HomeMy WebLinkAboutBirch Ridge Tunnel WNCR 1869-1870Contract and accounts for excavation of Birch Ridge tunnel for Western ’= 6North Carolina Railroad, 1869-1870 Guewlins Bui THE mee ere proposes to ékecute and complete according to the Specifications annexed hereto, the Work named in t ; following Table, at the prices opposite each Job respectively. | | MASONRY. | a ~~ pRick PRR cuniC Yanp. || 8% ‘Ee > PRICE PER CUBIC YARD. — Solid || Fe Square | Open | BRIDGES. Rock, iy Culverts. | Drains. eee REMARKS. Stone | Brick | ‘and Slope) Piers. |Abutm'ts| Arches. {Masonry | Paving. | Walls. _ < 1 CTS |[DOLS CTs.|DOLS CTS.(DOLS. CTS. | Earth. | Moet: | CENTS. | ORNTS. | OBNTS. [|~.GIN DOLS CTS.|DOLS CTS.!DOLS CTS, DOLS CTS. |\DOLS _ % BS. hig se ood Pas a ri oa me mee sey a %, oe E ae Cg * oo ” i * \ sate “oe ne ie ae 5 ha ode * - teelve neh course und fur alt thicker cow benders to he not bos Jn sie teen the steetehe Whey shall oceapy at lensp one fifth of the wi -{ptinital over it aeraatdly with etch other in Ya the baek-of Gre will eit be sintilar. but © wlan Th the tanner alave — ofirevach tr we ene ineh wroand ~S an < Je | . wm es » t eeGiiv J Witt phil, te ACA De skis: Bet ok Sink Wtou Vg hi the’. manu? nite endless felling, heh fer ws bee! aint! ate * THE GRADU ATION, Int. and embankments required tur the furamtion of the rund bed, or in any wily conve or incident to the constraction of the same. Yud. The cleariug shall be of a width not less that sixty feet, and as much more as the depth of fill or cut may require; and in every case, shall extend ten feet beyond the slope stakes. In fillings less than two feet. the trees and stunips must be grubbed, und in other eases, ent close to the surface of the ground. Bed. The road will be graded for a single track except when otherwise directed by the ugineer, and in conformity with such breadths, depths and slopes of cutting and filling, as he may determine. 4th. The excavation will be divided into three kinds: arth, Loose Rock ant Solid Rock. Under the head of Barth, will be inclnded clay, sand, gravel, loam and all other waterials of an earthy kind, however hard, stiff or compact, an all boulders containing lexs than three enbic feet ench. Cnder Loox Roek, will be included all stones and detach- el rock found in separate masses, containing not less than three cubic feet, and not more than one cubic yard: also, all slate or other rock soft or loose enough to be removed with- out blasting, although blasting may vecasionally be resorted to, By Solid Rork, will be waderateod all rock found in masses containing upwards of one cubic yard, and whieh van he removed only by blasting. hth. Muterinis necessarily wasted fron: cuttings, shall be deposited in the vicinity of the rodd neeording to the directions of the Engineer. fith. Materials required for the éinbaukment, and not supplied by the excavations within the boundaries of the road, shall be obtained frem the places, and in the manner divected by the Engineer. 4 Tth, All borrowing pits shall be cut of shapes convenient fur measurement, and with- outany rngged ontline, and shall be provided with drainage. &th. Ail Spoil Bank mast be deposited so ns net to appreach nearer to the centre of the road than twice the depth of the cutting added to the half breadth of the road, aud in no case, less than twenty feet, They must be made to slope from the road, so as to dis- charge the water filing on their surface as fay from it as possibte err 0. Te fond shalt be secured against daumge from all water courses in the vicinity thereof, or hi contact therewith, by building or faving the cmbankment with stone, by