HomeMy WebLinkAboutFirst ARP Minutes 1911-1930Volume — IGM -1°30FpNidCoes. ur yExaminsd&As By The First Pree. OCT,15 1980 a Statesville.N.C. Oct 6th.1930. Sessionn met and was constituted with prayer by the Pastore with the following members present. J.M.Sharpe,V.H.Lackey.J.S.eAlexander,S.A.Hair,#.G.White, D.A.Morrison.T,L.Stesikleather Rev.J.H.Pressly. In the absebce of the clerk Mr.J.M,Sharpe acted as secretary.After the regular routenine business was disposed off the Pastor appointed the following as Committimen to work with Rev.Mr.Dale in the local Confrigation. On Holy living Scott Hair. On Personal Work.Oscar Morrison. OnFamily Alter.Neil S.sharpe. On Txthing J,G.Shelton, The Matter of holding the sepcial week meeting in November was considered for the last half of the month. Mr.J,S.Alexahdpr was appointh delagate to Presbytery to meet in First Church Oct 14th.1930. Mr.J,M.Sharpe was appointed as chairman of entertaining comittee for the Presbytery. There being no further business meetiz adjoured with prayer y) Statesville,N.C, September 8th.1930. The Session met with the folowing members pres ent. T.L,Steikleather,J.M.Sharpe.E.G.White,J.S.Alexander, S.A.Hair,N.S.Sharpe,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton, The meeting was constituted with prayer by the Pastor, Severil minor matter pertaingng to the welfare of the Church was con idered. The matter of improvements if the basement of the Educationla Building was considered and defered to subsequent meeting. On motion and carried,by T.L.Steikleather that the matte on election of additional Elders be defered to some future date. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Statesville.N.C. July 7th.1930. Sessionmet with the folowing members present.V.E.Lackey J.S.Abexander,J.M,Sharpe.N.S.Sharpe,E.G.White.S.AsHair REV.J.H.Pressly »D.A.Morrison and J,G.Shelton,. Severil mattrs of routene was disposed off. The matter of Pastors vacation was considemed. E.G.White ,V.“.Lackey and J.M.Sharpe were appointed bo look out and supply as so far as they deemed advisable the Pulpit during the month of August during the Pastors vacation. EEE EGE EE NS EE A Moder e »ea Clerk. Statesville.N,C, April 7th.1930. The Session met and was constituted with prayer by the Pastor. The followin members were present.S.A.Hair.D.A.Morrison E.G.White,V.E.Lackey,J.S.Alexander.J.M.Sharpe D.A.Morrisgon.T,L.Steikleather Rev J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton, Severil matters were considered of minor importance, The Church relationship of severil families was considered and assignments made to differet members of the Session for for futther effort to bring them into closer relationship and fellowship of the church. Rev.D.G.Phillips was setared to hold the Sping Communing for us. Mr.J,M,Sharpe was appoints a delegate to the Sping Presbytery to meet at Kings Mountain. There being no further business the meeting adjouned, Statesville.N.C. Det Sth.1930. Session met at the call of the Pastor with the following members present.J.M.Sharpe.N.S.Sharpe,V.E.Lackey, s,A.Hair,T,L,Steiklesther,D.A.Morrison,J.S.Alexander Rev.J.H,Pressly E.Morrison and J.@.Shelton. The meeting was duly constituted with prayer. The matter of additon Elders was considered and it was thought advisable by those presen!that at least four to six more elders should be elected. It was thought best not to take up this election until some future date however. Severil minor matters of routene was disposed off. Rev.T.l.Lauderdale held a ten days meeting for us in November and we had a number of additions to the church membership.Mr.Lauderdale gave us some very fine, plain ,simple,but very forciabe preaching and we feel that much good was accompished. Moder. Clerk. Statesville.N.C. Srpt Sde 1929. The Session met in regular monthly setting and eas constitued with prayer by the Pastor. The following members were present,J.S.Alexander,J,M.Sharpe, N.S.Sharpe,V.E,Lackey.E.G.White.Rev.J.H.Pressly amd J.G, Shelton. Severil reports were made and sugestions as to the welfare and betterment of the church work. The child of Mrs Zula Sherrill Gorden was orderd enroled on baytized children,Glen Gorden Glover. Cittificate was granted to Ernest Hair and Vernon Cathy. It was decided to have some one at the doore of the church each Sabbath day to welcomb the worshipers and J,G.Shelton was instructd to work out a plan 66 handle the matter consisting of Elders and Deacons for each day. The fence in rear of the Sabbath School Building was ordered repaired. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. L490 Statesville.N.C, June 10th.1928. The Joint Boards mef,in the Memns Bible Class Room On June 10th and were constituted with prayer by the Pastor.The Following members were present. H,P.Grier.T.L.Steikleather,J.M,Sharpe,Frank Deaton, “.HeRamsey Jr,Albert Cooper,E,G.Cowan,J.B.Rodgers, V.E,Lackey,N.S.Sharpe,S.A.Hair,J.D.,Patterson Jr, T.O.Morrison,C.Ramsey ,Rev,J.H.Pressly amd J.G.Shelton, The matter of ballance due the Moler Organ Company was ordpred paid $467.00. Frank Beaton reported as to the street assestment and the amount was ordered paid, Mr.W.LePope was appointed a committee to look after the location of the wires to bechanged from the front to back of Church, The Mens social was ordered held Thursday night June 20th, After hearing reports of serveil men as to the differentmatters,the meeting adjourned, WHEREAS:At 2 meoting of the Elders,ani Sabbath School teachers oftheFirstAssociateReformedBrasbyterianchurch,Statesville,sleCe,Eugene Morrison,Superintendent tendered his resignation after thirtyfiveyearsuntiringservice THEREFORE,In view of the fact that Brother Morrison,is handicapedinhisworkbythelossofhisvoice,and the sickness of his son,hisAssistant,Eugene Jre,who is confined to his bed,it is RESOLVEDZ That this resignation is reluctantly accepted,in view ofthegreataniacceptab3é,work Brother Morrison has rendered to hischurchandSabbathSchool. &e That we hereby record our appreeiation of the long oni faithfulserviceramlered:thé cause of Christ by our brother 3S.That we oxtemi our sympathy for the affliction,am join in ourprayersforanearlyrecoveryofoursickbrother,and a safe returntohisfamily 4 That a page in our church record be dedicated to this service,upon which these resolutions are to be recorded,and a copy sent to our brother (Miss)Mabel Poston JeGeShelton JeSeAlexanier Jeli Sharpe Committee. Sbatesville,NeC.Jume 16,1929 ""Stesville.N.C. Jen 1,1929 Teh Sessiom met with the Deacons at the Bible Class Room and considered plans to educate and foster the tithing and family alter stwartship idea in our church during the incoming year.After considerable discussion it was decided to feature this part of our work on Sabbath Jan 27th.1929, The main thought was just how we can best deepen and intensify the spiritual life our people, Everyone present was of the opinion that if we can get our people to recognized Gods onership inrelation to our money and commune with God in prayer we will experience Grd groth that we have not hithertoo enjoyed.Those present E.G.White,V.E.Lackey,J.S. Alexander,S.A.Hair,N.S.Sharpe,T.L.Steikeleather J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton, ideth Bw \ Statesville.N.C. Dec 3d.1928. The Session met at the call of Pastor.Rev,J.H.Pressly and was duly constituted with prayer with the following members present.J.S.A#exander.J.li.Sharpe,T.L.Steiklem ather,V.E,Lackey,and J.G.Shelton, Severil minor matters were considered ,. It was agreeded that we hold our Fall Communion On Sabbath 16th of December. After quite a lenghly discussion of the welfare of the church and its membership the meeting adjourned, Charrman,. Clerk. Staesville.N.c, November 5th,1928, The Session met and was constituted with prayer by Pastor. The following members were present,J.M.Sharpe,S.A. Hair,N.S.Sharpe,J.S.Alexander,E.GeWhite,V.E.Lackey Rev.J.H.Pressly and §.G.Shelton. The reportof the quire committe was heard and the committee continued. it was ordsered that a meeting be held in December of of congrigation to consider the church budget for incoming year.and to consider the every member canvass of the congregation. The matter of adjustments of the seats in the main auditorium was refered to N.S.Sharpe.S.A.Hair. After a general discussion of the churchs problems the meeting adjourned, 2 (7 EElaste Clerk. ( At a Congregational Meeting of the First Associated ReformedChurchofStatesville,North Carolina,held in the Church AuditoriumonSabbath,November 25th,1928,the following resalution was intro- duced and adopted: Resolved,that the Trustees of the First Associate ReformedPresbyterianChurchofStatesville,North Carolina,be,and they are hereby,authorized to borrow from the First Building and LoanAsapciationofStatesville,North Carolina,Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($5500.00);and for the purpose of securing the said loan the said Trustees be,and they are hereby,authorized to subscribe for stock in said Building and Loan Association to the amount réquired on said loan and to contract and agree to repay the same upon terms and conditions required by said Building and Loan Association of borrowing members.And it is further resolved that said indebtness to the said Building and Loan Association be secured by the Trustees executing and delivering to the said Building and Loan Association a Deed of Trust or Mortgage in the usual form required and prescribed by said Association upon the following Real Egtate,to-wit: That tract or lot of land lying and being in the City of Statesville on the South side of East Broad Street,adjoining the lands of L.P.Henkel,the colored Presbyterian Church,and others, and kyjown as the Manse,now ocoupied as the residence of our Pastor, Dr.J.H.Pressley;and the sfid Trustees are hereby authorized to execute all necessary papers in the manner and form required by the First Building and Zoan Association,in making and closing loans toitssubscribers.GfjhaLbe Chéirman of the Congregational Meeting. (Pp,,rm ee Secretary of the Congregational Meeting, We,Chairman,and Secretay of the Congregational Meeting of tke First Associate Reformed Presbyt erian Church of Statesville,North Carolina,her by certify that the above end foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Con- gregation of said First Associate Reformed Presbyterien Churah,at a meeting held in the Church building in the City of Statesville,North Carolina,on Sabbath,November 25th,1928.: os ee (a, zTrustees,.Morrison spr J.M.Sharpoe i,P.Grier E.G.WhiteJ.G+Shelton, Che First Pr: Statesville,N,c, Octlst.1928.>fod The Session met in regular monthly sittin and was constitued with prayer by Dr.Pressly. The following members of the board were present, Rev,J.H.Pressly.J.S.Alexander,J.M.Sharpe,E.G.White N.S.Sharpe,D.A.Morrison,V,E,Lackey,S,A,Hair and J.G.Shelton,. The Pastéa®reported that Rosoman Davidosn had ben baptized and her name was ordered placed on the role. The matter of increasing the interst and efficiency of the quire wag discussed at length,and the following committe was appointed to work a Plan and investigate the cost of improving the church music, Committe consistion of A.E.Welborn.Armstead Guy, E.G.White,and J.P.Alexander, Sabbath School.beginning at 9.45 A.M,thereby Sivingmoretimetoarrangeattendanceontheregularpreaching Session met in rugular monthly sittig with the following members present,J.M,Sharpe. N.S.Sharpe.T.L.Steikleather.V.E.Lackey.E.G.White. Rev J.H.Pressly.and J.G.Shelton, The report of the severil committies were received as infermation. J.GeShelton treas of the Building Fund reported that an applycation for a loan from First Building Loan Association has ben made and that fifty five shares of stock of tha August series has ben started. Rev.J.H.Pressly reported as to the plans of the union meeting to be held by Rev.George Stephens.begging about the Fifth of Nove 1928. The Session went on record as favoring a buget system for the Sabbath School activities. The m atter of special traning for the quire was refered to E.G.White,amd J.H,.Prehayy. Rev.J.H.Pressly and W.L.Pope were appointed a welcome committee. N.S.Sharpe was requested to report on the plans of Friday Night Prayer League. After prayer the meeting adjourned. Statesville.N.C.minammmm----------------Moder. Sept 3d.1928. Statesville,N.C. Jan 16th,1928. The Session met with the following members present. J.5.Alexander,V.E,Lackey,N.S.Sharpe,S.A.Hair,E.Morrison D.A.Morrison,T,L.Steikleather,E.G.White,H,P.Grier,J.M. Sharpe,Rev.J.H.Pressly,and J,G.Shelton. After severil reports of the comitties were received and adépted,the matter of the matter of the ballance of the church debt on the Sabbath School Building was considered at length. It was decided that a special effor be made to collect all amounts thatarre due and that additional subscrip- tions to Building Loand Stock be takeke to take care of remaing portion of the debt unprovided for.This amount being about $6.560.00. There being no further biisiness the Session adjourned after prayer by Mr.Lackey. Moder. Clerk. Statesville,N.°. Juhg 2d,1928. The Session met in regular monthly sitting with the »> following members present.J.°.Alexander,D.4A.Morrison, N.S.Sharpe,V,#.Lackey,E.G.White,S,4.Hair,J.M.Sharpe, H.’.Grier,Rev.J.H.’ressly,and J.G.Shelton. After the dibsposing of the regular routine of buisness J.".Shelton was called uppon to make a report as to the building fund.It was decided by the board that they indorse the plan of maturing 100 shares of B,L.Stock as now carried in the Home Building Loan Association, and First Building Association ,this amount to be used in retiring the note o0s$10.000.00 in full payment of ballance due on Woodward lot.They further indorsed the plan of taking out fifty five shres in the First B./. Association to be carried by the Sabbath School to maturity,and that thés amount be borrowed from the First Building &Loan and that a morgage be given on Manse as security to the loan. It was ordered that the Memorial Tablet of Rev.W.B. Pressly be place in some suitabe palce in the Chure=,H.P.Grier was requested to apper before Board Alderman and request the cost of the alleyway be remitted for. Rev.J,H.Pressly was voted the month of August as his annuall vacation. V.=Lackey,E.G.White and JiM.Sharpe were appointedtosupplypulpitduringthevacationperiod. The meeting colsed by prayer by Mr.Hair. oe a Statesville,N.C. June 4th,1928. The Session met with the following members present. S.A.Hair,N.S.Sharpe,J.°.alexander,E.G.White, V.".Lackey,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.“.Shelton. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. The time for the annual social was sugested held on June ,twehtieth seventh.This bing on Wednesday a short prayer service to be had at the opening exersizes.e Severil matters of importance as to the different new families that have come into our neighborhood were gone over in detail,and assignments made to the different members of the Borad. J.G.Shelton was requested to make a report and recogmendation as to the building fund the next meeting night. Statesville,N.Y. Feb 28.1928. The Session and the Board of Deacons met in the Mens Bilbe Class Room.In abscencs of the Pastor Elder J.M.eSharpe was made moderator of the meeting. Plarker was offered by Mr.S.A.Hair. Considerable discussion was had as to the baget for the incoming church year. Tt was ordered that the first Church pai into Synods fund the sum of thirty six hunderd dollars for the year,1928-295. J.G.Shelton was requeated to write a lettcr of thanks to Rev.D.I,.fergueson,211 North ilth St, Richomnd Ind,experssing our gratitude for the gift by the U.P.Church at Richmond,Ind .175 Song Books. Mrs.Charles P.Davidson was acepted as a member by cirtificate from the Broad St Methodist Church. Tt was ordered that a church social be held at an early date,and the following committe was appointed on arrangements.Albert Cooper,Frank Deaton)J-Rh. Cashion,(C.W.Washington,and W.L.Pope. Therehing no further business the meeting adjouned. Charima Statesville,N.C. Feb 6th,1928. The Session met and was opened hy prayer hy the Pastor. The following members were present.V.#,Lackey,J.S. Alexander,N.%.Sharpe,S.A.Hair,E.G.White,J.M.Sharpe EeMorrison,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The report on the Lambeth matter was reccived and com- mitte continued. The Session was of the opin that there should be held a church social in the near future. The church well was to be gone cver and revised,and a manual)printed containg names and adresses of all memberse It was agro-d that the ballance of the special fund for mission be turned over to the treasurer TeUeMorrison with undrestanding that our church recieve full credit for all amounts on our assestment. a a ee a ee tt ene Moder. Clerk. Meeting of the Session of the First AeRePechurch 7:30 PM Jany 95286 Called to order by MrePressly,vrayer byzarl White,lackey and S.Hair Enelosed "in memorium "to Cant Davidson adented Babtised member John Sharve Jenkins be added to roll of batised rell Sunday 8th,motion adoptei As a matter of information raster told the meeting of the intention of City to rave the alley way and rut a light uv,which it was un= derstood was to be at rublic cexnence Revort committee on Lerbert children receivei,and it was the under=- standing of meeting that welfare efficer was te be made asquainted with conditions and with the advice that he act on his judgement looking t®mmminrim the rmmoval of the 12 year old girl to an institu tion,the other one being removed by her mother The question of a reorganization of the choir,esvecially with the view of 2 leader was taken up but no definate action taken Committee revort on basement financeing received as information with the adviee that it report more in detail later Building committee boing absent meeting was adjourned gor one week Monday Jany 16 for a revert on finances John MeSharve,tenmorary clerk Statesville,N.