HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarriage Licenses 1964 A-H‘Lredel | County | | Marrzagé L_tceNnses , LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina oo eee ucts NUMBER COUNTY GROOM dchn Allen Adams 1. FULL NAME z. PERMANENT ADDRESS. L12 Parker St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER 1) CITY BRIDE t. FULL NAME Eleanor Elaine Steelman 12. PERMAN! POMANENT 112 Parker St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Tredell Mooresville _ CITY COUNTY STATE COUNTY STATE 3. RACE , 4 "BIRTHDATE T ace | 5 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Whited-6-)3 | 20 | Wilkes G NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: 3. FATHER’S FULL NAME: % QO QO LIVING BK Adams pean at. Forsyth 17. NO, TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: White 3-15-43 16. NEVER MARRIED & wiDOWED DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: P Oo LIVING $3 ul Truman Steelman pead_ Lee Al 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME a Hintcher bead 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 412 Parker St., “tatesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereot, to celebrgie the 19. THER'S MAIDEN NAME; 3 uvING &@ pean] 20. Al ENT(S: minister ‘authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said ‘county: you are hard roposed marriage at any place within the said county. ond_@_4 je ££ GROOM CLL: aot Lid EL, f J DATE wn it y Sf fk eaten above, on fi PLACE at Adee x in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: (iif ithadtits . PEA. 4) bch in Ste. i. Lid a ADDRESS ADDRESS. ___, united in matrimony a Pee came = 7418-7 _ the parties licensed BRIDE << /, oe. oe in Rta ht“ - CITY OR TOWNSHIP Ane athrer% SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER re ; ee Ly oo BAL LAL sy het hater b ed ef J. a The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to till out and the Register of Deeds who and also subjects person sues for the same. sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who FORM VS-80 REGISTER 1/1/62 7/63-}00M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 REGISTER ‘OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU_ a* dix 315 UCENSE NUMBER — AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE i 7 Le, State of North Carolina Iredell GROOM Walter Adams NAME 2. ENT ADDRESS. Route 2 Statesville cry ie Col. COUNTY |) 4 BIRTHDATE 6-18-9 AGE 66) Ir COUNTY BRIDE niu Marguerite Elizabeth Carter 12 PERMANENT Route 2 ADDRES STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Iredell N.C. STATE |S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) edell N.C. | STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N,C. COUNTY STATE | 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) B-18-21 | 43| Virginia | ciy 4 13, RACE | Col. 6. NEVER MARRIED 0 7 o - WIDOWED ee: DIVORCED ee 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME Neal Adams 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Emma Morrison NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: - o i LIVING pean § tivinG [] pean sD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Deceased To any ordained minister of any religious Oct. 30, 1964 DATE ISSUED Sam T,Laws i ae Nesbit “REGISTER OF DEEDS NAME Walter Adams GROOM above, on October 31.196) ., ond Margurite Elizabeth 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: circ ceorsneenlectenierene Statesville,N.C* in gH 17, NO. TIMES Oo PREVIOUSLY Oo MARRIED: 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED uvinc (1 pean EX uvine (J es “—s—a = =~ 7 Ann Carter [ 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S)s Deceased i 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: denomination, minister sitbaeinedl by his charch, or any , aon of the Peace of said county: you are hove authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the af marriage at any place within the said county. Ot ty aT ae Justice of the Peace ~ MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE CAE arter By? , united in matrimony the parties licensed Statesville BRIDE DATE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: 7 [Ah php wv ff AHN be . mnacsloles The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and ADDRESS _ADDRESS___ CITY OR TOWNSHIP . 8 TZ SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Mode ae De Ze. we Ca Maatrat le JE REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You NOV —— the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS- 1/1/62 ’ 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 — WARE ster poe Deed: LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 393 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER be %. Rgpeanereanmamarer GROOM BRIDE fu. Eugene Martin Aiken rit Beverly Price Sherrill 2. remanent 520 Sullivan Road PERMANENT 325 Oakwood Drive ‘STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER 3 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C, | Statesville Iredell N.C CITY COUNTY STATE Pee COUNTY STATE [ 4 BIRTHDATE: “AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | __-(F-25-42) 21 Aiken Co., 5, C, __W (9-14-42) 21 Iredell Co., NC 4, NEV ER MARRIED 4 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED QO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY — bivoacen i MARRIED: Sie pesiioecnietas as ‘ __ DIVORCED ee & MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING ix 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME; LIVING x William Marion Aiken _ suo | doe Mercer Sherrill 500 0 i as MAIDEN NAME; uvinc 3] | 49. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; Dorothy L, Mathney . ow oO | _Mary Elizabeth Price 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20, ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 520 Sullivan Road 325 Oakwood Drive Statesville, N. C. os statesville, N. C. uvine #4 To any ordained minister of any religious dace, minister shine by his church, or any Justice of f the fe of said county: ee sere pasa Vee . DP heat DATE ISSUED “REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY / @gegieeeT) authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county, 7-20-1964 iL. L. Nesbit By: Wy, Walter Lee Lanier Minister Bo NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Eugene Martin Aiken and Beverly Price Sherrill the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE , united in matrimony above, on July 25, 1964 at Broad St. Methodist Church _in Statesville DATE PLACE in said county according to law. é : = SIGNATURE OF OFFIQIATI FICER > san 208M teat Ff, S blasudleNe. _avoress G2 Maebevpesel lB, et - The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: enter DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 3/1/62 7/63-100M . a <i ALLIED EGRY BUSINGSS SYSTEMS 100875 4 4 3 9 4 4 CITY OR TOWNSHIP RETURNED TO YOU Lrede}} lg COUNTY —~ “est Par A e, i ADORE Or Ay NC Cha Otte \ Ni 3 ] ST RTHPLAGE~, UNTY~ i =23~84 | 96 6 us «NEVER Mannics Og WiDowep ee corcklenbu r , N, . OUNTY 19, THDATE j PREVIOUsiy Ss Ul Naye——O —ARRIED, LV “AIDEN Ny M i CO &anle Cong DEAD x RS AIDEN NAME; pen tink OF PARENTS), et LIVING Q LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE “2 “a 326_ LICENSE NUMBER — GROOM } : Jerry Herron Alley FULL NAME State of North Carolina Tredell COUNTY BRIDE 1, . i Pamela Brank FULL NAME Route 3 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. 2 PERMANENT ADDRES. Route 5 STREET ADORESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Caldwell N.C. 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. Lenoir City COUNTY STATE ciTy COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | “TS BIRTHPLACE (COUN TESTS White |10-27-46 1$ Iredell n.¢. 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE {So BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATEY 2-15-45) 19 England 13. RACE White 6 NEVER MARRIED i 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER'S FULL NAME: Henry Herron Alley §. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME Edna I. Benfield 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): LIVING pean uvinc §J oead Route 3, Statesville, N.C. To any ‘ordained minister of any cuthorized, at any time within 60 days from the religious denomination, L. Nesbit Nov. 6, 1964 L. DATE ISSUED a . _ Sam T, Laws = NAME Herrom Alley GROOM above, on November 6th 19 6h: DATE _and in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF S$ TO MARRIAGE: ate. avraends eee AGA he 7 “7 A , i LL Leb Sv feck minister authorized by date hereof, to celebrate the propose: Pamela Bank _ Statesvilie Rats... PLACE ADDRESS «. Fa] 17. NO. TIMES oO PREVIOUSLY oO MARRIED: 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED seas DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: William Samuel 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Margie Hodgson 90. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Georgia uvinec [XE pean _( LvinG 4] Oo Brank his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby marriage at any place within the said county. 3 By: dnt) 4) Lb crabs f “REGISTER OF DEEDS 7h (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) a___dustice of the Peace , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE the parties licensed eee neces t BRIDE in__Statesville,N.C* el CITY OR TOWNSHIP ¢ ; fe Cre | La SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ’ Ahh A Ag le a I ee a, a. t REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. celebrating the marriage to @ forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone FORM _VS-80 1/3/82 7 YOOM ALGER HORT BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 Faitare to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and clso subjects person who sues for the same. LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina LICENSE NUMBER GROOM fun Edward Leon Allison NAME 811 Newbern Ave, ~ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Iredell N.C. 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS Statesville D2 e __ Iredell ~~ COUNTY BRIDE HY 1 a ees : ; : FULL Martha Hilda Blankenship 12. PERMANENT q ADDRESS. Route 2Z STREET ADORESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Harmony Iredell N.C. City COUNTY “STATE city COUNTY STATE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) N.C. 3. RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE White | 1-27-44 20; Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED ee x) oh We. TIMES WIDOWED D PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO Ss __ MARRIED: 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE { 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White -11-47 [16 | Iredell N,C. ‘16. NEVER MARRIED Ww 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME. James Wdware Allison uvinc 9. MOTHES’S MAIDEN NAME: Zella Lambert 10. ADDRESS OF PARENTS); SOS 811 Newbern Ave., Statesville, N.C. uvinc & sce ERE TS L, L. Nesbit “REGISTER OF DEEDS _March 10, 1964 ~ DATE TSUED L 7: 2 AL AL {ben ve Lila Krecl of £ dined ee Wiper DATE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: ADDRESS _peaD |] vames Nex Dic 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; Ltd. bat ; bet qe PLACE Kt a. ADDRESS __<- £ f ‘ x 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: James Rex Blankenship Martha York | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 2, Harmony, N.C, To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any hestine of the Pes of pare county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed By: arriage at any place within the said county. ee Me pees de. MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , united in matrimony 9 a oe Bbewhtihgs , the parties licensed BRI DE Etat Dbl, CITY OR TOWNSHIP pe t L, Chee 1? SIGNATURE hakel ihe _— foi om ton aC. REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fili out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage fo a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M @icied? cGRY BUSINESS systems }00R75 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 7A State of N S2te eh Gnas — : orth Carolina — GROOM Bobby Lawrence Anderson —__ PERMANENT = 536 Toh. ADDRESS___ Dt. STREET (hae OR ROUTE & BOX “NUMBER CITY ¥. FULL NAME COUNTY STATE Iredell} a N.C BRIDE i. FULL NAME Mildred Marie Hartness 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS_ "Route #2 _ ~~ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville iredell .._— ss ONG COUNTY STATE 4. sagen gad | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) i New Port News, Va. | 7, NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: . MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: ‘ence Aron Anderson _DEAD _ - 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING CX Ze 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1536 7th. St., Statesville, N. C. ‘LIVING OX eae £ 19) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE } tabs 16. NEVER MARRIED ot WIDOWED |___DivoRcED 18. FAT "AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ie Alexander 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY 0 o MARRIED: HER'S FULL NAME: LIVING $2 DEAD LIVING $j DEAD] 'ponk Hartness Allie 19. M MOTHER 3 MAIDEN NAME: Lela Mae Tille 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); Route we Statesville, N. C ss any Gictaed minister of any religious duasahaml minister nated by his church, or ‘any funtion of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereot, to celebrgfe th AZ. ete { in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: _ADDRESS The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and ADDRESS a b71. “F roposed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) é 4 — , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 2, the parties licensed Leadctble. CITY OR TOWNSHIP /} rk “VV AD A Ask SIGNATURE OF ae OFFICER A? 64 orga ms = — = flbsod Lente 2 7 A LF Fe 2 —— t, O itve ‘ nee REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE TH.S FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and celebrating the matriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M AALIED? ORY BOsINESS SyYSTERS 100875 also subjects person for the same. RETURNED TO YOU_ 6-10-64 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE iy State of North Carolina 306 ' Iredell ~~ LICENSE NUMBERS <n GROOM BRIDE ru Joel Cleveland Arnold Fu Lynda Kay Caldwell NAME Pema went 1131 Young St. PERMANENT 1124 Young St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell HC, Mooresville Iredell NG. city COUNTY STATE CHYY COUNTY STATE 5 RACE ") & BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |4-18-4] 23| Gaston N.C, White 6-12-42 | 22| Iredell N.C. 6 NEVER MARRIED ce 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED w 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: ccuiiladedle aur amaerbeaks DIVORCED Sis MARRIED: 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uviING & 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Hubert H. Arnold mean Lennie W. Caldwell eS 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: vine 2 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: ~~ uvING EX Pauline Bass pean Dorothy Barnette be TS 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1131 ee St., Mooresville, N,C. 1124 ins St., Mooresville, N.C, uvinc [X To any ordained minister of any ane ‘denomir ation, minister sateen by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: “you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the ae marriage at any place within the said county. Oct. 19, 1964 Le ly Nesbit Brel coe) ce), Pbindasakygas DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS g vie pba de Ae ty mee Beh ‘ é TD Yen éL_-, Ae fbAmnidKhe , united in matrimony AME : MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Ji A ta ~~ V4 . fy , y if Qed K (Warlernk, GNMUtt Kh and tipddh GH A vtt, (BLA LE , the parties licensed J GROOM v BRIDE a re / ‘ ' above, on_/ 2-2 3- &Y at fétitog vat Chuck in tle ZAALCAL DATE d PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. g SIGNATURE OF Aw {2 Dies r & FFICIATING OFFICER - ee ADDRESS he he ADDRESS _ LAE Cig 444 A yt REGISTER OF DEEDS: EeNTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. iene VS-80 {1/82 Ws 1OOM ALLIED EeRY BUSINESS systems 100875 RETURNED TO YOU_ Oct 2é LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 329 Iredell ~~ UICENSE NUMBER Tee ee — “GROOM BRIDE fu. William Calvin Ashley wit, Martha Jeanette Gantt NAME 2. 12. ERMAN RMAI RDBMS Route 6 ee Route 4 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mt. Airy Surry N,C. Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE (424i) 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE (1 ys: BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |10-19-1942 | Surry N.C. White [8-17-1944 Iredell N.C, 6. NEVER MARRIED ® 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 1p: @ 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED o PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: inne iocnmietionis DIVORCED gO MARRIED: FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiviNG XJ eas ee uvinc —& Richard Thatcher Ashley pean James Albert Gants pes 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uivinc © oe ee uVING OF Williamina Collins DEAD Claudia Forrest pEAD_ YO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENi(S): Route 6 Mount Airy, N,C. Route 4, Statesville, N.C. To any ord d mini: ligi: inatii ini: authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 60 days from = date hereot, to celebrate the propose: arriage at any place within the said county. _ Nov. 26, 1963 L. L. Nesbit DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS | rg benboacahge) - united in matrimony NISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE i e parties licensed above, on VL gustenbete- AFAUS DATE said county according to law, SIGNATURE OF WIZMESSES TO MARRIAGE: "eka § Aart ~& appress_&460 (h eee o Sh oak a VA — Fuca A fy Maka. appress_5 50 W. wtlungtow / DV Nu Aoww lon fa i es al J Like~ ADDRESS. The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. December_5, 1963 __ FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU sant seciunes aoteane REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY 62009 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 349 LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM “ BRIDE Gary Wayne Atkinson FULL Harriet Ann McCampbell FULL NAME NAME = 2 ° 12. favent ss 3743 Michigan Ave, roanent Route & STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Charlotte Mecklenburg N.C. Statesville Iredell BC. city COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3 RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | Se 13. RACE 14. BIRTHOATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 7-21-42 |22 | Robeson N.C. White 2-11-44| 20, Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16, NEVER MARRIED = 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED O PREVIOUSLY ___ DIVORCED a ee MARRIED: ———-—______ }_—_—s Divorced —__ 5 MARRIED: 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME; LIVING 2) 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LivING X} Gonslee Atkinson DEAD 1 Paul C. MeCampbe.1 pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinG EX 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING B& Clara Mae Wilkins pean O _|\Mary Stephen Holton pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): [ 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Ave., Rockingham, N,C, Route 4, Statesville, N.C. ion, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the ar marriage at any place within the p- county, Nov. 25, 1964 L. b, Nesbit By: = beet tinal act LL DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS q (DEPUTY / AE SISRADIED TVe4 Sy ; 5 te « a : a LF LY 2L Ko { t22f4147e 1 united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 22 \_and Ji a CF 944 La ivy Zi &\ the parties licensed ee : BRIDE LJ A 2 } 2 } ~ /_— ; , { Da / y tera ver LMAO, in Ler IY DLL4AG / PLACE CIPY OR TOWNSHIP 7 in said county according to law. / , co Z = SIGNATURE OF OFFIGIATING OFFICER £4 WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE?” A — ey SAE Ma KL ata sovress_# (ae Le SE Letina Ss SIGNATURE OF strani ie ao My “} oe A : reed gt hb fiw shih e ADDRESS . Z Jeite ce. Le: REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out end sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person . ‘ t RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forteiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, FORM VS-80 1/1/62 vi 7/63-100M oo ae ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS BYaTEMS 100875 A 4 ,fD 144260 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina i eee COUNTY FULL NAME 2. PERMANENT ‘ aporess__ 4002 Newton Dr STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER oe Le : : cook , STATE ST RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | | j : | yo { 6 NEVER aes x) WIDOWED 0 DIVORCED O - 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING a. s William Ayers iad 5. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING “AGE 7, NO, TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: ~ White B-3-46 a i. FULL NAME 12. PERMAN oe 229 P ark D STREET ADDRESS oy ROUTE & BOX NUMBER COUNTY STATE AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 18 Tredelil 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: Fy [ 14. BIRTHDATE | 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED __ DIVORCED 16. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinG X} bee TT LIVING ¥) Malone Privette bead = 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN xo eorothy Lee Davidson pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENTIS): 2002 Newton es Statesville, N. C. 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S)s 229 Park Dr., Statesvihle, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious deactaination, minister authorized oa his church, or any Justice of the pein of soid county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celeb: P- marriage af any place within the said county. 4 August 4, 196) , Valor fo BE Lueblee EEDS NAME Lyers a ‘ 4 Cit () 7 GROOM above, on_ Lt ik. rr ame Ae LEEF- a Z. SMD } DATE and Z, oly ba Saas in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES eed "Lk oe Aree of — 7 The Aainister or other pér$on celebrating this marriage is required within 30 day= to fill out and Ofer (4 ADDRESS e+ Le ADDRESS. ili (DEPUTY/ ASSISTANT) os _, united in matrimony “MINISTER OR JUSTICE . THE PEACE hig Nets 7 aes / BRIDE 2 hee SUC ile MC ot OR TOWNSHIP _, the parties licensed ft Mite ZA in. 7 Chee Zh fae Boon OFFICER pes a LK? hes LD. sei) Ctthel fe REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. FORM VS-80 t/t /62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. RETURNED TO Yousugust 1} sare reamed D 113967 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Caroline none lee Fe 0 eee. LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM " BRIDE 1. FULL ful. Jerry Gale Bare sd NaeBrrenda Dianne Barnhardt - 12. PERMANENT PERMAN oN Pp. 0. Bax 5 one te #5 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER ADDRESS. CHY g COUNTY STATE ciy COUNTY STATE 3 RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE Ta. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 12- Laid. 211 Ashe White b-6- 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED ot 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED “ PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: DIVORCED O MARRIED: annem @. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc o& 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; uvinc OX i T5 : peap_ J Willi peAD__C]___ S-MOTER MAIDEN HORE ; 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING LIVING XJ lalters pead__C Ethel Pauline Hamilton rap O 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route fy Box ae cetera N. C. 802 Louise Ave., Kannapolis, A. 2 A To any ordai ed minister of any aiden deusmiaation. i minister ceeded by his church, or any Justice of the ice: of ‘said | county: “you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrat = posed marriage at any place within the said county, gus sul ADE ASSIAND + tits tee _____, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and fink e. Q ttiriashe 12 tn ol ‘the parties licensed BRIDE u ae ee a ae Itt ; a / above, on_ XO Of At LU U’ (Fos in__/ eee ' t DATE © PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Aid Ausz Ch OS _ WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE Z wai OFFICER Mrs... Lagun C. tdéank ant, Soe Se “ol, 4, Lad. Rt, LP BALZ ADDRESS Lez At Hf oe ohtanZ Prt aat ; Ti ae The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: NER ONE sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You_A t celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, a Dy STER OF DEEDS CC 462 65. 100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 112 ~~ LICENSE NUMBER co ee GROOM BRIDE 1. ae i. i ' FULL William Doane Parger FULL Sylvia Carole McPherson 2. 12. PERMANENT Box 1152 PERMANENT North Center Street Se STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _ Statesville Iredell N.C, Statesville Iredell N.C. city COUNTY STATE city COUNTY STATE 3. RACE) 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE ] 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 1: 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White [1-22-40 24 | Iredell N.C. |iwhite |10- 29-42 21] Greenville &. C. 6. 6. NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED c= 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED OD PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY oe A MARRIED: ieee _WIORCED QO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME, vais CX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LivING Bl Cecil Kern Barger pean Oppy Harry McPherson pean %. MOTHER'S MAI nee LIVING Bt 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvine & 3, MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Leta Doane veo O _||Catherine Cook pes TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Box a Statesville, N,C. North Center oe — WC, To. ony ordained minister of any alii dencailaction, minister : ceecnteed re his ah or any ilies of | the pom of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposeq marriage at any place within the said county. May 26, 1964 L. L, Nesbit BY: ge Lho . - viii a: re DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS 4 (DEPUTY /SStS? ANY) ie whe yy Cys —____, united in matrimony cacao gem ORSUSTICE THE PEACE - E 4 : ts ; Nl | 4 00.8 =). Ge Qong O -_ i onde acca “A +e oy let He vn e licensed —s sae in_~ Ta Leer XG, °y e CITY OR tat G ov above, on_f) Jos 7 Shy he Sahe PLACE “ in said county miei to law. a G- SIGNATURE OF sein a \rs. c (> ‘Z.. WITNESSES ws ARRIAGE: } / ee, HONATL oF — Z OFFICER ¢ i saci. Je __ ADDRESS es ae SD Y Ht Mi 2dblgent LL’ ee REGISTER OF DEEDS: €&NTER DATE THIS FORM The; finister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sigh both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register ot Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects persoa RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. as @LAIED HCAT Susiness Sts Tams 100875 i. 1 3 3 6 3 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Iredell <a 27h LICENSE NUMBER GROOM Billy Paul Barnes BRIDE it. FULL Hazel Lambert 1. FULL NAME 1247 Park Drive Extension STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. ciTY COUNTY STATE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 7-22-42) 22 | Iredell 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS. Route 1 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Stony Point Alexander mG. City COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. “13. RACE White White |9-23-44/19.| Iredell _N.C. N.C. 6 NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED pig 17. NO. TIMES Q PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME; Cc. T. Barnes 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Theresa Smith uvinc [X DEAD [J uiving [EE DEAD [J William L, 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Mary Anthony UVING bean LIVING & dead Lambert 10, ADDRESS Gr PARENT(S): Route 1, Stony Point, N.C, To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his chur authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereot, to celebrate the ~U marriage at any place within the said county. Sept. 8, 1964 L, L, Nesbit By: 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1247 Park Drive Extension, Statesville ce * said county: you are hereby of ¢ DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS be pe JF lLA4 Attensa 0 q (DEPUTY /A6: 2 Ler MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 13.0 GROOM 3 é DATE AVG 2 ce x above, on_.J< 2 E. Z2 in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: ne — LL, see , og Avs 7 Vf - YU hh Fa IVA ata _—_ADDRESS_J Sf pet of GF ‘. kad ghreta” ADDRESS The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign hoth copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 7 : SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER , united in matrimony , the parties licensed roth h CITY OR TOWNSHIP YF E kigoee ape 5 f wht cide act) i A REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE vice ® NUMBER State of North Carolina Tredel] COUNTY : GROOM FULL NAME Elmore Barnes, Jr 2. PERMANENT * ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER . . CITY ro COUNTY i. FULL NAME 12. ADDRESS. STATE Carrie Ann PERMANENT 290 BRIDE Patterson N. Church St, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Iredell e. J ss Shea i COUNTY STATE 3. RACE “AGE So eles | 20 4. BIRTHDATE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Cleveland Col, AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 18 Iredell 14, BIRTHDATE 1-26-16 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED WIDOWED DIVORCED 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: __lmore Barnes, Sr. 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Ma erth LIVING EX DEAD [] Living 1 DEAD [X 16. NEVER MARRIED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; 19. MOTHER'S MATDEN NAME; Christine Sherrill 17, NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: ot oO O spiel LIVING $2 DEAD} ___ LIVING CX pean ot) 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 7s ae N. C. 329 N. 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Church St., Mooresville, N. To any ‘anned minister a any eiligiens deeeabaniion, minister ‘ aaeed by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hovel authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to cele! May ay DATE ISSUED : mes f- tC WC t_*® ze proposed marriage at any place within the said county, 2 t (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) ZA ‘ 4 / a ( Ye ce &e , united in matrimony NAME IL, =Z act het en fea 2429 A. GROOM / above, onlay F. Z_ SPELL at fe, in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF al en Ce Ae > 7 — © The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to till out and TMINISTER OR JOSTICE OF THE PEACE 3 : we, 7c tt ] yp. 2 212k a 22 PLACE . z xe ADDRESS__) 7 it r2. ADDRESS S27 Zo <4 2223, _, the parties licensed JD . 7 y GO LSE fe, a “2 _ £2 GH OR TOWNSHIP BRIDE in ‘ } eo Ds j Z Jf Zp<t << -€-2U. Oe te RHE ZIGNATURE OF OFFICIAPING OFFICER . : © 4 Le a , hg. 2. vA REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY SUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 GISTER OF DEEDS LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 197 Iredell ~ LICENSE NUMBER ps COUNTY GROOM 2 BRIDE tou James David Barr FULL Nancy Carol Christie NAME NAME 2. 12 : ‘ oes ___ 3327 Barfield Drive iment, = 3333 Barfield Drive STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Charlotte Mecklenburg N.C. Charlotte Meckenburg N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ‘|| 13. RACE. | 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White | 8-31-40 23) Gaston N.C, ||White 3-24-38 | 26] Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED x) 7. NO, TIMES |] 16. NEVER MARRIED nu 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: eae i agree See a DIVORCED iy MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uviNc | 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine 11 Barney Loyd Barr pean] __|| dohn Lee Christie a: 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; Livinc 2 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 3€] Mary Elizabeth Smith pean OD Sarah Donaldson 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS Oi PARENT(S): 102 Piedmont es Charlotte, N.C. Mt. —— N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious ‘denomination, minister authorized eae his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. July 21, 1964 _L. L, Nesbit By: 4 Cae Bike, decal DATE SUED Revs REGISTER OF DEEDS acre od ded ob) i £ } resbvtenria } h " ‘ at > _B. Prince, I] of the © terian Church, U.8- united in matrimony MINISTER OR-SUGHIGE-OF-THE-PEAGE ar _____and_Nancy Ca hristi the parties licensed GROOM above, on__July 26, 1964 otCentre Presbyterian Ch.in Mt. Mourne (Davidspn Townshil DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWMSHIP in said county according to law. iy fe) SIGNATURE OF - See Vf br4 VY fe, fi WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE; 5 ( } SIGNATURE OF GEIGATING “ofriceR 3 ____ ADDRESS ma: Le oe appress 25 27 Jou we ike Fie. C kprlpltp A REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 1 7 3 9 4 gs LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 9 State of North Carolina 285 Iredell “LICENSE NUMBERS” COUNTY GROOM BRIDE . 1. : . FULL Charlie Jackson Bass, Jr. Pui Frankie OtLinda Compton fewest Route 7 | rémayent 518 South Race St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N,C. Statesville Iredell N.C, City COUNTY STATE cit¥ COUNTY STATE 3 RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRINDATE | AGE) 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White [7-20-44 19| Iredell N.C. | White [8-26-4519] Rowan _N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED co 7. NO. TIMES i6. NEVER MARRIED a 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY ___ DIVORCED O MARRIED: mivocecminmmenn A EIVORCED QO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc 2 118. FATHER'S FULL NAME: Charlie Jackson Bass, Sr. pean. J. T. Compton 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: ae uvinc EX the aa uence career pean 2 uvinc [X 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING cx TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): | || 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 7, oe N,C. ee Freeport Rd. Del. To any alanis minisler of any seks denceaination, minister “authorized by his ik, or any fusions of the Peace of ae: aue you are re hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the propose arriage at any place within the said county. Sept. 17, 1964 L, L. Nesbit DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY/ aE _____, united in matrimony ¢ — JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Compln and ha 2 , the parties licensed BRIDE ion Sept 2S Labt ot 722 Gliinga Sf - in AeDeagrtle Ae PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF c Ake 6 WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: Wo ein OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Cte (snore evri— ADDRESS = ca < At Mw tt a ‘ : % th filets ADDRESS __ PIO VA 2 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF | 1/1/62 nese? ® or ous 7/63-100M auateo eeay pesiness srstems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 349 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE i. 11. Rate James Kenneth Bass || Nake Julia Ann Parker 2. 12. PoaEMANENT 410 Buffalo Street PERMANENT 917 Goldsboro Ave. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N,C. ‘11 f CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3 RACE 4 BIRTHDATE (2 ] ) 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ( [‘7) | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White | 5-31-1942 | Iredell N.C. White [12-10-1946 | Iredell _N.C. 6 NEVER MARRIED cx 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED a 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED; icceptiaiiniespsdineiin aeicniees DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING J 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LvING EF Arthur Bert Bass bean OJ Clarence Parker pean _O 5. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: we 2 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 64 Marie Redman bean 0 Dolly Benfield pean TO. ADDRESS GF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 310 Buffalo St. Statesville, N.C. 917 Goldsboro Ave. Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the io marriage at any place within the said county. Dec. 30, 1963 L. L. Nesbit By: megane PATE TSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS q DEPUVT ASR 2 “ Z in + ‘ a : 2 : ee SAE? LESSER CEnKin~S ae al As hn EL BAIRISTE R untied in motinony. NAME ; MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Lime S KE mnk THLASS ond Jy lip Am m LARKE LR, the parties licensed above, ond la ne A s/s 7 ge GROOM BRIDE ee ar 2/1 STEER Come ino Tam A mn Mi € in said county according to law. PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP 7 7 « SIGNATURE OF ae lle WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE; SIGNATURE OF | ICIATING OFFICER Zo Eg “ae = i Lew 4NLZ AB LL Appress__/35<5 4 eS Ae ABtia ete ) 9) . Pe. Oo Z 5 ZA Laat ADDRESS. NE Wa bbeale Za Cn L2 od Zi A SPP) 2 A hate : = hen ___appress__/ mera TOK KE Qi Naeixrthe JZ & The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and pcg oa sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who RETURNED TO YOU issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 tc anyone who sues for the same. J FORM VS-80 anuary 97, 1964 sii 1/1/62 1/62-100M 62048 MAIED SCRY SUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 351 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROG BRIDE uu Everette Linn Baxter [Bi Nellie Ann Wright os : 12. — ae FeMANeNT 237 Institute St. PERMANENT 310 East Mills Ave. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N.C. Mooresville Iredell N.C, CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE TRACE 4. BIRTHDATE | 19 ) 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE (21 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White | 10-10-1944; Iredell NLC. White 12-16-1942 Wilkes N€, 6. NEVER MARRIED Ck 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 1b ¢ 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Qo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Do MARRIED: sn incipient DIVORCED Dp MARRIED: cians emencoecadal & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LivINe EX 16. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc 0 Everette Baxter pep 6 George Wright DEAD 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livinc CX 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LiviINc BE Linnie Poston pean Mabel Bryant pean TO. ADDRESS OF PARENTIS): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 237 Institute St. Mooresville, N.C. 310 East Mills Ave., Mooresville, N,C, To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. Dec. 31, 1963 spp ebencahyp) DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY /ASStS PANE L S P. C. Gantt minister of the gospel united in matrimony ee NAME : MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Everette Lginn Baxter and Nellie Ann Wright the parties licensed above, on__January 4, 1964 hy 1964 GROOM BRIDE DATE at__Mooresville, N.C in Southside Baptist Church —_____.in said county according to law. PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP -_ SIGNATURE OF 2 WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: IGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Lie. CELLET Kiayler—: pooress LIL baa given SH ss : a <.. *o4 ; Z iy S24), SEL Ax tig h-f - avpress S48 E . ae, ee $5 — ss ” J a tes y a Ie LA Aad” ADDRESS___>/ Z. : JA er _ mt vt =F The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who aaa issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 ie - 100M ome EGRY QUSINESS StSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ae 82 2 Re LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM n BRIDE t. Name ___dack Lee Beard Nave ——Anne Louise Crowson——————_ 2. 12. ‘Apes _426 W. Bell St. Appts 405 Houston Rd. - pe STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER iin __ Iredell wy G. Jacksonville Onslow ___N,_C,. = STAT! CITY COUNTY SYATE CITY COUNTY SRACE | 4. ‘BIRTHDATE [ AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ‘13. RACE | 14. BIRTHDATE [ AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ite P-tuiG ith | tredel) sss wane | 8-16~ “42 a1 Seiad 6. NEVER MARRIED xX 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED . PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED ) . MARBIED: : og DIVORCED o MARRIED: 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME: m Sore a 78. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING EE use Woodrow Beard = sean SO Henry WAXKkAKA Wilfred Crowsomrmo O__ 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING x y MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING 4 ___Hazel Wi Oo | Wetmore __ O 10. ADDRESS OF _#i ison READ , Ayrtle wets er 426 W. Bell St., Statesville, N. C. 405 Houston Rd., Jacksonville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgte theyproposed marriage at any place within the said county. April, 21.,,196k KA fe oe DATE isS0ED (DEPUTY/ASS!STANT) Neill Rk. McGeachy minister of the Presbyterian Church, USe,_, united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ROOM “The First Presbyterian Church above, on_April 25, 196 at_Statesville ss in Statesville DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP ___Jack Lee Beard ae and__Anne Louise Crowson ss, the parties licensed in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITN) SS TO MARRIAGE; a REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign hoth copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU os pril 2 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 - 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BuSeNess systems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 203 Iredell —- het wea <n ey GROOM _ BRIDE Donald Clay Beaver FULL Patricia Ann Alexander Put NAME NAME 7 12. a4 foment Box 1354 Seuxer 230 Ridgeway Ave. _ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Reidsville Rockingham N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. Cit¥ COUNTY STATE CiTY COUNTY STATE E | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) = RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE White 1-21-40 24 Iredell H.C. White (1-28-40/24 | Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED X 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED = 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED o PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: aici naaaeiian DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING OK | 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc Kj Fornie Nathaniel Beaver pean Robert Woodrow Alexander peas 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; uvine && | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: tivine Xl Dovie Tolbert pean Thelma Odis Withers pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20, ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 230 Ridgeway Ave. Statesville, N.C, Route 1, Troutman To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposgd marriage at any place within the said county, July 24, 1964 L, L, Nesbit By: “VU, one) g/l, Alo herehie) 7 om, DATE ISSUED ; REGISTER OF DEEDS J (DEPUTY / AG StS ANS oN ~ e so a ‘ Gigy Le Me . “+ (LLM KAY A Etat tod __, united in matrimony ) 2 MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 5 ~ ef aie | oper and tA UC [lyn bi x er vik 274, the parties licensed SS . BRIDE i ee / a‘ J f E LO vA g % - / i /f LA S / : above, on/ (47+ IG fn _ot 4 df KL, St ff in Zé leet DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said countyatcording to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: FF Leg < : ye ADDRESS ADDRESS REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is requized within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, 7/63-100M @ALIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEWS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE Siate of North Carolina a es __Ired LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE 1, ui. Name Marshal] Ray Beaver Name Patricia Ulizabeth Curistopher PERMANENT PERMANENT > Appress.._ 413 Parker Ave, a A apperss PaO, Box 213 _. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX "NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & rE & BOX | NUMBER M Iredell. N._Co |_ Mi Mourne Tredeli Me city COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE j pied a 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 85-42 [21 | Iredell. White lal Qm6_| 18! Iredell}. 6. NEVER MARRIED i 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED & 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY oO MARRIED: hea caecum DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: oe poe _ DIVORCED &. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uvinc 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine CX - jie © klin Beaver beaD_ Zeffie Coleman Christopher pean HER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING = pEAD_ Lucy 1 iLizabeth Blackwelder DEAD 2 BL 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 0. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 413 Parker Ave,, Mooresville, N. | P. 0. Box is Mt Mourne, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister ‘ahead ma ‘his nk, or any fasion a ‘of the Peace a pon ae: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate he prgposed marriage at any place within the said county. ; sos : ateineoe ee (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) i, ioe of G YJ © § S SELL sd 2 , united in matrimony MINISTER OfdWGHGE-OF-FHE-PEACE the parties licensed BRIDE above, on DATE - CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITRESSES TO MARRIAGE: __ ADDRESS. / 41 4 ADDRESS_Zarz cate CLE REGISTER OF DEEDS: €NTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 4 nc cr 1/1/62 GISTER ¢ DEEDS 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 a AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE } State of North Carolina 310 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER > aay 1 GROOM “ BRIDE pate Robert Lee Bell I1l FULL Jeanette Myrtle Golden Poole NAME 2 12. is sa CANENT Route 5 Box 219 PERMANENT Route 5 a STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Statesville iredell City COUNTY STATE CitY COUNTY SRACE | 4. BIRTHDATE ) AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |8-10-42| 22 Iredell N.C. White -16~32 | 32| Winston Ala. 6. NEVER MARRIED oF ~ 7. NO. TIMES /16. NEVER MARRIED DO 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED @ PREVIOUSLY ___ DIVORCED 8) WAAR sare nee DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Living 1 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: tiving CX Robert Lee Bell, Jr. __ oo XI || Travis M. Golden _ ee 9. MOTHER'S MAI —— EE ar 1% rte NAME: says LIVING Ck Mary Ann Patterson pean 1 Mattie Ellen Barnes pean 10. ADDRESS OF *ARENTIS): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Florida General Del. Double Sorings, Ala. To any sehatead minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of aa aun: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the a at any place withi . the said county. Oct. 23, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: ‘ DATE iSSUED ~~ REGISTER OF DEEDS q' (DEPUTY / A813 ANP) Justice of the Peac MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE a ae aa +? Vuartle 7 Po i : bert Iee Bell it and___Jeanette Myrtle ien Poole the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on__Cctober 23rd196) Statesville y ¢ i. DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. he G : SIGNATURE OF C Zi ef piuy wit : SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ADDRESS_2Y Boo ew alte. Me. ADDRESS _ ee ie GL REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM united in matrimony The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. pommae to do so constitutes « misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU 2! celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M @ALIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 | 7 4 4 . 6 1 LICENSE AND C State 22 a ~ LICENSE NUMBER ERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE of North Carolina Iredell COUNTY GROOM full Charlie Ervin Benfield BRIDE 3. . | NAME Geraldine Brotherton 2 PERMANENT ADDRESS. Route 3 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. 12, PERMANENT ADDRESS. Route 5 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE White 4. BIRTHDATE { SF 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 2-22-1906 Iredell N.C. 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE t aly 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 8-22-1939 Iredell NG. 6 NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED o 7. NO. TIMES oOo PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: scelsteiecatice 16. NEVER MARRIED ® 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 9 __ MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME, Lee Benfield 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Mollie Waugh DEAD DEAD liviING [] cc uiviNc (] e§ 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: | Arthur Brotherton 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Ellen Weatherman uivinc [J pean LIVING & DEAD (] 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Deceased 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 5, Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby ; (DEPUTY / ASSHGFAN authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate the propos marriage at any place within the said county. Feb. 6, 1964 L, L. Nesbit ee od Bkenbewohag) E B Tutterrow NAME Charlie Ervin Benfield ong _ GROOM Union Grove PLACE SIGNATURE OF « a) a. BRIDE at. in. Pee ay 9) ) GALL AK. 5 a, ta wih aonei Tok tanh a / Justice of the Peace united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Geraldine Brotherton the parties licensed above, on Feb 7, 1964 DATE Union Grove in said county according to law. CITY OR TOWNSHIP SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Appress__Olin N C ADpress__Union Grove NC _ Union Groye N- ADDRESS. NG The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 1/62-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER O REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU February 10, 19641 DATE F DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE } 7 State of North Carolina ehh NUMBER COUNTY GROOM 1 FULL NAME 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS. Ee oe STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _ Herbert. Boyd Benfield BRIDE Helen Brookshire Deal i. FULL NAME PERMANENT ADDRESS_.. Re STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & TE & BOX NUMBER Statesville _ Tredell w. 6. City COUNTY STATE 3. RACE SO BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) (13. RACE White _ 10-14-28 . Iredell White 1-18-39 !25 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 0 6. NEVER MARRIED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 0 _ MARRIED: DIVORCED & LIVING or ' 48. FATHER’S FULL NAME: pean || Bulter Na LIVING ied 19. aay oes AME: been Mi } 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Gen Del, Boookfork, N. C. Statesville ivedell ... —Ss ss COUNTY STATE ey 14, “BIRTHDATE n AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Alexander 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: WIDOWED ee i 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: ubert ie entiein. ¥. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: er ORE Route #6, Statesville, N. C. flee Oe uvinG ( peaD =X) LIVING 5 DEAD fl Brookshire minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of ahd county: you a are hereby from the date hereot, to celebraig the pgoposed marriage at any place within the said county. ¢ —A#KS To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, authorized, at any time within 60 dcys September 8, 1964 DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) _ A tect EN united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE > 4 howd , eft Yeo GROOM he the parties licensed above, on_Z i , cts a} okt 4 ak SL DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said couniy according to law. ee s [7 ea SIGN TURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER fe ADDRESS _ x EL MheLewentl ‘ Ree! . noows AL Le Aitiaiiabtn te REGISTER OF ‘DEEDS: SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeisure of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. RETURNED TO You_Sept,. Lh DA; 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 173 LICENSE NUMBER GROOM Billy Joe Bennett 575 West Wilson Ave. PERMANENT ADDRESS. Iredell wa BRIDE Inez Caudill 57 West Wilson Aye. 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresviile Iredell N.C, City COUNTY STATE | Mooresville STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Iredell N.C. COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | aGe | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 11-1-37| 26, Washington Tenn. CITY 13. RACE 1d, BIRTHDATE | AGE] 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 21| Letcher Kent. x 7. NO. TIMES | o PREVIOUSLY | 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Elmer A. Bennett 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Rene McInturff 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT\S 1002 + eeaney Ave. Johnston Cty Tenn. o MARRIED: ees living @ DEAD _ uvinc DEAD ite L=-2 5-43 | 7 16. NEVER MARRIED w 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED | PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: DIVORCED oO 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; Jim A, Caudill “19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Nora Sturgill tivine CX DEAD. LIVING 3] Dead | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): — er To « any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister eilieeed by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you a are o heriiy authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the June 26, 1964 L. L. Nesbit DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS 2 NAME = filly Jat “Ceanalt and GROOM above, a. Ls] L . Ladi PLACE in said county accord DATE ing to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: d4 ig: LhieA / ALI K Mh ornid Lf. ZL ioe oe ADDRESS _<€ 4 avoress_/7. a 2 Ansor tek go, OC @ uriage at any place within the said county. vA trL/ uw) Lis q (DEPUTY / G1 6T tees) proposed By: * united in matrimony Le : MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , the parties licensed y BRIDE oe ee Pisortdnihle, oo 7. fo. CITY OR TOWNSHIP ‘ em ae 7 at OFFICER 2/5 ‘ o Lg Lt Zo» A it4 b« elle The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is requized within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M MALIE® EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 161 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE fu. Boyd Lee Berrier Fu Davida Perry 2. 12 feewanent 1010 Century Street PERMANENT Rt. 2, Box 290 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Lexington Davidson N.C, N,. Wilkesboro Wilkes N.C. city COUNTY STATE city COUNTY STATE 3y RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | ; l AGE | oe “BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE)“ 1. RACE | ‘14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |2-17-46'18 | Davidson N.C. White [4-21-46/18| Iredell N.C. & NEVER MARRIED gz 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x i7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED o PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: sade alaatiacn cuicie DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME; LIVING x3 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING 9] Grady Lee Berrier pean O __|\dJohnnie Henry Perry ue © 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING x 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Q Arlene Louie oean OO ||Ruby Stone pea> ¥0. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1010 Century Ste, Lexington, N.C, Rt. 2 Box 290, N. —— N.C. To any ordained minister of any aiihen docneiaiien minister anid rm ‘his. dnah, 4 or ‘any ag a of the Peace a said county: you are hereby @uthorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate the Proposed marriage at any place within the said county, June 24, 1964 _L. L. Nesbit anata) ol Jhahamakgas DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF a? (DEPUTY ARSStS PANTRY eo a 2 hy t, =~ gow ts OA Et) L2 ptrite Zz ~ , united in matrimony a NAME 7 MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE hy AD re, \ Z 4 V A 2 Tere ond__ OY Buecker fLeVUy the parties licensed ¥ GROOM 2 BRIDE ) . J . ) a ty “& / l e we — ff , 3 - —UY above, on_a & ‘ BK. ~*~ at a ak Kt ake pects. in of ates | tho HE. DAT PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according fo law. — ee on pf ~ SIGNATURE OF \Weas Le: ff Per» wit SSE TO ae - SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER & . 4s eek. ee I ec decals La Ze rie 4 ent bee tse pise, Let REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is i.quired within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU J ly 7 celebrating the mcuriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, , DA 7163-1 00M @AANED EGRY BYSINESS SYSTEWS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 17 State of North Carolina ih NUMBER eo iredett sor GROOM ; BRIDE ULL 1. 1 Name —Thomas_Wayne Biddy _|| Name Judy Signora Poole PERMANENT Mulberr PERMANENT ADDRESS___ aopeess___Route #1, Hox 33, Se aces STREET ADD x NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER eS . - | Statesville —____}redell—_____th-C,——_ 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE $5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) (16) (16) - bite 1.24-1947 ____Uabbures =10=194,7 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED ag 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED QO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: sia glaeaeiceaeiiienas emcaavin DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: §. FATHER’S FULL NAME; uvine Gc 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING B& Tom Horace Biddy pean ira Alexander Poole ——_____vrap_[)_ 5. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: © 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN * LIVING uving [Xx __Etta Louise Wheless nero SO igre Frances Tate ——_____orao_(]__ 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 418 S- Mulberry St., “tatesville, N.C} Route #1, Yox 33, Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereot, to celebrate proposed marriage at any place within the said county. ~~ {DEPUTY ASSISTANT) Pidasttter! , united in matrimony MINISTER QRdUSTIGESORTMEBEACE ce ae Je the parties licensed above, on A“@C- E g ; Bleek, : in said county according to law. SOMETOWNSHIP 77) AF 95 7 ae CF. Viet tke - SIGNATURE OF ¢ MME a WITNESSES JO MARRIAGE. //) NATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ? ie 0 if Se ¢ , t-f—4 f : Fides we tk a Aporess__Z_5 3 2. 8a SN 7 vs LDAh Mes. is t ( wis y —_ on we <b ick Cihaharcten rs Ks ADDRESS. Lf a. PY ak p+ > a € | 5 : aoe oy & J oe j “~ > ? ~ fs > Piro LC f fas a f ADDRESS. “3 3 Zz. AOL 7 Let rd ly LL4 Li. Pes The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who RETURNED TO YOU issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person lebrating the marri to a fortei of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. December—9,,,.1963___ FORM V: Hes voom ty a REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY 62021 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ; State of North Carolina LICENSE NUMBER —— an Y 1 GROOM BRIDE 1. : nn. : : ; oUt Robert Martin Boerner FULL Janice Cornelia Gabriel 2. ? . A 12. BEEMANENT N. C. Memorial Hospital PERMANENT Route 4 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Chapel Hill Orange N.C, Mooresville Iredell ciry COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY S RACE] 4. BIRTHDATE if ‘AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY | & STATE) White |2-28-36| 28 | Essex N. de White |2-7-38 | 26] Iredell NC, 6 NEVER MARRIED o 7. NO, TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED cx 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED O PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED QO PREVIOUSLY wore. a: MARRICD: gis liad aoaeiieaiien pvoryo. (CUM MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING J 18. FATHER'S FULL NAMF uvine Walter Boerner pean O Harry DuVsyl Gabriel nan 6 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LivING XI 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN, NAME: caine ol Beatrice Zaradnik oO Mary Williams pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S)s Route 1, Kernersville, N.C. Route 4, Mooresville, N,C,. To any ordained mini any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby cuthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed mgrriage at any place within the said county. May 22, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: ere fot) a. Bhewtrswaheps DATE JSSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS : DEPUTY / AQGtG thad Jy Ber1G fie Ihadici Wee tishe , united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE \ oe by ° 1 (Laon j ies —_~Léhal ihachy secre and Net toe, UT EE ate til , the parties licensed GROOM } BRIDE ‘ 7 as } d ef 4 , > above, on fel ay AP G64 at Cénfry/ SECCV EY L477 | Kew in Moores Wiffle Sal he, 7 DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. ) fhe« v. Dhad ji: foo alge : SIGNATURE OF OFFIGATING oe Mlaglie “a REA ote anoresshact Y (Kray Kid OS goede appress 6 97% YWaky p WH L& Lith OT SC, SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO. MARRIAGE: REGISTER OF DEEDS: €&NreR DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to 4ill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. vate to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOu__} celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 et ae pene 1/1/62 REGISTER OF DEEDS 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEWS 10U875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 24,3 LICENSE NUMBER GROOM Johnny Bolick Pr. 0. Bax 253 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N.C. 1. FULL NAME 2 PERMANENT ADDRESS fredell “COUNTY BRIDE Nellie Virginia Shumaker 936 4th St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell os 1. FULL NAME 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. cry COUNTY STATE | 4, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE {COUNTY & STATE) |'7-23=-22 42) Rowan N,C. , [PN ee PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: a 3. RACE White é NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED O 0 Cit¥ COUNTY i. 13 RACE 14 BIRTHDATE | AGE] 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |8-22-27| 36| Wilkes NLC. 16. NEVER MARRIED cx 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Be PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: i & FATHER'S FULL NAME: L. 0. Bolick peaD Xi 5 MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: ving Tx Arbelle Fox an 6 TQ. ADDRESS OF PAKENT(S): see eerste uviNG [J bead 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc Jake Shumaker pean 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvine C1 Della Mason DEAD 20. AwDRESS OF PARENT(S)s Deceased To any [ aalaieed 3 minister of any veligtaas doanemniaton, minister dient ie his church, or any Justice of the po ‘of ‘said county: you are hereby Aug. 17, 1964 L. L, Nesbit authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposgq marriage at any place within the said county. ° j By: ad i bho beak) G DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS \ Sam T. Maws YU (DEPUTY / ASStS PAM BP Judtice of the Peace , united in matrimony NAME Johnny Bolick GROOM and_Nellie Virginia Shumaker MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE __, the parties licensed BRIDE above, on_August 17thi196) «ot: Statesville ,N.C* in... Statesville DATE PLACE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO AARRIAGE: r NV AppRESS _¢7 $7 é CITY OR TOWNSHIP. SIGNATURE OF GFFICIATING OFFICER ee ADDRESS LE ae ge ae Ae. - tts The minister or other person celebraiing this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. ALLIED EGR BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100675 113994 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina =o : __ Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE . + 1. fu Larry Lynn Bolick ne Martha Jeanette Davis 12. : reemayent 903 Boulevard sia STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER PERMANENT 1813 Boulevard ADDRES one a —_——— STREET ADDRESS OR RCUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C, Statesville Iredeld N, C, CITY COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) W 19/12/19h4 19 Watauga County ,NC W 8-29-44/19 | Iredell Co., NC 6. NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED cx 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: sch iia cians DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: seine T : . . " : FATHER’S FULL NAME LivING EX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiviINc EJ Clell Commodor Bolick pean Houston Pender Davis pead_O 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinc EX 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uivinc EJ Lucille Simmons pean Elizabeth Lyon pean] 1. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1813 Boulevard, Statesville, N. C. 903 Boulevardk Statesville, NC To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate sed marriage at any place within the said county. April 7, 1964 DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) ) os y 7c. At arnsns fi Unite united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE £ fp j2.p* fp - aa As Aten Benge behe and Marthe Gicertlx A ats the parties licensed 7 ~~ GROOM BRIDE cp e, ; ay fp . - cee rf “F) above, on_G-4~. // 19 oF A H in whihs Agee kh Ch gi. & TE er. CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. KPA anthe it tn lem SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER f } : WITNE: ‘© MARRIAGE: f LS , j / eo _appress_7. 4/ Z t MDA 12 “ATi/a Lb appress /0 3 C97 14 SIGNATURE OF REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER'DATE THIS FORM —— el The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor aud also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _V3-80 < ~~ - 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED HORT Susiness systams 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 76 & Iredell TCENSE NUMBER —— } GROOM 4 BRIDE FULL Willie Lee Boller FULL Esther JoAnne Lackey = ~ 2 12. “Te A PERMANENT 1118 Quincy St. PERMANENT Winston Ave. ADDRESS. none STREE+ ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. || Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE [ 4 BIRTHDATE | aGe | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) “73. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ) AGE ) 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Col. Po20-12 |27 | Iredell N.C. Col. 7-2-38 |25 | Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED x) 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED B 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED i} PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: sictcsoittaiiaucsct aaa hiasddceeie DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER'S FULL NAME: vine Ef 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING X) Willie Boller pea 1 James Lackey peaD 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uiviNG D&E 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvING X41 Louise Gibbs pean 1 Lucille Montgomery pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); 1118 Quincy St. Statesville, N.C. Winston Ave., Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister of cny religious denomin you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county, May 8, 1964 L, L, Nesbit By: mw pentd dl bl - DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY / AGG SPANY 4 a 4 A 4 = > a { ‘se A — AA ¢ f f ve Z a pidhep £15 A. inden 0 Winef plo oy ti io “San ALE t _ united in matrimony / NAME i MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ~ 7 hh Fa a ks L Yor and & Athen GA Gyts Dau boy the parties licensed , ee 2 és & BRIDE Z ip ; i” O bove, on Watt Ls £4-bin Al oF, wrohikl GB. above OM Li wi na net CITY OR TOWNSHIP d in said county according to law. bil bd f [> . SIGNATURE OF fA Me {2 4 : 2 ¢ JX VV we UL WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER , ae y 4 _avpress_~2 24 LY, Ace <P “(er Meet, CGueee avvess_ 5 “4 f*efeGz Se (iitiglh e REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7/63-100M ALLJED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE } ~ '/ $tate of North Carolina —— pads CEES __Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY 1. u. FULL - — . FULL NAME ~_Hichard Matthews Bowring __| Name 2. 12. PERMANENT Z : PERMANENT : abpeess__136 May Teeiee ores, ria Ave. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Tredel} a. 6 | Statesville Tredell Nt City COUNTY STATE city COUNTY STATE 4. BIRTHDATE ) AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE | 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | =20-4.2) 21:! Mi M, __|| White 17-19-44! 20 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED = 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 SARIN cnt ee DIVORCED oO MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING XJ 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: living Joseph Robert Bowring —__orao_ _}} Liver Ford Anderson —___veap_(__ 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN : LIVING Bt 3. RACE LiviNG N ws pean Audrey Mae Fuln pean 30. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 136 May Drive, Statesville, N. C. 534 Georgia Ave., %tatesville, N. C. To any ordained mir‘ster of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county; you are hereby authorized, at any tim? within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. 15S! ucts f4, 2204 Ste a Oe a ee RE ee : M jd Vi /N) STER united in matrimony Rinne Ad i\ NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE =? 2 f —" A il Ne : . Rucdaso MA rites Bete Ke (i Dh CC pRil IN DEK SY _, the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE / ‘ above, on Wet (o,f #6 ¥ at Ae S37 CAL EA in. 2 ZATE See Lid ee DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. j f fUECe, SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Z WITNESSESFO MARRIAGE: Zi Cree LHL ADDRESS edge Ler A , ADDRESS Jt : : bP Cs: The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. foie to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You_Q celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. = ao 1 Rr 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEWS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 199 ’ Iredell LICENSE NUMBER i Ee GROOM BRIDE William Louis Braddock ri Barbara Mildred Boggs FULL NAME 2. 12 ° PERMANENT 2015 Elizabeth Ave. PERMANENT 1913 Beach Street STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Winston-Salem Forsyth uC. Winston-Salem Forsyth N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE S-RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGe | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White (10-10-41 22 Forsyth N.C. |lWhite 4-10-44 |20| Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED @ 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED cx ae 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY __ DIVORCED _ ae ARIE: DIVORCED oO MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL : Livinc ¥] 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING BF William Allen Braddock pean OO | Chester Kale Boggs us 2 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LiVING XJ 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING B Evie Frances Westmoreland pean Maude Estelle Dagenhart peaD J 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 2015 Elizabeth Ave. Winston-Salem, N.C, Route 6 Box 338, Statesville, N,C. FULL NAME To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the propose arriage at any place within the said county. July 22, 1964 L. L. Nesbit BY: Neier tee aa) ee y DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (| (DEPUTY / ASS? AN eV Zéi) £, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE the parties licensed BRIDE above, on_#i//“7 5 Zi Shihab tid ~ €tz jn_y CA / : CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. Z 7 Ly ‘ SIGNATURE OF 4 AALS hy ALS dh S\GNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ao O MARRIAGE? —, y Sw Ae ‘ oe y E wal fe UM > $ ea ‘ > a Xx [\e: Gu F, frad poAL appress 22 OS hey thf Bl. nate Jachy a / iJ oy A : t 4g ty open YA ft A. Cogan appress LF. 07 i. G&G 9) Cotrerlhe oe ee 7+ — a ’ | = . The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them io the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $209.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED Keay Seseness systems 100875 RETURNED TO YOU LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE pe? State of North Carolina Po SN pe oe LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY ; GROOM + BRIDE l oo ng fu _| David Eugene Brawley se Janice Lee Neel Route 2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N.C. |iMooresville Iredell NC. 2 re 12. PERMANENT Route 4 PERMANENT os. a pocmae ani ciate 2. satin souanesteima at naneiatciatatpaent inital ecteteseaininms City COUNTY STATE C COUNTY STATE E “BIRTHDATE | AGE, 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ) AGE | 1S oe SAD White \10~ 27-4 19 Iredell N.C. White 11-2 21, 3 20} fredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED a 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED on ae es WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO _WARRIED, DIVORCED ____ MARRIED: & FA FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING ot 18. FATHER’S FULL “NAME: : Henry Smith Brawley oan _Arnest Latta Neel pea 5. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING BR | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: AUVING Hy Mary Gilbert pean 1 ikthel Brady pean 10. ADORESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 4, Mooresville, N.C. toute 2, Mooresville, N.C. LIVING B To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of | ‘the hae od said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereot, to gelebrat sed marriage at any place within the said county. June 2, 1964 DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) _ W. P, Grier Minister ____, united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE David Bugene Brawley Janice Lee Ne@] ===, the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on June 7, 196 _ot Ay BP D an Church _in Mooresville, North Carolina DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP ‘ in said county according to law. } “ SIGNATURE OF Lt lene eee wi SES TO MARRI £ SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER oe en, 1 4 ° A dia ( _ADDRLSS - a Zz c- Jt rates CLL ADDRESS The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REG! STER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemecnor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU 6 10-64 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the sare. DA 1/1/62 7/63-100M aiaieo EGRY Business systems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE <= State of North Carolina i e NUMBER —_——_lpg4¢l—_—_. GROOM BRIDE 1. FULL 1. Name __John Halbert Brotherton ________|| Name Dolores Del Rio Myers ————_____ 12. sot gall i PERMANENT Fes #5 ADDRESS. Rou #1 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER oub Ssobess OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —opatesvyille =MIredell NN, C. ||. Harmony Tredel} aS city COUNTY STATE iar COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4, BIRTHDATE (24) 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE (21 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 4 =29-1939 Iredell White 2—-//,-19),2 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED ct 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: cise si chcapeibscdisiaceican DIVORCED oOo MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc Bt 18. FATHER’S i: ULL NAME; LIVING -wigho idward Brotherton _..__e___j _iutaen Green Myers _oesp__[}_ . MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livinc §@ LIVING [& ; peap_ i onnor DEAD wees ape nis ie BO. ADDRESS OF PARENT Route #5, Statesville, N. C. Route #1, Harmony, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized. at any time within 60 dayz from the date hereof, to celeb; e thy proposed marriage at any place within the said county. —lecember 11, 196 7 DATE ISSUED 3 ist#n OF DEEDS (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) /) . L a Baz At ____,_ united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ie es de the parties licensed above, on LERBGY /Mh3 BRIDE DATE A ; 7 Phhds) L CA in rt O-FEK _in said county according to law. CITY OR TOWNSHIP , V4 7 SIGNATURE OF Lens i ve eae A eee WITNESSES TO nonnes SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER pret ADDRESS Lt $s Shull. I. Z. a sno Lf 2, Men ator. 77, C ae" haat kan rr _ADDRESS LBAG EL LO. “a S. REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. D ecember 23, m 196 3. FORM VS-80 MAID EGR BUSINESS SYSTEUS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY 62026 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 2 308 LICENSE NUMBER Ire GROOM fu Walter Richard Brotherton NAME State of North Carolina dell COUNTY a BRIDE FULL Alice Fay Turner ie 43.06 aye 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS. Route 3, Box 468 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell NC City COUNTY STATE € PERMANENT 6394 Javie Avenue ADDRESS. STREET F ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell CHY COUNTY C e STATE N Ne 3. RACE W 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNiY & STATE) i-14-4 20] Iredell Co., NC 14. BIRTHDATE 7-2-1,3 13. RACE AGE | W ae 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Iredell Col, NC cx 7. NO. TIMES oO PREVIOUSLY Oo MARRIED: 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: A . . uvING Isaac Author Brotherton DEAD & 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; Marvin Glenn w Oo 17, NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: stint LIVING 2€] Turner sey 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Nancy Ellen Weatherman TQ. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route Statesville, uvinc & peaD =O By. G. To any ordaired minister of any religious denomination, minister quthorized I by > his church, or any Justice of the Paks of said county: authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the 10-22-1961, DATE ISSUED 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Connie Oliva 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 4, Box Statesville, LIVING CX peaD_ 4 Stanley 102 you are hereby id county. united in matrimony + ih = sae 7 , the — licensed in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: : etd Ls city OR abe iN, ff EK ed an feat URE ae “OFFICIATING ©) OFFICER _ Z absoness Zen nil ZEA Pee 7 appress_£G A tS Blt (faLaasll ¢ f i ~s The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required with. REGISTER OF DEEDS: in 30 days to fill out and ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage. and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-1 00M MALIED ERT SVSiNESS SYSTEMS 300875 GISTER OF RETURNED TO YOU Nov... ATE UE CO} Regist f "114159 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina aie aie awe: eee ae LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM VW FULL 1. Nave Harry Neal Brown. : oo Name Adee Des 2 PERMANENT PERMANENT j appaess__Houte 2. ee eee Oe Ef), DOX Pee. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Hillsboro Orange _N. ¢,]| Statesville Iredell N. €. cHy COUNTY “STATE | CiTY COUNTY STATE “S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ‘13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 3 RACE | 4& BIRTHDATE | AGE White |7- ag |_ Baltimore, Md, || White ae 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED “17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY : DIVORCED O MARRIED: becca ____ DIVORCED _ MARRIED; 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING Et momen bere Brom ——_______* _0O it Thomas Elam Williams bead 9. MOTHER NAME: LIVING oe | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvine El Lucille Hamby bead] | Violet Calloway pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Hillsboro, N. C. Route #7, Hox 477, Statesville, N. C. To any , edited minister of any re. intone denomination, minister ; acaed by his church, or any Justice of = Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days irom the date hereot, to celebr: fe thegproposed marriage at any place within the said county. tart kts ' ~ QEPUTY ASSISTANT) a ce ~ “x z. | -7- og 7 ae ae L . vd ae + LEa ZEL Le a a Lk bitin Le ee I LSttuaetee, , united in matrimony a ee O® 4 , fst ae ond_ Bheeg Lex Lhe idines ¢/____, the parties licensed BRIDE z z SS Y a7. ; i” 2 — above, on), by Lo lege. or LY Greate CL 4. Mn <b hae Lk 5 DATE PLACE = LOR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. hh < te Pret he Le SIGNATURE OF ‘ = ———— SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER WITNESSES TO “We | A , ~ 2 Biv ai? O AAnl.t— _avpress FE, 7 Zu chose tA. ite a - FH Lo ¥ ae bid, fuel EL Ree ADDRESS. 5S Eat A 4 hee - oa “REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THiS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to till out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them fo the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitufes a misdemeanor and also subjects person oo : i : RETURNED TO YOU_ celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 3/1/62 7463-100M eneaie el ; lf ety ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 4 - 3 g 7 8 os ENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina = Bh Iredell ~ \iCENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE fine Jimmy Wilborn Brown iu Judith Priscilla Corley PERMA ENT R PERMANENT ADDRESS oute 5 ae Route 8 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. city COUNTY STATE cry COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | White | 3-24-47 17) Iredell N.C White 4-7-h8 16| Caldwel] ic. 6. NEVER MARRIED = 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED p <a] 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED O PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY _DIVORCED O MARRIED; memes DIVORCED oO MARRIED: paieliciasvansat svat 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: UVING EI 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc && Goleman Alexander Brown pean Edward Steven Corley bead 3 MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LivING J 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING L& Ruby Hefner bean Lois Lorene Barker 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 5, Statesville, N.C. 5th St., Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or ony y Justice ot the Peace of said ‘county; you are e hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the propo. marriage at any place within the said county. Nov. 20, 1964 L. L. Nesbit _By: aa a a Rie DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (} (DEPUTY AAS6 ho bet ) v , united in matrimony ~~ MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ‘ Lh fe. ies , the parties licensed GROOM above, on DATE : CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Od te ie WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OF ue ADDRESS LG ) Ca beg ive © « ental Scentrcintanepsteeenganntt Cte Ata at ADDRESS Sa eee ER DATE s The minister or other person celebrating this marriages is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS ; SUE VATE I one sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who De issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person 9 ‘ i . RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. yam VE-20 TER OF D : : oe 1176: eee oe 5 7/63-100M Ri ler @LAA2D EGRY QuseNESs SYSTEMS «8100675 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 241 ___Iredell ~CICENSE NUMBER —C—™ “COUNTY GROOM BRIDE }. A iL. ae fu. Larry Allen Brown FULL Gladys Mae Pope 2. 12 PERMANENT RR PERMANENT meee Route 1 ll nl STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Catawba Catawba NC Statesville Iredell NC { COUNTY STATE CciTY COUNTY STATE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE Ta BIRIHDATE | AGE 7 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 111-5-44) 19 Catawba Co., NC W 5-31-45/19 | Iredell Co., NC 6. NEVER MARRIED. 0 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED fe +17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED __ MARRIED: a se : DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: ae LIVING _ | 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Living #4 Ross Sylvester Brown ean Carl Bugene Pope pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Dorothy NellBolick oe Tressie Louise Sigmon — 10, ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1 Route Catawba, NC Statesv il le > Ne Ge To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, 1 minister authorized by his church, or any Jasice of the Peace of said county: “you ore hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate posed marriage at any place within the said county, __ 8-14-1964 ~~ DATE ISSUED <i ; a RPT AeA NAME , united in matrimony ptt , web ehh hrf , the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, ona Zi 3» bi 2367 in / Fig é DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Aatih ecg Z / the Vhehit N, WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE; $1GI nO oF “rretarine OFFICER ADDRESS _ ADDRESS ¢ A.A Le i REGISTER OF DEEDS: &NTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sien both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU R August. celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. S ht ‘ 7/83-100M aLLico Geer ausiness systems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE — ae NUMBER State of North Carolina eee COUNTY ‘ FULL NAME PERMANENT ADDRESS. [ S @ AVG. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —Mooresville ____iredell N. COUNTY STATE Wal ss BRIDE __Elia Mae Nixon 1. FULL NAME PERMANE ire Route #2, Box 75 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville aseredelt NH, 0, city ATTY STATE 3. RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) o l nburg 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | eee peer “& STATE) Negro 3-25- nd a Mecklenburg 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6 NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED &. FATHER'S FULL NAME: swagaus. Bryant |. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): P. 0. Box 227, Huntersville, N. C. & 0 O DEAD DEAD uivine BY LIVING &J 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 16. NEVER MARRIED i WIDOWED Oo DIVORCED QO 16. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Henry Nixon 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: a |_ Mand Hinton 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #2 uving [X pean, = uvING [& bead Oo Box 375, Mooresville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to Yun lt Gree A GROOM above, on 211 Oy. Bett [9 lotto in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WATINERSES TO yes ‘ ta wv The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and Mb rast AP minister aetaniieed ae “his ‘church, or any y Jenlien of the ja ‘of said county; you a are e hereby brate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. ‘ EEDS (DEPUTY / ASSISTANT) _, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ‘ ee the parties licensed eh C ‘ Dyeorunthy, ZC: CITY OR TOWNSHIP SIGNATURE GF OFFICIATING OFFICER ADDRESS i Rey 59 ; 2 TC roowss Salidiinkle, 21€ ——— REGISTER OF ‘DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the licens». FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M MAIER EGR BUSINESS STSTEMS 100873 Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage fo a forfeiture of $200.0 to anyone who sues for the same. RETURNED 10 You. May 26 A964 _ 298 UCENSE NUMBERS” LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE f wy" ie State of North Carolina ' Iredell | GROOM Charles Edward Burdette ae BRIDE Pui Helen Rhyne Benfield 1. FULL NAME 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS 944, Cockerham St, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesvill CITY . RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE White [1-6-36 | AGE [28 Iredell COUNTY 3. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Iredell N.C, STATE 411 Brookdale Drive STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell CITY COUNTY PERMANENT ADDRESS. N.C. STATE N.C. 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 1-23-36 {28 | Iredell N,C. 13. RACE White 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED __ 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Ernest Burdette 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME. NettiePorter 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 944 Cockerham Sr., 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: LIVING EE DEAD 1 uvinc & DEAD {) Statesville, N,C. 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 16. NEVER MARRIED O WIDOWED DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: John B. Rhyne 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Clara Broyhill 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1, Stony Point, N.C, O Pg LIVING [J DEAD ¥ ving GE peaD (J To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any fates of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the pro Oct. 1, 1964 DATE ISSUED EB a D Tutterrow L, L, Nesbit REGISTER OF oor d marriage at any 3 within the said county, flrmhepaheges Lt ASSN Jus f the Peace eae Justice of the Peac united in matrimony NAME Charles GROOM 1964 DATE Net 2 above, on wok #2 in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE; 2 fa Mende. att < a Edward LF sn Lesh atk -— ‘i Se. ee The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and Burdette and Grove PLACE ot Union ¢ ADDRESS MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Helen Rhyne BRIDE NC in Siueabntamat , the parties licensed Grove CITY OR TOWNSHIP ee SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER R_ 1 Mocksville N C R 1 Mocksville NC nion REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM F sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and retutn them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. FORM _VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. RETURNED TO YoU_Oct Ol LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 25k Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY 1 GROOM iM BRIDE FULL Charles Candler Burrell FUL Janice Eugenia Benfield 2. 12. re PERMANENT - PERMANENT 1232 Mitchell Ave, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Tuckasegee Jackson N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY — STATE CITY COUNTY STATE TRACE Poe) AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) || 13. RACE | 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 6-13-38! 26) Jackson N.C. ite |5-31-44 18| Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED cx 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 4 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: ecient DIVORCED 2 MARRIED ers 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; Livinc 24 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING =. General Burrell pean Leonard Benfield pean 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LivING DX Betty Nicholson pap 0 Helen Barnhardt pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Tuckasegee, N,C. 1232 Mitchell Ave., —— To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the Proposed marriage at any place within the said county. Aug. 25, 1964 L, L, Nesbit By: byret tne) etl of BO DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS qd we) tt), Dillon he |, George Wesley Rudisill a_Minister, The Method ist. Church : , united in matrimony OR NAME MINISTER ——Gharles Candler Burrell] _______and__Janice Eugenia Benfield — : , the parties licensed GROOM a Wesley Memorial above, on August 29 at__Methodis po In ee rille DATE PLACE iTY O No TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF __ADDRESS _ ees ee faze iiaae fas, LA Zz REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You_A t. celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. : FORM VS-80 pesinaenidigieiieiccrcinate Register of MAL(GD EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100675 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE sy ff) State of North Carolina / 43 Iredell ~~ LICENSE NUMBER Co ae GROOM BRIDE 1. : 1. . Fredric Norris Burris ihe Nancy Sue Secrest a 1654 Arnold Drive PERMANENT ~~ Route 1 Box 290 ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Charlotte Mecklenburg N.C. Davidson Mecklenburg N.C, he CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE| 22> } | & BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE 1S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White | 12-16-1938 | Stanley N.C. White 5-4 -194 Baltimore Md. 6. NEVER MARRIED Oo 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED cx 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED O PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED cx MARRIED: oe oe DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: ee 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING 4 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING Ck Clyde Adam Burris pea John Hubert Secrest pean 3" MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME Livine Ix 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING XJ Rose Duke pean Betty Griffin oeno 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1654 Arnold Drive, Charlotte, N.C. Route 1, Box 290, Davidson, N,C,. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the hon of scid county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the propose arriage at any place within the said county. Feb. 26, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS ERMANENT ADDRESS. yharles R. Carte Presbyterian Minister united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE i tell 3 a awn OL) LVeCYrest | the parties licensed above, on_liarch 1, 196 DATE rer Pres. Churct coddle Creek Township in said county cccording to law. PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP GZ D SIGNATURE OF (a ad ik Cis WITNESSES TD MARRIAGE: / ’ SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING — h yf ( / s ; a aP on “Ziagh UW. WZ ULE appress_ 172 1 AL eee? LA. (Ataadallen LoS , if y 2a Lg eae ADDRESS ZL Za AA KLEE dhe Ahar2C HC LZ cEL2 OLY if AP satu dc At pipettes gh SF The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who rane ae — issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, ie : March 6, 1964 _ 62093 ale BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 3] Irede = cae honae GROOM FULL | NAME Roy Felton Burris 2. PERMANENT ADpRESS__29.) McNeely Ave, _ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _Mooresville Iredell] .£-N,. C,. | CITY COUNTY STATE State of North Carolina 11 COUNTY 11. FULL NAME __Gertude Binkley Tilley PER NENT MA! ADDRESS___2.3 i is cdiiaiaaiiceongicad STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE AGE 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 9. wots IGEN he uu 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 4. BIRTHDATE l 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 5] 7. NO. TIMES oO PREVIOUSLY Oo MARRIED: LiviNG [J DEAD [xt uiving 0 DEAD xt White — Dewey Tulbert Binkley bead 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: | UVING XJ 13. RACE AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 37 14. BIRTHDATE | 3eB-27 | 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED |__DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; 17, NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: sine Gale ee LIVING KJ Carter DEAD [j : 4. 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Hamptonville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate ghe proposed marriage at any place within the said county. a ~—"{(DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) united in matrimony } } » Saad. b- 2 Se Ste, Sia above, a lif aG/od in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESS ADDRESS en ON PLACE MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , the parties licensed BRIDE n__ Pi aabdlek he CITY OR TOWNSHIP GNATURE MM oou)sr.tlle, 77. Ltteayth, Wt re REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7/63-100M MALIED HORT BusINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE a State of North Carolina 299 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY : GROOM Nt BRIDE fur. Homer Stanley Burrow Ate Della Jane Milam PERMANENT 1235 Mitchell Avenue PERMANENT 4 Veterans Court STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N,. CG, Statesville Iredell B,C, CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) W 2-4-46 | 18 | Jackson Co., Ala. W 4,-10-47| 17) Wilkes Co., NC 6. NEVER MARRIED 54 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED iP. § 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: i Griesasetisanisbicilsiaiaane DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: soneieineaedael 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING ox 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING Ck James Brickle Burrow pep Pr, J, Milam pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Dr 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livine 2] Hazel Evans peap Carrie tlizabeth Wyatt pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S);: 1235 Mitchell Avenue 4 Veterans Court Statesville, N.C. Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the ‘Peace of said county: y you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebygte th proposed marriage at any place within the said county. 10-2-1964 DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) hao, Lael. Pats__( 2 , united in matrimony A ~ MINISTER OR Gates OF THE PEACE XK, Zz ead the parties licensed above, on Zatial owe om CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. fy SIGNATURE OF Kee Kee Canek., (Vis WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING/OFFICER Co ____appress_/.9 Ra 5 putthrle Ate | Fama Be eho aporess LZ. J Bacal #4 4 mf st vA oe geet Lt a z Lote nee: REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM nhs minister or other wit tO this marriage is requized within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. Oct.—9,7 M_VS-80 Tyipe2 7/63-100M ALLIED EGPY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina —_—2}2. Ss to eed ICENSE NUMBER COUNTY : 1. FULL a : FULL 1 c Name __Montie Burette Rustie _IiName Ethel Faye Shoemaker 2. 19, PERMANENT Ly PERMANENT j ADDRESS of. CaS ADDRESS_ STREET ADDRESS GRFOUTE § pe NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER €. redell Bs STATE CITY COUNTY STATE city COUNTY 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE {5 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE { 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | j | Dia kad 26 | ~Jredell ____White_16-6-46-/ 18 |__-Alexander —___ 6. NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED = PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED, | DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME, LIVING X1 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiviNG ;entie Lee Bustle _______omo O || Absey Howard. DEAD 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING x 19. MOTHER’S’MAIDEN NAME; LIVING Linnie Vick Hartness peaD_(] Viola Mae Marlow pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route es — Bs C Route #2» Seavosrilty, N. 6, To. any ‘militias minister of ¢ any y religious denomization, minister authorized by his church, or r any fetes of the | Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebr the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. ‘ August Lis L964, V4 : DATE iSS' FEDS (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) a 4 / Ay Sia. Weta ttp- &% tA Z witha fet JS OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ¥ / t / " 4 , united in matrimony i iid ce tA, Brug ae KoA FAL, f Ady h/ RW f Aire (2t/ , the parties licensed (/ BRIDE f ; 2 / ¢ 4 ; . é 2 above, on_zi4 +4 1S [Toker Zu Mk in SF AAN Att — ey Ruined, ] DATE / / PLACE V SEEY-OR TOWNSHIP // v J in said county according to law. f f f f 4 / A SIGNATURE OF / e/ J Lyte WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF OFFIQIATING OFFICER 77 o tS J h , Z A hosfhin — e V5 £2 wa bl bhi x Pac. __ADDRESS_ Mga te : p LusttrBd. ADDRESS _A cana hfe Zh A gig guilg {7 ; po Eu TT +r < _ The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person . i RETURNED TO YOU Sent s 10 > celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, DATE FORM VS-80 4/4/62 * 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS sysTeMs 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ‘3 eot 7 LICENSE NUMBER State of North Carolina re COUNTY } GROOM FUL n . -, ‘ Name _ Dennis Franklin Byrd 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS. _# _Box AL ma . be kes OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell COUNTY city N. STATE BRIDE il. FULL name _Carolyn Sve Metters 12 PERMANENT ADDRESS__ te #6, Box 24 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER a el edel] __lN_C, __ co STATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 1-20-47 17! 6 NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO, TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 8} MARRIED: | 4. BIRTHDATE | 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 2 white [307042 |€"| _Trede? 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LiviNG X] DEAD 9. vlalter, Gray A dq. LIVING ¥) lien Reavis pean _Fannie §& 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); Route #5, Box os Statesville, N.¢. To any oneal minister ad any ages dniaiiin, minister iain by his church, or any jeotne “of the Pence of sai authorized, at “19 time within 60 days from the “a hereof, to celebrat —Septne if 1964 j,__ thomas L, Reece NAME Dennis Franklin Byrd GROOM and__ above, on__Sept. 19, 2964 DATE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF ie fie Statesville PLACE 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING B& DEAD [] LIVING Bg bead Henry Sherman Metters 19. MOTHER’S*MAIDEN NAME: iy 8 Mortan 20. A 28s OF PARENT(S); Route #6, Box 242, Statesville, N. C county; you are hereby osed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) _ Baptist Minister , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Carolyn Sue Metters , the parties licensed BRIDE in Statesville CITY OR TOWNSHIP a Lo ore JL baled tao “ON, TO MARRIAGE: Yt. : — SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER” thw tle ea _ADDRESS __ ADDRESS ~ REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person itil is this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person a the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. RM VS-80 Wivea 7/63-190M ALLIED KGRY BUSINESS sYsTRMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina eae eee iat LICENSE NUMBER in edell COUNTY 1. FULL NAME 1. FULL NAME 2. PERMANENT PERMA ADDRESS. Se Rout .@ #1, Box STREET uctand OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Huntersville. __Mecklenburg __ COUNTY STATE 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 73-46 117 16. NEVER MARRIED & WIDOWED 0 DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 616 S+ Main STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STATE re 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) } | White 2-7-35 | 29 I 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: TN waa 28H NAMEs LIVING CX a2 pean 10. ADDRESSOF PARENT(S): 616 S+ Main St., Mooresville, N. C. AVY 4. BIRTHDATE COUNTY | AGE 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY cis MARRIED: uivinG [] DEAD [xX LIVING §@ Izra DeWese DEAD O 19, MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinc J ene Kerley be Alma Ir 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); Route #1, ox 6, Huntersville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any jesting of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebri oposed marriage at any place within the said county. ATE ISSUED CENVASSARG CC Oe ee P. C. Gantt NAME Phillip Steve Caldwell GROOM minister of the Gospel MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Linda K united in matrimony wa ay DeWese BRIDE and , the parties licensed above, on_July 3, 1964 DATE at__ Mooresville PLACE Coddle Creek Township CITY OR TOWNSHIP in in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRI-GE: Bilt > Caddie Law. J a / i The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, FORM _VS-80 TER 3/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIE® Hert Business svsTews §«§6100875 /, bY, — Zz ot SIGNATURE OF Ae OFFICER Ws : , ae aN . Now Le luk: REGISTER OF JEL €¢ DEEDS: €NTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO vou_duly 64. iA 113922 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Iredell LICENSE NUMBER GROOM BRIDE rin. George Franklin Campbell iu. Judy Lane Goodin NAME PeRMANENT Route 2 PERMANENT ‘ADDRESS. ow ‘ADDRESS- STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Harmony Iredell N.C. Union Grove Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE (20 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE (18 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White | 7-17-1943 | Iredell N.C. |lwhite (8-30-1945 | Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED x) 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED fp: 4 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: voce DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING 2] 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Living EE George Roby Campbell pean L. Osborn Goodin pean . MOTHER’ S MAIDEN NAME: LivING XJ 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING [Et Natalie Wooten pean 1 Maggie Louise Reece pean OF ‘JO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 2, Harmony, N.C. Union Grove, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby ized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the prgposed marriage at any place within the said county. Feb. 13, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: —— ul (DEPUTY AAS6 1S hA DSi g> — 7 DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS i. 77 (ec mco lk _, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ae 43 /~, the parties licensed above, oa - |i Le +1 oo DATE at (Loser a-Leyvec ~= in said.county according, to law. PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP A 1 7 SIGNATURE OF 7D tt = Leugrierm lh iteo WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: L SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Wr §. yr rl ADDRESS. Wt ge nE Pole Mblet- Sothern gv iin oe tee 268 } sf hase 2. IY rel 8 _ADDRESS. Lo he AA ABUL: W. REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU The minister or other person velebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes «@ misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 Vee a ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Se ed Lt COUNTY GROOM 1. ul. FULL o FULL r name -_JOhn Ray Vampbel}] Name ~__Carolyn Ray Campbell Wooten ___ PERMANENT PERMANENT ec ‘ ADDRESS Route #1 AppRess__ houte #1 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER if a oaths STATE CITY COUNTY STATE SRACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE [AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | 281 Iredell ____lWhite _[8-8-34 !30 | 6. NEVER MARRIED i 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED Oo 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: anki icin Gad DIVORCED a] MARRIED: Ja. ; E: Se eee ee ee ere ee " ria. | > LLIN ME. 8. FATHER’S FULL NAM caine x 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uving 0 a3... ee Ernest E. Campbell peaD KI LIVING Dt 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Living Kl Hursey bead Onie Olivia Albea DEAD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 23 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Harmony, N. C. 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Route ae Harmony, N. C. To ae Scadkioed minister of any , geligious denomination, & minister auihorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrategthe pgoposed marriage at any place within the said county. Ca BP hte ISSUED 70k EDS : S ~~ (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) ae (4 ce Wiking 4. Geof ste Niwa tin , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE } hs K M4 seep end 4 Caredagen Assy Compabelh Woolen the parties licensed i bo " Hasneny abled pas ger n H AAATIAG , 1 ove. OR _< 7 d OME - fF Harmen, Inslive — - Gity oR im in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF LJ) Mem a. b Ln uh A WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: of) f y : Ld . SIGNATURE CF OFFICIATING OFFICER S, hing Ch Ase dd novvess_ fF] Heanwegey, 19%, Y Lf, 4 oo libehk. ADDRESS fit H armoneg yt REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constu.ites a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M R TER OF D c _Y tha ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS systems 100875 1 7 4 1 1 8 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina eS) os Bedell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY i. C FULL NAME NAME 2; 12. PERMANENT ‘ : PERMANENT wen_—_Ganera) Delivery ___|| aboress_835__5th. St. —_____ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & X NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER pmueeeewiile...... Iredell oN. C, | Statesville _ Tradel] oN. Go city COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE ] AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) — White 12-6-18145-| Lincoln, N.C. S| White | 6-27- __ Pawie, BG. 6, NEVER MARRIED O 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED x WE 2. DIVORCED i MARRIED, «© co & FATHER’S FULL NAME: uVING BF 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc O pee 0) i Jen Frank Pierce se 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uVING EX | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinc OJ ri i ______pmwo © || Annie Eliza Gul pean XO) VO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT‘S): Route #4, Lincolnton, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 62 days from the date hereof, to celeprate Proposed marriage at any place within the said county. ’ : : DATE ete (DEPUTY / ASSISTANT) Llc, AA dick if a IP ras “4, , United in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LMictaraia fhe Deeshd Cong bse and Ak py Ay hy aks Ht DWnteger “| , the parties licensed e GROOM { ( BRIDE : ¢g é . C , e { c above, on_2O~d7 2 ar at aR in ) to IS 1 Ihe 4 /u 6 DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. j fc f fe WW CSP SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: : ia Pre. Clie ahs ¢irbleg appress__“’ ¢_ C ASF. Ph abhatrl Pik 4 etch A232 At hi ADDRESS f REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating ihis marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebroting the marriage to a forfeituie of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. SISTER 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE pa } State of North Carolina / j i I ag oo eee LICEN: MBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE 1 i, Name William Jerry Campbeil) sii the ~___ Frances Marie Heath 2. 12. PERMANENT =D PERMANENT ‘ApbRss. __ Route #1 Aobkess__ Route #2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER ES 2 Te Ee) Pe Harmony Iredell BG... COUNTY STATE CITY - COUNTY STATE Ge] BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE | ‘14. BIRTHDATE = 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ‘ 4. ee } i | | [Guu | (Jum2 io { 6. NEVER MARRIED a 7. NO. TIMES ‘Wis. NEVER MARRIED xO 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY 0 MARRIED: iis DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: DIVORCED : pice & FATHER’S FULL NAME: uving CX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING f& Hermon Campbell] pean || __Lester Worth Heath .___oeso_(j_ 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING & » MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING Xt] Esther Gaither nao _O) |} Augusta Ruth Fox pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Harmony, N. C. Route #2, Harmony, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of sid county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereot, to celebrate the progosed marriage at any place within the said county. / BY: Kock 7 4 {DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) , tdikiinn ©. ben Fredd MinrsleR united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE __ tisthLs am Sem Ca Mp beth and Fea MCCS MATES Hen th the parties licensed a BRIDE above, on Dec. /F%, JIEY ot_Hargmony N\cTh Choach in HAR no y DATE - PLACE CIM OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. : ee f / 4 Za ff L/ Jd. fall SIGNATURE OF ¢ WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATI OFFICER Fe if ? f 7 : LN pMit dtheen aesexldr4{ _ADDRESS__¥ fv se” : a hit , bhe— L760 darth penne {C0 s ttre 7 q = The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign hoth copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. sees REGISTER OF PEED: 7/63-100M t MAES TORY Business s¥stTeMs 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina utes NUMBER COUNTY 3. 11. Nie i i i i Nhe Odessa Edwards BRIDE 2. 42. ERMA’ j PERMAN! T 2 . Doe Route #2 Spores Led, Bell St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Harmony. Iredell .§N. C, | Statesvilie iredell N City COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3 RACE 4%. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 4-28-38 '26 Iredell White 17-14-42! 21 Yancey 6. NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED xi 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED O WARREN, a on DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LvING DX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING Ef William Francis Campbell pean Boyd Jay Kdwards beaD_ 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING ¥J 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uivinc Gk i pean Violia Lessi f pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #2, Harmony, N. C. Route #2, Box 15, GreenMt. N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrayg th oposed marriage at any place within the said county. a DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) } -{, united in matrimony mitt and < ? i OE , the parties licensed GROOM above, on_7-<“ é re ; Os pape i : J a DATE CITY OR AOWNSHIP. in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Ey % "De TO RIAGE; f signatone OF GEFEIATING OFFICER Wie Ardy 3 s</ Zz JO. aie eee oe a = eee. < ssuctiie cine DOMES L a cet Zz - ‘ ee Let od Cr 5 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person . 2 a RETURNED i celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. TURNED TO YOU__Juin@. ISTER 7/63-100M ALLIED OS2Y BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Irede at LICENSE NUMBER SS es OT ‘GROOM j BRIDE James Samuel Carr, Jr. tui Linda Faye Rankin NENT Apartment 6 Short Street PERMANENT 529 Sylvia Street PERMA’ ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER a “ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX 1X NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. || Statesville Tredell N.C. City COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) “13. RACE | 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) : Negro hO-28-44 19] Rowan N.C. Negro -21-48 15 | Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED By 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED Ck 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED D PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: = 5 (DIVORCED a MARRIED: 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING James Samuel Carr oan = | Marshall Rankin eke - 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: ving O 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livine [X Catherine, Chambers pean Katherine Davidson pean TOO ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Rt. Mt. = N.C. 520 Sylvia St. , Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by ‘his church, or ‘any Justice of the Peace of said county: ‘you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgje jhe pgoposed marriage at any place within the said county. July 31, 1964 DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) V Ligaen —_ Munster ¢ £- the G Crcae/ united in matrimony MINISTER OR wusric#or - PEACE , the parties licensed BRIDE above, on Aus wt 2 LILY at Sferes curl As in SHatecv: lle ALL. PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF ; @ WITIESSES TO MARRIAGE: -F PAlby! £PTp7- Carty Be en A (< he os ADDRESS ‘a / ¢ Z fhe minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certiticate of Marricge, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. REGISTER O : REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina #204, Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY 1 = . BRIDE Fut John Franklin Carr FULL Syretha Jane Wasson NAME 2 12. 2 : PemMaNENT 519 Cedar Street FERMANENT 514, Cloverdale Drive STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N. C. S svi ‘ x CITY COUNTY STATE COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE “ig 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 4 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Cc Baeene Rowan Co., NC C 3-17-46| 18 Iredell Co., NC 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED xX) 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED ; PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: sisi alerts DIVORCED o MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; Livinc DX 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME; LIVING ba] James Samuel Carr pean | Warren Hardin Wasson peaD__ 9 MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uivine CX LIVING 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Catherine Chambers pean Eugenia Low Wilhite pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1 514 CRdverdale Drive Mt. Ulla, N.C. Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any iglene Mencudasinn. minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any tim» within 60 days from the date hereot, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said i= Zh 1964, E ISSUED f Ajat _, the parties licensed lw 4 cea Jeythea Vo. above, on i Zz ee CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. WITNESSS TO ee . 4 IGNATURE OF OFFICIATING, QFFICER . Fy’ - Y . 2 o J (bh an 2A . he GY et s ADDRESS Le Ce een Leh | 4 ? _ADDRESS wv The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOu_A t celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. : s i REGISTER OF DEEDS: TER DATE THIS FORM FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRT BusimEss SysTEMS 100875 7 113955 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ) 4 =“ State of North Carolina : vice B aaee BSORY GROOM j 1 i Name __Norman Lee Carson NAME 2 PERMANENT appeess___33 Dudley St, _ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER ITY coun STATE is CITY |'4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | 13. RACE i i White 9-15-43! 21! Wilkes, N.C. _I|l white 16. NEVER MARRIED 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO, TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED DIVORCED 12 PERMANENT ADDRES. 3. RACE X QO O STREET ADDRESS O: | 14. BIRTHDATE l1Om3eh6 ok BRIDE Geneva Ann Houck Route #4, Box 233 ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Caldwell | ae COUNTY STATE “AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | 4 18 Caldweil] 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: Oo ___DIVORCED MARRIED: ae ; 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Sette ai 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: DEAD =O LIVING XJ Vj DEAD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 33 Dudley St., Granite Falls, N. C. ___Lawrence Carson 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; : os i | 20. ADDRESS OF tied )s To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, min authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate t, el id wom teat Rusk orized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of LIVING DEAD [J uiviNG Gt Cozart DEAD [J Route #4, Box 233, Hudson, N. C. said county: you are hereby sed marriage at any piace within the said county. Oct Rael 964 — vara NAME LO versob NOPMan Lee Vaerson (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT, __., united in matrimony , the parties licensed GROOM 30 / 64 DATE above, on 10 _/ in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: —= ? > apd ” 3 Laie aKHL<ioy Pa we iE tf ADDRESS __ADDRESS / eee ateSsville, N.C. CITY OR TOWNSHIP ~~ TURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER , 7 I hos 1) ettat’ Lhe fe Laticent C 7 £ << of ark —yip~ The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M Akane HERY BusoKeSs systems 100875 REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO ¥ ) Nov. 2. P AT! LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina TEE NUMBER GROOM hy. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER ITY COUNTY STATE RIDE i. FULL NAME Sarah Lucree Huie 12. PERMANENT : Abbress___ houte #2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER | Harmony CITY COUNTY STATE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE} Iredell 4. BIRTHDATE (20) 4-k-1943 White 13. RACE White 14, BIRTHDATE (23 } 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 112021940 Iredell 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: ie 4 oO QD uiviING DEAD [] uvinc Gt pead 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; vi 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #4, Statesville, N. C. xo 17. NO. TIMES oOo PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING XJ E Hoyt Hackney Huie pean 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME! uvING ¥J Oo wars Shoop Crater DEAD 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S):— Route #2, Harmony, N. C. Te any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to cel Proposed marriage at any place within ihe said county. DATE eas Ok “om. £ £ : , NAME ee ZL Son ~ vs Lie aot (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) wy oe WY Ex ese bei. united In matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE L¢ oF g SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: Hue (Lindon ( Li LZ php ee < : i L 5. 2/_ 2 ae Ke-ttt cerl_ _ADDRESS. __—ADDRESS. ADDRESS. the parties licensed above, on. : Tpus eH? "DATE ___—_ — in said county according to law. ) | tad SA Lilo ritchhe LAL WH de 1 Eid 2 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU days to fill out and issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS February 18, 196) 62077 REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Larry Donald Cash 3 PERMANENT apoeess__Route #7 Ss STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville _____Trede]] ___N, C, COUNTY STATE 7 FULL NAME ~ creda. COUNTY 11. FULL NAME 12, PERMANENT |AppRess Route fh _ STREET ADDRESS Of, ROUTE & BOX NUMBER | Statesville _ COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED ee VORCED & FATHER’S FULL NAME: 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 7. NO. TIMES | PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: a o oO AME: th 9. MOTHER'S MAID uivinc Tx peaD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #7, — Ne 6. | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) : + POGGIO 17, NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | White | 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING Z epee Washington Hobbs pean 1 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING r Moose DEAD [J lla 20. ADDRESS OF PARENTS): Route #4, Statesville, N. C,. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister aulieatand be his church, or any Justice of the Peace of aokd county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate DAT pro Jd. Le Walter Moose NAME _Larry Donalé Cash GROOM above, on__June 20, 196), ot Hebron Baptist Church in DATE PLACE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF _s STO — ? af. The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and the Register of Deeds who Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person sues for the same, sign both copies of this Cerfificcte of Marriage, and return them to issued the license. celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who FORM VS-80 pec 1/1/62 7/63-100M MANES Heby Rusiness Systems 100875 Baptist Minister and Anginette Hobbs propgsed marriage at any place within the said county. ’ (DEPUTY7ASSISTANT) , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE st the parties licensed BRIDE Olin Township CITY OR TOWNSHIP SIGNATURE I, OFFICIATING OFFICER . ADDRESS ADDRESS Re aud Lf Meeuslle ZI REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU_ LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 4 State of North Carolina /& / 288 Iredell ~ LICENSE NUMBER onan GROOM BRIDE 1. z ° : FUL Tony Ray Cash ri Joyce Diane Lanier 2: 12. PERMANENT Route 1 PERMANENT 925 Jost St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Troutman Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell a. Cs CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE S-RACE —*| 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |2-21-46 18| Iredell N.C. White |8-14-44/ 20) Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED £7 PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO ___ MARRIED: ee DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME. sea io ‘ ‘|| 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING [IK : S LIVING E& Marvin Ray Cash a Alton Flake Lanier ‘a a 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN vo LIVING x = MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: s LIVING oa Mary Leona Darr van _) ||Margaret Beatrice Ayers pean VO. ADDRESS GF PARENTIS):; es es “|| 26. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1, Troutman, N,C. 925 Jost = Statesville, N.C. To any ietahad minister of any salina dencaidasiing, minister nteatend iv ‘his shu or any Justice of the ion of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposeg marriage at any place within the said county. Sept. 18, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: Wyrogenre) wi, : DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS Q (DEPUTY AASSORANY = { = Hnis aaa ; ,gohn W. Kale a Minister united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ove 4g I Tony Ray Cash and Joyce Diane Lanier the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE Wires, cn Sept. 255 1964 ., Shiloh Church _ jn Route 7,Statesville, N.C. DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. 22 Chis iJ ome /é, SIGNATURE OF Gj w T R ‘ IGNATURE OFFICIATING OFFICER tle WED A avpe’ Route 1, Troutman, N. C. - = - Y ___ ADDRESS Statesville, y. 6, REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU 4: bi celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. VS-80 PECISTER con ss REGISTER OF DEEDS CC - 7/63-100M Regi of Dgeds, ALANED GORY Bosinsss systeMs 100875 14 41 3 g os LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 2 State of North Carolina 92 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE i. ru Bobby Lafayette Caskaddon FULL Emma Mae Shaw 2. 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT C ADDRESS. Route 3 Totes R ute 3 oo STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. City COUNTY STATE city COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White | 7-15-42 21] Iredell N.C, ite P-14-42 | 22) South Carolina 6. NEVER MARRIED Zz) 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED @ 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: iclacstmceeuaigenii toca DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc [XK froy C. Caskaddon bead Of Melvin C, Shaw, Sr. pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING B® 19. ee NAME: Living EX Ola Mae Troutman cg Lillie Mae Johnson bao 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 3, mateuyitie, N.C. Route 1, Jamestown, N.C. To any ordained minister of ‘any saa denomination, minister ‘tiedind by. hi is ‘church, or any wr of the Peace of said county: you are hereby @uthorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereot, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. _ May 5, 1964 LL, L, Nesbit By: Se a) uw, Lh BATE ISSUED ig REGISTER OF DEEDS ‘oe _Rev. Harvie L. Brewington «a Minister of the Gospel united in matrimony NAME r MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE _ Bobby Lafayette Caskaddon ____and_Emma Mae Shaw the parties licensed BRIDE 1964 at_Bethel Baptist Ch. in _Fallstown town ship DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP above, onMay 9, in said county according to law. a tJ oa el i SIGNATURE OF LVC AAA <— Ss | eetcene tg aN SIGNATURS/OF OFERTATING OFFICER Qo, 907 f ete avons _K] / fax l?) SS terrence a € ya) v NY : ( “1th, : a2 Ot ¢ (ea tee ye avpress_ [yf H 5 DXg)Ke, WKS AWN ¢ REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minisfer or other person celebraiing this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who : issued the license. _ Failare to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. EGISTER OF DEEDS COPY AMALIED EGAY BUSINESS SYSTEWS 100375 ro Ves Sz — I | Marriage Lirense STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of _YoOrk and their nationality ts and that application for a license was filed with this Court at Februar eee These are, therefore, to authorize any person qualified ta perform marriage ceremonies to perforn: the marriage ceremony for the persons above named, and for the so doing this shall be sufficient warrant. Given under my Hand and Seal at _ oe ..day oe setae A. D. 196.4... / ? 7 / Probate Judge : — AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ) 57 LICENSE NUMBER ‘. FULL NAME Vide Aris Caudill Sr. Box 306 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Stony Point Alexander CITY COUNTY >. PERMANENT ADDRESS. State of North Carolina __.. Ppedeil COUNTY | BRIDE i. Loretta Bullard Honeycutt FULL NAME PERMANENT B 06 ADDRESS. ox 3 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Stony Point Alexander CITY COUNTY 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | N.C. STATE N.C. STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE White [-18-02/ 62 | Wilkes 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ‘TS. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) N.C. N.C. White 9-18-06 Richmond 6. NEVER MARRIED 0 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED o PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED + MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Reubin Elbert Caudill 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Nancy Elizabeth Roberts 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Deceased To any ordained minister ‘of any religious ‘dailies. minister cuthorized i authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the voll L, + hie March 17, 1964 DATE ISSUED ae L- Sak above, Jn sad/ Ld LHe Yat Ae 1 DATE in said county according to law. Nesbit REGISTER OF DEEDS 16. NEVER MARRIED Oo WIDOWED @ DIVORCED Oo 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: James Robert Bullard | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Effie Horne | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY + MARRIED: uvinc ( pean LIVING oO DEAD @ LIVING [] peaD [KK Living [J cK Deceased ‘his ar oer a or ‘any dates of the Peace of said ciate: you are hereby marriage at any place within the said county, a _By: (DEPUTY /wasisiat) Y, 2 OA Ms he CYA LEL ynited in matrimony 95 MINI R JUSTICE OF THE PEA J A ‘ole LA. U, aLighhl, > A QL Jo in. oe and ZZ AD, ull the parties licensed PLACE : LD Lh. Hoe Cy. / SIGNATURE O} LA 2 a Lay ed a Tle to» Mr 5 Les: ia-< PPC ae : PREte The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7 CHE FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M SLbeD EGRT BUSINESS SYSTERS eT 100675 ¢ OFFICER II 5 aie 5 —— aponess__(9 (arlelle ZX Lh Lash Ma) oF wpe “i : — Vas le, Dest LZ (ethene REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU_ March. 