HomeMy WebLinkAboutConcord Presbyterian Minutes 1979-1981DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SECTION CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Cowceepo Tres by Tee rnw Chive ch Ate Staresifle 4): LRE DE!Couwty and consist of Séss,ow hecerins 1979-1728/ The records begin with Ai wuts 6 oF : and end with It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina,chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4, "tmiform Photographic Coptes of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act";that the microphotographic processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed;that the film forms a durable medium for reproducing the original,if necessary;and that the film used conforms to American National Standards Institute,Speciftcoations for Safety Photographic Film,ANSI PH 1.25-1976 and American National Standards Institute, Specifications for Photographic Film for Archival Records,Silver-Gelatin on Cellulose Ester Base,ANSI PH 1.28-1976. This is further to certify that the microphotographic processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date Filming of this Reel Began jte 2d,LG E/_Reduction Ratio 46 } Date Filming of this Reel Ended Microfilm Camera Operator Minutes OF Sess/or Committe c. AND Congregariar| Meetings The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session on january 14,1979 at 5:00 p.m.an the J.(.Stikeleather (Lassrvom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Yn.,Moderator,Hal Broun,Herman Dagenhart,John Vagenhart,Hugh favin,Henry Parlier,|roy Pope,Jom Setser,A.MN,Shive,fr, y-Hawey Stevenson,Jr.,and (hal Stikeleathenr. lhe meeting was opened with prayer and Scripture by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr. Rev.Hare reported to the Session that the special offering taken that morning for Gideons International,amounted to $(90.57. The Session apmoved a motion that Rev.Hare send an invitation to Willa Hope and her familyandtheother couplethat made the tripto Brazilto join our congregationina "Family Night Supper "and present a program concerning her trip,on February 25,1979. Oh a vote of Nine to one,the Session voted to let the make-up of Sessional Committees fon 1979 remain the same as 1978,with work on the composition of Committees for 1980 to begin no later than September,(979. Mn.Heaman Vagenhart presented a report on Presbytery Meeting,Wov.2/,/978, uhich the Session received as information and thescommended itn.Dagenhart for his deligence. Mn.Melvin Adams was selected as remesentative to Presbytery Meeting of january24hand27th,1979 on to securea representativeintheeventhewas unable to attend. (he Session approvedamotionto let Rev.Harework on an exchange of Pulpits and (hoinrs between Logan Presbyterian (furch and ours during the month of february. Lf February was not possible a later date wuld be acceptabde. lhe Session also requested the Minister to negotiate with The Monticello baptist and Methodiat (hunches the pessibility of having the joint Service on faster on Sunday night inatead of a "Sunrise "Senvice./his to be done with the idea of better attendance in mind. The Session approved a motionthat fiders wouldbe draun alphabetically to assist the Minister intanveying (ommunion to the "Sick"and "Shut-ins".Any conflict with the List of those serving on a committee to uash the (ups and Plates was to be avioded. A,M.Shive,[r.was reappointed (Lerk of Session for (979. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by A,M.Shive,fa.: DEAT:3 7 Li.YF j-H Robert L.Hare ‘nr.A.M.Shive,Jan.i odenaton PROPOSED BUDGED 1979 CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor's it a os es sie r eee ean eieenennraleemm Professional Allowance.sssoccrecercccsevcessssncesesrnssses? Pastor's Annuities...ccccssccevcsccssssencesesssveresessseee Insurance —Medical..ccccscccccccccecesvvccsecssepessssseree Insurance —Othereeccececcesceseccssesvcoosscsssssssseserre? Custodian's Salaryrccrcccccceccccsecescsceesscssssevessssers Church SecretarVecescccccccccrccccsccseseoresosseesesseseere Director of Music and OrganiSt..c.cecccccecccosccevcsesesors Director of Youth MuSic..ccccccccccccccvccccccccvvessosseess Church Music Material..cccccccecccccsssscecvscesveseseserre® Young Peoples Work.seccccesecveceesors oewssesoeeens Church Property Maintenance...cccccccccccesecesccseesesevers 2,900.00 Church Office Expense caeccedeeeasecenseseeueeanonees 1,400.00 Pulpit Supplies...ccccccseccccccccecsscccsesscsesvossseseees 300.00 Church Utilities...ccccccses °ou dakeceudeeceees >ee Emergency Fund..c.cceres °(eeedaeanseneecees 200.00 MiscellaneouS..ecees -ee Se — TOTAI $4.3 ,794,.00 1272 THE FOLLOWING PERSONS ARE ASKED TO ATTEND PRESBYTERY OF CONCORD AND OTHER COURTS: (PLEASE NOTIFY ALTERNATE OR NEXT PERSON IN ALPHEBETICAL LISTING IF YOU CANNOT GO.) PRINCIPAL ALTERNATE Mr.Melvin Adams Mr.Cecil Alexander Mr.Hal Brown Mr.Herman Dagenhart Mr.John Dagenhart___Mr,Hugh Ervin Mr.Sam Orrell Mr.Henry Parlier Mr.Troy Pope Mr.Marvin Raymer Mr.Tom Setser Mr.Sandy Shive Mr.J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. Mr.Reid Summers Mr.Melvin Adams ALBHEBETICAL LISTING OF Mr.Melvin Adams Mr.Cecil Alexander Mr.Hal Brown Mr.Herman Dagenhart Mr.John Dagenhart Mr.Hugh Ervin Mr.Sam Orrell Mr.Henry Parlier Mr,Troy Pope Mr.Marvin Raymer Mr.Tom Setser Mr,Sandy Shive Mr.J.Harvey Stevenson,J Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. Mr.Reid Summers lhe Session of (Concord Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session on February 11,1979 at 7:30 p.m in the ye (.Stikeleather (dassnoom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Kev.Robert L.Hare,Ya.,Moderator,Melvin Adama,(ecil Alexander,Hal Broun,Maavin Raymer,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive,Harvey Stevenson and (hal dtikeleathenr. The meeting was opened with prayer and a Devotional by Rev.Hare. Rev.Hane presented the fidens with the prepared Lists of persons asked to attend Presbytery Meetings and other (ourts,serve (ommunion to Shut-ins, and wash Communion (ups. (he attatched Reports from the Witness and Service (ommittees were received as information by the Session.They also with one accord commended the Service Committee,especially Mrs,Hilda (ook and Mas.Eleanor Pope fon the outstanding aeavice preformed with regard to monies collected disbursed fon Mn.and Ins, Vernon /rent during Mas.Trent's illness. lhe attatched Reports {rom the Worship and (omnitment (ommittees and the necommendations contained therein were adopted by the Session. (he Session adopted the folowing recommendations mesented by (hak Stike-~ leather on behalf of the Strengthening (ommittee: /.The Sessiona e the following List of from uhich officersandLeadersofBibleSchoolquelbedaaun‘sane Patteroon,ath Sethesentient,Sue \tevenson(Lonray/,Ruth Moore,betty summers,and Lottie/en. »Concord Presbyterian (hurch would sponsor and support financially a entryintheStatedtilleAdil4“(Aurch League"Soft League,providtad thethening(ommittee could generate the necessary interest and participantstoitworthuhile, 3.Approve a Retxeat at (amp Grier on May %&27,1979 to be organi byMe.Tom Setsenr and Mis.Rath Broun.nee 4,Camp Goiee and Montreat conferences be promoted by the Senion High Group,ns.Hare,and Mr.and Mrs.Mcadden. 5.Approve a two on three seasion “rug Awareness”program for Sunday nightstobeorganizedbyMrs.Hare. Kev.Hare was authorized by the Session to ign and return to the “Preabytenrian Suavey"the Legal "Resolution"uhich they requested. lhe Jessionak Minutes of ganuany 14,£979 were read and apmoved. /here being no further business,the meeting was adjourred in due onder with prayer by Marvin Kaymen. Kk.|A Robest L.Hane,Sn .A,Mm.Shive,Ja.ry ie Modenaton (Lerk ATTACHMENT TO MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11,1979 i The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on Sunday night, February 4,1979 at 7:30 P.M,Present were John Dagenhart,Chairman and members Dennis Miller,Ruth Brown,Hal Brown and Marie Stevenson. The Committee made the following recommendations concerning Witness Season: Urged attendance to the Mission Fair at Davidson College on February 11th and agreed to request funds from the Sunday School to defray bus expenses for the trip.Tom Stevenson (Loray)will drive the bus. Miss Willa Hope will speak at the Family Night Mission Supper at 6:00 on February 25th.She will share her experiences on a recent mission trip to Brazil.The honorarium for Miss Hope is to be whatever Presbytery recommends. The Witness Season offering will be received on Sunday,February 18th. Envelopes will be provided.This offering goes to Presbytery to promote mission work. Respectfully submitted, Mrs.Charles G.Stevenson,Secretary Witness Committee ATTATCHMENT TO MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11,1979 Service Committee met Feb.4,1979 in the Fellowship Hall.Those members present were Chairman Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Troy and Eleanor Pope,Hilda Cook and Carrol Jones. he Committee commended Hilda Cook and Eleanor Pope for the work they have done in paying bills for Mr.and Mrs.Vernon Trent during Mrs.Tre nt's illness. The following is a report on the money that was given by Concord Church. Emergency Amount ATTAT(HMENT TO MINUTES QF FEBRUARY 11,1979 WORSHIP COMMITTEE MINUTES CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEB.4,1979 Worship Committee met in the Church Fell hip Hal th the followingpresentomSetser,Vivian |»Susan en Tommy Howard, Warren and Francie:Stevenson, following Recommendations were made. wr choir be given permission to proceed with the sé ;n and purchase of newobes..(They have $600.in the choir treasury he th the purchase.) Iredell High School Chorus E be invited to sing at a morning worshipandthatthelooseofferingonthatdaybedonatedtotheChorus.The detailspresentationtoworkedoutbytheMinisterandChorus given permission to use Concord Church on May liandMay19,3990 for Her wéddigg if there Morrison and ary to er—TODLEMe area were ATTAT(HMENT TO MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11,1979 The (Commitment (Committee of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at 7:D p.m on February 4,£979 in the Fellowship Hall.The following members were present: M.¥.Long Wooten,(hainman,Mas.Wooten,ns.Hilta Millsaps,and Sandy Shive. Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.opened the meetings of ali the committees with prayer. lhe Committee agreed to meet every other month commencing with this meeting except on occasionsuhere a called meeting wuld be necessary. The (Committee agreed to present the following recommendations to the Session fon thein consideration. (.A Stewerdship Emphasis program be scheduled for May 20,1979 consisting of a “Covered Dish"Family Night supper followed by a film mesentation on Stewendship, »Rev.Robent L.Hare,Ya.contact the following ministers in the onder stated,to try and obtain a speaker for Homecoming in july,1979. Rev.William Summers,Rev.(harles Sides,ar Rev.Roland Sims.[his Committee would complete other plans and details for Homecoming at the April meeting. »Requeat Sunday School teachers and Youth Group advisors to canvass their classes,announcements be placed in the bulletins,and the Pastor Lasue invitations from the prlpit in every effont to organize a "(ommunicants” clase to be taught by Rev.Hare./his class to be open to alluho,in any way,could benefit from Learning about the Presbyterian (hurch and its mission,and would conaist of Five (5)sessions culminating in a baptismal Sacrement on faster Sunday fon those 40 desiring. .The Stewerdship Committee of the liaconate be reminded that they too are members of the (ommitment (ommittee and are thus invited to attend our meetings and participate in the wa~ak of this committee./his committee would be very grateful for their help, Keapect{ully Submitted, Mg anyheeChatman The Session of (Concord Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session on March(1,1979 at 5:00 p.m.in the §.(.Stikeleather (lassnoom with the foLlowing members,constituting a quonum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,y+,Moderator,|om Setser,Sandy Shive,and (hal Stikeleather. The meeting was opened with Scripture reading and Prayer by Rev.Hare. The Sessional Minutes of Febnuary //,/979 were read and approved. (he Sesaion approved a motion that Mrs.Ruth Hedrick and Itns.betty Summersbe(o-Virectons of Vacation Bible School. Mr.Stikeleather reported fon the Strengthening (ommittee that organizationoftheproposedballteamunsstillinprogress. The Session approved Sune 3,1979 a4 Graduation Day. There beingno furtherbusiness,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by Sandy Shive. Febed X Wars :ys Robert L.Hare,Gr. Moderator The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session on April 8,1979 at 5:00 p.m.in the J.C.Stikleather Classroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Haéme,Jr.,Moderator,Melvin Adams,Hal Brown, John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Sam Orrell,Troy Pope,Tom Sétser,A.M.Shive,Jr., J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Chal Stikeleather. The meeting was opened with prayer by John Dagenhart and scripiure by Rev.Hare. The Sessional Minutes of March 11,1979 were read and approved. The Session approved the recommendation's contained in the attached reports from the Commitment,Service and Worship Committees. The Session decided to hold up on final payment on the Church Directories pending results of complaint registered with the printing company by Mr.Hugh Ervin. Information about the "Stewardship"program to be held at Queen's College on May 27,1979 was to be placed in the bulletin so that those desiring to attend could notify the clerk of J.L.Wooten with the thought in mind of going as a group. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr. Kid -aa Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk ATTACHMENT TO MINUTES OF APRIL 8,1979 Commitment Committee of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at 7:30 pum.on April 1,1979 in the FellowshipHall with the (hainman,J.Long Wooten and Sandy Shive present.Rev.Robert L.Hare,Yr.opened the meetings of all the committees with prayer After deliberation,the (ommittee agreedto presentthefollowing recommendations to the Session fon their consideration. /.The Stewenrdahip Paogram originally scheduled fun May 2,1979 be rescheduled fon Yune 3,1979 due to a number ofconflicts. 2.Homecoming 1979 be scheduled fon Guly 15,1979.Rev.William Summers,Sr.has consented to deliver the Seamon and this committee nequests the Session to invite the following organizations and /on individuals to assist in this celebration by taking charge of these various duties; A.The "Pains &Spares"(lass 8.itati Mr.&Mas.Jom Stevenson(Lonay/ The "4.(.Stikeleather “(dass Mrs.Mabel Stevenson (and others of her selection) »Preparation of Grounds --------The "then of the (hurch" »Room &BoardfonRev.Summensandhis family (if they planto stay overnight) The “Women of the (hurch" 3.The Session,by any method of selection they desire,insure the presence of one on mone Elders at every session of future “(ommunicants”(laases.in onder to assist the Minister in conducting these classes. Respectfully submitted, j.Long Wooten ce CO : ATTACHMENT TO SESSIONAL MINUTES OF APRIL 8,1979 hi oer following T Jvonesa47 y The Service Committee met o un at 7:30 p.m.in the Fellowship Hall, present:Chairman,Harvey Stevenson,Carroll Troy and Eleanor Pope. 1.The Service Committee ordered 600 bulletins for Palm Sunday services ay Monticello Baptist church. Service Committee would like permission to a nice box in the Narthex of the Church, 1 a sign stating that it is for canned and le goods for Yokefellow.Also,the committee would like for this to be put in the Church sulletin. Inc.of Statesville provides counseling those who need help in budgeting,consumer ection information and purchasing advice. 12-8141 and ask for Shirley Smith or Everhart.Have the Church secretary the bulletin. ylunteered to check on dates frisits Iredell County and get the Church secretary. ATTACHMENT TO SESSIONAL MINUTES OF APRIL 8,1979 Worship Committee Minutes Concord Presbyterian Church April 1,1979 in the fellowship hall with thé wir mmbers Presents mr.E.Setser Chairman.Mrs be Bunch Met with the;GQ ir robe Committee n Les so the will have a \r choi in makin wir selecti robes.More actiontakenafterthe Mr W.Z.Morrisom ha@®installed the new sovud system ir The Cog&.tc date is $215...item or two to be f The Chairman of the us committee is to as]Deaconswhoattendancecountorays3absent. Mr Hare awk fora supply minister on the Fol]owing dates:May 13,1979 for Bobbys Graduation May 27,1979 Camp Grier Week-end mnittee is working on ‘this at the present time ask that people arriving to the Worshbp Service working on finding s to prepare t!for the Lords The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Moderator on Apaik 15,1979 at (0:30 a.m.in the Minister's Study with the following members, conatituting a quorum,present; Rev.Robert L.Hare,yr.,Moderator,Jom Setser,Henry Parlier,9.H.Stevenson,Yr. Melvin Adama,Reid Summers,Hugh Ervin,Sam Orrell,(hal Stikeleather,Herman Vagenhart Hak Broun,(ecit Alexander,and John agenhart. