK Doeker fdreeu one off <aco Z S pn,“et a p Grp Por Ke JRL,Zs t+-2-2 Cat Bateman Cty Ct oe iat \At Fatale ae cw Zz ine Me teat a ties LO,hea LK $<r ae”si <CA--t—5r Ze af’<fA 4 |sie Cree -<e at Cenatie taf a el <r sce 4 +e ~)y 7 4 j3Lorre7:S<ae ‘ae1Co”Ae ;Jeo ACh “%(a “ze r —C nn.P—4 A —at Pao oy Findings A ai Crs tt Oot 8k,oh ms K2L2 4 ad { ALT )pcb lowy fh a ;L024 hohe,Lb Eaa .Z 5 um G 4 +4 ig or o 4 a ‘i -/ {I}~."eS 'Ate 7 PQ tillorn +(Zz Lt,a 'ie J eg ee a Ment te (me HLxe <‘4 (Pr 2 wy YW J =ZAK ald ZH o E 4 Sette :C.-4 ~A CL (Ag idee ll alld _¢«et Atk 1Mhny Z€e Bitar —_tray ce...nael Cte oA Apes,—_ os *a cr —i “Lew “—:oe <=2 : RS te =7 oe,AL A ILaecae:«<=“Co >2 clogs m—Af Zz ae a a oe i fe ;“A armnnne ao at eA hum ;2ok Srcmmaaye eu 3 ;a —Jf se 2 ,os Z,ia Jf }i 2 ee Y i ts Z :puny Pf vy OL bon v c a4 é =i —-&oe LAT eek”D2 bggtoretn H ee ee Ce nae aa ) 4 se J my ZPD we a 4 Pp aaa a ——}pr <A Cpe tplecy “tiLiifrr ')J ‘oS Bic >t Loe “le —Ce—.*ed ||| |_san ost C7 ate 2 €L,Peo ”Fy Bote | MINUTES OF SESSION. .LM Pidays bln ee” (Lam INA reak,7 gZ !AO gelling ae ety unrest of Ft Lhrak ek wet at Gnd wget,homey Anfirceg LQ Faeee nee ae,eek if ee ntislenedupe aN Zinn t1mY Dine.sate Ape Ser ilies 0 Corel tte eee ng Srna JX. Coin Hhnta:ef pide,hee hy LKL ive Bir Se te Bed yt tid eehte” es ¢tis Made dae —lla lian,PreK, 40 A reenter f=forrk A Anchors "age LA f care K a Dhue ol F%s awe.antl Joint Looe nal gy*Se ined Le Ee Z2 i itll Sap ;yAyA(le nara ae eeel Lottace wa r oe 5a, ack Cal J —/FLZ2 OCry 41936 Examined &Approved By The First Presbytery ay MINUTES OF SESSION. q > /2 7 £ock 4G Au-ity Ke.—PR Sea a SK C2 <q < Chow Mee SFL. =i tain whale Aran (may fomee Fle Jrvvtop Ke a yor Al tborrh -.Lunt Aho Lp BP Aid,Kafr Glae D ti A>te Al Rope Pe an hag t bey frevcoey &had Zour te # é “a Gay $2.>Forme llagss,2--tt_st.s->”4 ,Yj >Aue SG Loer tree,see ZH 2D Ao/ Zrtetgo *~7-7 Zz Horry eFe,a“ ?—,7 ,AA heats od i<aneprniacatedl RN ca st (<p C ieA,7 ‘a ”= Pp cn Beck thn ee Kall o -- m+ee f t-te Sr ty ..aa”4. -£-LL ate « » MINUTES OF SESSION. re :22 tna”~<A o>in Zi tatat 7-4foaLik.tevt7<72+34 4 Baxty =dina se cimaiay Ceintenennt ei.Soph-4”,lo 4.4AJeee“LheereeLYPPther f CY pnnt,D¢d-Coe: ZeAleem ayyZl cred tales.~cts a i -ts a y Coie ie Bw %.eee i:é Ser me Vif l., 7 A—y /Gi.Bresthe Ter bokeX Gy "Log 4 7 : ra”ane eo ze Ai ay / La 322 awe f-ah;Z a Peathe ))o-SS Vo3~—>2 we,Fithond,ws WADo cthu.Am,f_ iy 7Z< MINUTES OF SESSION. 7 J 4}‘ “tesii cee ow weg ee (by Jite->+PHL Ait..y :J tAApe 7isis~~ rer forged Lo MPa ieie rx frum a _ F y p Sad “i?ie 4 Fan dt i ¢Z.by fhL -a. Z,< pete S. d cate “-———_ous.LA. “ Dfae ph, of a fr 4°ee coreg A yZ Llpc02co Can MINUTES OF SESSION. SaaS RRREREEREEREREEEeeeee lope ;y —} ieee ae 7 Lit<m 22 ca®5 sae cece base a s ’Po havo Lvrtf4 ,LZLovet a<y ;oteakany —|(IE x a Ue 2 oe.“Wp Bex oAK °LOH ce ow SYOana Nef fhe, a loko ae forms Bren ye “f?‘asesel=Pe ee,en to,TL A —+>—-@++-~-+-|Sel re Ky taPa AO <<,><ae ft Sab Leen Z ee ee afl hors taf o <iil 7 2 ~o * —;et ee eof «a eect a,A“z hes a ya Oo bun fad ‘LA‘>Pees|be.Me SS 97 | :wz Cte Chey in of”ZF AS Zt 4 ? /A Ri é A =p=A?; |:—-@g<«<—{(7 ,<2 7 _f FA ahrgD aw at, Lychee.oYoovhee ui a Coat “ZA mony ?>sail i—Mo eo ve __<,AA Ai. MINUTES OF SESSION. i .4 a4ed)om i .- es ek ee crm wn On Phe ~CS atToad wet’.JOTY A<,2 <7 wn Z“ee /.i /(Pot.Ae had Cpa —P sista ——S conde fpewa KA 7 '<?2 ”y “heSzAa¥6 Mie<a .<Oo LOD 2h pam.amn?¥see ee *an :ss a: itkhecnk VE oka,Ma frat,YG fete be fer t LEUA~e Lhe rg af Z x2 inl x LD a4 tek ae ,‘.7 :/ ca CA hie Cy i -~Zs é.ote ag LLL I’ “ AA ‘fuanttg,(2,Lor San Kg tha 3w peyero~¥q q Bina J a “ Ce,+BF,fe “ahd i... rAeCitesAsidediechFchipeop272i» 'LA >)i 4 bo LA ere Cth pry Cre;Cia ree oe...Z A. =~f 4 c / tL f ~on .thy 42x ee ai he —oe pa hw ‘)at I fri <1 f r ,f ;,a ;Zz |K whe Ji~s -nd 1*t Gn+1w ye Z ae Stee 2?af Liy <<_—-cc L Yo prt Ce —y/aor >:f : pee Jie ley >"iil 4 a CL ante OO to ff PY (aoe Cy t(h-am-}{ce * ”Z ~/ <2 —T ,mae ag ee eee a ~~t 7"Jt wae tPF cern «we vainiesalt cote “my wl.41"a 2 7 Cig <<.4a ee ~0a nen &hot fLeP age MINUTES OF SESSION. vk pope Mah Oy 4>7 ce :ca pele if ieee £.Sm 7 fod af palate s+Pe a | At ln.Cees Ghee.obo.ai 2 tage titeed /7 rynC‘&A\ Sater.7th |44 ‘ey G@e-Mlritln allay es sof goLlo-acai Nii oa Semen gape Ma.fay Av pee,+Jape, eaegh.an oe PE a Za 7::eters “4 Leow.yy ) 3 — JK licklen |PE,se Sesdeil hie 2 Cele 24 ugg?leu |y xeLE Zt Cf Culy Ate?Le dvectk % i stg MP ee {AAd oe fan ye hone. PEt, Ls Cortese PELs”Ian Woe ZZ Ze dee poy i Elo AtcCar ¢/porzee enYsay Agee ceha oK GC"fe y¥a BAA opr K_ C7 by Ae -<Zeth ae Dall Citmy tte? ,8 ,r V4 y"aLetixfotLetJpyeeeé:L /plows J 7 A:9 'Cpt rE ey|2-7,aa (titaniamle fA ,4 ax “4 eek twat ai pm La ‘w~ae 4 hn ‘7 <A.jSCPetreck.a.£LG Apncxnn fos YY AaCora|,2-$4 -he fot -v f ,5BstieeeereG~vree —S-C—-7—-S— a.—i ie a A.ASS.lion fn Cae Lath Ce Fy —2-/e-(1-/1 PP Cc.qr ~-_.eee $6 LLeadee.dar Y se CL 74 oJ, eben,d ot HL L be».?ty ¢dint tft ‘a beaH e™np i ase a —it men ae oe at Kgp+d aa o-te 7 ial ale at. ~<«<zy :‘ZZ.Aw Kervi-w ,eeeZe at ky wa pes 27 tease St,cAdiecL,OF tus Ce,on DK lect heA PYE Li.iia Z PARP <=4 ,Pe. SP 4Lia9-aT>!\~e CLE ST AL / “Doe tt *E> Sho fe MINUTES OF SESSION. 2Qeaw—V ou th ha Zi bn 4 Koval,, She « ZeUtaw ba Seer cttrnigeg 2-214 ona henwglaed WL eteve ey Dt hen fang Cf C1 ReaeaNickolooesLittZ das arrk,chad ¢ -2,kyare f OD, A Ltt eee -ffare AA“Seka‘si wane fan eS is te ae Ammer +[Bak Ate OC RovXk,wm AE Jyr?[amgutt Ditak Aedb Lmag z atta”; => £oo K fT"*4. a Sh Ay bd,;Fay stl¢Fd ZL,“hrHie,Lane —_—te LA ig aShz?LES n-2 tL Zz Qs .SCL ¥ CM Zee ye th MINUTES OF SESSION. Come ncehe pr (LS Firmen,—§AOR torfe,AA cxf fu fe : yb:Ax eet ea ne foieOeMota,&Sern Jagr Lhivad oe 4 '<< ul AC tera Eyes Break zasoet [eneef—v4_Mateworile 24,0 Jtook,. Yr qe the d ZL fom lg ee cl fa for neve,pretee by iepiinde pa Ming 4 feta.7 :—Z eelod {ps .SA VA myAcies wetted ; _—.a7 a__S =by fpafiii-y pife~< af PV AH.ZZ “es |Sct escc*af <“|I-L t--A —~ee rf eS z<<‘t ?tk 7 oe ;‘ ape é Pe a ee o I7rww 1.eat de V WV a South ne —pin -a Gee age :7 A)hee Y Cx a +:Whee here CA i ae -As ta SLA y nr Mh fits sen —A —— *EU wa (PEL Ve =Vs CLIO Char agian MBLe,72,Zn oP5,~oe L MINUTES OF SESSION. Awe .wo 0 tw wy IN MEMORY OF EARL G.WHITE It is with sadness that we,the officers of the “irst 4 4.R.P.Church of Statesville,N.C.record the death of Earl G.White,on Nov.22nd 1936,age 48. He had been for the past twelve years an honesed and devoted elder of our hnureh,He was consistent in 4 life,upright in character,faithful in his duties as an officer and ever striving for the well-being and up- puilding of his Church.: He was a man of tender sensibilities,deep feeling and of high ideals.He loved his church and was ever ready to carry forward any work committed to him with We will miss his genialfaithfulnessandefficienty.and his help- fellowship in the meetings of the session, ful council. We desire to put on record our high appreciation of him as an officer of our church,as a faithful member - and as a brother in Christ. We,therefore,dedics&e a page on our record took to his memory. r sympathy to members of his family and We extend ou God who is the source of all comfort. commend them to We bow in humble submission to the will of God,the Head of the Church,who doeth all things well. By order of the session this 8th day of March 1937. ROE W E.,Morrison Jr J.G.Shelton. Committee. MINUTES OF SESSION. WZ oOy neal...He efiBe-Pent waa dsee =Laces bee Frans of ayis ali |te lie Minctecdl fs fe “aoe -yal a Meg a i tA Te eoaied.4aAlt.fo ee ae re pe ye ~Z ut ZS ht canis Loot rll ) oe Yt-prevecaw love a CftadoC a+fom A ane fA:‘A $Baer.FH pend, it-g—a=wy Z<o Jerr Zt a aagentjemfeklMagpill J tkeoncle.Zee mn Iles a fark.La leae.ae MINUTES OF SESSION. 7 aed a S/ite LISI wae es font am fowa Lared yA Ka PD of a.hn EE 2Cnewen a bh Ze f 06 Jorn F I?Gof. /Penn ol >(¢-ttsary’ZA4A ttttxaA a lough aLn gf4a se EGuy Lahr ae Lp—~*s a Sod —ye Cth aihion 20dl "4 <on ox at z ,Zz”a Zz an —eeAonfAfovaeinfaiypAa hnat »fh «~?—itm a wg Sings,mae —— J Be ar Sno =Ce na >thee Se eeZL pp Lbhctug ie:a2 Gade Hts Gheastos Smet Oy p27 ~~4 apopes ay/Pog“peVe2.enn aS MINUTES OF SESSION. CELEBRATES 45TH. ‘ANNIVERSARY OFPASTORATEHERE DR.J.H.PRESSLYPOPULARMINISTER Still Remains In His First Assignment At First A.R.P.Church Sabbath,July 4th,marked the 45th’anniversary of the coming (737 with you into the New Life.‘For God's Sake’,Dr,Pressly pleaded, of Dr.J.H.Pressly to the pastorate change those dark years and be. of the First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of Statesville, the first and only pastorial charge ever held by Dr,Pressly.“How May Know That I’m a Christian” was the soul-searching theme that Dr,Pressly used as his anniversary sermon,and it was a splendid one, one in which he held the closest attention of his congregation. As a scripture reading,Dr,Pres. sly took different “assurances” from the Old and New Testaments’ the first coming from the Book otf Job,another coming from the 5th Chapter of Matthey’s Gospel,an- other from the 7th of John,then in Colossians and final from the Book of Hebrews the 6th chapte with refers to the full assurance of hope. In the opening his sermon,Dr. Pressly queried,‘How I May Know?One time you did know— that day when you became a Christian.Many,Many a child of God knows that he is a saved man, and still not know he is really saved, Continuing Dr.Pressly said that the highest attainment of a Christ- ian ie to know that I am a saved Christian,How?Dr.Pressly asked, “By being a Better Christian’,he answered,By living through exper- fences,he continued.Dr.Pressly gave a personal experience of the come a better Christian.Make your change a happier one, “Assurance”is a by-product of “an earnest life Christian Service. In closing his splendid discourse, |Ir.Pressly stated that he hoped he .1d made it plain that if you want t.be a happier Christian,be a be er Christain. I v the anniversary service,Mrs. Frai«Deaton,talented organist of the local First A.R.P.Church, chose an interesting musica]pro- gram which consisted of “Canzon- etta”by May F,Lawrence as her Prelude number,with the Offer- tory number being “Melody”by Clarence Kuhlam.‘“Jersusalem, The Golden”by R,M,Stultz was played ag a postlude. The Psalms used during the ser- viceéa were 4 verses of the 40th Psalm,4 verses of the 122nd Psalm and 3 verses of the 51st Psalm, When Dr.Pressly took over the pastorate of the local First A.R. P.Church on Sabbath,July 5th, 1892,there were around 65 mem- bers,but to date there are around 540 members of the local churches roll.Dr,Pressly ig known ag the “friendly minister”and is the dean of local ministers,He is beloved bynotonlyhigimmediatecongrega-tion,but by many,many friends from other churches throughout “change”that took place in his life. First that of a school boy,then an 18-year old school teacher and then the call to the ministry.“When the change comes,then that you are a Christian: Dr.Pressly pleaded for a Better Christian life.“We cannot be a perfect Christian,”he said,but we know that if you give up your “little key’to your sins,you can then enter into a better Christian living,In those dark years,the years of your life in which you neg- lect your Bible and your prayer.life, but don’t bring those “dark”years the city and county,and the many friends of Dr.Pressly hope that he can serve many,many more yearsofusefulministry,the local church,Dr,Pressly friends, along with the writer,rejoice in the 45 fruitful yeare of Dr.Pressly's ministry here in States. ville,and Statesville and Iredell County should consider it a great blessing to have such @ personality as Rev.Dr,J,H.Pressly in their midst,Dr.Pressly ranks among the leaderg of the General Synod of the Associate Reformed Church of the South, ki AS all,pe + , iz aa a -s—ygri—~"feCfnaire wf‘“hae Aimy "Ce a Zhe ye aX A t ro :2 J ;se Grp ater cat Lk tas ay A CMe ;‘a.fttrkedcnes eu <Yr aff’Ll a 7 'MINUTES OF SESSION. , té cima sbi potaX ee ge allay z ee neni AETS Bp 4 :AYy ke as &ff ;a fa 2 f igh 7 oarcia.fe")he ~~Ch CePA Cy cir Z Fa A ,77iaE/2 ¢<I,;}7 Aw 2C1.z cope :P 4 £997 ene by Cah ea oe 5 -ben,£2 preter ‘ 7)ame ee ofL«Ovf~ua~sWE >Cru 4 Eg y :--aT<4 oreadXSLola ,wa Ye Lvte sth ZK Qn,ert LYLL<a i tp+rm,«=C e< 4 >«<‘,ff Pe 4 «ATE Oke a 6 phd Pex /;/,J J q (i .fo ad hd cebiaie 2A c om ‘(te L4 <->Z 7 thse pl ag ff,,Ae14 rod ;>'fa42Z;s ‘gRGOOFSeeaaSe ee7/SY7 |_. |fee as yom cea “Qefax ae -/f f }4t a —). }Con”f ar y On ny ;™“~«<SJ”Sl o~es t a }Ad. SMet <ect —~4 Ts = ak “DR.J.H.PRESSLY ‘POPULARJ}MINISTER ‘Still RemainsinsIn His First]/7,37 "AssignmentAt First A.R.P.ChChurch MINUTES OF SESSION. 'Sabbath,Julyay Ath,marked the with pon bite the Sens Lite.“For 45th’anniversary of the coming Goq'g Sake”,Dr.Pressly pleaded, ofDr.J.H.Pressly to the pastorate change those dark years and be. |attention of his congregation. Church of Statesville, the first and only:pastorial charge | ever held by Dr,Pressly.“How I May Know That I’m a Christian”, was the soul-searching theme that Dr.Pressly used as hisanniversary sermon,and it was a splendid one, one in which he held the closest As a scripture reading,Dr.Pres. sly took different “assurances” from the Old and New Testaments” the first coming from the Book of Job,another coming from the 5th Chapter of Matthey’s Gospel,an- other from the 7th of John,then in Colossians and final from the Book of Hebrews the 6th chapte “|Know?One time you did know— |Christian,Many,Many a child of land still not know he ts really |Christian.How?‘Dr.Pressly asked,’iit:with refers to the full assurance of hope. In the opening his sermon,Dr. Pressly queried,“How I May that:day when you became &@ God knows that he is a saved man, saved,Continuing Dr.Pressly sald that the highest attainment of a Christ- ian ie to know that I am a saved “By being a Better Christian’,ne}of answered,By living through exper- of the First Associate Reformed come a better Christian.Make your Presbyterian change a happier one. “Assurance”is a by-product ofanearnestlifeChristianService.In closing his splendid discourse,Dr.Presslystated that he hoped he had made it plain that if you want to be a happier Christian,be a better Christain. For the anniversary service,Mrs. Frank Deaton,talented organist of the local First A,R.P.Church, chose an interesting musical pro- gram which consisted of “Canzon- etta”by May F,.Lawrence ae her Prelude number,with the Offer- tory number being “Melody”by Clarence Kuhlam.‘“Jersusalem, The Golden”by R,M,Stultz was played ag a postlude, The Psalms used during the ser- vic@és were 4 verses of the 40th Psalm,4 verses of the 122nda Psalm and 3 verses of the 51st Psalm,When Dr.Pressly took over nepastorateofthelocalFirstA,R P.Church on Sabbath,July 5th,1892,there were @round 65 mem-bers,but to date there are around540membersofthelocalchurchesroll.Dr,ig known a4 the“friendly minister”and is the deanoflocalministers,He is beloved by o yA his immediate conhgrega- fences,he continued.Dr.’Pressly gave a personal experience of the butby many,many friends “change”thattook placeinhis life.” First that of a schoolboy,then an froth other churches thrpughout yearePressly's ro yerville,and band IredeliCountyshouldconeideritagreat blessing to have euch @personalityasRev,Dr.J,H.Preaslyintheirmidst,Dr.Pressly ranks among the leadergoftheGeneral SynodoftheAssociateReformedChurch lect but don’t bring those “dark”years A of the South,* to spres puta,at ©Dewi Af X kL Hes EG Bye HAA hay Sollee hl Penriderfy CANA 0eotha”ae our:te[he organi fi.gyox teen Le Badenoeeeaeal pow a ntl eas for Tee Lt Let IK L.Ces,<a mn ineen latin.ee LK <n %aL,|yd‘Lez aince ett piven,pales j b Lh clfm.2 TA fet oS Lhndl tlttas <1 + wh =-LA eX stg eno th Marte“;Js Aer ud Va fg 0 Yeh (Kifthak forud ZZ fz ate dye Op 0 8 Jeerrertann cf KX Many cceetiy coach ie “|fase at ZLt4yrx ee 7 Ly Nighhn Cle MINUTES OF SESSION. Ey CAB Le lece et,Impl,75 jie LL Looby,i ,SHY 4 UO Ape (Kew +Ppr~red,hey Lilian t *eintntoohs oe 2 a A bth nz OREoktne hanrol,bfAivthpheacr (llr 4 Herel vir Orr om Cozi:tthe ieee d—;Clararenthe atte BK K anes hevil ieee Jaren,Zeek LS ff < hawks Cathay.abe.Lol Her ob.Fe aa oxPm Ln flo »esa ee FL Arasen“Z,iC.)<_Fr bx». Ae .7 -ms :Latlnt AX tr. ht Alsat crore.x hel 4 Z head 2%,Priston CY Zewtt oewhesateliy arty OT wed ZL tes 796 Lae_<brfaediheLOGemriltin—VE Koreking Llead Php eusleyy oul flees:.é <tene Gow /9F"f MINUTES OF SESSION. ZZ,inten —-satne wer fe =i,eK ZL Bek Lp ZOJU rmarten,2 ere Line$M ft DE Lita tS,Ay oe-Loucty, nme Vee SK wae K Gwe U4 Bow LZ CLG tere Xe Lf Pap z 2.aon tog © f ie ee at tenn ce.acai coal ‘O ret oa <oi 110 “Zig .mala i 20 MX rio my,7 fer Creoty Lt sthvnv LY fea Gung e ola, 4 —wo Hele retrt np _ Vez LL Loree MINUTES OF SESSION. J.C.WALKER,AGENT 221 S.Center Street -—| Statesville,N.C.LnaaZeacai8.tebiodk We oes 43Hn /PF7 ‘Telephone:201 ;CR ees CMA Li he |mks,“tian %D1-Greta pt lz |reefterectle BB 2Feweetenf EL ZBose,flagSD nts tt)m eal brs fone Ra ¥itt Aa pt home @ c 4 (hewn 4 é--aJ .-Ge. :;Sprit 2 >?Cnet A ,e..J a [Fj cane frrsey Ly J.Vp cate aZy-:namie 2.?aa Jt 4.Cen ON DA halle uae T\ALL wee hh2 en Stree o.a alt ae Tone,Z etn’‘,om Lia Ait Ae a ame —v.Abvnatly ‘¥\he = Qttu eel be os <Fee sapenerrenet ¥ne \(0 Zs Bo MAA A.yD ne.Sse nd 4 too SyeeTeena,Sous tail Pc ecw Ou eth |te sealy >at C3 | ’Yh Zi yess’me a APs?Ap~PL “attest tot cap AK a A te LA <s daar yf 4 4 i, ‘net 04 hain ea Hitt Le /Wiy -a tek /e-37 aoe a Sill pAAAMe gee A Aton ;| ;a 2 hhh rel aaah <0.4.2 aes a Ww ‘“A jen aan ds 7 X <A ae Ki +77 ol Zz le eeee i a stil ip SSze nn,’::,a :;¢:; Mora ee ext i de Son yo Ndi Main 2 Ci Aik a %Al «a “nhAAAseed Saad rte tw (?Lf)p ‘ .Zetlerny Beiey -' “2.f “h->O11 Bu -P Aug <4 ‘AahLaLi?Ay taf HL Heiloce Ayrty ae ad asgaon an “ts Oph 0S |Dabite yew a nel ; Ae fr~r 0 4b El x pers —_oo oul:NWWAt..¢Lo oo a Ae Aaawhe |\n Oe Ave Wer .«whe +84 Gun be NAeul hth res CHALAL oie 4 A Zz Lis AGtp ot et KO ee oe Mngt c :7 Ce L AARhe =64k of Mand TONY Gt +O oe oT rae frau Tree ;As meq CP pmo PZ -*z <ra4 wo hnei j dito 6-0 A 40 tr Ay ttt LAAAy ’sam .,J Ex i Ph ~~BE .Boa «pa ee <<<Dp :dl “Po po Q Oe ge cf. ZZ bar CirV¢ny Rete begs ann tee rar Zire 4 |erin a Zr.met 2 a Pe +ig tithe”x CbAd oo _—;an Pn , La Ailpck fom fico KX Zn’te se a ea Ps :~sll Q a.184 o2f.wa '2 ia)@ hora . .::mney romnaty 4 ,Xi é,sl ‘hearty,hehe trotted ae bfiveeeatLAPDmf,byt 4 Z,4 J.Oe -.4e 5 cw Grtte2 Leh a )‘Ss a ;Ch LA -°Ln a D wD ,dt hind *,df a we ae bicker « .nh as c~7AW ~~.ae a -vAELitterfick.‘y ek tee rew 9 its tenis Gs x weet meriQ,i‘Lite tee ad Li isiCla=rDOLLAai D)phen ete.4 MO +ALL VeeSP:KD 4 pen Sea2 Ors ge “)ve “\q JA y /74 gs trrl,po ?©y >A Ps .nde A A Se le Go PAA “yesoe wa 4%at KA SL.As \_/Pn “ain Anta date Wo peta ritee SH {cane A TWH +4 rel ee mee =+fe nie ii G0 8 a han KA Giles a RA Atal.eet og yo rn. Lk tab rir 2apt Lat 7 v4 ,WP AdRee Ahhh haa MIA Cte AA Al pr x-/757 i.Doe einai riieietiaiais Pac te 2 A cs Wee peu Ve atel WALA),He upa MAND 7 sceeeienemesenae y MINUTES OF SESSION. J.C.WALKER,AGENT 7 ZZ 221 S.Center Street 2.a a wl ae <n -ttu k ;.ree ye J APE Statesville,N.C. es A A 7nN _,‘Telephone:201ay2 :ae ‘Ls.<ee Ss or”e >- i -oh.fore ee ee Orc:Lath (Pye eK Xf es c-~1.' i )om .P “A a At eh 7 dance?”A Vee fh Cn ttl.fc ; ,-=.ans cata i:ZL_zt n —1.Ah a “+{tar a ov 1 :peice 7A sar we :ql :ra e i _)ee ~ye .&Sep kePDekae .5S SYY Pet¥..CAPOie fa J <j nes ~~)i Ag f 1 ast A LAA a.ae 7 -A /?;A - Ht £7 Splat piotsien':'-itedk —= !4]Cie =z,oy :Le A Poe =..;‘os ‘-\A CA LA f ‘|one ee a ae ts —;i il ,—ot i +44 Chg,AL A.2.y BAA a .aren)Che aye ese GF ee ,et Ua tas ahicerign Cheek i ‘p $:;i LA (hum F f hw |i Z DEit«Lee hws ss fone Popeee a Fy thet Cia “a AA Ate st...bast %og 4b |;fc S “ft ;sued.a hs he oe ;~ {'a 4 sane &co Caohy.tptt,$Ae _4 ka et(Bs Z wtcK,}a3 2 —':;pom Tg y”N PT ae i ’}:5 J ‘ya LAd ;' 1 ta APP =a i Cd A,:VALS ee :3 YAS .P 4 “Ne — tH é =f SP ,T “/_4 4 é. }oO re sche AK /t Ci tos Ae ee —.|i poet LE Boe |‘w ee we it ZK n-+Z a ee -PS we aa Signet aH iin P rics C i ’\F " ~+ >‘- tire Zr O We.ans a —)din NieknBstcs r ah)--..A —wit *lates pe,;.why ~nn f ohne 9 4 YP atl.”7swbAlfaFOTIAtttusnobhig-at ow =)trian ems eae ,re * Piety —"mf frp,J ys m4 .,hf et ———m D ;ree 5 Ae , —§,;RR a oi Oe :hi ha Bay ~~|Livtlathr ALLA ‘ep wt A486 4 4 Oe 4 °AZ cP 7 :Ca MAA vere i i ‘C6 —a veere +44area/.7?.»ab ‘s abaiOSMiclpylCle‘)Ree Vaide lL VAC ~~C2 NL etm ail.-.-‘j ~satan >‘‘ i.i 2 :Gg.aa Le \Brn >Pay,e :5 |Plot Lhe Ze hh20 -/93 .Ber A.e,Z i}VU Z Oo 4 -ye 7 ~~4 o -_-4 we a 7 rr—“g .A /"A}i mye ee $Pa agi rt \)'7 ZA “<eai<ce,akince r ree ne:‘4 f a)~ cp £yp Matias ~he g tke >»#Ate §=LAAA L >‘.‘Da 4 =pues <sae ae .c ~¢t Le ff me A Cf ~e 4 comer,Monae i i :fe —C oo)a 4 t ,rs .A <éZ-?_<7;Lee s+dey Py Om 2 S <ohagd '©CS Ct2...£ha $Ah AA be a 2?a ’> Tw .¢-\ =reeenegsocenenennenennyesnesspenscninagsenresnsnesnayerernnsonsnagsasterstSRSapSyeRgMCRREETSAREERNRFagsnaeenteimemeampacenseeerma —pal sitet .gi sae :ee Fr qoo—~gelictie.>Prt Mee A Porsadnt.| te ak rete OE poate.MINUTES OF SESSION.6 a abel +e +r—~war NRA name E :Ub4trh—e ;ed _~°e ne 0 ne o,ot a _pAdLe g >or ;CALA ey}|co :CSA Ame usar «be Seth pantie ety allie 40 |foyfxyieoeen,o 2Bi i gl br ae 4 }C_Ua4)t_21_5 \<¢22.of beitae CAS ek eo erpik Pa fee a ae TeerTH on WJ TT (Kf,Pi Lh ate,”AOR, BO Coven EH ob i.$A76 ‘3 Ch p-WS Loge Castsfoe oe sl <e a.ZLe fer| “cua a Sort Male,(2 SL)ee Ay Fh,Lie,Je? Ze.<n laa,nFts aca a—Zs ha5 ef caeEBD + bbe J,oe call,alates Bene 9 S 7 aeano Ar LayCaren meld Otel LManzgsty weve Ghoro-=f BOGE,phewtog “4 “Ory im tLe f aks —/?