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Concord Presbyterian Minutes 1973-1975
FORM A-1 PLEASE USE A TYPEWRITER OR BALL POINT PEN WHEN FILLING IN THIS REPORT NOTE TO CLERK OF SESSION:Send this reportto the StatedClerk of Presbytery.Of Concord not later than.January 29,1973 SESSION’S ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES TATED CLERK'S USE ONLY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,1972___—Ghureh Code Number —a ||}>.O,Box 5027,Statesville,N.C.North C ina 28678SeRae;AERO 1 Pe 9,Box 5027,Statesville,L orth Careline <80/@ of Church TChurch ing Address Zip Code TNameof “Town or City [A FD No. ||-H|Pa,Box 5027,5tatemville,N.C‘i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Church Street tas Polfferent —een Zip CodeonconiPresbyteriagebie ie a P 5 |Houte 8{Highway 9O West)Statesville,N.C.Yes |Does senior pastor receive |Yes No Does Church use every |Yes No ]Does your church rent allowance member canvossown4mansefor senior ministers | */nsert WORK classification abbreviation for each Minister,|.E.,P.,Asso.P.,A.P.or S.S.DO NOT LIST NAMES OF 1.S.or O.S. insert names and addresses as desired for listing in Minutes for Pastors. ——=Nomes of Ministers ———F List preferred Mailing address below Note:Church without a senior pastor on Dec s :>S . 31,mark Vin top name line,listing Asso.P ..pet.Box te P4 ‘ost Office and A.P.below ee lt Active i ]ActiveOFFICERS:(insert Number)(a)Elders |isl (b)Deacons |:BAPTISMS COMMUNICANTS le)Adve Inactive members os defined in §8-9 &10 of the Form of Government ore to be placed on o seporote roll.Report oll communicant members,including nor th)Infont ressdent members who have not been ploced on Inactive Roll (1)(TYetal reportedlastyear —)334 SUNDAY SCHOOL Stated clerk will wnsert above figure PROFESSIONS f EnrotimentAddedonprofessionoffaith«2 2 5 0 so oo (el OTHERGAINS Number of Outposts Added on reaffirmation hapel Statisti |i }»}hurch figures BBi c TOTAL OTHER GAINS Added on certificate Restored from inactive roll "(d) Reported !ast year pius above gains ‘i .J ° ffice,state,zip Loss by death Loss by transfer to moctive +|t report A R|en 1c|D | |DATE SENT TO PRESBYTERY STATED CLERK missed er 's | TOTAL LOSSES Use these lines to correct error in total reported last year,(1)(f) NET COMMUNICANTS ON ROLL AT END OF YEAR DO NOT USE THIS SPACE CHURCH COF The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met January 14,1973at10:40 in the Pastor's Study with the following members present:Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,Henry Parlier,T.E.Steser,R.R.Marlin,Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten.Also present was Reverend G.PWhiteley.. The meeting was opened with prayer by T.E.Setser,Acting Moderator.The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Installation Service for Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr.wasforFebruary11,1973. The meeting adjourned and was closed with the Benediction. wn E.Setser,Acting Moderator ; }!AN 4 ~lotr AR Nhpfiar 7 /John H.Dagenhaft,Clerk j F CONCORD Exceptions: (With)_——— (Wirhout)\-(5\ 1)VS-=7%,>7 :;Ww or 4 Yr pResBYTERY © Approved The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting in the Pastor's Study at 10:30 a.m.January 28,1973. The following members wer present:Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart, Hugh Ervin,Paul B.Hedrick,Harold Hedrick,Voight Hoover,Joe Lentz, Henry Parlier,T.E.Setser,R.R.Marlin,Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long weeps en PR erfos Tt The meeting was opened by Moderator Reverend Robert L. Hare,Jr.by prayer.The minutes of the last meeting were read gd approved. The Session discussed considering the selling of tickets for the Passion Play to be presented in Statesville.The church would receive a 10%commission from the sale of these tickets. A motion was made by Tom Setser that we sell the tickets for the play.The motion was seconded by Herman Dagenhart and was unanimously carried. A letter considering broadcasting Sunday Morning Worship Services over WSIC was read and discussed. A motion was made by Joe lentz that we participate in this breadcasting ministry.The motion was seconded by Voight Hoover and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Tom Setser that we adjourn. The motion was seconded by Paul B.Hedrick and was unanimously carried. closing prayer was by Reverend Hare. Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator Ah t NAbhr hy JjohnH.Dagenhaft,Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Pastor's Study on February 4,1973 with the following members present:Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin, Paul B.Hedrick,Harold Hedrick,Voight Hoover,Joe Lentz,Henry Parlier,Rk.R.Marlin,Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., Reid Summers,and 2>Ree-Wooter:. The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Robert L. Hare,Jr. A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that the next Session meeting be held on February 18,1973 at 5:30 p.m.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. Mr.Francis Stevenson was recognized as being our representative to Synod meeting on March 13 and 14 in Greensboro,N.C. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that we receive Mr.&Mrs.Jerry Little into the fellowship of this church.The motion wast seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Henry Parlier that we allow the teachers in the class to listen to the recitation of Catechism.The motion was seconded by Hegh Ervin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that we allow the Scouts to have part of the service on February 18,1973. The motion was seconded by Hugh Ervin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by R.R.Marlin that on February 18,1973 we invite Dr.E.Gettys to come and tell of work in Pakistan with a Family Night Supper to be at 6:30,also that we invite the three neighboring A.R.P.churches to participate.The motion was seconded by Hugh Ervin and was unanimously carried. Requests from Mr.Sammy Deal and Mrs.Carolyn McColl Foster that they be dismissed to other churches. A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that we grant these requests.The motion was seconded by Voight Hoover and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that we adjourn. The motion was seconded by Voight Hoover and was unanumously carried. t 7 ttxfa<KpDV Lk xv tobert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator é h.Ww #-With trleT John H.DagenhartdClerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Pastor's Study on February 18,1973.The following members were present:Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin, Paul B.Hedrick,Harold Hedrick,Voight Hoover,Joe Lentz,Henry Parlier,T.E.Setser,R.R.Marlin,Francis Stevenson,and J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with scripture by Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A communication was received from L.B.Colquitt,Executive Secretary of Concord Presbytery concerning the new Presbytery Office, information concerning Camp Grier and Susan Barlour Jones. The minutes of Diaconate through February,1973 were read and approved. Harold Hedrick was appointed delegate to called meeting of Presbytery,March 6,1973,at Forest Park Presbyterian Church, Statesville,N.C.Paul B,.Hedrick was appointed alternate. A proposal was made by Reverend Robert L.Hare,dr. that Communion Services on Maunday Thursday before Easter be held in the church,afterward retiring to the Fellowship Hall for the Communion Service around a table in the form of a cross. A proposal was also made by Reverend Hare that Sunrise Services be held on Easter Sunday with a fellowship of coffee and doughnutsto follow in the church Fellowship Hall. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that we carry out Reverend Hare's proposals concerning Holy Week.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson that we invite Monticello Methodist Church and Monticello Baptist Church to a joint Easter Sunrise Service at Concord Church.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried.Reverend Hare is to contact the ministers concerning this. A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that we adjourn. The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanumously carried 4 rt LjAjfeto LAt,\pae Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Méderator hn hene,he L 7 éohn H.Dagenhart,Clerk Vv The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met March ll,1973 in the Meeting Room with the following members present:Hal Brown, Herman Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Paul B.Hedrick,Voight Hoover,Joe Lentz, Henry Parlier,T.E.Setser,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,Reid Summers, Francis Stevenson,R.R.Marlin,J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Reverend Hare. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A letter from L.Nelson Bell,Moderator of the General Assembly was read for information. Presbytery Report to be given next meeting due to the absence of Harold E.Hedrick. A request was read and granted to reserve the church for the Hedrick-Howard wedding scheduled for May 27,1973.Rehearsal is set for May 26.(ye haternd wha?2D f*fer >Zh tm] A motion was made by Joe Lentz to hold Communion on the second Sunday of April,April 8,1973.The motion was seconded by T.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we adjourn.The motion was seconded by Hal Brown and was unanimously carried. Let.A BD hates 2 John H.Dagenhart,Clerk of Session j F 14 Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Modérator The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting on April 1,1973 at 12:00 noon in the Meeting Room with the following members present:Francis Stevenson,J.Long Wooten,R.R.Marlin, Hugh Ervin,Joe Lentz,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,Tom Setser,Paul Hedrick,Voight Hoover,Henry Parlier,Hal Brown,and W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.R.L.Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that we extend the use of the church facilities for the Girl Scouts to meet.The motion was seconded by Hugh Ervin and was unanimously carried.The pastor is to send a letter to Mrs.Miller notifying her of the decision. A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that we invite leverend Charles H.Sides as 1973 Homecoming speaker.The motion was seconded by J.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Hugh Ervin that we support the request made by the Key '73 Program for 10¢per communing member to cover the cost of the survey.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Tom Setser that we adjourn.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. abo,V >“tA S/)e@ }- Ji Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator The y Kita he x John H.Dagefhart,Clerk of Session The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Meeting Room on April 8,1973 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present:Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin, Paul B.Hedrick,Voight Hoover,Joe Lentz,Henry Parlier,T.E. Setser,Francis Stevenson,Harold Hedrick,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer and scripture,Acts 1:1-8, by Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr.The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr.R.R.Marlin requested to be excused from the meeting. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we approve the action of the Board of Deacons concerning the paving of the lot.The motion was seconded by Herman Dagenhart and was unanimously carried. Mr.Paul B.Hedrick was elected delegate to Presbytery on May 1,1973 at First Presbyterian Church,Statesville with Mr. Voight Hoover as alternate. As a report from the Strengthening Committee a list of names for Director of Bible School consisted of the following:Mrs.Hilda Cook,Mrs.Mildred Alexander,Mrs.Hazelene Lentz,Mrs.Betty Summers,Mrs.Eleanor Pope,and Mrs.Helice Stevenson.A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that we receive or adopt the Strengthening Committee report.A second was made by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. Strengthening Committee reccommened a Youth Council and a motion was made by T.E.Setser that this be approved by Session.This motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. The Witness Comnittee report by Voight Hoover concermingeprayer groups was received as in®rmation and details to be worked out by the Witness Committee.The Committee reported that the Easter offering would go to the Halt Hunger Campaign. A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that we accept the following proposed dates for communicants classes:April 11,7:30 p.m.,April lL, 9:00 a.m.,April 15,10:00 a.m.,April 20,2:00 p.m.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by J.Long Wooten that we receive Mrs.Robert L. Hare,Jr.and Bobby Hare as communing members from Neuse Forest Presby- terian Church,ew Bern,N.C.and Vivian Mare as a non-communing member. The motion was seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimously carried. motion was made by T.E.Setser that we refer prayer meeting idea to the Witness Committee for their approval and action.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. Page Two April 8,1973 A Report was received from Elder Francis Stevenson on the meeting of Synod. A Report was received by Elder Harold Hedrick on the meetingofthePresbyterycalledonMarch6,1973 at Forest ‘ark Presbyterian Church. A motion was made by J.Long Wooten that we receive theseReportsforinformationandcommendtheirdiligence.The motionawassecondedbyT.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. A motian was made by T.E.Setser that we refer the idea ofaKindergartentotheStrengtheningCommitteeandasktheirreport totheSession. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we approve the followingnamesforofficersoftheWomenoftheChurch:Mrs.Betty SummersMrs.Hazelene Lentz,Mrs.Carolyn Moose,Mrs.Anna Stevenson, Mrs.Cleora Hedrick,Mrs.Ruth Hedrick,Mrs.Eleanor Pope,andMrs.Marie Stevenson.The motion was seconded by Hugh Ervin and was umanimously carried. Vv,sA e,dr.,Moderator 4 / [hbexr,yeu Jphn H.Dagenhart,pLerk of Session The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met April 8, at 5:45 p.m.in the Meeting Room at the church. The meeting was opened by Chairman,Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. The committee voted to submit the following names as possible candidates for Vacation Bible School Director to Session:Mrs.Hilda Cook, Mrs.Mildred Alexander,Mrs.Hazelene Lentz,Mrs.Betty Summers,Mrs.Eleanor Pope,and Mrs.Helice Stevenson. A motion was made that in order to increase attendance in Sunday School, a point or percentage system in each class be started with a banner being awarded to the highest class weekly;pins to be presented yearly.Further investigation is being made on this project. The committee voted to recommend A Youth Council be started in our church to the Session. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ‘Mrs.John Stevenson Mrs.Genie Setser joke Lymtor Mrs.Brenda Cook Helen Hoover Mr.W.M.Stikeleather Mr.Henry Parlier Mrs.John Stevenson Francis Stevenson The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Church Sanctuary on April 22,1973 at 9:30 a.m.The following members were Present:Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,R.R.Marlin, Voight Hoover,Henry Parlier,T.E.Setser,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., and J.Long Wooten. L.Hare,Jr.The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend R. The of the previous meeting were read and approved. This meeting was with and questioning of Communicants'Class members. A motion was made by J.Long Wooten that questions and answers regarding sacraments of the church,beliefs,sin,and church government be approved of Communicants.The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made communing members seconded by R.R. A motion was made Series Material fo by J.Long Wooten that the and those baptized who are Marlin and was unanimously by W.M.Staikeleather that School. 