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Seasion took the following action: Rev.Rakph Underuwod be invited to come and present the Agape Program to a joint meeting of all the Sunday School classes from the Gunion High through the Adults during the Sunday School hour on May /3,1979. Ms.Ralph Underuwod {ill our Pulpit on May /3,1979 and Rev.Underwood on Nay 27,1979. rant Mr.&Mrs.Leroy /uckenr their request fon tranafer of their membersrip Receive into the fellowship of (oncond (hurch as (ommuning members,Janie Stikeleathen by reaftfinmation of faith,Jeffrey (ook,Darren Stevenson,and Todd (rawfond by baptiam,Yim and bob Md adden by confirmation.Receive as a non~communing member,Jennifer Wiseman by infant Gaptiom. Onder the brochure and “piggy”bank from World Vision International for each family in our congregation.At the conclusion of the allotted time,the banka would be opened and the money collected would be divided in the following manner:We given to Wordd Vision International and the remaning 60%be wsed by our church towards Mission work and World Hunger programs. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by Rev.Hare. KAS ke Mor Qu Rev.Robert L.Hane,Ja. Moderator The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session on June 1979 at 5:00 p.m.in the J.C.Stikeleather Ciassroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Hal Brown,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin, oTHenryParlier,Troy Pope,Marvin Raymer,T.E.Setser,A.M.Shive,Jr.,Chal Stikeleather. ing was opened with prayer and scripture by Rev.Hare. ional Minutes of Agril 8 and 15,1°y d and approved. January,February,Ma »Ap?M and June 1979 neurredcul racommer Upon receiving the information from the Diaconate on the resignation of Bill Cook as Custodian,the Session expressed their regret,and their grateful thanks to Bill and Brenda for an outstanding term of Service to the Church.Mr.&Mrs.Troy Pope's contribution in this respect were also recognized. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by A.M.Shive,Jr. ATTACHMENT TO SESSIONAL MINUTES OF JUNE 10 1979 The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on Sunday night,June 3,1979 at 7:30 P.M.at the church.Present were John Dagenhart,Chairman and members Dennis Miller,Marie Stevenson,Ruth Brown and Hal Brown. It was announced that the Global Missions Conference will be held at Montreat July 28 -August 3rd.The Committee recommended that the Session send Mr.and Mrs.A.M.Shive,Sr.to this conference if they care to attend. The Committee also made the following recommendations: Arrange a meeting with the Sunday School teachers to explain visitation plans. Recommended that Rally Day be changed from the last Sunday in }lSeptembertothe last Sunday in August. Made plans for the Fall Revival to be held Ox tober 7 LOth (Sunday -Wednesday)with the Sunday service at 11:00 A.M. und the week-night services at 730. Prospective speakers to be conta ted are: ks [he Reverend Charles Mitchell Covenant ARP Church,Statesville, The Reverend Pansy ame ron North Carolina, WORSHIP COMMITTEE MINUTES CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHJUNE3,1979 The Worship Committee met in the Felloship Hall with the Following Members Presents Francis Stevenson,James Warren,Genie Setser,and Tom Setser. The Committee made the following recommendations to the Sessione le.The money taken from the Choir fund to pay guest musicans be replaced from the miscellaneous fund and these people be paid from the miscellaneous fund in the future. 2.The Church pay the expense for Mrs Bunch and Mrs Nesheim to attend a music conference.They are to select the one they wish to attend. 3.The committee is working on securing pulpit supplies for the Sundays Rev. Hare will be on Vacation. Minutes of Session Meeting of Concord Presbyterian Church,Route8,Taylorsville Road,Statesville,N.C.28677 meet at 5:00 o'clock,Sundayafternoon,July 8,1979. lare,Jr.,Minister o in attendance eM N.M eather, Stevenson,Jr.,Mr.Melvin Adams,Mr.( Hal Brown,Mr.John Dagenhart,Mr.Sam Orrell, taymer. ny ecil )L.Hare,Jr.opened the Session sting in reading Phili ian attitude stion and response f 1 ti 1 Chapter of »S,and ered Prayer of encourageme r o1 acts accordingly yyment e permanent. "ebrua L979 regardi as requested Dy t sessi l é A esenved £request 60.00 that ld i a moti was made and we ao butrrestt raman was of Mrs.Mary S,Watts,Mrs.Lelia S,Harris,Mrs.Cleora S.Crawford,Mrs.Mary O.Stevenson,Mr.and Mrs.Rhoyd Combs,Mr.Jim Lackey,the Carl Stevenson family and Mrs.Sallie M.Hedrick and her family.It was observed that these home services were worshipful,of welcome,fervent,humbling and truly appreciated. Motion made by Elder W.M. that we adjourn. Prayer of dismissal made by CL thie Se Revérend Robert L.Hare,Jre, Moderator Stikeleather and seconded by Mr.Hugh Ervin Elder Hugh Ervin. farvin Raymer Acting Clerk SCOUTERS’BULLETIN PIEDMONT COUNCIL,BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA SCOUTING/USA NEW CAMP PROGRESS REPORT CAMP SCHIELE BEGINS ANOTHER GREAT YEAR { PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST AUG.26 METHODIST PLAN SCOUTING COORDINATORS’WORKSHOP BAPTIST GOOD SHEPHERD PROCEDURES REVISIED CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN OFFERS ALL 3 PROGRAMS Piedmont Council FOOTHIPRESIDENT:DAVID R.LAFAR,III )ee GEMSTONE err O5t-3476enyc.ZOMMISSIONER:GEORGCOMMISSIONERDORMANAWASHAMCHAIRMAN:JOHNNY STILES er873-9500 f TIVE TERRY Brryeyee1.EXECUTIVE ER BLAVETHOMASR.DEIMLER COMMISSIONER:BOB "GODFREY"WILLIAMS ee a872-6488EXECUTIVE:|BRAD NESHEIM125/3-1289 SERVICE AREA MITCHELL MACK E-PRESIDENT 663-1898 SERVICE AREA U uy CUB JAMBOREEDIFRCTCOMMITTEEMEETING,7:30 P.M.,Greater 3:00 P.M.Locatid sville Chamber of Commerce ]COUTING CO-ORDINAT{JUTING CO-ORDINATORS to attend Workshoy ee >COUT ROUNDTABLE unaluska.(Call the Methodist District announced superintendent,Mr.Gene Little for more informa DIRECTOR EXPEDITION LEAVES trict Committee meetingckinJune30evening3EY3MEETI7:00 A.M.,Country Kit :District Commissioner meeqMAINECANOETRIPRETURNS,(June 23-July xAMPDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE sii a th RiTRUSTFUNDMANAGEMENT,12:0(In Hous :DISTRICT C EE MEETING,7:30 P istrictNCILEXECUTIVEBOARD,€F »Lir House eres hamber of Commerce e new fallMTROOPSATCAthe0newboysandJuly1-7 T ;604,362 be forming new units and )+lease step the Distrq 5 very va it Adult Leader If you have +y aken Wood Badge Training,TABLEROCK consider doit is year.This fs ivat RANCE HENDER the following activitie Leader's Roundtable Meeti ble Meeting,District m1 resume on their regularly eeeeeesse. membe r rmati When you help start a Scout troop,there's no guarantee one of the Scouts will grow up to be President. But you never know. PLEASE RETURN FOOTHILLS LAKELAND CHAIRMAN:DALE GRIFFITH CHAIRMAN :DON FULLER754-3476 CALDWELL §ALEXANDER 322-7741COMMISSIONER:GEORGE ROBINSON }COMMISSIONER:DAVE HORNE 728-2902 256-7881 TERRY BLACK EXECUTIVE PAUL MOORE322-6205 JULY 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY.COUNCIL SERVICE CENTER CLOSED. l MMISSIONER MEETING,7:30 P.M.,Troop 240 Scout Greater 3:00 F Locati to be ec ROUNDTABLE,7:30 P.M.,First Methodist Church, Ty On TARI f ’::Newton.end Workshor é ABLE,f Location ;y RAIN-GUTTER REGATTA,Valley Hills Mall.Registra-istrict announced 10 Mtion-10:00 A. informa-individual basis as ne Be RAIN GUTTER REGATTA ndividual basis as neede F information on the fantastic Rain Gutter Regatta see ria Lilne, you to sign up for cam Hope you a great week at Camp Schiele ouncil has accepted,with regret,Al Bullard as Lakeland District Executive Al and his 2sa will be returning to Rocky Mount,N.C.,where 2 position in private business,Al's re tive July 15,but he will be taking i fr July 1 We all join ir or Catawba County is ervice Area Field in any way Paul's mailing IIINOaayO OPINION SURVEY~-CONTINUED you help start t troop,there's arantee one of touts will grow be President. Du never know. PLEASE RETERY PROMPTLY TO:PIEDMONT COUNCIL,BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA,P.0.BOX 1059,GASTONIA,WN.C.28052 THE FOLLOWING SCOUT DISTRIBUTORS PROVIDE YOUR SCOUTERS’BULLETIN SCOUTERS BULLETIN”PUBLISHED TWICE MONTHLY BYTHEPIEDMONTCOUNCILBSA,113 W.3RD AVENUE.|GASTONIA.N.C.28052.PHONE 864.2694.SECOND |CLASS POSTAGE PAID GASTONIA.N.C.&f QBetk ESMOORESVILLEonNorthMain | jASTONIA,in the Eastridge MallBELMONT,downaoe not?E&Co.FOREST CITY,in theTri-City Mall HICKORY,in the Catawba Mal NEWTON on the square HICKORY the Valley Hills Mal MARION,downtowr MORGANTON,downtowr aTATESVILMaiAAWRAYE 36 ESO AE,in the Signal Hil SHELBY downtow LONG RANGE PLAN UNDERWAY YOUR OPINION SOUGHT! CONTINUED ON OTHER SIDE The Seasionof(oncond Presbyterian(huachmetatthecall oftheModerator at (0:30 A.M.on Guly 22,1979 in the Pastor's Study with the following members, constituting a quorum,present:Henry Parlier,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jar.Herman Dagenhart,Sam Orrell,Melvin Adama,(ecit Alexander,John Dagenhart,Had Broun, Tom Setser,and (hal Stikeleather. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session approved Mas.Sally Mdueen and Rev.Rick Spillman.for putpit supply during the Ministers abacence on Auguat /9 &2%,1979 r0eapectively, The Sessioncalled a (ongregational MeetingonJuly27,1979 fon the purpose of election of (ders to commence their team on Yan./,1950. The Session appoved a motion to contact Rev.Moffit Swaim,Rev.Ledand Richardson and Rev.(harles Elliot to try and secure one of them to conduct Revival Services in October 1/979. There being no further business,the meeting was adjoumned in due onder with paayer by Herman Lagenhart. Lelet x whine Robert L.Hane,Ja. Nadenatonr The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at the cali of the Moderator at (0;A,M.on Guly 29,1979 in the Pastor's Study with the following membera, constituting a quorum,present;Rev.Robert L.Hare,Ja.,Modeaaton,(ecil Alexander, Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Sandy Shive,and (pal Stikeleather. The meeting was opened with mayer by Rev.Hare. The session approved a motion to have the congregation elect an additional Veacon to {ill theunexpinedteamofM.Jerry Mitcham,uho had moved auay from Statesville and uho had been contacted on the:telephone by Sandy Shive and agreed to send the Session a letter of resignation.Thus,there would be seven Veacons elected and the motion stipulated that theperson receiving the Leastnumber of the majority votes would be the one to take Mn.Mitcham'splaceontheBoard. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onderwith prayerbyHenryParlier. a j ‘,-7 ::,‘.é ¢/i179 } 4A /«i Robert L.Hare,Ja.A,Mm.Shive,Ja. Moderator (Lerk The Session of (oncord Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Moderator at (0:OA.Mm.on August (2,(979 in the Pastor's Study with the following members, constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Gn.,Moderator,Tom Setser,Herman Lagenhart,Hal Broun, Melvin Adams,(hal Stikeleather,Hugh favin,9.Harwey Stevenson,Ja.,(ecil Alexander, and John Dagenhart. The meeting was opened with mayer by Rev.Hare. The Moderator,Rev.Hare,appointed the following ¢dders to serve as a committee to secure (hainpenrsons,Vice-(hainrpenrsons,and the necessary members to establish Sessional (ommittees for (980;Herman Dagenhart,(hairman,Hal Broun,§.Hawey Stevenson,Jr. Tom Setsenr,and (hal Stikeleather. The Session approved a motion to accept Rev.(Lem Lambenrth's offer to conduct an Officer /naining Program at the (hurch at 7:00 P.Ml.on Sept.28,29,and WV,1979. tAddens from neighboring Presbyterian (hurches were to be issued an invitation to attend. because “Rally Lay "was moved up one month,Sunday School Superintendant Henry Farlienr was authorized by the jession to award attendance “Pins”based on an eleven The regular stated Sessional meeting scheduled fon Aug.12,1979 at 5:00 P.Mm.was cancelled by the Session. /he matter of the purchase of new (hoin robes uns reffered to the Viaconate. The Session approved a change in the schedule for the Fall Revival from //;00 A,Mh October 7,1979 40 7:00 ?.M.each night Uct.7 through Oct.11,1979. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by Rev.Hare. ai an:aof]K,Mare,yy. Robert L.Hare,jr. Moderator The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on Sunday night,August 5,1979 at 7:30 P.M.at the church.Present were Hal Brown, Ruth Brown,Dennis Miller and Marie Stevenson. Plans were finalized for the Revival Services to be held on the nights of October 7th -llth.The Reverend Leland Richardson of First Presbyterian Church,Mocksville,N.C.will be guest speaker. At 7:00 P.M.each evening,a prayer meeting will be held in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom.These services will be led by a volunteer. an Elder or At 7:30,the evening service will begin with fifteen minutes of singing. Preparatory to the Revival Services,visitation will be conducted through the Sunday School classes with each class to contact inactive members.[It is suggested that establishing a visitation committee these visitations begin by September 9th and that printed brochures and cards be distributed at this time. Also,Cottage Prayer Groups will be set up for the last week in September and first week in October.Details as to place and time will be the church bulletin. announced in The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session at 5:00 P.M. on September 9,1979 in the 9.(.Stikeleather (Lassnoom with the following members, constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Melvin Adama,(ecil Alexander,Hugh favin Sam Orrell,Troy Pope,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive,and (hal Stikeleathenr. The meeting was opened with prayer and Scipture reading by Rev.Hare. The Sessional minutes of August (2,1979 were read and approved. lhe Diaconate minutes of August /2 and September 9,(979 were read and approved. he Jession apmoved the neccomendations contained in the attatched report from the (omnitment (omnittee. lhe request submitted by the Board of Veacons to donate the “Loose”offering taken on September 23,1979 to the Gettys family was approved by the Session. 14 was noted by the Session that by regular medetermined rotation John Dagenhart and Hugh érvin would remesent the (hurch at the next meeting of Presbytery aa principle and alternate,respectively. At his request,Rev.(Lem Lamberth was to be infonmed that the Session beleived that a maximum of two hours each night,September29andHV,1979 wouldbethe schedule fon his Officer Training program,allowing him relief from his previous commitment fon Sept.2,1979. The Session approved the Minister's request for a Leave of abacence fon three weeks in January (980 to undergo an "Evaluative Review"at Union Theological Seminary.Rev.Hare stated that the period would Likely involve his being absent trom the pulpit fon two Sundays. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by (hal Stikeleather. Lt &ware,Jo Robert L.Wane,Ja. Moderator ATTAT(HMENT TO SESSIQWAL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9,1979 lhe (ommitment (ommittee of (oncord Presbyterian (hurchmetonAugust 5,1979. After some deliberation,the (ommitteedecided to send the following nreccomendations to the Sessionfonaction. (.The Building Fund be continuedas a part of mission of the (purchin order to provide the necessary funds foa repairsandmaintenance to the entire plant. .The Budget (ommittee of the Board of Deacons meet withthe (ommitment (onmittee on on beforetheweekof November 4,1/979 to prepare (980 budget. .Pledge (ards be distributed in time to have Pledge Week Nov.4 -//,1979. Respectfully Submitted, Z Vout WW een CA ° The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Moderator at (0;0 A.Mm.on September WH,1979 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Hal Broun,John Dagenhart,Herman Dagenhant,(ecil Alexander,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,9.Haavey Stevenson,jr., (hal Stikeleathen,and A,IM,Shive,Jn. