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Concord Presbyterian Minutes 1976-1978
|Sess Lor HAO Committee Mules (pugregarey Musuyes 96-1918 STRENGTHENING COMMITTEE MINUTES The Strengthening Committee met January 4,1976,at 7:00 P.M.. Those present were:Harvey Stevenson,Jr.-Chairman,Clara Hare- Recording Secretary,Ruth Moore,Jeanie Setser,Henry Parlier. Recommendations: a That copies of the Sessional Committees be made and given to the members of the committees. That the church secretary figure percentage of Sunday School Classes of attendance each week so the attendance banner can be presented,also the class with the highest percentage of attendance,be printed in the bulletin each week.In case of a tie two or more banners will be presented. The following are recommended for approval as teachers,Teresa Parlier,Ruth Moore,-Nursery Class,spate yee,Clara Hare, ::a“Pe oe 9 otSeniorHighClassSAYPitebecesptgChAadJE/Gouge APJMOTP IAEA ¢Y Penny Hedrick Howard to be in charge of Higher Education Guidance. Clara Hare is to order the aceupational outlook catalog from the Dept.of Labor to be paid for by the Sunday School. The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in the U.(.Stikeleather (4assrvom Sunday,garuary 11,1976 at 7:00 pm.with the followingmembers present:John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Sam Orrell,7.noy Pope,Francia Stevenson, A.M.Shive,Jr,9.Harvey Stevenson,Ynr.,Reid Summens and y+Long Wooten. (he meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jn. The minutes of December 14,1975 and Vecember 3,1975 were read and approved, A motion was made by Hugh Eavin that A.IN,Shive,Yn.be elected (Lerk of Session by acclamation.The motion was seconded by Reid Summers and wasunanimouslycarried, A motion was made by 9.Long Wooten that Rev.Hare compose and send aettertoSarahFrancesThompsonfromtheSessioncitingherefonhervaluable contributions to Presbytery.The motion wis seconded by j.Harvey Stevenson,jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by 4.Harvey Stevenson,Jn.that there be a called combination meeting of Liaconate and Session vn Febnuary 15,1976.The motion uaa seconded by Sam Orrell and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Harvey Stevenson,jr.to receive the Sunday Schood (xpense Report fon 1975(see attachment).A seconded was made by ©.Long Wooten and uae unanimously carried. A motion was made by 5,Hawwey Stevenson,nr.io assign Fel nuany 35,1976 aa Scout Junday,/he motion was seconded by John Dagenhart and was unanimously carried. td’ A motion was made by Troy Pope to apply checks received from Mins.Li zabeth A, Myers in the amount of One Hunc red-fifty DoLlanal 3150.00)and Grace Gaptiat (hurch in the amount of iwenty DoLlars($20.00)to be applied to the cost of carpeting thebalcony.The motion was seconded by Sohn Jagenhart and was unanimously carried, A motion made by Hugh Ervin to apply a check from Fred Hi.Jeaton,nr.in the amount of 1 wo Hundred VoLlars($200.00)to the Organ Fund.The motion was secondedbyFranciaStevensonandwasunanimouslycarried. daing pre-established alphabetical onder of names of active elders,yohn Vagenhart and Hugh Eavin were to be Principle and Alternate representative neapectively to Presbytery leeting to be held at Concord Presbyterian (Aurch yanuary J)and 31,1976. Officers not ordained and/or installed on Lecember 3,1975 were to have the opportunity at Nonning Vonrship Service yanuary 13,1976, (over/ Due to lack of attendance of moat of the members of the committees other than Strengthening (ommittee,there were no reports given by chairmen.(lost members were unaware of their appointment to the various committees. A motion was made by .Harvey Stevenson,ir.to adopt the Strenghtening Committee neport|see attachment).A second uas made by §.Long Wooten and uas A motion was made by Hugh favin to adjour.A second was made by John Vagenhart and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,a. oe4~<J KG 4° Robert L.Hare,ir.,liodenaton mH }we pw a } a SUNDAY SCHOOL EXPENSE FOR 1975 Postage 5 &.00 Refreshemets 73025 Literature 551.16 (amps 96.00 bible School 4/8.92 Sunday School Supplies 16.77 Pins (33.64 Gaandfather Home Fon (hildnen 585.37 Locks and Keys 32.42 Light Switches 3.34 Potting Soil 2.69 Halloween 4/.50 Tneat{(hristmas)432.27 TOTAL EXPENSE >2050.8/ SVANGELISTIC SERVICES "SPIRITUAL RENEWAL THROUGHCOMMITMENTTOJESUSCHRIST" CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Highway 90Loray,N.C.Taylorsville Road24mileswestofStatesvilleonRoute8 DATES:OCTOBER 2 -6 TIME:7:30 each night 11:00 a.m.on Sunday VISITING SPEAKER:THE REVEREND WILKES D.MACAULAYPastoroftheFirstPresbyterianChurch,Asheboro,N.C. AN INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO EVERYONE TO ATTEND THESESERVICES.LET THIS BE A TIME OF SPIRITUAL RENEWAL,A DEEPENING OF OUR DEDICATION TO JESUS CHRIST,ATIMEINWHICHOURFAMILIES,THE YOUTH OF OURCOMMUNITY,AND OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL LIVES AS WELL ASTHECHURCHOFOURLORDWILLBEAFFECTED.LET USPRAYANDWORKFORTHISTOHAPPEN. Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Pastor (Nursery will be provided) (over) Sermon Titles and Texts Wednesday Night-Pack A Pew Night "HOW CAN I FIND GOD? "You will find me when you seek me,If you seek me with all your heart.”Jeremiah 29:13 Thursday Night-Youth Night "GREAT THINGS AHEAD" "Beloved,we are the children of God,and it does not yet appear what we shall be. I John 3:2 Friday Night-Bring Your Neighbor MWHAT IS THE GOSPEL ALL ABOUT?" "TJ would remind you of the gospel which 1 preached to you,which you accepted,and upon which you stand."I Sorinthians 15:1,2 Saturday Night-Family Night "LIVING WITH THOSE S in your h members of the same to live in harmony.' Sunday Morning-Pack A Pew "CHRIST'S DEMANDS FOR "Tf anyone wants to follow Let him deny himself,take and low me."Mark 8:34 The Session of (oncord Presbyterian (hurch met in a called meeting during Morning Worship Service in the (hurch Sanctuary on January 18,1976 by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Ga. The meeting was opened by mayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Ja. Stated purpose of the meeting was to ordain and install Mr.Leroy Jucker a4 a Veacon. lhe minister questioned Mr.Tucker concerning his beliefs and knowledge of the furdementals of the Presbyterian (hurch.Mn.Tucker answered the questions in the aftlinmative. /he congregation unanimously agreed to accept and support Mr.Jucker in his oltice. After the laying on of handa by the elders,the minister concluded the Ordination Service with prayer. orship Committee met on February 1 With two members present Discussion was held on several subjects: We discussed having an acyrolite to light the candles each morning at the beginning of worship service.The suggestion was made to use regulation candle lighter,maybe some member would be willing to don.te one to the churdh, 2.recommendation the we implement the reenactment of the last supper before Maundy Phursdaycommunion service.That we have cooperation yp per aregchurches for Easyer sunrise services.'Hirdacr oF Fi rh Vs So Vath 4 ht te a JAzAL Vn hora 4 3.for communion services that EldessFrancis S#evenson and Joe a a Lentz continuwwe to be responsible for wine and Mrs,Henry Parlier ;yforthebread.That mr.Leroy Combs Sr.and Mr.Harvey S+evensson >1 be asked to help Mr.Stevenson in procuring the wine.We ask also thata list be placed on the calendegr of all elders with two elders having responsibility to wash the communion cups and plates,after each communion service. 4.We heard Moffétt Swim testify when she came before Presbytery and would like to secure her for work at the church this summer during her vacation if an aggreement can be worked out,with the possibility that she would be our supply paster while Reveran@ on vacation. «Mrs.Ervin has requested help in working with the choirs of the church,she has suggestedthat someone be obtained to work with one of the chp oirs.Request permission to see if @@ any qualéfied member of our church wogld consent to help,in this capacity, Wervicev STRENGTHENING COMMITTEE MINUTES The Strengthening Committee met February 1,1976. Members present were:Harvey Stevenson,Jr.-Chairman,Clara Hare- Recording Secretary,Henry Parlier,Ralph Marlin,Genie Setser, Tim Feimster,Dianne Staples,Leroy Moose. Recommendations; 1.Committee members are trying to find a second assistant teacher for Senior High Class. The following people are recommended for approval as a BibleSchoolDirectorandCo-Director for 1976 Bible School:Sue Stevenson,Linda Crawford,Ruth Moore,Jane Patterson,TobyDavidson. That the Session be responsible for designating which committeeisinchargeoftheelectionofofficers. That Rev.Hare investigate the possibilities of a D.C.E.and Secretary combination,also what would be expected financially. Genie Setser will call the presbytery office to find out more information about dates of church camps and conferences. Leroy Moose is working with the Deacons to encourage them to be present for officers meeting,and Harvey Stevenson,Jr.is working with the Elders to encourage them to be present on February 15,1976 at 7:00 P.M. CemmMer tl ae Paveéa9 Freshy Y<¥(VA« weer me bron ee ae pao members +A.5 The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in the §.(.Stikeleather (assnoom Sunday,February 8,1976 at 7:00 pm with the following members present:Melvin Adams, Cecil Alexander,Gohn Vagenhart,Hugh Eavin,R.R.Martin,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,]noy Pope, c CcFaancisStevenson,A.",Shive,on.,°.Harwey Stevenson,4r.,and 4.Long Wooten.,9d ™94 4 d Jong ‘he meeting was opened with scripture and payer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,jr. lhe minutes of Yanuary //and January (5,1976 were read and apmoved. lhe minutes of lhe Viaconate fon February 8,1976 were read and approved. Letters of resignation were received from Nns.émily Gavin,organist and cwin director, and Nisa (dana (hristopher,church secretary. A motion was made by Sam Onrelk that the Letter from iina.Envin be referred to the Worship (ommittee for action.The motion was seconded by Henry Parlier and was unanimously carried, A motion was made by {,Long Wooten that Missa (dara (hristopher's resignation be accepted with deep regret and best wishes for her future Life.The motion was seconded by Rakph Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Ralph Marlin that the request by Mas.Spears to earn some money by washing the church windows,be referred to the Diaconate for action.The motion was seconded by Hugh favin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Gn.that he be allowed to unite Letters to the Viaconate and Vouglas |ike (ompany commending each fon a job well done on carpeting ;;};py j ;/the balcony./he motion was seconded by Ralph Martin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by 4 .Haravey Stevenson,a.that tive Hundred Vollaral 3500.00)surplus4oYrd/ funds collected by Presbytery f ovd ommittee be used in the following manner: /haee Hundred UoLlana(5 900.00)to be applied to the carpeting the balcony,stain and Narthex. /wo Hundred VoLlars{$200.00)to be donated to the treasury of the Women of the (hurch. /he motion was seconded by Sam Orrell and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Hugh favin to adopt the (ommittment (ommittee Report(see attachment). A secondg¢t-wos made by John Vagenhart and was unanimously carried, A motion was made by 4,Long Wooten to receive the Presbytery Report by Gohn Lagenhart,iandcommendhimfonhiadeligence.A second was made by §.Harwey Stevenson,(rs and was ;jUNAMLMOU4SAYCarre, A motion was made by lnoy Pope to adopt the Service (ommittee Repont(see attachment). 'See oes ')MM 4econd was made oy Hugh Avan and ua4 unanimously carried, lhe following action was taken by the Session on the report made by the Strenghtening _ommittee(see attachment); A motion to adopt Recommendation No.2 was made by 4.Hawey Stevenson,nr.,and was seconded by Yohn Uagenhart and was unanimously carried. A motion to adopt Recommendation No.}was made by Sohn Uagenhart,and was seconded by §.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried, A motion to adopt Recommendation No.4 was made by yrHaavey Stevenson,(re,and was seconded by Troy Pope and was unanimously carried, A motion waa made by {Harvey Stevenson,(2.to receive as information-ltens 1,5,and 6 of the Strengthening (ommittee Report.A second was made by Taoy Pope and was unanimously carried, Melvin Adams reported fon the Witness (ommittee that they will have Sharon George asapeakeratacovereddishAupper-February 23,1976.A motion was made by Melvin Adina to adopt the Witness (ommittee Report,A second was made by John Uagenhart and was unanimously carried, lhe following action was taken by the Session on the report made by the Worship(Committees (see attachment) A motion to adopt Recommendation No./was by yohn Vagenhart and seconded by gong Wooten and was unanimously carried. A motion to adopt Recommendation No.2 was by Sohn Dagenhart and seconded by Hugh favin and was unanimously carried. A motion to adopt Recommendation No.}was by john Uagenhanrt and seconded by Hugh favin and uas unanimously carried. A motion 40 adopt Recommendation No.4 was by John Dagenhart and seconded by yong Wooten and ums unanimously carried, A motion to adeopt Recommendation No.5 was made by Sohn Vagenhart and seconded by y:Haavey Stevenson,{nr.,and was unanimously carried, A motion was made by Sohn Dagenhart that he be allowed to secure the services of Mins.Ruth Hedrick,Miss Faye Stevenson and Mrs.Helice Stevenson to dinect "Special Communion Senavice”to be celebrated on Maunday Thursday.A secand uns made by Rakph Martin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by John Vagenhart that Rev.Hare contact Moffat Swaim with regards to the possibilities of employing her this summer fon our benefit and supplying summeremploymentandexperienceforher.A second was made by Henry Parlier and was unanimously carried, A motion was made by Henry Parlier to adjourn.A second was made by Gohn Uagenhanrt and uas unanimously carried, lhe meeting was closed with prayer by Hugh Eavin. K /V ?[J Lo ;‘}i /, Robert:WOE,76;Moenarton AM SRLS FI;CL —) f\a4 pt tn ef f A C efCyn é) ifNew Gcdcintidnel7 A t-—-yn t r*hy- Se ae Whee ye i Ye Th. Ao *Ma ae kin Ps ee \ 4) ae Pte hea 2 AnmF—Aatg + dt gin k.Cn ~4,NWA nme aja aH hr ) P+ov”( VYW-«eek Qharetla0 =4 af a 22ee<Knee 7 : The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in a called meeting Febsuary /5,1976 in the Pastor's Study with the following members present: Francis Stevenson,Sam Onell,Henry Parlier,Hawey Stevenson,in.,Ralp Martin, Melvin Adama,§.Long Wooten,(ecil Alexander and Sohn Uagenhart. Neeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Gr. A motion was made by Melvin Adams that we take offering uhen MiAALONARY comes Febnuany 297,1976.The motion was seconded by San Onell and unanimously carried, A motion was made by {.Long Wooten that (dara (hristopher be allowed to wrk thru the first week of March.The motion was seconded by Ralph Marlin and unanimously carried. A motion was made by ¥.Long Wooten that uhatever steps are necessary to get help until peamanent help can be secured./he motion unas seconded by Rakph Martin and unanimously carried. A motion was made by Henry Parlier to instruct Sandy Shive to investigate about Social Security for secretary and sexton and report back to the Session. The motion was seconded by Harvey Stevenson,,)ya+,and unanimously carried. A motion by Ralph Marlin that we adjourn.The motion was seconded by Frances Stevenson and unanimously carried. lhe meeting was closed with mayer by ©.Lona Wooten.7 /f'ae } Kees ¢heed,“are,2 The Session and Diaconate of (oncord Presbyterian (hurch met together in a called meeting at 7:0 p.m.Febnuary 15,1976 in The Fellowship Hall,Members of the Session mesent were:Melvin Adams,(ecil Alexander,R.R.Marlin,Sam Orrell, Henry Parlier,Troy Pope,Francia Stevenson,A.MN,Shive,Jas,{Haavey Stevenson,j2., and¥.Long Wooten.Members of the Diaconage mesent were:Bill Johnson,Robert Moore, ign Stikeleather,WW.H.Summers,Frank (nawlond,W.2.Morrison,Steve Staples,|ommy Howard,Leroy Moose,Gerry Mitcham and Billy Summers. The meeting was called to onder and opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jn. Stated purpose co;the joint meeting uas to strengthen the effectiveness of both bodies by immoving Lines of communication between the tuo and reviewing the duties and responsibilities of both. lhe following items were discussed at Length: /.(Continued work by Diaconate on: A.Fdooding problems in church basement Lighting immovements in Sanctuary Assurance that mevious 4e-saional nuling the Viaconate was pyrnitted an emerggency spendingfigure of One Thousand Vollars4/000,00/. P tie budgete d 0 Aurch puch asspendinganBunsotnBlath,“contrby nsec,Beneso lenses ete, Stewardship Program of the church -responsibility of which bod.Yy Or both. (ommunications between Diaconate and Session.Need fon regularjointmeetings. (Aarification of mocedures to be used by Receiving TreasurerRegardingspecialofferings. /he meeting was adjourned on a motion made by A.)\,Shive,ja.,and seconded by Steve Staples, Robert L.Hare,jr.,Moderator The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in a called meeting Febauany 19,1976 at (2:00 a.m.in the Pastor's Study with the following members present:Melvin Adama, (ecil Alexander,Hugh Favin,R.R.Martin,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Troy Pope,Francis Stevenson, A.M.Shive,j2.,).Harvey Stevenson,j2.,and ¥.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with mayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,jr. Resulting from a called meeting held at /0;2 a.m.on Febwsary 29,1976,the Strengthening (ommittee made the fo Lowing recommendation to the Session. That the Session hine fon the position of (hurch Secretary,Mrs.barbara Lenfield of the Scotts (Communi ty. /hat Mas.Benlield start her employment beginning Nanch |,1976. ;—)°os -;;"That both Mins.bentield and out-going secretary,iss (Aristopher,be paidLyfortheweek's wrk. That Nina.Benfield's salary would be identical to that of Miss (Aristopher. (hat Kev.fare prepare a unitten document stating job description,dutied,etc., concenning the (/unrch Secretary position. ,Te(hat the secretary wuld be directly responsible to the Session and under the supervision of the Pastor. td and Rev.Hanre,the motion to adopt the committee recommendations was made by AN.hive ;':'After hearing statements about "ns.benfield's qualifications from A."hive,jr, sG% j j ;4 ,);J ; ant 4econded Oy elvin dans and uwa4 UNAMAMOUSBAY carried, 7 i iilhemeetinowasadjournedwithmayerby4.Long Wooten. x ¢M wenn oe oe oe ee 1 Lee j “jRobertL.Hare,Vr.,hodenaton 9 ee me et ts hte, A.M,Shive,Gn.,(Lerk —2 he Lda o<s E f2 CD:tein -cne sd Ste OC foset Cuda said[rus by Feeie.. &LES a ad Fic?ers sfe. Lo x c 4 ;a CF Pool eg nn:sills Pe SPLc Z a ta twee Tteg x Melk cass le oul jateeluc wa Se hoe Tre C.Midtenion.2 eews fe ie il x LetemmenLleP FGa° Aig =So ri “i ac Lf of,I Ef e.Ze a Po Ge a Oey Pees 4 Per OretY »+)¢«7 7,7 <7=47 fO-2cr Cz e-s>Je 2220 02 SG i hk ol 5 2 $s 4)°: oo AG tee ep a a Hs 7G *ot ae -PR;S “<7 FR.-F2 a 2.C2 k >2-2 tatty ee in &S Srter Ae bs ©ei wind pug thy anate ale, f f A C1 Gf d OL wae we “2 x of x x CAR?Sr aan, yy =-.,4 2,a<<ca fP “_&f Pe nk ef dae as 7 >fr ou LL 4 == :8 :s 42 2.4 é r Ox au Ll denen.dh a ae C2 cate )sz 2<<le CLo Asa ke A <,oe e060.“tng &a e446 ee a-aait &4 eS 2°oF « )—~/ Zé Ltt Hx f —422.5 a hw ofe )a2 -“>p-<2O-2 Of "Pun LD ix eS oe SK cCeor wy ne 7 Ay G As2_$a x é+-9 aa s <4z-wy €ec d c+CS €= }ail 7 tw #7 «CL cx =S >...£.@ on-«—Le 2»44 47 , ~ p<(ct <=Let eee BG £5 6h /<le f Ro SS 34 .-ZA2CiePse--Pe a a foe a PPF?OL e i 7 4 GS 47¢«A Cz fe KE C €72>29 it 4?£Ea "toe S nee oP.2 ut -&C€é& ~2 //4 7 ZLi’&co.~<Zz 4 ,lFfo2oele:-4a ae c *op nl <c.g Ker 4 oa é fe?<rc 4 Kz A a an CSB &(S$c t/2 Pear a at LAL @ oe St >+~ ?,zs A 4 445 <(©«Vx -ot.€i+.<t<e GD De Aa /<ad 2d >)”/5 i yyx,~A+5\a&‘»\.iTXN\)YitiA /he Session of (Concord Presbyterian (hurch met in a called meeting at 40;0 am on March 7,1976 in the Faston's Studyz with the folowing members presen:Melvin Adama, Cecil Alexander,John Uagenhart,Hugh Ervin,R.R.Marlin,San Orrell,Henry Farlienr,lnoy Pope, Francis Stevenson,A.M.Shive,Gr.,9.Harvey Stevenson,(re.and Reid Summers. The meeting was opened with mayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Uae Kev.Hare invited all interested to go tb»Salisbury,V.