0. ri Bible Parlier and was unanimously carried. Paul May 1973 with A motion to seconded by Hugh adjourn Hoover as alternate. was made W.MbyVy ing Prayer was by Reverend R.L -Stikeleather,Jr. Ervin and was unanimously carried. Communicants be received as in need.The motion was carried. we obtain Cooperative The motion was seconded by Henry B.Hedrick was elected as delegate to meeting of Presbytery on Voight J The motion was Kebu Z 3x7 we he,0)M2 »ModeratorRobertL.Hare,Jr. John H. of .JT ;j /“A od Dagenhart,Glerk i Name of Church QUESTIONNAIRE TO GUIDE IN THE REVIEW OF SESSIONAL RECORDS YE Does the name and location of the church appear on the front oe er bni oe ee eee ee ereeae ee ee Are the Rules for Records of Sessions posted in the front Re CEE ks -6s he 6 ke aw eee °. Were the time and place of each meeting recorded?.... Were the meetings opened and closed with prayer?..e .Were the names of those present listed?......°° Did the Session meet at least once a quarter?...(2% Was a Ruling Elder elected to attend each meeting of Presbytery? Did the elected or alternate Ruling Elder attend?....... Did the elected representative report on the meeting to the nee 3.606 6 oe ee Oe 8 eh es oe Se a eS . Was a Ruling Elder elected to attend each meeting of synod?° Did the elected or alternate Ruling Elder attend?..... Did the elected representative report on the meeting to the Pn?6 +se 6 6 0.4 8 SN OS Oe CR SO RM we 8 Did the Session examine the minutes of the Board of Deacons? Was the Statistical Report (Form A-l and A-2)a permanent part of the minutes of Session?....iho wie Were minutes of Congregational Meeting(s)kept within the Session Book and in a separate section from the minutes Of the Seesion?«1+sss cman “er Were the actions of the Session clearly recorded? Were all minutes read and approved by the Session?.... Did the Clerk or Moderator sign the minutes?...° In your opinion are the actions of this Session in accord wath The Book of Church Order?..1.sceevecee Approved WITHOUT Exception (} Approved WITH Exception (“F List Exception (s): List Suggestions: Vimulio fo 3/7 (ACL DLA tu ,oben lazeralo cb,. .sma L227 sy LLL,/23- *No.2 to become effective as of the meeting of Presbytery -1973 Winter The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Meeting Room on May 13,1973 at 7:00 p.m.The following members were present:Hal Brown, Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Paul B.Hedrick,Harold Hedrick, Voight Hoover,Joe Lentz,Henry Parlier,T.E.Setser,R.R.Marlin, W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long.Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer and Scripture reading by Reverend Robert Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, A motion was made by Tom Setser that a notice be placed in the ConcordachurchBulletinapealingforusedclothingforYokefellowHouse,he motion was seconded by Henry Parlier and was unanimously carried. A report from the Witness Committee given by Rev.Hare that we recheck and see there are no conflicts with the members of this committee that they can still serve effectively was motioned to be approved by Tom Setser and seconded by W.M.Stikel The motion was unanimously carried. Nominations of Rev.Hare and Mrs.Helice Stevenson were received to represent Soncord Church at the Area IV Meeting of Concord Presbytery May 24,1973 at *irst Presbyterian Church,Statesville,N.C.A motion was made by Joe Lentz Mw and seconded by Harold Hedrick that we accept these nominations.The motion was unanimously carried. motion was made by Hugh Ervin that Herman Vagenhart be our delegate to Synod Meeting in Richmond,Va.June 5-6,1973.The motion was seconded by fom Setser and was unanimously carried. motion was made by Harold Hedrick that J.Long Wooten be appointed as alternate to the Meeting of Synod.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Henry Parlier that we adjourn.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carried. KeluL WeAe,Yh Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator The Sessien ef Cencerd Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting en May 20,1973 in the Paster's Study.The following members were present: Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,Paul B.Hedrick, Francis Stevenson,Tem Setser,Ralph Marlin,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart, Joe Lentz,Voight Hoover,Henry Parlier,Long Wocten,Harold Hedrick, and Hugh Ervin. lhe meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Hare. [The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that the dates of June 18 -- July 2 and August 6 -—August 20 be approved for vacation periods for Reverend Hare.The motion was seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimously carried. The following names were suggested to serve on the Youth Council: &Mrs.A.M.Shive,Jr.}irs.Jerry &*Mrs.Charles Stevenson irs.Louise Raymer.es \otevenson,(Loray)&Mrs eroy Moose rs.Tom: A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that the above names be appreved to serve on the Youth Council The motion was seconded by ierman Dagenhart and was unanimously A motion was made by 7 setser that we ad seconded by H y Parlier and was unanimously sverer utthdnd hd Jonn H.Dagenhart,Clerk of Session Koluk XC wore, Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator The Sessien ef Cencerd Presbyterian Church met in the Meeting Reom on June 10,1973 at 7:00 p.m..The following members were present:J.Long Wooten,Ralph Marlin,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,Joe Lentz,Francis Stevenson, Hal Brown,T.E.Setser,Harold Hedrick,Henry Parlier,Herman Dagenhart, Hugh Ervin,and Reverend R.L.Hare,Jr. The meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Reverend Hare. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by J.Long Wooten that an announce be made the last Sunday in July for a called Congregational Meeting to be on August 19,1973 for the purpose of election of elders and deacons.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. minutes of Diaconate were read.A motion was made by 7.:or t minutes be approved as read.A second to the motion was received by man Dagenhart and was unanimously carried. Herman Dagenhart gave a report on the Synod Meeting held in Richmond, rinia.A motion was made by Henry Parlier that we receive this report commend Mr.Dagenhart for his dilligence.The motion was seconded by Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. mnittee repert was given by Hugh.'that we recieve this report as Herman Dagenhart and was unanimously Strengthening Committee was given by W. No M.Stikeleather,Jr.that we receive this report motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously yuest was made by Reverend Hare that the dates f his vacation be changed to Sundays away:dune 24,July 1,Aug.5,and =.4 motion was made lerman Dagenhart that the change be approved Th tion was seconded r.“,Setser and was unanimously carrie .Setser that we postpone conside The motion was seconded by Ralpt T.E.Setser that we adjourn.The motion was seconded was unanimously carried. ith prayer by J Long Wooten. The Wersh ittee ef eenJun p Jeomm.Yencerd Presbyteri 1973 with ten members present. i "{, The meeting was opened with prayer by Clay Hare the Reverend explained the purpese ef the lation to other committees the t he worship.Some of duties ollows:arranging for communion r baptisms by visiting new parent -preparing attractive urch,Encourage prayer li prayer groups,sanctuary comfort adjusting air conditioning and h Yn thet Ol $ s vers =] cn arrange to a worshipful atmo greet visitors, ahead of time and have check good working order. instruments - 211}Lon ++oeS$sud—commltvee. :00 pelle ooards an Summers, Worship reviewed Wy)au in -3S” n lighting, need DY $4 Chairman. Committee es2S» pecial o1 the ubd=cc in membde tees re- the ommit pr various r seasonai -checkphysical areas such as anything to ers [The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m.on July 8,1973.The following members were present: Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Joe Lentz,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., Paul B.Hedrick,Hal Brown,T.E.Setser,Reid Summers,Herman Dagenhart, Harold Hedrick,J.Long Wooten,and Hugh Ervin, The meeting was opened with scripture and prayer by Reverend Hare. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A request by Francis Stevenson to be excused was granted. The minutes of the Board of Deacons were read and approved. W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.was elected to attend the meeting of Presbytery. Joe Lentz was elected as alternate. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that a service be worked out to dedicate a flag at a Sunday Morning Worship Service.The motion was seconded by J.Long Wooten and unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we adjourn.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. neeting was closed with prayer by Joe Lentz. Relat Hare,Qu. Robert.L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator eh AWiz BZ be Dagenhart/Clerk Of Session ¥ The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting on August 15,1973 at 7:30 p.m.in the Meeting Room.The following members were present:Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Joe Lentz,Ralph Marlin, Harold Hedrick,Paul B.Hedrick,Francis Stevenson,Henry Parlier, ”T.E.Setser,Herman Dagenhart,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and Hugh Ervin. The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Hare. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that permission be given to the deacons to negociate with Mr.Fred Duncan to install a heating unit,financing to be handled by special request for donations with the remainder of funds, if needed,to be borrowed from the Cemetery Fund with the approval of the congregation.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unamimousiy carried. motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that members of the congregation Le encouraged to make special donations to finance the purchase of a new furnace,with excess going to pay for paving the parking area,and/or the building fund.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that Mr.and Mrs.Richard Harris be approved to serve on the Youth Council.The motion was seconded by W.M. Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. adjourned with prayer by Elder Joe Lentz. Kolet XC Hare,fri, ohert,T Hareiober,are, Ihe Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 7:00 p.m.on August 19, 1973 with the following members present: Francis Stevenson,R.R.Marlin,W.M Summers,and J. fal Brown,John Dagenhart Ervin,Paul B.Hedrick,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,Henry Parlier, Setser,M.Stikeleather,Jr.,Re Long Wooten. 1e meeting was opened with prayer ar reading by Robert L.Hare,Jre received on the Presbytery n ,Forest Park Presbyterian y 10,1973 and August 1:7 Barium Springs.The reports>I M.Stikeleather,Jr. minutes of the previous meetin; motion was made by J.Long Wooten that we receive the reports from the Presbytery meetings and commend W.M.Stikeleathe Ir.for his deligence. tion was seconaea imously carrie report was mad¢y Chairman,W.}jtikeleather 9 r Sunday School and assistant leaders Melvin Adams were proposed , as the y ¥tikeleather,Jr.to ado}he Strength mnittee report A sec was made by Harold Hed |i was lananimous ly rie motion was nor t »NT oment r,VoighmDeé€ manimously are. wade by Francis stevenson wri a resolution concerning wife and the Church Historian. und was unanimously carried. The Moderator following for J.Long Wooten,LENZ. motion was made by J.Long Wooten that al sh Order and appropriate fficers get a Book Of book for ] Franca ote Veacons ar t svenson and lde The motion was waa unananimously c was DY °e vetser t ledrick and was nat unanimously 34d ié Dae J f*A Le Hare,Jre,}rat 4 JHALLKate §ohn H.Dagenhartf,Clerk The Strenghtening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met August 19, 1973 at 5:45 p.m.in the Meeting Room of the Church. meeting was called to order by the Chairman,Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. [om Setser led in prayer. The Committee voted to submit the following names to help when needed in Mrs.Mary Lou Stevenson's Sunday School Class:Jane Patterson, ildred Alexander,and Dot Little. The meeting was adjourned, Respectfully submitted, a (\“)1 x7o}AaX ULE 3 Veet st Mrs.John Stevenson Members Present: Mrs.Tom Setser “iss Helen Setser Mr.W.M.Stikleather s.Henry Parlier s.John Stevenson ir.Francis stevenso , The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Meeting Room on September 9,1973 with the following members present:Hal Brown, John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Paul B.Hedrick,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz, T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,R.R.Marlin,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer and Scripture by Reverend Robert L. Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A letter was received from Presbytery concerning salary support. A motion was made by J.Long Wooten that a joint meeting with Elders and Deacons be called to decide about answering questions on salary support. The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by John Dagenhart that Rev.Wilkes MacCauley be contacted and a date arranged for a revival meeting.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was wnanimously carried. motion was made by Hugh Ervin that we refer the matter of moving the Yhurch Secretary's office to a new location to the Deacons.The motion was seconded by T.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. The minutes of the Worship Commi meeting of June 17,1973 were received and a motion was made by T.E.Setser to receive or adopt minutes.The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously sarriec. 1973 were a motion was made by W.M.St leather,Jr.and seconded that the minutes rec io ptec The motion imously carried was made by 7 Setser t t the Shepherd Plan to maintain the eld be adopted rhe ion was seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimous Session consisted of :Herman Dagenhart. ,to close lations.and was unanimously carried.The motion for Herman Dagenhart rk was approved and «sted by acclimation. ©e vetser and seconded by R.R.Marlin J.Long Wooten that Joe Lentz be assistant Clerk.TI! Hugh Ervin.T.E.Setser made a motion nominations b >k seconded and was unanimously carried.The motion sistant Clerk was approved and elected by acclimation. jetser the as seconded unanimously RKRolaL <a de oN a alrhalt Nayerbedr.,Moderator John H.Dagenhart,Clerk jV The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 7:00 p.m. on September 2,1973 with seven members present The meeting was opened wi he reading of the 23rd Psalm and prayer by the Chairman,H. The committee composed the following list of names of clean-up committees to care for the Communion Service with dates and reccommend that the list be posted on the bulletin boards to act as notice:atind_L A.AAtod.Carte aeAgnind Pz, Jctober,1973 =fr.&Mrs.Hal Brown Mrs.&Mrs.Sam Orrell Harold Hedrick Bobby Feimster Joseph Lentz Skyler Little Francis Stevenson silly Joe Cook jundays sermons. ers,Chairman The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a special called meeting after the Morning Worship service on September 23,1973. The meeting was called to order and opened by the Reverend Robert L.Hare, Jr. Joe Lentz was designated as delegate to the Presbytery meeting on October 6,1973. Henry Parlier was designated as alternate to the Presbytery meeting.7 &d d & The meeting was closed with prayer by the Reverend Hare. xobeZ oeHake,fe, Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator Hh w Hhrtgerbe.y Ohn H.Dagenhar#, The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met October 7,1973 at 6:45 p.m.in Mrs.Ruth Hedrick's Sunday School Room. ting was called to order by the Chairman,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. Francis Stevenson led in prayer.The minutes were read and approved.The minutes being read by the secretary,Mrs.John Stevenson, The Committee voted to recommend to the Session a Vocational Class be approved for those interested.Mrs.Robert Hare,Jr.has volunteered to +an +}rliaeaeacnneCiaSS. also voted to recommend that a Scholarship Fund be started »f Voight L.Hoover and sponsored by Miss Mable Stevenson's sunday School Cli f whicl was a member,T!special offering on e 4th Sunday ,for this fund.This f is f assistance oO any member of the church who wishes enter the ministery or missionary field or Director of Christ Edu Other groups or ndividuals are invited to make appointed a Committee to establish a program for the tment in using the Cz ch Bib]lerses and hymns. Yommittee are:Henry Parlier,Mr:I .Setser y Stevenson,-Robert Hare. be $20.00 present: jtikeleather, evenson otevenson Session of Concord Presbyterian Church room number 2 on October 21,1973 with the Hal Brown,John Dagenhart,Paul B.Hedrick, Lentz,Henry Parli tser,Harold Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr The Z er,le be WS was opened with prayer and cal were re A me !