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jn.,Moderator. The Session unanimously approved a motion to accept ,by Jaanafer of Letter, into the fellowship of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch as (ommuning embers,Mr.Joe and (na.Marjorie Swann and their children,(ynthia,Rebecca,and David.The Suanns were transfering from Shiloh Presbyterian (hurch. The request by Mrs.Lois Feimater,through the Strengthening (ommittee,to plan a Fall Retreat fon the membership on November /7 &18,1979 was approved by the Session. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by Nin.9.Harwey Stevenson,Jr. Koboth Hore,Q,7 UWTrIceiddaiadadnaemiainatiemieminit=df Robert L.Hane,Jn.A,M.Shive,Ja. Moderator (Leak CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Financial Report January 1 ~September 50, 1979 ais ialRECEIPTS: $39, 1; f 3;12 Choir Robe Fund 405.00 Cemetery Fund 4,64,.20 Defray Offering 35.55 Padded Pew Fund 95,00 Special Offering 1,130.30 N.C,.State Refund Tax a7 leak yapital Credit Refun 1.97 5l,2-61 18.17 73« Loose 7 317 $46,789 .83 j 4.77.00 f Music and Organist 1,908.00 Professional Allowance 2,550.06 The Session of (oncond Preabytenrian (hurch met in regular session on Oct.2/,1979 at 5:00 p.m.in the J.(,Stikeleather (dassnoom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present;Rev.Robert L.Hare,Ja.Moderator,(ecil Alexander,Hal Broun Heaman Uagenhart,yohn Uagenhart,Sam Onrell,Henry Parlier,/noy Pope,Mawin Kaymer, Jom Setser,Sandy Shive,§.Hawey Stevenson,Jr.,and (hal Stikeleather.Also present were Eddenrsflect Lewis jtikeleather and J.Long Wooten. lhe meeting was opened with Scripture and Prayer by Rev.Hare. Sessional Minutes of Sept.94h,Sept.Wth,and Uct.2/at (alled Meeting were aead and approved.Uiaconate Minutes of October /4,1/979 were also read and approved. Mr.Herman Dagenhart presented a reprat of his participation in the meeting of Presbytery as our representative and this report was received as information by the Session and he was commended fon his deligence. Mn.Dagenhart also mesented the following List of names from the Nominating (ommittee as officers in charge of the various Sessional (ommittees utich the Seasion approved:Worship:tr (ute Skee” Commitment:(pajama -John eebp-Francie Stevenson Witness;(hainman:-W.hh,Stikeleather,Jn.y.ts -Ruth Hedrick Strengthening:ee .,Stevenson,JA. “wien ee - [he session approved the paoposed budget for (980 with one exception,that the figure fon "(Aurch Music Materials”be increased from $500.00 to $750.00.(Attatchment/ The following action uns taken by the Session with regards to the attatched reports from Sessional (ommittees; Commitment:ALL Three Reccomendations Approved, Seavice;ALL sixteen reccomendations with the exception of #/0 and #/5 approved.(i#/O0 ~infoamation,#15 -Refer to Diaconate/ Strengthening:ALL Reccomendations apmoved. Witness:lwo requests apmoved. Worship:ALL Reccomendations approved. lhe Session set November 25,1979 following Moaning Worship Service as the date fon the Session to examine (Adens-lect and Deacons-{lect uho were to assume their duties in (980. here being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with Prayer by Mn,Lewis Stikeleathen. (WER) KAS2 Klerw,Su Robert L.Hane,Jn. Modenaton ATTAT(HMENT TO SESSIOVAL MINUTES of OT.21,1979 The (ommitmant Committee of (Concond Presbyterian (Aurch met on October /4,1979. Presentatthismeeting,along withothermembers of thiscommittee weremembersof the Budget (ommittee of the Diaconate. Alten deliberation,a proposedBudget for (980 was sent to the Diaconate fon their approval and refenal to the Session.The hope of the (ommitment (ommittee was that this budgetwouldnegotiatealinecessary channels and be ready for presentationto the (punch membership at a (ongregational Meeting to be called for November 4,(979. The committee also decided to send the following reccomendations to the Session fon their consideration. i.November 11,1979 be designated as the day to dedicate pledges made by the membershipasto theininvolvement in the mission of our (hurch in (980. This Dedication Service would be announced in the bulletin and from the pulpit on November 4,1979. .The Session set specific dates for a “Yoal-Setting"meeting by both the Session and the Congregation. .The agenda fon future committee meetings by any and all Sessional (ommittees include discussion and action on "Long-Range"plana,goals and any other needs which may come under the particular jurisdiction of the various committees. Reapect{ully 5 ubmicted, Y.Long Wooten(hainman ATTAT(HNENT TO SESSIOWAL MINUTES of Oct.2/1979 Minutes and resolutions of Service Committee,Concord Presbyterian Church, Sunday Evening 7:30 PM October 14,1979. Hurricane Relief -Committee recommends that a voluntary offering be taken in Concord Presbyterian Church/for the Gulf Area of Mobile,Alabama and surrounding devastated areas as sponsored by our Presbyterian Church U.S,Also,Rev.Leland Richardson left his check in the amount of $250.00 to be given to this cause as his honorarium for our Spiritual Mnrichment Services,and it is suggested that his check,along with a letter from our Minister,Rev.Robart L,Hare,Jr.that he give same to Hurrican Relief in our,his or his churches favor.(copies attached.) Yokefellow -Committee recommends that our church be a participating group in the support of the Yoke Fellow Ministry of all phases as attached,Yokefellow is requesting our pledge for 19 Recommend volunteers of Service Committee or Members of our church to solicit food and clothing for Yokefellow of the overload of our personal clothing closets and pantries for the benefit of the poor. Blood Pressure Check the First of Each Month -The Committee wishes to report that Blood Pressures are taken by our nurses of our congresation of individuals desiring this service,and we express our appreciation to the atrses sharing their skills in this important Ministry. Service Committee requests the purchase of a good First Aid Kit,and placement of Kit in an area or First Aid Room of our Church and that this Kit,Oxygen and Resussiation Bag be available and up to date at all times, P, Service Committee vase that individual members give to the benevolences of the Lions Club in their askings,not the Church as a unit. In the assistance of our Budget Presentation by our Panel on November 4,1979, the Service Committee requests the Chairperson of each Sessional Committee to give a report of each Committee's activities thus far during 1979 in the amount of 3 minutes each to supplement our Panel's presentation, 7.Service Committee wants to thank the various Circles of our church for fresh flowers at each Worship Service, 8.Service Committee requests volunteers to attend the Singles Task Group,which refers to Singles from any source,meeting October 2lst,1979 at Bonne First Presbyterian Church,October 28th,1979 at Northminster Presbyterian Chuéch in Hickory,N.C.,November 4,1979 at Highlands Presbyterian Church in Winston Salem, N.C,and on November 11,1979 at First Presbyterian Church in Mooresville,N.C. All meetings are 2:15 PM to 6:00 PM,This Singles Task Group is sponsored by Presbyterian Church US and Concord Presbytery and a most worthwile Ministry. The Servise Committee recommends that the Officers of our Church particimte in our Presbyterian Church Court's Activities and Ministries. Thank our church for our check of $25.00 to The Johnny Lambert Family. The Service Committee endorses Parents Without Partners Ministry in our area and encourages our church to invite them for a meeting at our church, Thank our church for its Hospital Ministry each week,expecially Mrs,Eleanor Pope and Miss Glenda Wiseman, Thank our church for its Ministery unto Missions,Christian Education,Christian Higher Education,Scouts,Youth Activities and Program,lvangelism,Visitation, Stewardship and Budgeted and non-budgeted benevolences,Community Service,in- dividual and personal Witness of Christian Faith by our members,and to the Ministry of Music by our Junior and Senior Choirs.More especially we thank Rev.Robert L,Hare,Pastor and Minister,in his untiring Ministry of The Word and the proper presentation of Sacraments and Christian Rites, Thank our church for its Ministry to AA and Prison Ministry. The Service Committee recommends 2 ladies or 2 Young Women to be on the Front Domwr or Narthex prior to each Worship Service to assist our Deacons and Ushers in the Welcoming of Congregations and Guests, Recommend our participation in sponsoring the Union Thanksgiving Service at Monticello Baptist Church on November 18th,1979 at 7:30 PM,and that Midway United Methodist Church,New Amity ARP church and Logan Presbyterian church be invited along with our church,Monticello Baptist and Monticello United Methodist churches,if our churches be willing,and that we assist in printing,parking, music,welcome and newspaper-radio announcements and adertising,. Request pounding to the two youth of c Yllt does family who are hungry. OFFICE OF THE MODERATOR OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The Presbyterian Church ia the United States 13 North Fifth Street,Richmond,Virginia 23?/* (804)649-9148 Albert Curry Winn,Moder October 2,1979 Dear Fellow Presbyterian How can we help? This is the question on th it d in the h t if thousand esbyterians who have read in their newspap:r4 la roupl y rr ane avid an Frederick. Presbyterian churches and manses in Sout fississipp i Mobile Presbyterdi« sustained considerable damage.Perha the hardest hi rey Presbyteri of Mobile,which lost a brand new sanctuary and |}and beautiful stained glass windows in the older portion of the buildi The poor and elderly along the Alabama and Mississippi coasts are the har , since they do not have insurancs:vera ;he reatest damage,irs to the U.S.but to the little island of Dominica,where crops wer totally Lost, and over half the homes unroofed,and th ican R ib] known to be dead,and 1.1 million peo;‘: How can we help? Some Presbyterians sprang into acti i lia chain saws,and tools went to Mobile from J 10x Presbytery,|}«an t Kenner Church in New Orleans,the Cumberland Church in Sacramento,|a Lsewhe Volunteer teams of young people from M :thers trom Laurel,Mississippi bepan immediate relief work in Pascagoula and ean Springs,Missi i Even at this late date,the rest of u n in them through mtributtions ¢t the Crisis Fund.Such contributions will |‘to assist i rch and nse reconstruction;2)to join with ther hure le in ecumen al effort to ssist the poor and elderly in Alababama and Mississippi;{1ay in the ef te of Chure World Service to provide clothing,blankets,water purification,food uD,0 1 concrete-block-making machines,fing,e¢|t lomin nd the Dominican Republic The Crisia Fund is current eplet iy lor Li disaster earlier in 1979,Money is nes Ponce de Leon Ave.,N.E.At That's what we can «t : JANUARY E MERGENCY PARENTS CHILD CARE HOME ANONYMOUS NOs nt,40re¢-*ptt “Qe ?PsN c TyNPR. FAMILY PLANNING P4RENTS AND SCHOOLS owsFes OBSERVING : v THE INTERNATIONAL NurseryHEADSTARTYEAROFTHESEENSCHOOLS ADOPTIONALLGODSCHILDRENv WARM AND ADEQUATE CLOTHING A,oO)NOURISHING AND ADEQUATE FOOD %*,*:Ay Sy LOVE wiQ p ATTAT(HMENT TO SESSIOVAL MIMITES of Oct.21,1979 THE STRENGTHENING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Oct.I5 YOUTH LEADERSSENIORHIGHGROUP _Nancy Nesheim -Tony Combs -Harohd Millsaps Hilta Milsaps Jr.High Group -Sue -Tom Stevenson Pioneers -Ruth -Bobby Moore -Carole Jones Recreation -Jimmy Dagenhart -CGary Jones Council Members -Bonnie -Bill Johnson -Buster -Maggie McClelland~Brenda -Bill Cook -Clara Hare Chairman of Youth Council -Louise Raymer Youth Sunday March 16 -Nancy Nesheim and Youth Leaders will handle Christmas Carolling Dec.23 Refreshments-Joy Gifts tofollow Carolling Brenda-Bill Cook To Organize Carolling Nancy Nesheim to work out schelduling of music and Youth fellowshipmeetings Progressive Dinner for all three Youth fellowship groups and CollereStudentstobeNov.23 Louise Raymer to organize New Officers Ordination and Installation Dec 2 ATTAT(HIENT TO SESSIOWAL MINUTES of Oct.2/,1979 members, L.Hare,dr.,Moderator,Melvin Adams, constituting rylarmannerman a quorum,present;Rev. Dagenhart, Robert diy Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Marvin Raymer,Sandy Shive,Harvey Stevenson Chal Stikeleather,and Reid Summers. The meeting was opened with Scripture reading and Prayer by Rev. nare. Sessional Minutes The on Dec.2,1979 to the at the Worship service, Session approved a motion to donate West Side Singers who were presenting th of October 21,1979 were read and approved, the "Loose Offering"taken music January 13,1980 was designated Gideon Sunday,and they were to re- ceive the Offering taken on an WitnesstheChairpersonsof attend the Gideon banguet on }The Session also reminded all Committees to secure persons vommittee, There being no Order with prayer by Chal Stikeleather, 7 a”~Jf ea i ffhiabet®Ware,(h 4 Robert L.Hare,Jr. Moderator Open Bible.The Committee and Chairpersons of who were tx further business,the their Saturday night,Jan.12,1980, the serve on meeting was adjourned injov 1980 Sessional their particular incoming and outgoing wives were invited to ‘ due A.M. Clerk Shive,Jr. Called meeting of the Session of Concord Presbyterian Church, December 2,1979 at 10:35 A.M.in the Pastor's Study. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert Hare. The elders present were:Henry Parlier,W.M.Stikeleather,Hal Brown,Sam Orrell,Rev.Robert Hare and J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr. Henry Parlier made a motion that Mr.Fred Combs be baptized in church worship service and that Mrs.Fred (Lucille)Combs join Concord Presbyterian Church by reaffirmation of faith,this motion was seconded by Sam Orrell.The motion was approved by the Session. A motion by W.M.Stikeleather and seconded by Hal Brown to adourn was approved by the Session.The closing was by Rev.Robert Hare. Respectfully Submitted by acting clerk, J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr. f /a a ln Lh4}£j/fA <T a ft J , he wession or Coucord Presbyterian Church met in regular session on December 9,1979 at 5:00 p.m.in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Cecil Alexander,Herman Dagenhart,John imgen- hart,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Troy Pope,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive, J.Harvey Stevenson Jr.,Chal Stikeleather and Reid Summers. The meeting was opened with Scripture and Prayer by Rev.Hare. Sessional Minutes of Nov.11,1979 and Dec.2,1979 were read approved. The attatched reports with recommendations from the Commitment and Witness Committees were approved by the Session.The repott from the Service Committee was received as information and the request made of the Diaconate was duly noted. The sesSion approved the two following recommendata&ons Stikeleather on behalf of the Strengthening Committee; L.Members of the Jr.and Senior High Fellowship Youth Organi«= zations have a “New Year"Watch Night from 9 p.m.till 9 a.me Chaperones would be present and breakfast would be erved,. The “Minis ter be given authority to cancel meetings which in 1is judgement would conflict with other scheduled events, request by Rev.Neill R.McGeachy to use some material from past Sessional Records in compiling data for istory of this Presbytery to be publisned later was granted by the Sessi The Session appoi ar committee composed cf all the Chairpersons all Sessional nm j 18 to investigate the request made by Tom Setser behalf of the Scotts Recreation Center,to buy or assume the indebtedness the Center in conjunction with Logan Presbyterian Church. There being no further business,the meeting was adjour order with ayer by Henry fr vd 4Eilers,_lt>fF S, I AMT 7 = RobértL.Hare,Jr.,Moderator Al’M.Shive,Jr. Attatchment to Sessional Minutes of Dec.9,1979 The Commitment Committee mgt on December 2,1979 in the Fellowship Hall at 7:30 p.m.with the following members present;J.Long Wooten Chairman,Harold Millsaps and Sandy Shive. The meetings of all committees were opened with praver by Rev.Hare. After some diseussion,the committee decided to make the following recomendation to the Session for their action.Although there has been a commendable commitment of money by the membership of Concord Church, this committee feels that there ‘ts still opportunittes for commitment of time and talent by many of our fellow members.One such opportunity which requires no special talent but may awaken talents which,up to the present,may not have realized by an individual,is the participation in the mission of our Church by serving in the capacity of a member of one of the Sesshonal Committees.Therefore it is the recomendation of this committee this invitation to commit ones time and tsient be issued in the church bulletin and by the Minister from thc pulpit in hopes that the response will