(.and hear Randy Taylor apeak on “Church Union"on March 10th. Vonship Committee (hainman,John Vagenhart,made a motion to accept with deep regret the resignation of ina.Hugh favin as onganist and choin dinecton effeciive Nay 3/,1976(see attached Letter),The motion was seconded by y-Haavey dtevenson,Yr., and uaa unanimously carried, in.Vagenhart also mesented a recommendation by the Worship (ommittee to the Jession that they employ Kathy (ompton to take the post made vacant by Mas.Envin'sQvaaner.neaignation.iias Compton is a second gamm student at Mitchell Community (oLlege. dhe has had ten{/0)years dtudy in piano and i4 now studying organ.She immessed ;7 ;;.;;.rT?;;the nembens of the Wonship (ommittee with her interest in the position.they had .;,;..;jj}=oe .interviewed her during the Vorship Comma ttee meeting hekd Nanach »,1976.A motion ;;°;;f i i j ;to adopt the recommendations was made by yonn Vagenhart and seconded by Sam Onrell uas unanimousd y carried, j )D ;j a }i ;A motion made by Kf.Kk.Martin and seconded by Sandy Shive to adjourn. i ;j i iihemeetingwasclosedwithmayerbyRev.Hare. A+.B Kha 44,9 QD MeeuLle,»7 ('; Fae Luda5,1972 ¥;se de eZ mS Ue wa ith f Death fipenn,Church a ee a ke : -AL (he fé nAa fe cw Che f ); vat ‘ wee.»a nor 6 Kb ate bf we a)re far RCL anal (way)Coot : {AL The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session in the 0.C.Stikeleathen (daassnom on March 14,1976 at 7:00 pm with the following members — Melvin Adama,(Cecil Alexander,Gohn Dagenhart,Hugh Eavin,R.R.Marlin,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier, Francis Stevenson,A.M,Shive,inr.,5.Harvey Stevenson,jn.,and §,Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,yA. The minutes of Febauary 8,15,19 and March 7,1976 were read and apmoved. The minutes of the Liaconate of March 14,1976 were read and apmoved. A motion was made be Ralph Marlin that joint meeting minutes be received as —..jT).j ,-;/infoamation.The motion uas seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Hugh favin that the Narthex be carpeted and the front door :TT)j i .}j .be fixed to keep the water out./he motion uas seconded by Melvin Adams and was unanimously carried. .;.‘);i /;‘7AmotionuasmadebyNelvinAdamsthattheproblemencounteredbyKeceiving/neasurenr ;;.;.Ti jwiththeofferingbereferredbacktotheliaconateforsolution.he motion was seconded by Hugh Savin and was unanimeouly carried, ;.i 7 ;(he Strengthening (ommittee reported that Mas.Sue Stevenson(Loray/)and "na.Ruth Moore,.a 4 bas a ;j ;;have accented the position of (od/inectons of Vacation Bible School.A motion was made OY¢p i j ..)g:aavey Stevenson,42.to receive as infoamation the \trenghtening _ommitte Keport,A ;;f ;i jjeconauasmadeIYofunJagenhartana.ua4 UNANAMNOUS LY CANUALE,. Kev.Kobert L,hanre,ynr.presented the Witness (ommittee Report(see attachment).Aalae=motion was made by Nelvin Adams 4o adopt the Vitness Committee Keponrt.A second was madej )j ;by fenry Fartrer and was unanimously carried, gorn Uagenhart,(hainman of the Worship (ommittee,read a report from his committee (see attachment).A motion uas made by ohn Vagenhart to adopt the Worship CommitteeSieKeport.A second was made by taancis Stevenson and unas unanimously carried. ,7 i ;,4 ur j “A motion waa made by Yohn Lagenhart that at the "Special communion Jervice”to be j j .;;j jt)is "“hedd on "aundy /hursday,members of the cong negation would file by the table with the *Lements i si j i inathenrthanbeingservedbythefddens.i f j jandreturntotheinseatstomartakesimuctaneousdy, ;;;i /;j jA4econdwadsmadeOYNelvinAdamsandua4UNANAMOUAAYcanted, ;;;j -A motion was made by Hugh favin that an offering be taken and donated to the Unagan fund ;j j ry ;j ,oy :as a memorial for Howard Me Lelland,and a letter be unitten to Mrs.Md lelland informing her yofthisactionbytheSeasion..A.M,hive,nr.was to take care of this action.A second unas made Oy f RANCAA J tevenson and ua4é unansmnou4s ly carved, ‘A motion was made by Francis Stevenson that subsequent memorials of this nature be of a jj ,j j .fen Voddar{310.00)minimum.Seconded by Sam Onell and was unanimously carried, Rev.Hare presented the job descriptions fon the (hurch Secretary and the (hoir Vinecton/Onganist.(see attachments),A motion to accept the job description for the (Church Secretary was made by §,Long Wooten and seconded by Henry Parlier ws A motion made by A.M,Shive,Gn.40 accept the job description fon the (hoin Vinecton/Onganist and seconded by Gohn Dagenhart.These were unanimously carried, A motion uas made by A.M,Shive,Gn.,to require all attachments to the permanment sessional minutes,made by sessional committees and/or other correspondence and reports, ..‘7 °°Qs "be recorded on paper expecially constructed for use in "Sessional Minutes Binder", Hugh Eavin seconded the motion wad it was unamiously carried, A motion 40 adjourn was made by Sohn Vagenhart,seconded by Francis Stevenson and unanimous ly carried, The meeting was closed with prayer by Hugh favin. NUTLINE OF JOB Typing -Speed and accuracy required. yorrespondence =Assist pastor by taking dictation in answering ence,whether it be for churct or sermons,corresponde elephone =Secretary answer e +tore oa }>TX)J O }ing -Letters and reports for church and od accurately. achines:iif -oOrrespondence and sermons MeM: pewriterfac eograph mz Addressograph Paper cutter Any SOOYINTTATJUNLAD ,ommun i 1)Vd 3walV 1 erson n pastor if there is “O illness on your part,or a need tomakearrangements Holidays:New Year's and three days for be away.We will try c ay,July 4 (when day comes week day),Thanksgiving Day~3 oy J d >&&*Christmas, rm,The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting in the Pastor's Study,March 21,1976 at 10:30 a.m.The following members were present:J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Sam Orrell,R.R.Marlin,Henry Parlier,Reid Summers,Melvin Adams,Francis Stevenson,J.Long Wooten,Hugh ‘rvin,John Dagenhart. ve.Robert L.Hare,Jr.opened the meeting with prayer. sam Orrell made a motion to refer the matter of a mat under the front door to protect the carpet to the Deacons.A second was made by Melvin Adams and the motion carried. 7 -Omme 4 +ha chiuret aorrecommenastnatchurches y,,have an opportunity to contribute to che Juatamalian earthquake.Clean,good quality used clothing:plus for shipping cost would be very septable.A motion was made and seconded by J.Long Wooten that Concord Presbyterian Church participa in the above.The motion was approved. J.Long Wooten made a motion to rescind the action of previous meeting 1¢handling of the offering.Henry Parlier seconded and the 1 The following commi ttee was chosen to bring recommendations soncerning the handling of the off g before the next Session and Diaconate meetings:andy Shive,Chairman;rvin,Melvin Adams ill Johnson io bby,»’,. Moore and Lewis Stikeleather, motion to adjourn was made by Francis Stevenson and seconded by R.-Marli )>prayer was -Robert .are,Jr. ,J);/ r 7eravo |“-"}jrerollpeepingfet °.ve Pes erk The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in a called meeting on March 28,1976 at 10:30 am.in the Pastor's Study with the following members present:iielvin Adama,(ecil Alexander,Hugh Eavin,R.R.Martin,Sam Orrell, Henry Parlier,Faancis Stevenson,A./,5hive,jr,7.Harvey dtevenson,72. The meeting was opened with mayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,yr. A motion was made by Henry Parlier that Mr.Robert Patterson 's nequest to be baptized with his infant son,Willian Patrick,at the Worship Service 7 .-.Asthisdaybeapproved.The motion was seconded by Nelvin Adams and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Htigh Savin that the budgeted salary for the (purch Sexton be divided between (darence Moone and Donald Lewis per their oun break- loun{see attachment/.he motion unas seconded by RR.Marlin and uas unanimously carried, A motion was made by Faancis dtevenson that "ns.Yess Kumple be accepted into communing membership of (Concord Presbyterian (hurch by neaflfinmation of faith.The motion was seconded by Sam Onell and was unanimasddy carried. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson that Ins.).A.5tevenson,52.be accepted as a communing member of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch pending receipt of a letter of transfer from Oakland Presbyterian (durch.The motion was seconded by {Harvey Stevenson,[n.,and was unanimously carried. 4 motion was made by X.R.Marlin to adjourn.A second was made by Hugh ~avin and unanimously carried, ,j ,','(he meeting uas closed with mayer by Kev.Hare. ;,vobert L.Hare,(2.,llodenraton n.,(derk5jMeiseSRAVE,f Attachment to Minutes of March 28,1976 Lreakdoun of budgeted salary of (hurch Sexton. Jonadd WW.Lewisl social secemrity #277666537) (Ten Months) March S$//6.50 April 200.00 Nay 200.0O gune 200,00 yuly 200.00 August 200.00 September 200.00 Uctober 200.00 Vovember 416.50 Vecember 116.50 7OTAL 1,749.50 ;caein4adeWOAR (danence Noone %(Jag4fry 4VE 0-55Matesaville,V./,28677 (social security #2%-Fi~6 B77) ‘;(len llontha, lhe Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in a called meeting at 10:30 a.m.on April /1,1976 in the Pastor's Study with the following members present:Cecil Alexander,Gohn Dagenhart,Hugh Envin,Sam Orrell,Francis Stevenson, A.M,hive,On.»y Harvey Stevenson,Or.,and 4.Long Wooten.Also present were members of the (ommunicants “lass, (he meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Or. ‘he members of the (ommunicants (dass were questioned by the Pastor and Jession as to their knowledge of and preparedness to membership in the Presbyterian (Aurch U.S.and (Concord Presbyterian (Aurch in particular.Asa nesult of their desine to become (ommuning Members of (Concord Preabyterian (hurch,the Jession received the following on pofession of faith-Mark Gettys,Hubert Gettya, 1.U.Mckinney,Jougias Mitcham,Mark Mitcham and ‘taine Stevenson.Gaptian of all ein ‘laine Stevenson and 0),i "NcKinney,Seetthion into membership for all would be on faster Sunday a.m.on April (Sth.The motion was made by Long Wooten and./oil Za £..>unanimously carried,—a JAtrees Cun 24> motion was made by A.M,Shive,fn.that stated meeting of the Session be postponed until Ami 25,1976,due to conflit with preparation for Naunday (hunaday events./he motion was seconted by vohn Yagenhant and uas unanimously carried, j f ¢,u .4 motion waa made by “Harvey Stevenson,4a.that On Jemnary Jund=a ;i ;iy ,-ba keJy,f9 that Kev.hare be allowed to exchange puipnits with Kev.Jed Lilac well;:iaamony Oegoyte nian (hurach.O68 pastors até %graduates of Union Jheodlo gicalofBheckiveLEmgony|Praha en Og Chermolyn OHJEMNALY.The motion was Ae conded Y FRANCLS Yev n4aon and was UNQMANOU ily carried, A motion was made by francis Stevenson that Concoad (Aurch continue the ;;.;i”;4/wenty Vollaral 320.00)per month aid to the Vguyen An Lien Family through the month of August.We have been supporting them for eight(8)months.The motion was seconded ry yohn Lagenhart and was unanimous ly carried, y Zz Ate M+Phage,dr i J i”JlotionwasmadethatConcord(Aurch Sunday School Fund Aupponrd tinancially tuo(2/j ;'*22 jmembersoftheSenionHighFellowshiptoYouth Mission (onflerence at Montreat‘r j oe a )August 94h thau 14th,1976.A second was made by yorn Vagenhart and was unanimousdy carried, ee ;;»ising alphabetical system,remesentatives to Presbytery Meeting at Lenion,V.( j >;as r /on Aprth 27,1976,was Hugh Savin -Richard Feimster uas alternate. ;j ‘/j j J y i jrev.Hare asked that Melvin Adama and Leck Adexander to join him in taking the Jacrement of communion to the "Shut-Ins"at 2:00 pm Amil ‘/,1976 {over A motion was made by Francis Stevenson and seconded by Hugh &avin to adjourn. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev.Hare. ‘.A./,hive,Re STRENGTHENING COMMITTEE MINUTES The Strengthening Committee of Concord Church met April 4,1976 at 7:30 P.M.with the following members present.Jeanie Setser, Henry Parlier,and Harvey Stevenson,Jr.. The meeting was called to order by the chairman Harvey Stevenson, Jr.with prayer by Herry Parlier. Recommendations: That the Fixst Sunday in May be set up as Sunday School visitation day by all classes in Sunday School. That Kathy Compton be invited to go to the Music Conference at Montreat,on July 25-31,1976. 3.That Penny Howard be approved as a subsitute teacher in the Senior High Sunday School class. Respectfully, AMG Alk AT ThA SS i ;}f hai‘he meeting was closed with prayer Y Hugh Eavin. The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (punch met in negulanr session on May 9,(976 Stikeleather (arroom with the following members present:at 7:00 pm in the 9.(.|’ Melvin Adama,(ecil Alexander,(ohn Vagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Richard Feimatenr,Sam Orrell, (Rey andPope,Francis Stevenson,A.Shive,yn,y-Harvey Itevenson,g ‘Henry Parlier,|roy (.Long Wooten. ][,f .oa 2 l Cr, The meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Rev.Robert Hare,72 A motion was made by Hugh favin that Mr.R.R.Iartlin be selected Principle and Mn.Henry Parlier Alternate to represent (oncond (hunch at Synod Meeting june /,1976. Notion was seconded by §.Long Wooten and unanimously carried. ;4 :Tt >a .JAmotionwasmadebyHughErvinthatMr./noy Fope be selected Principle and "Yn.Marin Rayner Alteanate to remesent Concord (Church at fnesbytery Gune 25,4%,1976.. Not fed by Cohn J hart and Ly o fotionwassecondedbyCohnDagenhartandunanimouslycarried. The following names were submitted by the Resource (ommitdee to be apmoved by the Session fon selection of officers fon Women of the (furch:Mrs.Skyler Little,ins.(harles »devenson,Mrs.Reid Summers,ns./om Stevenson{Lonray/,"as.7 am Stevenson{Monticells Drive, ins.A.M,Shive,Sa.,ias.Hugh Eavin,Mns.70m Hedrick,Nas.Long Wooten,Nins.Harodd Hedrick, tins.Hal Broun,lina.Joe Lentz,Mas.WH.Summers,Nns./roy Pope,ins.Robert L.Hare,72, hiss laene Stevenson,ins.Jean Saffos,Nins./omy Howard,ns,Jteve Staples,Ilias Nabe ffs ;7H ;j ,\tevenson,and ina.Liki Fohnson./he motion to approve the names was made by g+tong Wooten, ;;;j ;j seconded by ohn Lagenhart and unanimously approved.é i A motion was made vy fi }/oO ac he (ommittment (ommidtee Report.{see attacrment/ j ;/i i j j1second.uas made by Zor jagenhart and unansmousrayy Canned, :,A motion was made by |Hawey Stevenson,'2.to adopt necommendation no.l of the \trenghtening |ommittee Keponrt see attachment),Jecond was made by /aoy Fope and ; UNANAMOUSB ALY CAATARE, A motion was made by gflanvey \tevenson,a.to adont the remainder of the recommendations j '!ae j i;!j [jofthecommitteewiththemodificationthatallchildrensecurealetienAignedbytheir /.j ;eal >,nanents nekeasing (oncond (hurch from any responsibitity fon thein safety on the trip,A i yr j ;jsecondunsmadebyHughtavinandunanimousdycarried, A motion was made by Yohn Uagenhant to adopt the necommendations in the Worship j ;;}(rr j (|ommittee Kepord,(4ee atiaciment/.A second was made by Kachard |eimster and unanimousdy CQOAALLL A motion wa4 made oy Hugh (avin to receive as information a Letter received from >4 *~-“!rl l “/Kev.Vavid burr concerning a neque st to use Concord (/uinch ‘(/arice az Jynod leeting.A second by Richard Feimatenr and unanimously camied. A motion was made by Sohn Dagenhart that the (hurch secure a gift to be given to Mas.Hugh Eavin ton her senvices to the church.ns.Tom Setser was to select a gift between Fifty and Seventy ive DoLlarsl $50.00 &$75.00).A motion was seconded by Melvin Adams and unanimoysly carried. A motion was made by Melvin Adams to amend the above motion to read Une Hundred to One Hundred,fifty DoLlara($100.00 40 $150.00).Motion was seconded by laoy Pope and unanimously carried, (o-Vinectons of Vacation Bible School,Mas.Ruth Moore and Mas.Tome Stevenson Lonray/ submitted the following schedule for the Session's approval.Faom june 2/at thru 25th 9:00 a.m.4ih (1:0 a.m.each day with commencement exercises to be held on lhursday night.A motion uns made by {.Harwey Stevenson,jr.40 adopt this schedule.Seconded by (ohn Uagenhart and unanimously carried, A motion uas made by A.M,Shive,ja.to adjourn and seconded by Yohn Uagenhart and Junanimousdycarried. Meeting was closed with prayer by 4.Long Wooten. i .fAAttachmenttoihinutesofNay 9, i i ened(ommittmend (Committee met on Nay 2,1976 with the following members mesent:a ”CL :eauthDaoun,Al IAVve,yRo,and fugh CAVAN. ';,,The following recommendations were to be submitted to the Session for appoval:with 4regardstotheHomecomingProgramjuly18,1976 of mailing invitations(.Ma.Tom Stevenson(Lonay/was to be in charge 7 ../P .;;7 -Committee fon greeting and name tag -4.(.dtike leather Sunday School (4ass> o e ,;.;j i aeFood(ommittee -Ruth Hedrick Sunday Schood (4ass ,,’;-Fanking and mepanation of grounds committee -Steve Staples Sunday Schood (ase ,:wy.SRev.Robeat Jurner to be invited as Homecoming speaker with Rev.Williams Summers as alternate )'',iuasClosedwithprayerbyA./l,Mive,yA o estesnectiudly submitted, ‘ avin,(hainman Sunday May 2,1976 Strengthening Committee Meeting of Concord Presbyterian Church Present: Mr.J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.-Chairman Mr.Henry Parlier Mr.Ralph Marlin Mrs.A.M.Shive,Sr. Mrs.Jeanie Setser Mrs.Clara Hare Frank Setser Anna Stevenson This list includes some from the Witness Committee,who met jointly with the Strengthening Committee. l.World Mission Conference-Montreat Mrs.Anna Stevenson made a motion for our church to pay the remaining $36.00 each for the two youth from our church attending the conference.(Total $72.00)Motion was seconded by Mrs.Shive,and it was unanimously carried. Visitation (Sunday School)is planned for May 23,at fj Meet in the fellowship hall for prayer,then classes wi visit members and prospective members. 00. ],i4 AA motiom was made and se conded and carried that Randy and Cathy Dellinger help the youth groups with recreation. It was recommended by the committee to have:the Sunday School pay the gas for Bible:School teachers to attend the clinic in Hickory. It was recommended by the committee to accept thee plans made by the youth council for a trip to Carowinds for the young people.(All Three Groups) And that the parents of the church youth write letters of responsibilty on the Carowinds trip,and the church will not be responsible for accidents. Theresa B,Moose,Chairman Organ Selection Comittee Concord Presbyterian Churcl April 2h,1976 Mr.John Dagenhart,Chairman Worship Committee Concord Presbyterian Church Dear Mr.Dagenhart; by your co mom itt ec I am pleased to inform you of the selection of an organyfor the Concord Presbyterian Church sanctuary.We have unanimously chosen the Allen 201. The committee has,over a period of one,year,looked at fifteen organs that were within our price range,including both elect and pipe organs.Two electronic organs were invited for demoastrations.Keeping in mind considerations relative price,guarantee,serwice,maintenance,quality of sound and varie of sound,we selected this very fine instrument, The basic orran was demonstrated in our church on July 15,1 > however the installation in our church will be slichtly different. The mixed speaker system is to be more powerful than the orgar demonstrated and the console will have a 32'pedak and J added,Our committee also voted to pecommem the traditional ccnsole, FoIbwing the advice of Mr.Ross and the installation technician we recommend that the speakers be placed in the front of the chure in the present speaker chamber,Monitor speakers,two,are to be placed in unobtrusive white cabinets on the front side of two beam: in the church ceiling.The antiphonal organ is to be placed in th balcony in front of the stairs in an enclosure of fabric over k"studs to be built for these speakers,We also voted t ave our present chimes tuned and the exterior speakers made operational. At the time of the installation we furthur recommend that a change be made inside the choir loft,The organ is to be placed in an area approximately 5'X 5'that is lowered to the level of the floor of the sanctuary and facing the choir,This would allow t! organist/choir directory f.have contact with the choir during per- formances.If money allows,the seating for the choir should b slightly elevated by ow from front to back. We estimate that the required carpentry work will cost $300.00. Jur present organ can either be sold or traded in to C approximately $00.00.At any rate,we expect to realize mor enough:from this old organ to cover the carpentry expenscs. It has been our pleasure to serve the church as an orrar selection committee.W hope that our decision meets with vour approval, o el ase Brothers 4926 N.TRYON ST.,CHARLOTTE,NC.28213 PHONE (704 596-3846 Where the Music Starts April 10,1976 Mre.Theresa Moose Route 8,Box A3 Statesville,North Carolina 28677 Re:Concord Presbyterian Church Dear Mrs.Moose I was delighted to receive your letter of April 8th,telling us of the selection of the Allen Digital Computer Organ for your church. As per your request,I am pleased to quote the following: Allen Digital Computer Organ, Model 201,with 32'pedal and Celeste Effect added $9,425.00 Traditional Console in American Walnut with lucite music rack and light 410.00 Mixed speaker system,to include: 2 HC-10 speakers,1 32A speaker, 1 32B speaker,+-HG-20-Base-Beost- _(edi+erene+-ceot—ever—csandenemepecem)—- Monitor speakers for choir Antiphonel Organ,consisting of 1 #16 speaker, 1 32A speaker and 1 32B speaker,and relays Total: 3%North Carolina Sales Tax Total Contract Price:43,22612,571.15 The usual terms of our contract are 1/3 of contract price as down payment with the signing of the contract,and the final 2/3 due upon completion of the installation in the church.The price includes delivery and installation in the space provided by the church.Any changes to the building which may be necessary will be taken care of by the church. Again,we are delighted that you have chosen the Allen Organ.And if I may be of any assistance to you in any way,please do not hesitate to call me collect. Ve incerely, —«a Zils Jon alter D.Ross,Manager Church Organ Division May 2,1976 The Worshop Committee met on May 2nd at 7:30 P.M.with John Dagenhart presiding and 5 members present.Thresa Moose gave a report on the purchase of the organ.The report that would be presented to the congregation was Tommy Howard made a motion that the secretary be responsible for getting a letter i she 1lletin concerning the purchase of a new organ.Hazeline Lentz seconded the motion. Emily Ervin recommended that the paraphrased version of the Lord's Prayer be used in worshi service once every 6 wks POF r Tommy HowardJ seconded and the motion resvec G the t wno nas ione yur we /he Session of (oncornd Presbyterian (Aurch met in a called meeting in the a /,.7 ~fustonr’s Study May 23,1976 at 10:25 a.m.with the following members mesent: a r .