°. Dec 5th,1927. The Session met in regular sitting with the e following members present. V.E.Lackey,J.S.Alexander,s.4.Hair,J.M.Sharpe, T.L.Steikleather,D-eA.Morrison,N.S.Sharpe,Rev. J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The Report of Mr.Lackey on repairing alleyway was received and the matter continued. JeMeSharpe,S-4.Hair,and V.B.Lackey were appointed to investigate and report as to the Lambeth family. It was ordered that the election of six new deacons be held on Dec 18th 1927. Tt was ordered that a letter and envelops be pre- paired and handed to all members of the church, outlining the needs and call for special collection ,Self Denial,Day;Dec 18th 1927. jJ.S.Alexander and J.M.Sharpe were appointed to draft suitable memorial to late 1T.M.C.Davidson Elder. The Folowing Committes were appointed. @ Finance,E.Morrison. Sreicken Homes.J.5.Alexabder,).A.Morrison, Personal Work,V-E.Lackey,S.A-Hair,E.G.White. New Members,J.M.Sharpe,J.G-Shelton. State of Religeon.N.S.Sharpe,TeL.Steikleather. There being no further business the meeting adjournede «anucm -—<—een Pastor.é a PALA Clerk. IN MEMORIUM. CapteThomas Melmmth Clayton Davidson. Whereas ,November 5,1927,Almighty God in his infinite wisdomsawfittoremovefromusbydeathourbelovedbrotherandco=laborer,TelleC Davidson,the Oldest officer and member of theFirstAssociateReformedPresbyterianChurch,Statesville,lCe,Who was for verhaps fifty years an elder of the churchshavingaboutfortyyearsagoremovedhismembershipfromPerthchurchinwhoseboundshewasborn,reared,2nd became an elder sthereforebeitresolvedbytheofficersoftheFirstAoReP.church:le That while we feel keenly the loss we have sustained in thepassingofourbrother,we bow in reverent and humble submissiontothewillofourHeavenlyFather,believang that He doeth allthingswell,amd that our loss was our brother's gaine2eThatweherebyrecordourappreciationofthelong lifeandusefulservicerenderedtothecauseofChristbyourbrother,and his devotion to the church to which he gave so muck of hislife. 5-That the Church and State has sustained a great loss in hispassing,and his wise council and g00d fellowship will be greatlymissedbythosedirectingtheworkofourchurch.4e That we extend our deepest symathy,to his children,and theconnectionintheirbereavement,ani sorrow,and commend them toHimwhoisabletokeepthem,and to build them up in the faithoftheirfathers,and to give them an inheritance incorruntablethatpassethnotaway. 5e That a page in our record of the church be dedicated to hismemory,2nd that these resolutions be recordcd thereon;a cony besentthefamily,eand a con y$o the church paver for publication. is We 4202 fare——.»Clerk of the Session. ee AStatesville,lisC.Jany 9,1928. Statesville,N.Y. Oct Sth,1927. The Session met in regular monthly sitting with the following members present. J.S.Alexander,T,4.Steikleather,V E.Lackey, N.°.Sharpe,V.E.lLackey,J.M.Sharpe,Rev.J.H. Pressly and J.4.Shelton. Bryant Teague was given dismissal cirtificate to unite with the Taylorsville A.K./’.Church. Tresco Johnson was received by cirtificate from Pressly Memorial Chutch,amd Mrs Annie Lee Sharpe Zvohnson,(irs.Tresco Johnson,)from the Darlington Methodist Church. VeEeLackey and N.&.Sharpe were appointed as Deliugate and Alternate as representives to the meeting of Preshytery to convene at Sandy Plains Oct 11th,1927. —Modere Clerke Examined &Approved By The First PresbyteryOCT121927 OareopViyx.Mod. Statesville,N.C. July Z%th,1927. The Session met in the Sabbath School Room and was constuted with prayer by the Pastor. The following members were se V.E.Lackey,JoM- Sharpe,S.A4.Hair,D-A.Morrison,TLe Steikleather, E.Morrison Sr,N.S.Sharpe,£.G.White,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Sheltone The report on alley improvement was made by Mr.Lackey. The matter of street assestment was made by Mr.Sheltone cirtificates were granted to Mr and Mrs.Ervin E.Alexander to unite with the Mooresville,A-K.P.Churche Mr.Pressly was grantedb privaledge of organizing a Young Mens Class for Bible Study. The matter of supplys for the vacation seasons was ordered,that at least onece a day,we have services. It was ordered that the matter of Church debt be taken up and made a speicial feature in the month of Sept. After the consideration of minor matters the meeting stood adjourned. Statesville,N.¥. Sept 5th,1927. The Session of the First A.R.P.Church met in reg~ ular monthly sitting,and was constituted with prayer by the Pastor with the following members presente Rev.J.H.Pressly,J.l.Sharpe ,S.4.Hair, H.P.Grier,N.%.Sharpe,J.5.Alexander,T.L.Steikleathe E.G.White,aV.E.Lackey and J.4.Shelton. A cirtificate was granted Knox Patterson,to unite with the A.R.?.Church at Salisbury,N.U. The date of the protracted meeting,to be held this fall was made the first week in November. Rev.Neil.S.Orr to conduct same. Mr.H.’.Gricr was appointed to see Mr.MGentis. E.G,White to see Mitchell Orr. "u.P.Grier to see Dr.Carson. S$.4.Hair and N.S.Sharpe to see the Everhardts. Mr.V.E.tackey reported ad to the work on alley,and J,%.Shelton as to street assestment. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. re ae one ne sam=ehModer. a feelfon._———<—-S@Se T00E “ON 999 FOO ena "9 °O ‘SG ‘A AL The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. March 7th,1927. The Session met in konthly sitting and was constited with prayer by the Pastor. The following members were present.J.M.Sharpe,N.S. Sharpe,D.A.Morrison,V.E.Lackey,S-A.Hair,E.G.White, J.S.Alexander,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. Mr.Pressly reported investigation as to street assesetment.It was orderd that J.G.Shelton take matter of side wak]assestment with the Board of Alderman at an early date. The condition of the alleway was considered and v.E.Lacky,E.G.White and E.Morriosn was apponted to investigate and report. Mr.J.M.Sharpe,V.E-Lackey were appointed to see Mrs.John Lewis. The following arrangements for the visiting vommittee was ordered.Mr.J.M.Sharpe to exchange lists with Mb.T.L.Steikleather,and J.5.Alexander to exchance with J.G.Shelton. V.E.Lackey was appointed as treasurer of the special fund for finishing the basement,and work on curbing on front of church propety-. there being no further business the meeting adjourned. ener ar aT -Moder. be,anes Statesville,N.C, April 4th»,1927. The Session met in session with the Deacons Board inr monthly sitting. Mr.V.“.Lackey was continued as to the improvement of the alley adjoining the Church Propety. The matter of sidewalk assestment was refered back to J.G.Shelton to handle, V.E.Lackey was elected as a delagate to Presberty | ||to meet at Scotts on April 12th. | “Mr.a was elected as delagate to Synod that meets in May 1927. Blake Sommers was received as memher from the Front St.Presbyterian Courch, |There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Clerk. -~-=Moder, The W.B.C.Co, Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.. Jan 10th,1927. The Session met in regular monthly sitting with following members prescnt.e Rev.JeH.Pressly,J.M.eSharpe,V..Lackey, N.S.Sharpe,H.P?.Greer,and J.GeShelton The regular routine of business was devesea with. Hassie Miller Nicholson was granted a cirtificate to untte with the Broad St.Methodist Church. After prayer,the Boad adjourned. Rev.J hiregery Moderator. Lo <C44 A;ng of6 aE Ge Clerk Statesville,N.v. Feb 7th,1927. The Session met in regular monthly sitting with the following members present.V.lE.eLackey,Jeue Sharpe, Scott Nair,.G.White,DeAeMorrison,JeS,Alexander | i.SeSharpe,T.L.Seeikleather,Reve Jell,Pressly and J.-GeSheltone || |Reports of the committes was received and adopted. Rev.J.#-Pressly was instructed to tahnk 'r. Starns in the name of the Church for the nice way in which he fixed the side walk in front of the Church Propetye | Mre J.S-Alexander was instructed to see Tire hele Stimpen and report to next mectinge tre Pressly was instructed to off hr.J.C.lorrison that the Session recogmend Ili!im to the Jongrigation as a candidate for the Uldership. Steps were taken to orranize a Tithers League in the Churche ;} owe mammamee Moder (6<|4 .OTF he wy Clerk, The W.B,C.Co.Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville ?N.C, Sept 6th,1926. The Sessinon met in regular monthly sitting and was constitued with prayer by the Moderator. The following members were present.N.“&.Sharpe, Je Sharpe,Scott Hair,V.E.Lackey,E.G.White Rev.J.H.Pressly and J3.G.Shelton. The reports of the committes were made and approvede hire Starnes was granted permission to take down the the old trec standing in front of "the Chrch Propety. The matter of extra assestmnet for home and foreign missions was considered an?Sabbath Sept 26th was set apart to bri the matter before the Congrigation and J.MSharpe and J.G. Shelton were appointed to arrange speakers for the occasione There being no further business they adjourned. ee Chairman. Clerke ronryyrExaminedSA By TIhe First Preshy Stesville,N.C. Oct 5th,1926. The Session met in monthly sitting with the following members present.T.L.Seikleather, E.G.White,J.S.Alexander,N.S.Sharpe,Scott Hair J.M.eSharpe,V.E.Lackey,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.eShelton.The meeting was constituted with p Quite a number of rededication cars were taken and disposed’off. It was agreeded uppon to mail out a letter to each member,in preperation for the Fall Mceting embracing the first Sabbath of November. N.SeSharpe was appointed to represent the Church at the meeting of Presbytery to be held at Mooresville,N.C.Oct 12th,1926. | | | V.E.L ckey as alternate. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Moderator. Clerk.| Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. July 13th,1926. The Session met at the call of Pastor with the following members present.J.D.Ramsey and T.0.Morriosn of the Deacon s Board,E.G.White,D.A.Morrison,E.Morrison,T.L.Steikleather Scott Hair,V.li.Lackey,H.P.Grier,Rev.J.i.Pressly and J.G-eShelton. The meeting was constituted with prayer hy Mr.Pressly. The report of the various visiting committies was heard and approved. All visiting comzitties were urged to make their rounds by the first of Sept. The question of the additional assestment w as considered also the ballance on the street assestment. Te was ordered,on motion Mr.H.P.Grier that the ballance due the Gity of Statesville be included in our regular budget and the amount collected and paid off this year. Tt was agre ded that severil Sabbaths be set apart to give the people infermation and plans as the work of the church,and its plans for the insuing year. V.u.Lackey,H.P.Grier,and E.G.White were appointed a pulpit committec to take charge and make such supplys as they dcem best during Mr.Presslys vacation which is to embrace the month of August. There being no furthre busingss th eeting adjourned. ee ee es ee ee ---=-Clerk,. The W.B.C.Co, Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.&. June 7th,1926. The Sess ion met in regular monthly sitting with the following members present.V.u,Lackey,J.M. Sharpe,S.A.ilair,E.G,White,T.L.Steikleather, E.Morrison,N.S.Sharpe,J.S.Alexander,H.P.Grier Reve JoH.Pressly and JeG.Sheltone Meeting was constituted with prayer by the rastor. The Chariman of the four visiting comnittes made reports as to the wo rk they gaa done « Mr.HeP.Grier requested to be released as the head of one of the groups and the moderator appointed J.G.Shelton ‘o take his place. The plan to work together with the wWamens League in dooing the work of the church was favorable recogmended,and final action defered to next meeting. After severil matters of interest to the hurch were considered the meeting adjourned with prayer by £.G.White,and S.A.Hair. _File =.hie 4fA Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. April 8th,1926. The Session met in regular monthly sitting with the é following members present .« V.E.Lackey,J.°.Alexander,T.L.Steikeleather,DA. Morrison,E.G.White,SA-Hair,Nev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The committee on a memorial fo Mr.T.DeMiller read a paper that was approved and ordered spread vu the Church Record and a copt each be sent to the Family and the Chure Papaer for publication. The matter of @hurch work was discussed and committes were appointed ane the workd devided as to streets and familics. on Visitation fbur conmittes were appointed withe following men as chairmans.JeMeSharpe,TeL.Steike- leather,J.S.Alexander,and H.G.Grier. On Personal Yorke Three cormittees with ehe followin men at the head on each groupe. V.E.Lackey,N.S.Sharpe,and E.G.White. Sabbath April 18th waa set apart for special collection on s lf denial canpaifn. RESOLUTIONS THE FIRST ASSOCIATE ReFORMED PRESBYTARIAN CHURCH Statesville,N.C. MARCH _—S18T _1926 Whereas,Our Heavenly Father in His divine wisdom,on February 25,1926,removed from our midst our brother and co-worker, THOMAS DALTON MILLiRK,who was for thirty two years a faithful and conscientious member of the Session of this Church: THEREFORE; Be it resolved,First,although we realize our loss,we bow in hum- ble submission to the will of Him that doeth all things well, Second,The church has lost a loyal supporter,the Session a wise counselor,the community a useful and upright citizen, Third,That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes,a GOpy be sent the church paper and a copy to the family, Brother Miller was born within the bounds of New Sterling Church,joined the church under the ministration of Kev.W.5.ressley.He removed to Statesville in 1891,was elected elder in 1894,and re- mained faithful until his death at the age of seventy two years. In addition to leaving a wife and children,one brother survives, Rev Re G.Miller D.D.of Sardis,N.c. Je S.Alexander Sugene Morrison Committee = dno.Me.Sharpe The W.B.C.Co. Minute Bcok Sheet No.300-L Statesville 9 N e C ° Beb.ist,1926. The Session met in regular monthly sitting also Deacons Board was present also. The meeting was constituted with prayer.The following were present.V.E.Lackey,T.0.Morrison,Albert Cooper, Frank Deaton,T.D.Miller,D.A.Morrison,Neil Sharpe, Scott Hair,M.E.iamsey Jr,W.L.Pope,A.&.Welborn, Rev.JoH.Pressly,C.C.Axley,E.Morrison,Sr.E.Morrison Jr Jon Sharpe,N.S-Sharpe,Frank Deaton,and J.G.Shelton. Reports from V.E.Lackey on the self denial work was herd. The 15th day of February was set apart to complete the self denial campaign. A.E.Welborn reported and spoke of the back street assesment and the deficiency carried over from 1925. J.G.Shelton reported as the Building fund for the Church.It was agreed that the Building Committe shpould $gake the matter of rasing the ballance of $7.000.00,after the self denial fund had ben raised. Severil matter pertainging the welfare of the church was taken up and considered informanly. Statesville,N.C. March 8th,1926. The Session et in regulat monthly sitting with the following present.J.M.Sharpe,V E.Lackey J.S.Alexander,E.Morrison,N.S.Sharpe,£.G. White,T.L.Steikleather,H,.P,.Grier,Rev.J.H. Pressly and J.G.Shelton,and S.A.Hair. The report of the regulars conmmittes was heard approved. J.S.Alexander,J.M.Sharpe and E.Morrison were | appointed as a committe to drafr suitable resolution in memory of Mr.T.D.Miller .| |It was ordered that on nex meeting night the subject of deviding the work of the £lders into districts,or assigning special committes to do pacifis work ,be taken up and decided. Mrs.Charles W.lieitt,(Mrs.Pearl Bell),wasgrantedacirtificate,to the Fayettville N.C, Presbyterian Church. Mrs.Frank Millholland ,Miss Mabel Steikleather was dismissed to the Salisbury Church. ss aolAfeecho.wenngkn MawasemnsoosserenaceeClerk. /(/ The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesvill,N.C. Jan 4th,1926. The Elders met in monthly sittin with the following members present. E.G.White,J.M.Sharpe,T.L.Steikleather,T.D.Miller, J.S.Alexander,S.A.Hair,V.&.Lackey,N.°.Sharpe, Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton and E.Morrison Sr. The Committee to look after the sick made a report as to what had ben done and received the approval of Board. The Self Denial Gampaign was considered in detail and the month of Jan was set apart to raise the $1.200.00 the amount sassigned to the First Church Statesville. It was ordered that the Building Committe Board bring some recogmendation at the next meeting of the Elders as.to’the best plan to raise the sum of $7.000.00,being the amount still due the Bank and open accounts due on building Sabbath School House. There being no further business the mee ing closed by prayer Elder J.°,Akexander. -Moder. te ee -=~-~=—=<Clerk, Statesville,N.C. Dee 26th,1925. after being duly elected the following Elders and Deadons | were installed at the elven O'clock hour of worship.| J.M.Sharpe,.P.Grier Sr.N-S.Sharpe,and S.A.Hair én Ruling Elders.| A.E.Welborn,Albert Cooper,J.D.Patterson Jr,W.L,Pope, and E.Morrison Jr for six year terms each and R.Be Kestler for a term of two years,filling the unxpired | term of S.A.Hair who was elected to the Eldership. Moder * eeeT8a Statesville,N.C. Nov 9th,1925. The Session met and was constituted with prayer by the Moderator Rev.J.H.Pressly. Following member of the board were present.D.A.Morrison T.D.Miller,T.M.C.Davidson,J.S.Alexander,T.L.Steiklea V.E.Lackey,E.G.White,E.Morriosn,Sr,and J.G.Shelton After some consiieration the Board wae of the opinio that six additional Elders should be elected and the following resolutin was pased. That the Congrigation nominate from the floore Elders and Deagons the same day. The names of the Elders in nomination to be wréttte on one board and the nominees for Deacon on a seprat boardy and this 4@ names to he displayed in the main auditorium of the Church for two weeks. That notice of this nomination be given the congrigation on Nov 15th and the nomination to be made on Nov 22d.That the election of elders be held on Dec 6th,and the election of Deacons on Dec 13th 1925. After disposing of severil routine matters the Board adjourned,closing with prayer by Capt. T.W.C.Davidson. __.Modeator. J.G.eShelton Clerk. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L WILLIAM PRESSLY MCLAIN was born and reared inWILLIAMPRESSLYMC‘bo nd reared New Sterling neighborhood,Alexander Goi ty,iiilynh,1855 and died August 29thCarolina.Born July 10th,185¢and died Augus BS ; 1925.He joined the New Sterling Church when quite $bh 3 .">4young,@nd was bed an a r¢ year 1890.e Several years living a qu until h raj te e he was mad churcl and rved bly in this took }.“ Mr McLain was a good citizen,quik lassumir4CADW 7 rn 1%+y ‘by neture,a true ver ready anyyn€Cr .->"y Lo hath 1CyY)¢person anywhere.y he hath don 1g VEMBER OW THI DFSsIo OF FIRST ASSOCIATE REFORMED PIFIRSTA!areres OMAMBOWTTT1CHURCHSTATESVILL Statesville,N.C, Oct 5th, The Session met with the following members present. T.DeMiller,D.eAeMorrison,V.i.eLackey and J.G.Sheltom, and J.S.Alexander.Kev.JeHePressly co prayer. The committee tead a memorial to Mr. and same was adopted. The question of election of additional] lered at length and made an iter consis eration for the November meet he matter of giving new members that cor Church seats was refered to T.D.Miller The question of stting apart a day fo to pay f 11 SS 0 the Sabbath defered >Alexander were nstitut« ‘weer.Werk el cL Elders for furt oi lea»CS into Y rasing chool Ke -d with ain Was her Sion. the 1e@ltone funds pp inted a6 delagate and alternate to mecting of Presbytery Gilliad Church Oct 13th ,1925. ey at Chairman. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L A.TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Whereas,in the Providence of God who doeth all thingswell,Mr John Db.Patterson,a member of our board of Elders,was called to his final reward on June lst 1925,we themembersofsaidboard,wish to offer tribute of respect to hismemory3 Mr,Patterson was a son of two of the charter membersintheorganizationoftheStatesvilleFirstA.R.P.Church-John and Eliza Patterson-and a member himself from boyhood.A Deacon for many years,and later an Elder. While Mr Patterson had a very quiet,retiring nature hewaseminentlypiousanduprightinhislife,scrupulously justinallbusinesstransactions,and maintained a general Christilikewalkandconversation,fulfilling the Scripture injunction"To do justly,to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God".Therefore resolved3 lste That in the death of Mr.Patterson our churchandSessionhavelostoneoftheirbestandmeekestmembers. end.That we should strive to manifest a like pietyinourowmmlivesandcommendittothecongregation,andtheworld. ord.That we hereby express th the bereaved familyoursinceresympathyintheirloss,and commend them toGodinHisWordofpromisetobeaPathertothePatherlesa. 4th.That a copy of these resdlutions be spreadon&@ page in the Sessional records,amid copies be sent tothefamily,and to the A.R.P.Presbytorian for publication. FIRST STATESVILLE a.RB.P.SESSION. July 28th,1925, The W,B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L S .at esV .1 -Oe N >C . April 6th 1928. The Session met with the following present. T.Ddiller,E.Morriosn,T.L.Stoijkleatnor,E.G.white, V.E.“Lackey,J.S.Alexander and J..G.Sheltomn,. The meeting was constituted with prayer. The abscence pf the Pastorb J.S.Alexander was made chairman of the meeting, It was ordered that thet the delesate to Presbtry to meet in Taylorsville.N.C.April 22th be instructed to vote against the proposed rotary system applying to the office of Elders, It was the unanimus opinion that no more of trees should be removed, The matter of chahrine the pulpvit vlatform and the building a fence on a portion of the rear lot was refed th the committee on repairs. Statesville.N.C. Jan 4th 1946. Th e Session met withthe following present. E.Morrison.,T.D.Miller,T.L.Stcikleather,J.S.Alexander, D.A.M orrison.Harl G.White.¥.E.Lackey and J.G.Shelton. The meeting was constituted with vrayer, Reports of the various committes was received, ir.D.A.Morrison wis appointed to see what could be done in regard to the removal of the Mills Electric SignPilie T.U.iilicr was appointed to confer wi th the City officia r elative of removin the some of the old trees in frontNesale of the Church propety. The matter of Church repairing was considered Statesville.N.C. Feb,16th.19125, The joint boars met at the call of the Pastor to consider the repairs of the church propety bevore meeting of Synod. The followins Committee was appointed oto collect the necessary funds and repair theyt church propety.A.E.Welborn,V.i.Lacikey. E.G.Whito,“.L.Pope and Frank Deaton. March 8th was designated as the date for conrrirational meeting take up collection for payment of repairs, T1008 “ON 94g 4O°g erMUIW] °09 'D ‘8 “MA AL Statesville.N.C. Nov The Session met in regular monthlu sitting with the following present.T.L.Steikleather. J.S.Alexander,J.D.Patterson,V.E.Lackey,T.D. Miller,D.A.Morrison,E.,Morrison 5r,E.G.White, Rev J.H.Preslley and J.G.Shelton,. The meeting being constituted with prayer a number on miner subjects were considered tuching the welfare of the church. The matter of further contributions to Mrs, Hunter Moore were refered to J.S.Alexander and V.eE.Lackey to investigate and report. Permission was granted Mr.Sims State Sabbath School organize the use of the Church Nov, 19th,20th,and 21st. J.G.Shelton Clerk, The W.B.C,Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesvuille.N.C, opct 19th.1924. The Session met at the call of Pastor with the following members present.E.G.White,J.S,. Alexander,V.E.Lackey,E.Morrison Sr,J.D.Patterson T.L ,Steikleather ,Rev.J.H.Pressley and J.G.Shelton,. Mr.T.L.Steikeather was elected t as a delagate to the Fall Presbytery. It was ordered that the first churchStat esville accept our part and pay the $66.00 as asswsed for the mission church at Knapolis,.N.C,for the year 1924, It wes agreeded that the First Church Statesville enter the agreement to absorbe their part of any deficientcy that may arrise in the expense of incured in the employment of a regular paid Singer and Evangelist to work throught the bounds of the synod. Chairman, fy o s XB<><on aD o®han GD oD eh a --Clerk,. Od Examined &Approve By The First Presbytery The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.-300-L Statesville.N,c, Sept 2lst.1924, Session met at the call of the Pastor.Present E.Morriosn.T.D.Miller.D.A.Morrison,E.G.White, T.L.Steikeleather,V.E.Lackey,J.S,Alexander, Rev.J.H.Pressley amd J.G.Shelton,. Cirtificates were sranted to G.F.Waugh and Wife,and Joseph Hartline and Wife to unite with Pressley Memorial Church. Frank Powell ani Wife wore received by cirtificate from M.E.Church Asheville.N.C, T,L.Steikleather was appointed as delagate to Fall meeting of Presbtery. ‘Examined &Approved By The First Presbytery The W.B.C,Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L stetesville.N.C. July 27th.1924. The Congrigation voted the Pastor a months vacation. The Session met and was constituted with prayer Mrs.Berbett Homes Walden and Mrs,Sadie Day Lindsay were received into church by profession. ‘7 ; --Ce CIA + Statesville.N.C. May 4th.1924. This being the regular Spring Communion the Cession received into the church the following |memers, By profession,Louis Pevis Davidson,James P. Patte rson Jr,Francis Summers,Edna Brady,Emily Jones,Ethel Jones,Amelia Jones,Vance Harold | Alexander,Berbett P.Walde,amd by cirtificate Hiddenite Mrs.Eizabeth Sumpter. The following children wer baptized at the Sabbath afternoon service. Mary Annie Miller,James Clyde Walker, Frank Brady Rhyne and Euge Morriosn the Third.,| Moder. }ati en Clerk. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Stat esville.N.C. Feb 23d.1924, The Session met and was constituted with prayer by the Pastor. The followinmng members present.E.Morriosn. D.A.Morrios,T.L.Steiklezather,T.D.Miller, J.S.Alexander and J.G.Shelton, Edward Day was received on Profession and Mrs, J.Thomas Stradley by letter from New Salem M,.E, Chutch. Moder. eg Cler:k. ,JAPs Sta esville.N.C. March 23,1924. The Session met with the following members presen Rev.J.H.Pressley.T.D.Miller,E.Morrioen. D.A.Morrison.T.L.Steikleather,J.S.Alexander W.P eMcLain.,and V.E.Lackey.E.G.White and J.D.Patterson,. Ernest E.Hart was received on profession of his faith and Eugenia Miller Paterson by cirtificate from the Race Street M.E.Church. MBeédatowr, Clerk,| The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville.N.C. March 2d.1924. According to appoint ment the regular installation service was held after an appropiate discourse by the Pastor Rev.J.H.Pressley. V.E.Lackey.E,G.White and J.D.Patterson were ordain- ed as Elders and Ben Ramsey,T.O.Morriosn.E.M,. Shelton,frank Deaton,)S.A.Hair and nNeal Sharpe we ordained as Deacons, a” °}g 7}<af fr ee Statesville.N.C, Feb 17th 1924. After the regu&éar sevice the congrigation remained nd elected the following Deacons, Ben Ramsey,T.O.Morrison,E.M.Shelton and Frank Deaton for a term of six years each, S.A.Hair gow a term of four years. Neal Sharpe for a term of two years. a ed Se wf b fe Mt Jan 20tj 1924. As planed the Congrigetion after the rerular preaching service elected by ballot the following Elders.V.E.Lackey,Earl G.White.and J.D.Pattersn ,. These were given two weeks to determine whether or mo not they would acept and be ordained. Moder. nn iy se f?Shug ve Clerk.pow The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville.N.C. Dec.6th.1923. The joint Boards met t the call of Pastor. The followiug members being preseht. T.D-Miller.Clyde Walker.Carl Axley.V.E.Lackey. E.Morrison.A.E.Welborn.D.A.Morrison.M.E.Ramsey,Jr E.G.White,Clarence Ramsey,J.S.Alexander,Rev.J°*H. Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The meeting was constituted with prayer and the following matters were ordered spread on the minuts. Cirtificate of dismissal was given Mrs,Northfleet H art.to Greenesboro.N.C. Cirtificate to Mr and Mrs.A.B.Johnson to New Perth Church.Troutmans. It was thought advisable and ordered that three new Elders be elected. Nominations to be made on the first Sabbath of Jan and election to be held on the third Sabbath of The term of four Deacons expiring and one to be substiturted in the place of Mr.A P.Barron deceased making five for election.: This election to take place on third Sabbath of Feb.and nominations on the First Sabbath of Feb. 1924.It was ordered that the four men receiving the highest number of votes.to bg7the six year term members and the next_to be the four year tern. Statesville,N.&, Nov.iith,1923. the session met and constituted with prayer by the Pastor with the following members present, T.L.Steikeleather,E.Morriosn,W.P,MeLain, D.,A.Morrison,T.D.Miller,J.5,Alexander,J,G, Shelton and Rev.J.H,Pressly. During series of mmetings conducted by Rev, Paul Pressly of Chester,5,.C,and ending with fall communion the following person were added to the church,By prof@ssion,Vera Lambeth, Willie Pearl Rumple,Mary Etta Rumple,Elva Lambeth, Wesley Cowan Wood,Ethel Stradley,Alfus Burton Stradley,Ralph alexander Stradley,Hellen Davidson, James Stradley,Thomas Kerr Jr,Mary Shives, James "dgar Troutman,David Pressly,and John Kerr, By Cirtificate Mrs.Clyde Moore,and Mrs,Lena Davis Sides, J.5,Alexander was appointed as a delagate to Fall meeting of Presbytery to convene at New Sterlig on November 13th,1923. Examined &Appreved By The First Presbytery NOV 12 1928 Statesville,N.C. August 1ith 1923. The Session met at the call of the Pastor with the following members present. tT .M.C Davidson,T.D.Miller,i.Morrison, 7.l.Steikleather,J.S.Alexander,Rev.gi, Pressly and J,&.Shelton. After same was constituted with prayer t’e matter of careing for the orphants of the church was considered at considerable length. On motion of 3.%.SheltovGeconed by T.D.Miller the chairman was ordered to appoint a committe , of three as Orphanage Board. The duties of the Orphanage Board to investige all cxses of need and from time to time make up a buget necessary to take care of the activities of the Church each year in its Orphanage work.To collect up all needed funds necessary to carry on such work and distribite said funds as directed by the donars or Board of Elders. The chairman appointed the following as membes of the Orphanage Boarde J.S-Alexander,E.Mort son,and V.E.Lackeye E.Morrison,nd J.G,shelton were instructed to __procure datta as to histort of the Church. hea,7ASPole Minute Bcok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C, July 3a 1923. The Session met at the call of the Pastor with the following members present, D,A.Morrison,E,Morriosn,Rev ,JH pressly and J,G,Shelton, The mmeting was duly constituted with prayer severil matters perssining to the welfare of# churech was discussed, aime wn wn ellen on 0 a we aows Clerk, The W.B.C.Go. Minute Bcok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C, April 29th 1923. At the request of the Pastor the following Elders met with the Pastor at the home of A.C.McHargue on the turnersburg road. T.U.Miller,J.S.Alexander,D,A.Morrison Nev.J.H.Pressly and J.G Shelton. After prayer the following.maiden ladies weere baptized and received into th Church. Miss.Emma Young Gill,Miss.Julia American Gill,and Miss.Sugaan Rebecca Gill. Ze,~~~=——kf oder. Clerk. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,nC, April 22d,1922. The Session met with the following memb- ers present.J.S.Alexander,W.?.McLain, T.D.Miller,E.Morrison,D.A.Morrison, T.U.Steikleather and J.@.Shelton. The meeting was dulf opened with prayer by the Pastor. The following members were received on profession of theier faith. James Northfield Hart,Lena Rumple,Rebbecca Troutman,and Mrs-Louis Lambrcecth. Tis was the occasion of the spring communion .Services conducted by the Rev. W.L.Gibson of Concord,N.C. ~><--+onmnne~=-MOd. Ky of,e:(BEd LeFea a i.etnies The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.o. April 15th 1923. The joint Boars met at the call of the Pastor and were constituted with prayer. The following members were presente w.l.Pobe,Clyde Walker,E.G.White,AE. Welborn,V.=eLackey,Young Alexander, T.D.Miller,T.4.Steikleather,FE.Morrisop Clarence Ramsey,Carl Axicy,J.S.Alexander 7.0.Morrison,.Rev.J./!.Pressly and J.4,Sheltnmes, The matter of trusttes for the church wa discussed and it was ordered that five should be chosene The chairman appointed a norrinating committee consisting of the followinge J.S.Alexander,W.4.Pope,and Clyde Walkere After some deliberation the cormittee brought in the following nanes as truste ‘es for the First A.R.?.Church of States-~ ville,N.C. Morrison,J..sharpe,Hu.’.Gricr, Rarl G.White,and J.&.Shelton. The men were chosen by unanimous conse~ nt. There being no further business the m meeting adjourned. Statesville,N.C. April ist 1923. e Session met at the call of the Modee tor with the following members presente neMorrison,D.A.“orrison,J.5,Alexander, t.U Miller,and T.4,Steikleather,Rev.J,H, Pressly and J.4,Shelton. It was ordered that the following cirtificates be granted.:oo gs Hallie Morrison March,to Winston,S.eaf*MLS Miss Louis Love Whitaker,to Salisbury,N.C. Miss Lola Sherrill to Pressly Memorial. D.A.Moprison was eleced as a delagate to mecting of Presbytery that convens in >.‘oCharlotte,N.%,April 10th 1925. There being no further business before the Session that adjourncde os ee ee omme—-OCLOCrK. eee =}lodery The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C Sept.25th 1922. The Joint Borades of Deacons and Elders mat at call of the Pastor with the following members present. W,L,Pope,Clyde Walker,Ben Ramsey,Earl White, AE Welborn,J.D,Patterson,T 0.,Morrison, T.B Miller,T.M.C Davidson,J,S Alexander, T .L.Steikleather,E,Morrison,and J,G,°% Shelton,The meetins was prsided ocer by the Pastor and was opened with prayer. The report of the commitéee on the purchase of Yoodward lot was received ind terms stated as follows,The purchase price to be fifteen thousand dollars and terms as follows, Five thousand dollars cash and ballance in one ,two and three years with equal instalments, The Pastor appointed the following committee to carry the proposition through the congrigat tion and see what the wishes of the people were Examined&ApprovedJ.G Shelton,A,E,Welborn,W,L,Pope,and V,.E,k Lackey,and E.Morrison, eeEAZ,COE foe. Statesville,N.c, Sept 12th 1922, The Session met und wes constituted with praye by the pastor with the following members present. T.D.Miller,J,S,Alexander,D.A.Morrison,T,L, Steikleather,E,Morrison,and J,G Shelton | | The matter of the purchase of the Woodward “I was again taken up and considered. It was ordered that a committe consisting |/of | J.G,Shelton a nd T,D,Miller see theh owners of | the propety and assertain the best terms |and | price.| } After considering other matters pertainning .the welfare of the church the meeting ad journed| The W.B.C,Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C, July 2qst,1922. Session met with the following members present. D.A.Morriosn,T,D,Miller,J,S,Alexander,©,.Morra J.S,Alexander and J,G,Shelton, After the meeting was constituted with prayer by the Pastor Mrs.Leona Smith was received by cirtificate from Ora 5,C,and J,A,West by pofe ssion,. Moder, el Clerk, Statesville,N.C, May 18th 1922, The Session met and was constituted with pray Pastor. present, The followbng members of the Session were || | |J.S,Alexander,T.D,Miller,E,Morrison, and J,G,Shelton present. Cirtificates of Mrs.William Miller,and Mrs Annie Holc om Fowler waere received and ordered enrolled as members of the church, eeee ee on or or om TOMI’4 )oe offCas{77(th ‘<aa--Clerk|Z -—een ~~ree ot a me me mm mere The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L State ville,N.C. Aprily 34h 1922. . The Session met with the following mem bers present. J.S,Alexander,T,L,Steikleather,E,Morrison, D.A,Morrison,T.D,Miller,T,M.C Davidson and J G,Shelton. The meeting was constituted wyth prayer by the Pastg” The comittec iecomended that the following division be made of the concrigation, Section one.In,charge of T,L,Steikleather and W.P McLain,This section embracing all the territory from Kelly St to entersection of west broad st,east to north side of east broad st, Sec two,All territory from the south side of east broad st to and including meeting st,in charge of E.Morriosn,and T,M,C Davidson, Section three.From meeting street west and inclu@ ding the east side of front st,encharge of D.A.Morrison,and J,G,Shelton, Section four. From the northeside of front st to kelley st. in charge of T,D,Miller and J,S,Alexander. Statesville,N.C, March 6th 1922. The Session was constituted with prayer by the Pastor. The following members of the session were prese¢nt, E.Morriosn,J.S,Alexander,T.D Miller,T,I ar leather and J,G,Shelton.