>by J.Long Wooten report, vO A second was and was was ye thyoncord,No the request be manimously hationUnat wasand eX rece) met in Sunday School C following members prese J.Long Wooten,Joe Hedrick,Francis OYdtoorder Reverend aq and approved. ae +hasrLvneinformation d Hedrick veve made by Harol Poplar Harold Wooten jation ork. arried20 Oommenommen wiW ./hal AKA He Dagenhar¥,Clerk AIAE 1@ oessi 1973 at & n@earick, . e evenson verena on of yoncord :30 p.m. alph Marlin, with »Hugh Ervin, Robert z was € the Ww Hare, ened M. erian Church met in the Meeting Room on November llowing members present:J.Long Wooten,Harold Stikeleather aul B.Hedrick,W.Francis Setser,«Lentz,|rown,Reid Summers ture and prayer YOUTH GROUP YOUTH FELLOWSHIP .ae MICAN AT .TLitnD «SUSAN ADAMS V.PRES.=DEBBIE SEC.=VIVIAN HARE TREAS.,=CHUCK SHIVE SONG LEADER -ROBIN ADULT LEADERS -HIGH The supper, Music an appointed as his as Louise Raymer, Xeuth counc:| MOOSE ee nn.bie cieiaaentcdvoneka eine LEADERS AND OFFICERS ENSONDEVOTIONALLEADERS-ANGIE GIBSON &Mel WINLVLN MARK SUMMERS ADAMS AND MRS. the Yeuth Activites as the monthly and business meetings,1 ;undays, undzy nights.Mr.Carroll J s has been s Recreational Director with Mrs ,lara Hare ie adequate supervis the Youth Council -+1of a ON, members songregat presentwilconsistofbeing vingrnoonnvo recreation.his is render a Ke to snare i nis area eas~9 the Youth Council,or +re~.Carolmm Moose,—See, able to serve a turn on ano le,otherwise a parent's name wi his month,so please ne Sessi on of Concord Presbyte 8:00 p.m.on December 2,1973 with t Herman Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Paul lr.E.Setser,Harold Hedrick,Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.>,>>2 -R.Marlin, [The meeting was opened with prayer by and J.Long Wooten. Nee nnn nnn nnn eee the Fellowship Hall at |Brown, rian Unurcn me he following members present:Ha -Hedrick,Joe Lentz,nenry rariier, .*.r tw yteverendRobertL.Hare,dr. >minutes o he previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that the Gideons be invited to come on January 3;17,to speak and receive and offering.The motion was seconded ¢ a rown and was unanimously carried. otion was made |ugh Ervin that the Churc ecretary,Clara Christopher, e pe tted to take a week of vacation at her descretion.The motion was 3econded .tser and the motion unanimously carried. jotion wa sae {ranci tevenson hat Miss Pam Jenkins and re teve e accepted upon r pt of ti r letters.he motion was seconded by ont =u vas unar isly carried. >t nm wa ade ..etvser nat we navt a ttee ©n snares of rules and re ation n the ns ng of energy att wurch,.Th i was s ynded rmar agzenhart and was unanimously carried.Ihe committe scted was:|.4.setser,.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and Charles Stevenson. following candida were examined th ession ir reparation r r na ar r a a n )iI > anaer sl raw ra lw hr +earMelv1a)vosserne eoreRy 1 OF CONS ww r We ,0 MOTT on rRLIYT .“L ‘'ons,:.enso Approved:Exceptions: he }a —_ ,wat (With)——(Without)as([2k fArdinationandInstallationDate:__G,2éL.;— Jtne!iad r ously been ordained. ot n wa iad c JO entz that ti A ition ¢sustained and ne avdov named candida 3 t Lpprove x Ordination and Installation as appropriat n December 9 173 at the Morning Worst!erv °motion was seconded ran venson and unanimous carried. tior )adjourn wa ade °.tser and nded °.IPick. !yn wa nanimously carried. }wa ed w iyer rend Hare. Koled ¥Hare he J i ere centenceemilee eae —-:~—bert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator i a eeldcheeeitaheadnasaeinahaicasabinalattceenknanlbelaenaniaalaane The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 7:00 p.m.in the Fellowship Hall on December 9,1978 with the following members present: Herman Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Francis Stevenson,Joe Lentz,T.E.Setser, , i J.Long Wooten,R.R.Marlin,W.M.Stikeleather,Reid Summers,Harold Hedrick, was opened with prayer by Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. The m tes of the pre meeting were read and approved. A motion was n »y Hedrick that the proposed budget for 1974 be adopted with the Custodian's Salary to be increased to $3,000/yr.The motion was seconded by setser and was unanimously rvin that the budget be presented to the Congregation ior.The motion was sconded by Francis Stevenson any +ste hea ms:»+h ,appointments de mace unrougn i.Marlin and was The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Pastor's Study at 10:40 a.m.on December 16,197@ in a called meeting with the following members present:Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,John Dagenhart,Hugh Ervin,Paul B 1 .Joe Lentz,Henry Parlier,T.E.Setser,R.R.Marlin,J.Long Wooten,Harold The meeting was opened with prayer by Re end Robert L.Hare,Jr. meet ymeevting A motion was made by Harold Hedrick membership of Concord Presbyterian +Presbyterian Church,Statesville,N. seconaea Dy nal rown anc was unanimously The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Pastor's Study at m.on December 1973 with the following members present:le U Hedrick,Joe »Ralph Marlin,Hal Brown,Hugh Ervin,T. YnNe The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. Mm.Stikeleather,Jr.was elected to r esent Concord Church at of Presbytery on January 3,1974. eAmotionwasmadebyT je Setser that due to the energy crisis and +Vv 2c 44)++1a th ~}nh fart ;:presidence the request by Mrs.Gilbert to use the church facilities The motion was seconded by Hugh Ervin and was e We.vevser unanimously ng was closed with pray: Harold setting r4 unanimously ° au & r Yoga Hedrick, Setser,. a ace eee eee gel aaaie chem ander en esidatincntnanshonanae eee The Worship Committee met in regular monthly meeting on January 6, at the church. The meeting was opened with prayer and Scripture reading by Mr. yhairman,. A Discussion was held on the yic of Weekly Prayer Meet motion was made by Reverend Robert Hare and Seconded by on the following schedule: lst Wednesday -9:00 a.m.Church —Rev.leading ond I2ndWednesday-Cottage Prayer Groups Led by Elders 4ra and ounday nights Fireside Prayer meet zy at -Pastor 4th leading,hopefully r +4 nvolving young people sarried iare and Mrs the Session was unanimously The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at in the Pastor's Study on January 13,1974 with the following members prese Herman Dagenhart, ichard Feimster,Joe Lentz,T.E.Setser,Harold Hedrick,J.Long Wooten, W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,R.R.Marlin,Francis Stevenson,Cecil Alexander,Marvin Raymer,Melvin Adams,Troy Pope,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr. iy Reverend Robertopenedwithscriptureandprayerby1eetingwas l were read and approved.of the previous meeting the Diaconate meeting were read of January 13,1974 and approved. meeting of Presbytery was made by W.M.Stikeleather, at +h y a+\ar >-;,.that the report be accepted and We.& y Joe Lentz and was motion was motion was seconded by}for his Worship Committee was submitt the Worship Committee report be received. and was unanimously carried. Tn etOstmm he motion was unanimous ana a CO was unanimously SESSION’S ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT FOR THE OFFICE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOR STATED CLERK'S USE ONLY YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,1973 :f Church Code Number T Name of Town or City =T —y a4 |SO;435 2640 |Statesville by chil it.C. Official Name of Church T durch Ma 3 Add . PRESB CHUR Le -§ry 22 La NM SRESBYTERIANCHotoy,ate pee ply,abablessiiis,2 —. Soule 5,cL alesviligs,fs.Us STER ve NO |DOES YOUR CHURCH USE ice A EVERY MEMBER CANVASS Concord *Insert WORK classification abbreviation for each Minister,i.e.,P.,Asso.P.,A.P.or 8.8.DO NOT LIST NAMES OF | ye ’:3 1 addre q adares <_.rt2talesvilies ER GAINS LOSSES BAPTISMS CHURCH SCHOOL NROLLMENT COMMUNICANTS TOTAL FEMALE COMMUNICANTS DATE SENT TO PRESBYTERY STATED CLERK TOTAL MALE COMMUNICANTS DO NOT USE THIS SPACE__$ session of Concord Pre February 10,1974 with icnard reims +ewener»Levenson, Minutes of the Strengthening Committee Submitted by:Mrs.John Stevenson Attended By:Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,Mr.Henry Parlier, Mr.Francis Stevenson,Mrs.Tom Setser,and Mrs.John Stevenson. The Strengthening Committee met Frebruary 24,1974 at 6:30 p.m.in the Choir Room of the church.The meeting wasicalled to order by the chairman,Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.Mr.Francis Stevenson offered prayer. The Committee recommended that the following names be submitted to the Session for approval to select our Vacation Bible School Directors: Betty Summers Hilda Cook Linda Crawford Sue Stevenson (Loray) The Committee also voted to let the Youth Council buy two pieces of pressed wood,5'x 9',for $12.00 to be used for Ping Pong Tables. This is to be paid for by the Sunday School Department. Mr.Henry Parlier was to order pins to be given for Sundsy School attendance.Also,he was to ask Miss Faye Stevenson and Mrs.Cecil Alexander to prepare a Banner to be used on the door of the Sunday School Class to designate the highest percentage of attendance from Sunday to Sunday. Minutes of the Strengthening Committee Submitted by :Mrs.John Stevenson Attended by:Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,Mrs.John Stevenson, Mr.Francis Stevenson,Mrs.Tom Setser,Miss Helen Setser, Mr.Henry Parlier,Mr.J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,and Mrs.Bill Cook. The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Fellowship Hall on March 10,1974 at 9:45 a.m. The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. Prayer was offered by Mr.Henry Parlier. The Strengthening Committee voted to recommend to the Session the following: l.That Mr.and Mrs.John Dagenhart be permitted to donate copies of The Living Bible te Miss Mabel Stevenson's class in memory of Mr.Voight Hoover. foeTopresentMrs.Robert Hare's name for approval ef Vacation Bible School this year. That the literature from last year be used again this year as it was a two-week course and only one week was used. That the Junior High Department consisting of the 7th and 8th grades be included and that the co-operative Literature be ordered for them.Time of Bible School will be the week of June lOth from 9:00 a.m.to 11:30 a.m. Btmeegengnyrmemmne mma Conrord Preshyterian Church Box 5027 West Station Began Worship 1750-1755 STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA 28677 ROBERT L.HARE,JR. Organized 1775 Minister March 17,1974 TO:Church-related colleges and institutions of higher education, Presbyterian Church,U.S. Re:Streaking on Church-related College Campuses. Gentlemen: This letter is written by the Session of Concord Presbyterian Church,Post Office Box 5027,Statesville,North Carolina to the administrators,Trustees,faculties of our Presbyterian Church, U.S.colleges and institutions of higher education. We not only encourage but we strongly urge you to take steps and measures necessary to stop streaking on our campuses.When a student attends one of our church-related colleges,he or she should -‘»ide by the rules and regulations,(or principles and guidelines)set forth by that institution.If this person is caught streaking,he or she should be warned,and if continued, the student should be expelled.We lose more in the end if we tollerate such acts, We support and ask our people to support our church-related colleges where there is more individualized attention given to students but we do not intend to sit idly by while such acts are practiced and rules are not enforced by administration,nor do we intend to support these institutions. Let us hear from you if these acts happen on your campuses and your reaction.If you are deeply concerned,as we are,let us know that also,because we help lift the hands of those who promote a Christian atmosphere in an academic setting. n JSincerelyyours,;a :/ /}.oh FereK *Lepd €Hew Sur Wgbccl } SESSION OF CONCORD PRESBYTERI/.")CHURCH Copies to:Davidson College,Queens College,St.Andrews Presbyterian College,Lees-McRae College,Montreate-Anderson College,and Peace College The Worship Committee met at 7:45 p.m.,March 24,1974 in the Wiley Building of the church. The meeting was opened with the reading of the 19th Psalm and prayer by the chairman,H.C.Summers. A motion was made by Mrs.Joe Lentz that a request be made of the Deacons to repair the outside speakers to the chimes.The motion was seconded by Mrs.Francis Stevenson and was unani- mously carried. The duties of the committee were outlined by Revererid Hare. Plans were also made for the Easter services with the Commnion service to be at the church Friday,April 12,in an evening service. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, H.C.Summers, Chairman Copy to Deacons for request The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met April 21, 1974 at 3:00 p.m.in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom. The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Mr.John Dagenhart. Mr.Harold Hedrick led in prayer. It was recommended that the youth groups provide a host and hostess for the morning worship each Sunday.This will go before the Session,as well as a recommendation to have an Evangelistic service.Reverend Hare made a motion that the service(s)be held in the fall,preferably October. It was voted to suggest the Reverend McCauly as the guest minister.The name of Reverend Calvin Theilman from Montreat was also presented.The motion was seconded by Mrs.Anna Stevenson and the motion carried.ln discussion of the length of the services,the time of Thursday night through Sunday night was offered. Reverend Hare informed the group of their duties as a member of the Witness Committee.Also,he discussed the various ways of reaching the unchurched of the commmnity. It was decided that the meeting time for the future would be set for the third Sunday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Members present: Mr.John Dagenhart Mr.Harlod Hedrick Mr.J.Long Wooten Mrs.A.M.Shive,Sr. Mrs.John Stevenson Miss Emily Stikeleather Submittec by: Emily Stikeleather,Secretary The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at the church on May 12, 1974,with the following members present:Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown, Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,Troy Pope,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson, W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten.and Ralph Marlin. The meeting was opened with Scripture and prayer by Reverend Robert Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the Diaconate were read and approved. A motion was made by ‘om Setser that the Church and Grounds Committee meet with Mr.Marvin Raymer and work out lighting of sanctuary.The expense to be borne by Mr.Raymer.The motion was seconded by Troy Pope and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson that Robyn Lentz and Judy Hoover go to Mission Conference at Montreat,July 13 -18.The motion was seconded by Ralph Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Tom Setser that W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.go as our representative to Synod at Montreat on June 4th,5th,Troy Pope as alternate.The motion was seconded by Ralph Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Long Wooten that Communion Service be moved to July Lith due to radio broadcast.