2 ee 964 CDATE G GZ jeeds, 113808 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Iredell COUNTY LICENSE NUMBER GROOM Buu Charles Carey Childers NAME 2. Permanent Route lL ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N. C. BRIDE 1. FULL Barbara Grace Coleman PERMANENT 4044 W. Center Avenue STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell n..G, CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE = RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE W 9-26-36 28 | aa BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Iredell Co., N. C. 14. BIRTHDA‘E | 6-20-41 13. RACE W AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 23 | Gaston Co., N. CG. 6. NEVER MARRIED oO WIDOWED Oo __ DIVORCED x &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Harry Lee Childers 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Robena Munday 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: LIVING CX pean J LIVING DCX peAD x) O O 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Murray Dumas Coleman 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Helen Edith Little 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY Manin Living pean uvinc peaD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1 Mooresville, N. C. 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 11, Box 568 Charlotte, N. Cc. To any ordained ministerx of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the ‘Peace f said county: - you ¢ are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed L, L. Nesbit REGISTER OF DEEDS 11-17-1964 DATE ISSUED ' 4 Attu above, on_/ in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF a. TO peg 7 eal E r MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE tie Lie bd PL said county. By: jage at odo Le Mt Adds , united in matrimony AAL. Yac , the parties licensed BRIDE / ef /2, Lit Aude Lytocrsdssehy CITY OR Towne fj . a ae SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER une oe SS Sapst7. 7Zpoarex ADDRESS J os Cw tk _ The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M MALE EGRY SusINESS SYSTENS §610087S eTeD ¢ RETURNED TO YOU OF DEEDS < 114166 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina TS eee Li —E NUMBER COUNTY GROOM : “BRIDE FULL T) . NAME ——Worothy Jean aJohnsén _ 12. PERMANENT ii #1 ADDRES #2. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREEY ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER s N Cc Hiddeni-e Ab eeSAGer 4 Fi oC ATY COUNTY STATE E 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE (45 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, ent 31) 1S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Qa2h 1918 Alexander i 11 On 2 an 1932 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED x) 7. NO, TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED Bd 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED o MAR DIVORCED MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine C 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING && DEAD 7 Foy Pegpson— bead — ' uvING [er deni Miat uving 5 peaD_ () | _ Fallie Mae Goodin DEAD a PARENTS): a a: ADORESS Ce PARENTS: Route #1, Hiddenite, N. C. Route #2, Hiddenite, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby | at any time within 6G days from the date hereof, to cele: 1 proposed marriage at any place within the said county. NOVEL EE } 5 1° : UE 63 (DEPUTY/ ASSISTANT) de ae UAL. cf a 5 ee LLL gto united in matrimony ; NAME; MINISTEROR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ay 2/7 J ; i e -< ilo I Che 47 __and_o putt Aboaen the parties licensed above, on Ses L@ @ J 4; SROQM ds BRIDE DATE at Kt2Z 272 Keo t& In Sok hacctpe id copty according to law. PLACE city SHIP. p WAL Vln cx a a SIGNATURE OF “1 WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: ae SIGNATURE OF © L Ape Mh mc OFFICER Ake 1h nn Chutes Eek Z- ADDRESS_» Jay fy. Adledd A Lhe a ix is ~ a ji p grog og 8 Deze. Ji LAR piAagsr/ ADDRESS. f Keres Le 2 Wide eee if Jkt = crc, ADDRESS. Kou lke, f Becket ihe The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and — - DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who coum i. oe issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. November 26, FORM YS-80 DATE 1/1/62 ieee BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY 61996 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina LICENSE (hb coon y 1 GROOM BRIDE 11. Nie Marin Henry Church he Arkie Lon Flood 2. is Ooms Route #5 peer Route #5 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER CITY COUNTY STATE | COUNTY STATE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE [ BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDA’= | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 3-hoh3! 22) Iredel] ___iWhit, =h= 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED POI sien DIVORCED MARRIED: 6. FATHER’S PULL NAME: UvINe EX 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uivinc &® Ha: z peaD | John Flood DEAD} 5. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvING Ok 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinc & Daisy Hicks DEAD J Jaunita Bone peaD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PAREN/\S): Route #5, Statesville, N. C. Route #5, “tatesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister nino by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebratg th ‘oposed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) LAA, Li Fe na ______, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Y epee os f . A 4 f : AMAL 2 AltA ZL __, the parties licensed BRIDE ALL Pushin CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county nine to law. SIGNATURE OF ZF e a a es fe tL, yo WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE¢ 4 iy 7 SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER f F x oo j jf . trifecta a eae _avoress_/1 (tha fi CH Les LLbATHA Car’, 2 PM nd. Kh. Ke OER TE appress_/| @ Ltt wee A LBA tf . MAAS Ec 7 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DE EDS. ENTER OATE (HIG ee sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return ihem to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. REGISTER OF DEEDS ¢ RETURNED TO YOU_ FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY eusingss sysTems «100875 Lic ENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 75 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE L 1. im. Norman Ray Clanton rere Peggy Jean Lloyd 2. - . i | fumes Route 4 umpe__Route 1 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell NC. Statesville iredell uC. cry COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE [| AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) : | s D n White | 6-18-38 25| Iredell a6, White [L0-21-44 19] Rowan N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED x) 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED @ 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED | MARRIED: eaecieeiiiinae DIVORCED o MARRIED: &. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING [8 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livine [XK Edward Ray Clanton peaD Edgar Shirley Lloyd DEAD [] 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uviNG BY 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING CX DEAD [J Gladys Tharpe pean Ruby Gladden 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 4, co N.C. Route * Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister ‘a any ates cabana. minister + aeienl i his dam, or any Justice of the Peace of said couse you aze e hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. April 9, 1964 L, L, Nesbit i mee DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS q (DEPUTY /AS@ hota) Co , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Norman Ray Clanton and__Peggy Jean Lloyd _ the parties licensed BRIDE above, on APFil 18, 196 ., Hebron Baptist Church ;, Olin Township DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to iaw. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES,TO MARRIAG| i ° palo L 7 log ae Tati les ties a o. A Z, Ler Lp Ze ross AF 4 Y Addis Lee oe The minister or offer person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and a’so subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ee S ; R ol is/) Devi it ALLIED EGRT GUSINGSS SYSTEWS 100675 i 1 3 8 2 6 Vr VEE TUPI LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ee ee nae eRe —_——_legdgl -—— GROOM " BRIDE 3 FUL . ‘A s ; Name John Wesley Clay fm .. Abbie Nee Brom 2 12 PERMANENT PERMANEN}? E 2 aoowess~ __ 506 Burroughs St. oe appeess~ 200 Burroughs St. STREET ADDRESS ROUTE & BOX NUMBER” STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER ! ¥ SRR & cathe Ge cin ER Y¥ g STATE SX RACE 4& BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) TS. RACE | 14. BIRTHDATE AGE 1 “15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 6-15-16 47 __Catandsa______ et os | 4.5 Lincoln 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED i 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED xO MARRIED: an DIVORCED _f@ MARRIED, ke & FATH jit NAME, SOS e ee ma) (Ue ; FULL N & FATHER’S FULL NAME uvine (J 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc (] Pinkney Clay os = OED Charles Pressley Brown _.__DFAD_s R ° “ast S$ MAIDEN NAME: uvine (I 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NOME: vine 0 Marthe Angle DEAD ‘ I DEAD [} 10. AD RENT(SFr | 20. Al P, : To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his a or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebratg the p. sed marriage at any place within the said county. ¢ A VAs ; S : ~~~ (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) l, Wi Main A. Brfld PII _, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and Orwt Mor Krom the parties licensed BRIDE gbove, on_Moy 31, 1264 ot Hes of Geek kk Be Mt pLALE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF bidbon. Ad. SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Sorry om : O 7 y C . ee | piinven), sah a REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BusimEss systaws 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ——__Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY ; BRIDE Ee FULL oe ene NAME Name Elizabeth Grace Williams Ss 2. 12. PERMANENT 2 PER eee. COG Harrigan St... ee 700 SS, Ble STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ote & BOX NUMBER - : : _ptatesville Iredell NN, €, || Statesvidle Tredell a CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY 3 RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (CCUNTY & STATE) 13, RACE 14 BIRTHDATE | AGE { 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Negro 6-12-40 24 | Iredell Negro 15-43 20! 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED be 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED tS - _____ MARRIED: cilia DIVORCED a MARRIED: snes ; eared = @ FATHER’S FULL NAME, ivine 0 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine Ge Fred Hill DEAD__&@ |_ Thomas Casino Williams pean ER’ : j qi : 9 MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Bi 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NA .E: uvine Ge ery, uma Ci ck = pean wtalite Edward Westbrook pro) 626 Harrison St., Statesville, N. C. 709 S. Elm St., Statesville, N. C. To ‘any ordained minister of any religio is denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrgte thggproposed marriage at any place within the said county. ' & st dys 9 ; ‘ CNM Ww \ : . Robert k. Woods a minister = , United in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Freddie Kdward fugene Click and__Blizabeth Grace Williams , the parties licensed 1964 Statesville oe ot... GUS pan. above, on_Leptember 6th. DATE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF PGE iris: Henk scones 23/ Me Le Ip This Yb lex Lik atld _r00res. Ao 7 Ss: a? SFY, ie REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. _ anare to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU Se ame 3 6 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. DATE REGISTER OF D VLE, cs 7/63-100M ALLIED HERY #esiNESs sYsTeNs 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 7 J 330 ~~~ LICENSE NUMBER ~ GROOM Steven Hamilton Coffey 1. FULL NAME State of North Carolina “COUNTY” BRIDE Suzanne Marie Jensen 11. FULL NAME Ss PERMANENT ADDRESS. Route 5 Box 504 D STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Hickory Caldwell 515 Queens Court STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Iredell N.C, 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. N.C, Statesville CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE White | 7-11-39 25) Caldwell 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 23| Rockford, Illinois 13. RACE N.C. White 9-30-41 6. NEVER MARRIED cx 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED QO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 16. NEVER MARRIED os WIDOWED O DIVORCED iB! 6. FATHER'S FULL NAME: Frenis Coffey 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Ethel Mae Teague LIVING & peAD_ J uvinc DEAD 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Frithjoff Jensen 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; oO Lavinia Florence Johnson uvinGc —X DEAD LIVING [FE pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 3, Lenoir, N.C. 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 515 Queens Court, Statesville, N.C, To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, tc celebrate the proposed,marriage at any place within the said county. Nov. 13, 1964 L. L. Nesbit le eeu!) 4, Blerherakged La DATE ISSUED ee ol, T in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: j : 4 hilab Yh i. Le ve : ff Vz ff ite FF ct" £,4 < The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is reguired within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS ee ge i ) 4) 6) i (DEPUTY7 } f MINISTER OR JUSTICE OP THE PEACE) <> a and ee ier YEP , united in matrimony the parties licensed BRIDE KR KO 4) L() . CITY OR TOWNSHIP Poy PF ie x7 = Ohi “SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING gee i . a r } a avvekO/G S42 Gnead va lLr i, J Apoeess_{/ //7 C¢¥icige2 AT LL 240-- ecthéeth f/f, REGISTER OF DEEDS; ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7#63-}0OM ALLIED EGAY BeseRESs Systaws 100875 REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 4 State of North Carolina 79 NUMBER’ dehy 11. 1 UL : t : howe __dames Howard Cole NAME Linda Gayle Bain =. 12. PERMANENT ‘ PERMANENT aporess_Route 1, Box 464 G* —___ appress—_£034 Rayon St. Se STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & SOX NUMBER Copetesvilie . iredeall... N.C, Statesville Iredell ig Ga city COUNTY STATE co} STATE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 1 ; i s a na a White |7-15~ 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED cx 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: acide iniiaciianaldltiilouiamas DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc Bx 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING fg map Durtis Denzil Bain DEAD >. agward eT een tae ito : 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: ive uving CX Sal Ly Boyd Farmer DEAD [) Mary Letha Cranford pEAD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Box 464 C., Statesville, N. t- 2034 Rayon St., Statesville, N. C. BRIDE To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace ‘of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any iime within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate jJe proposed marriage at any place within the said county, DATE 1estED (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) \, Bryson ©, Sweezy ms Methodist Minister _____ united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE — James Howard Cole | Ldnda Gayle Bain _, the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on at___ Monticello Methodist in ___ Statesville, North Carolina _ DATE ; PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. f SIGNATURE OF rae L ae oo er stig as) WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: ( s . 7 OF fe Ca OFFICER ¢ An Jew - Un’ 13 F &e 1 __ ADDRESS XQ ¢ Z a May en A f.. ee <a ae : . j . V Mads sli thtsg Al A ae ADDRESS_47/ oh tik Bh tL A lutti/€- : Z a perenieetniieia tiie vu — The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 dcys to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to clo so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to aayone who sues for the same. ER ¢ FORM VS-u0 REGISTER 4 Ve ri < : je fA fj é ——— oa in BUSINGSS SYSTEMS 100875 1 4 4 1 9 0 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 5 _— Iredell _ LICENSE NUMBER - eee COUNTY GROOM BRIDE fur. _John Martin Cole, Jr. Pui Beverly Sue Ostwalt feemanent' 685 W. Wilson Ave. PERMANENT Route 2 a ineciiichciichacaaien ested ta Rasacabensls yn ee ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N.C, Mooresville Iredell N.S. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3 RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ) AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 6-30-44 /19 | Iredell N.C. hite (|5-18-46/18 | Iredell N.C. 6 NEVER MARRIED = OCt*é«S7=«w. NO’. Times “16. NEVER MARRIED x 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED OD MARRIED: ice soe DIVORCED Ed MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiviING2] | 78. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiviING Kl John Martin Cole, Sr. bean OO __ \Conrad Eugene Ostwalt nap |, MOTHER'S MAI ; a THER’S MAIDI 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME nn i 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvine Kl Nena Frances Curtis pean ubrey Regina Howard pean OJ 1G. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 635 W. Wilson are. Mooresville, N.C. ||P. 0. Box 31, Stony Point, N,C. To any ordained minister of ¢ any aiid denomination, minister ‘authorized by his church, or r any Justice of the ‘Peace » of said mae you ar are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. June 19, 290% __L, L. Nesbit ‘ DATE ISSUED ‘ ' Oe ~~ ( DEPUTY /ASStS? ANY < ; Friar cdo united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE . ’ be me and_ Se iat ; pee NT parties licensed BRI oy, Pee. on e ap G4 at sd foghist _in Wreb.r Oe Li Vo. CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. A SIGNATURE OF Sean We Oe hl ue WITPIESSES TO MARRIAGE; f as i iGNATURE OF Soke otree 4 LA an Fhe, ; ee eS Z Zz ~ricauibly', 1 ¢ SS ET Ses ___ ADDRESS ERS 2: Whbtere “Fl! torwse~Ce= wc ¢ REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who i i " i i i ject 01 June 22 issued the license. _ Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects persou RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. SISTER OF DEEDS CC 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSWESS systEMS 100875 a LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 2 £ 208 iredell LICENSE NUMBER —™S ee : ‘ GROOM a BRIDE Sone Clarence Eugene Combs FULL Kathy Ann Bunton + 12 PE a __ Bewte i Gare ‘Route > STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Olin Iredell N.C, Olin Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE | CITY ee COUNTY STATE 5 RACE — AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ~~ |] 13. RACE.) 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White [2-13-45 19) Iredell N.C. White (|h- lho 18| Iredell N.C, 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER ‘MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WiDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED ios PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: <select uaamnesaiaoaas DIVORCED i MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME. uvinc DX ‘T8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uiving & Marshall Combs pean OO William Sherman Bunton pea 0 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinc CX 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Lillie Mae Taylor pean Florence Snow pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): [ 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 2 Route 4, Statesville, N.C. Route 1, Olin, N.C. J To any ordained minister of any religious ‘denominct ion, mini inister ‘diane ae his nah or any ae of ‘the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the ra marriage at any place within the said county. ; r July 28, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: } DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS q (DEPUTY /AS Shab 1, pie, Ke taen) a_i. 1 Ag tack’ _,united in matrimony Ya NAME S a 7 MINISTER OR RAUSTICE OF THE PEACE VL, x : e.g oe Cf. fo ff Qitaik. Corircent, Beudias and Z Mad. “wh Lit P ucatlond the parties licensed GROOM /) / ¥ > sCBRIDE . f ae poy / got! JL f ff = 2B above, ont bi, WIL, Le Por ph LL. Wasute. Lye. _in TARA trettle i [PATE V PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. ye SIGNATURE OF tit, \ A F247 HAGHL Ae z mM Bats ZL SS Cs ADDRESS s_ fb YU boy Ss Tee tthe, ric Yt REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: B AP ie fe Seas / S/GNATURE OF ale ] ih _ a. “<4 _ ADDRESS» 57 ah ak. Ae haan ZG Zw}, C: The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 11/62 REGISTER OF DEE Besa 1 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS systems 100875 4 1 3 9 5 Gq RETURNED TO YOU LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 7 State of North Carolina cent NUMBER COUNTY 11. FULL x ¢ NAME __Geneva Moore __ 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. Konte #: a sci catia meaulabiaigtecenclegiiceonaianinaiainaa STREET ADDR OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER oe Be | Troutman Tredell TY COUNTY STATE iTY COUN ATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE ( 4 3 ) 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ( 1 ) 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) |10-10~ ricer eae. White |10-18-1932 6 NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x) 17, NO, TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: eat a laaialuicaaainigilieabie DIVORCED QO MARRIED: B. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING ft 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LUVING El TRORAT RAR Ragone] Compton 2159 : peo . MO = 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN a uVING @ uVING % : . pea OO Gertrude Souther DEAD wate tehatine Lipe 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Troutman, N. C. Route #1, Troutman, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or cuy Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereot, to celebrate th marriage at any place within the said county. february 21, 1904 (BEPUTY/ASSISTANT) i Bad & Mladl. ee MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Learislt 27a the parties licensed above, on_; d Lk ee me BRIDE D in. Lrex se ry wa oe its coynty according to law. CITY OR T SIGNATURE OF Dt (72 WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFIC , as . i y id } ig SPL ME id ADDRESS ffi “A daa f eagle A ADDRESS Put: Z oF nH e fake M441 bt: ‘At ae Appress_/. IO Bey L¢3 — 1 AL The minisier or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who aes a6 — issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. ® a FORM VS-£ 14ao-100m a os entnane ecutone REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ___Iredell ~~ TICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM 1. 1. FULL ‘ FULL j Name Brian Kendall Conant |News ~erothy Loniae Welsh oo ye 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT appress.___ 59000 E. Grant Rd, | ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER oe i Bers veal) i CITY COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE S- RACE —|:« 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | 26 | Yakima, Washington || White 8-9-38 /26 Lee 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED o& 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY oO MARRIED: ee section DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uivinc XI ___ DIVORCED & FATHER’S FULL NAME: Living [X& AS Conant DEAD. [J Oscar Blaine Welch DEAD (J z. vortalph. Bdger gs 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING && LIVING ¥ ay0sr cen Wood pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S)s 3908 en, ees: Washington Harmony, N. C. To any delta’ i minister Of any > bibeaoes denomination, minister ‘cane nn “his church, or ‘any fuatios of the am of said county: you are hereby P marriage at any place within the said county. A WY RE rweeDS (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) f? / a, Yi —- 5 a L Nee. Mack \ ej Fo 2 if i t+ etc tl Ree __, united in matrimony MINISTER = JUSTICE OFT THE PEACE . NAME ae : ican Mie LE. CLovemen: ( and X o1eehy Lowee Cheleh the parties licensed BRIDE above, on ay. 3 e G6 J at hia "he f- La y Ese Aa, Kn . hha PRC FLA OR TOWNSHIP : : a} in said county ‘ciel to law. Ze " a5 ~ stadt LU la\e/ SIGNATURE OF Ie = si SIGNATURE OF fe te WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE; , ADDRESS | ra fe Ted aporess 2? CS The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who - 1 a "2 — issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YouA } st 2 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. DATE FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M MAANED HSKY Beseess systems 100875 ‘ 1 3 9 qT 4 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE o & vicene Bice ee State of North Carolina ——_—_I¢¢dell__ GROOM —__—Flake Rochelle Conner 2. PERMANENT aboress____Route #1. Box An? — STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville ._Tredel] _ i CiTY COUNTY STATE L FULL NAME BRIDE —Nellie Lois_Jolly 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. 1. FULL NAME #2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4 ees | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 3-30-20) 44 | 6. NEVER MARRIED 0 WIDOWED DIVORCED 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: ke AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 26 | 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 13. RACE White |5-8-38 | 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED | 14. BIRTHDATE 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: RAPS ofleaRY Conner ____ LIVING 1] DEAD tivinc C] pean tC 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Luivinc [1 DEAD <I LIVING XJ DEAD [J _Fred Con 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NA Jolly E: & Johnson 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #2, Harmony, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are he: eby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebra roposed marriage at any place within the said county. p Wille A. Beofall Fike Rockalle Corney C96 Y ot_ Home of and. above, on Ya. 26, DATE PLACE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: ADDRESS Leb A Ez j SS. J Gc The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and Minit, Ville Joa UU, nm, FC. © 5 / : ADDRESS =~ feta (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) , United in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE _ BRIDE the parties licensed ¢ th, in Har anon iE 7 7 City OR TOWNSHIP Wellin frill ~~ SIGNATURE OF OFFI@ATING OFFICER : ; C) /V TOA ET -7 Z L Sa ese ce ee REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM O Letyns pre sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 1/1/62 7/53-100M ALLIED BERT Business systews 100875 RETURNED TO YOU —Nov._30. LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 6 ~ LICENSE NUMBER Nee GROOM Lesiie Dean Cooke BRIDE ki Barbara Jean Cabe FULL NAME 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. 48 McNeely Ave. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE ( ) 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White! 7-25-1941 Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; Jack V. Cocke 5. MOTHER S MAIDEN NAME: Estelle Love 2. PERMANENT 730 Spmuce St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ( 2 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 1O-12-1942 Macon N.C. 16. NEVER MARRIED r 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; John L, Cabe 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Coleen Penley tivinc [] DEAD CF tivinc 0 DEAD [¥ LIVING DEAD [J uvinc & peaD (J 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Deceased 20. ADDRESS OF. PARENT(S): 730 Spruce St. Mooresville, N.C. To any ordained dan. 14, 1964 DATE ISSUED atl Lt Mhir 5 helt of any religi ini: @uthorized, at any time within 60 days | the date herscl, to celebrate the proposed L, L, Nesbit REGISTER OF DEEDS MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Leake haar Leoderna bh és ellis Plansertal Lhaswck mn eis st PLACE CITY OR TOWRSHIDZ a ee SIGNATURE OF ee: WITNESSES TO MARRIAG! —— ADDRESS AY, ‘ ae oy SS zS O [LEE ¢ 4 Compa. ADDRESS_= >< ; ones (yet! ¢ [inbe_ _____ADDRESS. 4 i> y ff [pte tet PP authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby iage at any place within the said county. Lt bog Cobaccrabigp) tele Ne Os united in matrimony €, the parties licensed above, on fas 1-«.... LE, L164 in said county according to law. pete A. E OF OFFICIATING OFFICER sr S KA The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 1/62-100M MALIED EGRY SUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU January 2h, 190K DATE 62056 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 134 Iredell 2 LICENSE NUMBER ag = COUNTY GROOM BRIDE 1 1. fur. dames Raymond Cope III wie Barbara Jean Rapalee 2. . 12. je N i \ WN Ba a F PERMANENT 1637 Hiawatha PERMANENT 710 N, Pleasant Ave., STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Stockton San Joaquin Calif, Lodi San Joaquin Calif CITY COUNTY STATE CciTY ‘COUNTY STATE ~] 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) “|| 13. RACE | 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE eee 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AG AGE W 10-21-45 1 18} San Diego, Calif. W 5-5-45 119 6. NEVER MARRIED Hw 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED a 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oOo PREVIOUSLY Oo oO DIVORCED MARRIED: spt inclceninecnibesaahaisdaneninileni DIVORCED MARRIED: sonicvietalinanieneatiniaimsacisssinanlii 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING BX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uivinc DK James Raymond Cope Jr. pean Archie Lee Rapalee peaD 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING EX 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Livinc X] Emogene Ruth Ray pen Evelyn Mae ilizabeth Memory pm o TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1637 Hiawatha 710 N, Pleasant Ave., Stockton, Calif. Lodi, Calif. van Joaguin, Cal, To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister ‘authorised by his church, or any Jalen of the Peace of said county: y you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to cel proposed marriage at any place within the said county, 6-12-1964 DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) Joseph T. Barham NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE James Raymond Cope III and___Barberq Jean Rapalee the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE June 14, 1964 in Statesville, N. G DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. Goa. a7 At ae Z. SIGMATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER 2 ae oo BSC Tey LE. Appress_7”_- 0 hhLb Zl REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM united in matrimony above, on The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the licenso, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU__aJ 26 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. yi REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY 7/63-100M Register MAALIED HORE BuSiHESS SYSTEMS 100875 q ‘ 3 8 8 5 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE a State of North Carciina 49 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY ’ “a ns BRIDE FULL Charles Young Corry || NaMe Carolyn Lorene Imes 2. 12. PERMANENT Route 1 Box 351 PERMANENT Route 1 Box%7 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell NC. Statesville CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY ATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE (19) 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE (16) 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Col. (4-}2-1944 Iredell N.C. Col. 6-2'7-194,7. Iredell N.C, 6. NEVER MARRIED w 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo POAT sentient: DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: &- FATHER'S FULL NAME: uvine oe uVING Thomas Corrg DEAD James C, Imes DEAD 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LivING BJ 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Livinc CX Willie Bell Guinn peap Jewell Summers DEAD CJ 10. ADDRESS OF PARENTIS): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1 Box 351, Statesville, N,C. Route 1 Box 347, Statesville, N,C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the | Powe “a sand county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the Br Dime marriage at any place within the said county. Pe it L. L, Nesbit ethene enwalga). DA fj ED ; REGISTER OF a (DEPUTY ARSSISPRIT) Laat ce diner —_, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE / Pate the parties licensed above, on_ SLE AG J DATE bd. ¢ EC ic: CITY OR TOWNSHIP SIGNATURE OF = Zs, WY, — sha eagrhoor OFFERING Lhe WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: aplen 2 SoeZF 4 fez fee. ADDRESS K) 4 Ma hin dt & 42 C DDRESS. ,,esty VD a ADDRESS. Diu le 2 RE LB in said county according to law. ae —_—~ The minister or other person celebrating this marricge is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who eas ae issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celehrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. M March 25,1964, _ 62099 ne > REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina iced Tease. COUNTY FULL ec FULL s name __dackie Allen Cross os Nae dayce Ann Buchanan Perkins PERMANENT PERMANENT aopress_Route 73, Box ei avoeess___Route 13, Box 332 —______ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE OX NUMBER | Mooresville Ir CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE rr) COUT T "| AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 'l- Iredell White (3-21-42! 22 Haywood 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED oO 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED WAI pps DIVORCED x MARRIED id iseiraine &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc CX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING sucht Mere gon-Crosa oro | | Floyd Buchanan pean 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; 19. MOTHE)’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Ex LIVING Katie Poston pean | Delilah - DEAD OJ 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): = #3, Box 312, Mooresville, N. C.|| Route #3, Box 332, Mooresville, N. C. To any aiinaed s minister r of any religious denomination, minister dinieed ret his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celeb; proposed marriage at any place within the said county. tent a Sh (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) ae a a - fat hc So united in, matrimony , For iste OFTHE PEACE 7 DP ie 7 — aes : ms parties fe@nsed oe food Ate Oo | cooeyraes ahd aed Toa ee OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Keer Dyllhey Sugleee- Ge 7 <, fae SIGNATURE/OF OFFICIATING OFFIC! ETO MANE, AS 104 ace eet ls Kots Jlitatgpe eee’ 2 < ADDRESS a KF 7 7, op nille, 1 __ ADDRESS es PoC Auae Hp Oka VI CZ Zp. La REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to tke Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALIS ECRT SeStNESs systews 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina REE NUMBER : COUNTY ats FUL ~ » NAME Barbara dean Anthony 2. 32. PERMANENT é PERMANENT s aporess__2001 Rozzell's Ka.Ferry Rd. _ pooress.._ 329 Pieldstoana Ra STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBS STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER er — eae a Mooresville .__Tredeli1 Nf CciTY COUNTY City COUNTY STATE 3 RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | | “AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White #-i0- i « White } baht Z 126) Jeedel) oo 17. NO. TIMES 6 NEVER MARRIED i] 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED i] PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 7 ] PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED x) MARRIED: : DIVORCED O MARRIED: FATHER’ : a ae —— 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME LIVING 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc EX _Marvin Oliver Davenport oman ~—OF | Ss Phomas Garrison Anthony —_pean_O)__ 5. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Living 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinG DEX BRIDE ' Oe oe Fe BN Lillian ™ 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #3, Marion, Ky. 329 Fieldstone Rd., Mooresville, N. ¢ To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister saheatebtt a his nah, or any hate of the Pome of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celeb, proposed marricge at any place within the said county. UE : (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) P, C, Gantt Minister of the Gospel united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE _ Paul Wayne Day-uport, _and___Barbara Jean Anthony the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on_Marech 1,196 ___at__Mooresville, N.C. __.___in__ Southside Baptist Church... T PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WUPRBSSES TO MARRIAGE: . ge AX¥ me Ro Lig tne ADDRESS . eae a Met: LA. Me ore ADDRESS REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other persoa celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE aff State of North Carolina Tete NUMSER COUNTY GROOM i. James Alton Davidson NAME 2 12. PERMANENT yp : mp PERMANENT > di jaee.. OO Bristol Terrace aporess—_ROUt@ $6 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell] I ¢ Statesvill T jell Ne CITY COUNTY STATE COUNTY STATE 3 RACE 4. BIRTHDATE AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) hi )-30-),2 '21 | Georgetown, S.C, | White 9-6-4143 120 Iredell] 6. NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO, TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO I ieee DIVORCED MARPIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uving O 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING Gt Davidson DEAD _¥)_ | __Wade Horace Nicholson .___bean_—)_ oo tote LMO 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinc DX 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING BE Helen Boyd DEAD J Leona Fox Dead = 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 225 Hazard St., Georgetown, S. C. Route a“ er N. C. 4. FULL NAME > r To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister bitad by his ober ch, or any Viation of ‘the Peace of ond aha: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebr le the roposed marriage at any place within the said county. Z e DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) os Uae fil i LO" bh zy 2Ce1 =e , united in matrimony “MINISTER © OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 4 and fitccoe _ “a ike ceger~ the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on LUeee? $ 17% (lee Meicape (AC tte de fet: / Zz. Kictorr, DATE PLACE Gity-OR-FOWASH IP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF se Mp / YY WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE Ol EFICIATING OFFICER” LO A LL ace ? ace lw ADDRESS 242 Le hele CA & ax Pee ene —- 4 Ja oe. _# Cae eax eZ __no0 ADDRESS. OY es 3 teat! fi The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REG ISTER OF DEEDS. ENTER DATE Tee sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so corstitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person ; April celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. eee FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS CO} é . 1/1/62 sf 7/63-100M MAID EGRET BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100975 4 1 3 8 23 uceste NUMBER 1. FULL NAME 2 PERMANENT > ADDRESS__ LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina GROOM 0} ice Hevis | STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER bavidson Meck] enburg a= ity COUNTY STATE a Iredell COUNTY ii. FULL | NAME 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. RIDE Luda Jane Thompsoy L465 Sullivan Rd, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Stateavil] Iredell CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE (23 : Xx Oo Oo 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) V 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 13. RACE Whi 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 14. BIRTHDATE of 23 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 1-27-19),0 Iredel] fo 17. NO. TIMES oO PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 9. MOTHER'S a Es LiVING CX DEAD LIVING —[X DEAD 0 O 16. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Rach LIVING pean = LIVING oeAD all Thompson ell Holland 10. ADDRESS OF PARENTS Concord Rd., Davidson, N. C. 20. ADDRE 4.65 SS OF PARENT(S): Sullivan Rd., “tatesville, N. CG. siemens anil To any or re. loi ‘ ‘, ini: authorized, at any time “inte 60 days from the date hereof, to celeb: —dJanuary..23, 1964 i Walter Lee Lanier Robert Gage Davidson 1. Methodist Minister 4 Linde Jane Thompson authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby th ‘oposed marriage at any place within the said county. MINISTER GROOM BRIDE Methodist Church, Statesville, North Carolina the parties licensed above, on (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) united in matrimony January 25, 196k, DATE OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE oproad Street } «, PLACE SIGNATURE OF CITY OR TOWN: in said county according to law. IP 4 SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER WITNESSES TO, REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU January 28,1964 _ 62053 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY ALLIES EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina en 2a —_—Irgde}1—__ LICENSE NUMBER BRIDE 1. 1. FU FUL NAME Ake Janet Lee Thompson 2. 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT ‘ADDRESS. Route #1 ADDRESS Route #2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER oe wis... Rowen UG, | Mooresville _Iredel] N, C, city COUNTY ale CITY COUNTY STATE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ne White 6-14-45 119 Iredell 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED & 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: shieetodiniaputiiiiageidaniiiinte DIVORCED oO MARRIED: LIVING D4 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING x) n, Sr. pean David Forrest Thompson pean, 5. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Gt 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING DX -__ Derothy Lefler pean Sarah Sherrill pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Mt. Ulla, N. C. Route #2, Mooresville, N. C. : 6 NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: oo8 To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to cele! ate proposed marriage at any place within the said county. July 28, 1964 DATE ISSUED OF DEEDS (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) |,.Marcus B. Prince ri) Presbyterian Church uU. &9 , united in matrimony NAME “MINISTER ORGUSHCE-OFFHE-PEACE Robert Lewis Davidson, Jr. and__Janet Lee Thompson , the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, onAugust 27. 196%. gi Centre Presbyterian Ch. jpit. Mourne, (Davidson Township DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. Ft 4 te le FULL SIGNATURE OF c igs it / e LANL SL 4 WITNESSES TO . ZL ( f SIGNATURE OF a OFFICER’ es = Zeek af event ype so- ADDRESS VOLES DLE: ro oo « on = sige ee AF 2. Daewusate »7.