‘A Je °)j ")fsMeAvanAdama,Cecil A lexanden,d ohn Uagenhart,Home Na MhAN,Jam Unred 4,ft enny fartse Ay %Lh:¢GC!A.M,hive,fa.,and Haney Stevenson,Yr. ;°j j )(he meeting was opened with mayer by Rev.Robert Hare,(rn. =‘,;A motion was made by A./",hive,VA.that the Session issue an invitation to the 4 ;;;-Ay ;;j‘vakuation and Yoals (ommittee of fresbyteny to meet with the nequined persone at our ah lh ¢2 1O7%,>4 .cee //}/cunrach on yune 6,1976 at 2:DV pm otion uas seconded by Sam Unredk and unanimously carALed, 1 motion was made yohn Vagenhart that the board of Veacons be QUthonez tory o4l ”f J Jane i A 4h ah |/fveSACLCUOAGLORDAATAANGMmAheCurciandmasse.PLAOTL 1 j jt3L0ndelayanyjurther action on f p /i l £MO4eECA Ol 9 «z such time that the board oft Leacons ,,,‘eceives at Least one mor flee was ;t ty -Haavey Itevenson,72.and ¢G,wnarumouAdLy cared, ;;yo ;pfbycommonconsenttheJessionagreedtomareavailabletotheboardof Veacons ''‘'the minutes of the Session 40 as to expedite any communccations from the Session to the board 'oy 28uetopersonakcontiictthefodiowing changes were made with regard to nepmesentatives from ¢;*w to Synod and fresbytery ileetings Lune /and gune DX :‘;;,»Cl ,nes pectlivery,vrivin Kaymer would be faincipak at Synod wth A,/",hive,Ya.,Adteranate. j;‘;rn.Francis Jtevenson nepdace i'n,Nanvin Kaymer a4 Adternate to /nesbylery. jiJessionthenheardareportfromtheWoaship(ommittee.following an investigation on thein part,they recommended that the church employ ns.Vebbie Robinson ;ji;/i f ia4(fuirch Vnaganist,he would be paid (ighty Uodiars (300.00)per month for the service. A motion was made by Yohn Vaganhart to accept the recommendations of tre committee, j /jsecondedigJamnellanaunamasSOUAY Cahn/Led. Harvey Stevenson,(2,(haiaman of the Strengthening (ommittee,made a motionUL, vobin4son be given the opportunity to attend the usdc (onference at /lontreat i ;i ;;J .ioirdinectonr,Kathy (ompton./he church would finance thei WUAYeses Notion7aebe ry Ihedvin Adams and unamindoucy caviied.14 was suggested that the ile ,hunch be asked to donate the money out of their trea sury 40 coven this expense. 4 motion &o adjourn was made by &.h,Iantin,seconded by 5.Harvey Itevenson,yr.(é j ;‘fe meeting was Closed with ) )=/) S p-ters ~~~9 ca eopes perenne -p---t-//s R@Go ome paedea SodsKey.hogert Le Hare,|:Ase JALVe ‘6 Lo BEER aft >on kp Ave,jR w -* lhe Session of Concord Fresbyterian (hurch met in regular session in the g+ls Itikeleathenr (assnvom on gune 13,1976 at 7:00 pm.with the following members ,nts i acai ¢oe !a ‘:.);present;(ecil Alexander,Gohn Uagenhart,Hugh Eavin,R.R.Martin,Sam Orrell,MarvinKaymen,francis Stevenson,A,",Shive,ja.,5.Harwey Stevenson,In.,heéid Summers and 4 +-Long Wooten. Ti .;;;;.;j(he meeting was opened with mayer and devotional reading by Rev.Robert Hane,yr.,,;;(he minutes of May 9th and 23rd were read and appwved, he ws >f f L >;.y >372 j 72 j ;(he minutes of the Liaconate of lay 2,1976 and yune 6,1976 were read and approved, After a report was made by Narain Raymer on Synod Meeting of June /,1976,a motion was made by }.Long Wooten that this report (see attachment)be received as 4 ;;;;;Tiinformationandiin.Kaymer be commended for a ya0 well done.The motion was seconded )’}//Oy A..MWRAAN and ud4a UNAMAMOUAKAY COALLeO, (he Jession then agreed by common consent that Rev.Hare infoam NNielvin Adams that“yy —'tue to the resignation of "a.(hak Stikeleather as (hainman of the Witness _ommittee ;;;;;~ne,"ln,Adams being Vice-~(hainman would assume the (hainmanship of this (ommittee.U /L pi i T ;;;;;1 motion was made by Narvin Raymer that Nas.Veborah Robinson on her request be received into the communing membership of (oncorad fresbyterian (hunch.(She uas meviousd y ;;;,2 —')4 //a member of South tiver Dantisdt (hurcr/./he motion was seconded by Kk,RK,Narlin and m4 unansmousas; 4 4+t0ng yvooten that a 5 peciak icentenniar |fflenring be taken $h/f j j ronJunday,uly 4th for the selfadevelopment of American Indians.The motion was seconded0/ IY arvan Ka gnen and.UNANAMOUSLI CaAwAe4. After it was noted by Hugh Savin,(Aurch /neasuner,that the Ungan fund was going to be about /uw /housand-+ive Hundred Jodharal 2500.00)short of estimated cost a motion was made by Sam Unrell that a 1ymn Jing be pdanned and an of fering be taken to help an (dL ALNG funds 4o meet the shortage./he date of the H ym Jing war to be set by the 'fi j jAOL’inectonr,NAN 4econa uo4 made OY |orn Jagen hart and UNANAMOUSBAY,CARALE,,d j j ‘/ogee fAmotiontoaJOURuUa4smad.»A."iathan and Aeconded Oy |,flaavey J tevenson,gddd ;j j ‘/he meeting uas closed with prayer by Hugh favin, RK NIAS Wer.a ae70+Va :Lh.Lhe.j eae)Kobenrt L.Hare,¢¢aywderatonr a ?}rres ated meeting a Pres bv?S 0"eriar ~eceived In the absence of,but at the request of the Moderator,Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr., the Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in a called session in the Pastor's if , ;f ~/\tudy at /0;30 a.m.on Sune 27,1976 with the foLlowing members paesent; j an ;;)¥'Cecil Alexander,gon Vagenhard,hugh Cavin,Sam nnedi,Hi erry farlier,A./',rive,d=) y:Haavey Itevenson,i2.,Keid Summers and 4,Long Wooten.d d , ¢ii}//>th bfhemeetingwascalledtoonderbyyornVagenhartandopenedmthprayerby -Maavey Itevenson,A.d gd Ai motion was made oy ¥.Long Wooten that John Uagenhart be appointed /emporary 4 ;j ve 2nAAO2R.‘he motion was 4econded (Y Mag!win aia UNAPAMNOUS ALY cariLed,. eid )f i},A motion was made by Long Wooten that Kev.tare be allowed a Junday off inYG september in j gt MOVLOUAALL A@4ALG nated me Of AAA vacation 1aiys. ihe motzon summe 4. 4 1 nfiar qynany Nodenaton i A\ofcawet The Session of Concord Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session in the beC.dtikeleathenr (Lassnoom on fuly (1,1976,at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present:(ecik Alexander,Hugh vavin,RR,Marlin,roy Pope,Francia Stevenson, eyish»(4 C /A.Rive,yn.,yAarvey dtevenson,{nr.,and {.Long Wooten. 7).rf ‘,‘.,j(he meeting was opened with prayer and Devotional Reading by Rev.Robert Hare,Jr. The minutes of gune 13,1976 were read and apmoved. (n a motion made by y+Long Yooten,seconded by R.R.Marlin,the minutes of 4 j ,7 ;—jyune27,1976 were modified and corrected,The motion carried unanimous4. j i .;,"a.hugh favin moved that Rev.William Summers be paid lhinty-fLive Volfars (335.00)plus /#a mile travel expense for bringing the Homecoming Day Sermon. (he motion was seconded by (roy ope and unanimousiy carried, "¢‘te by Hugh /that the Me 4 )|motion wad made oy Hugh Cavin that the Loose Uffering on Homecoming Lay (less expenses of Homecoming)be applied to the Organ Fund.The motion was secondedljj;j j jOYLectNAexXandeRandunansmousd.y4 carried, f /i .i .Nr.g:tong wooden moved that if necessary monies be borrowed from the Cemetery Fund 40 complete payment fon the organ.This money waa to be returned to the Cemetery r /!i as i r }TI ;:JFundatsuchtimeasitbecameavailablefromthe(agan Fund.s/he motion was seconded ;by Faancis dJtevenson and unanimously carried. After a neponrt was made by j noy Tope on Faesbytery Neeting of gune 25,2,1976, 2 motion was made by “Long Vooten that this report be received as infoamation and;';roe 7;a iethat"rn.Tope be commended fon a joo wedi done./he motion was seconded by Cecil j ;; NAeKaNdeA ary uA UNANANOUAA YY carried, A motion to adjourn was made by ).Haavey Stevenson,(nr.,and seconded by Troy fope. ;J ;/)i j f ‘he meeting was closed with mayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,$a.t /é ’g (Denn f2prn-=-=G4---Qo.(AM Shin |toberd L.¢16/14 RAVE,Ye\j “teodenaton(4er .;j .“).jlheSessionofConcordfresbyterian(hurch met in a called meeting —D /j j /oe ;.in the faston's Study gty 15,1976 at 10:Dam with the following l j }//j ft j aememberspresent;Melvin Adams,(ecil Alexander,‘ohn jagenhart,Hugh favin, "/C }D j D ¥(Ne Ne NARAANL,IGM URARCALA,Henry Fariser,/roy fope,A,",nave,O2.,U.Harvey’¢¢d )fevenason,©r.,and °.long YVooten. 7h f(he meeting was opened with pr tev.Kobert L.Hare,Ya. i 4 4 /A motion was made by “Long looten that Mins.Anita Nurdock's request ;ry ,py Ley ,to use the Fediowsrip Hat for a course in (hild Levelopment be g ranted, ;,,j jprovidedtherewouldbenoconflictwithpreviousiyplanned activities. ,;(he motion was seconded by henay Sarlier and unanimousiy carried. fam Mos 'at ea fe />n be ae sued nd th‘ain QANAAN moved Aha 444 VeovoLe Jwan be received into le ‘oucommuningmembershipof(onconrd faesbyterian (hurch by transfer of Letter {Aom Shiloh Fresbytensar AC /he motion uas seconded t Jam ; ar ANANMAMOUS 44f CANALS wWzouvurmnent4 WAS ae ;.;,;i I fdTheSessionof(oncond Presbyterian (hurch met called meeting i a ;j ;;a .in the fastonr’s Study on August 1,1976 at 10;P am.with the following ;;,;;sh Tr .members present:Nelvin Adams,(ecik Alexander,Jam Unneli,taancis tevenson, 4 [j1./1,Rive,2.,and 4.Long Wooten. fhe meeting uas opened with prayer Oy Kev.overt L.fanre,y2- ::,;A motion was made by A,/,hive,2.that the regular dession Neeting on August &,1/976 be postponed until August 22,1976,because of a conflict/, rT?;,);;j ;uth the faston's vacation schedule./he motion was seconded by iNe4vin Adams ; anc unanamoudsd,y CarALed,. mio ,;A motion was made by ©.Long Wooten that the Session apmove the selection “),4vainmanofthe Vorship (ommittee,of Rev."ichherson and ,j ;.;Liki our pulpit on wgusad £4)ei f neApectivery, unr pastor.fhe motion was seconded neki and ;ys //,;:/p ,/fare 4 request that he be allowed to attend a “Voctoa of Ninistries .nse fon tuolvel />sal —.nd 7 ft anecwarcourse{04 AureAvel /<c/weekrs Commencing Jeplember </9 ud4 approved on a;i/ yy jmotionOY74+LoOng Voodten,je condea oy Jam VRAeCAA and UNANAMOUS AY canrALed,. ;;,;y commen consent the Session tabled the matter of setting a date fon the agan Lu tihftion Service until the August 22,1976 meeting..~my yy ,‘'j ;-otion toa youn ud4 made OY ,/",ILVve,A.and Aeconded Oy fAaancl4 dtevenson.é ; ;j ' ‘fe meeting uaA4 closed with DRAYOR .Long Vooten. yh I AyiaOeaaa L.Hare,'AM.Shive,Ga.’ssodenatonrLenk yy p -b ~,-fy i t .aa ff /-j -(fhe Je4sLonN VO OnCcoAd fRE sbytenrian UAcr me in labed Stevenson _4a44 wom i)on August 22,20 mM.we 'ps)!,:th 4}ifouung members present;elvin fidan4a, Cf ‘DN />ssl )ohn Lagenhart,Hugh LAVAn,AK,Nartin,Jan Un ell,Henry larlier,j , CCLA /14OXaNdeR, —Y ¥-Long Wooten.Harvey Stevenson,(2.,Keid Summers andftwe,'dSAVE,G %,(Roy lope,Ze 7)/~4t j ;en ¢(he meeting was opened with mayer and scripture by Rev.Robert L.fare,Jr. }f /j )/j >/(he minutes of Luly (1,yuly 1d,and August /,1976 were read and approved. yd /j p .fbycommonconsenttheSessionagaintabledthematterofsettingadatefor ;;i ty L jledicatingtheneworganuntiksuchtimeastheinstallationofthe organ was completed, motion was made by Y,Haravey Stevenson,‘to adopt the recommendations in (see attachment)by the Strengthening (ommittee.he motion was seconded nfidamsA and unansamou4say Car/Azed. ifter /aoy Pope meserted a report from the Serwice ‘ommittee,the following rction was & «6WLtn regard to the matter of setting up an <mergency fund for ‘Pe athatcouldbedraintromwithoutgoingthroughnormachanned4,was to the iaconate {on action.(his action UNArAMOUSAY aApphoved Oy j4ion after if uns put into a motion by K.P.Marlin and seconded by Nugh CAvén. uas asked to investigate mevious minutes in an effort to determine if the '”y "ey)at anytime approved the announcement of a "Special Offering"fon Yotefellow. ;;j ’;motion made I f/AO fope seconded {hen"fartier the JCAALON UNATLLNOUASLi,7 Zé upproved the recommendations of the Service (ommittee(see attachment)of their ne pont f '»t August |, i motion was made by Yohn Vagenhart that the Session accept with regret the f }nesignation of the voaganist,Vebbie Kobinson./he motion was seconded |y °Harveyd \Levenson,|ma unanamou4ay Car*rred, {over/ Lars.;i ‘Ae i }c ;j jAmotionwasmadebyCohnVagenharttopayNn.Mike Whitley Eighteen Vol j F koe L g oa .j .,and forty-five cents(3/8.45/)ner week for his services as organist during the absence »f a pewnanent watet The waking econded ;nan in /c a peamanent VOAgGAUsAT,(he mozc24on was 4econae are UNANLNOUAAY rrr /approved,vi P ;‘;j i ,ip f ij1motionwasmadebyJohnYagenhartthatKev.Hare and himself be responsibie j '9 j 'fon securing the services of someone to serve as organist untuk such Lime as another i j i ;J.permanent onganiAt could be employed./his motion was seconded by Henry /artier and j juUNaAMLMOUSAYApphRoved, ;,y j J /i motion to adjourn was made by K.K."artin,seconded by ¥.farwey Itevenson,yr.d j ;;(he meeting was closed with prayer by Hugh (avin.i ’ y }ee ee ee -- 4 cVelieDiAVE,yRe ‘odenatonr lerk ATTACHMENT TO SESSIOVAL MINUTES OF AIGIST 22,1976 STRENGTHENING COMMITTEE MINUTES The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met August 1,1976.Members present were:Mr.Henry Parlier,Genie Setser,Clara Hare,Rev.Robert Hare,Jr. I.Rally Day was discussed and it was recommended that; l.We ask the Sunday School Classes of grades 2 and below to sing a few songs each (songs they usually sing inSundaySchool,} That we have a skit encouraging good Sunday School practices.Mrs.Hare will be in charge. That Genie Setser take care of buying pins for faith- ful attendance,and that Hienry Parlier and J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.take care of presentation. The 2nd Sunday in September be the date Day program. II.A Youth-Service Project was discussed,and we ask that the Youth Council work out details for helping the aged at Brian Center. III.The Youth Council's recommendations were accepted.They were: 1.Have some "Back to School"recreation and supper for all groups of youth. New officers were discussed and it is to be worked out from the following list: Don and Trudy West for Recreation Leaders,Marie Stevenson for possible chairperson,Tom Stevenson (Loray),Louise Summers,Tom and Sue Stevenson (Monticello);Linda and JerryMitchum,Carolyn and Leroy Moose.(All of these would not be needed,but we need names approved as we do not knowwhocanaccept.) I IV.The Music Practice and Recreation Sundays be changed to the lst.and 3rd Sundays,and the Program Sundays be the 2nd and 4th Sundays.This is all right with the leaders. ATTACHMENT TO SESSIQVAL MINUTES OF AUGUST 22,1976 7):-ye See .A i(he Seavice (ommittee of Concord lresbyterian (hurach met on August /,1976. Nembers present:Jom Jetser,(Aainman,‘roy bope and Sleanon Pope. TT)ihe ‘ommittee discussed the following: /.A vdsit to Garand father Home /he needs of the (up of later Visiting Laoughton Hospital *ncou WMagANg VUur pouth to vecome voAun feer UDARCLA,yo ,at Lrian (enter ae °fhe needs of Yokefellow (he (ommittee recommends that a (Llothes (loset be established under the gl iy ,i?j ;7)pore ,in the Fettowshrrp hati with a pick-up z ORetetiow once a month as P 4h’'“er ,ommittee also recommends that a notice of e ‘Llothes(loset The Session of (onconrd Presbyterian (hurcr met in regular session in the £.(.Stikeleather (dassnvem on September 12,1976 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present:(ecil Alexander,Yohn Dagenhart,Hugh favin,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier, Nanvin Raymer,A.M.Shive,in.,and {,Long Wooten.(9.A.Stevenson,Yr.was excused/.Also present was Rev.Roscoe Fisher,attending as part of his studies for "Jocton of es —Ninistries”, The meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,(2. TY i..J ;The minutes of August 22,1976 were read and approved. lhe minutes of the Diaconate of fuly (1th and August Sth were read,A motion to receive them as information was made by Narwin Rayner,seconded by zy:long Wooten and unanimously approved, A motion was made by Henry Parlier that a study of pay scale fon a permanent .,i :,.organist and substitute organist be referred to the Worship (omnittee fon their action and report back to the session.he motion was seconded by Narwin Rayner and unanimousdy ap moved. ,i ;;F 7 iAmotionwasmadebyYohnVagenhartthathebeauthorized to secure a person ,7 ;;;1 om ,;;;;to till the pulpit on September 1/9,1976,as this is the Sunday Rev.Hare has selected ;;;;;7tobeaway,since he has a Sunday in September coming to him for vacation.he .;7 j ;motion was seconded by Narvin Raymer and ananimously approved. ',').tenant from the Seavice (ommittee made by Rev.Hare,the following action was(1)24 d j j ;4 )ia é .;i -;i 7aren:A motion made by "arvin Kaymer concerning action by the General Assembdy on W pu j j j j .ee’r :yun (ontrod”uas that Kev.fiare write a setter to (Lem Lamberth,Aerk of /nesbylery, ;p "‘i",asking bresbytery to refer L ommunication (ommittee”of7fi" 7 -JL h =“j .cals ~ad I 9:4,ZWITLOMllyMugWAarINAMAMOUSBAYCARA,|2/7 moZLon ;j i Z f .made by ilaavin Kaymer to invite the congne gation to watch debates of presidential Jt stead I Ciesk d /-j /j Cian l oe y 4;andidatesand Gubentonriak (andidates on television in the Fellowship Hatt,leetings ,;.;Jtobeopenedandclosedwithpayer.Also have open discussion afternards.A freewill ‘i Y i f offering,to be taken and danated to (oncond Presbyterian (hurch to defray any expenses. (over) ¥A ;;’i /fs {>)]lhe motion was seconded by "ohn UVagenhart and approved by a majority vode.{V/A j ;j }o£jnotionmade(lanvin Kaymer that the Yenerak Assembly's action on the overture /./j /.john's Vnesbytery conceaning violence and immorality on television,b« .iii ;wan insert in the cuurch bulletin in its entire foran as stated in the/>7DALCCG lette ule Snack oderator,dated August 197 (he motion was second jwanandunanAMOUBAL CALSALO, }l !isveportofthedtrengthening(ommittee(see attachment)was made y Kev.iare. tion taken.wus the w1Ltnes4 (|ommittee(see attachment)uas made fodiowming action taken: l Sam44em f«‘\emwAate item 2.1 motion made HLT"JUTLCA l 1 Notion made 4 this recommendat 1 motion made by fi »amadt Lon {NAIL LMOULs 4 motion made t;Chefoamatior , LAAUe DOAALO AL UNQILLMNOUA A uy Ss ,, /I4G ai phabeticak syAtem, j ‘\Até anate to Azepresent for informa aivan,J /OL actzon..Unansmous4iy a LATAOM«6 ee ANANAMOUAA MCOAd TREA yer an /tion onky \aymer,4econded oy -,arin Kaymen,seconded ;y GAVAS aume.4,econdaded ind 4 aorAvAn aymern ua4 utULNA! MiahTUG sehected / neler to“AVA = DDROV CO. ‘4 Hugh Favin--ado pt Lpphoven,j vOooLen-“1eCeLve 1 planning 4chredule receave a4 their consideration CGA2/104the un Sa , j UNCAPAS and 1aNCLA4A reAbytenry iNeeting on Uctober /=, ,t)|CONS Gecocvs \tev en4on / 2Vage2 dession Neeting-Jent,12,1976 i //@ 2sAmotionwasmadeby"aavin Raymer that A.i,Shive,(2.and Rev.Robert Haretd Ig° j /./j j ihpselectnamesofindividualswillingandabletoseaveandrefertheir names to };,-Va sy ;the Nominating (ommittee of General Assembly fon thein use in gathering persons ..//?;..TT)to seave in various camacities in the yenenak Aasemby onganimtion./he motion jy f ed J jwassecondedby{Long Yooten and unanimously apmoved., j ;v m 7 e i eAmotiontoadjownwasmadebyMarvinRaymer,seconded by Hugh ;,o al ;_(he meeting uaa closed with mayer by Rev.ishen. —44 ,|oben L./ +odenatonr (Re i j s i *.The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in a called meeting in !a ;j ny };‘—the Pastor's Study at 1/0;30 a.m.on October 10,1976,with the following ail ;ay eer a bin Cal coal ae 22 Map /members present;ecii Alexander,Yohn Vagenhard,Hugh Cavin,K,K.[antan, /J ”m ¢(f ,Sam Onrell,Henry Sarlier,Francis Stevenson,A."drive,2.,°Hawey Itevenson,y2.-,a’14 Long sooten. ihe meetin uas opened with prayer yu Kev.Kobveat L.hare Ae;é 7 , jj i ¢;j1motionwasmadebySamUnarelkthatVavid(avin ve extended an invitation tou be quest speaker at iloaning Worship Jeavice on Youth Junday,Uctober {7 1970./s ‘/ Jeconded by ».Long Wooten and unanimously carried, /he meeting was closed with prayer by hugh (Avian ’.+;;“y i .;jheJessionof(oncond fresbyterian (hurch met in regular session in the 44 eleathenr AMAAROOGM On ctober 10,with a fodiou No )»A fs jj}WA,Ae NARA,JAN VARNCAA,LOXANAER, ’\fope,"arvin Kaymer,baancsis Jtevenson,A,NAVE,ye fe MANVeY \tevenson,“Re ,and 9 Wooten. \eV.cobent L.Hare,|teneetinguao4openedwitthAcriptureandDRAYEROY 'j a ',;he recommendations of the \trengthening (ommittee Prom their meeting of ~j sy jJentember19,/976(s4ee attachment)were unanimousiy approved by the 4e4dion on a motion made by |.Harvey Stevenson,’2.and seconded JALVE,42d0j tee from their meeting of(he recommendations of the dtrengthening (omits Uctober 1/0,1976(4ee attachment)were unanimously apmoved y the session on a notion made by janvey )Llevenson,42.,and seconded ohn agenhant, ,-)j(he Vitness (ommittee Keport was reported by Kev.Kok jane,n.,resulting a pytthesession.na motion made awin Kaymer the foLLowingrefodlowingwction{y names were to comprise a nominating committe:chainman tor the vitness ommittee;|Harvey Jtevenson,%a.,H v4 Broun,Nedvin Adams,/om Setser and y+Long wooden. he person selected would complete the 1976 term of this committee.he motion was seconded by Jam Unre ll and unanimousl ¥carried,n a motion by Naravin Kaymer loncond the moghan "S chood ot ‘ev.