¢tiie wh Zo fea te (ie,+e : 7 ;,2 oe ‘aeeaLoeeeés2yr=LOT Ltn PO,Led Soph ¢ A 4 ¢RF (.Sues Aten Serre re V\S GAY 2x 4t OK A -/997 Wi 1 <lbal a+epaExamined &Approved By The First Presbyterybare ittTeee ew pene |——de €hort.th pect¢ther, MINUTES OF SESSION. gown platen bo Feeont: ae.ss oe adhitide dane a ites uff Fee a LtAok g-=sH- Shreny< 7'#7ee a jh,2Hfga Hh, Liha.hk,eget SLE FE eawett,A ite 17oe.pe"———ee ee tts..Le ty (tae __+tore =<a-f ho gowns ane %eZ Z ions : as Deer jaf FF?, —~|Ade . pane * “(is .A T cz)Parsee eK AN Ce mee Ze S Lines,A me ss CNLLape lari<toe5g MINUTES OF SESSION..| Leek a ticalah A | ie ka :re Az Jol dee Ze LG BE ar Coes aul,SE Git “Ip Co Of Oe, pe ae of we Yas gat LEE oe.Ahnu | Le ti etd he ~oe Eten Leni bone ZY :Ce eee es ee aad = -t~ehnne *Ca Jey AE Bh >DLtke BL pfhar aq it Met£pe -2t4t4tspnu~<“yy ;:"mE La Seid OM >Zwce Slaps —Attaen Ett:pee t Are.eel?hike”oe ”wt41aK xz Mee Se af ace tn til Q—faohZ iy Jb <‘foceo€Ltt fa Lig aS hui f ~te lof Le faett t eX ZI CLG wae.;ti ce eal Big ages Slewmyecl 2 inate LZ q Zeca.—EZ Ray toc vt ,nahin p46 spf :Be om He aaa Ir Ae Y~4 24 aot A.ATY 4 t "4 7 “Vl Peete Zig Flav fs 77 aes ?meee ~)/Lrky ft OVE hehe : MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. GorewetaK ed 14 L —t Cine ber,BG|Bt E eviem Ud dep.ke Lehane?:P00U0hLhLlU 4 heey 6 Ge,Leo tid on,||/ Y .££Be a fast MMe eter AthpeyrhrrigHLClholors Lhotug 2%t ¢(ee J terbtew ener (tHe,prety Arlfputd—ij i Z : a ’At a meeting of the Session held Nov.22nd 1937 the follow=r ing resolution was adopted:L a Whereas:In order that interest in Church work may be en- aa wa larged and made more effective among its membership and E officers: ———Whereas:Giving an opportunity to encourage the young — if people and new members from time to time to participate in t —the selection of elders:i : Whereas:The »ynod has made the following ruling:a "The »ynod authorizes congregations which may wish to ° a...do so ,to adopt the Kotery System of Bldership ,following & the same plan as Rotary Diaconate,provided the term of _—office be not less than four years"|, Therefore be it resolved first: ae That the congregation be given an opportunity by se- cret ballot to elect whether or not they desire to contin-i ue the present plan of electing elders for term of life oradopttherotarysystem. "gpeecond:If a majority wish a change of the present planIcmonthatalltheeldersnowholdingofficeresignandthecon-‘igtegationselecttwelveofitsmemberstotheofficeof;r3elders.The six remeiving the highest vote to hold office ;for six years and the six receiving the lowest number of L.G votes to hold office for four years,eh After the first election the term of office be for Zsixyearsendallmalememrersofthechurcheligibleto;hold this high office,’4 This resolution to be in effect from the date of its §5 adoption by the congregation. oe an To the MEMBERS OF THE FIRST A.R.P.CHURCH;MINUTES OF SESSION.errreyWhereas:It has been brought}to our attention that Dr.&Mrs, J.H.Pressly are desireous of purchasing a house and lot for a per-===aanent home,—_ Whereas:Dr.Pressly and femily have for coe ="forty years Shiota.ah eeLvle one contributed .so much to the civic,educetioneal,moral and religeous life of this community. .Whereas:Through the ministry of Dr.Pressly as pastor of this —ua i|:church,the membership has increased from year to year until the |oes pes fO0>Ll ee ete pe Vee to eg a—First a at Statesville,N.C.has become quite an important unit -—et asNil enon al 2A ZZ of ah ray A tdsinonesout.the plans and work of Synod.Ce ~or ——<=<3Lk a ereas:Dr.Pressly through his untiring and faithful living Ghost’‘tw Yio m7 ao7 —-/FIG Aue nsindagdpreachingtheoldtimegospelwithsuchsimplicity,earnestness —rr =a 9 asi _end zeal that encouragment ,strength and victory have been manifest }aeweree Os baplanfl mt 4 9|Eaiciaam —aioe a =4 iilinthelivesofsomanyofhismembers,ELiy /Deen Mo)Verrier VE pan SUE (Kame Therefore,be it resolved that the undersigned elders and ,4 y 7inon»fa 2 Loins gts trp Llagtf forty__.-—s—s deacons recommend that we as a congregation show our appreciation [ee CX.Oth0 tke &let.a 1oftheabovementionedfactsbytenderingtoDr.Pressly and family pts l ¢¥Hawcmon)the privilege to continue to live in the church manse so long as +——.a 4,e y 8 =|they may desire to do so without any cost to them,Ze aX?hile.a “ha Secrevee )sor rae ef e ‘SIGNED,Elders and Deacons.[ol BZ oe LS Shot 6 ORLtn Cote Beage My Z a po 4 Zan ottfre z 4 r pLbaler oc lle q lew.SPE aoe | ep,ae ZZ we os.)D> ae txts id EA f ;!"FA “ ie Lo hw te,ss set eee A agony aQe7279a7Zs Chevy ean cae ne Ao?Zama =a a La <._flare foredeuK /Pas‘U-~x<B%w/eAe mi Ma AW «rhe,AY‘‘4 -r .pane:>. Costus,en “Lee -;vials Se yh Ort V Lh frat / ¢7 —Vee -Ltd en agg ee ~——a dove:fort ty ay t F )et i Ln kg E }ecteibamal)MM imee Apres fret iM Z A ZN eee p10 OP eg eS :FG Ann hee,Sn feacl «lh wae,“ei rl gro tan 3 SseeperlieereeeeeeDeoenttenseeetinaeaaanneticcimetictes,aekenameiamimementnamesaaeateannaaeeeeee:j::'';:::;|;: |a : .——|9 —at.idvt eant.ara on fort OK ahh ———} _;Endorsed by the Congregation this the 19th day ember aes :|4 ep Ywecir<st GE ws,wt —Jy Z os a é =a.A=0 iy ae LLLGGo pA Lp HartJoe oe, q i echias LE hl LK PH,.;ie ae ienete:;'|ance -" Burrs OF SESSION. beeen..rae aie (Be Zzate Kees Be ee ell Scaaa wea Z a.Leek fam ZL GE Aeweseet tf seca Phyl. ne Dy,ft <iefee ae okay fiur-Vp DA 21tha pf FZrae<—-later —-Shi greet Soon OT F } OE ics a Ditte-wt tht te Niiacetel tg pen llr pop LAL ee LA 4 VWeec —z aly sialon sicinmeil “te Le ate.or ig ‘at-~innhce hes eh L ttged tess or I A x...<t-cek y fee.7 kg Z opel yp Juri» aitje c aod €pbraed.wae 'em pe _<~ba J tn {7 “ ont woeSon z :ka GS Pecin.Pp we a,Ltr Manne <Podeome inching een z ioe.Ce el,aa.«wee )88fsos:4 =o mi ,,fr Caer ,7 Peay—of Fe a a Ag P Sf ot ie a ‘J.ee... Pet fal 2-9 8;Ataae aeC&aae)at ed ws sms a.2 ca tno>eee Ce af,come /22 Tm oe CALLi0 coh Dir YE Lash eH ee ie <}Y-z sell , SE.a:ea eeas,aemi Toma Z4 Gus,ellen <<227A ||~-*-->--+‘ te ’f }~ ’— MINUTES OF SESSION. ZZ pre htop haa (~<~_+A.tin ZLEt ade’enn Dt Lila~tuk lan VE Lhetiy.Lyte Phen»,Blinn Pe. cr ee Mom,E Vier Cee fp od,[Lyre Cxiaas,ax Aheyfe ee *of cata ef _—Brtter 4,(pre o(o~/ a)7 .tf i Lal a , “it s neh /MlBe al Ly hogty “sy (~< Zping ute oathate i~~.i?fd ZA- <b<ehobf Aha ben 4...LF,sigsChae Zin foe Z<2¢,a teetet |Sener fomefmmpree H222ahZlygly ey ay Linx ;a ‘2 teak these a by —pP nithe cae Ar hu Hef~Le,rium te CREE ee CBlenceny 7 ——/=PE eat tnegl nan ean >A tfan 3 Lbvgav ke, <‘w) Cle azv *fzho Kee.ba nite i hoVe,cit f rk few tetwr DK 47 759 4 bs re A Pe a leifaw«Seow hn 2.9 ax ei,f "a nowCL7, af eee KAécwaferJee 4 ynbrof bebe fr “gare 4 eee €S 2 Pe eran ee” 4 ‘i a7 fspaniLe a <z a Lane as 4 ae<Q Z,oa.J?Re aCe rr tect Jinn “y yA,ol lorf+S Ley,rle :clef wt, Ci fir Anectt (ee #?/ Ve fier -Ca. .,“> Jitlacrlee Fee Kk “YAS7IOS Btts<ti hagff a “2K fpevy by 22,|hike Lewes"Brey teen,remy MINUTES OF SESSION. 3 Faege Lite tt P J ct pub mares Mong pote Aha 4Kfor +froze,mn 74oe nihigera 7 <? ay MT Lpeeme eee Hes A Shin be BF 9 fice i Pye aa,&—ae Mesajee 2 o Crcwtealnr /ede.et latin slong i gory <AL iy’...2 GOSZack I autos 4 EET, here oer -zee h<ie HO amen Fpwebny Ate Dry:Wefhm op 2st oA Gl 97 he Level Ko Ja ae Ltzec leer mn,eeeLaas i tee Ane 47 aarg Loney goatl,Bh ghn/ fo fuer oo ae Cenc gensaa .7 SS hh 4 EKtheta FG Llgfetef?/fevrG 7k fheev Icey2Z rs pow aeaA//AAA Meee SX a Df 23S the fob’ Jz Kf Bereoee ot o.tgp hey roe,or ee tLefast/ait OpsPw m3 ai. Pood aos LE heey 43 Jenks Gohan’ -tk fy uglesy <hfe A se Mee ae -— Diigo ss 0 -ai wthpe alle Yale tan Ae i. 4 7 Ee;itoe+1;——erpied-o---—_—aMINUTES OF SESSION. Maefiean.ey Lord fe tel a &JkfthheiAhorIn?Nesta,laaaatS ly a VE Kookie,EG Loam LE,Lanna Brke a || a ti sisi —,Cha?Lowi tte & tele alee ~LL cite Mig i,Mheigvt C Che,Padleze 7 e“U SLiimphe lee:aol 11g bwin,te,Had ose LI Ablectle -ow 2Maou,4,iti Jed Jbl LRG)” po ao eel Als €am 8 oe EE. ce 2 ph |4 <T les ae aeQD Fgh ntheNae GF Sf «2 Ll "Fa Mrrceg,Sn joa 4 peinee Ceo “y ‘van,Ji.C ) ih ae ie he Pour.ote we S ttn?Vol -A a ne = 4a,0 ot petites Prot A a.smal “s —>eA ui oer page einige Ly Loe fo SK.afosan2foratlfltucete aaaLOOP”;Th “7 fh,bx»d&Bo 1 Zien ky Se (ig eq Chany c i.NG ey J Fr”_t aims <2 oenal.Ame sil onhod ett 2 —.J ae a ern +<En £cere flariny slbeInVE:Lrdliag ,=au he-hnatgh Martyr “i fefillet2.Le hol.Le Jlark 46 (7 Fe. MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. octGe kok GEC.VMo .on (FF o : —.EO.we.Miia iin r1e2X oe GY flacs Lk 7 jo Ihe sion attet or Ze hrvaf ATR De E ;Pree eeAe Paving ptLixwK —,fa.r —K 2 = ao,prac 2 feet ML,es rc a5 JA f Tar,M Chane |— 1 cme,een C7 ae VE Ketics ‘Pa Merntqe yb A kof,Mm 2. 2 4,fhanr AK:EA ait Ze Wire <o "SL gee maa;at t Aide,; |iff”froin bot witeet oe Ve ms ik $ret Gul hl DagA LsBpeeERSEogeaR _O 6 Ss.Bc .C,se siaaiate ;;JEeesisaadarcaergaroerteesateMangaRO‘aoe.serie aU t Abb,Sn B fi Lffelee,Jy ler 4 sf eemnv pod a _fo aa A i ig —t ,“of A wi,.£2 a se alg om DB Fy¢dL Le = ia fae”Jey,*ote :Le aes ih Mieiaa¢Ow Ca vr MMpeeaoa sai —? a ae Sa 4 a host’as ae Sead |:|C2 iaibacie:Cer Bly,akJotun || _gk At Che |oe ie eee Serr ‘cilia ee ae | i eg \Elen titre D_|Sim er pe oe oe 0 +Phaz 2-1 799 cee Ome.SNSZ Mra vg Bagh |=Ley ae Gare s : q :(nein am GEL at ee,EF Bowron,Spe Haw onket,El fopbs 7 ||Cir iat a 7 7 <—_-\:mao ay,FS Jing,(hak vt AScnftr 3 LS Moree,UA hein 2-—,|a : |a ee fay Foamy Paper foe :—A oinkte |a =op ee.in in ee hs a er tw oem engl ae,i a thn.alat——»“Ce aes ene = fase:het JII-IY,) MINUTES OF SESSION.{MINUTES OF SESSION. et ee ee |F |cess ae idiegh.F Hh Acree ant 4 Boekoh a 14—1 aringgir AO A epe Low AL,7.38a ee.S ee tieminihan—Aree Lara—a2 ©.Pied ie“,bt &' =|tli bur MoneapitLeake!KeanFee Sind.sai dwnaglds Dd Shoop,.gs Hime ae Apt cos in fag h hans pb (labor ai]a a:Feu MV Bcd FG ee dh a |||ace Alf otBros ,~r oe cam ae m:x ie a - a TurAsc...iil,Males Aint ee 9Ey oo ae ei “Z Pe ae Siti Lis._MA 2 5 cxnnni,:e an alll tall —_OR «Wr.FnZle fnoeree ow =ee ‘“Y Bae CApet 4 for Wr JRE [owen C6 DewcAusg Cop Tl fer Bath ee Gyre Sa BF Je ,Le P —et Neen ced Lett,V frre Atant Oto naar»3 a ai.Sowalery haps %geod —LLl,ra.t Apt ge,Oe ae eh roan Fie a ee ;ergo wip Man,e UF bine,oe Mndns Sle)cuee Aetiiin)f“Be dA Sevan,«hadl,toh .Mee 2 74 :ea iin eile dee ola Meee,AOC Mhawian alli snotcai se pected ot’CR Kane Ge ||Cogan ama’gn tt Cheuk 5oft.XKy,jie hag wa Zh,anne Sel iilhet ee A OANveeLe'«Cblen)Moth Gerr-Ls Ge Pe ll ni pe Seppe capeaee AR 2.lea x.all ealaaa<oe ~f -payrmt <p he a Gane 1K oe |”fe dais See /lt a.abla4K ,\_M Weg 2-251 Mae ot ig eee|L ee cone Chee La for Sm aPK.Suite Fae,6 icin :7 y |ye lad ae }ViéySELinon.ie Se eee eA PIS Benne LY 8 2B formes —PL en a pn Zz Las gE SE FL MINUTES OF SESSION. MINUTES OF SESSION. ye age i :LL fill por —ttto<nbay ee Circunae Zrphgo.SR a ,fii.Gumi E.Clg ——>mfApa,—MelehayOOaUdAthOM.Mavic»Sat,that,At ins Ma jb ace,Gd hae.a Lae eee 7 ahey &Fete Seek “F-B440 am ee am aewaZIGbrasil©SAvpn AE Fim Dh oe a ees ALrate Su.lala 6+fora i au ¥—.of Metcaasp wate PE OMJ Pee 4 |I|a alien,ail x ztewel,“G wh ae a.K~chueLanze Sf Scene,es re Senc-1->fe Lhe w teei -|sey eat,intl..—plinaf penal ee ciullls 20 fa CD 2 he areX | Aa~e—a_i ar -~~2cea Lae | pple Zé th Hh.i edhe 6 i Sx 0%a {:fy fed,Lttegbe-atseewi pln ie fille se tata flaca 2 LEH a K c>allaneametiteHitoad$Prpmefef& LloMeeth few 27 of q WF f~<F2-¢9~atay ate aa SAK Ltoawsdi ce (1 ~PIE MINUTES OF SESSION.Y MINUTES OF SESSION. |Lz,7,azu¥<X 2H HK AL 7 ee Pee hep 12-939 Resconiaier,7 oe oo.pe fe —_ake howe , 7.se Sr eeewa Apefart 2 lia ad ig pedara qT a at —foe 5 ee en |(=aapf _~“oer mow d ear~jt GB Mut oef=_- Hi ogBfFaces ge.HetMaton nk 37,Gl |zaIh ences fae ey 4 DO lh dan >fe G8 Alain aoe eof Tei2..=fe rock aXZgoG Cll:A sna oe CtNiferh iene Baw)~-l ens-Le monn ee sg.ReseAadem |TT og Sig]Loe GEES 7eekfaafoeClraefvehatlic,abeaDEELTDiaoape “teAsiaeGot,Tachen Kr |CLL,Baan | 3 LA |LO Kecorncnn,TEkinks,PK Cokar,ca fe) Sent Wee oo BP R739 =age 2k Zt:,Ae Ln Ret KK:a=9e Mi J FZ C.hw i288 rer _Aorta format tne a—bs Led Gk 2—cfon al tol Map omon fr aDartGe ee in fafa FnteinAe Z.bs Pat toned f Sok 25 4- we +‘en nie aaa ee A Beez etee—oer fh hf-o te aAetna,aLgeLeatar =...yeeArpLe eensmeaty fo Cmbythy C .2h ee jimnt Git.ab,avg—te f ae ==ee ie Se fy —Moll 2<é—-/73S,Bodeatn =Examined&hodByi:FirsePre:Of7)2119 > meee ws any C é.Jf |ET CaF Mex /{ge ee MINUTES OF SESSION. oy belt H,Leow (€-S FZ ZXow pp i a 7 oe OD Itedas Sa ootoe PeLA he Seama A Si pes aae whe eefaeK=oe a <Ter 42ZanbnoldpFZa5'Reem oa el grow)eantafAofasip a iz seed aredepecf TA Aeabil tne:be jt.T eg keial ane,“aAteenethina AE ie Lal;a Liege Te hy DZ ~hp-he fcrhBi a hopes Y er-ek Fite TK koe |Ata.tttAwinle C nye 7 eenhpsajy <<£SESS aT arLJeliAGsaeAfexeMeotepeer .a LO f guts A wrytities TE ental.| RekK*4a/y A=<0e fb f—..2G Ch fact wcfe.puta 2%-ao dita oat,a |Leet ch booth ;ex | Mer D4 hg Oe Ben,: <<F Seen Jiao,(Cmca,tee7AKoSorte,&ceaeY <uiel Alar Lape ~2 MINUTES OF SESSION. 4 HA Lev-8-/7Zs,, Ye Slices at night arta,Be re ae LOR pine tty | °Sons | a ¢ d he a,amchs 5 hte X Ahad >z“GapCAhirt:dhe thud b to Phe sc b pevbM scsnton ff G it feGS iene hae drrtr Jame eee LE frome G Aa—ca-e aas mre r ue JA wrkZs ie me AIR fin —~, ‘ng f ae /?_e o Aan Sin =>onSoy,. a3fe te of initi aail Laei.ae LoL a Oa.ial pe | —fewa,a ef Sawsl DeProc.Gnf shaYoWnty Cvad bop Gi?~~2 Ja bane poethe Lr tery Line,A beef ZO Uldglye tire PZ Shane aX WA a Jf 4Go-——~Le FEEL —a +t‘2 ene Aweof!a pf Gla oS a gle ee—SoLe 2le—e4 ait.a it Fv + tle Anccht,FL,wena!a Le Lug :Viper te Does |andes p 28 WE s-77 2;ey ne Gp bL LY Ze saith Poa:LHhvac 4 fied oh i dae4 =ai sla tere 7 ee Aerengwnis hoof ©An Cae {a+.Dh fersres in Ze pe —S L Aon,——a pth en.Ow Ze “of Ps a 7 pore fu 4,Slow beter OG Zk»Mi towineninn po er<ifmA sui 1st.- ~soon Gat,Bi.OeyFig=Lemme iae5lialMtMasFOCaprice,| ceeLy SAckfen But a .:'}—"vea5leertieennetaceaecareereeeleeeee::;;'MINUTES OF SESSION.a 22.S—/FIFT It 7 Aarevierre Pa A UV a LarBeflan.Aly hh7,ie ee ra t feck y—GB ZK <<Z ,iG ad Aft Bb6 _+<-el—twn for 7-57 ae Ze LE Aapwl—yf Ht Ad&tfoeun-.&so re aan Zee ee Prtal /WM 2 Afar em. a Aare_tal p aeaMaheOALBnfrDE,Lay _fod Barve ae! nesleceamaaenbi=niet‘~4 MINUTES OF SESSION.2%:%ny ASS SSAA ee Me:Miia |L A ad LL Cnetfone Gf we ch Weg ZL o£aevee<gud a Loe Prot per.Aatlree-Gee,=ae a ; Lfeimvapan J /Cette “a a ee es Fico rein atta Apc eae cot eerFakeoe Seis A utlep ake he 27aaa ae bo Chorengl u Chale.a7 Lf ———of - Sitesi Soe dhowalt Knd PLE fle gh a”baby fat e+.LL /#IP-3A | oth.AS2-C1 -<C~a ne re Bee aan Ligeia:ae rede ar in.|facaiine.a BB p.tz-<Pathe the xin ie te—hapiitlheng Clana tam me semis ae fall 1?hp a ate few GRELA 22 toms aronk ee /oa GZ‘4g See +} / fates *cas,atte.Coe_3 MAM C7 Dogwey Jt pe Cr-d_-.4 ' eo Lt OG ¢-C7IF a ||'tA | i} i 4 1 | ||i taeel TAL MINUTES OF SESSION.’ We 3 a j || :7 ae ..../Z _Mtn,“4 ,a | ae err- Ki _“<cns Aetod A>(ZB ek ti oh Abts,Ate.deborLr pptwhy Carrhae cncrth bets ket AY Hee een Z- GraraZe.ia to Ley ./=xe JAE,Nromang, i FEO eee tenn w-2¢5 hes : FLe-4,as .ea oo =| ithe fear MAG PAtpetY |Ve ae i i ae ZH<,‘FP I-/PIF T .ae Prt MINUTES OF SESSION. a ] +tGonna ei hile Cane as ZUtoe.d r1 Baas ge MINUTES OF SESSION. :pe Aire htt wnem—w |Lt,ater PEL.oe cYErorwtilliahs,Cine a Shrf am Mimi,VECPritiey,222.FacerPitan,LAM frosty oi 2 Keener,op bbbm|Sarah Co ferianKBork 2X By Auwryt MORRISON st ‘ithe singing by the audience of| MINUTES OF SESSION. REV.J.H.PRESSLYMOBSERVES47TH ||YEARAS PASTOR|| |IN.STATESVILLE as4 Number of Mem-|rs of Church Present | day Services. ,Sabbath morning,July #nd, tked the 47th anniversary of the Rév..Dr.James Hurst Pressly'spastomateoftheFirstAssociateReformedPresbyterianChurchof Statesville.It was a red letter day in the history of the local church |.it every r #8 an audience ofaroundPilatesfilledtoca-}pacity the main auditorium of thechureéhandpackedtheannexto capacity,It was one of the larg- ds.¢Q ers to fil yearda QAeAE amv er seep wer ATO?on,the “very ifteresting topic, Wnch Not The Spirit,” @ services were opened,with Old Hundred,followed ty the in- ing Psalm Wag number 149,after which Dr.Pressly made a few} opening remarks of,the fine au-} dience in attendance,He read as his scripturé,reading a part of the Sth chapter of First Thessalonians and his text was the 19th verse} ofthis chapter, After the reading of the morningscripturereading,a quartette com- posed of Messrs.John Kimmons and Grier Waugh,Mrs.R.G. Walker and,jing Johnnie WhitesangwithImpressivénéss.the Song vocation by Dr,Pressly.The a “Hear My Prayer.”°v aDr,Presgly gal¥ed on Rey.’Maymaker,a visiting minister of ‘the city,for the morning prayer, Just before the morning offering|was taken,Dr.Pressly announced the lidt of eight junior deacons re- cently selected to ald the regular board of deacons of the church, these being:Mesers,Boyce Shook,L,L.Stevenson,Kenneth 1 Sam Laws,Edwin Ramee;Al Robert Jernigan,Thomas rison and Roy Goble.ie i Just after the morning offering ward and asked the congregation to vote on the question of extend-ing to Dr.Pressly a month’s leave of absence or vacation,This was unanimously voted upon and Dr. Pressly is to take his vacation at any time he sees fit,Then,in faithful service and pastorate of the local First A.R,P.Church and wishing Dr,Pressly a fine vacation this summer,on behalf of to cover expenses for a trip to the New York World’s Fair.'This touched Dr,Pressly greatly and he stated that the past 47 years has been the happiest of his,life. Just before the sermon,the choir sang the Psalm,“By The Rivers Of Babylon”in a most effective and pleasing manner, Dr,Bressly's anniversary sermon on the subject “Quench Not TheSpirit”,was a most effective and interesting one and held the close Attention of his ‘fine audience throughout.In closing his sermon Dr.Pressly stated that no man has quenched the spirit of God who is the least bit concerned atout the salvation of*his soul,of that of of his own church people, der the direction of Mra.Frank Deaton at the organ and Mrs.R. G,Walker,director of the choir. Mra,Deaton used as the Prelude: Allegretto Sempliée ‘by Albert W. ney and Postlude, It wag announced at the close of the service that $255 was the collection taken up to send Rev. and Mrs.B,L.Hamilton and fam- back to India this fall.The local church was expected to raise $200 of a fund of $2,500,butover-raised it’s quota by $55. subject “By Faith’,This was a most interesting topic and was heard with interest by the evening worshippers with the sermon being directed mostly to the young peo- pie's attention, was received,Ben Ramsey,an|. elder of the church,stepped for-|~~ token of the Dr,Pressly’s long and |, the congregation,Mr.Ramsey pre-|. |,sented Dr.Pressly with a check penghis family and fellow-man and that]. The anniversarymusic was un-|- Ketelling;Offertory:“The Angel}. of the Twilight”by Frederick La-|; ily and Miss Minnie Alexander| Dr.Pressly chose as his night's| maaan MINUTES OF SESSION. A Cee Z “s/f ae feo. i OrBie ay a.gO WA 7 : Lez A—~»“Com ODA am/>. si il APL Boots ines i 4 Kg anita i|& }i i ath ool)r 4a fimie| 3 co,2+a9 i é Ybpact —_Tee os THle,<2 i .<77 “Za |2 tout Pj Spin ALu.tte +O79 24 [||Clannad aoa,Hoke bawAtan~tma—>fz Cork, Hin Jo—-Z tint P oe ge ene 4sRW a afeYyFeeAhifierfeChu»ge.a: Ane Aen . “4 An 5 LELeatinny 1 | MINUTES OF SESSION. REV.J.H.PRESSLYOBSERVES47THYEARASPASTORINSTATESVILLE Large Number of Mem- bers of Church Present at Sunday Services. By ALWYN MORRISON Sabbath morning,July &nd, marked the 47th anniversary of the Rev.Dr.James Hurst Pressly's pastorate of the First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of |Statesville.It was a red letter day in the history of the local church im #very respect as an audience of around %400 niembers filled to ca- |eae the main auditorium of the church and packed the annex ‘to capacity,It was one of the larg- est chowds vorshippers to fiil the &\and they heard a #1 , on ,the very interesting topic, “Quench Not The Spirit,” ‘%The services were opened.with the singing by the audience of Old Hundred,followed ty the in- vocation by Dr,Pressly.The open- ing Psalm wag number 149,after which Dr.Pressly made a few opening remarks of the fine au- dience in attendance,He read as his scripturé,reading a part of the Sth chapter of First Thessal ynians ||and his text was the 19th verse ‘lof this chapter, After the reading of the morning ripture réading,a quartette con posed of Messre.John Kimmons ind Grier Waugh,Mra.R.G Walker and Miss,Johnnie White sane with Impressiveness:the Song “Hear My Prayer.”: Dr,Pressly called on Rey.’Hay- maker,a visiting minister of the city,for the morning prayer, Just before the morning offering was taken,Dr.Pressly announced the list of eight junior deacons re- cently selected to ald the regular board of deacons of the church, lthese being:Messrs,Boyce Shook, |L,L.Stevenson,Kenneth Lippard, |Sam Laws,Edwin Ramsey Jr., Robert Jernigan,Thomas Mbdr- rison and Roy Goble "Ran ey Cont fj .te% Just after the morning offering was received,Ben Ramsey,an elder of the church,stepped for- ward and asked the congregation to vote on the question of extend- ing to Dr.Pressly a month's leave of absence or vacation,This was unanimously voted upon and Dr. Pressly is to take his vacation at any time he sees fit,Then,in token of the Dr,Pressly's long and |faithful service and pastorate of\the local First A.R,P.Church vacation this summer,on behalf of ;the congregation,Mr.Ramsey pre- sented Dr.Pressly with a check to cover expenses for a trip to the !New York World's Fair.This touched Dr,Pressly greatly and he stated that the past 47 years has been the happiest of his,life. Just before the sermon,the choir |sang the Psalm,“By The Rivers Of Babylon”in a most effective and pleasing manner, Dr,Pressly's anniversary sermon lon the subject “Quench Not The |Spirit”,was a most effective and linteresting one and held the close attention of his fine audience throughout.In closing his sermon Dr.Pressly stated that no man has quenched the spirit of God who its the least bit concerned atout the salvation of his soul,of that of his family and fellow-man and that }of his own church people, |The anniversary music was un- |der the direction of Mrs.Frank |Deaton at the organ and Mrs.R. |G,Walker,director of the choir. |Mra,Deaton used as the Prelude: ‘Allegretto Sempliée ‘by Albert W. Ketelling;Offertory:“The Angel of the Twilight”by Frederick La- ney and Postlude, It wag announced at the close of the service that $255 was the collection taken up to send Rev. and Mrs.B,L.Hamilton and fam- ily and Miss Minnie Alexander back to India this fall.The local church was expected to raise $200 of a fund of $2,500,butover-raised it’s quota by $55. Dr.Pressly chose as his night's subject “By Faith’,This was a most interesting toplc and was heard with interest by the evening worshippers with the sermon being | directed mostly to the young peo- ple’s attention, and wishing Dr,Pressly a fine | ; nangSeetaitAAENEANMSPENRO:SRIeeeemomar MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. 