€ noun J/0C tela. F The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M MAMED EGRY BuSiNESs SYSTEMS 100675 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE a) 8 at to a Fa 2a ~~ LICENSE NUMBER GROOM fur. Robert Edward Davis NAME Permanent Box 531 ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Taylorsville Alexander N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE State of North Carolina BRIDE 1. : + . FULL Bobbie Fayne Ervin PERMANENT Route 1, Box 22-C STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Taylorsville Alexander N. ©. CITY COUNTY STATE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Wilkes Co., NC 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE Ww [1-4-33 | 32 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) W 10-4, -31/) 33 Alamance Co., NC 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6 NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 16. NEVER MARRIED oO 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED x) MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: Floyd iteele Davis peaD_ 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uivinc DX Janie Doshie Ellis pean LIVING 3%] 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc Hedrick Odell Fayne Sr. pean 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livin Bl Lillian Virginia Knick pe 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 2 Moravin Falls, N. C. 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1054 Queens Anr® Street Burlington, N. C To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his ‘church, or any Justice of the Peace of saig county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the ay: yy at any _ it 11-17-1964 L. L, Nesbit a. DATE ISSUED Sam T.Laws NAME __Robert Edward Davis a ne de siannihcamietaatits ove, on_BO¥s 18.196) ot in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: fy ee ) Cu H“eD REGISTER OF DEEDS Justice of the Peace Bobby Fayne Ervin Statesville,N.C am DATE PLACE ADDRESS appress_ Rt# 2, Moravian Falls, N.C* , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , the parties licensed BRIDE Statesville CITY OR TOWNSHIP SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER 2 Ce The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. FORM VS-80 CicTED C 1/1/62 EGISIER © 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEWS 100875 Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. F DEEDS CO; RETURNED TO YOU ‘ Nov. 20. oO a, Vd fu LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE , #y State of North Carolina ox ~ 325 argo Iredell LICENSE NUMBER ONY GROOM ; BRIDE i, 1. * n : Pers Ma Thomas William Davis FULL Peggy Lee Hepler 2. 12. NE! + QR t Tomes _Route 3 a. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER North Wilkesboro Wilkes N,C, Hamptonville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE 9 CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE. oh BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE ] 14. BIRTHDATE ) AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) : White |1-25-44| 20 | Wilkes N.C. White 11-28-44 19 Iredell Nc. 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED iP 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: —_— DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S _ ee LIVING ey, 18. FATHER’S = Vas . LIVING rs) Ralph Davis pean James McKinley Hepler pean ? ee prong LIVING ea ' pone eae’ sues : LIVING Nellie Jarvis Rossie Lee Lankford sei 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 3, North Wilkesboro, N,C. Route ft Ne NC, To any ordained minister of any religious lenomination, minister authorized aby his church, or any justo eC of the Peace of said county: you are > havea authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed, marriage at any place within the said county. Nov. 6, 1964 L, L. Nesbit 4 7 BANE TSSUED fi f) REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY SHG FAN i Ske hes #2 Zz Oo eee ie ee 7 NA . MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF a PEACE Cc 2 : 7 / L ¥. Zi ibs “& (a act Zz BY and. Faq “te BLL , the parties licensed BRIDE 7 above, on_/}¢ a Mb ' at Die 5 Zo aki i ee PLACE 7 CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. RE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER a f? __ADDRESS we. L2H oH LL Lie ovens alles ped iff ye FY REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM WITNESSES "2, MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF get s oy a oat The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. R9EGISTER OF DEEDS Ye tom ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 —— AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina LICENSE Coats COUNTY GROOM . +. FULL tr FULL x ~ ne = eee monnie Deal ae «Brenda Sne Deal. ss 12. PERMANENT #: ADDRES: BN cI lionel anlage STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER COUNTY STATE city COUNTY STATE SRACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ; 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) oe an, | 20|_ Horry, S. ¢, _ || White |5-24-45! 19 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED Ck 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: sccencvitianpsislatincninGiiaciactistts DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livin #2 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING & sts Only) A-(Only) Deal _____oemo O || Clarence Edwin Deal _oean_—s._ . THER’S MAI . Livinc £1 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING Witherspoon ° Dead i bead AD! OF PARENT(S): “1/20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #76, Statesville, N. C. Route #6, Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister a any leit dieaahinditin, minister ; antinieed i by his ahench, or any haitlan of the | Peace of an conmnipt sn you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebratg th oposed marriage at any place within the said county, DATE Ae (DEPUTY / ASSISTANT) JOHN F. WEAVER Lutheran Pastor united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Luther Ronnie Deal and Brenda Sue Deal the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on__& June 1964 at Sharon Lytheran Shurch in _ Statesville, N.C. DATE OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF wi MARRI s a. Mite IF The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DAVE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return then: to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, . tive STER OF DEEDS COPY 7/ 63-106 ‘MAIMED EGRY SeSmESS svsTeMs 100875 413870 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 242 Iredell ~TIGENSE NUMBER = COUNTY 1 GROOM | - BRIDE FULL James Clifford Deaton uu Patricia Gail Ferrell PERMANENT 229 East Wilson Avenue PERMANENT 81h Spruce Street _ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell NC Mooresville Iredell NC CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3 RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 3. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) || 13. RACE | 14. BIRTHDATE ) AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) W 2-15-42 21| Hennepin Co., Minn. W -1-48 | 16] Iredell Co., NC 6. NEVER MARRIED cx 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED ox 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: iniaaaaonnen DIVORCED cr MARRIED: a &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: | 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: ” - s ‘ Livinc %& LIVING DF Gillie Cashion Deaton aa 8 James Munroe Ferrell bead 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: vine 20 | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: vine && Eunice Paxton as 8 Mary Lucy Eller a fs 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): : | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 229 Last Wilson Avenue &14 Spruce Street Mooresville, N. C- Mooresville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister : ieaaatiens by his church, or any Justice of the eee of fan county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate, osed marriage at any place within the said county. 8-14-1964 DATE ISSUED (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) —— ‘ - L- LiL ‘ f 7 : ¢ * L a fc in <2 y te 4 (<_w 2 united in matrimony 7 TAMINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE gsi “Le de x pz ole ian Bla! ene Goel TZ2Z ) 16“ the parties licensed : ae 4, eS above, ig) rr wn Dlg d JZ Cf oct, Lj oil oe 2Ce eo ei ‘OR TOWNSHIP in said ‘is a to law. J ) oe SIGNATURE OF Pe ebb ee WITNESSES TO — yy ha Ff : b , C ‘bias OF OFFICIATING OFFICER hls Cag fy +. Loc > >’ el SA PR RP GT, — « ee 7 ——— é Cg # a 1 a 6 94oc¢ ; : , , CterrtA _ “* ei : ADDRESS EF prtls tf “PlomU hulle REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued tke license. Fci’ure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ee NT fee ea AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM + 3. FULL 2 FULL Name Don Robert Dellinger NAME Margaret Lorene Byers 2 12, PERMANE z PERMAN . Aporess~ Route 6, Box 34) ___ PERMANENT Route #6. Box 190 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER ; 5 e i] city COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | White | 7-1 1-38 25 Iredell White b-9a142 22 Iregall 6. NEVER MARRIED xz 7. NO. TIMES 16, NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO DOANE cessor DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc —&% 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiviNG DX r i pean G H B s pean C7 5 MOTHER'S vouglas & 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 36) uvinc j i DEAD H V peap = 16. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): eee Route hia Box 341, Ytatesville, N. C4 Route #6, Box 190, SUAtOnTL LIM, N.C. To any ordained minister of ony religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, | or any Justice of ‘the Poaes ‘of wid county: you ¢ are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebyate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. DATE ISSUE EEDS (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) Cecil K, Herrin Minister of the Gospel “ united in matriciny NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ee Don Robert Dellinger and Margaret Lorene Byers , the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE May 30, 196) at Beulah Baptist Church in_ Shiloh DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP above, on in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF 22 : ) " ‘Ss if WITNESSES TD. MARRIAGE, 4 . ee EOF U ADDRESS Sa Case the, Ft Cran Gao ye a: WA a. Lrs/ pooness LR a Se LEE Soc eee eC The minister or other person celebrating this marriage iz required within 30 days to fill out and REGIST ER OF DEEDS: ENTER OATE {Ht ioe sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure fo do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person . i TURNED T celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. one ot ASTER OF DEEDS AAMIED S687 BUSINESS SYSTEMS [0875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carelina ton — ——Irege}s —___ COUNTY GROOM 1 11. ate Ruben Paul Dellinger hae Judy_Kay Queen 2. 12 PERMANENT # PERMANENT ‘ADDRESS. _OUt & #o. ea lee ADDRES: 317 Gray St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _Statemville Iredell Ne. i ATE STATE CciTy COUNTY si COUNT RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE ) 14. BIRTHDATE ) AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White ln ] 5d 3 ! \ Iredell] White bh -iLi- 1 6. NEVER MARRIED oO 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED & 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED x oC eee ee DIVORCED oO MARRIED: eee: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uving [X 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uving [KK Henr ¥. Herman Dellinger bead, ae man Glenn Queen pean B. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LivING D& 19. R IDEN NAME: uvine DX _Ore Emmer Drum pean Bonnie Mae Moody peaD__ TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #6, Statesville, N. C. 317 Gray St., Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebr the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. RA DATE ISSUED ER OF ‘DEEDS (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) Thomas L, Reece ____ Baptist Minister ce _, united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Ruben Paul Dellinger and Judy Kay Queen , the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on Snet 9s 1964 ____ Statesville in___ Statesville ue PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. Si a As = SIGNATURE OF > PivtyY wl LB Renta WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER i 2 Ns Ahn cet hai ______ ADDRESS ¥ i Bese A f L “eke 2 ae Z Vita _#. Diz Detkiassal Ret ft Stam rm aoe? ADDRESS QB C42 4 Adel La. x. £ REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 c ercp 1/1/62 EGISTER 7{63-190M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State o 284 NUMBER .. FULL NAME GROOM 2. PERMANENT ‘ADDRESS___ eH» 138. ae out. AD Sy JOR Box & 2X NUMBER Statesville Iredell N. CITY COUNTY STATE C. —. Walter Young Danhan f North Carolina ee COUNTY 11. FULL : 1 NAME __dndith Carole Shaver = —tloute. ts BSS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell B.C. CITY COUNTY STATE 12. PERMANENT pony ADDRESS RACE ——«|:« 4 BIRTHDATE | TS. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 18-30-43, 6 NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED AGE 20 | 3 Rowan 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 13. RACE | 14. BIRTHDATE TAGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) } White —__'9=23=46'17 | 16. NEVER MARRIED cx WIDOWED oO DIVORCED | } ' ‘aes "17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: . FATHER’S FULL NAME; Clarence Woodrow Denham R’S MAIDEN NAME: t helieh Tigginia Myrick 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(SS: a 311 Oakwood Ave., amb N. C. LIVING CX bead [) 0 DEAD To ony ‘eoduinnd ministre il ATE FSSUED trAk1 / above, on } DATE : f in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO 4 aaa Tye Cha Liz ii The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required with LIVING TX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING mn Allien Shavar en Fielda DEAD 19 MOTHER'S Maen NAME: uvING e Aina Mayis Sprinkle DEAD 20. AD OF PAR’ }s ee Route #5, MLAueenheie H. C. of any religious denomination, minister euihanent by his catch, or any | haation of the Peace of ‘aan county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereot, to celebrate osed marriage at any place within the said county. “(DEPUTY ASSISTANT) — / MINISTER OR SUSTICE OF THE | PEACE pA a GA , united in matrimony rthe parties licensed Af gv f CITY OR TOWNSAIP 4 yf & + f4 ¢ SIGNATURE OF Hci a i cy ee * tach. avoress_2// £2 be j ADDRESS at ag in30 degre 00 Bil cot andl REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/62-}00M ALLIED EGRY Business systems 100875 a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage fo a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7-20-64 DATE RETURNED TO YOU___! EEDS LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE y State of North Carolina ———— oe eee LICENSE Ni ER COUNTY 1 : " BRIDE FULL : : 7. FULL See es 5 NAME ——__ | NAME _._.___Linda Kathleen Brotherton 2 2 12. w ee River Rd STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER M ville ee Mooresville sohpedell N COUNTY STATE cy OUN STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE (20) 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13, RACE 14. BIRTHDATE (21) 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 6-22-1913 Iredell |White 11-20-1913 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED @ 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED Ck 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: ccuiniamecebeiinciiaimanitdts DIVORCED cl MARRIED: iain 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc OK 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uving CX y_ DEAD J 3 , : DEAD [] ¥ ; 'S MAIDEN Es LivING DIX 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN Es uivING LX weitere, Frances Nantz DEAD Bleeka Kathleen Honeycutt peaD ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 229 W. Stewart Ave., Mooresville, N. Ch River Rd., Mooresville, N. C. To any ordained mini inati i authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby @uthorized, at any time ante a 60 to og the date hereof, to celeby#te thy proposed marriage at any place within the said county. DATE dies ’ 4, (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) Marcus Brown Prince, III , minister of the Presbyterian Church NAME MINISTER OR-JUSHCE-OF-FHE-REACE Wayne C, Dobey and_Linda K. Brotherton the parties licensed above, on February 14, 1964 GROOM BRIDE DATE at_Centre Presbyterian Ch.;, Mount Mourne - (Davidson Townshiip haid county according to law, PLACE “CITY OR TOWNSHIP -— SIGNA OF 221 OAK & ( ae WITNE MARRIAGE: < SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING’ OFFICER Cz Gent olf z, Z . ff x ve ell “ lng eae. ADDRESS. POLL OP” <. Ay g_ ‘ a ; Laima OEE So 5 Be CDOT HY LDA‘ A > 9 A - 2222te. 24)- Wert, i ADDRESS. LY eaten C ged LLL be ad cc. | union matrimony 7 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and retura them to the Register of Deeds who aeaen io — issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. / BETS exvmees wrens REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina odh? NUMBER” COUNTY - WW. FULL FULL NAME NAME 9—__welyn Janet Malcolm os 2. 12, PERMANENT PERMANENT . a aboress__Haoute #2 foes 00 Caldwell ob, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER -Mooresville . _TIredel] -.N, €, || 5 i111 Iredell) u. ¢. CITY COUNTY STATE COUNTY STATE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13, RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) un2l-i 17! Cherokee White 10-3-L4 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 136. NEVER MARRIED — 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED | PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED go MARRIED. DIVORCED oO MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LuvinG £1 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING Bt Nathan Dockery pead_ Hy DEAD _[)_ 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livine £) 19. MO EN MAMET" LiVING Bk > 1) peaD_ Nola Lorence Harris Dead 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #2, Mooresville, N. C. 1000 Caidwell St., Statesville, N. C. BRIDE To any ordained minister of ‘any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: 3 you u are hereby euthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to lebr the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. Lay goad re sf EDS (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) B.Le2£. hes , o MNuwnin- Of XA, a Pavpfulk : ____, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE a hehang Chesrbe Pratt on Mnhpr ferret pueliatrr , the parties licensed BRIDE ebove, on endl 31 Ah {7 bo ot Rare = are i ic nee-atet tte nt. CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Ra i Len ¢. ee WITNESSES TO MARRIA E; SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER 4 g (if J g (2 of eGo Zz J ie Dia: c Me Ade’ : __ADDRESS ka Z Z on LLL <Z a a i, Sasa Ae: Toascul anonessR# Lye, 1 Mo ¢ tna Ah Fh The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. RETURNED TO YOU ___ 6 -9-64 TE FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY 1/1/62 7/83-100M MAUED EGRY BUSINESS TLSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE / State of North Carolina 356 A Iredeil —TicENSE NUMBER —— in ates GROOM BRIDE rou James William Dooley Fit Mattie Lee Clark NAME NAME 2 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT apbess sds RROUtE 4 asi ADDRESS. Route 4 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N.C. Mooresville Iredell N.C. City COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE imee)|0OCU A =21-36 AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE LS BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Negro |10-21-36 2¢ Steven _ Ga. Negro $-10-43 | 21| Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED xX 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY SvORcEO. oO MARRIED: niceties DIVORCED oO MARRIED: canon &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING [J William Dooley sap seer er eee eee = =) oO 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uving 30 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: uve Annie Mae Reeda pean Inez Clark pean 10. ADDRESS OF PAREN7(S): a 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Georgia Deceased To any ‘aadetued minister of any volliliciie diisaaaaiin, minister éuthoataed by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the propased marriage at any place within the said county. Dec. 4, 1964 L. L, Nesbit ib gstttiehee! se) Eka ihm a DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY / ASSdbSeAind > ' : ‘ ‘ , united in matrimony NisTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE > ) ~ Da and_CZWVuk ie : the parties licensed BRIDE apache, in LiL ipitdyv<hhe: [ff LACE 7 CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF _beahep f Ag VHA =e ‘ 2 oF OFFICIATING OFFIC WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: : rs eS ____ADDRESS __ ee pA ¢ / > / ye 4 4 4 ao The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person . pe RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. A. FORM _VS-80 PEGISTER OF D . ’ 04 > ae 1/1/62 oF ns ee ee Seeseimcaee uaa 4 7/63-100M SAAIED HORE wesmESE erates 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ~~ $tate of North Carolina 72. ee LICENS* NUMBER 1 GROOM ane Chester Duncan BEEMANENT 806 Quincy St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. COUNTY BRIDE 11. : ew : FULL Virginia Rhinehart NAME 12. PERMANENT - ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Catawba Catawba NG. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE BIRTHDATE | AGE -18-97| 67 S RACE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Negro h- Georgia "| 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) N.C. 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | ; Negro [12-26-2 AGE 39| Catawba 7. NO, TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6. NEVER MARRIED Oo WIDOWED x DIVORCED oO 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED; 16. NEVER MARRIED b WIDOWED Oo DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Elbert Duncan uvinc 0 DEAD. 16. FATHER’S FULL NAME; William Rhinehart LIVING X] DEAD [] 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Levia Rucker LiVING [J peaD 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Sara Rhinehart LIVING XJ] peaD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Deceased — 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): cekmeagoneeat N.C, To any ordained minister of any religious dinemiaidiie, minister nahi ly his ‘church, « or r ony lute of the ane of said county: you a are re hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the propo: rp marriage at any wer within the sgid county. Dec. 22, 1964 L. L. Nesbit Byrne o/ | REGISTER OF DEEDS ] BA o eae bounetaa._and DATE ISSUED 5. | above, Eh Aran PE LOB, er. YA. hdl PLACE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRI. a Orbit dlowile ahaa ADDRESS (DEPUTY/ RT = el Be sae , United in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PE , the parties licensed BRIDE “Le SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER DRESS Mh de SE Ltt atibles, ec. The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-1 MLLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1OOS7S REGISTER OF D EEDS COPY — AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE Qeise NUMBER State of North Carolina —_——_IRrgde]1 —___ 1. FULL NAME 2. PERMANENT ee Reba SPR eam STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —_——_ agedes ] i S T ATE . FULL nn. 2 fame .._wanece Faye White 0 12 PERMANENT e ADDRES: inline inte STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —ahk# deit die Ce "| 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Iredell 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: AGE 21 | SRACE | «4 BIRTE | 4 BIRTHDATE | 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: x oO oO LIVING & DEAD _ uvinc & 9. iD 2 Nancy Della Ann Cook peaD jO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #2, Box a ee N. CG, 5 BS | 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 1S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 76 i 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED OVOREO 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 17, NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: —___ piss "LIVING = 7 ae Ra gt White _—_peap_T- 19. MOTHER IDEN ine ag Lennie Tilley pean 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): e 2731 vant Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister ‘of ¢ any jalicicus denomination, minister paket! ie his aaa. or any | on of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to cel @ proposed marriage at any place within the said county. f i YA SL _a- NAME ott Lh Cfla~ _and GROOM ei f at in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES, TO —" ADD! __Appress_[f Sate 6 is / (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) MINISTER © OR JUSTICE OF a PEACE Ya Le , united in matrimony “ : Fe tA AFA Gk & Yre the parties licensed BRIDE ies é hk. CITY OR TOWNSHIP h a Leen tL dene gf SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ass [3256 C hku weil dtiect Ot... - Ll f . c f - ph in Af? Zi < tahiut/ sz bh ¢ The minist®r or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure fo do so constitutes a misdemeanor and celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues FORM _VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M AAMER HORT Sewers systems 100875 also subjects person RETURNED To You_Apri for the same. — AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Iredell 2 LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM } BRIDE 1. : ‘ oo FULL Charles Junior Dye ite Jessie Lou Dunn 2 C 12. PERMANENT Route 1 Box 70 PERMANENT Route 1 Box 70 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Stony Point Iredell N.C. Stony Point Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE 3 RACE 4 BIRTHDATE _(2() ) 5 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ( 21 ) 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Col. | 3-27-1943 Iredell NC. Col. 1-16-1943 Wilkes N.C, 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x) 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED o PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: ities a cies siiceemoase DIVORCED E) MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LivinG CO 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uivinc 1 i se pean 0 Fred Douglas Dunn DEAD J 9. MOTHER s “AAIDEN NAME: LivINc [X 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING KI Zelma Dye pea O Arnel Norwood DEAD] 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1 Box 70 Stony Point, N.C. Route 1 Box 390 Washington, Georgia To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed st at any place a the said county. Jan. 16 1964 L. L, Nesbit By: hss : ¢d) Abenfacahup) DATE ISS! : * REGISTER OF DEEDS fata (DEPUTY /ASS4SARH9 —< f j 4 at cana A <. A x Lh me Dh & 4) united in matrimony NAME /) : \ MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE : rt pdnee Xet Meveethe parties licensed above, on= BRI ee ec ZL Ligrre (atin Suds nae xd ee Aut Lhe hs . in said county according to law. PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP — sf / | Ap a J SIGNATURE OF i JF or WITNESSES, TO MARRIAGE: : ZSIGNATORE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER i pron Le/ FL. LAxe BE VE Ahly Me. ADDRESS. <j_A ADDRESS. The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who aaa eo — issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. AcAteo tony Susiness svsveus REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 7 State of North Carolina 2. 3p Iredell _ 2a COUNTY GROOM BRIDE tu. Banze White Eagle uu. _dudith Vance Klutz NAME Piwanent 136 N. Race St. PERMANENT 920 Radio Road ADDRESS. ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville _ Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. CitY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE [ 5 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White | Zubnk3 [a1 Iredell N.C. White Ta25-h 23 Mecklenburg 6. NEVER MARRICD 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED ¥) 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED 5 PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: Sicilian cilia inacioe DIVORCED Cj MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING £ 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; Robert A. Eagle DEAD 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: : LIVING CX a O Henry Vance kiut pan LIVING x 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING EX Pearl Byers pean Eveline Patterson pep 1 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S)s 136 N. Race St., Statesville, N.C. 920 Radio Road, Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice o of the Peace. of ‘said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the ] d marriage at any place within the 4 county, Dec. 22, 196k L. L. Nesbit a DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF oar 0 (DEPUTY Se elAbe ) Walter Lee Lanier Methodist Minister NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Banze White Eagle and__Judith Vance Klutz GROOM ‘ ee BRIDE Broad Street Methodist Church above, on_December 27, 1954 at_Statesville, N.C, in____tredell County DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP _, united in matrimony , the parties licensed in said county according to law. \ s 4.2, e SIGNATURE OF = ae LOella> 42.2.) ¢ PIE WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: <a / sari ee OFFICIATING OFFICER cis oe WZ. Mey Te el ADDRESS 13 ne Kace STalrarlea Re. ri ks YAs4) aporess 222 adie RB. Men ees 1 ictentinnthelineantonnea tomas The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of DeeJs who issued the license. Failure to de so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 UCENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY 1 . i. FULL ~ FULL A s NAME ener’ Baein Berle. NAME ___Alice Lucinda Bagna}) 2. 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT = Aooress___ 220 Ridgeway Ave, — —__ Soe b2S Summitt Bveo STREET ADDR' OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _ Statesville _—-Irede]] = N. C. || Statesville ____Trede? CITY COUNTY STATE city COUNTY f STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |2-9-4,2 | 22 | Iredell White [10-23-41 Iredell 6 NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DiVORCED MARRIED: DIVORCED cg MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING XJ 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc @ Dead James Garner Bagnal peao_( LIVING EJ 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvING a nuby_Lee Washum pan (]. | Aliee Iueinda Baker ben 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 220 Ridgeway Ave., Statesville, N. Cl 428 Summitt Ave., “tatesville, N. C. 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: To any ordained minister of any sates denomination, minister alheied by his church, or any aie ‘of the Peace of said county: ‘you are hereby euthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celejpat proposed marriage at any place within the said county. D. a {DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) Walter Lee Lanier Methodist Minister united in matrimony -sessntsstasiimeeinahanalanstpacamabilescalneainaaud NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Robert Edwin Earle ead Alice Lucinda Bagnal __ __, the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on___July 16, 1964 ot Broad Street Methodist Church Statesville, North Carolina DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF oa VA 7 A VA WITNESSES TO manne QE , ra SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING er eels ce atetien Ft ___reoness hea re yeh 7 _f AS ADDRESS The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRT SOSIWESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE / State of North Carolina < LICENSE ee ~ COUNTY GROOM BRIDE - i. iL FU! Nie __Gary Wayne Edwards Ne __undy Kay Goodin 2. PERMANENT PERMANENT aporess__L5 24, Bivd. ADDRE ss__2011 Gagner St, ean ee STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —Statesville ____Tredel] __N. C, || Statesville Iredell BE, GC. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE y* 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) bal3ui,6/1¢-| _Tredell__}| White 2-16-44 15 Iredell] 6 NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED & 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: DIVORCED o MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING D& 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; uvinc CX : peaD__ 3 Goodin pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: “ae 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; uvine GE Benge bead | Mary Smith DEAD) 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS*OF PARENT(S): 1524 Blvd., Statesville, N. C. 201) Gagner St., Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby cuthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to cel it proposed marriage at any place within the said county, (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) o a, fa (ie ae Z Za tc eae ie __, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE L_ EXttiipoete and Ta A Ly LEAY x Z¢tetlti2— ____,the parties licensed 7 GROOM C7 BRIDE above, on L244 Gaz é LLF Chen Atatenlle ffs in_ ACCA Tg, DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law, 7 as? 47 : P SIGNATURE OF YF LU ¢ te hE lane WITINESSES TO MARRIAGE, SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Ay . A / - “ADDRESS - seed ADDRESS Ss a F The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required »ithin 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person a . RETURNED TO YOU August celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. DAT! STER O MALIED EORT BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE — State of North Carolina ah ne Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY BRIDE 1 1. Name Marshall] Wayne Eller sd the Judy Ann White PERMANENT PERMANENT ADDRESS. Route #1 Aboress___B15 Shelton Aves gg STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER REET ADDRESS OR ROUT OX NUMBER _Troutman Iredell u. GC, Statesville Iredell... xB CITY COUNTY city COUNTY STATE STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White | 3-10-47 17! Iredell =24,=1,7 117 6 NEVER MARRIED x) 7. NO. TIMES 16, NEVER MARRIED i 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED i PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED ees DIVORCED O MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LiviNc Bl 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Living (J 11 Willis Eller DEAD OJ Boyce Glenn White DEAD _ XX] 9. MOTHER’S MAIDFN NAME; LIVING i 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING Ck Alma Evelyn Dancy pean Margaret Mills DEAD] 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 71, Troutman, N. C. 815 Shelton Ave., Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgte the proposed marriage at any place within the said county, r : Se shit HIE ASIAN —————_——4 dt / ‘ ee ee Re Ae SiG > a BILCPIMLMEL NAME " MINISTER OR-GUEHEP OP TNE PEACE “ united in matrimony ee oo — / \ \ / j iat: : : : t Lé J and_~—~—pel_£ a i A 22212 Cl aMiiks __, the parties licensed GROOM - f os ft /~ BRIDE : a 9 , ys : —_ A, i 7, ¢ above, on{ st. z LX at Date pyzth ew ' AN (Ot LAL Coo He a cek DATE 7 PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. 4 d ine SIGNATURE OF Motn fh oe Acer WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: , SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Deo n.d» ELE. ADDRESS See Pang (SF) es hi 4, Villy 44 je we TAS hile. 4. batiz. REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM tet The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and ulso subjects person : : RETURNED TO YOU__Qot celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. we VEEDS LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina >. dyedei. LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM ; BRIDE 1. + ug : Fu Phill Eugene Eller FULL Aundrea Marie Morrison 2. 12, PERMANENT Route 6 PERMANENT ADDRESS. iia ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE §. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |10-22-u12 21 Iredell N.C, White 10-17-46 17| Iredell N.C. 6 NEVER MARRIED o 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Be PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: si Silas eccearacaaiaaion DIVORCED g MARRIED: iicpigle dims 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING 6 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING ip: Wilson P. Eller pean £) James W. Morrison pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Q 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING cx Lucille Starrette pean Mary Lee McCoy DEAD JO. ADDRESS OF PARENTIS): 3. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 6, Statesville, N,C. Route ch ereeeriart N.C, 4 To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by bis church, ¢ or any “Justice of the Peace of said county: you are = eee ¢ authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the a marriage at any place within the said county, June 16, 1964 L. L, Nesbit By: ~Yan.od ww. DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DECOS q (DEPUTY AAS6 GRANT = Cecil Ke Herrin Minister of the Gospel NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE united in matrimony ____ Phill. Fugene Eller and Aundrea Marie Morrison , the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on___ June 27, 196) ot Beulah Baptist Church in Shiloh township (Statesville) DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. A Y¥asrd de thsHah Raut Cheer SIGNATURE OF ‘ SIGNATURB/OF OFFICIATING OFFICER WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: eS ee > " st ee gf SLi aad Ke. 4 /. Oe &e ADDRESS __ Le hiss Le fi aL Le c- Ace ‘incall me LL ff Ie REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. Tt Waiortr ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE Pes —" State of North Carolina Iredell COUNTY __358 LICENSE NUMBER GROOM Terry James Eller Route 7 Box 338 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Tredell city COUNTY u. FULL NAME 1. FULL NAIAE 2 PERMANENT 12. PERMANENT ADDRESS. ADDRESS. CITY BRIDE Brenda Mae White 815 Shelton Ave. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell COUNTY N.C. STATE STATE 3 RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White (12-16-46 17 Iredell N. 13. RACE White Cc. 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE -11-48} 16 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Caldwell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO, TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: James Calvin Eller 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Martha Hamby 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 7 Box 338, Statesville, N.C. & oO 0 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED uvING Ck pean uvinc &% peao_ 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN 20. ADDRESS OF PAREN To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorize’ Dec. 5, 1964 DATE ISSUED L. L. Nesbit REGISTER OF DEEDS By: sf Ka 7 r es if} BRID above, 6n_/U taht a DATE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: hKBaeG + Aj. i TLE-P VED $s “ e 7 CEE Me pute ae. s / Te ee PZ. ADDRESS hy ee , 91 -it_t kL dA i’ & ‘Ys ADDRESS. The ntinister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS- STE 1/1/62 7/63-100M MATEO EGRT BUSINESS $) STEMS o ¢ 100875 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: Boyce Glenn White Margaret Mills “MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE B O O 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: uvinc [ pean LiviNG & pean = NAME: T (S)s 815 Shelton Ave., Statesville, N.C. d by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby autherized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereol, to celebrate the ce at any place within the said county. ee , united in matrimony , the parties licensed é f CITY OR TOWNSHIP KX AOL at "> - IGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ne { REGISTER OF DEEDS: &NTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina __Iredel LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM | BRIDE 3 i. Nic James Edwin Elliott | Nave Brenda Maude Lippard 2 12, PERMANENT PERMANENT W en. get Mewten Dr. | Abs N STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesv ville direde N, Ce Statesville Iredell Np Co “COUNTY STATE COUNTY STATE 3. RACE ] 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE P ]e White (1-27-41) 23 | Iredell Ss whnite (3-31-47 17 ivedeli 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED & 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: evcernerniemmeninonmnsoniionas DIVORCED 0 DAARRIED Sense nenereemnrmeen & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING BE 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uivinc sao aul Hargaret Elliott peso _]__}} Raloh Alvie Linpmrd ____otap_{]._ 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN ME: 19, MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING CX LIVING KJ Ruby Hoover DEAD [7] Gladys Stikeleather DEAD TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 2021 Newton Dr., Statesville, N. C. 520 Woodlawn Dr., nas HG. S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized re his eek. or any Justice of the eens of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebr th posed marriage at any place within the said county. & 1S tes 951 co Oe A -) ap united in matrimony Ld nd __, the parties licensed cs aha tk Ht thee GO CITY OR TOWNSHIP i Hhatio A SIGNATURE OF t Lin MAD? _ WITNESSES TO iid j ai F Hardon AAs CTIA ADDRESS tawke* . IP Ly Liort hid Ve, ' Ling ADDRESS Jig | Hetil DoE ate REGISTER OF OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM in said county according to law. y + The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes ¢ misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 ER I c MG thi Di ALLIED BENT BoSINESS STSTEMS 100875 1 1 a 9 i 9 RETURNED TO YOU LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 72. State of North Carolina o base NUMBER ee CoRR ES . i FULL FULL ‘ ‘ NAME Name __UaYOl Sue Bveridge.._- PERMANENT PERMANENT . ‘ADDREss_otar Row co Ae eee 4 Lining ; ESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Sarto aut 8 OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDR eceee ss . Gotawhs.... NE. | Statesville Iredell 6. G4. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE j | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) : | . White [1-12-13 21| Catawba White 11-14-44/19! Tredel) 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED Tk 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: ceuuiokunuosisiencacteeunetn DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; uivinc CX 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME; LIVING §@ Dewey Pascal Elliott pean ae pEAD 5. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livine DK 19. SMA! LIVING Ei i vead 1 i , DEAD (J TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S)s Star Route, Catawba, N. C. 1228 Wilmington Ave., “tatesville, N.¢d To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister ‘eithateed by his church, or any Justice of the Peace “ a county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgte thegproposed marriage at any place within the said county. & oh issued (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) A . , | > 7 L, Re. lfAsete /{ { / ‘ > Muna. MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF . PEACE . ec p% rO ; C Se: Vig cAvt,S cH and__( “pa ef whem _eptarks , the parties licensed ~~ GROOM BRIDE é above, on lisag 1S, /96y uk | G.&. in STrksnrlh N.C PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. united in matrimony nf KE M4 bash) Lu, ~ dire SIGNATURE OF A SROATING OE ee 741 f _feenelat a La . ¥ a oe ADDRESS < 3 4 5 ; The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF = DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person . . . RETURNED TO YOU A celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ASAIS2 O6RY Sesiness systems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ne Saas a [pede LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY : GROOM : FULL FULL a5. NAME James Allen Estes nave nde Faye Bustie PERMANENT PERMANENT ‘Aporess__ 1.5176 _ fib. ee ee peers a DDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET A STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER mhatesville .IJIredeli oN, C, || Statesvij CITY COUNTY STATE CITY ~ COUNTY STATE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) = 120i Tredeil Lean 0-20-46 17 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED xi 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17, NO, TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY oO DIVORCED oO MARRIED: dine eecaecsnanss nas cess DIVORCED 0 MARRIED; 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING R 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING XI Bu ley Columbus Estes peAD J eR RER Bustle peo 9. MOTHER'S MATDEN NAME: | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Bg | othe wae glleliman_._...