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Tom Setser that the asking of funds by colleges be referred to the Strengthening Committee.The motion was seconded by Ralph Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Tom Setser that the following dates be approved as vacation dates for Reverend Hare's 1974 vacation: WEEKS AWAY SUNDAYS AWAY June7-14 June 9th June 24 -July 1 June 30 July 22 =29 July 28 August 19 =26 August 25 The motion was seconded by Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Tom Setser that the meeting adjourn.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Reverend Hare. JS? Robert L.Hare,Jr,Ngders or 7 J ~as tin h, tk uf VAkty J 7 Li re er The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on May 19,1974 at 5:15 p.m.in the Ruth Hedrick Sunday School Classroom. The meeting was called to order by Francis Stevenson,Chairman. The following members were present:Francis Stevenson,Chairman, Mrs.Tom Setser,Mr.Tom Stevenson,Mr.Henry Parlier,Mrs.Marvin Raymer,Mrs.Skyler Little,Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and Mrs. Robert Moore. A motion was made by Mr.Henry Parlier and seconded by Mrs.Tom Setser that a letter be sent to Davidson College asking for a reply on a previous letter sent on streaking on their campus and how they would handle it if it did occur,before we would render help. A motion was also made and seconded by the committee that Bibles given to the 1974 Graduates be paid for by the Sunday School Department. Three young people were chosen by the Strengthening Committee to serve as a Committee to encourage and promote young people's attendance at Youth Camps,Youth Conferences and other Youth activities. Those appointed to the committee are:David Ervin,Bobby Hare,and Robin Lentz. Young people and adults attended the Presbyterian Home in High Point. The program was presented by the Senior High group and some of the other Young People.Diane Staples was in charge.The group visited members from Concord in their rooms and all enjoyed a picnic together. Miss Mabel Stevenson's class has had a retreat and invited others to join them at Camp Grier.Forty-four people attended this retreat. Everyone had a grand time playing softball,hiking,and singing with guitars and autoharp accompaniment. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: ys of,yx 7 a0 <“a Ruth Moore,Secretary The Worship Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Wiley Building at 12:05 p.m.,Sunday May 19,1974. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Chairman,Mr.H.C.Summers. The Committee welcomed the help of Mr.Long Wooten with regards to the Pulpit Supply for the dates of June 9,June 23,July 28,and August 28 when our pastor will be on vacation. With regard to the Cottage Prayer Meetings,the Worship Committee requests that each time the elders call Mrs.Reid Summers and let her know the speaker and the place of the meetings.They will meet next month, Wednesday,June 12 at 7:30 p.m.Mrs.Summers will contact the Church Office and give them the information for the bulletin. The old piano in the Fellowship Hall has been tuned and personally paid for by Mrs.Ervin.Any service or repair to the new piano is the responsibility of the church. This report is for information to the Session. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, H.C.Summers,Chairman The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 7:00 p.m.in theJ.C.Stikeleather Classroom on June 9,1974 with the following membersVe present:Cecil Alexander,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin,Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.LongWooten, ng Wooten was elected Moderator for the meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr.Wooten. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, 1\a":ve.[he minutes of the meeting of the Diaconate were and approved andacceptedasinformationuponamotionbyHaroldHedrickandsecondedbyR.R.Marlin. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that the Youth Council bepermittedtousemowiesappropriateitothemtofinancetheyouthtriptoCarowinds.The motion was seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimous lycarried. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that the gifts of the Men of thehurchandtheWomenoftheChurchfortheYouthtriptoCarowindsbeapproved.The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. ..‘+...~::A motion was made by Harold Hedri that the Worship Committee proceedtoengagespeakersforthedatesthatihastorisawayonvacation.Second byJoeLentzandwasunanimouslycarried. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick and seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. to adjourn.The motion was unanimously carried. The meeting was dismissed with prayer by “arold Hedrick. o,™he4/2A ¢.re tkchonk- J.Long Woéten,Moderator yi , Herman C.Dagenhart,Clerk The Strengthening Of The Church Committee met June 16,1974 at 5:30 p.m.in the Meeting Room.The following members were present: Francis Stevenson,Chairman,Mrs.Tom Setser,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., and Mrs.Robert Moore. The meeting was called to order by Francis Stevenson,Chairman. Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.opened the meeting with prayer. A motion was made by Mrs.Tom Setser and seconded by W.M.Stikeleather, Jr.that the Youth Council consist of Leaders from the three Youth groups,eight adults and recreation leaders.Members to serve two year:terms with four rotating off.Year running from August to August. The follewing names were recommended to the Session for approval to replace Mr.and Mrs.Tom Setser as Jr.High Group Leaders:Mr.and Mrs.A.M.Shive,Jr.,Mr.and Mrs.Tom Stevenson (Loray),Mr.and Mrs.Wesley Crawford,Mr.and Mrs.Joe Stevenson,Mrs.Helen Hoover and Mrs.Hilda Cook,and Mr.and Mrs.Billy Joe Cook. Recreation Leaders recommended were Mr.and Mrs.Jack Moose and Mr.and Mrs.Tommy Howard. It was recommended to the Session by Francis Stevenson and seconded by Mrs.Tom Setser that the church send Mrs.Hugh Ervin to the Music Conference at Montreat if it is convenient for her to attend. The Strengthening Committee recommended to the Session the approval of Mrs.Wesley Crawford to be Sunday School Co-ordinator to replace Mrs.Tom Setser. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, y Jb Yi a3 Les Ruth Moore,Secretary The Witness Committee ef Concord Presbyterian Church met June 16,1974at5:30 p.m.in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom. The meeting was called to order by the chairman,John Dagenhart,andMr.J.Long Wooten led in prayer. The plan of having youth hests and hostesses was approved by theSession,and the Witness Committee made final preparations,There wasamotionthatEmilyStikeleatherbeinchargeofsettinguptheschedule,using four people -two boys and two girls —ranging from9thgradethroughcollegeage,to serve one month at a time,Thiswassecondedandcarried. Reverend Hare announced that the Reverend MacCauley will be the guestspeakerduringrevival,Oct.2-6.In order to make revival a success,the Rev.Hare made a motion that the church work through the Sunday Schools,youth groups,men and women of the church,and other organ- izations to get help in publicity.This was seconded by Mrs .John Stevenson and carried. Mr.Harold Hedrick made a motion that these special night be suggested to the Rev.MacCauley for approval: Wednesday Night Pack A Pew Plan Thursday Night Family Night Friday Night Bring a Neighbor Saturday Night Youth Night Sunday Morning Pack A Pew Plan This was seconded and carried. Mrs.A.M.Shive,Sr.will work with Mrs.Hal Brown planning the meals for Rev.MacCauley.J.Long Wooten and Harold Hedrick will beinvchargeofpromotion. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by: Emily Stikeleather Members Present: Mr.John Dagenhart Mr.Harold Hedrick Mr.J.Long Wooten Mrs.4.M.Shive,Sr. Mrs.John Stevenson Miss Emily Stikeleather The Session Of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 10:30 a.m.in the Pastor's study on June 30,1974 with the following members present: Gecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Richard Feimster,Hareld Hedrick, Joe “entz,R.R.Marlin,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson, Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Hare. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that Mr.Ernest Gill be invited to speak at the church on Wednesday night,July 3,at 7:30 p.m.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.anc was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson that James Staley,Jr.be granted his letter of transfer to Union Grove Methodist Church.The motion was seconded by YJ.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser to adjourn.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Harold Hedrick. / 7%'‘j el OO,WerCVPR.A fit 4 ry BLe Herman C.Dagenhart,Clerk Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Modefator The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in regular session on July 14,1974 at 7:15 p.m.with the following members present:Melvin Adams, Hal Brown,Joe Lentz,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,Ralph Marlin,Tom Setser, Harold Hedrick,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,and Francis Stevenson. The meeting was called to order by Reverend Robert Hare and opened with Scripture,Psalm 12]and prayer. The Session accepted with regret the resignation of Mr.Clay Summers as Chairman of the Worship Committee.The motion was made by Ralph Marlin and seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson to approve Mr.and Mrs.Jack Moose and Mr.and Mrs.Tommy Howard to serve as Recreation Committee of the Young People to work along with Carroll Jones.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carried. *##Youth Council and Youth Leaders approved The minutes of the Diacomate were read and approved. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson that Mms.Wesley Crawford be appointed Sunday School Co-ordinator,The motion was seconded by Ralph Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Joe Lentz authorizing Hugh Ervin to write the check to Dr. Roland Sims,our Homecoming speaker,in the amount of $250.00 for traveling expenses and honorarium.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. and was unanimously carried. A report was given by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.of his attendance at the meeting of Presbytery on June 29,1974 at Banner Elk,N.C.This was received as information. A motion was made by Tom Setser to approve the above report and commend J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.for his deligence.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Tom Setser to adjourn.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Harold Hedrick. ##The following names were approved for nomination of Youth Council and Youth Leaders:Mr.and Mrs.A.M.Shive,Jr.,Mr.and Mrs.Tom Stevenson (Loray), Mrs.Helen Hoover and Mrs.Hilda Cook,Mr.and Mrs.Wesley Crawford,Mr.and Mrs.Joe Stevenson,and Mr.and Mrs.Billy Joe Cook. , Fr j Z Ki far or INH,fi Rebert L.Hare,Jr.Joseph E.Lentz Moderator Assistant Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom on August 11,1974 at 7:00 p.m.The following members were present: Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Richard Feimster, Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin,Troy Pope,Marvin Raymer,T.E. Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., and J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer and scripture by Reverend Robert Hare. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the Diaconate were read and approved. A motion was made by Tom Setser that approval be given to the deacons to procede with the purchase of a 3,000 gallon fuel tank.The motion was secondedbyHaroldHedrickandwasunanimouslyapproved. A motion was made by Tom Setser that the entire congregation be invited toattendaretreatatCampGrierandSundayWorshipServicesonOctober25,26,and 27 or on suitable dates in November.Tho motion was seconded by MarvinRaymerandwasunanimouslycarried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that Mrs.Louise Summers and Mrs.EmilyErvinbeelectedtoarrangeaheadoftimeforhomesforandpersonstobeinchargeofcottageprayermeetings.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that the book of Revelation be used forPrayerstudy.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Tom Setser that tentative plans for the 200th Anniversarycelebrationbeapproved,The motion was seconded by Marvin Raymer and wasunanimouslycarried.(See attached sheet) A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that sons of the church be contacted topreachonsuggesteddatesandthatanhonorariumandtravelexpensebeprovided.The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. Troy Pope reported on the meeting of Synod of North Carolina at Montreat onJune4and5, A motion was made by J.Long Wooten to recieve the report and commend Mr.Popeforhisdiligence.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carried, The Strengthening Committee reported on Rally Day,August 25th.Mrs.HeliceStevensonandMrs.Ruth Hedrick to coordinate the program.Presentation of faithfulattendancepinstopersonswhomissednomorethanthreeSundaysduringtheyeartobemadeatthistime.The motion to accept the report was made by MarvinRaymerandwassecondedbyMelvinAdamsandwasunanimouslycarried, Joe Lentz reported on the Voight Hoover Scholarship Fund concerning scholarshipsintheamountof$200.00 each as a grant to anyone going into Christian Educationwork.These scholarships to be sponsored by the Mabel Stevenson Sunday School Class.The report was recieved as information A motion was made by Tom Setser to adjourn.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Francis Stevenson, état f ++G2 f°iil ~~i Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator /off 4 ($Aa Axzk tfLet Herman C.Dagenhart,Clerk / CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 200th ANNIVERSARY PREPARATION =MINUTES OF AUGUST 4,1974 MEETING ROBERT L.HARE,JR.—PASTOR hThosepresentatthemeetingincluded:Mr.W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., Mr.and Mrs.Hugh Ervin,Mrs.Eleanor Orell,Mrs.Dot Little,Mr. Joe Lentz,and Reverend Hare. Tentative plans for 1975 celebration include the following: EASTER =March 30,1974 =Evangelistic Services (Perhaps Wed.,Thurs.’>t ,3 Fri.,Sat.,Sun.Speaker or speakers to be named.) APRIL =McDowell Music Club MAY =Moderator,Dr.Clarence Bottoms %Donald H.Speck,Associate Stated Clerk 341 Ponce de Leon Ave.,N.E. Atlanta,Georgia 30308 (Sunday,May 25,1975)We need picture &Biographal sketch for publicity. ~History and Pageant.Suggested:Connie McHargue -History Ruth Hedrick -Director of Pageant -(Mrs.Evans -Writing) Preaching of the Wo »f the church in a meeting or series of services prior to Home letter to eachRis0% ,+sons of the church no i in mind trying tc sons senses to a minimun.) July 20,1975.Speaker ormer pastor living sons and daughters und submit Bethany Presbyterian Church (200th Anniversary also) P.Ingram —Rt.11,Box 273,Statesville,N 87 3=—44,20 The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting in thePastor's Study on August 18,1974 at 10:30 a.m.The following members werepresent:Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin,Francis Stevenson,W.M,Stikeleather,JYr.,and J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Hare, A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that William F.Summers,Jr.be invitedaSsubstituteforFredD.Summers,Jr.for Pre-Homecoming Services in 1975.The motion was seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that the Prayer Service on Sunday evening,August 25,1974,be cancelled.The motion was seconded by Francis Stevensonandwasunanimouslycarried, A motion was made by Joe Lentz that the church accept the offer of Mrs.HelenHooverandchildrentodonateahospitalbedtobeusedasneededbythechurchandthataletterofappreciationbewrittentotheHooverfamily.The motionwassecondedbyR.