26 wi..s asset DK Ea ,ie RiseDrerics =aoeofCal.i ee yee ee fLnPre’s O.Dern ton,“fe Aiace Looeaie |Sete te Iesfipirisst of Ane LO bebefe_es tam tou i224.4 eer ais mre Loox l Tire.a CV.Aer tren are oyGPSage borg ee AS ie:nile Pe a __Kame A : LLLC UG LMuctez oe,VEAche,l Su.Dowel treeeo )é K ToFor ho tile At Ay loc O |——el fan Show@.atalomalass i Ss ee 8 i eek oi rms hea5mesnaisfleesaf.gpeeol Ife Lk heen see?| he Aral,DA Lhthhas,2S Moristny.rQoflare |ie util i Cape Jot fopor Gibcure 4 Gm.ffm Get |ine alist nak hobduie av i fone y he on.AJTF 2042 cna ieee ahh teil ofL,>A t agfvan Slot &ha Lootma =Z mon |OM.ailan,Tet @.Mematuatiisjee Cuda oe }KK Lie 2 EP VEfiedpo lnk rrr Oa s ee =}o |;ry :ee His &|eoa.eenlenkneeCrvitcterlf~ood oe re Sk,yPK:Nti.a .-eeneaeSe:,::-|.'eT;';j;eeeeee;co”a'::;}}|": mieNehMeaeatrhsJUsER'.bout e 60 Jenene (olgai,a eeapcer i eam ‘Lo aed. Aieaf'/4 inetd tania <4, _ML z 1p LY ME ates " QP Lifer Clar% <A (i 2 |MINUTES OF SESSION.:MINUTES OF SESSION. Se iieensece & .F aug Lah.7:rte wf ic tie a Lote wtseet.ct he ae Bak FFF ] —5 Z Py aa.a foisk 2a omLowtat [ie Lorch LA atl,i poe .p1tteyabonr x prt é :;ae SE hon CO iin At2 |74.2 P TK)LetLab,:Coucdhesr €.Sttryye‘eevee |ae_Ckpate’y a tional ,:.E —A tol,one’Se Loy_&Doe 7 )f :t ee i ce aateof i a.Aaa ttttpek,,co KK .A -—Zeer _a 4 ea 7 Deizk oY 71s ~ocK a es art JK ElilAg >& ae ——ee ee.|Peewee.reek %One hy fren S27 Aoaciat | ia Maeve BE lresier<+taLily 5 LegpaX CI hy ——ze Bef >Wes J3e & 4 mser Ln Once)ed ok ankles apf Lg 2 re zZ Oo haps a ae b72ilbtiinne:.safll ee be.pial e fonteee +AjSen Go AZ saiaaamaaniae ae rhe “Liles tas KK bak on 2p C Quay “Orr,voting ed 7 L :Ae as igFae’iic ae .cilia —~<afhL whi.heli,ppd o eee =5 a lai IP <ablhay—2cot Conca ate a,|<—ee 2deaewoly~DenesAhorafontbarat,3 |Sn Ae Dok 00h |Tae tele LS bree aa be 90,VE 7 _——.te,tesee Oty io Oh /axe LA |Pa f,tin eLageoo7—edad Bea |og |4 4 efi sian itt ail alle |Sirverts HL :7 a |!Sale }LxXk P—/FIPc.<_ |a ‘Examined &Apt rovea Bo ?By The First Presbytery ' e :_ }a |MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. =Loaden ee rae aaae|LZ veiw av o “Hh frLewvr Z a at 4 _Lect jp —-I4 fialy—Ls Gume,fro ea park yy 3fe Diao ~thald a my &fh Cahn,UE Cetin,USflonfe.,tema,faaufpl CG hm~Jz,Hav,Po erin:ete a e+Rleprrpts Cl Mtarztne Kar be Pa fhPGLhuhi,+La Catia ois LE ES Tlie pe .He Meall,fhot ae wate pe Caf.Ce Mp2by ei fel LefF & -Lule.<Lanne er aigang ’fe :J C I ...or hee a Se ee |Seaepe S A fatciewm (32°4-94 proton Ge oe .hfe»Be foro 2.Aire -5 :op Loney,te.coerfn |2 LB,SF Aeeenal oe But F Zn 5 a Poort of i Donn:Zz Lyte LLtrzpt am Avcraenflele J harvmKtfenareGf?>fh A ding hy at Se .:b Ce Bain -Tonnes 6.BeesBogendepp»L:=WE.a:Lit =,ssa f JL.ltteer ae he hab Zines Chavok f DEC,GetassiLeexe Duetnce Zor ce,4 S”Sreormin,choy Aq gla.a:et,'g OS Clee eee.|1 fli AEme Sere oeey | Seem _LY2r%_”Mie oc,otae LAO KeemtamChay AA heey ee.|Butane isle He —enheekGebnobneeLaobierana:shi Silay Bias ma I 4 wi ta (Vay —Saat roe zt as |Ie ALLE.Phy rk.Zhen Begg pe ,a (hi fae jh.2 ,omnia Zee,Ver/3 7/792 ‘a Aerloacile.p 2E,uxt ISI IPIF ; =s ee 2 aS 4 ths a ae|Cin >iesmae Y Bon offim woes “lly bare MINUTES OF SESSION. eewiane:!::|:;}::;{ti Bows pup AELE Fae on ae at,—for/-ee vg vi colaZte Zteyr t7-/Y?I? MINUTES OF SESSION. fAEL et ied Dail,pe a ix sioed pow ME jenny aga an r G2 Fernitn rg i ha ineee— Zo KiEa mae,Cpe cr me he C ey eee ce So ae O SE oct ete SE f eo ms apr et gr (7 Ly Time ee é {x Denn,gt fon CF AS eo aah aqd OM hn ces, >Let iz a a oO tee LapbeaSStOph ait.«trey Ly jALLEZA >48 ™—aeeeae;cmnennciaaiitlae'‘“aDeBiaaceeenda=-~::eeEraeeeeeeceeeeee;:—==2TS‘ee'i:_:};i;;iiiSeee;;||||.;MINUTES OF SESSION. Sy ata A sisalGace xs WEArvin)VE eighteen TZCrs °ea in-y med b-aboammuameel oe “ike See Hina. Cagle.(Laren Ke BeiC-A P44 ay Py “Sa ame ammo:/2 péflho 2 eremrere Micon”ip ge eg ad Pigg oes ape +-—~2- MINUTES OF SESSION. a ae watt ae ad cases : toes BK Rehev,LE ae Loeeo ghe aoe,wu komt ae vi LT Pe Matin clest-J eoie.cba by ,rhe EF Loe rm conpy shot porns Byetse ost-2A pe Mowe Darnihcnce,ly ee CG Alana,Me2 ae Phone Mecca | &ee A hala bh.Gu Lee ee all & en ee <1~4,-~¢Chott for.Crs tayflee,&MeGuecLtof ln tlwadtz._0-tote._seid.tafe NV Ala 1 die YL Pncitetisy Mothrie ntagp ie!dienes (Joveflr LlPr Ir xX cE Laat fe ‘ab pee ZL lnk hudar La2atited Se fin cee ee des Sa Lh BvCr sf,<reLt tlural Zeta ov X.Ftatg POS Ni meeBee $Tica iliveD Phage ng frm role oo fiLkfAe brut a —AK fe pete ain eece |lena ee ds ee ftom we place eat oy er Zhe CA Macca Lvs joo 444 ce <_a oe Ged.ee ey <Lftp ie ~2.hdh ~Le Ke seals Llane fy fa Ge Feige prema pd _/Koty,A aL ke Lit JO MK lp ~00&Sinnunt — me Bek i/-/942 NAMhen.Abe Ho —_-.peeeePme‘oae"leeninaeeeeeeeineteeheeaetnaeeeintemaltehetooiaaial|| rereee':: .Bs 7 ssi ¢,hte Leaffrtaok,, MINUTES OF SESSION. RU BL 2K (one,Mies ilisiinie ~ OR ts Geach aX Ba of Joby at tty t at y,3GoveFF6eKeel ita 1729 DAE fom ee Se. Av Bar ok F/4/4K4 | ——ig ee 7A _Alelegok eo a Fakes et,4748, Annis no MINUTES OF SESSION. =TtGe fh nek idl i is >asonae LaRg ee—SF Ys_zeueek enone glad Cota oe ae oe Appt ~~2 a Lttrl cetel (Greer ont held x,oo “K Araeig”rs ane Jt eae oe gaihae " Cenit lites alagaadns.aay2get,“YE eh TA,Kaot K<Dhrgting”Cui aa|Be nk Ak Lene) =e jee A Ly fet—~fev patoh Lae?ger CFR LiA<ttelny ”re oo.a flettr 4 pete nee yl aea —_Me ;—-ee aa dil HS c lazece/tree Zy Bote &‘7,o+~lerr _tertfaa zres sane.26 I meee Ctnal —& May rSy 2 ,4-* Znaail tual -enaphaae 0.ake tee —tetnnetsfag 1 nianafiL MINUTES OF SESSION. (a ae aalitas aBhevueLy ,in.oat LA ZEAL vbr ff =aa a Es we A osee .nm a —a gst l~—a>“0 = —fine ae i <<2 .---z< |E Ct Lh ie,foie FG | ; :7 a fea :Leeteryg,Chloe~Liab ertaevtlh te.Denk 7 =i ”— MINUTES OF SESSION. i a ar BLL A Vez,:Ze.ait A SL =&Pane Z HE fou, Pe Son.Mtontees LO,Meareoa Ate,le a¢SPF FX —eS ee i|Dr,mat enh Se ee 4G 3 BattintTS wr Detar Mod Soai oe Zc@_ OL cer wnt Pa ad Pt 2 Fs =al ei lad ine nin apa ote 2 ote bot,ntact Letras —bot _——44 a Dpoaik ae 2p FLA . BPkiePorte fr few 19 F7-¥o,For 2A,Aevoka 2 Let mati 4LeAifrrion_,gnOknm aeeee 4 S|atecntts aLoney ZL,aoe hn ae. as atinivote ten 5 ¢cain aw eo 9 at ce Aare aati a ; etiptnk._«<48 ¢es t th fw peCi Ck gee a pgm 27 4z,3 ts Liomr7 Cogan.0 ae ~<a — At lhe NAG toKe MINUTES OF SESSION. aaa al he ue ohcHiHidyaff~SNx»a< re ay a. ose Ss MINUTES OF SESSION. YL wy etnten fpr KEAfercete's LR, -£,Meove han «+46 Giam ial.Cau.)Se CaPaPe on, Littl kr,al fee 4 Lilelhw OE pewl Gf cieensd fave po ©Fass fares Agree y in om ge yA how,|S cate:phot fo cae cide : ee Arne,“oe —J aw aug ae Zz _4 Aoe Seat a oY <t cteeteeTote A ceili.any Lx/o>Zrepuy a a 0 i,i sont(-—fH (hott ID Hiroko SE fen Zo Bitnvl,ze a SP UO omens —onaen.=“-oaeeae—aadeeSis‘aaeratedinoemmeneieneeelLdeeIwyre..ohomes:::‘:}:::::Secteeneteeemetesntiaai' BafuK lmao es Tac,EG A ‘almw ee “aSog era alitigated liacic:lc,te,Tn, Bette iitsaaChant, MINUTES OF SESSION. .agg s ,—_2 yy, a ae,4.adllcp,7a 2 Liv late,768.fone Yo Aysyo0 MINUTES OF SESSION. GPE.ae fa Sze oan omam ; MINUTES OF SESSION. Cahmnt fh ven Bag FE /, (DUPE, —+ MINUTES OF SESSION. Dr.James Hearst Pressly The Landmark,July 8,1940. To the third and fourth generation there have been preachers in the Pres- sly family.Dr.J H Pressly,“Our, Mr.Pressly”as Statesville folks desig- nate him,is the son of Dr.William L.Pressly,late president of Erskine Seminary,who himself was son of the distinguished Dr.E.E.Pressly and marking the fourth direct line of Pressly preachers is Rev.William Pressly of Greenwood,S.C.,son of “Our Mr.Pressly.” Son of a gifted line of God-fearing men,grace was poured into Dr.James Hearst Pressly’s lips by inheritance and the pulpit became his throne of power as it was that of his father and his grandfather. Dr.Pressly was born March 6,1866 in the country parsonage at Genero- stee,Anderson County,S.C.He was one of ten children,nine boys,one girl.The Generostee congregation was a flourishing one for those times but during the war and just after money was scarce and the mother of that Pressly brood,Frances Wideman Pressly,there in that country parson- age did a noble work as home-maker and general manager,stretching over those nine sturdy boys,that little girls,the few hundred dollars that was the entire salary of several years service during the period of distress in the south. In 1872,when our Mr.Pressly was just six years old,the father was called to Due West as pastor to suc- ceed Dr.R.C.Grier.They tell in the family that he debated the call ser- iously,loath to leave his beloved con- gregation.One day the officers of the Due West church visited him for a reply.He still hesitated.His wife was present and inquired as to education- al possibilities for her growing fam- ily.She was assured that would be easily arranged at Erskine.Turning to her husband she said “Go tell the boys to get the horse and wagon ready.We will go.”And they went. The father to later become the belov- ed president of the seminary,the chil- ._dred to all graduate at Erskine as their father and grandfather before them had done, Of those children,the eight broth- ——— -ers and the sister of our Mr.Pressly, .it is interesting to note that four became ministers,two physicians,the daughter married Professor Grier of Erskine college and her son is now President of the college.Of the fam- ily only two are now living,Dr.Pres- sly of Statesville,his brother,Mr. William Pressly of Due West. Dr.Pressly was an unusually bright and capable young fellow,“A bril- liant boy,”a sone who knew him says. He went through school almost too fast to keep himself placed,at one time being entered in the girls’school because he had gone beyond his own class and was not old enough for col- lege.At eighteen,handing his Ers- kine college diploma to his mother to frame along with those of two Pressly generations before him,he set out to teach school at Marion Junction,Ala- bama.He was a good teacher,reports say,and was evidently satisfactory to the board because for five years he continued in the position.A “tall lean,black haired,bright-eyed young fellow with a heap of sense and a heap of fire,”he is pictured in those years of teaching.All through the period,however,something urged him on,kept him from feeling settled and at peace and finally,after much de- bating within himself,Dr.Pressly turned back to the seminary to be- come a preacher,just as his own father,some 40 or more years before had turned back from a_promising business career to enter the ministry. In 1890 Dr.Pressly entered the Erskine seminary.In 1892 he grad- uated and was ordained pastor of the Statesville church by the First Pres- bytery in July 1892. There are some here who heard his first sermon.Some who recall how they were impressed by the very be- ginning of his ministry with the in- tense sincerity of the young preacher, his ardent hopes and deep faith.There are some who recall how he looked, his black hair a bit long in the back, his wide mouth firm and thin lipped and his eyes deep set and shining. There are those too who remember when he went away in June 1893 and came back bringing his bride—Mabel Lowry,former pupil of his in Ala- bama,a daughter of a preacher,grad- uate of Erskine and as sweet,gentle, end lovely a wife as a man ever found. house.: ught whe saan and for $800 built,one memberof giving personal to the construc has been done § ed,general remod people of the slys lived first in a rented oe cee for $200 the lot was re the Pressly home now the house was the congregation supervision and work tion.Much,of course, ince then,rooms add- eling,‘the love of the church expressing itself fort for the family s f i i nnection Wi aah i _incident that © he home ther od some further understanding and jati f the mother of the one le back the congregation, through a committee,sent to vs = Mrs.Pressly 4 clear deed to the 4 making it their own personal ne = to have and to hold.It was 4 -. gesture,sincerely meant,deep at preciated but Mrs.Pressly said “No, in added com cannot do things that way.I want the home,I love it and would like to always live here but we'll pay for it first and then take it”and so they| are doing,paying first with the deed there waiting on them and soon now to be claimed. Along with the gifts nature gave to him,with the grace the Lord be- stowed upon him Dr.Pressly’s wife stands pre-eminent as his greatest blessing,his highest honor and chief inspiration and help—a wife and mother that has enriched this com- munity by her example of faithful love and wise service. =ete MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION.——ee ** | 5 )rae Dr.and Mrs.Pressly have eleven ~| children and every one of them bears |eet.ae a .the name in honor and high esteem.| Forty eight years ago Dr.Pressly + came to Statesville and few men have become as much the spirit of a place |as he has become the spirit of States- ville in these 48 years.A man of tact he has never needlessly offended. High mettled he has always been in- tensely sympathetic.Eminently a pastor he has ruled unconsciously by ;his love,his humility,his since.‘y, and gentleness.No one could hold re-FF|sentment toward Dr.Pressly because resentment he.has never known and does not recognize.Perhaps no man in our community is better known,more generally loved.His knowledge of the Scripture is deep and his reverence .for it profound.His intensity at times |is touched with eloquence and his sin- cerity is never questioned.He bap-Bs i tized our babies,prayed by our sick,KIRST A.R.DP.Ht Rt Ht 1940 buried our dead.He has said the bene-i :Statesville,N.C, diction over our brides,solved many @ De.J.H.Pressiy,Pastor a problem for our troubled ones,stood * loyally by our erring ones.He is KIRST AJR.P.CHLURCHL,1892 bound to his own church and to the whole community with cords of love that have strengthened through 48 years of service among us. Klders 1940 T.L.Stikeleather,Kugene Morrison,W.A. Sample,8S.A.Hair,N.S.Sharpe,BE,G.Cowan, T.O.Morrison,V.E.Laekev,M.KE.Ramsey,J. R.Cashion,Clyde Alexander,J.G.Shelton, Statesville,N.© Rev.J.H.Pressiy,Pastor Names of Elders July 1892 Col,A.M.Walker John W.White J.K.Morrison Wallace W.White T.M.C.Davidson A.D.Kestler T.D.Miller In Bible times one of King David's old warriors stood guard through a whole long day against Philistine in- vasion of a little field of lentils,de- i fending it single handed against a /host,not because of its own great |merit but because it was part of the | Deacons 1940 viyar Kvles,Eugene Little,F.S.Morrison,N. S.Sowers,Irvin White,Frank Deaton,Albert White,Kugene Alexander,Ross Brady,H.8,eeenEeTDouglass,A Kk.Guy,Flake Jenkins,Erskine Johnson,Liovd Revnolds,Arehie Bost,Albert; Cooper,Ross Davidson,W.©.Ramsey,Johnsacredsoilandthereforenottobe' polluted.That is like Dr.Pressly.It ,Kimmons,Thomas Morrison,4 D.Vatterson, Julian White, c is no great city where he has spent 4 Names of Deacons July 1892 ‘° yt these 48 years.It is no exceedingly j P.R.Patterson Junior Deacons , a?);large or rich congregation he has ,.Boyce Shook,Linford Stevenson,Kenneth Lip >Ps a :ware Wim.Morrison ’a ::served so faithfully.But it is his part :pard,Sam Laws,Edwin Ramsey,Robert Jerofthefield.He was called here with a J.D.Patterson nigan,Roy Gobh}workto do and he has done it,feeling Pinkney Barkley 7 Enroll luly 1940°-77eS.‘-SHrotiment subs 400-790)members..perhaps sometimes that like old Church enrollment July 1892—50 David’s warrior he was warring sin- i gle handed against a host.He has never quit the fight,never once low- |ered the banner of his faith in all 1 these 48 years and this week his con- gregation and the whole community honor him and his work writing be- neath his name “The steps of his heart have devised his way and the Lord has directed his steps.” Total amount of budget—#700.00 Potal budget for 1940—$8,500.00- Sabbath Sehool July 1940 .*)..P ei i “’.92 ‘Superintendent of Sabbath School July 15 J.R.Cashion,Superintendent L.(.Caldwell Enrollment of Sabbath Sehool—40 Enrollment.—418 Collections during vear 1939--41,507.84 Total amount of colleetions—#75 MINUTES OF SESSION.,MINUTES OF SESSION. | || ||:a _ere fZec re ae aa Monn,|=Miia.ane eK ES J At LS Ao—ofes ,Pee,Lttfhm pn Golen |phe A FIELFR:GREE.ge —te 2 y cf eofatten Rptdons seours .£4 - |i Bag.Mise:Fhe GE BER,'on One iui ik Fas a ||44.<v-Tins |Alea pefA LeAG foie]me ee se ac —EBSendjc ae i7s a fanIf ay abi |ie a rrr.Lg sitar Zh.pee LitecmtharZAG r —_7 4 en L Zi da )aes py =ean a euege ee peat -Le eeok. at Le Pe iad z —_-|ae a ee pre ae os(=ae a»2 -; ge orar EE —teenbain —,ne at aFea 7 aeear : |=|[erry—eh.even egal “—hit c t:pci Peg felony +<tr ee tre, ||7 —-eaeCy 3 i<_fae Canna ae i LAK Let ote ZAG, f b--:rgCAPAJe<&-4 Examined SAP ! Ry Phe First Pre | ae ests : MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION.| |,24 eS tenn..St aa ,ae kal PS Seti Oe a ae tere ko iin.Se ne oe8 Pear MM yee :|J c ae hliCean2—7 EON 2,leo,VB ‘ate,oy ica ed ee eee —pl oa Zé oe xeiaaeectttJatIEsnan0?|Een EE |—eg a |Pere ye L ene aia ella a at52fh ok i {=cna Soa aGABEAEE|Eine BnZASX;| ty he —.ae aa:Bok ~344.|a aeieenek20ta,LK imme oe,(Ale:1 os Adere 0 aint.eee ae.|a ee maaSeefwOO>ikl Siu .ZJ Fe Ax!en jiewon os.7 rsiea172,ee ao.5a ||ed a nee eset |86 bag toe nes ee focal)3 a as -in woe ;De a Gen Le|_Fe me Oe a |Be A =roe —Bez tenn Aor 2 LE ALE EL >y mmLsoeit.ee ages a hie al os <a -Ms ae <fone.: |‘SL,Cog :Zui Po inant.nnJAIDyp-—an in |~SZ.ay SPve -se <no Goolei :tha SA r>waetk Eka Dy acs Die Mh a ;.)py ft ie feleA ges |et oseKeke,. MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. WEwhic.ZteeY 2Y-/7 F/ted beeeaLTENCeOEP2tryitce,ee |ts flay,PE tir,©fi —-VoMilh | |Lk.Mc.2A Mee 7a.Cort Cretetd 107d poor *we | 6 a La ie”frrr food ofl.Th ef wg ©Sak,Maa : a arenrgp wir 2p an wee Le,Seermctly )fuf'X fis if fete Kaman.Z/2tapacaf Let Comerhk.for fok Core _<omitcy,|aa ial agli Lomnecvey,i| J-ne vdilhpal aa?{GH dette poeae Bas ie Fae Zhi,etree aft “aSy | Pete tba BRetie$A Kerfo file |ba C2 Ef ou Somes forts.HE ViteBhatgp Sie Gown dupe “qZh~elad K oa pho~e 4 a oii:Gime wma hingof aii hae | oe atcuiLatta el send:™see:saree Co freenk<x A | gp rarare cA fs iinZ a.i [F4l mor bpd ©Lefer Aatitbsahrdh fod Lug porter Geeta 2 7 ata”,he <a ff | Jk <7 Leaf fr Hi (havea te pe~Larag|ite eo sane Raed Ze eta-ae | tha es ZAK zit La oe ow Jody [fia kfren,tees ie ofK fer Lea rmye hI_Bttana!Fr o.ott AA uy aia A Bomginwten.hem ain aX ee ia,:|ie.~oe fle Jaf "LA @ ou OF A knl forpmo Se :reek Ti 0,Boe ee Ay LZ am ppp ,Glace Ve2a as le pillced Pe OAS banat Mackey Me tec!minee TEEJerchn Fea 9.&CDatfon Z Clarke |‘onal poeee oes |¢7|Ke secok., tl ,Pe,J /e ake eecata } se “OAK Gennes,peer e’IGidettoans”Clana 2 =aD Ze,fo G7 MINUTES OF SESSION. Bek pefot —2 Se eaWySf.ho toge cenit a ee poeta ts a A as ye Le —a eo 4aeaaArrwiee>= a2 ee ae Vp hepfe ae.Sees ae ae.ietonalae lasesy fra~>Ze wif (Ler Fe iid,a. sii ng Kk oll lls Ciciiliitas A Fonts A a eo am A ee ee ane 7 teGaflowHk.OQ oh DL Pree _Cnkis a.tae Zteewh.Lt:Dem (02,Honk(Deificwtf twee Zeaansf 2ViewteSy2,Dfst a lonely Cap -§hang =ye ante:Lining wittpP~ ee ae A ram a iiia CYA,a frCLonw on .oe eeBetheSad4dr appre aSOE,lan teense hl foes Ler“y ) | MINUTES OF SESSION. hittin ent tohothe 7 | Zo.Blew tow,J22 Koa~rE e HE—_1AMaggs SE Atewntne,ew fal K oe iat ee oe ox Borok La -srsntolu fork, ya Bhainhewn £97 bn,ey Hb fo Bedi Cimcon ~G~oboe r edi <>,are “24 Piel dial dr lb A.ReP.CHURCHBUILDINGFUNDCOLLECTIONS(From.~.-1939thre1-9-1941)$4,251.25EXPENSEStatesvilleMfg.Co-RepairingdoorsinYoungMen'sClass64.59StatesvilleTinCompany-Repairingroof$164.02=LeBeTomlinson-Neils4.08SherrillLumberCompany-Materialforroof19.79BunchPur.Co=Linoliniumfor3Vestibules2.2LeB.