widening the existing channels, or exexVating new ones: or in such other manner es the Rugineer niay direct, ‘ 10th. Conmorious passing plices for all public and private roads crossing, or in contact therewith, ar adjacent to said Rail Rond, shall be opened and kept in geod condition. Ihih. ‘Phedistribution of naterials dire cted by the Engineer, must he strictly adhered to, Ith, ‘The exervationand cmbankment, will be paid for in onc item, ander the head of Pieiva Con—the proposess hid wing #0 arrenged as tocever the ¢rinsportution fur the i _ _ : ater coment . Under this head will be included all clearing and grubb ing, aud ell excavitions cted with + ee ta. Ailanaterial will be meses tts Cy hath. AN embankments shall be snaile iy prestribe, pict. Alb slides from the sides of cuts w which they most Tesemb!c. Téth The Contractor shall eut suriace dit all ents, to prevent drainage down their stop 17th. The roadway and the slopes must time the work ix accepted by the Engineer. 4 ikth, Bidders will make their proposals on ah average haul of 700 feet. If, on the fina! enlculation, it be found that it is less or reefe than this distance, an allowance of vatlah from wh lel, rauf sueli thicks ES paid for ut the ‘price, es, or form embankments as may be directed bythe ull and evenly. trimmed. thto' ut, atthe cents per enbie yard, for ench hund-ed fect of fucrense shall be made to the Contractor. 1th. The price paid per eubie yard will caer clearing, grubbiag) nll other expen- ses whatever incident to the work. oh, Persons coptineting with the Company for any otlier kind of work, shall be per- initted te take matetinls offeny kind wanted’fo, id work from the part of the road horein designated, and to lnul them over the-same ; safd person being responsible for any damage the remoral of sid materials may oceasion to the parties engaged in graduating said part of the road, er . txt. The Contractor, immediately after sighin: neer, shall open ani nmintain a good and safe fon the whule length of bis work. te his contract, if reqaired bythe Engi- for passuge dn herse back throwgh fit by the Contractor forthe Section. 22,1, Drains of brick or stone, are to be ; THE MASONRY. ‘ @« CLASSED ENDER THE PELEOWING HERBS: «Wat. (Open Drains, Consisting af two pa Walls without covering stape. uel. Nquare Catrerix. Kinbraeing all cos » reted without centri Yel. Bridges. Faubracing all openings of Abutmevts and Piers to say trussed superstfucturc, : 4th. Semiricentar or ather Materrts with Cr water way hot Theladed mler the hends of © Sth. . Veeteal tied Slope Well Masonry. ; OPEN DRAIN AND SQUAT Mh Gpen Drain and Square Culverts willbe } wit! be payed w th stones set ol edge, breaki: tment: Walls: at each end of the Calvert, th The stone used shall be hand snd durable, of ¥ hroken, the top conrsts tobe nocless than eight dteh er alternately : the headers when they do not rage? rengh he wall to lap with exch othir et tonst six Inches at theit tier ens, Both We lors and stretchers fo be not tees thin one toat thick, aud af lenat as wide us ligh, of me mene stanes.when uscd. bot ty: sored aud strong, ten inehes thick, and lipping aren wine inelies un each Well. , WaVCE MAFONKY. The Bridges shall he Bagitt 0; the best of ranged roek *eurk, laid in -cammen dime ur coment mortar, digpoted at the of the Rugincer: The taco stones tobe sqwarcd jointed and bedle i latw in conrses not less thum wees for exe seding twenty: inchesin thickness, erg frunr hottum to top of watls. stretches to be not bess than free feet in Teongtle fatleast sixteen inches betl fora ‘ lenge ae wick: bed as height. The » hold their size from