HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoad Records 1855-1858 Road records no date, 1855-1858 iV ““ és : < Cuil city ae eett j ( > C744 fei. Liéeaid 2 ‘ WF sae SF A “a Abs Benirc J stss a AA. UF Bloncolona) Wp Me Bere for + glial of take ° gee 74078 = age r State of North Carolina. es TO THE SHERIFF OF 4 You are hereby commanded to take the wy, of tn safely keep, so that you have La be- if to be found in your County, and A rior Court of Law, at the next,Court to be held for the County of fore the SIpdge of our Supe . Me leah at the CON" Uecee in JLecs Cote. on the / Monday after the </ Monday in e4A— gnext, then and there to answer County—GREETING : Herein fail not, and have you 3B. and " this Writ. WITNESS, C” OF Jeeceet te Clerk of ofr said Court, at, Office, the Monday after the ~~ Monday in CA fer A. D. 187 7 and in the Sf i or year of our Independence. Issued the /2 day of Ae is7 2 ’ -0, Locaeeeecwew te 3 n. Gal AaerPCC GE BLeeell Me Minoo seg ee Eee Cased aun Lenincut 7 A Leen ~~ s + WH Visereoky sede x Ores State of North Eeccliua. To the Sheriff of County—GREETINe@:, You are hereby commanded to Summon .teecere<— Jee, atti personally to be and appear _ before the Judge of our Superior —— rt of nee at the next Court to be held for our said County, at the Court-House in Bye a ak. onthe / Monday after the *_Z Monday in es “Ke _ ; then and there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of Hho i 2 Sk J. “? K a certain matter of controversy before eeid-Cov—> sheet on depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein cz Plaintiff and . ho M2 22 AL MEO CO A+ Defendant And this you shall in no vy, omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, 1% « Cee eee? Clerk of our said Court at Office, the J Monday after the —"“ Monday in l Yo} 2 te fi 18 27 and in the 7K year of our Independence Mi hawarerreatt i tt a ‘ | State of North — To the Sheriff of ZL. etcl( > County— Greeting. ; You are hereby commanded to summon Sethe. J) yy personally to be and appear before the bee our f ie rt : t the next Court to be held for our said ae at the Court House 1 in f Ges at & Che onthe 7 le next; aa ‘then and there to testify, and the truth to say Hate in a certain matter of controversy before said Court depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein Jhu JDlate 7 Plaintiff and LY. ASrtha bdltar? « Z/7 Defendant And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, Le wet Clerk of our said Court at Office, the J @ “fhe (same: m Aplr~ | 185,4Zind in th yZ year of our a Independenc aol ate Ang me JDth allt GE, a : A Lee Lor eeu , , es SI Luecwcs Zeal” | 7 PK x J . t I CA<4 ln te tiff~ - t ' A IE Bat hte, Or LG4A8 tif fpor LLA Pew fires Sages pose lll Do « Lee ore Lal ae. (Cac He carer ede | way flaterieer < 3 S JD i Scare Green _ out bude Ht For Baa" Lhe Grand Lives a asd, amd : Et tia foi ~« ho With s boronesh hoa (gsr7 Maman FP VU gees Wr. Weapeon Mi | Wr. Survey telas % _— State of North Carolina. ¥ To the Sheriff of Diz Cog Cae : You are herety commanded to Jummon WY Gpr~ personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Coprt of Law, at,the next Court to be held for our said County, at the Court-House in 7 - on thee A—Monday after the Yr— Monday " < Se next ; then and there to testify, and the truth to\say in behalf of in a certain matter of controvers§ / before said- Goi depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein A~ ace -t7 Plaintiff and Se Cen Z i C. on 0 Defendant And this you shall i it, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, Pr ie Clerk ee our said Court at Office, the Mon fter Somer ete Monday in gt 18 C. and in ind in the ¥Z- “year of our Independence i State of North ‘Carolina. To the Sheriff of Writ County—GREETING : You are heret¥y commanited o> Yammon jw a Pasar personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior C aw, at pyonext Court to be held for our said County, at the Court-House i So on the Monday after the Monday in next ; er Pe there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of , reve 6 in a’certain matter oe eontroversy — depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein Fae and Defendant Clerk of our said Court at Office, the Mibnday after the Monday in of our Independence Witness, And the you shall i Ce opfit, under the PoLraced Ce prescribed by Law, STATE OF NoRTH CAROLINA, } Superior Court of Law: ‘Si See COUNTY. Yrs Term, 1856 . 