-Tomlinson&OthersforLabor42.62(Removingbrick)LeroyNash+Laborremovingdebris25.00StatesvilleTinCompany-PaintingRidgeRows7.25Shelton)GiePureltaseofOrchestraSeats-YoungMen'sR.B.Kester&others=Labor12.00UyClass100.00NashPursCo-BindingforPulpit1.80Bolts;nuts,varnishforrefinishingchairs15.47Statesvillefg.Co-Sash&Glass3.81HeatingPlantinstalledinSabbathSchoolnandChurchBuilding2,330.00HedleyHdw.Co=WeatherStripping7,52R.BaKester-Carpenterwork119.70raghts&ShadesforBibleClass5.00VictorMorrison-RepairingPlastercracks11,00RepairstoLightsoverChoirLoft10,02=FoxPaintCompany-PaintinginteriorChurchPaintingSabbathSchool299.00Building320.54EugeneAlexander,Trees.TransferoffundstoMillsBlecttieCo=LightingcontrectforpeyNoteByorderofJointBoardsChurchBld&YoungMen'sClass187.00EugeneAlexander,Treas—ofwins$100.00PledgedbyDr.Pressley°«idingCommeIrvieeLoarjtamps,EnvelopesendmailingofCollectionIGseh)aieBeeNotices6,06:ton;JRCashion$4,198.98_V&LackeyNeilSowers OTAL,,EXPENSESateibeFrabkDeaton,4@BOFCASHINBANK1-9-1942$52.27BugeneAlexander } . . Lv4 _‘ CA |G (7 ;De ;ono Mies. «ekeLhe Ag) en | Lfevaid oO cat, fo rye pee.4 2hey LL se LAY Mig ae 5 ee (fra ja a Lpbene J iis ll Wy @y (1-2 aM ee AK ChikberAy U8 Zlyicce PZAW WziowJi Srtcg oe Mies Peau EE;ed VaA Conc “<2 Z 2 pea =< -—-r ;: eg CZ.evn << MINUTES OF SESSION. Jay Lemay / ,ae Ao a7aerue iy om LGC fteaonsay hee _Mace Ks har AZ |oo 4e<as —-a a 4 |RESOLUTION We,the undersigned Resolution Committee of the First A.R.P.Church of Statesville,North Carolina,said _eommittee being composed of one member from the Board of Elders one member from the Board of Deacons and one member from the con- gregation of the said Church,and being appointed for the purpose of drawing appropriate resolutions to be spread on the church books relative to the building program carried on by our church for the year 1959-1940,do hereby submit the following resolution for the approval of the congregation of the said church: That whereas,the follow ng Building Committee was appointedby the Board of Elders,and Board of Deacons of the said Church in 1939 to make the necessary renovations on the said Church as approved by the congregation,said Committee being as follows:J.G.Shelton,Chairman,Irvin White,V.E. NEIL Soul EAs Lackey,A.E.Guy,,Eugene Alexander,J.R.Yashion,and Frank :Deaton,Treasurer; And whereas,the Treasurer of the seid Building Committee collected by voluntary contribution from Au vst 1 1939,through Janvary 4,1941,the sum of $4,198.96 for the : bursements being shown by an itemized statement attached to purpose of repairing the said Church,said collections ana lis- this resolution; And whereas,during the period mentioned in the above paragraph,the said Building Committee renovated the main church auditorium and the educational building by the 4nstallation of new lighting fixtures and of a new central heating plant,and the older section of the main auditorium was equipped with comfortable seats andi the old partition doors °renfoved and new ones installed,making 1t possible to more easily use the two sections of the auditorium s one unit;aoeMINUTES OF SESSION. extensive painting and other In addition to the above items, repairs were meade on the said property; ,gram was And whereas,the entire puilding pros carried forth on &cash basis and no debt placea upon church for these repairs; of this resolution And whereas,it is the pur po se Committee be thanked and given committee to see that the Building r recognition for their time and efforts and that the con- prope its wholenearted support of this rregation be thanked for oe we) program and for its Liberal contributione rram and + t 5 solved th we.the under Now,therefore,st resolved nat we, i mini on.a by ask that signed members of the resolution committee,4°hneredvy w 4.4 imal itic a that the same with the congregation approve this resolution anc that b greg ad »permane © the approval of the congregation,oe spread upon the permanen f may )e srder ths said resolution may b :a f ehurch in order that the § records O01 our Cc Y * ‘r 4 nA wo kK emorial to those mentionea sn this resolution for their r} 3 yn ae 4 ~aw a > j it te urcdarean,end a2 so 5°e permanent in connection with this program,and 3 p °}>Cc ,fC P Ss nemorial to the wonderful cooperation of the congregation 4 contributions,which made this worxs shown by its enthusiasm anc of the Rk.Pe Church possible,and that the congregation of the Ae he e«Chnure 1 ‘rt unite with the resolution committee in giving thanks to God te work,for wi thou for Bis divine guidance and support in this work,tor {th hn 4 4 A ’»Hee done His assistance nothing eould have 9 en e 194 This iay of April, =Siig yr itoow—asta —eA —_—— AAD KSsolution committee MINUTES OF SESSION.‘MINUTES OF SESSION. o-0A <te”a Ce 126 tp,e Vl—Cte Ac.—tyw } aa a...2tok P aoA.pct Gow i.y, I ate~t0v<r<bash =Fonts a.aedaoe F :L wl pillar } : ||eeaLPEL aij.rf ;i senta eam sean sas <ae ee le a wmOOOM _—|i Be | |x ¢DL oeLe-—weary 9,Cty GZ a cee e uit foe Fx (adzb |’LOct HH,0 e Me cs tii Bleacase ?dar fh |(a i ©hstte,,{0 ethane ~3 fica neice OK Ralls Bey “tA a,os.on CO (Aaa Mf.Sas :ree tL in t hoe en fol 7 .¢a Pa y ,,7 ):Lie v >Wy Lm.tes Zz "2 e “L2,‘¢hoe 1 : }AL Dee 5/,ae—weit -Ky é %,sattal “KZ we a hy aul Joie see | .OF mai a ”on lt aorr oe <A Le aX KZ.£2 ©@-rye s a ,ae nlf <ar ,ethos44t| |Z 7 ; i 4 me!ro a ar?a .ra p~-“F424 cis nto.LARD heLo4s Atle ct al2a 7 Aer re, ;17 y ;| ee es oes fig 2-44 Lb ae 21424 o>,FALL <X,We aed ZI POF «COE ,:'7LEé ”Lhe ola -y TA Las Pil _Sit atteate O fg Ke ot zy ets wahTAY//;he »fo ; tal 4 6 Cawre<caX <<ee Te ‘ae 24 3 yp =-<4 eechuld i|: +4 ..:oA)‘»ot = CSI7 Crt.Aliedh%act hw?¥rr nu.JCA—Ch 11th a ?4 ?~ie a,a 4"-/v ,’,.:,=ZarCVlfaskewYHeBtrtulegeCo“emeety Merc’« r Aras;Lax.or (WG-7 at c Jas =Geer Le,Kio any Lbaodbtine :A Fe Ahr.or A>che ie etoy oY Lappy th LA ~yang-4 “a o 2 :7 ,-of |A L900F7.,.A424 g Fe &%He ate ue <4 +747 ‘ruins Zi a i If : |&he .4 4 ;,-—_P Zs x 2 Z,: || me pis=°hea,PtigrtX fer ‘oes Kid Vi ened en o how Lid 7ab Pre é fh j <t :4 Pe o 4 t45ia rTePacemaCnn9Glyjive,Joel ouegrNe Gu I :gp vy,l Ae’»F i A ,4 ?oc ;" ,- rf ~.l e.+o St ae D Snuiy-n hor 4H,d lin ,(tn é Sho /i i)eo h<z//vy pry Fe;fe pee |He.a aA aamagy tla) sent Pou>lar Reaaiitedl.———.4 —LEL te 4 Le Le &‘i pleoy+SP im PY MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. =.¢;ee ee Afpnmi,LS pete FX Genloaky Lt fio Ud Jhowfun,Fe Aosnta,mm.Ve Kook Aft—eee 2a,ae ae ntettods Fc.J es :tate ll Lp 4 24t¢-0-2e ;Ci se ee cal.r oo|;%oe ————<—+_ayy Zz | acta v<t4 Bd ee illeen or,A ailliny”’ a Ree -._Cs .‘-tt ¥mr x o fre a 1cy‘a ,;<CA aol ——.A *en <oe YS C4xat tia=feta (14K See ie)>a4 pt hang:oa ; E.tig —=‘Ad <iain : :a "L >ot i wy Nigh ee FP A Asittinn a -,¢‘Cc Ke t (nt,toe Ean <a iii ais 6 $..:‘.:A“4 Coe a a Pe Ls 7 .i <Aettoa a,sn A”eben apiationl E j 42¥aA i,pa Kea Teci,*AE STi am é igi cans ies 04 /, j ~->- {a ae oe?to}p |a 4 1 ae'.ao wo hee c ‘ogee *J /|.Po :a4 Z //t z‘-,24 (Qttw Tg x .24 crf wh he Ler ¢.> 'a ee ae ee a :;Runt 4 C Aha s J——iL tz —_°OC.0-the.0 ~-Crpmy «yy Snes 7 K F -.4 lus 7 d ‘:|Ses 43 O2EC VY oe >f Keay x 4 A-per ae rae if ¥AP ae t punbuerte”tin ,Shaoaadh i :/2 ».OLE UIE 77 -a /ia-—x.Soe Noee «é wiiaFin7ele Biiniedn e141 Zz 9 -A eectrieniaeniannaatiesissh MINUTES OF SESSION. we"?s ’‘ MINUTES OF SESSION. ing,repairs,etc.) Sabbath Schools—: 1.Number of Pupils Enrolled_-.--~_Yo?__ Number in Home Department....*_..-------2 3.Number Cradle Roll_-4.~Collection for the Year Ladies Society—Number of Members Enrolled soCollectionfe the Year CCoCeywePsYoung People’s Christian Union—Number Of TIER.6 ccc cn =Collection for the Year Intermediates—Number of Members........------V4. Junior Christian Union—: Nember of Members........-....5-.---.-Collection forthe Year (Observe carefully note 6.)TOTAL PAID (Divide Total Paid by number of active members in con-gregation)AVERAGE PER CAPITA Value Church Property44Le a J)-“/-=y 4 >‘4Lue2grllp~<_»—-<2ese Gax oe basal a KeyDhl c |7»)BA Bt ot Zz );a a 4 <LL a-~f~2rtlaode -—”s <1 f aie -5 5 +H e Late 7 7 |r cleo acl Lat 2 oo wv S A—fa-n ‘Dees Ne tthary Name of Church__._.«*—"” i =ep May fh KAT <e“,ee Ol dee hss ak Pannen ammea FI ostoffice._..-----asae “Ze %4]pe L,a.Zi,’oswh t+.J Aee Jue.4,Fev p ik Total number of members on votent POT ccc ined ape lies Z ft ,io ,-/Tithers:(1)No..Fe__;(2)What per cent of OPE .-7 Of.ang DeLee ed pe ae Je Yr ar.ee a ,Family altars:(1)No3"(2)What per cent of no.of hail + )sal ;;Accessions: eer oping antl pve a i x A OE ng ot eee By Profession_z2.By Certificate.“-By Reinstatement.-.---- )7 .a eae CS es ¥2444,Total 7 ZF )“a )eee p*rey o t J tit 7 Cte th #Losses: r4 he M :ase “>eo foc “pl f %By Death._./...---By Certificate...By removal from Roll-_-. -}f -ee A 7 SECT,£a -s ~DA “W.Total_--_——<—=y= ro j a -a<Ze «Baptisms:¢ ere 8 e .:ae )Ties....tatune-..Ma.CHE ios Ta. |oA”‘<-a c “2 aead Lu ee Cs A.-=<zs Ge .eo J <9»mn mo 4 ]=4 ::J >.:a *“<won KEK co —~—~—“‘“‘isésésCs*«C terra “4 7 £UVCet .I I eg lll é ¢4 :y =>of fr—<_-<--G,smeatinesil <1 C L406 e24L'S Jee he ag7 Lt Aw aA ‘ie Total of Synod’s Budget (See Min.) I iisik oe cee eee ican onc enenices i Lt.8S.- Total to other causes of Synod _--uss SIs cecal Sesteneiiie |1.. Total to all other local causes (Build- <<< me fO5. PLEASEFILLEACHBLANK.ReturntoE.B.Kennedy,DueWest,S.Cjustonecopy,send one to Clerk of your Presbytery and keep one onfile. ay YOUR REPORT FROM RECORD.COUNT,DO NOT°GUESS. Me os ee:FO.Mere a.UE Meaty, ” MINUTES OF SESSION. Mate och,70,Sb Tt fF Ge / fll Naotone <cela Creed Hr Ko Chagas AL Met leony,ty f&asst Se Caalewe, > o».tif ¢ou - -4 Oa 4 hae “<LCLJ ;aLey(ry.oy He Wt.¥< ¥i.e r Ae ia wee.2+tey Cha fa rat so ~he Aelia:ABmrz ee a @iae fh ADyY (LenS CG iter vot col a hyoxer, Ziff S r ole Z-UMLA-Ate G nee teen LOX Vee dy :5 tafeC27Y Ate J _<vo-<Aft a ~fecpolhyLl-»-veval o> é 4 “4,<4 ~a5 VAure Jw OnPur S Come fre wt 7 A4ttwadtG Jy i A (rentf La.ty a eee Bile oCutng &ItistG — Aha tm eh ae ~7 414 g — WOOne eK _~t in ZK:Sma ca yon A Det.Jka Oe.ee. a.Ee -Z.ih my.¢-}K 2 47424,Jy=4 Ap bt ae Oe ayGyA0%«4 Aah ‘;i ce crn -a y ,rZtpertesKI.at Z Jah ae -Aa rat.TL.<Mee Ct.eeoe /Jpop:(aw (¥.tek mt Zs LL.+tele Zee,v2 2 e_. i /KK (a ae et Lt a 7 LP<trm-y _(220f oe eS —ay foe ae 7 4 a ea EIN 4 Ne —ee ye 4CPeKe ht Man 4 Metz +<on i Chirk pe, 4 f , —Ppt if s Ff.¢ are — x ty C.,¥ 2 (s.r on) on.<\to-a-,.F i Pf foo %Alor,ny «ate Aimy P «A Til -m «G stlyat—,/ ey = A [oe Cx eee,INES aa J —— a ia. d isteee,oto MINUTES OF SESSION. IK Fxamined-&Approved asin pentt geaee By The First Presbytery a ocT 15 1941 TFa ag OF Lee an.‘a “c ae i eo te ‘Amey J /P teh Ps X77”,Ag 2 aL ods Lis am La nod.ot fT et Buatict 2 aeAV ae -z staintl«—e, ALCLG Jato ii ie _Om Zi Uy Eee cn EngenmS aK Sta«J is A-ed A “4 hilt apt I eae PO LfLtateO <:et See eae = mae 22 Seae a death *se.Ao C2 =f AeA eei-ama many Ae We A.:a , (aw Pe CZ.?~::;ee /.:YLy.7 > Ad,ets AE fey.aE.Tes enn ee eee reenter pert eacencene oregano erereererenconatecoameaneeea MINUTES OF SESSION.camahervel he te ’——3 Le SJ ER” 4 7“Ste ‘<if cet -SZJ; Lane C4 ck —JF x | zOne a elonPa concn acai fos ea 4 ee a ‘amenitiesPhifer CgMeet,C=a oe 2 os Dek oo col ie>a ee »Pg 4 pe ae a wa.ae a>i og «LL go +, Latinas a len Z|as apret of pom K+»~~~) ,Joop Meo /ane ae aly —a fc<>a maf ceoeMinn,~f fe 4 aagOyesYfae,Ka dds ian oe 4 £2 Sa ?4 “deren Y t—--ae F «iaeaf”Ze,pains f-Ceo orm rons wo kane,eee 2-441 xX a 7 Ge a Dz C ,Z 7 a S4 Ah LA X ;.°.—Lt 2 <_<a ;a (729+ln ~a?—S-ous et —— a J 5 Le-z i i a nas ear er”Fag lesa « 4;PAZ.fo Ve aMoCS,o—oi bin cfyln<i len Ce eo -»om wn!a. is ane eteel—%s laa xe a a. Ae au is ae Ci.te we J ik. :rs iina, i 2.ite—.Sovnd~ote¥ae Lhe forfro*ote en ee MAoyelyate =Likeypith,aa,CY F-yy ae aS ee oe aha P |Pagarte 1 hadby } firD -A ‘CLi-LW Ta.Shera~ZL KrK paket | MINUTES OF SESSION. (feet hEEht +enone aa ee a ite.inka we os cad Lh wa fo ap D (oan se jal tle Aenwwan.Cases De-Za, ee Sahin,A,>—— i VIITES”,Lhehan Ze.~e Cattrsutr for 9 of -Cages Ay,amente<Jf y .a (TEE tthe CO Hof lage CHL -&fof we mee CZ <aw,af of 2~fort f «Ae CPt Selalt glh-Miley Z MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. |Zits tho Lae FDP cited APdyPonyo Be ':fegot eae 4...9 -natok =»a — azay Ad srs Je.oe 0ye ar,:—ats da A eee (rap B ee 7hp anef ty eg a ae lh Lakhs ‘pend othe“es Anne Jetimf |apean K ZpnmnK O42 2 |Z (lr On eal Ve of f A itt L,gantatinhne Jf ce tial el 0 lt hth tyteatinedl 0 oly Di—Gfesn+41K aE |a biked du Atay La'Ca—0 >Anoke “4 1 LE Z.Pasadena)ch tne Zzzef LD fer Ly Ce tr onn,ie.Bia 25aSewile i ZK G)amor ak eZ I 22h Shh i eea eC Sf sthee Fi ts |wil haa La hah wt K Flew Cbihe 0~diintnsnit nan ge eee ae oer aay |4Za c epee ©,Chant a heal me Ae pe Mow-g parece X 7"ae —-(tov fie ae %pateCas :(ie Pas ay i ae:a <as ea Z.pea |om 26)auneagee Am,26 ee IR “Le A J ey A_et BF peagtony {LY 2 .ecu |Z ae “Z J sitparla .eeRe eee Ne cat —|LS Alar 4 Q447-Zz eat el tee.Lge ae Mp 14 |C :ea ZZ:tint fv 74.-432 5 HG —-ea pe |ee Sok path ser .pln ta ee |ee,Luz Avower ee FPS _a2tH+AY |Gav age . iOE ES aoe Bia |aae a ee 4 Tt.ie Broek fy L al ‘iafn aPe BAK,Gree steettle; Gwin Cr Alis “or ffaks ais(ft,' CH.ho i haBS :fm,LE i |MINUTES OF SESSION. 2.Piken—(Metfon—ae welt fiz oei 7 ==|ete Pie,ff Mirae frre Sk EGfer nim Mn Cla,LO } 5 eats —_"~ae MINUTES OF SESSION. a fn at Berni Meet.Beeen sree =ahem Lig Po ade DR plenitin.~FR pda ak ee oe ~~Albianae Hig OM MINUTES OF SESSION.ie osOF SESSION. JP ge Da oy OB apaitnins...ae Aca sinh cual,a eineBemPea ete Sete EL ee,ie a a.Ca ;SE anecns 14 ar Gee Kaew 27 type eek & |a Coan SH ye igacent ciliaslags se mnateeeptive,na ~tttarLe |y aetewn bore foroenX Fol SO natalie.PL J LA the Ar,Soave. ftpe Ae”|eG ens ee te ——J &.eae A ee ee 1 a Cen,corti Wl,Ber yale CI lant|‘ |lhe Lael 7 Z es Piaf”mnUook@gSoe4i5wa A Shreea iW|Litewy entchLo ge ge eh OF Maer Gee.=ewan g.ia: i;hi |a 4 yet es ti 20.Mond om-77¢— Loral wick fron 4 AA KMnD |EG)fe:ae.a i dae met ZS Esto Jom«decd. pofiarhn.diel |APS:jeeGta Axe.©Kafee rod <Syren cae’ i ‘ |y |ths cea oe ieak.i Oe Yon Ae Tom 2 OFhes tee i tie a aaa: |pact,Chrncxe tings >ona -T nea Riles.CGHCree «~~ |ae ee es ee es os aXfg ~ak noe seme}SBE i hat “sek foie 2.cree seme i eens dd Aare *alt inthgmeled)for tice 20a 0 p etn Awe atest delazte T Ae 20%teak Qe ae ae,ila OX Pan AomG.CLPrwit ny lait Mele Pe.Cttn/APY E&Darr tary —= Gs,KAra ht beth safysk j2 2:ale cent Ptrrritm —I git ae Rete|<<J se |x |hd su dagen ea oe GAL 9 H/F EAR HH j wax’«pp oe aps ||~~ MINUTES OF SESSION.7 AAINIEITEOO Ar anreansans: |_ARESOLUTION THE MANSE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH STATESVILLE,N.C.That whereas in April 1941 while Synod was in session at : t Bon Glarken,NeVe,an invitation was extended it to hold its | next session in 1942 in the rirst Associate xeformed Presbyterian vhurch,Statesville,nes.to help comemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Dr.JeH-Pressley's pastorate in this church.:his {nvitation was accepted and from our session a steering committee was appointed for the purpose of formulating ways and means to properly entertain the synod.| April 26,1942 Now therefore be it resolved: At a meeting of the roangra +4 "Choe she congregation of the First Pres- byterian Church,held on the above date,the follow.h {I)That this committee composed of Mr.J.%-Shelton, oe eee unanimously adopted by a rising Mr.M.E.Ramsey and lir.V.&eLackey be given a unanimous ote,Resolved that ‘14 vote of wecognition,thanks and appreciation for their |time,thoughts and untiring efforts in planning and ,carrying out their plans for the entertainment of all n+nemagaChel:Miemat:ictichie 41 }the representatives of the churches in the Synod and ines cn ti oie coe oe cordial fraternal creete-that especial mention be made of Mr.V.E.Lackey. AP Pinging.stor and people of the First Associate | ae ee te Jhurch the occasion ae anaes ,(2)That the members of the ladies missionary societies be | +ah eta aa =she r yynod.Ne also join the Church given whole hearted expression of the thanks and f tes she whole City itathavt iia tn conn ’T appreciation for their splendid cooperation and untiring | ;wulating vr.Pressly on the 50th ;efforts in preparing an@ serving the meals at the church | his pastorate,”-anniversary of ‘ ? and in their homes and especial mention to:Mrs.Louis Evens;president,Mrs.R.O.-Dietz,Mrs.Carl Axley, Mre.T.G.Shelton,Mrs.M.E-Ramsey,Mrs.R.A-Stradley, and Mrs.T.L.-Stikeleather for the flowers. f)(ca ‘(3)That an expression of thanks and eppreciation be given i {i L to any and all others who devoted any part of their —Ay:a time,gave of their money,used their automobiles and 7 Clerk of Session oe shered their homes and in any and all other ways had a part in the making for the comfort and pleasure of all , }the visitors who expressed often their appreciation of the things done for them,to make this one of their most pleasent and enjoyable sessions attended."Rane(4)That a copy of this resolution,if adopted,be spread ] ry upon the minute books od this church. Li \ ii nespectfully submitted ee ao i sugene Morrison,JT- || Upon motion and duly seconded this resolution was May 1942 / | | a unanimously adopted by rising vote this PPrdey of MINUTES OF SESSION.Mr.J.G Shelton,Clerk, Gentlemen: We the undersigned do hereby offer \Rest !j our resignation as officers of the Sabbath School Se Minutes of session ‘of the First A.R.P,Church,effe anutesofsess’ctive as of July Ist., }1942,‘ Constituted with prayer by vr.Pressley Present:Mex.Ramsey;V.E.Lackey;».A.Sample;Frank veaton; #eLeStikeleather;John v.Patterson;Julian white; Clarence Hamsey;neil sharpe;&.Morrison;nev.Kerr. Agreed to send xev.serr and at least two delegates to son Clarken with all expenses paid by men‘s bible ulass,Sabbath School and Ghurch treasury.All in interest of :oung vreoples work. Dr.Pressley committed our church to seeing that young Laurin Sharpe get necessary education at prskine College after finishing nigh School at Statesville and two years at mitchell college,if at end of this time he is still interested in becoming a preacher as he says he now is. Un motion rrank Meatong and duly secénd by M.E.Ramsey ir.Lackey delegated to represent our church in regard to continuing Hible teaching in the public schools,for at least one more year. After reading the resignation of J.R.Cashion and rrank veaton as officers of the sabbath school and on motion neild sharpe and duly second by m.E.Ramsey their resignation accepted by vote of 8 to 2 On suggestion ur.vressley then appointed as nominating committee for new Superintendant and Assistant the following:veE.Lackey; M.£eRamsey;“.A.Sample;K-MOrrison.rhe Session subject to called meeting,if necessary,to hear committee report. Un motion 1+.L.-Stikeleather duly second by meKeHamsey,Mr.Jolie shelton was elected full time clerk of the session.After his elected time as elder expires on the rotary system,he will continue as clerk of the session but without the right of a vote or to act in the capacity of the authority of an elder until such time as he may be elected to the eldership again on the rotary system. On motion rrank Deaton and duly second by ¥?E?Lackey session adjourned with prayer by v.E.Lackey. MINUTES OF SESSION. Minutes of session June 15,1942 Constituted with prayer by vr.Pressley vresent:Mek.Ramsey;v-E.Lackey;w.A.Sample;rrank veaton; i.LeStikeleather;John v.Patterson;vulian white; Clarence xamsey;neil sharpe;tr.Morrison;nev.Kerr. Agreed to send xev.serr and at least two delegates to non UClarken with all expenses paid by men‘s pible ulass,Sabbath School and Ohurch sreasury.All in interest of r1oung veoples work. Dr.Pressley committed our church to seeing that young Laurin Sharpe get necessary education at prskine vtollege after finishing nigh School at Statesville and two years at mitchell vollege,if at end of this time he is still interested in becoming a preacher as he says he now is. Un motion rrank Meatong and duly secénd by M.E-Ramsey Mr.Lackey delegated to represent our church in regard to continuing ible teaching in the public schools,for at least one more yenre After reading the resignation of JeReCashion and srank Veaton as officers of the sabbath school and on motion Neild sharpe and duly second by meE.Ramsey their resignation accepted by vote of 8 to 2 On suggestion vr.vressley then appointed as nominating committee for new Superintendant and Assistant the following:v.E.~Lackey; M.ekeRamsey;%.A-Sample;£-MOrrison.rhe session subject to called meeting,if necessary,to hear committee report. Un motion 1t.-L.Stikeleather duly second by met.namsey,mr.delice shelton was elected full time clerk of the session.After his elected time as elder expires on the rotery system,he will continue as clerk of the session but without the right of a vote or to act in the capacity of the authority of an elder until such time as he may be elected to the eldership again on the rotary systeme On motion rrank Deaton and duly second by v?E?Lackey session adjourned with prayer by v.E.Lackey.aaeTTetaa.Mr.J.G Shelton,Clerk, Gentlemen: We the undersigned do hereby offer ‘ our resignation as officers of the Sabbath School of the First A.R.P,Church,effective as of July Ist., 1942, +sar/5 S<fe/- ea ed K }‘¢. ~~,e AV."IT hives OZpet 5 chee,CA Ree 2647lt-—heat_of)@Z mes cus c *ea Fe oeHoa!354 6%pa “we “hoe MINUTES OF SESSION. Rev.J.H.Pressiy Pastor 1892 Huly 1592 First A.R.P.Cuurcu 50 Years Ago Golden Auniuersary Afirst Assoriate Reformed Statesville,N.C.Duly 5,1942 PROGRAM ANTHEM— ‘*Like as the Hart Desireth the Water Brooks’’ PRAYER SCRPIPTURE Reapinc—Rev.E.G.Carson Appress—Dr.Julian S.Miller Rev.H.Y.GREETINGS Gamble Representing the Ministerial Association Appress—Rev.8S.L.Cathey ANTHEM—“‘By the Rivers of Babylon’’ Cuurcu Histrory—Mrs.Earl G.White IN BEHALF OF THE CONGREGATION-——N.S.Sowers Resronse—Dr.J.WH.Pressly,D.D. DENEDICTION CHoIR RESPONSE OFFICERS J.H.Pressly,D.D. Rusell Martin Kerr SESSION T.L.Stikeleather Kugene Morrison W.A.Sample S.A.Hair N.8.Sharpe John D.Patterson DEACONS J.R.Cashion,Chm. Boyce Shook J.Edgar Troutman Gales Patterson M.Buford Guy Dr.James L.Pressly John Kerr R.C.Bryson Thomas Morrison MINUTES OF SESSION. Presbyterian Church Julian White Frank Deaton Clarence Ramsey V.E.LackeyM.E.Ramsey J.G.Shelton Albert Cooper Archie Bost Lloyd Reynolds Erskine Johnson Flake Jenkins A.E,Guy H.8.Douglas Eugene Alexander Ross Davidson DIRECTORS OF MUSIC Frank Deaton,Organist SUNDAY SCHOOL .Cashion,Supt. Miss Rachel Morrison WOMAN'S AUXILIARY Mrs.J.Lewis Evans, Mrs,James L.Pressly,V.