-obert4“AAALOMA « j y jjfnesbytenrian(hurch would participate in 4 //4 ‘;jane,A.woud assist in planning 4hi4 mogaam.otion was seconded by 4.Harvey ind unanamousay CarrLed,)deverson, »f the omnitimerd |ommitiee from thein meeting of October 3,497recommendations see altacinent/were ANAPAMOUAAY Apphoved OY the 4e44ion on a motion made by hugh AVLI and 4econded GVA ANaAymNer, 7h mil é/he aecommendations o agen ia iftachment/wenre unanimously approved jrumenthattherenortmade by the ServiceLAVviNANGune Z ;;,.4 j /}ommittee be received a4 injoamation,otion seconded by Cohn Dagenhart ana jmarimousdty Ca itYanvinRaymer4motionuasmevat any church oaganigation on ,;,a ,,committee desining financiar support of yy natu ¥fron tng 1977 budget submitAyession{or approvat and refenrak to [;sy j i ‘,As rytheserequeststothebudget(ommittee no dater that November /,1970.she{L y Hugh avin and unanimousday carried,motion was seconded by ;: r)n 7p ,’r aa >41motionuasmadeOylVarvinKaymenthatanominating committee cons.ating of faavey Itevenson,42.,Hak Lroun,lliedvin Adams,/om dJetser and ¥.Long Wooten present j ~~j ;;,977,a List of chairmen and members of''jtothe4e44ionnodaterthatYanuary /,(197a /,'—_,''Jessionar (ommitiees fon the year /977.iotion was seconded by Hugh ¢avin and UNQANALMOWS A 4 caverle 1. motion was mad vane,send a Letter G natit /C tJ {<L /gratitude Four Hundred VodLiaral 5400,00)to the seconded nanciA Stevenson and unanimously carried. 'otion to adjourn uas made by lanvin Kaymer and seconded by John Jagenhart. ateJfL.A(he meeting was closed with mayer by laavin Kayme, ;l ,i /tobert L,Hare,4A.Nels DRAVE,yA, ders ¢ =hatX.Har,G2 "Nodenraton -TRENATURNTING COMMTTPRE MEETINGSTRENGTHENINGCOMMITTEEMEETING l.Strengthening Committee -9/19/76,7:00 p.m.at the church, +Members of committee and all Sunday School teachers are invited.Discuss work of Sunday School and problems teachers Training Event for Church School Teachers Oct.10,2:30-6:00 p.m. (Sunday)Kindergarten -Primary -Junior Memorial -Billowing Rock,N.C. Church -Clemmons,% ch Kannapolis -Kannapolis,N Presbyterian Church Bulletin board for Camp Grier Retreat -N ]all Mr:Tom Stevenson 873-7879. Deadline for’reservations t &}"Cost for’the bus on the tripv to Camp Grier was Respectfully, STRENGTHENING COMMITTEE MINUTES A called meeting of the Strengthening Committee on October 10,1976,with the following members present:Leroy Moose,Genie Setser,Clara Hare,Ralph Marlin,Henry Parlier,and Chairman, Harvey Stevenson,Jr. The meeting was opened with prayer by Harvey Stevenson,Jr. I.Camp Grier Retreat Mrs.Tom Stevenson (Loray)the co-ordinator of the Camp GrierRetreatwaspresentatthemeeting.The Retreat is being sponsoredbytheMabelStevensonSundaySchoolClassonNov.13th,and 14th,1976.Mrs.Stevenson has worked plans with West Iredell SchooltousetheiractivitybusfortheetriponSundayNov.14,1976,the cost of the bus plus insurance has been estimated to be approxi-mately $100.00. To pay the cost we recommend that the adult Sunday School Class beaskforadonationforthisandeachpersonridingthebuspay$1.00each,if the cost is not met this way Sunday School Treasurer willmakeupthedifference,and also if there is money left over it willgototheSundaySchoolTreasury. ”ie i e Responsibility for supervision of youth be high school persons,withadultsinchargeofpersonsunderhighschoolage,each having atleastoneparentpresent. The committee recommends that the young people of’thRev.Hare work together on the worship service for Camp The Committee recommends that: Pam and Billy Summers be approved as additional recreation leadersoftheyouthgroups. «That Mr.Tom Setser be approved as chairman of the Youth Council. Respectfully Submitted, Mrs.Clara Hare,Secretary Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Chairman +WOMEN TAO CANOIT TMT MINTITRe>TRENGTHENING COMMITTEE MINUTES The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met September 19,1976,at 7:00 P.M.The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert Hare,Jr. Members present were,Chairman Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Ralph Marlin,Henry Parlier,Mrs.Clara Hare,Mr om Setser. The Sunday School Teachers were invited to attend this meeting, hose present were:Mrs.Loi ‘eimst irs.Eleanor Orrell, Marie Stevenson,Mrs.Dawn Gibsc M Mary Lou Stevenson, Stevenson,Mr.Long Wooten,M Carroll Jones discussion about catechism study in the primary classes, parents of >Sunday School pupils now tney ordered a suppl Ag “mM .;Aiter the mee U l [oOmmittee the following business; 1.A motion was made and carried unanimously,that the youth groups continue meeting Sunday nights instead of having choir practic on Wednesday nights.Programs to be the 2nd and 4th Sundays, music and recreation the lst and 3rd Sundays. 2e motion was made and carried unanimously,that we begin a pro- am of Sunday School Visitatiom,dates tentalively set were the rst Sunday in April,and the 4th Sunday in September. 3-A motion was made and carried that Mr.Hare begin an in-Service Training Class for assistant teachers,future teachers and other interested persons.This class will begin January 9,1977. The meeting was closed with prayer by Henry Parlier. Respectfully submitted, Mrs.Clara Hare,Secretary Harvey Stevenson,Jr.-Chairman oncorad fresbyterian yon ctober s/, eckd AiLexander,,onn Ve J@44L40Nn VO f ‘és '\tikeleather" mesent:ohn © ”t 4nemoe )vaymer,A,2 ifhe meeting unas opened zwid 1 motion commun _cation 7 //eaesa Kobinson m4 appAhoved unansmou4d notion a4 made the )trenghtening ommittee ooten LOAU yitnes yroved thonough nmavan Alsnenr, Le Conmencdeda excii4ed neeting 1 /O41 LOTT Vvrun »j ?)j i ;°Concord Fresbyterian hunch met in regular sesdion 4 ;j J jfas4sroomonNovember2/’ 'eeeagenhart,Hugh avin,k.4.artin,Jam Haavey »tevenson,4 R. ;> agenhart to increase «the/ 'ie iat ae ee197:00 pam with the following»at nyt ~c ,}4CMA,/ROY Pope,AAVAN ind Long vooten. ti L.flare,yA..acripture and mayer oy Kev.Kober , nto the oO eaconds aOGRA. siconcezuingaVodeewagon bus NE 4 #fivVAAOWEOUi4¢€on practice BALL to adont the recommendations of\tevenson 4d t i reijYVovem(976 see attacrmen >er jINANAMOUSAL CAALLO. the “a MOA ommendations /AAGNALET )NO CLOA LNASLLMNOUA 4 ; eeting ned ctober 19,/9 a4 ;unanimousLy voted to accept this)CAALON 4 ‘mene’?j mM5€ hid Oo CONCEAMANG APPROVAA the salaries o {/ver the suggested ,ia ; I~PmMovaAs oO the LEOMALNANG notion ne pont -eile 7 ;“eT ‘jandexactlyuhatwasimpliedbythe“Word Scholarship".The motion was seconded by 4.faravey Itevenson,2.,an 1 unanimously approved. ‘ip a ie ,taJeasionalNinutesofOctober/0,1976 and October 3/,1976 were j j ,_7 ;jreadandapmoved,Uiaconate Minutes of October 17,1976 were read and approved. ry '(he meeting was adjourned ma motion made OY lanwvin ANAYQMER and 4econded ugh CAVA i fhe meeting uas Chosed with mayer VY gan Jagenhart./7 49ee had Ali DINLVe,jAs ;ueerr STRENGTHENING COMMITTEE MINUTES The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church was held Nov.7,1976 with the following present:Mr.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.Chairman;Mrs.Genie Setser,Mrs.Clara Hare. Mr.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.opened the meeting with prayer. Christmas carolling was discussed andi it was recommended that the date,time,transportation,and other details be worked out by a subcommittee of the Youth Council.The entire congregation is to be involved and expenses for refreshments and transportation will be taken care of by the Sunday School. It was recommended that our church participate in the School of Missions which will be Feb.27,1977,from 6:00 -7:30.Our church would be last for the program on that night.Other details are worked out in cooperation with the worship committee. Mrs.Genie Setser closed the meeting with prayer. The following young people went to the guidance program at Queens College im Charlotte:John Ervin,Tim Moose,Jimmy Dagenhart, Ronnie Crawford,Frank Setser,Gay Stevenson,Debbie Swann. Respectfully, ;.m j *.j j .The.Session of Concord Presbyterian (hurch met in a called meeting in the .(.Stikeleather (Lassnoom on November %,1976 at 12:00 a.m.with the ,Pe j 4 i 4 b .i J a .))4 Jfollowingmemberspresent;John Lagenhart,Mugh Cavin,Kachana |eimster,K.K./artin, ,‘.a ,j r D ‘.a ).fJamUnredi,tienry fartser,/roy lope,'aavan KaAymer,7!hive,§Reyg aavey dtevenson,4 XL. and '.Long ‘ooten. ry .éh j )/jThemeetingwasopenedwithmayerbyKev.Kobert L.Hare,42. toute p ah a /nead a letter from taed H,Veaton in uhich he urged _oncord ;J j J J j f -‘__ohunchtocompletepaymentontheneworganandenckosedNeckfonFiveHundred Dollanral 3500.00)40 be applied to the Uagan fund.in.Savin then made a motion that Jf.|f 1 OP ppstheJessionapmovethetakingofadpeciakOfferingonthefollowing twof 2)Sundays ecember 5th and (2th to attennt to secure enough money to pay the remainin akance,7/f ALA motion uas seconded }OAV 47 \aymenr and uUunaruTMUu4a if cared. \e44ion muved that Kev ne u letter to an eaton thanking ham for wus gift and issuing ,ULL tf on to become a communing terian bnriastmas |antata lated {J a ippiicants unas AeGagoncded tf UNANIMOUS AY COAL s4ion moved to exasse Kev.Kobert L.A :%,and appoint g hong yooten /,jtocompletediscussionandapmovethe/astonr’s Jatary, Un a motion by Dollars (912,000.00/, (31,700.00), Jeventy-live unanimously carried. Jession then snanimousdy apmoved the Proposed budget ov4 sl (Aor U4 necton was to be mesented //~JO Ca@MOeA 12, jJahary, 4laavin 7 7/aaved j fPoas }olltiiitiesandbook j ,sJodharal d2,( stheconarectionstothe o the W fe eanddispositionof Jou wired. )-;;;\aymer set at /weive /housand éxpense-Une Thousand,seven hundred doLlarsAneThousand,|wo Hundred ,seventy-fivel 31,275.00) xpense,and lastor"s Annui Lies-/wa Thousand j ”)/.the fastonr's alary was are 1 GA and r==>}7 :j .is ¢;fj j175.00).lhe motion was seconded by John Uagenhart and f 1977 with f /7),..»;Vaston's Salary,Fastonr's Annuities,Unganist Salary, ,j rm TtheScholarshipfund.his budget ,,Congregation in a meeting called for that pirpose !Bie awithprayerbyHugh *avin. -b4-LM arr”hive,Re 6 Ler! -;“);.;he Session of (oncord Presbyterian (hurch met in neguiarn session in the //L iy)l /\tikeleathern (Lassnvem on ecember (2,‘00 pam with the following memoens present;'iekvin Adama,hugh Savin,R.R.Marlin,720 Y fope,faancis Stevenson, ve,A.Harvey Jtevenson,6 e4a Jummens and 4.Long Wooten.oe ;e meeting was opened with mayer and scripture] es ),,m4 nutes OL Vovembea 2/st aa.Yovemboer ath /pe ad.Qe APPROVe le vvey Jtevenson,’nr.presented the report from the d4re ngthening (|ommittee,6 s P 4):jj4onunanimousdy\to apmove the rzecommendation of this committee that j )7 j j fzoprovedasKecreationaiLeadersfor ;;:;‘;10004,A440 nosed i RO}WileVLOUAA J APOOVeL /‘lad ''‘‘consented ,Le a }t >tue \tevenson JUNAAY f jabed )tevenson )2€4440".|Ae CONCORD ons; fT NUTEA4hksvV The Strengthening Committee met December 5,1976,at 7:00 p.m. in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom. Members present were Henry Parlier,Vice Chairman,and Mrs. fom Setser,Chairman Harvey Stevenson,Jir.was excused because of another meeting. The meeting was du >a by the Vice Chairmans It was suggested NT:vy Frvi f aw”Terr Mitcha he ,a >RercrestiancyErvin,and M Jerrv Mitcham be dy]as Recreation leaders for the youth s Also that Ruth Brown be approved as a teacher in the Mabel Stevenson Sunday School Class. Respectfully, 7A ne //A ~iy wy “A lhe pw o# Harvey Stevenson,Jr. lhe Congregation of (oncoad Presbyterian “hunch met in called session on \7 Nay 16,1976 in the Sanctuary following Nonaning Worship Service. ae '>4 f fThemeetingwascalledtoonderandopenedwithprayerbyKev.Kobert Hare,72. ;,j j °f the meeting was to hear the report ana recommendations of(he stated purpose the Ungan (omittee. (Aainpenson of the Ongan (ommittee,(ins./henresa ilioose,distributed the attached j ),,.letter and proposad and presented the report of the Uagan _ommittee. lotion was made by i'ins.loose to accept the recommendation of the Ungan Lommittee: ;/;j ;J ;.“ohn Vagenhanrt seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried by the congregation.y »3 -.eas neteeSoe shied flhefollowingmotionwasmadeby"nr.UVavid (avin.A comnittee consisting of "j"tr.Lewis Stikeleather,and)“Harvey Itevenson,\2.,¢U )j/RR.Marlin,M. ,7 j ;i ;j :a.Didh Lohnson are to research any changes that might need to be made in the mesent j ;;;°ichoinlofttoaccomodatetheneworganandpossiblerelocationofseatsinthe coir loft. na,~mily avin,nr. 4 [hia committee is to report any recommendations directly to the board of Deacons fon 'Pte ,,,/jaction./he motion was seconded by Herman Yagenhart and unanimously carried. from the Session tooaLetterofcommendation{y y j f ;;RA.004e Conciuded Oy Aeadang the Ungan (omnittee. j 4 7 ‘j i ‘[‘dLjouanment followed on a motion by /om Jetser and seconded by gon Yagenhart. (he meeting uas closed with mayer by Kev.Kobert Hare,yA. tespect {ul ly submitted, y i 7Al,PAVE,4 Read’;Acting (AerR CASE BROTHERS 4926 N.Tryon StreetCharlotte,N.C.28213 Mrs.Theresa Moose Route 8,Box A3 Statesville,North Carolina 28677 Re:Concord Presbyterian April 8th,t Organ for your he follov I am pleased to inform you of the selection of an organ by yourcommitteefortheConcordPresbyterianChurchsanctuary.We have unanimouslychosentheAllen201. The committee has,over a period of one year,lcoked at fifteen organsthatwerewithinourpricerange,including both electronic and pipe organs.Two electronic organs were invited for in-house demonstrations.Keeping inmindconsiderationsrelativetopurchaseprice,guarantee,service,main-tenance,quality of sound and variety of sound,we selected this very fineinstrumen organ was demonstrated in our church on July l }how=allation in our church will be slightly different The mixed:aetheistobe;il the ie Organ demonstra 2 ct added.\ ation technician, the church osure of rlso voted operati d in floor of q on4e44L40n ,CE4AALON catied AV4LCO, the D« j rnz annTeeseaone4 onsh 4D MAYOr/ presentation hurch met ina the g waning iopenedwith 4 Iw/fhAAS =]0o 1eAv e meeti ng to th 00°00S00°000‘00°00900°S29°ie?OOSwnrctuanry ;) a7fart f he CAAACL 976 ind/ meeting uas tuoALTIDOUNUNNWL)dt /ropose uorzove.$12,000.00 JO}DPEeyZcio els Feu oekgel Saue -«2,075.00 eee «625,00 «-3,600.00 ««3,000.00 e039 900600 oeeamueue ««L,400.00 +«1,100.00 «+«600.00 «1,200.00 ««800.00 casmeeeee +«2,040.00 «1,000.00 222+2200,00536,515.00 7G?aVvcdv7"LL6/OUTyaouoUFrenourupulva)»«7,000.00 ««1,000.00 o2ee200.00 a ONCORD JTWU ily Ervi Francis PIEDMONT ELECTRIC,INC. CLASS 1,LICENSE NO.17 Telephone P.O.Box 1542 1500 Davie Avenue Area Code 704 Statesville,North Carolina 28677 872-724] Apsiit ,i2 ,i9f6 Proposal submitted to Concord Presbyterian Church for installin new lighting Sanctuary,balcony &vestibule, Fixtures in sanctuary to be stem hung or chain hung. Fixtures in balcony &vestibule to be ceiling mounted, Six fixtures to be installed in sanctuary. Two fixtures to be installed in balcony. Two fixtures to be installed in vestibule, Balcony &vestibule fixtures to operate on existing wiring &switches. Sanctuary fixtures to be located same as present fixtures. New wiring to be installed for sanctuary fixtures with each fixture to be controlled by circuits, New circuit breaker panel to be installed in location of present fuse box, Sanctuary fixtures to be switched from new circuit breaker panel by uSing breakers, Fixtures to be selected by owner from following list. > Stem hung fixtures Matching ceiling mounted Catalog page C343-14 C342-16 3 C341-14 C340-~14 4 C345-14 C347~16 5 Chain hung fixtures Matching ceiling mounted Catalog page C298-14 C3209-14 10 #11 C276-14 C329~14 11 C264~14 C329~14 11 C316~14 C335~14 18 C287~14 C392~-14 ] C249~-14 C392~-14 1° C225~-14 C272-14 20 4C222~-14 C110-14 24 Total installed price for stem hung Total installed price for chain hung fixtures Piedmont Elé ATIC Inc,Lars,foe James L.Foster Atte nlion dard Member THE PROPOSED 1975 BUDGET FOR THE YOXEFELLOW MINISTRY OF GREATER STATESVILLE Here's the Yokefellow Budget for 1975 so proposed by theExecutiveCommittee.This year our total budget is larger than ever.The Used Furniture Ministry accounts for an increase in the self-support area of our budget. The thirty member churches have about 11,000 members,The 1975budgetwillneedanaverageof80¢per member from sponsorig churchesorasclosetothatfigureasS$possible. Please remember that through the Yokefellow Ministry Your Consgregationisministeringtothelonely,the sick,the forgotten,thoseinprison,etc.,in your own city and county. Pastoral Director's Salary *($3,000.00 paid out of self-supporting used furniture ministry) Part-time workers in Clothes Closet*(Paid out of self-supporting Clothes Closet Ministry) Rent for building Utilities ;Truck Expense (pick up &delivery-~-paid out of Used Purniture Ministry) Insurance for Truck Office Supplies &Receptionists itinistry The Good Samaritan Pund Prison Ministry Telephone Ministry Newsletter Renewal &Retreat Ministry Transportation Ministry Ministry to the Aged Dial-A-Prayer-Ministr-y Miscellaneous ---~-----~-~--.2.n=.a eeae Ministry of Reconciliation.{self-supporting}.--Cup of Water Ministry (self-supporting)Bmergency Child Care Center (self~supporting) Treasurer‘s FOOTNOTE:Approximately $10,000 of this budget comes from theself~supporting Used Furniture and Clothes Closet MinistriescoordinatedbythePastoralDirector, The remaining $9,000 is supported by churches,individuals andChristianAgencieswhoputYokefellowintheirbudget, Yt see “hat copies of this get to your church budget committee, CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Financial Report January 1,1975 -December 31,1975 RECEIPTS -4TH QUARTER Pledges $10,952.35 Loose Offerings 298.851,479.82 Building Fund ——59 Ok, Refunds --- Special Offerings 518.98 Camp Grier Expense 278.801,271.86 Organ Fund-——239 51. Revival Expense Bicentennial Expense a 41.85 Defray Offering-~ Total Receipts 4th Total Receipts 3rd Total Receipts 2nd Total Receipts TOTAL RECEIPTS FOR YEAR —1975 a 6.00 Quarter—-~-—------------—~15,147.06 553,315.1 EXPENDITURES (Total for Year =1975) Minister's Salary-~----—-ae +$9,700.00 Custodian's Salary--—---------3,300.00 Church Secretary's Salary-—--------—------------—--=2,24,.00 Director of Music and Organist 1,230.00 }Professional Allowance----------------2,,400.00 Fund Dues 1,742.40 Insurance -Minister-—-—--—---—----—--~-----489.79 -Property---antennae mene]058.35 160.00 671.88 Homecoming Expense-—----——-—--—-~--------—--------——277.97 Church Utilities 2,975.76 I Maintenance Jhurch—------------—---1,338.09 9 OcewrereneeererrermnacenenenananenKA),ODExpen8Qe],279 8 Benevolences Offerings Hunger $332.90 Christian Witness 322.25 Stillman College 50.85 Presbyterian Home 185.50 Dr.Cora Wayland Barium Springs Joy Gift Grandfather Home Total Special Offerings TOTAL BENEVOLENCESFOR YEAR L9"8,559 36 BUILDING FUND EXPENDITURES F YEAR 73560 .00 TOTAL ALL DISBURSEMENTS $992,15 Total Amount in Organ Fund 12/31/75 Total Due on Note at Northwestern Bank$8,883 .62 (Building)12/31/75 -$26,161.39 ‘ind hak wn “vyc PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30 «CO 1.,700.00 I »¢75200 2025.00 Roz 625.00 ‘)Pe ©o\ +>ea. }y 920.06 pV ol . )))oO0)) )0))))- CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ELDERS Class of 1977 Class of 1981 Richard Feimster Hugh ErvinA.M.Shive,Jr.John Dagenhart R.R.Marlin Henry ParlierFrancisStevensonReidSummersJ.Long Wooten Sam Orrell Class of 1979 Melvin Adams Cecil Alexander Troy Pope Marvin Raymer TJ.Harvey Stevenson,Jr. Class of 1981 Feimster Tommy HowardJohnsonLeroyMooseMooreJerryMitchamaarlesStevensonLindsayStikeleatherLewisStikeleatherBillySummers -H.Summers Glen Money 19797-°Lass Ot l7 j Frank CrawfordNesleyCrawford Leroy Tuckor J.D.DrumuyMorrison }OF THE CHURCH SLDERS AND DEACONS. NCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH1FinancialReport 1,1976 =December 3] $10,003.60 }:~”1 —J .--:.;lhe Session of foncord |nesbiyterian (Aurch met in regular session in the \/o77,asia a ia ,ikeleather (Lassroom on yanuarny 16,1977 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: /'CJKev.Kobert L.Hane,(2.,Nioderaton,Nelvin Adam 4,yorn Lagenhard,Hughd ’j j p.y .2 aa Se 2eimster,*.A.Martin,Henry larlier,|toy lope,anvin Kaymer,t rnancis stevenson,A."),hive,“2.,gtawey )tevenson,§Re,Kead Jummenrns and |.Long Wooten.d d (he meeting uns opened with prayer and scripture by Kev.Robert L,(1222,yrs ,l jminutesofazuvedad approved, ;;;;fwreedthatthenominatingcommitteefor;; ;;sessionad (ommittee ud wain to tay and {any vacancies in the commLttees Caius \tevenson uoiwd Robert L.Hare,On. Nodenaton Strengthening Of The Church Committee Report Ja nuary 2,1977 The meeting was opened with prayer by the chairman,Mr.Henry Parlier. Mrs.Clara Hare was elected secretary for the committee.The committee discussed and approved a questionaire to be given to the church members to determine whether a day or night schedule would be good for Bible School this summer,and to ask on the questionaire for volunteers to help in Bible School. The motion was made and carried by the committee for the surplus momey from Sunday School to be applied to the Building Fund.It was also apvroved by the committee to meet six times a year,every other month beginning in January on the first Sunday at seven o'clock.The chairman may call an additional meeting when it is necessary. Members of the committee present were:Mr.and Mrs.Tom Setser,Mr .enry Parlier,Mrs,Clara Ha re,Yr.Harvey Stevenson,/r.,Mr.John Ervin,Miss Susan Stevenson. Respectfully Submitted, Clara Hare,Sec. I 1 J}ihunchmetincalledmeetinginthe}f j jlheSessionof(oncord bnesbyterian /Cu ae N77 yi 2s /fastor’4 Sdudy a ,2m.ontebnuary (1,1977,with the fodtowing members3 constituting a quorum,present: bHare,"ederator,Hug Ong voten. as opened CONCEANLNG ondition and JeAALON uUnanamnoUu4dy zpmroven )COVA ,ooter ne COMMENGATLLON. OuUNNeL¢ lhe Session of (oncord fnesbytenrian (Aurch met in tegulanr Jession on O77;)>>.;z -‘;».February |3,1977 at 7:00 pm.in the §.