| subjects relating to the welfare of the churchVarious were considered. A committe consistion of J,@,Shelton,J,S Alexander and T,D,Miller was appointed to devide the and eagh devision | congrigation into four section and assigned to certain élders. there being no further b'siness the meetind adjourned, The W,B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. Feb 12th,1922. 4ng Deacons were chosen at a congrigationalThefollow mecting thisday. Cc Cc .Alexly J.C Walker,A.P,Barron ,AY,Alexander,to serve a term of six years,W.C Ramsey,and W,L,Pope to serve a term of four years. These bretheren were enstalled on the following Sabbath, Statesville ’N el e Jan 165th 1922. The Session was constituted with prayer by the } with the following members present, WP McLain,D,A,Morrison,T.D Miller,J.5S Alexander E.Morvison,and J,G,Shelton, | It was ordered that on Jan 29th the congrigationx would nominate six men to be electied and that the election take pleace on Feb 12th,1922. Moderator. Clerk, The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300¢L Statesville,N.C. December 21st,1921. The Session met with the following members present T,D Miller,J.S Alexander,W.P.McLain,FE .Morrisn D,A,Morrison,J.S,Alexander,and J,G,Shelton, The meeting was constituted with prayer by the Pastor. The tia’ter of election of additional deacons was considered,The advisability of deviding the congsrigation into districts was discussed, Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C, November 5th,1921. The Session met at the call of the Pastore was constitued with prayer. The following members were present, D,A,Morrison,T.M.D Davidson,J,S,Alexander,©Morris T .D.Miller,T .L Steikleather and J,G.Shelton, This being the occasion of our fall communion fourt°n person were addeed to the church roll, Eleven by profession and three by cirtificate. Fight childred were baptized, erModera Zeac<o-Clerk, Statesville,N.C, October 29d,1921. Gession met and was constitued with prayer with ( wsthefollowinmemberspresent. y J,S,Alexander,T M,C Davidson,T .D Miller, W.P.McLain,T,.L,Steikleather,D,A,Morrison, Rev,J,H,Pressly and J,G,Shelton, John Rumple was | received by cirtificate from New Ste rilg Church, The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C, Sept ookt ,1921, The Session met and was constituted wxth prayer by the Pastor Rev.J,H.Pressly. The following memebers of the Seesion were present. E Morrison,T .L.Steikleather,D,A.Morrison,J.S. Alexander,T.M,.C Davidson,T.D,Miller and J,.G.Shelta Severil matters pertainning to the interest of the church was)taken up and considered in a general way E,B,Quinn and Mrs.E.B Quinn’were received by letter and ordered enrolled as members of the church, @hdérator. Cet.—x.,Clerk, Stabesville.N.C. July 5th 1921. the Sessiom met with the followims members present.T’D,Miller.,J.S,Alexander.T.L.Steikzg& leather..D.A.Morrisomn.W.P.McLain.E.Morrison. J.H.Pressly amd J.G.Sheltofie’ Same was comstituted with prayer by the Punter. Mrs.Oscar Vickers amd Frank Deatom were receive as members of the church by cirtificate and | Bell Allison and F.E.Credmore by profession of faith. After discussion of various church matters the Session adjourned. 2 ————Moderator, Clerk. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.©. April 23d,1921. The Session met and was constituted with prayer by the Pastor With the followinz menihbers present. E Morrison,T.l.Steikleather,3.5,.Alexander,T,D.Miller, w.P,MeLain,D.A.Morrison,Rev.3.H,Pressly and J,G@,Sheltong E,Morrison was elected a delagate to Presbyter also as a Delaagate to the meeting of Synod to be held in Tenn. A eirtificate was orderd granted to Mrs.Stills now in Rock Hill S.C. There being no further business before the meeting ajournment was made e Statesville,N.C, Novembey,28th 1920. The joint Boards met at the call of the Pastor and were constituted by prayer with the following members present.A.P.Barron,T.®,Morrison,J.S,Alexander, Clyde Walker,M.E.Ramsey,E.G,White,T.D,Miller,M.E. Ramsey Jr,E.Morrison,D.A.Morrison,R,0,Deitz,A.E, Welborn,Clyde Alexander,Rev.J.4,Pressly and J.G. Sheltone A letter from the East Tabernacle A.R.P.Church of Charlotte was read,in which Tabernacl-e Congrigation propose to pay eleven hundred dollars a year on the salary of Rev.J.W-Ranson as missionary to india and the | joint Board ordered that the First Church seanterslip, assume and agree to pay the remaining portion of Mr.Ransons salary,to wit one thousand dollars per year and that the two Congrigations releive the foreign mission board of Mr.Ransons salary from year te year,or until otherwise ordered. sii a LbesLAas(GMa aa lerk. | The W.B.C,Co, Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.€. November,2ist 1920. According to announcement the congrigation balloted for four Deacons to serve six years with the following result.A.E.Welborn,G.G.White,R.9.Deitz and VE. Lackey reciving the highest number of votes cast also reciving a majority of the total vote which was 136 thse for person were declaired elected to the office Deacons of the First A.R.P,Church of Statesville,N.°, to serve a term of six years. Statesville,N.C. November 14th 1920. At a G@ongrigational meeting held on this date it was ordered that nomination for the four deacons to be electedo on the 21st of November be made by ba llot and that the eight names receiving the highest number of votes be declaired the nominees for the election. After balloting the fédllowing names were found to have received the greatest number of votes. A.E.Welborn,V.E.Lackey,H,P,Grier,R,0 Deitz, G.G.Whitesy;Alexander,Scar Morrison and R,B.Kestler. Notice was given that on November 21st the congrigation would select four from this list as Deacons. Statesville,N.C. November 7th 1920. The Session met at the call of Moderator:and constituted with prayer with the following member present.T.M.C.Davidson,D.A.Morrison,E.Morris T.D.Miller,T.L.Steikleather,W.P.McLaing J.S.Alexander,Rev.J.H.Pressly,and J.&,Shelt It was ordered that the special collection for Hill Crest Mission Auditorum be taken on Nov 14 1920.TM.C.Davidson was appointed as delagate and F.Morrison as alternate to the meeting of Presbytery to be held at Pressly Memorial churph November 9th 1920. >CL obi. nmettsst SST aca:erKe ~.©>)“iw+ Ti Fre S30 Vt ryveeao% The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesvillé,N.C. Oct 31st 1920, The Session met with.prayer by the Pastor with the following members present. J.S,Alexander,T.D.Miller,W.P.McLaion,T.L.Steikleather D.A.Morrison,E.Morrison,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J3.G.Shelton. E.eMorrison vas appointed to investigate theneedsofMissMillsnowattheHospitaland report to the Session. ‘‘itewas ordered that four Meacons be elected tofilltheexpiringtermofthefourthatwereelectedforthetwoyeartermstherotary’systemThiselectiontobeheldNovember2ist1920.That notice to the congrigation be given onNov%th 1920...e-It was ordered that’nomination be made by ballotonNovember14th1920, “~=——20 ODpt eeetetoe ~-Moder. a 4p L ZY Statesville,N.C. October,24th 1920. The Session met and was constituted with prayer by the Pastore The following members were present. T.M.C.Davidson,T.D.Miller,J.5.Alexander, weP.McLain,E.Morrison,D.A.Morrison,T.lL. Steikleather,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The following fames'were enrolled as*menbers>— on the profession of the faith. L.G.eLambeth,Mrs Floyd Credemore,Elizabeth Pressly,J.R.Kennedy,Nrs.J.R.Kennedy » Katte Lee Mills,Mildred Alexander and Erskin Rumple.| mee an nangshee me oman memn re mee]sLO der | \f JANectkr | |} The W.B.C.Co. Minute Bcok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. Sept,15th 1920. The Session met and was constituted with prayer with the following members present. T.L.Steikleather,D.4.Morrison,T.B.eMiller,J.S,. Alexander Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.&.Shelton. Virginha Davidson Crawford and C.P.Johnson were admited as members of the church on profession of their faith and Mrs.C.P.Johnson by cirtificate. a L eZ for LLcoeeaeaseeloeeetottttatoe on ot ootoe (TL OTT 9 Statesville,N.C. Aug,8th 1920. The Session met and was constituted with prayeribytheModeratorwiththefollowingmemberspresent. T.D.Miller,T.M.C.Davidson,J.S.Alexander,!.Morrison, W.P.McLain ,J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. After some meditation and discussion on the affairg of thr church a cirtificate was granted to Annie Bell Dagenhart Covington of Laurenburg,N 4, There being no further business they adjurned. ete WA a The W.B.C,Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. June,14th 1920. The Session met with the following members prescnt. T M,C eDavidson,@.Morrisen,W.P.Mc Laing D.A.Morrison,E.Morrison,J.jl.Pressly and J.&, Shelton. It was ordered that @hatrMrs.J.C.-Alexander be enrolled as a member of the church on cirtificate from the M.E.Church South of Thomasville,N.C. Ree a a eeet a a tt a a ao -Moder ° +oA Of Stesville,N.C.May 16th 1920. The session met at the call of the Pastor with the following members presente J.H.Pressly,T.).Miller,J.S.Alexander,TeLe Steikleather,D.A.Morrisen,E.Morrisen and J.G.Shelton. Willie May Morriosn and Floyd Gregory were received on profession of their faith and enrolled as members of the churcheAfterprayerandconsoltationthe Session adjourncd Moder. ee OeONG OD ND eed OO al 22-8 Om me ee f e’OA rf Cte ee ee eneeeeee ee -<CLerk e ma a ew Statesville,NC. March 20th 1920,Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L The joint Boards met at the call of the Pastor with the following members present.A.P.Barron,T.L.Steikleather, J.0.Patterson,E.Morrison,T.D.Miller,WeP.McLain, A.i.Welborn,D.A.Morriosn,Clyde Walker,H.G.Grier,R.0O,Deitz J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. After some discussion it was decided to @efer the building of the Sabbath School Room until 1921. There béing no further business-the mecting adjourned.\tyWirF#ST LCELSfn aSAEEeSSOAttoeaos a we}ES 3 e Statesville,H.C. March 27th 1920. The Session met with the following present. E»Morriosn,J.5,Alexander,T.D.Miller,T.M,C.Davidson, TeLeSteikleather Rev.J.H.Pressly,and J.&.Shelton. It was ordered that a cirtifice be given Oran Hartli ne to unite with the Pressly Memorial Church. fel|:ei IY LC 4-1 1 Statesville,N.C. The Session met at the call of the Pastor and was const tuted with prayer. The following members were presents E.Morrison, J.S.Alexander,T.L.Steikleather,TM.C.Vavidson, y.DMiller,Rev.J.H.Pressly,W»eP.McLain,and D.A.eMorrison,and J.G.Shelton. The matter of aid to Mr.and Mrs.Bell was refered to a Committee consisting of E.Morrison and #.G.Shelton with power bo acte Uppon applycation Mh.E.G.White,Mrs.@.¢.White and Hugh White,cirtificates were granted to unite with the Presbyterian Church of Newton,N.C. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ‘ April 11th 1920,apeeeeNOdars | oS fort lan otamrrn tem ietmeome QOH ||} | | The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C, Dec,21st 1919. The Bliders of the First A,R.P.Church met at the call of the Pastor with the following members present, J.S.Alexander,E.Morriosn,T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain, D.A.Morroson,and J.U.Shelton J,H,Pressly. The meeting was constitutes with prayer, It was ordered that a cirtificate of dismissal be given E.A.Cash and Wife to unite with the Pressly Memorial Church. The matter of renewed work in the Sabbath School was discusses but no definete plans formulated at this time. The meeting adjourned. Statesville,N.©, Session met at the call of the Pastor on Feb 1st 1920 with the following members present. T,L,Steikleather,E.Morrison,J.”.Alexander, T.D.Miller,D.A.Morrison,J.H.Pressly and J.6G, Shelton. On motion the following cirtificates were granted. Mrs.Mary Sherrill,Grier Sherrill,Lento Lyons and Mrs Lemto Lyons.All dismissed to Pressley Memorial Church. E.Morriosn and others spoke as to the advisabiliit of building the proposed Sabbath School Room. The chair appointed a committee consisting E,Morrison,J.S,Alexander and J.&,Shelton to make further investigation on the building of Sabbath School addition and report at a subsequent meeting. —eoetanspeneneypanes eames --Chairman. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.U. July,13th 1919. fhe joint Boards met at the call of the chairman at the church with the followig members present. J.SeWhite,R.O.Deitz,Glide Walker,Clide Alexander, jJ.S.Alexander,T.L,Steikleather,T.D.Miller,H.P.Grier, Rarl White,Ben Ramsey,A..Welborn,J.U.Patterson,and J.G.Shelton. The committe consisting of A-E.Welborn,J.°.White and Ben Ramsey,to report on the repairing the manse reported that they had precured plans and had estimates around $2.500.00 to repair the b uilding- It was orderd that their report be recived and that the same committe be continud as a building committe and that the,be authorized to have the work domm on the manse as agreed on . Tt was ordered that the Chairman,of the Board of Deacons, (A.E.Welborn)appoint a committe to canvass the congrigation to mmise the funds necessary to complets the as above agreen on. The Chair appointed R.0.VDeitz,Ben Ramsey and J.G.Shelton as a committe to purchase Pee the manse. < ee me ~wansnan=aeeS@Ge The W.B.C.Co, Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,Ne. May 24th 1919. Joiny Boards met at the call of the Pastor wtth the following present,Oscar Morrison,Edwin Ramsey, J.U,patterson,T.¥,Miller,&.Morrison,0.4.Morrison, r.4¥.Steitkleather,J.S.Alexander,R.U,Deitz,E.white, A.%.Welborn,Clyde walker,Clyde Alexander,J.H.Pressly and J.¥.Sshelton. the reporst of the sommittes was received and adopted. open and closed with prayer by Pastor.the meeting The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N,v: The Session met at the call of the Pastor with the following members present.}.Morriosn,T.i.Steikleather,T.D.Millery J.S.Alexander,Rev.J.ji,Pressly and J.t.Shelton. {.D.Miller and J.%,Alexander were appointed to represent @irst A.R.PeChurch at Statesville,N.¥.at the meeting of Presbytery and Synod to be held at Charlotte,N.Y,April 29th and April 3$(th 1919. There being no further matters before the meeting they adjourned. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Bcok Sheet No.300-L ‘. Statesville,WN.v. March 2d,1919. fhe joint boards of the church met at the call of the pastor with the following present. R.U,Deitz,E.Morrison,Clyde Walker,A.P,Barron, J.0,Patterson,Oscar Morrison,M.“.Ramsey, Rarl White, Ben rRamsey, J.S.White,J.5.alexander,Ulyde Alexander, r.L.Steikleather,Aa..Welborn,D.A.eMorrison,J.t.Pressly, and J.4.Shelton. After heing constituted with prayer the m the sabbath school annez was discussed and the following motion was ordered--that the building of the sabbath school annex not be undertaken until 1920. That a committe of three be appointed to submit plans thees of the proposed building at a subsequent atter of building or ske meeting,with an approximate cost of the same. fhe Moderator appointed the following,as the committee. U.Morrison,R.U.“eitz and A.U.Welbeorn. there being no further business the meeting adjourned. ?—-Moder. Sf l2.¢.2 :A -Fi u ;FLEE.A clerk. Statesville,Nev. April 6th 1919. The joint Boards of the First A.R.P,Church met at the call of the Moderator with the following members present. A.P.Barron,E&.Morrison,Clyde Walker,i.M.C.Davidosn, M.E.Ramsey,John White,J.o-Alexander,i.0).Miller, r.L.steikleather,warf white,A.E.Welborn,).A.Morrison, R.O.Deitz,Rev.J.i.Pressly,and J.¥.Shelton. Mr.&.Morrison made a report for the comittee for the sabbath school building but no action was taken. Morrison was instructed to have plans made for the proposed new building,and he was allowed to pay for same and duct the amount from his subscription up to an amount not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars. It was orderd that the following cirtificate be grented| Miss Adelia ¥Yleming ,Bell Garrison Powell,and Gales White.There being no further business the mecting adjourned. 7}pA ag fibjeneowe nen an an an meaonom Moder}. I.:x ot hn on Statesville,Ne. September ist,1918. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L The joint Boards met at the call of Pastor with the Following present,&.Morrison,M.&.Ramsey,Clyde Walker, J.0.Patterson,Oscar Morrison,7T.D.Miller,F.ii.Vonger, J.S.White,arl white,J.o.Alexander,T.L.Steikleather, 9.A.Morrison,Asef.Welborn,H.P.Grier,ReO.Veitz,WePe McLain,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.u.Shelfon. Aftor being constituted with prayer the Moderator appointed the following men as a committee of entertainment for the special mecting. ?,Morrison,J.™.Sharpe,and Ae.Welborne It was mooved that a committe of ten men he anpointed to arrange collction for the purporse of financing tue sneciall meeting. It was ordered that the following men be intrusted with this duty.J.u.Shelton,&.Morrison,¢@.U¥.Morrison, John S.White,Clyde Walker,V.,Lackey,M.P.Alexander, WmeMorrison,J.M.Sharpe,and L.C.valdwell. There beine no further bhsiness hePore the joit ‘oards that adjourned. k Kn Sulina mcwnhawcense=Clerke The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. July 21st ,1918. The Session met with the fbllowing members Present.D.A-Morrison,£.Morrison,T.)D.Miller, J.o-Alexander,T.L.Steikleather,W.P.McLain, Rev.J.H.Pressly,and J.u.Shelton,. Communication was had from Dr.W.W.Orr of Charlotte,N.U.stating that he had arranged to holr scpies of meeting in our church beginning on Sept 1st 1918. T.D.Miller and J.