6a * hc tusoum © ait heir oath pragent, t he /7 day of [ue Jurors FOR THE Stare, upon their oath pregent, that on the ay 6 wt Kighteen hundred and f§"- — , there was, and from thence hitherto hath been, and still is in the County of ae elite « certain common and public highway leading from Tedahein Joa ak 5 ee Lane Cote towards and unto Then Zin Vrark pvwtl oH Ton ith Lire CL pwotec€ - for all the citizens of the State to g0, return, pass, repass, ride and labor with their horses, carts and carriages 1n and along the same, at their free will and pleasure ; and that on the day aforesaid, the said highway was and yet is very ruinous, narrow, miry, broken, and in great decay, for want of due and necessary amendment and reparation thereof, so that the citizens aforesaid could not, during the time aforesaid, in and along the said highway, with their horses, carts and carriages, go, return, pass, ride and labor without danger to them- eet vemrendethe-loss-O! ttrtir goods, and that duxne ali the said tiRCcpenpemsaniumnnn soni ¢ APA é lr Adatiy was OV ‘erseeh of the said highway, and ¢ am re unlawfully nod negligently omit to amend:and repair the same—contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. Pa of fax Ren Soxtcrror. | ec, cma atta tema iia. BP a, “erewrIT A A gi ees go — “HON VANACSIN PUAULIUE, eS ene 7ohl | 7 eee Wy aes "8a (¢ Sine jt Porth Garolt Ma, ( caper Court of Law. Verctt(, counry. 4 ALL eum IBS. — | ae I) ¢- In the Suct a VERSUS. ainsi: } Charges the in this cause for attendance as a Witness / days at Gv per day, - : Mileage to Court and home miles, = : : ad : 1" - Ferriage, this Ticket, s Sworn to before a 8/7 0 6 day of MLA. ~ Bz 9 Ee STATE fe NORTH CAROLINA, Superior Court of Law, COUNTY. Ae, Term, 185 & In the Suit of 4 VERSUS : charges the in this cause for attendance asa Witness / day at Gt~ perday, - - -. g ao Mileage to Court and home / mile, - - - 2. 2. . / Ferriage, this Ticket, - ‘ . . rT gl oy ; pp yes Bun... B07. DectctU COUNTY. State of Horth Carolina, 2 sapertor conrt of baw. ng oa PEE Gam (9 SS In the Suit of Charges th : in this es days at [Zo per day, : . ileage to Court and home JAS miles, - Ferriage, this Ticket, Sworn to before me, at Office, the day of ofp —_ 18 SD + STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, bor Conti ar is = fp 1G ana uperior Court of Law, Yok Term, 13256 A ” iver In the Suit of VERSUS | . 09 A . —? ° a o On ee Mei gy ‘ CLi4 Fs i . charges the = in this cause for attendance ¢ - day at ‘eg perday, - - - &§ Mileage to Court and home / “7 miles, - - : . Ferriage, Ahis Ticket, 7 & as a Witness a, crs = J , WHE Sworn to before me, at Office, the .// Bf s day of Ake $2 be 4s State of orth Carolina, ¢ Rapertor Conrt of Law. COUNTY. 6 In the Suit of Charges the in this cause for attendance as a Witness days at Mileage to Court and home /‘e miles, - this Ticket, per day, - - Ferriage, ‘gf Cz | _d Sworn to before me, at Office, the © Y BK a , rid 189 7 ) wan be... Svle ZBL ee (ll - at f— day of ( ee DF V2 State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff’ of. Bute County—GRreetine : You are hereby commanded to eAummon 1 ao Heimat Zot ED ner: a ’ personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior C of Law, at, the next Court to be held for our said County, at the Court-House i eked on the Monday after the Monday in Of Mana next ; then and there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of 7 SK Groene 3 efore sard-Gonrt— in a ceMgin matter of controversy b depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein /1 Plaintiff and Defendant Witness, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the Monday Taatas tae the Monday in 187°” and in the year of our Independence. 