(.Stikeleather (Lasanvom with the o-.»>,.foLlowing members,constituting a quorum,present: ,y },}J }“Tee '.vev.Avbert L,C,4%,ioderAa ton,Lects SiKexandenr,“ohn Vagenhart,Hugh “AVAN,g w 6 - j 5 ~ain,(Roy lope,/arvin Kaymer,faancis dJtevenson,A,"Shive,(2.,©.HarveyIdid¥ \tevenson,gs f }}j s !>2meetingunasopenedwithmayerandaciipturebyKev.Akobert Lita RE,jef¢ minutes of SCanuary {fi Oov77 |ge ‘~~j,19//and Febauary 1/1,1977 were read and apmoved. Jesd.on unanimou Ly iwneed to adopt the recommendations contained in ne port from the (ommitment (ommittee dated bervice (ommittee ums given by Kev.Kobert L.Hare,“a. in the attached report trom this committee were adopted 1e ceived meeling a gounmned 4 GRANDFATHER HOME FOR CHILDREN,INC January 14,1977 Dear Pastor, Over the years,the churches of the Presbytery have helped Grandfather Home in many ways.Once again we need your help, as we attempt to meet a critical need of our ministry: a concerned,Christian child care staff. Our work here at the Home has many facets,but we feel the Christian environment and education which we offer our children is of primary importance.If this area of our »mrogram is to be effective,we need staff who live with,and accept the love and forgiveness which Christ has given us. But,in addition to this,our staff must also be able to practice these princinles as they work with troubled youth and their families. lould you take a few minutes in the pulpit to stress our need,and challenge anyone in your church whose Christian commitment,and present situation would allow them to enter a stewartship of service such as this?There is currently an opening for a mature lady,or a couple provided the husband coule fand community employment -in a girls' cottace,le hope to Fill this wosition in the near future.From time to time we have an opening in the child care staff area,and it would be a tremendous help to us if you would keep us in mind,and bring this to the attention of your church family periodically.Any help you can give us in this way will be a @irect service to children who desparately need the caring and concern a person with these qualities could give. Contact me at P.0.Pox 98,Panner Elk,North CArolina 28604, or phone office (704)898-5393 or home -(704)898-5755. The need is urgent -please help us. Sincerely,‘ .4 /fy)A LJf — PEG LAV (Ih lif jets Meredith White Executive Director Statesville Altrusa Club STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA 28677 Sir: The Altrusa Club of Statesville,N.C.,Inc.is conducting a survey to determine the need for an Adult Day Activities center open to elderly, retired and disabled persons in the Statesville area.We are interested in locating dependent or semi-dependent adults who live in their own homes or with relatives and who could benefit from a regular schedule of planned,supervised social?and recreational activities outside thei) homa Such a ceantey \sndd h 7 2n in da 47 iaht hour :An 'rolvda'Ay Centersof this type have been started in several communities across the country,including Durham,North Carolina;Baltimore,Maryland; Lexington,Kentucky;and Doyleston,Pennsylvania They have been well received and seem to benefit most the following: An isolated adult who could remain physically and emotionally healthier with reqular social contacts and minimal supervision. Adults,living with relatives,who need minima pervisio ?ty :,<ino<On da ¢i >1S,wnose I feel there is (is not (a need for an adult activities center for the elderly and disabled in the Statesville area. I know of (__)of persons or families who might use such services. number If this service were available,it would probably be used for nours dally four hours daily two hours daily or less and for (__)days of the week number Could you list other civic oy in becoming involved in such Meals on WheelsBox3hStatesville,North Carolina 28677September8,1976 Dear Churchwomen, It seems that with the advent of school starting,most churchwomen's groups are getting back into regular operation. I would certainly appreciate the opportunity to come to one of your meetings and talk with you about Meals on Wheels.The program is growing quite rapidly and hopefully,is of interest to everyone in the community.This service to the elderly and/or disabled offers the possibilities of volunteer services from church and civic organizations. The Meals on Wheels program is designed to bring a hot,nutritious lunch each week day to anyone who is not able to cook for himself.Not only is there the importance of good nutrition,but the daily check on the client's physical well-being. When you are setting up your programs for this fall,please feel free to call on me for one of them.I am really interested in spreading the word of this good community service.I can be reached at 873-5171 (the Council on Aging Office)between 8-5 each week day. lso,we would appreciate it if the Meals on Wheels could be included in your budget for the up-coming year.A great amount of money has to be raised locally to keep the program on-going.Thanks for your consideration! Sincerely hoping you'll call, Li4ii7m. Martha J.Ford Director-Meals on Wheels Y DI LUVALA AITAAIENT TO SESSTOWAL MINUTES CF FEGRUARY 13,1977 February 6,1977,Recommendations to the Seswion of Concord Presbyterian ol. Church to be effected during 1977. Secure Temporary Organist -Immediately request authority for Mr.Richard S.Feimster and Mr.Marvin Raymer explore and secure TemporaryOrganistthroughJuly,1977,effective request of Mr.Kenneth Houck'sresignationpending,through July 1977 and that persons contacted beinterviewedbyRev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Pastor. Review by Session the amount paid or authorized to be paid to ChiorDirectorandOrganistbySessioninSept.or October 1976 be madeknownwherebyapermanentChiorDirectorandOrganistCombinationmightbeemployedoranInternemployedbyourchurchfromSeminaryoranyothersourcetoinstructallagesandgroupstoenjoymusic.:Effective date of employ will be August 1,1977,and church pay salary. Recommend present choir loft be elevated whereby present choir beproperlydisplayedandecousticsinrelevantsoundingorder,and amatchingchoirloftbeerectedinleftareaofsanctuaryfortheJuniorandIntermediateChoirswhennewcombinationMusicDirectorandOrganistbeemployedatasalarycommensuratetoprofessional status. Recommend by August 1,1977 that the Pulpit be centered in front ofTheCrossofChrist,being above the Word and our Minister,and thatacorrespondingpieceoffurniturebesecuredtomatchtheBaptismalFontbeplacedtotherightofpulpittoplacetheFreeWillOfferatorythereonbytheministerwhoreceivessamefromtheDeaconsorUshers,as an act of Worship. Recommend that Session authorize the Worship Committee and Rev.RobertL,Hare,Jr.effect a proper Litergy and Order of Worship for theDedicationofournewOrgan,secure a representative of the Case OrganCompanytodemonstratethecontrolsandeffectsofourOrganforabriefperiodoftheDedicationService,order printed programs inDedicatoryWorshipasakeepsakefof.our members,and set a date ofDedicationofOrganduringaMorningWorshipService. To conserve energy,recommend that groups meeting in the churchbuildingconsidermeetingononeortwonightsusingvariousparts ofthebuilding,thus cutting down on fuel costs and conserving energy. Recommend that the Chairman of each Work and Worship Committee tosendacardofnotificationandpersonallycalleachmemberofHis orHerCommitteeeachmonthofthetimeandplaceofeachmeetingwherebytheirdiligenceandpresencebemademanifestforthebenefitofourChurchesprograminthesponsorshipofChrist's Ministry. Thet the Elders and Deacons of our church on Sunday aennene February 927,1977 present 1976 delinquicies plus budgeted areas for 77 and ourdelinguiciesthusfarin1977toourcongregationasanactofWorshipandthatourRulingEldersallocatethetimeneededforthispresentation. Recommend that our Session effect our Stewardship Emphasis for the year1978besubmitted,pledges received and canvas taken,-by—Eester 1977 “uiwherebyourchurchwillknow9monthsinadvanceofhowtobudgetandoperatefortheyear1978. In the worship of God in Christ,we recommend that Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.effect Crhsitian Presbyterian guidelines for Orders of Worship,Marriages and Funerals and all other acts of Worship in our church, We recommend that Family Altars be established in each home,if notalreadypresentandactive,end that daily bible reading be effectedandprayerofferedeachdayinourhomes, Recommend that the officers of our church,Elders and Deacons,visitthehomesofourchurchmembers,active and inactive and potentialmembersofthisareaandeachofficerorgroupofofficershavea cardofmemberscalledthereuponinhavingdevotionsinthehomes,and thesecardsberotatedeachmonthwherebythesameofficerswillnotvisitagainuntilallcardshavebeenrotated. To explore the possibility of an officer of our church of whom will bedesignatedtohaveandofferprayerduringeachWorshipServiceaspreferredinsubjectmannerbyourMinister. Recommend 3 officers on each side of steps in front of church beyondourMinistertoassisttheelderlydownthesteps,and in gratitudeofChrist,thank our members and visitors for attending in Worship. To explore the possibility of having an Elder in the Narthex orVestibuleofourchurchtogreetourvisitors,secure their names andfromwhencetheycame,and to recognize them during the Worship ServiceandatthesametimewelcomeourownmembersasanActofWorship. Recommend to our Deacons to have the hand prints polished and removedfromthebacksofpewstoerasethisunsightlyappearance,and toexplorecushionsforeachpewforthecomfortofourcrampingandafflictedmembersandvisitors. Recommend that Holy Communion be offered on Maundy Thursday preceedingEasterat7:30 PM by our Minister in the Fellowship Hall of our Churchandthat3rowsoftablesbearrangedwithcrossesattheheadofeachrowoftablesandourMinisteratthecenterofemmMftableorthatweperformtheHolyCommunionServiceaswedidin1976,if preferred. Recommend that our Minister invite a Hungarian refugee to secure andpreachorpreformourSpring1977Evangelicalservicesat=time thatisconvenientfortheChristianMinisterialRefugee. ?Respectfully Submitted,earl)o(es S.Feimster,Jae Worship Committed Yl Kitl/WML} We recommend that Family Altars be established in each home,if notalreadypresentandactive,and thet daily bible reading be effectedandprayerofferedeachdayinourhomes. Recommend that the officers of our church,Elders and Deacons,visitthehomesofourchurchmembers,active and inactive and potentialmembersofthisareaandeachofficerorgroupofofficershavea cardofmemberscalledthereuponinhavingdevotionsinthehomes,and thesecardsberotatedeachmonthwherebythesameofficerswillnotvisitagainuntilallcardshavebeenrotated. To explore the possiblity of an officer of our church of whom will bedesignatedtohaveandofferprayerduringeachWorshipServiceaspreferredinsubjectmannerbyourMinister. Recommend 3 officers on each side of steps in front of church beyondourMinistertoassisttheelderlydownthesteps,and in gratitudeofChrist,thank our members and visitors for attending in Worship. To explore the possibility of having an Elder in the Narthex orVestibuleofourchurchtogreetourvisitors,secure their names andfromwhencetheycame,and to recognize them during the Worship ServiceandatthesametimewelcomeourownmembersasanActofWorship. Recommend to our Deacons to have the hand prints polished and removedfromthebacksofpewstoerasethisunsightlyappearance,and *explore cushions for each pew for the comfort of our cramping a:afflicted members and visitors. Recommend that Holy Communion be offered on Maundy Thursday preceedingEasterat7:30 PM by our Minister in the Fellowship Hall of our Churchandthat3rowsoftablesbearrangedwithcrossesattheheadofeachrowoftablesandourMinisteratthecenterofeamtableorthatKeperformtheHolyCommunionServiceaswedidin1976,if preferred. Recommend that our Minister invite a Hungarian refugee to secure andpreachorpreformourSpring1977EvangelicalservicesatatimethatisconvenientfortheChristianMinisterialRefugee. ,Respectfully Submitted,dated fo _. Gore S.Feimster, ya Worship CommittesWillKitt/WL} \C4AALOT Nodenad Jundary ,)p :,bLERALOR,Junday,(a ts wLeth st o_a9 ,2 esCle{04A0UKNQ memo CONATAAUTLIN aA Quorn present;+ ;iator,Kichard |eimster,Long vooten, ;;RALOA,;Lan,C@CLA AdLexand firnomm >/an AA LEE, L f‘he Jed440n OF}oncond Preabytenrian (hurch met in Regular Jession on %;“y ay C of j i Ps sal iarch1},1977 at 7:00 pm 4 the ©.(.Stikeleather (fassnvoom with the}d°u L yy csfollowingmembers,constituting a quorum,present;¢ 4 }4 /.j ./j ;c ioderaton,ledvin ridams,ecit Adexanden,4o'u ae \J»j )eimsten,&.A./artin,Henry farier,/aoy sope, fanvey Stevenson,Yr.,and {long Vooten.;d , was opened with prayer and acrinture oy Kev.Kobert L.fare,72. stated meeting of ne read and apmoved. neeting and approved with the .i j j jinteriunUnganisd,nr.(Michael shitley, ,f ‘(;..fe ,"t nont!Ay Gia not Os ty JSOAAQD/AS DOU.)«« necommendations contained 4ni ymnititee ated,146 ]ztL0Nn 4 containe l mmittes uted a1detter to j iimotionwasmadeby i'n. ommittee to o (ye “Yee SpeS/VO)OR .,‘;Funther that the action of fh er /wenty-live ;fe °;.‘by the Vonship (ommittee (see minutes o; ;:any other time or Hugh Savin that the following amended recommendation ,aor7(9///|wy ;42 7 th .:th ie0./J,AUANORL BANG ANE NORMANS ey y+}ar /}f JoLlana($25.00)per Sunday and Fifteen Vollars i j }service to a temporary organist be rescinded . the Board of Veacons conceaning this matter be adopted /’,-,.;ga sy j .hat the Interiu,Unganist be paid at the neate of Nine Yoliars and eighty-one cent/ ae ;';ee (>9.0//per 4eravice uny other service other that Worship Jeravice and (hor ny 'i lifractices.ALi other temporary onaganists engaged would be deat with on an yy ;j j ;j :/7~dividuai basis to teteaminded at the time by the Uiaconate and/or it's j iT J Cav pe P A ;R PPRhs AD haan)thy CARREK 4hainman/,.Thad MOTPw WAD seer oy A / he Jession voted unanu isigg &hat le fe hONG A poten woud nemesent the¢/ ACh asa punciple a arvin Kaymer a4 atteranate &resbytiery iNeeting V¢i ;,j ; Le 71,r f ;s4NCAA he meetin 10 40ulNe:r use note mtr<e CA ‘‘Vu ASE ’CLLNG 4 ‘A IR i rave ,7 t }oFs / /A ,j Hf j &p !Lh Mh sdb) Vee DIUVE,Re ACR ATTASHMEAT TO SS TWASi¢iC AENE “¢YES LUNAL recommendations fo the wnmiitmer LAAPG LG meeting woud ;j 44 et ; 70 SESSIOVAL MINUTES CF MARCH 13,1977 Moderator,Sunday,April 3,1977,after Morming Worship Service the following members,constituting a quorum Richard Feimster,Cecil Alexander,Hugh Ervin,Ralph Marlin hn Dagenhart, .+h +auW120prayer. seconded by Sam Orrell the Concord Pres “atanransSier John Dag enhart otineg Clerk Th .ex 1 @ Ld @?ai 7 >./:Di iAe Jesszson Of oncorAd fReAO0IZeALAN UAC me 4n VEGUuAaR Je44i0on on Amil 17,1977,at 7:00 nm in the vEe Stikeleather (lassnoom with the is .;,‘oLlowing members,constituting a quoaum,present: ,i f ee .!j !>DA ;ev.Robert L.Hare,‘2.,oderator,(ecik Alexander,Hugh Savin,RR.arlin, “,Long wooden.iLso presenton9‘.4 @!¢yam Unnedi,/roy lope,laavin Kaymed,Avi!PAve,72x y was |!ean /owery,representing the Ler-~Ain _ompany. he meeting was opened with scripture c by Kev.Kobert L.Hare;j j i j r j ,ifter a presentation /oweny concerning the moposed (hunch Uinectory '’aieye44ionvotedunanimoustoproceedwiththe foiiowming 4 wren .-ii jintheFellowshitoinstauctthen 134L4ting moan AN MARLNG rpp0intments with the member ;a?wr oto ALT uoudAd Commence uwne exciied :‘e Session voted unanimous to neler to the board of Deacons the matter of ;:;°”/l janyexpensesthatmightbeincurredintheformationofthe(hurchs'softball teams. ;s,s ..;f j(he Session took the following action aegarding the attached report from the hapo waa toUt, ,;J 4 )rs ;VORARLD Comittee presented by /'awin Kaymen;/he resume on Kev.f rank/j i ,'7 ,ve used in its entinety in both a news r2lease in /he Statesville Kecoad and Landmark; -}j /;/;o ;.200 cards to be mailed out.as to include the schedule of ‘vangelistic OL ALCLAY CMNTMA5A e jermnon tOPLC4,ana. \ecum nendationA: "7 thictionon4ommendationcompletedearlierin4hias Session to Usaconate fon fececvedasinfoamation, ‘OAAOWANG vimename ni,LAA eX verses ANCUAAS,emegte Ag Au 5 Ae wrt. Witness Committee of Concord Witness Commi ;Concord Presby at the prayer by rve as secretary “es were T ria q +eDavidSetzer were ing pew cap Seen —y ATTACHMENT TO SESSIOVAL MINUTES OF APRIL 17,1977 ‘EVANGELISTIC SERVICES,CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH,‘Highway N.C.90 2 1/2 miles west of Statesville onTaylorsvilleRoad,Loray Community May 11 through15th,73:30 PM nightly,The Reverend Frank Chapo,guestPICTUREAREAMinister,The Reverend Robert L,Hare,Jr.,Pastor:OF REV.FRANK CHAPO WORSHIP -PREACHING -SINGING -RBJOICING!! Concord Presbyterian Church (Loray),Highway N.C,90willhaveEvangelisticServices,May 11-15,7:30 PMniehtly(through Sunday Night).Musie is beingplannedfortheserviceswiththehostchoirandvisitingmusiciansandchoirsaswell.Everyone isinvitedtoattend. The Rev.Frank Chapo will be our guest speaker.He is pastor oftheAsburyPresbyterianChurch,Johnson City,Tennessee.Mr.Chapo isanativeofHungary,born in 142]child of a postmaster.Mr,Chapohasservedinpostalservicefor5years,following graduation from thetraditional"Gymnasium"or European High School.Mr.Chapo was swept upfromhispeacefuljobbytheclosingwhirlwindsofWorldWar#II withthepro-German Army.He was shipped out into East Germany,then to Bavaria,where he went AWOL from his uneasy division,and he surrendered to The U.S.Third Army. After working for General Patton's "boys"for six years,he gottangledupintheinfamousblackmarket;then -with God's help -"cleanedup"hig conscience -in time to become a reluctant immigrant to Buffalo,New York.He worked at The Ford Plant,Bethlehem Steel;Mr.Chapo attendedMontreatandMaryvilleCollegesandisapraduateofColumbiaSeminary,Decatur,Georgia. Frank is now in his thtid pastorate.He served Micaville,N.C.3years,Gate City,Virginia &years and is presently serving Asbury Church,7JohnsonCity,Tennessee since 1°71. Frank married e "Tarheel"widow.His parents flew to the UnitedStatessome10yearsago.Frank is delichted to be in God's service,Asbury has 172 members and the congregation moved into its new sanctuarythreeyearsagoandnowthereisaneedtoenlarreapain."Thank God",Frank says. Mr.Chapo will speak on the following subjects on these particularnights: VednesdayMay11-/(Pack The Pew Night)"He Preached Unto Them Christ"Acts 8:1-20, May 12 -Thursday Night (Youth Night)"Neither Transpressed I at Any Time"Luke 153 25-32,13 Friday Night (Bring Your Neighbor)"Go Hide Thyself"I 5 ngs 173 1-16,Saturday Night (Family Night)"The Greatest Of These Is Love"I Corinthians 13,Sunday Morning (Morning Worship)"Now Ye Are The Body Of Christ" I Corinthians 12,Sunday Night (Harvest Night)"Behold The Bridegroom Cometh""the (ew)*W6ehi)Matthew 25,rs Recommendations of the Worship Committee o for Sunday Evening Session Meeting,April 1.Mr.Dean Towery of Bel-Air Studios wil regarding Church Directory -reauest h 2.Request removal of old pews that came to Board of Deecons to properly place, ac@ordance to their oversirht. 3.Recommend that a ramp be built at the Choir Room and outside door installed f Concord Presbyterian Church 17,1977 at 73:00 PM, : i talk and answer questions schedule and iteniary be set,Ss out of Choir Loft and recommend use or dispose thereof in rear of the sanctuary near the whereby afflicted members or for individuals who are crippled thet are requesting membership into our congregation so they can worship and attend our services.This ramp will serve those in whee]irs,on ambulance cots,crutches or walker patients,and request passare and referral to our Board of Deacons for construction and installation, 4,The Worship Committee needs the thoughts of our Session,even help, in the securing of person on a permanent basis and how much our church will pay this person/persons r organist/choir director combination or part time or full time.We entertain the ideas and consideration of Sessional action this rshipful matter, >Our Pastor and his family will soon be on vacation,and the Worship Committee requests dates the pulpit needs to be filled,‘Ye need permission to invite inisters or Speakers before they are committed a whereby we may invite individuals o will support Christ's Ministry, The Presbyterian Wors Program and Rev.Robert L.Hare's efforts service t¢ur church ar rongregation:As below one Sunday, (a)If we can se re Dr.Lawrence Stell,former Executive Secretary,f Assembly's Conncil re total program of our churchg (b)Dr.E.S.Kramer,former President PSCE,re ristian Education (c)Dr.McDowell Ri«ros,former President C bia Seminary 40 yrs. (d)Dr,Warner L.Hall,rner Minister enant at Charlotte re (25 yrs) Community Relations. (e)Mrs,Sallie McQueen,former Moderator Concord Presbytery re Women'sMinistryinChrist's Chruch Is this quality preferable,all are close by and available,if asked, 6.Recommend that the Board of Deacons,The Cemetery Committee and the )—.iM .rustees of cl backing r *htened: ave order our urch |}our ur cemetery in the leaning st additional sup; rder to to the church a cemetery lots bute to the + ? re before meco nes be straayforlementinjury nde dep cemet ery the 4 ef fc yt by lo Ve enc respectful Ls nrevent yory neregation to ar eQ - ar raves in ‘maintenance fund, are and keep of rounds and graves nccordance +a I ar)ri i A 1) C {r chure “JMeAttachmentreEvangelisticServicesMay and ming3 thot to nce the authority to properly that all stones be repaired the custodian be paid keep the cemetery in proper or falling stones and liability ourage families to keep their and worshipful order,to contri- a> and contribute and share for the of those who are not present h and Cemetery Committee. 