HomeMy WebLinkAboutPension Correspondence, Confederate Service 1928-1935 Pension Correspondence Confederate Service 1928-1935 Hon, Baxter State Auditor, Raleigh, H. C. Dear Sir: Inclosed are Doctors’ certificates certi- fying that certain widows on the pension roll of Iredell County are permanently disabled and totally helpless, and which I am sending to you in order that they be placed in Class "A", according to Section 5168 (j), Chapter 92, of the State Law. Beping that you will give this matter your immediate attention, I beg to remain Yours very truly, Clerk Superior Court JLE3G Applicattons fer pensions were filed with Mr, Durham in 1928 for the following: | Mary M. Cok, Mrs. Margeret Thompson and Mrs. Mery E. Baker end then in the Legislature of 1929 they were also euthorized to. be put on the pension list. See Bublic Lews 1929 chapter 326 page S82.“ Now you will note thet in the. following July Mrs. Mergeret C. Thompson filed snother epplicetion, This is the sane. Margaret Thompson that ts mentioned in the Public Laws. This time the pension was sent for Mrs, Mary E. Baker but none for Mary M, Cook or Mrs. Mergeret. Thompson. Hon, Baxter Durham, State Auditor, Raleigh, Nl. C. Dear Sir:- I hereby certify that the Iredell County Pension Board has investigated and do recomend and approve that the following Widows who are in Class B should be placed in Class A. Mre. Jiartha A. Cope Mrs tiary A. Gaither Mrs. Dorcas A. Honeycutt ir. Jane Ireland Mre Lena Ketchie Mre,. Mary Jane Pharr ire Adleaid Speaks. ft enclose Doctor Certifieates fer each one of the above with the endorsement of th: Board thereon and do respectfully. urge that the case be placed in Class A. Yours very truly, Clerk <“uperior Court. - August 2nd, 1929, Hon, Bsaster Durham, State Auditor, Raleigh, Ru. C. Deetr’Sir: I enclose the follewing applicetions for pension which have been passed, sppreved and recommended by the Irede)1 County Pension Board, Mrs, Julia C. Cooper Mrs, Mergaret A. E, Teague Mrs, S. F. Ipdwig Mrs, Wargeret C. Thompson b Mre, Rachel E. Swann Mrs. Uc M,. Ramsey Mrs. Frencia M. Guy Mre,. Susgen u. Cline Mr. J. B. Patterson™ Iseec McLelland Yours very truly, Clerk Superior Ccurt, j } eS ad ov i, 1) MAA — bots A Arte Akt. % ¥ eae f2 Ce State Auditer Raleigh, Ne Ce Dear ir:- I enclose the following applications for pension which have been passed, approved and recommended by the Iredell County Pension Board, lis Julia C. Cooper gto * Mies Margaret A. E, teague( Se: FG Dra eagu Long tar il ure. 8. Fe totwig df not Corre irs Uargaret C. Thompson did nef Cer ure, Rachel Ks eR, Ad hod MIS, Ye My Ramsey ~‘ if hirf-ce rh Mrs. Francis i. Guy ~ Mrs, Susan M, Cline” lim, J, Be Pasterson « Isaac MoLelland. - ‘| Yours veiy truly, Clerk Superior Court, Apartment of the State Auditor Raleigh, N.C. July 3, 1930 BAXTER DURHAM STATE AUDITOR Mr. He. P. Van Hoy, Treas. Iredell Co., Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir;- ee I have your letter of June 20th requesting the Confederate War Record of one James Brooks, deceased pensioner of Wilkes County. Moore's Roster of North Carolina State Troops Volume 5... page 485... gives the following: JAMES BROOKS... enlisted March 14,1862...Wilkes County.. Company F...52nd Regiment..N.C.S.T., wounded near Goldsbore Dec. 17, 1865. I trust this is the information you desire, Yours very truly, ss 2. Auditor, ~ Chief Clerk Pension Bureau, July 31, 1930, Hon, Béiater Durhan, Raleigh, HN. C. Dear Sir:- Enclosed is the following ‘applicetion for Pension for widows, and applicstion fer increase pension for widcws passed by Iredell County Pension Board; _Applicetions for Pension Mrs. Louise Moore Mrs. Cornelis