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Reverend Hare j ‘+as //4 :i +17 TA ya - r A be / Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator Kf ‘"4 i Herman C.Dagenhart,CYerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met on September 8,1974 at 7:00 p.m,in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom with the following members present:Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick, Joe Lentz,Troy Pope,Marvin Raymer,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson, J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer and scripture reading by Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that copies of the Priority Questionaire be sent to all members of the Session for their study and further consideration. The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that a special offering be taken on September 29 for famine and need in Africa.A two week notice to be given to the congregation and include communication in meditation by pastor.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that a fifteen minute prayer service be held before each evening service during the revival series.The motion was seconded by Herman Dagenhart and was unanimously carried. In a report from the Strengthening Committee,Francis Stevenson reported that consideration for a new Sunday School Class for Young Adults be postponed for the present.A motion was made by Francis Stevenson to receive or adopt theStrengtheningCommitteereport.A second was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. and was unanimously carried. In a report from the Witness Committee,Harold Hedrick reported that on August 18 the four committeeswere formed to work for the upcoming revival services on October 2-6.The report was received. A motion was made by Joe Lentz to apporve the following schedule of events on Sept.15 :WOC at 6:00 p.m.and Bible Study and Prayer meeting at 7:00 p.m. Richard Feimster was elected to attend October 1,1974 meeting of Presbytery at lst Presbyterian Church in Salisbury.Marvin Raymer was elected alternate. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer to approve Sept.29,7:00 p.m.as the time for a kick-off prior to revival services.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. Marvin Raymer made a motion that action on John Dosser's resignation from the Diaconate of the church be delayed.The motion was seconded by Trey Pope and passed unanimously. Marvin Raymer made a motion that the Session send a letter to John Dosser stating that’the church is much in prayer for him,Mrs.Linda Dosser,and the children. The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and passed unanimously, W.M.Stikeleather made a motion that the minutes of the Diaconate be approved as read.The motion was seconded by Melvin Adams and passed unanimously (over) Tom Setser made a motion to adjourn the meeting.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and passed unanimously. The meeting was closed with prayer by Harold Hedrick. Pann )/i‘é \,Pferhlanre he.Kot ms LITO |Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator 4 7 tt A4HermanC.Dagenhart,Clerk The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met on Sunday September 8,1974 at 12:00 noon,in the meeting room,for a called meeting. m +The meeting was called to order by Francis Stevenson, Chairman,who also opened the meeting with prayer. cea ;ee er et wiiMotionwasmadebyW.M.Stikeleather Jr.and seconded wv vi ac ~by Mrs.Marvin Raymer,that we discontinue the effort to begin a New Young Married -Young Adult Class due to the fact that conditions are unfavorable at the present time. was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, pty Z Ruth Moore,Secretary The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met September 27,1974 in the Pastor's Study with the following members present:Melvin Adams,Hal Brown, Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin,Troy Pope,T.E.Setser,Francis otevenson,J.Long Wooten, The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Robert Hare. [he minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we receive an offering Friday night plus loose offering Sunday morning to go toward expenses of evangelistic meeting.us The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we pay all expenses plus $50.00 peron service to Rev.Wilkes Macauley for evangelistic services.The motion wasice seconded by Troy Pope and was unanimously carried. ion was made by T.FE r to have Rev.Hare to call Bill Johnson to arrange for ‘fering Friday night and ushering for each motion was seconded DY I 4 1 and was unanimous Ly arried,. motion was seconded Joseph &.Lentz,Asst. _~.Try BE on.AWN BANATH eT FR f Seo ssio an 6 riten ores :“ Ae Vesa Ga i 5D Cpl.ALK iChin porn 5 ~~Shag I /ile nailaite.2 we adh-2r5-e pape ed theo ae CS _A ak hr.Sony — oer al diol 2,b,-AL > Cenw ‘k cae CkAn~L.2des R8 Dru ~~ Jr es waa" 4 rs :2 /2che~k bs 2 ,ne LL yo eeaw gs ta haw Jormeey /A prs by Tong OT . (ae )a ey J }fs ea temtrh y (2)Piurtae .:oa (a )at z.m,¢,ret a td (Ose e 4 aC26 fpr f ” (+)goer aa fen 2 7 hi th [~,gt =wJ P< 7 ham 4 apo Bit ae 4). THM.€.Lk EE ppecnen p3 vu ulate’ne gr ti FY on >tried)ee wns A Oe ABR Nanak ww I ‘= Ant s il at +wero arn ()regarta “&sh Ret A %fe LaLa °2 un aaint|Sew —$/309 Pim.ao Frng-aahiee3 yt Ta,retype ten Pineh”PhareL for dijat L ef Chen(0)Shot,LT Hes ta abe te fonhoPid.Pia aeMe Ln Loe,+e JA.Y wud fe The,phermay, Ss)pase session of Concord Presbyterian Church met October 13,1974 in ikeleath Jlassroom with the following‘St members present:Melvin Adan recil Alexander,Hal Brown,Richard Feimster,Harold tser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harve Hedrick,Joe Lentz, y Stevmson,Jr., J.Long Wooten. opened with re from Matthew and prayer approved. Dale Evans Rogers re-aS maae n Sunday School beYoungPeopleto trengthening Committee session meeting next t er T ry ‘ear jed hy kh f +]l maeca DY We Me )act on Une unanimousiy car! ana was waS wae inanimously Joseph E.Lentz, To: REPORT FROM THE YOUTH COUNCIL September 16,1974 Rev.Robert L.Hare Members of Concord Presbyterian Church Taylorsville RoadStatesville,N.C.28677 Subject:The newly formed Youth Council,being eppointed by and working under the direction of the Strengthening Committee of the Church,met for the first time in July 1973.Those serving on the Council were the Youth Leaders,Mr.&Mrs.Steve Staples,Mr.&Mrs.Tom Setser,Mr.&Mrs.Melvin Adams.Those serving as Officers of the Council were,Mrs.Marvin Reymer,Chair- man,Mrs.Tom Setser,Co-Chairman,Mrs.Leroy Moose,Sec.&Treas., other members were Mr.&Mrs.Charles Stevenson,Mrs.Tom Stevenson (Loray),Mr.&Mrs.Richard Harris,Mr.&Mrs.Jerry Little,Mr. 3e Sandy Shive.In the Fall Carroll Jones and Mrs.Robert Hare were added to the Council as recreation Directors.Later in the yeer the Youth expressed their desire to have representatives on the Council,the President of each Youth Group was added at this time. rs]‘In working out the program for the er the Council found the youngve people wanted to meet every Sunday night during the school months. Therefore,a schedule was set up with the young people meeting the first and third Sunday nights for reguler meeting nichts with programs. ld Fi .¥Arrt Qn the second and fourth Sunday nighty for choir and recreation, with parents as chaperones &serving refreshments on these nights. ‘4TheCirclesserving supper on the th Some she activities for the year were a b followed by a picnic the Manse,in the Fall a trip to Mf.Mitchell was planned.We had about 44 to go on this trip.TRey drove part of the way up Mt.Mitchell and then kiked the rest of the way.After the hike they cooked Hamburgers and are them on the mountain. Page a2 REPORT FROM THE YOUTH COUNCIL At Christmas time each group planned its own party,with the understanding that the Council would assist any amy time they were needed.February the month for Youth Sunday,and the youth of our church hed a most inspiring service at the Morning Worship.This was directed by Mr.&Mrs.Steve Staples,assisted by Mrs.Hugh Ervin. In May the Youth went to the Presbyterian Home in High Point and presented the same program.It was very well received there also. In June there was a picnic at Scotts Recreation Center.Hot Dogs and Hamburgers with all the trimmings were served.The groups enjoyed tennis,swinging,see-saws,volley ball and soft ball. In July a trip to Carowinds was planned.The Men of the Church and the Women of the Church were so kind as to help pay for a bus we chartered for the trip.We had 54 to go on this outing. Another picnic was held in September,again at the Scotts Recreation Center. Plams are in the making for a hayride in October. We feel that we have had e very fruitful year both in Council and the Youth Groups,and are looking forward to an even better year this year and years to come, We wish to thank every one for making this a very successful year, both to the Parents and Church Members. Mrs.Leroy Moose, Secretary The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met at 7:00 J.C.Stikeleather Classroom on November 10,1974 with present:Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart, Joe Lentz,R. pem.in the the following members Harold Hedrick, R.Marlin,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr., W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,J.Long Wooten. meeting was opened with Scripture reading and prayer by The minutes of the previous meeting and approved, motion was made by Joe Lentz that Tommy Howard be received by reaffirmation of faith.The motion was seconded R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.that the resignation of Mr.R.R.Marlin as chairman of the Service Committee be approved with luctance.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. :that J.Long Wooten and Herman Dagenhart Commissioners to the General Assembly in 1975.The motion Joe Lentz and was unanimous] ade by Harold H: carried. est from the Gideons 7 "IC ,yy»1975,be granted. id was unanimously carried. un charge Oi cottage {ae ngs n the 2nd wednesday motion was seconded ly carried. each month to begin in January by tevenson,Jr.and was unanimous notion was made by W to approve the minutes of Nov.10,1975 meeting of the Diaconate.The motion was seconded by carried.ALe@xanaer and was unanimously was made by **.R.Marlin to adjourn.seconded was made leather,Jr.and was unanimously DYvarried. as closed with prayer by Long Wooten. ao Uf >v Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator IV ah (K >.Dagenhart,Clerk A The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting at 10:30 a.m.in the Pastor's Study on November 17,1974 with the following members present:Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikel eather,Jr. he meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Hare.Ww 1 motion was made by Harold Hedrick that Mrs.Hazel Spears,Betty 5S; and Billy Spears be accé into membership of this church pending baptism.The!was sec d by Tom Set é was unanimously motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that the request of Mr. t 2 aor ae ol.+ne a &new ]i 3 [me |ree “»TahnenrnijipUCioeranddaugntersAatnvioerandMrs.vOyce oer vonnson from the rolls of the c 4 e they have become members tist Church be granted The motion was seconded by fas unanimously rancis Stevenson that the book by Dale Evans Une ounday ochool and wre ne >Ab Wa Ue The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church metonSunday,November 17,1S7l at 10:30 a.m, The meeting was called Aty order by Francis Stevenson,Chairman, Seven members were present. W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.opened the meeting with prayer. Motion was made by Henry Parlier and seconded by Mrs.MarviniymerthattheStrengtheningCommitteerecommendtotheSessionthatpermissionbegiventotheYoungPeopletouse¢@ the book "CoolItOrloseIt"by Dale Evans Rogers as a supplementary book attheirregularmeetingsorattheirRapSessions, Respectfully submitted, ae tS)Att foAM4' Ruth Moore,Sectumary MCT wt fe 4 (nf eAean f hur name neetings name: yterian Chu the Fellowship Hal]he Session of Concord Presbyt at 7:00 p.m.on Sunday,December 8,1974 wit Melvin Adams,Herman Dagenhart, -Marlin,T.E.Setser,Francis Long Wooten. crren the following members i Feimster,Harold Stevenson, The Session of Concord Presbyterian on January 12,1975 with the following members present:Francis Stevenson, Church met in the Pastor's ~vudcy KR.R.Marlin,Melvin Adams,Harold Hedri J.Long Wooten,Hal Brown, Le De VC tser,(scil Alexander,and Joe Lentz. The meeting was opened with Long Wooten, motion was made by Long wooter ar Sessionpostponeduntilnext>venin secondec and was unanimously TrThe Strengthening rch met on Sunday, he meeting was rn2 Y ‘en members were iOn was mé iy otever son \Y >at Committee February 8 Yr rec sec mmend rme mv4The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting in the Pastor's Study on February 23,1975 at 10:30 pres sent:Cecil Alexander,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,R.R. Marlin,T.BE.Setser,Francis Stevenson,and J.Long Wooten. m.with the following members fi ,;y wae y .uri t.h ray r th }‘*1 Roh ~T He >"he meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Robert L.Har A motion was made by Francis Stevenson that we grant letters of transfer for 2 s.Linda Dosser and Paige Dosser to the First Presbyterian Church inMrIn4 udesboro,North Carolina.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously carrie he Hedrick that the following names of officers of >approved.The motion was seconded by J.Long Wooten irs.Tom Hedrick (Cleora) rs.Hal Brown (Ruth) (rs.Henry Parlier (Lucille) Mrs.Robert Hare,Jr.(Clara) rs.Jo tevenson (Carolyn) L rene Stevensonrs.Tom Stevenson (Sue.Loray)rs.iO!nson Hue,Ly) +T :a {7 -rs.Robert Feimster (Lois) rs.ll Johnson (Bonnie) rs.Long Wooten (Tona) 4 ,/rs.Rober {ia ) rs.Fran rawford (Anne)rs.bert Patterson (Jane) /rs.W.H.mers ()Le oiee)I (na ne) nm wa id «Re Marlin adjourn.tion was con ir r nd was unanim arr’° r Clr W ;W ray P ¥ara . Yk 4\Dennen escmnmmnen ‘Pes oO Fat y CQNCQRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COMMITMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES The Commitment Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met initsfirstregularsessionat7:00 P.M.,March 2,1975.Chairman Joe Lentz opened the meeting with prayer. There were five(5)members present:Robert Moore,Hal Brown, Hugh Ervin,Sandy Shive and Joe lentz,Chairman,Rev.Robert Hare was also there for the beginning of the meeting to assist the Chairman in getting things underway. Rev.Hare advised the group of the main fields of endeavor for this particular committee.He also made some suggestions relating to each program. Chairman Lentz noted that several persons named to the original list of members were unable to take part in the committee work,so he would try to find others to take their places. Considering the listed programs:Stewarship,Communicant Classes, New Member Follow-Up,Enlistment of Leaders,Vocational Guidance for Young People and Memorials,it was noted that all members were to assist in each program;although each program had designated Leadership.(See attached) Realizing the lack of experience and preparation that the membership had for its new duties,the Chairman asked each to put all possible thought and prayer into preparation for the next meeting in order to get all programs into action. The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Sandy Shive,. Respectfully Submitted, A.M.Shive,Jr.