-Pres. CIRCLES Bell Barron ....... Mabel Lowery Janie Love .... Minnie Alexander Mabel Poston ........ Lila White ies Frances Hamilton ..........ccccccee Leader Nancy White,President Prudence Alexander,Secretary woe Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Y.PGi Vi Sarah Ruth Alexander,V.-Pres. President Rev.J.H.Pressiy,D.D. Pastor 1942 uly 1942 First A.R.P.Cuurcn As It Is TodayMissRosaWatts,Director Frank Deaton,Asst.Supt. ,Secretary Mrs.KE.EK.Sellers,Treas. Mrs.©.C.Axley Mrs.T.G.Shelton Mrs.M.KE.Ramsey Mrs.Clyde 8S,Alexander Mra.W.A.Sample Mrs.Robert Tilley .Leader-—Mrs.A.B,Stradley Bobby Reavis,Treas. schli illaaieltienencennannaaan ieee NAAY LENO Le align eins ne Pro;gran of E ;carr is of PRESSLY ae es Bor Pes Ph of in ope _interesting hot b J and »e pasto e,was photo- Rey 4 ;mm nid bist as he web photo-pastor Ww.&b aa ing «ure th 8 in 189:(38 My s.Press Be ae |he g of 1892 at of :ba.OR \his d ly sgey P ,é th folder we .At the the J.a.Mola RH,enh.ie at F Ad Mho2 ‘hi are t ere past other pit oce rf AN ‘,.25th,| F —pe Pith eeey.The y and what i satteidetik A har §,f a of Vane bis eyes Pak a cai 5 C e showed lack hai nd a il Sept 'a C hen t Sha a a To- Creek ;-}$ re is! “thé vay 0 thei »eyes ine }:t se . elebrates 1 he mehr |ie 1 Ma Nee wa “ niv Golden ‘ wilding /was 4 an ates and rade y ;ook Of ers 'clos with very sm:erly. t »OW **letter 14th mowers ary A n ed by the «small In hen a to F er day.ou f from al .s P ra i the.fence.amgen eae West ae ,by sah ng: OFT Iehe lowing the Congr .Loc eal Ch as tor ia ehurch handsome oday’s d en-winane s.Cc.‘th a asales and anes "formed:of the genes egation P nm urch placed the puilding e plant,ipicture as loat i his at Due sionari ed to |greg ed.chugeh i rst As a th },school Y former which :neluding ‘e hi;wor es in Mevie P 2M in.beha sociate el5 _buildir er one,¢in 1900 ny a ala k has t ‘ e, cae 7 ialf of th Re-510 ‘ $1,PED GIFT tit tw Dr.vand the Sunday plane er|vate tn il "Op this cet the con:*Fourth hi ..al ay ‘ar.|«make "‘ser- is n,nis WAR Sower half of t ud Mrs.Pre nging oT aan a deye nd re when wi .h is spirit s never faili Re wenON te wlth 61.00 pe Mes.Fe bil1s:th 'os the we a ee on iling optiokcae |ti He Pres DS 3 Bi 000 ft Dr ngreation M The tir e ny year |4 .age Han the e ng the growth an ee Gicotrag »—_-eae : P ea ’in .ane M oe Mr. he ‘s co , Mrs an ;yea re M a hou ra ce ,is . whe ed in that began h of uppreci cldiigead ee he eit ve.oe Ty m1 ®todpy.|.<0 ere <his me ars entering a ic oe er to oF ineprion fton tha erian ¢ssociat is i ned }=ion fre «he.exe ae gift w.‘ase .is }_ nave i:yand |3 ould ta r pasto round ¢ark in,wh »in time eople.1 j and.yeste first Sab hurch of e Re-which:Mr ‘tre offiva the cou pression|i 1.Premsily by his fat|for th shores ai|joe ‘peitentioned Plabhe berfew ish and uncertai the ft of finan- niversa rday afte bath in Jul States- At ‘re Sow:ters of peregation pere of f a e past J faith ful)Hamilte loyalt,Xpress g ned. acteristi ee to hav rtain he future a f =iaarce gear 2 golde em estor econesion of ne chureh, bes “e ;"Ph ggtoe:sheos "time ‘any India||of the ond oe first,f C sep ond one fn Gude adman: ;.as Mpasto:rking th n an-is gr vi fans of th ’nai tim jar a a a|||mindi rn e to ,forhialo good ,th f ;a ee ©servi bag . A F does pme rs.oO heln. th r his the d ve G to at a oe 30 be ae >eee vaare.choosing the to,fouling abs the va.|F MY |aqua “community en eae message a :onstantly nat takeee ee an oe that ' on Lay oh rs rst ¢wor s >*xpresse Cesifiter Fc.Davids are pia ooainh beoarh Sabbi chure add ib!yr wa no f mi p orne i: The ed.b onor this J chapter ords “ON sed cong and yavid . essful ime math §h N ed thi e sis e- nted to or an arch h r of chu .by hi thie tha er of Fi of Pad regatic ne Be ‘J.Kk on,A al iu]teac inade Schor Never a ‘ich nothi Go Heh h answ e wo i ;for th re is con h nk®Chri First ’to mn thi atten *Morrt a Ds fos kad ad maid at equat 11}}3e allowing in thing is.§»has alw ear “It er and uld ie e servi com gre- ath e rist Je :rime m.the Jaline wae ison a }edu purchs x An e for called tak igs. the vays |can’t neve He Mr.M rvice Mled to munity.|’me fnabled esus ¢thy;“Anc mem dassttiietos “ne ee co lased dadition: thinki ecel y of high en fro H good in ooked f be do oF He the ¢.E.Ramse overflowi y-|)ifaithful,putt for thax Lord nd ii gating of mall at {This tw Wee ea,|dition:||and ing b ae te)er crit -”. e has 8 the liv or and s ne.” if ;chur amse ing stry..”il,putt r that he .who n this * abot _|me »ston ing 1e larvel |mod y a inf]ics or the sispent a es of hi stresse }Hd vice D ch,pre :y,of th yo \He t ing 1 .cou histor ¥peri rhe it 75 ;:nt cons tx bui wa gre ge!!way ernist of th ‘uence : c sick a lot of ®his p sed H.Dr.Juli sided e session ¢u,my said f ne int ned ory it od of ;jand 36 istitg @ Iding érected.|s bee octri eir soci his ommuni nd th time ipeople ie an elde ulian S durin n of that y peopl urther:0 the deen was the C 149:36 cl ,and be “|as fo n guid trine jalisti Fi nity ea dist in visiting o rin 8.Mill g the se’oe poser,|soe 1 aod Wie si ce Rooney a. pt *“SR aan ||sbeen ee.2 _he ha ‘i _Fifth,hisstreaged inthe |i of ete ot S Charlotte, Ps apn d ee oo bless See 2 School,yamae naling rae [around $4 : i was cp show theyselt appro pant injunetion peony bis.aul char: oo i idthe priharlot county a .P.churen th ministry but the and pale only|}up consi this ults go t During 2,59 ng ac it in||82 an that proved w “Stud 7 se to the t e ha acteristi F |rinci te O and th uren at thi ry in at He»jae int ady t sted s first ?the 12 thessitalll auak oth amed need unto to alwa »teachi s alw cs.A FGamb neipal bse e edi li his this put into gache of t small | e}se,per of |||ruth.’,righ eth God,” ys ha ang ays :;i |le addr rver,deli itor ife :people s church,”me ir ren, recand wo or all’ has Lurches* st fit Pt h.” tly di not ma a say f s some is of th :kept ‘via |church »pastor ess;R .elive »@ joy had be ch.”H ito 'd abe three |1s pres #*hist fifty yee Se vidin to di rom th interesti e Bible &ia: of,;Rev H red years that een the je said put 25 e es ached ory years of |;cond,i g the be iscour e ve estin bie.re a ii ings of Statesvi the Fi arry Y th have ¢has |le JO;- :child- -=mor Dy.Pr polic ,in th word of th se,wit ry begi g thin :| A from svill iret.Banti . Bin ae compe increas y of hi r ‘ able has «than ¢vaunty |plicy.Dr em e good hout ginnin g to ssociati th e,b t ovale and ased 8 ecital of marri perfor 1 506 asly ||wisd one atte ‘+qu Va gz :;i}|Dies a8 On fe Stateeile Mi oa: heir re j eae ens He es tt bof the ite |than arp cees wires feed ‘ias..||ies of ee “pelieves church quit Cae ee of ‘pology,‘7 ha | Lor one ev.|,inis " sponse rificial aised c nesoO re 1ave b pople yaptis mer- nthe 8 i on Vad ng wh s i 4 ay,8 ord Pre oe L.ters’;e aml c giving round ail ok k e.171 sed mc |———organi the 8 a bo "3 is thro en te reRis o the tbyterian chureh *pee co-operation, -erate ak ee to 1 "members |Seq function a Moly S pb afieakes ee i | e chu 3.Whi munit ; veople a casy ’ co rs at mall ¢hata 'Vv d s of all -a y Spiri ’at :‘ker me i on be rch ite r ity. to e «ai to |CONS th grou eh ||ieee r deems chu and pirit t he 7and i K 1 half and M ead a hiaid. id ble |ber gation e bei p of 75 ||ganiz ,it wi rch Ww 7 d proce L wo pre is’led im- ee a trib of th r.Neal 8 histor } hur 88 le rship of has gr ginning ”worldl e its v vise to t ork,He God;claim t each,te by th i | ly vo gp a ai 8.Sow y ,8 nor as |Sabb ifmar rown to the ||taki y club aried acti ry to .b:bic never ;he wh each,@ e |4 apprecia ngregatio ers, that “¥,S ;en Eade n ath Sche re.thi oo aking t 8 and ag ie e revel allowi ole co exhort Music for theada ie ¥oeee-exptessior cee oh hol Press. sent|dowteeaf Sean i one he stout sori ted sys seeping 0 barking’of 4 a 2 on rs Poe service saga Ghiton fr of ‘paper’old on to .Lats eee ae wn from a||sod's conan do ‘the chyreh ee =nea Mater of of Some oe of i “<7 Water ,inelud aste from ‘the being 4 :e a pupils ng of 36 a Out :be expe ointed "'W arene w on an 5000 vaturall the saint or the Hi Rivers.of B Wen ed two or >said he’a and »p ne Se t Mis Moot, During tht admere anid way,T ected to d ay how,ca ork in old text 0 times ‘od suivant to dis- wiembe? Bab: ates aiveth he with iin wanted regation pre: shelton "O.Deit:s M acta rat ip of tl Wis.period and miata illustrate o it -n they he Has s were eal one con ing nore iF a Pfe urch mnto Ce I ©pas s that bit nh1895 a ort of sacrifi ave be ers and as been ney ortant ro sa new visi ed th y but liCy ch the som hurch.T store the ,6...rof th ifici een Vv|we ve 7 Wh m the S ww vi em ut |of G oir,M e wa 1.Tak ate oO;felt f Mi ,Dr.P giving ne work al in very ure confess ry sm ile his er h e Seri sion nOve’ H onal ree rs the 40th hi ing rift’th ;ss M reslly ne }ork «their sup to esswit all at +i “mn as triiptur and inspir:and aniaiamaam P nwood ° 40 nis gi ift eir 1 ‘abel |y |1of JG en |yf tt rsup- w meas h she t time: co tried es,D nspirati 1ae age T re pre hanni people?fah ae.e Mra...powery | iGoa."evel ve if P ays insi ure U ame ne nstan to M.Br ation wo ». SSE anniver a and-duted hildren Pres ry }om iTR oped ngdom |f insiste p to ou our fail an tly tri be s essl |i { he c) a )|;ap gar he ve:him Ann much ha why ar |irked e christi to a m |ree will od on’t r dut 1- d nev .ried t pecta y nev-ihoi fa=:;;‘; al chtot ve id this degre stia ver eh offeri he luty,he al- He er tri o f cular My Dent wor for th ni p anpreciation abeain oT ee and |?he eivi contri-||fact ree.¢Fn virt 7 urch ring in’th policy ©;jehas al ried t eed th but { ‘aton,the ¢ve servic ow 7excome ex-xe 1Ngeous in,educ:1||been more thi n Tat tes ue of!church work and the supp f the lived ways p »)amuse e shee ht organ church or ice. f tygift and ry gol BM uring ty huaeh atid Advane at.|lor tt paid by ah $380,¢nee of Scha to be never ort of all eva straight preached the go Pp if ..orga: éther .‘is rceme he ¢the 00.4 .nger: defiled allow ngelisti it.He strai ats prayer gan- er fortic couldn't len a‘i-¢i istinth ant eaven ment Tt hurel 1e joy: 10 has dri a) 4 b ed the the stic 1€has aight .::a th imagi ! nz Ww *The fi niunity }his bi ’ul me 8 ink a ,those y the ne »ye in hi alw and énnedy was offer eer and fifti agine ne as Ges first ity | {the rief sembers nd rise who si money stoo ars hav s preac ays be ‘ ,Refor pastor ed by a7) ne;tieth an-‘T1899 on the’trgyed b Rare oe a ae adesine «He set up to pla sit down tth d like e margh an a “a siormed ant th ge i 1 g@ory An tees).his a “ae ot dh *cy:|a nts of hing visible =some of i 2° aaa to oon on eS eee hy Fhe as ;!kev,E.G.C Ra Rosia. Amit tatoitial Front FP:een.ad cegad Oth |et church 4‘com plig cot”an owed usard for *th outstr ible.wiPetth one{’oe.©s Seri mity famili Py agal rahi expert |‘out fd not 1during ish- a »OR us how e the ew etched »‘with one | Ptacton,pas-h and ex from |en Aen ‘od $e ence | Rare iking ee oe cteristi other ¢to live ith ords of Jesu remi )the oth 3 emorial mm,pas- ad moved Perth Sterli me efor Ge pirit of rehuret re honorat nplete wi we |has c of Dr putstandi en e truth Jesus,“indin oe <b¥te oria)As often |int neighb ng,eonle tiod's ¢floyalt eae of table 1with- contributed Pressly ng chi unto th and the lif 1 am us of F eriar re S80Ci- met 0 Sty orhoe ,»plan? ause e y and |° I red a he el nentio and fel muc Sly and o *nar- e Fath €life the d her 1 church <. at the atesvill a“1and nable aust fi ler ksn of lowshi uch t«ne th In er |,~nom way ’-. ‘ t e bett bull d ‘d Lithfe who ma i E»the hat t yu an ys i ” 1,a through th ‘woul A 1ouse of catea ‘Thi Na large:the e 9toe eating 7illy ste have |d rked A awee that has “——will for me sixth pla t by me.”cometh :,thé:congre- A visitin bert now hure} ind -ehmerete:Dn the n pas ens Mr Vodtestah th w ;Te A mn ug pre « and 'r :a ese tor s s.P erf ea ii Mr the t _s Tews «6 pe ots h,eee for ther pastor and wad 7 cost i building «a ot “ar ‘_In lara’ a years is ne Sate drone ressly.a family re grateful } ‘e sie Was Rent Ps Rt 280 ton i er Nia le stall of eb hu ea :10,000,0% the organizath ss e who pr when sige Dr.Pressly's lege opaill black sh Tes and ‘»¢‘t 7 ; . yi a.* ri uu , =follow on a ™” “\"s weg 8 ™ae| his annivers serving ilm.Rev. vere the oy in seeok- ee an tA ilding of ring the nan we lowing ae the ee ed Jesus Chris na ide i ee eae dec- arate ee aah and sie # ij The benedli pasto thf the yesterday mewn a was formed church ol bs i ae il nneraeapon ‘*~now - rr D —onal 7.og on 3 ae {‘oS Yee.and mpmons es She school ”*sgencherp, foreign ra i golden Settee ate in 8 nin wy was wiitteee, 2 TA ‘ttt at P.Th @ parso wish yt votship 148 Millet Je .W p -seit +e.es,we m crucifi save essly eacher Ss,ree d is- éhniver at the tafesvi g Whi as chose .Rey.W.B about 2@ons nage we ynagorne s Alexa Sugene \le Laty .folks,W are no diff ified.”1 contrib and the .To Dr.octors Ru ersary close ille. white. n paste B.Pre RY great ag built DP nder,|Lorriss &,cone ha erent y uted children —and , pastor ssell Marti servi »of th and J M.Wa oy and .PrCh ion OF in 189 ar atterson,&,A.M om Sr contenti vq our from years te so muec ren wh Mrs , of the Martin K ée was 6 aa John P:iker,G rn.Rv ureh.he pune Birst i id oH.P ,Sine Fee orrison 'r past ons «and ups a religi »the s ch duri oO Save First err is by iders,T at terse r60.W ins rede ons wir)al :A contl .Gri var!G ‘J f stor ha diff nd ous lif:social ng th aS st ARP.assistan Aa rhe e ym were hite is #rey in.&p!ways |a nued b etme, White er faculty of s always erences munity e of our educati e past aiha ‘“place «untbous e elected fore “pa we .epirit oft yOOr re J.M y the R.hose ’af bein 0 being ‘ys had the behalf we want ur chur h onal and ;:er this sf worght ie Was u |—a 1p “the 'en do-| Oo.Me M.Sharpe Zotary §dis- <ampion g very good list ee ce f of thi again ch and :‘iottesst the Pres Daf firs ed |f he.teco ¢some |1\s yrrison -F.6.¢C System |'im th the ca carefu sten-}re thank is con to expr com- ‘ieAe7th oh ;ind .Alex J.Rec Cow: ese bh use of omever |hop sa gregati ress | used fe their chu now K Af 1,1802 t ||ander .Cas an,.can he ours to |cos e that nd gation 0 »on indly |cor he ywthat tas r, hion ¢ear hi of c¢ me ¢will a |God i ratit ur « siane br about roh whic dly d asf :on J |n allt and,ia Abov im sayi cont and give in Hiude i ein- ye Mille wix Yeerks nh was | af edna’on uly would hese a oa e all thing ying,“M rsy Ww yeas aa each 0 is kind|with th r donate eotonel the b on re-cnieascrib ccomplish 4 ng ngs have y Brethr ° in which ne of y provid . ated w plonel :o the e all me cove yoursel e ferv ren, ich te you ence hewpresent |South #" a is band Gea woah =}‘3.‘multitude ra rea thal hase a on eadersh pro our ;»of sins.” shall ae a ip.videne 3 3.”Ist.2 40 So might \ 7 | } ie d and vate grew th 4 ——— a rd eure -~Agt. =p Nog a“ —:of a +o |* —eeepc in lot.Co.ion nae Gibitieies tri Shde or and 4 friends pe and 0 buildin materiale donated Re g was erect sere ho 7 15 :' :aete,| DY act , -, e king’s butler an —— }Dr.J.H.Pressly 50Years Pastor Of Same Church ——ed First A.R.P.Church Of Statesville His Only Charge In Half)¥ Century In Ministry—Family Outstanding In Size and li Religious News Records—Pastor and Wife Feted In Celebration Of Five |y j é ;Contest Winner.imade on Dr.Rolston’s book in man Decades of Service.G The ‘Moody Monthly,”Chicago,in|denominations. Pe 4 j "lits September issue announces the -5 (This Article Has Been Written by|jmanse family is an unusually large ;jresult of a little contest for laymen Call For Defeat of Axis. Mrs.Sadie Grier Garth—J.G.G.)jone for these times,11 children in 4 “4 lthat it held recently.Prizes were Ninety-three Protestant leader? One morning recently I boarded alall;also it is one that has chosen -offered to laymen back in Maret meeting in New York recently,join bus to Statesville to get the story its life work along altruistic lines.4 for the best paper on the subject ed in a statement calling for defea of a man who has preached in that Two of the sons are ministers g je \“What Contribution can the Chris-\of the Axis government in the prose town,to the same congregation,for|They are Rev.William L.Pressly ”}\tian Laymen Make to Effective cution of the war.The churchme)a fifty years.That means that he has|of Greenwood,S.C.and Rev.is ;be \Evangelism Today?”Winner of the expressed abhorrence of war,bu Fourth,his never failing optimism. addressed over five thousand ser-|Henry Pressly,chaplain in the ee i lsecond prize is J.B.Spillman of declared that ‘totalitarian ageres This spirit so outstanding in his life mons to some of the same listeners;bse —.~_—Some:|Vie .oe 116 East Eighth St.,Charlotte.See Be halted ce oa been ever a source of inspiration that he has been the messenger of|Frances,Mrs.B.L.Hamilton,1s a);P ..@ ro >Ww 1.a encouragement to ” God to as many as four generations,|missionary to India.She and her |a iy Death of Dr.Hogue.|eee oe Getgeeeee Dr,Sae8 hours of hakrand,in Prien >etn in some instances,of the same fam-|husband are there now;her oldest p “Professor Addison Hogue,foi ))rin yn university cial strain,when tie fature Was ;s the onl harge this r n-|daughter arrived i the United jmanp years a professor at Hamp Methodist Bishop James C.Bake rtai Se ce,Se te ce iStates this amma.to enter hee 4 iden-Sidney college at Farmville,Va of Los Angeles;Dr.Albert W.Beay ie ole ae fait 1 "Se cee an The man who holds this remark-lskine College this fall.7 \died August 9,at hie home in Wash-|".president of Colgate-Rocheste thin ;Kf en ey ee ule Sa ad'-te sonavarrvenatné ,oH Three of the sons are physicians,|Z lington.D.C.Dr.Hogue was well|Divinity school;Dr.Harold Ww b <p rig or good to them that Pr ss).D.Dd,d the congregatio Dr.James L.Pressly,member of known over the Southern states me Dodds.president of Pringeipn 1m obey and love God.When the order of “9 end ioe “i vi ily a the staff at Long's hospital at ;a teacher,a church man and a versity;Miss Emma P.Hirch,gen-§the day was forward march he would veh ee og hat of "ine Fh -|Statesville;Dr.David L.Pressly 4 correspondent for religious news-eral secretary of the YWCA;Dr.not take no for an answer and never <.i@ -Ss A ;wn T is s lua }<ont i eda Reformed Pre byterian who has recently pas ed the North |DR.a.H.PRESSLY.sietitiaaa ans G .at ae ae he =i te be Ps co —, st cy See ads :yrerian carolina State board,and Lower;.-P re General Assembly of tha e has always looked for and stressed irct tates rom ‘,swowery ;p “Chri :Wate bices Achat ales =ae Ty a :c ,( Church of Statesville.|Pressly,a fourth-year student at the 29-—-going on 30.The Lord's been)Christian Europe Today.”oom ener hureh,U.S.A.De the good in thé lives of his people. Dr.C R.Harding veteran pro-|Univ ersity of Pennsylyvy ania,who good to me He's given me pet fect “Christian Europe Today”is the'‘ohn R.Mott;Dr.Daniel A.Poling He has spent a lot of time in visiting vane -~a os oi plans te be a doctor.The daugh-|health.That’s one explanation pry andes er os =pen ee cone 2 Pgyyet ye we the sick and the distressed in the roduce r.Pressly to an audience |ters have taught school and the two|of my long pastorate here.If I'd}°r.Adolph Keller o seneva,|)r=:,:ms community ; we —.>.4 :.-Su "er Ain .e 4 :United Presbyteris churct ¢YY *E°a’ of college boys at a vespel service |youngest,Miss Julia Pressly a been sickly—-if my family had bee Switzerland,director of the Euro-n rian church and Dr;.bah h ae at Davidson Said he:“Young gen-|Miss Elizabeth Pre iy,a vont er i sae ee 7 Fa wcgginie sn pean Central Bureau for Relief Luther A.Weigle,.president of the tee ee ee oe: tleren,I have never heard Dr.|bers of the fac ulty of the city |quite another story »Looe iiss Observer.”Louis Federal Council of Churches.close to the teachings of the Bible.He Pressiy preach although for forty-|schools of Statesville.The other FAMILY TREE OF PREACHERS.ville,y.,pronounces it “a timely|,,a “4 :awe years he_has lived at Statesville|daughters are married Katherine.|Dr.Pressly’s family tree 15 full contribution to current religious his-|we Mere Religious Booklets.r ae y bank wre vad 1 at Davidson,but I guarantee |Mrs.Walter Graham of Gaffney S|of preachers.His father,Dr.W.L jtory,and probably the most ade),ae Sconies ti "tan —rep discourse without.foley,ae tae is €hat ‘k toiC.;Jeé s al «o cele:Se a z c cy |quate summary yet ubli .igious booklets for German soldiers ,=» that he is go od.To have oeucs @ -Mr .Paul As hburn of |I ressly,was pa stor of the Associate};oy ;ty oe published of has been discontinued,accordi ae the good qualit of knowin when te one church for that many years,Mooresville and Mabel,Mrs.F.L.|Reformed Presbyterian church at present religious conditions in the ,,ding t 1ki h :g with all the proved and approved |Baird of Shelby.°"lDue West,S.C.His grandfather war-torn countries of Europe.”Dr.