11-18th,19773 (b) (c) (e) M, Page # Church 2,Recommendations of Worship Committee of Concord PresbyterianSessionMeeting,April 17,1°77 at 7:00 PMs OVS ALKE PS64)¢7.Evangelistic Services May 11]-15th,1977:In Worship for @tjepethentrp: Zz (a)Approval of 2500 printed cards with announcement on front sidewithRev,Frank Shapo's picture,time and place and dates,type of Evening and Sermon Topics with applied scriptures onbacksideofcard. Support and approval of Officers of Church having prayer eacheveningat7300PMasaproupinassistingMr.Long Wooten andhisS&trengthewing Committee for our Evangelistic Services, Request volunteers of our Elders to have a prayer in the orderofWorshipineachservice, Request as an act of Worship that an offering be taken duringeachserviceandthattheDeaconsandtheirassistingyouthbenotifiedaccordingly. Request that at the close of the Wednesday Evening Service thatourcongregationbeinvitedtocomeforwardtoourMinistersforRededication,our officers leading the procession in approachtoourMinistersandassistinginwelcome,and that light refresh-ments be served in The Fellowship Hall whereby our congregationcanenjoyeachotherinthisMinistryofFvangelism, Request on each following evening and ¥ship Service duringtheseEvangelisticServicesthataninvitationbeextendedtoanyonewhodesirestoAcceptJesusChristaspersonalSavior oropreferstounitefhfellowshipInHimwithusandthatourofficersassistourMinistersinthereceiptofthem. anyone wr /J a}.<_Assist Mr.Long Wooten and his ftvearthandinge Committee in pre-prayer meetings,visitations,encouvrare ent,publicity howevernedirectsandwhateverwecandotoassistforthisWorshipSeason. POO K Hiny /-YQi h iL 4 &C ‘Request @iemtee Deaconsiand 2 Baediems to be in the Vestibule orstepsorNarthexareatoassistandwelcomeourcongregation,visitors and friends r , Request fresh flowers of any type each evening and candles lighted. Request officers of our church to be available to bring,extra chairs. Request congregational participation in Worship. Suggest travel expenses,and extra travel expenses of Rev,FrankShapobesuppliedifheiscalledtpybacktoJohnsonCityduringthisEvangelisticSeason,and any other expenses that he has toperformforus,and that 75%of each offering be his Honorariumbesideshisexpenseswithaminimumof$250.00 plus his expensesforhisservicestous,and that 25%of each offering be for themusic,choir director,or zanist and Rev.Robert L.Hare's expensesinkeepingRev.Frank Shapo or any other church overhead involved. 3,Cathy Compton,our Choir Director has requested assistance in heris]Sica nor of a special evening of appreciation or spedial offering? Scholarship and studies.Can we help her or give her an a rs 7 L ;fl Yd oh 'ljTherequestbyTheFinstPresbyterian(hurch,Hickory,Noath (arolina for 'sae os ca ,eae aaletterofdismissalfor“ohn Robert Morrison fon him to be neceived into theird nembenrship was granted by the session. motion was made by i'n.Hugh gavin that Kobert L,Hare,(TT receive the j j j 2 i 2 |}.D ;7scholarshipfromtheWomenofthe(hurch of Concord fresbitery.lhe motion was/Ww seconded Y J Ong ooten ana.unanimous Ly CaAh Led. I y hunthe L the »f //hoe /$f :0eANG NO ius NCA OUSANCAA,SL€MECAANG Udy ounnen 4n Gue OACEA WL MAYOR GMM dies,h) ATTACHMENT TO _SSSSTOVAL MINUTES OFewwwolsoeet ci rr ,1a ;I st /jlheSessionof(Concord fresbytenian (Aurch met at the call of theu j iuth theoderatonr,Junday,“une 5,//,at 10;JD am in the fastoa's Stug //following members,constituting a quorum mesent; cai tor .iQ i .,.).Seasion of Concord Fnesbyterian (huach met in regular Jession on .~oe ;Qe ..p.m.in the dele \tikeleather (Lassnoon mith the followin t 2 a quorum,pre sent; OdeAAtO’,Ocha sSiLexande’,ugh (AVAN,ALCAAG noy Fope,aavin Kaymer,baancis Stevenson, JUMNeALA ANG e OU yvooten,.Our a enhartYU7Yu7 June Committeeof C 2 esbyterian ymmittee of Concord Presbyterian Church h June 1977 at 7:00 P.M. meeting was opened with prayer by the chairman, Wooten thanked the committee for work before andvalservices. was decided that the committee will in july. »tion was made and approved that the committee begin not have regular to encourage many from Concord to attend the Global for the ent tire conferenceiferenceatMontreat.If not make an all day Sunday,July 31,at the conference. ng were Long Wooten,Mrs id Setser,Rev.Robert L. in attendance for the meet ‘ ‘v y .:lawirS«nn ‘v i /AYV (977Zi IF Poss:6Lé, \ snetalled in our church (AGC1ib3soundsystemAo:;hat neionandnursuryCc:i nec *k-drape mike 2 ;ny iin is $+,4 saker. q9rea JeASLON 1 ,,he viAdted various members 4401 ana vacation y]FinaaleduninthdghLeahfe wderator,und /“iefg senVACeS = a4 uent use and visits to the (em tery these conditionsi;JeAALON ’preg ::'e 'jshoud“onnected u 2 1 thaee month pertod. ;vsiness,the meeting adjourned in due onder ATTACHMENT TO SESSIQWAL MINUTES OF ULY 10,1977¢ eeaee eea ee ee ee ee ee ee ae Hee ee eh ee Lmwha Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on July 3,1977 with Mr.Henry Parlier,chairman Opening with prayer.Other members of the committee present were:Mr.Ralph Marlin,Mr.Tom Setser,Mrs.Genie Setser and Mrs.Clara Hare. Mrs.Genie Setser was asked to order 2)pins for Sunday School recognition on Rally Day. Mrs.Clara Hare is to ask in Senior High Class if there is interest in Montreat Youth Conference so that around 2 people can be sent. Mrs.Peggy Shive is to assist Mrs Martha Ellen Jones in Church Sclpol. Mrs.Clara Hare will select material for youth groups and let leaders see if they can use there materials.They well be paid for by Church School. Mr.Tom Setser,chairman of Youth Council had posts and a net installed in the church yard for volleyball.This will need to be paid. A letter should be composed to all scout leaders asking that their leaders supervise their students at all times inside and outside the building.This is concerning the students’safety and property protection. The Youth Council should remind the youth leaders that their youngsters are always supervised and when the programs start in the fall,a notice should be in the church bulletin of the hours of the youth programs so thet the parents wil! Know when to bring the students and return for them. My.Tom Setser closed the meeting with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Clara Hare,secretary ATTACHMENT TO SESSIONAL MIMITES CF GULY 10,1977¢ eee een em emaNl aeaowoae oe ae ae ae a eeempall ae ce cae enalan ceceace Report of Worship Committee Meeting,Sunday Night,July 3rd,1977, 1,Read minntes of May 29th,1977 approved, »,Prepared map of 4 quadrants of our church and assigned Officers = Elders &Elders at Large,Deacons &Deacons at Large to have oversight of members in their quadrant as to the needs and dlse tresses of members,and the noneattendants on Sunday Morning at Worship thet an officer would deliver or mail a bulletin to them, Map will be posted on Bulletin Board and a larger and new map would 'be vosted in the church after the election of new officers, 3.Placement of choir loft seats at esrliest convenience as numerous complaints from Choir.Members of rship C ittee stated that Mr.J.Harvey Stevensor had heen contacted rer:rding nlacement, 4,Request thot our Church Officers teke oversight of elgible and talented voung musicians in our church and—wee—cur Scholarship Bead to educate and train them in organ and as Choir DirectorunderthesupervisionofaqnalifiedMusicDirectororOrganist.:nrivatelv or at itechell Gollepe lfisite Depart +. ct Mont our Ninis r feel "reg }ne ;floeer r ur chureh to felt Y tr im }ie ere,ry eerkiva me i be rs,the de stit ite, a i,a flicted,r Holy Commur nor 8 tism in }es,oF y i rtive ae)ni f nay +e, Z T +the ‘ernul Pres ter ra C ne vy Pr }.‘‘vite t hye iy 'att an }}e :4)sag by terian r eNeaure using 4 re Ord 5 ;ur Chure lyr1.‘f e :‘:.PAs6eTask,(r rship a Re Y lit of O*ficers,Inquest ria tmnant f ficer before nviting ‘a9 ]tere a vac yy ha .rac toninr nersuasion to tt }rtic te ‘icer Tra ne. /ot.Pictures c@oageneaenntcacm@ae®ers id not have their picture by ir Church Directory |t "ey r be included in our C reh Direct ry n+a .4+‘y :oy a |Fy MOO anna +++}e cl uren ’or ic ear ice : °That the é §'?i ?n, .ry +V¢2 er y s >'}Y |bon toa>r : IO,Reoneast diversified "vers ff "a t rs in Order of Worship, ll,Use Cemetery Fr or maintenance ’genetery and request closing t ‘ateryvy mntil reanairs nag ?nly miled he ef fe :ted, e snag r officers explain ti Ir conrregatior Ir needs regarding r financial condition,and relate a Stewardship emphasis, +,That our members be ective in the preference of Christ and His inistry rather than individnel destres, irmly whet The Bible says,and Hel t repentence on elf wills,complacency,it in our echureh, wg 5 egu lar Session on ,/OAAOQWILTY y October 2,1977 A called meeting of the Session of Concord Presbyterian Church was held in the Pastor's Study at 10:35 A.M.The opening prayer was given by Rev.Robert Hare.Members present were Rev. Robert Hare,Moderator;Ralph Marlin,Long Wooten,Reid Summers, Sam Orrell,Francis Stevenson,Cecil Alexander,John Dagenhart, and J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Volunteer to be Temporary Clerk. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson to receive as members Mr.and Mrs.Dennis Miller,and their son,Mike,and daughter Karen,the motion was seconded by Sam Orrell. By common consent the Session decided that Sandy Shive be principle presbyter at the Presbytery Meeting at Reynolda Pres- byterian Church,Winston Salem,on Oct.4,1977,alternate is to be Cecil Alexander. A motion by Francis Stevenson,that a list of those Elders to represent the church at presbytery be made and keep by the clerk of the session,the motion was seconded by John Dagenhart. A motion was made by Ralph Marlin,seconded by Long Wooten that the Session refer to the worship committee for action that Nancy Ervin be employed as Youth Choir Director, A motion by Francis Stevenson,seconded by Ralph Marlin, that Mrs.Sue Stevenson (Monticello Dr.)and Mrs.Ann Crawfor d be sent a note of thanks for taking care of the church music for Oct.2 and Oct.9,1977,also to refer to the Board of Deacons that payment be made for their work these two Sundays,and choir practices on Wednesday nights. &motion to adjourm was made by Sam Orrell,seconded by Ralph Marlin. Meeting was closed with prayer by Rev.Robert Hare. Respectfully Submitted, Temporary Clerk J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr. letter Chix?©Stateewt 11VnurenOL»~vatvesv_. There ng siness,the meeting adjourned in due order with ATTACHMENT TO SESSTONAI,MINUTES -OCTOBER 9,1977 October 2d, tness Committee Meeting oncord Presbyteri °grams wer s that ji}met ut the CAAA .,.in the faston’s dtudy wid GLO?w f nesent, fh {shcev.A [»UR nesented the report from the Le mmnittee ;.;;pganatothenecommedationbythecommitteefon eA $40nN \ 2DPage 2-Sessional Ninutes You.13 1977 3 :}fics }/here being no further busineas4,the meeting adjourned £n dur oader with prayer by Henry Parlier. ATTACHMENT TO SESSIQVAL MINUTES=NOVENBER 13,1 977 id ;».“48 .Report of the Commitment ommittee:Le ——..fsnmitteemetNovember6,1977 at f:2X?p.m mith fourl4)members present. r ,“...’- odlowing recommendations made to the Session fon their approved; le n Sunday,November l :yee ; the Cong negad ion WOUK Oe nmesented ,}:j }ae jwdienzechainthebulletinand ona ;;unat category each:jthen@xXacta 7 ;ALL C/ROOAAL. 4 family came under concerns ,;t 4 ; iAnar¢onatLona )7 Pane i}'OAAONWILES } SS j/DUA Ve MALALD Revort of the Strengthening Committee The eommittee met on November 6,1977 with the following present:Mr Henry Parlier,Mr.Tom Setser,Mrs.Genie Setser,Mr.Ralph Marlin,Mra.Clara Hare. Mr.Henry Parlier,chairman opened the meeting with pra yer. A representative from Lecs-McRae College asked to present the eollege to the church.Mr.Henry Parlier is being asked to get more information about wha t the representative wants and present this to the session for possible action. An envelope coiitaining Church School materials was given to Clara@ Hare for study to see if we need to purchase any of the enelosed samples. A list of high school seniors was requested by St.Andrews College and Mr.Hanry Parlier will obtain this list. A diseussion of the Camp Grier retreat led to a motion that we try to have an annual church retreat involving the whole church sometime in the spring each year.Transportation eoulid be sought for those desiring to go up to Cam @rier on Sunday morning.‘So that plans could made in amle time,Mre.Lois Feimster was suggested to organizs the 1978 retreat using a committee to help with the preparations such as food,reservations,transportation and pro- grama Mise Nancy Ervin was suggested for the program using the youth of 1}.j church.é A ry 4 the In discussing a letter to be sent to the various groupe using the church grounds and building reminding them of sunvervision ,it is suggested that we refer to the deacons the committee's motion that the deacons make some re- minders (or rules)for prover maintenance of o building ;for example,rrouns using the church should be careful to turn off,lights,cupdown heat or cooling,i] and be sure that,the doors are locked. By common consent it wa s agreed that Mr.“Marvin Raymer follow un on the officer's training vrogram since he had been in touch with some of the presbytery men about doing this for the church. The meeting was closed with prayer.Resvectfully submitted,Clara Hare,Sec. ‘\fa rT ac t (of +,uH |'’4 ex tre nal (9) +1 Csir ¢A |ic ( -O 4 Tig j i h«l )S LW ¢t On ¥‘oO . ; \ \} . i = he 1%77 ANrm\¥ Preshvterian Church met ather Cle -AALOM J vooter ’ 4 )temensor " he ge ae CONCORD Exceptions; (Without Wish "abi baw:§-30-73))7 A /f LH] —1IMSATTh)£7 iT }d +N /(CONGREGAT I WAL fy4GuL iT7 /VU Us}00mMeUCTsioulns1[tg(AB10])uosusAeygwo]eatugApuesIeszeswo],sepoyyAue}AOTIpSHyyqleyueseguewmreyUMOIGTPH(S$OJ930A)WadaWodSNOLLYNINON _Aabeked ren. abel poreFI _— —*t=- Flbero Krkiah Ca1)Seomee Aaetgrwov> ot 2 :y-2te id é nga tc k-Te—pve d frm—ec teade4annePe us (Sen Do n*, i ¢LA*aeee lf r T pen e ut |} 1978SESSIONALMINUTES 1978SESSIONALMINUTES sc Scholarshty academic How funded -Each per member annually to the he S ahfortheSc ip Fund when amount we members Presbytery. haracter irther arator} cholarsh 7 arsh fa Paymer which the involved. half payment At what edu stitution of given preferen After ye re $10.00 from eacl to the required roved by January. the institutio by the ins committee. accred colleg titu One ite es CONC ORD Class of 1979 Melvin Adams Cecil Alexander Troy Pope Marvin Raymer J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr. Class of 1979FrankCrawford Wesley Crawford Leroy Tucker J.D.Drum W.Z,.Morrison Steve Staples PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RTT44 ERS Classof1981 Hugh Ervin John Dagenhart Henry Parlier Reid Summers Sam Orrell Classof1983 Hz Brown Herman Dagenhart Tom Setser Shive Stikeleather, Sandy ur Me fetle JP. Class of 1981 Tommy Howard Leroy Moose Jerry Mitcham Lindsay Stikeleather Billy Summers Glenn Money Class Mrs. Bil] of 1°33 Ruth Brown C nok Carrol] Harold Jones Millsaps Dar Mek innoy\MCA L yI T Y +lien ¢ac yarren MMITMENT COMMITTE i ivnairman hairman a Re sey Teny SE ve tae |}’»,iAME:PATE |fein ¢:ple ALIZRWATE OTTeaenk Dare |Communion Fe SteT-jys F_ |Vi adALAM5a/o¥ALEXANDER | 1PILEX AMS DEK. >Py )p2HKOLUA :.j miAGEshar,t F/H /M4 ,.we LAGEDAARAT. DJ)KEELE & /*4 }/Y ,}‘ane <bae eh enan an oneran ane enanesae —4 / .o JNAVE ‘ session of (oncor neAbytenrian (/;ui yes4Lon ,ijOAAOUWAINGaA;)INUARY 22,19;5 faston's \tudy nc ft /,members constituting mum present: Concord Preshgterian Church Box 5027 West Station Began Worship 1750-1755 STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA 28677 ROBERT L.HARE,JR. Organized 1775 Minister —200 Years of Service and Still Serving— January 20,1978 To the Session of Concord Presbyterian Church Gent Lemen: On January 18,1978,I submitted a verbal resignation to Mr.Hare to become effective as of Friday,January 27,1978. I sincerely appreciate the support and encouragement given to me by you and the congregation during my 23 months as secretary of your church. Sincerely, (Mrs.)Barbara W.Benfield Fasted Down Sheets Nor Filmeo Under IPAALON , a teeae ee eeeeeteee )s i ;.sion of t t ach met in Kegutar ession on fSLSt/j s7/AL4AAROO0N d ire OAAOWANG ’/, enteaee Minutes of Service Committee The meeting of all the Sessional Committees was held at 5:00 P.M, February 5,1978,in the Fellowship Hall.Rev.Robert Hare opened the meeting with prayer. The Service committee was in attendance with the following members present:Chairman,Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Troy Pope,Eleanor Pope, Dan McKinney,Marvin Raymer,Janet Moose,and Sally Stevenson.The chairman made assignments for members:To work with aid in kitchen, Sally Stevenson,Janet Moose and Eleanor Pope;to work with Yokefellow, Dan McKinney;to work with the prison ministry,Marvin Raymer;Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,to work with the Salvation Army;Troy and Eleanor Pope to work with the Police ministry;Bill Stevenson to work with the Area of Transportation;to work in the area of Helping the poor is Harvey Stevenson,Jr;in the area of church reception servicezis Hilda Cook; the area of inactive members is Eleanor Pope;to work in the area of Alcoholics Annoymous is Troy Pope. Recommendations to Session To start a food and clothes closet in a vacant room in the church. That the Session appoint Elders to head up a visitation of church members as soon as possible.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Marvin Raymer, and Troy Pope take care of this. That the church send $50.00 to the Yokefellow Ministry now.That the Service Committee see this is done. Explore coat,and hat area and receptionists,to sanctuary,and refer to appropriate Committee.Refer to Deacons. Explore the possibility of a part time Director of Religious Education at this time and refer to appropriate Committee. Explore the possibility of a Day Care Nursery and Kindergarten at our church,and refer to appropriate Committee. Explore moving church offices out in front area of church t o assist in the welcome atmosphere and service assistance to our church members and non church members who might prefer to come,and to giveliteratureofChrist's Mission and Program of Concord Presbyterian Church.Refer t-Deacons. >SUA ,ccccr)aT cont raw)ATTACHMENT TO SESSIOWAL MIMITES OF FEGRUARY 12,1978 wie 8.Explore the purchase of a new church bus for the benefit of all groups in the Service Ministry and Listening,even Teaching and Witnessing Ministry of our church. The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Marvin Raymer. Submitted by, Harvey Stevenson,Jr. J /5ARY12 97519, The Strengthening Commitee February 5,1978 Suggestions for directors of Vacation Church School as follows: Sue Stevenson Ruth Moore Betty Summers Penny Howard Ruth Hedrick Mrs.Troy Pope Clara Hare Bonnie Crawford Also,put gestionnaire in the Church Bulletin as to having Vacation ChurchSchoolatamorpm.Tentative date for Vacation Church School June 19 -June 23.