2 Gi aaroseen And this you OO Ha Le under the Zt cn prescribed by Law. State of North Pacolina. A. "To the Sherif of QA” You are hereby commanded to Summon , _ personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Cpurt of Law, at the next*Court to be held for our said — County, at the Court-House in wine atin on the 6 = Monday after the A. Monday in ¢ er next ; then and there to testify, and the truth to say in — of fic Jew to eA ter in a certain matter of controv ersy before depending, and he ‘on there to be tried, wherein Z~ tate (7 Piaintiff and ee ecg — fp - Defendant fee this you shall in no’ wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, B SF, Ceseeeet SH Clerk of our said Court at Office, the Monday after the <p: Monday in 1897 and in the Fa year of our Independence. State of Slorth Ouroliny, TO THE SHERIFF OF. hots, Bet be id Sh Ae COUNT Y—GREETING : - You are hereby Commanded to summon hs Di oe Ln 41d). Lp. faratt Ok Lk 0. AE bt PULA) -. Mella AF. Garmtcnaen above) personally to be and appear before the JUDGE OF OUR SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW, at the next Court to be held for our said comety: at the Court-House i in A Lets QL lad 2’? LLL ON the 6 TM nday after the yr “ Monday i in & haat next; then and there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of 2 fe SJLETCA in a certain matter of controversity before said Court depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein 77 : u oe Le . : at io 7 | a Plaintiff and UU. fic Gruhiue (aDefendant. And this ye shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, & Li Jflrr J pméree Clerk of our said Court at Office, the a Monday after the A/ We Monday in Chu -atz 185/, and in the FF year of our Independence. i¢ 1S Mime CL ot ph ltean Datei <7: Ef ./s Sate. Coan SESS | Ke Chu Het, ~ pr Ctl = Mee anti. e . . 3 : Pe Sinte of Slorth Curolins. TO THE SHERIFF OF 2x C6 Lo oooccocccssseee COUNTY—Greemnc : | You are hereby Commanded to summon fa. geratien Call. ON hy Lin termed pcos cadowtognaci nig tintegecs personally to be and appear before the JUDGE OF OUR SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW, at th next Court to be held for our said County, at the Court-House, in « PE Led te on the oe iaslay after the ™® Monday in < or Fy 4 <7 next; then and there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of LA { A Pn DL: in a certain matter of controversy before said Court depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein Yhe 4 Vat . , ¢/ Plaintiff and » ¢ Mee lowe Uruda 444: ¢¢ Defendant. And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, fe . “3 x St, 4 ra sft & Clerk of our said Oourt, at Office, the é % Monday after the A/ A Monday in Cha Y 18 57 , and in the K, J a year of our Independence. ¢ Mi Lio ve toed Cle i ZTale LAP ss ( Millon os hrmete eu LA ( Tt Yale Kerr SE SY f Or ay Mile Bie eee ok A AEP f— aD LA? 993° State of "North Carolina, TO. THE SHERIFF OF (%,7 a@¢tl& County—GreretiNe : Y ott ate ffs Commanded to tak 26 the é bod. /, of 4 \ if tu be found in your County, and /2-+7/*safely keep, so that you have “2? POV before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next Court to be held for the County of Ware dhe oy at the Court House in 7a 72277 22e on the G 7 Monday after the —+ Monday in < hie ao A7— next, then and there to answer Sts Bt ihn 9t- 9 je f21< 12 424 CLL a Vee fon An. fe MM AMAL aD g am Herein fail not, anthhare you 1 then and fare this Writ. | WITNESS, Bk LlLrvrrerer Clerk of our said Court at Office, t the 6 Pe Monday after the SY <2 Monday in *< buwary A. D. 185/ » and in the &/ year of our Independen’d L “Issued the // Wt day of fr L € é Li.L2 State of North Carolina - TO THE SHERIFF OF Cte tee County—Greerine : You are fot seen fo take # lod. <7 of if to be found in your County, and fbovicieahely Lop %» that. you have fan before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law. at-the ne ps held for the County of etc) at the Court House in AdAcCCLée onthe a Monday after the ae Monday in next, then and there to answer Ask age <p gf ae , Loe o>) fEcco Herein tail not Ying thep’and thepe Abie Writ WITNEss, bt Clerk of our said Court at Office, the ! y after the 22 * Monday in | A. D. sh and in the year of fur Independence. Issued the /. Jf day of AE, Zz AU & ab SSS pA Cuceu ler c a a / ’ ae? 1/2. Z me a 4 7 4 / , Layo VAPY! gee ee , p22 ia ae 2 AS % VIZF 4 oe, Z*®D*IP DD Ty, 2 tie D> < wrt? ZL fgte Te Phe ~*7 a “tif fp me ty J 2 hp ptt