the tree hack, of the wall, and tote eveniy dis Htigotis conTSes, Gir lixposi tion occupy more than one-e'zth oF ti rk, or be eounceted in the her The heart of the wall shail be Init ter ofranged work, the stone shall lt isto carry the corrse evenly a the face, except a sqture arate of mu thie inelies frame the det veingy, * “ee Archer: Gribracingsall openings Pr tus, square Culverts or Bridges. * TLV ENT MASONRY dry, unless otherwise o dd Thing hits arndextending quite ulfler the \hgt- 1 he an aprea wall of snitable dey “ze well bedded, all the joints sthick, to shew a header nnd strete “whole fmek. They shall ran throagh te walt of ites stretuly l-seribed under the previont “ detailed, and in this ql the sum siege a& Grose of tho Gree ait be : fishlar shill be Jett atuie—no prvjection . ‘The euch | ances tot lens than twelve feet. anil Parapets ar feae Ue te mut entirely along the face of tte ‘} ty ~ aware CONC nh’ crud cortical thes the! ee! Your of pipe Lom aie dD horsetal é. yt Mardeed anh a a el crii , cae of the! Biss ait. nul Ue Soasere % con Put ARercas Livty ‘f (bu? Bist Tart bath agra, for" wind tn ‘eemtiation of, the Dagyuerits hhiitrn - Pe ee af Sh The Catractor upon, a 5 # 4 ef , Pr~ a b.4—— 9: : sSireafing MBEait Sead BS empany of Mh ne Bile SEB ufplvable! thew. inches thick, to have Lortzontal beds and vertical joints on the face, the stretchers to be not less than twe fect long, to have beds not less than futeon inches wide on the face, cr less than ten inches thick, and st least as wide as high. ~ At least one-sixth of the whole number of stoues in the ince of the wall to be headers, aud xrranged so a8 to distrilitte as equally as possible over the whole face. The backing shall be of the same gencral d= mensions and proportions to the face stone, with equally good beds and bond, but with less attention to vertical joints, When the walls do not exceed three and half feet in thickness, headers shall run entirely through; in walls over three and a half feet in thick- ness and not over six feet, the front and back headers must alternate and interlock at least twelve inches with each pther; and in walls over six feet thick, the headers shull Be at Jenst three and a half feet long, and alternately front and back, as above described ; their binding effect being carried through the wall by intermediate stones laid crosswise in the interior of the work. The stone in the Leart of the wall shall be as well bedded as those in the face. ‘The eorner stones shall have a bevelled draft of one and a half inches around the front, and every secopd stone from the skewback to the foundation, sliall have on the face double the length of the stone with which it alternates. The sheeting stoves shall be well hanimer dressed with beds conforming to the radii of the curve: they shall have fair joints to the full depth of the Archy and shall te of a proper length to form a good bond, They shall be coursed, and shall conform in thickness to the ring stones, aril they vary therefrom, the change or changes of thickness shall he made hy cheeking. The Parapets and Wing Walls will be surmounted by « copiug which shall be hanimer dress- ed on the face. bed, top and joints, (no stone showing lors than nine square feet on top.) shall be well set on the walls, and be either dowelled or clamped with irop, as may be di- rected. The Arch throwghout shall be laid in hydraulic cement mortar, and such other parts of the Masonry as the Engineer may direct, shall be laid in mortar made cither with e.mmon lime or cement as may be determined, ' Veriieat and Slape Wall Masgnry—Will be good dry Rubble Work, of such dimensions as to thickness of walls, avd dimensiofs of stone as the Engineer may direct. BRICK MASONRY.