be overwhelming,and that the work of all the Committees will reflect the work of a large and dedicated membership. Respectfully submitted, 4 / J.Long/Wooten Chairman Attatchment to Sessional Minutes December 9,1979 The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on Sunday night,December 2,1979 at the church.Present were John Dagenhart,Chairman and members Dennis Miller,Pal Brown,Ruth Brown and Marie Stevenson.Also present were new members Ruth and Lewis Stikeleather and Karen Miller. The committee made the following recommendations: That the new committee make decisions concerning visitation in 1980. hat we sponsor a Gideon speaker at morning worship on January 13 and receive an offering.John Dagenhart will introduce the speaker. Mr.and Mrs.W.M.Stikeleather are to be guests at the Gideon banquet at the Holida Inn on January 12. nily-Night Dinner be held on Thursday night,March 6,1980 t[he speaker on World Missions will be Dr.Cora Wayland. people will be asked to sing and an invitation will be Clio,New Salem and Shiloh churches. the speaker receive t hairman is to contact of Attatchment to Sessional Minutes of pec.9,1979 Service Committee Meeting December 2,1979, -llowship Hall f the Church. Those preser were Harvey Stevenson, Summers and Carroll Hasted Down Sheets NOT Filmeo Under 1%”~a a ee e Ske arr Cas et oh (Z)OK ic Chr. the beginning of Fourth Creek (now Statesville,First),as 1753, 312 or earlier,28 does Dr,W.Ll,Lingle,quoting Dr.Jethro Rum 313ple,Rocky River and Sugar Creek,like "fortte of Yadkin and Salisbury,"are mentioned in the Records (gp.git-,supra)as early as Ootobsr 1755,and are sited myacancigs,""Dr.Foote, quoting from the Reverend Hugh McAden's diary,tells of McAden's being called as pastor of Tiyetira (Cathey 's Meeting House") and Rocky River the sam at Alexander Craighead,installed as Rocky River's pastor in 1758,was ordered by the Presbytery of Hanover to supply Fourth Creek,in sia We know,from 4 letter written by the Reveremi Robert iall Morrison,D.D.,dated February 12,1820,that "There is no organized Church in Salisbury,” although it appears in the Records along with nes The Salisbury,First Church,was organised August 4,1821,under the leadership of the Reverend Jonathan 0,Freeman,aa The Morganton C hurch was in existence as early as 1796,when the Reverend John M.Wilson is listed as pastor of "Quaker Widows /sic/and Morgantowm /eic/,"Of course "Widows"should be 319 "Meadows,"The Stated Clerk of the Generel Assembly app parently had difficulties in deciphering the handwriting of the Stated Clerk of Presbytery.Concord,Tredell,and Bethany are said to heve been formed out of the Fourth Creek congrega~ tion,in 1775,by the historians of those mes Dr. Foote says they became separate organizations prior to 1768, when the Reverend James Hall,D.D.,became the pastor of all j —J ‘ag BAO:Coy cord Kre aby terranr hitceh (15h OC SO ——} Aunierser pet,an Fasted Down Sheets Nor Filmeo Under Conrord Presbyterian Charch Box 5027 West Station Began Worship 1750-1755 STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA 28677 ROBERTL.HARE,JROrganized1775Minister: December 1),1979 Neill R.McGeachy632SpringdaleRoad Statesville,North Carolina 28677 Dear Rev.McCeachy: With regards to your request concerning a portion of The Sessional Records of Concord Presbyterian Church, I am happy to inform you that the Session of Concord Presbyterian Church in their stated meeting of December 9.1979,unanimously voted their consent to let this material be used in compiling the information you need to complete the publication of the history of our Preagbytery. Our best wishes for you and yours during this Christmas Season. Yours Sincerely, A.M.Shive ,Jr. Clerk AMS:jr/ps Fasted Down Sheets NO Filmeo Under the Session of UVoncord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister on December 16,1979 at 10:30 a.m.in the rastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robebt L. Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Tom Setser,Chal Stikeleather,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier Harvey Stevenson, Cecil Alexander,and Sandy Shive. the meeting was opened with prayer by Kev.Hare. the Session unanimously approved a motion to receive Patsy Wooten Summers into the fellowship of voncord Presbyterian Church as a communing member pending the transfer of her letter from Bethlehem Methodist Churoh, There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Sandy Shive. * Moderator CONCORD eptions; With)+Lizz|igo:¢i wheats p Certificate of Reception cerlifgi heed.=Spey The (ongregation of (oncoad Presbyterian (hurch met at the cali of the Session on June 4,1979 in the Sanctuary following the Moaning Worship Seavice. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,jr.anc the purpose of the meeting was stated,that being the election of a Nominating (ommittee to praesent a slate of Officers,both fiders and Veacons,to the congregation at a later meeting from uhich (hurch Officers commencing terms in 1950 could be elected. A motion to have the (Lerk of Session serwe as clerk fon this meeting was appnoved by the congregation. The congregation approved a motion that the (ommittee consist of seven members, determined by the seven persons receiving the most vuie:by “Show of Hands".Then, of these seven,the person receiving the most votes would senve as (hairperson. The results of the election were as follows: (Aainman;Harodd iLLeape (pak Stikeleather yoe Lentz Troy Pope Mrs.(day Summers fins.lom Setser Mins.Ruth Broun There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Ja. Respectfully submitted, if /:j/44 i A A A,Mi,Shive,Ja. Acting (Aerk The (ongregation of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at the oall of the Session on July 29,1979 in the Sanctuary following the Moaning Worship Service. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.Moniaten and Modenraton. The stated purpose ofthe meeting unas to elect five fiders to begin thier team on Yan.1,4980. The (Lerk of Session was elected to serve as clerk fon this meeting. The Nominating (ommittee presented the following names to the (ongregation as having been contacted and received their consent to serve if elected:Nas.Ruth Hedrick,Mr.Bill Summens,in.Francis Stevenson,Mm.Y.L.Wooten and Mn.Ralph Martin. The (ongregation then nominated ln.Lewis Stikeleathenr fromthe floor. A motionto elect the Live Elders from these six names by secret ballot was apmoved by the congregation. The congregation then approved a motion that the Nominating (ommittee be responsible fon tabulating the votes and reporting the results at the followingcongregational meeting scheduled for Aug.5,1979. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with paayer by Rev.Hare. Respectfully Submitted, od “A,Mm.Shive,Ja. The (ongregation of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Session on August 5,1979 in the Sanctuary following Morning Worship Sewéice. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Yr.,Minister and Moderator. The stated purpose of the meeting was to elect seven Deacons to begin their terns of service on Yan.1,L980.lhe normal class consists of six Deacons but one more was to be elected to serve outthe unexpired team of Mr.¥.Mitchamuhoresigned. The (Lerk of Seasion was elected to seave as clerk fon this meeting. The following names were presentedbythe Nominating (ommittee as having been contacted and their consent to sere if elected seamed:Mn.Bill baker,Ma.Bill Yohnson,Mr.Jimmy Vagenhart,Ins.Louise Summers,Mr.§.(.Madelland,Mr.John Mc adden,Mn.Bobby Moore.Mr.Mike (00k was nominated from the floor. A motion to elect,by secret ballot,seven Veacons from these eight names with the name receiving the Least number of votes to sere the unexpired team of Mn Mitcham was approved by the congregation. lhe nesults of this balloting was to be reported in the following Sunday's bulletin by the Nominating (ommittee. There being no further business,the meeting was adjoursned in due onder with prayer by Rev.Hare. Reapect{ully Submitted, \cy }/VA -} A,Mh.Shive,Jr Acting (Lerk The meet Ss called to order and opened with prayer by the Minister,Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jre no 1 Stated purposes of this meeting were,presentation to the Con- gregation the 1480 Budget and tne election of a Deacon to serve the term of Mr.John McFadden who resigned due to his moving to Georgia, The Congregation unanimoasly approved a motion to have the Clerk of the Session,Mr.A.me shive,Jr.serve as clerk for this meeting. After the Budget for 1980 was presented to the memvoersnip,tney unanimously voted to accept it, Tne Congregation then nominated the following persons,from whom one would be elected,to replace Mr.McFadden 4s a Deacon:Mr.Jonn icLain,Mr.Tony Comos,and Mrs.Louise Summers.After the Congregation voted to elect one person for tnis orfrice by "Show of Hands”Mr.Mclain was elected by &@ majority vote, Tnere being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Rev.Hare, Respectrully suomitted, mm-Shu yy \ /Cy AM.eonive,Jre atrt4ACtUing Ci@@xn, astor's Salary The Session of Uoncord Presbyterian Church met in regular session at 5:00 p.m.on webruary 17,1980 in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.kKobert L Hare Moderator,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John vagenhart,Mrs.Ruth Hedrick, Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Sandy Shive,Chal Stikeleather,Lewis Stikeleather francis Stevenson,Bill Summers,and Long Wooten. the meeting was opened with prayer by Sandy Shive and Scripture reading by Kev.Hare. Sessional Minutes of December 9th and 16th,1979 were read and approved. Diaconate minutes were also read and approved. Although the Diaconate approved a $35.00 figure,it was noted that the Session had previously (Minutes of Dec.2,1979)voted umanimously to pay Dr.Cora Weyland $30.00 plus expenses and a Love-Offering upon her visit and program at Concord Church. fhe Reports from thevarious Sessional Vommittees received the following action from the Session: Witness -(Attatchment)Received as information. Worship -(Attatchment)Recommendations approved unanimously. Commitment -Approved assignment of duties for Homecoming 1980 as follows, Parking -Boy Scouts,Kegistration &Welcome -J.C.stike= leather Sunday School Class,Invitations -Mr.and Mrs. vom Stevenson(Loray),Food -Women of the Church.Dr.Roland Sims was to be invited to fill the Pulpit, whe oession approved a motion to commence Sessional Committee Meetings and regular Session Meetings at 5:00 p.m.during Winter months and at 7:90 p.m.during Summer months on their respective dates with allowanees for any conflicts. Also approved was a motion to pay all Pulpit Supply,$50.00 plus 18¢ per mile for travel expense, There beingno further business,the meeting wes adjourned with prayer (over by Rev.Robert L Hare, Jf),3]Yd ( 7 Af //wtore‘a AJ 4 Cf Sf ¢a"pa) Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk APTATChimitnr 10 SESSLONAL MinuIES =FEBRUAKY 17,1980 the Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 7:30 PD.m.January 6,1980 in the Fellowship Hall.The Chairman,Carroll Jones and five other members were present. the meetings of all committees was opened with prayer by Harvey Stevenson,JIe vhe Worship Committee made the following recommendatioas to the Session for their consideration: 1.Subject to the approval of the Session,Scout Leaders,and the Leaders of the youth Graups,the following sundays be designated Special Sundays in the following manner: A.February 3,1980 -Boy Scout and Race Relation Day. B.March 9,1980 -Girl Scout Sunday. Ge March 16,1980 -Youth Sunday. Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.and Mrs.Jo Bunch prepare special "Holy Week"Services for Palm Sunday,Maundy Thursday,and Easter Sunday. Place in the bulletin,these two announcements: A.‘the Worship Committee places itself at the disposal of Mrs.Bunch and Mrs Nesheim,desiring and encouraging their advice and assistance in its efforts towards meaningful services in our Uhurch,. (a separate ballot)The Worship Committee would like the membership to record their wishes with regards to the place in our order of worship where the offering is taken.Please mark this ballot accordingly and place it in the offering plate.Beginning of service.‘ 2.Middle of Service. 3.End of Service.(this is the present place) This Committee encourages also the suggestions and help of each and every member throughout the year. Respectfully bmitted,Ww oC Wd Chairman. ny RE ASRETOI IER A CRS:ANE ROC NANRet A A ARE AOE AIRES IT:AIM Fae Ngee=CaP rm «er ,oe The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session at 5:00 p.m.on March 9,1980 in the J.U.Stikeleather Classroom with the following membérs,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.mare,Jr. Moderator,Hal Brown,Hugh Ervin,Ruth Hedrick,Sam Orrell,om Sétser, Sandy Shive,Chal Stikeleather,Lewis Stikeleather,Bill Summers,and Long Wooten. The mesting was opened with prayer and Scripture reading by Rev.Hare. the Sessional Minutes of Feb.17,1980 were read and approved. Reports from Sessional Committees received the following action: Strengthening:Recommendations adopted in the attatched reports dated January 6 and March 9,1980, Witness:Congregation be notified in the bulletin that the motion picture "Jesus “*would be playing in Statesville on March 28th,29th,and 30th.Group rates are available by calling lacile Johnson at 872-8938. Worship:A list of persons asked to be responsible for washing the Communion Cups on designated dates and a list of Elders to assist the Minister in serving Communion to our shut-ins be placed in the bulletin.These lists to be concluded with a request that when circumstances prevent a person from serving in one of these capacities,they shall be respon- sible for securing a substitute. whe Gongregation be invited to attend the "Community-wide”" Good Friday Services in Statesville om April 4,1980. Mr.Setser noted that the actual membership dues for the Scotts Recrea- tion Center 18g30.00,not $20.00 as stated in our bulletin, here being no further business,the meeting was adjourne:in due order with prayer by kev.Hare. RAS a "YrTit7e as * —— Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk The Session of voncord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:30 a.m.in the Pastor's Study on March 30,1980.The following members,constituting a quorum,were present:Kev.Robert L,. Hare,Jr.Moderator,Bill Summers,Ruth Hedrick,John Dagenhart,Hal Brown,Hugh trvia,Sam Orrell,lewis Stikeleather,Chal Stikeleather Heary Parlier,Long Wooten and Sandy Shive,. A motion to postpone Communion from Easter Sunday till May 3,1980 was approved by the Session. The Session also granted the traasfer of the letters of Mr.and Mrs. McFadden and their children Dora,Jim and Bob to Westminister Presbyterian Church,Snellville,Georgia. There being nao further business,the mseting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Hugh Ervin. ) A th i LX How ky. Robsbt L.Hare,Jr. Moderator HE FOLLOJING PERSONS ARE ASKED TOBE RESPONSIBLE FOR WASHING COMMUNION CUPS Mr.Herman :Mrs. ¢lors. Mr, Mr. lr. APRIL lir. ir. Mr. Mr. 3rd iPS. illorning (Maundy Thursday) Dagenhart John Dagenhart frank Crawford lesley Crawford Easter Morning \Vlorship Sam Orrell Johnnie McLain Hal Brown Bill.Cook 'orship Hugh Ervin Henry Parlier Drum iorning Vorship [roy Pope larvin Raymer slvin Adams ,Harold Millsaps THE FOLLOWING ELDERS ARE ASKED TO SERVECOMMUNIONTOSHUT-INS: APRIL 6th Mr,Lewis Stikeleather Mr.W.HM.Stikeleather,Jr. JULY 6th Mr.Tom Setser Mir,Sandy Shive aemnnrp €OCTOBER 5th Mr.Reid Summers Mrs.Ruth Hedrick CAPACITY SECURING ITMUT INvio °ON SIBLE The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session at 5:00 p.m.on April 13,1980 in the J.U.stikeleather Classroom with the following members,constuting a quorum,present:Kev.Robert L.Hare,JB.Moderator,Long Wooten,Tom Setser,sam Orrell,Chal Stikeleather,LewisStikeleather,Hal Brown,Ruth Hedrick,Heary Parléer, Hugh Ervin and Francis stevenson, The meeting was opened with Scripture and Prayer by Rev.Hare. After KuthHedrick presented her report on Presbytery,the Session received it as information and commended her for her dillegence. The following action was then taken by the Session: The Youth Fellowship and their Leaders be highly commended for the Morming Service which they presented this date. Explorer Post 607 be given $200.00 out of the Youth Fund to help with the expenses of the upcoming "Washington Trip”. Sessional Miautes to be searched,and if not already passed,Chair- persons of all Sessional Committees were to make up the "Long-Range" Planning Committee of the Session. A Communicants Class be organized as soon as possible. Investment information regarding Montreat-Anderson College be placed in the Church bulletia. The thoughts and special prayers of the Session be directed to Tom Setser in the death of his sister,Mrs.Mary Jo Sloan. At this point,Mr Setser expressed his appreciation to the Church for the prayers and for the flowers that were sent,and to Marvin Raymer for his thoughtfulness, There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Francis Stevenson. a—t as Robert L,Hare,Jr.Hugh Ervia Moderator Acting Clerk ! PRESBYTERY OF CONCORDTHIRTY“SECOND STATED MEETINGFIRSTPRESBYTERIANCHURCHKANNAPOLIS,NORTH CAROLINAApril8,19809:00 A.M. REGISTRATION:The attendance committee reported 271 commissioners attending this meeting of the Presbytery of Concord. WORSHIP:The meeting was called to erder by the retiring Moderator, the Rev.Paul H.Felker,pastor of the Waldensian Presbyterian Church,Valdese,N.C..His sermon was entitled,"Resurrection Gifts to the Church".Christ gave to his church his Gospel; He gave his peace;lastly,he bestowed his Holy Spirit upon the disciples at Pentecost. COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COURT:The Minutes of Commissions to ordain and/or install the following Pastors were admitted to record: Robert L.Hennessee -Pastor,New Hope Presbyterian Church, February 3,1980 Harold M.Hutchison -Pastor,Shiloh Presbyterian Church, Grover,February 10,1980. James N.Murray ’=-Pastor,Rocky River Presbyterian Church, Feb.3,1980 H.Earl Woodall =Pastor,Second Presbyterian Church, Kannapolis,February 2,1980 Hazel M.Berry -Pastor,Duncan's Creek and Ellenboro Presbyterian Churches,February 17,1980. MEMORIALS:These were presented at various times throughout the day. Ministers who had recently: Frank Fisher Baker James Newton Brown Eugene D.Witherspoon CANDIDATES COMMITTEE:The Rev.John Handley gave the report for the Candidates'Committee in the absence of the chairman. Laura Long brought an interesting report from the seminary: She mentioned some of the key changes taking place in higher education at the present time: 1)Second career people -The real world is coming to the ivory tower rather than vice versa. 