y - *Yf >t MAT) EYP ’ —d or? SA 4 7 A aw oP ? FY, Ly Vat ry» % 9t/+5>tr7? wijpwoti F a é 4 PM ogy Yo "<7 # "Z - ratoy ydoty "> LA7 ? ag ii) tgist> 2407 4 “7 7# wv F- e. ~t “> 7 47: ) peng x0 Jz peer Nep Tp yy YOrZg > o “Bt27322 71f ‘ ) 4, , , x ty io ele 4 ¢ } J ¥/ A? oe ray TP ft ee ae a A> re hey yor 777? ginreg YP Vy yore we State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff o ) _. County—Greetine * 2 are heel: ty Commanited to Summon Ac ae GLE personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at*the next, Court to be held for our said county, at the ee S Cs t7inrtt on the G ~— Monday after the ~~~ Monday in J truth to say in behalf of , Saw YC Jlapoo— 2 fom in a certain sontroversy_before set-eurtde pen * and next; then and there to testify, and the matter of then and there to be tried, wherein.. ha. AC CARI. cisssseccvsccnces-sessecesescsscesees (l7 Pilaintiff....and . _ (laadl (eer hides foraibesnP Ay. Defendant.. And this you a in no wise omij, under the penalty prescribed by Law. DL WITNEss, LG & went ~~~ —~*«“4 Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the Vr — Monday after the “7 Monday in TF Cand in the LL of our Independence. 04: LO44 Cee ays STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court of Law: Att Le EO, p COUNTY: .. Yenc Term, ay / eta ‘ * e< - - » 6 4 Tue Jonors vor THE Strate, upon their oath og that on the 7* ‘ -dayof en ~ pags eee 7 , Eighteen hundred and 22 , there was, and from thence hitherto hath been, and still is in the as of sv « oo x ; a certain common and public highway leading from Deen, tee te Lo he. LC towards and unto «“/2 *2-« « Hb 2 owards and un “es ( wA 7 for all the citizens of the State to go, return, pass, repass, ride and labor with their horses, carts and carriages in and along the same, at their free will and pleasure; and that on the day aforesaid, the said highway was and yet is very ruinous, narrow, miry, broken, and m great decay, for want of due and necessary amendment and reparation thereof, so that the citizens aforesaid could not, during the time aforesaid, in and along the said highway, with their horses, carts and carriages, go, return, pass, ride and labor without danger to them- selves and the loss of their goods, and-that duting all the sard-time eben < ee eo was overseer of the said highway, and did then and there unlawfully and negligently omit to amend and repair the same—contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. Sorcrror. sndictment, MISDEMEANOR. se -- oe m& Z cca 2 CCU ‘: 0 C K Jt Cc yee PEC??? P li, COovK GY Che Cony Z Cow 7-G prorbw+~— Chee og * 2 fa. ~t. 7 <<¢ e-~. Af er.faef Z € —— aaa ‘Those marked thus—j sworn and sent. ee Ae of fb Eh Rear o State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of\_A ¢ rs Mou are fewly Commanded to Summon. 4c BH personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next Court to be held for our said county, at the vnc in aE SLA dy tLe on the GS Monday after the ne de. then and there to testify, and the YS Monday in Cen truth to say in behalf of fs st in a certain matter of rate efore said C nd then and there to be tried, wherein... ... Defendant. this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. WITNESS, (AP Sc tenon 890 Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the @ “—_— Monday after the=< < trp" F Gand in Zo. Loe of our Independence. Ce tr oe STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ? Superior Court of Law: r SLrvect. Cc —- COUNTY. | “yn Ne ree) . c * * ; ¢. Tye Jurors ror THE STATE, upon their oath present, that on the 7 day of 5 ones “ , Eighteen hundred and 5 € , there ye OG was, and from thence hitherto hath been, and still is in the County of fe Oe OCs ‘ 2 a certain common and public highway leading from ( tmnt Leereg Craw. -Z oe © f . - F / . ’ Prec Corrs’ #412, Co€l-c€ ao \ = LE 22 Onna towards and unto A Aw (ee A Let~ce of forall the citizens of the State to go, return, pass, repass, ride and labor with their horses, carts and carriages in and along the same, at their free will and pleasure ; and that on the day aforesaid, the said highway was and yet is very ruinous, narrow, miry, broken, and in ? great decay, for want of due and necessary