—When bricks are used they shall be made of ithe best clay, well tempered, moulded and burnt, They shall be laid in hydraulie cement or grouted every three courses, and in such manner as the Eugincer may dircet, no sa!mon brick to be used in the work. The quantity of the stone or brick of which the Masonry shall be built, must be well suit- cd to the kind of structure in which it is used, acvording to the judgment of the Engineer. All Masonry whether stone or brick, will be proposed and paid for by the cubic yurd. ‘The price per yard will include the cost of furnishing all materials except lime or cement, and of pumping, bailing und senffolding, centerin¢ and all other expenses necessaty to the completion of ths Masonry according tothe plans; and the Contractor shall be at all risks from water or other casaultics. : ‘ : = I : ent in such proportions xs he may desiguate and’used in the manner he biay direety © Ya % J yy > The cemeut and lime shat be furnished by the Company, and<shalt | “taken by the Contractor frown some one vf the deposites of cement and lime, which shi ‘be established hy the Cc mpany upon the fritten orders he shail receive from time, té tine fromthe Engi- neer for the annie: and the Engincer shall be the sole judge as to which deposite it shall pe drawn from, aud shall express the same in said order, And the Contractor shall trans- port the cement and limege received to the work in covered wagons, and shall keep it secured from the Weather @ntil nsed in a suitable cement and lime house built at his own cost, under the direction ail subject to the approval of the Engineer; but the Company shall pay the Contractor asouable price for the transportation of all cement and lime transported by him in goo nent or lime shall be used in the work, which shall have heen daniaged on fgom the depositories, or while in the possession of the Cuatractor; and in thi cement or lime being so damaged, the loss of the same shall be sustained Byam Prnctor. Tlie tuundations for Cufente Bridges shall be placed upon solid rock, timber or other material as may be directedby the Enginger, and protected from the effects of currents, hy sheet piling or in such @her manner as he may determine. In the eoustruction of die lorger johs, saeh as stone Culverts, Bridges, and Piers and Abutmenty fur Bridges, Deghicks or Craues shall be used if required by the Engineer, and the front stones lnid with wlewis. GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO THE WHOLE WORK. wade with mere than one individual, sporition of Excatation, Embankment, Masonry, &c., may he changed during the pre of the Work at the pleasure of the Engineer by-altera- tions in the grades, eurves;"plans or character of any part of the work; and the caleulu- tion of quantities Will be unde 2ucw for final settlement with the Contractor, it being anderstcad that) _saclvehanges the werk is made more expensive than would have heen required Phe plags and statements furnished him by the Engineer, and on which dre made his proposaly he shall heye seeb Mlowances therefor, as the Engincer in his awn jatlgment, may r just. : “ 3. ‘The nee of ardent spats upon the work, or in the boarding houwscs.or ¢ ments ocenvied by the Con ur, his nssistagts nbd hands, is strictly tobtdlder + rod upon the requisition of the Engi v hie control wt ccs thoi, cris it splosed, ar i : ramong the He shall not 1. No Contract will he, 2, ‘The quantities an nia hy porprssion cf the Eng tor sha.