&.Shelton were appointed as a committe to make arrangements for song books foe the meeting. Tt was ordered that W.C.MeLain be granted a ciptificate of dismissal to unite with the AeR.P.Church in Collumbia,&.vU,. On motion of Iir.E.Morrison ag offical letter be prapaired and signed by the Session and a copy of it mailed to each of the young men now in the army. fhere béing no further business tey adjourned. law ==-Moder. a“Pet Zo —<—(C1 erk. Statesville,N.vU, August 24th 1918. fhe joint Boards of the Church met at the call of the Pastor with the following present. T.D.Miller,Earl White,Clyde Walker,n.0.“eitz, H.O.Morrison,F.H.Conger,Clyde Alexander,J.S.Wwhite, A.E.Welborn,Bev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. After being constituted by prayer it was ordered that a finance committe of ten he appointed by the Pastor to arrange for the collection to be taken for Dr. WeW.Orrs meeting. Tt was agreed that the hour for the afternoon service during the special services be held at 4 P.M.and 8 P.Me Tt was ordered that T.D.Milier and J.u4.5helton be appointed as advertising and publicity committe for the.specail meeting. There being no further business they adjourned. Moder. Jlerk. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.”. July 7th 1918. The Session met in regular monthlu sitting with following members present. i,l.steikeleather,E.Morrison,J.S.Alexander,D.A.Morrison Rev.J.li,Pressly and J.uU.Shelton. Mrs.J.C.Miller was received and enrolled as a member by cirtificate from the M.&.S.,South River Cir:ut. The propricty of installing the service flag inside the church was discussed but no vote taken. After the usaal rotine of business being disposed off the Session adjourned. Statesville,N.C. July 21st 1818. Session met at the call of the Pastor with the followi members present,f.Morrison,T.4¥.Steikleather,T.D. Miller,W.P.McLain,D.A.Morrison,{.M.U.Davidsony Rev.J.ll.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The matter of holding the two weeks meeting was sone over and sertain arrangements made as to song pooks and music!etz. It was ordered that the Session write eash boy that has gone out ?rom our church a personal letter and that | this be repeated as often as thougt advisable. Mr.Pressley was granted sa four weeks vacation to begin with this date. On application Jampbell McLian was granted a cirtificate of dismissal to the Columbia,S.C. A.R.P.Churche There heing no further business they adjourned. aah senwah awnenpaaaeMOoaer e| The W.B.C.Co.}Statesville,Ne.Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L January 20th 1918. At a congrigational meeting held on the above date the following Deacons were installed after the regular morning service. A.E.Welborn,Clyde Wakker,Clyde Alexander,M.E. Ramsey Jr.T.O.Morrison,and Barl G.White. The other six Deacons elected on Jan 6th 1918 being from the old board of Deacons so no installation was necessary on their part. yt rl YO 4 —_ KezLi cles Clerk. . < The Session met March 5th 1918 with the following members present.T,.L,.Steikeleather,T.D.Miller, Rev,J.H.Pressly and J.&.Shelton.- After considerable discussion of the welfare of the church they ‘decided#o make the regular monthly meeting after the morning serviceng on the first Sabbath of.cach month. <f Statesville,N.C. May 5th 1918. fhe Session met in regular monthly sitting with the following members present.W.P.McLain,E.Morriosn,T.L.Steikleather, J.S.Alexander Rev.J.ll.Pressly and J.4.Shelton. After being constituted by prayer Nr.W.L.Shetrill| was accepted as a member of the church on profession of his faith. On motion of J.°.Alexander it was ordered that Rev. W.W.Orr be secured to hold the specila series of meeting in the First Church some time in September 1918. There béing no further business,mmeting adjourned. || | The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,Nev. Jan 6th 1918. At a congrigational meeting held Jan 6th 1918 the election Deacons was.entered into with the following result. HieP.Grier,A.H.Welborn,J.S.White,and R.U.Deitz was elected to serve a term of tworyears. #.H.Conger,Clyde Walker,A.P.Barron,and Clyde Alexander was elected for a term of four years. M.“,.Ramsey jr,[f.0.Morrison,J.0.Patterson and Earl Ue White were elected to serve a term of six yers. On January 20th 1918 the deacons were ordaicd and reguarly installed into office,) / f a“ aweteeire Statesville,N.vU, March 3ist 1918. At a congrigatioal meeting held after the morning service the following Trustees were elected. A.P.Barron,J.H.Sharpe,and re, LLY.cst a wolan. Statesville,NU. Uctober,7th 1917. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L fhe session met with the following present. J-s.Alexahder,T.L-Steikleather,T.D.Miller,Eh.Morrison, Rev.J-ell.Pressly and J.u.Shelton. prayer the following members llowsip of the church.After being constituted by were receiver in to full fe Albert Sooper and Clarence Moore by pebtrtificate. By profession .O0.lieratige,Elna Ayers,and W.v.Greye The following childred were baptized in the presence of the eession,Catheline Yount,Sadie Allen Somers,and Harold Vance Alexander. ee I Mies a A -Chairman, |"utilehans nn nna ---Clerk. Statesville,Nev.Deo 3d,1017. The joint boards met with the following members present. H.P.Grier,E.Morrison,F.H.Conger,[.L.Steikleather, J.S.White,T,0.Miller,J.4.Patterson,J.o.White,A.P.Barro M.P.Alexander ,J.H.Pressly and J.U.Shelton, After some discussion the matter of the change of the Deacons office from a term of life to the rotary system | it was the unanimus opinion of those preset that the the new system world be preferable and it was ordered that the matter be laid before the congrigation for discussion on Dec 28th and on Dec 30th the congrigatian should vote on the matter. On Decamber the congrigation adopted the new system of electing the Deacons as provided by g@rder of Synod 1917. Four Beacons to be elected for a term of two years, four for a terr of four years,and four for a term of six years.The election to take place Jan Gth 191°. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L June lith 1917. The joint boards met at the call of the Pastor with the following preset,M.P.Alexander,J.J.Patterson,A.P.Barron,T.D.Miller, E.Morrison,J.S.Alexander,V..Lackey,R.U-Deitz,J.H.Pressly und J.G.Shelton. It was,ordered that the original conmittee instructed to igjvestigate the purchase of the McElwee propety be continued and that they be instructed to purchase the propety'as low as could be had and close the deal. The report of the organ committce indicated that they had employed Nrs.J-D.Ramsey at a salary of ten dollars permonth. Tt was ordered that this comitttee be discharged as there was no further work for the members at this time. Tt was mooved by E.Morrison and ordered tha special fund be collected to pay the oranist salary of then dollars per month. The terasurers report showed that the generl fund was in arrears and recogmended that a special effort be made to collect up as much as possiable. fhere heing no further business the meeting adjourned after praper by the Pastor.penghr none--ene---Chariman. Statesville,N,U-. Sept 4th 1917. The joint boards of the church met at the call of the Pa and were constituted by prayer. The followin members’being present,J.5.Alexander, T.<L.Steikleather,F.H.Conger,[.).Miller,H.?P.Grier, R.0.Deitz,E.Morrison,J.S.White,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The committe on purchasing the McElwee propety reported and asked that the time be extended which was granted. The report of the treasurer was made and acepted. The special committee on canvass was not readyv to reporp There heing no further business the mecting adjourned. | 2 |-Jhairman,) Statesville,NC, The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L May 27th 1917. The session met with the following members present. T.D.Miller,J.S.Alexander,f.L,.Steikleather,W.P.McLain, E.Morrison,J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The meeting was duly cobstituted by prayer by Pastor. The following persons were admited as members of the churk Mrs.Frank Rhynne by cirtificate from Race St M.E.Church,and the following by profession,Frank Sharpe,Jr.J.L.Hunter #Jr.Julia Pressly,dames Patterson,Claude Patterson, Francis Alexander and Hellen Alexander. The following children were baptized in the prsence of the Session by the Pastor. Eugene Davidosn,Riter Lee Hartline,Dortha Jane Johnson, Marry Ethel Kestler,Iva Lee Alexander,Robert Sidney Sherrill,J and Lathan Bonner Rumple. There being no furthre business before the session they adjourned. ~~water nee--~----Moder 6-mysCALYn JwinthuaosiccobmaQlerk. Spring communion conducted by Rev.Paul Pressly. Statestlle,N.C, May 14th 1917, Joint boards met and were constitute with prayer by Pasor. The following members were present.M.P.Alex- ander,T.D.Miller,J-S,Alexander,A.P.Barron, R-O.-Deitz,H.P.Grier,J.H.Pressly,T.L.Steikleathe and J.uU.Shelton. The report of the treasurer was read and adopted. The report showed that quite an amount was due the tresurer for current expenses, In view of this fact Mr.J.S.Alexander mooved that the deacon$make a specil effort to raise all the funds that they could during the next thirty days. Mr.H.P.Grier mooved that a committee consisting of M.P.Alexander,and Wm.Morrison benamed to sectre the services of a competent organist and fix | salary of same. The reort of the committee of securing a part of the livey stable propety was recived and committeecontinued, On applycation Dr.[.G.Miller was granted a cirtificate of dismissal of membershi to unite |with Secon Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. It was also ordered that Bruce Lindsay be granted a cirtificate of dismissal to unite with Presbyte- ian church of Ensley Ala. There being no further business that meeting adjourned. |(none GoomenonCRaSis Fe f/cilja-—|Tat a9pse SOC »| | | | Statesville,n,c,* The W.B.C.Co.| april 16th 1917.Minute Book Sheet No.300-L The session met and was constituted with prayer by Pastor with the following mémbers preset. &.Morrison,T.D.Miller,Rev.J.fi,Pressly ,J/J¥SVAlLexande and J-G.Shelton,. Mr.Charles Heins was admited as a member of the ehureh by proffession. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. /ra ---~---Hoder. “Dla ES A <Clerk. 756 Statesville,NC.©...April 34,1917. The joint boards met in regular monthly sitting as per agreement witht the following members present-M.P.Alexan- der,H.P.Grier,E.Morrteon,J.,Patterson,J.5.Alexander, T.D.Miller,J.5.White,T.l.Steikleather,R.0.Deitz, Rev.J.H.Pressly,and J.U.Shelton..bi After same was constituted with prayer uppon request from eounty school board permission was granted to use the ehureh lawn and the sabbath school room if needed for the ehildre&day exexsize on April 6th and 7th. The report of the treasurer was made showing quite a lot | of uncolleeted dueéiup to the present time and in view of this Mr.J-S.White mooved that the deacon make a special effort| in the next thirty days to codlect all funds possiab&hy the,first day of May. The Deacon were reqvested to make a full report of theit canvass if postands by the next regular meeting night. Mr.T.D.Miller mooved that the matter of building the sabbath sehool room be defered for the present.| The general interest of the ehurch was discussed at lenght | by severil members of the board.| The ehair appointed a committee consistin of A.P.Barrog, Mat Phe next rebular assting Algae’Ss tS*theBeERRSs* livery stable propety from Mr.R.V.Brawley. There being no further business t | ,Af LLLIO-~ Gan2t2nree Statesville,N.&, The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Mareh 25th 1917. The joint boards met in sesion with the following members present,Wm.Morriosn,W.?.MeLain,A.P,Barron, T.D.Miller,J.S.Alexander,F.H.Conger,M.P.Alexander, H.P.Grier,&.Morrison,R.U.Jeitz,T.L,.Steikleather, Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton,. .The eommittee on the new sabbath sehool roome reported. that they deemed it advisable not to undertake the work just at this time and recogmended that the matter be defered for the present. Prof.GeE.Jull was admited into full membership of the church on profession of his faith. It was ordered that the first Monday night of each month be a regular meeting night for the jéint boards . This action was taken that the ehureh work might be more earefully ant effectually carried out. There being no further busienss before the meeting they adjourned.ae[hb pa Statesville,NC. Feb.4th 1917. The joint Boards met at the call of the Pastor with the following members p esent. R.OsDeitz,wm.Movrison,A.P.Barron,F.H.Conger,T.2.Miller J.5.Alexander,M.P-Alexander,J.D.Patterson,&.Morrison, W.P.MeLain,V.H.Lackey,Rev.J-H.Pressly,and J.u.Shelton, After the same was constituted with prayer tte report of the Deacons as to the progress of the joint ¢eanvass was heard.| The question of the new sabbath school room was discussed and on motion of Mr.W.P’MeLain the matter was defered | for further action until a full board meeting sould be had, The chair appointed the first sabbath of Mareh as a date to Purther eonsider this matter. There being no forther business the meeting adjourned.f AAa=(ices le ghia aGed.ccen4-Clerk,. Statesville,N.C,The W.B.C.Co.Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Feb.4th 1917. The Session met with the following members present. E.Morriosn,[,D.Miller,Rev J.H.Pressly and J.G,.Shelton After being sconstitéted by prayer Mr.Varl L,axley was admited into full fellowship of the ehureh on profess ion of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mecting adjourned. kotLoder. "Vena tik--@-.os—gherk. ote - Statesville,yc, January 28th 1917, ing memberspresent,R.0.Veitz,D.4.Morriosn,,J.S.Alexande MeP.Alexander,He eae?T.D.Miller,J-S.White,E.Morrios FH.Conger,AP»Sarren,‘Wm Morrison,J-,Patterson,Rev.|i JeH.Pressly and J,G.Shelton. The matter of additional Elders and Deacon was discussed The joint boards met at the eall of the Pastor with the ta | }|but no action taken, Mr.W.N.Johnson,Eugene,Feasterman gnd T.2.Hoover from the Pressly Memorial Chureh were present and spoke of the needs and plans of the Church. Uppon request of the visitig brethren the ehair appointed a committee consisting of f.0,Miller,D.4.Morriosn,and J.G.Shelton to confer with Messres W.N,Johnson and Eugene “estermm as to calling a pastor for the Pressly Memerial Chureh,. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. HE ae. eat:wt KaemewewenJierk. N Statesville,Nev. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L :January,7th 1917. The Joint Boards met and were constituted with prayer by the Pastor,with the following present J.D.Patterson, .AeP,Barron,,T.D.Miller,J-S.Alexander,J.S-.White,Wm.Morriosn, F.H.Conger,E.Morriosny M.P.Alexander,W.P.MeLain,D.A,.Morrisp H.P.Grier,R.O.Deitz,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J-4&,Shelton. The matter of extra assesmet was discussed at lenth and a ever member canvass was decided uppon. The report of the treasurer for the year 1916 was made and received as in®ermation. There being no further “Ot the meeting adjourned. HershJaag2ewet=~Moder. foALM Bors Jan 24th 1917. The Session met and constituted by prayer by Rev.J.H. Pressly with the following present,E.Morriosn,T.D.Mille »JS J .S,Alexander,T.L.Steikleather,D.A.Morriosn,W.P.MéLain and J.G.Shelton.| Mr.E.L.Dagenhardt,Mrs.&.L.Dagenhardt,Miss annie Bell | Dagenhardt and Lonnie Stevenson were admited into full membership of the ehurch by cirtificate. There being no further bus{#ess the meeting adjourned,|44 Ay, en Saas +-++e--KModer. eyLe:/ Lol gunaLE a --«Clerk, The W.B.C.Co.Statesville,N-«C, Minute Book Sheet No.300-L November 12th 1916. The Session met at the eall of the Moderators and eonst- tuted by prayer with the following present. EsMortheon,T.L.Steikleather,[.D.Miller,WeP.MeLain, D.A-Morrison,J-S,Alexander,Rev.J.H,Pressly,and J.&.Shed ton.The followin members were a@mited and enrolled by eirtificate,Mrs.T.G.Shelton,Mrs.Love Walker Ramsey, and Mrs.Jutta Wren Walker. The meeting adjourned. AMtthhPLwaterrs Steed LAoars Statesville,NeUs = October,29st,1916. The Session met with:the following present,Rev.J.-H,meeps T.D.Miller,Je S.Alexander.T.L.Steikleather and J.6,.Shelto Same was Venn et eaves by prayer and Miss:Ruth:Steinhouse was admited'as a member of the ehureh oh her’profession’of faith. The méeting adjourned.\AALEVA,aoe -Clerk,. Stetesville,N-, November the 3d,1916.| The joint Boards met with the following members present. T.L.Steikleather,J-D.Patterson,J.5.Alexander,J.S.White, Wm.Morriosn,H.P-eGrier,F.H.Conger,M.P.Alexander,RU.| Deitz,¥.P.MeLain,T,D.Miller,E.Morrison,Rev.J.li-Presslyan:. and J.G-Shelgon. Mr.T.D.Miller explained the object of the mectink ana exibited a drawing of the proposed new sabbath school addition.After considerable discussion of the plans it was demed advisable to lay the planis before the entire eongregation on the first Sabbath of January 1917. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. oe ’veMw —faaBe: rs SS mesoeillia| Statesville,N,V.The W.B.C.Co.Minute Be ok Sheet No.300-L Oetober 8th 1916. The Session met and was constituted with prayer by Rev.J-H,Preesiey ‘vithe the following memberst present. E.Morriosn,T.D.Miller,W.P.MeLain,J.S.Alexander, T,L,Steikleather,D.A,Horfiosn,and J.G -Shelton, The following were ade tea to full membership of the Chireh on profession of their faith,Wallace R.Rumple, Alexander §,Beaver,Mrs,A,S.Beaver ,Harrold P.Smith,. Erner Freidman,Gladis Cook,Charles BeFreeze,and by eirtifieate Mrs.Neil P.Morrison,Mrs.C.B.Freeze, Mrs.Lilliand Hand Still,J.1.Hunter,Mrs.J.L.Hunter, and W.F.lunter. The following ehildred were baptized in the presence of the Session,A.S.Beaver,\Adult,Charles Love Freeze , _Slarense Lillian Moore,Louise Pevis Vavidson,- Robert Latter Brevard Moore,and Claude’Lowerly Pressly. fhere being no further business the oe adjourned. fio ~-Moder. 