__oerp {| 1516 7th, St., Statesville, N. C. 1513 7th. St., Statesville, N. ¢. LIVING X) _Beulah Lee Keaton pean 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgie thgfproposed marriage at any place within the said county. « a ar f ty flat ag be Ad , United in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - 4 ) aw th " _and_cAts.da Sone Hy ath. ee , the parties licensed above, on Dire £ LA. St lS Mek hs J ae t 4 P Lhd: 24 f Le PAS DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. me ~ 7 oe , a ise { SIGNATURE OF Ket LKR ge/ ZY r A A Aatidk SIGNATURE OF OFF)CIATING.OFFi ‘WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: / / // ~an fo fff J me ; VP, 7 Z <. =>. he TI AV at A e. Whey aporesse— LL y Yidée é- ates. . =) \ ) Zr ce a x oS S eo Pie Aran Qo a) f. ADDRESS ‘ok a { : <= =| iV noi Se: A A in + The mizister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure tc do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO you Ma 1964 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. “ie DAT vw My REGISTER OF DEEDS CC MALL 7/63-100M Register of Deéds/Deputy or Assistant —S AAANGRD HORT HesiWess Svstems 100875 4: 4 3 8 0 6 - REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE Z 3 State of North Carolina ee . ___Irede11 LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY — 1 =e nN BRIDE i \ . FULL John Wayne Estes FULL Alma Lou Johnson 2 12. . PERMANENT Route 3 PERMANENT 373 North Mylberry St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. City COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE 5 RACE %. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |5-7-46 /1 las Iredell N.C. White }$-4-)7 17| Wilkes NG. 6. NEVER MARRIED x0 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x) 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY ___ DIVORCED oO MARRIED: clei eamhaae caees DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine Xl 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING Et Claude Egtes pean _O _||Vernon Johnson pean _O 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING X) 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uivinc Georgia Lee Hefner peAD Viola Holloway pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 3, Statesville, N.C. 373 North Mulberry St., St..tesville,NC To a any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the eT een? marriage at any pe within the said county. June 4, 1964 L. L. Nesbit DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS moans) ty), 4 ) yf ve / fla Fe 2 , SS, th A FATE a est GIL ZL Eee’ er ________, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE ‘OF THE PEACE — 2 . le , , ff - f ea, 2 Z 7 ; i Fig: / J <. Vike PCE fz Lge, __, the parties licensed above, on_“ <“7& Lila Tt we SD Feu le LEHLLIGEAL L PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. 4 p ¥ L SIGNATURE OF Mt Wi lWE/ lata a ore WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: - . SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING, OFFICER {/ t Vital € fatez —~*TA RES Lika bl aah t : id fe CA Loa 2xeite aporess_ 7 7 ws HLA Fa VOL é 2 y CL- REGISTER OF DEEDS: ; ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. M_VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS CO ASLIED ESRY BusINESS SYETENS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 56 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM & ; Nic Danny Ray Eudy Pui Barbara Ann Miller BRIDE 2. 12. PERMANENT x 31 PERMANE! ADORESS. Route 3 Bo. 3 8 MOE Route 6 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville iredeli _ N.C. _|j| Statesville Iredell N.C, CITY esas COUNTY STATE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | Rowan nc. White |3-9-45 |19| Iredell N.C. 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED ip: 17. NO. TIMES oO ~ CITY “COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE ba White (10-16-4 6 NEVER MARRIED a WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO DIVORCED DABGRIED: pcrctemnsmnams DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING [XK Sees eres LiviNc DX E. G. Eudy pean 1 || George Miller bead 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Living —K 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: tivinc KJ Louise McFalls peap OO Ann Bollinger peaD [J 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 3 Box = Statesville, N,C. Route 6, Statesville, N.C. PREVIOUSLY To any ordained minister of any ee denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby @uthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. March 16, 196k L. L. Nesbit By! mer nt lyn Lbaeaaeg) DATE iSSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY / AS StF AN ly ehalcngs Habre Bag i FH 4 eh ere , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ee ee tea the parties licensed A Loge cA ia UY One n Hat ¢ Deliyald Wt LACE in said county according to law. z. Z . F Y Cdl dihade ad SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE; oa] SIGNATORE OF OFFIGJATING OFFICER : : af - ” ff _ fa Zh. Sb seat Ke KLed oe. ; / 7 4 a j , / Z a JS f a -Yf ill Jape og Se VT eo - ff, 9 ViLsza uae 2) i Zev280 aporess (So Eo Fe 2/ JkS Se Ze Lil REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other persoa celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. _Failare to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and aiso subjects person RETURNED TO You._Ma celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ee COUNTY LICENSE NUMBER ee 1 FULL NAME 2. PERMANENT STREET ADDRESS OR x & BOX NUMBER ADDRESS____.. gite. ._—_- Jvetel) —Mooresy COUNTY STATE VW. FULL NAME _Sheila Anna Brewington 12 PERMANENT ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE t gd, NUMBER | Statesvi CITY COUNTY 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE ike BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) AGE 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED ___ DIVORCED &. FATHER'S FULL NAME; LIVING BJ DEAD J 9. wanes Glyde LIVING §@ Mary Hellen Roberts DEAD} 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #4, Box 3389, Mooresville, N. C. 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) [White 4-1-46 _18/Torrance, Californid 16. NEVER MARRIED i 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED O PREVIOUSLY |____ DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: AGE LIVING CX peaD e Brewington __b Harvie. hee d inc CX - MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LivING CX peAD be 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #3, Box 421, ee Ne Ge To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are > eens euthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebgate th DATE jh OOk. L rHreaie’ Li Brewington NAME Larry Dear Feimster GROOM June 28, 1964 DATE Rev. _and__ Bethel above, on at PLACE in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE; t usd L) e = i a_Ministernof the Gospel Sheli Baptist _ADDRESS yd . C¢ iA c - nee proposed marriage at any place within the said county. “(DEPUTY ASSISTANT) se , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF 1 THE PEACE a Anna Brewingt on ali ee the parties licensed “BRIDE ——_—__——4 svOwn CITY OR TOWNSHIP Che 4 (42 . 1 7 Af SIGNAJURE OFFICIATING OFFICER ess.” The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 1/1/62 es 100M ALANED ERT SusiNess systews 100875 EGISTER (lle LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina eee NUMBER nego: ; GROOM FULL name Lewis Franklin Feimster 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS. Route #2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —Cleveland Irede})} N. oy Ca RIDE ul. | NAME Betty Gail Plyler 12. ae T DDRESS 53 Cascade St, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER cit cou ST. COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE (21) & BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |12-29-1912 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ( 1) | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Iredell lredelil 6. NEVER MARRIED x Bw 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED i LuhealGh? i 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED oO DIVORCED 17, NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiviNc 39 bead =] 16. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uiVING CX Hubert Baxter Plyler pead J 5 eagk - Sateen - MOTHER’ Di : Ny Goodman LIVING XJ DEAD 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING EX ADI "ARENT(S): Route #2, Cleveland, N. C. M r ¥ cue pean = 20. ADDRES pile are 53 Cascade St., Mooresville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religi di inati i h authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate yy a e tf ter NAME om 1 nleditbatad GROOM at Maho k PLACE SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: s/f? in OBE Lh 0 . + fi d ADDRESS. d by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you ate hereby ed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY7ASSISTANT) yr) a J tmiglerw MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE the pai‘ies licensed above, ona -2¢~, A ’ uJ Treatwtetrtlr, 2 CITY OR TOWNSHIP , united in matrimony; op au / Do Ad DATE in said county. according to law, Vy / : > Af Bay .wWy Ke‘ t9 ie 4 £ SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ADDRESS. ADDRESS. REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfe‘ture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM V 1/1/62 1/62-100M MAIMED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEOS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE )G State of North Carolina Pos LICENSE Age, GROOM : BRIDE a a || Nate Bessie Marie Poole 12. : FWNNT Route #2, Box 37h PERMANENT Veterans Court #2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _ Statesville Tvadell Statesville Iredell N.C, City COUNTY CITY COUNTY STATE 4. BIRTHDATE (2 6) | > BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ( 20 ) | BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 8-14-1937 Iredell N.C. White 9~29-194,3 Rowan N.C. NEVER MARRIED x) 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED @ 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED | PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: jase aaa DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc 0 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING James Fink DEAD XX] Ansley James Poole pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING X11 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING re] Mary Lackey DEAD Annie Lee Morrison pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Reute 2, Bex 374, Statesville, N.C. Cleveland, N.C, To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby suthorired, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposgd marriage at any git 2 the said county. March 2, 1964 L. L, Nesbit . oe DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS ) Msabes « A “it hey a te fe Lin eek A united in matrimony : aw OR JUSTICE ‘OF THE PEACE aly dtd ati 28, the parties licensed above, on GROOM, BRIDE . "DATE / fs ) A ot Ges bites br) tite [Mrurth in. Wri lou (2. Ag Ih ‘od oivets according to law. ” PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP ee SIGNATURE OF f fr wepias TO MARRIAGE: /) SiG a “OF OFFICIATING Pree 7 Sasa ae ADDRESS. phectiong idgstasers Le - 6 Fai ~Gnk- ADDRESS a “ Lcopge Lf AA, Maat, A sk ok Ay { “ : Suh A ts Vali. Rhus ADDRESS. Ht ZA clin An Lat Lat. The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who nos Bong Bey an issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. eaniee SGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina _ |. Dredeit LICENSE NUMBER Poeun —" BRIDE rue David Ellis Fitzgerald PULL Ethel Marie Powers 2. 12 TODRESS. 312 Griffith Street premanent Route 2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Thomasville Davidson N. G. | Harmony Iredell N.C. City COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 74. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 5-8-35 | 29) Davidson N.C. White /|8-18-42|/22| Iredell N.C. 6 NEVER MARRIED 4 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x1 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WiDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: iicsinecniniee eee DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING XX] : LIVING Dennie Ellis Fitzgerald es Troy Marvin Powers pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinc 1 = uvinc Mary Disher pend XI Bernice King “2 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 312 Griffith St., Thomasville, N.C. Route 2, Giatagee N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious dindmiiiice, minister authorized by his church, or any jostins of the Peace a oper county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the — oo at any place within the said county. Sept. 25, 1964 L. L. Nesbit x DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS a (DEPUTY S31? PY Alte A (Bout a Wtgaate , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ra GA. puch hb, — PL apeld and & heh Mawk poary0r4 , the parties licensed BRIDE ° above, on_ Aaya a7 (76Y¥ at Honceomg mek tik 4 Harmeny , WL PLACE “ECITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. - ) f 1s 2 SIGNATURE OF Lr) pAAAaar a. I 5 Luff hd WITNE: IpAre! A SIGNATURE OF CNS OFFER xs . tBu Xf) nv The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required withio 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, yee REGISTER OF DEEDS 7/63-100M ALLIED EG. BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE me / State of North Carolina 5 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE 1. : M1. : cee Elja Duncan Flowers | Rabe Vera Viola Brown q 12. . PERMANENT Route 4 Box 36-A PERMANENT 221 East Turner St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Taylorsville Alexander N,C. Statesville Iredell uC. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE TRACE 7. BIRTHDATE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Col. (10-9-1947 Alexander N.C. Col. \LO-20-194,3 Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED xX 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED @ 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED o PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: ciaideapateaiumenuimmenas. DIVORCED oO MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: vine O 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING ce - bead Verlon Brown pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvine 2 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING [& Mabel Flowers Love pean Ocie Dowdy pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 4, Box 36-A Taylorsville, u.c, P. O. Box 731, Statesville, N,C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, tc celebrate the dt marriage at any place within the said county. Jan. 10, 1964 L, L. Nesbit By *= DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY AASSISPANNEP “> < Z , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEA “¥he parties licensed above, on_# ee é ZL Y DATE } we A Ae Fs Coe in said county according to law. CITY OR TOWNSHIP ; SIGNATURE OF fi nt bk WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: F OFFICIATING OFFICER i a ae ___avoaess_ J? ¢ Em 271 ch ken) or ee a ees 1D. AL. 4 Font ork A il. ADDRESS. Ex2A. Lopuclan StF Tatton tite ‘ 4 7% The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Regis‘er of Deeds who RETURNED TO YOU issued *he license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 3 anuary_ eat HO nuary 1h xt ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY 62055 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ——22h, as os ieee LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY 1 11. FULL ¥ FULL Name —_dames David “lowers = Name ~-Beverly Arlene Bustle —__ 2. 12. PERMANENT 3 2 gE Ra ce PERMANENT ADDRESS St (cl eceunen th AONEN Es te #2 pee a a ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER mpatesvillie Iredell NN. C, i CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) —22m45119-! Iredell ____ Hw Ba26--45! 18! 6 NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED WAGED DIVORCED MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvince Ge bean Ot DEAD 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING I 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvinc X%) Sadie Eudy pean .,Porothy Mae Drum peap__[] 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 328 Ss. Race St., Statesville, N. C. Route #2, Statesville, N. Cc. To any ordained minister of any salliicas denomination, minister ied by his church, or any Justice of the Seuae = said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebratg the posed marriage at any place within the said county. * iS (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) DATE ISSUED’ of ae 4 Kate Lz : uniied in matrimony MINISTER ~_f7 4 eect bMMititt< sand Ler sr Uf Lie Mee: , the parties licensed ROOM vo BRIDE Fie, onlLetg, Lé LG OS ots TE CLL. HAL, in Ka Le. DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP ¥ in said county according to law. ‘ Tt fl —— SIGNATURE OF + (kA OC LECH if Set WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: / << SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER appress_ “4 Zoe EA Stern V- 7 t REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or oiher person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person ca co geayat ihe marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. IM VS-80 — five 7/63-100M IED ESRY SusINESS sysTEWs 1.0875 RETURNED TO You_A LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ae — _..._ gredels LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM ; BRIDE 11. 1. NAME Avery Ford | Nahe —__Hattie Mae Skeen 2. 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT alee OR ADDRESS. _ Route a tea ca ee aa STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Burke F Yaw Statesville __Iredell N, C, City COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE "| & BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ‘ b-1144,.0 ink: | Dickaneen Va. White 12-9-46 17\Russell, Va. 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x) 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: eigenstates DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Lvine 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Living DK smotghn Nelson Ford peaD_)__||__Emory Marshall Skeen _eap_)__ 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING x LIVING §@ Mullins... oso © || Mattleen Jessee pean] 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ACORESS OF PARENT(S); P. O. Box 211, Clintwood, Va. Route #5, Tennent NH. C. To any ordained minister of any siees hinds ination, minister authorized te) his ah, or any hee of the Peace of said c county: you a are hereby jorized, at any time within 60 days from the ate hereof, to celebrat ‘oposed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) ‘Lhsbes/ d f V1 tan 7 ~€4. ‘ united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE La Veter tt Vleet hte the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, o! 19 OY ott Arcot, > vf Le " DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP jy} Af C in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Lif Wd idraiiieee 75 sano \ SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER } a v= , eZ ; Lh. ZS et q Litichr 7 appress_ £90 (<b tend aX LG; Likdcseh AC A Te ee “ ALY ff hie. : apres HS OlLajsiviihl Ae Le REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Patlare to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You A celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M Yo} of i ALLIED EGRY BeSENESS sYsTENS 100875 11 454 39 6 0 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE / / f State of North Carolina Jy 323 oF Iredell LICENSE NUMBER ee COUNTY ; GROOM BRIDE ; W . i Rachel Elai Lambe Bea Fut Kenneth Wesley Fox FULL Rachel Elaine bert Beam PERMANENT 922 4th St. Pemanent 523 Hickory St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE i4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White {7-29--29| 35 Iredell N.C. Nhite R-23-45 119 Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED oO 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED oO 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED gO MARRIED: ee as DIVORCED ot MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING DF. 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine Willie Vernon Fox pean France Lambert oa 8 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING && 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Beulah Byers pean Grace Gregory 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); 922 4th St., Statesville, N.C. 523 Hickory St., Statesville, 1 LIVING XX] To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you « are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the sl marriage at any place within the said county. Nov. 5, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: SManogsne/ DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS - (DEPUTY / RSS STATOR) i Aiea! Sf La Lid. 3 2 ko (TOW CLEe , united in matrimony Badasard Y beeen Co JUSTICE OF THE PEACE = ten nttb.. recleg ta ~ond Kachek Elta as, Kemliut Kiar , the parties licensed above, on_ Vas). 6/96 eat Bascle. —bbexo «. in. Agar fe ithe bs NY C3 DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. 7 L- ie , SIGNATURE OF ence ee to. Au ~ piel WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: 3 5 "SIGNATURE whats OFFICER : Aan St Mhz A Arg Lhe AppRESS_/ . ¢” ? A 3 LEE ADDRESS The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE TS (a sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLige HERY BuSsweess SYsTeMS § 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE » State of North Carolina 205 LICENSE NUMBER SCS Iredell COUNTY GROOM ru Neil Walter Fox, Jr. 979 Cochrane St. STREET ADDRESS CR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS. BRIDE Jane Edna McNeely 11. FULL NAME PERMANENT DRESS. 1243 Mitchell Ave. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER | Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE SURACE | ‘4. BIRTHDATE | 5 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 7-7-46 |18 | Iredell N.C, AGE 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ite -1-49 6. NEVER MARRIED x) 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY ee CD MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: sealsgamansineaaonuaienatenidae Neil Walter Fox, Sr. LIVING a DEAD 15 | Iredell N.C. 16. NEVER MARRIED 3) a 17. NO, TIMES WIDOWED O PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED __ MARRIED; 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: ay William Henry McNeely LiVING 2 DEAD 1) 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Mary Lee Johnson 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 979 Gochrane St., Statesville, N,C. LIVING & DEAD [) 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Mary Frances Deaton [20 ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1243 Mstchell Ave., Statesville, N,C. LIVING X] DEAD [) To any ordained minister _ any religious denomination, minister Salhasiaasl tie his em or any halle of the Peace of said county. you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate the propose L. L. Nesbit REGISTER OF DEEDS July 24, 1964 DATE ISSUED Dike LE -~ flaws: Ekin @n £ Nat. above, on ake av - 6 ta fos we Lint g@ DATE in said county cn to law. SIGNATURE OF — TO MARRIAGE: ADDRESS The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and marriage at any place within the said county, bat Gtve) q (DEPUTY ASOT , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE the parties licensed BRIDE gage Pee CITY OR TOWNSHIP of im... SIGNATURE OF OFF] > gio OFFICER ay, D Be . L243 ADDRESS. wi = 3 2huheke a Li. REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS Systems 100875 Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyore who sues for the same. RETURNED TO You_ duly 2 Register of Dé@d LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ir COUNTY rake NUMBER 1 i. FULL NAME FULL NAME M 2. 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT ADDRESS. ADDRESS. Route #3 Route #2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville _ Se c by ee 7 CITY STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER COUN y the 14, BIRTHDATE 4-25-43 13. RACE | White 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |9-24-44 |__. Rewan AGE 19. | CITY co i AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Tredel} 20 i 4 Oo O 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: >. oO Oo 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uving 0 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: sroerctsan, Waynereeze —_Drao_#)_ 9. MOTHER'S IDE AME: LIVING CK bead 5 Mary. B 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route “2, Moore 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #3, Mooresville, N. C. To any ordained m authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgte th; inister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you proposed marriage at any place within the said county. LIVING && Ls eaeond Knox Steele ___peap_{]__ 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING ce DEAD sville, N. C. are ‘hereby —April 21,1961, Carl G. Mauney NAME Freeze GROOM 1964 DATE Baptist Minister MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Mary Alice Steele BRIDE John Kay and May 3, Berea Baptist Church David PLACE above, on at in in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Cad WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE, V Leegopten ce / ~ LEM ? af ae t K— Appress_ 7776 ex “Py ; if Ky -> +7 OCC /O ADDRESS The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 fs SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER itere tn (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) united in matrimony the parties licensed son Township CITY OR TOWNSHIP 2 7 (Zier # _ 74, / ( é 7 < ae REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 7 State of North Carolina 379 / Iredell LICENSE NUMBER Ce ee GROOM S. ‘ers : nm . : , Frank William Furches, Jr, FULL se Ketch ‘ 12. 144 Park Terrace PERMANENT 5 Bast End Ax ADDRESS. bh e ADDRESS Zid Hast Gnd Ave, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C, Statesville Iredell city COUNTY STATE city COUNTY TRACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE [AGE [ 1S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY White [7-6-6 | 18 | Iredell N.C, White {11-2-46/18/ Iredell 6 NEVER MARRIED @ 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED ox 17, NO. TIMES wipoweD oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY 0 DIVORCED MARRIED: snihieniiteis b BORCED i MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME; LIVING wW Pp Frank William Furches DEAD [J James Frank Ketchie pean e sh sgh baggane LIVING EJ ie MOTHER’S ee LIVING mw Georgina Knox Amanda Louise Jones pean 10. ADDRESS OF PAREN iS): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): i4h Park Terrace, Statesy 315 East End Ave., Statesv © any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the pro; d marriage at any place within the said county, Dec. 31, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: nnogéns) t/, Db DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS q (DEPUTY AASSLSEANTD a1} ee > mtholic Priest ie __., united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE A 2S ___, the parties licensed BRIDE a + CITY OR TOWNSHIP above, on Ii e705 Ss Pius X Church in in said county according to law. j ee yo SIGNATURE OF —— f 2 he as Re LS et a 4 WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: 7 IGNATURE OF OFFICIAYING SFFl ¢ ( . < Appress {M44 {- { }4 ois 3 ADDRESS : tn The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: enrer DATE THIS FORM siga both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person ? RETURNED TO YOU Ja a celebrating the marriage to @ forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. + b ALLIED EGRY QuUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina LL5 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER “COUNTY GROOM BRIDE John Robert Gaither rv Judy Elaine Sprinkle PERMANENT Route l PERMANENT 1528 Matiowe Street Icecream se = ss cipbeereateub ADDRESS. ona STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Harmony Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. city COUNTY STATE city COUNTY STATE SRACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 15. RACE ~~) 14 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | White 6-27-44/19 | Iredell N.C, White | 1-14-44; 20) Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED 7, NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED @ 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED go PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: DIVORCED Bi MARRIED; & FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc “18 FATHER'S FULL NAME; SOS uivinc (1 John Milton Gaither pean (J Lonnie Parks Sprinkle pean [X 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; vine f& 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LVING ral Mabel May Harris pea =O Rachel Ellts pean 10, ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): ’ Route /, sealed N.C. 1528 Marlowe St., Statesville, NC. To ‘ony ned minister of ony Leiba ‘deaninsaee, minister ienenal oa his church, or ¢ any anion of the Peace ‘of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed . at any place within the said county, May 28, 1964 _ L. L. Nesbit By: Law pu td) w. Bh enduarnohage) oa DATE ISSUED a REGISTER OF DEEDS (JiDEPUTY ASEH FANT) A | KF r . — Z a abbey M4 hg MINISTER oR JUSTICE - THE PEACE fC fe lok tok SacTw and hunch Ahr. A poraosed ~€-., the parties licensed GROOM f BRIDE above, onMtay 3-0, (76 for Me Pe he, . in leks hha A Pie a te PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP , united in matrimony in said county according to law. A) a SIGNATURE OF fo tee Zi POA Ce WITNESSES 19 MARRIAGE; SOA OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Zed. eee CLL. Bact wa Lie eX £ icles = = ~ iL ¢ Be. a Q fer “4 Gi. at voors YF. Le vot 34 At = fhe minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM “sign both copies of this Certificate of Marricce, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. we REGISTER OF 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY Business systems 100875 4 4 3 8 5 6 RETURNED TO YOU LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Lice Pom : iredeh 1 GRCOM BRIDE i. . FULL : : Se NAME ee Mary Louise Smith 2 PERMANENT . i PERMANENT wponess__Route $2 ae eee Re Fo STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER outs. ADORESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER > Martony Iredell. N, (., || Harmony Iredell NG, STATE cir COUNTY STATE City COUNTY 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | White (10-24-44 19 Iredell White 19-29-15! 18 | Surry 6 NEVER MARRIED & 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED ik 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Se PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: dicioiseaet ence DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: we . FATHER’S FULL NAME: oe | 18. FATHER’ : &. FATHER'S FULL NAME uvING [X 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc _Jdames Lowrance Galliher .._otao_O | Thomas W pean 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; uvinc CX uvinc & jowary tsbell la Barnard pean = ; 744 oO 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #2, Harmony, N. C. Route #1, Harmony, N. To any aleliead minister of any sallaitien date, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrat; the posed marriage at any place within the said county, (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) 1, Wathen 4. MB rflh _« Sache united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE — facta eg * bathdo and hats foyte, Sunih the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on juact oft. 44b¢ ot Harmony neki | ad. PLACE CITY BR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. th. A Metall SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER /\ (pst MNS Chagerso anf {{ _aporess DC Meany SIGNATURE OF The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF ‘DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and reiura them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects persia celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 on 1/1/62 7/63-100M AALled EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE <>, $tate of North Carolina 378 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER to eee ; GROOM 2 BRIDE Fu Lonnie Michael Gatton FULL Cynthia Anne Tucker NAME 2 12. i PERMANENT 1223 Fourth St. PERMANENT 630 Hartness Road STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER es STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N,C. Statesville Iredell N.C. city COUNTY STATE | city COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) HP 13. RACE 74. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 10-15-46 18) Iredell N,C. White B-30-48 | 16} Iredell N.C. 6 NEVER MARRIED cx 7. NO, TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED gw 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED a} PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: icieeedianiresctices bs DIVORCED _ ce MARRIED: B. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING Pb 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING & Henry R. Gatton oan O || James Alfred Tucker pean 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING 4 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING cx Frances Fox pean Veta Alexander pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1223 Fourth St., Statesville, N.C. 630 Hartness Road, Statesville, N.C. To % any iadabeed minister of any religious denomination, minister cottons his oak or any fenton of the ‘ome of said mae you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place ) Ad the said county, Dec. 24, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: SVU eG one w/ Phe haakgs DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS DEPUTY /MOGlSEANE) M Ph tere Ad BAM ALI Lsaradtt[/- , united in matrimony WME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE jf? ¢ ji97 4 f f ae , sana Dyaghugth (adler: en he: eM! MAtsa re Lert the parties licensed woh, Lon. Lite parties li above, onde db (164 1d A 2 F, AeA Lhe BF in éla fo 4 Lf. 7] e “CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. s SIGNATURE OF Kt, “fher4y AL asrn . r SIGNATURE OF ORHOMTING OFFICER WITNES§ES TO MARRIAGE: ‘ + ; EL (t- 2 A ___appress 6.3 2 PO ccs ats. DAL Lew bE: Sack Ce Laz Z Appress_ ADD T- 7 ft ff = a a este. if REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person ‘ . . RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyoue who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 coset m 1/1/62 CCUIE REELS 7/63-}00M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTENS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ane State of North Carolina 198 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE Fou Bennie Ray Gibbs tu Nancy Jane Benfield NAME 2. 12. ADDAESS 145 Bost St. PERMANENT 200 Buffalo St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. cry COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White B-15-43 20 | Currituck N.C. White [-5-45 | 19} Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED (x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED cx 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: icles chigiheeilbcionene DIVORCED oO MARRIED: = 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING 1B. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uvine Te Cecil C. Gibbs pean Hoyt David Benfield, Sr. pea> {] 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: vine 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING [X Mildred Midgett pean Myrtle Vera Lowe peap 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20, ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Box 70 Grandy, N.C. 200 Buffalo St., Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. July 21, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: reer oe uw, ictatmahag DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS e (DEPUTY /AeSelel Ades) Charles C. Holland : Baptist Minister _ united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Bennie Ray Gibbs ond___Nancy Jane Benfield _ GROOM BRIDE above, on__vuly 25th, 1964 _ot_ Statesville in S as oes DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP the parties licensed meter in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF Sic Le @, VWWho-Zlig of WITNESSES TO MARR: E: 3 /. ; - SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ee ADDRESS wy, ataotsshle. HAL / PLN -Datin aAppress__2 2 i on saciid {dz ted Oe —-.. EE C 7 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to till out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU_J celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. ; f oly 28, os noha vs-00 x1STE OF DEEDS OPY 7/63-100M wwaiofh @ALIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 1 1 3 9 4 9 REGISTER OF DEEDS: &NTER DATE THIS FORM LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ~ State of North Carolina Iredell _ LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM i. 1. FULL Wie dames Willard Gibbs Wie allie Mae Davidson 2 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT ‘ADDRES #h , Box 359 ADDRESS Pp, Of. Box 17, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER __ Statesville _Iredell N. OC. Troutman Ipedell Be CITY STATE CITY COUNTY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE } 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) } idee Oise 105! cote Magro D=behh | 20) Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED >. 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED fj PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: apcnetaseaiinsoiiisiccnion ois DIVORCED oO MARRIED: coisa eaeniuicieusuaauman ial 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING DE 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uivinc OK swith Only) B.atOnly) Gibbs om O || Thomas Ray Davidson pean 9. MOTHER'S DE AME: uivinc Bt 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING xy p eee ¥ DEAD wabssie Pauline Cornelius Bell Lackey Route #4, Box 359, Statesville, N. C, Troutman, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate sed marriage at any place within the said county, (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE : xt [42 Was , the parties licensed Pa f A , A de~ above, on — DA CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: 74 Lhranue lntbhe) : f 7 yg, ) ee : LAV ak / lpssh gv appress__/ dew bee mo Be Lin L7¢ REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out ond sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them {o the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person 7=2 2-64 , : . RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 1/1/62 7/53-100M ALUED HORT Bus aESS SYSTEMS = 100675 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE = State of North Carolina “ieee Cia COUNTY GROOM 1 FULL . i NAME Mi 2. 12. PERMANENT I PERMANENT + avoeess_Route #1, . Box 359-4 ___ ADDRESS ROUte #6, Box 222-A STREET Ai ESS OR RO! & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER = Q 2 CITY COUNTY STATE : CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) loa20—/4) 20 | Ce Negro 13.2310 5119 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. ‘NEVER MARRIED 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: lance kaabinienitis DIVORCED 8 MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc Gx 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc fl she fOnly) Be (Only) Gibbs ly) Gibbs bean —SO sits éRobert. Henry Morrison peo. cs 9. MOTHER'S MAID) NAME: uivinc CK 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING [& pessie Pauline Collenius sao _O || Catheren Lilli 4 pead_[) }0. ADDRESS OF PARENT({S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #4, Box 359-A, Statesville, N. Route #6, Box 222-A., Statesville, N.C To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any justice of the Peace of said county: you ‘are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the prgposed marriage at any place within the said county. é ———Augysipg8s 1904 —— ne L Wilsen W.Lee a Minister united in matrimony iain ale asc NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE _ Jerry Allen Gibbs a Evelyn Jean Morrison GROOM BRIDE above, on August 29,1964 oe Statesville ___, the parties licensed _ Statesville in DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. oe a Z Or eee AGA 3 us ae ) MEE tau, bel WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: é : : SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER AA e 5 Ebb § appress__ £72 E)24 7To Udbite Br ee 9D 7 VF 5 (Zr) Ahkeet et i celia appress L4f a (ate nth) ii fxs x Lea — de, HA. é 7 SIGNATURE OF ! ° ER ! The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and a!so subjects person RETURNED TO YOU_S@Dt. celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. Bt F REGISTER OF DEEDS COF @AA1ED SGRY BUSENESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE )Z State of North Carolina : Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY 1 GROOM 1 BRIDE fu. Ransom Obdea Gillespie FULL Lillian Annette Stevenson Permanent Route 1 Permanent Route 1, Box 322-A ADDRESS. ADDRESS. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Union Grove Iredell N. C. Harmony Iredell H.C, City COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE 37 RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Col. (8-25-42) 22 | Iredell Co., NC Col. 4-26-45 2 Iredell Co., NC 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED (F 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED O MSIE vternnieneiremes DIVORCED oO MARRIED: saison aia &_ FATHER’S FULL NAME: 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: * uvinc GK : uvinc & Frank Gillespie .. o Rome Stevenson ie ee 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 20) eee ‘ LIVING & Carrie Bell Redmond a fh Addie Peet pea 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1 : Rouse 1, Box 322-A Union Grove, N. C. Harmony, N. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorised by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 69 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proj mastiage at Dy it, ie said county. 10-12-1964 L. L, Nesbit By? (fF DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY/ = B 8B Tutterrew Justice of the Peace , united in matrimony NAME ee eee a ie MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Ransom Obdea Gillespie and Lillian Annette Stevenson , the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on__Oct 26, 1964 at__Union Grove NC i Union Grove DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. é oa SIGNATURE OF é +t WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE, 2 SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Vins. a. te pees Union Grove NC £0 Union Grove N NC ADDRESS _ REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the li » Fai tit i j license. ailure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU_Q 2 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS CC 1/1762 7/63-100M ALLIED EGR BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE we 42 + 20. LICENSE NUMBER COUN State of North Carolina —_—_—_Iregel} — GROOM John David Gillion 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS. 3 FULL NAME $5 8OX 16 a, DDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Jredes Be ft COUNTY STATE r CITY BRIDE _Minnie Lou Minor iW. FULL NAME 12. PERMANENT . : ADDRESS ute ai Box biicé 2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER |_ Statesville Iredell 5... City OUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | Negro [7-}-32. AGE {> BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 132 | Iredell 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) egro (7-18-39 125 Iredell 7, NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED o QO 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: Gt Oo 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; Gillion IDEN NAME; uiving [1] bean LiviNG [J DEAD 3. MOTHER'S Bertha Chambers 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING X} pean = Livin [TK Dead = William Minor | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Everlue Adams 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebr : DATE wae 4 a) oe Picrtun~ ir éE p} NAME Mert sod Caetck GROOM { h/ titer and IS oee TA chaded PLACE 4y ; : U . gi slie/,t above, on Mined TLL ibe or DATE me in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO ee W. co f 9) hd, cD ht hae Xda Lt & The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and a aoe tate f Vi ltot Peahoncbnd!