\ discharge any ofe way in their use by perso 4. Strict discipline and ¢ now ingly been dismissed from any ot sect or hos, th who shalt: intensperaace or disdiderlyg@iuduct ; nor shall he continue tor be doglored chy the Engincersdo: be either disertlerty, “habitual wotbnian, “aia 3. The Contractor ain) liis constant personal atte iétr endorsed npon the \rtich off the line, must n, either.as over- Dad workmanship, g@hy manwho shall “intemperate, or 2 bad Et or trayster his contract, or any part of it, or withdraw therefrom without the written consent of the Chief Engi- of Agreement. Sy: wso tHrected by the Enginecr, ehall remove aud re- which the latter mgycansider to be defer- egleet or refuse. ta trike Pind rebuild the ase the same te hedone at hig expense te end complete the work ju all its parts ve powcr to direct the application of the ay indicate, and fo order the inerense or easuie: in the Intter case ef whieh, he indited fr completion, ‘ou rk done under any order of the & note ortcr be in Wilting and approved ly the word Kancinett fs Kugineer havin ; m whereia the Chicl Be H commence work vs seen (henge halid er murke ood without tivelyoexecuted, aud if the Comtech werk s6 disnpproved of, thet verti tiles Z. The Cogtractor shall / tader the rections of the By force to my portion ur po diminution of the amount Of shall innke « correspondent i &. x clwim for extra comp necr shal! he allewed to the the Chief Engineer. i. Whenever in this Cont; applying to the farent or Rest tinre Weing. except in these | 10, Phe successful Lidder the peecptance ef Tres pray and ee <s ot ae ad imnesseth, 7 Shale seal A tty a7 ae oe ee eth Atel : Posie hi and agra with the? ward 7 it that he, the sail Baity uf het Hii. ue Pat, shall and wild wiistiuct wad coiaplele en (her mpennes afasewrih + ae -K%- FBS se \ Peed ; cons oar caren th CA Recon if Pt aint Ae fannie ate Fas pee cat, pny grr a = . * buf ie the? (fers at day “f. tess aioe Clue et ¢4 heb y ugipgd thug the tim worn nepente tort, shall bé conndetedl “ote y the eileen of thts Chgicement. Dor eortacilegetii whef the awed, Uatrmern ‘mt Sas Bal on Company de hewly agive with Chet Si Pid FBrity y the BHeust Bart, that the sud Diet shill and well for sei har UG aie frye rmeng the work afore. acne, cn the nianruch? aofcatil, well ail tinly fry er citede te be frac (eo the sauce Buy of the Fivst . Base heh Caveuteis vf Collate Ps endian Ain the free Cd Fe iferr tvcly ‘ eartyneted fue euch purtientsi pie tn Lhe ficcediny Bipot The payments shill be made in the following manner—that is to say, during the progress of the work, and wntil it is completed, commencing seon atter the first of » there shall be a bi-monthly estimate made by the s aforesaid E ngineer of the quantity, ¢ Cravecter-and_sahw-oleach spevioeot—werk-come-prrretant-to-thiscatract, Rant Co Ba Right, fo Sie te as Pete The . ' : ; - es i TOSS ft s } part shall, under any circumstances, b work ely ‘ered Yo the + Sonipany in o portion of th paid until this cgntract shall be fulfilled on the part of the Con- aint the Wv)) good order, in pirsupoce thereof. y in thirty days ter the said woRehalhMive béemcdmpleied. and goekbepted by the said Vhief Eggincer, there shalt he a tinal estimate made by the Engineer S€ the quantity, chavacter, and valne\pf said work, agreeably to the terms of FRIS agreement, when the balettce APPCU NE in eh to be du&to the said party of the first part, shall be paid to me 2x release * ; + Rpen x ‘demands whataperer grow) ny Manner out of Riis agreement. ‘ing their progress, by gat, Directors and-Qugineers. At the expiration of every @ I] be made by the Con ractor to the F ngineer, of the average force of men, e}rts, &e., emploved