2)Larger numbers of clergy couples meet often at seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education and get married but they often come as married couples to begin with. Ministers may be married;they may be mothers or fathers; ministers may be married to other ministers.3)Women make up 25.27%of the class in the seminary community.Women are beginning to resume their rightful place. It is still more difficult for women to receive calls than men. Issues:1)Prayer and meditation -Piety is taking on a more positive and energizing spirit today.The movement inward is (2) going to a movement outward.The Christian faith is being practiced in the active life today. 2)The seminary is giving more attention to the pastor as theologian. EXAMINATIONS COMMITTEE: 1)The Rev.Jerry Dexter Taylor is called to the Trinity Presbyterian Church,Winston-Salem,N.C. 2)Presbytery received the Rev.Dr.D.Cameron Murchison who is a professor at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond,Va..He transferred his membership from Knoxville Presbytery. 3)Dr.John E.Talmage,a retired minister living in Black Mountain, N.C,was examined,He presently serves as Stated Suvply for the Old Fort and Siloam Presbyterian Churches.He too comes from Knoxville Presbytery. THE HIGHLANDERS:A college group from Lees McRae College,Banner Elk, N.C.Sang a variety of songs before we ate lunch. LUNCH:A delicious meal was served in the Fellowship Hall of the Kannapolis Church.‘The host pastor,scouts,ladies who served,(all) helped to make our day an enjoyable one. INTERCESSORY PRAYERS -were heard after the court convened for the afternoon session. ISSUES PRESENTATION:Dr.Alfred Thomas from St.Andrews Presbyterian College talked about the "Minister's Health and Effectiveness"He stated that one minister had said,"I would like to die being regretted."He emohasized the need of being open to being nourished,a balancing of subjectivity and objectivity.A sense of interdependency is needed (not denendency)The minister neecs to be adaptable ratic«r than rigid;the importance of ego strength was emphasized.une needs to affirm one's strength as a person.Support groups are most helpful for ministers and others. The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:30 a.m.in the Pastor's Study on May 11,1980 with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr Moderator,R&th Hedrick,Herman Dacsenhart,Lomg Wooten,Tom Setser,Reid Summers,Hal Brown,Sam Orrell,Lewis Stikeleather,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Chal Stikeleather,and Sandy Shive. Rev.Hare opened the meeting with prayer. The following action was taken by the Session: 1.Regular Session Meeting was postpomed til 7:30 p.m.May 18th, 2.Youth Council given authority to select a young person of their choice to be the same sent to Presbytery for possible nomination to Youth Council of Presbytery. West Side Singers be invited to Uoncord Church to present the music for Worship Service om Sunday,May 18th.The "Loose"offering is to be given to this group. There being ao further bus&ness,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Tom Setser. } AK,ho 7 “A %TRAA2 (4-jf?OTe t a a oy gs Lt ;wo /cf Robert L.Hare Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session at 7:30 p.m.on May 18,1980 in the J,C.Stikeleather Classroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L,. Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Loag Wooten,Francis Stevenson,Ruth Hedrick,Hugh Ervin,Chal Stikeleather,Lewis Stikeleather,Sam Orrell,Bill Summers, ‘‘‘>eleoii Pipech Bo Apei se.MaAyft™John Dagenhart,and Sandy Shive,o=S*r “eles %ah »Apes é >©Ke f+PP ire p The meeting was opened with Scripture and prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session approved the recommendations contained in the attatched reports from the Worship and Strengthening Committees. John Dagenhart's request om behalf of the Commitment Committee to order the brochure on the "Pony Express"Stewardship program was approved, Rev.Hare announced the date and time for the first meeting of the "Long-Range"Planning Committee would be June 8,1980 at 6:30 p.m. Tom Setser and Sandy Shive would serve as principle and alternate respectively for Synod Meeting at Charlotte,N.C.June 10tgm and llth. Francis Stevenson and Lewis Stikeleather would serve as principle and alternate respectively for Presbytery Meeting June 27th and 28th. The Session approved Rev.Hare's request for three weeks of his vacation from July 28th through August loth.Therefore he would be absent from the pulpit om August ?rd and 10th, The matter concerning the possible hiring a DC E trainee for summer moaths was refered to the Strengthening Committee for sction. The Session pequested the Minister to investigate and see if the Bill Cook family might possibly meed some financial assitance with Charlodte's hospital bills or any other help that the Church might offer.If needed, a special offering would be taken for them. The Session also approved the taking up of an offering amongst them- selves to add to the Session's Memorial Fund, There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order am C with prayer by Long Wooten.Y LF /re Wr }Moderator 'pF]EAL Clerk f |]SA= ee 4X Mrs.Bradford Nesheim P.“*Box 347Statesville,N.C.28677 Dear Nancy: The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church wishes to express its appreciation for your services as Director of the Youth Choir over the past years,Along with your skilis in choral direction for our youth,you and Brad have demon=- strated a “caring attitude"and patience when youngsters needed it as they sought to find themselves and use their gifts in a world which is complex,confusing and yet challenging. We accept with regret your resignation as our Youth Choir Director,yet thanking you for all you have meant to all of us.We love you and wish the best for you and Brad in the future.If we as the Session can be of help to you, Please feel free to call us at any time. incey sly yours,j a)at ae 2 t/f—,~Pe .K fo xX hs AB AY overt L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator of Session Carroll Jones,Chairman of Worship Committee The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom at 5:00 p.m.on May 3,1980.There were six members present,including the Chairman Carroll Jones. The Committee umanimously voted to make the following recommendations to the Session for their action: 1.Accept with regret the resignation of Nancy Neshiem as Youth Choir Director effective Jume 1,1980,Carroll Jomes and Rev.Hare are to write a letter to Nancy expressing the gratitude of the membership for her servives to the Church, Westside Singers be invited back to Comcord Church for a program on May 18,1980 if it does not interfere with any schedule made by the Pastor or Jo Buach,vhoir Director. The Pastor,Rev.Hare,initiate a program whereby at a specified point in each Sunday Morning Worship Service a family in the membership would be introduced to the congregation.Selection of families would be alphabetically until all have been intrduced. Refer to the Diacomate the matter of initiating action on the "Padded Pews"Fund, For the information of the Session,it was the concemsus of the Comm- ittee that the Choir enter the Sanctuary at the same time as the Organist at Sunday Morning Worship Service as usual in order to snjoy the Prelude, This discussion and decision came as a result of requests that the Organist preceed the Choir into the Sanctuary by at least five minutes and present the Prelude before the Choir would come in, The meeting was then adjourned, Respectfully submitted. M wt.L tof MU Carroll Johes,Chairman Committee met March 9,1980 in Fellowship Hall at 5:00 P.M. Rev.Rovert L.Hare,Jr.opened with prayer.The following members were present:J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.-Chairman,Tom Setser,Genie Setser, Mike Cook,Penny Howard and MaryLou Stevenson. The Committee members approved that the Church Secretary put in the Yhurch bulletin the dates of all the Conferences.The members of the ,j encouraged all groups to participate in this summer conferences. to check with Ruth Hedrick and Betty summers, Bible School,and get them to get volunteers chool this summer.Also,to encourage the }].\Dre .24 .aliblesho50ithePresbyterianwork- enny nowar and erie 93 etser in the bulleti o have volunteers veacnerse I ommittee recommended the following people for anhe .r Ae R477 Ve «4 .;a tt ~MwWsabLteachersapproved:J7orrison,Sallie Saffos,Mike »wann. in »mmerided tnat we putAthe enurcn aqers. Cae dlemerasn evenecr@ary i }May 4,80 in Ruth Hedrick's ClassRoom c Stenghtening Committee met at 5:00 P.M. Harvey Stevenson,Jr.opened with prayer.Jlhose present were:Tom Setser +f rsenieSetser,Penny Howard,MaryLou Stevenson and J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr, “am .}2 ;:——p Hows i+er omposeda Dy Genie setser and enny noward: uld like list of those |would be intereste Please list what e up you would like t teach.is good to hé teachers who are trai i and wel ifi however,if you have dedication,a personal a willingness to serve,we invite you lease understand that these names will Committee for Sessior approval.WwSapy eer. the Vommit ape ororer he ):.im ‘}nitPatilWute n Adultresponsewe ‘tivenev¢2 ,Gil ii \hh A")Uil >pC The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:30 a.m.in the Pastor's Study on June 8,1980 with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr. Moderator,Sandy Shive,Tom Setser,Herman Dagenhart,Long Wooten,Lewis Stikeleather,Sam Orrell,Chal Stikeleather,Hal Brown,Henry Parlier, Bill Summers,Ruth Hedrick,and Reid Summers. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare, The Session umanimously approved a motion to accept into the fellow- ship of Concord Presbyterian Church,pending the transfer of their Letters from New Amity ARP Church,Jim Moody,his wife,Carolyn,and his daughter, Karen.Their son,Jimmie,was accepted as a non-communing member. Thers being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Chal Stikeleather. td nfiAfe x Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session at 7:30 p.m.on June 8,1980 in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom.All members of the Session were present save one.The Secretary of the Diaconate,Mr.Carroll Jones,was also in attendance. TheModerator,Kev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,declared a quorum present and opened the meeting with Scripture reading and prayer. Sessional Minutes of May 18,1980 were read and approved. Diaconate Minutes of March 9th,April oth,and May llth were read and approved,Their minutes of June 8th were read and accepted as infor- mation. The Session unanimously approved a motion that no "Special Funds”be isifiated without the prior approval of the Session.Motion also stipulated that this ruling be placed in the Bulletin. Rev.Hare gave a report on the meeting of the "Long-Range"Planning Committee.Unanimous approval to accept the following "Needs"as priorities was given by the Session, 1.Repairs and waterprodfing to the foundation of the Sanctuary.2.The need for a full-time DC E for our church. 3.The need for a more positive response to World Missions an¢Huager,. The attatched report submitted by Tom Setser on behalf of Strengthening Committee was received as information by the Session.The Committee was &lso commended for a job well done. The recommendation by the Diaconate,that Lisa Stikeleather be given the opportunity to serve our church on a voluntary basis aaa from June 9,1980 til August 16,19803 She would work under the supervision of the Minister,Kev.Hare;She would receive QM the $1000.00 set up in the Budget as a Scholarship,plus 18¢per mile vehicle expense;this all unanimously approved by the Session. The Session also approved Rev.Hare's request that he be permitted to Place in the bulletin items frem Sessional Minutes he felt should be anno- unced even though the minutes in question may have not been read and approved (over) by the Session in the subsequent meeting. There being mo further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Ruth Hedrick. Vv Robrt L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. 4)).al i Be eh os p ‘\Lbs hod ‘Sen e) 5 Moderator Clerk SomehereSSR RRR hese OMePHS tn Si}Hts S$eh ehcs abet coe ++i .23¢}oibcbet cht ches Thee ti rig theri<Beth a eps x >+3?tt +|a tt ty .>ub bo<. .;on The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:30 a.m.on June 29,1980 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present :Rev.Robert Hare,Moderator Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Ruth Hedrick,Sam Orrell, Henry Parlier,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive,Francis Stevenson,Lewis Stikeleather, Chal Stikeleather,and Long Wooten, The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session approved Rev.Hare's request to invite Tam Stewert to fill our Pulpit on July 27,1980 and also bring the Message at the Mea's Break- fast Meeting or speak at a combined Sunday School hour. A motion to sign a petition against the production of a motion picture depicting Jesus Christ as 4 homosexual was umanimously approved by the Session.They also approved a motion to ask Presbytery to investigate the matter and see if there might be additional action by the whole Church that could be taken to halt the production of this film. The minister was given approval to commence 4 Confirmation Class to be held during the Sunday School hour. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Chal Stikeleathsr. Lebut€Hone,Je ochcalhadhe Robert L Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Cle rk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session on July 13,1980 at 7:30 P.M.in the "Mabel Stevenson Classroom"with the following members,constituting a quorum present:Rev.Hare,Moderator,Hal Brown, Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Ruth Hedrick,Sam %rrell,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive, Chal Stikeleather,Lewis Stikeleather,Francis Stevenson,Bill Summers,Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with scripture reading and prayer by Rev.Hare. Sessional Minutes of June 8 &29,1980 were read and approved, Session approved Commitement Committee request to purchase 1000 pamplets on Stewarship for bulletin insert for Twenty-five Dollars($25.00). The Witness Committee report dlivaed by Chal Stikeleather was received as information(See Attached). Session approved motion for the Church to have a "Fall Retreat”at Camp Grier during the latter part of October as can be arranged.Same committee that was in charge of “Sring Retreat”to work out details. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Ruth Hedrick. Llth ry eal Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk of Session The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister on July 27,1980 at 10"45 A.M.in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum present:Rev.Hare,Moderator,Hal Brown,John Dagenhart, Hugh Ervin,Ruth Hedrick,Sam Orrell,Samdy Shive,Chal Stikeleather,Lewis Stikeleather and Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session approved a motion to cancel August Session Meeting. The Session approved the Worship Committee request to have David Sides from New Sterling ARP Church and William Bryant from Covenant ARP Church to fill our pulpit on August 3,1980 and August 10,1980 respectively,in the absence of the Pastor. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Lewis Stikeleather. Klatt then,Je ey Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk of Session The Session of Concord Presbyterian Chirch met at the call of the Minister at 10:30 A.M.on August 24,1980 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L. Hare,Jr.Moderator,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Ruth Hedrick,Sam Orrell,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive,Francis Stevenson,Lewis Stikeleather,Chal Stikeleather,and Long Wooten, The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session unanimously approved the following recommendations: 1.The Churoh pay the registration fee of $25.900 for Bill Morrison to attend the Christian Education Workshop at Durham,N.C.on Sept. 10 =llth,1980. Jesse Brandon Charles,infant son of Mr.and Mrs.Jack Charles be baptized by Rev.Hare in our Church although the parents are not members of any church.Jack and Karen are professing Christians and will be asked to vow they will bring Jesse up in the "Nurture and Admonition of the Lord.They will also be encouraged to find a Church home and become members there, There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Francis Stevenson, k Kes RK,»for UY *(Opuly yhn Robert L.Hare,dr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:30 A.M.on September 14,1980 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.Moderator,Bill Summers,Ruth Hedrick,Francis Stevenson, Lewis Stikeleather,Chal Stikeleather Sam Orrell,Long Wooten,John Dagenhart,Herman Dagenhart,Tom Setser and Hal Brown, Rey.Robert Hare opened the meeting with prayer. The recommendations contained in the attatched minutes of the Witness Committee were unanimously adopted by the Session. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Chal Stikeleather. Kod Robert L.Hare,Jr.Chal Stikeleather Moderator Acting Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.on September 21,1980 in the J.C.Stikeleather Class- room with the following members,constituting a quprum,present:Rev. Robert Hare,Moderator,Hal Brown,Ruth Hedrick,Sam Orrell,Sandy Shive, Heimer,AaarrhsfChalStikeleather,Francis Stevenson,Bill Summers,and hae Wooten. Rev.Hare opened the meeting with a Scripture lesson and prayer. Sessional Minutes of July27th,August 24th,and September 14,1980 were read and approved. Diaconate Minutes of July 6th,August 10th,and September 14,1980 were read and approved, The following action was taken by the Session with regards ‘o the attatched reports from the various Sessional Committees: Service Committee:Items 1,3,5,6,and 7 adopted,Item 2 infor- mation be placed in bulletin and announced from pulpit,Item &be refered back to committee for Clarification,Item 8 received as information. Item 9 be refered to Commitment committee. Strengthening Committee:Report of August 31,1980 recommendations adopted.Report of September 7,1980 recommendations adopted, Worship Committee:Recommendations contained in September 7,1980 report adopted. The Session approved a motion to reimburse 4 Ruling Elder the expenses of room,board,and travel(17¢per mile)incurred while representing the Session at Presbytery,Synod,or General Assembly Meetings. The decision on whether or not to have a Church Directory printed was postponed till the October Stated Meeting. Francis Stevenson's report on June Presbytery Meeting was received as information and he was commended for his deligence. A recommendation that the information containing the alternatives that our young men have with regards to the "Draft"be made available pagertothemthroughthechurchbulletin,was amemtmoasiy approved, The Session requested Rev.Hare to send a letter to Rutlidge and Bingham Mortuary responding to their Gift and letter concerning Mr. Marvin Raymer, By Common Consent,the Session agreed that during Communion Servises when the Klements are to be served,all Elders be required to come and sit at the front along with the ten that are actually serving the Bread and Wine,This would also include any that are seated in the Choir Loft. Elders were also asked to try to the best of their ability to rotate between serving the two Elements each time.It was agreed that the strength and solidarity of the Session would be appearent in this action. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Ruth Hedrick. LA WY sfx o!Cf Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderetor Clerk Toe Paranalatte i Service Committee,Concord Presbyterian Church,Necommendations for Session Meeting September 21,1980, xO 1.Get someone to serve on the Advisory Borrd for The Senior Center,Old Blks Building, Statesville,N.C,and notify Mrs,Dot Blackwelder,PO Box 344,Statesville,N.C,28677,Telephone 873 ~8568,Could get no volunteors,ani Marvim Raymer,with the approval of the Session of Concord Presbyterian Church will represent our Church as a Comunity Service until replaced, 2.Volunteers needed at Cup of Water to be non-judgmental listeners,Ask for Dovie Underwood at Center,The Service Committee could not secure anyone,and we refer the appointments to the Cup of Water to our Session to represent our Church, “3.Yelp is needed at The Yokefellow,Call Rev.Gaston Boyle if Youth would like to help aa a project,Volunteers in all aspects of Service needed,Recommend te The 5 Session to refer to our New Youth Council for appointment and action, ¢i.Recommend that one dollar ($1.00)be given per communing chureh mesber to build chapvls at State Centers for The Retarded.Donations to be sent to Chapels for The Nerth Carolina Centers For Retarded,Inc.,PO Box 11099,Raleigh,N.€,27604,It shodld be noted and considered that Church and State are separate similar to the Campus Ministry,and only donations from individuals can offer Chapels and Religion to inmates j in Stete Institutions, “§,Recommend painting of lines in Parking lot.Pasa onto Deacons for immédiate action, 6,Recommend extension lines for 2 speakers in Fellowship Hall from Pulpit Mike for overflow in Special Services such as Joint Community Thanksgiving cr Raster Services, Pass onto Deacons for execution, ”Ts Mem and Youth of The Church request permission of Sesaion to assist in sponsoring -doimt Commumity Thanksgiving Services,and Eider Herman Dagenhart hms secured a clesed circuit Television Cam and Projector for the overflow in the Fellowship Hall for the increasing invitations and attendance. @,Bervice Committee will assist and support our Every Member Canvass and General Giiicer Training this Fall of 1980, 9.Suggest and Resommend that our Pastor,The Reverend Robert L,Hare,Jr.conduct, held and preagh the Homecoming Service in 1981.Our visitors and former members want to hear and respect him as Minister of our Church,ami we have heard thie request from our own members and former ma@bers along with our visitors,We present this as a Service to our Church and Commnity, Reapectfully submitted: i %William Summers Marvin Rayner oes Service Comnittee,icord Presbyterian Church, Kasted Down Sheets Nor Filmeo Under Minutes of the Stwengthening Committee Concord Presbyterian Church engthening committee met in I Hall Sept.7,1980 with the Members present,.e Mrs Louise Raymer,renie Setser and Tom Setser The Following Recé#mendations were Mades 1.We Recomend that Mr Hare ai re a meeting for the Sunday School Teachers,the Sunday School Supt.,The Chairman of the Steng *Committee and the Pestor to obs Sunday Sci The Strengthening Committee met at the call of the Chairman on August 31,1980 in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom.Those present were Harvey Stevenson,Jr.Chairman,Genie Setser,Tom Setser,Henry Parlier,Rev.Robert Hare,and Mary Lou Stevenson. The’following recommendations were made: 1.Sumday School Rally Day for 1980 be ommitted. 2.Rally Day in the future be held on the first Sunday in September except on those that would have a conflict with Labor Day week- end,at which time it would be moved back to the last Sunday in August. Sunday School attendance be taken from July 1st through Juae 30th each year, Attendance Pins for 1980 would be given through the Sunday School classes. Respectfully submitted, Tiny Aa WA,y*t*ct dA Mary Lou Stevenson Acting Secretary The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 7:30 P.M in the Fellowship Hall on September 7,1980.Carroll Jones,Chairman,and four other members were present. Rev.Robert L Hare,Jr.Mimister,opened the meetings of all the Sessional Committees with prayer. The Worship Committee voted unanimously to present the following recommendations to the Session: 1.The Session make the decision as to whether or not to have a new Church Directory printed.If the Session decides tnat it is time to have a Directory,then this Committee will work out all details and come back to the Session wita their recommendation. -November 23,1980 at 7:30 P.M.be designated time and date for the "Community Thanksgiving Service".Rev.Hare and the Ministe:.of the other Churches work out the rest of the details.This information be placed in the church bulletin and repeated from the pulpit as often as Rev.Hare feels it is necessary. Respectfully submitted, Cpl aner Carroll J’ones Chairman The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:35 A.M.on September 28,1980 in the Pastor's study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Francis Stevenson,Long Wooten,Sam Orrell, Eewis Stiksleather,Henry Parlier,Chal Stikeleather,Hugh Ervin,Ruth Hedrick,Bill Summers,Hal Brown,Reid Summers,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,and Sandy shive. Kev.Hare opened the meeting with prayer. Having completed tne classes held,Tommy Stevenson and Kevin Johnson were to be confirmed on October 5,1980,Motion to this effect received unanimous approval of the Session. The Session approved the following persons to assume designated positions with Youth organizations: Youth Council:Sue Stevenson(Loreay)Chairperson,Ruth Moore Co- Chairperson, (new members pending their acceptance,Jim andCarolynMoody,Melvin and Louise Adams) Senior High:Randy and Kathy i eugaeae and Tony Combs,{/Gisaday Wisemday peadiagrhetidoedpteaded? Jr.High:PORES RAE PRMARPMOOEE Bonnie Cook and Carroll Jones (Glenda Wiseman,pending her acceptance) Pionesrs:Bobby and Ruth Moore Kecreation:Jimmy Dagenhart and parents of children involved. January 11,1981 was approved by the Session as "Gideon Sunday"when a Gideon would be invited to speak and an offering be received for them on the "Open Bible"at the close of the service.Because of this Service Concord Church would not be able to participate in the "Pulpit Exchange" program which Presbytery had scheduled for this date pending Session's appreval. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Rev,Hare, KL ew the ve,Uy:1.wher (Dp T/ Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk The session of Goncord Presbyterflan Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:35 a.m.on October 19,1980 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robsbt L. Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Ruth Hedrick,Tom Setser,John Dagenhart,Hal Brown Long Wooten,Herman Dagenhart,Sandy Shive,Chal Stikeleather,Sam Orrell and Henry Parlier. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session appreved a motion to employ John Stroud as Youth Choir Director effective immediately.This employment to continue past December 3lst for as long as Mr.Stroud would stay. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Herman Dagenhart. /id ~.fr.)Kakerd A.Kee,-,7 Robert L.Hare,Jr. Moderator 7tend od leegeen cere!eV.n+a The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister on October 26,1980 in the Pastor's Study following the Worship Service with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev. Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Sam Orrell, Tom Setser,Sandy Shive,Chal Stikeleather,Reid Summers,Long Wooten, Lewis Stikeleather,Ruth Hedrick,Ffencis Stevenson,and Herman Dagenhart. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The following action was taken by the Session: 1.Due to the abscenée of Rev.Hare(He would be at the ketreat) our Pulpit would be filled by Mr.Julius Melton Nov.2,1980, 2.The Church would pay the registration fee for Sally Stevenson to attend the Leadership Conferance at Montreat,N.C. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Rev.Hare. Mars,Je Robert L.Hare, Moderator The Session of Comoord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:30 a.m.on November 9,1980 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L. Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Lewis Stikeleather,Henry Parlier,Francis Steve- nson,Sam Orrell,Hugh Ervin,Chal Stikeleather,Long Wooten,Reid Summers,John Dagenhart,Herman Dagenhart,Hal Brown,Ruth Hedrick, and Sandy Shive.The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session unanimously voted to accept Mr.Wayne Deal into the fellowship of Concord Church pending the receipt of his Letter from Bethlehem Methodist Church. Due to certain conflicts,the following changes to scheduled méetings were approved:Sessional Committees meet at 6:00 p.m.on November 9th. and regular Session Meeting rescheduled for 6:00 p.m.November loth. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Lewis Stikeleather. Zeket ZL,Hare,pe Robert L Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. WH -AL-——A4cht Moderator Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session on November 16,1980 at 6:00 p.m.in the J.U.Stikeleather Sunday School Classroom with every member except one present. The Moderator,Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,deciared a quorum present opened the meeting with Scripture reading and Prayer. Sessional Minutes of October 19th,October 26th,and Novem@er 9, 1980 were read and approved, The following reccomendations by the Commitment Committee were adopted by the Session, L.A committee composed of John Dagenhart,Tommy Howard,Hugh Ervin,Carroll Jones,and Sandy Shive draft the 1981 budget for the Diaconate to finalize and send on to Session for adoption. Commitment committee use our church bulletin on November 30th,December 7th and 14th with information to promote Stewerdship. The reccomendations contained in the attatched reports from the Strengthening and Witness committees were adopted by the Session. Further discussion and action on the question about a new Church Directory was postponed. Long Wooten was commended for his report on Presbytery Meeting. The Service Committee was asked to meke a reccomendation concerning "Sick Leave"with regards to Church employees to the Diaconate for action. The Session requests the Diaconate to take prompt action on whether or not to pay Mrs.Bunch for the time she lost due to illness. Session agreed that there would be occasions when the Church Sec- retary would be required to work more hours than the contract called for in order to get the job done,and that she should receive extra pay for this time figured at the hourly pay scale. Church organizations would be rejyuested,in the bulletin each Sunday in December,to prepare a report of their expenditures and turn it in to the Clerk for his preparation of the Annual Statisticle Report. The Session granted Betty Spears request for the transfer of her letter to the First Presbyterian Church of Mooresville,N.U. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Sandy Shive. .a9 4}oJsneoeee Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.wi.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk MINUTES OF WITNESS COMMITTEE -NOVEMBER 9,1980 -Chal Stikeleather,Chairman l.Arrangements have been made for the Gideons to speak at Concord Presbyterian Church on January ll,1981. 