A, Moore Mrs. N. B. Tunstall —rs. Susis S. Dowmum Mrs. Julia Brooks Mre. Mery T. Devis Applications for Increese Pension, Mrs. J. 3. Foster Mrs. Clementine Reid Mra. Julia Elizabeth Ketchie Mre. NM. J. Dellinger Mrs. C. A. Moore ‘ Bre, Mery Jene Byers Mra. S. A. Hoover Mre. Emme Crowson Mrs. Dorcas A. Honeycutt, Yours very truly, Clerk Supericr Court. Hon Baxter - State Auditor, Raleigh, HN. 0. Dear Sir: I enclose here with pension vouchers thet. were not called for, as follows: Widows Boldiers Mery C Atwell’ Whiliam L Wooten. Mary A Gaither Frances, i. Guy ¥ A BKoore Rachel £ Swann 5S A Tillett Yours very truly, July 10, 1931, BAXTER DURHAM @ s STATE AUDITOR Wr. John L. Milholland, Ce S.Ce, Iredell Con, Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir;- —— ee I Ot EOIN GN = A Epa ag erate “i ———~ < I am enclosing herewith the following Class A Widow pension warrants- applications~for-increase having been approved by the State Pension Board: / Mary Jane pyore (8 A) Aalversd aut Cotter La Z S02 artha A. ope nr y 5 Att AA) dy rz Ko poate Crowson ( H H Selvad fo A101 UF Boi hi 50 TF 7 Mrs. J S Foster (JS )Mel coe ta Llaglee 50 S44 | Mrs. S A Hoover ( Ss ey Dil. ty ratte STs, _Doreas A Honeycutt ( FR Re Lh. “DUO a ae ie girs. BM Howard ( A B_) 3444 WE op RA ARG Dal vane Ireland ( Jackson ireland )//} WT TER VAL: oy, ~dTulia E. Ketchie ( R W \ieliwsd Colorig fs o£). Proved To PORE Mary Jane Pharr (.John Pharr )AS2é Lo meee Ff) YF miumstne Reid ( J M Reid KYLA LL ae p mm (Cad Adlaid Speaks ( EL Speaks )AeZ 4 #S0ODPLA yn: 7 If you have not already delivered the Class j B Widow pension warrants for the ,pove named widows, please return them at once, If you have delivered the Class B warrants sent you on June 15th, have the pensioner in each case to endorse the Class A Warrant, you collect it, p the pensioner $100,000, ,nd return the other $50.00 to this Department by check payable to the State Treasurer, Yours very truly, Baxter Durham, State Auditor, PA Chief Clerk Pension Bureau. Hepartment of the Strte Anditer Raleigh, N. |. July 15, 1931. BAXTER DURHAM STATE AUDITOR Mr, John L. Milholland, C.S.C., Iredell Co, Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir3-= — I am enclosing herewith Class A Widow pension warrant for Mrs. M. C. Watts, widow of J. Silas Watts, whose application for pension has been approved by the State Pension Board. Please deliver the warrant and add her name to the Iredell County list of pensioners in Class A for widows. Yours very truly, Baxter Durham, State Auditor, HON, ZEB. V. LONG SOLICITOR 157% JUDICIAL DISTRICT STATESVILLE, N, O. OFFICE OF CLERK SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY JOHN L. MILHOLLAND, Cuerx STATESVILLE: N. C. August 1, 19351. Yeon. Baxter Durham, State Auditor, Raleigh, U. GC... Dear Sir:< Enclosed are pension epplieations for teriowing wh _ widows: a « Mrs. W. C. Patterson (Attached to same is applisation that she be placed in Class A.) Mrs. W. Y. Hare Mra. Le Me Barger. Also applications for inerease pension for the follewing widows: Mrs. C. A. Moore Martha C. Moore 5. E, Warren Mery Jane Kerr Sallie Cockerham. mh All of these have been carefully examizied and passed by the IredeAl County Pension Beard. — : Yours very truly, enti “ 4 ” hei an " ; 5 ; the we & eek. "ye aa Clerk Superior Court. JOHN M. OGLESBY HON, ZEB. V. LONG RESIWENT JUDGE 151m JUDICIAL DISTRICT j SOLICITOR 161H JUDICIAL DISTRICT CONCORD, N. C. / STATESVILLE, N.C. OFFICE OF CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, IREDELL COUNTY H IREDELL SUPERIOR COURTS. 5th Monday before lst Monday in March. 2 Weeks. JOHN L. MILHOLLAND, Crern | tat antag ofr bat Miteday ba Waa, Cl Come aw: 1 Week / C. G. SMITH llth M y after lst Monday in March. 