|iné (ales official gazette of theif quit talking when he is through.H« formed Presbyterian dhuvéh of hethe-ae cnt churches have oe ates cert eicecihe etanitin tia =oe Went,©=.dig i,Keller is well known in Americai*atholic Army Bishop.In contrast to ae eee ’.ann vil ,ast methods that c!Riv-|1e fame of his|Dr.E.E.Pressly,was the first pres-:lthis.antireligic wont is bold fea le on the first Sabbath in July,1892,:ing the door to ministers of whom large family precedes him every-|ident of Erskine college.As far where he has given several series}’tireligious works are beingh a ?rless 8 } -1 i vere >o fe . rday afternoon a golden an-they are tired—I maintain to have|Wwhere he goes.It is always a part|as he can trace the family there of lectures.He was a member of the|Printed in ever-increasing quanti-e«presses one that he is’led by the marking the com-done that,a man has got to be of the table talk when first he visits|were preachers.It was not always National Christian Preaching Mis-|“5:n Holy Spirit to preach,teach,exhort I °lwa ;m -hae “Whatever el sions of 1937 and 1941.Harpers &.eo and proclaim th hol of fifty years good.e.satever else is dis-\easy living in the preacher's fam-.=;Church Archi ay Wi .e whole counsel of ,v as “stuck”te the |cussed,”said he,“I cz 7 eee ;er »s.,New York,are the publishers,|-,‘;never allow};i to honor this Dr.Pressly ha uck”to th 1 i he,“I can be sure that|ily in those far-gone days,Dr.Pres-Bros.ite a "”Charlotte nehtaeh.Te em God;Nov ing the ‘crying of by his congre-Statesville church because he ha soone r or later my hostess will say:|sly implies as he tells how helgoa And O Ti |Dr E£M Conoves ot an waa”babies,the barking of dogs or the ,community loved it through the year because ;hey og"me that you have 11 chil-|fought the call to preach,“I had *ne ur times.Phin ae the ead aa A :ss e-sleeping of some of the saints to dis- .stil ¢3 because it 10 dren’.”At one home ‘lorid:1 ana ‘TI ishops 0 ‘anterbury ;*,,y ,re %; to overflowing he still loves it and because love !one home in Florida.on|seen the seamy side of the n ve Archbishoy of Canterbur ture of the Home Missions Coumelll pov ae >eg Oe lene, ,ne ah ’ him.“It's the hest I know.”he re-|\#certain occasion after the hostes:try.”he confessed “and na York and Wales,the Primus of the\o¢North Ame old texts were used occasionally but “,¢’aaIaaOeeeeeefor the service. i rica,wil Geiae Mr.M.E.Ramsey,of the session ef marked whimsice!—tle daughter of ual semerk,the Ht-\day I was gradue d from Erskine,|>°°s},gage rts irch,and al-|college,September 1-8,in cree h the church,presided during the ser-oe -egg :ee .=.oT hay a no douht :Bit ‘ye 4 ae trained|whe .mother called me int Ry arin Wale Se Goat!aes a tion with the meeting of the Pres-”e has always warmed them“ovec and vice.Dr.Julian 8S.Miller,of Charlotte ve ag i Ameer Po a ei :1 cs :i hea 12 id .hay fan bene room and inquired as to my f ture lie met at jv ia d a ae aii pyterian Synod of North Care ina?hen us a new vision and inspiration an elder in the Sardis A.R.P.ehureh ern aden te,on :<i :A fr agg aa .Z A be riarc 7 plat [I sa All I can tell you,|hey were moved to address :ae ;with an exhibit of church architec-®te the Scriptures,Dr.Pressly nev- of Mecklenburg county and the editor pa at ever a hat ng sauna”anton)a lurality of |Mama,vhat I at t going ne ire.He will be available for inter-™er has tried to be spectacular but 7 .;piped UD.|to be I'rr 4 ot a age entitled,“God and Our Time views s constantly tried to feed th h .Siat 1]n iow y wit ‘‘:.-ait >nD ‘re Sviteir .+2 shee of the Charlotte Observer,delive The States,church proved|'4nd !many wives have you?o the people of Great Britain.Ir and never tried to amuse the saan ’going i be a ’,'1! . .:ms F le!ai :preachet He fought the calllipje they obse Es j ~°§* a)eres,See te on nee .Ww aD as hankering”it still |S"e asx d.\for five years,teaching voli gem hi ne Mn ah oe New Dean Of Women At Elon.i-He has always preached straight and the rst 145 or )dug |hy preser ting Dr.Pre ly wa marrie 1 two!tl santime »ally secu 2 yehiey la ine pre ent ci Miss Hele tm Boyd,for merly Relig-z iv ‘. church of Statesville,brought greet-him and Mrs.Pressly this past July,|years after he came to State ville to bed he ‘iol somart I ae gr"is in humart history exceeds in mag-|ious Education Director at the wont ae on Nei has eewaye been ings from the Statesville Ministers’on the 50th anniversary ®f the pa Miss Mabel Lowery of Marion Ala.Lord Asked f he ever remretted nitude and in spiritual import anyjan’s college of the University of tj the a “na pat oo.as Association;and Rev.8:L.Cathey,torate,with $1,000 in Detense |who -graces his home and works his final des oe he ca .au bell that has preceeded it.In nragnitude.|North Carolina at Greensboro,hase stood like ri ~Rare bas r of Concord Presbyterian church,Bonds.On the occasion of his 40th indefatigably and tactfully in his phatically:“No :there is nothing Wes Nazi Germany intends,ifjaccepted the position of Dean Of,,hand th 0 :Bibl pith one ay,ke for the community.anniversary the congregation gave jchurch.Their romance,which stilljelse I w uld |e but ‘4 ore ch or if she can,to impose her will and her)Women at Elon college.y ia on the Old B »with the other Mrs,Earle G.White read a histor Dr.Pressly a very handsome atch labides,had its beginning aie.i +ee ar ye but a preacher of\creed,not only upon a whole conti-|in 0 and outstretched,reminding us of of the ch h :Mr.N y which he uses with definite pride.ja lad of 18.fre fr ye t Ersi sjthe gospet nent,but also upon the whole world |Jeanette MacDonald Proud of Faith.the words of Jesus,“J am e way, on behalf <“ne a oe ed FROM DUE WEST TO ;college tonaiht.6 heat da ikine|Dr.Pressly has no favorite verse\In spiritual import,because,as we!Saturday Home Magazine (Aug?the truth and the life,no man cometh =dtibute te wedeaien a ie Weeen:STATESVILLE.ae iat des shaas Ale ana nio —from which he otis believe,the Nazi creed is in its 9)has for its leading article a mes-unto the Father but by me.” a lation to Dr.e83-Dr.Press!a ~~A.yrs ’Hel,«=S88 INK es e has,however,a favorite!principles ar d te practice almost|sage by Je ‘Mac ji :, oP as ‘essiy was called to the |his students was thi “een ¢s j poo i prt aps and in its practice aimo “6 y Jeanette MacDonald en-),In the sixth pla ‘:Statesville church while he was a)who nial ai aa 4 ..—s rlitheme;it is this Man is a sinner)holly evil...Let us so turn tojtit ed:“I’m Proud I Believe in God.”for the wodliont 1 fenil wot aa student in the theological seminary jof thie vO ae sedis Tae tan Jesus Christ is a Saviour.”“I'God now that if in His providence The beautiful star says in part:“Our'}Mrs.Pressly Slaten’a fiiren 1 “9 ..-w ..,pacner,Pp in ive preacne i oug >ivict ,1 \;.,‘}:-.°10 a at Due West,S.C.That was initerest grew ¢mses ee preached ali thr ugh the |\victory is ours we many neither country exists today because of 7 ’ 1892 Statesville was sl eae aa -ee 7 a J 4 ;seat Sible.”he remarked,“using all|waste nor misuse the terrible re-|man's devotion to God.It was set-yee or a black sheep,and all col- ~Behe?a foe "married and “Jim”|sorts of texts;I find the same story |sponsibility of victory,but may turn|tled by a little ba .e ege graduates,one a foreign mis- more than a village,its population Preasly took his girl bride to State I :y.)band of people to;si Mrs being 1,722,..and.the.Asso inte Re-lwville to live r=r went of man’s need and the Saviour sjit to the service of God's laws.’vhom the worship of God Ppyh<4f sionary,two preachers,three doctors, ?vesbyterit nee lee a adequacy.in all of them.”He has a United:Church Observer.more than life itse v ve five school teacher.To Dr.and Mrs. of Greenwood,8.formed Presbyterian church had #/48 YEARS IN SAME HOUSE.i 4 |e itself.Its wild Ay P : Page Two);membership of 75,with a Sabbath|Dr.and Mrs.Pressly/have spent permanent cure for Modernism .;was tamed by men end wome ined ressly and the children who have ,school consisting of three lady \their entire married te in the |Preach the gospel,”he said “That's|“Social Message of the Apostle |prayed as they fought again save contributed so much during the past teachers and 25 pupils,all children.|same house a wwie-spreading rae SUES Paul.”[resistance of the land,the @@.”1 years to the social,educational and ,In answer to how he stands on of New England winters,the «@rom religious life of our church and com- Wthe choir for the service.The salary promised the young pa Yeaton,the church organ-4 tor was $600 a year The church|Broad street in the heart of —the Jonah and the fish,and other Oldjup.ecpyterian of the South,”Rich laden arrows of the Indians.7 and munity we want again to express,on f ’»trl »1 ; frame icture ituated on Fast According to a_notice in The t f organ.#4 building was a small frame struc-|city of Statesville.It has a deey festament stories,are the)parables!sod.Va.,Dr.Holmes Rolston’s re not forgotten among Americans ences behalf of this congregation our sin- prayer was offered by :ture,fenced in.This building was |homey “front porch”and its doubis or are they hi tory,he said:“Hi -\cently published book,“The Social —national motto is ‘In Godt the cere thanks and gratitude,with the mi ennedy,pastor of the destroyed in June,1899,by a cy-|doors stand open to the public.It|*Endorsed by Jesus ‘hri Message of the Apostle Paul,”ha:I ist”...It is not my habit to run}hope that God in fis kind providence »Reformed Pre&sbyter-clone that visited that section ugge preeminently Sam Fos:[have preferrec »stand within,gone into its second edition.|""re and there engaging in remarks 0 will give each one Of you many mere Mooresville.As Scrip-Today the congregation of the|“House by the Side of the Road’|°*Christ on this and all mi-|wide and favorable comment,ac of profoundly religious import.Bu veart ta ahichto serve .F Hietars «af mt-- iat on wat ¢y .;os ;cle t is my habitto pray 0 Rev E G.Carson pas-F hurch we I in a com-land Edgar Gue ‘It Takes a Lot|"!€cording to this pe \dical,has been itd ny hab o pray to God in all in ''te med “e humility.I believe in God and in ‘:odiot ick building,wit a hal ,:a SN’T ” morial Associ-™m or c as br ox 3 ding ith ade o Living o Make a House a GOD HASN'T QUIT ;beSe yraye and I se aver ds rts +h h quate Bible school equipment In|Home.”The family circle has neve!Dr.Pressly gravely thought-prayer ane ise prayer daily forl® yy tg addition to Dr.Pre y as pastor,it;had a break in it “The Deatl an,ful on the subject of the war,espe-will see an approach to Union I)g\idance with the conviction tha t 1 AN@\cally with a daughter in India all Protestant churches.“I believejou right prayers do not go unage | there will be as few as three great |swered fed here thro ”a dan ‘“agg C “the ugh oe ha‘er ‘ant pastor,Re Ru gel has never wing ed his into ong re gell M.Kerr,and its embership|our home,”Dr.Pressly said,a re A.R.P.church numbers around 750,with the B .I ‘sible |erent upward look in his eyes.“We)'®thaté : lis only theory of its outcome n God's way the Kingdom churches,”he said.“All the Baptist In G ao roe ; ressly’s honor—school numbering 475.The church|have everything to tl oe f Christ i be advanced even divisions united on the idea of *,yandhi'’s Home,| y yt r wo lank oving ;adve .nia :;4 .F enth Psalm.Rev.building cost appr«ately $40.000.'Providence fo loving ve th conflict immersion;Episcoy al and Method ne 8 '“i scher mi onal known} ;| j author ecturer 1 yews ! f Carson ¥observing.y sterday Also there a second church of|One has never really known Dr God hasn't quit,”he said “Hte\ists on the general principle of aed ele 1 —_ae oe 16th anniversary of the ning the same denomination in State Pre ly at his best until the cee til!at the helm Once he |?hop control and all branches a 28 Ono \ee ma just re oe from his own pastovate in sville.ville.the Pressly Memorial A.R.P.|him in his home.There ey see|Tight have thought this war ne of Presbyterians united.”a 28,000-mile tt ce-month visit to :hurch.organized i Qn?:al »Beeenia ie »helove n ast,repo at the benediction at the close’of the church,orgar ed in 1907,of which|Mrs.Pressly dispense a brand of|4™‘geddon of Scripture;now he Dr.Pressly is greatly bel ved in|4.oration Ate etait - Z iden anniversary serviée was by for the last 16 years Re FE.G.|hospitality that is both “Southern”"45"t an idea “When I was a)ls denomination He has been in primitive hor :‘M se =e| Russell Martin Kerr,assistant Carson has been the pastor.Thi soutlnern all it,demand for evangelistic meetings)."s me of Mahatma Gandhi .2 -ARP ,h $Sis church has a membership of 200 a sma picture of Jesus Chet wustor of the First a urch. bound in a 4x6 inch glass fram,oung preache!’he said,“I howed i people the date of the)!# t ”>»Qs and you are welcome.I know;for Lord's coming on the calendar,but moderator of the Gene ral Synod o ;:the wheat ourt o a 2 ,‘‘‘7 I happened inswhen a “company "4 now.I still preach that He ijthe higne cour’f the A.R.P.Former Home Of Chief Executi\ dinner”was on They made me,a COME #8a1n gloriously,but I'm let-church,in 1913,This was the yea!Through the initiative of Ba chance guest,feel as if the whole ting Him set the date I have of the I an-Presbyterian celebra-|B’rith and with the co-operation delightful dinner party had been ‘°°ned that when my Lord jid,|ton In Atlanta,at which time the|of the Newman clubs of the YY.W planned for me ’Ve kno neither the day nor the Jorthern,the Southern,the I a C.A.the former New York City ’|ar ?nant that and the Associate Reformed Pres-|town-house of Preside : Patterson,Mrs.C.P.Moore,Mr Dr.Pressly does not look as if 2°U'He meant just tha tnterian churches all held their an 4 yu of President Roosevelt) Sallie Walker,Mrs.R.O.Beitz,1 'S-\he had preached for fifty yeas Dr.Pressly would like to see)0Y™0"eee |veir an-|and the adjoining building,whieh) Jd.G Shelton Mi s Vi avo Six feet,one,in height,erect a inion between the Southern and nual meetings in that city.He isiwas the home of his mother,were aA Wi Miss Vance Brem,|an Indian nd weig el Associate Reformed Presbyterian enthusiastic over the meetings e=ch|purchased in July at a cost of $50,- and Miss Maggie Moose.Dr.Pres my,Ee weighing 180 :»f his denomination at Bon |0¢‘i ly commented on the fact the pounds,his face has few lines and churehe “We are too much alike)sun mer of his denomination ,\000 and presented to Hunter college of these are women H iat alll his black eyes retain their lu ter,|10 be separated,”he said.A ked|Clarken,its assembly ground.From|to be used as an inter-faith house twinkied:“F 1 is eyeS\t is his inde ;ih cea what he had done to bring such a the well balanced program each |for student activities.The house ed:Fifty years of church is @'1owever,that are)”**ach }draws much ins siration.|il tk 7 work was too hard for the men,”h enabling Time to “tell on him,”)Union about,he replied charac-year he ra a 1 carnal wi ye named the Sara Delano added.“They passed on.”’according to Dr.Pressly.“I'm get-teristically:“Well,I haven't stump-|In reply to the question,at|Roosevelt Inter-faith House |ti an’,oy »tor it t T have|about the next fifty years?”Dr - THE MANSE FAMILY.lting #0 I can't read without glas-|ed the ¢untry for it—but I hav ecely's eyes glowed,“I do not Memorial to Missionary. In speaking of the growt t es,”he laments,“and I don't like voted for it every time it has come!Pt ,| @ongregation in the >peee,=glasses,As a matter of fact,if it)Up_in our General Synod.”lenow--I leave it to Him and trust|A fund of $5,000 (Chinese)is being}! Pressly claims that the greatest)”°r®not for these eyes of mine Dr.Pressly believes definitely Him for a poriae day for a”oe 7 sha ae oe growth has been in the manse.The I figure my age would be around that the years following the war Church of Jesus Christ.ion of a memoria ape and “Christian.”The latch-string t}hangs on the outside of the dow:over the church;He served as he original member being drawn from the First church It was named in honor of Dr.Pressly Of the original 75 members that gree ted Dr Pres sly when he first went to Statesville,seven remain in the church.They are:Mi Dorca MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. MINUTES OF THE SESSIONJuly13,1942 _Constituted with prayer by vr.Pressly Present:T.L.Stikeleather ve-Ee-Lackey Julian White John D.Patterson v.Ae-Sample M.E.Ramsey rrank Deaton Clarence HKamsey S8.AeHair EeMorrison,Jr. ReveHussell Kerr 4 F Session adopted plan of uptowm churches to join in union - ane night services for July and August seats On motion M.E.Ramsy second by Julian white agreed weA.Sample,| .JeReCashion and rrank Deaton,as treasurer,serve on the ,' peacons rund Committee.Cashion and veaton taking 1.0.j Morrison and A.E.Guys place. pee tance On recommendation of nominating committee,J.R.Cashion ; and Frank Deaton unanimously reelected superintendant and 4 Assistant sup't and tresurer respectively for a period of one year from July Ist,1942.They accepted. On motion V.eE.Lackey second by 1.-L.Stikeleather Mrs.Fred Pressley Morrison (Mrs.Leathia Stuart Morrison)be 4 accepted into our church membership from new Hethany Baptist Church. After reports from committees motion to adjourn with prayer by Hev.Russell Kerr.; On July Sth infant son of Mr.&Mrs Allen Alexander 4 baptized (John Palmer Alexander) ADDITIONS TO CHURCH July I9th BY LETTERS Mr.Clarence trerdinand Drum Mrse Lola Blankenship Miss.Doris Elizabeth ")daughter Miss.Mary rEllen mg ” MINUTES OF SESSION. MINUTES OF SESSION. on ge Dpauk the VE Apt Af vet Kiger,Fi tes wher aes &Ke ffx.ferrmietEGTPE eg i A f= fegie Sin SO CgPS ae taf On che La oh nc a =i eee bef eee pk anilChetDHhan Kid_eveot Deky—Zr 72H ssAleanaitifyandGpforgesKeCe ee,|| | er a | at a pM,Zt_e,na A |MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION. Meee,so ot Chaneok eile fallin _.._7-2 Zupebax pane Y £-F2 lore fA.betray Q/2,i|/fy 2 wt feat,tbh,Clee aeestes ym asAonMeet SG77—|hgaz7.a <Ceipad Cig G Gygly Bee 76£I sylvT |nA.tthe Ely Miphinin-=ili tk AY FecES~LLbotentgdehfosgayFyAVforaftnyLat$00"for Kahin1.fan A plo en fora, es ”ee an =aBeBett,Seb.Ef Z c np eX ene Suge ascare”me ae.“<AuyBek—-t sy itialll(peli Llane |a Pn.DY Leaky Jyt o Ant Dehn <7 Examined &Approved :phe LS %Miia at -‘Se rf a By The First Presbytery 2b6l F aaplyp (Z<0 toh ree 3 |e |5 pene OL hrm H MiAw Mod.Bok /7-«~CiiLlach 7)0b \/iim “e cae gle be >Leese 2ao ainne men Dpoa |e/ve LLppier fubnn i fa aes i ‘fi-0keee JK42 ft Ts AB Fatha~,Arf En ww .waeleve Bao Sap ag I @ 4.Lehn PAW|L New Ar Bre grotr 74 peasy the Mieme flor A ite“fh |LG rs sewSore.~~~grad ved fae le a Le re for hike Lo for 2,2 or, /.A ww tenet 2 kl a Loew ; -~ '*“ZSF%C7?Yor fF Sot.—:_<A ZA a ar e od LZ i « ||z |.KF thf srtak 71 se aoe =&aA Ss _,cae ";.7 «47 ?Ai i4 hare,fog ed eS MINUTES OF SESSION. oh ici pace or Ho ane ,tl >‘ Pracatore free ee.ondititbin:Kate LD.pe dative i Cf Tel SOE a a. Hows Kewelh-ts VE frbpe,1%Maeght himr,‘me py OA.black,he ge.pe.a 4 Jak sie ctpny Peel frre FL,df #ae os -re :“sre film 1 for |ter,-Lory >aa A,”| i sew larvet nf (hed ol le Bian ns >|Coote F., Orr 9.2 tebath Jl.O°ee ea SG 7 | :tA cg Ti uf Le-r ney _%G eh art Biv Stadteato tin,6 Bor Bie teed ie feo ofl eae Zep ep Ey-reece a l heetin—Yr <2 _arebrel AA eal Lf Hermhay?on Z a oo Pgh.mer.hve 6 P)ee Ll,_Bema byt Chan tht or ee eee ene.4 Oe an Jj thrr€, )ok)Ze sak,5 -~*~.Gar 5 veka i Le tregn «Zt<ae Bhan bof Ro Pitan botneg te rect WctjeD fez /-.Pater/yA ae i:esi dhs ve p>4A,VE Ahvottay ,4 Vc,Fan.“24,bs le :ri ‘VE.hip BalartF/ pe CA--o-7 42-14 + 24 elude’“fw ee,PPPoE”4 >>Ot:t2&,,ZA.ity hitaleLD f 4s fake “i-A2Oo-Y"y ; ~MINUTES OF SESSION. Ay fag BL hain fa Rites For Mrs.J.H.Pressly Funeral services for Mrs.Mabel Lowry Pressly,wife of Dr.J.H.Pressly,pastor of the First AssociateReformedPresbyterianchurchof the church at three o’clock Sabbath af-ternoon from the church of whichherhusbandhasbeenpastorformore than fifty years. Mrs.Pressly had been in declining health for several years,but had beenrecentlyactiveinherdutiesathomeandinthechurchuntilafewdaysago,when she became seriously ill,passing last Friday,December 10th. Taking part in the funeral service were Rev.Russell M.Kerr,assistant to Dr.Pressly;Rev.E.G.Carson,pas-tor of Pressly Memorial church of Statesville;Rev.Oliver Johnson,D. D.,Winnsboro,S.C.,life-long intimate friend of Dr.Pressly;and Dr.C.E. Raynal,pastor of the First Presbyter- ian church of Statesville. Pallbearers were the officers of the church and members of the Francis gp December 16,1942. »Hamilton Bible Class,of which Mrs. :>Pressly was teacher.Statesville,N.C.,were conducted from ’'°Mrs.Pressly,daughter of Rev. James A.and Katherine Craig Low- ry,was born at Marion Junction,Ala. Shortly after graduation from Ers- kine College,she went to Statesville as the bride of Dr.Pressly,where for forty-seven years she lived in the af- fectionate esteem of her family,the church,and the entire city. The death of Mrs.Pressly marks the first break in a remarkable family circle.Surviving her,besides her hus- band,are five sons and six daughters: Dr.James L.Pressly,of Long’s Hos- pital staff,Statesville;Mrs.B.L. Hamilton,a missionary in India;Mrs. Walter B.Graham,of Gaffney;Mrs. Fred L.Baird of Shelby,N.C.;Rev. W.L.Pressly of Greenwood;Mrs. Paul Ashburn of Mooresville,N.C.; Rev.H.E.Pressly,U.S.army chap- lain,Camp Gruber,Okla.;Misses Ju- lia and Elizabeth Pressly,members of the public school faculty of Statesville; Dr.David L.Pressly,intern at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia;and Dr.Lowry Pressly, Senior student at the Medical College, University of Pennsylvania.All of these,with the exception of Mrs.B. L.Hamilton,of India,were present for the funeral service,whose family was represented by Miss Mabel Hamilton,a student at Erskine. Bovake MINUTES OF SESSION. ,idee ee G i a.ok ie ay Kf Arete 2Getow Add saan ee Bi avrny Steen $Bg ME Rear ther.thlatail 2Mlalss for Pores ZO mn eg Ate ot Aled 2mh DE dace ak Fane mao —sy —ag |ee off,AA,Mov,oF ee op fmm een foe hyper ga sft a=Ac tena Harada,Alerting,If td ea ore GE:7 Me ot.AKyp ot 2PIe Anl Dh beBp oe,tha |Ke.