amendment and reparation thereof, 8o that the citizens aforesaid could not, during the time aforesaid, in and along the said highway, with ass, ride and labor without danger to them- Ly \ ing all the said time 72.1. Cc, their horses, carts and carriages, go, return, p selves and the loss of their goods, and that dur JY, cca CE was overseer of the s amend and repair the same—contrary to the form of aid highway, and did then and there unlawfully and negligently omit to the Statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. Soticrroa, Sinate —Smbictment, MISDEMEANOR. fi : RAY ale Aa Be OL CA Row g a — J SZ. Ur d-~< feet cn as C.. o C~ ¢ f State of North Carolina. | To the pore of personally to be and appear Gators the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next Court to be held for our said county, at the Court-House j rc t2Céconthe @ ~ ——Monday after the Zc Monday in ies t; then and there to festify, and the truth to say in behalf of in a certain an 3 er nding, and then and there to be tried, wherein...7..4-¢. BEA ET oes itt tste eis eens | Plaintiff....and .. aes lo M tsa) Miter. edfadrr eke —_ .. Defendant..... And this yu shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, to LS PM Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 7” ZG — Monday after the > ~ Monday in Leagene’— 18 ¢ Gand in the ye of our Independence. @ Cte $¢ 24% 20 22m Vid ’ Be & Oo Yat fork tc L-2e LEW gn re D a> | J — 2? State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Fr< . _ County—GRrEETING : You are oa GCommaniled to Soaanon personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next Court to be held for our said county, at the Court-House i SACs Oe Lee onthe @ < ~Monday after the 4 Monday in ¢ _next; then and "S to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of “ho Cate in a certain matter of controversy beforé mg, and then and there to be tried, wherein.. JA- OLA - voce cuueeneeees se vcuuuecuceveceeeeceeceseececestcssteeteesevessessceseess. Ae&........Plaintiff....and.... hea Las pa Are MME a aes / And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, OD, igen eee ee VY Clerk of our said Court at Office,the @ Monday after the’ ra Monday in Cc lene oI 18/6 and in the pf of our Independence. aes WA es CCA / VLE F 6 FH, tlhe. PE ) { — Law we SF hie AJ AF State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of 42 County—GREETING : You ass haoby Commanded to Sammon eh) teeruids Cprikiet personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next Court to be held for our said county, at the ae la liz l2C& onthe G@ <—Monday after the next ;fhen and there to testify, and the Monday in truth to say in behalf of WT ae Oo sr in a certain matter of controverSy irt ¢ ding, and then and there to be tried, wherein......H7&% soteSeni conc HO agaaagaas egy ese eparissenn etna Re rnd cone tsastanntees A...Plaintiff....and......---- oe Paapessesen se A flare p Howdy (A ck ...... Defendant..... And this you shall in no Wise omit, under the pena prescribed by Law. WITNESS, O GL. aoe... 2 Clerk of our said Court at Office, the CO Monday after the <7 — Monday in Mes 187 € and in the year of our Independence. GF a fo 7 OC Lo. - J Se2erirense i q STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, )eSuperior Court of Law: SS Cl< C4 COUNTY. cere s Term, 195 ‘ / .° day of . a eel 6 ‘ A Tue Jurors ror tae Strate, upon their oath present, that on the / vA oe. ees / , Eighteen hundred and - a7 ee , there was, and from thence hitherto hath been, and still is in the County of J eS Oe CE F941 favo? a certain common and public highway leading from 7% Srw2, # EA. Oe at ee a Ce as en <f - Piet os) i~— aw “2 / ced ol <4 \ towards and unto (APetmenrie hel a A for all the citizens of the State to go, return, pass, repass, ride and labor with their horses, carts and carriages in and along the same, at their free will and pleasure; and that on the day aforesaid, the said highway was and yet is very ruinous, narrow, miry, broken, and in great decay, for want of due and necessary amendment and reparation thereof, so that the citizens aforesaid could not, during the time aforesaid, in and along the said highway, with their horses, carts and