__f Det, 4d { < i SAA ADDRESS Y ADDRESS 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route oe Box re Statesville, N.C. To ‘any ectidined minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or r any ‘Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby ‘oposed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) Tame A. J Luda ___, the parties licensed os f , no y J4zk Co CITY OR TOWNSHIP fr eee i £4 IS - 7 £4 1, ©. pire UF. SIGNATURE OF ee OFFICER / we, at A i) fe LAs 7 ee é united in matrimony MINISTER ons JUSTICE OF 3 PEACE BRIDE fiz SZ. Set fis WM le REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGARY BUSINESS Systems 100875 REGISTER OF £ Tialel LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE Po State of North Carolina a9 ae Iredell noe LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY BRIDE 1 * 1. Name Jerry Wayne Goble dt ae Patricia Ann Cook 2. 12. PERMANENT i PERMANENT liw apomess Route #6, Box 250 ADDRESS. #1 STREET DRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Iredell 2. § TY .. W Troutman ITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUN STATE ; | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE] 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White (7-1- | White [9-2-5 | 19 aredell 0 6 NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED o& 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: scesiasii at laceecsanucbin isan DIVORCED oO MARRIED: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LivinG BF 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; uvine #2 ; pean _O Adward Jay look peso 9 2 19. MOTHER EN N E: LIVING EF UVING jl Catherine Lucille Brown DEAD] Pebyle Stephen DEAD 20, ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #6, fox 250, Statesville, N.C. Route #1, Troutman, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebri - oposed marriage at any place within the said county. DATE ED EEDS (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) 1, John F, Weaver a Lutheran pastor = ____, united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE a Jerry Wayne Goble and__Patricia Ann Cook GROOM me BRIDE above, on_SePt. 12, 1964 at_Sharon Lutheran Church __,,_ Statesville, NC DATE PLACE Tete ITY OR TOWNSHIP. , the parties licensed in said county according to law. Liitihpy SIGNATURE OF ‘J OHN F, WEA VER oS ae WITMESSES TO MARRIAGE: - SIGNATURE CF OFFICIATING OFFICER a en Bela ch- cena tl ites the wale Org is... (han, C., pooness__<daLiitusble , LAB oe REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person x . ‘ RETURNED TO YOU_Dent ° celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same, tee FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS COP ee F 7186 tom Register of bec. AALIED HORT SotNESS BETES §©1 00675 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE FF ; 42, State of North Carolina “ 333 inet LICENSE NUMBER ~~ COUNTY GROOM BRIDE fue Stanley Fleming Goodman Flite Margaret Ann Overcash Ee NAME > 12. — sce a ees STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Cleveland Rowan N.C. Mooresville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4 BIRTHDATE AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |7-28-1,3| 21 | Rowan N.C. White 2-11-46/18 | Iredela N.C, 6. NEVER MARRIED @ 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED & 17, NO, TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Ey} PREVIOUSLY ___ DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: siaiellaecnsiisccdeeasnciabai DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING BE 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiVING Xd Dennis F. Goodman pean P. G,. Overcash pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING DB 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvING X] Ruby Compton pao O Floe Vivian Brawley pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20, ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 2, Cleveland, N.C. Route 4, menreesh tse, N.C. To any ordained minister | of cay jcinginn teeensiilin, minister aw thorized by his church, or - any Justice of the Solas of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate the a . at any place within the said county. Nov. 16, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: ww DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS \ (DEPUTY 6 Mole bbl pee John W. Kale q__Methodist Minister NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Stanley Fleming Goodman _—s——sand__Narge@ret_ Ann Overca: sh ______., the parties licensed BRIDE above, on November 21,1964 at Wesley Chapel Church in Iredell County DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP , united in matrimony in said county according to law. ; : counne OF CfA 4 a Male ce TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Pl Qiuo4, Cer4AL ADpregy Route 4,Mooresville, N. C. WN ie i ea 5 an ft b f Rava tvhimena __appress_Route 2, Cleveland, N. 0. The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and "REGISTER OF DELS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You__De celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. REGISTER 7/63-100M AALNED Hoey BestNess systems 0087S 1 4 4 4 8 4 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE " State of North Carolina 164 as ae ____ Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE run Larry Lynnell Goodwin Rit Linda Lou durney NAME 2 12. PERMANENT Route 2 PERMANENT Route 1 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Harmony Iredell N.C, Olin Iredell N.C. Cit COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ‘13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 9-20-44 19 | Iredell N.C. White [2-11-44 | 20|} Iredell NC. 6. NEVER MARRIED xX) 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED xl 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY 0 DIVORCED MARRIED: sensi scahdeehcahenaabioks DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: vine 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING DX Grady Morton Goodwin van O || Fredrick Dewey Jurney peaD_ 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING I | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LVING [= Imogene Dickens pean Margaret Viola Sharpe pea 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 2, Harmony, N.C. Route 1, Olin, N.C, To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister cuthorized by his church, or any ian of the Peace ‘of said oaenite you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the ae ag at any place within the said county. Jyne 2h, 1964 1964 L, L. Nesbit By: Semogernsr DATE ISS! REGISTER OF DEEDS ( (DEPUTY A&S8 low b Old. M hls MES a Mee Fe united in matrimony MINISTER “OR 7 OF THE PEACE _herey bie 1 be ¢ Ly. and kinda Aw he retry , the parties licensed BRIDE above, on a fame = Th Sadly Lvdye LeKh. o. eo DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF 4 SIGNATURE OF OFFIQ@IATING OFFICER wi S TQ MARRIAGE: ; Aig ftp ADDRESS (BBs WM Ci. ° Part ne Ma = REGISTER OF DEEDS: eNTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating ca ius is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 ISTER OF 1/1/62 K with f 7/63-100M @ALIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina £20. NUMBER . COUNTY U1. FULL Mi NAME Vic 2. PERMANENT PERMANENT Abbess __ Ol, W, 21St, sisi a cesiincettan ncaa acpessimcenaiilead A RANE o | Ds Laurel St, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _Erie Erie Penn, Val LeJjo Vallejo Cal City COUNTY STATE v COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 2-19-37127 | Erie, Penn White 6-15-16! 18! San Francisco, Cal, 6. NEVER MARRIED : 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED bt 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARR DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING DE 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uiving 1 —_John Frank Gorezycki _ pean [i || Jujian Lasado Belaski ._vean_[ie__ 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING x 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; Livinc Gt wouanenesatannitello pead__ _|_ Violeta Maria Villatoro pean (0. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 61, West 2lst., Erie, Penn. | 728 Laurel St., eee Cal. To any ordained minister of ¢ any ‘religious denomination, minister ‘Guthortsed ‘by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of ‘said county: ‘you a are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, sed marriage at any place within the said county. DATE August 13) (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) Sam T.Laws Justice of the Peace ee : a united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ——fonred —— a and aay eee Beteekt the parties licensed iM BRIDE above, on_ August 13th196 Statesville,N.C. in Statesville, DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP I, in said county according to law. b — Te SIGNATURE OF ESSES TO MARRIAGE: sono OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ayn ‘Lpbte yc appress_ 22 7 OZA. — 7 fof poh Ll AL] LN. “bal b higife bt ADDRESS. LT Z LK SLY Jatuita 71-0 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YO celebrating the morziage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. P 964, FORM VS-80 peicTeo ‘i 1/1/62 REGISTER OF DEEDS 7/63-100M @LAIED EGRT BUSULESS SYSTEMS 100675 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina uch NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE 1. Ronald Fredrick Goshorn NAME —_Margaretena Ann Gregory 12. PERMANENT = ADDRESS. Route #8, B STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER eGateerilie ..Tredell ._ N, es 4 ee ig gion Statesville sangdell__ B,C. CITY COUNTY | 4 BIRTHDATE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) . C 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 6 and Island, Neb, 5 -22-48'16 Iredell 6. — MARRIED 7. NO, TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED oS 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED O PREVIOUSLY ___ DIVORCED MARRIED: ———_________ DIVORCED _ oO MARRIED: &. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uvING [& 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc ® seat henpnder—Goshorn —___beap_f)_ bead 9 M : LIVING pa 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING x VicDaniel pean [1] pean TO ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 1128 5th. St., Statesville, N. C. pos #8, Box 101, ears N. CG. To any ordained minister of ‘any ‘religious denomination, minister Gtthocised by his church, or any fhe ot ‘the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrajg the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. {DEPUTY / ASSISTANT) {A ae Picea ele atte 2, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ore b VY) es SEB le baer bb Ln Firma BRIDE in i Ligeti Cee ye ce , 2 ae DATE C CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF ( SAN 2 1 o-0 , sitnxroRe OF OFFICIATING QFICER. TINESSES TO MpRRIACE: A bod : Ee = he i ADDRESS “ur = o bel / aL J H- bitaud ZZ , Thetg sNWdhiejieu2/ ADDRESS f Ot Li ‘TA | B34 DLE ia ' | ENTER DATE THI The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is requised within 30 days to fill out and ae STER OF DEEDS: NTER DA As «Nie sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $209.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM_VS-80 soe ilies 1/1/62 REGIST 7/63-100M E lof Dée 5 als i $ 100875 4 ED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEM 1 4. 4 4 Os 2? LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE oy S State of North Carolina 158 . Iredell ~~ TICENSE NUMBER Se ee ‘GROOM BRIDE Fun. Franklin Haywood Graves Pui Margaret Nell Long 2. 12. Fimwnent ss Route & ftimawent Route 1 Box 152 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mocksville Davie N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. CiTY COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE 3 RACE 4 15-34 AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY | & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 16. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White |3-15-34 26| Davie = N.C. || white o- =5=43. O | Iredell Ne Cy 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO, TIMES - 16. NEVER MARRIED 17, NO, TIMES WIDOWED z PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED - PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED o WARE i ese DIVORCED Oo MARRIED ees FATHER’ : — ee 6. FATHER'S FULL NAME uvine 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Living EX Ralph Feezor Graves ven || dames Larry Long pean . MOTHER'S MAIDET VER’S MAI 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING BB | 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LivING DX Mary Goodwin o Nellie Frances Niblock oun 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(3): Route 4, net, N.C. Route 1 Box 38, Stat eaville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any ‘iolighis denomination, minister huitecataned by his church, or any justice of ‘the Deas = add county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the Ce marriage at any place within the said county. June 23, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By: bE bv) on Bhanhenahega) DATE ISSUED aS : REGISTER OF DEEDS qy (DEPUTY /#3SiSt te#) inister united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE the parties licensed Tol] BRIDE — above, on wings . ‘ f 2th Creek Presb: ind rings CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF paren ore Y la21<e— SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Soe eee fie/ é REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and alsa subjects person RETURNED T U celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. “ eM Wine REGISTER OF DEEDS < 7/63-100M @ALIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 aa AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina LICENSE dhoes COUNTY BRIDE 11. 1. FULL r ‘ FU i NAME Bert. Vernon Green ae Nancy Lee Woodward 2. 12, PERMANENT l PERMANENT ‘ aooess— Route 78, Box 22 Pee A avoress S40 Reynolds Hd. ——_____— STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _Statesville Iredell HUG. Statesville Tredell Ne e city COUNTY STATE CiTY COUNTY TATE RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE “ja, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 12-7-42'21 | Welch, W. Va. j -1- 7 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: ———— || __ DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING B& 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LivING EX _ Clinton David Green pean Albert Lee Woodward DEAD 5. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LiviNG 31 n pean Hessie Privette pean _ 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Box 88, Welch, W. Va. 840 Reynolds Rd., Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any peinyieens denomination, minister authorized 7 his church, or or any Justice of the Peace of ‘said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to lel marriage at any place within the said county. sar REUED (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) ‘ Zs ¢ \ Bc - Tian — ~ __, united in matrimony Ladasnt | OR JUSTICE i THE PEACE NAME Bar r Voaw Da s Ltn and hy yy , the parties licensed q_flerdurard above, on_ DLs $ / » Lies ia AA UL, aoe ig. oo PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHI in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: (Laucke e260) 1 bagyllases So nooness bla kagalr bile. ALL. oe Wlanrrtha. 2p. Aa ‘hf aporess_Y/} feuds. 3 wit bea ae Lh Ah) REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM “tl J. SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. REGISTER OF DEE oe ee TALE LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 129 S Iredell LICENSE NUMBER ‘oN ' GROOM 1 BRIDE : : - Fu David Len Greer FUL Barbara Ann Malcolm 2. 12. A ots Route 7 Box 129 peemanent 1000 Caldwell St. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. city COUNTY STATE CciTY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White [5-30-45'19 | Watauga N.C. _|lWhite |21-10-4$ 18 Iredell B.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED a] 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED ie: § 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO DAARIIED: = sisneipresoninc DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiviNc EX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinG & Henry H. Greer peap Clarence Eugene Malcolm pean OI ST MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME, vino 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: ving % Dora Marlyn Love pean Nola Lorene Harris pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 7 Box 129, Statesville, N.C. 1000 Caldwell St., Statesville, N,C. Yo any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of ‘said county: you. are hereby at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at 3 place within the said county. June 9, 1964 L, L, Nesbit By: Lbanbevahiy a mee. — REGISTER OF DEEDS ——~—CS—‘“_SN yl we _ _ , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and Barhernwe inn Nettatr _ the parties licensed BRIDE above, on Yen 13-1444 at {000 Cgkpurcee Be - in-PtaArer tte nt. DATE PLACE CiTY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. pf wa. SIGNATURE OF Rink Ze nw J22amen WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: a SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFIC 2 a — Chih Eki, Lbeieh noes 5. Le * c te o y Le i y Seba, Lbarinen Locbsray ADDRESS YF lust ks The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misderieanor and also subjer’. person celebrating the marriage to a forteiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. ~ REGISTER OF DEEDS: NTER DATE THIS FORM FORM VS-80 , » REGISTER C DEEDS 4/3/62 7/63-100M ALLIED ESRY BuSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina of LICENSE 40. COUNTY GROOM 7. Il. FULL x FULL Gout, Ruigee) een. Grogan... ae = Branda Grear Reid... 2. 12, soos O17 Cherry St. ADDeSS 233 North Patterson St. _ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER CITY COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 5-2heh? 21 Guilford, N.C. IlWhite /8-5=4) 120 Iredell 6 NEVER MARRIED it 7.NO. TIMES 16. NEVERMARRIED = LX 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY oO DIVORCED MARRIED: ciliscmicineniiiaastchigal DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; LIVING Ck 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; uivinc & 2 Gq pean lson Reid bead 5, MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 1 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Hattie May Moore peaD_ Mildred Alma Kerr Deap_ 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRE F PARENT(S): 917 Cherry St., Greensboro, N. C. 233 N. Patterson St., “tatesville, N. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister cuthorized by his church, or any let of the Peace of ae wenn ‘you a hereby at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celeprate ge proposed marriage at any place within the said county. / ATE ISSOE DS (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) . : x ( . ( * f 4 Mord ngors a amet A wm th. seca / Trusvdle’_ united in matrimony ISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF 7. a. d Depo and Broude fraser Karol , the parties licensed BRIDE above, on 23 Gaopat 1064 ot_diat Baptat ¢ Kasse ce Jatin he co City OR TOWNS SHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF a) / Pp Ah WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: k ~y 9 a ae OF OFFICIATING OFFICER cod ADORESS__4.jf. 6 ar an Aber, y 4 Cissy appress7//, LA or, The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS. ENTER DATE THE FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. VS-80 aka 7/63-100M n . AF i ifs \ f 1 : ne ee ¢ @AL0E? Geet Sesimess *YaTeMs «861 00S°S 1 4 3 9 oF LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 4 en UMBER a trea ; - ul. FULL FULL s S NAME NAME ___ Marion Louise Sheek ss 2. 12. Opts _2h9 Broad St. TEMANENT 429 W, Bell St. STREET nad: OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _ Statesville Iredell, @. | CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE j 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE 1S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | p White /11-22<i1 22 Forsyth | White 11-22-2431 23 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED cx 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED DAAPRIED: - sccnmmrensinamnensnninnmrernmmne DIVORCED oO MARRIED: SFATHER'S FULL NAME Livinc 30 | 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING pcan, iE 3 g Shook DEAD CI ¥. Rogers Vlarance Gwa iney —__! ERR uivinc CX Livinc BF ller pea Vir ? pean J 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): ADOT NTS 249 Broad St., Statesville, N. C. 429 W. Bell St., Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister ied by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you a are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgge thg/Pproposed marriage at any place within the said county. duly, SUED a4 E — os lr —”C“C#COO OTA J. Elwood Carroll a___ Methodist Minister NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF TH? PEACE ____ Danny Rogers Gwaltney === and__ Marion Louise Shook , the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on__July 5, 1964 _—_—cot Broad Ste Methodist Church j;, Statesville DATE PLACE CiTY CR TOWNSHIP ___, united in matrimony in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE - , / , — can q Lote ADDRESS Stebesibtin: . Cc. eS ae A Le ns Statesville, N.C. The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person NED TO ¥ celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. ee or FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS <C 1/1/62 7/63-100M en 4 aes aie LICENSE NUMBER G 1. FULL NAME 2. PERMANENT Route & ADDRESS___ Statesville city S-RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE White |1-1-40 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED AGE ah ® oO O James Franklin Hager STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER COUNTY 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) = LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina Iredell “COUNTY ROOM i. : FULL Deleta NAME Ann BRIDE Holland 23 2 Dk 12 PERMANENT ADDRESS. West Sharpe St. Iredell N.C. STATE esville CITY 13. RACE { | 14. BIRTHDATE White 2-16-40 16. NEVER MARRIED x WIDOWED DIVORCED Stat Iredell 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY _MARRIED: N.C. & FATHER’S FULL NAME; James Walter Hager 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Flora Mae Jenkins | JO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 8, Statesvi To any ‘aiid minister of c any religious denomination, minister cithoreed by his church, or any jason of the Peace of said county: “18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Kermit Holland “19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Vergie Cloer 20.7 ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): uvinc 1 DEAD LiviNG EX DEAD) : ie lie, N.C. West — 1 t t 2h | STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Iredell N.C. COUNTY STATE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ae Catawba N.C. 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: AGE | LiVING BJ peaD = [] Livin #4 DEAD [] St., Statesville,N.C. you are hereby authorized, ai any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county Nov. 6, 1964 DATE ISSUED in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES.TO MA ? GE: A. x/ ania” The minister or other person celebr! sign both copies of this Certificate issued the license, L. L, Nesbit By: oe OF DEEDS (DEPUT fi, INISTEWOR JUSTICR’ OF THE PEACE io pata Ly Hise hi ne PLACE cos Le — Appres¢ Y le Z LaLa ADDRESS Te wind j aa | apse united in matrimony , the parties licensed = = Bho, D0, CITY OR TOWNSHIP De ie REGI ating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who Failure to do so coxstitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M auale? Qeay Business systews 100875 REGISTER DE STER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM 114175 ne AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 46 LICENSE NUMBER Iredell COUNTY GROOM Aubrey Dennis Hall 528 North Kelly Street STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell 1. FULL NAME 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS N.C. BRIDE Betty Jo McGlamery i. FULL | NAME PERMANE! ADDRESS. Statesville Davis Hospital STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Iredell N.C, CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Iredell N.C. EWACE |< BIRTHDATE (2 J} White| 6-11-1942 13. RACE White 14, BIRTHDATE eke 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 10-21-1942 | Wilkes 5.6, 6. NEVER MARRIED & WIDOWED oO 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY x) oO 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME; A 11 oan E tee HA Ruby Ferguson ADDRESS OF ee 528 North Kelly St., Statesville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the a; at any place ain the said county. March 3, 1964 _L, L. Nesbit ela Hssbpbortesmahag) ee or (DEPUTY / ASSTSPANT ee a I REGISTER OF DEEDS =—~C~S MerHedisT [MINISTER NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AUBREY Denis Ate ond Berry Us Mceéamecy , the parties licensed above, oMMak 2/964 GROOM BRIDE DATE in said county according to law. Ot STa TES vs bed —____in STATPS Web ee TOWNSHIP, SEE be? Nittag PLACE SIGNATURE ot oats OFFICER a See LLe, Qk, 2 Leg “g DIVORCED MARRIED: 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Thomas Richard McGlamery 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Grace McClure 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Wilkesboro, N.C, LIVING KJ DEAD [} LIVING XJ DEAD [J LIVING DEAD LIVING DEAD DATE ISSUED __Ueky K: Miccee a , united in matrimony SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO te 2 € a LH ie € -ADDRESS. REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and Sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celelrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. a wi 162 1/62-100M ALLIED ES REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY BUSINESS SYSTEMS LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ) / State of North Carolina e Tee Keane COUNTY GROOM i. FULL NAME _.Patty Sue Overeagh 8 2. 12. PERMANENT j PERMANENT F appeess_Route £7. Box Bly ApoRESS ROUGE STREET A ESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER ouameetilie .TIradell so Gt Cleveland Jredel] so CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE | 4. BIRTHDATE AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ln2,-4 | 20 | _ Tredei1 White |7-7-46 118 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY _ DIVORCED MARRIED nen DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 5. FATHER’S FULL NAME, LIVING CX 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING BQ i. pean OO Carl Mck Overcash peaD_ 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Ex 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livinc & j Rary DEAD] Nettie Overcash DEAD] 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): os 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #7, Box 344, Statesville, N. C.// Route #2, Cleveland, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereot, to celebraye the proposed marriage at any place within the said county, Sart fsbED ' EEDS (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) Robert Linden Young . Minister NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ___ Kenneth Edward Hall and Patty Sue Overcash Gace BRIDE above, on November 28, 1y64; Amity Lutheran Church j,, Rt. 2, Cleveland DATE (LCA) PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. __, united in matrimony , the parties licensed SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: F e ef << wd hc FES appress_\f'.é : A CSU to be LE ~~) < = Py ya > Eee eae ) E Z f ~ LZ Ly. f£2 f - A )ac —- appress/~ ALJ) ech 4) ot Mileatt CS). fo The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person D : = - RETURNED TO YOU si celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. D, t,,'A 1/1/62 ah 7/63-100M ALLASD EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 8 ee AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina vce NUMBER ———ahieptel1 — GROOM Harve Tobie Harkey. 2. PERMANENT ADORE: 1. FULL NAME “x7 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —Statesville —_Tredell __N c, ul. FULL | NAME 12. PERMANENT li apoeess___Route £7 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER tates ville. count edell_—____.¢.— 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE (76) $. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) a1. ‘A= 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE a BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) i 3-20-1918 Iredell QO & oO 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6 NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED pS. SSE ae uivinc 1 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Mose eee DEAD fd 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN 4 uivinc 0 (S)s 10. ADDRESS 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Oo uivING [ DEAD [3 LIVING [J aie Reamer ee 20. ADDR OF PARENT(S): ker 19. MO: iD alt ani * oh ae A To any of any r authorized, aiaiaiee sibs Ui deve oom the ane Renae to cel ized by his church, or any justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby @ proposed marriage at any place within tie said county. Dla» LL (DEPUTY/ASSIST \NT) 1+ in ._, united in matrimon MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE é Y f Fe the parties licensed above, on LGA Yat. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MAI DATE in said county according to law.& _-GEY.OR TO a9 as } [% \&s) i pm ae Wa SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ee eS olla sac alta. Phi {oF 4 Arex: —ADDRESS. DDRESS. JAE z The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. MLLIND HORT BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU April 8,,,3964 —— 62089 also subjects person REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE Is Le “a State of North Carolina Jf @ 253 ___Iredell LICENSE NUMBER “COUNTY 1 GROOM 1 BRIDE fu. Chester Arthur Harmon Ful Carolyn Irene Parks z. 12. PERMANENT Ro PERMANENT ADDRESS. ute 4 SOODRESS. Route 1 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE “& BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell BL Cc. Statesville Iredell NC CciTY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3 RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) . RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 16. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) W |8-19-43) 21/ Iredell Co., NC W 10-3-45} 18| Iredell County, NC 6. NEVER MARRIED (F 7. NO. TIMES 5. NEVER MARRIED <4 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MATTEO, = cicrsnsinhcriemreennanstininaren DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: vine 2 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uvinc && Lonnie Benjamin Harmon oo | Claude Edwin Parks peap Th 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; Virginia Louise Collins eo Effie Irene Houston ‘TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 4& Route Statesville, N. C. Statesville, N. LiviING & To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby : q@uthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marr: jage at any "Op. within the gftid amy, 8-25-1964 L. L, Nesbit wie DATE ISSUED REGISTER GF DEEDS ae united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and rele San Porte the parties licensed BRIDE ; Y' above, on Qa 2.9 \oH{ ot et) Roath Chiveh in : PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHI in said county according fo law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES ae MARRIAGE f. Ww. A. I» [= Ah beti ADDRESS. ee S7A C. appress x. ca Ley 4 A, Cha hethe NL, REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You_S celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. : yin 2EGISTER OF DEEDS CO} Siddees iste of nt 7/63-100M MLLIED EGRY Business svstems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina LICENSE NUMBER 1. FULL 7 ame __Gerald Conway Hartness Ss ENT Rout ag “ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER _ Statesvilie dell CITY COUNTY . PERMAN' ADDRES: N. C. STATE 3 RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 3. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Se orm [reese & a Oo 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED @. FATHER’S FULL NAME: William Ivan Hartness 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LiViNG %] DEAD [1] LIVING ¥] peap__[] 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #2, Statesville, N. C. oo Oe COUNTY | BRIDE i. FULL f . NAME = ___ Mar’ y. bon Stowe oo PERMANENT R ADDRESS_ us, ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER ane Lon. white [5=1-48 | 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED |___ DIVORCED 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: COUNTY STATE AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) LS NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: | 14. BIRTHDATE a oO uvViNG Gt beaD_ uvinG peaD_ (J 2 i “19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Hattie Mae Benfield | 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #2, Sige et te N. C. : DATE ISSUED ae ds ie Barter, jr. Jost NAME Gerald Conway Hartness Ma and (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) ice of the Peace united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ry Ann Stout the parties licensed BRIDE GROOM 12, 1964 DATE May above, on atresidence of Garland St PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: Hp Raalyh porting ak lh Ce _S REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. REGISTER OF ‘62 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS S¥stTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE yr7 | State of North Carolina 42 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY "GROOM BRIDE 1 iW. é uu James Harold Hartness | tbe Bessie Mae Lambert a 32. mee Route 2 PERMANENT Route 5 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C, Statesville Iredell N.C, City COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3 RACE 4. BIRTHDATE (22 J] 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE (7 8) 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White (3-27-1942 Iredell N.C. White 8-8-1945 Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED @ 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED cx 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED; Ss csctinocapscmreomanwnmanie DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8 FATHER’S FULL NAME; LiviNG & 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc Allie Hartness pean James W, Lambert DEAD XJ 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING & 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING Ck Lela Tilley pean Of Marie Gregory peap TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 2, Statesville, N.C. Route 7, Statesville, N,C, To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed ae at any place within the said county. Feb. 21, 1964 L. L. Nesbit By Yottnd pt), Kbeontracahisa) DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS q (DEP! ‘| ERAT Ae) Fe tT: Ga pele = a A Lert. , united in matrimony NAME _ MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE J , ‘ Oe fo se ¥ f/f a (in ATlegond tarde Vine Keita OY, the parties licensed above, onZO. =~ 2 7 EK GROOM BRIDE DATE ALE Me? in 62-2} eh Zed Clif gh i) in said county according to law. PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP P SIGNATURE OF eS fF. iA ee WITNESSES, TO MARRIAGE: “<> -SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Ot, ts en im ‘\ al JUL dakar “(EGE IP UE he ADDRESS. {i A fT ene tp AK NE i) © 7 — SS ee a. BSS sf ; ‘ Se / \ 4 TL tit ig dain 2 A ADDRESS. } - AL (GAL MK l I Fb encex py ? : om K of pa LZ. bs Lin pi Appress__/|__2- LA hfe jb The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who ee ae — issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. : a y ch 7 oat 62092 ene BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 65 __ Iredell LICENSE NUMBER ; COUNT GROOM BRIDE A ; : . FUL Johnny Mack Harrington ru. Jean Pameroi Poston 7 12. Peewanent 14204 Chester Ave, PERMANENT ~— Kast, Broad Street Extention STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Hartsviile Darlington S. C. Statesville Iredell N.C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE S.RACE [4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 9-21-39 | 24 | Greenville -Pitt N..White |7- 20-4122 Durham N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED ot 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED V7. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED 7 PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: iecelieesaaiaoustinniey DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: tivine 0 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc BF Mack Arthur Harrington pean Xj James Pressley Poston peaD 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING x 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING og Edith Hyff bean Of Helen Smith pean 10. ADDRESS OF PAREN (5): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): East Broad St. Ex. means ey N.C. Overlook Drive, Greenville, N.C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Joie of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed riage at any place within the said county. March 23, 1964 L, L, Nesbit nonin eT DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS [* (DEPUTY /SSTS PARTI __Minister united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Johnny Me Harrington an Pameroi Poston the parties licensed above, on__March 20, 196! first A. R, hurcl i jtatesville, N, City OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. , : (oti P/ gpotd SIGNATURE OF ) : 5 hs Oa) SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER mneny Cec / } / : J i (tl EE AS MALE asd FLL ht {iDpRESS__ AL ec vee { Jee Das, LA Ck B 3e tt neu ADDRESS LM tmaston - dah rs REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 eAicres Ac KEKE ¢ 1/1/62 RE ER F DEEDS ¢ 7/63-100M bbcistak oMbge ‘ i ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 4 4 3 8 4 6 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE rf TT State of North Carolina —— aha NUMBER ——_tredell GROOM BRIDE 1. iW. FULL : : FUL! NAME Gordon Madison Harris, Jr Ate Carolyn Sue Henderson =. 12. PERMANENT ERMAN Abpress__ Route © #5, box Be A copes OL, © Sth. St. ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREE STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER A __ Jredeli. - A, Gs, | Statesville _ Iredell No Gg COUNTY STATE CITY ~~~ COUNTY oo Se 4 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) || 13. RACE] 14. BIRTHDATE | Ace 4 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 3-38-17 it? Iredell White — |e. alte 18! Jteedeli. 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 7 "NO. TIMES WIDOWED ™ PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED = PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: waamuaien DIVORCED o MARRIED: ’ THE a ee Pee te eta ey 4 2S t ee fee eet eran coe 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING EX 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING. 7 ison Harris, Sr. pean OF | Bristol Hubert Henderson DEAD _| uivinc CX i 19. WORST Lo. N NAME: LIVING — Ruth Fruchtnicht pean || ~—s Mildred Vivian Bost pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #5, Box 15, Statesville, N. C. 101, 8th. St., Statesville, N. C. 9. MOTHER'S AIDEN NAME; To any orduined minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are ; hee authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate a marriage at any place within the said county. 4 We a : oe ~~ (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) _ VM sp KL, ; ‘ . 0a LAER! fT fee Zn ___, united in matrimony MINISTER OR-WUSHGE-OF THE-PEACE Yy 4 ’ PS L/ oe | es Fes eas LCA A ht, +4 . 4 Lh dh Zs Céz, Lavi - ; J f LEG / [PRM EEL) , the parties licensed BRIDE above, on Se LHL LCE LEEOPRO f in_ V2 af/<€¢ “CITY OR Towns IP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF ; aire tJ ee Lit WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: c = SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER a « Za Ahi s eho A-<A_ADDRESS LEE : : Lv if alone: oS Zeit. ___ ADDRES: JlaLi- 2 ae iid, “4 E E The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and "REGISTER OF DEE DS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. [ailure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.09 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-!00M MALES HRY Suswess systems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina $7 2 ee i OL LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM Fut Hin Name Jack {NMN) Harris NAME __Larease Johnson Wilson ._ 2. 2. PERMANENT . PERMANENT : : ADDRES: Ma. wroot St. ADDRESS 715. MoO0 SG STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUT. & BOX NUMBER Reeueeeiie. tredel) ..._—Ss 4A | Stateavillie Iredell N. £7 STATE CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY ST RACE 4 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDAT AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) ‘ White 1624-23 41 | Iredell). Bntes 80017219 50! 6 NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16, NEVER MARRIED Oo 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED x) PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED i PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MAgOID, DIVORCED o MARE: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME iviNG [J 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc [] Monroe Harris DEAD Ed Johnson pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; uvine 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Living 0 jant pean [& __Addie Fox | Beulah Ga 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): To any o: ion, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby cuthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate ised marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) A it) ? 7. f.7.. Hy 3 ers : 2b Mamet le} IM te QV, he ee , United in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 0 1, : - ot a: oe — nts SIN k ZLrr Aunts Ord nd Aah tact Ye Ta Cv |e ie the parties licensed Ai GROOM 7 BRIDE es ey a i 2 | ey / j f above, on_(vjr./f 79 by at Miner (G01 ) in_S /e Jes o/h, ot DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in soid county according to law. ) ig f Z / SIGNATURE OF tw Mie cli Cabay. WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SiGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER 2 of a a hea CY PX. ADDRESS thestdco< HO AL: viz. ee ant ggedt avoress__ Le atone LY ac i REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebriting this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and refurn them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM_VS-80 a 1/1/62 7/63-100M AXED HSRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE y £* 2 State of North Carolina a IR ens pane or LICENSE NUMBER edel 1 GROOM BRIDE Name Lonnie James Harris rit. _Annie Elizabeth Lee 2. 