HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners Minutes 1996-1997MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to release Surety Bond 2713114 in the amount of $45,000 for Crescent Resources, Inc. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE N.C. PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING FORM B96LM (CERTIFICATION OF LOCAL MATCH REQUIREMENTS) FOR THE IREDELL~ STATESVILLE SCHOOL SYSTEM: Representatives from the Iredell- Statesville School System explained this request during the agenda briefing. A statement as to what is being certified follows: “The Iredell County Board of Commissioners hereby certifies that $57,972,044 of qualifying local matching funds have been expended or committed for the purpose of school facilities since January l, 1992. This amount is 178.88% of the total matching requirement of $32,407,825 required by the Public School Building Bond Act of 1996." MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the local match requirements as computed by the Iredell County Finance Director and to authorize the Chairman to sign the document. Commissioner Johnson advised the audience that the required match was $32,407,825; however, the actual match given was $57,972,044. Johnson said he thought the Board had done a good job in funding the schools. Commissioner Stewart added this was 78% of the ad valorem taxes collected this year. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PERSONNEL ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS: Mrs. Harris, the Personnel Officer, described the amendments during the agenda briefing. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the following amendments to the Iredell County Personnel Ordinance: DELETIONS ARE IN ITALICS & ADDITIONS ARE UNDERLINED Article III. The Pay Plan Section 14. Overtime A. The county abides by all applicable sections of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1986. [The county will properly record all applicable overtime accrued for each covered employee.j] When possible, department [This overtime policy is applicable only to employees of the county who are non-exempt under the FLSA. ] Cc. It is the policy of the county, in agreement with its employees, to grant employees compensatory time off in lieu of pay for overtime hours worked. The County Manager may approve pay to employees for overtime work when it is not feasible to permit compensatory time off. EMS and Youth Home employees 3 id ft : uct schedule. E. Employees wishing to use accrued compensatory time must request such leave from their immediate supervisor. Use of such time will be allowed within a reasonable period following the request as long as the use does not unduly disrupt the operations of the county. Accrued compensatory time should be , eee ; : 6 70 Gs The county manager or department head may authorize pe for mpt -om the iA, Subject to availabil: of .unds, when they are requi. di to work outside normal ..uck hours due to work load, turnover, or other extenuating circumstances which could adversely affect the department if Ww Ww . ormed. ent shall be made at t ° at he e ovyee. artment division heads and managerial employees are excluded. H. ° e t' from the SA are expected to work the number : u ssa to sure the satisfacto erformance of t for excess hours be mad to a the use of accrued vacation or sick ae during ee iod when t ou I. ARTICLE V. Conditions of Employment Section 1. Work Week The standard work [for all employees of the various departments of the county, with the exception of law enforcement, emergency medical service personnel, and communications, shall be five (5) eight (8) hour days and are subject to the overtime provision set forth in Article III, Section 14. Department heads shall work those hours necessary to ensure the satisfactory performance of their departments, but not less than forty (40) hours per week. When the activities of a particular department require some other schedule to meet work needs, the county manager may authorize a deviation from the normal schedule. ] period for employees not Purpose: To add FLSA language and provide a policy that will be applied consistently in each county department. Article VI. Holidays and Leave Section 5. Annual Leave — eee eed lati et) Purpose: To help recruitment efforts for hard-to-fill positions. 7 DEC 03 1996 571 Section 6. Sick Leave Sick leave with pay is not a right which an employee may demand but a privilege granted by the Board of County Commissioners. Sick leave _shall_be taken in increments of 15 minutes and must be Purpose: To specify a minimum amount of time leave can be taken. Article IX. Grievance Procedure Section 4. Procedure A. Step One. An employee must file a grievance, either orally or in writing, with the immediate supervisor, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the incident giving rise to the grievance. If the employee alleges sexual harassment by the immediate supervisor or division head, the employee may file the complaint directly with the department head or personnel director, as set forth in Article Vv, Section 4. If the grievance concerns an appeal of a dismissal, it shall be filed directly with the appointing authority at Step Three. The supervisor should consult with the division head or any employee or officer deemed necessary to reach a correct, impartial, and equitable determination and shall give the employee an answer as soon as possible, but within five (5) working days of receipt of the grievance. B. Step Two. If the employee is dissatisfied with the response at Step One, or fails to receive an answer within the designated time, the employee may file the grievance in writing with the department head, within five (5) working days of receipt of the immediate supervisor’s written decision. The grievance shall state concisely the basis for the grievance and, if based on alleged discrimination, indicate whether the alleged discrimination was based on race, color, handicap, national origin, sex, age, or religion. The department head shall review the decision at Step One with the i j and shall make af[n independent] determination on the merits of the grievance. The department head shall render a decision in writing within ten (10) working days. Purpose: Revision is needed to identify the role of the division and department heads affected by the reorganization of some departments. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RECLASSIFICATION OF A CURRENT EMPLOYEE AT THE IREDELL COUNTY LANDFILL TO TRANSFER STATION SUPERVISOR (MOORESVILLE TRANSFER STATION): MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve this request which would reclassify a current landfill employee as a Transfer Station Supervisor (Mooresville Transfer Station). (Effective date: January 1, 1997) VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF 1996 IMMUNIZATION INCENTIVE AWARD (BUDGET REVISION) FOR HEALTH DEPT.: Chairman Haire announced this was explained during the agenda briefing, and if approved, will be Budget Amendment #19. The Mini-Territory Immunization Initiative has awarded the health department $4,000. The health department would like to spend the money in the following manner: Revenue $4,000 Expenditures: A. CAPITAL OUTLAY $2,630 Purchase of Commercial Refrigerator B. TELEPHONE Relocation of various staff to enhance specific program operations/communica- tions 185 C. DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES Purchase of file cabinet; refrigerator/ freezer outlets, alarm and generator hook-up; louvered door 665 D. Contracted Services-OTHER Computer consultant to activate lines to AS400 130 E. COMMUNITY AWARENESS Volunteer Recognition 390 MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the immunization award and authorize Budget Amendment #19 for this project. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF DIGITAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY BIDS: During the agenda briefing, it was explained that these bids were opened on November 20, 1996. The selected vendor will do aerial surveying of the County which will enhance the existing Geographic Information Systen. When combined, these two elements should assist in the 1998 property revaluation. The following companies submitted bids: * Kucera International $ 66,151.00 * American Geographic Data 80,510.00 Aero-Dynamics Corporation 98,950.25 L. Robert Kimball Associates 100,860.00 Piedmont Aerial Surveys 107,689.00 ASI Landmark, Inc. 124,818.00 * Kucera and American Geographic Data did not offer complete proposals. Aero-Dynamics Corporation would be the next lowest bidder that met all specifications. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to award this contract to Aero- Dynamics Corporation in the amount of $98,950.25. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INFORMAL CLEANING SERVICE BIDS: Bids were opened on November 25, 1996, for a two-year cleaning contract for the Law Enforcement Building. The following five vendors submitted bids: Pro-Shine Cleaning Service $ 625 Pat Loftin Cleaning Service 675 Rainbow Janitorial Service 800 Southpark Services of NC, Inc. 975 Stikeleather’s Cleaning Service 2,200 MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to award this bid to Pro-Shine Cleaning Service for $625 per month and to designate the county manager as the administrator of the contract. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. REQUEST FOR RESOLUTION FOR COUNCILS OF GOVERNMENT TO RECEIVE STATE FUNDS: MOTION by Chairman Haire to approve the following resolution: DEC 03 1996 573 RESOLUTION FOR COUNCILS OF GOVERNMENTS TO RECEIVE STATE FUNDS WHEREAS, in North Carolina the Lead Regional Organizations, as voluntary organizations serving municipal and county governments, have established productive working relationships with the cities and counties across this state; WHEREAS, the 1995 General Assembly recognized this need through the appropriation of $864,270 to help the Lead Regional Organizations assist local governments with grant applications, economic development, community development, and to support local industrial development activities and the activities as deemed appropriate by their local governments; and WHEREAS, these funds are not intended to be used for payment of member dues or assessments to a Lead Regional Organization or to supplant funds appropriated by the member governments; WHEREAS, in the event a request is not made by Iredell County for release of these funds to its Regional Council, the available funds will revert to the State’s general fund; and WHEREAS, in Region F, funds in the amount of $48,015 will be used for preparation of HOME and CDBG applications, regional data center, regional building permit tracking systems, and other economic development activities that may be deemed appropriate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Iredell County Board of Commissioners requests the release of its share of these funds, $4,513.82, to Centralina Council of Governments at the earliest possible time in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 324, House Bill 229, Section 9.4 of the 1995 Session Laws. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0O. REQUEST FOR VOTING DELEGATE TO BE NAMED FOR LEGISLATIVE GOALS CONFERENCE (JANUARY 9-10, 1997 - RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK): Commissioner Fortner nominated Sara K. Haire as the Iredell County Voting Delegate for the Legislative Goals Conference to be held January 9-10, 1997. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. : Commissioner Stewart nominated Commissioner Alice T. Fortner to serve as an Alternate Delegate for the referenced meeting. VOTING: Ayes ~ 5; Nays - 0O. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS: A. Recreation Advisory Committee (5 announcements) B. Board of Health (3 announcements) C. Home & Community Care Block Grant (5 announcements) D. Information & Referral (1 announcement) E. I-CARE Board of Directors (2 announcements) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS YOUTH SERVICES TASK FORCE (2 APPTS.): MOTION by Chairman Haire to table these two appointments until the December 17 meeting. VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - 0. ANIMAL GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE (1 APPT.): Commissioner Boone nominated Mr. Hal Jolly for this committee. Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and appoint Mr. Jolly by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0O. 10 u74 ° VISORY ITTE 1 APPT.): Chairman Haire moved to table this appointment until the December 17 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0O. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Boone said he would like to request some revisions to the Rules of Procedures for the Board. Boone mentioned he would like to review the document and make some suggestions at a future meeting. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: a n allo ust = Mashburn reported that the staff had been looking at additional space behind the Agricultural Center that could be used for parking. There are no cost estimates available at this time. (The manager indicated that, hopefully, the parking design would be able to retain some trees.) : In the past, this building was rented. Later it was determined that due to the expansive disrepair of the building that demolishment was the best decision. Due to the close proximity of an adjacent house, it was determined the house should be demolished rather than burned down. Cost estimates for demolishment are $4,000-$5,000. The site would then be used for parking. Commissioner Johnson asked about asbestos, or any hidden costs that might arise in the demolishment. Mashburn said an asbestos consultant had been contacted and this cost is included in the $4,000. : Mr. Mashburn reported that for the month of November the County had five new hires, five terminations, and three reclassifications. Update on Youth Home: There is currently a vacancy for the "fourth person" at the youth home. Mashburn related it had been difficult to retain a full staff at the facility. He indicated the home might have to fall back on the past arrangement of a youth home director being appointed. Mashburn said he would try to give another update on the situation at the December 17 meeting. : As has been past tradition, the county manager advised he would like to set up a meeting with the County’s legislators to discuss legislative issues. Mr. Mashburn said this meeting could be held in conjunction with a retreat or planning session. The library director has offered his facility as a site. While at the library, the commissioners could get a chance to look at the opportunities provided by the "Charlotte Web" communication link since the staff has been looking at the Internet for the County. Mashburn offered the dates of: Friday, January 17 and Friday, January 24 as potential meeting days. He requested that a determination be made at the December 17 meeting of the Board. ORIENTATION FOR COMMISSIONERS: Mashburn reminded the group that Monday, December 9, 1996, was orientation day for newly- elected Commissioner Fortner plus any of the other commissioners that would like to attend. CLOSED SESSION: Citing G.S.143-318.11(a) (5) /Real Property and G.S. 143-318.11(a) (4) /Economic Development, Chairman Haire moved to enter into Closed Session. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. 11 DEC 03 1896 070 0/6 ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, December 17, 1996, 5:00 p-M.-, South Wing Conference Room (200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC) for the agenda briefing. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ 0. Approval: PELLU$G 6 aul Lue oe 7 Clerk to the Board File: endl2.3 DEC 03 199 o> 12 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES D ER_ 17, 1996 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, December 17, 1996, 5:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room, of the Iredell County Government Center for a briefing session. Present were: Chairman Sara K. Haire Vice Chairman Steve D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Lynn Niblock, Director of Planning & Enforcement Chuck Gallyon, Fire Marshal Tim Fox, Assistant Fire Marshal Chairman Haire called the meeting to order and advised that the county manager had requested to suspend the Rules of Procedure for the Board and to allow a Closed Session during the briefing meeting pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11 (a) (4) - Economic Development. REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL TO OPERATE UNATTENDED SERVICE STATIONS: Tim Fox, Asst. Fire Marshal, explained that the North Carolina Building Code, Volume V - Fire Prevention, requires that the local governing body for counties approve the original installation of unattended service stations. The building code office requires this permission from each governmental unit, because some counties, i.e., Wake and Mecklenburg, did not want unattended stations. DISCUSSION OF INTERMEDIATE ZONING CLASSIFICATION: William Allison, Planning Supervisor, advised that the Manufactured Housing Institute was agreeable to the appearance criteria being proposed for manufactured housing. Commissioner Stewart asked how many manufactured homes were FHA financed. Allison answered one in ten. Lynn Niblock (Director of Planning & Enforcement) mentioned that if a permanent foundation is used for a mobile home it can then be listed as a stick-built home (regular homeowners insurance policy, etc.). Commissioner Boone stated he had thought about the sizes of lots and felt that maybe 30,000 sq. ft. would work out; however, he knew that some people might have different opinions. Commissioner Johnson mentioned that the more restrictive the County became with its zoning ordinance the more the market for the homes would be altered. By suggestion of Commissioner Fortner, it was the consensus of the group to refer this item back to the Planning Board. CLOSED SESSION: MOTION by Chairman Haire to suspend the Iredell County Board of Commissioner’s Rules of Procedure and to allow a closed session for the purpose of discussing economic development - G.S. 143-318.11(a) (4). VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - 0. Foi : 2 Approved: (fous he /9¢7 (Zan Cyr— J p clerk to the Board min.ag.b.12.17 DEC 17 1996 1 O07 0/8 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1996 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, December 17, 1996, 7:00 p.m., Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean C. Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS OF AGENDA Chairman Haire moved to refer the Intermediate Zoning Classification item back to the Iredell County Planning Board. Also, to add three announcements of vacancies to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee and to delete an appointment to the Nursing Home Advisory Committee. In addition, a Closed Session was requested following the regular agenda items. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD STATESVILLE AIRPORT COMMISSION: Mr. L.A. Parks, Jr., Chairman of the airport commission, said he was happy to report the airport was a healthy and growing industry. He emphasized the word industry and said the airport was a vital ingredient in the local economy. Mr. Bill Mazlek, of the NCDOT/Aviation Division, recently estimated the value of the airport to be $20 million. The University of North Carolina/Charlotte did a study of the airport impact on the local economy, and the following is an excerpt from this report: REGION 5 CATAWBA VALLEY REGION AIRPORTS Airport Name Total Expenditures Total Tax Total Total Total Revenue Earnings Employment Visitors Hickory Regional $12,106,329 1,098,000 4,907,633 265 38,553 Morganton- Lenoir 3,969,020 24,705 1, 242,531 97 9,250 Statesville Municipal 2,786,079 a7 220) 1.231,489 42 16,000 CATAWBA VALLEY REGION $18,861,428 1,494,936 7,381,653 404 63,803 Parks said the airport brought visitors to Iredell County and they in turn spent money while visiting. The airport recently leased the last corporate hangar space. Statesville Flying Service (Phil Hazel) has requested twenty additional T hangars and hangar space. Parks said the airport had reached a space problem. The airport commission’s philosophy has been to maintain the property that would be available for new industry. This prompted the commission to hire W.K. Dickson Engineering Co., to do a study on how to obtain available land for hangar development space. On December 16, 1996, the Statesville City Council decided to allow the closure of the north/south runway which will make this land available for this type of development. 1 David Currier, Statesville Director of Planning and Development, advised that the State of North Carolina had approved a State Aid to Airports grant for the Statesville Municipal Airport in the FY 1996 Transportation Improvement Program. The grant is based on a 50% state/50% local share in the total amount of $30,000. The State will provide $15,000. The Statesville Airport Commission requests that Iredell County fund the project at $7,500 since the City of Statesville has consented to providing $7,500. Currier said the ALP was a tangible plan for capital projects and not for maintenance operations. Commissioner Boone asked if the airport commission felt it could operate satisfactorily with one runway. Parks said Mr. Mazlek, of DOT, was asked the same question. The study previously mentioned investigated crosswind coefficients, and DOT has a formula it uses to determine how many runways are needed. DOT has responded that one runway satisfied the formula as to the general public and corporate use. Pertaining to the plan to extend the east/west runway to the east and the relocation of Airport Road, Commissioner Boone asked about the cost estimate, and how much Iredell County would be asked to fund. Parks said this was a long-range plan. Land acquisition would be involved as well as relocation of the road. Commissioner Stewart asked about the acquisition of the property, specifically, would eminent domain be involved. In reference to the extension of the runway, Parks said there was no acquisition in what the airport commission currently plans to do. (The property is already owned.) Pertaining to runway extension (long-range plan) the land would need to be acquired. Parks said condemnation had been used in the past. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to participate in the amount of $7,500 for an update to the Airport Layout Plan. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve Budget Amendment #19A in the amount of $7,500, to be derived from contingency, for the airport layout plan. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL TO OPERATE UNATTENDED SERVICE STATIONS: Chairman Haire advised that this request was explained during the agenda briefing. (Unattended stations are the ones whereby some form of a card are used to pump the gas ~~ the stations do not employ personnel to man the pumps.) MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the operation of unattended service stations. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER REFUNDS & RELEASES: Brent Weisner, Iredell County Tax Assessor, explained during the agenda briefing that the refunds/releases were in order for approval. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the following refunds and releases as were presented by the Tax Assessor: RELEASES FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1996 $22,849.08 Breakdown of Releases: County 17,353.97 Solid Waste Fees 306.00 All County Fire #4 941.28 2 DEC 17 1996 579 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 41.84 Shepherd’s Fire #2 71.10 E. Alexander Fire #1 2,328 Statesville City 1,254.91 Statesville Downtown District 1.58 Mooresville Town 2,069.15 Mooresville Downtown District 0 Mooresville School 768.68 Harmony 0 Troutman 38.19 Love Valley 0 U OR T ON OF NOVEMBER, 1996 2,110.60 Breakdown of Refunds: County 1,873.10 Solid Waste Fee 18.00 All County Fire #4 131.35 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 0 Shepherd’s Fire #2 2.87 E. Alexander Fire #1 0 Statesville City 95.28 Statesville Uptown District Mooresville Town Mooresville Uptown District Mooresville School Harmony Troutman Love Valley oooococo VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #20: The finance director, Susan Blumenstein, stated this amendment was needed in order to recognize the amount of revenue received, both in the general fund ($30,954) and the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund ($1,051), for insurance claims this year. The money will be appropriated to expenditure line items for replacement or repair costs. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve Budget Amendment #20 as was recommended by the finance director. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR BUDGET AMENDMENT #21 FOR THE YOUTH HOME: The county manager advised the Iredell County Youth Home uses the consulting services of Youth Home, Inc., of Charlotte, NC. Some services provided by this company are for training of employees, evaluation of the operation, and on-call availability (24 hrs. a day). Mashburn mentioned $20,000 was budgeted last year, and this was cut back to $5,000 for this fiscal year. It is now felt that $2,300 will be needed to complete 96-97. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #21 in the amount $2,300, to be derived from the contingency fund, for contracted services at the Iredell County Youth Home. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF PLANNING SESSION DATE AND DINNER MEETING WITH LEGISLATORS: MOTION by Chairman Haire to establish Friday, January 17, 1997, 8:00 a.m., at the Iredell County Library, as a date, time, and location for a planning session and to meet with Iredell County’s Legislative Representatives at 6:00 p.m. (site to be determined) for a dinner meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Stewart complimented Commissioner Boone on his effort and time in revising the Rules of Procedure. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the suggested revisions to the Rules of Procedure. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. The revised Rules of Procedure are as follows: RULES OF PROCEDURE IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (1) Regular Meetings The Board shall have a regular meeting on the First and Third Tuesdays of each month, except that if a regular meeting day is a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held the next business day. An agenda briefing shall be held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The briefings will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will be held in the South Wing Conference Room of the Government Center. No motions will be considered in order at the briefing except for motions to recess or adjourn or affix the time to adjourn. The regular meeting of the board will begin at 7:00 p.m., and will be held in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. The public hearings will be held at 7:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. (2) Special Meetings The chairman or a majority of the members of the board may at any time call a special meeting of the board of commissioners by signing a written notice stating the time and place of the meeting and the subjects to be considered. The person or persons who call (s) the meeting shall cause the notice to be delivered to the place of each member at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting and shall cause a copy of the notice to be posted on the Iredell County Government Center bulletin board and on the door of the regular meeting room at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting. Only those items of business specified in the notice may be transacted at a special meeting, unless all members are present or those who are not present have signed a written waiver. (3) Organizational Meeting On the first Monday in December following a general election in which county commissioners are elected, the incumbent board shall meet at 9:00 a.m., at the regular place of meeting for its final meeting. The newly elected county commissioners shall be sworn in at 10:30 a.m., and shall hold their organizational meeting at 11:00 a.m. The newly formed board of commissioners shall elect its chairman and vice chairman as its first order of business. The county manager shall preside until the chairman is elected. The second order of business shall be the appointment of the clerk to the board and the county attorney. (4) Agenda The clerk to the board shall prepare the agenda for th meeting. A request to have an item of business placed on the agenda must be received by 12:00 Noon on Thursday preceding the meeting. Any board member may, by a timely request placed on the agenda. 7 y request, have an item DEC 17 1996 The agenda shall include, for each item of business placed on it, as much background information on the subject as is available and feasible to reproduce. A copy of all proposed ordinances shall be attached to the agenda, if available to the clerk. A copy of the agenda and attached materials shall be available for public inspection as soon as they are completed. Each board member shall receive a copy of the agenda. Copies may also be available for members of the press. (5) Public Address to the Board Any individual or group who wishes to address the board should make a request to the clerk to the board to be on the agenda. However, the board shall determine at the meeting whether it shall hear an individual or group, or others who are not on the agenda, but who desire to address the board. The chairman, or the board by majority vote, may set a time limit (normally five minutes) on those who address the board. If a large number of individuals wish to speak, the chairman, or the board by majority vote, may set a total time limit for all speakers, with time being divided equally between proponents and opponents of an issue. (6) Order of Business Items shall be placed on the agenda according to the "Order of Business." The Order of Business of each regular meeting will usually be as follows: I. Call to Order II. Invocation III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Iv. Adjustment of Agenda V. Presentation of Special Recognitions and Awards VI. Appointments Before the Board VII. Public Hearings, if there are any scheduled, at 7:00 p.m. VIII. Administrative Matters IX. Announcement of Vacancies Occurring on Boards and Commissions X. Appointments to Boards and Commissions XI. Unfinished Business XII. New Business XIII. County Manager’s Report XIV. Closed Session XV. Adjourn By vote of the board, items may be considered out of this order. Changes may be made at the Adjustment of the Agenda at the beginning of the meeting, or at any other time the majority of the board members wishes to make a change. (7) Election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman. The chairman and vice chairman of the board shall be elected annually and shall not be removed from the office of the chairman or vice chairman unless he/she becomes disqualified to serve as a member of the board. (8) Powers of the Presiding Officer. The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the board. A member must be recognized by the chairman in order to address the board. The chairman shall have the following powers: 1. To rule motions in or out of order, including the right to rule out of order any motion patently offered for obstructive or dilatory purposes. 2. To determine whether a speaker has gone beyond reasonable standards of courtesy in his remarks and to entertain and rule on objections from other members on this ground. 5 vS2 3. To entertain and answer questions of parliamentary law or procedure; 4. To call a brief recess at any time; 5. To adjourn in an emergency. 6. To assign seats to board members. The board may adopt an alternate seating arrangement by majority vote. (9) Presiding Officer when the Chairman is_ in Active Debate The chairman shall preside at meetings of the board unless he becomes actively engaged in debate on a particular proposal, in which case he may designate another board member to preside. The chairman shall resume the duty to preside as soon as action of the matter is concluded. (10) Action by the Board The board shall proceed by motion. Any member, including the chairman, may make a motion. (11) Second Not Required A motion shall not require a second. However, in the case where the County receives certain legal documents that require a motion and a second, then the chairman shall call for a second to the motion. (12) One Motion at a Time Only one motion should be on the floor at a time. . (13) Substantive Motion A substantive motion is out of order while another substantive motion is pending. (14) Adoption by a Majority Vote A motion shall be adopted by a majority of the votes cast, a quorum being present, unless otherwise required by these rules of the laws of North Carolina. (15) Debate The chairman shall state the motion then open the floor to debate on it. The chairman shall preside over the debate according to these general principles: (a) The introducer (member who makes the motion) is entitled to speak first. (b) A member who has not spoken on the issue shall be recognized before someone who has already spoken. (c) To the extent possible, the debate shall alternate between opponents and proponents of the measure. (16) Procedural Motions In addition to substantive motions, the following procedural motions, and no others, shall be in order. Unless otherwise noted, each motion is debatable, may be amended, and requires a majority vote for each vote taken. (a) To adjourn. The motion may be made only at the conclusion of action on a pending matter; it may not interrupt deliberation of a pending matter. It is not debatable and cannot be amended. (b) To take a recess. DEC 17 1996 (c) (da) (e) (f£) (9) (h) (i) (3) (kK) (1) (m) (n) (0) v84 To call to follow the agenda. The motion must be made at the first reasonable opportunity or it is waived. To suspend the rules. The motion requires a vote equal to a quorum, but to suspend a rule requiring a two-thirds vote, the motion requires a two-thirds vote of the members present, as well as a vote equal to a quorum. To divide a complex motion and consider it by paragraph or section. The motion is not debatable. If two or more separate matters are offered in one motion, the matters shall be voted on separately at the request of any member of the board. To defer consideration. A substantive motion whose consideration has been deferred expires 100 days thereafter unless a motion to revive consideration is adopted. Call of the previous question. The motion is not in order until there has been at least 20 minutes of debate and/or every member has had one opportunity to speak on the main motion. It is not debatable and requires a two-thirds vote. After a meeting has been in session at least three hours on the same day, the motion is in order at any time during the debate. To postpone an item to a certain time or day. To refer to a committee. Sixty (60) days after a motion has been referred to a committee, the introducer may compel consideration of the measure by the entire board, regardless of whether the committee has reported the matter back to the board. To amend. An amendment to a motion must be germane to the subject matter of the motion, but it may achieve the opposite effect of the motion. There may be an amendment to the motion and an amendment to an amendment, but no further amendments. Any amendment to a proposed ordinance shall be reduced to writing on the call of any member, including the chairman. To revive consideration. The motion is in order at any time one hundred (100) days after a vote to defer consideration of it. A substantive motion on which consideration has been deferred expires one hundred (100) days after being deferred, unless a motion to revive consideration is adopted. To reconsider. The motion must be made by a member who voted with the prevailing side. The motion must be made at the same meeting at which the original vote was taken. The motion cannot interrupt deliberation on a pending matter but is in order at any time before adjournment. To rescind or repeal. To ratify. No consideration for six months. When a substantive motion has been defeated, the board shall not consider that motion again for six months, except on the motion of a member who voted with the prevailing side, or who was eH from the meeting at which the original vote was aken. (p) Withdrawal of a motion. (q) Point of Order. The motion is not debatable. (cr) Appeal a ruling of the chair. (s) To adjourn the meeting to a certain time, date, and place (fix the time to which to adjourn). (17) Duty to vote Each member must vote unless excused by a majority vote according to law. A member who must be excused from voting because of a legal requirement shall so inform the chairman, who will take a vote of the remaining members. If a person is not excused from voting as described above and does not audibly vote, then the inaudible vote shall be counted with the affirmative vote. (18) Introduction of Ordinances A proposed ordinance shall be deemed to be introduced at the first meeting for which it is placed on the agenda, regardless of whether it is actually considered by the board, if it is prominently identified on the agenda through the use of asterisks, underlining, or other similar printing devices. (19) Adoption of Ordinances To be adopted at the meeting at which it is first introduced, an ordinance or any action with the effect of an ordinance (except the budget ordinance, any bond order, or any other ordinance on which a public hearing must be held before the ordinance may be adopted) must receive the approval of all members of the board of commissioners. If the proposed ordinance is approved by a majority of those voting but not by all members of the board, or if the ordinance is not voted on at the meeting, it shall be considered at the next regular meeting of the board. If it then or at any time thereafter within one hundred (100) days of its introduction receives a majority of the votes cast, a quorum being present, the ordinance is adopted. (20) Adoption of the Budget Ordinance Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or local act: 1. Any action with respect to the adoption of amendment to the budget ordinance may be taken at any regular or special meeting of the board by a simple majority of those present and voting, a quorum being present; 2. No action taken with respect to the adoption or amendment of the budget ordinance need be published or is subject to any other procedural requirement governing the adoption of ordinances or resolutions by the board; 3. The adoption and amendment of the budget ordinance and levy of taxes in the budget ordinance are not subject to the provisions of any local act concerning initiative of the referendum. During the period beginning with the submission of the budget to the board and ending with the adoption of the budget ordinance, the board may hold any work session meetings that may be necessary to complete its work on the budget ordinance. Any provisions of the law concerning the call of special meetings does not apply during that period so long as each member of the board has actual notice of each work session meeting called for the purpose of considering the budget. Notice of budget work sessions may be construed to be budget work sessions set by the board at the same 8 DEC 17 7095 085 meeting the budget ordinance is distributed to the board members or at any subsequent meeting, and the board members shall consider this proper notice. The board may consider other matters of business provided all board members are present; or if any are absent, he/she has been notified that other business matters will be discussed. The board will not act on the following subjects during the budget work sessions: 1. Adoption of the budget 2. Levy of a tax 3. Enter into debt (21) ose essions The board may hold closed sessions as provided by law. It shall commence a closed session by a majority vote and terminate a session in the same manner. (22) Quorum A majority of the membership of the board of commissioners shall constitute a quorum. The number required for a quorum shall not be affected by vacancies. If a member has withdrawn from a meeting without being excused by a majority vote of the remaining members present, he shall be counted as present for the purpose of determining whether a quorum is present. The board may compel the attendance of an absent member by ordering the sheriff to take the member into custody. (23) bli earings Public hearings required by law or deemed advisable by the board shall be organized by a special order, adopted by a majority vote, setting forth the subject, date, place and time of the hearing as well as any rules regarding the length of time of each speaker, etc. Unless otherwise provided by the special order, the chairman, or the board by majority vote, may set a reasonable time limit on those who wish to address the board. If a large number of individuals wish to speak, the chairman, or the board by majority vote, may set a total time limit for all speakers, with time being equally divided between proponents and opponents of an issue. At the appointed time, the chairman or his designee shall call the hearing to order and then preside over it. When the allotted time expires or all persons who wish to speak have spoken, the chairman or his designee shall declare the hearing ended. (24) Quorum at Public Hearings A quorum of the board shall be required at all public hearings required by state law. (25) Minutes Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the board. (26) Appointments The board will use _ the following procedure to make appointments to various subordinant boards and offices: A. The chairman of the board will announce the vacancies occurring on the boards and commissions and submitted by the clerk to the board. B. The next regularly scheduled meeting following the announcement of the vacancies, the chairman shall open the floor to nominations. All members shall put forward names of possible appointees. If there is only one nomination made for each vacancy, then the motion will be made to close the nominations and appoint those persons by acclamation. 9 086 Cc. If there is more than one nomination for a vacancy, the names shall be published in the minutes by the clerk to the board, and then at the next regular meeting of the board the nominees will be debated. When the debate ends, the clerk to the board shall call the roll of the county commissioners and each county commissioner called shall cast his vote. The votes shall not be tallied until each member has voted. The nominee (s) who receive (s) the highest number of votes shall be appointed. If more than one appointee is selected, then each member shall have as many votes as there are positions to be filled. A member may cast all his votes or less than all of them, but cannot vote fora nominee more than one time. To break tie votes on nominations: The board will vote again at the next regular meeting scheduled if all members are present, or if all members are not present, the vote will be taken at the first Tuesday of the monthly meeting regardless of absences. (27) Reference to Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition To the extent not provided for in these rules and to the extent that the reference does not conflict with the spirit of these rules, the board shall refer to Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, for unresolved procedural questions. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: DECEMBER 2, 1996 (9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.) AND DECEMBER 3, 1996 (BRIEFING & REGULAR): MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the minutes as presented. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ND REVIEW BOARD (6 ANNOUNCEMENTS): Commissioner sked how many consecutive terms a citizen could serve on this board. The county manager advised the staff would check on this question. “HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITT 3 Centralina Council of Governments has advised that wo, > care home facilities have recently been built in Iredell County. In addition, a nursing home (Hill Haven) has recently been purchased with plans by the buyer to convert it into an adult-care home. Due to the three additional adult care homes, the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee will increase by three members. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS RECR ION ADVISORY COMMITTER (5 APPTS.): Commissioner Stewar Mike Heintz and Ms. Judy Sharpe. Commissioner Johnson nominated Mr. Mike Griffin. Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and to accept Heintz, Sharpe, and Griffin by acclamation and to table the other two appointments until the January 7 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 10 DEC 17 1996 587 BOARD OF HEALTH (3 APPTS.): Commissioner Boone nominated Mr. Don Carney and Mr. Eddie Guy as public representatives to this board. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and accept Carney and Guy and to table the dental representative appointment until the January 7 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. HOME & COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT (5 APPTS.): Commissioner Fortner nominated Anna Rice, Jo-Anne Findt, Wanda Chapman, and Janet Blaufuss for this board. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and accept Rice, Findt, Chapman, and Blaufuss by acclamation and to table the last appointment until the January 7 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. envoe ‘TON & REFERRAL (1 APPT.): Chairman Haire nominated Alice Fortner as a member to this agency. Commissioner Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Commissioner Fortner by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. I-CARE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (2 APPTS.): Commissioner Boone nominated Mr. Jerry Engram for this board. Chairman Haire nominated Mr. Victor Crosby. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Engram and Crosby by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. FORCE (2 APPTS.): Chairman Haire moved to ese two appointments until the January 7 meeting. table VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - 0. EX-OFFICIO BOARD APPOINTMENTS Chairman Haire offered the following suggestions for ex- officio appointments: Steve D. Johnson Sara K. Haire Sara K. Haire Alice T. Fortner Alice T. Fortner Statesville Airport Authority Carolinas Partnership Centralina Certified Development Corporation Tri-County Mental Health Board of Directors Centralina Council of Governments (Board of Delegates) No other nominations or changes were voiced. Chairman Haire moved to accept the ex-officio appointments as presented. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Haire mentioned she had recently attended a Board Chairman Workshop in Asheville that proved to be very informative and helpful. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Mashburn reminded the group of the Annual Employee Christmas Luncheon scheduled for Friday, December 20, 1996, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., at the Agricultural Center. 43 88 In addition, Mashburn reminded everyone about the Legislative Goals Conference scheduled for January 9-10, 1997, at the Research Triangle Park. CLOSED SESSION: Citing G.S. 143-318.11(a) (5) /Property Acquisition, Chairman Haire moved to enter into Closed Session. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, January 7, 1997, 5:00 p.n., (briefing session) Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0O. Approved: _Uevuae, Z/927 i Mi oe) o r. Clerk to the Board File: m.17D 12 DEC 17 19 CO 6 J89 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met for a Briefing Session Tuesday, January 7, 1997, 5:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room of the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Rodney Proctor, Chief Deputy Scott Kilpatrick, Crime Prevention Officer Ron Weatherman, Solid Waste Director Brent Weisner, Tax Assessor Don Wall, Social Services Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. REZONING REQUEST: THOMAS 8. WILSON PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9612-2: William Allison explained this request and advised that on January 3, 1995, the board of commissioners rezoned this property with a condition being stipulated that not more than 120 dwelling units be placed on the site. (The owner now wishes to rezone a portion of the property from Residential Office Conditional Use District to Residential Office District.) Commissioner Boone asked if notices had been sent to adjacent property owners and Allison said that notification had been done. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE DSS FEE POLICY FOR ADOPTION SERVICES: Don Wall, DSS Director, explained that his agency had not previously been charging for adoption services. Now, however, (as of July 1, 1996) the General Assembly has given social service’ agencies permission to enter into fee agreements for independent, relative, and step-parent adoptions. Fees will be based on the family’s ability to pay based on 1992 Federal Poverty Level Guidelines. In addition, fees may be reduced or waived if it can be documented the prospective adoptive family cannot pay the fee, or if the fee would prevent an adoption. Wall mentioned that $1500 was the maximum that could be charged. Commissioner Johnson asked the actual charge of an adoption. Wall answered that in some cases $1500 would be enough, but in others, this amount would not cover all costs. Wall said that in most instances, the prospective parents have the ability to pay the fee. Commissioner Boone asked if this program used local funds. Wall responded this was a federal program (around $82,000 received this year) and no local funds are used with the exception of the personnel that process the applications. REQUEST TO APPLY FOR GOVERNOR’S CRIME COMMISSION BLOCK GRANT: Rodney Proctor, Chief Deputy, advised that Sheriff Redmond desired to apply for a grant that would enable his office to purchase, install, and train personnel in the use of the Automated Fingerprint Information System (A.F.I.S.). Fingerprint information (collected at crime scenes and obtained from jail inmates) would be electronically transmitted to SBI and FBI offices for 1 classification and matching. Results of this procedure would be available in minutes. The present method takes weeks and is done by rolling prints on paper cards and mailing to the SBI/FBI. The sheriff's department would fingerprint all inmates to rule out the possible use of false identifications and to aid in the search of wanted individuals. The cost for A.F.I.S. would be $80,000.00. The grant terms would be: 75% federal funds and 25% local match. Money from seized funds would be used for the local match. Proctor said the sheriff was requesting that the commissioners add this item to the January 7 agenda since there is a February 15 deadline. Centralina Council of Governments would be asked to write the grant (would use prepaid hours). (If the grant is approved the sheriff’s department will then request a budget amendment. ) REQUEST OF SOLID WASTE DIRECTOR TO BE GIVEN PERMISSION TO ACCEPT DONATED EQUIPMENT FROM CLARK-HURTH COMPONENTS, INC.: Ron Weatherman advised that in the past Clark-Hurth had loaned a motor grader for Iredell County usage. The company proposes to base one of its employees (engineer) at the landfill to do experiments using a computer. Clark-Hurth would pay the salary, insurance, etc., for the employee. In exchange for allowing the landfill to be used as a "test site" the company will transfer two additional pieces of equipment (front-end loaders) for free usage at the site. The loaders are currently in Michigan; however, Clark-Hurth will assume all moving costs. Weatherman said he didn’t know of any negatives in this proposition. Clark-Hurth would like to begin the experimenting by March l. Commissioner Fortner asked about the availability of parts for the equipment. Weatherman advised that parts were available for all of the equipment. TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR JANUARY 17, 1997 PLANNING SESSION: Mr. Mashburn advised that the following items would probably be discussed at the planning session: Budget Review of FY ‘96-97 Budget Projections & Guidelines for FY 1997-98 Budget Prioritization of Capital Projections Internet - Benefits of Access Mental Health Services The county manager mentioned the staff would be glad to add any items the Board felt needed to be discussed. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. to allow a refreshment break before the 7:00 p.m. meeting. Approved: ¢ ae fl /Gt7 Wwern C 7)Ir~<- of 7 y Clerk to the Board File: bm.jan7 JAN 07 1997 JAN 9” 2007 591 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, January 7, 1997, in Regular Session at the Iredell County Government Center, Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Chairman Sara K. Haire Vice Chairman Steve D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director . William Allison, Planning Supervisor Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to accept the following adjustments to the agenda as were recommended by the county manager: Deletion: * Animal Control Ordinance Amendments (rescheduled for January 21, 1997) Additions: e Request of Sheriff's Department to Apply for A.F.1I.S. Grant * Request of Tax Assessor to Extend Tax Listing Period until February 14, 1997 * Request to Receive Donated Equipment from Clark-Hurth Components at Landfill * Closed Session: G.S. 143-318.11(a) (3) Legal G.S. 143-318.11(a) (5) Property Acquisition VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENT BEFORE THE BOARD RANDAL BOWEN <- PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE: Bowen mentioned that letters had been sent to each commissioner expressing concern about banning wolf-hybrids in the County. Mr. Bowen said many people raised the animals, and he felt it was wrong to tell the owners they had to "get rid" of them. Bowen contended, through copies of letters from various agencies, etc., that wolf-hybrids were domesticated animals and should not be described as exotic animals. In addition, Bowen said the letters indicated the DNA between wolves and dogs was the same. Further, Bowen mentioned that in the State of Virginia, several years ago, an ordinance was written wherein wolf~hybrids were classified as exotic. Some animals were picked up by officers and later destroyed. Lawsuits were filed against the governing units and the animal owners won in court. Bowen said the counties could not prove the animals were wolf-hybrids, because there’s not a biological test available for this determination. Wolves are classified as dogs. Mr. Bowen said he had been around wolf-hybrids for over 25 years. He mentioned they were used as seeing-eye animals, police search animals, and for many other purposes. Commissioner Fortner asked what Mr. Bowen did with the animals he raised. Bowen said he sold them to people and he had some as pets. He mentioned he requested that buyers sign contracts stipulating they would take care of the animals. Ina year’s time, Bowen said he might sell five to ten animals. Bowen said he felt if the County couldn’t enforce a law then it shouldn’t create the law. He mentioned there were over two 1 million wolf-hybrids in the nation. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS & AWARDS RETIREMENT OF JACK ANNAS: Mr. Walter "Jack" Annas received a plaque from the Chairman and was wished health and happiness in his retirement. Annas, a former mapping department employee, retired from the County on December 31, 1996, after 16 years of service. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REZONING REQUEST; NORTH STATE LUMBER DISTRIBUTORS INC., PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9612-1: William Allison explained this lumber company desired to rezone a portion of property (1.7 acre site) from RA, Residential Agricultural to GB, General Business District. The proposed usage would be for a lumber storage building. The location of the property is on Foothills Drive off Taylorsville Hwy/NC 90; more specifically identified as a portion of Lots 23 & 24, Block A, of Iredell County Tax Map 9E. On December 4, 1996, the Planning Board unanimously recommended approval by a 9-0 vote. No one spoke in favor/opposition to this matter. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to rezone a portion of the property from RA, Residential Agricultural to GB, General Business District. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REZONING REQUEST: THOMAS 8. WILSON PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9612-2: Planning Supervisor Allison said the applicant desired to rezone a portion of the property from Residential Office Conditional Use District to Residential Office District. The proposed mixed usage would be for multi-family dwellings and offices. The location of the property is on River Hwy/NC 150 at McCrary Road; more specifically identified as portion of Lot 1, Block C, of Iredell County Tax Map 2P. Allison mentioned that on January 3, 1995, the commissioners rezoned a portion of the property to residential office with a condition to not exceed 120 dwelling units. The planning staff has no objections to the current request (add up to 80 more dwelling units); however, the acquisition of utilities is important for a project of this size. On December 4, 1996, the Planning Board unanimously recommended approval by a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Boone asked if it would be necessary to have a municipal or package sewage system for a project of this size. Allison said the density involved would require something other than septic tanks. (It would take a system permitted by the State.) Thomas Wilson (owner of property) advised he would be happy to respond to any questions. Commissioner Johnson asked about a concern of a neighbor (1995) about possible sewage problems. Johnson asked what arrangements were being made. Wilson said an agreement was pending with Mid-South to provide a commercial sewage treatment facility. Commissioner Fortner asked if any construction work had been done. Wilson said that none had been done. The plans are just now being finalized. The applicant said he was just asking for the latitude to change or mix the number of dwelling units vs. office space. JAN 07 1997 093 No one else spoke in favor or in opposition to the request. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to grant the request and rezone the property from Residential Office Conditional Use to Residential Office District. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE DSS FEE POLICY FOR ADOPTION SERVICES: Don Wall, Director of DSS, explained this request during the briefing session. The request is to allow the following proposed fees for adoptions: Pre-placement assessment - Maximum fee: $1,500 Written report to the court - Maximum fee: $ 200 (Fees will be based on the family’s ability to pay using the 1992 Federal Poverty Level Guidelines. Fees for services may be reduced or waived if it can be documented the prospective adoptive family cannot pay the required fee, or if for any other reason the fee would be a barrier in an adoption. Fees will not be charged to SSI or AFDC recipients who are the head of the household for the prospective adoptive recipient.) MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the adoption fee schedule as presented. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~- 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: Susan Blumenstein advised that the Board had previously approved a request for the sheriff’s office to apply for an $18,623 grant. Matching funds in the amount of ten percent will be provided from the County’s contingency fund. Blumenstein requested a budget amendment and advised that a public hearing needed to be held on February 4. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to accept the grant funds ,, approve Budget Amendment #21A, and call for a public hearing to be held on February 4, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~- 0. REQUEST TO APPLY FOR GOVERNOR’S CRIME COMMISSION BLOCK GRANT: Blumenstein stated the sheriff desired to apply for this grant which would flow through the state (75% federal money and 25% local funds-$20,000). If the County is approved for the grant there are seized funds/forfeitures available to cover the county’s match. The grant would be used for the purchasing ($80,000), installing, and the training of personnel for the Automated Fingerprint Information System (A.F.I.S.)- Blumenstein also advised that Centralina COG could write the grant application using prepaid hours. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to authorize permission for the Sheriff’s Department to apply for the grant and to approve the usage of Centralina in writing the application using pre-paid hours. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~- oO. REQUEST FOR BUDGET AMENDMENT #22 FOR THE CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM/SHERIFF’8S DEPARTMENT: Scott Kilpatrick, Crime Prevention Officer, explained this request during the briefing session. Susan Blumenstein added that a trailer (excellent condition) was donated to the sheriff’s department to be used in parades, or at schools 3 94 and neighborhood crime prevention events. Also, recently a local company donated part of the costs for a golf cart. The sheriff’s department solicited $3,600 from various companies in the county. Now, the department requests to use $3,150 to pay off the golf cart and to use $300 for the balance on software for the Senior Citizen’s Wellness Check Program. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve Budget Amendment #22 in the amount of $3,600 as outlined by the finance director. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. BRIEFING IN REFERENCE TO THE AMITY HILL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT: William Allison explained that the N.C. Dept. of Transportation (DOT) contacted his office in April of 1996 regarding this bridge replacement. Studies are generally conducted on federally funded projects. The transportation department determines if the sites have any archaeological/historical/environmental significance. Also, DOT looks to see if any new development will occur in the immediate area which might affect the design/layout of the project. The staff found nothing detrimental to this site and responded accordingly. A copy of the study is available for review. The bridge (#27) is off I-77 (Amity Hill Exit) and is about a mile south of I-77 (bottom of the hill). The site is a tributary of Third Creek. (No action was requested of the Board.) REQUEST FOR RECLASSIFICATION - HOUSEPARENT/IREDELL COUNTY YOUTH HOME: The county manager said this request was to reclassify a houseparent at the youth home to Houseparent/Administrative Assistant. This action is requested since it has been determined that more administrative work is needed for the proper day-to-day operations of the home. Mashburn felt it was necessary to designate one person to be responsible for administrative activity. Duties of the assistant would be: Oversee maintenance of house and equipment Budget preparation Accounts payable Scheduling personnel to insure youth home is staffed Coordinate annual licensing of the home Insure completion of records/files/reports QAvkwne ‘nea © OS Mashburn recommended a Grade 63 (Salary range/$21,552-$30,168) and said a budget amendment was not necessary. There has been much personnel turnover (fourth position) at the youth home. Some overtime has been paid. Youth Home, Inc. (Charlotte, NC), has assisted in the adequate staffing at the home. Commissioner Stewart asked about the number of youth being served at the home. Mashburn said the home could only accomodate six clients, and the majority of time, enrollment is about this number. Commissioner Boone said that even if the home had six clients, or the maximum, it still took four full-time employees to supervise them. (Mr. Boone said he realized the four employees were not working at the same time; however, they were all four on the payroll.) MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to reclassify a houseparent at the youth home to houseparent/administrative assistant with a salary range of $21,552-$30,168 - Grade 63. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays ~ 1 (Boone). DISCUSSION OF FINAL AGREEMENT WITH POLAR PLASTICS (TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL FUNDS: The county manager mentioned the major difference in this agreement and the resolution passed in August, 1996 is that there is a provision that would allow for increased benefit if the corporation added tax base in excess of the $25 million. The original resolution capped it at $25 million with a JAN pn» ON 07 ty 595 maximum benefit of $562,500. A question previously arose when it appeared that Polar’s initial investment would be in excess of $25 million and there was no provision for the County to provide any additional benefit. The current agreement allows for every $250,000 of investment in excess of $25 million a training benefit credit of $1,125.00 which is equal to the amount of taxes that would be received off of the additional investment. Commissioner Johnson asked if the manager was satisfied that the "door" closed on Polar after five years. Mashburn said this was correct. The Polar officials would have to reapply if there was any expansion. Commissioner Stewart inquired about any permissiveness in the agreement. In essence, she wanted to make sure there was a strict understanding the money was to .be used for jobs in Iredell County only. Attorney Pope said he would review the document to make sure the document did not imply any permissiveness in this area. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to authorize the Chairman to sign the Polar documents subject to final review/approval by Attorney Pope. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE IREDELL COUNTY UNIFORM FEE SCHEDULE: Susan Blumenstein advised the uniform fee schedule adopted and made effective January 1, 1996 by the Board, needed to be amended to add a charge for the creation of compact disks. Currently, the mapping department is the only county department capable of creating disks. The Iredell County Public Records Committee recommends an hourly rate based on the time required to select and create the compact disk. A rate of $13.50 per hour will cover wages and benefits for the employee who will be creating the disks. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the amendment to the Uniform Fee Schedule for the charging of compact disks in the amount of $13.50. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 1997 NACo LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE (FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 4) WASHINGTON, D.C.: During the briefing session, Chairman Haire, Commissioner Fortner, and Commissioner Stewart said they were interested in joining the county manager for this conference. The group will drive to Washington. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: DECEMBER 17, 1996, BRIEFING & REGULAR: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the captioned minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE TAX LISTING PERIOD: Brent Weisner, Tax Assessor, explained during the briefing session that the listing forms would not be mailed until approximately January 15. (The company, ARISTA Information System, that received the bid for this project failed to complete the process in a timely manner. ) MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the extension of the tax listing period until February 14, 1997. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST TO RECEIVE DONATED EQUIPMENT FROM CLARK-HURTH COMPONENTS AT THE LANDFILL: Ron Weatherman described this offer from Clark-Hurth in detail during the agenda briefing. Basically, the company desires to base one of its employees at the landfill to conduct computer tests, and in exchange, two pieces of equipment (front-end loaders) will be transferred to the site for the County 096 to use. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to enter into an agreement with Clark-Hurth Components in reference to this offer subject to the proper paperwork (liability insurance, etc.) being reviewed by the county attorney. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ¢NVOLVEMENT COUNCIL: (5 announcements) During the briefing session, Mr. Mashburn explained that appointments could be made to the Involvement Council; however, it was generally felt, by county staff and Involvement Council members, that the existence of this council is a duplication of the Information & Referral Agency. Mr. Mashburn recommended the Involvement Council be dissolved for this reason. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to abolish the Involvement Council and to request the Clerk send letters of appreciation to the past members of the Council. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. {OME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: (1 announcement ‘PROGRAM-DISABLED ADULTS (CAP-DA): (1 wee aM atucey nn - resignation of APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS -APPTS.): Commissioner meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. *$ Commissioner Boone moved to table this appointment un nuary 21 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. til the January 21 ointment un meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. permenant TASK FORCE (2 APPTB.) 2 Commissioner Stewart ¥ : . moved to table these two appointments until the January 21 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ; CARE HOME ¢ Commissioner Fortn Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed, accept Combs by acclamation, and table the other two appointments until the January 21 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. WwW (6 APPTS.): Commissioner Boone nominated “Privette, and L.W. Lambert, Jr. Commissioner Fortner nominated Dan Schmidt. 6 JAN 0 7 1997 097 Chairman Haire nominated Dick Pierce and Ralph Shepherd (Alternate). Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and accept Jolly, Privette, Lambert, Schmidt, Pierce, and Shepherd by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Commissioner Fortner nominated Robert V. Privette as Chairman for the Board of Equalization and Review. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and accept Robert V. Privette as Chairman for the Board of Equalization and Review. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Commissioner Johnson nominated Dan Schmidt as Vice Chairman of the Board of Equalization and Review. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and accept Dan Schmidt as Vice Chairman for the Board of Equalization and Review. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0O. NEW BUSINESS: In response to goals the Board of Directors for the North Carolina Association of Commissioners previously recommended the commissioners took the following action: ISLATIVE RESOLUTIONS MOTION by Commissioner Boone to go on record indicating opposition to the following legislative goals offered by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners: Taxation & Finance 3. Land Transfer Tax Public Education e Basic Education Program (against this because enrichment programs take away from other courses, i.e., reading, etc.) e Low Wealth Funding Program (against this because Iredell County taxpayers pay for other schools in the State) VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to go on record indicating opposition to the following legislative goal offered by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners: Criminal Justice 2. Background Checks, Concealed Weapons Permits (against this because of additional fee to have a concealed weapon) VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 1 (Fortner). 98 Catawba County Request to "“gupport Legislation to Exempt Public Hospitals from the Certificate of Need laws in instances where an existing public hospital desires to provide a service or acquire equipment which a competing hospital currently provides or owns." MOTION by Commissioner Boone to support Catawba County’s legislative request. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: The county manager stated he had received a 1996 Iredell County Inspections Report that showed county inspections had nearly doubled in three years (1993). CLOSED SESSION: MOTION by Chairman Haire to enter into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11 (a) (3) - Legal and G.S. 143- 318.11 (a) (5) - Property Acquisition. VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - 0. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. NEXT MEETING: January 17, 1997, 8:00 a.m., Planning Session at the Iredell County Library, 135 East Water Street, Statesville, NC. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. reverts Lass YY, / 447 Ni Cb ta F Clerk to the Board Y File: Jan 7min JAN 07 1997 : 599 fs “~ ‘Se IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PLANNING SESSION MINUTES JANUARY 17, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners held an all-day Planning Session, Friday, January 17, 1997, at the Iredell County Library, 135 East Water Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Chairman Sara K. Haire Vice Chairman Steve D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff attending: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Officer Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Don Wall, DSS Director (attended certain segments) Steve Messick, Library Director (attended certain segments) Jim Vernon, Support Services (attended certain segments) Media attending: Audrey Montgomery, Record & Landmark Nancy Baker, Mooresville Tribune Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. OF 6-97: The county manager said he was comfortable with the budget so far. Highlights were: ® Doing better than anticipated in sales tax e More higher-valued building structures are being built in the County e Medicaid reimbursements at health dept. (dental) are favorable A discussion was held on capital reserve funding for the various water-sewer and economic development projects. Commissioner Stewart asked for a "clearer" picture on what has been expended and what balances are remaining. Concerning health benefit claims, Mashburn said these were running over budget by about 13 percent. A budget amendment might be needed in the next few months. Mashhburn mentioned the employee rate had not changed in four years. Commissioner Johnson asked about the modular jail. Mashburn said the City had given a temporary permit for 18 months, and the unit was leased for 18 months. When the modular unit is removed, the staff has determined that 80 parking spaces will be available. Commissioner Boone asked about ways to prevent the public, when conducting business at the Hall of Justice, from parking at Bryant Supply. Mashburn replied that signs had been painted at Bryant, and that the security guard monitors the area. Don Wall, DSS Director, said his department was waiting on the legislature to make key decisions about what core of services would be mandated. Wall said welfare reform could work in the positive or negative for the County. California and New York have always received more than their fair share. AFDC, the JOBS Program, and the DAY CARE Program will all be capped into a block grant called Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Wall mentioned that North Carolina’s welfare plan is one of the harshest in the nation. The current proposal stipulates that a welfare client has a two-year time limit in some programs. After two years, the client would be refused assistance for three years. The federal time clock (some programs) stipulates that if a welfare recipient is on the rolls for five years he/she is then off forever. Wall said a problem seen in the reform movement will be to keep track of where people have lived in the past, etc. 1 The primary focus of the new program will be to get people employed. Commissioner Fortner asked if DSS would need more help in assisting people in finding jobs. Wall mentioned the JOBS Program was reduced by three employees last year. (It was never actually stated if additional help would be needed.) Wall mentioned that previously, homeless people were automatically eligible for benefits. This will not necessarily be true in the future. Legal aliens will not be eligible for benefits. This group of people will go off the program in July of this year. In addition, Wall mentioned the spotlight seems to be focused on Able Bodied Adults without Dependent Children (ABADs). This group is mostly composed of drug addicts and alcoholics. The final plan for North Carolina is to be submitted to the federal government by July 1, 1997. Wall said a group throughout the State has been working on this plan. Mr. Wall said he could not give any concrete projections about welfare reform. He did say that all of his staff were trying to advise their clients about the work philosophy. MENTAL HEALTH: A copy of the June 30, 1996, audit for Tri-County Mental Health was distributed to the commissioners. Mr. Mashburn mentioned the County was mandated to provide mental health services. There seems to be some interest in dissolving the Tri- County Mental Health Authority (catchment area). Davie County is definitely interested in ending its relationship. Mr. Mashburn said that if Iredell County went as a single-county unit, it would probably cost more. Chairman Haire said she understood that recently a letter went to Tri-County’s adult clientele advising that a physician would not be provided in the future. The group shared several items that displeased them about the current situation: * Some County nonprofit agencies say the clients of Tri- County wind up at their offices for services. This is because Tri-County cannot see them. The nonprofits do not feel this is fair, especially in light of the County money distributed to Tri-County ($289,170 a year currently). . Clients seeking assistance sometimes have to travel to Rowan County. ® Tri-County has over 60 vacancies at the present. * Tri-County has such a poor reputation that local referring agencies will not refer to it. * Tri-County has good employees, but poor management. * Tri-County has such a poor reputation, its questionable about it being able to attract a professional staff in the future. + Complaints are made daily to some of the commissioners. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson that a letter be sent to the Chairman of the Tri-County Mental Health Board of Directors advising that, in the future, Iredell County’s commissioner appointee (Fortner) be notified of any and all upcoming meetings and for Mrs. Fortner to be allowed to participate fully in all meetings. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Mr. Mashburn mentioned Davie County had appointed a Task Force to review mental health services. Commissioner Johnson said he would like Iredell to review what other counties are doing. 601 Commissioner Fortner said she needed the numbers on the services being provided by Tri-County. Both Chairman Haire and Commissioner Johnson said they had tried repeatedly to obtain this information, but were always unsuccessful. Mr. Mashburn advised that maybe the new, interim director, (Dave Beck) could come to a commissioners’ meeting and do a presentation. MENTAL HEALTH FACT-FINDING COMMITTEE MOTION by Chairman Haire to appoint a fact-finding committee to research Iredell County’s options and report back to the commissioners by March 4. The committee is to be composed of: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Commissioner Alice T. Fortner Susan Blumenstein, Iredell Finance Director Don Wall, DSS Director, or his appointee (Commissioner Stewart said she would serve, however, this should be shared with Mr. Wall first.) Ray Rabe, Health Director e Dr. Jane Carrigan, Supt. of Mooresville Schools, or her appointee e Dr. Joe Sinclair, Iredell-Statesville School Supt., or his appointee (Note: On January 21, 1997, Dr. Doug Eason, Mitchell Community College, was added to this group (or his appointee). VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Audrey Montgomery asked if any hospitals had made an offer to contract for services. Chairman Haire advised that Phil Lotti, Columbia/Davis Hospital, had stated he was having a problem getting a contract executed. The county manager advised the group that a request would be in the 97-98 budget for the Internet. Mr. Mashburn mentioned it was his understanding that the Legislative Reporting Service would only send two copies of legislative items. He asked if the commissioners desired a copy. Commissioner Stewart said she would like a copy of all legislative material, no matter whether it pertained to local items of interest or information about other areas of the state. (A copy of all materials will be sent to each commissioner. ) In reference to the Internet service being provided to the library, via Charlotte’s Web, Mr. Mashburn advised that a fee might need to be charged in the future. CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDATE: Jim Vernon, Director of Support Services, gave a review on current capital projects. In reference to the jail project, very few of the original employees remain with the architectural firm. Some problems have surfaced, but they have been worked through. Currently, the project is about five/six weeks behind schedule. : Some leaks have surfaced. Resealing was done as well as work on the guttering. tation: Preliminary surveying has been done ~~ ready for rough grading. Commissioner Fortner asked the architectural fees for the jail and transfer station. Mr. Mashburn said he would provide this information. VIE ROM STATE REPRESEN E FRA MITCHELL: Rep. Mitchell was welcomed to the meeting. Mitchell advised that a state review team evaluated Tri-County Mental Health on January 8-10, 1997. The 3 602 findings of this committee indicated that Tri-County is not providing minimum services for the needy. Mitchell shared a copy of a draft bill to dissolve the catchment area. This will allow the three counties to align with other counties or stay as single- county units (if meets population criteria). Mr. Mitchell said all the state representatives for Davie, Iredell and Rowan were in agreement about the bill which will be introduced in the House. Commissioner Fortner asked Rep. Mitchell if he would investigate the composition of the board members appointed to mental health boards. PROJECTS: SPACE FOR COURTS: Commissioner Boone mentioned that due to asbestos being in the Hall of Justice Building, it would be more feasible to move employees into a different building instead of trying to remodel. Commissioner Johnson said a needs~assessment committee should be created to find out exactly what needs were there. The committee should be composed of: Sheriff County Manager District Attorney District Court Judge Superior Court Judge Clerk of Court Register of Deeds 5 citizens (each commissioner to appoint one individual) (Note: Commissioner Johnson was appointed to this committee on January 21, 1997.) ¢ W : Commissioner Johnson asked how soon the repairs needed to be done to the dams. Mr. Mashburn advised a couple will soon need some work. It was suggested that Jim Vernon do a five-year plan on repair work for the dams (worse-damaged areas to be repaired first). Vv : Mr. Mashburn said a vacant strip-shopping center could be developed into a library. Both Commissioners Boone and Stewart said if this was done, the Town of Mooresville needed to be asked to financially assist. Chairman Haire suggested that a meeting be set up between herself, the county manager, Mooresville Town Manager McLean and Mayor Knox. D : Mr. Mashburn mentioned that repairs to this structure/lot could easily be handled in the regular health budget. S: It was the consensus of the Board to designate the following as priorities: lst - Courts 2nd - Library 3rd - DSS Commissioner Boone said the priority listing was just a projection. Other projects might surface that are more urgent. 97- : Mr. Mashburn said he was not aware of any items of any major significance. There will be additional jailers needed at the jail. Commissioner Boone stated he would like the budget to be as tight as possible and to put some money into the capital reserve fund. lations: Mashburn mentioned there are no commitments to some of these appropriations, and that some are 4 JAN 17 1997 603 requested through formulas. Commissioner Fortner mentioned Keep Iredell Clean (KIC). She said KIC was interested in providing a recycling coordinator. The State has made some requirements about this situation. Fortner stated KIC would like to do a presentation before the 97-98 budget was completed. Mr. Mashburn acknowledged that there is a mandate to assist the State in decreasing the waste stream by forty percent by the fall of 1997. Commissioner Stewart said she didn’t mind hearing the presentation; however, she wanted to hear what other options were available. Commissioner Johnson voiced some concern about the Tredell Vocational Workshop. He said he would support an increase for this agency. Commissioner Boone said he felt special appropriations should be frozen with the exception of Iredell Vocational Workshop. It was the consensus of the commissioners to direct the county manager to freeze special appropriations with the exception of the Vocational Workshop. s t ept.: This department should be thoroughly reviewed during the budget season. The legislators should be contacted about the educational/probational period for these employees. Tax Collection Rate: Try to increase, if possible. MERIT PAY: Mashburn mentioned the method used in 96-97 for merits had caused much dissatisfaction with the employees (morale is low). Mr. Mashburn said he would like to return to a merit method similar to the past. Commissioner Fortner said good employees deserved merit increases. Commissioner Boone sald ike wousu isthe tO see the figures on how many people received a raise in 96-97. Commissioner Johnson said he understood anytime an employee reached the top of their salary grade/step that the employee only received a bonus. Mr. Mashburn assured him this was correct. Mashburn said he wanted the commissioners to feel comfortable that county salaries were comparable to the private sector. He asked if additional information could be provided. In addition, he asked if any commissioners had a problem with the Personnel Advisory Committee reviewing the salary mechanism and how comparable it is to the private sector. Commissioner Johnson said it depended on what companies were used. Johnson said that other factors were involved: county employees usually have better benefits; private-sector employees normally have to work longer to reach retirement; retail private sector employees would have to work more days in the year. : Commissioner Johnson said he would like to receive as much advance notice on any requested salary adjustments. Commissioner Boone added that he preferred all reclassification requests at budget time. The county manager said he would like to do a study on law enforcement. Chairman Haire said Iredell should not be a training ground for law enforcement. Commissioner Johnson said he felt the people in law enforcement did not make enough money. : Mr. Mashburn mentioned that some counties pay a set amount per month plus a per diem for other meetings. It was the consensus of the commissioners for this 5 604 matter to be reviewed in the upcoming budget. Health Insurance: Chairman Haire requested that health insurance for the commissioners be reviewed in the upcoming budget. DINNER MEETING WITH LEGISLATORS BLACK ANGUS RESTAURANT JANUARY 17, 1997 6:00 P.M. Immediately following the session at the library, all of the commissioners met for a dinner meeting at the Black Angus Restaurant at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss legislative matters with: Senator Jim Phillips Senator James Forrester Representative Frank Mitchell Representative Robert Brawley Media representatives, Audrey Montgomery and Nancy Baker also attended the meeting along with county staff: Joel Mashburn, Susan Blumenstein, and Jean Moore. NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION GOALS (NCACC): A copy of the recently passed NCACC legislative goals was shared with the legislative representatives. Opposition was voiced by the commissioners on 1) the land transfer tax 2) Public education funding/BASIC Education (this is because it is felt some of the enrichment classes, e.g., dancing, etc., takes away from vital elements, i.e., reading/math, 3) low-wealth funding. Commissioner Stewart said she felt the formula to judge low-wealth funding needed to be reviewed by the legislators. Commissioner Boone added that 71 out of 100 counties were listed as low wealth. Iredell County is not considered in this group and it is felt Iredell subsidizes other counties. The commissioners also voiced opposition to additional charges in reference to obtaining concealed weapon permits. The commissioners voiced support for Catawba County’s resolution in reference to certificates of need. Senator Forrester said the larger counties (Mecklenburg) would fight the resolution. Representative Mitchell said he understood legislation might be presented abolishing certificates of need. TRI-COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH: A discussion was held on the present composition of mental health boards of directors. Senator Phillips mentioned the composition was written because of the vested interest of people with mental health problems, e.g., substance abuse, etc. Representative Mitchell said he would try to write some legislation on the board composition. Commissioner Johnson said the Tri-County Board of Directors had some well-intentioned individuals; however, it is difficult for them to make rational decisions on what programs should be offered. All four of the delegates said they would support the abolishment of the Tri-County Mental Health Authority. LIVESTOCK FACILITY: Mitchell advised he had been trying to talk with the Governor about releasing the money for the livestock project. This is a $7-8 million project, and $735,000 (planning) has been appropriated. ADJOURNMENT : Chairman Haire thanked the legislators for their visit and adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Approved: Letosoesy 1997 , Al. MtrwH / Clerk to the Board JAN 17 1997 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 21, 1997, for a briefing session in the South Wing Conference Room of the Iredell County Government Center. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Sidney Weisner, Animal Control Supervisor Al Upton, Div. Head/Safety & Emer. Management Brent Weisner, Tax Assessor Chuck Gallyon, Fire Marshal Steve Messick, Library Director Dean Lail, Veterans Service Officer Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. DISCUSSION OF THIRD CREEK WATERSHED - SURVEY OF DAMS: Jim Summers, District Conservationist/Iredell Soil and Water, said that in 1988 evidence of problems in the dams began surfacing, e.g., rusting pipes, beavers congesting the dams. There are eleven flood control structures and two are on the main branch of Third Creek. The others are on tributaries to Third Creek. None of the facilities are situated in Rowan County; however, citizens of this County receive benefits from the structures. A structure is located in Alexander Co.; however, it is felt there are no known benefits to Alexander property owners. Summers advised there is some "high-end agricultural property" in the watershed areas; however, actual farm production has probably diminished some in the past few years. In April of 1996, an agreement was signed whereby Applied GeoSciences & Engineering (AG&E) would determine the physical conditions of the structures. Mr. Don Basinger, of AG&E accompanied Mr. Summers to the meeting and said his company had completed Phase I of the study. The following is a listing of the study components: PHASE I: Included interviews with district personnel Visual Review of Each Site Visual Inspection of Outlet Conduits Preparation of Reports COsT: $36,727.89 (includes 15% contingency) (This phase revealed that there are no immediate threats to the integrity of the dams.) PHASE II: Evaluation of the hydrology and hazard potential Evaluation of specific site conditions, e.g., seepage Development of construction drawings/specifications for repairs to the structures COST ESTIMATE: 207,449 PHASE III: Actual construction of items, i.e., riser repair, slide gate replacement, repair of trench drains and outlet pipes, installation of downstream slope drainage. Installation of erosion control, conduit repairs, and sediment removal. COST ESTIMATE: Construction Support: §$ 46,316 + Construction: 570,456 Commissioner Stewart asked how the County, rather than the Department of the Army - Corp of Engineers, ended up with the upkeep cost of the watershed. Summers replied that initially the project was set up in a tax district, however, the property owners did not pay the taxes. The Corp of Engineers was never involved, the "district" was a federal and USDA project. Commissioner Fortner asked when the tax was levied. Summers answered he didn’t know; however, he had been told the Third Creek Watershed Service District was pure "folly" in this regard. Iredell County has been responsible for the watershed since 1977. Commissioner Boone asked if the federal government would assist in the improvement costs. Chairman Haire asked about any state or local funds. Summers advised that he had talked to the Rowan commissioners and understood there is some feeling that a special district should be established where taxes were levied to pay off the repair cost. Commissioner Boone asked if the district was just for the floodplain. Summers said he did not know. The county manager said he would research the matter. Mr. Summers said he would be glad to assist in a tour of any/all of the structures if the commissioners were interested. REZONING REQUEST: TROUTMAN FARM ROAD AREA, CASE No. 9606-1: Commissioner Stewart asked about the procedures involving a valid protest petition. William Allison advised he verifies each name on the petition to insure property ownership. Allison advised that if an affected resident changed sides before the 7:00 p.m. meeting he/she would either have to sign a petition in front of him or bring a notarized certification of the signature. INTERMEDIATE ZONING DISTRICT: William Allison advised that the Planning Board could not come to a clear consensus in reference to this type of zoning. The planning board recommended that the private planning company (BENCHMARK) review intermediate zoning. Commissioner Fortner said she concurred with the planning board and felt the matter should be studied by BENCHMARK. Commissioner Boone mentioned that BENCHMARK would take the direction given to it by the Board. Mr. Boone asked about any future meetings with BENCHMARK. REQUEST TO APPROVE JAIL POPULATION TASK FORCE’S RECOMMENDATION ON EXPENDITURE OF GRANT FUNDS ($18,623): Glenn Hedrick, Sheriff's Department, explained the Jail Task Force had approved the purchase of items that would be used to help in the fight of the "drug pipeline" on I-40/I-77 and some of the major secondary roads. The items (radar, microphones, patrol car surveillance systems/cameras) would assist in obtaining the "probable cause" necessary to get a court conviction. In addition, six ballistic vests would be obtained if approved. Most of the deputies have a vest; however, the special deputies need this gear. Hedrick added that the vests cannot be traded around, since they are designed to conform to a specific person’s body. The total amount presented for the requested items was $17,949.58. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF COOL SPRINGS VFD BOUNDARY LINES: Chuck Gallyon explained that the lines were approved by the commissioners on October 15, 1996; however, the State has now made two changes. A new map and description have been created. Gallyon explained that Cool Springs did not have a problem with the lines, and the matter was not controversial with the adjacent fire departments. JAN 2 11997 607 JAN 21 1997 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET #23 ~- STATE LIBRARY READER’S ADVISORY GRANT: Steve Messick, library director, explained that this grant had already been awarded. Iredell County is not expected to match any of the grant funds; however, after the funds are expended a telephone line would need to be maintained in subsequent years. (Estimated cost $240 per year). DISCUSSION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE: Sidney Weisner advised that most of the revisions to the present ordinance were done to be consistent with changes made by the State. In reference to wolf-hybrids, Weisner mentioned that several people had voiced concern about having these animals in their neighborhood. Since rabies incidents have increased recently, more wolf-hybrid bites have been reported (5 were mentioned -- since 1988). Mr. Weisner said he did not know how many bites had occurred in the past two years, and he did not know how many dog bites had happened since 1988. Weisner stated he had read in an animal control publication that wolf-hybrids were caught between two worlds: domestic and the wild. Another article stated wolf-hybrids could not be trusted around other animals, e.g., livestock. Further, another article said wolf-hybrids were predatory animals. Weisner said that predatory animals instinctively respond to distress signals emitted by other animals. A small child crying (distress) could trigger an attack by a wolf- hybrid. Chairman Haire asked about an incident involving an attack on a Bowen child. Weisner stated the bite did occur involving a wolf- hybrid being boarded by Mr. Randal Bowen on his own child. (ote: Bowen owns and sells wolf-hybrids and appeared before the commissioners at the January 7 meeting.) Al Upton stated he and Mr. Weisner decided in July of 1996 that changes needed to be made to the ordinance. Upton described the present ordinance as "archaic." He mentioned that presently animal control knows of one African lion in the County that weighs aproximately 400 lbs. Upton mentioned that last summer a Burmese python stayed loose in Mooresville for about six weeks. Commissioner Fortner asked if animal control officers caught the python. Weisner responded one of his officers caught the animal during a summer weekend. The expense involved in the capture (overtime, etc.) would be around $100-$200. In another incident, Weisner related that a wolf-hybrid had escaped from its owner. Iredell Animal Control Officers captured the animal at a cost of over $500. Fortner emphasized that when the "rights" of animal owners were being stressed that citizens should be reminded of the "rights" of the people who have to live in the communities where the animals are living. Some people have expressed safety concerns. Commissioner Stewart asked about coyotes in the western part of the County. Weisner explained the animals had existed for over 20 years in the northern end. It is possible, that some of the animals migrated to the western section. Commissioner Boone asked about the section in the proposed ordinance that dealt with confining cats the same way as dogs. Upton mentioned this was placed in the ordinance because of the recent rabies epidemic. Commissioner Boone said he had problems with some of the animal definitions used in the proposed ordinance. The county manager mentioned there were three areas that needed to be addressed: (1) cats and a rabies requirement (2) barking dogs and (3) exotic animals. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. APPROVED: FD ebecair 4/997 Chen CU 07 — ite: jan.219 / seal to the Board IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 31, 1997, 7300 PeMee in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room of the Iredell County Government Center. Present: Chairman Sara K. Haire Vice Chairman Steve D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. STATESVILLE MONTESSORI STUDENTS WELCOMED: Chairman Haire welcomed the eighth grade class of Mrs. Joanne Dodick to the meeting. A special guest attending was Miss Caroline Johnson, the daughter of Commissioner Steve D. Johnson. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to delete: Request from Sheriff’s Dept. for additional jailers and to add: Request for Approval of Jail Population Task Force’s Recommendation on Expenditure of Grant Funds ($18,623). VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD SPEAKERS IN REFERENCE TO PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE: e Margaret Lane, President of the Iredell County Humane Society said this organization appreciated the work done by the Animal Control Staff. Lane had a problem with Section 3-8 in the proposed amendment. The section reads, "Tt shall be unlawful for any person to tease, molest, or bait any animal not belonging to him or under his control." The Humane Society feels it should be unlawful for any person to do this to any animal. Lane suggested the sentence just read: “It shall be unlawful for any person to tease, molest, or bait any animal." In addition, Lane expressed a problem in allowing hunting dogs to not wear collars with valid rabies vaccination tags in the course of hunting. (She mentioned if the collars were noisy they could be riveted.) Mrs. Lane said hunting dogs were the animals at greatest risk to contract rabies. If the hunting dog is wearing a rabies tag (when crossing various properties) and there is an altercation with a person then this individual will know if the animal has been vaccinated. (The person would not have to endure painful rabies shots.) Under the proposal for exotic animals, Lane said that having Animal Control do licensing/permitting for these animals was a good idea; however, the labor intensity involved might be too costly for the County to absorb. Further, Lane suggested that if an exotic animal ordinance was adopted a change should made to the segment Oo 4 Ann IID pertaining to killing the animals. She mentioned "is at large" should be stressed in the section dealing with destroying the animal. In Article 19, Lane suggested that if an exotic animal was sold, euthanized, or adopted, that the Chief Animal Control Officer be the only person allowed to take this action. Lane questioned the definition involving wolf-hybrids. She mentioned there was no test available that could differentiate between a wolf-hybrid and a dog. Mrs. Lane said the County would be incurring liability, if it adopted the proposed ordinance, because it could not prove a wolf-hybrid from a dog. Commissioner Boone asked Mrs. Lane if it was practical to keep a collar on a cat. Lane said she knew cats crawled and climbed and there was a danger of the collar becoming snagged and the pet hanging itself. She said it was possible to get a collar that had more elasticity. Then, the likelihood of the pet suffering any harm is greatly reduced. Commissioner Fortner said she would like to know which specific counties had problems with wolf hybrids. Lane said these were in Virginia, and she would get back with Fortner with the specific data. ® Kathy Anderson, Member of the Iredell County Animal Grievance Committee and a member of the Humane Society, said she agreed with the rabies point mentioned by Lane in reference to hunting dogs. Anderson further mentioned that when a dangerous animal is determined that a micro-chip could be implanted (under skin/between shoulder blades) at the owner’s expense. Anderson said she worked for a veterinarian and came in contact with many wolf-hybrids. She mentioned concern that if wolf-hybrids were outlawed in the County that a bigger problem would be created because the owners would not seek vaccinations. Some owners might lie about the breed of dog, or they would go into "hiding." In handling the wolf-hybrids, Anderson said she didn’t find the animal to be anymore unpredicable than other breeds of dogs. e David Edwards mentioned he raised nonhuman primates and had done so since 1981. The animals are shared at nursing homes, schools, and day care centers. e Mike Trowbridge said he felt there were enough regulations already governing dogs. Expressed concern about the term wolf- hybrid and said this should be wolf/dog crosses. He mentioned a wolf hybrid would be a cross between a wolf and some other animal (coyote, fox, etc.) something other than a member of the lupus family. Trowbridge mentioned that wolves were indigenous to North Carolina/United States and shouldn’t be classified as exotic. e Carl Neideffer said he raised wolf crosses and felt the proposed amendments were discriminatory and prejudiced. Mentioned the North Carolina Wildlife Commission would not regulate the animals, because it did not classify them as wolves. He said his animals were currently vaccinated and have a pedigree line extending for many generations. Neideffer said he basically wanted to continue his breed of "dog." The same way as other animal breeders. SPEAKING IN REFERENCE TO RECREATION: e Mike Griffin, Chairman of the Iredell County Recreation Advisory Board, said the recreation dept. had an opportunity to apply for a matching $250,000 grant. He requested permission to apply for the $250,000 to be used for the development of the Stumpy Creek site. Commissioner Stewart asked if a match was required. Griffin said yes, and it was $250,000 (dollar for dollar). The match is 610 ean? 1211997 v to be raised by the community. Commissioner Johnson said the County had $400,000 to be divided by the four recreational quadrants. If the state money is received, the community (southern) would have to supply $150,000 to go along with the $100,000. Johnson said he had previously mentioned he wanted an "escape hatch" in this matter since there are three other recreational quadrants that will someday request their money. Johnson said his stipulation was that recreation apply for the $250,000, raise $150,000 in the community, and at that time the County would release the $100,000; however, if the community failed the County would send the money back to the State. Stewart said she remembered some money (out of the $100,000) already spent by the southern quadrant. Griffin said some money was used at the Bluefield Road site, but it was derived out of the annual recreation budget. Commissioner Boone said he remembered some money had been used for aerial surveying, but percentage wise it was a small amount. Commissioner Stewart said she understood the money had to be spent on one project. Johnson said this was a requirement of the grant. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to grant permission for the Recreation Dept. to proceed with the grant application in the amount of $250,000. A stipulation being that the difference ($150,000) between the $100,000 available in the park fund, and the $250,000 from the state be raised by the local community. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. PRESENTATION OF SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS Lus Maria Hagey - Employee Suggestion Award Winner: Mrs. Hagey was presented a certificate and $300 check for a suggestion dealing with a dial-up line connecting the DSS Child Protective Service Unit with the criminal court’s online system so clerical employees could provide criminal checks from the DSS Building. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REZONING REQUEST; TROUTMAN FARM ROAD AREA, CASE NO. 9606-1: William Allison announced that the petitioners desired to rezone property from RA, Residential Agricultural to R-20, Single Family Residential District. The property is located on Troutman Farm Road (SR 1334) south off Old Mountain Road (SR 1005); more specifically identified as Lots 1,2,2C,2D,2E,2H, 2L,3,4,39B, 40, 60,61,62,63,64,69, 71,73,81,84,96,99;Block B, of Iredell County Tax Map 3K. Also, Lots 1,1A,2A,2B,2F,2G,2J, 2K, 2M, 3, 4, S, Stpt),. 7(pt),12,12A,13,14,16, 18,19,20;Block C,of Iredell County Tax Map 3K. Lots 1-11, Block A of Iredell County Tax Map 3K-2 and Lots 12,13,27,30,34,35,41(pt) ,42; Block A of Iredell County Tax Map 3S. Approximately 880 acres of land with 70 parcels are involved. The planning staff indicates the area is mostly single family stick built homes. On July 3, 1996, the Planning Board recommended approval of the request in a vote of 5-3. On July 23, 1996, the Board of Commissioners tabled the matter for further review. Allison advised that three property owners had visited his office on this date desiring to be classified as being in favor of the request. The additions are Ronnie Crouch, Vera Parks, and Bob Compton. The Iola Troutman property has been divided into six additional tracts and signatures from all six of these heirs were also received. 611 The current percentage in favor is 75% and 25% against. A valid protest petition has been presented which will require a 4-1 vote of the board of commissioners. Commissioner Fortner said she wanted to state for the record that she is not related to Mr. Curtis Fortner (a property owner in this matter). Sam Winthrop, Attorney for the Petitioners, conceded that both sides had meritorious points. Winthrop mentioned that in zoning someone is denied some aspects of the usage of their land. He mentioned the majority of the community was in favor of the change. elvin Messick (Opposition) spoke and said he had never been approached with the petition. Questioned the percentages arrived at by the planning staff. Chairman Haire asked Planning Supervisor Allison if he was satisfied with the petitions. Mr. Allison said he was comfortable with the percentages and everything was in order. ucy Troutman Rochelle (Proponent) : Felt the restrictions would curtail unruly development. Jerry Benfield (Opposition): Advised he lived at the end of Troutman Farm Road and was in opposition to the rezoning. ri oponent) : Wants the rezoning because she feels her property value will decrease if left RA. : Stated the area had developed into a nice neighborhood on its own doing -- mentioned some residents started out in mobile homes, but were later able to build stick- built homes. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to rezone the property from RA, Residential Agricultural to R-20, Single Family Residential District. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REPORT FROM THE IREDELL COUNTY PLANNING BOARD IN REFERENCE TO AN INTERMEDIATE ZONING DISTRICT: William Allison advised that the planning board examined this issue on January 8, 1997, and could not reach a consensus of opinion. The planning board did, however, recommend the matter be reviewed by BENCHMARK while the present ordinance is being evaluated. Commissioner Boone said this was basically a policy decision. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to declare an intention to establish some sort of an Intermediate Zoning District between R-20 and RA and to postpone further action until February 4. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 1 (Stewart). REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF ROAD MAINTENANCE (PORTION OF HERONWOOD ROAD): William Allison said a petition submitted by Jim Rand, District Engineer, (NCDOT) for abandonment of a portion of SR 2728 (Heronwood Road) from the state maintained system had been received. The section to be abandoned has a total of 750.0 linear ft. Due to an intersection alignment change, the new section totals 700 ft. and was funded and constructed by the developer. The staff recommends approval. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to abandon a portion of SR 2728 from the state maintained system. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 4 REQUEST FROM THE PLANNING OFFICE FOR APPROVAL OF LETTER OF CREDIT, RELEASE OF SURETY BOND, AND RELEASE OF A CASH BOND: MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve: 1) Letter of Credit #97-138 for Oakwood Subdivision/Krom Financial Services 2) Release of Surety Bond #400JK2376 for Kings Landing Subdivision/Wilson Properties 3) Release of Cash Bond (Receipt #61552) for Pier 33 Condominiums/Tarheel Surveying Company. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST TO APPROVE JAIL POPULATION TASK FORCE’S RECOMMENDATION ON EXPENDITURE OF GRANT FUNDS ($18,623): MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the recommendation of the Jail Task Force for the expenditure of the $18,623 on the items discussed during the briefing. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF COOL SPRINGS VFD BOUNDARY LINES: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the following boundary line description for the Cool Springs Volunteer Fire Department: Cool Springs Fire Insurance District Served by: Cool Springs Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Iredell County Beginning at point (1) at the end of Victory Road (SR 2437); thence in a northerly direction to point (2) at the intersection of Crawford Road (SR 2174) and Jane Sowers Road (SR 2171); thence in an easterly direction to point (3) at the intersection of Jane Sowers Road (SR 2171) and Old Mocksville Road (SR 2158); thence in a northeasterly direction to point (4) in the center of Fifth Creek, .1 mile west of SR 2158; thence following Fifth Creek in an easterly direction to point (5) in the center of the bridge over Fifth Creek on Old Mocksville Road (SR 2158); thence in an easterly direction to point (6) at the intersection of Beechwood Farm Road (SR 2160) and Jefferson Road (SR 2159; thence in a northeasterly direction to point (7) on Cool Springs Road (SR 2163), .2 mile east of its intersection with Beechwood Farm Road (SR 2160); thence in a northerly direction to point (8) on Old Mocksville Road (SR 2158), .2 miles east of Chief Thomas Road (SR 2152); thence in a northeasterly direction to point (9) at the intersection of Old Mocksville Road (SR 2158) and New Hope Road (SR 2203), including all property on SR 2203; thence in an easterly direction to point (10) at the northwest shoreline of the South Yadkin River; thence following the shoreline of the South Yadkin River to point (11) at the Iredell/Rowan/Davie County Line; thence southerly following the Iredeli/Rowan County Line to point (12) on the iredell/Rowan County Line, at its intersection with Woodleaf Road (SR 2163); thence southerly to point (12A) on Keaton Road (SR 2474), .2 mile north of SR 2305 excluding all property on SR 2474, between this and the preceding point; thence easterly to point (13) at the intersection of Barry Oak Road (SR 2305) and the Iredell/Rowan County Line; thence southerly to point (14) on Barnhill Road (SR 2310) at the Iredell/Rowan County Line; thence southerly to point (15) on Longview Road (SR 2309), 1.3 miles south of its intersection Barry Oak Road (SR 2305); thence southerly to point (15A) on SR 2309, .2 mile east of Elmwood Road (SR 2308), excluding all property on SR 2309, between this and the preceding point thence southerly to point (16) on Elmwood Road (SR 2308), .1 mile south of its intersection with SR 2309; thence southwesterly to point (17) on Mills Garden Road (SR 2307), .1 mile west of SR 2308; thence westerly to point (18) at the end of New Salem Road (SR 2314); thence southwesterly following Fourth Creek to point (19) in the center of the bridge over Fourth Creek on Bell Farm Road (SR 2316); thence in a northwesterly direction following Fourth Creek to point (20) in the center of the bridge over Fourth Creek on Greenbriar Road (SR 2320); theice in a northwesterly direction following along the eastern corporate limits of the City of Statesville to point (1), the beginning. NOTE: This description describes an area of Iredell County pursuant to General Statutes 153A-233 for Insurance Grading Purposes Only. NOTE: Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are adjoining points with Ebenezer Fire Insurance District NOTE: Point 11 is an adjoining point with County Line Fire Insurance District. NOTE: Points 17, 18, 19 and 20 are adjoining points with Wayside Fire Insurance District. NOTE: All properties within the corporate limits of the City of Statesville are excluded from Cool Springs Fire Insurance District. JAN 2 1 1997 VOTING: Ayes ~ 5; Nays - 0. 613 614 DISCUSSION OF AMENDMENTS TO ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE: Chairman Haire mentioned this matter had been discussed during the agenda briefing and it was her understanding the health director desired to review the ordinance. MOTION by Chairman Haire to table this matter until the February 4, 1997, meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (EMS EMT- INTERMEDIATE/PARAMEDIC TRAINING) WITH IREDELL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: Al Upton, Division Head for Safety and Emergency Management explained these documents during the briefing. They are standard agreements for the training of the paramedics. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the agreements and to give authorization to the Chairman to sign the documents. VOTING: Ayes- 5; Nays - 0O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #23: MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #23 which will recognize a State Library Reader’s Advisory Grant and appropriate expenditure line items. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - QO. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RELEASES/REFUNDS (DECEMBER, 1996): MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the following releases and refunds for December 1996 which were explained and recommended by the Tax Assessor during the agenda briefing. RELEASES FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1996 $28,383,85 Breakdown of Releases: County $18,299.53 Solid Waste Fee 468.00 All County Fire #4 560.34 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 32.07 Shepherd’s Fire #2 152.55 E. Alexander Fire #1 3.06 Statesville City 4,549.47 Statesville Downtown -14 Mooresville Town 3,467.88 Mooresville Downtown 0 Mooresville School 858.59 Harmony ~52 Troutman 1.50 Love Valley 0 REFUNDS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1996 2,067.85 Breakdown of Refunds: County : 1,038.32 All County #4 Fire 140.73 Statesville City 888.80 VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. JAN 2 11997 JAN 2 | 1997 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE: Susan Blumenstein advised that $1,480 in additional funding was requested to install a dedicated phone line and software for on- line communication with the district and state veteran’s offices. The North Carolina DVA will allow county offices to "piggy back" the software order which will give bulk-order savings. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve Budget Amendment #23A, in the amount of $1,480, to be derived from the contingency fund for this request. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #24: Susan Blumenstein stated that during FY 95-96, $523,417 was appropriated for the construction of the new Law Enforcement Building. At June 30, 1996, $67,658 had been spent leaving an available carryover of $455, 759. The amount of $300,000 was carried into the 96-97 budget since the amount owed as of June 30, 1996, was unknown. A budget amendment in the amount of $155,760 would increase Capital Outlay- Buildings to the correct carryover amount. (Note: Purchase Orders for construction contracts are now being used to track future year carryovers.) MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #24 in the amount of $155,760. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JANUARY 7, 1997 (Briefing & Regular): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the captioned minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 01 MOTION by Chairman Haire to ovennson to serve on this committee. appoin Commissioner eve VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. m INDING TASK FORCE: MOTION by Chairman Haire to appoin g Eason (Mitchell Community College) or his appointee to this committee. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. VESORY COMMITTER (2 appts.): MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to table these two appointments until the February 4 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. RD J MOTION by Commissioner Boone to postpae thie appointment until the February 4 meeting. VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - 0. TY CARE BLOCK GRANT {1 appt.): MOTION by Chairman Haire to postpone any action on this appointment until February 4. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. 615 ‘BERVICHS TASK FORCE (2 appts.): Commissioner Fortner questioned whether or not two appointments were needed on this task force since the bylaws indicate the membership shall be no less than 12 persons and no more than 30 persons. There are currently 12 members on this Board. The county manager said the staff would check on this matter. MOTION by Chairman Haire to postpone this item until the February 4 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ 0. Commissioner Fortner nominated Mrs. Mary Schwartz and Mr. Bill Hepler for this committee. MOTION by Chairman Haire to accept Schwartz and Hepler by acclamation and to table the last appointment until February 4. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADVISORY PROGRAM-DISABLED ADULTS (CAP~DA): Chairman ntment until the February 4 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, February 4, 1997. ae Approved: Figen, 4 {44 7 aC. Die re ie erk to the Board Pile: RBJan21 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA BRIEFING MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met for an Agenda Briefing on Tuesday, February 4, 1997, 5:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room of the Iredell County Government Center. Present: Chairman Sara K. Haire Vice Chairman Steve Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Chuck Gallyon, Fire Marshal Ken Vaughn, Cooperative Extension Service Chairman Ron Weatherman, Solid Waste Director Sheriff Phil Redmond Rick Dowdle, Sheriff’s Department Don Wall, DSS Director Anne Johnson, DSS Social Worker Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. William Allison explained the various zoning items. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL JAILERS: Sheriff Redmond advised that Sedgwick James had completed a manpower study for the jail. Sedgwick recommended 19 additional jailers; however, the sheriff has studied the situation and feels 15 would be adequate. It is estimated that 201 prisoners can be housed at the facility. Additional people in the building, family of inmates, attorneys, etc., could increase the number of people to about 283. The sheriff mentioned his staff had accrued much overtime last year. Some personnel has quit, due to having to work the overtime. Commissioner Johnson asked if the jail could be operated safely with 15 jailers. Rick Dowdle advised that if no more than 200 inmates were housed 15 jailers would be enough. Commissioner Boone said he had relied on a past analysis done by Sedgwick James for jail staff at the proposed Catawba Regional Jail. The Sedgwick firm is supposed to be experts in the jail design field; however, Boone said he now had some misgivings about the company. Commissioner Stewart asked if the Catawba Regional jail and the County’s jail were of the same design. Boone said basically they were. Rick Dowdle said the regional jail was not a processing unit. Inmates in a regional facility are processed somewhere else. Sheriff Redmond mentioned that 60-70 spaces could be leased to the federal government. A substantial amount of money could be recouped in this manner. REVIEW OF INTERMEDIATE ZONING DISTRICT BY BENCHMARK, INC.: William Allison explained that Mr. Steve Davenport, of Benchmark, Inc., was willing to examine the proposed district; however, more time is requested to evaluate the County’s needs. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR GRANT FROM PESTICIDE ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST FUND: Ken Vaughn mentioned Alexander County FEB 6 4 1997 617 operates a pesticide recycling program. If done in Iredell, the recycling center would need to be manned. Vaughn mentioned the program would only need to be operated in the spring and fall for about two or three months. The grant ($10,000) could be used for educational materials, publicity, and for equipment to clean the containers. Weatherman explained it would take many containers to make a bale. The containers could be cut into pellets and there is a market (plastic piping for drain lines). = iv olid Wast lan: Weatherman briefly mentioned this ten-year plan which is a part of HB 859. The plan, which basically encompasses every aspect of solid waste, has to be available to the State after July 1, 1997. Chairman Haire asked Weatherman if he would be agreeable to Keep America Beautiful and Keep Iredell Clean assisting with the plan. Weatherman said the State encouraged these groups as well as citizens, civic groups, and other public officials to be involved. REVIEW OF UTILITIES REDUCTION SPECIALISTS ’S (URS) RECOMMENDATIONS / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In March of 1996, this company was contracted to audit the County’s telephone billings, electric billings, and gas billings. The company agreed to create a cost savings plan and to seek refunds and credits for billing errors. Blumenstein briefed the Board on the findings: Federal Excise Tax was Imposed on Accounts: This tax has been removed and for a 36-month period refunds have been requested. An annual savings of $414.72 was found and $781.69 has been refunded. The federal excise tax was also being charged for the mobile accounts. An annual savings of $374.76 was found for this account with refunds for the past six months refunded at $142.87. : This charge was deleted which gave an annual savings of $128.64. Refunds for past charges were returned in the amount of $251.79. : An annual savings of $3,193.68 should be realized with the deletion of this tax. (A one-year refund in the amount of $3,193.68 has already been issued.) Discontinuance of FX Line Channelization Charges: These charges are on some FX lines no longer in service. Elimination of the charges will result in an annual savings of $241.89. (A refund for $254.41 has been refunded.) Plan: This account, if added to the AT&T long distance plan will be more cost effective. An annual savings of $177.96 was found. e c : An annual savings of $3,048.48 can be realized if placed under a new rate structure. Energy: URS analized energy bills for the Hall of Justice and recommended switching from medium general service to commercial time service. The change could result in a $4,931 per year savings. The combined annual savings found, to date, by this company is $12,400. Refunds for past over charges for various items have been $5,275. PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTS FOR THE COUNTY: Chuck Gallyon advised he would bring this matter to the Board on February 18, 1997. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. for a refreshment break prior to the 7:00 p.m. meeting. Approved: I1,g/97 f. C. JNM File: minB.Feb 4 Clerk to the Board 618 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FEBRUARY 4, 1997 MINUTES _ The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, February 4, 1997, 7:00 P.M., in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room of the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Chairman Sara K. Haire Vice Chairman Steve Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Don Wall, DSS Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. RECOGNITION OF SPECIAL GUEST: Chairman Haire welcomed Holly Chapman to the meeting. Miss Chapman, a student at UNC-Charlotte, N.C., was attending the meeting in conjunction with her college studies. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to approve the agenda adjustments: Deletions 1) Review of Intermediate Zoning District and 2) Review of Utilities Reduction Specialist’s Recommendations/Executive Summary. Additions: 1) Resolution in Support of the Renovation/Expansion of the Institute of Government/Knapp Building and 2) Closed Session for the Purpose of Discussing Property Acquisition [G.S. 143-318.11(a) (5)]. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REQUEST FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO IREDELL CO. LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN: REZONING REQUEST; RICHARD REAVIS PROPERTY (EDWIN HUNTER, AGENT), CASE NO.9701-1): William Allison, Planning Supervisor, explained the owner (Richard Reavis) desired to rezone a portion of property from RA, Residential Agricultural to M-1l, Light Manufacturing District and amend the Land Development Plan. The proposed usage of the property would be for sales, service, and assembly of auto wreckers. Location of the site (15 acres) is off Salisbury Hwy. next to the Statesville Industrial Park; more specifically identified as PIN#4773241402(pt) and 4773242372. The planning staff recommends approval of this request. On January 8, 1997, the planning board unanimously recommended approval of amending the Land Development Plan and rezoning the property to M- 1, Light Manufacturing by a vote of 6-0. Allison advised he had received a call from Mrs. Ruth Brown, a resident near the Reavis property. Brown, due to illness, was unable to attend the meeting; however, she desired that the Board only rezone the property that was needed. Mrs. Brown indicated to Allison that the neighborhood, in which she has lived for 45 years, could not tolerate any more noise. : Advised that his client desired to rezone the entire 15 acres. Previously, when » EB 04 1997 619 county-wide zoning took effect, the property was designated RA; however, the use of the property at that time was’ light manufacturing. (The Statesville Industrial Park did not then exist, but now, this area is zoned heavy industrial.) In order for the Reavis business to grow and expand, Hunter explained another building needed to be built. (The business has operated for 20 years.) Hunter said the property in question was "slim" in character, “its much deeper than wide." Reavis’ business is a display/show lot situation, and there isn’t room to build a street to access the back part of the site. The request is to rezone the entire property on the southside of Highway 70 to M-l. Commissioner Boone asked Mr. Hunter where the building was supposed to be built. Hunter said it had not actually been determined, but probably somewhere around 825-845 feet to the eastside. s vids = te ° wood Ke) Church): Indicated his congregation didn’t want to prevent Mr. Reavis from constructing the building, but the church had services during the week nights and services on Sundays. He asked where the building was to be established and how much noise would be emitted. "Will the building be located on the highway west of the present building?" Hunter explained the business had never operated after 6:00 p.m. The extent of the noise would be air compressors. Mr. Hunter said the building would be located about one-half way down on the lot. Chairman Haire declared the public hearing adjourned. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to amend the Iredell County Land Development Plan. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to rezone the property from RA, Residential Agricultural to M-1, Light Manufacturing District. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REQUEST FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO IREDELL CO. LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN: REZONING REQUEST; DAVID RANKIN PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9701-2: Allison explained the owner of this property desired to rezone from RA, Residential to GB, General Business District. The proposed usage of the site (1.7 acres) would be for a small woodworking equipment repair and training shop, storage of woodworking equipment, and light woodworking. Location of the property is on Robincrest Drive off Talley Road; more specifically identified as PIN#4731013802. The property is located in an established residential district and does not border another commercial zone. Also, the parcel is not located in a general commercial node as designated by the Land Development Plan. Some of the other land uses associated with the proposed General Business designation could have an adverse effect on the surrounding neighborhood. The planning staff recommends disapproval. Allison said Mr. Rankin has the right to operate a rural home occupation (which would include this type of development) in a 2,000 sq.ft. building as long as the requirements of the zoning ordinance are met. The applicant also has the option of petitioning the Board of Adjustment for a Special Use Permit in order to operate a rural home occupation in a building up to 3500 sq.ft. in area. On January 8, 1997, the planning board unanimously recommended denial of this request in a 6-0 vote. Carol Chapman: Wanted clarification on what Mr. Rankin 2 &20 FE rn \4 1997 considered to be "light woodworking." David Rankin said he wanted to rezone 1.7 acres of his property to consolidate the existing woodworking machinery operation he now owns for the repair of equipment and to train operators on how to make repairs. Rankin said he traveled nationwide working/training and he desired to stay at home more often. The consolidation would enable him to do this. The “light woodworking" comes into play after the machinery is rebuilt. (He has to test the equipment to see if it is operating correctly. ) Rankin said he repaired "fairly-large" industrial machinery. The public would not be coming into the business; however, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., trainees would be working with the machinery. Rankin said the facility would be located about 200 ft. behind his home. Chapman asked, if the rezoning was approved, if it might lead to other business usages. William Allison said that if the Land Development Plan was amended this area would be opened up for other commercial land uses. W Oppositi : Advised he was the neighbor to the immediate west of the property. Mentioned he was concerned that this request was for spot rezoning. Stated that most of the new development in the area was residential. s sition): Mentioned she had power of attorney for her father and she was speaking on his behalf. Advised she and father had lived in area for 25 years and desired for it to remain a quiet neighborhood. Commissioner Boone asked Mr. Allison if the courts would not rule this request spot rezoning if challenged. Allison responded, if challenged, this would make a good case for spot rezoning. Commissioner Boone also asked Mr. Allison to confirm that if this site was rezoned general business, and unless conditions were placed on the rezoning, that any use allowed in a general business district could be established on the property. Allison said this was correct. Commissioner Fortner asked Allison to address rural home occupations. Allison said the County does allow rural home occupations in RA districts. A 2,000 sq. ft. building can be used; however, this would not be adequate for Mr. Rankin. An applicant can ask for up to 3,500 sq. ft. (with special approval from the Board of Adjustment), but this would require a special use permit. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to deny the amendment to the Land Development Plan and zoning request. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REQUEST FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO IREDELL CO. LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN: REZONING REQUEST; JAMES M. GAITHER PROPERTY (JOHN & DARLA~- LYNN CIRA, AGENT), CASE NO.9701-3: Allison stated the requested action on this case was to rezone property (6.4 acres) from RA, Residential to GB, General Business District for a proposed automobile repair business. The property is located at the intersection of Battle Road and Garden Valley Road off Hwy. 64 East; more specifically identified as a portion of parcel number 4797389546. A valid protest petition has been submitted. The planning staff has found the property is adjacent to an existing General Business District and borders a general commercial node as identified by the Land Development Plan to the south. This lot is located at the intersection of two state maintained roads and also offers access to Interstate 40 and Hwy. 64. However, the property 3 a 621 is found in a rural residential neighborhood. On January 8, 1997, the planning board unanimously recommended denial of this request in a 6-0 vote. ickerso Oo sition): Dickerson advised he was speaking on behalf of his family and neighbors (approximately 20-25 people attended the meeting.) Mr. Dickerson said his group wanted the rezoning to be denied. He mentioned some neighbors, not in attendance due to residing in Davie County, also opposed the rezoning. Dickerson mentioned that surrounding the property, on all sides, were residences (Iredell and Davie County). Mr. Dickerson explained that before county-wide zoning went into effect the residents in this area chose to build and reside in a rural setting. When county-wide zoning was established, the Land Development Plan zoned the area RA. Dickerson said his group wanted the rezoning denied because 1) there are alternatives for the prospective property owner and 2) rezoning to GB might open up the area for further business development. (A protest petition has been submitted with signatures of over 95% of the adjoining property owners.) Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to deny the request to amend the Land Development Plan and rezoning request. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. EXPENDITURE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS ($18,623): Chairman Haire advised the purpose of the hearing was to accept any public comments about the proposed expenditure of grant funds for: 2 surveillance systems. 2 eyewitness system installations 2 car interior microphone kits 2 k-band radar systems 6 ballistic vests Total cost (shipping/handling, etc.) $17,949.58 The Iredell County Jail Population Task Force has recommended the grant funds be used for the referenced items. No public comments were voiced at the meeting about the usage of the grant funds. Chairman Haire declared the public hearing adjourned. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to officially approve the expenditure of the law enforcement block funds in the amount of $18,623. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL JAILERS: Chairman Haire announced that Sheriff Redmond had met with the commissioners during the agenda briefing and explained this request. Commissioner Boone said he had talked to the sheriff about leasing excess space in the jail. The federal government is interested in leasing approximately 60 spaces and this revenue (estimate of $1 million a year) should offset the cost of the additional personnel. Commissioner Johnson asked Mrs. Blumenstein how this would impact the present budget and the 97-98 budget. Blumenstein 4 622 calculated the additional jailers during this budget year would cost $151,110 (4 1/2 mos.) and for 1997-98 around $403,000. In addition, six hand held radios, to be shared -~- not assigned, are requested and these would cost $5,100. Chairman Haire advised the audience that Sedgwick James, Inc., a consulting firm in the law enforcement field, had originally recommended 19 new positions. Sheriff Redmond is, however, willing to see if 15 will adequately staff the jail. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve 15 additional jailer positions and Budget Amendment #25 in the total amount of $156,210 ($151,110/salaries/ fringes + $5,100 for 6 radios). VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ oO. Commissioner Boone said that even though he voted to approve this request, it was very difficult for him to spend this much money. He said he questioned the so called experts (Sedgwick James, Inc.) since he had relied on past information this group had gathered. Boone mentioned that with this expenditure, it meant the Board would have to "tighten" the upcoming budget even more than previously thought. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR GRANT FROM PESTICIDE ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST FUND: The county manager mentioned that if approved, the farmers in the County could recycle pesticide containers. The County would apply for a $10,000 grant to set up a recycling program. The containers would be transported, sold, or delivered (after baling) to a buyer/market. A match is not required. Mashburn said the only cost incurred would be in the operation of the centers (primarily northern end). Some of the money might be used to build a shelter(s) to protect the containers since they have to be completely dry. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the request and allow the County to apply for the Environmental Trust Fund grant. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TWO SOCIAL WORKER II POSITIONS - COMMUNITY ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (CAP-DA): Don Wall, DSS Director, said this request was from the State of North Carolina CAP Consultant, the local social services board, the local CAP-DA committee, Hospice, physicians, and several clients. Wall said the demand for this service had outstripped the resources available. At present, 109 people are on a waiting list. The CAP-DA program enables disabled adults to stay in their homes rather than going into nursing homes. The program also helps by allowing family members to remain employed instead of caring for the client. Wall said the cost for the two positions would be $25,791 for 96-97. (The DSS medicaid reimbursement would generate 95%-100% of the cost.) MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the request for two Social Worker II positions in the CAP-DA program. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JANUARY 17, 1997 (PLANNING SESSION) & JANUARY 21, 1997 (BRIEFING & REGULAR): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the referenced minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION OF THE INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT ~ KNAPP BUILDING: Mr. Mashburn said the Knapp Building was built in 1956 and since that time the faculty had just about doubled. The alumni association for the County/Municipal Administration Course recently 5 FEB 04 199 623 624 sent a resolution in favor of the renovation and requested governmental entities across the State to adopt’. similar resolutions. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to support the Institute of Government’s request for renovation/expansion and to send a resolution to the County’s legislators. Commissioner Boone requested to amend the resolution by indicating that the Board recognized the General Assembly members would be faced with many financial requests; however, the Board desired the legislators to look favorably at granting the Institute’s request. VOTING ON BOONE’S AMENDMENT: Ayes =- 32; Maye <- 3 (Fortner/Stewart/Haire) ORIGINAL MOTION BY STEWART: Ayes - 4; Nays - 1 (Johnson) RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION OF THE INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - KNAPP BUILDING WHEREAS, the Institute of Government has made an important contribution to better government in North Carolina by continuing the County Administration Course, now in its 33rd year, and the Municipal Administration Course, now in its 43rd year, and participating in other training and education programs of inestimable value to local governments across North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the Institute of Government is an invaluable resource and is instrumental in providing avenues’ for strenthening communication, opportunities for professional growth and development, and collecting, compiling and distributing pertinent information about all aspects of local government administration; and WHEREAS, the Iredell County Board of Commissioners recognizes the importance of adequate facilities for the Institute which instructs approximately 12,000 public officials each year, and the need for improved technology to continue advising state and local officials on important issues through the publication of books and articles. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Iredell County Board of Commissioners supports the Institute of Government’s request for $16.1 million in capital funding and encourages the 1997 North Carolina General Assembly to approve funding for this urgently needed expansion and renovations project. This the 4th day of February, 1997. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 4 (S announcements): This item was listed on the agenda as announcements of vacancies; however, during the briefing the fire marshal advised it was his recommendation to abolish this committee. sr. Gallyon explained this committee had never met because no one had ever made an appeal. Also, Gallyon stated that the North Carolina State Building Code Volume 1-A Chapter 7 Ref. G.S. 153A-374 and 160A-434 allows for the deletion of the local Fire Prevention Code of Appeals Board. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to amend the Iredell County Code and dissolve the Fire Prevention Code of Appeals Board as recommended by the fire marshal. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. bd (1 announcement) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ;OARD OF ADJUSTMENT (1 appt.): Commissioner Fortner n B. Ostwalt, as an alternate candidate, for this MOTION by Chairman Haire to close the nominations, accept Ostwalt, and appoint him by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Commissioner Fortner nominated Dr. Jack King a dental appointee to this Board. MOTION by Chairman Haire to close the nominations, accept Dr. King, and appoint him by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ‘EE: Commissioner Fortner nominate MOTION by Chairman Haire to close the nominations, accept Harrison, and appoint her by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Commissioner Fortner Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations, accept Sipple, and appoint him by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations, accept Blaufuss, and appoint her by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ‘ Bi Chairman Haire nominated Bob Wilson, Comm nated David Steele, Commissioner Johnson nominated Ed Dearman, Commissioner Boone nominated C.W. "Butch" Bell, Jr., and Commissioner Stewart nominated David Sides. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations, appoint Wilson, Steele, Dearman, Bell, and Sides as citizen appointees to this task force, and accept all five by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Commissioner Boone briefed the group on recent efforts to help streamline and eliminate some of the delays in obtaining septic tank inspections. Currently, the sanitarian section is fully staffed and the trainees are now able to work on their own. Developers will now be able to submit their site plan on paper which will eliminate duplication and save time. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: = 14 county employees recently were trained in the usage of the Internet = 13 county employees recently attended a Defensive Driving Program 7 625 s In April of 1997, an Effective Communications Program will be available to county staff = On February 14, 1997, the mental health task force will be meeting with Michael Pedneau, Director of the NCDHR/MHDDSAS = On February 20, 1997, 7:00 p.m., Hall of Justice, the Court Facilities Task Force will hold its first meeting. Centralina COG (using "free hours") will facilitate the meetings. CLOSED SESSION: Citing G.S. 143-318.11(a) (6)-Personnel, Chairman Haire moved to enter into closed session. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. U A : Chairman Haire announced that the annual evaluation of the county manager had been completed. It was the consensus of the Board to award a merit increase to the base rate of the manager’s salary. MOTION by Chairman Haire to approve a 4.5% merit increase for the county manager. Commissioner Boone advised this matter put him in an awkward situation. Mr. Boone said he, first and foremost, represented the citizens of Iredell County. He said he felt the majority of the citizenry would not be favor of this increase since the current salary of the manager was $86,520 and that he was also paid $4,200 for in-county travel per year. Boone mentioned his position on this matter should not be interpreted as a personal affront by the manager. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 1 (Boone). CLOSED SESSION: Citing G.S. 143-318.11(a)(5) - Property Acquisition, Chairman Haire moved to enter into closed session. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. = Ss : MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to advance $907,200 to the Iredell-Statesville School System for the purpose of negotiating a land purchase with the understanding that $282,000 would be repaid to Iredell County by July 31, 1997. Commissioner Boone mentioned the Board had spent close to a million dollars during the meeting. He mentioned he supported the land purchase, in that it seemed to be a fair price; however, he didn’t feel it should be an appropriation even though the school system is obligated to repay $282,000. Commissioner Johnson said he would be concerned if this was to be an on-going expense, but it is not. Johnson said he felt the school system should go ahead and act on the proposal since the land in the needed area was available at a good price. Commissioner Stewart said she didn’t have any problems with this specific matter of business; however, she voiced concerns about not being fully apprised of the request. Commissioner Fortner mentioned she had vigorously campaigned for this project and felt the land was being offered at a very reasonable price. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 1 (Boone) ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, February 18, 1997, 5:00 p.m., South Wing Conference Room/Iredell County Government Center. A Approved: 2 {2/ / 94 Lys ¢ DP) rv “—Y File: min.Feb.4 Clerk to the Board 626 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES RUARY 18, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, February 18, 1997, 5:00 p.m., for a briefing session in the Iredell County Government Center, South Wing Conference Room, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC 28677. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Ray Rabe, Health Director Al Upton, EMS Director Kim Gallyon, Recreation Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. REQUEST FOR BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR MOORESVILLE SCHOOLS: On behalf of the Mooresville School System, Dr. Jane Carrigan, Dr. Bryce Cummings, Laura Thompson, and Frank Fields attended the meeting. Carrigan mentioned that on February 3, 1997, her school board passed the following resolution: Be it resolved that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997: 4.9128.00.522.308 Mobile Unit Setup $60,000.00 4.9204.00.541.308 Furniture 9,800.00 4.9301.00.551 Bus Purchase $36,000.00 4.9900.00.699 Contingency 33,800.00 The purpose of the amendment is to debit $36,000 from the bus purchase line item and move to mobile unit set up. More leased mobile units (4) will be established due to an increase in students. EMS ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1996: Al Upton distributed copies of the 1996 EMS Annual Report. Over 9,000 EMS calls were received during 1996. : Upton advised that his staff had related to him that the new Freightliner ambulance performed best on the interstates. The employees prefer to use other vehicles on the rural roads simply because they are "leery about dropping a wheel and having to change it on a rural road." The Freightliner should last for 15 years and will definitely be used for interstate transportation. RECREATION ANNUAL REPORT: Kim Gallyon, Recreation Director, mentioned that her department created annual reports every two years. Gallyon reported that participation in sporting activities had increased tremendously. The Ropes Course closed and moved in August; however, a target date for reopening is this spring. This is one of the more popular features of the recreation department. Gallyon related that Camp Iredell participation had somewhat decreased. The reason for this is unknown; however, the staff feels the $65 per week price is prohibitive for some families. This is, however, a break-even program. 627 REQUEST TO USE PLANNING FUNDS/RECREATION PARK FUND FOR STUMPY CREEK SITE: Gallyon stated the Recreation Advisory Board was requesting the commissioners to set aside money to be used for planning purposes. Commissioner Johnson said the southern community was reluctant to make a commitment to the park plan until the County made the first move. Some seed money is needed to get the parks concept moving. A lease is currently in the legal department of Duke Power. Johnson said he felt around $20,000 could be obtained from the Mooresville area, because there is enthusiasm for this project. DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR FIRE HYDRANTS: Accompanying Chuck Gallyon, the County Fire Marshal, were Rhonda Bost of West Iredell Water Corporation, and Keith Snoddy of Iredell Water Corporation. Gallyon mentioned that in the 1996-97 budget, $30,000 was allotted for fire hydrants. The County’s 19 volunteer fire departments were asked how to distribute the money, but only 10 departments responded. Gallyon and the Fire Commission recommended that 15 hydrants be installed at a cost of $2,000 each. (*There is a hydrant currently at Wayside, however, the lines haven’t been opened. This hydrant will be the fifteenth.) Mr. Mashburn mentioned that an agreement needed to be drafted indicating that the County had permission to hook onto the water companies. Also, the agreement should stipulate that from the date of installation the water companies will maintain the hydrants. Snoddy and Bost agreed with this recommendation. Gallyon presented information on the actual fire hydrant installation. The material described the fire hydrants to be purchased and a description of the work to be performed by the installing contractor. Locations recommended for hydrant placement were: 1) Scotts Creek Road and Della Street 2) Harmony Highway (US 21) and Forest Oak Road 3) Memorial Hwy. (901) and Guilford Road 4) Memorial Hwy. (901) and Skyview Lake Road 5) Cooper Farm Road and Clearview Road 6) Reeves Road and Millstone Road 7) Jennings Road and Lentz Road 8) Highway 115 and Windy Hill Road 9) New Salem Road and Salem Meadow Drive 10) Cool Springs Road and Ferguson Road 11) Chestnut Grove Road and Allen Creek Road 12) Highway 115 and Midway Road 13) Highway 70 and Wind Forest Drive 14) Lippard Farm Road & Original Drive (across from oak Tree Acres MHP) *15) Wayside Road REQUEST FOR INTERPRETER’S FEE AT THE HEALTH DEPT.: Ray Rabe, health director, explained a $4 interpretor fee was recently approved by the Board of Health. The fee, for 15-minute segments of time, will be used to assist the Hispanic population. Currently, a substantial amount of money is being spent in providing services for non-English speaking individuals. Services will not, however, be refused if families cannot afford the fee. COURT FACILITIES TASK FORCE: Mr. Mashburn mentioned this group would be meeting February 20, 1997. He requested a trial lawyer be added to the committee. A representative from this profession could provide useful information about court facility needs. Mashburn mentioned the local bar association might have a recommendation. Approved: Dis ha {4 9G? Ven f Soft? 4k ff Clerk to the Board 628 rrr, . bake a IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, February 18, 1997, 7:00 p.m., Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, N.C., 28677. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Ray Rabe, Health Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS OF AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to make the following adjustments to the agenda: Additions: Budget Amendment for Mooresville Schools Request to Advertise Delinquent Taxes on March 12, 1997 Interpreter Fee for Health Department Court Facilities Committee (Announcement of Vacancy) Animal Grievance Committee (Announcement of Vacancy) Voting: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION: Mr. Dave Maupin, the director for Family Violence gave a brief update on his agency’s activities for the past year. The purpose of his program is to provide violence prevention/treatment service for families. Services include victim contact before court, during trials, and after. More than 3,000 men, women, and children across the four-county area received services. There has been a 90% increase in the number of clients. Around 238 people received services at the office located at Broad Street United Methodist Church in Statesville, NC. A new men’s counseling group meets in Mooresville on Saturdays. Maupin said his program had a low recidivism rate. His office tracks clients for a year. The Clerk of Court’s Office retains the data from year to year. TOWN OF MOORESVILLE - LAKE NORMAN REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER - REQUEST FOR WATER SEWER ASSISTANCE: Rick McLean, Mooresville Town Manager; Joe Knox, Mooresville Mayor; along with David Miller and Paul Smith, both representing Lake Norman Regional Medical Center, attended the meeting. McLean advised that a new Lake Norman Regional Medical Center was planned for the I-77/Exit 33 area. This is recognized by the Town to be an economic boost for the area. McLean asked Iredell County to enter into an agreement with the Town by financially assisting with water sewer lines. The new medical center is predicted to need 127,500 gallons of water per day. An elevated storage tank would probably need to be installed to provide uninterrupted service. The estimated cost for water sewer just for the hospital is $1,414,000. A regional water sewer facility was then addressed with a cost estimate of $3,086,000. This concept would consist of a 16-inch line loop along NC 115 and US 21. McLean mentioned that "some" 1 > log 629 private developers might assist in the cost. A tank would eventually have to be built and the Town would assume these costs. Commissioner Johnson asked if the developers in the area had been contacted. McLean said the more people involved complicated the matter. He said he felt a deal should be made with the County before private developers were approached. Mayor Knox said the Town had spent its capital reserve. A moratorium might be issued if assistance is not given. Knox said the area was basically growing broomstraw now, but with water sewer the area could blossom into a real boost for the economy. McLean said the hospital was willing to contribute $400,000. This would leave a balance of $986,000 that needs to be funded. Private developers were again mentioned. McLean said his engineers thought the best way to provide service to the hospital would be to extend and 8" line to the site and build an elevated 400,000 gallon water storage tank adjacent to the hospital property. The Town would own it. With a regional facility, McLean said the Town didn’t feel a tank would immediately be needed, but it would need to be built in five years. This would cost about $2.2 million. Commissioner Johnson voiced concerns about not having an existing policy with well-defined boundaries. As far as a grant, Johnson said he was trying to look for any precedents. This was necessary to maintain some budgetary discipline. Johnson said he couldn’t find any precedent for giving an existing industry a “rebate of taxes." A distinction should be made between precedent and justification. Commissioner Fortner said she was on the County staff when the Crawford Road line was built. The City of Statesville, Iredell County, and the Klear Knit Corporation participated in this project. There was no industry located in the area at the time, but it was opened for industrial development. ASMO later came to the site. Fortner said she thought this was precedent for opening territory for future industrial development. Fortner also mentioned the I-77/Hwy. 150 project as another example. Commissioner Stewart said she remembered that Klear Knit was in trouble because the company had to pump and haul. Sewer capacity was lacking. Commissioner Boone said the I-77/Hwy. 150 project was done with Senate Bill 2 money (grant from the State and wasn’t restricted to this specific project -- not general tax revenue money). Fortner mentioned that Senate Bill 2 money also benefitted North Iredell High School. /Fortner said that in actuality any state or federal money is actually "our tax money," and it’s good to bring some of it back to Iredell County. Boone agreed that grant money was actually tax money and that it was good to remind the public of this fact. Commissioner Johnson asked the Town officials if a price tag could be given on the regional water sewer facility. McLean responded the Town had a balance of $986,000. "The County could choose any portion of this amount to be a good investment." McLean said that when the project is bid about $2 million will be needed upfront to pay for the cost of the infrastructure. The Town will probably need the money in about six months. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to table the matter until the March 18, 1997 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 630 A discussion occurred about water sewer policies. The county manager mentioned the current policy for unincorporated areas was 70/30. If the area is incorporated, it is on a 50/50 basis. The County has a written water sewer policy, and it has an unwritten Industrial Incentive Policy. Commissioner Boone said that since he had been on the Board, the commissioners had only participated in water sewer for new industry. (This is an incentive to get the industry to locate here.) The Board has not participated when an existing business expanded, or for speculative purposes. Assistance has been given to schools. If assistance is given to the hospital, a deviation from the normal practice will occur. Commissioner Johnson said if this request was to participate with a municipality and not an existing "industry," the present policy would suffice. Attorney Pope said that under this policy the County gets reimbursed when the property is annexed. Mr. Mashburn said the County was reimbursed only on the 70/30 basis -- not the 50/50. It was the consensus of the Board to leave the present policies as written. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REQUEST FROM MOORESVILLE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO TRANSFER FUNDS: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to move $36,000 from the bus purchase line item to the mobile unit set-up line item as requested by the Mooresville Graded School District. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST TO USE PLANNING FUNDS/RECREATION PARK FUND FOR STUMPY CREEK SITE: MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to allow the Recreation Advisory Board to set aside $10,000 from each quadrant’s park fund (less $2800 for the south quadrant), to be used for planning purposes. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST TO ALLOW 0.449 ACRES OF LAND ON CHESTNUT GROVE ROAD (ACROSS FROM EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL) TO BE PURCHASED: Attorney Pope reminded the Board that around 1992 a corporation entitled, The Iredell Public Facilities Corporation was created. This corporation borrowed money and loaned it to the County. Then, the County put up certain properties (including the East Iredell Middle School property) as collateral for Certificates of Participation Bonds. Using this method, properties are now subject to a mortgage. There is at the East Middle School site a tract of land that goes across Chestnut Grove Road and cuts off a property owner from entering onto Chestnut Grove Road. This property owner now has a buyer that desires to develop the area into a residential subdivision. Access is needed. The buyer wants to buy the land at fair market value. The Iredell-Statesville School System approved this purchase subject to the buyer paying all costs associated with the transaction. The request of the commissioners is to concur in this action and authorize the sale of the property and obtain the release from the deed of trust. The property was appraised at $2200.00 and is a little over four tenths of an acre. The Deed of Trust requires that before any property can be released, the trustee, the County, and the school system all have to concur with the sale. A certificate has to be rendered from an engineer that the release will not impair the value of the collateral in any way. The County has to consent to the release and agree that it would not allow the property being released to be used in a way that would depreciate the value of the collateral. The Public Facilities Corporation will also need to meet and agree to the transaction. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to adopt the following 3 631 resolution: WHEREAS, Gene Davis has offered to purchase a portion of the East Iredell Middle School tract, which lies across Chestnut Grove Road from the school, and which consists of 0.449 acres for the price of $2,200.00, plus all of the costs associated with obtaining a release of said property from the lien of the Deed of Trust encumbering same; and WHEREAS, Iredell County heretofore pledged said property as collateral for the 1992 Certificate of Participation indebtedness, which pledge is contained in a Deed of Trust dated January 5, 1993, which Deed of Trust is recorded in Book 873, Page 534, of the Iredell County Registry; and WHEREAS, the Iredell-Statesville ‘School System has declared the 0.449 acre tract to be surplus property and has found that a sale of it will not affect the structural integrity of any of its facilities or reduce its ingress or egress to any of its properties, or materially diminish the value of any of its properties; and WHEREAS, to sell publicly-owned property, Iredell County must comply with the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 160A, of the General Statutes of North Carolina. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved: l. The offer of Gene Davis to purchase 0.449 acres of the East Iredell Middle School tract lying across Chestnut Grove Road from the school facility for the price of $2,200.00, plus all costs associated with obtaining a release and conveyance of the property, is hereby accepted. 2. The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners is directed to advertise the offer of Gene Davis for upset bids in the manner prescribed by Article 12 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes of North Carolina. 3. The sale to Gene Davis or to any subsequent high bidder will be conditioned upon the property not being used in any manner that would create a nuisance or diminish materially the fair market value of the remainder of the East Middle School property. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE CABARRUS/IREDELL/ROWAN HOME CONSORTIUM BOARD: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to appoint William Allison as the appointee to this Board and Ron Smith as the alternate. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. (Note: This consortium was approved on June 4, 1996.) REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF LETTER OF CREDIT AND RELEASE OF A CASH BOND: MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the following two items: Le APPROVAL OF A LETTER OF CREDIT: This letter of Credit (#452-0030080/00003) for Three Oaks Subdivision Section II, located off East Lewis Ferry Road on Three Oaks Road was issued by Branch Banking and Trust Company of Statesville in the amount of $17,500.00 (with an expiration date of 2/1/98) for the completion of surveying, engineering, erosion control, paving, seeding & landscaping cost. 2. RELEASE OF A CASH BOND: This Cash Bond (Receipt #58835) in the amount of $62,848.00 for River Walk Subdivision Section I, 4 oak ia eee 5 ° ; II, & III, located off River Walk Road and Rivercliff Drive was issued to cover the cost of street improvements and surveying. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR FIRE HYDRANTS: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to authorize the staff to proceed with the process of soliciting bids for the purpose of installing hydrants. Once the hydrants are installed, the water companies (Iredell Water and West Iredell Water) will maintain them. In addition, to request that Attorney Pope draft the necessary agreements pertaining to future maintenance of the hydrants to be done by the water companies. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET REVISIONS FOR THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Grading/Graveling of Mooresville Office Lot: The health director advised during the briefing that an estimate of $4,500 had been obtained to fund the grading/graveling of the Mooresville Office lot. A budget amendment would allow the necessary transfer of these funds into the maintenance/building line item. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve Budget Amendment #26, for grading/graveling purposes, subject to approval of the Board of Health. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~- 0. u ; The State Office has advised of a 99% compliance rate in the food/lodging program. With this rate, the health department is eligible to receive an additional $4,304.21 in grant monies designated for environmental health. A budget amendment would allow grant money to be used to purchase a copier along with necessary supplies. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #27 in the amount of $4,304.21. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERPRETER FEE: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the translator fee of $4.00 per 15 minute segment as unanimously approved by the Board of Health. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF D8s TO APPLY FOR KATE B. REYNOLDS GRANT: The Department of Social Services requested permission to submit a grant proposal to the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust for the Aging at Home III Program. Start-up funds from this Trust were used to establish the Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to allow the Social Services Department to apply for the Kate B. Reynolds Grant. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF REFUNDS/RELEASES FOR JANUARY, 1997: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the following releases and refunds for the month of January, 1997: RELEASES for the Month of January, 1997 $27,501.25 $1997 Breakdown of Releases: County 21,401.18 Solid Waste Fees 72.00 E. Alexander Fire #1 0 Shepherd’s Fire # 2 19.26 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 26.16 All County Fire #4 1,128.90 Statesville city 3,152.18 Statesville Downtown D. 23.42 Mooresville Town 1,088.16 Mooresville Downtown D. 24.03 Mooresville School 302.49 Troutman 263.47 Harmony 0 Love Valley 0 REFUNDS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY, 1997 $ 3,684.26 Breakdown of Refunds: County 2,075.58 Solid Waste Fees 102.00 All County Fire #4 46.88 Statesville City 1,378.26 Mooresville Town 41.98 Mooresville School 10.49 Troutman 29.07 VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BALER (PARTS): During the agenda briefing, Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent, explained that on February 12, 1997, a bid was opened for parts to partially re-line balers at the Solid Waste Facility. The invitation to bid was advertised and a bid package was sent to five vendors; however, only one bid was received. Tri-State Processing Equipment Co. offered a complete bid package with a delivery of three to four weeks. Tri-State is the only Harris Baler dealer in North and South Carolina. Since the bid opening, Tri-State has received an additional manufacturer’s discount of $2,818.50, which is being passed to the County. This would make Tri-State’s initial bid of $26,515 being reduced to $23,696.50. It is the staff's recommendation to award the bid to Tri-State. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to award the baler parts bid to Tri-State Processing Equipment Company in the amount of $23,696.50. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - oO. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AUDIT CONTRACT - JUNE 30, 1997: Mrs. Blumenstein advised that the current CPA firm the County uses has amount of $32,400. This is a $500 increase over the 1995-96 price. A survey was conducted using Cleveland, Alamance, Catawba, Cabarrus, and Rowan Counties. The submitted contract price is Slightly below the average of the surveyed counties. Staff recommends the County remain with the present CPA firm of Foster, McLelland, Rutherford & McKenzie. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to award the 1996-97 audit contract to Foster, McLelland, Rutherford & McKenzie in the amount of $32,400. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES-FEBRUARY 4, 1997 (Brief ing and Regular): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the captioned 6 minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0O. REQUEST TO ADVERTISE DELINQUENT TAXES: Mr. Joe Ketchie, Tax Collector, advised the Board during the briefing session of his request to advertise delinquent taxes on March 12, 1997. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to allow the advertisement of delinquent taxes on March 12, 1997. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS RADIOACTIVE WAST! announcements) ASK FORCE: (1 announcement -- Iredell County Bar ecommendation of a trial attorney) EE (1 announcement) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS EE: MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to table these two appointments until the March 18 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MOTION by tewart to postpone this appointment until the March 18 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Fortner reminded the group of the public hearing to be held Tuesday, February 25, 1997, 7:00 p.m., in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room. The purpose of the hearing will be for Mr. Michael Pedneau, State Director of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services to receive comments from the Tri-County Board of Directors. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Mashburn mentioned that March 7, 1997, was the next meeting date of the Mental Health Task Force. The committee will be looking at single-county facilities. Directors for the Catawba and Davidson County Mental Health Departments have been invited to attend. After this meeting, the group will focus on multi-county facilities. The manager advised that a final recommendation would probably not be available by March 18; however, the committee should be close to making a recommendation. CANCELLATION OF MARCH 4 MEETING: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to cancel the March 4 commissioners’ meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. (NOTE: The cancellation was done to assist the commissioners attending the NACo Conference (Feb. 28-March 4, 1997) in Washington D.C.) ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. NEXT MEETING: March 18, 1997, 5:00 p.m. (briefing) and 7:00 p.m. (regular meeting). Location: Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center St., Statesville, NC VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0O. Approved: Ly tach LE, L227 File: mFeb.18 sy eo ee cl rk to th¢ Board FEB 18 1997 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES MARCH 18, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, March 18, 1997, 5:00 p.m., for a briefing session in the Iredell County Government Center, South Wing Conference Room, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC 28677. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner NOTE: Alice Stewart was absent from the meeting due to recent knee surgery. Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William Allison, Planning Supervisor Ray Rabe, Health Director Al Upton, EMS Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD FORESTRY UPDATE: County Ranger Tim Pickett said the first priority of his department was fire control. Recent statistics show that one out of every five forest fires are started by juveniles so the agency has an educational program directed to fourth graders. Forest management, especially in insect disease control, is also an important part of this department. FIRE COMMISSION UPDATE: Tommy Bowles, Chairman of the Fire Commission, advised that $1.8 million had been submitted in fire department requests. This amount has been trimmed by about $750,000; however, Bowles stated that the fire departments were being asked to comply with many regulations, e.g., hepatitis inoculations, etc., that cost money ($11,000). In addition, the First Responder Program is expensive. There are no trucks to be purchased in 97-98; however, three new trucks are planned for 1999. Bowles asked the commissioners if they desired to continue the current services, or if the operating budgets for capital requests needed to be cut more. Some of the departments have much debt, and some are debt free. Bowles said that if the tax rate (districts) was increased for the ones in debt it penalized the debt-free departments. Commissioner Johnson asked how many new trucks had been purchased since 1992. Bowles said ten. A new truck is to be purchased for West Iredell in 1999, and it was mentioned that this department had been a good manager of its funding. Bowles was directed to obtain a recommendation from the Fire Commission. After the group has met and decided on a recommendation, it will be shared with county officials. REPORT FROM BENCHMARK, INC. ON THE PROPOSED INTERMEDIATE ZONING DISTRICT: William Allison mentioned the mobile home industry had been made aware of the proposed changes to the zoning ordinance. Lynn Niblock, Director of Inspections, advised that he did not see any problems in the ordinance revisions. It was mentioned that the next step to approve any modifications would be to call for a public hearing. 636 MAR 18 1997 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #29 (TRANSFERRING UNSPENT CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM EMS TO ANIMAL CONTROL FOR A COMPUTER PROJECT): Al Upton, Director of Safety and Emergency Services, explained that due to some past computer networking problems the Animal Control Office had a large backlog of administrative work. There is approximately three months of a backlog of files. Recently, an independent computer company from Kernersville, N.C., evaluated the computer needs of animal control and gave a quote of $9,499. Upton mentioned the animal control office already had $2,386 earmarked for computer requirements. Using this money, plus a transfer of funding from the EMS Department ($7,113) would enable animal control to begin work on the backlog. The EMS transfer of funding (line item 10-0535-5800.12) would be from the department deciding to purchase a Ford E~-350 ambulance instead of another Freightliner that was budgeted for 96-97. Upton suggested this jdea so that the computer equipment problem could be eliminated as soon as possible. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m., for a break prior to the 7:00 p.m. meeting. APPROVED: _+-/-+% Ones CP wre p Clerk to the Board File: bminmMarls 637 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES MARCH 18, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, March 18, 1997, 7:00 p.m., Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, N.C. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner NOTE: Commissioner Alice Stewart was absent due to recent knee surgery. Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney William Allison, Planning Supervisor Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS OF AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to make the following adjustments to the agenda: Add: Resolution Pertaining to Tri-County Mental Health Add: Endorsement of the Lake Norman Marine Commission Ordinance Revisions (Personal Watercrafts) Add: Closed Session - G.S. 143-318.11(a) (4) - Economic Development Delete: Appropriate Punishment Options (Continuation of Funds) VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD NURSING HOME & ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE: Debi Lee, Ombudsman with Centralina Council of Governments, was accompanied by advisory members: Carl Ralston, Ferne Sexton, and Gertrude Ingram. Lee presented the annual report for the Adult Care Home and Nursing Home Committees. Lee said there were 140 volunteers in the eight-county region and 1,200 in the entire State. Iredell County has eight volunteers on the Nursing Home Committee and eleven on the Adult Care Home Committee. All volunteers are given fifteen hours of initial training and eight hours annually. About 40% of the residents living in long- term care do not have regular visitors so the volunteers play an important part in the lives of these citizens. The volunteers accomplish their goals by monitoring the facilities through regular, quarterly visits. Region F has over 11,355 long-term care beds. This is the largest amount in the state. Iredell County has 639 of the nursing beds and 438 of the adult care home beds. A new certificate of need is currently under consideration by Certificate of Need. Commissioner Fortner asked how many companies had applied for the certificate of need. Lee answered she didn’t know for sure; however, five companies had contacted her office. A public hearing will be held in April about the certificate. KEEP IREDELL CLEAN (KIC): Mike White, a member of Keep Iredell Clean/Keep America Beautiful, spoke briefly to the Board. White referred to HB 859/Comprehensive Solid Waste Plan and mentioned his group would like to assist, especially in the educational area. At a later date, KIC would like to discuss in more detail a proposal. White stated that his organization was also asking to be a part of the 97-98 budgeting process. 638 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS IREDELL-STATESVILLE SCHOOL REQUESTS: Mr. William Barnard, Finance Officer for the Iredell-Statesville School System, discussed the following requests during the briefing. 1) Budget Amendment to Allow Access to State Building Capital Funds: MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #28 which would allow the I-S School System to Access the State Building Capital Funds. VOTING: Ayes ~ 4; Nays ~ 0. 2) Application to Access Public School Bldq. Capital Funds (architect fees): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the application by the I-S School System for the State Building Capital Funds. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. 3) s j ° . ° t ° iddle ojects): MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the application by the I-S School System to access Public School Bldg. Capital Funds in reference to Lake Norman Elementary and Troutman Middle Schools. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays ~- 0. PROPOSED EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARK, SEVEN CEDARS MHP: William Allison explained the owner (David L. Millsaps) of the Seven Cedars MHP was requesting approval for 27 additional spaces. The park is located on Bethesda Road off Salisbury Hwy/US70E; more specifically identified as a portion of PIN#4762445476. On March 5, 1997, the Planning board unanimously recommended approval by a 7-0 vote. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the expansion of the Seven Cedars MHP by 27 additional spaces. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REPORT FROM BENCHMARK, INC. ON THE PROPOSED INTERMEDIATE ZONING DISTRICT: William Allison explained the Planning Board and staff had no problems with the recommendations by Benchmark, Inc. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to call for a public hearing on April 1, 1997 for the purpose of reviewing the proposed draft with the modifications by Benchmark,, Inc. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays ~ 0. CONSIDERATION OF TOWN OF MOORESVILLE’S REQUEST FOR WATER-SEWER FUNDING (tabled from 2/18/97 mtg.): MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to commit $500,000 toward the development of the water sewer lines in the I-77/NC 115/US 21 Exit 33 area. The commitment, to the Town of Mooresville, would be done as the development along the water- sewer lines occurred. (The development would include any businesses (contiguous) that tap onto the extension lines.) Commissioner Boone asked the Town of Mooresville officials, assuming the motion was approved, if they intended to build the entire project that was outlined during the February 18 meeting. =a said he would need to take the matter back to his council. MAR 18 1997 639 Commissioner Boone asked for clarification on the motion. He said it was his understanding the County would reimburse the Town of Mooresville as the tax base was created and this included the hospital. Chairman Haire said this was correct. Commissioner Boone said the normal practice was to engage in water sewer assistance for new industry. In this instance (hospital), assistance is being given to the expansion of an existing business. Boone mentioned the hospital would be built regardless of the commissioners’ decision and that some of the tax base increase was being relinquished by this commitment. Utilities will be extended and development will occur. This is speculative. Other municipalities will have similar requests in the future. A precedent would be set if the motion was approved. Commissioner Johnson said that by structuring the mechanism where reimbursement is made to the Town of Mooresville that speculation is not being done. Johnson said he was satisfied that $500,000 was nothing compared to the commercial development that would soon occur in the area. In addition, Johnson said this type of development educated the children of the County. He said he would resist any effort to raise the tax rate. Expansion of the tax base should satisfy the County needs, i.e., school facilities, etc. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 1 (Boone). REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #29: The county manager explained this amendment was requested in order to recognize tne Town of Mooresville’s funding for the Historical Society and to appropriate for expenditure. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve Budget Amendment #29 which will recognize $1,200 from the Town of Mooresville for the Historical Society. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #30: Al Upton, Safety and Emergency Director, indicated during the briefing that this amendment would transfer unspent capital outlay from EMS to the Animal Control Department for a computer project. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #30 for the purpose of transferring unspent capital outlay from EMS to the Animal Control Department for a computer project. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATION AGREEMENT (EMS & Columbia Davis Medical Center): Al Upton explained during the briefing that this agreement was identical to the one for last year with the exception of a name change (Davis Hospital to Columbia Davis Medical Center). MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve this agreement and to make it effective March 18, 1997. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR CHANGES IN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH FARM SERVICE AGENCIES: Jim Vernon, during the briefing, stated the requested changes were brought about by organizational restructuring. Tom Dixon, the area developer for Rural Development (formerly FHA) also attended the meeting. Dixon said the Farm Service Department (formerly ASCS office) was expanding (could go to 10-12 people) and that rural development was downsizing. The suggested plan is to switch the office space used by the two agencies and to allow the Cooperative Extension Service to obtain some additional space (two offices). MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve changes in the lease agreements pertaining to space at the Agricultural Center (Plan 3). VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL REPAIRS TO JAIL: Jim Vernon mentioned that nine items had previously been mentioned. It was now his determination to defer seven of the items until another date. This would leave two items: (1) light fixtures (2) replacing locking devices/doors on the five-man cells. The total for these two projects would be $55,350. Vernon suggested that money be transferred from the capital reserve fund to the capital projects fund/jail renovation. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #31 for the purpose of transferring $55,350 from the capital reserve fund to the capital projects fund/jail renovation for the repairs. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. (NOTE: This action will also amend the Capital Projects Ordinance/Jail Construction Project.) REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BIDS FOR REFUSE TRAILERS: During the briefing, Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent, explained that on February 12, 1997, bids were opened for three, push-out type, refuse transport trailers for the Solid Waste Facility. Bids received were: STECO, Inc. * with flip top tarp system $111,180.00 Nu-Life Environmental, Inc. with electric roll up tarp system 112,797.00 * with flip top tarp system 125,460.00 AMICK Equipment Co. * with flip top tarp system 128,608.00 Cavalier Equipment Corp. with no tarp System 106,326.00 with manual roll up tarp system 109,026.00 with electric roll up tarp system 114,576.00 with twin roll up tarp system 123,534.00 * with flip top tarp system 129,143.16 NOTE: * hydraulic flip top tarp system was specified The staff recommends STECO, Inc., in the amount of $111,180 ($37,060 each) for the three trailers. (Budgeted amount for this project was $130,800.) MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to award the refuse trailer bid to STECO, Inc., in the amount of $111,180. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY REFUNDS/RELEASES: Brent Weisner, Tax Assessor, advised during the briefing that the February releases and refunds were in order for approval. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the following: RELEASES FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1997 $17,422.36 Breakdown of Releases: County 11,699.73 Solid Waste Fees 246.00 E. Alex. Fire #1 0 Shepherd’s Fire #2 30.92 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 30.00 All County Fire #4 415.70 Statesville City 3,307.80 Statesville Downtown Dist. 5.01 Mooresville Town 938.68 bid Downtown Dist. 0 Mooresville School 670.19 Troutman Town 78.33 4 MAR 1° 1997 641 Harmony Town 0 Love Valley Town 0 REFUNDS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1997 3,704.67 Breakdown of Refunds: County 2,423.20 All County Fire #4 37.74 Shepherd’s Fire #2 7.76 Statesville City 1,449.49 Mooresville Town 76.70 Mooresville School 9.78 VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUESTS FROM HEALTH DEPARTMENT: t ernity Ca oordinatio nt: The health director had previously mentioned this grant would strengthen his department’s maternal care program. The funding would be for a six-month period (April 1/September 30, 1997) and would not require a local match. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the Maternity Care Coordination Grant. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. vision i e Childbirth ucati Classes: Mr. Rabe explained his department was requesting approval to restructure the health childbirth education class staffing pattern and budget. The Board of Health has approved an increase in the childbirth class escrow account by $2,380. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve Budget Amendment #32 for the budget revision in regard to the Childbirth Education Classes. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. UPDATE ON FINDINGS OF MENTAL HEALTH TASK FORCE: Mr. Mashburn advised that three meetings had been held by the task force. The director for the N.C. Division of Mental Health met with the group along with Dr. Dave Beck, Interim Director of Tri-County. On March 7 the mental health directors of Davidson and Catawba Counties explained the pros and cons of single-county entities to the task force members. At the last meeting, it was the consensus of the group to seek an outside consultant to help in determining the assets/liabilities of the agency along with the best course the County should take in providing mental health services. The group will next meet with the director of the Surry/Yadkin Mental Health Authority to learn more about this agency and a possible alignment with this contiguous entity. MOTION by Chairman Haire to allow the Mental Health Task Force to seek proposals for a cost consultant to evaluate the options for the County in reference to the future of mental health services. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: FEBRUARY 18, 1997 (BRIEFING & REGULAR): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the captioned minutes. VOTING: Ayes ~- 4; Nays - O. RESOLUTION IN REFERENCE TO TRI-COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Tri-County Mental Health Board has recently purchased several capital items, including vehicles and computers; and 642 MAR 40 % WHEREAS, legislation is pending in the North Carolina General Assembly that would dissolve Tri-County Mental Health, effective June 30, 1997; and WHEREAS, the State Division of Mental Health has taken over the operation of Tri-County Mental Health and is now making all decisions concerning any purchases; and WHEREAS, with said legislation pending, it is not wise to be making capital purchases of this nature. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Iredell County Board of Commissioners request that the Division of Mental Health rescind the action for all capital expenditure purchases that were approved at the last Tri-County Mental Health Board meeting, and that no further capital expenditures be made prior to June 30, 1997, either from the FY 1996/97 budget or Fund Balance and that copies of this resolution be sent to Division Director Michael Pedneau and Acting Tri-County Director Dr. David Beck. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. (NOTE: Rowan and Davie County (the other counties comprising Tri-County MHC) approved a similar resolution on March 17, 1997.) LAKE NORMAN MARINE COMMISSION PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ORDINANCE CHANGES : Norah Dahlen, Chairman of the Marine Commission, explained during the agenda briefing that this ordinance is enforceable by various lake enforcement units. The Personal Watercraft Ordinance (PWC) was adopted in May of 1992 and aids in the protection of people using Lake Norman. The commission requested endorsement of three changes: e A change in Section 4(c) to bring the ordinance in conformity with State law. e A change in Section 4(f) which will make any class that is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators acceptable. e A change in Section 9 will increase fines for violations (no less than $100 but not to exceed $500). MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to endorse the three changes to the Personal Watercraft Ordinance as proposed by the Lake Norman Marine Commission. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 4 (1 announcement) i (1 announcement) (1 announcement) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS : v ®t Nomination of Mr. Roger McLelland by Commissioner Johnson. TION by Johnson to close the nominations, accept McLelland by acclamation, and table the other appointment until April 1. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. MOTION by Brawley by 6 4nn? acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. N f David Sides and Elmer Horton by Commissioner ortner. Nomination of Alice Stewart, Bill Warlick, and Dan Williams by Commissioner Johnson. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Sides, Horton, Stewart, Warlick, and Williams by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. ‘Task Force: Chairman Haire nominated Attorney Steve Tate. Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Tate by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. : ommittee: Commissioner Fortner nominated “Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Young by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Mashburn reminded/advised the group of the following upcoming events: 2 March 20, 1997, NCACC District Meeting at the Iredell County Agricultural Center (Noon - 3:00 p.m.) = April 20, 1997, Volunteer Reception at the Iredell County Agricultural Center (2:00-4:00 p.m.) =m May 7, 1997, Legislative Briefing/Reception in Raleigh, NC. The county manager advised the commissioners about this project which was developed by NACo. The NCACC is endorsing the program and encouraging all 100 counties to participate. A key purpose of ccC2000 is to seek citizen input on issues facing governmental units. The project is composed of three phases (a) National Conversation (b) Acts of Caring and (c) Kids Ideas that Count. Mr. Mashburn proposed that between now and April 13 (National County Government Week) that his office and the Cooperative Extension Office collaborate and develop a strategy to achieve the project goals. During government week, news articles will explain CC2000 and advertise upcoming community and public official meetings. It was the consensus of the commissioners to proceed with the proposal outlined by Mr. Mashburn. ON: Jim Vernon, Director of Support Services, announced that the jail project was off schedule by another three-four weeks. The transfer station project is progressing and is on schedule (footing was poured last week). CLOSED SESSION: Citing G.S. 143-318.11(a) (4)-Economic Development, Chairman Haire moved to enter into Closed Session. VOTING: Ayes 4; Nays - 0. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 1, 1997, 5:00 p.m. (briefing) and 7:00 p.m. (regular meeting). Location: Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. Approved: 4 - {- 21 io: ©. Jaman / Clerk to the Board File: mMar.18 AT) 40 : MA! ‘ ‘ f © Jud t 644 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES APRIL 1, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, April 1, 1997, 5:00 p.m., for a briefing session in the Iredell County Government Center, South Wing Conference Room, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Al ice T. FOrtner attended the latter part of the briefing session.) Absent: Alice M. Stewart commissioner stewart, due to recent knee surgery, was unable to attend the briefing session.) REQUEST TO AMEND THE IREDELL COUNTY SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE: Ron Weatherman, Solid Waste Director, asked that Section 12-16 pertaining to medical waste be amended. Weatherman asked that the word “"non-regulated" be deleted. This action would allow for non- regulated medical items to be accepted at the solid waste facility. Non-regulated items include products such as gloves, papers, tubings, and general office debris (files, etc.). The health director was asked to give his opinion on the solid waste facility accepting these articles. Mr. Rabe said he would be somewhat concerned about the employees. He mentioned it might be easy for a regulated item to accidently be placed in something that was non-regulated. It was the consensus of the group to pull this item until further investigation could be done. REQUEST OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR MEDICAID RECIPIENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN CAROLINA ACCESS PROGRAM: Don Wall, DSS Director, and Lisa Catron, Managed Care Specialist/Division of Assistance advised that some physicians in the county were already participating in this program. It is now in 46 counties across the state. Edgecombe County is the only one known to have experienced problems. Commissioner Boone asked how the program would benefit the County. Mr. Wall said medicaid recipients would have more access to physicians. Also, fewer people would go to the emergency room. Commissioner Johnson asked if there were any figures on cost reduction. Wall said he didn’t have anything. He reported that most counties gave favorable reports. Catron said that ER charges were triple compared to a physician’s office visit. She mentioned the program might be more expensive at first, because some children might receive initial services as well as other services the first year. The health department is exempt from the program, but clients can continue to obtain service. Iredell (as well as the other contiguous counties to Mecklenburg) has been targeted for an HMO in 1998. Commissioner Fortner asked how the clients would be enrolled. (If a list of doctors would be provided to the clients, etc.) Catron said that the medicaid cards sent to the recipients would have their doctor’s phone number listed. Ms. Catron mentioned that the legislature was reviewing a bill that would mandate some form of managed care for all 100 counties after July. APR 011997 Commissioner Johnson asked how the program would benefit the taxpayer. Catron said she really couldn’t answer at this time. She said her office was basically asking that the County invest with them so that money could be saved in the emergency rooms. A cost savings was looked at last year. Around $23 per recipient per year was estimated. Catron said that "traditional medicaid was a thing of the past." ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 6:30 P.-m. for a refreshment break prior to the 7:00 P-m. meeting. Approved: tlhe shy ($, L997 2 6. MN F f Clerk to the Board File: BAPRIL1 646 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 1, 1997 MINUTES The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, April 1, 1997, 7:00 p.m., in Regular Session at the Iredell County Government Center, Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. POpe, attended latter part of the meeting) Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Ray Rabe, Health Director Don Wall, DSS Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to: Delete: Request to Amend the Iredell County Solid Waste Ordinance Add: Resolution in Support of Nursing Home Bed Allocation VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD JEFF MCKAY - GREATER STATESVILLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (GSDC) ANNUAL REPORT: McKay reported that 1996 was a busy year. Iredell cCounty’s unemployment rate is still under the state average. (Some of the statistics used in the annual report were obtained from the Employment Security Commission.) McKay thanked the commissioners for their support and advised he would be glad to answer any questions about the GSDC’s operations. PRESENTATION OF SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS MRS. MARGARET D. BURKE, RETIREE WITH HEALTH DEPT.: Accompaning Mrs. Burke and her family were Mr. Ray Rabe, Health Director, and Mr. Kelly Sheeks, Environmental Supervisor at the Health Dept. Burke recently retired after 17% years of county service. Mr. TERRY H. PUTNAM, RETIREE WITH SOCIAL SERVICES: Mr. Putnam (a recent retiree of the Social Services Department) was unable to attend the meeting; however, he was recognized for his five years of employment. PUBLIC HEARINGS REZONING REQUEST; KYLES DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9703-1: William Allison, Planning Supervisor, advised that Rodney McNeely, Agent for the Kyles Development Partners Property, was requesting a portion of property be rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural to GB, General Business District. The property is located on Old Mountain Road at Buffalo Shoals Road (Kyles Crossroads); more specifically identified as a portion of PIN# 4722384122. On March 5, 1997, the Planning Board unanimously . 647 648 (7-0 Vote) approved this request. Chairman Haire opened the floor for public comments. No comments were made either for/against the request. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to rezone the property from RA, Rural Agricultural to GB, General Business District. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE IREDELL COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN; REZONING REQUEST; PNEU-MECH SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING INC., PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9703-2: Allison explained that Pneu-Mech Systems Mfg. was requesting its property be rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural & NB, Neighborhood Business District to GB, General Business District and amend the Iredell County Land Development Plan. The properties are located at the NW & SE quadrants of Old Mountain Road & Island Ford Road; more specifically identified as PIN#4704467159, 4704468729, 4704560185, 4704469409, 4704565077, 4704565090, 4704567007, & 4704557981. On March 5, 1997, the Planning Board unanimously (7-0 Vote) approved amending the Iredell County Land Development Plan to identify the property in a general commercial node and to rezone the property to General Business District. Chairman Haire opened the floor for public comments. The applicant’s attorney, Mr. John Massey, advised that he did not have a presentation; however, he was available for any questions. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to amend the Iredell County Land Development Plan and to identify the referenced property as a general commercial node. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to rezone the property from RA & NB to GB, General Business District. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE IREDELL COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE (RU-R, RURAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT): Allison said the requested action would modify Article VIII by adding an intermediate zoning district between the RA, Residential Agricultural and the R-20, Single Family Residential District. The district would be identified as Section 80.5, RU-R, Rural-Residential District, with subsections indentified as 80.5.1 & 80.5.2. The regulations of this district are intended to insure that residential development not having access to public water supplies and dependent upon septic tanks for sewage disposal will occur at sufficiently low densities to provide a healthy environment, and also to encourage the continuance of agricultural uses and to allow other uses appropriate to a rural residential area. Subsequent amendments would need to be made to Section 70., Use Districts; Section 7l. Conditional Use Districts; and Article IX, Section 97 in regard to the RU-R District. Chairman Haire opened the floor for anyone desiring to make any comments. No comments were received in reference to the proposed amendments. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance as presented. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 1 (Stewart). ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS APPROPRIATE PUNISHMENT OPTIONS (APO) (REQUEST FOR CONTINUATION OF IREDELL ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (IAP) FUNDING): This matter was tabled from the March 18 meeting. Ed Dearman, a member of the Iredell County Jail Population Task Force/Criminal Justice Partnership Program Advisory Committee, and a state probation officer stated he would like to address two subjects. Dearman referred to an Associated Press article that ran in local papers involving Mr. Robert G. Bock, the Program Director for the Iredell Alternatives Program Day Reporting Center. (The articles stated that Mr. Bock was a convicted murderer and had been in prison for nearly 20 years.) After the articles were published, the APO Board met and discussed the allegations with Mr. Bock. Later, Bock submitted a resignation letter effective June 30, 1997. The CJPP Board met with the staff and board members of APO. It was the consensus of the two groups to pursue refunding for the upcoming year. The Criminal Justice Partnership Board requested refunding for FY 1997-98 with the understanding that all personnel positions, or any part of the IAP, would be approved by the CJPP Board. Dearman mentioned that presently there were 32 high-risk clients from probation/parole attending the program. He mentioned that with the problems involving Tri-County Mental Health he and his colleagues were at an impasse as far as intensive out-patient treatment for clients. Further, he said there were about 1,800 people either on supervised probation or parole. The IAP only works with about one percent of the clients. Commissioner Fortner asked how the CJPP Board measured the effectiveness of the IAP. Dearman said there were very few numbers by the first provider. (There have been growth problems.) The current program just began in October 1996. Dearman said that not enough time had passed to fully evaluate Iredell’s program; however, across the state there have been good results. Mr. Dearman said that referrals to the IAP were made by the probation officers, the courts, or the “appropriate court facilities." If the defendent does not respond and fully participate in the program, the power of arrest for the person lies with the probation officer -- not the IAP. People with minor traffic offenses are not appropriate for the program. Multiple offenders with cocaine usage or chronic abusers of alcohol and drugs would be the target population. Commissioner Johnson asked Dearman about the credibility level of APO, especially with the judges, district attorneys, and the probation officers. He also asked if within a reasonable period of time, credibility could be rebuilt. Dearman answered that the credibility might already be in place with the resignation of Bock. Mr. Dearman said he treasured the relationship he had with the court officials (over 23 years), and he didn’t want it jeopardized. "The program", Dearman said, "will have to prove itself." He mentioned that changes could be done to the program as it progressed (similar to what was done with the first provider). Commissioner Johnson said if the CJPP Board and the commissioners had been dealt with honestly and up-front from the onset that none of this would have occurred. "I would like to express my displeasure with the way this was handled." "If I am ever subjected to this again, I will not vote to fund this thing." Johnson went on to say that commissioners were stewards of local, state, and federal money. Mr. Johnson said that in his role of APR 6 1 1997 649 being the steward of citizen’s tax money that he felt he was justified in saying he expected to be told the truth in all matters. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson that the commissioners approve the CJPP application for funding with APO, but with the understanding that the Criminal Justice Partnership Board/Jail Population Task Force had veto power over anyone that administered the programs and with the following stipulation: Mr. Dearman would appear before the commissioners in six months and give an appraisal of the program indicating how many clients were being served and the level of service delivered. Commissioner Johnson clarified with the county manager that funding could be discontinued anytime the commissioners desired. Mashburn said this was correct. Commissioner Boone moved to add the following to the motion: 1. The CJPP Board had power over all personnel involved in the IAP program -- not of everyone with APO, but all personnel involved with the IAP funding. 2. The commissioners and CJPP Board reserved the right to discontinue funding for the program at anytime. 3. The commissioners and CJPP Board look for alternate providers for the service. Commissioner Johnson accepted all of the amendments. Commissioner Boone said he shared Johnson’s concerns about APO and that both boards (commissioners and CJPP) were not dealt with honestly. Boone said he didn’t feel anyone intentionally did any wrong doing; however, poor judgement was used. Boone said he was also concerned about the district attorney’s office still having problems with the situation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ 0. Note: The Jail Population Task Force (JPTF) has been in place for many years. When the Criminal Justice Partnership funding became available it was mandatory to have an advisory board. It was decided to use the existing JPTF members in this capacity. Therefore, the JPTF Board and CJPP Board are interchangeable in regard to the Iredell Alternatives Program. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #33 (HALL OF JUSTICE PAVING PROJECTS): Jim Vernon, Director of Support Services, submitted the following estimates for paving projects for the Hall of Justice: EMS/Hall of Justice - Constitutional Avenue $31,000 Satellite Jail Lot 32,000 Community Service Lot - Harrill Street 15,000 78,00 Vernon mentioned the paving will provide 118 spaces around the Hall of Justice (some spaces are already in place; however, there is not total efficiency since the areas are unpaved). MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve Budget Amendment #33 in the amount of $78,000 (to be derived from contingency) for the purpose of paving projects in the referenced areas. VOTING: Ayes 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO ACCEPT JC PENNEY DONATION: Ray Rabe, Health Director, and Norma Rife, Allied Health Director, advised during the briefing that this request was to accept a $200 donation from the JC Penney Corp. The health dept. desires to purchase five car seats with the money and give them to five 4 clients that attend six parenting classes. The Board of Health previously approved the donation and planned usage. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #34 for $200 for the referenced purpose. VOTING: REQUEST OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPLY FOR MARCH OF DIMES GRANT: This grant, awarded, would provide necessary resources/products for reduction of infant mortality. The application has been approved by _ the Board of Health. Objectives/Resources/Costs are as follows for the grant money ($7,000). Vv RESOURCES costs ws Reduce fatalities and car seats $4,000 injuries from motor vehicle accidents a Reduce fatalities & devices to measure $ 500 injuries from infant choking risk from toys choking ws Reduce fatalities & outlet covers, cabinet $ 900 injuries from burns latches, smoke detectors faucet (tub) covers Reduce fatalities & Toilet seat latches, child $1,600 injuries from drowning safety gates, faucet (tub) covers TOTAL GRANT $7,000 MOTION by Commissioner Boone to allow the Health Department to apply for the March of Dimes grant. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR MEDICAID RECIPIENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN CAROLINA ACCESS PROGRAM: Don Wall, DSS Director, said his agency was requesting permission to participate in this program which is a managed care plan for Medicaid recipients. Individuals in the program with a primary care physician will have better access to medical care. Another advantage will be in the reduction of emergency room care at hospitals. Since the federal government will pay 50% of the costs and Carolina Access will fund $12,000 the only cost for the remainder of this year (May/June) will be for equipment. During FY 97-98, the amount of $1,581 would be the cost. Wall mentioned one negative might be the potential loss of revenue at the Health Department. Mr. Rabe said he felt the health department would lose some medicaid revenue if the request was approved. In addition, he mentioned the 97-98 health budget had already been submitted and would have to be changed. Rabe mentioned he could not estimate an exact amount with the present information. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to postpone any action on this request until the following could be determined: a. Effect on Health Department b. Total Medicaid Usage VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays ~- 1 (Stewart). REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MARCH 18, 1997 (BRIEFING & REGULAR): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the minutes as presented. APR 6 1 1997 691 VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF NURSING HOME BED ALLOCATION: MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the following resolution: RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF NURSING HOME BED ALLOCATION WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina has appropriated 90 nursing home beds for Iredell County; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Iredell County deserve the highest quality and most accessible long term care options; and WHEREAS, Iredell’s Senior Citizens and their families are forced to go outside the county to find a retirement community that provides sufficient housing and service options that promote "aging in place." NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Iredell County Board of Commissioners does endorse the 1997 allocation of 90 nursing home beds to a retirement community proposal to be established in Iredell County ata location beneficial to the citizens in need of these services. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0 ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS (2 announcements) ® (1 announcement) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS (1 appt.) Commissioner Fortner nominated Amelia Cates. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Cates by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. H. RT x (1 appt.) Commissioner Boone | Ale er. Cha irman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Alexander by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. tT (1 appt.) Nomination of Mr. Talmadge "Tim" Kinney by oner Boone. Nomination of Mr. Doug Hendrix by Commissioner Fortner. In accordance with the Board’s Rules and Procedures, a vote will be taken on the nominations at the next meeting (April 15). VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. TERI (1 appt.) Commissioner Johnson moved — ne this appointment until the April 15 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. $500,000 COMMITMENT TO TOWN OF MOORESVILLE (action taken at March 18, 1997 meeting): Commissioner Stewart mentioned she would like to "clean up" the motion pertaining to the water sewer commitment to Mooresville. She mentioned two concerns: 1. Change in Present Policy: (Mrs. Stewart felt the County needed a Memo of Understanding with the Town of Mooresville.) a. Time Limit on the Commitment: (Stewart asked for a specific time limitation.) 6 rer D2 Mrs. Stewart asked, "Who decides when the money is to be appropriated?" Commissioner Boone said he thought two years was adequate for a time frame. Chairman Haire said the motion was properly made and acted upon at the last meeting. Commissioner Fortner said the motion was clear to her. THE BOARD CHOSE TO LEAVE THE MOTION AS ORIGINALLY RENDERED SOLID WASTE CHARGES & STATESVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: Commissioner Boone asked the status of this situation. Mr. Pope said he had met with the attorney for the housing authority. There was some confusion on the authority’s part about payment of some charges. The county staff will check to see if reimbursement has been received. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Mashburn reported that the Mental Health Task Force had been meeting regularly. It is his understanding that state officials will continue to work with the County after June 30. Commissioner Johnson asked how the changes would affect the budget. Mashburn advised the full amount of $289,000 would be reinstated in the budget. This amount cannot be reduced. Susan Blumenstein mentioned the County pays 1/12 of the appropriation per month. LEGISLATIVE BRIEFING IN RALEIGH ON MAY 7: Mr. Mashburn said that traditionally Iredell County’s legislators met with county officials for lunch. The briefing is normally scheduled at 2:00 p.m. (This matter will be discussed again at the April 15 meeting.) ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. NEXT MEETING: April 15, 1997, 5:00 p.m. (Briefing - South Wing Conference Room and 7:00 p.m. (Regular Meeting - Commissioners’ Meeting Room), Iredell County Government Center. 7 ea | Vu a Approved: C(cut/5, /9 97 tae C f//fore _ v . / Clerk to the Board File: minApril APR 0 1 1997 653 604 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1997 MINUTES The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met April 10, 1997, 7:30 a.m., for a Called Meeting in the South Wing Conference Roon, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, N.C. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Absent: Alice M. Stewart (Commissioner Stewart was absent due to recent knee surgery.) Staff Present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Guests Present: M.F. "Buddy" Hall, Jr., Director of Behavioral Health/Columbia Davis Medical Center G. Phillip Lotti, President/CEO, Columbia Davis Medical Center Jim Wrinn, Iredell Neighbors Audrey Montgomery, Record & Landmark Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. UPDATE ON MENTAL HEALTH TASK FORCE FINDINGS: Mashburn explained the task force had met on several occasions. Determinations of this group to date have been: 1. A consultant should provide the following: a. Review of requirements and costs for Iredell County to provide mental health services in-house. b. Review of costs involved in operating a separate mental health department and contracting services (this would include a public-private partnership). c. Review of costs involved in joining an existing multi- county authority. 2. Affiliate with the Surry-Yadkin Area Authority if Iredell County selects the multi-county option for the delivery of mental health services. 3. Recommendation that Iredell County consult with Technical Assistance Collaborative, Inc., in the amount of $10,400 for a cost analysis. In reference to multi-county affiliations, Commissioner Boone asked if the other contiguous counties to Iredell had been ruled out. Mashburn replied the only counties left were basically Lincoln-Gaston. He mentioned that Gaston was such a large county that the right "fit" might not occur. Rowan will probably associate with Stanley/Union/Cabarrus if it doesn’t stay single- county. Commissioner Johnson said he wanted the public-private option to be reviewed as much as possible. Chairman Haire agreed. Johnson and Haire both mentioned that accountability was of the 1 utmost importance. Commissioner Fortner advised that Representative Frank Mitchell had reserved a blank bill in the General Assembly in case the county decided to contract mental health services. Mashburn advised that a clear ruling needed to be found on contracting. Commissioner Fortner said a consultant, hired by the State, conducted a study on the various methods in providing mental health services and that public-private entities was mentioned to be a viable option. (Mecklenburg County contracts its health and mental health services.) MULTI-COUNTY AFFILIATION: Mashburn asked if a determination could be made, for the purpose of the cost analysis, on which multi-county program to join if the County decided on this option. Blumenstein mentioned the indirect cost for providing a single county program was expensive. She mentioned that Davidson County appropriates about the same amount of money per year as Iredell; however, the indirect cost is about $300,000. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner, for purposes of the cost analysis, to authorize the consultant to use the Surry-Yadkin Area Authority as the entity to be studied when reviewing the multi- county option for Iredell County. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. COST ANALYSIS PROPOSALS: Mashburn said he had received the following three proposals: DAVID M. GRIFFITH: This company has done extensive work in the human service field. (Previously worked for Iredell County.) Estimated Cost: $25,000 - $35,000 : Past work includes extensive work in mental health for state/local agencies. Under contract at present with Davie County. (Also, to N.C. Council of Community Programs. ) Estimated Cost: $ 5,150 Phase I -Review of Current Operation $ 5,250 Phase II-Plan for Governance $10,400 M.T.M. SERVICES, LLC: The president of the company has many years of experience in area programs. Recently worked for Surry-Yadkin Area Authority. (Completed several studies for local/state human resource agencies.) Estimated Cost: $12,000 - $17,000 MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to contract with Technical Assistance Collaborative in the amount of $10,400 to be derived from the contingency account. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. Commissioner Fortner asked when the consultant would begin the work. Mashburn replied as soon as they were contacted. Commissioner Johnson asked the representatives from Columbia Davis if they could provide the mandated services required by the State. Hall mentioned he previously worked in the public sector so he was familiar with the required services. He advised the hospital group could deliver most of the services on short notice. He also advised that the hospital management had no objections to 2 APR 10 4997 656 the State assuming the responsibility for the Willie M. and Thomas S. programs. Commissioner Boone asked if Columbia Davis would use the present Tri-County facility. Hall said yes. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 a.m. Approved: _ lig 6.1999 Yiex 44 Tw ¢ /, Clerk to the Board File: meeting APR 4 2 1997 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 15, 1997 BRIEFING MINUTES _ The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, April 15, 1997, 5:00 p.m., in Briefing Session at the Iredell County Government Center (South Wing Conference Room), 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Vice Chairman Steve D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Absent: Chairman Sara K. Haire Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Ron Weatherman, Solid Waste Director Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Director Brent Weisner, Tax Assessor Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Vice Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order. TELEPHONE AREA CODES: Mr. Mashburn shared information received from BellSouth regarding new area codes. A geographic split has been created whereby three new area codes have been proposed for Iredell County. A meeting about the proposal is scheduled for April 21, 1997, in Raleigh, NC. Chairman Haire plans to attend. Commissioner Boone asked how the area codes would impact the County’s 911 equipment. Mashburn advised that a representative of BellSouth indicated this was not a problem in other counties; however, Larry Dickerson of the Emergency Communications Operations Management Office will be asked for comments. REQUEST FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ($131,500): Jeff McKay, Greater Statesville Development Corporation, said he had been assisting a company that had requested stormwater funding assistance. The company preferred to remain anonymous for the present; however, McKay mentioned it was an internationally known/based company with operations in Europe and Canada. The following investment will occur by the company for the $131,500: e $7.5 million in plant and equipment (44,000 sq. ft.) e Approximately 50 new jobs at 110% of county wage average The county manager advised that a public hearing would not be necessary for stormwater assistance. Commissioner Fortner asked McKay what 110% of average wage would be for Iredell County. McKay said the 1995 figures indicated it was $464 per week based on a 40-hr. work period. McKay also said that no individual salary over $100,000 could be included in the computation. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF tHe RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE IREDELL COUNTY YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD IN REFERENCE TO PROGRAMS TO BE CBA FUNDED IN FY 97-98: Greg Letourneau, Chairman of the Youth Services Board, advised that seven requests for funding had been received. A total of $200,718 has been allocated by the State for Iredell County in CBA funds for 97-98. Requests received were: 698 REQUESTED TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Juvenile Services - $ 5,500 $ 5,500 SCAN - $ 30,484 $ 30,484 Family Life Center - $ 80,000 Piedmont Mediation Center ~ $ 2,800 Iredell Youth Home - $ 105,000 $ 105,000 Counseling Center - $ 80,000 $ 52,500 Iredell Statesville Schools - $ 35,000 Total $ 338,784 93,484 Reasons for not recommending funding for some of the new programs were: enter: 1) This is a "for profit" agency 2) A budget was not attached to the request and 3) The services to be offered are a duplication of an existing CBA program (Counseling Center). ter: 1) Difficult to discern how much money the agency was actually requesting. = Vv ve S : 1) Counselor involved in the program would spend more time traveling than counseling 2) Possibility that youth in Mooresville Graded School System would be excluded 3) Concerns that not enough of the targeted population (juvenile court population) would be in the program. Commissioner Fortner asked Letourneau about the status of the youth home. Specifically, how the referring agencies (DSS/Schools/ Mental Health) perceived the facility. Letourneau said a study was done in November of 1996 by Youth Homes, Inc., of Charlotte, NC. The study revealed favorable responses from the referring agencies. Commissioner Boone asked how many youth were housed at the home. Mashburn said five -- sometimes six. The home is staffed by two employees (day/night) for seven days. Then, the same two employees are off for seven days while the other two employees work. Mr. Boone said that per child, per year, the amount of upkeep was about $30,000. Commissioner Fortner asked the gender being housed at the home. She also asked if it was permissible for the schools to obtain CBA funding. Letourneau said that currently the home only served the male population. Pertaining to the school system’s request, Letourneau said that CBA funds could only be used for counseling services. Commissioner Fortner complimented Mr. Letourneau for his work on the CBA Task Force. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BIDS FOR USED WHEEL LOADER: Ron Weatherman said he desired to purchase a used wheel loader for $70,000. He inspected the loader, and it appears to be in good condition. It has a 90-day warranty. The loader has 7850 hours of usage, and Weatherman said an average loader should be able to operate around three times this much. A new loader would cost $140,000-$150,000. Evie Caldwell explained that one bid had been submitted for the used loader and this was sufficient. ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m. for a refreshment break prior to the 7:00 p.m. meeting. 4 Approved: %zy 7/997 (bin C4) ere 7 “4 Clerk to the Board File: BAP15 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 15, 1997 MINUTES The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Adjourned Regular Session on Tuesday, April 15, 1997, 7:00 p.m., Commissioners Meeting Roon, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Vice Chairman Steve D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Absent: Chairman Sara K. Haire Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Vice Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS OF THE AGENDA: MOTION by Vice Chairman Johnson to make the following adjustments: Delete: Consideration of a Request from the NCACC to Support the Excellent Schools Act Add: Resolution In Opposition to the Petition to Split Iredell County into Three Area Codes Add: Request for Approval of Budget Amendment #37/State Bond Funds for Mooresville Graded Schools VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD MR. LAMONT THOMPSON: Thompson, a longtime resident (since 1953) of 1457 Brawley School Road, Mooresville, NC, advised of complaints about a bar and grill establishment near his home. Thompson had several problems about the business, i.e., loud music, illegal sale of drugs, and the unappropriate behavior of some of the patrons. The bar only opened up recently, however, one neighbor has already moved from the area. A lawyer talked with Thompson and advised that the County’s noise ordinance was "no good." The district attorney will not enforce it. Thompson said he felt it wasn’t fair for the sheriff’s department to respond to noise complaints when they could not do anything. Thompson said he wanted a stronger noise ordinance -- one that didn’t make a "laughing stock" out of the sheriff’s department. Vice Chairman Johnson apologized to Mr. Thompson for the situation and mentioned a new or revised ordinance had been discussed. Attorney Pope said a problem arised when one tries to quantify noise. An objective is to devise an ordinance that is enforceable, but not expensive (supplying law enforcement vehicles with noise-measuring devices). The district attorney feels the present ordinance is too vague. (Pope’s office is reviewing ordinances from other cities/counties.) Commissioner Boone said he had been on the board for over four years and most of the noise complaints he received pertained to 1) "music" and 2) barking dogs. APR 15 1997 659 REQUEST FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ($131,500) FOR A NEW INDUSTRY: The county manager said this request was from the Greater Statesville Development Corporation. The unnamed company desires the County to assist in stormwater management. The engineers have given a cost estimate of $131,500. In past transactions of this nature, the county attorney drafted an agreement between the industry and the county. (A clause will be inserted advising the industry that if at any time the funding is challenged the company will reimburse the County in full.) MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to enter into an agreement with an unnamed company for the purpose of reimbursement to the company for the cost of stormwater management under the authority of G.S.153A-149. Reimbursement will not exceed $131,500 over a five (5) year period and will not exceed in any one year the amount of county taxes paid by the company. The agreement will be contingent upon the company making an investment in plant and equipment of not less that $7.5 million, creating at least 50 new jobs, and paying an average of 110% of the 1995 county wage average. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays ~- O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE IREDELL COUNTY YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD IN REFERENCE TO PROGRAMS TO BE CBA FUNDED IN FY 97-98: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the following CBA Task Force recommendations: Juvenile Services Division $ 5,500 SCAN 30,484 Iredell Youth Home 105,000 Counseling Center 52,500 TOTAL $ 193,484 VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays ~- 0. (NOTE: A balance of $7,234 remains in the $200,718 appropriation.) RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO THE PETITION TO SPLIT IREDELL COUNTY INTO THREE AREA CODES: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to authorize the Chairman of the Board to represent Iredell County before the N.C. Utilities Commission to express belief that the proposed area code split will create confusion and inconvenience. The County does not oppose a change in the area code, but feels the County should be covered by only one area code, not more than two. Also, to instruct the staff to draft a resolution to be presented at the meeting of the Utilities Commission on April 21, 1997 in Raleigh, N.C. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BIDS FOR USED WHEEL LOADER: A bid opening was held April 3, 1997 for a used wheel loader to be stationed at the Mooresville Transfer Station. The following bid was received: Wrico Equipment Corp., Greensboro, NC Year: 1988 (7850 hours) Make/Model: Caterpillar 936E Bid Price: $71,856.00 negotiated to $70,000.00 MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to award the used wheel loader bid to the Wrico Equipment Corporation in the amount of $70,000. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays ~ 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #35 (TO RECOGNIZE A GRANT RECEIVED FROM DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE FOR PESTICIDE RECYCLING CONTAINERS) : MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve Budget Amendment #35. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. 2 660 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #36 (TO TRANSFER 1/4th OF ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND ACCRUED EARNINGS FROM PARKS CAPITAL RESERVE FUND TO SOUTH IREDELL PARK FUND: Susan Blumenstein advised that several years ago a portion was moved from the parks capital reserve fund to the South Iredell Park Fund. Since that time, additional contributions have been made as well as earnings on the remaining amount of the fund. This amendment will transfer to the South Iredell project fund its share of the additional earnings and correct the account balances. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve Budget Amendment #36 as outlined by Ms. Blumenstein. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BANKING SERVICE BIDS: Finance Director, Susan Blumenstein stated that recently proposals were requested from six of the banks in Statesville that use the Option 2, Pooling, Method of Collateralization for Public Funds. The following three banks offered bids: BB&T S 36,122 First Citizens $ 29,597 First Union $ 151,986 Blumenstein recommended the County remain with First Citizens Bank. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the bid of First Citizens Bank at $29,597. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF REFUNDS & RELEASES FOR MARCH 1997: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the following releases and refunds for the month of March, 1997: 59,741.74 Breakdown of Releases: County $32,517.55 Solid Waste Fees 36.00 All County Fire #4 179.49 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 12.34 Shepherd’s Fire #2 16.24 E. Alex. Fire #1 8.11 Statesville City 24,396.69 Mooresville Town 1,991.94 Mooresville School 496.11 Troutman Town $7.27 REFUNDS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1997 1,162.26 Breakdown of Refunds: County 633.38 All County Fire #4 15.51 Statesville City 509.14 Troutman Town 4.23 VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PROCLAMATION FOR COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEEK ~ APRIL 13-19, 1997: The county manager advised that it was tradition to pass a proclamation recognizing county government week. It is done throughout the nation to draw attention to the challenges of local governments in using limited resources to meet the many needs of the public. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the following proclamation: APR 15 1997 661 COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEEK 1997 WHEREAS, April 13-19, 1997, is National County Government Week and North Carolina’s 100 county governments are proud of their key role in the governmental partnership as the local provider and facilitator of important services for the community; and WHEREAS, North Carolina’s counties face the challenge of using limited resources efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of the public through such programs as health care, child and elder funding, emergency and medical services, drug and alcohol abuse treatment, law enforcement, water and sewer services, and library services; and WHEREAS, many North Carolina counties seek a stronger partnership with their citizens in defining community problems and solutions through such efforts as strategic planning and local focus groups; and WHEREAS, many of our 100 counties are participating in a special citizen’s awareness campaign called "Community Countdown 2000," a nationwide effort which asks each county to further explore constituents’ concerns and ideas related to meeting community challenges of the next century; and WHEREAS, leadership in county government today requires a commitment to long hours and continued learning in a variety of topic areas, and a strong sense of purpose to assure that necessary services are provided without undue burden on the taxpayer. NOW, THEREFORE, I, STEPHEN D. JOHNSON, do hereby proclaim April 13-19, 1997, as "National County Government Week in Iredell County" and urge all citizens to be more involved in and aware of issues facing our counties by volunteering for county programs, voting in elections, and attending public meetings. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. FINALIZATION ON ATTENDEES TO THE LEGISLATIVE BRIEFING TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997: Mr. Mashburn advised that the current plan was to have lunch with the legislators and then to attend the 2:00 p.m. briefing. Commissioners Boone and Fortner advised they would accompany Mr. Mashburn to the briefing. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF APRIL, 1997 MINUTES (BRIEFING & REGULAR): MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the captioned minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #37/STATE BOND FUNDS FOR MOORESVILLE GRADED SCHOOLS: Mrs. Blumenstein said that the Mooresville School System had been approved by the NC Department of Public Instruction to begin drawing funds for the Mooresville Model Middle project. Blumenstein and the county manager must certify that each draw down is within the total project budget before the funds will be released. Because the revenue will flow-through the County’s accounting records, it is recommended that each project be accounted for in a multi-year capital project fund. Then, the county finance office will be able to track expenditures within the accounting system for the life of the project rather than on an annual basis. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to adopt the project fund as outlined by the finance director and approve Budget Amendment #37. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Tri-County Mental Health Board (1 announcement) Troutman Planning/Zoning (outside members - 2 announcements) Centralina Development Corp. (2 announcements) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS YOUTH HOME ADVISORY BOARD (2 appts-): Commissioner Fortner nominated Mrs. Pat Snider for a reappointment. vice Chairman Johnson moved to close the nominations, reappoint Snider, and table the other appointment until the May 6 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 33 Nays ~- 0. ICARE, Inc. (1 appt.): Jerry Engram has resigned from this Board. Mr. Talmadge “Tim" Kinney and Mr. Doug Hendrix were nominated for this appointment at the April 1 meeting. In accordance with the Rules and Procedures of the board, a vote was obtained from each individual commissioner. TIM KINNEY DOUG HENDRIX Stephen D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner “UE “ABUL TOTALS The votes having been tallied, Mr. Tim Kinney was appointed to the ICARE, Inc., Board of Directors. ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (1 appointment) : Nomination of Mrs. Louise Lewis by Commissioner Fortner. vice Chairman Johnson moved to close the nominations and appoint Lewis by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays - 0. RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (1 appt.): Vice Chairman Johnson moved to postpone this appointment until the May 6, 1997, meeting. VOTING: Ayes ~ 3; Nays - 0. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT: The county manager said he wanted to make the Board aware of a change in the Mapping Department. When the house numbering project was originally established, most of the work occurred in the mapping department. Now, since the zoning dept. issues the numbers (# has to be assigned before a zoning permit is jssued) it will be more convenient to the public to transfer a mapping employee to the zoning/planning building. All aspects of the house numbering program will then be housed in one building instead of two. A workstation is being placed in the city Building and 4 computer will be purchased; however, all eee) EET will be accomplished with previously budgeted funds. CLOSED SESSION: Citing G.S. 143-318.11(a) (5) - Property —— Vice Chairman Johnson moved to enter into closed session. VOTING: Ayes ~ 3; Nays ~ QO. ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING: May 6, 1997, 5:00 p.m. (South Wing Conference Room) and 7:00 p.m. (Commissioners’ Meeting Room), Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays ~- 0. Approved: Pha 2 L992 hier C M7 — ws ow) Clérk to the Board APR 15 1997 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES MAY 6, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, May 6, 1997, 5:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room of the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC 28677. Present: Chairman Sara K. Haire Vice Chairman Steve D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff Present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Ray Rabe, Health Director Janet Blaufuss, Nursing Director Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board MAJOR TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS FOR DIVISION 12: After William Allison explained the planning/zoning matters a brief discussion was held about a recent bulletin from the NC Department of Transportation. The material pertained to the Transportation 2001 Update. A major transportation project listed for Division 12 was U.S. 70 in Iredell County. Specifically, it is the State’s intent at State Road 2318 (Fanjoy Road) in Statesville, to U.S. 601 in Salisbury, to widen the roadway to multi-lanes. (Allison said he would check to see how the altering of the highway would impact Fanjoy Road.) A total of $16.2 million is to be added to the program in 2003 and 2004 to fund additional construction. CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN REFERENCE TO APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR AN INDUSTRIAL INCENTIVE PROJECT: Jeff McKay, of the Greater Statesville Development Corporation advised that about three months ago he began talking with Commscope and the possibility of locating a satellite facility in the Rubbermaid Building. Commscope, a maker of fiber optic wiring is currently located in Catawba County. McKay stated that the company was a very attractive employer. Specifics mentioned in a possible incentive package with Commscope were: (1) $20-40 million in new investment in Iredell County over a five-year period and (2) 100-200 jobs with wages at or above the median average wage in the County. In return, Commscope asked for a $225,000 (maximum) grant from the County. McKay emphasized the company was expanding and that all of the jobs would be new. This request was also shared with the City of Statesville on May 5, 1997. The city council agreed to hold a public hearing on May 19. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #38 FIRE COMMISSION TO APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS ($1,617) TO COOL SPRINGS VFD (HEPATITIS B TESTS/IMMUNIZATIONS): Tommy Bowles, the Fire Commission Chairman, announced that the local health department could do the hepatitis tests; however, the staff could not provide the immunization factors. The tests and immunizations cost about the same amount of money, and Bowles stressed the hardship this presented to the departments. Cool Springs agreed "to test the water" on the hepatitis tests/immunizations. Bowles mentioned the VFD incurred the debt with the understanding that it would serve as the "testing department" for the other VFDs. Ray Rabe, the health director, said the latest information his office had received about the testing and booster shot was that they were not good investments. He mentioned the three shots cost about $120. A 90-day immunity is obtained, but then it drops off. If a person is tested after 90 days (another $40) the immunity will 2 not show up. Some individuals then receive another booster shot at a cost of $40. Rabe said the test was a waste of money. Bowles said he understood that once tested a reviewer could tell if a person had the immunization factor. Janet Blaufuss, Nursing Director, said about ten percent of people do not respond. Rabe said the best advice would be for all medical/emergency personnel to take all precautions and _ not rely totally on the shots/ immunizations. Blaufuss said if anyone was exposed to hepatitis they should immediately see a physician and an immune globulin would be given. A brief discussion was held about First Responders. Bowles said this group starts with a basic level of care. A person in this group can "size" up a medical situation and call back in with details. This enables the EMS unit to be more prepared (necessary supplies readily accessible) for the awaiting emergency situation. Also, basic life support can be started by a First Responder. Commissioner Fortner asked if most of the First Responders had day jobs. Bowles estimated about 90% worked during the day. Many of the individuals are off-duty EMS employees and City firemen. The private sector is good about letting employees off; however, it has been a problem with some companies. \) Approved: PvAY, L472 Zen © Dy ror y Clerk to the Board File: B.May MAY 06 1997 666 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES MAY 6, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 6, 1997, 7:00 p.m., Commissioners’ Meeting Room of the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Bill Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Ron Weatherman, Solid Waste Director Ray Rabe, Health Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board ADJUSTMENTS OF AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to make the following agenda adjustments: Delete: Request for Jail (Existing) Cellblock Repairs Add: e Request of All-America City Delegation to Use $5,000 of Hotel/Motel Tax Proceeds for Expenses in Application Process (City of Statesville Approved on May 5, 1997) e Closed Session: G.S. 143.318.11(a)(6) - Personnel VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE IREDELL COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN; REZONING REQUEST; LARRY M. BROWN, AGENT FOR THE RALPH C. BROWN ET AL. PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9704-1: William Allison, Planning Supervisor explained that Mr. Brown was requesting a portion of property be rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural to HB, Highway Business District and amend the Land Development Plan. The property is located on KOA Lane adjacent to I-77; more specifically identified as PIN# 4742878329. The proposed use would be for mobile home sales and mini-storage. On April 2, 1997, the planning board unanimously recommended amending the development plan and the rezoning of the property to HB by a 8-0 vote. No one spoke in favor/opposition to this request. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to amend the land development plan in regard to Case No. 9704-1. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to rezone the property from RA to HB. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED IREDELL COUNTY FY 97-98 BUDGET: Mr. Mashburn advised this was the tenth budget he had presented in Iredell County. Appreciation was expressed to the department heads for their assistance and especially to Mrs. Blumenstein, the finance director. Some highlights of the budget message were: e Property value will increase approximately $500 million or 8.6% over 96-97. e Projection of a 6% increase in sales tax receipts. e A recommendation of the manager was to increase fees paid to commissioners by $160 per mo. An increase of $50 per month travel for the commissioners was also recommended. o New optic scan voting equipment was recommended by the Board of Elections. e Conversion of the EMS Base on Tradd St. into court facility space. Completion of EMS Bldg. in Troutman to house administrative offices. e It was mentioned that mental health funding/facilities, etc., was an unknown expenditure at this time. e A 5% increase for current expenses (per pupil basis) was recommended for schools. Also, land appropriation. e Over 20 new positions were recommended. A 3% across the board increase was recommended with $390,000 set aside for merit increases. In addition, a review of salary ranges was suggested. e Tax rate was recommended to remain at 45¢; however, an increase in solid waste tipping fees and household fees was recommended. A new transfer station in the New Hope area was recommended. Budget Workshops were scheduled for: May 13, 1997 - 8:00 a.m. ~ 1:00 p.m. (South Wing) May 20, 1997 - 12:00 Noon ~ 5:00 p.m. (South Wing) (school Requests to be Reviewed) May 22, 1997 - 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (South Wing) Commissioner Boone made a recommendation that the budget not be adopted until the June 17 meeting. He mentioned he felt this was one the most important duties of the governing board and that delaying the budget adoption would provide more time to study and review the contents of the budget proposal. PUBLIC HEARING (BUDGET) SCHEDULED: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to hold a public hearing in reference to the Iredell County FY 1997-98 Budget on May 20, 1997, 7:00 p.m., Commissioners’ Meeting Room of the Iredell County Government Center. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF HOME & COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATION FOR FY 97-98: Anne Johnson, Chairman of the Home & Community Care Block Grant Committee along with Anna Rice (member) discussed the recommendations of this group during the 5:00 p.m. meeting. Block grant funding totaling $441,385 was recommended to be distributed to DSS and the Council on Aging. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the HCCBG Committee’s recommendation for the $441,385. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF DOT ROAD MAINTENANCE ABANDONMENTS FOR: © Portion of SR#1110 (Catalina Drive! William Allison said that the district engineer for the local DOT office had requested the abandonment of a portion of SR 1110 (Catalina Drive ~- Knox Haven Lane), from the State maintained 2 MAY 06 1997 667 system. The section to be abandoned has a total of 211.20 linear feet. The property owner is requesting the NCDOT to withdraw State maintenance on this portion of SR 1110. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the abandonment of a portion of SR 1110 (Catalina Drive). VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ° = in et Allison said this petition was to abandon the _ State maintenance of 815 linear feet on SR 2703 (Norma Road) at the intersection of Perth Road. Access is being provided by a new street in the Grand Bay Subdivision. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the State maintenance abandonment of 815 linear feet on SR 2703. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ O. REQUEST FOR THE RELEASE OF CASH BOND FOR STILLMEADOW ESTATES BUBDIVISION: Mr. Allison explained that Mr. Robert G. Galliher was requesting release of a Cash Bond for the Stillmeadow Estates Subdivision located off Ostwalt-Amity Road. Iredell County presently holds the bond in the amount of $1,500 to cover the cost of street improvements. The developer has completed the work and requests release of the full amount. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the release of Cash Bond #3123 in the amount of $1,500 for Stillmeadow Estates. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE TRANSFER AND SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY: During the briefing session, the Purchasing Agent, Evie Caldwell, explained that the Statesville ABC Board had requested the donation of a surplus two-way radio valued at approximately $30. Mr. Boone mentioned the Statesville ABC Board was a quasi- governmental body funded by the sale of alcoholic beverage proceeds. Boone stated that although the radio was of little ae value, he had problems giving it to another governmental unit. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to offer to the Statesville ABC Board the two-way radio for $30. Commissioner Johnson said he felt the donation of the radio was a goodwill gesture. VOTING: Ayes - 2 (Boone/Stewart); Nays ~ (Fortner /Haire/Johnson) MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the following three resolutions pertaining to surplus property: 1. RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF CERTAIN SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the County of Iredell has possession of the following item of personal property which is surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Iredell County, that since the Statesville ABC Board No. 120 has requested the following equipment, it shall be transferred to that agency, as provided in G.S. 160A-274. Motorola Syntor Radio S/N 246HL00026 3 26 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRIVATE SALE OF CERTAIN SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the County of Iredell has possession of the following items of personal property which are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Iredell County that Evie D. Caldwell, Purchasing Agent, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-267, is hereby authorized to dispose of the personal property as listed for cash or good check by private sale, and the said Purchasing Agent is further authorized and directed to execute the necessary functions associated with this sale. Items include: a chest freezer, deep fat fryer, two commercial ranges, exhaust hood, stainless steel table, upright freezer, food prep sink/table combo, and a 6 ft. butcher block table. 3. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION OF CERTAIN SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the County of Iredell has possession of personal property items which are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Iredell County that Evie D. Caldwell, purchasing Agent, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-270(b), is hereby authorized to dispose of the personal property for cash or good check at public auction, and the said Purchasing Agent be further authorized and directed to execute the necessary functions associated with this sale. Iredell County Fairground Hwy. 21, South, Troutman, NC May 31, 1997, 8:00 a.m., Book Sale May 31, 1997, 10:00 a.m., Auction VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #38 - FIRE COMMISSION TO APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS ($1,617) TO COOL SPRINGS VFD (HEPATITIS B TESTS / IMMUNIZATIONS) : Tommy Bowles, Fire Commission Chairman, explained that Ray Rabe, Health Director, had given him additional information about this matter since the 5:00 p.m. meeting. Bowles and Rabe will meet with both the Fire Commission and fire chiefs to explain the new findings. Specifically, what is/isn’t needed pertaining to Hepatitis B precautionary measures. Bowles, however, did indicate that Cool Springs had incurred the $1,617 for tests/immunizations, with the Fire Commission’s concurrence, and money was needed for repayment. Commissioner Johnson said he wanted Bowles to report back to the VFDs and advise that as increased funding occurred they could expect their autonomy to decrease. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve Budget Amendment #38 and appropriate additional funds ($1,617) to Cool Springs VFD. (The money to be derived from unappropriated fund balance of the county fire district.) VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays -0. REQUEST FOR THE DESIGNATION OF NOREEN WALLS AND RITA NEEL AS DEPUTY FINANCE OFFICERS & SHERIFF REDMOND, CHIEF DEPUTY RODNEY PROCTOR, AND LT. RICK DOWDLE AS LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AUTHORIZED TO COUNTERSIGN CHECKS: Mrs. Blumenstein advised that Sheriff Redmond recently requested a "cashless" commissary program for the new jail. The procedures involved would be to have the 4 MAY 06 1997 jail staff make deposits into a bank account, cut checks to inmates as they are released, and to cut checks to the County for the amount of revenue received in the fund. A separate checking account will be established at First Citizens Bank. All checks will require two signatures, one of which will have to be the Sheriff, Chief Proctor, or Lt. Dowdle. The Iredell County Finance Office will monitor the account and reconcile the bank statement each month. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to designate Noreen Walls and Rita Neel as deputy finance officers and designate Sheriff Phillip Redmond, Chief Rodney Proctor, and Lt. Rick Dowdle as_ local government officials authorized to countersign checks. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE “DECLARATION OF UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS" FOR FIRST CITIZENS BANK (A CURRENT FORM MUST BE ON FILE WITH THIS BANK IN ORDER FOR THE COUNTY TO MAINTAIN CREDIT CARDS): Blumenstein said that First Citizens required an updated Declaration of Unincorporated Business form be completed for the current officers responsible for banking services. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to authorize the Chairman, Vice Chairman, County Manager, Director of Finance/Adm. Services, and Accounting Specialist to Execute the document. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 523 (AN ACT TO PROVIDE THAT CONFISCATED WEAPONS MAY BE KEPT FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE BY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS) : Commissioner Boone advised that under present North Carolina law that confiscated weapons were currently destroyed. House Bill 523 would allow a judge to order the sheriff to auction the guns or to retain for law enforcement use. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 523 WHEREAS, present North Carolina law provides that, in most cases, weapons confiscated from criminals must be destroyed; and WHEREAS, it is a waste of both natural and economic resources to destroy guns which could be used for legal purposes; and WHEREAS, county governments could receive additional revenue from the sale of confiscated weapons, or save money by allowing the use of such weapons by local law-enforcement agencies; and WHEREAS, N.C. House Bill 523 would allow confiscated weapons to be used by local law-enforcement agencies, or to be sold at public auction with the proceeds going to the general fund of the county in which such weapons are sold. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Iredell County Board of Commissioners, support and endorse House Bill 523, entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE THAT CONFISCATED WEAPONS MAY BE KEPT FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE BY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS," and urge our eo in the General Assembly to vote in favor of said bill. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISIONS FOR HEALTH DEPT.’S PREVENTIVE HEALTH PROGRAMS (BUDGET AMENDMENT # 39): Ray Rabe explained this amendment was for the Mini-Territory Immunization Follow-Up S mar 670 Initiative ($10,097.00). MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve Budget Amendment #39 contingent upon Board of Health approval. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FROM HEALTH DEPT. FOR BUDGET AMENDMENT #40: This amendment will enable the health department to transfer unspent amounts from one line item to another within the health dept. Salary & Wages ($8,900) to Supplies - Medical $8,900 Contracted Services ($4,585) to Training & Development - $985 and Capital Equipment - $3,600 MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve this amendment contingent upon Board of Health approval. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FROM HEALTH DEPT. TO APPLY FOR/ACCEPT AN ADDITIONAL $1,650 IN SCHOOL HEALTH FUNDS (BA #41): This amendment will allow the health dept. to accept and appropriate additional school health funds in the amount of $1,650. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #41 contingent upon Board of Health approval. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. UPDATE ON COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Ron Weatherman said G.S. 130A-309.09A (House Bill 859) read: Each unit of local government, either individually or in cooperation with other units of local government, shall develop a 10-year comprehensive solid waste management plan. Units of local government shall make a good faith effort to achieve the State’s forty percent municipal solid waste reduction goal and to comply with the State’s comprehensive solid waste management plan. Each unit of local government shall develop its plan with public participation including an advertised public meeting. Each plan shall be updated at least every three years. Although the law does not require local government to submit their plans formally to the State for approval, local governments must be able to provide a copy of their plan to the State upon request after the completion deadline of July 1, 1997. Weatherman advised he had met with the Solid Waste Management Plan Advisory Board on two occasions. The members are: Fred Ross - Town of Harmony (Public) Mayor John Ray Campbell - Town of Harmony Craig Gordon - L. Gordon Iron/KIC/KAB/ (Public) Todd Lamb - Town of Troutman Wayne Lambert - City of Statesville Mayor Andy Barker - Town of Love Valley Dan Wallace - Mooresville Chamber of Commerce Frankie White - Town of Mooresville Ken Vaughn - Cooperative Extension Chairman Fredrick Morrison - City of Statesville Mike White - KAB/KIC Danny Hearn - Statesville Chamber of Commerce Wayne Sullivan - Municipal Engineering Service Sam Kennington - Iredell-Statesville Schools Frances Barrier - Statesville (Public) Dick Fortenbury - Mooresville (Public) Tom Gregory - Hunt Manufacturing Co. (Industry) Ron Weatherman - Iredell County Solid Waste Mr. Weatherman requested that the Board authorize him to hold a public meeting to comply with the law and seek citizen input into the plan. MAY 06 1997 671 Commissioner Stewart asked about the role of Keep Iredell Clean/Keep America Beautiful. Weatherman advised that so far their work (educational segment) had been done gratis. The actual plan and implementation had not formally been approved by the board of commissioners. MOTION by Chairman Haire to authorize Ron Weatherman to hold a public meeting on Tuesday, May 13, 1997, 2:00 p-m., Agricultural Center, Rooms 1 & 2, 201 Water Street, Statesville. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN REFERENCE TO APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR AN INDUSTRIAL INCENTIVE PROJECT: MOTION by Chairman Haire to hold a public hearing at the next regularly scheduled commissioners’ meeting to determine whether or not the County should make an appropriation in the amount of $225,000 under N.C.G.S. 158-7.1(a) to CommScope as an economic incentive to locate a manufacturing facility in Iredell County. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~- 0. CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT NOISE ORDINANCE: The county attorney briefly explained the revisions to the ordinance. The following changes were requested by Commissioners Boone and Johnson: Boone: Recommended under "Exempted Activities" to exempt vehicles legally equipped and legally operating. Johnson: Recommended that in Section F (Operation of Garage) that the prohibited time be changed to 9:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. (originally time was 8:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m.) Also, to increase the tickets from $25, $50, & $100 to $50, $100, & $200. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the noise ordinance with an effective date of May 6, 1997, and to include the revisions by Boone and Johnson. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION OF THE JULY 1 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to cancel the July 1, 1997, meeting of the Iredell County Board of Commissioners. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF APRIL 10, 1997 MINUTES & APRIL 15, 1997 MINUTES (Briefing & Regular): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the referenced minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF ALL-AMERICAN CITY DELEGATION TO USE $5,000 OF HOTEL/MOTEL TAX PROCEEDS FOR EXPENSES IN APPLICATION PROCESS (CITY OF STATESVILLE APPROVED ON MAY 5, 1997): The City of Statesville was recently notified of being in the top 30 finalists for the All- American City Designation. The City Council on May 5 approved a $5,000 donation for the local delegates to use for expenses involved in the final phase of the application. The City desires to utilize funds from the hotel/motel proceeds and in order to do so must acquire Iredell County approval. Mrs. Blumenstein noted that the last accounting figures received from the City showed a cash balance of $2,523,132 in this account (around $1,855,827 has already been used for civic center site preparation/architectural fees, etc.). 7 672 WAY 9 Commissioner Boone explained to the audience that this money basically belonged to the City. There is a legal requirement that if money is spent for anything other than the civic center that approval from the commissioners must be obtained. Commissioner Stewart added that Iredell County actually had the taxing authority; however, this was relinguished to the City. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the $5,000 allocation from the Hotel-Motel Tax Fund to be used by the All- American City Delegation. *VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. *Note: Commissioner Boone did not cast an audible vote. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Youth Home Board (2 announcements) Youth Services Advisory Board (9 announcements) Region F Aging Advisory Committee (1 announcement) Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Financing Authority (2 announcements) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS MOTION by known. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Nom ij na on Oo Yy MR ae ig ago e Gerald Clodfelter by Commissioner Johnson. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Miller and Clodfelter by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ent: ’ : Nomination of Joanne Rosenfeld by Commissioner Stewart. Nomination of Alan Mayhew by Commissioner fFortner. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Rosenfeld and Mayhew by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire moved to eeting. table ¢! s PP VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Commissioner ntil the May 20 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: Mental Health: The manager updated the board about the possible dissolvement of the county’s mental health authority as of June 30. Since Iredell County may not be ready to determine the best course of action to take by this date, Mr. Mashburn requested permission to write a letter to State officials seeking an additional 90 days. MOTION by Chairman Haire to authorize permission for the county manager to write a letter to the State officials seeking a 90-day extension to the June 30 mental health deadline. VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - 0. 8 > 1992 Vv 673 MAY 06 u ies: Mr. Mashburn reported that recently Cabarrus County tentatively approved the formal boundary line; however, the North Carolina Geodetic Survey Office will have to submit a copy of the State map before the Cabarrus officials will issue final approval. acility: An Open House for the jail was scheduled for: Sunday, June l 2:00 P.M. - Commissioners’ Tour 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. - Public Tour Ss: Mrs. Blumenstein announced that the school bonds would be sold on July 22. The closing is scheduled for August 12, 1997. CLOSED SESSION: Citing G.S. 143.316.11¢(8) (6) = Personnel, Chairman Haire moved to enter into closed session. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adjourn the meeting at 9:56 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 13, 1997, 8:00 a.m., South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center. This meeting will begin the 97-98 budget deliberations. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Approved: “Nd Lo 447 Van C yr / ‘j J Clerk to the Board File: rmmay.6 5. a4 mde ( qs 674 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET DELIBERATION MINUTES MAY 13, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, May 13, 1997, 8:00 a.m. to begin the 97-98 budget discussions. The meeting was held in the South Wing Conference Room of the Iredell County Government Center. Present: Chairman Sara K. Haire Vice Chairman Steve D. Johnson David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart s tten : Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Audrey Montgomery, Record & Landmark Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. The county manager and finance director assured the commissioners that if any additional information was needed to review the budget it would be provided. Commissioner Boone said he wanted to reserve the right to make changes to the proposed budget at any time prior to its adoption. COMMISSIONERS: The manager said he preferred the term "fee" over salary. Both fees and travel are recommended to be increased during 97-98. Commissioner Johnson said he had much reluctance in voting an increase in fees for the board. Chairman Haire said if the fees were not increased that only the wealthy could afford to do the job. Many people will be excluded from running for office because they do not have the money. Commissioner Fortner agreed. Commissioner Stewart added it was not right for good government to limit the number of people that can or will serve as a board member. MOTION by Johnson to leave the fee as is with a recommendation that the proposed increase (97-98 proposal) be effective the first Monday in December of 1998. VOTING: Ayes - 2 (Boone/ Johnson) ; Nays - 3 (Fortner/Haire/Stewart) (mote: Commissioner fees will increase to $8,520 for Board Chair and $7,920 for each commissioner. In succeeding years, an across the board increase at the same rate as county employees will be implemented. In addition, the Board chair will receive $225 per month and the other members will receive $200 per month for in-county travel.) Commissioner Fortner asked about the proposed new computer. The clerk advised that if the County implemented Internet/ Intranet the present computer would not access these services. Commissioner Boone asked about the Training and Development line item. Specifically, the out of town mileage. It was explained that anyone leaving the county could be reimbursed at .31 per mile. Also, that it was difficult to estimate how many people might attend meetings and what situation might arise that might need attendance. ADMINISTRATION: Commissioner Boone asked why salaries were over the budgeted amount. Blumenstein said it was because the merit money had not been moved to this account. "Tt takes a complete day to accomplish this task for all departments, and it’s easier to be done at one time." No changes. 1 MAY 13 1997 675 PERSONNEL: Mr. Mashburn noted that $1200 was for Customer Service Training. No changes. ELECTIONS: A full discussion was not held on this department since the elections supervisor was of the office. Blumenstein advised that the county is paid for municipal elections. A discussion was held about the request for an additional employee. It was mentioned that better time management could be looked at before adding another position. The staff will inquire about how much comp. time has actually been accrued by the elections personnel. In addition, the staff will research State laws to determine when the elections offices should be open to the public. FINANCE: No changes. COUNTY ASSESSOR: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to reduce the number of business audits (5375-08 Contracted Services) from 170 to 150. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. TAX COLLECTOR: Discussion was held on request for new employee to assist in delinquent taxes. Both the assessor and collector feel the county can increase tax collections by at least one percentage point (current 96.2%) with an additional employee. The new employee would concentrate on "current year taxes." Commissioner Johnson said he had found in business dealings that the sooner you make contact with someone that owes money the sooner payment will occur. Johnson asked about the increase in postage. Blumenstein said it was for the second notices. No changes. DATA PROCESSING: In reference to the request for a new computer technician, Mashburn advised that more county employees had pes. Also, that the mainframe had outsourced the software. No changes; however, it was the consensus of the board to review the request for Intranet/Internet as the budget meetings continue. Blumenstein reported if the Internet was deleted from the budget that $27,860 would be the cost for Intranet. (The largest expense is for the security measures (firewall) and this alone is $15,000.) PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Rick Johnson and Claudia Morrison of the Pre-Paid Legal Services Company visited the Board and requested permission to approach county employees about this legal service. The representatives mentioned the company had been in business since 1972 and was based in Ada, Oklahoma. Through payroll deduction ($14.95 per month) employees could sign up for the following services: Title I - Preventive Legal Services Title II - Motor Vehicle Legal Services Title III - Trial Defense Title Iv IRS Audit Legal Services Title Vv Other It was mentioned that an advantage for employers was that often attorneys could handle legal matters with merely a telephone call. This would cut down on actual court trials which would cut down on absenteeism of employees. Employees could not use the program to sue the county. Rowan County government as well as the school system recently approved payroll deduction for this service. Also, the Iredell- Statesville School System has given formal approval. ™ wos uo € Nee - Commissioner Fortner said she didn’t want to prevent county employees from having the opportunity to look at the program; however, she didn’t want the company to advise employees that the Board had endorsed the program. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to grant permission for Pre- Paid Legal Services, Inc., to offer its program to county employees and to allow payroll deduction. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT SERVICES: Mashburn reported that Jim Vernon's office was now included in this department. The request for a new employee in maintenance is due to the new county buildings/grounds being built. No changes. GARAGE: The garage director has requested an office/breakroom to be built off to one side of the existing open-bay garage. The staff requests an air-conditioned room to take lunch breaks. The director has requested a larger office due to the records and manuals occupying so much of the current space. The present office is merely a “cubbyhole." If approved, the present office space would be used for parts. The garage maintains a fleet of 170 and a chart is maintained on each vehicle. Blumenstein noted that the garage generates a printout of parts used for each vehicle. This aids in charging the parts back to the respective depts. (Labor is not charged.) Commissioner Boone voiced some concern over building the breakroom. Also, he mentioned questions concerning the removal cost ($1,800) of the underground 550 gallon storage tank. Specifically, if a tank this size had been exempted from removal requirements. The staff will check on this matter. INSPECTIONS: Originally, two new inspector positions were requested; however, the manager has deleted one. This deletion also eliminated the new equipment/vehicle associated with the position. The manager noted the justification/statistics used for another employee (88.12% increase in inspections since the 1992 merger). No changes. PLANNING: In reference to the Land Development Plan it was mentioned that Benchmark was on schedule, but the project was not near completion at this time. No changes. MAPPING: The manager noted that technology had really impacted this department. No changes. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION: Mr. Mashburn reported that a long- standing agreement with the State had been made where the county paid 50% of the staff salaries for this agency. Due to several commissioners needing more time to study the cooperative extension requests, it was agreed to begin the next meeting with this department. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 20, 1997, 12:30 p.m., South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Approved: Ye) GY 7 Vy With J Clerk to the Board File: Budgets.1i3 678 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET DELIBERATION MINUTES MAY 20, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, May 20, 1997, beginning at 12:30 p.m. to continue with 97-98 budget discussions. The meeting was held in the South Wing Conference Room of the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Audrey Montgomery, Reporter/Record & Landmark MOORESVILLE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT Attending were: Dr. Jane Carrigan, Superintendent; Dr. Bryce Cummings, Asso. Supt.; Laura Thompson, Finance Officer; and Frank Fields, Chairman/Mooresville Graded Board of Education. Carrigan said her school system’s needs were increasing. She thanked the commissioners for assistance in the resolution of the boundary lines with the Iredell-Statesville School System. Thompson reviewed the following 97-98 budgetary highlights: CURRENT EXPENSES: @ Salary Increases: (pending legislative approval) Certified teachers, instructional support & school based administrators - 8% increase (includes experience steps, incentive pay, new degree program) Non-certified employees and central office administrators - 5% increase (includes experience steps). ® Local Teachers (PRC 01) - 2% local teaching positions at an average state salary plus 2 reimbursed local positions (funded through private sources). @ Non-certified experience credit salary adjustments - based on applications received from employees documenting related prior experience - $60,000. @ Instructional supplies/materials/equipmeny/technology - 9% increase Plant repair/maintenance - 5% increase in maintenance operations. Additional allotment for exterior door replacement at HS ($10,000), playground/lawn maintenance ($20,000) and contract painting ($3,000) and AC replacement at HS ($16,500). © Plant operations - includes rental for 4 new mobile units to be added in the fall of 1997. Also includes $2500 for paper recycling program. © District Operations - includes $17,000 for purchase of new accounting software (total purchase price $23,995). CURRENT EXPENSE REVENUES: @ County Appropriation - requesting a 9% increase per ADM ($954 @ 3,436). ©@ Local Supplemental Tax - allocated 40% to current expense and 60% to capital outlay. “ne eee During 96-97, four mobile units were leased (two at middle school and two at South Elementary). The units are leased at approximately $500 per mo. Dr. Cummings said he would like to create a consortium of area counties with a purpose of finding a company to lease the units at a cheaper rate. Commissioner Johnson asked about future needs. Carrigan said the new school classrooms needed to be finished. Dr. Cummings has been scouting the subdivisions being built, etc., trying to figure out how many new students will be enrolling into the system. Fields said he liked the impact fee concept. He said he felt the construction companies were hurting the County by not buying their construction materials here. They create a burden by building homes that are occupied by new students needing an education. Commissioner Boone reminded everyone that the Home Builders Association was a powerful lobbying group. Commissioner Johnson said an impact fee hurt the young couple trying to build or invest in a new home. Commissioner Fortner said the fee would have to be high in order to help fund schools. Commissioner Boone said there was a difference between the young couple wanting to build a home and a huge company, e.g., Crescent Resources. Chairman Haire said she felt impact fees were preferable over a moratoriun. Commissioner Stewart said it was her opinion that most people would want to pay the fee one time (when they built a new home) rather than paying the rest of their lives through annual taxes. Best wishes and congratulations were extended to Dr. Carrigan, who will be leaving her position June 30. Carrigan will be assuming a new role as Associate Professor in Education Administration at UNC-Charlotte. She will be replaced by Dr. Bryce Cummings as superintendent. IREDELL-STATESVILLE SCHOOL SYSTEM Attending were: Dr. Joe Sinclair, Superintendent; Norman Harris, Asso. Supt.; William Barnard, Finance Officer; and Godfrey Williams, Vice Chair/Iredell-Statesville Board of Education. Barnard mentioned the system had 29 schools and that 20 were experiencing growth. Some of the other schools are on the growth borderline. Highlights were: @ 27 mobile units are to be added - 8 at Central to be placed in a pod (bolted together) due to construction and 19 for growth. The unit rentals are $500-525 per mo. (This system will have 70+ trailers when finished and all are leased. The bond money will eliminate some in the future.) (The new Lake Norman Elementary School already has four mobile units.) @ Expecting 300-400 more students to enroll before the fall of '97. © There is a request to increase per pupil funding to $919 (up from $875 per pupil during the 96-97 year). Sinclair mentioned a long-range plan was needed, especially with high growth areas and traffic congestion. Commissioner Boone reminded the school officials that before Lake Norman Elementary was built they (school officials) were told about the probable traffic congestion problems. Commissioner Fortner advised that she agreed with Sinclair that a plan needed to be created. 679 680 Williams said a plan needed to be devised as to what schools were needed. Also, criteria needed to be established, e.g., which school should be built and come first, the one eaten away by termites, the one that is the most dilapidated, or the one that was most needed for growth. Commissioner Johnson asked about future needs. Sinclair said a new high school would definitely be needed. The bond money will be used for current projects and it will not go far. It takes longer to plan and build a high school. Barnard mentioned that South Iredell High was built for 800 students, but it will soon have 1,200. Commissioner Boone asked if the officials were satisfied the $18 million in bond money would accomplish everything listed on the bond documents. Barnard said the State money would help by adding classrooms, and the local money would renovate buildings. Williams said the listed projects on the bond documents would be accomplished. Chairman Haire asked about air conditioning. Williams said that North and South High Schools were on the work schedule for October of ‘97. Some schools have already had this work done, but that all schools in the system were due to be completed by August of 1998. Commissioner Johnson asked who supervised the SIMS staff. Harris said it was Betty Weycker. Johnson mentioned that some teachers felt the SIMS staff did not adequately manage their time. Barnard mentioned the number one request by the schools was to maintain this staff for 11 months of the year. Dr. Harris said he felt that teachers in a self-contained classroom looked askance at teachers who have the flexibility to come and go. "It’s easy to perceive that one is not busy if he or she is working in files are doing research." Commissioner Johnson also asked about the Service Master contract. Barnard said the system owned some of the equipment and other pieces were owned by Service Master. If the relationship was severed, the school system would have to buy more equipment. Johnson asked for figures on how much it would cost to replenish the materials if the agreement was terminated. Barnard said he would supply the information. Chairman Haire said she received complaints about the shortage of supplies. Barnard advised the school system used the site based management method for this. Each school, based on ADM, was allotted money for supplies. Williams added this method was what the public and the individual schools wanted. The money has been allotted. Commissioner Boone asked how the system would be impacted if the Excellent Schools Act passed. Barnard said if a school was declared exemplary the principal and certified positions would be eligible for increases. Chairman Haire asked about the furniture at Lake Norman and Mt. Mourne. Dr. Harris said some new furniture was built and some was “on hand." Everything was divided between the two schools. Neither school was satisfied. Barnard mentioned that soon both schools would be brought up to State standards for media centers. Barnard mentioned that Don Atkinson, director of school facilities, was working on a computer program that would enable the staff to know when it was time to replace roofs, etc. Congratulations were extended to the school system on the recent awards won by the Automotive Program. MITCHELL COLLEGE Attending were: Dr. Doug Eason, President; Larry Williams, Finance Director, Dr. Virginia Mitchell, Vice President of Instruction; and board members: Dot Reep and Dr. Hanna Kutteh. Eason mentioned the college was trying to provide as many educational opportunities as possible. Since the school is converting to a semester system in the fall it has been a challenging year. In the future, all community colleges will have the same course descriptions, e.g-, English 101 will be the same throughout the State. This will aid not only students who might take a course at Mitchell and then transfer to Rowan or Cabarrus, but it will also help the university system. An associate degree from a community college will now be 100% transferable. Any student enrolling in a university will be deemed a "full-fledged" junior. A new program being investigated is the Motor Sports Management Program. This course will involve marketing, bookkeeping, and event bookings. The college faculty has been working with Rowan, Cabarrus, and Davidson Counties. They have 300 requests for this program with 175 actual applications. Another new program being looked at is the Electrical Lineman Program. The local utilities industry has requested this course of instruction. Eason mentioned that statewide all community/technical schools were being asked to collaborate. This is done to save money. Different schools might specialize in a specific program and referrals would be made between then. Hans Heymann works in the new/expanding industry program and finds colleges that can offer the necessary skills for industry. Central Carolina College, for example, has a fiber optic program. Commissioner Johnson asked how much of the $250,000 was spent on capital needs. Eason said about $125,000 went to the capital equipment budget and $125,000 went to facilities maintenance. Commissioner Boone asked about the progress on the main building renovations. Eason said it was 99% complete. The roofing is done and the third floor is about 70% complete. Boone asked if the college would be in good shape after this project. Eason said for the most part -- there are some other roofing and air conditioning projects. Mitchell has requested the following for FY 97-98: Current Expense $1,365,000 Capital Outlay 70,000 Total Regular Budget $1,435,000 Additional Requests: Capital Outlay for Non-Recurring Repairs to Facilities $ 250,000 Special Allocation for Workforce Training to Support Economic Development in Iredell County 250,000 TOTAL 1997-98 REQUEST $1,935,000 Commissioner Johnson asked about any proposed property purchases. Eason said his board had gone on record as having an interest in any adjoining property if it was available at a reasonable price. Three properties are currently being reviewed. Parking is a problem and additional property would help. Eason said, however, any decisions along property acquisition would have to be made by his board of trustees. MAY 20 1997 681i Chairman Haire asked if the college had anyone that tried to obtain grants. Eason said yes. Haire mentioned she felt a challenge could be issued to all three school units whereby they would be encouraged to seek technology grants. A cap of $50,000, etc., could be implemented. LAW ENFORCEMENT BUDGET: Rodney Proctor, Chief Deputy, attended the meeting on behalf of Sheriff Redmond. Mashburn and Blumenstein advised that comp time had increased for this department to a point where it was unhealthy for the county. Proctor said the department did have a strict policy established about comp time accrual. The detectives (4800 hrs. last year) have the most comp time, but the Child Protective Officer also has a large amount. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson for the staff to prepare a budget amendment for the June 3 meeting in reference to law enforcement comp time. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. The sheriff has requested three new positions. They are: Detective/Narcotics Division, Detective/Criminal Investigations, and Civil Deputy-Sergeant-IVD Program. Commissioner Fortner asked what happened to the position that was vacated (resignation) of Major Hartley. Proctor said the actual position had been assigned to the detective division and the duties were distributed to various employees (himself included). MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to delete one detective position from the law enforcement budget. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. JAIL: Proctor said recently the jail had 144 inmates. This was not counting the weekenders. Commissioner Boone asked about the rental payment ($1,650) for a storage building. Proctor said this was actually a mini-storage building that housed evidence (at times 30-40 bicycles) and an overflow of papers/documents. Boone also asked about the metal detectors/security costs for the Hall of Justice. Proctor said the second level had some security; however, the first floor basically didn’t have anything. The magistrates deal with some very emotional/stressful situations that could become volatile. A private security agency would man the security equipment to be placed in both the front and back of the Hall of Justice. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve a 4.5% merit increase for Sheriff Redmond effective July 1, 1997. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REGISTER OF DEEDS: The Register of Deeds, Brenda Bell, said she had a staff of 9.5 people. She requested the addition of two more employees. The county manager eliminated one of the positions and recommended another 1/2 time employee. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve a 4.5% merit increase for the Register of Deeds effective July 1, 1997. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION: No changes. ELECTIONS: At the May 13 meeting a discussion was held about comp time. The supervisor (exempt position) has earned 154 hours and her employee (nonexempt) has earned 129 hours. In reference to a question about office hours, Mr. Mashburn said the statutes were ambiguous. No changes. MAY 20 1997 : Previously, a question arose about the removal of a 550 gallon underground storage tank. Mr. Mashburn said he had found out that anything over 110 gallons, if commercial, was considered regulated. If the tank is in use, and this one isn’t, it has to be tested before removal. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 p.m. Next budget meeting: Thursday, May 22, 1997, 10:00 a.m., South Wing Conference Room, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Approved: a Z, fee Mi Glipyre in p Clerk to the Board File: M.20Budget 683 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES MAY 20, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Briefing Session Tuesday, May 20, 1997, 5:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room of the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC 28677. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Ray Rabe, Health Director Kim Gallyon, Recreation Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. COMMUNICATION TOWER DISCUSSION: William Allison, the Planning Supervisor, briefly discussed transmission towers since a county citizen planned to discuss this matter with the Board at the 7:00 p.m. meeting. Allison mentioned the zoning ordinance was amended in November 1995, and that he was satisfied with the present setback stipulations. He said there was not much that could be done about visibility. Towers could be piggy-backed if the owners agreed. A 275 ft. tower is about average, and today’s units are designed to collapse in two or three pieces. CONSIDERATION OF OFFER TO PURCHASE BUILDING/ PROPERTY LOCATED AT 735 HARTNESS ROAD (OLD HEALTH BUILDING): The county manager advised that Iredell Memorial Hospital had offered $625,000 for the Hartness Road property/building. Commissioner Boone asked if the health facility on Turnersburg Road was large enough to house the DSS employees based at Hartness Road. Ray Rabe, the health director, said he was concerned about the parking situation. He said the square footage would accomodate more employees; however, parking could become a problem. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS: Tommy Bowles, the Fire Commission Chairman, briefed the group on a situation with the VFDs. The departments in the county-wide fire district are upset about funding. Bowles said the fire commission was going to recommend that the County revert back to a formula-based funding system for the fire departments. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m., for a break prior to the seven o’clock meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Clerk to the Board Approved: flaw Z {49 7 yp 0 V/-/1LAZ = File: b.20May. 684 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES MAY 20, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session Tuesday, May 20, 1997, at the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC 28677. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Ray Rabe, Health Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Boy Scout Troop #618, of the New Hope area, honored the commissioners and audience by leading the Pledge of Allegiance. ADJUSTMENTS OF AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to make the following agenda adjustments: Removal: ® Consideration of Offer to Purchase Building/Property Located at 735 Hartness Road (Old Health Dept. Bldg.) for $625,000 ® Request by Iredell Memorial Hospital to Continue Leasing Home Health Space through September 1, 1997 @ Request of Shepherd's vVFD for Approval of Tax-Exempt Loan Form to be Completed for First- Citizens Bank & Trust in Reference to Truck Purchase Add: @® Budget Amendment #43 - Request from health department to transfer funds from Salaries/Fringes to other line items for the WIC program. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD (124 Maple Grove Lane, off Templeton Road, Mooresville, NC) along with Jerry Tucker spoke to the board regarding transmission towers. Tucker said he wanted the design, placement, and installation of communication towers/antennas within Iredell County to be studied. This to be done in an effort to protect the citizens/businesses. Also, to prevent loss of County revenue through decreased property values. Tucker said it was his understanding that preliminary plans for the installation of a tower (200 to 1,000 ft. tall) directly in front of Ms. Hunter’s refurbished 1871 farmhouse had been submitted. The owner of the adjacent property plans the tower at the minimum setback (1/2 of the tower height). Currently, the Federal Aviation Asso. is looking at the plans for this lattice-type tower that has multiple guy wires. Tucker said Ms. Hunter’s property was located across from the new hospital site. He mentioned that helicopter traffic was expected for emergency medical use and that a 1000 ft. tower, or anything over 200 ft., would not be conducive to this type of traffic. Tucker reviewed the Town of Matthews ordinance. He mentioned that several properties on Templeton Road would suffer from the 1 MAY 20 1997 685 686 installation of the proposed transmission tower. Hunter and Tucker said they wanted the County to study the issue and adopt restrictive ordinances to oversee and govern future installations. Further, a moratorium was requested immediately or until such laws could be written and adopted. Chairman Haire said a copy of the Town of Matthews ordinance would be shared with the planning staff and it would be reviewed. If the planning office sees the need, the matter will be referred to the planning board. Hunter said that time was of the essence. She said the tower was proposed for installation in June. PUBLIC HEARINGS (7:00 P.M.) Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. CONSIDERATION OF $225,000 APPROPRIATION TO COMMSCOPE, INC., As AN ECONOMIC INCENTIVE: The county attorney advised that sometime ago, county officials were informed that an interested company was looking at the Rubbermaid facility on Hwy. 90. The industry planned a significant investment to the tax base ($20-40 million over a five-year period) if the City of Statesville would make an investment of $225,000 and the County would make a separate investment of the same amount. The company was later identified as CommScope, a manufacturer of communication cable. Pope said that contractually, Commscope would only have to invest $20 million. Calculations reveal the County will receive this investment money back in two and one-half years. Jeff McKay, Greater Statesville Development Corporation, added that the company would be paying at, or above the Iredell County median average wage. McKay said he had visited the CommScope plant/office located in Catawba County and was impressed. The company would be a valuable asset to Iredell County. As a matter of fact, the company is a world leader in its type of industry. An added plus is that a tenant would go back into the vacant Rubbermaid facility. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to authorize the incentive amount, subject to the terms of the contract, and authorize the execution of the contract along with Budget Amendment #42. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. IREDELL COUNTY FY 1997-98 BUDGET (PUBLIC COMMENTS) Tommy Bowles, Chairman of Fire Commission: Advised that when the Fire Commission submitted VFD budget requests to the Iredell County Finance Office there was some misunderstanding in the "Approved Operating Funds." A notation was made at the bottom stating, "2.30 cents of fire tax." This note was made to answer a question about the approximate amount of tax that it takes to fund the operating budgets. The fire commission was then going to determine how much of the fire tax was being spent on capital outlay projects. There has been some misunderstanding that by this notation the fire tax rate would be cut. This is incorrect. The fire commission discussed the requests and decided to take the funds needed to replenish fund balance which would be in the amount of $64,644. This would bring the fund balance up to approximately $100,000. The money was to be used for emergencies and unforeseen expenses. The only obligation for these funds would be repairs for the mobile air unit. The rest of the funds were to be distributed between the other fire departments. Of the fire departments, against last year’s budget, the lowest increase was 8.8% (over operating budgets) and the highest was 21%. (This would be after 2 all non-recurring expenses were backed out of last year’s operating budget. ) The Fire Commission recommends that $1,034,510, of available revenue, plus $64,644 be used to replenish the fund balance. Bowles said the fire service was one of the most valuable services in Iredell county. He said he was 4a volunteer firefighter, and that he served on the Board of Directors for the South Iredell VFD. Chairman Haire thanked the firemen for the work they performed on behalf of the county. She said it was evident the fire departments saved the County much in tax dollars. Tim Pickett, Iredell County Ranger-North Carolina Forestry: Service: Mentioned that federal money was limited and that most of the funding going to the local forestry office was from the State. Pickett gave a summary of his office’s work during the past year. He mentioned that all but one of the local fire departments had been given the fire suppression class. He advised that a helicopter stationed in Lincoln County would be available to Iredell when needed. The craft is being demilitarized and painted. It should be operational by August or September. Dr. Doug Eason, President, Mitchell Community College: Board of Trustee members attending were: Vice Chairman John Douglas, Dot Reep, and Marvin Norman. Larry Williams, Vice President for Finance and Administration was also present. Eason thanked the commissioners for past support and mentioned the need to provide as many services as possible to train workers. He requested consideration of Mitchell’s complete budget request. ir s_i e -wi is Shumaker shared the following facts about this fire district: e Fire departments in this district (11) answered 1,562 calls for assistance. e The 11 departments work out of 15 stations and operate 71 pieces of apparatus -~ manned by over 400 volunteer firemen. e The stations are manned 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. e By law, each and every fireman must obtain 36 hrs. of state- certified training per year. (Most exceed this minimum.) t The volunteers spend many hours testing, maintaining, and repairing the equipment necessary in fighting fires. Countless hours are spent in maintaining records, answering calls, training personnel, budgeting, and other matters required to operate a VFD. e The departments have to meet state, local, federal, plus some other requirements. e Benefits or savings derived by the citizens living in this fire tax district are: A brick home built in 1997 at a tax value of $100,000, in a Class 10 fire district, would have to pay insurance in the amount of $330. 