carriages, go, return, pass, ride and labor withdut danger to them- selves and the loss of their goods, and that during all the said time Clen~ciet Li ed : Ce e » «sy» was overseer of the said highway, and did then and there unlawfully and negligently omit to amend and repair the same—contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. Soxrerror. Sinate Us. ¥ eT TT or Pe A Llhae lk lea. / ya 7] ‘Indictment, MISDEMEANOR. Bre. 4 Cred lel Derive Jy? A- JhGCL. Gk 1 hw We ltnesera. <£ olor, ee Those marked thus «K , Sworh and sent. CLL iti wmv f a’ Jaf ti ZA gee Zi 0) (44 (de. 0) ij il o> eed oe ; | Z UY, Z Worth ¢ ) uu ehG fn WO eed Aervke eftarderk CE votre LAi-<24, -¢ PP DF Lt ie-04e— gc, mt ak. : p sm * ~ ° Ce déintdorecvd Sty Mtr gile1n.. cot - precy —a Ji0C fries L’ if . WALA evel wn’ Lael State of North Cox 7 To the of aL, ___. County—GREETING * Vou are hevwly Ol to Sernmon. personally to be and gppear before the Judge of our Superior f Law, at the next,Court to be held for our said on ‘the fe <Monday after the — next; then and there to testify, and the 4 pas) . Defendant... ander the penalty préscribed by Law. WItNess, (OX (0 CEERK” ory of our said Court, / at Office, the 2 Monday after the / —Monday in 18% Gand in t} f year pf our Independence. C Dreet cee LK, f / “ae State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of. | ___ County—GRreetinG * Uo are hovwly Commanded to Sammons axel Morcha oe ene cdi eeweevonsrenenonsenereceeseeoe enone personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next, Court to be held for our said county, at the Court-House 9 SCA kas tLe onthe Z Monday after the SF Monday in ¢ LL next 5 then and ‘there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of De Ca Lo Srveccl C4 in a certain matter of controversy befor pending, and : 7 then and there to be tried, wherein... /2«..a2 MAE... Plaintiff....and .......-.-.. Leash (scree Debian . And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prestribed by Law. Wirvess, (E SF VY sleet 7 Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 7 <— Monday after the a Monday in CC gne/— 18.5 G and in the ‘ear of our Independence. ¢ LO . Jo 1 a7 ole. ; » / ' Gee * } ! ‘A ys S + CocensF Cor-ee.. J Aotee 1 Cf Ate 2 cf . Vie aes. hea kom. CFex Cau / Cae.. rr f Ao Son pd tet b lV aia. pw. pry . ~~ C personally to be and appear ' before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next Court to be held for our said county, at the Court-House.i (AatittX& onthe G@ ~ Monday after the 4 Monday in 2. next ; then and there to testify, and the truth fo say in behalf of Vheé Cale f- jroo Aa in a certain matter of controversy before saédéefmmrr dependitg, and then and there to be tried, wherein. a LAE... Plaintiff....and cs Gps he dake} Ll at ake... .. Defendant | ; And t dy ou 8 C in no 7. Pe under the penalty prescribed by Law. WITNESS, CO G2 Cf ferre <<eAClerk of our said Court at Office, the 4h Monday after the “xy Monday im, ee Beg? — 18 of Gand in Dt F sth our Independence.’, ZLELLL cette Zi @ State of North Carolina. To the Sherif of O2eLck ¢ are herels Commanded to Seemmon. tz leer Ld ¢ personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next, Court to be held for our said county, at the Court-House in Lee onthe @ ~“—Monday after the —Y—Monday in La next; then and there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of Jialo™~ Nase dane fi-y— ding, and in a certain the then. and there to be tried, wherein Plaintiff....and . J ok ae: KL A<F9r >... Defendant..... l { / is you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, Ze peewee Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the Monday after the “——Monday in eye” i? Gand in A y of our Independence. e r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Superior Court of Law: CO haw LC COUNTY. Sea seen Term, we) aS 6 Tue Jurors FOR THE STATE, upon their oath present, that on the 7 day of neige secs o— Eighteen hundred and S oe , there oS < dle CC, was, and from thence hitherto hath been, and still is in the County of + SMidadlsdt a certain common and public highway leading from ! L, < wll .. Cir. 62 pr. e< eo lG& towards and unto, oc Vvf-7 an _ \ 1 & J ; \fe« rat a; oa ee Jie. haer~y fron