(Acting Secretary) CONCORD PRESBYTERL 1975 COMMITMENT COM 2ssion of Concord -esbyt l irc I Cc L975 fo)win memhers sae ‘ari ex:t.YrLlOLiOwWwingmemoers>Le ri rown, Hedrick,Joe Lentz,!Francis Stev n Ir tikelea g ong Wooten.nson,Jr., “Arner Y March 14,1975 Mr.Francis Stevenson,Chairman Strenghtening Committee Concord Presbyterian Church Dear Mr.Stevenson: At the request of your committee,I have secured the following resolution from the Youth Council.Not being able to have a called meeting before the Session meets on March 16,1975,I personally called the members of the Youth Council on the tele- phone and a majority agreed that the Council present to the Session,through you,our resolution to have children in the third grade included in the same Youth Fellowship as the fourth and fifth grades. It is my understanding that your committee discussed this change at length,and I believe that you can more than adequately,even much more that I,advise the members of the Session the "pros and cons"voiced by members of your committee.These opinions certainly reflect those of the Youth Council too,so I will not attempt to name them all in this note, Our thanks for presenting this to the Session. Respectfully, A.M.Shive,Jr.Chairman Youth Council [he Session of Concord Presbyterian Chu March 23,1975 at 7:15 p.m.in the J following members sent:Melvin Ralph Marlin,Richard Feimster,W.! Stevenson,Jr Francis Stevenson,Joe Lentz +uon .. the pre Adams al ‘WwW Le , he meeting was opened with prayer and from the Shive, following were present eigh Shive, ina Moose, ses rena >ne wirumm ana ark)yhuck Moose, ara TCS,/ sal few qi F al x linea seat #1eSs Marlin other ons to members of the ph that tion ofexamina a han questions by Francis 3 Steve n and man was mage yoncordD 30ofmers,Leigh Shi ose.fo Stikele Scripture by 2 mous ccalled meetingrchmetina assroom with r a LStikeleather »Hal Brown,Harold Hedrick, sather,Jr.,J.Harvey and Tom Setser. Reverend Robert sion of Communicant's Johnson,Dawne Moore, Lasses: 1sa notion nemt jommunicant's Class,a randidates for rerend Hare. y carried. church er= The motion was e re"ollowing t pon profession na Johnson, A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that the following be approved as the Organ Committee:Mrs.Emily Ervin,Robert Feimster,W.Z.Morrison, Mrs.Theresa Moose,Mrs.Ann Crawford,and Herman Dagenhart.The motionMr was seconded by Francis Stevenson ans was unanimously carried. motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that at the request of the chairman of the Worship Committee the following be added to the Worship Committee:‘“obert Feimster,Mrs.Theresa Moose,W.Z.Morrison, irs.Ann Crawford,and Richard Feimster.(Mrs.Clay Summers declined to -)The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,.that the action we t on the Heritage Room be rescinded since we are having some f \{.Stikeleather,Jr.,Tom Stevenson (Loray),and Reve d Hare bility of using "Mrs.Ora Morrison's Room"downstaiz ct as a Commission to proceed with plans to use seconded by Tom Setser and was Marelarch 9, leather The Witness Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met April 6 with the following members present:J.Long Wooten,Chairman,Lewis Stikeleather,Mrs.John Stevenson,and Harold Hedrick. > The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr.Wooten. he programs for April,May,and June wer discussed.This was in sonnection withe the Bi-Centennial Celebration. Mrs.Stevenson discussed what the church should pay Dr.Cora Wayland. fter some discussion,a motion was made by Mrs.Stevenson that the Nitness Committee recommend to the Session that she be given $20.00 ‘or travel expense and a gift of $25.00 for a total of $45.00.There was a second to the motion and it was approved.‘This amount to be paid out of the Miscellaneous Account. The meeting was closed with prayer vening 1975 >Committee of the Session and Concord Presbyterian Church met 30 o'clock this evening at the churc attendance were lev. tobert L.Hare,Jr )roy L.Pope,Dean and 5d:ie Jack Moose, Mrs.Mildred Hedrick,Mr.Jim Stevenson and |>Raymer Ihe meetin was opened with quotes in favor of Service in Christ's Kingdom in our yrreference resented an invitSaterofHICONTA individuals who their minister, -ommunicate witt INTACT"wou nteer worker woul ’er and thea es the 1 teer ved in Lephons Dm workers area <trout >earn >here assistance public ations and ad- ifTheSessionofConcordPresbyterianChurchin -Stikeleather ,lassroom on April 13,1975 at 7:00 p.m.wi >following members present:I ,€ ecil Alexander,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,R.Rk.Marlin, Marvin Raymer,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr., tJ Jr.,and J.Long Wooten. g was opened with Scripture reading Kesares The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met May 4,1975 at the church.It was announced that Mrs.Brenda Cook had resigned her teaching position in the Primary Department and a replacement was needed immediately. A motion was made and seconded that we have someone for this job so they can be approved by the next Session meeting on May 11,1975. Jur Committee would like to present Mrs.Sue Stevenson as Co-Teacher with Mrs.Dawn Gibson in the Primary Department for the Session's approval. A motion was made and seconded that Carroll Jones be approved as assistant teacher in the Junior class. It was announced that plans for Bible School were progressing nicely. There was some discussion about the material which had been crdered for the Nursery class.he Sunday School Superintendent is to be in touch with the Bible School Director concerning this.Our committee has the responsibility for publicizing camps and conferences for the summer. meeting was close ardVaSessionofConc F resbyterian 1975 with the following members present: Stikeleather,Jr.,Francis The Wooten,W.M St Joe Lentz. The meeting was opened with prayer by Session's 1975 Hare request through May Robert May 1 1everend vacation to be 6 22, Long Wooten Marlin was >by Ralph motion The motion was sé and >verend made was unanimous was and ionmot Browr yhurch met Ralph Marlin, ina 7svenson,Tom Reverend approv2a theand we grant was to preach on Robert for a second Sunday Reverend unanimously ed Meeting on le Hal ander, Brown, portion of his in August. Hare's carried. request May May 4, Long anda lowing weld‘*es helCommitteewasymmit ny ny >I n D»zenharHermanLuny{rman }airm Snoismeeting.ctea Itransae sivenmit++ae .ymm i The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the J.C.Stikeleather Sunday School Classroom on May 11,1975 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present:Melvin Adams,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz, R.R.Marlin,7.BE.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M. Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten.,and Troy Pope. The meeting was opened with scripture reading by Reverend Robert Hare,Jr. and prayer by Francis Stevenson. of the March 23,April 13,and May 4 meetings were read and approved. ,motion was made by Joe Lentz that the approved recommendation of the pommittment Committee for a Family Night the Men of the Church meeting in June be cancelled.The motion was seconded by Tom Setser and was unanimously sarried. motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather r.that Reverend Hare and Marvin taymer work out the details of Dr.Lawrence Bottom isit to our church on Me "May 25,1975.The motion was seconded by Ton sts and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that the church pay the travel expense for Dr.Bottom's visit on May 25,1975 The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carri motion was made by Joe Lentz that th ession accept his resignation as hairman of the Committment Committee.he motion was seconded by Troy Pope carried.1undwasunanimously nade by Troy Pope that )rd Presbyteri hurch set work in connection with the Yokefellow Organization in endeavor,>moti was seconded by Tom Setser and was was made by Francis Stevenson that Mrs.Sue Stevenson (Loray)be -o-teacher of the Primary II Class to serve with Mrs.Dawn Gibson. was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. tion was made by Tom Setser to adopt the Literature requested for use group at ible School in the Witness Committee report.he motion jtevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. ser that Harold He :)incipal,and J.Long representatives 3}in Laurinburg,N.C. on was seconded by Lentz and passed unanimously. hat considerations f a gift for Mrs.J. Concord Church be referred to the Bi-Centennial was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. {led 4 ra ’Anerar at1apth A motion was made by Tom Setser that the Session approve a Scholarship Fund Hanil Seminary in South Korea,’place an announcement in the church bulletin {4 give all church members an opportunity to make donations to this cause. motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Tom Setser that we adjourn.The motion was seconded Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Reverend Hare. Se Asonnmnlaesun eS Moderator sitideteehiiapeniempenii a |7 ’a ho ye?‘y .erman C.Dagenhart,erk The Strenghtening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Chur r ;a hra Welrind Srrmnuatiic M Offer Prager’b‘a Userrn—ar..="LJFee Fhe Properel Dh tlecekipy foast am ©, Tie dettetan «2o~(07 Pie pee.E Mi.fe Cniww Ceanil..1 2T ard hearnek thet tL.burt 7 tone-tau tua 2 ashi “an fee 4g he Stine.te Toa,Ret dei aa.Meet- 4 :/ A/So3w2T ate ec 2 ot v Lua T Vins Gor ¥sateae.AA41eNLO XLe itwr<)Cee Ltér Aa,Gare { Ast La he Ze te a otk Av~@22 the Pe Cy >>ry?nl A eee Cth de ha La lo A.a feecthlte [=th Chur htpe<,L shagpgoA WwW?Lthhiuver Nee.Fee.‘a Piss ConkPoe (ec mn LR Lr 7-Y~>a Ae Phpacee oak ballare ies )he “ ——_.an Varia c Ltfppwre /a My &jwere|Lo li.Nawed Ni an a oun WG +4 <hi»tA _ttlo/4]a.Pender “a - eae Ga 3 hio +e he Aent 4%lin ne POEbrewer A410 fe pep LeU 2 PH,hee Ape raed 2 a KL—o “7°?a ot YL ef Yh Crete MALE a.+flyAttene An lemnnrwte ie < CV 404 Ce th.geong Fog Le Vald Nvakibyr |a a .pts Xo Ther A1¢H/,19785 he ra —eo et hen ®,AC :br>n Ack Mrrr1h Yt ene Haha The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom on June 8,1975 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present:Cecil Alexander, Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin,Troy Pope, Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten,Also present was Mrs.Bea Garvin,Pictorial Church Directories of America Representative. The meeting was opened with prayer and Scripture reading by the Reverend Robert L. Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that Mr.Walter Cloer and Roger Cloer be granted a letter of dismissal to the Yadkin Baptist Church,Statesville,N.C. The motion was seconded by J.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that the loose offering on Homecoming Day go to the General Fund to be used for Bi-Centennial expenses.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. A motion was mady by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that a gift be presented to Mrs.J.S. Evans,not to exceed $50.00 in cost,for writing the church history pageant.The gift to be selected by a committee appointed by Mr.Stikeleather.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that a fund,not to exceed$$25.00,be set aside for the purchase of gifts for chyrch members aged 80 years and over under the supervision of Mrs.Ruth Brown and/t6*Spyresented on June 22,1975.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that Mr.Hare and Mrs.Emily Ervin work out details involved in inviting neighboring Presbyterian Church Choirs to partici- pate in our autumn revival.The motion was seconded by J.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. Mr.Harold Hedrick reported on the meeting of Synod on June 4 and 5,1975 at Laurinburg,North Carolina. A motion was made by J.Long Wooten to receive the Synod report as information and commend Mr.Hedrick for his deligence.A second was made by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. The Strengthening Committee recommended the following teachers:Mrs,Betty Summers, Mrs.Marion Drum,Miss Toby Raymer for the Junion High Class and Mrs.Connie McHargue for the Ruth Hedrick Class.A motion was made by Joe Lentz to adopt the Strengthening Committee recommendation.A second was made by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. The Witness Committee recommended that a fund in the amount of $1,000 be provided to sponsor a missionary to be named by the Moderator of the Session.A motion was made by J.Long Wooten to receive and adopt the Witness Committee recommendation, A second was made by Francis Stevenson and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that a letter be sent to members Leaving our church expressing regrets of their loss to our church membership and wishing them successin their new church home.The motion was seconded by Troy Pope and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that each member of the Session purchase a copy of the New Confession of Faith for study.The motion was seconded by J.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. Mr.Cecil Alexander,principal,and Mr.J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,altermate ,were unanimously approved as representatives to Presbytery to meet at Lees McRae College on June 27 and 2g,1975. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick to adjourn.A second was made by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. Fo il t‘J \ «;J Af 12 |g£$2 vVuu,py Robert L.Hare,dr.,Moderator “AF ;, Herman C.Dagenhart,Clery The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Pastor's Study on June 15,1975 at 10:20 a.m.with the following members present:Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,“.R.Marlin,T.E.Steser, Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that the Session approve a request by Mrs.Ruth Brown to schedule a covered dish dinner immediately following Morning Worship Service on June 22,1975 to honor the Senior Members of our church (those 80 years old or older). The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. A motion was mde by Harold Hedrick to approve the temporary installation of a new Allen electronic organ in the church for an on-site demonstration and a 2:00 p.m. recital on Homecoming Day,July 20,1975.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson to receive Mrs.Don (Tena)Campbell into church membership by transfer of letter from Monticello United Methodist Church, Statesville,N.C.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was manimously carried. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that we grant letters of transfer to Forest Park Presbyterian Church for Mr.and Mrs.John Gregory.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick that vacation time for Reverend Hare be approved as follows:June 18-20,August 9-16,August 28-September 1,and October 6-13.The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin,and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Harold Hedrick to investigate up—dating the current church directory.The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser to adjourn.The motion was seconded by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. 4 7 i :..iKatef-ONL A Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator 4 a 4,7 ee LX Mb 4 hAidlih id ks ey Herman C.Dagenhart,Clerk The Strengening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met July 12,1975 at the church. It was suggested by some members of the church that the Sunday School attendance board in the sanctuary be removed.A motion was made and carried that this board remain as is in the sanctuary. Our committee is to encourage attendance to various camps and conferences going on this summer. New church officers will be elected in August and an officers training session will be held for them. Rally day will be the first Sunday in September ??.Attendance pins and certificates will be awarded at that time.The pins need to be ordered for this. Teachers are needed for the new Day Star Sunday School class.‘Two people,Tommy Howard and Bonnie Cook,have been suggested as possible teachers for this class and they are to be cleared by the Session.The class will discuss teachers also and see if there might be other members who would be willing to teach. The Piemeer Sunday School class needs a substitute Sunday School teacher, The meeting was closed with prayer. The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom on July 13,1975 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present: Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Richard Feimster, Harold Hedrick,Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin,Troy Pope,Marvin Raymer,T.E.Setser, J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with Scripture reading and prayer by the Reverend Robert L. Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by R.R.Marlin that a $25.00 memorial from the Warren family in memory of Mrs.Mattie Pool Warren be deposited in the Building Fund.