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Appointments of Justices of the Peace 1881-1889
be “I Appointments of justices of the peace, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887-1889 State of Yeorh Carolina, Office of Secretary of Stale. TO THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Vredll COUNTY : THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the following named persons were elected Justices of the Peace for TE County, for six years, by the General Assembly, on the ninth day of March, 4. D. 1881, under the provis- ions of section four of ‘An Act to establish County Governments,” ratified the twenty-seventh day of February, A. D. 1877: NAME. TOWNSHIP. &. AV. Ga. Unillhe WM. H. Shoenraty eur IG 4, L. Fur Sear AD Be Fpard Oba Secretary of State. NORTH CAROLINA, Secretary of State, Rateigh, Mpocdise® 498. Clerk Superior Cour?, by. Pe w.. County. ; dM G- 4 | This is to Certify, That the following is a correct list of the Justices of the Peace, appointed by the General Assembly of North Carolina at its recent session, in and for the County of _. f eleenereee ee the said State. The person first named in each township is to serve for four years, the others for six e unless otherwise specified : TOWNSHIP. JUSTICES. cue Monae Mbit, Yur Gebstrwna DP Herre - | Lerreon Greve pee Apa. Yl OxplllarceAe a Sou A YG. (Somer fb Walls (L1v~ Ns “ eetd; Varied” At, ant’ fe | Yley M bere AGE ee; JLo? a ae RF 29. a Ploeg E Figg | | See PH oe EWM Z AU A ply A PM lryrdoct ane f, L Sil hoy ween f, Ci Alene anaficbow GW cant EN Gly concif eo Zc Ya Big D A Grw- Z, ee le A Ml 0h, Mf YW Buliud EG Pvt on Ant thet fe Fuat, OM babii Suaae Nore GES GEL, anit CNM Garland art \ Gotten f Ueifip ones Yor the Lo Ke Very Respectfully, MWK LOLS] . id ~ Ft OR RED UUILY to nu sat wapac Coc vv get te elec Ced fy the Ea ps oF lle rth Garetina, on the Jee Peac EY pov Grthttle- Bounty, ee ee pen bele, witht. the Gore preacrite wa by lane, Chet mating suid appointments null and void: ve Mou, therefore J, ALFRED M. SCALES, Govevneu of North Gare Cree oi - vurtwe o Q auttorvity v ented unr mIve e- a tos ee 4 Y (Grapter 285, Baura of 1885), de tue vety ap bouut the peol- Cz Prernory ay fur Coce oe th eS - QTE pov Cle ok ¢ / Lcketh_ . Gourty ; erth Gar cling, pou a terre of - / YER UY from the pie Jrursday tr Gue url, Ch. &. 155 & A tT tT. ve lol, LB Wee ae aH a0. 0 py : ee Gig orl ‘ - ule A od. 5 AD. & Cank. otal, LWT E thecsnd. Baceiceacrn. Wf su Witness Wherecl, mF Tt | ALFRED M. SCALES, cur Govetne-v arn Gommander-in-Ghief, Rath signed with hin Rand these presente and COtimeEW CU Great Beat to be af) é ‘theretc. Doge incurci op Kat this the A™ sep of fA oe. 1 can Onde pe TUDENCE. paged Pena ‘abetted Ai, PnP, ates aan STATE OF NORTH CARQLINA, OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE, Pate UF te, 2 LZ Tlaivc te, 1585, 4 TO THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT: 7 | = 4 )) - + Oh |} J. © /) i Joer fou fPevve witht nrt a Cte furl UC 2/ Ot Cice - 4 => : ) 3) f a 4) 7 ere por A CGourl Gs oy Che Ge TVET at Crs QDETIL oly wl Uy tale wersricm. Joe Ceuire Of ChE Se purt Lc-e a UL for 7 = - ) ) 4 sf) _- ' Sire . SUK ywEeuty uv ac U canew wWwhtewe net clive sucirwe Pec VELE UM. : - NAME. TOWNSHIP. AG, ffl fans Maen Grrl | SEE ae See reer S herve vy Ce ut if Y t Ue p CVE G Cun Gg to CGE Cer ecl ; WAS e ° . Secretary of State. (oa NORTH CAROLINA, Secretary of State, eae et haar ere Bode Raleigh, 21st March, 1887 To the Clerk