©Ch emf,ae Zt hn ey SE |Fea oisate cel a “FZ —*_eee fh.nth our }PL Maser ithe EY i eee au fe,Lana Lait exh p OK mwoh .Arrennkfew tek 8.7e™GeePipeQrurtrite ght aban Mpa .ety -§Lema “os ©(for oe inet Bitty28 enw LttontyConn iieteanilh tee peeWH /PIF a |ee @ la ate Cithstiag ne trp a Me MINUTES OF SESSION. ny Pets Lie,id ia ap ux- —farm ne seat as.pe a,Zs Sae0 Meee ie A)gltere suede 7s en. _MMithers:(1)No...+4 ane dal|atc:0)No G2)What pretof Hora MINUTES OF SESSION. Priork-< i ae A Gobet, ‘yee L£Gey ogame ee eT es ©desi ook ff OL,LLL ati sett om ake,%Fier Mtiepe <7 :: eet a awe BeAme A ene fynee pp P14 AAG ly <ff0—-P bdSeApcimeeje |READ CAREFULLY EACH OFTHESENOTES (1)Pleasefilleachspace below.Do not failtoadd fortotalsanddivideforaverage.If ee are left blank the printed report willdoinjusticetoyourcongregationandtotheSynod. (2)These reports must be tabulated and printed before Sy-nod and should therefore be mailed on or before Monday after the first Sabbath of April. (3)One copy to Rev.P.L.Grier,Charlotte,N.C.,R.2. One copy to your Presbytery. Keep one on file. (4)Report on all items for Synodical year from April 1,1942, through March 31,1943. (5)Make your report in dollars.Do not give the cents. (6)If any contributions by the Societies have been already included in the Budget,deduct these contributions from Total Paid ‘in order that they may not be counted twice. Name of Church 1Ant”a-Pe. Name of Minister or Clerk 7D.fr Postoffice .........stetep nthe.°F Total number of active members on revised roll...Me 8 Number of inactive members 20000 eveceeeeeceeeeeeeeevnne ety Tithers:(1)No..§¥........;(2)What per cent of members.Ate % Family altars:(1)No. Accessions: By Profession Lhpy ae By Reinstatement =Tote > Losses:J By Death &By Certificate LhBy Removal from Roll LZ Total gv Baptisms:fe ee a ee ee TT mmsournenm Assessed or Promised ates as i Total of Synod’s iii (See Minutes) Orphanage Total to other causes of‘de Total to all other local causes (Build. img,SOpntte,606). Sabbath Schools— 1.Number of Pupils Enrolled.he 2.Number in Home Department.Yr eum 3.Number in Cradle Roll.Bee 4.Collection for the Year adies’Society— 7m Woikes of Members Enrolled...Sab ee Collection for the Year Young People’s Christian Union— Number of Members...we Collection for theYear Intermediates— Number of Members Silaa sae alls Collection for the Year Junior Christian Union— Number of Members...Le Collection for the Year $ Add for amount (Observe carefully note 6.)Deduct any amount paid Dee Ty CSR isn cctitiinlineish centre NET TOTAL.rises Divide Total Paid by number of active members in con- gregation)A GE PER CAPITA Value Church Property ; CONGREGATIONALREPORT//Mer 31-47 ,;Th ov Ra ; The Report of we oe red ae :eKfot tnuren for year Ca oe to the or Presbytery in session at THE eae Name of Pastor/2~”pO As . e he ¢ae 2 ‘ Amount of time employed:..iol underscoring.)Is he faithful in Pastoral Work?.OE or iter ace E ELDERS Names of Elders transferred Character of Preaching—Doctrinal,Evangelistic,Practical?(Indicatesie Number of Elders...” oye ‘Names of Elders removed4 by IDeath: Names of Elders received by Certificate:40 oe. Names of Elders Ordained:.. Does each Elder have a District?lectern (eile ciei ci idiae What per cent visit systematically yipDiaie ons:aAttend Prayer Meeting?3 oO el .Synod?er %;Are members of the Sabbath school JOD %;AreTithers ?_..ba.Io. Did an Elder attend Fall Presbytery?.7 w Spring Presbytery? THE DEACONS Number of Deacons...Names of Deacons transferred: Do you follow the rotary system? Names of Deacons retired by rotary system: Names of Deacons removed by death: Names of Deacons received by certificate: Names of Deacons ordained: Do Deacons encourage the people to practice Scriptural principles of Stewardship?AAA?S Was the total salary received adequate to enable the Pastor to render the most efficient’service? Quarterly ?What per cent of the Deacons tithe?1 0. %;are members of the S.S.?10 oO %. THE AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS A Prayer Meeting? When was salary paid?Monthly? Attend Prayer Meeting? Have you:A Sabbath School? C.Union? other than Bible Class? A Ladies’Society?At,2. An Intermediate Union?A Men’s OrganizationAJuniorUnion? THE PEOPLE Is there evidence of spiritual growth in the membership?LHe Has there been apy special evan- gelistic effort since last report?gone hat per cent‘wf the membership attend public oe jae %o What per cent of adult members belotig to S “..“eo;of Children attend public worship?oS %;1s Sab-, bath observance poor,fair,good,excellent?ram A .Do ae their vows to train their children?ras What per cent of homes have family worship?(Count,do not guess)the sp ire and practice of Stewardship?a ~ Is drinking on the increase in the Community?a meaes between people and pastor cordial?ges.ase Do the people ea with Pastor and Officers in their work?c..What per cent of the mémbership ne- Cc..When members remove is notive given %;Are the people growingIn .What per cent of Tithers have you? attend Communion?“-;do you make a roll of those in — Is a serious effort made to revive those who habitually absent themselves? Is the Church making an earnest effort to reach the unsaved?re io the Churchin whose bounds they settle?Y \.0 Are you willing to have your Synodical Assessment increased?ee How many from your congregation are™httending College or University? - Ti@« Ten years? Have you increased Pastor’s Salary within past five years?aia?-ip /6 oS -.How many Erskine College?How many attended Bonclarken Conference last summer? Were Tiethe orders of your Presbytery and of Synod obeyed?“Were the recommendations of od carried out?a i“Were your contributions to Quarterly ae Did you have a deficit last year?0 How much?$Vd What supplement >you need7.Sm»,ce nae Th Wak this report read to and adopted by the congregation? REMARKS: nod’s Budget paid monthly? |ie r MINUTES OF SESSION. Ahk,fort BeteAbaal, oC 7 hepptte pt oor ae a<ée aa to Be Ee weBIDEJrtenneSa Skate ete 0 pear fast ills fonea8 Ki (ennhch domes Attorrte Pee —al 28499 ).LA Wee.“oeClan Si icetetia ot Ah eeaeeeeseePeeeaeeSeeMINUTES OF SESSION. REV,JAMES H,PrReowwss Statesville,North CarolinaApril30,1943 F THE TREASURER ys st;& nh J H,Pressly dlle,N.C. “ dese or.Pressly: ones to attachcheckinamount of§250.00 in pay- ment of April Selary.This payment is in accordance with « resolution passed by the Board of Deacons April 26,1943 making your salary for the year beginning April 1 $5000.00, The Session also attended this me¢ting and the resolution was paseed by the joint meeting of the two Boards. This action was taken in tiew of the fact that heretofore your gsalary had been based on the fact that in addition to your regular salary the church furnished your parsonage. Since this is no longer the case,we felt that some adjust- ment should be made.As you know,it had been tentatively agreed that the church would continue to pay taxes and insurance after you assumed ownership of the parsonage, however,it ie now our opinion this arrangemont would not prove satisfactory to either party. Henoe the Boards felt,in order to equitably adjust this matter,your salary should be set at §2600.00 for the ourrent year,with an additional §400.00 in view of the fact you are now personally furnishing the parsonage,making- @ total of $3600.00.Of course,in approving this resolution, it was wderstood that all liabilitées in connection with ownership of the parsonage,including taxes,insurance,éts.would be assured by you since you are now sole owner of the property. We trust this action will be satisfactory with you,If not,please advise promptly. Yours very truly, FIRST A.R.©.CAURCH aeVyChr tO.TREAS v CC:Clerk of Session 2 4Hie MINUTES OF SESSION. 2 rar ta Oe ke Kew x.ly,Miter,VE Lber Parmar,flim.-Avid (ow epee<tr 7 Comoe oe ee p Mipes =Chef laa Shachha Be |2 neemSfx[0 Bez|am Ate &Tad hag ©‘glist auc YG.imi Lerayh ~e.PO Hin oC’J olaamhkc.wh peer “a =h~ot.f sblbee-natn ‘ely eel ea a y-MofherY Sk,&ein ew a ae gee at LA Gey, a,oe Lytef ——he Ln hn KM,Aca AE oe Ptlrely (SMialagorhle Jee me ty -/?G9 MelLotfi—lar f__ ~———~~~-~Rwe Oem a > CharttneZoe ae Aga,Foon | a Se 4 ne UV a le filets tw-€Loran J bo re Jign-K DenSeKeGetl-a~—L-f 5 bed hh Er of ¢Aint ao ee 7 ars dias entFotihotae_<<,——ante Bh Gane Deoen,Ae mena a.heh WL Zrs htue offen ae “ae coten ee-SA.aspieceiy ich!Miata 4eeyf:+Cuanh,(han he follow +> Wltwnharz,predaY¥dh Naty Fok Oe<-Dn,Jed.od Atbxrale.| Juton.AVLL,flac fa Prorat ©(Kamuny Sflase | lepor fre Crrut es.sittin Se aarey Stef)Cirerl e121 aogh| Ake Gurtpele,Jah perK f-nbrk top J [reterLf Hee Bprrs a Axg| Ye se i,&a ak Ae Bonbec,.;a JL 44>Mieke a |Aprut flare faarhany tee th,Cit 1k 4ASad Le /)as Ce Baty eK 211 7,5-<fn.-Z oe ye AO <2¢a a a «LO/7s 7 LUFC Awgrfi —| ‘}i,f otoxCP-O.2-3tn f Zt.ed “Lyf»oe oh,ty £Gi.on —<,CpCfA.A hag via Bet 260 Bye Tol GF pec“ LpCamo,tele.| ee 44 YAKS, 2 2”LY A A/trav he och 4,7 a JOO ba,AA JOT rhe pa if 4 - ole,wi thy (La,f Cn AW pastel,tic autted = MINUTES OF SESSION.: wool ELE June 29th,1943Mr.Cashiog, Mrs Helen Evans, Miss Rachel Morrison ‘rank Deaton Discussed fully the condition regarding the Children's Catachism andtheShorterCatachisminameetingSabbathafternoonandtogetherwithMy.ME tamsey we find the following to be &he number studyine the cate.chisme Pr}2 ye Dente (Down stairs )37 Ji)5 sr Th nt Q ‘lass °73 There is one class in the list that has not begun the study of theshorterCatachismyetthisyear.This due to the fact that a new teacherinchargeanddidnotknowjustwhatpartoftheCatachismtoteachandwasnottoldbythewriter.This beimg an oversight,the writer thoughtboyswouldhavetoldtheteachertheproceedureoftheclassprorrameweverthiswillberemediedthiscomingSabbathmorning,thgether with&request to the other Sabbath school teachers that they teach the catachismtotheirchildrenaccordingtotheplannedprogramofSabbathschools»whichFequiresthreeyearstocohpletetheChildren's catachism and four vears to 4.4 somplete the Shorter Catachisme The Fbllowing recommendations are meade to the Committee: a...Catachisms have been ordered to t-ke mare of every need. Ze re Kerr will be asked to contach the two rraduat:slasses (Boys classandGirlsclass)every 3 months and to contact every class (8 classes)iv]l j ver’L Ter}1Ss ‘lasse Qf —£sit le ° a."hat oO —at 2-6 OO T 6,¢1 he °f wal +o every Boy and Girl $7itry,i ri inrimaryorJuniorclassestoreciteCatachisminadditiontothe Testament and Bible they receive from the Sabbath school. 4.That the names of eac!ld be printed in Church Bulletin after re 4 <4 ic the Satact LSMe Oe We recommend that the Elders visit the Families of these JUNIOR class students and irge that they help teach their children thecatachisme y A,ale Jt >eh es MINUTES OF SESSION.MINUTES OF SESSION.antereat «habe ae Ie ~ (Prac RH Pharrgeile.Z A mths xz .Ve Efe.hag ir.Cashion,ee4|‘Ape VE fe KJ4 le ‘yA _OT pix.Mrs Helen Evans, i 'i Miss Rachel Morrison i 1.oe —~2 Gut ~Dle--y-tema brdcguny Discussed fully the condition regarding the Children's Catachism and: /tek-7 meager pipe the Shorter Catachism in a meeting Sabbath afternoon and tocether with;/1 Mow a ai wea f4nA .imine +.Shen ai .. it Za;a .A Op kL a or zm PEs a,Primary Depte (Dow stairs )37 7.;<<da COOD zh,|‘yee al fp:hep {>_Ju jor Dept 8 tlasses 7h :‘L mound Ps,ates Lez a }myi.biel LtdK CL Ko <A t€ny There is one class in the list that has not begun the study of the a :“7 (Le g eae Zz ioe a Shorter Catachism yet this year.This due to the fact that a new teacherH||is in charge end did not know just what part of the Catachism to teach is eZ Aut GF of.been,and was not told by the writer.This beimg an oversight,the writer thoucht4*de?+1 j a tan av :he bovs would Ave [0]the r the ]roceedure of the class prorrameOy_i —sai :i.4 4 sink.ae <-Pawfeo ae oeian lowe shi wi )™j i ;Sahl m i he we a2 ».wever this will be remedied this coming Sabbath morning,thgether with Frank Deaton Saaeeees1LLpate.sor powflicsl a fol A request to the other Sabbath school teachers that they teach the catachismeosion.A fer Lt.,a 2 |to their children according to the planned program of Sabbath schools »Whichf4all2%,ZK ~e Lhiunihin Fequires three years to cohplete the Children's catachism and four years tofpa7=,=e IP somplete the Shorter Catachisme pe easesa.:teapot f J The FallglobeLL.at “a Lane 2-0-7 VG$,(edhe Jlore owing recommendations are mede to the Committee: ;-“a ,Le atachisms have been order:to take care of every neede9raillaei.ae .a —~TN ee ~~~hes C at ne ae 2 Siw _“~1 a ”Pe NOP vd 1l 9 asked to sontack the two grad ati ”classes (Boys classandGirlsclass)every 3 months and to contact every class (&slasses) ac f+ps 0 ei *~r ||:3s Ca cor ;Y ve «uh,(N22 °Choa mga |?or ,if bee ™e offered to every Boy and Girl in“primary Junio eatin s to recite Catachism i Aditi to theorchisminadditionVeraharz,jege Le Nay Fpruk Dias,tin ;“|lad,Testament and Bible they receive from the Sabbath schoole |(Dubin Laz 4.Can ft fownr 2 femmmpb,7 |”=i](b oo»fr a"OG iti Ar72y earay Stef)Ctherk cuhorg Se We recommend that the Elders visit the Families of these JUNIOR|HA#aLsiheti Ach gle Lope /eepogLaf)vali.pres =Asg|eS a nts and urge that they help teach their children the |a.l1-2-7 <....eal y4 fr ae tose A ME GE Cuber poerAh i ir .ie ais Atlactip A d ornbic.rp Ci.Ae JLtt>WHioKae <LAL,NV htt fom,he roe thy Cell teh A MALECptaeLiOeaaORae|Be Gee loa-}is Po epabn a)ero ahs —-hs oz,Or Ios,2iACe,z A SL 2th Mok 467 Gu lal 0 tcc?|it,ill bdtnvtichs rie ir "I!Juenrteee (aTAR.SLktlhe hoo A aa.“kf <Rely tL.i ,:Hee fay trae Zfey Prd paral?tt oe Lkhp rk ame i sole,wi te iP ce,JO é ~Me bi ital = Pe A 4 af HAF,Y.1Mosh /-leat,i , MINUTES OF SESSION. Cus o A<e-/ohn tare hie, Jeol aD bt bs pint hiieic aex iii poesia £ALR Jag,Reon Cy,(am finda Bla ie pe ae Lia €Main,a a bedee ((sfhe o Coro Ge = Let f.<a Lo. 441 Vary Zand fn ugh qu LD a Zz. y ,ae Dk ee :/“Ld y—"7 hn «Cae iia *7 1h ptt a 2.indie “Se Ltinwth;2 Re CE Oe Lokf) fav:io —o es ;hai Bg fh,Conaway EL h phn LSme Ath a saz,ae eed csws eo ne, ke ee iw A,<tK Ltn Xe-Fee ogo he | Meoten'y 27 :Vip (lhe “al ‘m4 ae SzSJetbtitlhx.0 Lr 7-8 Lathek Lhe ee ee a “=™~.. Sp fate S ~~Cave ee tan ~ ,dt Atlee “9PPy_@ Se Lglgag« f Laren Pad <Ly/NxJ hve A ere .ot yng (Ayy Z etlinttty, ;’,qlovey,57 groveh Dye low »A JL4A M Z 'Fie /‘yt LAP ao,7:Je tL &YaySH AA ted<oCAV3M4hclomea“y &age we Catial (tr [Ceay ptosd,se ee brain >Lino Mizgyad ©fan 4 “hy ee i a.. ae or,Tloginh:iM tir Lally 86.Las - PO Leet.J hed ie atelins hes ant,ceo / LL Cyr ota Dilorrinok 476 tbhel Zé L4t~ >we oe\ yf =y ces agin” -+Ms dT dell Kay 4 :ie aeaLfJ€,EK -=4 — a a Bung r ei Jay lax oa _—”=7 so .LZ ,3a,,-Ago 7 A feu>tee Ze ae LA reacf G e 2f 2%.thomsen ts.<&é - "en aea.ee =i+ Ltterst MINUTES OF SESSION. ) hots evr <ut LireKK v A fa ean,Sth rong pe, 0 lom YT frwp~tH QneeL, ee of bb -of :aAMEooALaLKAu ~fha on ee bp--|ae af 4 tt Dit.L Gua,f }~Lf oe sreUVctLtaa L-Loe.1+«Af ?,~*pest tary 4 Ooh saitesiiel ooc = AL4<s/™ Lil penile,st e :en le ae an ay Ztoy --tf tA y Lauter G aa z SEfletfa. f =* fap “a Peo ZA,heh Yo é / <ed.ao gute gn haudd >wyys flapte~7 Sail SKZ Apt ner ,}C go .wi FE geay SF LaLa POA 4 LP ka.~~~e ny ags <nage Ss.Z “SQ ppp ~Lane APY.a of i f ed tite ALE.Z-#Was As a LA Loe “im Ah ota.ZL @ <toh oY -Y¥FS eth « Grbhewr fulK Ky,73 ; 4 Jtteo.Lvtek SrCir p> Ads 2t —.Top ewrTe.Op ge Lx 7 E Koi..., Cpa ao.<c ¢hn. hayhla.Hegel Larevnt Faghk,f igh LYvua/Ca-g~GALf tomy >ZS az Wea 4 oa ay Cnawokbon WL ta won C4 2h .~ ini ae ee eH Lewtare —oe Page wer wht ohhoes=k Aa Ben an ct-<ec /, nr LOO ote > z Agee Beat am -/us eX (ot anjJ of \,fX—LeMuaepepUignt{ - Ptr ie-os fr)hgfeoege ES Jkt Yt er PF antheal S,p<ee Zar Fi G See4Ing <2 Mt4d — Ja A 4 AtbL.,fla.ont.sn f «dal ete al ;YZ ad f Cf ACL hy LLALmY €LiLif <A L4ta/ Clay,WC LO C¢-Lacne~ gp-cilbhen. WK Compe oy snet by by Bet fon Clery sty He hoy S “fa bl Att1r xq BY IAA.eek, Ahr tA x Metin LK;Ley arr of,Sf SOeeURERTSLET" Statesville,).C. Oct.4th 1945 On April 15th 1943 God celled Mrs.J.G.Shelton to her Heavenly home,4 plece He hes prepered for His children;no more pain,no more suffering. Her passing leaves &vacancy in her home,in Her church and in her Woman's Missionery ~ociety,of which she was ®faitpful and devout member. Nrs.Shelton was generous in her gifts.The Wom- an's Missionery society of Statesville,lh.C.wishes to offer a tribute of love to her es a chrrter member ,and we ask thet a copy be published in the Journal of Miss- ions ,a copy be sent to her family and 6 copy be en- terec on the minute book. Committee. OCT12 'oe Examined G&A proved By q byes Irst Pre st Sytery ael JesLilli.a MINUTES OF SESSION. Je ke yt he Liameg.oe oie 7 Vi“-A gi Lies thay — sg Fetes have tart Javad C Momettl UL Metesadiaery ifos c ALIVE ror.OE,Kote,hee tu Zh 44 eetS)pilies shenE prea Cbg en Ouigrales Phe thdle rcetes) Coster.qa EG float a2 |211k «7 Po A a gh Aap he “oe forex oh shat a he"aT te Se come Aft bin Ce age carmel <<Gh beAugteudtrt 4 Gy,her PK x.hdl Lita a<fuse ak istration or A am Citigen “ite ASEL €0 7 Wet fon IT _~@ emai 221 ot cP“A “ev 2 r sda |‘‘ay,Aa.'ry f Le!Sal = La c<r A2-dhiywwltsit 21+tite A 4}AY LL AR o 7 —_—/ne 7 e oo Cot Lapliacnct ce Le C-h-t “Je Let ore y Elpel oe ——bey Me.al eeKeer,y ‘E L < Fi,L070 L>pe SHathn~—¢(lag C02 ae tA pith.PLC Bex /gR-/PKI °Eft Fig SlowK_ es ~—ae ~te ee oo te ae nt aN a ZX same.3,_peecivtt leap lates seek foray &Wirbrely.. YH fae tt pwetoey anne flop tae pipes VL em VE Ko 1 pyate Ase ©Dien tou Ma €Ke {i hr K $y,Keer,(eft , Yt db,Patton VtMather—¢i fen tie a Dh kvg evmeel_Seereete bal hres tins pecwrn eX, ee ~—-peut seo.on Guxnrvetce fame om a Mae sage dieal ai Me Ji-e r £4 Lun i anke ina.2.ow old Safer .ee Aleeet-he eee aeLun one Beeay fyCe ie Lig 4 (Ptared, he.Saer!«Tel Fos o/n/Lo HE Zea plead rey c7ety toe 4 ee -at Bote 11+.we G \ofry hoes a OO wh.ail att ittiii lk a itio Ape fer Ape wBeotLA MALT,def,¢AO,Quhsn Ly mae pe ta tf eo od ai [Airing— REE.tt Cres otterstneree Lng f J Se aera ae ae ea 4 eaat tien Liry oreh~of Fe.24444 kee A $4,Kater, sk Lo tay elle Mae nk ty =k (P&S MINUTES OF SESSION. Statesville,N,¢ October IIth,1943, wed.&Shelton, Clerk of the Session, Gentlemen: With deepest regret I offer my resignation ag Supt.pf the Sabbath School,It has been the greatest ’ pleasure of my life to have worked with @l1l of you in your Iychurchwork,I shall always remember all of you as the highest type of christian charactors i ¢Onsider the loss as great to me and my family I am juit ’ Jy >urch ¥° o A v +2 5 all at ion t he ch B ,-s se i ’ P as i ee Ne pli in i we do,I sh *S to 7 1 i m -in *‘+2 & through the days, Yours truly, Yi a iAeo:/ V/ The Manse First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Statesville,North Caroling JAMES H.PRESSLY,MINISTER nos hovember 16th 1943 Jd.R.Cashion, Greenville,s.C. Dear Mr.Cashion: Tt is with genuine regret thet we accept your resignation 4s the Superintendent of our sabbath School.Your capable leedership shall be missed. We have watched the progress of the school under your guidance ,and we heve seen it go forward in 4 very gratifying way.Though we may not have expressed it we have quietly reslized that you heve been pushing this part of our church work with every interest snd concern that it should make a very definite contribution to the life of all those who ere gathered there,and through them to make a real contribution to our church as a whole and Zp. through it to our d@enominetion and the church universal which is the Rody of Christ.ali Your untiring efforts have not been in vain.With perdonable pride,we feel that our Yabbath ite School is emone the very best.It is our purpose that the standerdsyou have meinteained shall be cerried on,and that we shall continue to be ready to progress with minds open to whet shall be the best interest of the school.We &pp- reciate the straicntforward,progressive leadership you have given us,and we are happy to know that this service has been &joy to you,just as Christ would have it be. Let us express to you our appreciation of the words of encouragement which accompany your resignetion. We,too,have enjoyed the “hristian fellowship that hes been ours es we have worked together in our endeavor for Him.We feel the comradship that has been ours @S We have served tovether on the boerds of elders and deacons,The The intimacy that comes throuch such fellowship makes your message even more meaningful. As you go into your new field ,which we are confident you enter efter much consideration and prayer, our best wishes and prayers accompany you.We trust that God shall bless you and keep you and yours in all thet you shall do,thet He shall prosper you in your endeavor. Yours in the work of the Master, The Session of the First A.R.P.Church Statesville,'.C. Clerk ||: ||| MINUTES OF SESSION. ee de.fri ie temite fE,(a Thartan Mie De ..| poem preyadd 48 hogy ty we foonfe 2,Keane, —6-1~2 mk.CLL =<ti,ile ne athe.oti <=tateth fi treo ¢of oy LLzof LA4 by SY AVL?i,a Lloret OL, "Zh Dpoloenat a seqsatucp er Cth —-oon ribacicg Ah A Pe,lanist Fete earths,tinelnh ‘pein,Artijh§%“hd | oe:foe Cpe st”yoy Dpreasy 0 fey [hte Atte.Las ZueKs,Ahoudty >pal tics oknad Zaxnthe ov ha,illaiiiiis, DL &Gato 2 fot Lvebig CAw, AKL “re <e7reof Z Liga Aten Phew Go plerir~Ce wi albnied “7 pr ZK Kfar okey Siew zy ot.a HF Chr A ‘Ax Ltiwrt La. 4 Late ccthts Ate.peeY 29 A -/:“SF, ah ——-nstay“2 awl Litigh LLhh-l we OP he =i < Goset,2dl Pm—3f ee ohne “open /\A.egal yr é Jy &fe many,(Meer je She 6inhead | ~~po ACL ,hey y hk.tye 7 Ahi.I fitjrtsfe Kf bs wr?-t rp tat a Sedna ate.ys,Piarian a Lf Lige yt Lo hur OX SPihod wae ae Fl >f forme rh é Canine thee 74.