2 Weeks. } oe Sth Monday before 1st Monday in September, 2 Weeks. DEPUTY CLERK 9th Monday after lst Monday in September. 2 Weeks. STATESVILLE, N.C. Deceuber 19, 1951. Hon. Baxter Durham, State Auditor, Raleich, M. C. Dear Sir:- Enclosed 1s an application for increasa pension for Mes. Le le Pressly of this county, which has Leen approved by the Pension Board of this county and certified to by Lt I hope that you will place her om your list from this county so she can come in when any funds one available. Yours very truly, Clerk Superior Court. July 27th, 1932, ion, Baxter Durhem, State Additor, Releigh, WN. C. Dear Sir: Severel weeks ego,I think in the year 1929, the Iredell County Pension Foard approved an epplicetion for pension for Mrs, Margaret Thompson ef this County wrich was forwarded to you with the other applications for thet year. Also in the year 1929 the Lecislature included here in a list in a b4ll passed by the Tegisleture, See Chapter 326 cf the Public Lews of 1929, Mrs. Thompson hes not yet been put on the roll of this County. Encloeed are two e*fidavits stating © her condition and in addition thereto I wish to state thet I, to my own personel knowledge, know thet Mrs, Thompson is e pavper snd is absolutely unable to make s living for hersélif, She hes been living with a brother of hers who hes a family and he has been out of work new for more than eo year and the condition is that if she iz net put on the penalion roll she will be forced to go to the County Home. I sincerely hope that you will be able so add this name to your pension list, Youre very truly, John L,. Milholland July 27th, 1932, Hon, Baxter Durham, Stete suditor, Releigh, North Carolina, Dear Mr. Durham: In the year 1929, the Iredell County Bension Board passed cr recommended for pension Mrs, W, ¥, Remsey of this County. The epplication was sent in with the others for thet year tutKMrs, Remsey hes never been put on the pension ro&l of this County. ¥ra, Remscy is in dire need of a pension, She is ebsolutely uneble to earn e living and is depending entirely on others for support end I sincercly hope thet you can arrange to hsve her placed cn the pension rojl, Enclosed are two a ‘fidavi's and the recommendation of the Pnesion Poard as to "rs, Kemsey. Yours ver, truly, John L, Wilhollend July 27th, 1932, Hon, Rexter Durhan, State Auditor, Dear Sir: Enclosed sre the following epplitstions for pessions which were passed by the Iredell County Pension DBoard: Mrs. Ellen Settlemyre, Mre, Martha Ann Phifer, Mro,. Judie Ejizabeth Orren, Mrs. Sue Yanstory, Mrs. Victoria Thompson, Mrs. S, C. O'Kelly. Also the following anpliecstions for increased vensions irs, L, L. Mayborry, Yrs. Cendice C, Raly>urton, Mrs, ne “. Hicks, Urs, Wildred H, Knox, Mrs, Sarah A, Willer, Ars, Wary A, Smith, Mrs, Doevie J, Reid, ¥rs,. Mary T. Davis and ¥rs, T. C. Kinder, Yours very truly, Jom L. YFilholland July 27th, 1932, Hon, Bexter Durham, State Auditor, Releigh, R. Ce Dear Mir. Durham: Several years ago, I think in the year 1929, the Iredell County Pension Board approved en eppli-e cation for pension for Mrs, Margaret Teague of this County. She hes never been put on tho pension roll as yet. The board asked me to write and inguire why she hed not been added to the Ltist. Thanking you in edvance for your information, ZI am Yours very truly, John L. Milhollaeand Department of the State Anditat Raleigh N.C. Dec. 30, 1932 BAXTER DURHAM STATE AUDITOR Mr. John L. Milholland, C.S.C., Iredell Co., Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir;- I have your letter of Dec. 22nd in regard to application for