upon the york for ding two weeks, acfording to such forms af shall be supplied by the sfid Engineer. And itis furfher agreed that in the event fhe work »€ Commenced or presee ~nted ane completed, or if the Contractor on {being “required thereto by Nye Engineer, shall fail or reffise to in- force employed on the work herein Centractpd for, to such an extent 2 in ‘the opinion of the said Eygineer, shall be necessary\o. insure ion in the stipulate: time, OF 1© Cohtractor shall disobey any Of the lawful written orders « ¥ the Engineer, or shall violate any s3 conditions of this agrée then, on tile certificate of the fact bv the Prine ‘ipal Assistant Engineer havin ing the superinten nee of y the Chief Engindyr, eitheg tie Presiden\or the President and Direptors of the Weatern NuAth Garolina Rail Road C ompqiiy, Way sontract abandoned, and thégaidjCompany pall therefore be exonerated from every obligation thedce ensuing; and the referved 20 et m the contract pricel as well as All materials fumished = work pertoNged, and upon which no esfimate or payment may Have been ; vmaide, shall Decome the right and\property of the Westefn North Carolina Rail Rod\d ‘Company. in satisfaction for all damage they may have sustained by peason of the delingu rey of the Contractor \ And the said Company, by its proper ofticer, may hergatter agree with auy other per- son for the efecution of the unfinished work, in the same Mpmner as if this contract hdd never been made. And the sa) party of the tirst pa}t hereby farther agvee Pith the said Company, that should they determine t 4 or other Masonyyyer do other work Apt herein before ennmekated, on the said section or deetions, that the said par’ build and compfete the same as though said work had been Agmmerated in this agreement, for similar kind) of werk, and npou the sanie terms and condifens, except with regard te! * agree) shall he Pxtended, at the diser&ion of thePresident an\ Directors, when the limit were inserted intthis agreement. n it is further agreed between the parties, that in lieu of the abandonment of the contract, for a failure to comply with the the Etginecr t+ place an ad&guate force upon the woyk, to insure its completign by the time stipulated, FR President and Directors Sutticien}torce upon said work, at the expense of the(Gontractor. And it is fi ‘r agreed, that for any of\the catises before assigne cent, or the President and Ditectors may wbandon any {partion of the work herein wcted for, such portiou th\be subject to thes Suite and contralof the Cainpany ah the whole contract wm indoued. To; revert all dispite, it is hereRaemutttally agreed, that the Chief Engineer shall, in all casex, determine the amount and quantity of the mny from all claps open to examination dt <5 work, a report shi under seaMto the said Com The work shall always b two we the pree shall no crease the its comp} of the ex] the work, or declare this per centage ‘t ‘ alls, fori, raid . by it build Bridges, Culverts, « of the first part will pe md for the prices hereifi before stipulated to be the time of completing the same, which it is let xed by them shall have the same effect as thoug “Cquisition of nav place ut the Presi- m eiture J several kinds of the work which are to be paid for under this contract, ‘aud the amount. of compensation at the rates herein provided for; aid om alse, that the said Chief Engineer, shall incall cases, decide every question which can or may arise relative to the execution of this edntract, on the part of said Contractor, “and lis estimate shall be tidal and conclusive, ~ ° ys yn W ites BW heres, YS he! witid Party of th hess. Cob, abet