Tie. wk? 7 2 pcx ot cx Pre *’ At th Apt etl OL o’ « Ce. Jrsccr~e Lager for all the citizens of the State tego,return, pass, repass, ride and Jabor with their horses, éarts and carriages in and along the same, at their free will and pleasure ; and that on the day aforesaid, the said highway was and yet is very ruinous, narrow, miry, broken, and in great decay, for want of due and necessary amendment and reparation thereof, so that the citizens aforesaid could not, during the time aforesaid, in and along the said highway, with their horges, carts and carriages, go, return, pass, ride and labor without danger to them- Tr welverrend-tho-tese-of thoir goods, and that during all the said time hess ee, cece pltcscnre was overseer of the said highway, and did then and there unlawfully and negligently omit to amend and repair the same—contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and prov rided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. Ck tt ha Soxicrror. ~— Snbicturent, MISDEMEANOR. § Ohta. ~~ f 5 heoLe " be ae A Ola. “FE He 2.-f2+ 21 J + Fee CL. co Jha. Co ¢ bu Cc<« £ C tuce- £ 4 (fo 42 te i. CLcbe de ol on. Hep. 1 Cte. h ~ Those marked thus , Sworn and sent. a a7 fe. Pre inte Gilad A ‘CA aie State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of _ cS 2. personally to be and appear before the Judge of our appended Court of mip at the next Court to be held for our said county, at the ein YY onthe G, Monday after the Le Monday in next 5 We. then and there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of od Jl fr peor e in a certain mattgr of controversy be seibtererrt=de vending and then and there to be tried, oe Plaintiff....and-.. e a a iy ae ...... Defendant..... ‘And xe) you 8 tk eZ GL under the Penalty prescribed by Law. WITNEss, 44 ¢¢é #24~<+> Clerk of our said Court at Office, the GO Monday after the eS Monday in a 18s "OK: Zs of our Independenc Pe ett © " &, outst s+ f ( Lorn ears - WS Mp tp OG : ‘ State of Slorty Curolina. 1) THE SHERIFF OF......... @ 4h ale A L _ COUNTY—Gnreetine : You are hereby Commanded to summon eT 4 zal eX personally to be and appear before the JUDGE OF OUR SUPERIOR ( COURT OF LAW, at the Sat next Court to be held for our said County, at the Court-House, in ZB te ple the by Monday after the Af Monday in Su Au next; then and there to testify, and the truth to say in behalf of Jl- aes in a certain matter of Kehr ts Fa sai Court depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein Jh- Ot4eTe WwW 7 Plaintiff and Defendant. And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the Monday after the Monday in 18 , and wm the year of our Independence. mt : ¢ LE 77, De Wal Cth STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court of Law: Lreck. Ce CouNTY. Por<~ Term, en) a ° 3 ia . Tus Jurors ror THE Stars, upon their oath present, that on the 4 day of Os WILCOCK »Kighteen hundred-and pn ra , there was, and from thence hitherto hath been, and still is in the County of &%. . ov ay 7 aX . . ° a ~ . y ¢ “ ) Cc @ certain common and public highway leading from %¢€ a, ‘“7%2 Ch le Cra? GD .«-C- / ¥ towards and unto x AL €- Ph for all the citizens of the State to go, return, pass, repass, ride and labor with their horses, carts and carriages 1n and along the same, at their free will and pleasure ; and that on the day aforesaid, the said highway was and yet 1s very ruinous, narrow, miry, broken, and im vreat decay, for want of due and necessary amendment and reparation thereof, so that the citizens aforesaid could not, during the time aforesaid, in and along the said highway, with their horses, carts and carriages, go, return, pass, ride and labor without danger to them- selves and the loss of their goods, and that during all the said time abeemeere ? Dbkeowr Pee ru was overseer of the said highway, and did then and there unlawfully and negligently omit to amend and repair the same—contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. So.iciTor. Ginate /, C4. gexeth CL7AL , Sabicea MISDEMEANOR. » + - . 