Confederate Pension of Mrs. Edith Dennis, widow of Nelson H. Dennis, Company C...5rd Batn. Art. The application was received by this Department August 1, 1932, and shows the widow to be "Totally Blind." Applications and applications-for-increase now on file will be handled by the State Pension Board as soon as funds are available. Yours very truly, Baxter Durham, State Auditor, DELL er sion Bureau, DLav Pr - Laben elon After’ Gatr Jet A. tA ttEh, yn Lelie Stee. CL. pn, bo 4eé - fac2$ laetreg, PULP ACLCALBR August 4th, 1955. fion, Baxter Durhen, State Auditor, Releigh, KN. C. Deer Sir: Enclosed are the pension applications psssed on by the Iredell County Pension Boerd for 1933 and ere as follows; Mre. Prudence Ludwig Widow of Willfer Feimster Wiley Bleckburn, Cclored. Also the following applications for increased pension: Mrs. Bame C,. Atwell Mrs. Julie Hagins Mrs. Merthe G. Reavis. Yours very truly, JOHN L. MILHOLLAND August 4th, 1955, ur. BR. H. Baker, Chief Clerk Pension Buresu, Auditors Department, Raleigh, BW. Ce Dear Mr. Baker: Enclosed are the two pension certifi- cetes thet I was speaking to you about the other day. One for Mrs. Martha Desi and one for Mrs, W. J. Wyatt. Both aro dead. iirs. Deal died before March 15, 19535, Mrs. Wyatt died since then and diec in the County Home. You will remember that I was talking te you the other day and expressed to you my most earnest desire that you would be able to get Mrs. Ramsey ard Mrs, Thompson added to the pension roll of this County. As they are in so much need of the pension I would be so gled if you could get this done so they could get a check right awey. Thanking you so much for your kindness in all these matters, I am Yours very truly, JOHN L. MILHOLLAND,. Raleigh, HN. C. BAXTER DURHAM STATE AUDITOR Gi PA re Mr. John L. Milholland, C.S.C., Iredell County, Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir:- at tet atten nose Mi he-following Class B Widow pension warrants were among those sent you for delivery December 15, 1955: 1529 S. F. Downum 1551 S. A. Freeze 1561 Sue Vanstory The State Treasurer advises us that these warrants have never been presented for payment, and we find no record of their having been returned to this Department. Please advise us of your disposition of these warrants, 1529, 15351, 1561 (Class B Widows), in order that we may balance our books. Yours very truly, Baxter Durham, State Auditor, ew ae Chief TI = Bureau. Raleigh, N. C. April 9, 1934. BAXTER DURHAM STATE AUDITOR Mr. John L. Milholland, C.S.C., Iredell Co., Statesville, N. C. CYusse A Widow pension warrant, NO. 654, | D. J. Reid, was among the warrants sent to you for delivery on December 15, 1935. The State Treasurer advises us that it has never been presented for payment and we find no record of this warrant having been returned to this Department. Please advise us of your disposition of Class A Soldier pension warrant, No. 654, in order that we may balance our books. Yours very truly, Baxter Durham, State Auditor, April llth, 1954, Mr. E. H. Raker, Chief Clerk Pension Pureau, Raleigh, N. C. Dear Mr, Raker: I received both of your letters re- County. that-had not reached the State Treasury and I find that they were ell here you called for except No, 1629 of 8. F. Downum which you made payable to EB. WwW. Downum a shert time ago and which has been mailed to him, I am goings to make personal inveti- gation of each of these and I will report on the others in the next dey or two; but on inves-. tigation todey I fPind' thet Mrs, Sue Veanstory, widow of J, %, Vanstory, Cleim P, is living and as she had not been receiving 6 pension befcre December 15, I heve no idea that she had any notice of this pension; therefore I am enclosing it to you and esk you to extend the time for ceshing it and return it to me sand I will take it out and deliver it to her. She lives about fifteen miles in the country end Ihave no ides has any wey of getting to torn, Thanking you, I am Yours very truly, JOHN L.