sake kiall Ars tutid wud ve fae hes. Sead cern” Os , : aCori “Py aly i: ( aie a Ret RoakC OMGHIN Y; nag tewstiele treemal ~~ ; 5 ; a» omer et Laon See so. - : he a em dah orhe a wrrdire:” tule hy tr there CMa Beil, He ee aa Ly Bi hi bes vestdem af the W ae esse IN fail Rord Comyn. By wig the Pro deat aad RivcetaiNn VAkt of the C slay. te fame , : os } ° ; meget ee _ et tO, — a ae . - ows ne spilling “0st co tai ae nee ms aie cl. Z + *e Brn « * ‘ . : wf ‘ Saat ~ Fe pe & f \ > te ¥ E> : I *%, ’ . | ‘ : : 4: » ~ * ; % eas aie Beret wg od ae Joon i ie i Lf Pe A<, ies Zt «< . pnt eos Sh OPA EE % 2 Ke - ee Me fo en Cn ae ee ee, J fis Aang he: Clay Bee, lhe Lace 9 Ane (. Bice oe LLL ee — if eas [pred . UW ie f-komy nA Jats 20 /go ae Bz veya dae dete ba SE oO: Bi 75, en ge SS | j A cr jeans OF ‘Wax MALONE & CO.} | Ee e- « Le L. = bree h see tc " we er a= ellars, eee ; on account of Le, fees / i Old Fort, N. C.. @e4 77 LZ 18*c Received. of JOHN MALONE & CO. Ct Arlen . £ Dollars, | 100 / 7 ih Latics ® Old Fort, N. C. July 2 0 “RECEIVED OF JOHN MALONE & CO. ew dot lag AL d See ere ar pF Dollars, . on account of 2%... mek... ik (an Old Fort, Mk C.. A. M., 23 AG, th: 1877 f RECEIVED OF JOHN i &' CO, hy . ZDollars, t of x6 fbf. eo OMS pa BZ , Maret 73 Auge off’ ** a a ae : win ST mma: 2A F- Lae eS A 4B Cn 3 Lb fore JJjz Bay fl BFE «62 lf Ife 22 ef fa: fs 3 : ee ee ee A ea JY. OF Lif 2 2 ‘2 14 Yor Y A vy Sa a , Mn AS. Aye cad tines Ba Yl ‘le a22_, (Bie as> eee. Ya Beak eine D2rcelot eg fe 2 ay Sf cae. a. Pa~ oe Pea we eal 4 Daw 2 . nee Fe BL ng Lhe. he faue'g MERLE OaRe Besesd elie s Mee Yh 4 YY ee | er LGD eee —_—SSE== Cx b> Oz C20 UF Lhe to Fy SY Oy “ ate De he 1 Ae fat 2 €. f 2 ee EEE ; : eee eee Z mi cae as ee e ow re pane! . Old Fort, N. C... Ge By. fd iy, | RECEIVED OF ~— MALONE & CO.) Othe ws a th Mica sie 1S _7Dollars, | ms hk. L. or ee. fg tee wf 15 Hl og 1 “? < Mes, on abe of Old Fort, WW. Gia 4 A eB RECEIVED OF JOHN MALONE & CO.) d ! OS oe ete ey ag } # <—_ ¢ > ~- eet oS On account of... p—~ 4 - Old Fort, N. C. Ae 4 eee S77 } RECEIVED OF JOHN MALONE & CO. f ie. ALAN hi t th Ss hen > = ce ~__—-f Detar, a - Poets on account otf Si io m Con i e Old Fort, N.C. Alay oe 18 Ao | _ 4 Recetvep or JOHN MALONE & CoO. | BB, Cs. ay ek 2 VAN Dollars, 100 A 0: oe on account of Zw fe be . Dpto Pa. oF . for LC LLLBA-LP- fo > Gz At tt? gs "ee: Vee Ae Wy. . froZ Yn, bt head Ae here gy D2, gs. Chee zre Charité Do Bt Lg ag Se (Ok GL La prt lt pry sF7e. Jo. AC e ae Se Yeti Yo. Poe ftp. eee Fee he Soe Zig AE keeren gy Ge Se PF os ad Ss a 6 cog a nS LPEE Se. Cn - ee ) LE ; Jo CLOT gr. ipo ae — foe as ig —- fi r o-6 ; Pies. ee Li. “og res: Pees: BL ees ee, nS GAk oe theo Ch pris PB KB TL. (Ou. ) Old Fort, N. C... Pha IF ah 1847 RECEIVED OF JOMN MALONE & CO. Aber fn ae H | on account of... ¢ eth es & | Ceo hh wear Old Fort, N. C.F an Sees 187 On| Receivep or JOHN MALONE & «oO. | 100 ollars, / “~~ 565-39 || a r abide abbot sel aek ® o A Ze ? ae ) it ff wae : ) SI 2 L as fee MA LEAL 2te ee a Ltppret 24A FG Flew 2— fyor es Se Ope eles e. er ag Conf Zee <g sa Sa/ oS. a Cee we, Ct 52 Se i fod: PO Et a a. Jet... pds Be ~thedce v. bs > WS is he ~ oa ee i gf . JF 4 ee ‘ * . * ; f we t ; - oo ae : a * <i ra ee “wd Pt. a 3 Ct tn ¥ ' * 7 yy i ¢ pe eZ hid oe Berea On fo 64 Va Cid COLL hoon ar et eae as 7° Cttcd- oh wa ee ie aoe oo ot atts Gly Chr DC oe fy . Lifra oF a : ete Lt tt # Rt hy 2a. L : ' A ene Se Sos se ie OM... SO ISD a Zs EG Bie i Oe ee ae A soe uc gee Aas EE 7 aE | Ce... ct eth A Dette. MLL efor vai per ae ae Ya c ) én C ; ae Zi CO OPE ee et a ft sine 3 oo Kk? 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