(Monday -Friday) Mr.W.H.Parlier made a motion to meet with adult Sunday School teachersconcerningnewSundaySchoolmaterial,our next meeting.Chal Stikeleathersecondedthemotion.If approved have this meeting announced in the ChurchBulletin. Mr.W.H.Parlier made a motion to refer the Lees-McCrae offering to thedecons.Randy Dellinger seconded the motion. The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met Sunday,February 5,1977 with six members present. Plans were finalized for the February 12th Korean Mission Speaker,the Reverend R.K.Robinson.John Dagenhart will arrange the time schedule,noon meal,etc.An announce- ment through the church bulletin will be made concerning a special offering for this service. The Mission Fair at Davidson College on February 12th was discussed,The Committee decided to contact West Iredell High School about renting a bus for the youth group attending. If a bus is not available,travel will be by individual car. Adults planning to attend may join the motorcade leaving the church at 1:45 P.M, All Sunday School classes and other groups are encouraged to give to the World Mission Offering on February 19th. Ruth Brown will contact Faye Stevenson about making posters to publicize the event.Also,each class will be given a written announcement (one week in advance)concerning the offering. The church bulletin will carry an invitation to the congregation to attend a covered dish dinner at First Presbyterian Church on February 16th.Dr.Jesse White will present the program on missions, Volunteers are being solicited to stand with Mr.Hare at the door on Sunday to take down name and address of visitors. Hal Brown will serve the first quarter. After much discussion,it was decided to hold the annual revival service in October this year.It was recommended that services begin on Sunday evening and continue through Friday, It is proposed that the following three ministers be contacted to lead the service. The Reverend Harrison Blair (ARP) Gastonia,North Carolina The Reverend Cloyd Gant (Retired Baptist) Statesville,North Carolina The Reverend Edstel Huffstetler (Presbyterian) Greensboro,North Carolina Page 2 There was also discussion concerning a Sunday School Visitation but no final plans have been made. Respectfully submitted Fadra/i Marie S.Stevenson,Secretary Witness Committee Concord Presbyterian Church Antes XA J/enemas ahabar ares epasaseneperanasesanascnenen Se ee The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on Sundaynight,April 2,1978 at 5:00 P.M.at the church,Present were John Dagenhart,Chairman and members Dennis Miller,Marie Stevenson, David Setser,Tim Feimster and Hal Brown. The Committee recommended that the Reverend Cloyd Gantt conduct Evangelistic Services in October.The services are planned for the first week in the month and will begin on Tuesday evening and run through Sunday morning. The following special nights are to be observed: Tuesday -Bring Your Neighbor Night Wednesday -Pack-the-Pew Night Thursday -Youth Night Friday -Sunday School Night and Pack-the-Pew Night Saturday -Family Night Sunday -Harvest Morning Tim Feimster and David Setser will conduct the Youth Night Publicity Campaign and assign Pew Captains. It was decided to contact Mrs.Ruth E.Hedrick about a Minute for Missions to be given during morning worship once each quarter. Plans were announced for a Global Mission Conference to be held atMontreatJuly15-2lst.This will be publicized through the church bulletin. The following schedule is planned to assist the pastor at the door each Sunday morning. April -June Carroll Jones July -September Hugh Ervin October -December Susan Steven Respectfully submitted, Mrs.Charles G,Stevenson,Secretary Witness Committee The Worship Committee met on April 2,1978 and made the following recommendations: That we purchase 40 new Red hymmalsy subject to approval by the Board ofDeacons.;That a committee composed of Mrs,Bunch,Miss Ervin,the presidentoftheseniorchoir,two members selected by the senior choiy andtwomembersselectedbytheyouthchoir,to be approved to selectandpurchasenewchoirrobesandstoles. That the choir ggg be given permission to work out an arrange-ment of choir rooms,and robe,and music storage, That storage cabinets be built for storing individual music forbothchoirs. That the mirror on the organ be replaced by one more suitable andmoreinkeepingwiththechancelarea, That a more suitable arrangement be made for displaying the flags. That the hymn of the month be introduced by the choir and sunglaterinthemonthbythecongregation, The prayer sefPvices were discussed but action was postponed untilalaterdate, Submitted by Strengtheing Committee met on April 2,1978 with three members present: Chal Stikeleather -Chairperson Mrs.Frances Stevenson Melvin Adams Melvin Adams recommeded Mrs.Frances Stevenson as Associate Director of Vacation Bible School,Ruth Hedrick as Director of Vacation Bible School. John &Sally Stevenson and Janet Moose were recommended for promoters of summer camp (Camp Grier and Camp Susan Barbour)and conferences at Montreat. Discussed beginning an adult class with pairs &spares. Prospective teachers are as follow: Rev.Robert Hare,Jr. Mrs.Robert Hare,Jr. Marvin Raymer Route 8,Box 152 Statesville,N.C.28677 April 27,1978 Reverend Wall,Pastor Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Ronda,North Carolina Dear Reverend Wall, Mrs.Magdalene Bell McLelland along with her husband and son have been attending our church some time now,and request a transfer of her letter if this is permissible. In the event your church does not transfer letters to other denominations we will receive her by re-affirmation of faith.You may adjust your records accordingly. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, Robert L.Hare,Jr. RHL/ed M HarMr.Hare, eC Mrs.McLelland's wish to change churches.We have removed her name from We appreciate your notification of M our records, Sincerely yours, Glenda Martin Church Clerk=-Pleasant Grove Baptist Church,Ronda,N.C. Concord Presbyterian Church Rt.8 Box B8¥7 152 West Station Began Worship 1750-1755 STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA 28677 ROBERT L.HARE,JR. Organized 1775 Minister—200 Years of Service and Still Serving— April 27,1978\pr Ely S Mr.Hare, We appreciate your notification of Mrs.McLelland's wish to change churches.We have removed her name from our records. Sincerely yours, zZ VD bth shin Clrenda Martin Church Clerk-Pleasant Grove Baptist Church,Ronda,N.C. Abt re The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of the April 30,1978,at 10:30 asm.in the Pastor's Study,with the following members constituting a quorum present: Rev.Robert Hare,.«Moderator,Henry Parlier,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr., Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,a1 Stikelseather,SamMelvinAdams, Orrell,Reid Summers,Hugh Ervin,1.M.Shive, The meeting was spened with praver +.session "Women he Church Org: Presi dent H Li se Steven Personal Faith *«Family Leadershi;Resources Treasurer I a Feims sons = Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular Session on May ;at 7:00 pem.in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom with the following members present constituting a quorum: I farvin Rav To}hartRev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.Moderator,Marvin Raymer,John Dagenhart, C ."Q n ‘vay Stave HaHughErvin,Reid Summers,Sam Orrell,1 setser,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Hal Brown,Herman Dagennhart V i Ir. meeting was opened Minutes «;O,and May 1 1978 were f r),hunch met?OnCcord rt (>).Y)”Or)i GAelMe shtiGuntenpresent? a;,nesbyterian {/he if{ae aton5e 'Ny 1/1 JINLVE.€be dy jak DAouUN,{OAN ag HeamanP;R odenatonr.;Jel, ;°‘(he Jesstion voted unanimously fj ; \tikeleathe ly.aa te ; /‘obert'4;¢)eet ing ua4 opene r .Ta ’ .LAC. (LC ;he €DAAUYECR 4 ‘ to accept "A.;/bi fDAOi /¥ ,on e44ALon Vimc.huacn&C 124" j .o avradlresbyterz.an ’a yrd$+Sund 1ter 9 VOR D JeavLce iA ming,{un rm in 4can 're dé “¢ onIVER A ¥¥ nyt eeeeee7t>>.tu a ato f j-i pq agewg sy}folloy Yisoh sh3Crven,yan :40 yetser Ln membe usy.n re,ful VRACAA}+/zd ary7 ty jLOUNALLD .; 4 en;4 os af a(ater SLI henson, de te. _omme ide, )fx++2 >} 4 |“Al,Sha ge ee eo eeéle,@ JeAALON On }/p ?“th i/cr |4 ,)a a er ae ne pif ce em Worship Committee Report The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church Met June 4,1978 7300 P.M.at the fellowship hall.Members present were,Tommy Howard Genie Setser and Chairman Tom Setser, The Following Recommendations were Made: That Mrs Robert Bunch be sent to #music Conference of her Choice, either at Montreat July 23-29 or to the ARP music conference at Bonclarken. That we approve some remuneration to guest organist musicians or soloist invited on various occasions.(minimum of $10.00) That we continue the everymember plan for the Presbyterian Survey with those desiring the Survey to fill in their name and address on a form printed at the bottom of the news sheet. That regular prayer services be discontinued,but special prayer services and Bible studies be held at various times during the year. Strengthening Committee The strengthening committee meet on June 4,1978. Members present -William M.Stikeleather,Jr.and Mrs. Stevenson. Mrs.Tommy Howard is in charge of Vocational Guidance. Needed is the approval of Mrs.Robert Hare Jr.and Mrs. Brown for Co-Chairpersons of Youth Council. Frances Hal Everything is lined up for Bible School for 12th through 19th. lhe Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session on july 9,1978 at 5:00 pm.in the 9.(.Stikeleather (lassnroom with the following members present constituting a quorum: Robert L.Hare,jr.,Moderator,Melvin Adams,Hal Broun,John Dagenhart, /noy Pope,].£.Setsen,A.M,Shive,Jr.,9.Harvey Stevenson,Gr,(hal Stikeleathen,Reid Summers. (he meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr. The Seasional Minutes of the (alled and Regular Meetings of June 11,1978 were read and apmoved. (he Diaconate Minutes of Jy 9,1978 were read and approved. M.{Harvey Stevenson,jn.presented his report on Presbytery heeting of gune WD and July /,1978.The Session voted unanimously to receive this report a4 information and commended Mn.Stevenson for his deligence. The report on the meeting of Synod at (harlotte,North (arolina yune 6 and 7,/978 was presentedbyMr.John Dagenhart.This report was also receivedas information and Mn.Dagenhart unas also commended. Mr.Tom Setser,(hainman of the Worship (ommittee,recoumended that Nancy Eavin be employed on a permanent basis as Youth (hoir Director.The Session unanimously approved this recommendation. lhe Session granted ns.judy Jones (ashion's request fon transfer of her Letter from (oncond to New Sterling ARP (hurch. lhe Seasion received into the Fellowship of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch Mr.&Mas.Yohn(Dottie)Md adden by transfer of Letter from Ebenezer Presbyterian (hurch, Rock Hill,South (arolina.Their daughter,ora,was also received by transfer of her Letter from (ovenant Presbyterian (hunch,Wendell,North (arolina.Their two(2)sons James Grier Ndadden and Robert barr Nd adden were received a4 non-communing members. here being no further business the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by Tom Setser. ) fp or Lhe “4 ha \} obent L.Hane,a.“TMShivesTaeA.eh SeasioneModenaton(lark of The Session of (oncord Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Moderator on Guly 16,1978 at 10:a.m.in the Pastor's Study with the following members present constituting a quoaum: Rev.Robert L.Hane,Ya.,Moderator,Marvin Raymer,Neaman Lagenhart, (Haavey Stevenson,Jr.,Melvin Adama,(ecil Alexander,(hal Stireleather. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robedt L.Hare,Jn. The following schedule for Youth Activities fon the summer unas presented by the Youth (ouncil:Friday -July B -Miniature Golf _Sunday ~Auguat 6 -Hym Sing and Shut-in Visitation beginning August 9th-fourweeksin August we will havebibleStudiesinvarioushomesoftheyouth.Une of those Wednesdays we will have a back to school cookout. ‘hie will co students.Ps Jetalssuchas time,place,chaperons,etc.will announced Later. /his schedule was unamiously approved by the Session with the added stipulation that at Least one(//tider be in attendance at eacr activity. The meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by Rev.Hare. “7 a)ry)a ‘:5 orKKHer,Suz hk Mbbel.Robert L.Hane,Jr hal StikeleatherModeratorcting(Lerk The Session of (oncond Paesbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Moderator on Auguat 6,1978 at 10:a.m.in the Pastor's Study with the following members constituting a quorum present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Henry Parlier,Herman Dagenhart, A.M.Shive,Jr.,Had Broun,Melvin Adams,(hal Stikeleather,Sam Orrell,John Dagenhart. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Rbbert L.Hare,Jr. The Seasion granted hiss Helen Setser's request fon transfer of her Letter to the Garner United Methodist (hunch,Garner,North (aroLina. by common consentthe Sessionagreed to poatpone the stated Session Meeting from August 13 to Auguat 27 1978. (he meetingwasadjourned in due onderwith prayer by HenryParlier. <thw,fh7RobertL.Hare,Yr.Moderator ' (he Session of Concord Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session Auguat 27,(978at5:00 pm.in 9.Sethelaather(lassroon with the following members,constituting@quoaum,present: Rev.Robert L.H On.,Moderator,Melvin Adama,WW.MN.Stikeleather,Jn.,].&.Setser,(ecii Alexander,Troy bce,Sam Onrell,Hugh Ervin,Hal Broun.C [he meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Yn. lhe Sessional Minutes of July 9th,16th,and August 6,/978 were read and approved. The Diaconate Minutes of August |3,1978 were read and apmoved. 1.€.Setser,(Aainman of the Wonrshi (rapitte reported that the new (hurach Vinectonriessupposedtobeshi631,4978.His motiontocallthe andalsosapenkthan40thependAaaUftheDiasctentesdidnoteasivetadvscoursewasunanimbalyapprovedbytheSession. The recommendationspresented by Hal Broun for the Witness (ommittee regardingtheRevivalServiceswereapmovedbytheSessian. lhe Session received as information a repart from the Strengthening (ommitteenegardingtheRallyVayProgram. A report fromthe (ommitnent a requestbyMa.MawinCommitteeconipiningRaynerforacontributiontotheFordPhiipot(,uas received as information. /he Session approved a motion to request the (ommittee of the Liaconatetoinvestigatethecoatofstraighteningandmuittingconanundermonumentsthatneeditinthe(emetary and return a report back to the Seasion as soon as possible. /hene being no futher business,the meeting was adjoumed in due onder withprayerbyénSetser.“ing ” ~LED J LY 5 odeajooonwocesooocosonnde Robert L.Hare,Ja. Moderator The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session on September 1/0,1978 at 5:00 p.m.in the 9.(.5tikeleather (asszvom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Yn.,Moderator,Sam Orrell,/noy Pope,W.M.Stike- leather,yr.,Marvin Raymer,John Dagenhart,and Hal Broun. The meetingwas called to onder and opening prayermade by Rev.Hare. the Sessional Minutes of August 27,4978 were read and approved. Melvin Adamsand (ecii Alexander were selected by the Session as principle and alternate respectively as remesentative to the Uctober /0,1978 Meeting of Presbytery. A motiontoaccept the new (hurch Vinectonriesanddistributetothe congregation was approved by the Session. A communication from ina,Bunch concerning a request that yoanLowery conduct a Worship Seavice,was refered by the Session to the Worship (ommittee for action. The Session approved a motion to refer to the Burlget (ommittee of the Diaconate a neccomendation by Marvin Raymer that (%of the total budget be included in the 1979 Budget for Union Theological Seminary under the designation,friends F Seminary and Program of Higher fducation. There being no futher business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jn. St.ohn $ Or,HOYLE L.WHITESIDE,PASTOR J 740 NORTH CENTER ST.|.0.80K3 LUTHERAN CHURCH enuncn oFrice:472.2878 October 20,1978 The Rev.Robert L.Hare Concord Presbyterian Church Taylorsville Road Statesville,North Carolina 28677 Dear Pastor Hare: Mr,and Mrs.Richard Y.(Sandra M)Morrison,Richard,Jr.,Tambra Leigh,John Andrew,and Sammuel Thomas have been attending Worship Services and participating in the life of this congregation. They have expressed their desire to unite with us at St.John's and would like their letter of transfer. You have our best wishes and kindest,personal regards. Sincerely yours, Aros y q (4 Hoyle L.Whiteside Pastor HLW/swm The Session of (Concord Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session on October 8,1978 at 5:00 p.m in the 9.(.Stikeleather (assnvom with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator,Hal Broun,John Vagenhart,Hugh Eavin,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Troy Pope,7.&.Setser,A.M.Shive,Um, j:Harvey Stevenson,Ja.W.IN,Stikeleather,Jn. The meetingwas opened with Scriptureand Prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Ja. The Sessional thinutes of September /0,/978 were read and approved. lhe Minutes of the Diaconate of October 8,/978 were read and apmoved. The Seasion then heard reports from all five (ommittees and théér reccomendations contadned in the attatchments to these minuteswere adopted. At the requeat of the Strengthening (ommittee,Mrs.bonnie (00k was approved as a Substitute Jeacher in the (hurch School system There being no further business,the meeting wud adjourned in due onder with prayer by Henry Parlier. KetI K.2 Robert L.Hare,Yr. Madenraton Attatchment to Sessional minutes of October 8 1978 Minutes ef the Wership CommitteeJSept.3,1978 1.Recamend that the Board of Deacons investigate the cost and if feasable instal speakersintheSanctuarytohelpthosewhohavehearingproblems. 2ecoRecommend that the Secretary put in the bulliten a blank requesting the name and addressesofthosewhowantthePresbyterianSurveyandtheChurchSubscribeforthem, 3 Recommend that Louise Summers be asked to work out the details ,list of names,robes to have Acolytes to light candles each Sunday as a part of the Worship Service 4.Recommend that the Secretary set up a Schedule for the adult Sunday School classes tohavetwocouplesassistthePastorasgreetersbeforeandafterChurch.(Each class toberesponsibleforamonth)We also recommend that a member of the youth fellowship be selected to serve with the adults as greeters .The youth should be chosen to serve on a rotational basis, nt to Sessional minutes of October 8 1978 Minutes Of the Worship Committee Oct.1,1978 1..Recommend Mrs Bunch be given permission to hire Mrs Hugh Ervin to play the piano for the Evanglistic services.That She also be given permission to invite other Sédoist or special music for these Services. 2.Recommend that Mrs Joan Lowry be invited to present a program of Music,Scripture,and Witnesing at a Morning Worship Service.The time and details to be worked out by Rev.Hare and Mrs Lowry. Recommend that the J.C.Stikeleather class have greeters each night to greet those attending the evangelistic Services. Recommend the choir robe fund be continued and the amount in the fund be published periodically so we can purchase Adult robes when needed. The Worshiy committee bps secured laypersons to have prayer each night of the Evangelistic Services Recommend that the Secretary notify persons responsible for carying out action of the Sessions lewis Sti Long Wooten Fasted Down Sheets Nor BFilmeo Under fI Attatchment to Sessional Minutes of October 8,/978 (Commitment Committee of (oncond Presbyterian (purchOctober/,1978 Recommendations to Seasion Pledge (ands be printed with commitment of timeand talenton the reverse side. A Stewerndahip sermon be delivered on November /2,(978. lhaee Laymen be asked to shareuhat their ith in Yeausmeansto them through©pancelhl aibiias Gt ams paet an ee cathap Sele a Meade Visitation of Offpcers to (hurch families to explain (Aurch's program. Pledge card be received with the Offering at Worship Service on November 19,1/978. Attatchement to Sessional Minutes of October 8,1978 The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on Sunday night,October 1,1978 at 7:30 P.M.at the church.Present were John Dagenhart,Chairman and members Dennis Miller,Marie Stevenson,Ruth Brown and Hal Brown. The Committee made the following recommendations concerning the October Evangelistic Services: 1,A telephone committee is planned to contact inactive members. This committee is composed of Mrs.A.M.Shive,Sr.,Mr.Harvey Stevenson (Loray),and Mr.and Mrs,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr. On Sunday,October 15th,John Dagenhart and Ruth Brown will visit eaeh Sunday School Class and present plans for events leading up to the revival. On Sunday,October 15th at 7;00 P.M.,a Prayer Meeting/Train‘ng Session entitled "How to be Born Again"will be held for the entire congregation. October 22nd is planned as Visitation Sunday.Beginning time is set for 2:00 P.M, One thousand cards are being printed for publication and promotion. The Youth Group,under the direction of their leader,Randy Dellinger,will take charge of "Pack the Pew Nights"on Tuesday and Friday. Volunteers from the congregation will be invited to share a personal testimony or what Christ means to them for three-four ninutes during song service at first of revival each night. It was decided that subsistence and mileage be paid to the visiting inister along with an honorarium in line with the amount paid last year.This recommendation will be presented to the Board of Deacons for their approval Respec tf Mrs.Charles G.Stevenson,Secretary Witness Committee Attatcment to Sessional Minutes of October8,1978 Strengthening Comm.Meeting October 1,1978 W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.presiding- Suggestions from youth council by Mrs.Hare -to be presented to the Session ~couples as leaders for youth groups ~-plans for Christmas program and carolling were discussed and approved as Council suggested. Time for Youth Fellowship meeting time be established - 2nd and 4th -Youth Progams 1st and 3rd -Music and Recreation If meeting has to be cancelled make announcement so that all may be informed. (Term of Service Two Years) Senior High -Tony Combs (9-12)John &Dottie McFaddens Junior High -Randy &Kathy Dellinger (6-8)Bill &Brenda Cook Pioneers -Caroll Jones Tom &Tom Stevenson (Loray) Recreation -Jimmy Dagenhart arolling -December 17,1978 4:30 Youth Choir Program - afterwards Carolling -Young people and Adults&¢ take one car each. Service Committee recommends to the Session of Concord Presbyterian Church.Meeting October1,1978 in the Fellowship Hall,at 7:00 p.m Session Approved the following recommended at.the Session meeting October 8,1978. 