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Officials Bonds, Judge of Probate 1880 (Greenville, SC)
Official's Bonds - Judge of Probate, Greenville, S. C., 1880 ee) OFFICIAL BOND. ‘Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Printers, Charleston, 8. C.—31300 Pit of South Carolina. XC. all Sen by these Presents, That we, OS, AE. oe Po ie cel, Hh Cf “ED FEA and jirmly bound unto the State of South Carolina in the penal sum of } tere) bor tau’ Sa a al dollars, to the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves. and each and every of us, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these Presents. SEALED with our ls, and dated this el ~AL_anT day of CC Cru bet , Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and “nS Ye ee , and in the are Liaw LF veer of the Independence i the UN ates of xa WHEREAS the above bound aeGpe been _ et. a to the office o, I oo! Now, the_Condition of the above Obligation is such, That if the above bound shall well and truly perform the duties of. the said office, as now or hereafter required by law, during the whole period he may Comers in said office, then the above obligation to be void and epeipion sem _af non- effect 7 7 feet a Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence ae . CN er ¢ ‘i . ‘ a . %, / : ila: : ~ ‘ : es Sw 4 / ~ \. \ : %, . he Hiate of Hoth rolina, | vee Cle) county) WE, the subscribers, Commissioners appointed to approve the security to be given by public officers for the County aforesaid, do hereby certify that the sureties to the within bond are good and Fic GIVEN under er this”, oe ee ee ee —— 9 en het, 18 F&O | ee of Sonth Gavoin, oe CL county) | | | ; ~ CF ZG. ME, the subscribing ——— yA nancial ———— a : o/ oo — and made cath that he saw the within named “, . aan, FO LO Bye fl a Pe Brae EG: wh Gi Cie PO Pl SL ey aed De Doel — | sign, seal and deliver the within bond, and that he subscribed his name as a witness .. thereto. —. 7 4 a ya? — before 7 me this 4. LF a of Cle wtiy 18f0 ) ff I approve the form and execution of the within bond. Goren ber 2b OPFO 4 PP Looe, ce LL PEI ch ——————— SCHEDULE OF THE BONDS AND SECURITIES REQUIRED BY LAW TO BE GIVEN BY THE SEVERAL PUBLIC OFFICERS. wae” - aD tn i Pe DIFFERENT OFFICERS. ee NUMBER OF SURETIES. Comptroller-General..........0:ccceeeceeeeeseneee senses te anettaae sees $30,000 Treasurer : 90,000 Attorney-General...........- ssseceee eee 10,000 Solicitors eee 5,000 Secretary of State ; | 10,000 Superintendent of Education 5,000 Judge of Probate, Charleston County.... 10,000 ae ce ob 7) te Judge of Probate for other Counties 5,000 oe Coroner for Charleston County 10,000 Coroners for other Counties : 2,000 Clerks Courts of C. P. and G. 8. for Charleston County 20,000 Clerks for other Counties..........cccscec0 sesceseceenectenscerecnseeeee 10,000 us “ Register of Mesne Conveyance 5,000 ts OOC Retensnent scence Men Sheriff of Charleston County 25,000 INot less than two, nor more than twelve “ “ Sheriffs of other Counties........5+-ssee.eesee eens 10,000 County Treasurer, Charleston County. b.. 50,000 | “ County Treasurer, Abbeville County : se County Treasurer, Beaufort County County Treasurer, Richland County........ -.+s+:+ ssseee+ see : 37,500 County Treasurers of other Counties. ..... --...-+-+:++++++ 20,000 County Auditor for Charleston County 10,000 County Auditor for Abbeville County...... “ 7,500 County Auditor for Beaufort County 7,500 County Auditor for Richland County 7,500 ce County Auditors for other Counties 5,000 | *« “ County Commissioners, Charleston County 10,000 | County Commissioners of other Countiéa.........6. 2. es eee 2,000 (Three School Commissioner, Charleston County 2,500 |Three School Commissioners of other Counties 2,000 |Three good.............- Deputy County Surveyors 2,000 |Three good pes Bonds must be Recorded by the Clerk of the Court. ~“@a Governor. © Governor. Governor. Comptroller-General. Governor. Governor. County Commissioners. 6c [Have your bond properly filled up, properly approved as to sufficiency and as to legal form and execution, and recorded, before filing or transmitting it to be filed. 4 r (a fa ) fh Es 762 us q Ices date , : , es p 4 $ a A) ..... 0 ALLE , pe. Fln.0 Conf FV SE eo CL. Le Offie0 a ul ice. ted LC. r= “ : NY a (lw ot C. Dhar Kewtety: yy ay vLe a wa ae + Zit _ 7 WA [hore of- PROX Lirbote Le Fe ne LN | - beN4, Aoted Atrke roe ev ISSO, Orv he at chs offer f and of he Ca oe Gi Ot bank te eo ee ee Pee a a 4 >