2.The Witness Committee would like to extend an invitation to Rev.and Mrs.John Reagon,missionaries to Japan,to speak on February 8,1981. 3.The Witness Committee would like to assign persons,one for each Sunday,to give one "Minute"for Missions.It is suggested that Mrs.Edith Morrison be in charge of selecting someone for each Sunday,since she is the Chairman for Ecumenical Missions.There is an explanation and nine (9)minutes for "Minutes",Thus,it will take ten (10)Sundays with a different speaker each Sunday. 4.The Witness Committee recommends that a goal of $500.00 be set for our special offering to be taken in February. Respectfully submitted, iadpee Mrs.Ruth Hedrick Secretary of Witness Committee The Session of Concond Presbyterian Church met in regular session on December 1,1980,at 5:00 p.m.in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Ruth Hedrick,Sam Orrell,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive, Chal Stikeleather,Lewis Stikeleather,Francis Stevenson ,Bill Summers, Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Rev.Hare. The Sessional Minutes of November 16,1980,were read and approved. The Diaconate Minutes of October 12,November 9,and December 1),1980 with a correction of December 1th minutes;cost of refrigerator should be Six Hundred,fifty($650.00)instead of Six Hundred Dollars($600.00)were read and approved, The Attached recommendations from the Worship Committee were adopted the Session except Item #1. Session unanmiously approved motion to commend Diaconate and all others involved in the good job done on repairing downspouts and basement walls. Session granted letters of dismissal to Ruth Stevenson Gregory to St.Paul Methodist Church,Christiansburg,Virginia and Mrs.J.C.Wilkerson to St.John's Lutheran Church,Statesville,North Carolina. The check received from Rev.J.D.Revis was referred to the Strengthening and Witness Committees for action. Session approved a motion to have Sessional Committees of 1980 serve again in 1981 and thereafter committees would be selected for two(2)year terns. Session granted Rev.Hare a "Study Leave”from January 12 to January 30,1986,for work on his Doctorate.Pulpit would be filled by the Gideon's on January 18,198)and the Worship Committee would be responsible for securing someone for January 25,1986. The following men were approved as officer's for Men of the Church for 1981.They would be installed by the minister at the next scheduled meeting of the Men of the Church:President,Carroll Jones, Vice President,Jimmy Dagenhart,Treasurer,Herman Dagenhart. There being no further business,the meeting was adjoured in due order with prayer by Rev.Hare. YwpptzPf ‘| Lb.VA anes o 4 Yj 7 if.:) Robert L.Hare,Jr.I.N.Shive,ir. Moderator Cyerk of Session ATTACHM®MENT TO SESSIONAL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 1,1980 The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 7:00 Pp.m-on Dec.7,1980 and agreed to make the following recommendations to the Session for their consideration: 1.Approve the purchase by the minister of appropriate leaflets to be placed in the bulletin to remind us of this "Advent Season”, Request Diaconate to devise a more reliable method of getting a "head-count"at Worship Services so it may be recorded in each bulletin, Accept the offer of the Men of the Church'to furnish approximately 125 Bibles to be placed in the pews for use by the congregation during Worship Services, - Approve the following lists of persons to be responsible for washing communion cups,and Elders and Young People to assist the Minister in serving Communion to Shut-ins. Washing Cups: January 1981:Mr.&Mrs.Long Wooten n ""Don West *sci Billy Weatherford Mr.James Warren Maundy Thursday:Mr.&Mrs.Bill Summers "ne Reid Summers *-Chal Stikeleather Mrs.Glenda Wiseman April 1981:Mr.&Mrs.Lindsey Stikeleather "*.3 lewis Stikeleather °.*%A.M.Shive,Jr. Miss Cynthia Stevenson :Mr.&Mrs.Robert Patterson -as Leroy Moose 'vo Bobby Moore Mrs.Sally Saffos October 1981:Mr.&Mrs.Glenn Money -oe Dennis Miller --.Ralph Maslin Mr.Frank Setser Serving Shut-ins: January 1981:Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Brian * Moore,and Jeff Cook , April 1981:John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Mark Summers and Chuck Shive, July 1981:Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Elaine Steven-~ son and Dawne Moore. October 1981:Francis Stevenson,Bill Summers,Leigh Shive and Gina Johnson, a 7 Z Name of Church QUESTIONNAIRE TO GUIDE IN THE REVIEW OF SESSIONAL RECORDS YESDoesthenameandlocationofthechurchappearonthefront Se BE aire ca cesesMicccuneckcccuedcosuusenininedecverececocs OF Are the Rules for Records of Sessions posted in the frontInsidecover?.........es eccccscccccccescnceccccscecececs (VY) Were the time and place of each meeting recorded?....cecscccecneesee (%) Were the meetings opened and closed with prayer?....ccesccnesseseeee (4 Were the nemes of those present listed?..cicccccccccccvccscvesccsove (4DidtheSessionmeetatleastonce&@ quarter:ccccccccccccccccccccces (WF Was a Ruling Elder elected to attend each meeting of Presbytery?...,() Did the elected or alternate Ruling Elder attend?.....cssecsecccccee () Did the elected representative report on the meeting to the Session?..oats ( Was a Ruling Elder elected to attend each meeting of Synod?.........( Did the elected or alternate Ruling Elder attend?....ccssccceccessee ( Did the elected representative report on the meeting to the SOBSIONT 206 cicnceccsctecvesecesensesessses sedeecceeccees O79 Did the Session examine the minutes of the Board of Deacons at least once every Six MONTHS?ccccoccccscccceccseeeses Was the Statistical Report (Form A)a permanent part of the minutes of Sesslon?....eeeees soeecceccnseccccosonccce Were the actions of the Session clearly recorded? Were all minutes read and approved by the Session? Did the Clerk of Session sign the Sessional minutes? Were minutes of Congregational Meeting(s)kept within the Session Book and in a separate section from the minutes of the Session?.. Did the Moderator and Clerk of Congregational Meetings sign the Minutes? Was the church Incorporated within the last year? Are the Articles of Incorporation included? Did you find that the Session seriously considered withdrawal from the Presbyterian Church in the United States? In your opinion are the actions of this Session In -accord with The Book of Church Order? Approved WITHOUT Exception () Approved WITH Exception 7 }Ta0 /ROS Jip fRBS 4 7 Frre A (/jot TS f fiom Si hh 3 Jy y / ow /.i er (€A Ap £JSfh ¢7 he 7 ¢ List Exception(s):fi |fe ‘es ~VY ;a if — j Appeay ,“ts Somn of :LOR RN fi~Zo7 Abloi oke/iAcTionws7?!/Ait Pre ae Signed’senile aearExamner Date Se ada L£Z.L278 - ;o”<)sft (7h2 7 <){Ver List Suggestions:<c¢WOT J ot &A ofp phe (74 2 JAGIO | The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the Call of the Minister at 10:30 a.m.on December 21,1980 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L. Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Francis Stevenson,Long Wooten,Ruth Hedrick,Hal Brown,Reid Summers,Sam Orrell,Chal Stikeleather,Lewis Stikeleather, Bill Summers,Henry Parlier,and John Dagenhart. The Session took the following action: 1.Approved the proposed Budget for 1981 and call a Congrega- tional Meeting on Dec.28,1980 following Worship Service to present this Budget to Them. Try to have future budgets completed earlier in order to have copies made and distributed to be studied. Rev.Hare be given a $200.00 Christmas Bonus. The Pastor and Biaconate negotiate and trade for new office equipment. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Rev.Hare. }‘ ER:K.Mare,Y te 777 Bion > Robert L Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk PRI i Approved: (Without .With)47 Dat ALY L3s/a K.Fir Clue ¢ The Congregation of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Session in the Sanctuary,following Morning Worship Service, on December 28,1980. The Minister,Rev.Robeet L.Hare,Jr.,called the meeting to order and opened it with prater. Ststed purpose of the meeting was to present to the congregation ths 1981 Budget. A.m.Shive,Jr.,Clerk of Session,was elected clerk of this meeting. Motion to accept the Budget was made by Marvin Raymer,seconded Dagenhart,and the congregation voted unanimously in favor motion, further business,the meeting was adjourned innofl due order with prayer by Rev.Hare. 'Per ieRespectfully }})}f)« Aatin lariACULNDSILSrK CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BUDGET 1981 Pastor's Salary...ecess -$15,573.00 fessional Allowance.-3,964.00Profs Pastor's Annuities....«2,930.00:~Medical...»1,046.00 insurance =OCEROTsc ceccce 1,500.00 stodian's Salary...eceec-4,697.00 ‘ch Secretary.cccccccccs 3,956.00 ctor of Music and Organi 2,967.00 of Youth Music.....41.00 ic Materials....e..Ls 10.00 @°O WOlKcccoccces 1 90.09 Maintenance,‘2,500.00 Expense...e-1,650.00 500.00 8,000.00200.00‘5 00.00 , > , 5 $5h ,72 be 00 2,250.001,000.0000.000.00an »—$10,025.00 SeSS810N..cces December 21, Congregation.scember 28, CLASS OF 1981 CLASS OF 1983 Mr.John Dagenhart Mr.Hal Brown Route 1 Route 2 Stony Point,N.C.28678 Stony Point,N.C.87678 585-6840 585-2329 Mr.Hugh Ervin Mr.Herman DagenhartRoutePax205Route1 Statecy2 ,0,286 Stony Point,N.C.28678 8738S 585-2529 Mr.S ,Orrel!Mr.Tom SetserRov?x Lf Box 22Sta’.>.2867"Scotts,N.C.28699873-585-6878 Mr.|Mr,Sandy ShiveRou’9x 22States>tts,N.C.28699873~93"5E5~2358 Mr.Reid Summers Mr.Wm.Stikeleather,Jr.P.O.Box 1750 Route 2415FlorenceCircleStonyPoint,N.C.28677Statesville,N.C.28677 873-1,217 873-8557 CLASS OF 1985 Mrs.Ruth H ick Mr.Lewis StikeleatherRoute8,Route 11,Box 393StatesvilN.C Statesville,N.C.28677873-7855 872-1607 Mr.Francis Stevenson Mr.William H.(Bill)SummersRoute13,Box 71 Route 8,Box 14,7Statesville,N.C,.28677 Statesville,N.C.28677873-736:873-8901, Mr,Long Wooten Route 13,Box 354 Statesville,N.C.28677 872-2636 CLASS OF 1981 Mr.Tommy Howard Box 63 Scotts,N.C.28699 585-6418 Mr.Jerry Mitcham (terminated) Mr.Jchn McFadden Route 11,Box 120Statecvilic,N.C.28677 76—L207 ’ Mr. ou Ae u Mr.! Route 13,Box 338 Statesville,N.C.28677 873~L,132 Mr.Lindsey Stikeleather 3222 Jurney Avenue Statesville,N.C.28677 873~8082 Mr.Billy Summers Route 2,Midway Drive Stony Point,N.C.28678 585~4727 Mr.Michael D.Cook Route &,Box 482 Statesville,N.C. 873-0985 Mr.Jimmy Dagenhz Route ] Stony Point,N.( 585-6840 Mr.bill Johnson Route 14,Box 499 Statesville,N.C.28677 872~3905 CLASS OF 1 Mrs.Ruth Brown Route 2StonyPoint,N.C.28678 585~2329 Mr.Bill Cook 737 Westminister DriveStatesville,N.C.28677 872-1285 Mr.Carroll Jones Route 6,Box 478 Statesville,N.C.28677 873-6352 Mr.Harold Millsaps Route 8 Statesville,N.C.28677 72~614,83 Mr.Dan McKinney Route 13,Box 339 Statesville,N.C.28677 872-1598 Mr.James Warren Route 13,Box 397 Statesville,N.C.28677 872-5585 CLASS OF 1985 Mr.Bill Baker Route 15,Box 531 (Oak Dr.) Statesville,N.C.28677 872-0025 Mr.Bobby Moore Route 8,Box 436 Statesville,N.C.28677 872-1132 Mr.J.C.McLelland 210 I.Monticello Drive Statesville,N.C.28677 873=11,87 The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:35 a.m.on January 4,1981 in the tastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L. Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Herman Dagenhart,Bill Summers,HalBrown,Reid Summers,Ruth Hedrick,Francis Stevenson,Henry Parlier,Sam Orrell, Long Wooten,Lewis Stikeleather,Tom Setser,Hugh Ervin,Chal Stike- leather,and Sandy Shive. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. It being Communion Sunday,the Elements would be served by the following Elders: The Bread: Tom Seter,Long Wooten,Sam Orrell,Bill Summers,and Sandy Shive. TheWine: Lewis Stikeleather,Reid Summers,Hal Brown,Herman Dag- hart,and Chal Stikeleather. At future Communion Services,the Session would attempt to have different Elders serve a particular Element,instead of the same ones serve the game Element each time. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Rev.Hare. Kav Keb Lo Mars,u Li.?)Dhow Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk ee ee The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session On January 11,1981 at 5:00 p.m.in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Hugh Ervin,Ruth Hedrick,Sam Orrell,Long Wooten,Tom Setser,Hal Brown,Francis Stevenson,Lewis Stikeleather, Herman Dagenhart,and Sandy Shive, The meeting was opened with Scripture reading and prayer by Rev. Hare, Sessional Minutes of December 14,1980 and January 4,1981 were read and approved. Diaconate Minutes of December 21 and 28,1980 and January 11,1981 were read and approved. The recommendations contained in the attatched reports from the Worship,Witness,and Strengthening Committees were adopted by the Session. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Lewis Stikeleather, 7 4 Pi h LX aro.jA id 7)¢)fp <bpa Robert L.Hare,dr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 5:00 Pe.M.On January 4,1981 in the Fellowship Hall.Carroll Jones,Chair- man,and two other members were present, The meetings of all the Sessional Committees were opened with prayer by Sandy Shive. The committee made the following recommendations to the Session for their consideration: 1.Mr.David Sides be invited to fill our pulpit on January 25,1981,in the abscence of the Minister, Rev.Hare and Mrs.Bunch meet with this committee following the regularly scheduled committee meetings on March 1,1981 to make plans for “Holy Week"Services and also the possibility of having @ congregational "Hymn Sing"in the Fellowship Hall. Invite the General Assembly Singers to present a program on February 8,1981.Have a “Covered Dish"supper at 5:30 p.m. for the group and congregation,Invite all interested college bound juniors and seniors from neighboring churches along with their parents and families to come at 6:30 to see slides of Montreat Anderson Ca@llege to be shown by Dr.Vaughn then hear the "Singers"present their program.Request Rev.Hare to call fellow Ministers so they could announce this invitation from their respective pulpits, Respectfylly submitted, La/wit)YI. Carroll Jones Chairman Concord Bresbyterian Church Strengthening Cogmittee Meeting Jan.4 1981 The Strengthening Committee Met in th e Fellowship Mall at 5 olclock.The Following members were present.Marvey Stevenson Jr.President,Mary Lou Stevenson,Genie Setser, Tom Setser,and Micheal Cook. The following recomendations were made: l.That Mr Mare talk to the Scout Leaders and work out details for Boy Scout Sunday in Feb.and Girl Scout Suhday in March. 2.That the Sunday School Supt.Contact the Sunday School Teachers to see if they wish to continue with the present literature or would they want to change to one of the tracts in the Shared approach. 3..That the session approve Betty Summers and Teresa Cook as Co-directors of Bible School,According to the procedure set up in the past,this will be Bettys final and another person will be selected to Co-chair with Teresa next year. That the $50.00 given by Rev.J.D.Reavis be used to help defray the expense of our youth attending one of the conferences at Montreat. That ,since we are helping with the expense of the Scotts Recreation Center ,the Chairman of the Board of Deacons Serve on the Board of Directors of the Recreation Center so that the Church can utilize the facilities to the best edvantage. The Chairman of the Youth Cc il req the following names be approved as recreation leaders for the youth. Barbara Mederick Janet Moose David Setser The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session On February 8,1981 at 5:00 p.m.in the J.C.Stikeleater Classroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.Moderator,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart, Sam Orrell,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive,Chal Stikeleather,Long Wooten, Lewis Stikeleather,and Francis Stevenson, The meeting was opened with Scripture reading and prayer by Rev. Hare. Sessional Minutes of January 11,1981 were read and approved, The Session unanimously approved a motion to employ Mrs.Betty Summers as Church Secretary on a permanent basis. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in order with prayer by John Dagenhart, _fektI A.Wax,fo Robert L.Hare,Jr. Moderator The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister at 10:35 a.m.on February 22,1981 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Ruth Hedrick,Sandy Shive,Herman Dagenhart Lewis Stikeleather,Bill Summers,Sam Orrell,Chal Stikeleather,Henry Parlier,Francis Stevenson,John Dagenhart,Long Wooten,‘om Setser, Hal Brown, The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session unanimously accepted Debbie Wooten Dagenhart(Mrs. Jimmée Dagenhart)into the Communing Fellowship of Concord Ghurch upon receipt of her Letter from Bethkehem Methodist Church. Motion to invite the West-Side Singers to perform at Morning Wowship Serviee on March 29,1981 and to receive the "Loose Offering”was approved, The Session granted Sandy Shive permission to use an endorsement Vivian Hare as to her membership and contibgtions on he was sending t further busines:he meeting was adjourned in Ruth /Keb SK,Karz,fh CeeaAatt Robert L.Hare,Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderator Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the Minister on March 1,1981 at 10:35 a.m.in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare, Jr.Moderator,Long Wooten,Henry Parlier,Reid Summers,Hal Brown, Francis Stevenson,lewis Stikeleather,Hugh Ervin,Sam Orrell,Tom Setser Sandy Shive,Herman Dagenhart,Ruth Hedrick,Bill Summers,and Chal Stikeleather. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session unanimously voted to receive Mrs.Carol Rogers he Communing Fellowship of Concord Church pending the receipt letter from Monticello Methodist Church,Statesville,N.C. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned order with prayer by Long Wooten. 7//oy .f ~4 .Kibed X fe ) Robsrt L.Hare Jr.A.M.Shive,Jr. Moderetor Cle rk The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 5:00 P.m.on March 1,1981 in the Fellowship Hall.Members present were Carroll Jones,Chairman,Cynthia Stevenson and Sandy Shive. Rev.Hare opened the meetings of all the Sessional Committees with prayer. The Worship Committee made the following recommendatiors to the Session for its consideration: 1.A Hymn Sing be planned for Sunday Evening,May 31,1981. It is suggested that Rev.Hare lead the Service,selecting the opening and closing Hymns and outlining the order of service, Scripture reading and prayers inserted at intervals and the congregation then would spontaneosly suggest hymns of liking to make up the bulk of the hour progrem. Mrs.Jo Bunch,our Choir Director,begin as soon as possible, a"Hymn of the Month"program.She would select a new or unfamiliar hymn which the Choir would learn first,teach it to the congre- gation by singing it during Morning Wogship Service,and then ask the Minister to include it in the next three services, there being noo further business,the meeting was adjourned. Respectfally submitted, La Viet WOT 49 Carroll Jones Chairman Strengthening Committee Minutes March 1,1981 The Strenghtening committee met in The Fellowship Mall with the following members present:Menry Parlier,Mary Lou Stevenson,Genie Setser,Tom Setser and Marvey Stevenson Chatuman . The following recomendations were made: l..That Harvey Stevensom give a class on the operatiom of the new visual aideqhipmentMarchthe8that4p.m.This class te announced in the bull¢tem That consideration be given to having special services for the young children of our church.These children would attend the first part of the Worship Service then go to the fellowship Mall for a special service supervised by volunteers approved by the session.The Day Star Class initiated this request and have indicated that they will help to organize and work with this program That we secure from Préppytery a slide and cassette program on camping to be used with our youth groups at their first meeting im April.Also request other Brochures and iformatiom to be presented to encourage more camp attendance, 4e That our members be encouraged to attend the spring retreat the weekend of May 23 and the Fall retreat the weekend of Oct.24.. 5»That all conferences at Montreat and Banner Elk be promoted throuly)the Bulléten and all other means available, 6.That the Church softball team be allowed to have members who are not members of our Church if we can not get enough members from our Church. Te The Bible School directors report that plans for Bible School are progressing nicely. Strengthening Committee Minutes March,8 1981 The Strengthening committee met after church service to recieve the report of the Youth Council .Members Present were,Marvey Stevenson Jr.Chairman,Mary LouStevenson,Penny Howard,Menry Parlier,and Sue Stevenson chairman of the youth Council. The Following recomendations were mades 1.That the Childrens Choir include those children in the 3rd through the 6th grades and the youth choir include those in the 7th through the 12th grades. 2.That the meetings for the childrens group will be on the lst and 3rd sunday nights;Programs at 6:00 and choir practice at 6:30.The 2nd and 4th Sunday nightschoirpracticeat$:00 and recreation at 6:00. 3-That the meetings for the youth groups will be lst and 3rd Sunday nights will be programs at 6:00 followed by Explorer Post at 7:00.The 2nd and 4th Sunday nights will be Recreation at 5:00 and Choir Practice at 6:00. That the Mothers of the choir members be asked to attend choir practice on rotating basis to help with discipline and occasionally serve refreshments,(twoperpracticeifpossible) That Dawn Moore be approved to play for the Childrens choir en a volenteer basis. That Choir members be asked to call those members who are absént and to helprecruitnewmembers. That the session approve the inviting of other youth groups in our communitytocometoourchurchforsupperandfellowshiponmarch15,The youth will provide their own supper. The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session at 5:00 p.m.on March 8,1981 in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom withe the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Long Wooten,Francis Stevenson,Ruth Hedrick, Chal Stikeleather,Sam Orrell,Herman Dagenhart,Lewis Stikeleather, Henry Parlier,Hugh Ervin,Hal Brown,Tom Setser,and Sandy Shive. The meeting was opened with Scripture reading and prayer by Rev. Hare. Minutes of the Diaconate were read and approved. Herman Dagenhart presented a report on the January meeting of Presbytery which was received,with the commendation of the Session, as"information", The Session voted unanimously to invite Mr.Robert Oates to speak PSsonJune21,1981.i a The recommendations contained in the Strengthening Committee reports of March 1 and Merch 8,1981,and the Worship Committee report of March 1,1981 were approved by the Session.(Attatchments) The request contained in the attatched letter from Mr.Marvin Raymer representing the Service Committee was also approved by the Session with the exception that the congregation be notified of the request in the bulletin and from the pulpit on March 15 and the Offering be received on March 22,1981. The matter of the disposition of the Church School Attendance Placque in the Santuary was referred tp the Stengthening Committee for consid- eration and subsequent recomendation to the Session, There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Rev.Hare. g') AN ’y Py x AT AA ff Ztvi,}Cea é Robert L.Hare,Jr.Hugh Ervia Moderator Acting Clerk prayer was by Rev,Robert €Stikeleather,Tom Setseb, woe alsJ.Long Wooten,John , ha The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session at 7:30 p.m.on May 10,1981 in the J.JU.otikeleather Classroom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present:Rev.Robert L. Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Ruth Hedrick,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Tom Setser,Sandy Shive Chal Stikeleather,Lewis Stikeleather,Bill Summers,and Long Wooten, The meeting was opened with prayer by Ruth Hedrick and Scripture reading by Rev.Hare, Sessional Minutes of Aprill9th and March 8th were read and approved. Diaconate Minutes of April 12th and May 10th were read and received as information. Diaconate request to call a congregational meeting regarding the proposed expenditures in the Sanctuary was postponed until the June Stated Meeting of Session in order that the Diaconate could provide the Session with a more detailed and itemized report. The request by John Stroud for changes in the schedule for Youth Choir practices was refered to the Youth Council for its consideration and subsequent recoomendation to Session. John Dagenhart's report on Presbytery Meeting was received as infor- mation and he was commended by the Session. The Diaconate was requested to investigate the matter of whether or not to invest in a "Service Contract”on the office equipment, The Session adopted the "Geographical"assignment of Church families to various Elders to assist the Pastor in keeping closer touch with everyone. The recommendations contained in the attatched reports from the Wor- ship,Strengthening,and Commitment Committees were adopted by the Session. Request by the Service Committee to have the Session institute a policy of Sick leave,Sick Pay,Vacations,and Vacation pay for present and future Church employees was adopted.The remaining recommendations in their report was refered back to the committee for enene ere,over) There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with prayer by Sandy Shive, LAt L Kare.Je Robert L.Hare,Jr,A.M.Shive,Jr, Moderator Clerk The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Pastor's Study following Morning Worship Servadce on April i2,1961. Meeting with the Committee was Rev.Hare,the Acolytes,and their parents. Ruth Moore and Eleanor Orrell agreed to take over the supervision of the duties of the Acolytes from Louise Summers who requested to be releived of these duties, The Acolytes and their parents were reminded of the importance and need of this part of Worship Services.They were also reminded of the need for more responsible adherence to the designated schedule, Carroll Jones agreed to notify each child in advance of his or her Sunday to be sure that they would be in attendance.If this particular Acolyte was not able to be there,he or she would be responsible for securing a replacement. Rev.Hare and Betty Summers would draft a letter to be sent to the parents of eligible children asking them to diseuss~-with their shildren,taking part in this vitai part of Worship Services.»i The meeting was then adjourned. Respectfully submitted, /Y A 6.iat leypne CarrollA ones shaarnman The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 5:00 p.m.on May 3,1981 in the Fellowship Hall.There were five members present,The meeting was opened with prayer by Sandy Shive. The following recommendations were approved and sent to the Session for its consideration: 1.Vacation dates for the Minister,Rev.Hare,be designated as 2ethe AiG (2follows:Jame 21 -27,July Ga,and Aumpuagee Aug.3-A.5.0”, poe ccna absences from the pulpit on June 2lst, July paz,Aug.bn,and October llth.Session approve the following persons to fill the pulpit on these dates:Ms.Joanne Hull,Robert Oates,iuwvid viaes,and Rev Culleg. Approve these names to serve as Officers in the W.U.C.for the next two years.Pres.Louits Summers,V.P.-Eleanor Pope, Sec.-Karen Johnson,Ecumenical Missions -Clara Hare,Christian Community Action -Ruth Brown,Circle Chairpersons -Lona Wooten, Lois Johnson,Louise Adams,And Sally Saffos(These serve one year) Church Historian *Marjorie Swann, Funds be made available to send Jo Bunch and John Stroud to the Music Conference at Montreat if they desire to attend. Place a request in the bulletin for volunteers to play the piano for five or ten minutes prior to the entrance of the Minister and Organist and Choir at Worship Services in order to set a Worship- full mood before the service begins.A response to this request would make possible a definite schedule for the participants, There being no furthe business,the meeting was adjourned. Respectful submitted, Cant Carroll Jones,Chairman Strengthening Gommittee Minutes Concord PResbyterian Church May 3,,1981 The Strengthening committee met in the Fellowship Mall with the following members present:Marvey Stevenson Jr.Chairman,Mary Lou Stevenson,Penny Moward,Genie SetserandTomSetser.The Following Recomendations were made. le 26 36 Ae That Ruth Medrick be selected as "Key Friend to Union Theological Seminary". That a Picnic be held at the Scotts Recreation Center for the Youth ef the Church andtheirfamilies.The tenative date is for June 13 from 1:00 wmtil. That information concerning Presbyteriam Family Week »July 19-25,be presented tethecongregationinthebullitenandonthebullitenboardsothatthosewhocanmay attend. That a banquet be held May 17th to honor the Seniors from Concord and New Amity ARP Church.Supper would be for all youth of the two churches with the Seniors aw honored guest. That the following trips be approved for the youth with selection of one or two to bemadeatalaterdate. 1.A tour of museum and other historical buildings in Raleigh. 2.A visit to @ld Salem. 3.Avisit to the folk art center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. 4..A visit to the N.C.Zoo. 5.Attend one of the outdoor dramas. That the Junior and Senior High groups be permitted to meet in the home of a youngpersononceamonth. That a young person be allowed to Speak during morning worship te tell what they aredoingintheyouthgroupstoencourageotheryoungpeopletoattendtheirmeetings. SESSION MEETING -July 5,1981 There was a called meeting of Session July 5,1981,at 10:30 a.m. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.R.L.Hare,Jr. Mr.and Mrs,Terry Stikeleather was received into the fellowship of ConcordPresbyterianChurchbytransferofletterfromForestParkPresbyterianChurch,Statesville,N.C.The action was moved by Herman Dagenhart and seconded byLewisStikeleather. A motion was made by Hugh Ervin to microfilm Sessional Records and was seconded by Herman Dagenhart. A motion was made to adjourn by Tom Setser and seconded by Chal Stikeleather. meeting closed and the members were dismissed with a prayer by Herman la coeanhsDagenhar*., 3i11 Summers Herman Dagenhart l Hal Brown Francis Stevenson neliad oummers CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FINANCIAL REPORT WITH EXPENDITURE BALANCES January 1 —June 30,1981 RECEIPTS: Pledges $29,053.35BuildingFund2,129.75CemeteryFund262,12 Defray Offering 48.50 NCNB Dividends 2.00 loose Offering 1,463.33 Padded Pew lund 525.00 Sales Tax Refund 156.17 Special Offerings 1,424.45 Donation =Office Machines 200.00*(Church Maintenance) Donation -Office Supplies 30.00%(Office Supplies) Pulpit Supply Donations 115,00*(Pulpit Supply) Utility Donations 70.00*(Utilities) Total iteceipts $35,479.67 $35,479.67 EXPENDITURES:BUDGETE SPINT ECEIP'BALANCE TO DATE Minister's Salary $7,786.56 $$7,786.44, Church Secretary's Salary 2,001.71 1,954.29 Custodian's Salary 2,348.52 2,348.48 Dir.of Music &Organist 1,483.50 1,483.50 Director of Youth Music 370.50 370.50 Insurance -Medical 772.62 273.38 Insurance ~Other 126.00 1,374.00 Church Maintenance &Repair hyhdd 23 1,744.23-OVE! Minister's Annuity Fund Dues 1,243.31 1,686.69 Minister's Prof.Allowance 1,982.04 1,981.96 Music and Materials 252.65 74735 Miscellaneous 781.85 1,715.15 Church Office Expense 1,025.90 654.10 Pulpit Supply 215.00 4,00,00 Church Utilities 5,408.74 2,661.26 Young People's Work 50.25 949.75TotalExpenditures$30,296.38veeve©©’©©.SBySyseegyerSS888S888E88S8t©--.».BENEVOLENCES : General Benevolence ®4,125.00 Special Offerings 1,424.45 Yokefellow 100,00 Gift to Dot Dagenhart (Loose Offering)377-77rifttoElliottfamily(Loose Offering)369.00 Gift to Westside Singers (Loose Offering)48.10 Total Benevolences 5 6,444.32TotalDisbursements 36,740.70 ACCOUNT BALANCES AS OF JUNE 30,1981: General Fund ;s $11,576.23 Padded Pew Fund (Included in General Fund)2,255.15BuildingFund(Included in General Fund)7,521.31 Cenetery Fund -Checking 1,565.15 Cemetery Fund ~Savings 8,238.45 DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SECTION CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Cowcero et ines Ch vege cb. Rt,STATES:Le, TRE DELI Couty” and consist of _—=§s»_—s—=SOSg°OW ALECORADS 1979-1981 The records begin with Myatts SF SCSSs er Merten 4 On. Jawuceay IT,19274 and end with Fivawoal Keppat TAwueay|~Tune BFF)7 It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina,chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4 "Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Recorde as Evidence Act";that the microphotographic processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed;that the film forms a durable medium for reproducing the original,if necessary;and that the film used conforms to American National Standards Institute,Speciftoations for Safety Photographic Film,ANSI PH 1.25-1976 and American National Standards Institute, Specifications for Photographic Film for Archival Records,Silver-Gelatin on Cellulose Ester Base,ANSI PH 1.28-1976. This is further to certify that the microphotographic processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below, Date Filming of this Reel Began 20,aes -Reduction Ratio Lb} Date Filming of this Reel Ended 20 64%i Microfilm Camera Operator