of the Superior Court of County: Section 819 of the Code of North Carolina reads as follows “The Secretary of State shall certify to the Clerks of theS Superior Courts of the several counties a list of all Justices of the Peace elected for the several counties. and this shall be their commission." And in Obedience to its Provisions I Hereby Certify, That the sae named persons were duly elected Justices of the Peace in and for County by the General Assembly at its session of 1887, the term of office being six a SECEDE less ODS Staved TOWNSHIP. NAMES. THOME. yap oe re VBA fof; Ansar fbn. AML, Adhesh YM Macrahe MA ldirag Fh, Ht, Huw ae Perry Ad Vrufhir, FAM ic ws ht OF Layee fer Aibiamaiede Ao foe MA Kove MAb phir htt /prd Attire) Mau Kido (ftv piled Oli [fb Ae dhy hah Witness my hand and official seal Secretary of State State of North Caroliima, elected Justice of the Peace for county, by the Legislature of North Carolina, on the. Fhe day of Marfh, 1887, having failed to quatify within the time prescribed by Chapter 288, Laws of 1885, whereby said appoi en a nf void. . Now Therefore, I, - : @a Vos —— Governor of North a Carolina, by virtue of authority/conferred lai goa law, do hereby appoint as Justice of the Peace for a term of (0 --years, from the first Thursday in 1887, for said County, the following persons, viz.: and do confer upon them, after taking the oath of office required by law, all the rights, privileges and powers useful and necessary to the just and proper discharge of the duties of said office. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of North Carolina to be affixed. Donein our city of Raleigh, great this Sly day of. lesan : 188.45 in the Mga year of American Independence. By THE GOVERNOR: GOVERNOR. Xx Vavubrl he, UnNe SECRETARY OF STATE. — -_ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTME? G _(l p * STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Siabeighs. Nay 27 Ly Z CH hehe vitls ALO Lowe on 4 eens A potee (few mn ft fe Gos Lea Yoo t Ge Y wt AnceLLh Op ge “tips twa dtl LY: ate OC 2/0 va LZ, ee “Gea fA se C / NORTH CAROLINA, SECRETARY OF STATE, Goaleigh, 2s Watch, 1899. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County: Section 819 of The Code provides that the Secretary of State shall certify to the Clerks of the Superior Court of the several counties a list of all Justices of the Peace elected for their several counties, and this shall be their commission. In obedience to this requirement, I herewith send list of the Justices of the Peace elected for Iredell county by the General Assembly at its recent session, as follows: TURNERSBURG TowNsHIp—Jas. M. Godby, Wm. S. Turner. EaGueE Mitts ‘Townsuip —W, J. Calvert, J. E. Stimpson. Union Grove Townsnoir—N. T. Summers, debe Warren. New Hore TownsHi1p—Absalom Redman, M. O. Williams. OLIN TownsHip—R, a. Bryant, Yenry Gil). SHARPESBURG TownsHip—A, P. Sharpe, J. E. King. Coot Sprines Townsaip—J.L Shepherd, NP. Watt. BeTHany Townsoip—W. H.H Summers, William Dunlap. Coxcorp TownsHip —R. A. Stone, Wm. F. Sharpe. SHILOH TownsHip—Harvey Reese, Rufus Morrison. SvATESVILLE TownsHip—Hagry Burke, A. W Jamison, J. Harvey Stephenson. CHAMBERSBURG ‘TownsHIP—W. E. McNeely, Jesse D. Click. BARRINGER’s TownsHIP —W. C. Mills, James H. Brown, Fatf{stown Townsuip—R. J. Wills, James Wilhelm. Davipson TuwnsHip—D. A. Barkley, J. W. A. Kerr. CoppLE CREEK TownsHiIp—lIsaac Harris, A. M. Walker, E. Lee Cloninger. I hereby certify that the foregoing list is