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that an honorarium in the amount of $100.00 plus travel expenses be paid to visiting ministers,Sons of the Church,for pre- homecoming services.The motion was seconded by Richard Feimster.A substitute motion was made by Harold Hedrick that an honorarium in the amount of $60.00 plus travel,meals and motel bills be paid to the visiting ministers,Sons of the Church,for pre-homecoming services.The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that the visiting minister for Homecoming Sunday's service be paid in the same manner as the Sons of the Church.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. Mr.Cecil Alexander reported on the meeting of Presbytery held at Lees-McRae College on June 27 and 28,1975. A motion was made by J.Long Wooten to receive the Presbytery Report as information and commend Mr.Alexander for his diligence.A second was made by Harold Hedrick and was unanimously carried. The Strengthening Committee recommended (1)that the attendance board be left as it is in the Church Sanctuary and (2)that Tommy Howard and Bonnie Cook be approved as teachers of the Day Star Sunday School Class.A motion was made by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.to adopt the Strengthening Committee Report.A second was made by T.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. The Worship Committee recommended that the Rev.L.V.McPherson and the Rev.William Anderson be approved to preach on August 3 and 10,1975 respectively during the pastor's vacation.A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart to adopt the Worship Committee report.A second was made by T.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by R.R.Marlin to approve Reverend Hare's request for a change in vacation time to August 3-16 and October 10-13.The motion was seconded by T.E. Setser and passed unanimously. Reverend Hare reported that a missionary at the Hanil Women's Seminary in South +Korea would receive the $1,000 scholarship that had been recommended by the Witness Committee. (over) Reverend Hare read a letter from the First Presbyterian Church written by Mr. John N.Gilbert congratulating Concord Presbyterian Church on its 200th Anniversary and wishing it continued success in its work for the Kingdom. First Presbyterian Church also placed flowers in Concord Church as a tribute to the 200th Anniversary. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we adjourn.The motion was seconded by R.R.Marlin and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Marvin Raymer. J A jSosJ/) Ke FRU A,(VOR \f2 ? Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator i>,KL-s }OL Herman C.Dagenhart,Clerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Pastor's Study on August 24,1975 at 10:30 a.m.with the following members present:Cecil Alexander, Herman Dagenhart,Joe Lentz,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson, Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that Mrs.Margaret McCoy Davis be accepted into the membership of Concord Presbyterian Church upon transfer from St.John's Lutheran Church,Statesville.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made py W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that Mr.and Mrs.William Griggs be accepted into the membership of Concord Presbyterian Church upon their profession of faith.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that $20.00 per month for a period of six months, August -February,be designated as a gift to help support the An Nguyen family, Vietnamese refugees.The motion was seconded by Joe Lentz and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we cooperate with the Statesville First Presbyterian Church in the support of Christmas International House.Themotion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,-hat a memorial in the amount ef $10.00 be given to the Church Organ Fund in memory of Harold E.Hedrick,The motion was seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned with prayer by J.Long Wooten. )aA f /)/\Kptel A are,\p 4 Rebert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator ~~ fy 1lAew \dee Herman ©.Dagenhart,Glerk QTR:24IGTHE Chants ,bert 2 ra)Ae~w).Kobear Mwre tt 1G PRE SOr+gTe YP AUCGh FRLOTH, A fPNEPS » LAS AL J 7 PLL THA?Ge fora tc SO+¢‘AAS)Avstisrb«a4i 3é Avot Lier Dex een A tauderte CAGE vp Doneny Setioo C the 7A OR GAH’BAC a Nerwe ~ab COwer CLestaia G ‘Ardy «z by Atal TAS ) fe $e Ci fy ce ,dotwrre7Ter, j The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting in the Pastor's Study at 10:40 a.m.on September 7,1975 with the following members present:Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin, rT.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., L.Hare,JF. Long Wooten.and J. The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Robert A motion was made by Long Wooten that we approve the musical program for September choir members,Mr.Harold E.Hedrick.lk,1975 as a memorial to one of our faithful The motion was seconded by Melvin Adams and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that our Heritage Room be dedicated in Mrs.Ora Sharpe Morrison.The motion was seconded by T.E.Setser and was as teacners ook.The honor of imanimously carried. approvedbyFrancisStevensonthatthefollowingbe Tommy Howard,Sandy Shive,and Mrs.Bonnie y carried. made unanimous 1y A motion was for the Day Star Class: motion was seconds y T .Setser motion was made by T.E,Setser that we postpone consideration ucker that we have certain Sundays with special sermons >services until ou meeting. InanimMmously and was a suggestion>by T.of for the elderly The motion Leroy Tucke hat laymen conduct tnes¢ od by R.Rk.Marlin and was carri The motion i we adjourn.ine was seconded bymotionwaswadeLyT.BE.Setser srarrirownandwasunanimously fs Che.eo_cmeenitten Moderator , The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in a called meeting in the Pastor's Study on September 21,1975 at 10:40 a.m.with the following members present:Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Joe Lentz, R.R.Marlin,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr. The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that the resignation of John Dosser as deacon in the church be accepted.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Joe Lentz that the pastor,Reverend Hare,write John Dosser a letter stating regrets for the events that have happened leading to his resignation and that our prayers are with him and his family.The motion was seconded by H.C.Dagenhart and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that we adjourn.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Reverend Hare. Jf /|4 -if ff 7 f a / Ae ve 4 \y aA/etr gr Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator Wisin / L ,5 7 7 + Herman C.Dagenhart,£lerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met on September 21,1975 at 7:00 p.m.in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom with the following members present:Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Richard Feimster, Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin,Trey Pope,Marvin Raymer,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten. Also present were Mr.and Mrs.William Griggs,new church members, The meeting was opened with Scripture reading and prayer by the Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved, A motion was made by T.E.Setser that a committee of five elders be appointed by the Moderator of the Session to serve as a nominating committee to nominate chairmen and members to replace those who rotate off the Sessional Committees.The motion was seconded by Richard Feimster and was unanimously carried. No action was taken on a motion made by Marvin Raymer that all sermons and special events be taped,dated,and placed in the Heritage Room. A motion was made by T.FE.Setser that the matter in Mr.Raymer's motion be referred to the Service Committee for action.The motion was seconded by Hal Brown and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by R.R.Marlin that a donation in the amount of $25.00 given by Mrs.C.W.Watts be placed in the Building Fund.The motion was seconded by Richard Feimster and was unanimously carried. 4 motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.that a request from Mr.Hare for a change in vacation time from October 10-13 to October 17-20 be approved.The motion was seconded by Francis Stevenson and was unanimously carried. Mr.Francis Stevenson reported from the Strengthening Committee that the following persons have been nominated to serve on the Youth Council:Mrs.Clara Hare,Mr.and Mrs.W..H.Summers,Mr.and Mrs.Charles Stevenson,and Mr.Hugh Ervin, A motion was made by Francis Stevenson to receive the Strengthening Committee report and approve the above named members of the Youth Council.A second was made by T.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Francis Stevenson that the purchase of "Jesus -A Biography" tapes for use in Youth programs and for other groups be approved.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.Marvin Raymer made a motion to amend the previous motion to provide that pay for the tapes be taken from the General Miscellaneous Fund.The amendment was seconded by T.E.Setser and the amendment and motion passed unanimously. (over) A motion was made by Marvin Raymer to grant the request of Janice Jones Whitehead to transfer her letter to the First Presbyterian Church,Enterprise, Alabama.The motion was seconded by Troy Pope and passed unanimously. By common consent Hal Brown was elected as the principle delegate and Herman Dagenhart as alternate to the meeting of the Presbytery:of Concord scheduled for October 14,1975 at the First Presbyterian Church,Mooresville,N.C. A motion was made by T.E.Setser to refer the matter of special sermons for shut- ins,etc.to the Service Committee for its consideration.The motion was seconded by Richard Feimster and was unanimously carried. By common consent the Session agreed to study Presbytery's "Goals and Objective for 1975"and respond before the next meeting of Presbytery. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that we adjourn.The motion was seconed by T.BE.Setser and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by Joe Lentz. y" ,62 LAG Herman Dagenhart,Clérk The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met October 5, 1975 at the church.Henry Parlier persiding.The meeting was o ened with prayer .Reverend Hare presented a list of duties for our committee. motion was made and seconded that an officers training class is fall at Mr.Hare's discretion.New officers,elders and ordained and installed in January,1976. We are to encourage Sunday School by isitation to the inactive and sick.A notice is to!in bulletin concerning this and it will also be announced xd that the church pa}l he fee for sevenwasmadeandcarri or less students who want "ence. motion was made Yommittee be asked fouth Council to are sponsored «\, j 4 /j |‘ Dyrvnthn 4 ACAtolh Ahetling Ze Liaw v Aurcd Frc ae Chhicr 5 J,or ee)7 7 7ALtlex Cache /OfbhfrcnLiving,Lid he Acta <‘"4 JEldaLia4ALaceme Wut Nt The Session of Concerd Presbyterian Church met in the J.C.Stikeleather Class-.. room on October 12,1975 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present: Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Marvin Raymer,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,'J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with Scripture reading <prays the Reverend Robert Hare JrHare,Jr. \motion was made by Marvin Raymer that the John Ss¢family be included,as yhristians,in the ministry of this chu The moti as seconded by Hal Brown and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by “arvin Raymer that t matter of 1e use of the Fellowshifs for recreation by the youth on SaJ urday nights be referred to the Strengthening 7yT.S er and was unanimously carried.mitt t mittee.The motion was seconded b A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that an elder or elders serve with the Veacons, the Deacons desire as members of the Stewardship Comm se to give advice and+¢ council in stewardship endeavors.The motion seconde y J.Long Wooten and was unanimously carr A motion was for deceasedA was unan jrown,and Tom he moat tee 1 irchas lhetatmoailAMA eaflets f stri ion,announced the I Symposium is schedulec Ii25,1975 at the First Presby ian Church N.C.from 5:00 to 7:31 A motion was made by J.Long Wooten‘t I }Nitness amittee report. was made by Marvin Raymer and was unanimo. A motion was made by T.HE.Sets te DI v le pro d budget for 1976 The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikel 1 Jr.and was unanimously ion was made by Marvir aymer th he minister assign rooms as meeting ,ommi.tt church and an announcement be made concerning these assign- the in the church bulletin or on the bulletin board.The motion was seconded setser as unanimously carri A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that actions cen by the Session and Diaconate, pertaining to the congregation except confidential matters,be made known to the congregation and that follow-through be executed and made known to the congregation likewise.The motion was seconded by Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. (over) AA motion was made by Marvin Raymer recommending that our church participate more actively in the Yokefellow Ministry in Statesville and that s special offering be taken once annually (Pre-Easter)for this purpose.The motion was seconded by T.E.Setser and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that the church schedule a Family Night supper honoring Mrs.Hugh Ervin and all of the church choirs and that comments of honor and thanksgiving be made by Reverend Hare.The motion was seconded by fT.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that a Special Offering be taken for the Ministry of Alcholics Anonymous on Nov.1,1975 and that an announcement be made a week in advance that the loose offering on that date will be used for this purpose.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that the Session procure two small tape recorders for taping music and the pastor's prayer and sermon so that the church officers can be designated to take these modified worship services to shut-ins and non- attenders.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried, A motion was made by T.E.Setser to postpone consideration of $600.00 bonus for vacation purposes to the pastor until the end of the 1976 year to see if the money is available.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymsi to encourage those who prefer to make gifts or delayed gifts included in their Last Will and Testaments to our local Church, Montreat Assembly Grounds,and Montreat Anderson College,Saint Andrews Presbyterian College,Union Theological Seminary,and the Presbyterian Foundation.The motion was seconded by J.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that all available officers of the church,active and inactive be present for the convenience of Presbytery to serve as informants, guides,and to provide any assistance that the pastor and Brethern should need or require.The motion was secgonded by J.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that reservations for meals be made with Tommy's Restaurant,Holiday Inn,Ramada Inn,Hungry Bull,Bonanza Steak House,Sam's Gourmet, or Thompson's Cafeteria and that a guide from the church lead the Brethern to these establishments at meal time and that a map be made available as needed by the Commissioners.Commissioners will pay for their own meals.The motion was seconded by J.Long Wooten and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Marvin Raymer that the church provide guides to lead commissioners to their sleeping accomodations in the event of an overnight session of Presbytery in January 1976.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carrieda. A motion was made by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.to adjourn.A second was made by Setser and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by The Reverend Robert L.Hare, q .a ."4 K hard J :een :yw ‘OVD lare L4 j A LA xLkLeLS Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator Herman C.Dagenhart,£lerk The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Day Star Classroom on November 2,1975 at 10:35 a.m.with the following members present:Cecil Alexander, Hal Brown,Joe Lentz,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., and J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. A motion was made by Long Wooten that approval be granted for the pastor to attend the retreat at Camp Grier on November 9,1975.The motion was seconded by T.E. Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that the regular monthly meeting of the Session for November be postponed until November 16 at 7:00 p.m.The motion was seconded Hal Brown an@ was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by T.E.Setser. p _/f df/ra AoA(AANA,Boe pee Jr.,Moderat The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom on November 16,1975 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present: Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,R.R.Marlin, Troy Pope,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M. Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer and Scripture reading by the Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that the report of the nominating committee,naming chairmen and members of the Sessional Committees be approved.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by R.R.Marlin that the resolution honoring Harold Edwin Hedrick be approved and become a part of the Sessional records.The motion was seconded by Troy Pope and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that a representative from the Gideons be invited to speak at the Morning Worship Service on January 11,1976 and that the open Bible be used to receive a free-will offering at the close of the service.The motion was seconded by Hal Brown and was unanimously carrid. nAmotionwasmadebyT.E.Setser that an announcemnt concerning Friends of the Seminary be place in the bulletin and allow those who wish to participate in that program.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that action taken by the Women of the Church in awarding Honorary Life Memberships to Mrs.Helice Stevenson and Mrs.Ruth Brown be approved.See attached sheets)The motion was seconded by T.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that the Session encourage members of the church to write their Congressmen and express their sentiments on the House Resolution #393. The motion was seconded by Herman Dagenhart and was unanimously carried. By Common Consent the following names are to be submitted as nominees to attend the 1976 meeting of the General Assembly:J.Long Wooten and J.Harvey Stevenson,Ruling Elders,and the Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Teaching Elder. A motion was made by T.E.Setser to correct the minutes of Sept.7,1975 and to insert the call for a meeting of the Congregation for Sunday,September 21,1975 at the close of the Morning Worship Service for the purpose of electing church officers.The motion was seconded by Troy Pope and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser to adjourn.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather, Jr.and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Reverend R obert L.Hare,Jr. ae a *J} a,/4 f-):1)7)= thtl &.Ween ae i VPVLEVSY EGR beene La Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator Herman C.Dagenhart,Cler The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the J.C.Stikeleather Classroom on November 16,1975 at 7:00 p.m.with the following members present: Melvin Adams,Cecil Alexander,Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,2.R.Marlin, Troy Pope,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.,W.M. Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer and Scripture reading by the Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that the report of the nominating committee,naming chairmen and members of the Sessional Committees be approved.The motion was seconded by J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by R.R.Marlin that the resolution honoring Harold Edwin Hedrick be approved and become a part of the Sessional records.The motion was seconded by Troy Pope and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that a representative from the Gideons be invited to speak at the Morning Worship Service on January 11,1976 and that the open Bible be used to receive a free-will offering at the close of the service.The motion was seconded by Hal Brown and was unanimously carrid. ,motion was made by T.E.Setser that an announcemnt concerning Friends of the Seminary be place in the bulletin and allow those who wish to participate in that program.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Herman Dagenhart that action taken by the Women of the Church in awarding Honorary Life Memberships to Mrs.Helice Stevenson and Mrs.Ruth Brown be approved.(See attached sheets)The motion was seconded by T.E.Setser and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser that the Session encourage members of the church to write their Congressmen and express their sentiments on the House Resolution #393. tThemotionwassecondedbyHerman Dagenhart and was unanimously carried. By Common Consent the following names are to be submitted as nominees to attend the 1976 meeting of the General Assembly:J.Long Wooten and J.Harvey Stevenson,Ruling Elders,and the Reverend Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Teaching Elder. A motion was made by T.E.Setser to correct the minutes of Sept.7,1975 and to insert the call for a meeting of the Congregation for Sunday,September 21,1975 at the close of the Morning Worship Service for the purpose of electing church officers.The motion was seconded by Troy Pope and was unanimously carried. A motion was made by T.E.Setser t Jr.and was unanimously carried. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Keveren } Kk pay —-.;,a /f- we tUrld cv.GA Nu XftA747EUG Mee fiat]. Robert L.Hare,Jr.,Moderator Herman C.Dagenhart,Cler! to adjourn.The motion was seconded by W.M.Stikeleather, . js .a r ‘ 'vr er P ‘ ;‘ +ea,kere"— i SESSIONAL COMMITTEES Witness Committee W.M.Stikeleather -Chairman Melvin Adams -Vice Chairman Mrsa.A.M.Shive,Sr. Mrs.Anna Stevenson Billy Summers Pam Summers Lewis Stikeleather Frank Setser John Ervin Strengthening Committee J.Harvey Stevenson,Jr.-Chairman Henry Parlier -Vice Chairman Clara Hare Ruth Moore Janice Hoover Mrs.Tom Setser Diane Staples Ralph Marlin Danny Cook Tim Feimster Leroy Moose Service Committee Tom Setser -Chairman Troy Pope -Vice Chairman Bonnie Johnson Gay Stevenson Eleanor Pope Charles Stevenson Jack Moose Patti Crawford Marvin Raymer Betty Summers Worship Committee John Dagenhart -Chairman Richard Feimster -Vice Chairman Emily Ervin Francis Stevenson Jeff Summers Julian Stevenson Lucille Parlier Tommy Howard Bill Johnson Sam Orrell Mrs.Joe Lentz Commitment Committee Hugh Ervin -Chairman Sandy Shive-Vice Chairman Jerry Mitcham W.Z.Morrison Mary Ann Summers Vivian Hare Brenda Cook Ruth Brown HAROLD E.HEDRICK August 17,l Almig d call 1 among beloved friend a loyal member who unself in promoting the Church's exerted a Christian influence upon many people of al community ThereforeAMOPe. North Carolina thank Go ‘or }ife of our dear departed extend t&is fam c sympathy and Christian se statements of respect be made an offAa Sessional record to show the esteem and ilove ir ieparted friend. sopy of these statements be sent é esolved by Sess of Concord Presbyterian»be it friend ana LOVEeE. us unto Chu rah , Brvin The Session of Concord Presbyterian Church met in the Day Star Classroom on November 23,1975 at 10:30 a.m.with the following members present:Cecil Alexander, Herman Dagenhart,Joe Lentz,R.R.Marlin,T.E.Setser,Francis Stevenson,J.Harvey W.M.Stikeleather,Jr.,and J.Long Wooten.Stevenson,cle, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev.Robert L.Hare,Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. taken each night during the by Joe Lentz that an offering be Alexander and wasVvAmotionwasmade [he motion was seconded Dy yecil Thanksgiving Services. unanimously carried. visiting speaker for The motion wasAmotionwasmadebyJ.Leng Wooten that Dr.Paul Kercher the Thanksgiving Services,be paid $250.00 honorarium and travel. Setser and was umanimously carried. > seconded by T.&. A motion was made by J.Leng Wooten that the offering taken at Camp Grier during j the Mentreat Anderson the retreat ve donated te tn 35.00)The motion was seconded by R.R.if ‘ollege General Assembly Singers. Marlin and was umanimously carried. (Amount, M.Mrs.Ruth Brown be in charge ol be presented to Mrs.Emily Ervin at Family Night Dinner The motion was seconded by T.E.Setser and was unanimously IrM.Stikeleather,Jr.that Wooten that an announcemen Lp feed the }be taken Herman C.Dagenhart,Clery’ The Strengthening Committee of Concord Presbyterian Church met December 7,1975. All Sunday School teachers were invited to meet with the Committee.Three attended. During the meeting,we discussed the need to improve Sunday School attendance and various ways of encouraging people to come.We agreed to re-instate the use of the Attendance Banner.Since calculating percentages for each class is so lengthy,the Committee voted te ask the Sunday School Department to buy a small calculator -one that costs around $50.00 or less.It was the feeling of the Committee that this machine could also be used for other purposes in the Church Office. A list of new Committees and their Chairmen was read. The meeting was closed with prayer. Session o Ylassroom on December 14, Adams, ti present:Melvin Setser M.S,W.M.Stikeleather,Jr., ned with io her work and Pope -ammend atrecommenda unanin on Troy and was na was unani January, as un animously ‘trenthening Commi strengthening Comm was unanimously carrit tear +t mousLyunani prayer f Concord Presbyterian Church met in L975 at Hal Brown,Herman Dagenhart,R.R the Mabel Stevenson Sunday the following members R.Marlin,Troy Pope, Long Wooten. 7:00 p.m.with and J. reading and Rev.Robertprayer approved. >nee \rom Mrs.mi far 7 +thea lareeferredtotneworsni eSSion. of the »+r ongregat Church | tion was secon report ‘or feedi ommi arrangemen The mot was seconded Goncord Presbyterian Church met in the Church oancvuary :30 a.m.with the following members present: \lexander,41 Brown,Herman Dagenhart,Joe Lentz, r Stevenson,Jr.,W.M.Stikele atl (Without) Date urkvk i CONCORD PRES Class of 1977 CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Financial Rey January 1,1975 =December 31,1975 TS =4TH QUARTER Ple 1d £0 Seem nnn nn en en 10,952.35 Loose ffLOOSVil erings-------~---------~-+=----—+=----=~====298 85 kd Sehr arated alleriareneninenrneniensiinceenincencinastncenienitaeeiimas).Lapa ReLUNG ee cece creenceenesnaneosnenenasancnmvmenenensineatucamananaanannsmenaanancnenen 3)»Oils Of ferings----~-~——--2 ==518 sr Expense-----~—----—~a meenen278,80 y SALcanine Sato rn .RETURN TO PRESBYTERY CLERK BY FORMA PLEASE USE A TYPEWRITER OR BALL POINT PEN WHEN FILLING IN THIS REPORT SESSION’S ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT FOR THE OFFICE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOR PRESBYTERY CLERK’S USE ONLY YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,1975 page 8S.~Church PIN (Code)Number Be I Leelee ee er ee eae esfcTT:|50 |35 |2640/STATESVILLE ie Kel |Official Name of Church aia ——TChurch Malling Address UK SO0CT WEST STATI|PhoneNo.|ZipCode CONCORD STATE SVILL NC 26677 7 ‘2 ip Code Pies————————_—————_—_—deem |Church Street Address if Different ates 1.- “Insert WORK classification abbreviation for each Minister,i.e.,P.,Asso.P.,A.P.or S.S.Names of 1.8.or 0.8.are not required,but Presbytery Clerk may include these and other forms of ministry if desired.insert names and addresses as desired for listing in Minutes for Pastor,a -~~~+- Names of Ministers |}Presbytery Clerks Note:Church without a senior pastor on Dec Work Use Onty 31,mark V in top name line,listing Asso.P ||-Tetet Churcnes and A.P.below Served |Street,Box or Route No Post Office,State,Zip Code ROBERT i.HARE,JR,ns BOX SO2Z7T,wEST S STATESVILL NC 28677 WOMEN ||roTat ACTIVE OFFICERS ELoers |||DEACONS STATISTICS FINANCES vse DOLLAR FIGURES ONLY NO CENTS @ Communicants—Jan.1,19 1S []q INCOMEDoNOTchangethisnumber1Belonce on Hend Jen.1,1075 4g 79 c c Regular Contributions 43 Ske eo Building/Capital Fund Receipts Zz 4 £8.20 GAINS Other Contributions o ‘2 = Profession of Faith 5 Tota!Contributions &5 4 rp)es a4 CS kySee Reaffirmation }j Presbytery Aid . Restored |‘Borrowed ——— Certificate d Total Income (Add 5,6,and 7)L g a TZ£© Other Gains Total 2&6 EXPENDITURES 9 Loca!Prograrn and Missior 3 g Tl ee 10 Building/Capital Fund Expenditures A Ske: Presbytery Program &Mission 3é38 sec Synod Program &Mission 2LE]OE-£t \;G.A.Program &Mission 295 ee Removed from Ro ;Othe bE Deaths .5 Total Expenditures 4 ZL34 of 9 total Losses ,-5 Balance on Hand Dec.31,1975 Lz T2727 LL Total Communicants Dec.31,1975 A.DGS fe Moy Lines 1 plus 7 less 12 ‘eo }Properties Velue 25,ce =«Lowe (9 fechas )/ Mortgages Balance 2k.Led LL Sy “ee FEMALE COMMUNICANTS Duse DOLLAR FIGURES ONLY,DO NOT USE CENTS CLERK OF SESSION FOR THE NEW YEAR BAPTISMS —=“ ‘A ADORESS 5 duit 16.Infant CHURCH CHURCH TREASURER FOR NEW YEAR PHONE CHURCH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 17 Pupils é 7ADDRESS 18 Teachers 19,Total £i)29 pee ~ma : NAME OF PERSON FILLING OUT REPORT PHONE JURCH COPY SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT FORM ON 1976 PERSONNEL fCIDLTD SO27 iVesr Sr SheTh Ss Se A i Street City “As7(7o+f Sramber:oy—L—Phone Number CLERK OF SESSION:A_YY.S oo dike ed Saks |COTTA Ci SE 7 DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION:|.Alease er ee Address: |Volunteer Staff CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF DEACONS:=Dee Sehusen > Addres Kt *%Box 465Ar2:Ce te es Ee CHURCH TREASURER:=NOGN Gy Address:ee EOEee 97 ,CHURCH:///2s. Awet LTE PRsChe >“syBox(eG Te ES OL CLAddresFSeeeeee 7°_Zip Ad+<“ PRESIDENT OF MEN OF CHURCH?“7,£3 8Se75eh. Pe tin,Ddéweg:bateyboxZweoTss.A+ddress Cine YOUTH FELLOWSHIP ADVISORS x.Hig D124 7773:9 (Pat8 Boxe py Spores ctr Oig..¢ps.bros Qogk” LBS ao theten igeiens alee BBs ak YARCONTACTPERSONPORCHRISTIANEDUCATIONoFia Gy ALS wf B ox Vet SUL Le‘an EN tL Nhehewbdopwellinns:ox.eomenroune ‘’ONTACT PERSON FOR WITNESS (Byangelian) ttAddressFY 2 Ker 2G —yt SONTACT PERSON FOR SERVICE: Address:{+o SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT FORM ON 1976 PERSONNEL aNAMEOFCHURCHCox, Mailing Address: No. ’Phone Number:Area Code:Zeek Waser £222 —73H#¢:CLERK OF SESSION:|YY “Spi rz Address:[-0.Box so |Seerrs :AD,G-Rip 2fEF?DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION:}.3.gdbasen Address; Paid Staff ["}Volunteer Staff CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF DEACONS:Bee Seb.Sma. Address:Re *~%Bor FEE CHURCH TREASURER:WGN CRU Yrs naarese:_#Boy!Rafa ate Bip 256777 PRESIDENT OF WOMEN OF cHUReR:Mas.ne:Sheers Che Address:—Ry*F Koy Bie.Siemeici,A8 Hb 24677eeMENOFCHURCHE.“77 ES o> Zip ASEH Sr.High i} Address:.i %%cir We.Bip JF677 Sr.High £@ Address:aut ahx sd.£¢Zip ~254727 SL Hehe Deveson 2 ~At tip 2FEO7 CONTACT PERSON FOR WITNESS (mange iam)~.7),STi Ke ce YAc hk Trt. Address:ft"2 Box we’Stony ferryAC tip pf 678 CONTACT PERSON FOR SERVICE:SFT Se-7-se-3 Address:ke fox 22.3¢o77s es “Ss rip DIC F5 THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT ~r >r IN MmiVUnAe I HAW NC rRAPC. CONTACT PERSON FOR WORSHIP: ket CONTACT PERSON FOR MUSIC:_ Address: R+eoAddrese:_ge CHOIR DIRECTOR: Address: siecle —j Stee foeor (ORs ban ky ECO)o bey 4¢9 £2 Be (EF PIV SIC ‘) Sraves¢: A) 4 Cc e Zip 2F 67F AC tip 2F6 77 faCHOIRORGANIST:(25 Address:Fe Desi ¢zABove- REPORT ON MEMBERS OF THE SESSION i997 Class of 1976 Address Zip NamesContinuing Members (Please mark an asterisk (*)beside any address changes) Mf Feuns re Rts Sr.tes nieNithssofeunsTeke*x Siro Mesure, R.2.Aah Rr*G_Bex 43 FRANGS Speersew KY Box 108A J 406 Woerex ee fo HAkcha £:Llepriek (betomeo) Newly Elected Members (Elected since January,1975 to fill unexpired terns) AL.Sh €Se Ph.2.Bexic Seo77 s.A-¢RSEIS_ a 19.79Classof1977 Continuing AWetUnArar2sKr#2 Box 427 areiresorie A.C. COL 4ilexanper i Bee pS Taste on/ ,LiF Min)Mit a a linsicincihcieclieemoce eben Wf.AMaVey Srevenser,In,Be ¥1,Box 90 Newly Elected,etc. (New Class)