- TT LHOLLAND Way 29th, 1996 [| Mre Eq He Bakers Chief Clerk Pension Bureau, f Raleighs le Ce j Dear Mr. Baker? Enclosed are three widow's pension warrants as followss Dovie J. Reed, Jane Ireland and S. A, Freese. All others have been delivered, Thanking you, I am Hon, Baxter Durham and. State Board of Pensions Releigh, NH. C. Gentlemen: There are several widows passed by the Pension Bosrd of this county for pensions who were married after 1880. We sincerely hope that the pension fund is sufficient that these can all be put on the list this year, and we wish to make a special petition to you to put Mrs. W. M. Ramsey, Mrs. Mergeret Thompson, and Mrs. Prudence (S. F.) Ludwig on the list. Affidavits and letters have been filed for Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Thompson, and Mrs. Ludwig showing thet they ere in dire need. Mrs. Remsey and Mrs. Thompson's applicetions were passed by us three or four years ago, These three names, Mrs. Rameey, Mrs. Thompson, end Mre. Ludwig are special cases end we do sincerely implore you to add them to the list this year. With great reapect, we ere Yours very truly, Iredell County Pension Board Clerk Superior Court HON. JOHN M. OGLESBY HON, ZEB. V. LONG : SOLICITOR 157% JUDICIAL DISTRICT RESIDENT JUDGE 16 JUDICIAL DISTRICT CONCORD, N. C. STATESVILLE, N.C. OFFICE OF CLERK SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY {REDELL SUPERIOR COURTS. Monday before 1st Monday in March. 2 Weeks. JOHN L. MILHOLLAND, Crier« i Civil Cases only. 1 Week Cc. G. SMITH 2 Weeks. ° DEPUTY CLERK STATESVILLE, N.C. Mecerber 5, 1534 Hon. Baxter Duras, State Anditer, — Filoighg Me Ce 4a it ls nmaring the time for the per.sior ohecke fur the i idows and sold@ers to come out <T- bes to call your attention to Mrs. %s. “‘e Raweoy anc vs, “Uergarct 7 Ther-pace. of tris County. Both of theese wiGsws wore piesed oY the Lredell Soanty Pension Searc in the gosr of 1929. A{fidavita were rade anf sisned several yes avo st owin:: thoir n0ed im compiience with the re-nlztlona relative to thetr cacese The Yenaion aver? several ye ire azo si cned a séparate urcent request that thoy be put on the List, s11 of whitch = thisak-you have on file tn your effice. In addition to tls I huve seen yo. perecnally triag snd iin, Saker twe or three timee beggin; that they mickt® be pensionod, Vith the musber of deaths we haye had in Iredell County cnd especially tho mz wder - wo were recetvin: firat clees pension check: 1 certainly feel that thise two worthy ond ceserving ricowe @heiuld be pevaloned. I ctll suffer another iLeeso@drtisent if their cheels do net com the. 1§th... ‘schemkiag youg £ amy, . Youre very truly, January 8, 1935 Yon, Bexter Durham, State icAttor, _ Raletoh, We Co Dear Mr, Durhams i Referring to your letter of December 10, 1934, asking about the widows applieations on file in . your office that have vot yet been put on the roll, I hag to cay that [ cannot make a yeport on al ef then, until aftor the 7ension bourd meets, the first Monday ix february, Jjiowsver, [ do kuew thet Margaret Teague (Francis “arion eam) ia deady I als6 moe that | Margaret ‘Thorpson (J, VW. Thompson) is a widow abdsélutely withio«t any property or means of support. She has na working in a knitting-mill here and-anpporting herself, but her etate of health, at her age, has compelled her to ;lve up tils works and the only