1.Clean up America (Refer to brochure.}) That the Sunday School classes in our church be given a opportunity to participate by giving to the Halt Hunger Fund. The Service Committee supports and in 1 SETA Extended vy Program in the Statesville School System, r(Comprehesive Education Training Act) Encourage our church members to take someone in need to the hospital. We have three ‘ie ;"sh that have volunteered to be on Yokefellow Bo:of ;for next year 1979. Yokefellow be included in our budget.The committee recommends 00.Refer to the Deacons Budget Committee. to Union Theological Seminary on church and a report to the congregation be made )their returne jee how many want’to go. jee Marvin Raymer October 21,1978 by 0a approved ~”Presbyteria The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch metat thecali of theModerator at /0:0 a.m.on September (7,1978 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constitutingaquorum,present: Rev.Robeat L.Hare,Ya.,Moderator,John Dagenhart,Herman Vagenhart,W.Mh. dtikeleather,gr.,Marvin Raymer,¥.Harvey Stevenson,jr.,and HenryParlier. /he meeting was opened withprayer by YohnDagenhart. he Session approvedunanimouslyMa.Phillip Sherrill'srequesttobecome a communing member of (oncond Presbyterian burch by transfer of his Letter from Philadelphia Presbyterian (hurch,Mint Hill,WV.(. The Session also apmoved a motion to have a Retreat at (amp Grieron October28§&29,/978.. There being no furtherbusiness,themeeting wasadjournedin due ordenwith prayerbyRev.Hare. Cc ¥G SUtad Kh ge Robrt L.Hare,Yn.Herman Moderator Acting €lerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Moderator at 10:0 a.m.on November 5,1978 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,conatituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robat L.Hare,Ya.,Moderator,Melvin Adama,(ecil Alexander,Hal Broun, john Vagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Sam Orrell,Henry Parlier,Tom Setsen,A.M,Shive,Jr, 7:Harvey Stevenson,n.,and (hal Stikeleathen. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. ‘he Session unanimously approveda motion to receive |im and Karen Yohnoon into the fellowship of (oncord Presbyterian (hurch as (ommning members pending the receipt of théérLetters fromthe First AR P (hurch,Statewille,NV.(. Due to a conflictin a speaking engagement,Rev.Hare requestedandreceived approval fromtheSession,the reachduling ofthe stated sessionalmeeting from 5 p.m.November 12,1978 to 6:D p.m.November (9,1978. There being no further business,the meeting wasadjourned in dueonder with prayer by Tom Setser. fLSKHers, Robert L.Hare,Ja. Moderator The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Moderator at /0:30 a.m.on October 22,1978 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Yr.,Moderator,Hal Broun,Herman Dagenhart,(ecil Alexander,Melvin Adams,Sam Orrell,9.Hawey Stevenson,Jr.,and W.Mm,Stire- feather,Jn. lhe meetin was opened with prayer by Rev.Hare. The Session approved the scheduling of a meeting of theMembershipfor Prayer and Evangelism at 7:00 p.m.October 22,1978. /he session apmoved a motion to invite Rev.P.(.Gantto fillour pulpit on Sunday meaning Uctrder 29,1978 due to the fact that tne Pastor would be attending the Retreat at (amp Grier and would be holding Serwices there. A motion to receive into the communing membership of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch, Mr.and Mrs.Brice Feimater and Mrs.Theresa (ook (Mike)was unanimously approved. Mrs,Dare Stikeleather ballard's request for a Letter of Diamisaal from (oncond Presbyterian (hurch to (entre Presbyterian (hurch,Mount Mourne,NV.(.was granted by the Session. There beingno furtherbusiness,themeetingwasadjournedindueonderwith prayer by ).Haney Stevenson,Yn. Ws Khe Fe"Rp.Le \’2.Robert L.Hare,Ga.Moderator ' The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the call of theModeratorat10:30 a.m.on November 12,1978 in the Pastor's Study with the following members,constituting a guorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderatér,Marvin Raymer,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,Henry Parlier,and John Dagenhart, The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr. The Session approved a motion for the members of Richard MorrisonfamilytomovetheirmembershiptoStJohn's Lutheran Church,Statesville, North Carolina, The Session approved a motion for the following for teachers in SundayChurchSchool:Toby Rayner Davidson,Tim Johnson,Jimmy Dagenhart. The Session approved a motion to refer to the Deacons for salary for a temporary secretary,Mrs.Betty Summers,during the leave of absence of the secretary,Mrs.Evelyn Darby. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned in due order with a closing prayer by Reverend Robert L,Hare,Jr. Session Meeting of Concord Presbyterian Church,Rt.8,Statesville,N.C,28677,November 19,1978. Time of Meeting:5:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon in J.C,Stikeleather room of the Education Building. Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Minister of church,served as Moderator. Rev.Robert L,Hare,Jr.called meeting to order,openéd with Prayer and declared a quorum present. ARSMemberspresentwereRev.Robert L,Hare,Jr.,Minister and Ruling Elders a Melvin Adams,John Dagenhart,Herman Dagenhart,Troy L.Pope,J.Harvey Stevenson,Sam Orrell,Hugh Ervin, Chal Stikeleather and Marvin Raymer. 1.Mr.Brad Nesheim presented information for the “oe ent of Explorer Scouting Program at Concord Presbyterian church,Motion made by Dagenhart,seconded by Melvin Adams to refer information to Strengthening Committee for their action and consideration and their recommendations to be brought back to The Session for proper action. Session Minutes of previous meetings read,approved,signed and countersigned, Deacon Minutes of previous meetings read,approved by Session on motion by Chal Stikeleather and seconmtd by John Dagenhart;likewise Session Minutes also. Presbytery Meeting to be Tuesday,November 21,1978 at Reynolda Presbyterian Church in Winston Salem,N.C,27103 and Elder Herman Dagenhart elected as representative of our church. Report of Service Committee Meeting:Request special offering be taken for financial assistance of Mrs,Jean Crawford Browning Trent,a member of our church,who is an invalid and destitut*for immediate medical and household expenses.Action taken was that an announcement for special offering be listed in the church Bulletin on November 26,1978 and that this special offering be taken on December 3,1978 at the Morning Worship Service, and that Mrs.Hilda W.Cook would administer the funds of this special offering in accordance to the immediate needs of the Trents.This motion made by J,Harvey Stevenson and seconded by Troy L,Pope and approved without exception, Letter from Bel-Aire Directory Service read,letter attached.Motion by Trop L.Pope that Elder “ugh Ervin answer letter stating Session Picture left out,some other pictures left out, some colored pictures left out and listing bad quality of work on the church Directory,and question any other payment for the services of Bel-Aire,Elder Hugh Ervin seconded motion, and letter and statement approved by total Session. Motion made by Hugh Ervin that old piano in Fellowship Hall be moved to Youth Choir Room and Deacons to repair or dispose of old piano,and if disposed thereof,Deacons to investi- gate the procurement of a good,servicable piano.Seconded by Melvin Adams and approved by the total Session, Moticn made and approved that Mrs.Emily Ervin be paid for the music services of the Fall Evangelistic Services and that $10.00 checks be sent to the participants in the music assistance of these evangelistic services, Elder Sam Orrell made a mostion of request by Watts Plumbing Company to use the Fellowship Hall on December 16,1978 for their Christmas Party,seconded by Chal Stikeleather and approved by total Session. 10,Motion made by Henry Parlier and seconded by Troy L,Pope that the Session be adjourned. iil,Elder Henry,Parlier had the closing prayer of blessing and dismissal,_A,V2 Kern FPG¥4l Kay7 VVMarvinRaymer,aéting clerk,Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr,,Minister The Seasion Of (onconrd Presbyterian (hurch met in regular session on December 10,1978 at 5:00 p.m.in the J.(.Stikeleather (Aassnoon with the following members,constituting a quorum,present: Rev.Robert L.Hane,Yn.,Moderator,Melvin Adama,Hal Broun,Herman Dagenhard,John l Hugh Ervin,Jam Oneal,I Pope Tom Setser,A.M,Shives Us,f.Harvey Stevenson,ya,(hal and Reid Summers. The meeting was ppened with Scripture and Prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,yr. The neading of the Sessional minutes of Novemer /9,1978 was poatponed until the next regular meeting.The minutes of the Viaconate for Dec./0,1978 were read and approved. There were no reports given by the (omntment on Worship (ommittees. The nepaat from the Serwice (ommittee mesented by 7.Hawey Itevenson,yr was received aa information.(see attatchment/ The Session approved the following reccomendations presented by (hal Stikeleathenr on behalf of the Strengthening (ommittee: (/)The Congregation of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch be asked to make knoun to the Session by a vote at the next (ongregational Meeting/Presentation of Budget) their opinion on the changing of Sunday School hours to 9:45 a.m,til (0:0 a.m in onder to make it possible for (hoir members to remain in their respective classroomsfor an entire period on session.Ihis reschedulingwouldalsopeamit the establishment of a regular “Payer Room"fon any and ali uho desined to attend between Sunday School and Morning Worship Service. (2)The "Explorer #607"Scout program be sponsored by (oncond (furch and that it be handled by and Leadershipfurnishedby the Youth (oir. /he Session approved items #2 and #3 in the attatched report from the Worship (Committee presented by John Uagenhart.Item ##/was revised to to reccomend that Miss Willa Hope,a student at North Inedell High School,be invited to mesent a program Lo the (/urch concernig her trip to South America.This program to be scheduled during the Febnuary,1979 Witness Season,with the possibility of having a Family Night Supper at the (hurch in conjunction with the program. The Session appovitd a motion that the (/hurch send Un.George (arter a check fon his services on Sunday,lec.3,/978,substituting for Rev.Hare who was called away suddenly at the death of a very close friend. There being nov further business,the meeting was adjourned in due onder with prayer by /om Setser. A 1 Zx ”La :\ +e /*{p/n .;anmmasesenenatann .aaenenfedjoammassRobertT=tHane,7 A’hh.Shive,gr.Moderaton (Aerk Service Committee Minutes The Service Committee met in a called meeting Nov.19,1978, at 12:00 noon for the purpose of taking a congregational offering for Jean Trent on Dec.3,1978.Offeriig Ave ‘WTS 8:AS The Service Committee met in regular session Dec.3,1978, at 7:30 p.m. 1.Mrs.Eleanor Pope and Mrs.Hilda Cook will payybills for [rent's with the special offering that was taken today. 2-The Committee deci have a slip put in the bulletin Bloodmobile visit on Dec.19,1978, A ’pO SOceOPLL7b”Corre F710 lec’ The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on Sunday night, December 3,1978 at 7:30 P.M.Present were John Dagenhart,Chairman and members Dennis Miller,Ruth Brown and Marie Stevenson. The Committee made the following recommendations concerning the Witness Season: Contact the Reverend Tyson Hope for a speaker for the February,1979 Witness Season,with pay to be the same as any guest minister,plus transportation and lodging. Emphasize church-wide participation through the Sunday School and Morning Worship for a free-will offering. Contact a representative from Jungle Aviation and Radio Service (in Waxsaw)for presentation of program on their mission work.This is recommended for Sunday morning worship in March,1979. On Sunday,January 14,1978,it is recommended that a Gideon be invited to speak at the morning worship service.A free-will offering for the organization will be received on an open Bible at the close of service. Respectfully submitted, f+ f ‘r A Mrs.Charles G.Stevenson,Secretary Witness Committee QUESTIONNAIRE TO GUIDE IN THE REVIEW OF SESSIONAL RECORDS Does the name and location of the church appear on the frontoutsidecover?,Paka wake ees Are the Rules for Records of Sessions posted in the frontinsidecover? Were the meetings opened and closed with prayer?Were the names of those present listed?.........e.Did the Session meet at least once a quarter?Was a Ruling Elder elected to attend each meeting of Presbytery?Did the elected or alternate Ruling Elder attend?orDidtheelectedrepresentativereportonthemeetingtotheSession? Was a Ruling Elder elected to attend each meeting of Synod?Did the elected or alternate Ruling Elder attend?Did the elected representative report on the meeting to theSession?.vee >Did the Session examine the minutes of the Board of Deacons <= least once every six months? Was the Statistical Report (Form A)a permanent part of theminutesofSession? Were the actions of the Session clearly recorded? Were al!minutes read and approved by the Session?Did the Clerk of Session sign the Sessional minutes?Were minutes of Congregational Meeting(s)kept within the Session Book and in a separate section from the minutes of the Session?Did the Moderator and Clerk of Congregational Meetings sign the Minutes? Was the church incorporated within the last year?Are the Articles of Incorporation included? Did you find that the Session seriously considered withdrawalfromthePresbyterianChurchintheUnitedStates? In your opinion are the actions of this Session In accord with The Book of Church Order? Approved WITHOUT Exception () Approved WITH Exception (*) List Exception(s):ag? i List Suggestions: Signed {©inde LoD TX j 56 xam!nef) Date ¢/29pore The Session of (oncond Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Modenaton December 17,1978 at 6:45 pam.in the GC.Stikeleather (asanoom withthe following members presentconstituting a quonum: Robert L.Hare,Jn.,Moderator,Hal Broun,(hal Stikleather,Troy Pope,(ecil Alexander,Melvin Adama,loam Setser,yohn Dagenhart andA.M,Shive,jrAGerhart.“The meeting waa opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare.,Ja. Ma.john Vagenhart,acting on behalf of the Witness (ommittee,requested a pledge of at LeastOne DoLllar($/.00/)permemberbe takenout of thetreasury to be donated through the Presbytery for a ‘Work Trip”to establish Sunday Schools in northwest Brazil,South America.This request was received by Mr.Lagenhart from Rev./yson,Hope,Paaton of the Filth (reek Paeasbyterian (hurch.With apoligies to the Diaconate because the monies ware to be pledged by Decemben 2,1978,the Jession unanimously voted to approve this request and to place the details in the church bulletin. After studying the report from the Budget (ommittee on the proposed budget fon 1979,the Session unanimously approved this budget with the following tc Rm Ar atipulation:he figures fon all salaried personnel mist reflect a six per-cent(6e/ increase and the total figure of $55,194.00 neponted mist be adjusted accoadingly. (the approved budget is an attaciument/. /he Session then called a (ongregation Meeting for December ji,1978 after Moaning Worship Service with the following agenda:el of the 1979 Budget for Soom ceAperiodofdiscussionandavotebythe(ongregation to informtheJeasionoftheinopinionconcerningchangingofSunday School Hour. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned with prayer by A.M,Shive,Ga. .5 PRESBYTERY OF CONCORDApproved:Exceptions; (Without)___(With)aeDateSECELeyte:Teel ay ,97gue.f)t _ay ‘dD i er asKbRZ,Fhe 2k je Li.M.oh—~is Robert L.Hare,yr A.Ih,Shive,Gn."Moderator (Aerk Attachment to Minutes of December 1/7,1978 PROPOSED BUDGED 1979 CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .Sea&owSsoergPastor's Salary..cececeereeecers vc cena enusoesans Professional Allowance...««--oe is see keaneeneeeanee Pastor's Annuities.so dkaweenndoes vgn seusueonesese Insurance —Medical...ccccsecceeeeeseeer®ieee eer ae Insurance —Other.sccecceeeecevesereeres ita eeeeeenene® Custodian's Salaryecseeccerers eocse Kéecnbeeeeneeeeeese Church Secretaryecesecerees ‘ Director of Music and Organist...+-- Director of Youth Music.. Church Music Material.... Young Peoples Work.. Church Property Maintenance.ceeeeses eee Church Office Expense...«-+-° Pulpit* Church UtilitiesS...e.+e. Emergency Fund..-eees MiscellaneouS..+e-.2388888TOTAL $1.3 ,794.00 Benevolences..-- Scholarship Building Func Union Theologian Semin Yokefellow... $11,400.00 $55,194.00 a 1978 PROPOSED BUDGET rasp S@LAry.cccccccecccccscceccevecsec$l2s 600.00Prg@fessionalAllowance Travel &Car EXPOn80..ccccccccceccccceceels 900.00Utilities&Book EXPONGG so 060 ode cee vce seeks 500,00Pastor's AMMULELOS ..ssceccecesecscecscceeeee2y 300,00MedicalIneurance.s.cccescccccoccccccccecececeeOOs00 Custodian'sS Salary..scesssoccsscesevecceeesedsG00.00 Church Secretary's Salary...ccccccccscevecees ds 200,00ChurchUtilities.srceccccssccccccscccceeseeltyQ00.00 PULSE GuGhs «cdckicccddsscotscbbdocddewaletaoeChurchOfficeEXPONnS@..cesccscccccecccceeravlshO0.00Insurance(Other)...ccccosccscceccccesscceeely100,00ChurchPropertyMaintenance...sssesseeeeesevl,800.00TOUNGPROPLSSWetleccccccccccvcccseccccescsecetele Church Music Materials....cscccccscceccccccess00,00 Director of Music &Organist...0sccececeseeeedyh00.00DirectorOfYouthMeesis.cscssecckvccdccces00.00Miscellaneous..ccccccccccccccscccceccceveee cls 000.00BOTQONCYFURico04kccveeenasb00ccesccbhnnaneo $39,500.00 Benevolences (Not Binding)......csecccccesee -7,000.00*SChOlArships soscccccccccccseccesseeccevcses sl,000,00TOPOLOLLONss0cib.bin-biva's Ub o'vb'b bd bebo c odocehek 6 ose————)———y Building PUG.ceccccccvcvcccesccecvccccgssces 000.00 TOTAL BUDGET 1978 $50,700.00 *This scholarship is for any church member pursuinghighereducationinchurchrelatedvocationsorinneed,Session is in charge of this fund.Also,itisnon-accumulative, Fasted Down|Sheets NO Filme Under The (ongregation of (oncord Presbyterian (hurch met at the call of the Session on December 3/,1978 in the Sanctuary following Morning Worship Service. The meeting was called to onder and opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr. The stated purposes of the meeting was the presentation by the Session to the (Congregation the budget fon 1979 and to let the (ongregation make knoun to the Seasion by a vote their opinion regarding a proposed change in the times fon starting and closing Sunday Schood. he (ongregation voted unanimously to appoint A,M.Shive,jn.,(derk of Session, as clerk of this particular meeting. The (ongregation voted unanimously to accept the budget for 1979 (see attatc/ment/. by a majonity vote,the (ongregation indicated to the Session their disapproval of the proposed change of times fon commencing and closing Sunday School, The meeting uns then closed with a benediction by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jn. a dg.Submitted,Gt Mame, nm.fn,Shive,YL (Aerk The (ongregation of Concord Presbyterian (/urch met at the call of the Session on Vecember 3/,£978 in the Sanctuary following Moaning Worship Service. The meeting was called to onder and opened with prayer by Rev.Robert L.Hare,G2. The stated purposes of the meeting uad the presentation by the Session to the (Congregation the budget for 1979 and to Let the (Congregation make knoun to the deasion by a vote their opinion regarding a proposed change in the times fon starting and closing Sunday School, hhe (ongregation voted unanimously to appoint A.MM.hive,in.,(Leak of Session, as clerk of this particular meeting. The Congregation voted unanimously to accept the budget for 1979 (see attatcment/. by a majority vote,the (ongregation indicated to the Session their disapproval of the proposed change of times for commencing and closing Sunday »chood. (he meeting uas then closed with a benediction by Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jn. Reape a Submitted, W?Mw fr(4.7 A.i.Shive (erk an»fi PROPOSED BUDGED 1979 CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor's Salary...ue ci bcos ecdecdsdiuceeanenee Professional Allowance..vee ‘eoe 3,400.00 Pastor's Annuities.os .2,438.00 Insurance ~Medical.......jadsee 700,00 Insurance =—Other...ccees °‘covcee 1,eeu Custodian's Salary...daeee °°4,028.00 Church Secretary....ecees ocveseceésace Dean aeee Director of Music and Organist...«2,544.00 Director of Youth Music..cohen seenk 636.00 Church Music Material...“awa 500.00 Young Peoples Work...500.00 Church Property Maintenance.2,900.00 Church OF find BeeeROes ccc cncccdecctecs .ie 1,400.00 Pulpit Supplies....cocese 300.00 Church Utilitie «§,000.00 Emergency Fun ‘200.00 PSPOSLIMIOOU oo 00002660060565seeEdoOeeHeeeSESeeSOHCOREESS 1,000.00—. TOTAL 543,794.00 Benevolenc:1,000.00 Rai ;te MnBuildingFund....3,000.00 Union Theologian Semin Yokefellow.... TOTAL $11,400.00 655,194.00 LD RECEDING ”r co YIN LHAN