65.° -_ The joint borads met and were eonstituted by prayer’with the following members presente T.L.Steikleather,£.Morriosn,A-P.Barron,Wm.Morrison, J.S,Alexander,F.H.»Conger,W.P.MeLain,T.D.Miller,H.P+Grier M.P.Alexander,V.E.Lackey,R.0.Deitz J.D.Patterson,Rev. JeH.Pressley and J.&.Shelton,:' ‘It was moved that the following men be named as trustees for the office until theire suééssors are elected and the follwoing Stetasville,N-C. September,3d,1916. First A.R.P.Chureh of Statesville,N.C.and hold | weare elected,Maj.R.L.Flannigan,#.Morriosn,and a.P.Barron. It was: writing assigns on west prepety After our was Meeting adjourned. ordered that the Trustees exicute propper instrument of giving Mrs.Marry Sample and Dr.£.G.Miller or their full ingress and egress to use the ally way that lies side of the Church propety and adjoining the miller | on east side. some diseussion the amtter of collection at the evening deemed unadvisable at the present time. D MUA eetel POEM ee mm «Clerk. 1 The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,WNeCe. August 6th 1916. The joint boards met with the following present- J.D.Patterson,f.L.Steikleather,E.Morriosn,J-S.Alexander, T.J.Conger,A.P.Barron,V.E.Lackey,R.O.Deitx,M.P.Alexander Wm.Morriosn,I{.D.Miller,D.A.Morriosn,J-5.White,and “Peongedt and @,G.Shelton,| wThemeetin as eonstitutel hy wie by the Pastor. A request was read from Rev.J.H.Hooton for the privaledg of canvassing the Congrigation for raising funds to.build a ehurch at Knapolis,N.eC.-This was grated and jip#*#¥oton to make his eanvass at his convenience. There being no further business thp meeting adjourned. oy Cound “Moder. C7.vr ¢ phaddbs —ob ces erk. Steatesville,N.v.| July 7th 1916.|| | The Session met with:following present J.D.Patterson,&.Mo rison, He P.Grier,J.8-Alexander,Te L-Steikleather,R.0.Deits,T.D.Miller, V.E.Laekey,A.P.Barron,J.H.Pressley,and Je U.Shelton. After beinr eonstituted by prayer the ‘report of the treasurer was read and showed that the elurch was behind about four hundred dollars from last quarter in the matter of eollestion for | |all perporses. It was ordered and allow on request of Rev.J.H.Press that the begipift’a credid of $75.00 as a part payment of his tythe. A free discus ton was had as to the neds of the Sabbath | Sehool..and as to.the advisability of enlarging the present | builda@ing at an early date. Meeting adjourned.\AhNPhawtar]of}fa" (pice:enn eee ---Clerk, The W.B.©.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C, May 14th 1916. The joint boards of elders and deasons met at the eall of the Paster and constitutedby prayer. The following members were present.E.Morrisen,J.D.Pattersa H.P.Grier,T.D.Miller,4.P,Barron,J.S.Alexander,I.l.Steikleathe R.O-Deitz,WePeMCLain,V.E.Laekey,M.P.Alexander,WoMe Morrison,and J.U.Bhelton.; The report of Mr.R,O.-Deits treasurer was read and after some discussion same was acceped and adopted. It was ordered that R.U.Deitz and E.Morriosn formulate a suitable letter outling the needs of the shureh and urge uppon eaeh delinquint the urgent need of and early aosere *ail amounts that gre due. ibe effort to be followed up with a personal eanvass of @l1l those failing to respond to the first eall,so that .all needed funds would be in hand by July 1st.\rSeverilsoit"ana interesting talkes were made as thebestmannerandmethodofgiving. There being no further business the meeting adjourned, j Li I7 stanfe)A LyO4 <S werishhhde cn -ork. \ Statesville,Nev. May 28th 1016. Session met and constituted by prayer by Rev.J.H.Pressly with T.D.Miller,Eugene Morrison and J.4,.Shelton present. Mr.L.V.Pteree was admited into full membership of the ehur¢h on his préfession of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. There being no further business session adjourned. -e2e8<ar +o9g7207~~-eNoder. i / (=)oe ly.GZ ALEKMieocxeeeeeeTel -Clerk. The W.B.C,Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statistica ee Oe AeForyearending Please fill each space below and forward one copy to Rev.BR.B.Kennedy, Due West,S.C.,FIVE DAYS before the meeting of Synod,one copy tothe Clerk of your Presbytery FIVE*DAYS before the meeting of Presbytery,~ and keep one copy on file, +Report on SALARY for the Congregation’s Last FISCAL Year. +Report on ALL Other Contributions for the PRESENT Synodical Year. (Make yourreportin dollars.Do not give the cents ) Name of Church o Wii ae meeetatae Cy COP i oe cess wah cca adddenworecenncedaere ACCESSIONS: By Profession ..By Certificate...7-7--.-Total LOSSES: By Death.....Y ee By Dismissal fie.Total BAPTISMS: Atte...4.<_-....-.2-Infante fe.Total Salaryt ---| Synod’s Fund¢-- “Foreign Missiorst -—- Church Extension+. Ministerial Relief Fund+ American Bible Society+ Orphanage Fund }- Miscellaneous ¢. SABBATH SCHOOLS: Number of Officers and Teachers.. Number of Pupils Enrolled Average Attendance Collections for the Year LADIES’SOCIETY: Number of Members Enrolled_....% Average Attendance i Sd pasa Collections for the Year YOUNG PEOPLE’S CHRISTIAN UNION: Number of Members...../Y Collections for the Year JUNIOR CHRISTIAN UNION: Number of Members Collections for the Year ToTaL PAID Average per Capita Value Church Property”- Value of Parsonage Property rece 2 ha een ene ———— Assessed or Special |Total Paid ls./v09 2° ZIo ,!Q Statesville,NC.| May th ,1916.| This being the occasion of our Sprin Communion and Rev.J.8.Moffaitt conduction the services. The following childred were baptized by the Pastor in presence of Sessions | | | |B.M.Garrison,Bride Roscoe Sherrill,Clyder -resco. Sherrill,Eugene M@Dough Yount,John Guy Heratige,| Margurite May Elizabeth Lyon,Glen Benficld Teague, Martha Elizabeth Patterson,John Alvin McLain, Thomas Sidney Morrison,j/| (alelleetln—eroen, EXAMINS.&+-PROVED —~ByY THE—3 SIRST PRESBYTERY.¢ #58, statesville,N.Y. ai we.:May 7th,1916. Session met and constuted with prayer by Pastor. The following members present,T.D,Miller, J.S,Alexander,D.4.Morrison,T./-.Steikeleather, W.PéMcLain,E.Morrison,J.S.Alexander, and J.4,Shelton.; Mr.J.M.Sharpe,Mrs.J.M,Sharpe,Miss.Carrie Sharpe, and Miss.Sarah Sharpe were received as members by cirtificate from Presbyterian Church,of Radford,Va. Mtg.Janie Stevenson Davidson by cirtificate from Concord Presbyterian Vhurch,. Mr.Bima Cowan,by cirtificate from-front Sst, Presbyterian Church,Statesville,NC, Mr.Lonnie Stevenson,by cirtificate from Fifth Creek,Presbyterian Church. Br profession of their faith the following wer i be 9ah es uoLain,G.W.itunter,Bryant Teague, Burtie Teague,Cambell King,Glen Steikeleather, Pressly Patterson,Austin Boyd,alana lawis Evans, and Elmer Sherrill. All of the above mention names were ordered enrolled as members of the Church. Session adjourned. LvbLeeCf—lerk.own ~~~+++--odere // Statesville,N.C. April 23d,1916. Session met at the call of the Pastor and constuted by prayer with the following members prsent,[.D.Miller, W.P.McLain,J.5.Alexander,;D.A.Morrison,T.Lsateik- lether . Mrs.W.H,Long presented a cirtificate of membersh from the Broad Street M.E.Chorch Statesville,N.U and was duly reciver and enrolled as a member. Mr.I¢.L.Steikeleather was appointed as a delegate =Presbytery,to meet at Clover ,8.Cc. bap ,ibeWhO ierk oon -~------~--Moder. The W.B.C.Co.Statesville,we’.’ Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L j January 9th 1916. Session.met and ‘constitued with prayer byPastor. The following were.present..bh 5 Rev.J.H,Pressly,T.D.Mijler,E.Morrison,T.L.Steike- leather,J.5.Alexander,ahd J.G.Shelton. Mr.TeJd.Ayers and’Mrs.T.J.Ayers were admited as members on profession of their faith. Session adjounned.Va)AD/Aey keAicthu—hintaan unwanaaaClerk,.Sella eo 00 0 os at tn 0 oo MOOD Statesville,N.C. March 26th,1916. Session met and constituted with prayer with the following members present. Rev.J.H.Pressly,J.S.Alexander,T.D,.Miller, D.A.Morrison,W.P.McLan,T.&.Steikeleather, and J.G,8helton. Mr.Albert Johnson was admited on cirtificate to membership,from Elk Shoales,A.R.P.Yhursh,and Mrs.Sudie Johnson by cirtificate from M.E.Church Troutman,N.C.and My.W.HeLong,by cirtificate from Hroad street M.£&.Church,Statesville,N.°.eBPs There being no further business the Session adjout +,y J, Scie.-srere,wwne eww =e Odels December 12th 1915. The joint Boards met withe following members present. Rev.JH,Pressly,R,Op’eitz,1T.L.Steikleather,J.5,White, Wm.Morrison,y M,P.Alexander,A,P,Barron,E.Morrison,F,H,Conger D.A.Morrison,H.P,Grier,T.D.Miller,and J,G,Shelton. After prayer the matter of “Every Mwmber Canvass was ordered taken with week beginning Dec 26th 1915. The Laymens League was requestedt to assist in the canvass, On motion of A.P.Barron the following committe:was appointed,A.P.Barron,J.5,White,EeMorrison,R.0,eitz H,P.Grier,and J.4,Shelton,to make up an estimate or “budget for the amaunt the church should raise fer the year 129164"i‘. |It was orderd that a special collection be taken for Rev.J.G.Dale to help defray his expenses for his canvass for the year 1915, There being no further business before the meeting they sdjourneds }7 — Clerk,cqusss@neawnceasnaligdar > te ” Ci The W.Bx C.Co.Statesville,N;°, Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L :Oct 24th,1915. Session met and constitued with prayer by Rev.J.H. Presely with the following members present. Ee Morrison,Ww .P,McLain,JS -Alexander,f,L.Steikleather *p.A.Morrison,£.D.Miller,and a G.Shelton., Mr.J,S.Alexander was chosend as a delagate to Synod to convene at Due West,8S.C4 After donsidering severil matter pertaining to the “en of/the church the Sesion adjourned.BL athrrae Statesville,N.C. November 2ist,1915. The Sesston met and was constituted with prayer with the following members present, Rev.J.H.Pressly ,T.D.Miller,3.S.Alexander,T,L.Stei- kleather,and J.&,Shelton. Comer Karusus was admited after examinationof his faith and orderd enrolled as a member of the church. Session adjourned. eae emma comme -MOdere #53 Statesville,yc, October,27d,1915. Session met at the call of the Pastor and constituted by him by prayer with the followin members of the Session present.his 2 : T.D.Miller,J.S.Alexander,J,H,Pressly and J.G.Shelton,. Mrs.Leona Hartline was admited as a member of the church by cirtificate from Race St Methodist Church, and Miss Dasie Freeze on profession of her faith. Mr,T,D,Miller was chosen as a delagate to Presbytery |to meet in fall sitting at Coddlecréed,NC, lotte,N.@ | Dr.Reid Patters was dismissed to Tryon St MeE.Church,CarThereheingnofurtherbusinesstheSessionadjourned. SF ‘pelle. room aoemen reseman()lerk,OO eksO He te ee reOH a OU me en nas Moder. The W.B.C.Co.Statesville,NeCe Minute Book Sheet No.300-L October a —_ This being the occasion of our Fall Communion which was conducted by Rev.W.B,Lindsay of the First Church Charlette,Ne. The Session met with the.following present,1,2D.Miller, T,L,Steikeleather,E.Morrison,p,A.Morrison,J.®.Alexander, Re¥,J.H.Pressly and J .&,Shelton. After duly constituted by prayer the followin members were admitea by profession of their faith. Fred Lee Barkley,Harry Earl “arkiey,Fred Coross Burges, William Glen Burgess,and by Cirtificate, Miss.Willie Love,Miss Louis Love,Mr.Ross Garrison, and Mrs.Ross Garrison and Miss Bertha Hair. The following childred were baptized. Victor Karusus,William Porter Axley,Annie Ellonor Lewis. Sesston adjourned. \{ ,f ‘ie maeweanonrannnoaeMOder o SHELL ng lerk. #51. Statesville,N.C.phe pSept.19th 1915, Session met at the call of Pastor and constituted by prayer by him with the followin members present. T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,D.A.Morrison,J.8.Alexander, E.Morrison,and J.G,Shelton,. Mr.T.L.Wood was-admited amd orderd enrolled as a member of the church by cirtificate from the Presbyterian Church,~°ery Sessio adjourned after prayer.-.»the bn Statesville,N.C. gtatesville,N.C.The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L September 5th 1915, The joint boards met in regular quarterly sitting with the following members present. T.D.Miller,T.,L.Steikeleather,E.Morrison,,J.D,Pattersop M.E.Ramsey,D.A.Morrison,W.P.McLain,.H.P,Grier, Wm-Morrison,V.E.Lackey,J,8.White,M.P.Alexander.. A.P.“arron,Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The reports of the véreasurer was read and adoped, Severil matters pertaining to the welfare of the church was discussede The matter of a Every Member Canvass,was considered and ordered taken,but no time stated or agreed uppon when such canvass should be made. There being no further matters before the meeting they adjourned. XK ' pri na lerk. Statesville,N.o. August ,22d,1915. The Session amét and was constituted by prayer by Rev.JH, Pressly with the following elders present. T,L,Steikeleather,J.S.Alexander,D,A,Morrioson, E.Morrison,and J.G.Shelton. Mre.-GewseWs Revis was admited:and ordered.enrolled as a member of the church on profession of her faith. Session adjourned.a ; nif (* Helene My er Cy»NeCe Statusville Septtember,12th 1915. Session met at the call of Rev.J.H,Pressly and constituted with prayer with the following members present.T.D Milter,J.8.Alexander,T,L.Steikleather,and J.G, Shelton. ‘Mre JeMeJohnson presented himself and was accepted as a member of the church on profession of his faith. There being no further business the session adjourned, ‘+ y7} i Ad ils Le Ly L1 Stetesville,N.C. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L July 4th 1915. The joint board of elders and deacons met at the call of the Pastor with the following members present. J.H,Pressly,J.D,Patterson,W.M.Morrison,J.S.White, T.D.Miller,-AeP,Barron,M.PsAlexander,R,U,Ycitz, F.H,Conger,J,S.Alexander,W.P.McLain,E.Morrison, V.E.Lackey,Ds4,Morrison,H.P,Grier,T,L,8teikleather, and J,4,Shelton, The report of the treasurer and other committees wasreceivedandadopted. The question whether or not the the Church should hold @ special evangalistic meeting during the fall months was discussd and refered to a committee consisting of .P.Grier,E.Morrison,and J.G,Shelton to correspond with some one looking to holding such meetion and report at _&subsequent meeting. The matter of a memorial tablet to be plaed in the church in memory of the former Pagtor Rev.W.B.Pressly was r fered to a conmittee consisting of H.P,Grber,W.P.McLain and I',H.Conger,to investigate amd make some recogmendatin at a subsequent mecting. There being no further business before the joint Boards they adjourned,to meet at the call of ‘the: re / GL Lh at ’.‘ at Staéesville,N.C. May 16th 1915, The Session mat at the call of the Pastor and was constitued by prayer by him. The following elder were present,D.A.Morrison, W.P.McLain,E.Morriosn,T.D.Miller,J.S.Alexander,T.1, Steikeleather and J.G,Shelton.| Robert Bruce Lindsay,;and Gea,W.Revis presented themselves for candiates for membership a.on profession of their faith | they were duly received into full fellowship in the Church. Session adjourned. pfa/>Lie pas Clerk. Stetsville,N.C. June 6th 1915. Session met and was constituted by prayer by Rev.J.H, Pressly and the following members of the Session were present.E.Morriosn,D,A.Morrison,J.5,alexander,1.)Miller, T,L,Steikeleather and J.G,Shelton. Mr.William Ellis Howard,and Mrs.William E.Howard were admited to membership by cirtificate and duly authorized enroled as members of the church. Session adjourned. ‘ x tl,|weceenSilkauaClert.PRGpRRemmn-—--Ee« a an in Statesville,N.C.ree :.April 25th 1915. Session met and constituted with prayer by Rev. J.H.Pressly with the following elders present. T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,J.S.Alexander,I,L,Steikeleather E.Morriosn,and J,G.Shelton. Mr.Arfhur Steele was admited by cirtificate form New Sterling churche After prayet the Session adjourned. chimscanniisiiiiaiiiiaiidiliiias Moderis he OO oe AO wan we onon oe om ww()lerk. Statesville,N.C. April 18th 1915. Sesseion met and constituted with prayer with the following members prsent,Rev.J.H,Pressly,T.0D.Miller, W.P.McLain,T.L.Steikleather,J.S.,Alexander and J.G,Sheltor *Received by cirtificate from New Sterling,N.Y.Mr.Arthur *Steele.| |Cirtifiactes of dismissail were granted to Mrs.Lilian Smith | MePeters to unite with the Presbyterian church at Marton NC. and Mrs.Mamie Sharpe Cowan to unite with the Front Street Presh’terian church of “tatesville,NeC, The W.B.C.Co.Statesville »BV *Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L April 4th 1915. Sesscion met and constituted with prayer with the following members prsent,Rev.J.U,Pressly,T-D.Millre, E.Morrison,J.S,Alexander ,-T,L,Steikleatheb,and J’G, Sheltony Marrie Lonis Deitz,Tla May Douglas, Mirgiam Cook, This being the occasion of our Spring Communion condtctead ”by the Pastor, GH... Statesville,N,v, April 4th 1915. The following childern were baptized in the prsence of the Session, William Poter Ramsey,William Pressly Alexander, Albert Barron Sample,Willie Peal Rumple,Hellen TomlinMoore.yaar Statesville,N-C, March 14th 1915. Sesseion,met and constituted by prayer with the following meme bers present f.Morriosn,T.DeMiller,Rev.J.H,Pressly, J.S.Alexander,T.L.Steikleather,W.P.McLain,and J.&,Shelton Mrse T.M.Hill was recieved into full communion’on profession faith. anesealm eI QOUCY.