2 ~ oo ° = Those marked thus > [sworh'and sent. a Wino. wre rrr te ~ WEA W Love fbi pol ad (LC tf aif fers Drak, CP ye Dp» ee bei wer Z flown Burk 6f Meee- -: zOL ke re ——> . jhe SOV PH 7 Jc Ju a-y~ 2 “7 4 Sha. LL 2 pe cof « 22. LKfe+~— fa ok, CS eae Zerwr- OZ. na A Zhe Bone foo 4 eteete eee “44 Marti rect ye Fricle 2 = Zhe LZ, sory LATE E00: aD , LA 2 fool LA Leite re, eee OC ct titde-t= Cf24 7 2 raccoon: fart Croty LAA rt + &- aMlare sy LEC Ly Mick _ GD? ( tb Ct pe a Yo rev cen ee a ee L C L729 02 t#gz2 bor . nd State of North Carolina. TO THE SHERIFF OF... Vou ae hewly commanded to Summon personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Qefart of Law, at the next Court to be held for our said County, at the Court-House in Z// Pittelit on the 6 < “Monday after 7 —— . f “o the 44 ~~ Monday a eS a next; then and there to testify, and the ZA ee GA idan: JD “he in a certain matter of eontevetsy before said -Ceur. ys depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein TK GPa ji Sf Sf 1-7 Plaintiff and truth to say in behalf of 7 Vin “- A A — Defendant And this you shall wige omit, finder the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness, PL Lien iA 42~ Clerk of our said Cour, at Office. the ZG “ Mefiday after the _4/ ™ “Monday in J i is 18 %y and in the year of our Independence, C hee geod 7 ndependone’ 7 oe M22 ie set hh enV, | State of North Carolia - T0 THE SHERIFF OF xe ee COUNTY—Greeting YOU: ARE HEREBY GOMMANDED TO SUMMON — a Le foes personally to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next Coart to be held for our said County, at the Court-House in Statesville, on the 6th Monday efter the 4th Monday in Ltd C- Dent ; then and there to testify, and. the truth to say in behalf of 4wtlog . Der Pace in a certain matter of controversy before said Court depending, ee é eB ff and then and there to be tried, wherein 24 - (7 4c? Ce , 7 Plaintiff and 0-H / g fect <5 Defendant And this you shall in nowise omit, under the penalty prescribed by Law. Witness—R. A. McLavenun, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in ie 18 f- I and in 7D; , year of our Indepghdence. £ m Lf 4 Leas DE 2 Cag 7 ; Qty -& hate by f° Gena cite Fy ’ 44 CPi "4 fe¢gée ua oe akendy a ate of Barth Carolina. To the Sheriff of HloJ, ee el + County: ;:; GREETING : gy are Bieveiy & SCornnansed To take the body, of if to be found in your County, and far safely keep, so that you have A+ before the JUDGE OF OUR SUPERIOR COURT OF W, to be held for the County of Ronee eet , at the Court House in GEL te1 te , on the @ ~~ Monday after the 4, “~~ “Monday in “next, then and OO. to ‘answer f4AEZ Herein fail not, and have you then and there this Writ. Prtuess, 4 A. Pr a.~, At! —_ BBrierk of ont Superior Court at Office, the a | Monday after the Lp “~~ Monday in (~z 4,5 A. D. 1855 J 3 day of A. D. 185 i / ' 2g°/5S JE Jal, fo wa My ae 3 ¢ an STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court of Law: SD C_<€ COWNTY. Pm) Term, 185Y Tue Jurons ron tut State, upon their oath present, that om the / day of tao on-hundred and _.__s — $— i - there was, and from thence hitherto hath been, and still is in the County of Dre SL. Le. a certain common and public highway leading from PRR LT towards and unto au _Lbelrree, a ) lho f><~? G al. wt Chews eoceeeG Cee bid ste £4 LO 2 Moen for ef the citizens of the State to go, return, pass, repass, ride and labor with their horses, carts and carriages in and along the same, at their free will a and pleasure; and that on the ite aL day aforesaid, the said highway was and yet is very ruinous, | narrow, miry, broken, and in great decay, for want of due and necessary amendment and reparation thereof, so that the citizens aforesaid could not, during the time aforesaid, in and along the said highway, with tlit{r horses, )@prts-apd carriages, go, return, pass, F ride and labor without danger to them- selves and the (Gis of thes-goods, and that during all the said time LoL. Z “A 4 p was overseer of the said highway, and did then and there wale lawfally and negligently omit to amend and repair the same—contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. 2 Soircirror. Sabictment, — MISDEMEANOR. 4 L- c : Gorrce, EK ervey. SoBor- pp JS leck, + . On % Fa LZa..-+G Pridbwe._ JE nb. > JAX Ol Decne 2 * 81 m2sele Those marked hos ~ sworn and sent. -) , ; | | OX Be 2 Ween Ai Clerk f BY apace d GB A Zz V 2p Williavses fare