12. PERMANENT 4 PERMANENT ee OOO Oe ee toe a 2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER me ABDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Harmony Iredell A, Go| Harmony ______Tredel] __ NG? CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3 RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE | _14. BIRTHDATE | AGe | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | White ~10-15 |19 | Iredell white b-1-4,8 | 16! tTredel) 6. NEVER MARRIED Ok 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED i 17. NO, TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED | PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: rtp DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING ww 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING cx te | : pad Ci || __Willis James Lee pean) . MOTHER’ : 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME LIVING Ba 19. wate ‘S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING 3%] a Aileen Anderson DEAD Julia Jane Doldson peao__ [1] 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, oe N. C. Route #1, es H, Ce To any ‘ordained minister of any Sekeeas deaitention 3 minister authorized no his ceed, or any josie of the Peace of ane ees you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate yee progosed marriage at any place within the said county. TE fSSUE (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) te th. A 6S e-fabd) 3 é oes , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Teun fase YanrA, and Aum ¢ Chic obetl J 4€__, the parties licensed BRIDE J above, on__© rcbobi 3 3/ (hey at ee es nla, Chu “ok in dts yi TF PLACE “Clty OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. : . : ; i me SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: 7 i ee ie C/G, oo Li As2 ld Mic cee. ADDRESS _ hs. Ratu bree 22k, REGISTER OF man ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU x celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. OM a 7/63-100M MALIED ESRY BUSINESS SysTENS 100875 ayy en AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 11 Iredeli LICENSE NUMBER aa Co : GROOM ig BRIDE UL William Burton Harris, Jr, | the Sandra Jo Brown . 12. PE N' ee eee. 1 mowaet Box 34, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville iredell N.C. Troutman Iredell N.C, CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE (23 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE ZL 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White (8-24-1940 Iredell N.C. White [12-28-1942 | Iredell Nc, 6. NEVER MARRIED B® 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED a 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: ieidciabsiaanantedia tinieiseuses DIVORCED oOo MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uivine 0 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc 0 William Burton Harris DEAD XJ Carl Reid Brown DEAD__&&t 5 MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, LIVING X] 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING EX Mary Query pean Carrie Lewis peaD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 1, Mooresville, N,C. Box 34, Troutman, N,C. To any ordained mini: of any reli: d ination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby pasthoomed, at any time within 60 ane from the date hereof, to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. Jan. 21, 1964 a en a Bhihenabyp) DATE ISSU SSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS J (DEPUTY /AS6#6 FAN —~ + a Robert E. Sherer s Minister united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and_Sandrg Jo Brown the parties licensed above, on February 1, 1964 GROOM BRIDE DATE : D Tn, r. ot New Perth Church ‘ Troutman in said wr” a according to law. PLACE CITY OR sue 8 tabaci OF Lisa ansithiea ESSES — GNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ee, Fee ter aig “A ee ae JF tee ADDRESS. BE eg Zk Le SPE : . a} ~ nA = pt Pine avpnessl!'4 d- Apa demu SD. Presser the > ( fag a ADDRESS Pronk. / Acro LS , Ac The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who io to OC issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 io anyone who sues for the same. FORM V: i/6-100m ALLIED EORY BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE —- State of North Carolina creente NUMBER LERA ell - 11. viLedJuanita Inez Covi ngton BRIDE 12. t End Ave ieee. tah be Wileon Ave. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —Lexington _____Davidson ___ll, C, |Mooresville Tredell ‘. o. cr COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE 19 3. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE (16 7 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 11-5-19/,5 Davidson White l6-1/,-19/,7 Mecklenburg 6 NEVER MARRIED B 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED Gt 17. NO. TIMES oO O PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED ol PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: scenineaniiicnippiilaniaieduapuioniin DIVORCED a MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: Living OJ 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uivinc —X {unknown } peaD_ dohn Richard Covington DEAD |. MOTHER'S MAIDEN E: 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: see uvinc BX LIVING XI peso Ld JO Shit Pei oeao ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDR iF ys Ge ag 2 West End Ave., Lexington, N. C. 324 E. Wilson Ave., -Mooresville, N. C. WIDOWED To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days fT the date hereof, to cel rote @ proposed marriage at any place within the said county. ok an a off ° . ; A e J : rae on Ustice ¢ Zhe T PEACE A y W, Lt ot, | ta / ; east aboye, on GROOM at Zit ttle YY : _¢ Fpacne wie county. according to law. PLACE City OR TO SIGNATURE OF Cie Ag en a >» “GIGNATURE OF OFFICI IG OFFICER ‘ — Z LER - ' YY x wer SL ADDRESS. i emrtat Che 1 7770 7 dus Ke 6, Counter ae a Lt ith pre SVS Dn : ' Lan if fas 4OO-Tar ADDRESS. PVH 2x- gat tt fe - fv “¥ i gs The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and RESISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who RETURNED TO YOU issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marricge to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. ALLIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ro "g State of North Carolina 196 Iredell ~TICENSE NUMBER oo county ; GROOM 4 BRIDE ULL Emmitte Thompson Head FULL Norma Jean Branton NAME 2. 12. a nee eS 2 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Hiddenite Alexander . Hiddenite Iredell N,C. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE SRACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White 11-8-44|19 | Alexander N.C. | White 6-11-44 /20 |Iredell _ NC. 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED a 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY ___DIVORCED i MARRIED: .__.__.__..____ | -__ DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LivING 3 15. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING XJ _Eugene Head bead Robert Branton pean ft THER” ME: " * 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING B& 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING XJ Alta Davis pead =O Jettie Miller pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 2, — N.C. Route 2, Hiddenite, N.C. To any ‘vdatead minister of any religious denomination, minister cittocead by his ans or any joes of the Pens of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate the ey marriage at any place within the said county. July 21, 1964 L. L, Nesbit By: Smcpsne 1) Alo.hea he DATE ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS () (DEPUTY ath 3 STAT Gv A, - ee tie se — i Mhasy, C td, (ook, ff: a Mc Zt te ke Z united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Fok ; 2» Akad and Motme LA A Ke Wh ET the parties licensed iy BRIDE f}; a 4 ve above, flab ae 10h Blas t-te Bag De) Lhdh in the 22k dhurg, 4 DA PLACE J city , Jk TOWNSHIP oi UY in said county according to law. A C SIGNATURE OF : hen. Ly (O08 ‘x TURE OF oO WITNESSES TO MARRIAGEy ah, FFICIATING/ Price : Ce / bjauad._ Sheed, i (2B, Appress_A '¢ - 2 22a : bie LB ) Pitin 97). B. ff A re J ineates Me Sti 4 2 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and "REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. nee REGISTER O 7/63-100M ALLIED EGRY Business systews 100875 LICENSE JAN CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ee oe State of North Carolina ee bregeii cee Race rs COUNTY : GROOM i" i. John Thomas Henderson Ps 2. 12 PERMANENT PERMANENT Aoness Route #1 cere einige | AS #1 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER CITY COUNTY STATE é Y COUNTY STATE | 4 BIRTHDATE | ASE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) is 226198 28 __Tredel] .___ White si-2—-4.1 _ 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED [ PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED ag MARRIED: icine escent DIVORCED oO MARRIED: sisi ecient cone a &. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uivinc 11 Shumaker Livinc 3 Clinton Henderson bea, KC Robert Lee Shrmmmadwem ean R’S MAIDEN NAME: 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; uvinc CX uvinc 3 a Wi l Lj ams peAD | Junie Williams DEAD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route wh Union Grove, N. C. Route #1, Olin, N. C. 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: To any ‘ordained minister of any religious denominati on, ‘minister authorized by his dea or any a of t the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgte thy proposed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) Bad Ee Zo tse a pak VA , united in matrimony foe J TICE OF THE PEACE ei FZ £ ge BLL / , the parties licensed oo. HE Lf, ZB ho a Ze aol a jlitilixe Lepr K. PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP 7 in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF J , WITNESSES TO — % A\ Cate Ot Lz LLIL he fitex. ADDRESS ee 1. REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this ‘aarriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and a!so subjects person RETURNED TO YOU 5 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. Nov 25. * whe 100M ALADED ERY Sesiness systems 100875 a 4 4 4 9 0 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE / State of North Carolina Iredell See BRIDE W FULL . {AME Jane Correll Boroughs PERMANENT PERMANENT ‘ADDRES: #6 ADDRESS Pp... Box 202 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER shlieory... Rowan ... N.C. || Mt lia oN Gg Sas Rowan city COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE AGE | Ts “BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. _— | “AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | White 6-27 A Whi —ba2Gn3 [ Bewan ot White 221 17. “NO. TIMES 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED 5 PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED cx MARRIED: 0 DIVORCED O ED: nen 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uivinc (J 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING oO wend s Thomas Hendrix DEAD #9 John Mitchell Correll bead MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, uvina 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING BK Sarah Elizabeth Foote pean i taker bead 10. ADDRESS OF PARENi(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #6, Salisbury, N. C. P. 0. Box 202, Mt. Ulia, HW. CG. To any ordained min ter of any rebels denomination, minister authorized ‘by his church, or any alien of | the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the posed marriage at any place within the said county. DATE ISSCED : ~~ (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) WoW. Pryor fethodist Minister , united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE eal aasseihiin vOorreis Orougns the parties licensed Oct. 2, 1964 DATE above, on In said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO 7 ZZ Ltt D Marlin REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrgting the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7/63-100M ALAED ERY SuseNEss systems 100875 ot # De "14 a 1 4 8 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 251 Iredell LICENSE NUMBER ae CO GROOM BRIDE fur. Sidney Fitch Hensley, Jr. Pui Mary Ann Walker 2. 12. PERMANENT 105 South Maple Street PERMANENT 129 Magnolia Street STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Graham Alamance N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. city COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4, BIRTHDATE | AGE 5S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) White Ll-16-4 20| Alamance N.C. White [10-19-44 19 Cleveland re 6 NEVER MARRIED cx 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED @ 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: ‘aca iaciaieldstieeaaeicessmmomnerie DIVORCED Oo MARRIED: B. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine LX Sidney Fitch Hensley, Sr. pean 0 Aubrey Alvin Walker pean 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uving Of 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING XJ Ercelle Ivey bead Mary Glenn Washburn pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 105 S. Maple St., Graham, N.C. 129 Magnolia St., Statesville, N,C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any h ustice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the propo marriage at any place within the said county. Aug. “otto 1964 L, L. Nesbit By: oe) “), Dhahenoken) REGISTER OF DEEDS a) the L / ep POLE Sb a <Z Zit 7T- _, united in matrimony NAME” 7” ~ ; MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ZA ti Lfersleg pe” e pt OF binges, the parties licensed GROOM oY ¢ : “ BRIDE Zt to LID Attatis cir he as oe, 2 / DATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF ( r : “ot fie Lc ‘ WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: SIGNATURE OF GEFICIATING S ornten - appress_/ OS S$, Praphs 37 Me hen #: a appress 427 JA & Gtsak es (Ltd Lilest cht A The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100M MALISD GRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS «86100575 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ” State of North Carolina ims NUMBER GROOM | e BRIDE 2 Nave —Laitie Floyd Hester Name —Francetea Maria Clary g, 12. PERMANENT : ~ PERMANENT t aporess_3609_JupiterSt ADDRESS. Route #4, Box 34 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE %& BOX NUMBER i Et Mooresville Tredel] yt ci COUNT STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | White b-1-1,6 Wake, N.C White 6-2),245 119 | Roane, Tenn 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES o oO WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: natn DIVORCED MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine O ee ee LIVING 1 ries : SOR ee e Allen Clary bead] . MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Bit 19. woe MAIDEN NAME: vine tS wolihired Aileen Davis DEAD Mary Elizabeth Rue peap_ 0. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 3609 Jupiter St., Raleigh, N. C. Route ithe | Box 34, ee N. oc, To any ordained minister of any jaigiows | denomination, minister antliaaiend i his Falak or any jane of the Peace of said county: you are re hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate th p lsed marriage at any place within the said county. DATE TSSUE (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) — Fieve ©. Trexler __ Minister NAME Renee: MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Lattie Floyd Hester and Francetea Maria Clary the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on November 7, 196) _at_St. Mark! in__ Mooresville ; DATE = - : > , CITY OR WINSHIP / in said county according to law. - ee oS / / Zz os ____, united in matrimony it SIGNATURE OF ee ” MARRIAGE: SS / y ieee OF aT OFFICER lo SIAM Katt 2B De ule ALE EL, hc REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out ant sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor anc also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. we REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY 7/63-100M MAIER HER Susimess systews 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ae. J 8 State of North Carolina oe ee LICENSE NUMBER __ Benjamin “ranklin Hill, 112 _ FeeMANENT Aopress__L4O4 North _ College St. _ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & X NUMBER cry FULL NAME cOuRh STATE COUNTY it. FULL NAME 12 oe oh Vi xr gi ni 2 STREET ADDRESS OR AY & neha NUMBER Fens Ok, | Statesville Iredell nu. 6. CiTY COUNTY STATE AGE Ga iets (COUNTY & STATE) 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE - 6. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME: = LIVING & ; Benjamin Franklin Hill, Jr. oro _ 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING & fs ith pean 16. ADDRESS OF PARENTIS): 1,04 North College St. Kinston, N. C. Eo 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 19) Washington, DC 17. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: | ~ 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED ba ee 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: | 19. MOTHER'S Baise NAME: Le a bhanlottie CL 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): LOk —_— Ave., Statesville, N. C. uvinc CX pean =] LIVING [K ark peAD = To | any pollatied 3 minister of any salagions casei, “minister authorized ‘by his church, or any jetties of the Pea of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate L . fectic Peenee bergormecn Modi if, if above, on fees A 7 DATE __and f in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF a L resbeyle ren ot Lan helameet [roghajlentinee ed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) & fe CP oe MINISTER OR JUSTICH’OF THE PEACE zee Hlarseg Lope Ee 7 , united in matrimony _ the parties licensed /D: Sabo la , CITY OR TOWNSHIP Ze. HA Vherrcare , TO MARRIAGE: ake. <) . Lat Lack SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER __ADDRESS Lo. nfl Bon—~ The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of 5200.00 to anyone who sues FORM VS-60 STER OF 1/1/62 C ER OF 7/83-100M ALLIED EGRY Busimess systems 100875 also subjects person for the same, RETURNED TO You__June LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina cet nomers SS COUNTY GROOM i lM. FULL : FULL t x : rt NAME David Von Hill NAME ——_Nancy Reid Holcomb 2. 12. PERMANENT a PERMANENT | Appress__Rout. | See ADDRESS. ute #1 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER —Hamptonville wpe otell_B, 6... j sapedell _—_ N.C, _ c COUNTY STATE COUNTY STATE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) : |White 1-5-45 ! 19 Surry, N. C, 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED Ck 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: sasdlacasacsahaisaaasinasemse DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING XJ 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING William Hill beaD i Roy ~ Holcomb pean eae og 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: E IDEN NAME; LIVING XJ uvinc BF DEAD lene Jarvis DEAD _trene Alfor Ee 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Falkville, Ala. Route #1, Hampbonville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate, the posed marriage at any place within the said county. ¢ Dec. 16,1964 44% i Gea Meany ee ee f o i. qo) ‘ oA MMP a MW ttl = , United in matrimony ; ] RT Ee eRe et: MINISTER Op JUSTICE OF/THE PEACE . / parties licensed ROOM ‘sa Z / 7 above, on) ZA. -_ 4 a - (lip DATE c CITY OR TOWNSHIP J Vi in £ uu in said county according to law. a f r SIGNATURE OF ee CELT Eee GNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER WITN TO MARRIAGE: , ‘ enc C WV -Actisz_ appress___ # Cptert HY, QePr A/ e RT 4 x { saa Ab’ ADDRESS RE ao Bax 422 2D Lt Leet REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. _ Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You__D) 2 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 ~s R 1/1/62 7/63-100M ALLIED GORY Besimess systems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE / 2% State of North Carolina x ae oo eee LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY BRIDE +. FULL . boss NAME Chi quita Marie Prouty 12. ; ‘ADDAESS 34.2 Route #1 ADDRESS __3..2 SPEGnwoog, Piss STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STRE 30 U Ox C NUMBER CITY COUNTY STATE city COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE > BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 4 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED 0 PREVIOUSLY WiDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY : MARRIED: cncrcanisii ciaisarommce DIVORCED 9 MARRIED: 7 DIVORCED 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uvinc Bk Lest er Brevard Hobbs peAD TE) Woodrow Woodruff Prouty DEAD . MOTHER'S MAID=N NAME: 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING De LIVING 3 Dead [) Margaret Crandall Patterson drAp 0 0. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. AD! ARENT(S): ee 99 Adams St., Burlington, Vermont To any ordained minister ‘of any sind fae. minister ‘ieee iv his church, or any Sian of the Peace of said county; you are hereby @uthorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celeb: lhefproposed marriage at any place within the said county. DATE ISSUED ok (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) 5 a - ry St ge oe 4) ly At ) f= : ; Lf f rAtLOy Ll / KK . ao LUTE MG L, Wi SIE Ta , united in matrimony / os MINISTER OR Justiceo THE PEACE s J di, poe - cz f £7C LE S$ ons. L Hf) LLL 7A LL VE SF. Z__., the parties licensed 2s 5 ‘GROC aa , above, on- EFS ii fs OY «9 F 2} (Mi rks hkecon in Lge res iy, He, N - a DATE’ CITY_QR TOWNSHIP ‘ ‘ eee J a 4 f in said county according to law. a ZY - a / SIGNATURE OF \ J fo CO WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE, SIGNATURE OPOFHICIATING OFFICER J eee #e __ADDRESS ee GLE Ents jood LDL Mashéad é CE A, ; ADDRESS: <> - pes L: WA KG Zhe Le khs REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM YS-80 1/1/62 7/63-100" ee f 114137. LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE iF << State of North Carolina ————— sete tt AAI ccere se LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY / / BRIDE i. FULL = NAME Nancy Madaline Pruitt 2. 7: PERMANENT R 5 PERMANE! "ADDRESS. _Route #1 oe 1522 Blvd, STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER 1 uw. CG. Statesville Iredell NC. city COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE . White 24-42 221 Iredell White 7-13-46 | 18 Forsyth 6 NEVER MARRIED Ok 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED xX 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED oO MARRIED: sciatica eta DIVORCED oO MARRIED: & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING Bt 18. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uvinc 1 Henry Guy Hobbs pean H y Pruitt DEAD , MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING fd 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Living EX wo yaura Mee Ramsey van, SO _—sdi|—sGlemmie Irether Willard pean iO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S); Route #1, Troutman, N. C. 1522 Blvd, Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the ‘Peace of s said ‘county: “you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celekyate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county. D es (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) Lig ‘gts f VIAIC A - united in matrimony a / MINISTER OR SYSTICE OF THE PEACE bp Wife fin va il he tte and Ldney Maz th chine [Tif the parties licensed = { ce 4 gle aL AG af ff 17 ‘Go$ at A LATOR GY ( Mf. Kk Ef hid ¢ in a Veh. U4 vA (tz above, on DATE PLACE 7 CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. 4 bf SIGNATURE OF 0 MWA ? WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: 7 SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER oh Ct CA Me fy ee es ADDRESS 4 bts é C ) Z , = ALAM Mh ptt AA- ADDRESS LMA LIN Aan REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 EGIS 1/1/62 REGIS! 7/63-100M MAJED EGRY Business SYsTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina 142 ___Iredell ~ LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE PUL Adrian Wallace Holbrook Jr. Pui Kathryn Bailey Guy fewer N. Cannon Boulevard foun 312 Kelly Street STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Kannapolis Cabarrus Nc Statesville Iredell NC CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE BRACE | 4 BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) W 6- 1-39 |25 | Cabarrus Co., NC W 8-10-41]2Z | Iredell Co., NC 6. NEVER MARRIED xn : 7. NO. TIMES . NEVER MARRIED . 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY ___ DIVORCED oO MARRIED: ies icc oihacsesiacen DIVORCED t} MARRIED: i ila ee aOe & FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvine EF - FATHER’S FULL NAME: uving Kl Adrian Wallace Holbrook Sr. Dead Armstead Kliason Guy Dead] 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: . MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME; Isabelle Heath — Kathryn Hahn pen 7 10. ADURESS OF PARENT(S): : . ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): N. Cannon Boulevard 312 Kelly Street Kannapolis, ~~ ae : a __ Statesville NC _ To any ‘ordained ‘minister of any palieiiee guacinaaien: minister athesiend a his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the pypposed marriage at any place within the said county. 6-16-1964 L. L. Nesbit By: eee eS ; _ Hi Ae DATE ISSUED “REGISTER OF DEEDS” (DEPUTY / ASSISTANT) ._Rebert_Marshbura — a__Minister of the Gespel united in matrimony r MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Jix,______.nd_Kathryn Bai} “ey Uy a, the partientieneee GROOM BRIDE above, on atFirst A, R, P, Church _in_ Statesville TE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. ; f SIGNATURE OF tt 1 ae . WITN! TO MARRIAG: . SIGNATURE pF OFFICIATING OFFICER ADDRESS JX iy ADDRESS 4a Lead VE ‘ NI SE ¥ The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 duys to fill out and "REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM: sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues tor the same. piste yen REGISTER OF DEEDS C: 7/63-100M ALANEO DeRY Gusmess systems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ci. State of North Carolina LICENSE Ramat COUNTY GROOM 1 1. i. FULL : : FULL Q NaMe Charlie McKinley Holbrook || Name —_dudy Laura Shoemaker 2. 12. PERMANENT B PERMANENT apoeess____ Route #1, Box 30 ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & X NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER eeeenia ees Qlin Iredell a COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE City SU RACE 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | 13. RACE 14. BiRT White |11-9-30 33) Wilkes, N. Ce _|iWhite 1|3-20-47117! _Tredel] 6. NEVER MARRIED x 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED x 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED Oo PREVIOUSLY Oo DIVORCED MARRIED: ne DIVORCED oO POADRUED erst . FATHER'S FULL NAME: pee E 'S E: &. FATHER’S FULL NAME cae = 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Livinc EX . 1 Horton Holbrook... bean, Jame Franklin Shoemaker ____pta>_{]_ 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livinc Kl HER'S MAIDE LIVING [Xt pean Stevenson bead 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route i Box - Traphill, N. C. DATE | , — | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) To any eodtinnd: minister of any ; belbetiien deataiosten: minister authorized a his church, or any fastens of the Peace of f eaid county: you are bereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate J marriage at any place within the said county. ‘ (DEPUTY /ASSISTANT) Trtt ec ‘ns ; Tu rrow 5 sc seaaltigeiti acess cas A cceialets i cree cS en he Peace ss united in matrimony wae MINISTER ‘OR ‘JUSTICE OF THE PEACE a ey Holbrook is Charlie McKinley Holbrook 4 Judy Laura Shoemaker an GROOM BRIDE C 1) 104A), : y Sept 14, 1964 at_Union Grove NC ‘ DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP the parties licensed above, on union Grove in said county according to law. ome fe. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAG 3 et he SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER é J 4A 1 012 AG - Olin NC Grove NC REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. fae to go. so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO You_S celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. 7/63-100M MAIED EGRY BUSINES. SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE State of North Carolina ricenaHoMBeR COUNTY a 1 GROOM e BRIDE FULL Dp se FULL e Name Ralph William Honeycutt ___|| name —_Della Estelle Porter——HH+— 2. 12. RMANENT RMANE ope bit St. PERMANENT 310 Nesbit, St STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresvil edelj HN. Cs. 7 CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE 4. BIRTHDATE 1S. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE r 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) (53 ) (53) 2 White | 7-9-1910 Lincoln White 8-12-1910 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 0 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED oO 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED xl PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED 4 MAM DIVORCED x MARRIED: 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING G& 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: uvinc 0] ; DEAD Turner Mott ager DEAD #2 ‘ 72 . MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: uvine 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING $2 Minnie Moose DEAD &@ i peaD ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDR OF PARENT(S): Route #1, Mooresville, N. C. 522 Church St., Mooresville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby |, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celeb: thy proposed marriage at any place within the said county. A UE 4 (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) ) Sene Muauctks united in matrimony E 4 MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Mn bt bolle Prlr tho parties licensed above, on March | - 19OY ROOM BRIDE . DATE st ag ee in WM) peru3atfb. — Sud til Co *_in said county according to law. PLACE CITY OB TOWNSHIP SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: ny, A. d72ak, Sf. ; , a 7 2S 2 . 1. ’ 2,2 oe ee PA c Mawel Laas ___appress_. AG Steen hie Lhnert Lets Latustii Lf Tw. 7). 3 Ns TorAyr . ADDRESS. ZI Lior gob len Bern. L? | oerse,/ li e,4 € REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM VS-80 146s<100m Tere seeciie- eevee REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE ST 7 f 26 UCENSE NUMBER irede State of North Carolina a COUNTY GROOM Fu James William Hord, Jr. 2 FEEMANENT 263 West McNeely Ave. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER N.C. BRIDE i. a (oa m Nai Sylvia Ann Thompson # RMANENT a ADORESS Route 4 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N.C. Mooresville Iredell STATE CiTY COUNTY STATE city COUNTY 3. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 3. RACE 4 BIRTHDATE { Zh ) Iredell N.C. White 13. RACE White 14. BIRTHDATE ( 18 ) 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 7-16-1942 7. NO. TIMES g O PREVIOUSLY oO MARRIED: 6 NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED 1-25-1946 Iredell N.C. Ba 17. NO. TIMES oO PREVIOUSLY oO MARRIED: 16. NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED B FATHER’S FULL NAME: James William Hord 9. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Helen Holmes Smith uvinc pean LIVING & DEAD [J 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME; Willis J. Thompson 19. MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: Minnie Hastings uving TK oeaD = uving CK pead TO. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 263 West McNeely Ave., Mooresville,N.d 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): | Route 4, Mooresville, N.C. To any crdained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorize authorized, ~! any time within 60 days trom the date hereof, to celebrate th Feb. 12, 1964 L. L. Nesbit 2 DATE issueo REGISTER OF DEEDS _ Marat @ forihiey Le 4 d by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby e as jage at any place within ‘Bd said county. “= fatndite / sea aw Mee Miller Miaf o MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE » united in matrimony < jt fe Doensocel™ hod (ep and A pees oett: £> the parties licensed above, on: Bae. Le TOF. BRIDE, © lier een hed ‘tthe. bb Se PLACE 7 SIGNATURE OF CITY OR oy. SDP S eT DATE A Ata fo- in said county according to law. oe “Sopi(leler rel i 6 MARRIAGE: 2 A sg é mM a Lett 2 eo a Lhon gi-2 z. F a ao 4 q ea fF aponess._2 (2 33 +9 ~ADDRESS. -ADDRESS. SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER Yn = pat ae _. Qf i Wer ac TH / Co-uUW tke Z ko vw Fa i. | RY A. Y AisAA g The minister or other person celebrating this mcrriage is required within 30 days to fill out and sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the R issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues FORM V’ 1/1/62 1/62-100M ALLIED EGRY GUSINESS SYSTEMS REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM RETURNED TO YOU ebruary—28, 1964 1 62076 egister of Deeds who also subjects person for the same. F REGISTER OF DEEDS COPY LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE NAF State of North Carolina ae i LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM BRIDE ru John Paul Haupe Pui Frances Coralee Lazenby PERMANENT Route 4 Box 21, PERMANENT 2642 Cherryhill Manor ADDRESS___ ADDRESS. ~~ STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell N.C. Winston-Salem Forsyth 4c. CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE SZ RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14, BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Col, 6-25-42) 22 | Iredell N.C. Col. 1-22-44 20) Iredell N.C. & NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED w 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY oO ___DIVORCED _ MARRIED: peer ome DIVORCED a MARRIED: ...._ 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME: uvING 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING James Houpe DEAD OB Arthur Lazenby peap_ 57 MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, uiviNe &@ “| 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livinc X] Mable Turner pean Mary Helen Turner DEAD 10. ADDRESS OF PARENTS): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): Route 4 Box 214, Statesville, N,C. New York To any ordained minister of any caligsime ‘dean, minister cnedead i his end or any hanes of the Peace - said as you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrate the propos## marriage at any place within the said county. _duly 2, 1964 Le L. Nesbit ig ww, ide Cate ISU {ISSUED REGISTER OF DEEDS (DEPUTY ARSS IS PRP 1, Wilsen W.Lee Minister eS , united in matrimony NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE John Paul Houpe Da ae ___ Frances Coralee Lazenby ______, the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on duly 4+, 196% at Statesville in 1redell County DATE PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO 7 ADDRESS eb ee pooes Lilet es 4 bo 2/4 The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS. ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO YOU a2 1-64 celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. ee ee 7/63-100M Register it BLAMED? ORT BUSMeESS sysTens 100875 1 a 3 9 2 9 UCENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE i State of North Carolina S ede ICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM i, i. Nave Sherwood Houpe, Jr, NAME 2. 12. noes Route G1, Bor biG soos _513 Turner Sti. STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Statesville Iredell B,C. Statesville Iredell No. CITY COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE S-RACE —|-«4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 6=-20— 4! 20 1M Negro L, ~5=-16 | 6. NEVER MARRIED . 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED & 17, NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: shen heinenaceati sti DIVORCED O MARRIED: 8. FATHER'S FULL NAME: LIVING] oe es Livinc $2 _ Sherwood Houpe, Sr. peaD Willard McClelland pEAD “ : 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: vince Bf 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Livinc XJ pean = jj peap_ [J ARE HeRASON — esse} Dora Pgkait Laan —__________pean_f]__ Route os Box ie Statesville, N. C. 513 Turner St., “tatesville, N. C. To any piclotaed minister of any ‘religious ‘denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebrgte thg, proposed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY ASSISTANT) a Leveaid Ww haw Le // seals, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE.OF THE PEACE a we the parties licensed oon a Lz | )7 c ‘ PLACE CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county ceeding to law. / (oa : SIGNATURE OF ZB i tid U/ Prere WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: : ‘ A SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER 7, 4 \ Va yy {', . 3 - / / bok pats Li : } ADDRESS “ 735 a7 ith pr An / (s Z oe gi 4 pe G, pores 0 Le BL LFS HAftipiar du FLCC. es or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. RETURNED TO YOU_S en REGISTER OF [ oS 100M @AAtee HeRy Syemess systems 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE A : State of North Carolina LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY GROOM 1 1. FULL FULL r , Nawe ___Paul “ugene Houston Nave ~—__ Carolyn Dianne Morrow = 12. PERMANENT PERMANENT i Aboeess 2016 Clyde Ste DDRESS. Route #3 STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER pmupeeewilie...._ -Jredeli.._ . N.C. | Statesville _ Iredell] .=soN. G, CITY COUNTY STATE CITY COUNTY STATE 3. RACE | 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | 22> |__Iredell White — 9-6-43 20 Iredell 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. NO. TIMES 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: dollsieinicnstanccinieeiniiaicamiiinst DIVORCED 0 MARRIED: 8. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING G& 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING XJ Fred Dwi ght Houston pean Marshall Addison Morrow bean, st. 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME? 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; LIVING Ok LIVING & ____Blanche Campbell pean irma Ora Morrow DEAD __[] 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 2016 Clyde St., Statesville, N. C. Route #3, Statesville, N. C. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the date hereof, to celebratg the pyoposed marriage at any place within the said county, — Rg Raia 1964 eA .Zlaos B Harris Luin ister- NAME MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Pl Fisgesg oni_(Gralyal Diane Morratd , the parties licensed GROOM BRIDE above, on awe 20-196 Yarlechrian) Street Yuck in Boxes tlle Me C. CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. - eae) : } SIGNATURE OF / OZMAd) fm. AXR/ et) j / ICIATING OFFICER WITNESS§S TO MABRIAGE: ee J. if : A__{)_ SIGNATURE OF, OF Mh Lf kyZ hd ADDRESS_acd AZ4A4 Lh LHe, 4) Lt L Es e dak: 4d Bien iaeion i hyip, ZZ +19, Pail. ‘ ¥. _, united in matrimony The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person RETURNED TO Y' celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. : ra FORM VS-80 REGISTER OF DEEDS COfF 1/1/62 7163-10004 ALLIED OORT BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE 4 State of aes NUMBER North Carolina 2 veda COUNTY 1. FULL . NAME 2 2. PERMANENT c ADDRES be BRIDE Millianne Wolfe i. FULL NAME 12. PERMANENT ‘ADDRESS. 324 Glenwood Dr * STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER __Mooresville Iredell city COUNTY STATE N. Ce STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE % BOX NUMBER Mooresville Iredell N. Ce CITY COUNTY STATE S RACE ] 4. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) | Iredell 14, BIRTHDATE | 7-31 -hh 13. RACE TAGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 7. NO. TIMES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED: 6 NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED White 19 | Yerk Co., S$. C. 16. NEVER MARRIED 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED MARRIED: x Oo i} & FATHER’S FULL NAME: LiVING TX pean = uivinc Ex DEAD oA 9. MOTH : ard DEN N. __Edna Mae Aiken 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 527 Walnut St., Mooresville, N. C. uivinc & | 18. FATHER’S FULL NAME: Sr. DEAD _ Robert Yongue Wolfe 79. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: en a ak i j M pean = 30. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 324 Glenwood Dr., Mooresville, N. ¢,. To any ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister authorized by his church, or any jello of the ‘Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 day= from the date hereof, to celebrat. ED - ; < Hhael ile f ; MA NAME thiwen AdbAhen Hews“ se (GROOM ‘. * KEEL “/ ‘ 24 DATE above, on fis ¥_at LARS [ict her in said county according to law. SIGNATURE OF WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE: phe gd. “#. FH o-dt i- We tthe obeeg Mes ca Ke PLACE _..ADDRESS ee Se ei Wx ule, AA Dreocs eee. —~AAL sed marriage at any place within the said county. (DEPUTY/ASSISTANT) as _, united in matrimony MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE MM) 6 / iV ol LRAT Je BRIDE the parties licensed an * in fk haa def C hisreg A’ CITY OR TOWNSHIP & j f wct 2 fli. jad Hf AC Ah SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING —— Jil roel SLi af. JL CRES* bear i B/S St penne The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to till out and REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the lice.se. Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiture of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. FORM _VS-80 1/1/62 7163-100 @ALIED EGRY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100875 ASTER O FP VEE CU: 113889 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE “a State of North Carolina 1 La) es ___Iredel1 LICENSE NUMBER COUNTY 1 GROOM 1" BRIDE FULL Ralph Pickens Hunter FULL Lois Ellen Jane Roberson 2. : 12, PERMANENT 16 Mattoom St PERMANENT 53] z Stre PERMANENT == 4.16 Mattoom St. PERMANE 531 Black Street STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR ROUTE & BOX NUMBER Charlotte Mecklenburg N.C. Statesville Iredell N.C. CitY COUNTY STATE City COUNTY STATE oe | * nA te | 5. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) 13. RACE 14. BIRTHDATE | AGE | 15. BIRTHPLACE (COUNTY & STATE) Col, (6-19-33 | 30 | Laurens 8S. C. Col. 11-28-37 | 26] Iredell N.C. 6. NEVER MARRIED iy : 7. NO. TIMES 16, NEVER MARRIED Ox 17. NO. TIMES WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY WIDOWED oO PREVIOUSLY ___ DiVORCED O DARIEN. rnmaiminminmmicriciinen: DIVORCED oO MARRIED: 6. FATHER’S FULL NAME: LIVING CX ae ee LIVING Eugene S, Hunter pean Ray Robergon bead 9. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME; Living EX 19. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: LIVING Allie Fugerson pean OO Nina Scales pean 10. ADDRESS OF PARENT(S): 20. ADDRESS OF PAREN?(S): 416 Mattoom St. — N.C. 308 Van Buren St. Statesville, N.C. To any ‘ordained minister of any pinalina denomination, | minister authorized by his church, or any Justice of the Peace of said county: you are hereby authorized, at any time within 60 days from the die hereof, to celebrate th ol marriage at or place "2. the said county. April 16, 1964 L. L. Nesbit REGISTER OF ie wy. Bb dv f é SH Z KM a (LGA di - , united in matrimony Mate a MINISTER OR JUSTICE OF FH PEACE KL oe phic <and z € kbp JO He/} Cid ¢<— , the parties licensed Tyinz a BRIDE F . GROO! J ; We é above, on 7 le C é Lalas hh, detge( in da es Ze PLACE ~ CITY OR TOWNSHIP in said county according to law. a CL pot vg é r A e f C: é SIGNATURE OF eee é. WITNESSES TO MARRIAGE» 7 ¢ SIGNATURE OF OFFICIATING OFFICER ZL fi7 j ( ya, 7 oe ZaAtew, ih dl, ; aporess 2.7 FYL Hf: LZug Gitex Ligig é4 ty a G. a os / te LM (= Zaz ADDRESS “eee eT “ee aoe Lam ls en i eatnsaiinecinineinee senstceitanttenatamnsnaratecsneineittatsetninamninesitintinecttettt — ahaa sich onaeininsl The minister or other person celebrating this marriage is required within 30 days to fill out and "REGISTER OF DEEDS: ENTER DATE THIS FORM sign both copies of this Certificate of Marriage, and return them to the Register of Deeds who issued the license, Failure to do so constitutes a misdemeanor and also subjects person celebrating the marriage to a forfeiiure of $200.00 to anyone who sues for the same. REGISTER OF DEEDS Ct RETURNED TO YOU 7/63- TOOM ALLIED EGRY BesuNESS systems 100875