correct. Secretary of State. \ / os \ wae ~~ a Sen ~ - ee a ee WE , , 5) ~ ME. elle a mg VN Sern HEL AL. 2 Toe hte . O Militias. elected Justice DB Peace for_-_- fn County, by the Legislature of North Carolina, on the aa “4_day of March, 18_ &7, having failed to qualify within the time prescribed by Chapter 288, Laws of 1885, whereby said Ty became 1 and voit | Now, Therefore, I__-- ©<_ “~- CL, SF, Governor of North Carolina, by virtue of authority conferred upon me Oat law, do gute ge as Justice of the Peace for a term of 2. years, from the first Thursday i in Ae OF ae ee 18 XF for said County, the following Persongq it : a ee TORRE p <2 JL ta LP AEEAT Ee a tg Me and do confer upon them, after taking the oath of office required by law, all the rights, privileges and powers useful and necessary to the just and proper discharge of the duties of said office. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and- LL4 / bey. P2224 in the one hundred and ou 7 Ltculk year of our American Independence. By the Governor? : Governor. Lo ae LAMA ROTI LAI ALOE. Secretary of State. “on A “pee oe Sonne. Degg L db One fee Laws of 1885, whereby said a app ent ey wor Now, Therefore, I Pep Bt A POP C ple : Governor of North Carolina, by virtue of authority conferred upon me by law,do hereby appoint as Justice of the Peace for a term ot_L. -years, from the first Thursday in 18 a said County, the following person viz Lf? Dfttls/t bt tle. By the Governor: ... Governor. we a % State of Nor¢h Caroliima, Whereas, y= ~~ ow ee ee ew ee a we eee ee ee ee oe he. Fi Cras ho opts. eee fly Cine Le Zz LO CeO a iy Vee hele A AA ~<A 4 Sit ale LL. pe luce elected Justice ‘\ Peace for__-..- - i; . ct by the ‘ook of an ay of March, 18-- NX, having faile&+4o qualify within the time prescribed by Chapter 288, Laws of 1885, whereby said appos ie os null void. x Now, Therefore, | One S Governor of North Carolina, by virtue of authority conferred upon oD hereby appoint as Justice of the Peace for a we __-.18-§ For said County, the term =A years, from the first Thursday in-.- and do confer upon them, after taking the oath of office required by law, all the rights, privileges and powers useful and necegsgry to the just and proper discharge of the duties of said office. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, this__---___ eo. a a ..--day of mentee Sa wewe aes in the year of our Lord one thousand eight and in the one hundred and year of our American Independence. By the Governor: Governor. Secretary of State. a ; 2 & £ State of Nortla Carolima, Whereas, -- a eae eee ees by US la Ll eu Lhe wae Mle 7d Cy ee 4 a elected Justice\pf the Peage for__-.----\------------- \ key the islature of North Carolina, on the _day aN 18____, kaving failed to Qualify within the time ribed by\Chapter 288, Laws of 1885, whereby said eee ent becam Clee Now, Therefore, | Carolina, by virtue of authority conferred upon me by law, do hereby appoint as Justice of the Peace for a term of_._-C_ years, from the first Thursday in--\..4 L LLG CLF 18. £F, for said County, the following Peraoyyy Viz.: . | pr oti be le DM Mehe bea lbea For_- and do confer upon them, after taking the oath of office required by law, all the rights, privileges and powers useful and nec to the just and proper discharge of the duties of said office. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 7. eee see and in the one hundred and ye eee ee ee _year of our American Independence. By the Governor : Governor. Secretary of State.