-Ab for a.Faanpad Coy |Se ait.tHaang,(+Moilaliwees 7 “~2 a ‘~Ac?ihe $16 gotict Se i vdow whe phen Sao etpened fee MINUTES OF SESSION. J } ,tH Ah frblees a Sth ee Wt Poca GA Satterabe |2p Kanertey (Ofer,ie Elthey— a ie sill cinch ona aa pref cu Lk, Se dane J Le,ete ae ek _sibbeche Loren.oy ZL oe oe a ti Gy Pla a doe ¢be lp fl Ee A Cher f.ff ativis Zee AAvetim YG\heyakeyanmIEflormtaynewafhtllosis,hay eel SAC i Mederie 2te ee bre Go ween cad A aces eee .at Gubiimae ¢beeOC sal Zi =e ene =aly af Mite.Aowoe toes feten Puy Pte ach a+Ohta Pp cOh KA,[Cam Or UA Firses Aen’q “és hrn ae CuveeG «44 noma _slhrshvre EhLt4,7Z Eby? a ren,ae eS oan le le Po»©cot afin?”Jutrr [Low Feet i hte ee | a ae Lt p44 103mg LR vk,poor cpzenigh od.LoweAoreR | femaaBlecterCapelise »Ion.K2 Oollur +Jteox <i | 1 Bde!Jobnet ~Ae hou,Snake »de © G MEU Kare mgt a:ie ¢Beas Oe fate:lief (ororptle. G F Lederws ah lt DO a LO~B./aex CZ Ze Se Sue,gece Bane MATO—P —Lee tee,a AFFE, MINUTES OF SESSION. yee F.(aee — ARE 574rfidAwagid «ooii i sp eee i H| Pmtasok Perel:om LL odara Let tf Lprx fb ficcd 4 |Malo 2a.ls ah.Looe.Gf ap a 7 it,ieon _At4 ze nbs wiv hih Zs eee 2 Bipot yasal weed terme >a geA ftheh Cpvhace.Vtr G4Lior te. aewat.oe ~thepemepee a MINUTES OF SESSION. MINUTES OF SESSION. cow.SpferF taetntal Fes of aeILoe/Mid if ping,te Sse, J “—/F J PFASOI-Ves 67 Pee 9 fer 6 Feed Larne rf bork S Joven,Veal,ycheew Dy, i:p Chpeek 13 Zh fe TO Cforevige htseas lle:Se |Liper aos =Atacte LugsVpMg! “a.aD a4ecical|eee[SeeShuedenncum 72>Lt hyee- oe cenotooo ALL m+Casio)ae Ehevad eet sal cninaaa ae 4 KIA aes 4 eens,r JELif. Reger OC Srarriin A,2.hime,fg Path ran tlAegon Aowk atlnclone.32 Strona ¢Aenwte heeTe Sf 64-2 as Agee Bhp tr Mrisinivn,Mtnefi ssh, Ganeeen Tha: —agtare fel MINUTES OF SESSION. HE iit cies 4 fas od,antl heESweLDaaa ieeeL Siswriii far Che asEL.rtm LE die soa “heh ie ae , Ae ZAIY Mb +f° a ee font |a,oe ae Ytle,Funke os | ee .wilLKterrypreetHmirau,Ce ee 07,bnciny Zhtteowt,An-n~ae ay >a7:‘ia we —— tteverterCmrcracHyiOGae7 : og ‘ a PRA x eeeaFoe eeCsailFO-/949 petliekn (pe Cony of «reolution A foc oy aa.‘asLlane pass at ea meeting Feb 7th.1944, The Session wishes to commend Rey.R.M.Kerr for the veryfineworkhehasdoneinhelpingur.Pressly during this year.Especially the wOrk among our young people. Much constructive traning has ben done that will nemepratedeefinlivesofouryoungpeopleandtheadvancementintheworkofourChurchdutingtheincomingyears. Therefore we recomend that the Congrigation in token of theira@p»recieétion and indorsement of Mr.Kerrs efforts,give him &rising vote of thanks and elect him as assistant Pastor for@notheryearetthesameSalaryasthisyear. Your. ihe Session tf First.A.R.?.Chutch. MINUTES OF SESSION. He os ee ce by Nient rkp, wilh f 2 Hews tare _Lirere ee ae f-oe AA pea AX,fSe SRevictibines Atoms.Bhp ipo&Art Tat Jon ab.Boog.Hewad cvs Jip RO Gogrerese pawl”dawttal ao Ehdlee Au HarelISeXtGodsoftX-—fon bo my hopeatenl fom the oderage 14 4 .fF “4-87 Bettapie sill itp aaa of am omeliy.,Peppa FT stileateilce,aeeee|MM hoods Ae ce Armes 20 Pimp 2 .ae J @ |BY Serer 947?Slower,2,”a ¢Si 2 ehf-tg ahaa Aancate,Lb ha she &p50 wth Fe =Arp AA fam,|e +2iOpeDii en eee 4 os meee. ¥#) MINUTES OF SESSION. Ae i ihe en,enter .@6n.teh JP sr?a :Mj Z “ee Pr bhammsae a FLaott.Lemme ‘ Lt974 fl Kn,Kew |hy dong 4<,20.Yrrrriner Ei Lhae-soke es faAeF Lk me frm 4 rh —i.2 al Maa i~+-y LS Zz igi t >ate 4 fr tds “vewael rye Lheowacf aw ELL...Le Aafra Ag+"ee.:4h Pe tas z=hie:teed ame K<a ah-t Z yD ~GE»of.F4 tthe Lovpnef far Ha xf)Za--& Si»Zo Cbd pve sips.AF a) Crt Z1rC+4 oar wv Le hind’Cihey7 aw en 2 A ene,foo An<fitZth,Avex Chahine --Apel /C >ering _a 4)t 7 Z An La _jJ~e af r 4 PTMaw Wet Bhavan,fee £2. Mcis thls aesand wl yente He ashe aCinmae4Phim - 4aceAlinener 4 4 J LZ Sets -‘a a al /o~>ae aar a Lh Dal ttt Maiti (hits aa rhliiy y ff ;c Ltt c<—I hn,Prof ee or eo a Gio t- 4ieteriaeiniidiediineyDomelt~Ln Gk,ohn l Ky LY X 8 goo _<OX Gude.nh —Zeer 3te wtlnune Viggo hy flan a,SCear, c ba fi+e4,Atoret> IsGhetpnn CL wt c tgs tistical Repo Pg infREADCAREFULLYEACHOFTHESE NOTES(1)_Pleasefilleach space below.Do not failtoaddf /and divide for average.If ahaeeive left roeprinted vege?do injustice to your congregationandto theSynod.(2)These reports should be tabulated and printed beforeSynodandshouldthereforebemailorbeforeMondayafterthfirstSabbathofApril.ome >Monday e (3)One copy to Rev.P.L.Griér,Charlotte,N.C.,R.2.One copy to your Presbytery.Keep one on file. (4)“Report on all items for Synodical year from A ii,1943,through March 81,1944"ST SrO™Abril2(5)Make your report in dollars.Do not give the cents.(6)If any contributions by the Societies have been alreadyincludedintheBudget,deduct these contributions from Total Paidinorderthattheymaynotbecountedtwice.ee Name of Church...Cal Name of Ministerop Clerk :C++,;- Postoffice wedbes Zeek Total number of active members on revised roll__@ “~@ Number of inactive members <<.:Tithers:(1)No..77—;(2)What per cent of members...2—_%Family altars:(1)No ©;(2)What per cent of No.of families Ze.% Accessions:ByProfession ..7¥—By Certificate 7 2 By Reinstatement.Total_@7?. Losses:By Death_7_ByCertificate.4/_By Removal fromRollTotal... Bapti :Re Me Taide Mila RM Assessed Paid Paid Salary 3.2020 |3 3.200 Total of Synod’s Budget (See Minutes)|.._4,23|3,238 MONG oi oe Total to other causes of Synod...ee Total to all other local causes (Build- io TeneNa,O06.)ad —YAgGh Sabbath Schools—a 1.Number of Pupils Enrolled_/...9 7¥se2.°Number in Home Department yz. 3.Number in Cradle Roll.alia sas aa4.Collection for the Year t.f.428.2 ? Ladies’Society— Number of Members Enrolled “anaCollectionfortheYear 9.6EF:rs -¢Young People’s Christian Union— Number of Members a/iCollectionfortheYear|$..*£0.Intermediates—:Number of Members af Collection for the Year 329 oe Junior Christian Union— Number of Members Lie Collection forthe Year|$3244#_Add for amount.|SL2447.(Observe carefully note 6.)Deduct any amount paid to}budget by auxiliaries s652.-NET TOTA v (Divide TotalPaidby numberofactivememberstion)AYERAGE PER CAPI eh, CSMeTh CONGREGATIONAL wer The Report of.dentk &Kr ‘ Church for year ende Presbytery in session ateSee re Character of Preaching—Doctrinal,Evangelistic,Practical?(Indicate by underscoring.)Is he faithful in Pastoral Work?Lf A. ‘THE ELDERS Number of Elders 4@ .Names of Elders transferred Names of Elders removed by Death:Zire Names of Elders received by Certificate: Names of Elders Ordained:<ae Does each Elder have a District? Name of Pastor Amount of time acd LOD ge What per cent visit systematically os Go}}Attend Prayer Meeting?2 D _%;Are members of the Sabbath School J OO _%;Ave-Tithers?..7 Did an Elder attend Fall Presbytery?px Spring Presbytery? THE DEACONS Number of Deacons 18 Names of Deacons transferred: Do you follow the rotary system? poet se eeyrotaryag aii 414 De~pLhe Qe Keg s of Deacons removed by death Names of Deacons received by eee Ty's of acons ordained:vette fp Lg f au jy wilt:A famn2BLMo/;y | Do Deacons a people to practice Scriptural principles of Stewardship? Was the total salary received adequate to enable the Pastor to render the most efficient service?Pex When was salary paid?}ly?Quarterty ?.What per cent of the Deacons tithe?Yo % Attend Prayer Meeting?ie %;are members of the 8.S.?4eE°°O %. THE AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS A Prayer Meeting?W%.A Ladies’Society?Fr ‘Ass Fe oOC.Union?.An Intermediate Union?A Junior Union 1 joe A Men’s Organization Is there evidence of spiritual growth inthe membership? other than Bible Class? Be i Has there been apy special evan- .What per cent of the membership attend public worship?Lf % What per cent of adult members belong to S.S.?.©,;of Children attend public worship?6 %s Is Sab- bath observance poor,fair,good,excellent?‘sar!.Do parents keep their vows to train their Aw a What per cent of homes have family worship?(Count,do not guess)&°o “>;Are the people growing in the spirit .What per cent of Tithers have you?-=.Ge¢ Have you:A Sabbath School? gelistic effort since last report? and practice of Stewardship? Is drinking on the increase in the Community?Keo Do the people cooperate with Pastor and Officers in their work? attend Communion?a “%;do you make a roll of those in attendance?ZLe le a-eerious effort made to revive those who habitually absent themselves? Is the Church making an earnest effort to reach the unsaved?La<: Ze 0 Is feeling between people and pastor cordial?< What per cent of the Ynembership .When members remove is notiS given the Church in whose bounds they settle? Are you willing to have your Synodica]Assessment increased?an Salary within past five years?<Ten years?; How many from your congregation are attending College or University?2,0 College ?4 How many attended Bonclarken Conference last summer?g Were all the orders of your Presbytery and of Synod obeyed? out? Have you increased Pastor's .How many Erskine Were the recommendations of Synod carried Were your contributions to Synod’s Budget paid monthly ”Gpartarly x .Did you have a deficit last year?Le How much?$What supplement *need? Was this report read to and adopted by the congregation?AA REMARKS:fi |)-aw »‘ CLE.=i v gt amy go BOO wee gh / MINUTES OF SESSION. j ga eles oo LL,m2 Ata.PBapite eae a a ee of eee 22g pa"4z Putte...Chiru itll Mpevriont,va.HI veer Y J 4 4 sa Acze-<n ie tL“&Z MR a4 fe aF peal wile oewae a D .“aA Cnr at oe 4 L.KAtorost porr y ae ph tae =k VLith 7, CpA pay forenny ee S2 oe “<eG y (veh “a em my A Z) —“a Matkhe aur?S/wuseros~ ant <Kh,5 Gree —Laloy eis Le es “F te 18 <<?a *ait ee ee “a Baty Cre nterscrn 97 eX Er 2B nal fe ; ale >LL Rh “4 _Paine Lig<c{a A LAPOH .stimidaecle?&cure Lara wo *hu i 4 belly at heoeX cnet it,theo Aay.i :ZTfBAWaeefrioxkoatLawarfyon sf /é . J é ‘fn om y *" -:€|ctCev “hae <C-o—eee jaar t 2¢ “—2 fo ThaLeamgs fhga-y ag 4 ay int a ae a ai 'cl :PT _—wet a 2 —H |op Keay Ln of ‘Go c zecas’ LY J Sane pl hoe orer .¢<..eewm,a =ie a 3 eal a Y Sinise vo Mel ath.+te as mg ty ew 4 KIK Kita 7-2 Coa VA thanxtatp os:Pie tea ee ete Rasmas2™~a ae a —ee —.~~~ ‘“ en Xe A aneites.:rere r Le ean dae %atl pe ae Z aeeaie.gE httrvetiis <Sw Lu A,denial Lh A Prt rece Sonne ff ¢| atl ‘A f’’4 isi cm f f .Loo Kyi ADo~t,2x sd -2 :‘o a LY AA bp ho-4A La whey ;Alar-wrtetoes_ :,Si /?.fi /‘. or twee GF <ce an ~Mike.<x reed 4 (P29 a Oe Git pmbreky , Zz 'f ,ae }J J /i ‘Py,fis fy 9 a hn fac.TP?pt 44 la,et Chio~y.emia:<a \‘<—sy ker?ony Ze Y/c Bttgnl,zw Ca peeme A 4 A ‘‘~ Zee =f Zee,ALnadiga it ger ‘%2LL.or &of Je Qe yy be GLa.tw Kap <<Lee Sort ‘4 /4 > hs vrs #eso threkesc Yer «<7 (lmtp e tuwGek —¢up 2nt;4, Gguaeh te aw ”tete —“FEA 7 Puy nek a Seren Zo ~~knwg,Burret,paperAb ,bgimwae, Jd /> fis a s e...Lk ee Le ae a mgt Gonere ZB aur,aed fal anag Ii 4 “y Po > ore Me gee OP te tte ce eer (+00 76 hod q~:---$~j Lorre Ke,eye ff Or id ~-gC © L4 (FR Ie ae L gl '9-/ap oss ee rallG AY « 4 ,éfa,) eta.“7 a,am Coop wh €z+» hae Sorter ee ta L.an -<casa -Suoth O ar j yA <[hayeh Lindale sms Cw bier 2 aa.24.00 funy JA AH“Leap,le Liteee ett A 7 /Gout).iee linia pope wt par,Oy Keeer.(ex,CS ome,C2 peg ae NE lah.Short.Lab lle Zee AUP tg MINUTES OF SESSION.7 ESREEae.seeei:|}The Mane Tt uw J Sern yur tint fotluw-F 17a |,a 'i .:°2He+i First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church |i 2.2 hemian fe-K.in,Keser,Zzpoe +whe /fe £‘Q Statesville,North Carolinn H | é V -eattiaag Li f aS he,=Peiinanitiy.iw As ff,b |JAMES H.PRESSLY,MINISTER .|j iN Ob ae dy,ep r | Ltt lM (ab)~7 HK Ni<omn }ri j !=4.hel PX Tin =Sy Te 2.AJ—t/-¥€&¢.i |,+A RESOLUTION OF APPREOLATION ig Zz ;;“+ 1 Chetfor fom i af progr e Awe 41%par ZL hak Ne the e@seion and members of the congregation of the First eit aceite 7 Asaociz:te Reformed Presbyterian Church of Statesville wish | :PL ieee —oe,box Ap bee Some Pope to-epress to Mrs.D.#.Whitten and dirs)Harold Yount our ..+“«| poilaw arte Ss oy (ORTP88 Wiebe +aporocoietion of the gift of th organ lamp which they have | q ee olased there in memory of their mother,Mrs.Winnie B.White. ft heh ast Keng Wdeuneh rE khechn }|eee o Stcoknwty.{*,ea aacstif a re i a hanisore gift,we dedicate it to the Glory of God and to the 3 Z,z ond,ay“La,chal,iene.sean Mihir .$§Boek 17 OL,Gee re 4 jo».hawfoes aofa->ee Cane Llisae PR2 A y <p.peter,.| i fon hallAofenitt thongfv Whats halls Pohynt !Ln.5%1 7t- ;|)Jr At fh,Lome tian peflerXow acta te *GeesS242.i4_a pees.:As 21 tcken of our appreciation,this resolution is adopted mor?beautiful worship of His Name,being mindful of the sorintvral injunction;“Worship the Lord in the beauty of || i F Mita ,4 ve are sure that it will add much to the worship of our church q i oe.pr.Lforrfert oye <a letnny CIAL | i,dake.“ete as it is expressed in music and song.In accepting this | |holines:."| y%Dance tte ee nay sail=a PG x ¢at oe 7 phe€phn ae by the rising vote of the congregation at the morning worship Hi Aup-4 ar ov Liaw bt.+"el ctieaties =ok i Lh.ial ati te!He.oa ee va aia Eo rh,:June 4,1944,and a copy is spread upon the pages of the Records j og Chak,a La Con ii el AteL es tA creek ng a ie x i |of the Session.:Po,howe ZiconG ss .Pu.Cu ty -Ca<5 ogee,goes,, hare tthe tty E wCharg Coan Pe ithe ~Ree re|Lonel cowl troy,fy Han ca ame || .oe be s 4 ind,Cigale | Catitoil 7-4.Pa,4.9 LILY 2 OC chihn.be | T. af | MINUTES OF SESSION. The Manse First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church aad aust ee awd“fpragmD |a JAMES H,PRESSLY,MINISTER —.‘és x 2 aefywnte,i he Z he()Alera =Vitrrivcdina..‘ |bik Abe —ae A DE Pe A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION tL tote Pteccwer <A DtLLxee fit D4 QutbnK ef . We the session and members of the congregation of the First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Ohurch of Statesville wish a4 “lg:he to express to Mr.and Mrs.John G.Lewis our most hearty ell, thaaks and sincere appreciation for the valuable contribution they heve made to the work of our church——to the work of the >oy ,|a a 22224 ah young people in particular,as it is carried on in the Qub |a :Lane Scouts,the Boy Scouts,and the Young People's Ohristian Union;fg Seb Sh penny .I ‘and to the membership as a whole—in the gift of the tract of c land deecribed in the deed which they have placed in the hands |ay ee Daya ee ZA Vt.Fw 32 WVoeetent a f the t t f h me Ss ti thi ift and —y .0 e trusteés of our churo n secepting 8 g a aef+4s “il greater interest in our young people and to the development |bp Co At fs a (eet we ainnnns ; and use of the gift for the highest interest of our young I,:A P#(ze >bn a expreseing our gratitude,we pledge ourselves to an even eulppinesanarensmeely people,our church,and the Kingdom of God. .a4 Nfonium ZALiss‘eet —ter pie a As a token of our appreciation,this resolution is adopted i ane.(1 Kode -fob —as by 4 rising vote of the congregation at the morning worRbi o SP et a leaky:Kp*3 thao a opt fritz Sz J ——ian Qiund Records of the Session.|9 pn ee ae She f eat coil ae ee foe”,Oo0.Dinan td Otisa tig,COM :‘ninLhe UO Lt,Lek __poh A Fathi,aneino.aan a istLiven,Men athefr Gr.fos—a0 o”kh a a (2 2GenSeme |Afi0%nan og ee HR An thy oy Preb Lely Piokisel atnok -Mesataig Chad bogpec—Ceet,Diels |{bi 8 gods a - on June 4,1944 and a copy is spread upon the pages of the beeenateeeeeereneeeeeneoncerineemieeemieammentipianaia2osaasetaneamtodamaedtcmantaeaaieEeencaeeeeente"iedlorieth2SPonéWines MINUTES OF SESSION.eee ee 2a.aa 9 heSPT pomAction 6SirarsVeenMy,£7 s0¥tye fe LtA¢==(UerrmLe.Grrb,»Afi! K w)8x Maa &areef a —ree He Lt,eff il i Ehhtt ~Tle.a Kai.iIterVerhtied.(lhlew At benker)py stp Lats %Bywe.tA !Chk.Sections a ofiethrsers z rate ao By,per,2 aaa! ——, -PL <fe aAafemty frmen ors Baas,11 Fy -Ges oa fl»A tar S Mittinns re 4dadeC4eegeeneref-aX _LrAtabC-—r Soe jo”seeeteey 2pit.osc pomfae K &os fa.oe 2 SLL <Aalalafe.<)ho / 7.te.cae fea ie aw sa eas x 0 epee Baam-pbuh,ofl ZL 4.oe ‘lg i a Ja €A.yd oe2 — pt Spte~Bm>goon 4 g Fo—t 4O here et th. Cazpmb poked —Y Y-ye ein, ile ii noo Nut a ngrugnp olacet LD Za premade hare AA ©bohinen dint ad GS M2yo0 ..Lobucee ZeWs be maha bp nyPiehyUenitriaceSutidff,Cher!adobe.ox:ne_—Glo <“Mees _——-GL i fyad ee ae mba x foxroetity,%bu Li at.AME cg,-46As z fect Pl %(Wey ON.TMah, Ry WY [/anels Ana AU/€n€eTs - Pe(GE | SBPEKIUK WUALIISs STATESVILLE NORTH CAROLINA Statesvilie.N.C. Offer the following resolution.Sept 25th.1944 In order to facilitate the Churches probgram for rasing of a@ special fund to meet an amount necessary for our part of Synods Ministerial Kelite Lndownment @lso a fund sut ictient to build a Hut on the propity recently donated to our church by Mr.and Mrs. vohn Lewis.this building to be ueed by the seots and other church activities. be ir resolved that a Vommittie of nine members be appointed.and requested to carry out ali details necesséy in soliciting.coll cting anand distrubuting of this special fund.with the undestanding that the handling of this matter at no time to in anyway to interfer with our annual Uhurch sudget.Committie-- Frank vVeaton.Julian Jhite.Irvin M.White. suford Guy.il.skamsey.Jessie J.Lentz. Ulyae alexander.koss vavidson end John Lewis. this resoiution was adopted by joint meeting of klders ana veacons at @ meeting held sept 25th.1944. Examined &Approv } By The First Presb LtKeaaasssbyror MINUTES OF SESSION. f Ths estates.Deg “the bbe S (xt or Cee sia fir.tbe thee Ztheytrnctr laidasneéZoeK2<<“.j a aod errs 4 hn Zanrons O,Gat,& rlte*coed iad Zs 4.Dak +;dit SeLLL Ec_Se JL fp;X e->’Sj oe a—,ja we (7: pes 4 ?foun oa Caty “ff,we ZaFlay BA< a2 ye ALLA he ax fo Olere.a [F oe .+4 . Can.ee teed 7 at allt a :Cit <<at iFi inal dl peta A Ly Tt ty: y aA s 'Pf(ta-bbX (puege7 K ss J yr.CPfAZe2 (FA4te terttl ct EN Na ANE A aEERI Je Ss esi Lope AME teil ®Fa 4a tnx ax 2S Lperrtitmre,Ao a 7 f <a 1m a enn Sate .v5 )(HaLiar ase Lain.‘ Spm cera Popp by Herren Ze,| a 0 Ke chomtee hme mae ies fo Couty »Ga iii Aleela Mehie 4 a Sufee nee yp J fo iz ‘2. KL Ws AoA By,23Lpwak Valid oe.'—.a <a-/L beg fre a ZL il Foele SD“4 wot Cer" 7 Jr.Ae for a ialaenndieie %:ll Sey.a 4 Z 7 ;Core Kove crhid eh/«ha Attet.. Linkin.th fetr &be —<-f »Gee4 «££.<r 4<any tn iy 4 ;I” 2.ceotbey o Lt,hpkaa-y huthearte DAt ctaaezs}thee /Cn,: <.am.af “Lng at a—a o Saat all ‘ Y [LaeGy boa!x,, priky . | MINUTES OF SESSION. sk Minions a insnaiae.1A ™ia ih Aectmeen:_deeMae.rps ei MR Sorefete MS Drager’5te Litt @ Re (4 Aer biasAptsOP AL Mat »tbotin gor A Arye Cth,rath Ae 4 em ar fran far otMES Sa 2 Kh he/nn teat ale ofyerrf ———Jaf. 4 fr b,Pe-tn lf Lite i dé fad Cie pehalI a Ae Ao Lusty,te.cae ; dbttawewtle he 7/2 —Pox =Zz He, LLrv K 9,Mew,SL A In tn ral toh,Ltnfor Brotiat reheef +hd CD un:alias 2eee _Sow aea : ArT fr pom a va Loweyoh,<-setly a 4,..A Doped (-RI,fk (aM Pra$Porky, wi Loboneil %c tear 27 (0 Eds bow ehrten a ~‘NE >x 2t~H&S et el —~~ tiple a ke Lone hy 7 glenn aor LO Ceormeor~| x fn,fA AreekyofitheeAn ¢ thst a Ah ee 4 Zh V2-Lx ((faX (a vole -u ey Pe Sid anit ak ,Le SZ 5 —D bho:Af -OH 5 dada 211 eee athe fev epson Brow for =ot Srrsoery, c2gZy tank Sito thor~thpe Seutud/so C Rater oR ro 7 FP y te «<5 bi greene (YH hea L YJ dea [LSS * Armd.Q aes aeita tp —y P20 muehow LAK,LG , J- MINUTES OF SESSION. a a meh tohLl fallen ig tametreprot <|LL,Ob <MipneaeKR,fier GuAon pride:Lf Dagen,ppt &.0 LG iz.~a ie 4 deaesclsrtr,<Secvriitin,>A.Svea,Be.A ff.aa 7 wl,~ Ce /Vitere Urry (<Geblrign 2-07 Panny,Lattin CE ks ~fe. Le,<S LL:~~LssoitlBliokaCoGherodAz ve *EY Ore!£,Ci Pe pa tae tnt hvool fry ee,bapa rf Loot i Srorek pour, gi yn Z 7 Q-é -we a,ii ’y I Att.—as ean eeibyCbh—oh|Abney —_folie 0 Po Jota1Keashcathy4CiicceceetaokPFaintictumetail2.7-0 4 Y aio,AK EY Aleas+ q wo ee fw.OKhx ee agageMy —S wey -.4 he J io 7 io/i gf Z :Q <2 at “LLP Hx CAA. é Me cc tee phiLY Ba,oak pt ngB Forgyferha ZGn Themorg of Eten ¢Mere Jrogph Oo het life plied fi ay 9800 In consideration of the fact that for fifty years Mr.JoseohG.Shelton was an active member of this church and that forfortyyearshewastheclearkofthisSessionandinrecognitionofthesignalserviceherenderedtheChurchandtheKingdomofGodinofficielandprivatecapcity,be it resolved: 1.‘that we bow in humble submission to the perfect will ofourHeavenlyFather,who in His infinite wisdom has seenfittocallourbrotherfromhislaborshereintotherestpreparedforthechildrenofGod. That we express our keen sense of loss in our own lives,inourCongregation,in the community,and in the work of ¢heSynod* That we rejoice along with him,in the communion of the saints,in his new estate,as having attained that for which he hadhisgreatestdesire,for which he longed,and toward whichhelaboredthroughouthisearthlyjourney,knowing that tobeabsentfromthebodyistobeathomewiththeLord,thegreatestrewardforthefaithful. Toat we express our appreciation for his inspiring examoleofpersonaldevotiontotheworkoftheKingdomofGodascommittedtothehandofman;in his personal relation totheMaster,in his concern for his fellow man as so oftenexoressedinhisnumerousprivateCharities,in his ceas@lessplannin.for the progress ofthe work,in his untiringprosecutionofitsprojects,and in his liberal support ofitseveryendeavor. Taat we acknowledge with appreciation the careful recorésofthebu@inessofthesessionwhichhekeptwithfidelitytoremaininthearchivesofthechurchasalastingtributetohiszealforthework. iaat we recognize his uplifting influence upon the spiritualliseoftheentirecommunitythroughhiscounselandactivenarticipationinandsupportofeverygoodwordandwork, iaat we rejoice in that his field of service extended beyondthsboundsofthecommunitytoaveryvitalplaceintheplanningandworkoftheGeneralSynod,through which heservedtheKingdombothinthislandandinforeignlands,