« “-og or CMA oer, Staesville,N.C, March 28th 1915. Session met and constituted by prayer with the following) members prsent,J.S.Alexander,T.D.Miller,Rev.J.H.Pressly, E.Morrioson,T.L.Steikleather,and J.U4.Shelton. Mr.and Mrs.W,L,Pope ware admited as member s by cirtifficate from the Asqueth Presbyterian Church of *altimore,M.D. grea:awww)OUAT s /ipoudide. (a=Shale ork. Stat esville,N.C. The W.B.C,Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Feb.18th 1915. Sesseion met and constituted by prayer with the following members present,Rev.J.H,Pressly,T.D.Miller, E.Morriosn,J.S.Alexanier,T,L.Steikleather,and J,G,Shela Sherwood Bonner was granted a cirtificate to unite with the Camden Ala,A.R.P.Church and Mr.and Mrs.QM, Goodrum were granted cirtificats of dismissail to unite with the Huntersville,N.C,A.R,P.Church. Staesville,N.v, Feb 28th ,1915. esscion met and constituted by prayer with the following members prsent, Rev.J.H.Pressly,E.Morrosn,J.S,Alexander,T.”Miller, #.L.Steikleather,and J.G.cShelton, N.P.Alexander was admited by cirtificate fand by entities Mrs.Thomas M,Asburye ouaia LLL lark. Statesvill:, Jan 10th 1915. Session met and constituted with prayer with the follow ing members present,lieve J.H.Pressly,T.D.lliller,T.L.eSteikleather,D.A Morriosn,and J.G,Sheltone R.WeGarriosn was granted a cirtificate of dismissal to unite}with the Rock Hill A.R.P.Churche ieee Moder. AullweetaeewsweLO“lA ierk. | |i Statesville,NeCe Jan 17th 1915. Sesston met and constituted with prayer with the following members present,Rev.J.H.Pressly,T.D.Miller,T.L.Steikleather D.A.eMorriosn,W.P.Mclain,and J.G.Sheltop. Mrs.A.C.McHargue was at mited to membership on profession. YA Rt enc |DLL yp ‘,o a Kaka L¢L4a CO4erk. The W.B.C.Co.Statesville,N.&. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Wan 3d 19165. The joint boards met and constituted with prayer with the following present,H.P.Grier,J.S.\ihite,M,P ,Alexans Rev.J.H.Pressly,T.D.Niller,E.Morriosn,J.¥,Patterson, T.L.Steikleather,V.l.Lackey,R.O.Ycitz,W.P,MceLain, and J.G.Sheltone The deacons report for the year ending Dec 31st 1914 was received and adopted.3 Tt was ordered that the church rool be revised and that a correct list of the church membership be furnished to Deacons Board,and that a joint mecting be helt at an early date by the Wlders and Yeacon to plan the work for the year 1915. yZZ samme ~\[OUCT NZL .-01lerk.y f Staesville,N.C. Jan 34,1915. The session.met and constituted by prayer with the followin member prsent,Rev.J.4,Pressly,T.D.Miller, T.L.Steikleather,E.Morriosn,W.P.McLain,and JG Gnelte Mr.and Mrse Email EeAyersy,were admited by profession. wh HET Crerk. Statesville, Dec.30th 1914., | | Session met and constituted with prayer with the following members prsent.Rev.J.H.Pressly,T.D.Miller, D.A,Morridsn,and J.G.Shelton. J.S,Alexander,T,L.Steikleak Noah Sonmers was recived as a member by profession of his fpith. _Moc ler Staesville,N.Ce Jan 3d 1915. Sesseion met and constituted with prayer with the following* members prsent. Ret.J.H.Pressly,T.D.Miller,E.Morrisen,T.L,Steikleather D.A,Morriosn,and J.G.Shelton, Mre.and Mrs.E.GeWhite were admited as members fron Sterilg A.R.P.Church. 1 New | Jf) 4 ae afiepepigennioe foder. ff/Jt(/_& eo Lb LGAerk. Statesville,N.C. The W.B.©.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Ger t .8th A 1914 ‘“ The followin children were baptized. David Lowerly Pressly,Rebecca Louis Guy,Robert C.Guy, Jack Pressly Frazier,and Hellen Davidson. Staesville,N.C. QYct 12th 1014. The segien met and censtituted by prayer with the 'fellewin present ).4.Morriosn,T.L.Steikleather,Rev.J.# Pressly,[.Morriosn,W.P.MeLain,and J,uU,Shclton, J.5.Alexander was appointed as a delegate to Preshytery to mect at Neeleys Creek,S.u, Statesville,N.C.Nov.15th 1914. sseion met at the call of the mederator and was consti- tuted with prayer with the following members presnt, Rev.J.H,Pressly,J.S.Alexander,EF.Morriosn,T.).Miller, W.P,McLain,T.LeSteikleather and J NG Sheltom.o Moore was admited @@ membership by cirtificate Ce yyJeeModer. edLelecllbbtgr. I'rs.Bessie ! }from Prévidence Nk. Statesville;N.C. Sept,13th 1914, The sesseion met and was constituted with prayer with the following present,Rev.J.H.Pressly,T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain, W.A.Morriosn,E.Morrison,J.S,Alexander,T,L.Steikleather,an J.G,Shelto, It was ordered that the chairman appoint a comittee of two attend more faithfully the publick ordinances of the church and D.A,Morriosn,T,.).Millery were appointed. Miss Elizabeth I.Hubbert was admited to membership on professiion of her faith.|| ts Lo LL ABEY _oierk. | { Statesville,N.C.Oct Sth 1914, The session met and was costituted with prayer with the |following members prsent. T.D.Milier,E.Morriosn,J.5.Alexander,W.P.McLain,D.A.Morriosn, Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.G.Shelton. The followin members were admited by profession,Buford h,| Guy,Luna Mills,and by cirtificate fro Mooresville N.E. Church Mrs.Lee Morrow and by cirtificate from MooresvilleA.ReP.Church Mrs.Ellen Bell. This was the occasion of our Fall commuion conducted by Rev.G.R,White.®- fo me mem =MOMEY¢} The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,.N.C, Oct 10th 1014, The joint boards met at the call of the Pastor and constituted by prayer with the following members present. Reve J.H.Pressly,T.D.Miller,E.Morrison,J,S,Alexander, V.E.fackey,T.L.Steikleather,F.H.Conger,A.P.Barron, J.5.White,M.PeAlexander,Wo PoMel ain,H.P.Grier,DeAe Morrison,H.P,.Gricr,R.0.Deitz,W.M.eMorrison,and J,G,She lton. The question 6f making disposition of the cert of $400.00 item of borrowed money that the trusttcs of the Pressly Memor’al Church receivedas donation of the First Church was ordered assumed as an obligation on the membership of the First A.R.P.Churchv and said amount ordered paid out of the general collection as soon as practiac]and the endorsers of said note be relivedthereby. It was ordered that the First A.i.P.Church pledge the sum of Seven hundred ($700.00)Dollars to the general funf of Synod,said amount to apply on foreign and home mission,church extention etz.for the 1915. mo -Meo der, fon Clerk. Statesville,N.C. Sept 27th 1914. The Session met and constituted with prayer with the the follwing members prsent. | |} | | Rev.J.H,Pressly,T.D.Miller,J.5,Alexander,T,L Stotkleath¢r W.B.McLain B.A.Morriosn,and J.4,Shelton,. Mrs.S.AeFreeze was admited by cirtificate from the Street |rMeEe Jhurch of Statesville,N.Y, By request the followin cirtificates were granted, J,MeSharpe,lire and yirse ReleJenkins,Carrie Sharpe,and Sarah Sharpe and Alex.Sharpe,to unite with the Presbytemian Church of Radford,Va Meder4 (qlee...-Clerk. / Statesville,N.&. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L July 26th 1914. The session met and constituted with prayer with the following members,prsent. J.S,Aliexander,T.D.Miller,J.S.Steikleather ,J,H,Pressly and J.&%,Shelton. Mrs.JeWWill Mills was admitted by profession. le Moder. Zebefbat Clerk. ; Stetasville,N.C. Sept.6th 1914. The session met and constituted by prayer with the follok present,D.A.Morrions,J.”.,Alexander,E.Morrion,W.P.Mclain Rev.J.H.Pressly and J.4,Shelton, Misses,Ida and Maggie:NcLelland were admited by cirtifie te from Ulio,Presbyterin Church. Mr.and Mrs.thos Knox were garnted dismisal to unite with the Presbyterian Chuch at Bear Popular,N.°&. eee Kee em sloaw---MOder. ) Q lay orern. .Mrse J,C.Gray one of our members died August 21st 1914 33 ciel ia sei wail Statescdile,8.0.due Siet 1626, Session,at the call of the Rastor and constituted by prayer .| ||The followin were present,Rev.J.H.Pressly,W.P,McLain,BeA. Morrison,E.Morriosn,J.S.Alexander,%.L.Steikleather,and J G Shelton, Chalrers Teague,and Mrs.Lola J,Teague were received by cirtificate from Elk Shoels A.ReP.Church. Moder. _Clerk.| Statesville,N.C.June 28th 1914. The joint borads of the elders and deacons met with the following present,J.D,Patterson,R,0.”eitz,M,P Alexander,T,D.Miller, E.Morriosn,A.P.Barron,V.E.Lackey,H.P.Grier,J,5,Alexander, WeP.McLain,T.L.Steikleather,F.H.Conger,J.S.\ihite and J.G.Shelton.After prayer and tit reports of the various treasurs statements reciver it was ordered that the moderator take up with the ministerial association the advisability of conduction through the months of July and August union meetions to alternate between the various churches’on Sabbath nigh . A vacation of one month was granted the pastor same to be taken|at his pleasure. P J .Moder,| LEZ ue 244 Clerk. / Statesville,N.C. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L May 31st 1914. Session met and constituted with prayer by the moderator with the following members prsent. RNev.J.H.Pressly,T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,D.A.Morriosn, J.S.Alexander,T.L.Steikleather,E.Morriosn,and J,4&. ‘Shelton, Mr.and Mrs.H.S Douglas wacre admited as members from New Sterling A.R.P.Church. Moder. tpn[LLZt47-—"Clerke Mre P.RePatterson one of our Y“eacon died May 28th 1914. Statesville,N.C.June 14th 1914, Sesion met and constituted with prayer by the moderator. The following members were present,J.5.Steiklcather, J.S,Alexander,4 eD.Miller,D.A.Morrison and J.G.,Shelton. The following rembers were admited to membership by profession. WeH,Alexander,Killian Blankinship,Virginnia Walden, John Woodruff White,Mona Irene Patterson,Sarah E,.Veitz, Jene Donal Pressly,Ester T.Alexander and Margurite Faannigan. Add Moder. J ea LEBePigex. 31.bg Statesville,N.C,5/10th 1914 The session met at the call of the pastor with the following members present,J.H.Pressly,T.D.Miller,W.P.licLahp,JS.Alexadder D.A.Morrison,Tt.L.Steiktéather and J.G.Shelfon,. "Mies cre Moore of the of the First A.R,.P.Chirch of Charlott¢ N.C.was recived by cirtificate and W.e°,Miller was etree a cirtific te to unite with the Presbyterian Church of Meherevitis,Vas Mr.Lee Morrow one of our members died May 10th 1914. In the presente of the session on Wedsday night May 27th 1914 Velna Deitz Wingate,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.H.G.Wingate was | }baptized. 'ee ti eel nati LEGLbYou,(CleAC The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Page 296 Statesville,N.°. 4/19/14. The session composed of J.H-Pressly,J.S.Alexander, T.D.Miller and J.G.Shelton met at the house of Mr.Lee Morroy and/his decoration of faith and request his name was orderd recorded as a member of the church. Closed with prayer. rim ene OEY¢ of i Yo Mra Statesville,N.¢. 5/3/14.| The session met and was constituted with prayer bythe cart J.H,Tebelld dj =e fhe SeetousyvE members present,D.A.Morrisrrison,”T.D.Miljer,Ww..VMoLain,1 Steikleather,elton Etel Teague was ge to nn sian onprofes- sion of her faith.J.5.Alexander was appoited as a del gare to Presbytery at Huntersville,N.Y, penmnnmaModer» Clerk. // The following childres were baptized,James Harrold Brawley,William Boyce Davidson,Marry Rebecca Troutman, —Spears Alexander,Julian Preston Patterson, | The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. 4/5/14. After the morning service the following deacons were elected by the congrigation.This election was held without nominations with Toliow result. R.O,Deitz,M,P,Alexandér,V.E,Lackey,and J.S.White all recéiving a majority o otes present.. Closed with prayer from the moderator,Rev.J.H,Pressly. aMr.T W.Frazier one of our members died April 2d 1914. Statesville,N.C. 4/19/14. After the morning service the following members were ondeined.as deacons of the church .,R.0.eitz,J.5.White, -"¥.E.Lacker,and M,P.Alexander. Closed with prayer by moreator Rev.J,#,Pressly. Page 27.r Miss Sarra Brown died March 5th 1914.rT Statesville,N.Y. 3/1/14. The session met and was opened with prayer with the following members present,T.D0,Miller,D.A.Morrison;T.L.5teikleather, W.P.McLain,J.8,Alexander and J.&,Shelton. Mrs.Clyder S.Alexandor was admited by cirtificate from TIFst baptist church Charlotte,N.C. and Mrs.J.D.Ramsey hy cirtificate from the first presbyterian church of Nashville,Tenn. CMrseJNanhie;Bopner-Miller was granted a cirtificate of dismisal to unite with the Camden presbyterian church at Camden,Ala. Closed with prayer. / Statesville,n,¢ 3/15th 1914, Session met and was opened with prayer by moderator. The following members were present,E.Morriosn,T.”. Miller,W.P.MeLain,J.5.Alexander and J,&.Shelton. Mre 4J.T,Cashin was admited to church membership on pro- fession of her faith. Clesed with prayer. ee mnat ce nt on vl wet =a men we weMOCLET’« WMtithe-aror4. ae Tan tne S tate sv il le ,N eCc ° 2/8/14. The ssesehon met and was opened with prayer by moderator with .the following members present,E.Morrisen,T.D.Miller, p.AeMorriosn,J;S,Alexander and J.¢.Shelton. Henry E.Lewis and Thos,G.°helton werer admited to membership on profession of faith and Mrs.Jessie McLelland Lewis by cirtificate from Loray Presbyterian church. Closed with prayer by Mr Miller. 0 On ae ot os a wn ewe 0 on ae an an ee o—~10 de Le fay ya Lilie —._gree: { Statesville,N.°. 3/1/14. The joint boards of deacons and elders met at the call of the moderator with the following members present, T,L.5teikleather,E.Morrison,3.0,Patterson,A.P.Barron, F H.Conger,T.0.Niller,D.A.Morrison,W.P.MeLain,J.”Alex- ander and J.&,Shelton, Permission’was granted the Young Mens BiBie class to hold a musical social in the chgrch at some future date. The enlargement of the Sabbath School room was discussed and the matter was left over for further consideration. It was ordered that four additional deacons be elected by the congrigation,and thatv the congrigation vote for four members without nomination,after two weeks notice given the members. Closed with prayer. ich,-, nciitnneniaiaiiliitsai iis .;qo Siiaclenan n=-LOLOP. Statesville FugyCjpure vo, Jan 25th 1914. Session met and was opned with prayer by the moderator T,.D,Miller,y W.?Me}The following members were present, Lain,and J,G ‘shelton, Miss Flossie Sherrill was admited by cirtificate to church membership,from Rehobeth Methodist church. Closed with prayer. Statesville,N.°. 2/1/14. after the worning service the following were .ordained as ‘elders,‘E.Morrioson,D.4A -Morrison,TL. Steikleather and J.®Alexander. Closed awith prayer by the moderator J.4,Pressly. Statesville,N.°.Minute Book Sheet No.300-L 12/28/13. The jiont boards met at the call of the Moderator,with the following members prsesent.J.5,Alexander,T,.D,Miller,H.?. Grier,F.H.Conger,W.P.McLain,J.D,Patterson,A.P.Barron, and J.&.Shelton. The report from the treasurer was received. It was orderd to take thirty fivce dollars from the general fund and appy same to repairing the church. It was ordered that the congrigation elect four new eldens, after the two weeks notice be given. Closed with prayer. (Ka Ypazh,TEA LE yao B19 Statesville,N.%. Jan 18th 1914. Immediately after the morning service the congrigation elected the following members as elders.These were elected without nominafion..Morriosn,T.1,Steikleather,J.,Alexander, and D.A.Morrison.ee The meeting was closed with prayer by the moderator Rev.J,4, Pressly. .Page 236 Statesville,N.°,1913. The Church entertained the Synod from November fourth to the ninth with Rev.J.H.Simpson as Moderator, oStatesville,N.°. 12/7/13. The session met and was opened with prayer with the following members prsent,T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,and J.4%,Shelton, Mrs.Malissa Yount was received by cirtificate from Marvin Methodst Church. Closed with prayer. esiiidiamautnmnegeamenanentbdnaned --Moder e +72 pe DEY-sHe~ The W.B.C.Co.|Statesville,N.o. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L 10/12.13. Session met ,opened with prayer with the following members present.W.P.McLainn,T.D.Miller,and J.Shelton. The following perseons were admited on profession of their faith,Gladdis.L.Welborn,Marian R.Moore,Rebecca R.Moore, Nannie B.Alexander,E.L.¥reeze,W.B,Patterson,W.B,Shives and by cirtificate John Grier Crawford from ,Pisgah S.C. Closed with prayer. / Statesville,N.C. 10/12/13. The following childred were baptized. Ellen Caldwell,Blanch S.Boyd,Jne M.Waugh,;James E, Troutman,.Leone E,.Barkley,Geo.W.Sherrill],and Mattie M. Sherrill, Mrs.James Page died November 4th 1913.- Statesville,N.C. 9/7/13. The Session met and was opeed with prayer with the following members prsent.T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,and J.4,Shelton. Espie Cash was admited to membership:by profession and Mrs. Marry Cash by cirtificate from St Pauls Luthern Church. Closed with prayer. JAAD ADD A CL OE OD LD DO Zz 2 ;\hon PIeefnn.___rere. Statesville,N.°. 9/21/13. The seseion was opened with prayer with the*following menbers preevit,1.D.Miller,W.P.McLain and J.@,°helton.| Mrs and Mrs..H.G.Wingate from Gastonia,werer admited to church membersip by cirtificate. Closed with prayer. omapengpn SELB.Clerk. Page 20. Statesville,N.°. 7/6/14.Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L The joint boards of deacons and elders met at the call of the moderator with the following members prsent. J.S.Alexander,W.P.MNcLain,F.H.Conger,H.P.“rier,1.D. Miller,J.D.Patterson,D.A.Morriosn,and J.@.Shelton. After a general discussion of the affairs of the church they adjourned. Closed with prayer. aanaw waannwsamanmuamassansea Oder ° >Jy / WELLE fp.-0 er. Statesville,N.¥. 7/20/13. Session met and was constituted by prayer. The following members present,W.P,M@Lain,T.D.Miller,and J.G,Shelton.sicuted Jas A.Matheson was admited to church membershipon profession of his faith, Closed with prayer. CEL aiere. Statistical For year ending sae Piease fill each space below and forward one copy to Rev.E.B.Kennedy, Due West,$3C.,FIVE DAYS before the meeting of Synod,one copy to the Clerk of yout Presbytery FIVE DAYS before the meeting of Presbytery,and keep one copy on file. *Report on SALARY for the Congregation’s Last FISCAL year. *Report on All Other Contributions for the PRESENT Synodical year. (Make your report in dollars.Do not give the cents.) ?‘as ey °o )es )ore ,’r Name of omar LEM CK Ue &LEY CK he Ea Name of Minister or Clerk.64.7077 47%SLi gees MOLES FUR Post Office wf LA CIO CanPz or AerF_Number vf Communicants at Present_--.......¢-.-...---.---------+-------- ACCESSIONS:4 A By Professiun../...-/..By Certificate...<-.#..Total....-.(--=-- LOssEs:j ,¢ By Death.....2<...-..By Dismissal Jem.Zotal...i2ve : BAPTISMS: Adnuits i=.es Total_.-.-v.. \Assessed or Special |Total Paid|rr ree I basins eas Synod’s Fund* Foreign Missions*__- Church Extention* Ministerial Relief Fund* American Bible Society* Orphanage Fund*_____..