Pseason that ashe is not now at the County home is because her brothér@-Ln-+lay {e allowing :er to stay at his hore, He is a carpenter and ic ont of work, se it is a burden to him to keep. net. Referrinc to your files you will. find several afficayits that were filed tn her case several years nso. I most earnestly plead, eg and entreat you..to owt thie poor weman on the roll at ones. I de wish that you gould det her have a cneck for the pest Decerver pension Lf possible, ° I will-revort on the others after the Poard meets. Thanking yon, I am, Yours very truly, Jom L, 'ilhollend or perler Cours February 18, 1935 Hon. Baxter Durham, State suditor, Reletgn,’ N. C. Dear Sirs I em returning the pension list of Iredell County for December 15, 1954, wit’ those merked dead thet we know to be ded. Hair and a class A pension warrant for Leura F. Knox. Both of these widows iled before September 15th, according to our information. I aiso enclose e peasilon application of Mrs, bkery a. Current, widow of im. E. Current, deceased, which was duly pessed by the Board st their meeting on February 4th. lso an application of Mrs. Alice hienis, which was passed by the Board on Februery 4th. Mrs. Menis medé application about four years ego which was passed by the Board end sent to Raleigh. But as she did not marry until 1886, she nas not yct csotten on the list, and as her nane was not included in the letter written on Decenber 10th, I thought possibly her application wis not on file in your office, therefore, the Board has psssed another application. It is likely, however, thet you will find her enplication in your office, as the Board passed it and it was sent to you, ss I said about four years ago. In your letter of Veoember 10th, in which you give a list of widows who were carried since 1880 and asked me to investigate, I beg to say thst Mrs. Margaret Teague is deed. And Mrs. Margaret Thompson, widow of Je \2-Thompson, is now on the pension list. I am enclosing affidavits and rip teal or showirg that hrs. Killen Settlemyre, widow of J. A. S@ttlemyre; Mrs. Victoria Thompson, widow of J, S. Thompson; Mrs. Prudence ¢ Ludwig, widow of Siles Fs Ludwig ond Mrs. S. C. O'Kelly are all very deserving cases end should be on the pension roll. The Bosrd slso passed certificate asking that Mrs. Martha Litten, «widow of Logen Litten , end Mrs. N. R. Tunstall, widow of N. R. Tunstell, be advanced from :lass B pension to class A. Both of these ridows ere totally disabled and confined:to the house and are meritorious ceases, Yours very truly, John L. Milhollend tierk Superior court July 23, 1935 ‘fion, Baxter Durham, State Auditor Dear Sirt Enclosed are the following applications for pensions passed by the Iredell County Pension Board, nemely? ary toate Simona and Margaret H, White, » and three TS eat for inorease as follows: Emma Hill widow R. R. Hill, 8. E. Smith widow of M. i, Smith and Emma L, Sharpe widow of We. F. Sharpes ; Yours very. truly, . Clerk of the Iredell County Pension Board July 23, 1935 Wyse Re Ee Beaver, Troutman, NW. C. Dear. Mrée, Beaver: The Iredell County Pension Board passed your application for pension favorably and I am aonpelled to send it to Raleigh in time for it to reach there by the first Monday in August for it to be considered. I notice in the application that you gave the k9th Regiment, but did not give the date or pisce of enlistment or Company of Richard Lenoir Beaver in whose name you are applying for pension, It will be necessary ‘Tor you to get this data. You should get it and cet it to me in time forme to cet it to Rileigh by the first - Monday in August. Yours very truly, Clerk of the Iredell County Pension Board