___- Miscellaneons*a?ey; SABBATH SCHOOLS: Number of Officers and Teachers Number of Pupils Enrolled .__...- Average Attendance Collections for the Year .__- LADIES’SOCIETY: Number of Members Enrolled Average Attendance 4zCollectionsfortheYear............ YOUNG PEOPLE’S CHRISTIAN UNION: Number of Members .f f Collections for the Year ._. JUNIOR CHRISTIAN UNION:: Average per Capita Value of Church Property ........-..........$. Value of Parsonage Property ............._.-? ornate tna __Stateaville,N.C,udy 4th 1913,Page 29 |The following children were baptized.. The W.B.C.Co.Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Edna Eviin Sherrill,Rober Sherrill,Joseph Gray Asbury, and Robet M.Asbury. Statesville,N.°. 6/21/13. Session met and was constituted with prayer with the following members present,T.D.Miller,W_P.McLain and J.G.She- iton,Mr.R.A.Steikleather from Race St Methodist Church was admited to membership. Closed with prayer. ee ° HALF._____orere. Statesville,N.°, 6/28/18. The Session met and was opened with prayer. The following members were present.W.P.McLain,T.D.Miller, and J.G,Shelton,on request a cirtificate of dismissal wasgivenMrs.Marry Gobel Darr to unite with St Martin Luthern Church. Closed with prayer. frteaman ATE Statesville,N.°, 4/20/13. Session met with prayer by moderator with the following members present,T,D,Miller,W.P.McLain,J.\,Sharpe,and J,“,Shelton. On application the féllowing members were dismissed to the Pressly Memorial Church.Maggie Walker,Lee.Waugh,Mrs.Lee Waugh,Chas Ross,Mrs.Chas Ross,Joseph ater,T..C Davidson, Mrs.T.M.C.Yavidson and Mr.and Mrs.Francis Moore. Closed with prayer by Mr.Miller. ali Statesville,N.°. _8/4/t. The ‘Sessionmet and was constituted with prayer.The following members ‘were present.1.D.Miller,J.,Sharpe,W P.McLain, and J,G,Shelton.The following were received on profession of the ther faith,Rober G.Sherrill,Sadie A -Alexander,Marsh S.Hoon» a Andrea Smith,Mildred Freidman,and Nettie aid York Stinson. By Cirtificate,’from Perth A.R.P.Church,Robert,Martha,> Susan,Harry,Willie,Mullie (Sadie Stinson,and John G. Lewis afid Chattie B.Asbury,by cirtificate. ~Closed by prayer. Shoossngghtn<~--<nn--—Oder MoM ot nn0n-0-Clerk. Page.17. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.°. 4/6/13. Joint boad of Elders and Veacons met at the call of the Moderator,J.H,Pressly,with the floowion members present. T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,J.M.Sharpe,A.P,Barron,H.P.“rier J.D.Patterson,P.R.Pattereen}D.A.Morrison,and J.&,Shelton. The matter of making certain needed repairs and improvement on the church and the manse was refered to the board of deacons with power to act. A request from Pressly Memorial @hurch that permission be granted them to dediacte their church during the meeting of Synod was allowed. There being no further business the meeting closed with prayer toed ang ere er eamneen eee“Li eats lerke Statesville,N.°. 4/11/13 The session met and was constituted with prayer with the following members present,1T.D,Miller,W.P,MeLain,and J.G.Shelton,Mrs.Mary Ramsey Warren was receivey by cirtificate from Huntersville,A.R.P,Shurch. Closed with prayer. ~rr <ecnnn=lOMers Aeeheblidlit,aren. Page 16. Statesville,N.C. 2/8/13. Session met and was constituted by prayer with the following members presnt,T.sD.Miller,W.P.McLain,J.¥. Sharpe,and J.G,Shelton,Mr.A.A.Buckner aapeared and was accepted as a member of the church on profession of faith dnd by cirtificate from:St Pauls -Luthern Church Mrs. Julia B.Mills,a church lette was granted to Miss Dasie Garrison to join A.R.P.Church at Rock Hill,8.°. Coleed with prayer. Se OE —on oe aaa nea Moder & :J YBEbh nNGLI March 234 1913 Mrs.J.Will Mills Died at Hickory N.C, Statesville,N.°. 8/22/13. Session met with the following members present,W,P.NMcLain, T.B.Miller,and 3’G.8helton,open by prayer by moderator Chars PYEngleberk and Mrs.Bertha M.Flemming was admited by profession of theie faith to church membership. Closed with peayer. Sun own gw eee ao~=—=—[Oder. (ZZ M2 Gps =--om aoa a -Clerk. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Bcok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N., Jan 26th 1913. Session met and was constituted by prayer by the Moderator. The following members were presént,T,0,Miller, W.P.McLain,J.4,Sharpe,and J.“.Sheltén, Sherwood Boner was admited to church membership on profession of his faith and by cirtificate Mrs.Neil Shape from the Front St Presbyterian Church. Closed with prayer. ;Chounnanennncatiiigi. ee Feb ist 1913 Charles Evens one of our members died. Statesville,N.C. 12/15/12. Session met and was constituted by prayer by the.moderator “with the following metimere presnt;?.D.Miller,J.M.Sharpe, and J.G.Shelton,Mr.J.F.Ryan was admited hy cirtificate and A A,Buckner by profession of his faith. Closed with prayer. Statesville,.N ov Jan 7th 1913. The joint board of Deacons and Elders met inregular quarterly sitting with the folowin g members presnt. AvP.Barron,T.D.Miller,W P.McLain,H.!.Urier,J.D.Patterson, B.A »Morriosn,J Matin,F.H.Conger,and J.-Shelton- The “aittort reports was received as infermation. _&request from the Pressly Memorial Chur:h was received a “requesting financidl did but the board thought best to sar sea?9,”Atel hla take no definite action at this time. Closed with prayer. wavnneenpoe Moder. ews CELhd ne.<Olerk, Minute Book Sheet No.300-L Staesville,N.C.. Nov.10th 1912. The session met and was gonstituted by prayer by the moder ator with the following members present. T.M-C,.Davidson,W.P.McLain,J.M.Sharpe,¥,D.Miller,and J.G.Shelton. On request a cirtificate was granted to Mr.and Mrs. R.L.Jenking to unite with the First Presbyterian Church of Norfork,Va. Closed with prayer. Am ee oe ces oon ray ete ooOy OF OF an mS OFOwOw ee Os -Moder . ic LpCLE nnn COs , November 11th 1912 Mrs.Mattie Sherrill died. November 15th 1912 John Flemmeing ated. November 24th 1912. ’ito fait {‘‘iT The session met and was constituted,with prayer by the moderator with the followin menhers.present. T.D.Miller,J.M.Sharpe WeP.MeLain and JG,Shelton. The following persons were reeeived by cirtificate. Mrs.B.M.Garriosn,from the Race St Methodist Church and Mre.J.C.Gray from the Meoresville,A.R.P.Chureh. Closed with prayer. Page 12.we ey 5 Statesville,N.C, Oct..6th 1912. The session met and was constituted’by prayer with the following members present. T.M.C.Davidson,T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,&.M.Sharpe, and J.G »Shelton, This being the season of our fall ¢ommnion the following members were receiven fife profession of faith. Hattie Rebecca.Fowler,Cora A.Barkley,John Grier eee. Harrie Lewis Sherrill,William L-Pressly,.and by eneuareere frem the First Presbyteian Church of Steesville,N.C, Mrs.‘Dies P.Patterson. Clesed by prayer. REST otf anon ae a :YY Lyathrcnrk. the following children were baptiseds—Albert S.White, Margret nell al14s80n,Mattie Rumple. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,EDUCATION,AND WELFARE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION BOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION OUSTHICTOFFICE 105 Corriher Avenue Salisbury,N.C.281k Praaky rdiay Meth baetle:Presbyterian Churen Telephone:633-6470 C.28677 Re:Lema &Little 239+99-0799 Verification of age for the person named below is needed to establish a dete of birth for social security purposes.Age informetion mey be available from the records of your church.The following information is furnished to aid in searching your records:IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Lanse mumple 19i3 -i919 ‘Name of Individual Approximate Date of Baptisr: ak.}Statesville NC Residence at Time of Bectism and Remarks Jonn Alexandexs Rumple Dora Troutman_ Father's Name Mother's Maiden Name Please complete the lower portion of this letter,or your own form if you prefer, and return it to our office.Your help willsbe sppreciated, St Aravelo _——! /hc =,—a a District Manager ke ee a he eRe Oe OO 88S Fee TO BE COMPLETED BY A CHURCH OFFICIAL -CHURCH RECORD SHOWS THE FOLLOWING: aetwe - Church,1275 Broad 5t..Sté rT of Church MATTIE RUMPLE Date Child Baptised:—--—-—-—--—OCT:BEK 0,13.2 pags dé Nene of Child Shown on Record Date of Birth Date of Church Record Sessional Records flane of Parents or Guardians If no record,please check here l j /j “J ie f Signeture of farch BtH cial The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L }Stresvil le g N oC ° July 6th 1912. The joint boards met at the call of the moderator and were constituted.with prayer with the Selloving members present. H.P.Grier,F.H.Conger,W.P -NeLain,T.D,Miller,J.D.Patterson J.B.Alexandér,J.M,Sharpe,and J ‘@.shelton and A.P.Barron. M.E.Ramsey. It was ordered that the Board of Deacons arrange for the ppayment of the ballance of the debt due ‘the Pressly Memorial Church anount being about $450.00.~ Mr.J.M.Sharpe made a report.as the Woodward propety but was continued as a committee to further investigate the matter. There being no further business closed with prayer. 1G,Liesl acs i rt 2°':; mane)o@4 vee)oa gias:ofStatesville,N.C» Sept 10th 2922.o #41 efits R.W.Mills me of ourmembers was killed in a runevay accident.eee Oe ee Statesville,N.O.--May 26th 1912, {?‘feThesessionmet.and was constituted by prayer with the following members present. W.P.MoLain,J.M Sharpe,TD Maller and J..0.shetton..On request a Sirtificate was granted to Mr.and Mrs.N.W.Johnson “te unite with the Pressly Memorial Clyton of Statesville,N.°, “Closea by prayer. Shear ooee-Moder e ZZ(lec rere _Statesviile;B.C. ee ‘2a 1912. Sorehr i *_,9 ee Ee Re ee ee me we weneoe -‘ws yore fy ox j “'ghee eesbion met and was constituted with prayer by the mo~ dorsher wath the following members presnt. Fall,0.Davideon,¥.P.MéLain,J.M.Sharpe and J.@.sneites. on +a cirtificate was orogens to Miss Ferh Johnson |to e with the Mecresville A.R.P.Cuurch,and Payl | auith bas’‘Qianiesea te the...\Presbytetian Church of Baltimore,MD Clesed with prayer. is j-memmemansneantsoeceenena-—Moder. 7 August 15,1968 Mr.William Glen Burgeess1903AmityHillRoadStatesville,N.C. Dear Mr,Burgess; This is to certify that you in the name ofWilliamGlenBurgessunitedwiththeFirstAssociateReformedPresbyterianChurch,Statesville,North Carolina on October 8,1915.The record further reveals that you was baptizedonthatdate,not having been baptized in infancy. This information is obrained from theSessionalRecordsofthisChurchandiscontainedintheminutesofameetingonOctober8,1915,july recorded on page #52. Faithfully in His service, FIRST A.R.PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bernard Kunkle Clerk of Session Ricca ee tes Statesville,N.C, April 28th 1912. et No.300-L The session met and was constituted by prayer by the modera- tore with the following members present,T.D.Miller, T.M.C.Davidson,J.M.Sharpe,and J.&.Shelton. The followin person were admited as members of the church on profession of their faith,J.R.Vickeros and Oscar Vickers.'Closed by prayer by Mr T.M.C Davidson. > onenwe wow ween enw ewan -----Moder efi[7 OF c ‘AL oYSheeemerewn wenn mw meClerk. May 12th 1912. This being the season of our spring communi on the esesten met and was constituted by prayer with the ‘followin members present.T.M.C.Davidson,J.M.Sharpe,W.Plehoins,.RsMilier, and J-G.Shelton.vient ie a 3 The following persons were aamited ae ‘members ‘of the church i ce hkonprofessionoftheirfaith,‘Harry aSeroges,Mabel Fuller, Ora feague,Ernest Goodman Elle Shive a.Mabel Frank ,B.Sans Mrs ,Ernest Goemna,smittwee 9 ag, Sadie Day,Jas Preston Patterson,Closed by prayer.sa. on -=—w« “poornPP 9 ¢ GLE ty, The followin children were baptized.Eliser H.Pressly,andA.Y.Alexander jr. Statesville,N.C, March 10th 1912. The Session met and was constituted:by prayer by the soddrater with the following present-W.P McLain,T.D.Miller.and J.¢.Shelton. A cirtificatewas granted to Mise Lillian Morriosn Kestler to unite with Presbyterian Church of Catresville,;G.A.| also Miss Cora Moore to the First A.R.P.Church of Charlotte,N.C, Closed by prayer.| Se OK nemo maaan ne mm me mMOMEY. ee.N.C.ioe pra 7th 1912, the s¢asion met and was constituted by prayer with the following "members present,T.D.Miller,J-M-Sharpe,and J,G”Shenton. Mies Zola Annie Harris made a profession and was admited ae a member of the Church. 7’t i wow wwe wor wewen-—-—--~--Moder, =e rod .~~*se Sa2aensaeeeaenonaaen=]Clerk, The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-1 Statesville,Nec Jan 14th 1912. The session met and was constituted by prayer by the moderator. Tle following ‘members were present~T.D.Miller,J.M,Sharpe, w.P.McLain and J.G.Shelton. Atenese Sherrill was received into membership on profession of faith and by cirtificate Berth Morriosn. Session colsed with prayer. =e on a om ow OP te an ~ecennn---Moder & goGALL¢Cbfr eine:ot oe ee a tepatna -Clerk * Staesville,N.C. Feb.4th 1912. The sesion met and was constuted with prayer..wAet the folioing members presnt,J.M.Sharpe,T.D Mihler;WsP.Moiain and J.°.shelton Mrs.C.J.James and 'J.A.Knigh ‘made @ we YO bah and were admited to —membersip >inet gedcet Be)’ Angeline M.Alexander. | Closed with prayer. --cncensneeressen onae-eMOdSr « hook LZZ2~teee. Statesville,N.C, Dec 34a,(911. The session was constituted by prayer.by the ‘moderatore with the _following members present,J.M.Sharpe,T.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,and J.G.Shelton. The following person were admited by cirtificate,Mrs.Emma Allison,from Sterling,A.R.P.Church,Bula Moore, Jas.A.Johnson and Frank Waugh. Closed with prayer. wenn meerepyernnna--Moder.Op, The joint Boards met and was consttuted with prayer by the modertor.There were present J.M.Sharpe,T.M.C.Davidson,H.P.Grier, DA ‘2 ¥.H.Conger,Wm .Morriosn,T.D,Miller,'PR.2 JeD.Patterson,J-S,Alexander and J-G.Shelton.‘spet opA-POpert for the year 1911 was heard and adopted.sae rs m AT ea oe f $e Mie o We .The,workforthe year 1912 was discused and outlined planed for the incoming year. There being no further business the meeting adjourned . o he Sno ns awanacene—=aMOder . -a a eoewnn---aitLh.Ze erk. Statesville,N.C. Nov.20th 1911. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L os The session met and was constituted by prayer with the following members present,T.M.C.Davidson,W.P McLain, 3.M.Sharpe,and J.G.Shelton. J.Boyce Rodgers was admitted by cirtificate from the Mooresville A.R.P.Church. Closed by prayer ‘by the moderator. eenee aw -Moder @ a.. Statesville,N.C. Nov «26 «1911.ote aie 4 The session met and was constituteed byprayer with the following members present,J.M.Sharpe,‘JH Prdasly,|‘?.D.ualler T.M.C.Davidson,¥.P.McLain,and J.G,Shelton, Thomas Kerr and Flery Alexander were”samitood by Pref.and L.O.Hunter by cirtificate from the berdis EESeNe Closed by prayer »>Y T.D.Miller,had Frese ta .ef &anit as ~~pelupeO46HiteFa 2? V4 fa =fEctcencnnnnnnmnnnaOlerte The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L Statesville,N.C. Oct Sth 1911. The Session met and was constituted by prayer with!the followin members present,W.P.McLain,T.D.Miller,J.M.sharpe,T.M.C.Davidson and J,.G,.Shelton.clerk J.G.Shelton was elected @@ recording,of the session. The following person were admited to church membership, Glen Mills,Mrs.J.C.Burges,Rowel Blake Lowerly,Laura A, Alexander,Sarah G.Moore,M.E.Gibson,M.E.Davidson,W.A.Norris,— all by profession of their faith,and by cirtificate the following Mrs.Lottie Lyons,Mrs.8.E.Sumpter,S.M.Sumpter,Miss.Chaterine Sumpter,Sarah Sumpter,Marry Sumpter and J.Richard White. The following childgen were baptized during this communion ccca- sion,Thos.P.Barkley,Joh Ebenezer Boyd,Fernie Mills, Barron Kelley Grire ,L.C.Caldwell jr,Thos Love,Cary Witherspoon. IN MEMORY OF J.K.MORRISON. |Resolution. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L The Elders and Deacons of the Statesville A.R.?.Church in joint session,adopted,as a tribute of respect to the late 3J.K.Morriosn.one of their elders the following resolution:- Whereas-Mr.J.K.Morriosn for years a rulling elder in our church was called from this life to his final reward on August 34,1911 therefore be it resolved, First-That in his death this session has lost its leading and most active member,and that he was for a long while our recording clerk. Second--That while we recognize his death as a great loss to the session and church,in counsel,encouragement and leadership,we also recognize in it the hand of an all wise God,Who doeth all things well and we bow in humble submission. Third,;37~That we cherrish his memory and endeavor to emilateHIs virtues and christain example. Fourthe----That by the death of this good man that we are againreminded:that all must die. Therefore we should be faithful and promptly fulfilling eur Christain obligations. Fifth-----That we :inscribe a page in our minute beek to his memory and that a copy of these-reselutionbe sent te the family and to the chureh paper for publication. T-D.Mt3i0rson }Comiditter. H.P.Grier,) 3 |:Page,2. ,Statesville,N.C.e W.B.C.Co.Minute Beok Sheet No.300-L September 3,1911 ” The joint Boards at the call of the moderator with the members present.J.H.Pressly,T.M.C.Davidson,J.M.Sharpe, 1.D.Miller,W.P.McLain,A.P.Barron,J.D.Patterson,H.P.Grier D.A.Morrison,and J.G.Shelton, Constituted by prayer and the difffert treasurers reports werer received. On motion of J.M.Shawpe the folléwing committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions in regard to the death of Elder 3.K Morrison that occured Aug.3,1911. Committee -T.D.Miller,T.M.C.Davidson and H.P.Grier. The resolution when preparded werer orderd spréad on the Minuts. There being no further business the meeting closed with prayer. 4 =>LAAN --Moder. The W.B.C.Co. Minute Book Sheet No.300-L RECORDS OF THE SESSION OF THE FIRST ASSOCIATE REFORM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF STATESVILLE.N.C. FRON S&PT EMBER”FIRST.NINETEEN HUNDRED AND ELEVEN T0------------