77 in at Class 9 District it would cost $274 (savings of $ 56) Class 7 “ « “ $210 (savings of $120) Class 6 " " " " $201 (savings of $129) Shumaker said the VFDs saved the taxpayers money on insurance costs because there are no Class 10 districts in Iredell County -~ they are better rated -- some are 6 and some are 9. It’s according to the water supply in the specific area. MAY 20 1997 687 685 Shumaker stressed that all of the work being performed was done by volunteers. A memorandum was shared with the Board that had been signed by the 11 departments. The document advised that 11 bids had been submitted to the County for fire protection and totalled $1,414,712. Shumaker said the bids were submitted in good faith and were negotiable. However, he said no department had been contacted about negotiation. He mentioned the departments learned from the budget book on file at the county library that the amount being reviewed for approval was $1,034,510. Shumaker said this amount was not acceptable to the VFDs unless the County wanted a reduction in services. He mentioned that past contracts with the individual departments stated they were independent contractors. Shumaker said the sole purpose of the departments was: To serve the districts as best as possible. He said the departments would continue to accomplish this purpose as long as the commissioners reevaluated the proposed figures, raised the fire tax, and properly funded the fire departments. Shumaker said if this was not possible, the VFDs would have no other choice but to exercise their option of terminating the contracts. Neil Furr, Fifth Street Shelter Ministries: Mentioned his agency served 3,000 needy individuals each year. Advised that the agency had one of the largest soup kitchens in this area along with a warehouse of clothing. Fifth Street serves over 100,000 meals annually and the kitchen is never closed. Requested a contribution of $20,000 which is $5,000 more than the 96-97 appropriation. A thrift store for the Mooresville area is being proposed. Norah Dahlen, Lake Norman Marine Commission: Ms. Dahlen thanked the Board for the $15,000 recommendation for 97-98. She mentioned the marine commission was actively engaged in educating the public about safety at the lake. e a : Expressed appreciation for the budgetary work done so far on behalf of the schools. Also, thanked the commissioners for recent approval of land acquisition in South Iredell and for Lake Norman Elementary School. Smith said this new school had a very active PTO group. Some activities they have accomplished are: (1) almost doubled the number of books in the media center (2) purchased 1l computers (3) created a nature trail and (4) designated and painted a space for the children to have a play area (she mentioned the school did not have a playground). She requested that the commissioners approve the 97-98 Iredell-Statesville School budget as submitted. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. : Stated there was some miscommunication or timing that had occurred between the fire departments and fire commission. Advised that typically after the fire commission reviewed the budgets and made a recommendation to the board of commissioners, a letter was sent to the VFDs. The letter advises of the amount of recommended funding. This year, a delay happened because of the insurance payment for. the departments. The County pays for the VFD insurance, but it is necessary for the departments to turn in data on workers comp. The insurance carrier then turns in figures to the finance director, Susan Blumenstein. At this point, Blumenstein cuts fourth-quarter checks. This system has worked well during the past couple of years. When the check is cashed it is known the department received the funding letter. This year the checks have been withheld until workers comp figures have been submitted. The information has to be obtained before June 30. He said duplicate letters could have been mailed if it had been known that such a problem was going to arise. Chairman Haire asked about a recent discussion concerning the County reverting back to a formula system for VFD funding. Bowles said that when the fire commission scrutinizes the fire budgets they are held accountable for the money being spent. He said he didn’t think this was exactly the way the County wanted this situation. Likewise, the VFDs didn’t like this procedure. Bowles said the power to spend the money approved for the fire departments should be made with each respective board of directors. The more scrutiny done by the fire commission, the less power the VFDs maintain. Bowles said he wanted to discuss this at a Fire Chief Council and association meeting. Further, Bowles said he would like for the Fire Commission meetings to be changed to 6:00 p.m. Also, to hold 12 meetings annually rather than the current 6. This provides the departments more time to interact with the fire commission. Also to have six of the meetings at the Fire Training Ground (the other six meetings could be held in the South Wing Conference Room.) A chairman, vice chairman, and a secretary should be appointed to the Fire Commission. The secretary would take minutes. Another suggestion was to expand the Chief Council by including the chairmen of the boards of directors. The fire commission could meet an hour or two before the chief council meetings. Bowles said capital outlay projects have been discussed, and he looked forward to the commissioners advising him on this matter. Chairman Haire asked Bowles if the fire commission would meet with the departments and improve upon the current situation. Bowles agreed and indicated he would report back to the commissioners or the county manager. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REQUEST OF MITCHELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO EXCHANGE TWO VEHICLES PRESENTLY IN USE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING FOR NEWER MODELS THAT HAVE BEEN DECLARED SURPLUS: Mr. Mashburn advised that used vehicles had been loaned to Mitchell College to be used in the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program. A list of surplus vehicles is typically shared with the commissioners and then a request from Mitchell was reviewed. The current request is to establish a policy that Iredell County exchange annually the two vehicles Mitchell has for two vehicles going into surplus. A listing of surplus property will be shared every year; however, the actual request from Mitchell would not be presented. The vehicles will be turned back over to the County after usage. Mashburn said the County released two vehicles to Mitchell as recently as October of 1996. Since the County’s surplus property has already been advertised for sale in June, the County will not be able to transfer any vehicles at the present time. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve Mitchell Community College’s request as submitted and recommended by the county manager. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH IREDELL-STATESVILLE SCHOOL SYSTEM FOR THE LEASING OF ACTIVITY BUSES: MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the Activity Bus Agreement for June 9, 1997-August 15, 1997 for the Iredell County Camp Iredell Program. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE RELEASE OF TWO CASH BONDS & RELEASE OF LETTER OF CREDIT: ° KEJ_ Marketing Inc. /Riverwalk, Section IV: William Allison, Planning Supervisor, said KEJ Marketing was requestng the release of Cash Bond #2593 in the Amount of $41,900. The bond was being 5 MAY 2.0 1997 689 69 0 held to cover the cost of installation of street improvements and surveying markers. All necessary improvements have been completed. * Ernest H. Runge/Pine Ridge Estates: Allison explained Runge was requesting the release of the remainder of Cash Bond #60858 in the amount of $3,800. The original amount of the bond was $65,000; however, $61,200 was released in 1995. All improvements (street & landscaping) have been accomplished. Carroll Custom Homes /Twin Brooks, Section If Letter of Credit: es Letter of Credit #9795695 in the amount of $16,314 issued by Mooresville Savings Bank, SSB, was used to cover the cost of surveying, drainage, road construction and landscaping. The developers have completed the necessary improvements. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the Release of Cash Bond #2593 and #60858 and Letter of Credit #9795695 as presented by the planning supervisor. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF APRIL REFUNDS / RELEASES: The tax assessor had compiled the following list of refunds and releases for board approval and by memo indicated that no commissioners had any property involved in the listings. N oO RIL 997 $17,549.23 Breakdown of Releases: county 11,854.51 Solid Waste Fees 54.00 E. Alexander Co. Fire #1 2.62. Shepherd’s Fire #2 71.93 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 47.73 All County Fire #4 402.55 Statesville City 1,980.93 Statesville Downtown Dist. -0- Mooresville Town 2,240.37 Mooresville Downtown Dist. -0- Mooresville School 648.83 Troutman Town 271.98 Harmony Town 4.59 Love Valley -0- 997 43.10 Breakdown of Refunds: County 9.26 All County Fire #4 58 Mooresville Town 26.60 Mooresville School 6.66 MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the tax refunds and releases as recommended by the tax assessor for the month of April, 1997. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ 0. REQUEST FROM HEALTH DEPT. TO APPLY FOR BREAST & CERVICAL CANCER CONTROL PROGRAM OUTREACH FUNDS: Ray Rabe, health director, advised that his department was seeking approval to reapply for FY 97-98 BCCCP funds to be awarded again this year. The grant objectives are to focus on outreach activities, plus follow-up and rescreening of low-income women over 50 years of age. Money to be used as follows: Revenue: §$ 4,940.00 Expenditures: Printing $ 270 Dept. Supplies 865 Transportation Assistance 260 Contracted Services-Other 3,545.00 TOTAL $ 4,940.00 MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the reapplication for the BCCCP Outreach funds/grant. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FROM HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR BUDGET AMENDMENT #43 FOR THE WIC PROGRAM: In a memo from the health department, it was explained that most of the operating expenses for the WIC program were not included in the orginal budget for the year. The State WIC Program officials had previously advised on how much money the health department had to operate. All of this money was put into the salaries/fringes line item. No one ever budgeted for operating expenses. County funds were being used even though operating expenses could legitimately be used for operational costs. In past years, unused salary money has been returned. The amount of $36,358.11 needs to be transferred/spent before June 30. In essence the $36,358.11 would come out of salaries/fringes and be used for: computer system equipment ($25,463.92), a hematastat machine ($1,091.80), a breast pump ($454.00), and operating expenses ($9,348.39). MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #43 for the reallocation of WIC salaries/fringes to operating costs in the amount of $36,358.11 as outlined by the health director. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Commissioner Boone said he appreciated Mr. Rabe’s efforts in finding this savings for the County. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MAY 6, 1997 MINUTES (BRIEFING & REGULAR): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the referenced minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Centralina Workforce Development Board (2 announcements) Jury Commission (1 announcement) Iredell County Planning Board (4 announcements) Mooresville Planning Board (2 announcements) Centralina Certified Dev. Corp. (ex-officio announcement) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS RD (3 appts.): Nomination of Hunter Freeze by ae : Leste Commi er. Chairman Haire moved to elect Mr. Freeze as a community-at-large appointment and table the other two appointments until the June 3 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. XO | (9 appts.): Nomination of Leigh Byers and Carl Duncan by Commissioner Stewart. Nomination of Peggy Koepnick and Gary Letourneau by Commissioner Fortner. Nomination of Pat Snider, Sahara Hamilton, and David Henson by Chairman Haire. Commissioner Boone moved to close the nominations and accept Byers, Duncan, Koepnick, Letourneau, Snider, Hamilton, and Henson by acclamation and to table the other two appointments until the June 3 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Wanda Stewart. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Chapman by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. MAY 20 1997 691 692 INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES & POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY (2 appts.): Nomination of Dan Wallace and Steve Robinson by Commissioner Stewart. Commissioner Johnson moved to close the nominations and appoint Wallace and Robinson by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0- BYXBORY COMMITTEE (1 appt.): MOTION by Commis on to table this appointment (needs to be a citizen of eastern part of the County) until the June 3 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ O. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: Recreation Grant: Mr. Mashburn said notice had been received of a $250,000 grant from the North Carolina Parks/Recreation Trust Fund for the development of a recreation park in the southern end of the County. The project period will be from June 1, 1997 to June 30, 1999. Some stipulations are to be followed and will be shared with the Board at a later date. Utilities Commission Regarding Area Code Numbers: Chairman Haire advised that she attended a meeting on May 19 about the proposed area code changes. A total of 22 phone companies filed a motion with the N.C. Utilities Commission requesting that all of Iredell County remain in the 704 area. A decision has not been made, however, it looks promising that the entire county will remain in the 704 area code zone. : Mr. Mashburn indicated that department heads surveyed county citizens at the Weekend In the Village event and the Lake Norman Festival. Around 270 surveys have been completed. Once the surveys have been compiled a report will be shared with the board of commissioners, the NCACC, and NACo. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Budget Meeting: Thursday, May 22, 1997, 10:00 a.m., South Wing Conference Room, Iredell county Government Center, Statesville, NC. VOTING: Ayes ~ 5; Nays ~ 0. AL CL fe Jp Clerk to the Board Approved: File: Reg.May.20 MAY 2.0 1997 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET MEETING MINUTES MAY 22, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met for a Budget Meeting on May 22, 1997, 10:00 a.m., South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board SURRY-YADKIN MENTAL HEALTH AREA AUTHORITY: The following individuals from this agency attended the meeting: David Swann - Area Director Hubert Gregory ~ Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare Board Chairman/Mayor of Yadkinville Ben Harding - Attorney for Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare Board Swann gave the following information about his organization: - There has been an increase in consumers (2,531 clients last year compared to 3,484 already this year). surry-Yadkin has handled the increase with few additions in personnel. - Federal money continues to decrease for all mental health agencies. - Surry-Yadkin spent $3.10 per capita compared to $2.50 spent by Iredell (using 104,000 population base). Swann said it would be expected that Iredell equal Surry-Yadkin’s spending if a merger occurred. Mashburn said it would take $55,000 in Iredell money to equal the $3.10. - If a merger occurred, it would be advantageous for all three counties because overall costs would be lowered. Iredell’s population (104,000) plus the combined population of Surry~ Yadkin (100,000) would be in the target range recommended by the State. (Swann said if he was hired as a consultant and was working with a county that had a population of 100,000 he would not recommend that it create a single county catchment area.) - If a merger/contractual agreement is reached, Swann said he would expect to be able to utilize Iredell’s facilities on a rent-free basis. - In technology, Surry-Yadkin tries to be as innovative as possible. Computerization is important. This would be expected of Iredell if a merger occurred. + Swann said he and his Board were in support of the "Bill of Equalization" being studied in Raleigh. . The delivery of mental health services today involves dealing with competition from the private sector. Swann said, "We have to compete but simultaneously provide the same level of service for the indigent." Productivity and marketing are important. Out of the 40 hr. work week, employees have to be devoting 27 hours to direct billable time. The personnel has to be certified. MAY 22 1997 693 694 Swann said the following items were important for Iredell officials no matter what course of action was taken. Image building: Iredell has a poor mental health reputation. Competent managers: It’s important to have professional managers running the progran. 3. Access: Surry-Yadkin, for example, has a toll-free telephone number. 4. Blended payor mix: It’s important to have different sources of revenue. 5. An Up-to-Date Management Information System 6. Stewardship: Mental health agencies need the financial backing of government, the business community, and citizens. 7. Capacity: This is necessary to decrease costs. 8. Competitive Employee Salaries: Surry-Yadkin has its own pay plan that is capped by the authority. Salaries can’t be more than equivalent positions in the county sector, however, some leeway has been given in some situations. Swann noted that Tri-County’s employees were typically paid more than Surry~Yadkin. NF Currently, Surry-Yadkin does not have a waiting list for service; however, this might change. DSS and the school systems have become "heavy users." Gregory advised that his board was composed of 19 members. He mentioned they were a professional, caring group of people. Should a merger occur, Gregory said he would expect Iredell mental health board members to act accordingly. If not, he would appear before the board of commissioners and advise of any impropriety. Commissioner Fortner asked what would happen to the current employees of Tri-County. Swann said he had a listing of the positions assigned to Iredell. He would have a meeting with the employees, distribute a listing of the job openings, and accept job applications from interested applicants. It was mentioned that just because a current employee completes an application, it doesn’t necessarily imply they have a job. Employees will have to be certified in their fields of expertise. Commissioner Johnson asked if Surry-Yadkin had any history of having to return federal/state money. Swann said they had a Willie M. incident in the past. (Surry-Yadkin provided more services than the State would reimburse.) Commissioner Boone asked about the current Iredell facilities. Specifically, did Swann feel they were adequate? Swann said some employees had advised there was not enough space. He said he felt at some point in the future a clinic needed to be re-established in Mooresville. Commissioner Fortner asked the length of time that Surry- Yadkin might be interested in a contractual agreement. Swann said this type of endeavor would be a first for North Carolina. A minimum amount of time would be the balance of FY 1997-98. After this, an evaluation of the program needed to be done. Surry-Yadkin is interested in an eventual merger. A merger would need the approval of both the Surry and Yadkin Boards of Commissioners. Both boards have already given permission for a _ contractual agreement. Commissioner Johnson asked how Surry-Yadkin officials felt about working with Iredell County. Gregory said they were aware of some problems; however, they were not fully apprised of some of the internal difficulties. Swann said some employees had voiced some misgivings. Harding said he had been involved in State mental health programs since 1971. Yadkin originally had its own program/board. 2 Surry and Yadkin merged in 1979. Swann was hired about three years ago. Since that time, the agency has become one of the top ranked in the State. Harding said if a merger occurred, Iredell would have an asset in Swann’s management. (Swann had previously mentioned that before he came to Surry-Yadkin the fund balance was $275,000. Today it is $1.8 million.) Harding said Swann had brought success to their programs by: 1. Insuring certification of employees. 2. Productivity - 65% of employees’ time is in direct billable service (every clinical employee). 3. Technology - Eventually, there will be a central data base where lap top computers can easily retrieve/send information to emergency rooms. 4. Marketing - Surry-Yadkin has "rebuilt" rapport with area schools, industries, hospitals, etc. Harding also emphasized that State officials were advocating a mental health catchment area of around 200,000. He mentioned that at some point in time, the State might start putting entities together to achieve this goal. (Swann said the Mental Health Study Commission said the optimum catchment area would be anything from 175,000 to 275,000.) . 3 MOTION by Commissioner Stewart for the Fire Commission Chairman to negotiate up to a two- cent fire tax increase for 97-98 with one-cent to be for capital reserve (truck purchases) and the other cent designated for operating expense. (All to be approved by the Fire Commission.) VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 1 (Johnson) Commissioner Boone mentioned the possibility of lowering the county tax rate. ELECTIONS: McDaniels discussed the optic scan voting equipment she was requesting. Also, $20,000 is needed for new booths. State law requires one booth per 100 voters. The office currently has 325; however, some are in disrepair. The equipment will enable the elections office to list every item on one page. Long lines will be eliminated since the equipment will be much faster. The equipment reads any type of pen, and the ballots can be inserted different ways. The half-time position is requested to aid in filing, complying with the new NVRA requirements, and eliminating overtime in the office. HEALTH: Blumenstein mentioned the BCCCP grant would be added to this budget. Rabe mentioned the WIC budget would be reworked. (The County will actually not have to fund as much.) Mr. Rabe mentioned the new positions were basically funded from revenues. The Computing Support I position is needed to keep up with billing. Rabe added that if revenues decreased the new positions would be eliminated. Commissioner Boone said he was hearing that if Medicaid reimbursements were cut or frozen the positions would be deleted. Rabe said it would be difficult, but it would be done. It was mentioned that Bill Griffith, the Adm. Officer, and Susan Blumenstein had been working on a computerized program that would keep track of the indirect costs involved in grants. Rabe mentioned the health dept. was computerizing more and more. It will take about 35 computers to eliminate the "dumb terminal" in order to take advantage of the State’s system. Commissioner Boone said some members of the health board were concerned about the purchase of "proprietary computers" sold to the County when there was no competition. Rabe said the County had to be a part of the "State system." A proposed salary study for the sanitarians was discussed. Rabe reminded the group that most of the new employees in MAY 22 1997 695 environmental health had to be in training for six months. Commissioner Fortner asked if Iredell was competing for jobs. Rabe said Iredell had to fill positions with trainees, whereas the better paying counties hired seasoned, certified people. (Individuals that can do inspections faster and be more productive.) Catawba is the chief competitor with Iredell. Rabe mentioned that medical supplies were becoming more expensive. It could occur, in the future, that the health dept. will need to move money around to buy these supplies. Kelly Sheeks, Environmental Supervisor, advised that mandatory overtime would be implemented soon. Employees have been told they will have to do 12 hours during the month. The overtime can be after 5:00 p.m., during the week, or the weekends. Employees will be paid time and a half. In addition, the State office has approved the temporary emergency positions. Trained sanitarians (4) from Guilford County will work ten hours on Saturdays. These individuals will work on large development projects. This way, they will not need to travel from place to place within the County. Commissioner Johnson asked about priority jobs for the sanitarians, specifically mobile homes vs. stick built. Sheeks said manufactured home owners got the same priority as stick built. Rabe said the sanitarians had to abide by State laws. If there is a failed septic system, the office inspects these as soon as possible. Complaints are also given priority. * Don Wall, DSS Director, said his department was trying to become automated with Welfare Reform. The legislature is making changes. Some things are uncertain -- funding could be more or could be less. AFDC assistance is decreasing along with participation in the Food Stamp Program. Coupons, however, are about the same. Commisioner Boone said he felt if more people were added to the DSS staff they should go to the Fraud Unit. He mentioned the need to have field employees checking on welfare recipients. FIRE MARSHAL: The job responsibilities for the fire marshals were reviewed. FIRE MARSHAL/SAFETY OFFICER/UNIT 1: Responsible for VFDs receiving training/certification, responsible for arson investigations, and serves as safety officer for Iredell County ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL/UNIT 2: Responsible for education (5th graders) and inspections. ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL/UNIT 3: Responsible for investigations and plans review for new buildings. ; Responsible for inspections of all commercial buildings. Mr. Mashburn mentioned that in the future, he wanted the volunteer fire department budget requests to be submitted to his office. Commissioner Fortner said she felt if the volunteer departments had centralized purchasing it would save money. Blumenstein mentioned that insurance and foam were purchased using the centralized method. EMS: Mr. Mashburn mentioned a Quick Response Vehicle (4x4 Sports/Utility) is being requested for the Mooresville area. It will not be used to transport patients. ECOM: A reclassification is requested for one employee in this department. ANIMAL CONTROL: Mr. Mashburn mentioned that as the human population increased for the County so did the amount of animals. The animal control supervisor requested two new positions; however, the manager deleted one. 696 VETERANS: No changes. YOUTH HOME: Commissioner Boone said he felt this was an incredibly inefficient department. The funding, per child, is expensive. LIBRARY: Mr. Mashburn said eventually the facility needs for this department should be addressed. Parking is a continual problen. He mentioned the County would soon have to pay for "“Charlotte’s Web" usage. Commissioner Boone said he felt the patrons should pay for Internet use. Commissioner Boone complimented the library staff on refinishing its furniture rather than purchasing new pieces. : Commissioner Johnson said that the SIYAA had pulled out from the County and desired to implement its own program. A decrease in revenue will occur. A budget amendment might be needed in the future if this youth association decides to rejoin the County. A discussion was held about umpires. These temporary positions incur much paperwork for the County. Commissioner Fortner suggested that Choice Personnel, or some other temporary agency, be used for these positions. 91] COORDINATION FUND: The county manager mentioned that new equipment will enable call backs on people using cellular phones. The telephone companies will soon have to pinpoint where cellular phones are located (within 100 meters). : Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 4:25 ADJOURNMENT : p.m. NEXT MEETING: May 27, 1997, 12:30 p.m., South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center. dA Approved: pie fT /¢G7 WZ “ll Lite ——— U Clerk to the Board Pile: budget .May MAY 22 1997 697 698 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET MEETING MINUTES MAY 27, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met for a Budget Meeting on May 27, 1997, 12:30 p.m., South Wing Conference Roon, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present were: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff present: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. : Representatives Wayne Turner and Mark Shumaker discussed the projected tax funding requirements for this VFD. A new building (to be built in two stages) is proposed. Commissioner Boone asked if the present site was still the best location. Turner said yes. There is really no available property near the present location. Mr. Boone asked what happened if Mooresville annexed. Turner said it was still a good location. It’s difficult to determine if the tax base would be eroded if annexation occurred. Commissioner Johnson asked if the building would serve the major capital needs. Turner responded yes. Mt. Mourne was complimented on the way it handled its finances. Turner said the VFD always tried to discern the difference between "wants and needs." The following is a synopsis of this VFD’s current financial standing: Operating Costs $ 62,000 Truck Reserve 20,000 Truck Note 12,741 94,741 New bldg. financing $600,000/10 yrs.@ 5.95% 81,327 176,068 Less: Other Revenue, BBQ, etc. (16,000) Annual Tax Funds Requirement Current Valuation $457,303 ,866 Tax Rate Required 3.5¢ Current Tax 2.75¢ MOTION by Chairman Haire to increase the Mt. Mourne VFD tax rate to 3.5¢. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. COUNTY-WIDE FIRE DISTRICTS: Commissioner Boone reviewed the May 22 tax increase approved for this district. He said he wanted it clear that one cent went to capital (truck purchases) and one cent went to operating costs. Commissioner Johnson said the VFDs needed a policy and review system. Mr. Johnson said, "If you’re not careful, capital has a good chance of becoming current expense through the fund balance." SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: Mr. Mashburn said the same amount of funding ($289,170) had been placed in the 97-98 budget for mental health services. + MOTION by Commissioner Boone to delete the $10,000 appropriation to this agency. VOTING: Ayes ~ 5; Nays — 0. NOTE: A past board member of this agency recently advised the commissioners of a questionable situation within ICARE. Specifically, the executive director owns and leases a building used by this organization. The conflict of interest was also cited in the most recent audit report submitted to the Iredell County Finance Director. ICARE uses most of the local appropriation ($9,000 out of $10,000) to pay the yearly leasing charge. : Commissioner Boone questioned the $5,000 increase to this agency since at the January Planning Meeting the staff was instructed to maintain the current funding for special appropriations (except the ones that were formula based). Blumenstein said the $5,000 was for “one-time seed money" to help establish a Thrift Store in Mooresville. Mr. Mashburn said this agency should revert back to the current funding ($15,000) in 98-99. THE COUNSELING CENTER: Commissioner Fortner said some citizens had complained of not having access to this facility. It operates on a four-day work week with employees working ten-hour days. Mr. Mashburn said there was not much the County could do about the way this center designs its work schedule. : Mr. Mashburn’ said this organization had made some managerial changes. Initially, the funding request was for $15,000. The county manager recommended $5,000. He mentioned that anything done to reduce the usage of the courts was needed. If by this time next year, no measurable evidence could be found that court time had decreased, the funding could cease. The commissioners asked what measuring tools would be used to determine effectiveness. Commissioner Fortner said she understood the County was supposed to provide space for the courts and recommended programs but not necessarily fund the projects. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to delete the $5,000 appropriation to Piedmont Mediation Center. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. THIRD CREEK WATERSHEDS: The county manager recommended the following 97-98 appropriation for the watersheds: Normal maintenance ...-+-+-++-+> Se ee keke canon $ 12,000 Engineering of Dams considered #1 and #2 priority 44,000 Construction costs of #1 and #2 $130,000 Total $186,000 Mr. Mashburn has talked to Soil & Water Conservation employees and discovered there is not much funding available for this type of work. Rowan County will be invoiced for its share of the costs. VOLUNTEER DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAM: Commissioner Johnson said a program of this type had just been established. The effort is being spearheaded by the local district attorney’s office. * Mr. Mashburn mentioned that $15,000 had been designated for a personnel study. A review of all job classes 2 MAY 2° 1997 699 will be done to see what the market is paying. He said the County had to compete with the public sector. The study should look at the salaries and benefits of the public employment area compared to the County. Commissioner Boone said it was difficult to compare benefits. He said he saw salaries increase by studies, but no one seemed to have a salary. decrease. Mr. Mashburn said law enforcement, environmental health, animal control, and inspections were some of the departments needing review. MERIT INCREASES: Mr. Mashburn reminded the commissioners that in 96-97 there was a one-time lump sum given to the employees. The sum did not alter the base salaries. During 1997-98, a merit range of 1.5 to 4.5% was recommended with the increase to be added to the base. : Chairman Haire mentioned that both economic developers in the County spoke highly of the Carolinas Partnership. The Partnership works to market the entire Charlotte region. An office and computer are available in Charlotte (airport) for the economic developers. Plus, the Partnership has paid for some travel expenses for Iredell’s economic developers (O’Connell-Underwood and McKay). STATESVILLE AIRPORT: Mrs. Blumenstein said she had not, at the present, received the 97-98 request for the airport. LEGAL: Mr. Mashburn said it was becoming more difficult to obtain speedy legal assistance. This in no way should be interpreted as criticism about the county attorney. The County just has more legal matters that need attention. No changes have been recommended; however, the manager said he just wanted to apprise the commissioners of the situation. : MOTION by Commissioner Boone to add $15,000 to salaries for overtime and eliminate the Shelter Clerk/Kennel Assistant position. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. DATA PROCESSING: No changes. (The commissioners did ask what the new employee would do after the county staff had been trained on internet/intranet usage. Mr. Mashburn said that eventually a retirement might occur in this dept.) ELECTIONS: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to delete the half- time position for this department and to add $3,530 in salaries/overtime for the non-exempt elections assistant. VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - 0. : MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to eliminate the requested clerical position. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~- 0. SPACE NEEDS/PRIORITIZATION: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to eliminate the DSS space needs study and retain the library study. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MITCHELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to ask Mitchell Community College to use as much as possible of the Special Capital Outlay appropriation ($250,000) for industrial technology. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADDITIONAL COUNTY REDUCTIONS: Mr. Boone said the Board had cut about $140,000. He asked if it would be possible for the staff to cut more -- up to $600,000. Mr. Boone said this could be done 3 700 by decreasing capital expenditures and that he felt the request was reasonable. Chairman Haire said she was not in favor of a tax reduction. She mentioned the needs of the courts, the library, and the schools (technology). Commissioner Fortner agreed and said she did not feel it was good business for the tax rate to be erratic. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to refer the budget back to the staff with a directive to delete $400,000 with the intention of decreasing the tax rate by one cent. VOTING: Ayes - 1 (Boone); Nays - 4. Commissioner Johnson said a directive should be given next year indicating that a certain amount of money be designated for the fund balance. : A daily log was requested on how the fire marshal and the assistants spent their time. : Commissioner Stewart mentioned that the citizens in the northern end of the County did complain about not having some method of trash disposal. Commissioner Boone asked about the requested four-wheel drive vehicle. Mr. Mashburn said the employees needed to maneuver in inclement weather. Commissioner Boone said he had no objections to the tipping fee increase; however, to him, the increased household fee was the same as a tax increase. Mr. Boone asked about the proposed contract with Keep Iredell Clean. Mr. Mashburn said there was no other agency in the County that could provide the recycling education. Commissioner Johnson said he wanted to review the curriculum before the contract was signed. Commissioner Stewart said she, too, felt the $15,000 could be better spent on other types of education, e.g., parenting classes. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:10 p.m. NEXT MEETING: June 3, 1997, 5:00 p.m., South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center. ff / - 7 Approved: Wh / 7, /¢FG Sue (jhwr— 7” Glerk to the Board File: May 27.bud NY 27 4997 7 " 701 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES JUNE 3, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met for an Agenda Briefing on June 3, 1997, 5:00 p.m., South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Ronald Weatherman, Solid Waste Director Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent William Allison, Planning Supervisor Jean C. Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. REQUEST OF IREDELL-STATESVILLE SCHOOL SYSTEM FOR APPROVAL OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ORDINANCES (4): William Barnard, I-S Finance Officer, advised that all of the requests were of a routine nature. He noted that a method had been worked out with Mrs. Blumenstein for payment of the projects with the bond money. RESCUE SQUAD DISSOLUTION DISCUSSION: Mayor John Ray Campbell of Harmony, N.C., advised that meetings had been occurring since April 16, 1997, concerning a faction of the Iredell Rescue Squad desiring to break off into a separate unit. Current plans are to have a complete split as of July Ay Bees The north Iredell community desires to become a separate entity. The new squad (North Iredell) has recently appointed a board of directors, is writing up a charter, and has 28 people signed up for training. Campbell distributed the following information about the proposed North Iredell Rescue Squad, Inc., (1538 Tabor Road, P.O. Box 558, Harmony, NC 28634): 1. Responsibility: The North Iredell Rescue Squad (NIRS) will cover 157 square miles (26% of Iredell County). 2. Start up Expenses: Legal and Accounting $ 1,500 Workmens Comp. 1,500 Supplies/Equipment for Training 1,500 26 Pagers 13,000 5 Hand Radios 4,000 8 Complete Sets of Turn Out Gear 8,000 30 Complete Sets of Coveralls 12,000 Change Lettering on trucks/bldg. 1,000 Insurance 8,000 TOTAL $ 50,500 3. Bank Mortgage on building that North Iredell will obtain: $ 50,000 4. Estimated Monthly Operational Cost: Insurance $ 666.66 Loan Payment 500.00 Office Expense 50.00 Telephone 40.00 Utilities 475.00 Medical Supplies 100.00 ‘ a | é 02 Supplies 120.00 Gas/Oil 150.00 Grounds/Maintenance 80.00 New Equipment 125.00 Training 200.00 Dues/Subscriptions 100.00 Repairs/Equipment 150.00 " /Vehicles 150.00 e /Building 300.00 Depreciation Expense 2,550.00 Legal/Accounting 75.00 TOTAL 5,931.66 pw D 106,431.66 Commissioner Johnson said he had been meeting with the rescue squad members about the dissolution. The NIRS has asked for a budget amendment in the amount of $97,000; however, the County is only being requested to give $10,000. The remaining money ($87,000) will be in the form of a promissory note with payments (balloon) due in 24-30 months. (The note is to be used to make payments on the mortgaged building.) The Iredell County Rescue Squad has agreed to appropriate 29% ($23,000) of its fund halance to the North Iredell squad. Bill Sherrill, a member (rons) advised the check would be cut when the actual split occurred (July 1). Commissioner Stewart asked how much money the County appropriated to the Iredell Rescue Squad for FY 1996-97. Blumenstein said the total was $97,135. If the dissolution occurs, during 1997-98 the Iredell Rescue Squad is due to receive $70,470 and North Iredell would receive $28,943. Commissioner Fortner advised that cCentralina Council of Governments might be able to assist in securing grant money. Commissioner Stewart said that what started out as an amicable split had turned into a staggering amount of money. Johnson advised that neither side was entirely satisfied with the settlement. Richard Renegar, a citizen of northern Iredell County advised that more squad members would be serving the county. All state requirements will be met. Commissioner Boone asked if the promissory note would be interest bearing. Blumenstein said yes. Commissioner Johnson asked Larry Dickerson, Director of ECOM, if his office could work with both squads. Dickerson said he did not envision any problems. Johnson advised representatives of both squads that he expected a spirit of cooperation to exist between them. PLANNING/ZONING MATTERS: William Allison explained the various public hearing matters. In reference to transmission towers, he mentioned that a consultant (Benchmark, Inc.) had given an opinion that counties should not become too involved in tower regulations. Allison mentioned the current set back was 50% of the tower height. This could be raised to 75% and this would require larger tracts of land. Commissioner Stewart said she felt the County needed to take a closer look at the set back distances. Commissioner Johnson said an adequate amount of space needed to be between towers. HAULING CONTRACT FOR MOORESVILLE TRANSFER STATION: Ron Weatherman, Solid Waste Director, advised that the Mooresville station was scheduled for completion on July 12, 1997. Construction, however, is about four weeks behind. Holland Transfer Company is the low bidder for the hauling contract. Recently, this company (Holland) inquired about the possibility of 2 JUN 03 1997 : : 703 704 y vehicles. Mr. Mashburn said this could be explored further when the actual hauling contract was presented to the commissioners. Commissioner Johnson said he thought the contract should be on a short-term basis. leasing some of the count ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m., for a refreshment break prior to the 7:00 p.m. meeting. q Approved: (Jac /Z/497 Vis p CPU HA yas YU Clerk to the Board / File: b.j.3 JUN 03 1997 3 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES JUNE 3, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on June 3, 1997, 7:00 p.m., Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Ronald Weatherman, Solid Waste Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Jean C. Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS OF AGENDA MOTION by Chairman Haire to make the following agenda adjustment: Addition: e Budget Amendment #58 for Ebenezer Volunteer Fire Department VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD MITCHELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES: Mr. R.B. Sloan, Jr., Chairman of the Mitchell Board of Trustees; Dr. Virginia Mitchell, Vice President of Instruction; and Larry Williams, Finance Director, spoke in the absence of the college president. Sloan advised that on May 28, 1997, the Mitchell Board of Trustees voted to request $119,900 from the commissioners to purchase a house and lot at 410 Walnut Street, Statesville, NC. Commissioner Fortner asked if the college was interested in any other properties. Sloan said there were two sites on Race Street; however, the Walnut Street property was the number one priority request. He said, "The others would be nice, but I don’t feel we will be back in the short term requesting additional property." Commissioner Boone asked if the house would be used, moved, or demolished. Sloan said the main purpose for the tract of land would be for access to Mitchell. It is not the intention of the trustees to demolish the house. There is, however, likelihood the house might be moved at some point in time. Mr. Boone asked about college endowments. Mr. Williams said Mitchell had two types: 1) "Endowment for Excellence" was first established in November of 1996 and has a balance of $26,000. The money is to be used to support educational programs. The college receives about $250,000 from the State for equipment. 2) Endowed Scholarships (these are restricted for students). Commissioner Johnson asked the size of the requested property. Williams said it was .17 acres. JUN 03 1997 “105 ' J U —_— we ' 1 f\ « Vv * i MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to allocate $119,900 for the purchase of the Briere property/house located at 410 Walnut Street, Statesville, N.C., and to use Budget Amendment #43A for this purpose. Commissioner Boone said he was glad that Mitchell intended to move the house rather than demolish it. He mentioned the tax office listed the property at a tax value of $77,490. The asking price is about 55% more than the appraised tax value. Boone said if the County staff requested to purchase a property for an amount that was this much over the tax value he would be reluctant to do so. He mentioned that if a person took the purchase price and looked at the situation on a per acre basis the cost was $697,000 per acre. Mr. Boone said he could not justify appropriating extra county money for a piece of land. Boone said the college had been appropriated $250,000 for unrestricted capital improvements and if the trustees so chose, they could spend a portion of this for the purchase. Commissioner Stewart said that all the “ends and outs" of this real estate transaction had not been made public. The college was in competition to obtain the property. She mentioned there was no room for negotiation if the college was going to secure this adjoining property. Commissioner Johnson said that when he was confronted with this type of request he tried to keep an eye on the need and how it would benefit the people asking for the money as well as the future for the County. The capital needs of the schools will be a major need in the future. With the passage of the two school bonds, time has been acquired before the needs will surface (three ~~ four years). After the bond money has been exhausted, the County will have to confront the future needs. Johnson said that in order to support the schools in the future the County needed to be frugal and continue to build the capital reserve and fund balance. Further, Johnson said that the small piece of land (1/6th of an acre) would only be of marginal benefit to the college. Commissioner Fortner said she was acquainted with most of the trustee members. She stated she had confidence in their ability to look after the best interests of the college. VOTING: Ayes ~ 3; Nays - 2 (Boone/Johnson) NORTH IREDELL RESCUE SQUAD: Commissioner Johnson said that a few months ago the County was faced with members of the Iredell Rescue Squad desiring to separate and form their own organization. Johnson said when he became involved his goals were: 1) keep expenses to the County as low as possible 2) insure that rescue service continued to be adequate in the north end of the County and 3) have a spirit of cooperation between the two squads after the break. Johnson thanked Bill Sherrill and Donnie Perry, members of the Iredell Rescue Squad, for their frugal and responsible handling of taxpayer money. The mediation between the two groups has resulted in the following: 1. Will give up 29% of fund balance to the North Iredell Rescue Squad. (This will be approximately $23,600.) 2. Will give a rebate of any insurance money. 1. Will relinquish any claims to funds that were set aside for the refit of Truck 1105. 2. North Iredell will gain any equity that is built up in the 97 pbuilding and equipment in the north end of the County. This squad will assume responsibility for the mortgage on the building which is approximately $50,000. ary ' iJ 2 “06 JUN Start up money ($21,000) for North Iredell can be funded from the money received from the Iredell Rescue Squad. In the second year; however, North Iredell will have to pay its own insurance costs. Johnson said that in negotiations he agreed to ask if the County would bridge this gap in the amount of $10,000. Depreciation on North Iredell’s equipment will not be funded the first two years. The money for debt service will not be needed since it is also being requested that the County appropriate $87,000 in the form of a promissory note (balloon payment due in 24-30 mos.). After the 24-30 months, North Iredell can pay the payment in several ways. Johnson said he was asking the County for a Budget Amendment for $97,000 ($10,000 in cash and $87,000 in a promissory note). MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #59 in the amount of $97,000 ($87,000 in a promissory note for the North Iredell Rescue Squad and $10,000 in cash). Commissioner Boone spoke to the audience and advised that the County was only appropriating $10,000 in new money. The other was in the form of a promissory note which will be repaid with interest to the County. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~ Oo. PUBLIC HEARINGS (7:00 P.M.) Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting to public hearing session. PROPOSED 1997/98 SECONDARY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Mr. Jim Rand, District Two Engineer, N.C. Department of Transportation, said the Secondary Road Program presented a year ago has essentially been completed. The following projects have been established for FY 97-98: RORAL No. Paving SR# NAME Length EST. COST. Priority 1 iF 2313 John Long Road 93 $ 165,000.00 2 2F 1517 Cannon Road -96 $ 225,000.00 3 3F 1810 Mitch Road 1.80 $ 300,000.00 4 4F 1610 Clanton Road 74 $ 175,000.00 5 SF 2312 Buckbee Road -70 $ 120,000.00 6 6F 2138 Marshall Farm -80 $ 125,000.00 7 7F 1847 Speaks Farm 1.10 $ 175,000.00 8 8F 1879 Current Road 1.10 $ 250,000.00 9 oF 1834 Allen Road 1.20 $ 225,000.00 10 lor 1921 Bethany Church Rd. .60 $s. 90,000.00 $ T, 850,000.00 Alternates: Cornwall Road and Treebark Road SUBDIVISIONS 1 lF 1244 Owens Farm Road oan $ 50,000.00 2 2F 2134 Alexander Farm Rd. -50 $ 75,000.00 3 3F 1962 Windy Hill Acre -10 $ 25,000.00 4 4F 1650 Wilhelm Lane mS $ 30,000.00 5 +) 1927 Austin Road .40 $ 65,000.00 $ 245,000.00 Alternates: Spicewood Circle, Buckhead Road, Amanda Lane, Persimmon Circle, Beagle Lane, Fink Road and Pine Tree Farm PROPERTY OWNER PARTICIPATION 1908 Branchwood Road .36 $ 54,000.00 1531 Penny Road 33 $ 50,000.00 Skyland Drive 45 $ 48,700.00 Roundstone Road 34 $ 43,230.00 $ 95,930.00 N/A Various spot stabilization, Secondary Maintenance $ 317,174.00 Total Secondary Construction Program $ 2,290,930.00 Reserved for Contingencies $ 332,120.00 TOTAL ALLOCATION $ 2,940,224.00 Rand said that with the passage of the highway bonds local money had increased by about $600,000 for 97-98. o sae " dt iW 107 cou resident of SR 2102, Tobacco Road said he and his neighbors felt they were being left out of any prospects of receiving road improvements. He said his road was on the Iredell and Yadkin County boundary line. Renegar said he felt the residents were receiving taxation without representation. He said this section of the county was composed of small dirt roads and when farm crops were ready for the market the area became "a total mess." * Advised she also lived on Tobacco Road. Lives on a farm that has been in the family for over 100 years. The road is very bumpy when dry. She related that when calls are made to the DOT for gravel that sand is brought. This does not provide any relief. She and her neighbors want the road paved. Jim Rand: Advised that Tobacco Road was on the rural paving list with a priority number of 27. If the 97-98 program is completed as presented (priority #s 1-10) this road will be #17. Rand said there are eight homes on the road and two businesses. It’s categorized as a school bus route, and it is a connector road between two existing paved roads. Adding all of these points together there are still 26 other roads that are busier -- higher density -- higher traffic count, ahead of Tobacco Road for paving. Commissioner Boone asked how the department determined whether to use sand or gravel for road maintenance. Rand said both materials were used. He said his department would investigate and if the worse parts of the road needed gravel it would be used. There are some sand pits available at the north end of the county and these are very accessible. Sand is used as much as possible -- it’s more economical. Rand said his office would investigate the condition of the road and see that it is in solid condition. : Advised he lived on Renegar Road; however, he traveled more on Tobacco Road because it was the connecting road for Highway 21. Also, stated the road was in poor condition. Mentioned he had called DOT about 19 months ago with a request to maintain trees growing in the power lines -- on the right-of-way. DOT said they would remove them. Nothing happened. They were called again. Finally, after "going to some superiors over the local DOT" some maintenance was done. Complained about poor maintenance of roads north of Harmony. Haynes claimed he knew of a road that DOT paved about a year ago that did not have any residents. Mr. Haynes said Tobacco Road was dangerous since there were farm vehicles/equipment and school buses traveling on it. : Advised he would investigate the complaints. He did mention that for about two months the DOT road crews (Iredell) were in Raleigh cleaning up after Hurricane Fran. He said, "The office got behind in its work, but it sounds like work on Tobacco Road would be a good place to start." Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Chairman Haire to concur with the 1997-98 Secondary Road Improvement Program as presented by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Commissioner Boone asked the manager to clarify Iredell County’s involvement with the State’s program. Mr. Mashburn said the North Carolina DOT established the road paving priority list. If the County has a question about the paving of a road DOT will investigate the situation. However, the DOT rates the roads and determines the priority ranking. There is not much the County can do about the rankings. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 4 4 08 JU " i Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE IREDELL COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN; REZONING REQUEST; IREDELL-STATESVILLE SCHOOLS, AGENT FOR THE B.V. BELK/HARRIET C. BELK, JR., & CARL L. MOSACK PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9705-1: William Allison, Planning Supervisor, stated the agent for this property requested to rezone a portion of said property from RA, Residential Agricultural to GB (CUD), General Business Conditional Use District and amend the Iredell County Land Development Plan by designating the area as general commercial. Allison said the proposed usage would be all permitted uses in the GB district except: automobile repairs, bottling works, bus repair and storage terminals, circuses/carnivals, contractor offices, dairy products processing and distributing facilities, farm machinery assembly- sales and repair, lumber yards-building materials storage/sales, tire recapping shops, trucking terminals/transfer companies, and wholesale storage of gasoline/oil products The property is located on River Hwy/NC150 near Perth Road; more specifically identified as PIN#4637473931. John Massey, Attorney for the applicant; Jimmy McKnight, Realtor; Godfrey Williams, Iredell-Statesville School Board member; and Don Atkinson, Iredell-Statesville School System’s Director of Facilities were all present and available to answer questions. Jimmy McKnight, Realco of the Carolinas/Commercial Real Estate firm, said the property to the west of the site was zoned business. Officials at Berea Baptist Church have been approached, and they are in favor of the rezoning. Shepherd’s VFD has a satellite office in the area. Harold Childers (Opposition): Indicated he owned adjoining property. Advised that the traffic on Highway 150 was difficult enough without this rezoning. : Advised he was a property owner on Doolie Road and was also concerned about traffic congestion and a lack of planning in the southern end of the County. He asked why commercial development was being proposed at this area. Jimmy McKnight: Mentioned that a major consideration in the choice of this site was that Perth Church Road and Highway 150 intersect at this location. The property has frontage on Doolie Road and an easement out to Highway 150. Terry Letourneau: Asked what type of use was planned for the site. Also asked what guarantees the neighbors had that something other than the proposed use would be done with the property. William Allison said the conditions would stay with the property no matter who owned it. The zoning procedure does not call for a specific site plan, even if it did, the commissioners could not hold the applicant to it. It is the planning board’s responsibility to look at the project as far as land use and all the permitted uses in the GB district that are allowed. : Advised he lived on Doolie Road. Requested that the commissioners consider the situation that existed on Exit 28. He said this was an example of growth with no planning or control. Asked if the initial request was for a strip shopping center. » Mentioned he looked at the permitted uses for the district. He said he didn’t recall any comments in reference to a strip center. There is not a specific site plan that is required 5 NO «ae iJf 709 for a rezoning hearing or for planning board approval. McKnight: Mentioned there were no immediate plans for a strip shopping center. There are no immediate plans for anything. This is a long-range plan. Chairman Haire said she lived in the southern end of the County and was well aware of the traffic problems. She advised that Iredell County was not in the road business and that concerns of this nature (traffic congestion) should be addressed to the Department of Transportation. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to amend the Land Development Plan as was unanimously approved by the Iredell County Planning Board in reference to Case #9705-1. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to rezone the property from Residential Agricultural to General Business District, Conditional Use District as was unanimously approved by the Iredell County Planning Board. Commissioner Boone mentioned that some of the most difficult decisions were on zoning matters. He said he sympathized with the residents as they tried to cope with increasing growth and traffic. Commissioner Stewart said that with the construction of Lake Norman Elementary School and the resulting traffic problems, and that with the construction of the new high school that she hoped the developers would notice the problems that can be created. She said, "I would certainly hate to think that we have purchased another piece of property trying to do what was best in the name of good education in this county only to have a terrible traffic problem. One that endangers lives, as people develop this area." VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE IREDELL COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN; REZONING REQUEST; WARMARK CAPITAL, INC., AGENT FOR THE JOSEPH W. & ROBIN L. KNOX PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9705-2: Allison advised that the applicant, Warmark Capital Inc., Agent for the Joseph W. & Robin L. Knox Property, requested that this property be rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural to RO, Residential Office District and amend the Iredell County Land Development Plan by designating this area as general office. The property is located at the corner of Alcove Road and Templeton Road; more specifically identified as PIN#4646605213. The staff recommends amending the land development plan and approval of the request. (Allison did, however, say this might be as far down Alcove Road that the Board might want to extend rezoning). The request was unanimously approved by the planning board on May 7, 1997. Ww i 2: Stated this was a large tract (50+ acres). The property would act as a buffer between general business and residential. Commissioner Boone asked how much residential or apartment development was proposed to be built. Homesley said the present plan was to put office use on the property. He noted, however, that the zoning did allow for apartment development. Mr. Boone asked if the developer would be agreeable to a conditional use. Homesley said they would not. He (Homesley) mentioned the economics involved. The developer would want some 6 710 flexibility and a possible mixed usage within the RO zoning. The intent, at this point, however, is for office use. Boone said he had problems with high density residential development. Homesley said the flip side is that in the southern end it is fairly low density, but expensive residential development. Blue-collar workers have difficulty in finding homes they can afford. Commissioner Johnson asked about discussions with the Town of Mooresville in reference to water and sewer. Homesley said there were plans to bring water and sewer to the new hospital site. A boring would be necessary to bring the water under the interstate and this would be very expensive. Warmark Capital would have to enter into a relationship with the town to cover expenses. Johnson asked what would happen if an agreement could not be worked out with the Town of Mooresville. veloper/Warma Capital, and a resident o said he had talked with Mooresville officials and was still discussing the matter. If a mutual arrangement cannot be worked out with Mooresville his choices are: 1) not to move forward with the purchase 2) Purchase the property and hold sv until water is available or 3) Purchase the property and do a single-family residential subdivision. Shumaker said his career had been in office development and not multi-family. The goal he has is to complete an upscale medical facility, but he wanted flexibility if the economic environment changed. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to amend the Iredell County Land Development Plan. Commissioner Boone stated a decision on this case was also difficult. He mentioned that if housing apartments were built on the site that a substantial number of children would need classrooms. The developers do not pay for the classrooms. The property tax on residents may pay for current expense (on apartments it’s doubtful that it does), but it will not pay for new schools. Mr. Boone said he felt the commissioners would eventually have to look at the growth problem. He also mentioned the County might have to look at banning multi-family development. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 1 (Boone). MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to rezone the property from RA to RO as was unanimously approved by the Planning Board. VOTING: Ayes- 4; Nays - l (Boone). PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE IREDELL COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: Allison advised that the Iredell County Planning Board was recommending an amendment to the Iredell County Subdivision Ordinance by adding Section 406.1, Fire Hydrants. This proposed amendment would require developers to have fire hydrants installed in new subdivisions served by public water. The changes requested to be approved are: Section 406.1 Fire Hydrants: (a) Every subdivision that is served by at least a six (6) inch water line from either a community or public water system shall include a system of fire hydrants sufficient to provide adequate fire protection for the buildings located or intended to be located within such development. (b) Fire hydrants shall be located at intervals of 1,000 linear feet along every road serving the development or at every 7 JUN 03: ‘ 1997 MN intersection, whichever is less. (c) Unless no practicable alternative is available, water lines shall not be dead-end lines. (da) These provisions shall not apply to subdivisions containing six (6) or fewer lots. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to amend the subdivision ordinance as was unanimously approved by the planning board. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REPORT FROM PLANNING SUPERVISOR ON TRANSMISSION TOWERS: Allison indicated that at the May 20, 1997 meeting, Mrs. Charlene Roberts Hunter addressed the Board regarding cellular towers and the County’s current guidelines. Since this time, the planning office has reviewed different ordinances in comparison with Iredell County’s, however, most of these have been for cities and towns. It was mentioned that the vast majority of towers permitted by the County are in rural areas. Allison said the County does require Board approval in all residential districts except the RA, Residential Agricultural District. (The primary reason for this is because RA is so rural in nature.) The present guidelines for transmission towers were updated on November 7, 1995, and January 2, 1996. MOTION by Chairman Haire to ask the planning staff to bring back their recommendation on transmission towers. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF CASH BOND (Receipt #711): Allison said that Bonanza Development Company, Inc., was requesting release of a Cash Bond for the Mallard Pines Phase III Subdivision. Iredell County presently holds the Cash Bond (Receipt #711) in the amount of $6,000 to cover the cost of street improvements. The developer has completed the work and requests release of the full amount. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to grant the release request for Cash Bond/Receipt #711 in the amount of $6,000. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF SHEPHERDS VFD FOR APPROVAL OF TAX-EXEMPT LOAN FORM TO BE COMPLETED FOR FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST IN REFERENCE TO TRUCK PURCHASE: Mr. Don McClain, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Shepherd’s Fire Department, addressed the commissioners about this matter. The fire department desires to purchase a new truck ($203,450,000/principal amount) and First- Citizens Bank & Trust needs verification that the department is eligible for a tax-free loan. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the request for the completion of the tax-exempt form as requested by Shepherds VFD for First-Citizens Bank & Trust. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF IREDELL-STATESVILLE SCHOOL SYSTEM FOR APPROVAL OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ORDINANCES (4): Mrs. Blumenstein advised that the Iredell-Statesville School System had submitted four capital outlay project ordinances for approval. The ordinances do not require an increase in the County’s capital outlay of funding. All of the projects will be paid for by existing Public School Building Capital funds, State Bond funds, and the General Obligation Bond 8 412 funds. projects. The ordinances are: Shepherd School: Revenues Public School Building Capital Fund State Facility Bond Fund Local General Obligation Bond Total Revenues Expenditures Category I-Construction West Iredell Middle School: Revenues Public School Building Capital Fund State Facility Bond Fund Local General Obligation Bond Total Revenues Expenditures Category I-Construction All of the ordinances cover the entire life of the $ 193,006.00 833,083.00 1,924,146.00 2,950,235.00 $ 950,235.00 $ 72,880.00 505,090.00 536,057.00 $ 1,114,027.00 $ 1.114,027.00 North Iredell High School & South Iredell High School: Public School Building Capital Fund State Facility Bond Fund Local General Obligation bond Total Revenues Expenditures Category I-Construction $ 140,000.00 1,927,082.00 3,905 7: $.5.972,719.00 $_5,972,719.00 A.D. Rutherford, Cool Springs, Union Grove, & Wayside Schools Revenues Public School Building Capital Fund State Facility Bond Fund Local General Obligation Bond Total Revenues Expenditures Category I-Construction $ 19,589.00 271,500.00 28,500.00 $__319,589.00 S__319.582.00 MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve Budget Amendment #56 which will establish multi-year project ordinances for the listed Iredell-Statesville School Projects. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. CONSIDERATION OF HAULING CONTRACT FOR MOORESVILLE TRANSFER STATION (REJECTION OF BIDS FOR A TANDEM AXLE ROAD TRACTOR) : During the briefing session, Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent, had advised that bids for a per-hour rate on a one-year contract to transport the County’s refuse trailers from the Mooresville Transfer Station to the Solid Waste Facility had been submitted. The proposal would be to provide two trucks/drivers (three when necessary), Monday through Saturday. All supplies, repairs, personnel and insurance are included in the rate. The bids are: Holland Transfer Co. $37.50 hr. Douglas & Sons, Inc. 57.50 hr. R.A. Guill & Sons, Inc. 60.00 hr. Gray Rock Transport Co. no bid MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the hauling contract bid of Holland Transfer Company at $37.50 per hour. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. JUN 03 1997 713 x oad Trac : Caldwell had previously explained that bids were opened for one tandem axle road tractor for the Mooresville Transfer Station on April 3. Since the board of commissioners has opted to contract the hauling process (rather than purchase a new truck), it was explained the commissioners had to formally reject the bids. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to reject the following bids for the tandem road axle road tractor: Carolina Truck Centers, Inc. $62,158.00 *negotiated to 60,000.00 Carolina Truck & Tractor 66,556.00 Freightliner of Charlotte 69,012.00 Peterbilt Carolina 66,500.00 Triad Mack Sales & Service 64,943.96 Triad Mack Sales & Service (Alt.) 65,580.96 West Carolina Freightliner 70,333.00 VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. CONSIDERATION OF STIPULATIONS ATTACHED TO THE $250,000 GRANT FROM THE PARKS & RECREATION TRUST FUND: The county manager reviewed the agreement conditions for the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) agreement. The amount is $250,000 with a 50% match for a project total of $500,000. Commissioner Johnson reminded the group that at the January 21, 1997 meeting, he stipulated that in order to apply for the $250,000, that $150,000 would be raised by the community and after that time, Iredell County would then release $100,000. If the community did not fulfill its obligation, the County would send the money back to the State. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to accept the PARTF grant in the amount of $250,000. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST BY IREDELL MEMORIAL TO CONTINUE LEASING HOME HEALTH SPACE ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS: In a recent letter, Arnold Nunnery, President of Iredell Memorial Hospital, advised of a request to continue leasing home health office space on the second floor of the Health Building (Turnersburg Road). Nunnery has advised that a new building is being constructed and that a month’s notice will be submitted before the actual vacating of the premises. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to continue leasing space to Iredell Memorial Hospital for home health usage on a month-to-month basis. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. CONSIDERATION OF OFFER TO PURCHASE BUILDING/PROPERTY LOCATED AT 735 HARTNESS ROAD (OLD HEALTH BUILDING) for $625,000: The Board of Directors of Iredell Memorial Hospital has authorized Arnold Nunnery to make an offer in the amount of $625,000 for the old health building and lot (approximately one acre) located at 735 Hartness Road. Mr. Mashburn advised that parking/office space will be available at the Health Building located on Turnersburg Road for county staff (currently DSS employees) to use after the sale closing. MOTION by Commissioner Boone that in as much as the Iredell County Board of Commissioners has received an offer to purchase the 10 r"¢ é 14 property at 735 Hartness Road for the amount of $625,000, and in as much as the board feels that it is in the County’s best interest to dispose of this property and utilize the proceeds to construct new facilities at a location more convenient to the using public, and in as much as the _ board through a property appraisal, has determined that the offer being made is at, or above, the appraised value that the board of commissioners propose to accept the offer in the amount of $625,000 made by the Iredell Memorial Hospital for the property located at 735 Hartness Road, and that the clerk advertise for upset bids using the sealed bid method and to make a condition of the sale being that Iredell County reserved the right to continue using the facility up to sixty (60) days after the sale closing. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 735 HARTNESS ROAD BUILDING PROPERTY SALE PROCEEDS: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to authorize county staff to place sale proceeds from the old health building/lot into the Capital Reserve fund. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL OF THE TEN-YEAR SOLID WASTE REDUCTION PLAN FOR IREDELL COUNTY: Ron Weatherman, Solid Waste Director, advised that this plan was in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 130A-309.09A(b) for the purpose of meeting local solid waste needs and protecting public health and the environment. The report contains five (5) long range planning goals. They are: 1) To provide everyone in the community with waste disposal capacity, waste collection services, and waste reduction opportunities. 2) To increase the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the solid waste program. 3) To meet the established local waste reduction goals. 4) To decrease improper waste disposal. 5) To protect public health and the environment. Commissioner Boone asked if it would be possible to amend the plan after adoption. Weatherman said yes. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the Ten-Year Solid Waste Reduction Plan for Iredell County. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #8 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, & 55: The following amendments were presented and explained by the finance director. Code [_ Existing | Change | Amended BA#44 To correct error in original budget re: transfer from Solid Waste to General Fund 104880 495052 Transfer-from Solid Waste (69,000) 385 (68,615) 104880 499500 Fund Balance Appropriated (2,484,626) (385)} (2,485,011) BA#45 To recognize additional Reg of Deeds fees and appropriate to expense to prevent overexpenditure of budget 104450 460200 Register of Deeds Recording Fees (380,000); (5,500)} (385,500) 100450 512505 ROD - Supplemental Retirement 17,000 4,000 21,000 100450 534000 ROD - Postage 6,000 500 6,500 100450 534200 ROD - Recording Materials 5,800 1,000 6,800 Aa “WYN 03 1997 “a JUN 45 BA#46 To transfer funds from Contingency to Law Enforcement for Utilities and Contracted Services-Medical Examiner 100480 530200 Contingency 87,246 | (22,175) 65,071 100510 537000 LE - Utilities 10,500 13,175 23,675 100510 537506 LE-Contracted Services-Medical Exam 25,000 9,000 34,000 Code | Existing | Change | Amended BA#47 To recognize revenue received from seized funds and federal equity sharing program 104510 482000 LE - Federal Equity Sharing Program 0} (17,500) (17,500) 104510 482001 LE - Seized Funds O | (12,650) (12,650) 100510 538400 LE - Seized Funds & FES Expenditures 26,600 | 30,150 56,750 BA#48 To recognize additional revenue received from Jail fees and appropriate to expenditure line items to prevent overexpenditure of budget 104520 471500 Jail Fees - DOC Reimbursement (25,000); (78,800); (103,800) 100520 537502 Jail - Contracted Serv-Food Service 231,500 28,300 259,800 100520 537508 Jail - Contracted Serv-Other 33,000 | 50,500 83,500 0 BA#49 To transfer funds from Contingency to ECOM telephone 100480 520300 Contingency 65,071 (6,460) 58,611 100540 535500 ECOM - Telephone 9,540 6,460 16,000 0 Code |_Existing | Change | Amended BA#50 To transfer funds in Animal Control from Salaries & Wages to Contracted Services for temporary service employee. 100550 510002 Anim Control-Salaries & Wages 215,607 (4,600)} 211,007 100550 537508 Anim Control-Contracted Services-Other 6,400 4,600 11,000 BA#51 To appropriate fund balance of the Health Care Benefits Fund to pay empioyee health claims that will be over the current budgeted amount 664880 499500 HCBF-Appropriated Fund Balance 0 |(160,000)} (160,000) 660415 545800 HCBF-Weliness incentives 65,000 | (40,000) 25,000 660415 545100 HCBF-Heailth Benefits Payments 1,103,785 | 200,000 | 1,303,785 BA#52 To recognize Employee Payroll Deductions for Dental Insurance premiums and appropriate for benefits payments 664802 474001 Dental-Contributions from Employees 0 | (30,000) (30,000) 660802 546400 Dental Benefits Payments 0} 30,000 30,000 0 Code | Existing | Change | Amended BA#53 To appropriate funds for payment of comp time balances as of the May 27th payroll 100430 532501 Finance-Main & Rep-Equipment 6,483 (375) 6,108 100430 510002 -Salaries & Wages 224,772 315 225,087 100430 512501 " -FICA 17,202 25 17,227 100430 512503 " Retirement 22,393 35 22,428 100440 534000 Tax Coll.- Postage 52,800 | (1,415) 51,385 100440 §10002 “+ Salaries & Wages 130,116 1,200 131,316 100440 512501 ° —« FICA 9,959 95 10,054 100440 512503 " + Retirement 12,965 120 13,085 12 716 B 3 Continued 100445 532501 DP- Supplies-Dept. Misc. 15,700 (200) 15,500 100445 510002 " Salaries & Wages 137,298 165 137,463 100445 512501 © FICA 10,505 15 10,520 100445 512503 r Retirement 13,675 20 13,695 104450 460200 ROD- Recording Fees (385,500)} (1,340)| (386,840) 100450 510002 . Salaries & Wages 211,796 1,135 212,931 100450 §12501 . FICA 16,932 90 17,022 100450 512503 ' Retirement 21,099 115 21,214 104520 471500 Jail - Jail Fees (103,800)| (85,625); (189,425) 100520 472207 = Commissions on Pay Phone 0 | (24,000) (24,000) 100510 510003 LE- Salaries & Wages 2,230,879 | 128,100 | 2,358,979 100510 512501 = FICA 173,887 9,800 183,687 100510 512503 . Retirement 213,483 | 12,770 226,253 100520 510002 Jail- Salaries & Wages 776,198 | 25,690 801,888 100520 512501 7 FICA 60,736 1,965 62,701 100520 512503 . Retirement 74,814 2,560 77,374 100540 532501 ECOM- Main & Repairs-Equipment 16,187 (1,660) 14,527 100540 510002 . Salaries & Wages 347,310 1,410 348,720 100540 512501 . FICA 26,941 110 27,051 100540 512503 ” Retirement 34,595 140 34,735 Code [Existing [ Change | Amended BA#53 (con't) —_ To appropriate funds for payment of comp time balances as of the May 27th payroll 104565 472224 Planning- Miscellaneous Rev (12,240)} (2,385) (14,625) 100565 510002 . Salaries & Wages 130,808 2,025 132,833 100565 512501 = FICA 10,010 155 10,165 100565 512503 m Retirement 13,030 205 13,235 100550 510002 Anim Con Salaries & Wages 211,007 1,920 212,927 100550 512501 . FICA 17,331 150 17,481 100550 512503 . Retirement 21,474 190 21,664 0 104880 499500 Fund Balance Appropriated (2,485,011)| (73,520)) (2,558,531) BA#54 To transfer funds from Contingency to Youth Home to prevent overexpenditure of budget 100480 520300 Contingency 65,071 (6,605) 58,466 100640 510004 Youth Home-Salaries & Wages-Overtime 0 4,100 4,100 100640 512501 r -FICA 5,783 315 6,098 100640 512503 . -Retirement 7,537 410 7,947 100640 537508 ’ -Contracted Serv-Other 7,300 1,780 9,080 Code |_Existing | Change | Amended BA#55 To recognize revenue from insurance claims received and appropriate to proper expenditure line item. 104045 485200 Insurance Claims (30,954)| (12,230) (43,184) 100510 5325.02 LE-Main & Rep-Vehicies 71,619 3,165 74,784 100535 5325.02 EMS-Main & Rep-Vehicies 28,937 2,745 31,682 100535 5325.00 EMS-Main & Repairs-Buildings 5,000 1,530 6,530 100540 5325.01 ECOM-Main & Repairs-Equipment 16,187 1,660 17,847 100550 5325.02 Animal Control-Main & Rep-Vehicles 3,900 290 4,190 100565 5800.08 Planning-Capital Outlay-Equipment 16,608 650 17,258 100600 5300.00 41100 | Health-Dept. Supplies 27,504 280 27,784 100600 5325.02 Health-Main & Repairs-Vehicles 5,645 850 6,495 100630 5325.02 DSS-Main & Rep-Vehicles 4.177 1,060 §,237 Commissioner Johnson stated that he would like the Board to review the comp time report on a regular basis (Budget Amendment #53). Commissioner Boone reminded the commissioners that he stressed the practice of using overtime during the budget sessions rather than hiring more staff or having the staff accrue comp time. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the amendments as presented by Mrs. Blumenstein. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 13 “JUN 03 1997 117 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF IREDELL COUNTY’S FY 1997-98 BUDGET: Commissioner Boone explained to the audience that he was satisfied that the proposed budget was the best version that the majority of the Board would agree upon. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to adopt the following Iredell County Fiscal Year 1997-98 Budget Ordinance, Workers’ Compensation Benefits Fund, Health & Dental Care Benefits Fund, Capital Reserve Poor Special Revenue Fund, and the Amended South Iredell Park Fund: BUDGET ORDINANCE 1c 0 7: =. 23 28 IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Iredell County, North Carolina: Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the operation of the County Government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997, and ending June 30, 1998, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this County: County Commissioners 92,653 Administration 202,556 Personnel 114,312 Elections 398,000 Finance 356,470 Tax Assessor 759,565 Tax Collector 346,740 Data Processing 418,125 Register of Deeds 490,835 Maintenance & Support Services 679,325 Garage 177,860 Courts 305,853 Legal 66,000 Economic Development 499,370 General Governmental 857,200 Special Appropriations 1,267,790 Law Enforcement 4,242,744 Criminal Justice/Community Alternatives 134,820 Jail Asitiseeas Fire Marshal 231,843 Emergency Medical Service 2,i7aianre Emergency Communications Op. & Mgmt. 526,200 Animal Control 522,595 Inspections 913,710 Planning 252,515 Mapping 304,845 Cooperative Extension 296,325 Health Department 3,881,725 Social Services Administration 13,065,712 Veterans Service 75,227 Youth Home 161,840 Library 1,328,530 Recreation 556,200 Schools 25,369,425 Debt Service 413,850 Transfers to Other Funds 1,820,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND 65,4 5 14 ry 4 18 Section 2. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998: Taxes: Ad Valorem Current 28,439,100 Ad Valorem 1,100,000 Inventory Tax Reimbursements 1,583,740 Tax Collection Fees 163,600 Tax Penalties and Interest 290,000 Interest on Investments 800,000 Intangible Tax Reimbursement 1,140,000 Beer & Wine Tax 282,900 Local 1 Cent Sales Tax 7,483,600 1983 Local 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 3,726,960 1986 Local 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 3,740,299 ABC - 5-Cent Bottle Tax 21,600 Facility Fees 132,600 Health Department Revenues 2,005,558 Social Services Revenues 6,573,324 Other Revenues 6,188,692 Fund Balance Appropriated 1,822,021 TOTAL REVENUE - GENERAL FUND 65,480,645 Section 3. There is hereby levied a tax rate of $ .45 per One Hundred Dollars Valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 1997. Total property valuation for ad valorem taxes for 1997-98 Fiscal Year is estimated to be $6,562,595,763. The tax collection rate for Fiscal Year 1997-98 is estimated to be 96.3%. Section 4. Schedule B taxes shall be levied in accordance with the North Carolina Revenue Act. Section 5. All ABC - 5 cents Bottle Tax Revenues received from Code 347-01 of the 1997-98 General Fund Revenues are hereby designated to support the County’s 1997-98 appropriation designated for alcoholic rehabilitation programs. Section 6. Capital Outlay funds are appropriated to the two school units as follows: Iredell- Mooresville Statesville Graded School __Schools -— District — SA... Restricted Sale Taxes 2,731,377 622,887 3,354,264 .03 Ad Valorem Taxes 1,616,668 279,272 1,895,940 Additional County Fds 698,703 158,207 856,910 Public School Building Capital Fund 657,167 149,866 807,033 TOTAL 5,703,915 1,210,232 6,9 147 Capital Outlay appropriated by the Board of Commissioners are to be expended for the following categories as contained in G.S. 115C-426(f): (1) Acquisition of land (2) Building acquisition and construction (3) Acquisition or replacement of furnishings and equipment (4) Acquisition of school buses (5) Acquisition of activity buses 15 719 Approved Capital Expenditures for the two school units are as follows: Tredell-Statesville Schools Debt Service on G.O. Bonds 1,980,000 Debt Service on Cert.of Participation 1,598,915 Annual Renovations 192,415 Roofing 314,500 Paving 15,000 Walks/Canopies 12,000 Carpet/Floor Covering 26,000 Boiler/HVAC 78,000 Land Purchase 625,000 Electrical, Plumbing, Electronics 12,300 Fencing/Bleachers 75,000 Groundswork 29,000 Furniture/ Equipment 405,785 Technology 340,000 TOTAL $ 5,703,915 Mooresville Graded School District Category 1 Projects: Roofing Repairs 100,000 HVAC repairs/replacement 40,000 Paving 36,000 Mobile Unit Setup 30,000 Handicap Access 25,000 Carpet Replacement 40,000 Debt Service on G.O. Bonds 459,800 Debt Service on COPS 276,272 Total Category 1 1,007,072 Category 2 projects: Furniture/ Equipment 40,000 Food Service Equipment 13,160 Technology 100,000 Total Category 2 153,160 Category 3 projects: Activity buses 50,000 Total Category 3 50,000 TOTAL $ 1,210,232 Deviation of more than 10% from approved Capital Expenditures will require prior approval from the Iredell County Board of Commissioners. Section 7. Appropriations to Mitchell Community College in the 1997-98 budget are provided as follows: Current Expense 1,156,050 Capital Outlay - Regular 47,725 Capital Outlay - Special Projects 250,000 $ 1,453,775 Section 8. Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Commissioners, the Finance Officer, and the Clerk to the Board for the carrying out of their duties. Section 9. The Budget Officer is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations within a fund as contained herein under the following conditions: 16 420 Approved Capital Expenditures for the two school units are as follows: Tredell-Statesville Schools Debt Service on G.O. Bonds 1,980,000 Debt Service on Cert.of Participation 1,598,915 Annual Renovations 192,415 Roofing 314,500 Paving 15,000 Walks/Canopies 12,000 Carpet/Floor Covering 26,000 Boiler/HVAC 78,000 Land Purchase 625,000 Electrical, Plumbing, Electronics 12,300 Fencing/Bleachers 75,000 Groundswork 29,000 Furniture/Equipment 405,785 Technology 340,000 TOTAL $ 5,703,915 Mooresville Graded School District Category 1 Projects: Roofing Repairs 100,000 HVAC repairs/replacement 40,000 Paving 36,000 Mobile Unit Setup 30,000 Handicap Access 25,000 Carpet Replacement 40,000 Debt Service on G.O. Bonds 459,800 Debt Service on COPS 276,272 Total Category l 1,007,072 Category 2 projects: Furniture/ Equipment 40,000 Food Service Equipment 13,160 Technology 100,000 Total Category 2 153,160 Category 3 projects: Activity buses 50,000 Total Category 3 50,000 TOTAL $ 1,210,232 Deviation of more than 10% from approved Capital Expenditures will require prior approval from the Iredell County Board of Commissioners. Section 7. Appropriations to Mitchell Community College in the 1997-98 budget are provided as follows: Current Expense 1,156,050 Capital Outlay - Regular 47,725 Capital Outlay - Special Projects 250,000 $ 1,453,775 Section 8. Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Commissioners, the Finance Officer, and the Clerk to the Board for the carrying out of their duties. Section 9. The Budget Officer is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations within a fund as contained herein under the following conditions: 16 4 420 (a) The Budget Officer may transfer amounts between objects of expenditure within a department except that no transfers shall be made into or out of salaries without approval by the Board of County Commissioners. (b) The Budget Officer may transfer amounts up to $1,000 between departments of the same fund with an official report on such transfer at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. (c) The Budget Officer may transfer amounts into the salary accounts of any department in order to effect merit increases from funds appropriated for that purpose by the Board of Commissioners. (ad) The Budget Officer may transfer amounts between the departments operated under the authority of the Sheriff of Iredell County. Section 10. Iredell County officials and employees will be reimbursed at a rate of $ .315 per mile for authorized travel on behalf of the county. Section 11. The Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the Iredell County Tax Collector to collect taxes for the City of Statesville, Town of Mooresville, Mooresville Graded School District, Town of Harmony, Town of Love Valley, and Town of Troutman, in compliance with contracts adopted by the respective two governing boards. A charge of one and one-half (1 1/2) per cent of all taxes collected for the taxing districts will be payable to Iredell County for the collection services. Section 12. There is hereby levied a tax rate of $ .03 per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property within the Shepherds Fire District, a tax rate of $ .035 per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property within the Mt. Mourne Fire Tax District, a tax rate of $ .0425 per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property within the East Alexander Fire District, and a rate of $ .05 per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property within the Iredell County Fire District. The estimated tax collection rate for the four fire districts is 95.7%. Property valuation for ad valorem taxes for the fire districts for the 1997-98 fiscal year is estimated to be as follows: Shepherds 412,454,963 Mt. Mourne 457,303,866 East Alexander 42,029,528 Iredell County Fire Serv. Dist. 3,099,429,188 Section 13. The following amounts are to be appropriated for the four fire districts for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998: Shepherds 131,280 Mt. Mourne 180,825 East Alexander 18,925 Iredell County Fire Serv. Dist. 1,627,740 It is estimated that the following revenues will be available for the four fire districts for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998: 17 JUN 93 1997 21 Shepherds Current Ad Valorem Taxes 118,415 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 4,200 Penalties & Interest 650 Elderly Exemption Reimbursement 185 Inventory Tax Reimbursements 6,730 Interest on Investments 1,100 Total Revenues 131,280 Mt. Mourne Current Ad Valorem Taxes 153,175 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 3,800 Penalties & Interest 825 Elderly Exemption Reimbursement 195 Inventory Tax Reimbursements 4,685 Interest on Investments 800 Appropriated Fund Balance 17,345 Total Revenues 180,825 East Alexander Current Ad Valorem Taxes 17,2400 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 500 Penalties & Interest 90 Elderly Exemption Reimbursement 80 Inventory Tax Reimbursement 1,105 Interest on Investments 50 Total Revenues 18,925 Iredell County Fire Tax District Current Ad Valorem Taxes 1,483,080 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 35,000 Penalties & Interest 6,000 Elderly Exemption Reimbursement 2,500 Inventory Tax Reimbursements 98,160 Interest on Investments ite Pe Total Revenues 1,627,740 Section 14. The Board of Commissioners does hereby agree to contract with existing volunteer fire departments in Iredell County to furnish fire protection to the Shepherds, Mt. Mourne, Iredell and East Alexander Fire Districts. The County Finance Officer is instructed not to release funds to the departments unless an executed contract is on file for each individual fire department. Section 15. 911 Operations was established as a self- supporting special revenue fund on July 1, 1991. Revenues are provided to the fund from fees added on to monthly telephone bills. The fee is established at $ .43 per telephone line. ze es estimated that the following revenues will be available for the 911 Operations, beginning July 1, 1997 and.ending June 30, 1998. 911 Telephone Reimbursement 246,884 Interest on Investments 7,000 Total Revenues 53,8 18 722 Section 16. The following amount is to be appropriated in the 911 Operations Fund for the operation and maintenance of the 911 System for the fiscal year July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998. 911 Operations 253,884 Section 17. The Solid Waste Disposal Enterprise Fund was established as of July 1, 1991 for the operation of a baler facility and sanitary landfill. In accordance with G.S. 153A-292, a Waste Disposal Fee of $30.00 per ton for non-residential solid waste processed through the baler facility and disposed of in the lined landfill is established and is effective July 1, 1997. A fee of $17.00 per ton is established for waste processed through the tub grinder, and a fee of $13.00 is established for waste disposal in the construction and demolition landfill effective July 1, 1997. A $3.00 per ton transport fee for commercial waste collected at the Mooresville Transfer Station is effective as of the beginning date of operations at the new facility. The rate for the disposal of friable asbestos is established at $100 per ton and non-friable asbestos at $27.00 per ton, effective July 1, 1997. A Waste Disposal fee of $21.00 per real property household ($10.50 for those taxpayers receiving elderly exemptions) for residential solid waste is established and will be added on all 1997 tax bills and will be collected in the same manner as property taxes in accordance with G.S. 153A-293, and will be collected when delinquent, in the same manner as delinquent real property taxes. It is estimated the following revenues will be available for the fiscal year July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998: Tipping Fee 2,646,590 Special Assessments 934,475 Tire Disposal Reimbursement & Fees 97,400 Town of Mooresville 273,600 Investment Earnings 172,600 Other Revenues 70,290 White Goods Tax Reimbursement 84,000 Contribution from Solid Waste Capital Project Fund - Appropriated Retained Earnings 264,235 TOTAL 4,543,190 Section 18. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Solid Waste Disposal Fund: Administration and Operation 4,543,190 TOTAL 4 3,190 This Ordinance being duly passed and adopted this the gid day of June 1997. 1997-98 Financial Plan WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BENEFITS FUND Fund 062 Iredell County, North Carolina Section 1. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Workers’ Compensation Benefits Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998. Interest on Investments $ 10,500 Contribution from Employer 329,425 TOTAL REVENUES $ 339,925 19 JUN 03 1997 723 a | : (24 Section 2. It is estimated that the following expenditures will be made in the Workers’ Compensation Benefits Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998. Compensation Payments $ 247,708 Base Premium 92,220 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 339.925 s s ad This plan being duly passed and adopted on the 3 June, 1997. day of 1997-98 FINANCIAL PLAN HEALTH/DENTAL CARE BENEFITS Fund 053 Iredell County, North Carolina Section 1. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Health and Dental Care Benefits Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998. HEALTH CARE Interest on Investments 50,000 Contribution from Employer 1,134,720 Contribution from Employees 257,830 Non-employee charges 12,450 Appropriated Fund Balance 168,625 Total 1,623,625 DENTAL CARE Contribution from Employees 108,415 Total 108,415 TOTAL REVENUES ; $ 1,732,040 Section 2. It is estimated that the following expenditures will be made in the Health and Dental Care Benefits Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998. HEALTH CARE Employee Health Payments 1,280,005 Claims Administration Expense 132,750 Stop Loss Insurance Expense 141,180 Other Employee Health Expense 3,000 Employee Life Insurance 41,690 Wellness Incentives 25,000 Total 1,623,625 Employee Dental Payments 99,315 Claims Administration 9,100 Total 108,415 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,732,040 This plan being duly passed and adopted the anh day of June, 1997. CAPITAL RESERVE FUND IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Iredell County, North Carolina: Section 1. This replaces the original Capital Reserve Fund created for the County of Iredell. 20 stion 2. This Capital Reserve Fu. s to extend for a period of five years U-zinning with fiscal year 1997-98. The Capital Reserve Fund is established to accumulate funds for the purchase of land, water and sewer line construction, renovation of buildings, purchase of furniture and equipment for newly constructed, purchased or renovated facilities, renovation and construction of school facilities, or annual debt service on those items heretofore mentioned. Section 3. Funds will be provided by unexpended fund balance of the original Capital Reserve Fund, operating transfers from the General Fund, and interest on investments. The operating transfers are subject to annual appropriations by the Iredell County Board of Commissioners. It is anticipated that the following funds will be available over the life of the fund. Est. Fund Balance at 7/1/97 $ 2,675,000 Investment Earnings 400,000 Transfers from General Fund 97/98 1,820.000 Transfers from General Fund 98/99 - 01/02 at $1,750,000 each year 7.000.000 $11.895.000 Section 4. All projects funded from this Capital Reserve Fund are subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners. It is anticipated that the following amount will be available for approved projects over the life of the fund. Available over life of fund $11.895.000 This ordinance being adopted this the 2 i. of June, 1997. Iredell County, North Carolina SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks Reserve Fund Be it Ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Iredell County, North Carolina: Section 1. This amends the Special Revenue Fund for Recreation Parks for the County of Iredell. Section 2. This Special Revenue Fund is established to accumulate funds for the development of land, construction of parks, and purchase of equipment. Section 3. Funds will be provided by operating transfers from the General Fund, contributions, and interest on investments. The operating transfers are subject to annual appropriation by the Iredell County Board of Commissioners. Section 4. All projects funded from this Special Revenue Fund are subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners and will be accounted for in a Capital Project Fund. Section 5. The Special Revenue Fund originally established for the five-year period beginning with the 1991-92 budget year is amended to extend for an additional three years beginning with the 1996-97 budget year with annual General Fund appropriations of $18,750. Section 6. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available for the Special Revenue Fund for the period July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998: 21 JUN 03 1997 126 Fund Balance, July 1, 1996 $322,680 Unspent operating expenses 95/96 63,395 96/97 appropriation 25,000 Interest on investments est. 17,990 Transfer to South Iredell Park Fund (37,320) 96/97 appropriation 18,750 $410 495 Section 7. It is estimated that the amount reserved for the development of land, construction of parks, and purchase of equipment will be as follows: Available for appropriation $410,495 This Amended Ordinance being adopted this the 3nd day of June, 1997. ee Iredell County, North Carolina Amended South Iredell Park Fund Capital Project Fund Be it Ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Lredell County, North Carolina: Section 1. The following project will be financed by this fund: Stumpy Creek Park Project $500.000 Section 2. Funds for this Capital Project Fund will be provided from the following sources: Transfer to date from Special Revenue Parks Projects $104,377 Parks & Recreation Trust Fund Grant 250,000 Community Contributions 125,000 Transfer from General Fund 96/97, 97/98 12,500 Interest on Investments 8.123 $500.000 Section 3. This Capital Project Fund shall continue until the project is complete. Section 4. Payments from this Capital Project Fund shall be authorized by the County Manager or his designee. This Ordinance being duly adopted this the ; ) NM say of June, 1997. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF $2,700 GRANT AWARD FROM N.C. DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (BUDGET AMENDMENT #57): Mr. Mashburn advised that a $2,700 grant was available from the N.C. Division of Emergency Management. The unsolicited grant is specifically intended for the purchase of a computer and. related equipment/hazardous materials management software. A match is not required of the County. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the $2,700 grant award. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 22 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 13, 1997 (Budget) and May 20, 1997 (Budget/Briefing/Regular): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the referenced minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0O. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #58 FOR THE EBENEZER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT: Susan Blumenstein advised that the Fire Commission on May 29, 1997, unanimously recommended the additional funding of $1,586 to the Ebenezer VFD for reimbursement of funds spent for Hepatitis B tests and immunizations. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve Budget Amendment #58 in the amount of $1,586 for the Ebenezer VFD. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Fire Tax District Board (1 announcement) Mitchell Community College (1 announcement) Statesville Planning Board (2 announcements) Region F Aging Advisory Board (2 announcements) Region F Emergency Medical Services Adv. Council (1 announcement) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Y Chairman Haire nominated Mary Satterf mmissioner Fortner moved that the nominations be closed and appoint Satterfield and Woodsom by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ) Chairman Haire table these two appointments until the June 17 meeting. Sone moved to VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ‘ ¢ Commissioner Fortner nominated Teresa B. Turner for a reappointment. Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and accept Turner by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. LB Commissioner Stewart nominated Eric Fields. Commissioner Fortner nominated Thomas E. Stephens. Commissioner Boone nominated Mitzi Waddell. Commissioner Boone moved to close the nominations, accept Fields, Stephens, Waddell by acclamation, and to table the last appointment until the June 17 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MOORRAVILE Chairman Haire nominated Delores Sink and Nancy Ham DeCaron. Commissioner Boone moved to close the nominations and appoint Sink and DeCaron by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Commissi moved to close the nominations and appoint Haire by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - 0O. Ka os A IPRS +)% MOTION by Commiss ent until the June 17 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 23 JUN 93 1997 20 28 UNFINISHED BUSINESS VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ALLOCATION: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the Fire Commission’s recommendation for the fire department’s individual allocations. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. COUNTY SEAL REGISTRATION: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner for the county attorney and manager to research the procedures in registering the Iredell County Seal for the purpose of insuring that it is exclusively used for Iredell County governmental business. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT PRESENTATION OF THE MENTAL HEALTH CONSULTANT’S STUDY: The mental health study has now been completed and will be presented on Thursday June 5, 1997, 3:30 p.m. The commissioners were invited to attend. JAIL OPEN HOUSE: The Open House for the jail is scheduled for Sunday, June 29, 1997. The public will be invited from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Commissioners will have a private tour at 1:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 17, 1997, 5:00 p.m., for an agenda briefing in the South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. /) Approved: GB ie seer Kir CM V Clerk to the Board File: R.June.3 JUN 03 1997. 24 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES JUNE 17, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met for an Agenda Briefing, Tuesday, June 17, 1997, 5:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Ray Rabe, Health Director Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Director Brent Weisner, Tax Assessor Joe Ketchie, Tax Collector Chuck Gallyon, Fire Marshal Kim Gallyon, Recreation Director Glenn Hedrick, Sheriff's Dept. Jean C. Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. STUMPY CREEK LEASE: Kim Gallyon stated the county attorney was presently reviewing the lease with Duke Power. The delay in finalizing the contract was done in an effort to clarify some federal regulations cited in the document. REQUEST OF HEALTH DEPT. FOR FUNDS TO BE USED FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH STAFF: The health director explained that $10,765 was being requested to fund four environmental health specialists for eight, 8-hour periods (64 total hours per employee). Mr. Rabe mentioned he had learned that money from this year’s budget (lapsed salaries) could be carried over to the FY 98-99 budget. Rabe mentioned that Crescent Resources had advised that 900 new lots would need septic inspections in the near future. Kelly Sheeks, the environmental supervisor, said his staff was already working mandatory overtime, plus he was also working in the field. On a positive note, Sheeks advised that the Mooresville office was up-to-date and was actually helping in the Statesville area. Commissioner Fortner asked the turnaround time for inspections. Sheeks said it was typically about three weeks. Commissioner Stewart asked the percentage of large developments compared to single-family inspections. Sheeks said a rough estimate would be 20% developments and the rest in single- family. REQUEST OF FIRE MARSHAL & N.C. DEPT. OF INSURANCE FOR APPROVAL OF BOUNDARY MAPS/DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE TRINITY, UNION GROVE AND SOUTH IREDELL VFDS: Mr. Gallyon explained that everything was in order for the boundaries to be approved. There are no known problems with any of the descriptions. Attending the meeting along with Gallyon were: Atley Brown (Union Grove), Kent Moore (Trinity) and Andy Webster (Cool Springs). DISCUSSION OF HAULING CONTRACT FOR MOORESVILLE TRANSFER STATION: While the purchasing agent was discussing another item on the agenda the hauling contract for the Mooresville Transfer 1 JUN 17 1997 729 JUN 17 1897 "50 Station was mentioned. Several commissioners advised they had been contacted by the bidder (Holland Transfer) and were told there was a desire to lease county trucks. It was noted that construction was running behind at the station (completion estimated to he September or October). With this delay, it appears that Holland Transfer will probably have enough time to upfit its trucks and not need to lease county vehicles. It was the consensus of the group to not lease the trucks since additional time is available for Holland Transfer to prepare its vehicles. AIRPLANE LISTINGS FOR TAXATION: Commissioner Johnson asked Mr. Weisner, the tax collector, how the staff taxed airplanes. Weisner advised that the local airport sent a listing of all jndividuals/businesses that had hangar space. in addition, the office subscribes to a listing out of Colorado that shows the ownership. If owners do not pay taxes, about the only recourse is to attach the planes. REQUEST TO APPLY FOR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT ($23,107): Gienn Hedrick, Sheriff’s Dept., advised he was seeking permission to apply for a $23,107 grant that will require a 10% match. Hedrick said the money would be used for equipment. He noted that notification of the grant was just received so he couldn’t elaborate on what type of equipment. There is a deadline to apply of July 11, 1997. Blumenstein said "seized funds" could be used for the match. YOUTH HOME UPDATE: Mr. Mashburn advised that the primary houseparents recently submitted their employment resignations (three-day notice). The Youth Home Board concurred with Mr. Mashburn that with the departure of this couple, it will be almost impossible to keep the home open. The reasons are: 1) the other two parents have not completed their training 2) the individual from Youth Homes, Inc., in Charlotte that normally does the training has resigned 3) the youth home has been plagued with constant turnover during the past year and 4) the youth home, as currently organized, is not economically feasible. Mr. Mashburn said he had been reviewing the following options: 1. Contract with a private company (Atlantic Child Development). 2. Contract with Barium Springs Home for Children. 3. Lease the home to another agency (Atlantic Child Development). Atlantic Child Development is a "for profit" group. CBA funds could still be funneled to the County and then be used to pay any "for profit" groups. MENTAL HEALTH STUDY: Mr. Mashburn suggested that the commissioners have a meeting with Marty Knisley of the Technical Assistance Collaborative Company. A date of Monday, June 23, 1997, at 4:00 p.m. was recommended. Mashburn noted the Surry County commissioners had been approached about a merger with Iredell County by the Surry-Yadkin Mental Health Director. Surry has agreed to a merger; however, the Yadkin officials would like to meet with Iredell officials. The Yadkin County Board of Commissioners will meet June 23, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Mashburn and several commissioners will attend. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting for a refreshment break prior to the 7:00 p.m. meeting. 7 approveo: Yat, /5 /77 / Su CCUAL File: June.B.17 J r Clérk to the Board IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES JUNE 17, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on June 17, 1997, 7:00 p.m., in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean C. Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. SPECIAL GUEST: Boy Scout Dan Roseman, of Troop 603, attended the meeting along with his mother, Jan. ADJUSTMENTS OF AGENDA MOTION by Chairman Haire to make the following agenda adjustment: Addition: Request to Apply for Local Law Enforcement Block Grant ($23,107) VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD LK 5 BLUL : outman Shoals noac 5ta spoke in reference to some of his concerns regarding the County. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to have the Clerk to the Board reflect in the minutes that Mr. Hiott addressed the board in reference to some of his concerns. Commissioner Johnson asked if the motion would allow the clerk to mention what the concerns were about. Commissioner Fortner said the minutes were to reflect the actions of the board. Commissoner Boone said the minutes traditionally reflected comments the commissioners made; especially if they (commissioners) desired them in the minutes. Mr. Boone mentioned that Mr. Hiott was present as an “Appointment Before the Board." In this capacity, Boone said he felt the minutes should follow past policy, i.e., describe the concerns if this was normally done. VOTING: Ayes - 3; Nays.- 2 (Boone/Johnson) . ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REQUEST OF MOORESVILLE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRIC™ "OR BUDGET AMENDMENT #3 (CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND): Mrs. Blumenstei.. «ndicated a budget amendment had been submitted that reallocated funds between different expenditure types. Also, the school system has chosen not to make a withdrawal of State Public School Building Capital Funds this year. Blumenstein advised this amendment would not change the total amount of capital appropriations. JUN 17 1997 "31 JUN 17 1997 732 MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the Mooresville School System’s Budget Amendment #3 for capital outlay funds. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD FOR UNSPENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT FUNDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO PARK FUND: Commissioner Johnson said it was a unanimous recommendation from the Recreation Advisory Board that in FY 96-97, and for the continuing three years, that any unspent funds in the recreation budget be placed in the park fund. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the transfer of unspent money in the recreation budget into the park fund for FY 96-97 and for the next three years. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. NOTE: This transfer of unspent funds will end with FY 1999-2000. REQUEST FROM RECREATION DEPARTMENT FOR A LINE ITEM TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO CONTRACTED SERVICES: The county manager advised that the recreation dept. had used subcontractors and temporary service agencies for office and ropes course assistance. This request is to transfer money from part-time salaries into the recreation contracted services line iten. (Mashburn explained that the finance director could transfer funds between line items except into-and-out of salaries.) MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve Budget Amendment #60 to transfer funds from part-time salaries to contracted services. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. REQUEST OF HEALTH DEPT. FOR FUNDS TO BE USED FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH STAFF ($10,765): The health director explained that his department was requesting the creation of four temporary positions at the health dept. to be used on a limited basis. The personnel will help to eliminate the work backlog for septic system inspections. Funding for the employees will come from a line item in this fiscal year’s budget. There will not be a need for any new funds -- funding will be carried over to FY 97-98. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the four temporary positions and transfer $10,765 for this request. (Mr. Boone said there were two dissenting votes on this matter during the health board meeting. He mentioned he voted in favor of the request; however, he did so with some reluctance. Boone also noted that this action was probably the best that could be done in this situation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays ~- 0. REQUEST OF FIRE MARSHAL & N.C. DEPT. OF INSURANCE FOR APPROVAL OF BOUNDARY MAPS/DESCRIPTIONS FOR THREE FIRE DEPARTMENTS: MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the insurance district boundaries for the fire departments of: Trinity, Union Grove, and South Iredell. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. TRINITY FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT SERVED BY: TRINITY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. IREDELL COUNTY Beginning at point (1) at the intersection of SR 1905 and SR 2006; thence southeast to point (2) on SR 1907 at the bridge crossing the Yadkin River; thence south to point (3) on SR 1916, 1.0 miles east of its intersection with SR 1912; thence southerly to point (4) at the intersection of SR 2 1924 and SR 1925; thence southwesterly to point (5) at the intersection of SR 1967 and SR 1926; thence southwesterly to point (6) at the intersection of SR 1930 and SR 1907; thence southwesterly to point (7) on NC highway 115 at its intersection with Morrison Creek; thence northwesterly to point (8) at the intersection of SR 1959 and SR 1645; thence northwesterly to point (9) at the intersection of SR 1551 and SR 1544; thence northwesterly to point (10) at the intersection of SR 1562 and SR 1554; thence northerly to point (11) at the intersection of SR 1569 and SR 1561; thence north to point (12) on SR 1571, .7 mile north of its intersection with SR 1561; thence southeast to point (13) on SR 1575, .3 mile north of its intersection with SR 1561; thence south to point (14) at the intersection of SR 1575 and SR 1561; thence southwest to point (15) at the intersection of SR 1571 and SR 1561, excluding all property on SR 1561, between this and the preceding point; thence northeast to point (16) at the northwest end of bridge on SR 1573; thence east to point (17) at the intersection of SR 1574 and SR 1572; thence east to point (18) on NC Highway 115, .1 mile north of its intersection with SR 1903; thence southeast to point (19) on SR 1903, .7 mile southeast of its intersection with SR 1904; thence southeast to point (1), the beginning. NOTE: This description describes an area of Iredell County pursuant to General Statutes 153A-233 for Insurance Grading Purposes Only. NOTE: Points 3, 4, 5 and 6 are adjoining points with Ebenezer Fire Insurance District. NOTE: Points 7, 8 and 9 are adjoining points with Monticello Fire Insurance District. NOTE: Points 10 and 11 are adjoining points with Stony Point Fire Insurance District. NOTE: Points 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 are adjoining points with Central School Fire Insurance District. UNION GROVE FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT SERVED BY: UNION GROVE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. IREDELL COUNTY Beginning at point (1) at the intersection of NC Hwy 901 and SR 1832; thence north to point (2) at the intersection of SR 1832 and SR1821; thence northeast to point (3) the intersection of SR1813 and SR1829; thence northwest to point (4) on SR1826, 0.9 miles from SR1832at the bridge; thence northwest to point (5) on SR1824 at the Iredell Co. line and the Yadkin Co. line; thence west along the Yadkin Co. line to point (6) the intersection of SR1803 and the Iredell Co. line and Yadkin Co. line. Thence southwest to point (7) the intersection of SR1801 and SR1803; thence southwest to point (8) on NC 901, 1.5 miles west of its intersection with §R1804; thence southeast to point (9) the intersection of SR1863 and SR 1865; thence southeast to point (10) the intersection of SR1861 and SR 1862; thence southeast to point (11) the intersection of SR1860 and SR1876; thence east to point (12) the intersection of SR1868 and SR1878; including all properties there in; thence east to point (13) the intersection of SR1876 and SR1879; thence east to point (14) the intersection of SR1879 and SR1892; thence east to point (15) the intersection of SR1892 and SR1885 ; thence east to point (16) the intersection of SR1891 and SR1852; thence east to point (17) the intersection of SR1891 and Interstate 77 overpass; thence northeast to point (18) the dead-end of SR1981; thence northeast to point(19) on SR1849 0.5 miles from SR1845; thence northeast to point(20) the intersection of SR1982 and SR1845; thence north to point (1) the beginning. NOTE: This description describes an area of Iredell County pursuant to General Statutes 153A-233 for Insurance Grading Purposes Only 3 JUN 17 1997 733 JUN 17 1997 SOUTH IREDELL FLRE INSURANCE DISTRICT SERVED BY: SOUTH IREDELL FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. IREDELL COUNTY Beginning at point (1) on NC Highway 152 at the northeast end of Mooresville City Limits, thence northeast to point (2) at the end of SR 1156; thence southeasterly to point (3) at the intersection of NC Highway 152 and SR 2399; thence northeasterly following the center of SR 2399 to point (4) on NC Highway 150, .2 mile northwest of its intersection with NC Highway 152; thence northeasterly to point (5) on SR 2399, .6 mile northeast of its intersection with SR 2498; thence southeast to point (6) at the intersection of NC Highway 150 and the Iredell/Rown County Line; thence south following the Iredell/Rowan County Line to point (7) at the intersection of SR 1150 and the Iredell/Rowan County Line; thence south to point (8) at the end of SR 1144; thence west to point (9) at the intersection of NC Highway 136 and the Iredell/Cabarrus County Line; thence northwest to point (10) on SR 1142 at its intersection with Dye Creek; thence north following Dye Creek to point (11) on SR 1147, .4 mile west of its intersection with SR 1148; thence following Dye Creek to point (12) at its intersection with the Mooresville City Limits; thence northerly following the Mooresville City Limits to point (1) the beginning. NOTE: This description describes an area of Iredell County pursuant to General Statute 153A-233 for Insurance Grading Purposes. NOTE: This description excludes all property within the City of Mooresville. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ROLL-OFF CONTAINER BIDS: Evie Caldwell had previously explained that bids were opened on June 10, 1997, for eight, 40 cubic yard roll-off containers for the Solid Waste facility. The following bids were received: Kabco, Inc. $24,537.60 Baker Waste Equipment Co. 25,400.00 Cavalier Equipment Co. 27,472.00 Cavalier Equiment Co. (alt.) 29,280.00 Municipal Waste Management 26,552.00 The staff recommends the low bid of Kabco, Inc. The pesticide recycling program will use two of the containers and a State grant will pay for these. There are unused funds in the capital outlay fund which can be used for the other six containers. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the low bid of Kabco, Inc., in the amount of $24,537.60 for the roll-off containers. Commissioner Johnson pointed out to the audience that this money was being taken out of capital outlay -- it is not an additional appropriation of any other money. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MAY REFUNDS/RELEASES: The tax assessor had previously explained that the refunds and releases were in order for approval. The May listing was composed of: RELEASES FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1997 § 25,725.64 Breakdown of Releases: County 15,682.63 Solid Waste Fees 36.00 East Alex. Co. Fire #1 8.91 Shepherd’s Fire #2 19.90 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 48.95 All County Fire #4 353.98 Statesville City 6,157.73 Statesville Downtown Dist. -0- Mooresville Town 2,691.96 Mooresville Downtown Dist. -0- Mooresville School 677.71 4 my 34 Troutman Town 27.85 Harmony Town 20.02 Love Valley Town -0- REFUNDS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1997 4,057.99 Breakdown of Refunds: County 2, 7149.52 Solid Waste Fees 102.00 All County Fire #4 76.84 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 3.67 Shepherd’s Fire #2 31.75 Statesville City 1,016.52 Mooresville Town 62.15 Mooresville School 15.54 MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to approve the May releases and refunds as presented by the tax assessor. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF TAX ASSESSOR: MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to appoint Mr. Brent Weisner as the Iredell County Tax Assessor for a four-year term (July 1, 1997 - June 30, 2001). VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF TAX COLLECTOR: MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to appoint Mr. Joe Ketchie as the Iredell County Tax Collector for a two-year term (July 1, 1997 - June 30, 1999). VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR: MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to appoint Catherine Nichols to the office of Iredell County Deputy Tax Collector and for the appointment term to be the same as the Iredell County Tax Collector (two years ~- July 1, 1997 - June 30, 1999). Compensation to be based on what is allowed by Nichols’ job description title and that being: Assistant Tax Collector. Also, for the bonding requirements to be the same as the tax collector and that under the direction of the tax collector, the deputy tax collector be given the authority to carry out any act that the Iredell County Tax Collector may perform. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING CITY OF STATESVILLE’S DESIGNATION OF ALL-AMERICAN CITY: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adopt the following: RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION HONORING THE CITY OF STATESVILLE AS AN ALL-AMERICAN CITY On behalf of the citizens of iredell County, the Board of Commissioners commends the City of Statesville for receiving the All-American City and Community Award for 1996. This award is a reminder of whet is possible when people puil together to address the critical issues facing their communities. Under the leadership of the All-American City Planning Committee, the City has been able to demonstrate the skills and processes necessary to confront and resolve specific difficulties identified in the community, thereby, meking this a better place for all of us to live. This recognition is a major achievement, and we feel honored by this distinction. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. S JUN 17 1997 JUN 17 1997 136 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MAY 22, 1997 & MAY 27, 1997 (BUDGET) AND June 3, 1997 (BRIEFING & REGULAR): MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the minutes as presented. VOTING: Ayes ~- 5; Nays - QO. REQUEST TO APPLY FOR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT ($23,107): The county manager advised that the County received a staitae grant last year. There are no definite decisions as to how the funds will be expended; however, the Board will still have to approve the final receipt of the grant monies. Authorizaion is requested at this time to apply for the grant. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to grant the request of the Sheriff’s Dept. to apply for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $23,107. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES OCCURRING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS i Chairman Haire advised she had recei' David A. Boone desired to resign from the Fire Commission Board as the commissioner appointee. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS i Commissioner Fortner ' Haire moved that the nominations be closed and appoint Orbison by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. Commissioner Boone noted that Tommy Bowles no longer desired to serve on this board. Boone commented that Bowles had a aifficult job dealing with limited funds. Mr. Boone expressed his appreciation for Mr. Bowles’ six years of County service. Chairman Haire agreed that Mr. Bowles did a good job. Haire also thanked Mr. Boone for his assistance on this board. Commissioner Fortner pp ment to this Board. Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and appoint Stewart by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ; Commissioner Boone Commissioner Johnson nominated Pressly White. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Little and White by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. GION ‘Pp Commissioner Fortner nom : Haire nominated Harriet Lipe. Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and appoint parrierand Lipe by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - O. - GED MEDICAL SERVIC SOR : Nomination of Debbie Rinehardt by Commissioner Fortner. Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and appoint Rinehardt by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. 6 YOUTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (2 appts.): Commissioner Fortner moved to table these appointments until the July 15, 1997, meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. i ‘PLANNING BOARD (i appt.): Nomination of Mark Shumak ner Johnson. Chairman Haire moved to close the nominations and appoint Shumaker by acclamation. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. R ADVISORY COMMITTEE (1 appt.): MOTION by Commis n to table this appointment until the July 15, 1997, meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION ON THE WELFARE REFORM PLANS CURRENTLY BEING STUDIED IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Commissioner Boone mentioned that basically the House and Senate had adopted two separate welfare reform plans. The House plan would allow counties some discretion to set welfare benefit levels and eligiblity standards. The Senate plan is modeled after Governor Hunt’s Work First Program. Boone said he felt the "liberals" wanted tight centralized control. Chairman Haire said she had talked to Representative Frank Mitchell about the matter. Mr. Mitchell said he felt the matter was something that needed to be worked out between the members of the General Assembly. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Mashburn advised that another confirmed case of rabies had been found in the southern end of the County. The total, so far this year, are nine cases compared to last year’s amount of eleven. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire moved to adjourn the meeting until Monday, June 23, 1997, 4:00 p.m., South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center, Statesville, N.C. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Approved: ls. {99 7 SYWat— G . Clerk to the Board File: June.R.17 JUN 17 1997 "37 738 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES JUNE 23, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met June 23, 1997, 4:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room, of the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent Jim Vernon, Director of Support Services Jim Woodie, Municipal Engineering Co. Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. The Board voted to name County Manager Joel Mashburn as Acting Clerk to the Board. REPORT FROM TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COLLABORATIVE (TAC): Marty Knisley represented this consulting firm and reviewed the task she had been charged with, i.e., evaluate the options in providing mental health services to Iredell County citizens. The options are: 1. Form a single county authority and operate as a county department. 2. Form a single-county authority and contract with Columbia-Davis Hospital. 3. Merge with Surry-Yadkin Mental Health Authority (known as Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare). The task of performing the evaluation was approached in the following three ways. 1. Used data collected from the State of North Carolina, Tri-County Mental Health Authority, and others, in conducting an independent review of finances and operations. 2. Interviewed stakeholders (22 individuals). 3. Visited Columbia-Davis Hospital & Surry-Yadkin Mental Health Authority. 4. Interviewed the staff of Tri-County Mental Health Authority. A copy of the report was presented to each commissioner. Ms. Knisley stated the Board of Commissioners needed to be aware that the complexity of mental health programs had increased sharply in the past five years. During this time, Iredell’s services have been curtailed and Tri-County is at the lowest funding level in the State. Knisley mentioned that to get the Iredell program operating again the County needed experience -- whether it contracts or goes with another program. Experience in area programs is essential. Mr. Pope brought up the question about Iredell County assuming some of the liability of Surry-Yadkin. The county attorney also questioned Tri-County Mental Health Authority’s liabilities and receivables. Ms. Knisley stated it was her recommendation for Iredell County to join the Surry-Yadkin Mental Health Authority. She also recommended that the Mental Health Task Force remain in place through the transition and for a while beyond to insure delivery of services. SOLID WASTE FACILITY PHASE II BIDS The next item of business was to review and approve bids for the grading for the landfill expansion. The bids were presented by Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent. The low bid was from White Fox Construction Company. The engineer, Jim Woodie, said he didn’t see any reason why White Fox should be eliminated for this work. Vv. Ww : DR Philips Contracting Co. $ 375,000.00 Robbinsville, NC Triangle Grading & Paving Co. 299,154.00 Burlington, NC Bell Construction 496,210.00 Statesville, NC Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. 298,987.00 Pilot Mtn., NC Gilbert Engineering NO BID Statesville, NC Culp Brothers, Inc. 263,500.00 Gold Hill, NC Neill Grading & Construction NO BID Hickory, NC White Fox Construction 225,420.00 Granite Falls, NC The Board approved the low bid of White Fox Construction Company in the amount of $225,420.00. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 6:00 p.m. Acting Clerk to the Board Approved: | -1IS- 97 File: J.23 “JUN 23 4997 (39 JUL 15 1997 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES JULY 15, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Briefing Session on July 15, 1997, 5:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice M. Stewart Absent: Alice T. Fortner Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director William Allison, Planning Supervisor Brent Weisner, Tax Assessor Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent Ray Rabe, Health Director Al Upton, EMS Director Jean C. Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. DISCUSSION ON REZONING/PLANNING ITEMS: William Allison described all of the planning matters on the agenda. Commissioner Johnson asked when the Land Development Plan would be ready. Allison said five or six months. The estimated completion date is in December. Mr. Johnson asked Allison if he envisioned a "stampede" by area developers before the completion date. Allison said he did not believe this would happen. EMS EMPLOYEE REQUEST FOR AN INCREASE IN VACATION LEAVE ACCRUAL RATE (6.67 HRS. ACCRUAL PER MO. REVISED TO 12 HRS. PER MO. DUE TO PAST EMPLOYMENT WITH ANOTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY) : Al Upton, EMS Director, explained that this employee (Paul Tamer, Operations Mgr.) had an important position at EMS. He advised that the County would not be picking up any past financial liability since Tamer had already been paid out or had used the past vacation time. JUNE RELEASES & REFUNDS: Brent Weisner indicated that everything was in order for approval. He mentioned that his office continued to have problems with the NC Dept. of Motor Vehicles. This is, however, a statewide problen. HEALTH DEPARTMENT ITEMS: Ray Rabe, Health Director, explained the health related items on the agenda. Commissioner Boone asked about the possibility of putting fliers about rabies in the upcoming tax bills. Blumenstein said the bills were to be mailed out around the beginning of August. Rabe said the best way to control the rabies epidemic was to educate county citizens. Mrs. Blumenstein stated she would explore the eos of getting an educational leaflet inserted in the tax bil’s. BOND RATINGS: Chairman Haire mentioned that she, County Attorney Pope, County Manager Joel Mashburn, and Finance Officer Blumenstein recently traveled to New York to meet with officials about the bond ratings for the County. Ratings achieved for the GOB ($22,180,000) 1997 Series are: Standard & Poor: At Moody’s: Aa3 N.C. Municipal Government: 87 ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Haire adjourned at 6:30 p.m. for a refreshment break prior to the 7 o’clock meeting. APPROVED: an pot & (94 ofan Mrw File: BJuly.15 pe erk to the Board oer bis i 4 + 40 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES JULY 15, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on July 15, 1997, 7:00 p.m., in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice M. Stewart Absent: Alice T. Fortner Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean C. Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adjust the agenda by the following: Delete: DSS Employee Request for an Increase in Vacation Leave Accrual Rate (6.67 hrs. accrual per mo. revised to 8 hrs. per mo. due to past employment with another governmental agency) Add: Request of Interstate Development Company (Robert A. Collier, Jr.) for Assistance in the Paving of 0.90 miles of Road Located Adjacent to the Statesville Airport VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENT BEFORE THE BOARD (7:00 p.m.) MR. J.C. BYERS ON BEHALF OF THE BIG BROTHERS / BIG SISTERS PROGRAM: (Note: Mr. Byers was unable to attend the meeting.) PRESENTATION OF SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS PROCLAMATION HONORING JANICE MCQUEEN WARD, STATE WINNER OF THE MRS. NORTH CAROLINA PAGEANT: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adopt the following resolution: RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF JANICE MCQUEEN WARD WHEREAS, the Mrs. North Carolina and Mrs. America pageants are competitions that celebrate the institutions of marriage and family; and WHEREAS, Janice McQueen Ward was crowned Mrs. North Carolina at the state pageant held June 7, 1997, in Wilmington, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, Janice McQueen Ward has brought recognition to herself and Iredell County, North Carolina, by her achievements in the Mrs. North Carolina pageant; and WHEREAS, Janice McQueen Ward will serve as an ambassador for Iredell County when she competes in the Mrs. America pageant to be 1 JUL 15 1997 ‘a C(O held September 6, 1997, in Las Vegas, Nevada. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Iredell County Board of Commissioners is proud to have this opportunity to congratulate Mrs. Ward and to extend best wishes and happiness in her future endeavors. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. PROPOSED ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE HAYWOOD CHAPEL SCHOOL (CLEARVIEW & FAIRDALE ROADS / BETHANY TOWNSHIP) SITE/STRUCTURE AS HISTORIC PROPERTY: Mildred Miller, Chairman of the Iredell County Historical Properties Commission, advised that a title search had been rendered pertaining to this property. She said the school building was worthy of this designation since it represented the only known one-room Black school in Iredell County. The facility operated from the early 1900s through 1948. County Attorney Pope said he had reviewed the ordinance and that it was in keeping with the state statutes. Chairman Haire adjourned the hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING STRUCTURES AND PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE HAYWOOD CHAPEL SCHOOL LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF CLEARVIEW AND FAIRDALE ROADS IN BETHANY TOWNSHIP, IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AS HISTORIC PROPERTY WHEREAS, all the prerequisites to the adoption of this ordinance prescribed in 160A-400.6 and 160A-400.5 of the General Statutes of North Carolina have been met; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has taken into full consideration all statements and information presented at the joint public hearing with the Iredell Historic Properties Commission on the 15th day of July, 1997, on the question of designating Haywood Chapel School with the addition of eight feet from the building on the north, south and to the back of the building, and twelve feet from the front of the porch, as outlined on the Iredell County Tax Map, as historic property; and WHEREAS, the Iredell Historic Properties Commission has demonstrated the historic significance of the building and property; and WHEREAS, the Division of Archives and History of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources has endorsed the finding of the Iredell Historic Properties Commission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Iredell County, North Carolina: 1. That the structure and surrounding property on the corner of Clearview and Fairdale Roads, known as Haywood Chapel School (the only known one-room Black school remaining in the county), Bethany Township, Iredell County, North Carolina is hereby designated as historic property pursuant to 160A-400.6 and 160A- 400.5 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This property is currently owned by Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Howard, 172 Clearview Road, Statesville, NC 28677. For purposes of description only, the locating of said property and building is noted as being situated on a tract of 2 4 A2 property more specifically described in Deed Book 523, page 148 of the Iredell County Registry. 2. That the said buildings and property which have been designated as a historic property may be materially altered, restored, moved or demolished only following the issuance by the Iredell Historic Properties Commission of a certificate of appropriateness or the lapse of one year in accord with the procedures of Sec. 10-176 of the Historic Properties Ordinance. 3. That nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of any exterior architectural feature in or on said building or property that does not involve a change in design, material, or outer appearance thereof, nor to. prevent the construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, demolition, relocation, or removal of any such feature when a building inspector or similar official certifies to the commission that the action is required for the public safety because of an unsafe condition. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the property owner from making any use of this property not prohibited by other statutes, ordinances, or regulations. 4. That a suitable sign shall be posted indicating the said building and property’s designation as historic property and containing any other appropriate information. If the owner objects, the sign shall be placed on a nearby public right of way. 5. That the owner of the buildings and property known as Haywood Chapel School be given notice of this ordinance as required by applicable law and copies of this ordinance be filed and indexed in the offices of the County, Iredell County Register of Deeds, Building Inspection Department and Tax Assessor as required by applicable law. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. PROPOSED ORDINANCE DESIGNATING CAMERON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (SALISBURY ROAD/CHAMBERSBURG TOWNSHIP) STRUCTURE AS HISTORIC PROPERTY: Mildred Miller advised that this church building was worthy of designation since it was built about the end of the Civil War by former slaves from some of Iredell County’s plantations. Cameron Presbyterian Church was one of three of the earliest Black churches in the county. Attorney Pope said he had reviewed the ordinance contents and everything appeared to be in order for adoption. Chairman Haire adjourned the hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING STRUCTURES AND PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE CAMERON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LOCATED ON THE SALISBURY HIGHWAY IN CHAMBERSBURG TOWNSHIP, IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AS HISTORIC PROPERTY WHEREAS, all of the prerequisites to the adoption of this ordinance prescribed in 160A-400.6 and 160A-400.5 of the General Statutes of North Carolina have been met; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has taken into full consideration all statements and information presented at the joint public hearing with the Iredell Historic Properties Commission on the 15th day of July, 1997, on the question of designating the old Cameron Presybterian Church building only as shown on the Iredell County Tax Map, as historic property; and 3 JUL 15 1997 WHEREAS, the Iredell Historic Properties Commission has demonstrated the historic significance of the building and property; and WHEREAS, the Division of Archives and History of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources has endorsed the finding of the Iredell Historic Properties Commission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Iredell County, North Carolina: 1. That the structure on the Salisbury Highway, known as the Old Cameron Presbyterian Church, Chambersburg Township, near Elmwood in Iredell County, North Carolina, owned by Cameron Presbyterian Church, is hereby designated as historic property pursuant to 160A-400.6 and 160A~-400.5 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. For purposes of description only, the location of said property and building is noted as being situated on a tract of property more specifically described in Deed Book 12, page 755 of the Iredell County Registry. 2. That the said building which has been designated as a historic property may be materially altered, restored, moved or demolished only following the issuance by the Iredell Historic Properties Commission of a certificate of appropriateness or the lapse of one year in accord with the procedures of Sec. 10-176 of the Historic Properties Ordinance. 3. That nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of any exterior architectural feature in or on said building or property that does not involve a change in design, material, or outer appearance thereof, nor to prevent’ the construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, demolition, relocation, or removal of any such feature when a building inspector or similar official certifies to the commission that the action is required for the public safety because of any unsafe condition. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the property owner from making any use of this property not prohibited by other statutes, ordinances, or regulations. 4. That a suitable sign shall be posted indicating said building’s designation as historic property and containing any other appropriate information. If the owner objects, the sign shall be placed on a nearby public right of way. 5. That the owner of the buildings and property known as Old Cameron Presbyterian Church be given notice of this ordinance as required by applicable law and copies of this ordinance be filed and indexed in the offices of the County Clerk, Iredell County Register of Deeds, Building Inspection Department and Tax Assessor as required by applicable law. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - O. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing. NON-OWNER REZONING REQUEST; EAST MONBO ROAD AREA, CASE NO. 9706-1: William Allison explained that 80% of the property owners in this case had petitioned to have their property and other property rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural to R-20(CUD), Single Family Residential Conditional Use District with minimum lot size of 40,000 sq. ft. for new development. The location of this request is from East Monbo Road (Troutman’s zoning jurisdiction) to Hudspeth Road. On June 4, 1997, the Planning Board unanimously (9- 0 vote) recommended the approval of this request. Brent Warren (advocate) a resident of this area, advised that a 744 he was in favor of the request. He mentioned the area had traditionally been agricultural and the community desired to remain with a rural atmosphere. Warren mentioned that the neighborhood had worked together in the request and that sacrifice and compromise had been given in achieving the g0% petition. W (opponent) advised he didn’t live in the specified area; however, he owned property here. Mentioned that the 40,000 minimum lot size requirement was radical. Also, mentioned that the current eight businesses located in the area had already created a "mess" for him. Kenneth Darty (Attorney for Buford Warren) jndicated that the 40,000 sq- ft. might be “too much." He mentioned that some people would not be able to afford the lots. Indicated that one-half acre lots or 25,000 sq- ft. would be more reasonable. Commissioner Johnson asked if all petitioners were in favor of the 40,000 requirement. Brent Warren said they were and that this was why he had previously mentioned the sacrifice and compromise statement earlier. (advocate) advised she didn’t live in the proposed zoning; however, she was interested in protecting/preserving the County’s landscape and heritage. Chairman Haire adjourned the hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to rezone the designated area from RA to R-20(CUD), Single Family Residential Conditional Use District with minimum lot size of 40,000 Ssq- ft. for new development. VOTING: Ayes ~ 4; Nays - 0O- Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. NON-OWNER REZONING REQUEST; HARRIS BRIDGE ROAD AREA, CASE NO. 9706-2: William Allison explained that 27 out of 32 property owners (84%) were requesting that their property be rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural to RU-R, Rural Residential District. A total of approximately 1,137 acres of land is involved and it is located on Harris Bridge Road north of Midway Road. On June 4, 1997, the Planning Board unanimously recommended approval of this request. No one spoke in favor /opposition to this request. Chairman Haire adjourned the hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to rezone the designated area from RA to RU-R, Rural Residential District. VOTING: Ayes ~ 4; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. NON-OWNER REZONING REQUEST; MIRACLE FARM ROAD AREA, CASE NO. 9706-3: Planning Supervisor Allison stated that 13 out of 15 different property owners were the applicants in this case (86%). Their request is to rezone approximately 750 acres from RA, Residential Agricultural to R-20, Single Family Residential District. The property location is Miracle Farm Road between Lackey Farm Road and Old Mountain Road. On June 4, 1997, the Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. Marie Hendrix (opponent) advised she was 4 resident of Cleveland County; however, she owned property on Carnell Lane. 5 JUL 15 1997 AS; Hendrix mentioned that she eventually wanted to put a mobile home on her property. Dee Deane (advocate) stated she was the spokesperson for the applicants. Deane advised that there was a large mobile home park on Lindsay Road. The applicants are concerned about potential water and sewer problems in the neighborhood if it becomes too populated. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to accept the unanimous recommendation of the planning board and to rezone this property from RA to R-20 (Single Family Residential District). VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. NON-OWNER PETITION; PRESSLY ACRES/8S. CHIPLEY FORD ROAD AREA, CASE NO. 9706-4: Allison explained that 41 different property owners out of 65 signed this petition (63%). The owners are requesting that approximately 380 acres be rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural to R-20, Single Family Residential District. Mr. Allison mentioned that the property adjoins an existing R-20 District at Red Chimney Road; however, the target area was not totally consistent. In addition, the petition percentages do not warrant a strong request. On June 4, 1997, the Planning Board unanimously recommended a denial of said request. No one spoke in favor/opposition about this matter. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to deny the request. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REZONING REQUEST; SOUTHDELL INC., ET AL. PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9706-5: The planning supervisor advised that Joe Donaldson (President/Southdell, Inc.) was requesting that 21 parcels be rezoned from R-20, Single Family Residential District to R-12 CUD, Single Family Residential Use District with a minimum 15,000 sq. ft. lot requirement. The 21 parcels encompass 9.62 acres and are located in the Donaldson Landing Subdivision (Patience Place off Canvasback Road). On June 4, 1997, the Planning Board recommended approval in a 8-1 vote. (opposition) resident of Canvasback Road stated she wanted to make sure the homes being planned were single-family. spoke on behalf of Mr. Donaldson and advised that the homes would be single-family. Todd Carrey (opposition) a resident of 429 Canvasback Road mentioned that he and his wife enjoyed the rural and natural setting. He mentioned that the rezoning would benefit Mr. Donaldson; however, the adjacent property owners would suffer a reduction in property values. Carrey mentioned that initially the developer chose the quantity of lots for his project. Now, the developer wants "a correction on shortcomings," because he can not put proper sized homes on the lots. Bruce Hicks (advocate) mentioned he was currently building a house in the referenced area. Advised he had problems in finding a house design that fit the lot size. 6 746 Carolyn Newell (opposition) said she was not opposed to a new development, but felt the request should be denied. Requested that the board consider: (a) growth of the area (b) eventual school funds that will be needed and (c) past requests for county parks. Newell asked, "If density is everyone’s concern why are we reviewing a request to put large homes on small lots?" Requested that the commissioners take a stand and let all developers, large and small, know that the Board was supporting responsible growth. (opposition) of 421 Canvasback Road mentioned the developer made the initial mistake of making the lots too small for the proposed homes. Referred to the four mobile units recently placed at Lake Norman Elementary to accomodate the population growth. Cheryl Miller (opposition) resident of Mallard Head community which neighbors the property area in question. Asked that the commissioners look at the "big picture" and the impact the request would make. Approving the request would set a precedent. Asked that the commissioners, between now and when the new Land Use Plan became effective, to maintain the R-20 designation. one of the developers with Southdell advised that the lots were for single-family housing. Mentioned that he had family members living in the area, and that the new homes are intended to be respectable and liveable. , owner of Marshall Bldg. Group, said he was the intended builder of the homes. Marshall passed out circulars to the commissioners that showed what the new homes would look like. Carolyn Newell asked Mr. Marshall what would be the plans for Donaldson Landing if the rezoning request was denied. Marshall said the subdivision was already approved. The construction would go by the original plan. Newell said that she wasn’t opposed to the construction, but the concern was the setback reduction and the precedent this would set. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Chairman Haire to rezone the property from R-20, Single Family Residential District to R-12 CUD, Single Family Residential Use District with a minimum 15,000 sq. ft. lot requirement. (Haire noted that the Planning Board had ruled in favor of the request and that the staff had rendered a favorable opinion.) Commissioners Boone, Johnson, and Stewart expressed difficulty with the request. Johnson mentioned the possibility of public health problems (traffic accidents, safe drinking water) that could occur in this fast-growing area. Boone said one salient factor kept surfacing to him during the discussions on this case. This factor was that the zoning requirements, and the setback requirements for R-20, were exactly the same on the day this project was platted as they are today. Boone said he felt that the individuals that developed the property should have done a plat and made a development that would have worked under the current zoning. Mr. Boone continued to say that the Board saved up money to build Lake Norman Elementary. He mentioned the school was paid for and it was built to accomodate growth -- not to replace an existing school. Boone mentioned it was disheartening to the commissioners that mobile units were already needed at the new school. Chairman Haire said she felt the request would be moving the structures back from the lake to the cul de sac. She said she felt this would be more “user friendly" to the lake. VOTING: Ayes ~ 1 (Haire); Nays ~ 3. 747 Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REQUEST TO AMEND THE IREDELL COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN; REZONING REQUEST; ROBERT A. COLLIER, JR., PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9706- 06: Allison advised that the applicant was requesting a rezoning of a portion of property from RA, Residential Agricultural to GB, General Business District & M-1, Light Manufacturing District. Approximate size of the area is 19 acres and it is located on Munday Road at Bethlehem Road & Hickory Hwy; more specifically identified as a portion of PIN#4713684527 & 4713780530. The proposed use of the property is a race shop. On June 4, 1997, the Planning Board unanimously recommended amending the Land Development Plan. It also approved the rezoning request. Robert Collier, owner of the property, said he did not know of any opposition to the request. Chairman Haire adjourned the hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to amend the Land Use Plan in reference to this request. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to rezone a portion of the property from RA, Residential Agricultural to GB, General Business District & M-1, Light Manufacturing District. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the following planning matters which were described and recommended for approval by the planning staff: e Approval of Surety Bond for The Harbour/Phase IV : Crescent Resources requested the approval of this bond that was issued for the completion of street improvements. The bond (#B2755647) was issued by Reliance Insurance Company of Pennsylvania in the amount of $54,000. * Release of Part of a Cash Bond for the River Walk j : KEJ Marketing Co., Inc., requests the release of part of a bond being held for this subdivision. Receipt #1722, in the amount of $159,000, is being held. Since grading, seeding, and landscaping have been completed, the developer requests the release of $74,000 leaving a balance of $85,000. e Release of Part of a Cash Bond for the River Walk j : KEJ Marketing Co., Inc., requests the release of part of a bond being held for this subdivision. This bond, in the amount of $41,600, is currently being held. Since grading/seeding/landscaping have been completed, the developer requests the release of $19,600 leaving a balance of $22,000. * : Stumpy Creek LLC requests the release of part of a bond being held for this development. Receipt # 2387 in the amount of $36,182 is currently being held. Since the paving has been completed, the developer requests the release of $33,100 thus leaving a balance of $3,082. e : This Letter has been issued for the Troutman Trace Subdivision/Section Three. The property is located off Buffalo Shoals Road on Clara Drive. Letter of Credit #97-094 was issued by Centura Bank of Rocky Mount in the amount of $30,000 for surveying/seeding/paving. é /48 e Approval of a Reduced Letter of Credit for Kenneth B. Crump: This Letter pertains to the Buffalo Shoals National Golf Club Estates. The initial Letter of Credit (#96-186) was issued for $126,000. A reduction to $18,000 is requested due to the completion of survey ing/paving. e Approval of a Letter of Credit for the Crandall & O’Brien j Co.: This Letter is for the Somerset Subdivision for street improvements/surveying/water system. Letter of Credit #452-0022487/01071 was issued by BB&T in the amount $70,000 to cover the completion of street improvements, surveying and a water system. VOTING: Ayes ~- 4; Nays ~ 0. REQUEST OF MR. JOHN SHELTON FOR THE REMOVAL OF A VESTED RIGHT REGARDING RIVER HWY/NC 150 & QUIET COVE ROAD: Allison explained that Mr. Shelton was requesting that the County grant him removal of a vested right approved on December 1, 1993. At that time, he was granted the right to undertake and complete a commercial retail facility identified on a site specific plan (in order to "beat" watershed guidelines). Mr. Shelton now desires the vested right be removed. (Allison stated that Section 105.6.1 of the zoning ordinance allowed owners to make termination requests. ) MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to grant Mr. Shelton’s request of the removal of a vested right. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF A NON-CONFORMING USE PERTAINING TO PROPERTY OWNED BY ROGER & KATHY MCLELLAND ON WILKESBORO HWY.: Mr. Allison explained that the McLellands were seeking an expansion of a non-conforming business in conjunction with Section 60.5.2.B.1 of the zoning ordinance. The applicants plan to build an addition (100’x100’) to their current facility for warehouse space. On July [. sees the planing board gave 4a favorable (unanimous) recommendation for the request. Commissioner Stewart asked how the present structure was used, and Allison stated it was a textile (knitting) facility. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to grant the proposed expansion of a non-conforming use as recommended by the planning board. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays ~ oO. REQUEST FROM NCDOT FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF 5R 2705/MUNDAY ROAD FROM THE STATE MAINTAINED SYSTEM: This request was submitted by the local Dept. of Transportation District Engineer. Allison explained the section to be abandoned was 625 linear feet in length. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to accept the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s request for the abandonment of a portion of $R2705/Munday Road from the state maintained system. VOTING: Ayes ~- 4; Nays ~ 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS REGARDING 5R 2705/MUNDAY ROAD: Several items are necessary for the abandonment of a portion of $R2705-Munday Road. Allison reviewed all of the requests and advised that all items were ready for approval. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to: e Approve the Petition Requesting Abandonment of a Portion of SR 2705/Munday Road e Approve the following Resolution of Intent to Abandon a Portion of SR 2705/Munday Road e Call for a Public Hearing in reference to the abandonment 9 714 JUL 15 1997 , of a Portion of SR 2705/Munday Road on August 19, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. kkk Rk RESOLUTION OF INTENT BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSONERS, IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TO ABANDON A PORTION OF STATE ROAD 2705, MUNDAY ROAD WHEREAS, in 1980, the NC Department of Transportation re-routed a portion of SR 1363, also known as Bethlehem Road, from US Highway 70 around the west end of Statesville Airport, so that it intersects with the existing road continuing to Old Mountain Road; and WHEREAS, the remaining portion of SR 1363 was renumbered SR 2705, also known as Munday Road; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has no desire to continue maintenance of the section of Munday Road involved in the petition, and Petitioner is informed and believes that the Department consents to the abandonment by lredeli County; and WHEREAS, Munday Road SR 2705 is a rural paved road, a portion of which crosses the property of Petitioner for a distance of 600 feet and dead-end on the property of Petitioner; and WHEREAS, the section of Munday Road that Petitioner seeks to have abandoned is approximately six hundred feet (600) in length, and is bound on east, west and south by lands of the Petitioner; as shown by Iredell County Tax Map #4713 Lot#4713 68 4527, and WHEREAS, the land owner has other more convenient access to the property and consents to the abandonment of the road pursuant to G.S. I53A-241; and WHEREAS, the abandonment of a portion of said street is not contrary to the public interest and no other individual owning property on said street other than Credit and Loan Co. would be deprived of reasonable means of ingress or egress to his/her property. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners of Iredell County, North Carolina, that they do hereby declare their intention to abandon that portion of the public road herein described, and do call a special hearing on the question to be held on the 9th day of August, 1997, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Iredell County Government Center (Old Courthouse) at 200 S. Center Street, Statesville, North Carolina; and that a copy of this resolution be posted, published and mailed by registered or certified mail as required by G.S. I53A-241. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF LAKE NORMAN VFD FOR APPROVAL OF TAX-EXEMPT LOAN FORM TO BE COMPLETED FOR FIRST CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY IN REFERENCE TO TRUCK PURCHASE: Mr. Frank Phillips, Treasurer of the Lake Norman VFD, presented this request. He advised that a community meeting was held July 14, 1997, and there was no opposition voiced about the $230,000 fire truck loan. Phillips said his department was merely asking the commissioners to approve the completion of a certificate stating that the Lake Norman VFD was a tax-exempt agency. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the completion of the certificate indicating that the Lake Norman VFD was a tax- exempt entity. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. 10 ry é o0) REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION/DOCUMENTS PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $22,180,000 IN GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS (SERIES 1997): Attorney Pope summarized the submitted bond documents in conjunction with the bond referendum approved by county voters on May 7, 1996. Pope explained that the bonds were of the general obligation type which means that the full faith, credit and taxing power of the County would be pledged to secure the bonds. The bonds will mature annually on February 1, starting in 1999 and will have $1,200,000 maturing every February 1 from 1999 through 2016 and one final payment on February 1, 2017, of $580,000. The Local Government Commission will determine the interest rate on the day the bonds are sold. It is anticipated the bonds will be issued in $5,000 denominations, and they will be in high demand. Mr. Pope went on to say that the staff and chairman recently went to New York in an attempt to improve the county’s credit rating. The rate was improved, and it is estimated that a substantial amount of money has been saved by this effort. Commissioner Boone pointed out that the bonds can be redeemed (whatever is outstanding) after the year 2008. There is, however, a slight penalty if this occurs. Pope said this information was correct. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to introduce the following resolution: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $22,180,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES 1997 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Iredell: SECTION 1. The Board of Commissioners has determined and does hereby find and declare: (a) That an order authorizing not exceeding $22,180,000 School Bonds was adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Iredell on March 5, 1996, which order was approved by the vote of a majority of the qualified voters of said County at a referendum duly called and held on May 7, 1996. (b) That none of said bonds have heretofore been issued, that no notes have been issued in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, and that it is necessary to issue all of said bonds at this time. (c) That the maximum period of usefulness of the improvements to be undertaken with the proceeds of said bonds to be issued is estimated as a period of not less than 30 years from August |, 1997, the date of said bonds to be issued as hereinafter provided, and that such period expires on August 1, 2027. SECTION 2. Pursuant to said order, there shall be issued bonds of the County of Iredell, North Carolina (the “Issuer’) in the aggregate principal amount of $22,180,000, designated “General Obligation School Bonds, Series 1997," and dated August |, 1997 (the “Bonds"). The Bonds shall be stated to mature (subject to the right of prior redemption as hereinafter set forth) annually, February |, $1,200,000 1999 to 2016, inclusive, and $580,000 for 2017, and shall bear interest at a rate or rates to be determined by the Local Government Commission of North Carolina at the time the Bonds are sold, which interest to the respective maturities thereof shall be payable on February 1, 1998 and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1 of each year until payment of such principal sum. Each Bond shall bear interest from the interest payment date next preceding the date on which it is authenticated unless it is (a) authenticated upon an interest payment date in which event it shall bear interest from such interest payment date or (b) authenticated prior to the first interest payment date in which event it shall bear interest from its date; provided, however, that if at the time of authentication interest is in default, such Bond shall bear interest from the date to which interest has been paid. The principal of and the interest and any redemption premium on the Bonds shail be payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts on the respective dates of payment thereof. The Bonds will be issued by means of a book-entry system with no physical distribution of Bond certificates to be made except as hereinafter provided. One fully-registered Bond certificate for each stated maturity of the Bonds, registered in the name of Cede & Co., the nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York ("DTC"), will be issued and required to be deposited with DTC and immobilized in its custody. The book-entry system will evidence beneficial ownership of the Bonds in the principal amount of $5,000 or any multiple thereof, with transfers of beneficial ownership p JUL 15 1997 Vol 7 32 effected on the records of DTC and its participants pursuant to rules and procedures established by DTC and its participants. The principal of and any redemption premium on each Bond shall be payable to Cede & Co. or any other person appearing on the registration books of the Issuer hereinafter provided for as the registered owner of such Bond or his registered assigns or legal representative at such office of the Bond Regist:ar mentioned hereinafter or such other place as the Issuer may determine upon the presentation and surrender thereof as the same shall become due and payable. Payment of the interest on each Bond shall be made by the Bond Registrar on each interest payment date to the registered owner of such Bond (or the previous Bond or Bonds evidencing the same debt as that evidencd by such Bond) at the close of business on the record date for such interest, which shall be the [5th day (whether or not a business day) of the calendar month next preceding such interest payment date, by check mailed to such person at his address as it appears on such registration books. Transfer of principal, interest and any redemption premium payments to participants of DTC will be the responsibility of DTC, and transfer of principal, interest and any redemption premium payments to beneficial owners of the Bonds by participants of DTC will be the responsibility of such participants and other nominees of such beneficial owners. The Issuer will not be responsible or liable for such transfers of payments or for maintaining, supervising or reviewing records maintained by DTC, its participants or persons acting through such participants. In the event that (a) DTC determines not to continue to act as securities depository for the Bonds or (b) the Director of Finance and Administrative Services of the Issuer determines that continuation of the book-entry system of evidence and transfer of ownership of the Bonds would adversely affect the interests of the beneficial owners of the Bonds, the Issuer will discontinue the book-entry system with DTC. If the issuer identifies another qualified securities depository or its nominee in exchange for the outstanding Bonds, and the references to DTC or Cede & Co. in this resolution shail thereupon be deemed to mean such other depository or its nominee. If the Issuer fails to identify another qualified securities depository to replace DTC, the Issuer will deliver replacement Bonds in the form of fully-registered certificates in the denomination of $5,000 or any multiple thereof ("Certificated Bonds") in exchange for the outstanding Bonds as required by DTC and to others. Upon the request of DTC, the Issuer may also deliver one or more Certificated Bonds to any participant of DTC in exchange for Bonds credited to its account with DTC. Unless indicated otherwise, the provisions of this resolution that follow shall apply to all Bonds issued or issuable hereunder, whether initially or in replacement thereof. Section 3. The Bonds shall bear the manual or facsimile signatures of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the Issuer and the Clerk to said Board and the official seal or a facsimile of the official seal of the Issuer shall be impressed or printed, as the case may be, on the Bonds. The certificate of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina to be endorsed on all Bonds shail bear the manual or facsimile signature of the Secretary of said Commission and the certificate of authentication of the Bond Registrar to be endorsed on ail Bonds shall be executed as provided hereinafter. In case any officer of the Issuer or the Local Government Commission of North Carolina whose manual or facsimile signature shall appear on any Bonds shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such Bonds, such manual or facsimile signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he had remained in office until such delivery, and any Bond may bear the manual or facsimile signatures of such persons as at the actual time of the executive of such Bond shall be the proper officers to sign such Bond although at the date of such Bond such persons may not have been such officers. No Bond shall be valid or become obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any benefit or security under this resolution until it shall have been authenticated by the execution by the Bond Registrar of the certificate of authentication endorsed thereon. The Bonds to be registered in the name of Cede & Co. and the endorsements thereon shall be in substantially the following forms: United States of America State of North Carolina County of Iredell General Obligation School Bond, Series 1997 Matu at Interest Rate CUSIP February 1, ..... re ee he The County of Iredell, North Carolina (the “issuer"), a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, is justly indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay to CEDE & Co. or registered assigns or legal representative on the date specified above, upon the representation and surrender hereof, at the office of the Director of Finance and Administrative Services of the issuer (the "Bond Registrar’), the principal sum of wsseee THOUSAND DOLLARS and to pay interest on such principal sum from the date hereof or from the February | or August | next preceding the date 12 of authentication to which interest shall have been paid, unless such date of authentication is a February | or August | to which interest shall have been paid, in which case from such date, such interest to the maturity hereof being payable on February |, 1998 and semiannually thereafter on February | and August | in each year, at the rate per annum specified above, until payment of such principal sum. The interest so payable on any such interest payment date will be paid to the person in whose name this bond (or the previous bond or bonds evidencing the same debt as that evidenced by this bond) is registered at the close of business on the record date for such interest, which shall be the [5th day (whether or not a business day) of the calendar month next preceding such interest payment date, by check mailed to such person at his address as it appears on the bond registration books of the Issuer. Both the principal of and the interest on this Bond shall be paid in any coin or currency of the United States of America that is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts on the respective dates of payment thereof. For the prompt payment hereof, both principal and interest as the same shall become due, the faith and credit of the Issuer are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of an issue of bonds designated "General Obligation School Bonds, Series 1997" (the “"Bonds") and issued by the Issuer for the purpose of providing funds, together with any other available funds, for financing school facilities, and this bond is issued under and pursuant to The Local Government Bond Act, as amended, Article 7, as amended, of Chapter 59 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, an order adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the Issuer, which order was approved by the vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the County of Iredell who voted thereon at a referendum duly called and held, and a resolution duly passed by said Board (the “Resolution’). The Bonds maturing prior to February 1, 2008 are not subject to redemption prior to maturity. The Bonds maturing on February 1, 2008 and thereafter may be redeemed, at the option of the Issuer, from any moneys that may be made available for such purpose, either in whole or in part on any date not earlier than February |, 2007, at the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed, together with interest accrued thereon to the date fixed for redemption, plus a redemption premium of V/2 of 1% of the principal amount of each Bond to be redeemed for each period of I2 months or part thereof between the redemption date and the maturity date of such Bond, such premium not to exceed 2% of such principal amount. If less than all of the Bonds of any one maturity shall be called for redemption, the particular Bonds or portions of Bonds of such maturity to be redeemed shall be selected by lot in such manner as the Issuer in its discretion may determine; provided, however, that the portion of any Bond to be redeemed shall be in the principal amount of $5,000 or some mutiple thereof and that, in selecting Bonds for redemption, each Bond shall be considered as representing that number of Bonds which is obtained by dividing the principal amount of such Bond by $5,000; provided further, however, that, so long as a book-entry system with The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York ("DTC"), is used for determining beneficial ownership of Bonds, if less than all of the Bonds within a maturity are to be redeemed, DTC shall determine by lot the amount of the interest of each DTC direct participant in the Bonds to be redeemed. if less than all of the Bonds stated to mature on different dates shall be called for redemption, the particular Bonds or portions of Bonds to be redeemed shall be called in the inverse order of their maturities. Not more than sixty (60) nor less than thirty (30) days before the redemption date of any Bonds to be redeemed, whether such redemption be in whole or in part, the Issuer shall cause a notice of such redemption to be filed with the Bond Registrar and given by certified or registered mail to Cede & Co. at its address appearing upon the registration books of the Issuer. On the date fixed for redemption, notice having been given as aforesaid, the Bonds or portions thereof so called for redemption shall be due and payable at the redemption price provided for the redemption price and the accrued interest have been deposited by the Issuer as provided in the Resolution, interest on the Bonds or the portions thereof so called for redemption shall cease to accrue. If a portion of this Bond shall be called for redemption, a new Bond or Bonds in principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion hereof will be issed to Cede & Co. or its legal representative upon the surrender hereof. The Bonds are being issued by means of a book-entry system with no physical distribution of bond certificates to be made except as provided in the Resolution. One Bond certificate with respect to each date on which the Bonds are stated to mature, in the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds stated to mature on such date and registered in the name of Cede & Co., a nominee of DTC, is being issued and required to be deposited with DTC and immobilized in its custody. The book-entry system will evidence ownership of the Bonds in the principal amount of $5,000 or any multiple thereof, with transfers of ownership effected on the records of DTC and its participants pursuant to rules and procedures established by DTC and its participants. Transfer of principal, interest and any redemption premium payments to participants of DTC will be the responsibility of DTC and transfer of principal, interest and any redemption premium payments to beneficial owners of the Bonds by participants of DTC will be the responsibility of such participants and other nominees of such beneficial owners. The Issuer will not be responsible or liable for such transfers of payments or for maintaining, supervising or reviewing the records maintained by DTC, its participants or persons acting through such participants. in certain events, the Issuer will be authorized to deliver replacement Bonds in the form of fully-registered certificates in the denomination of $5,000 or any multiple thereof in exchange for the outstanding Bonds as provided in the Resolution. At the office of the Bond Registrar, in the manner and subject to the conditions provided in the Resolution, Bonds may be exchanged for an equal aggregate principal amount of Bonds of the same maturity, of authorized denominations and bearing interest at the same rate. The Bond Registrar shall keep at his office the books of the Issuer for the registration of transfer of Bonds. The transfer of this Bond may be registered only upon such books and as otherwise provided in the Resolution upon the surrender hereof to the Bond Registrar together with an assignment duly executed by the registered owner hereof or his attorney or 13 JUL 15 1997 798 a 5 4 legal representative in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Bond Registrar. Upon any such registration of transfer, the Bond Registrar shall deliver in exchange for this Bond a new Bond or Bonds, registered in the name of the transferee, of authorized denominations, in an aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed principal amount of this Bond, of the same maturity and bearing interest at the same rate. The Bond Registrar shall not be required to exchange or register the transfer of any Bond during a period beginning at the opening of business fifteen (15) days before the day of the mailing of a notice of redemption of Bonds or any portion thereof and ending at the close of business on the day of such mailing or of any Bond called for redemption in whole or in part pursuant to the Resolution. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of North Carolina to happen, exist and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond have happened, exist and have been performed in regular and due form and time as so required; that provision has been made for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all taxable property within the boundaries of the Issuer sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on this Bond as the same shall become due; and that the total indebtedness of the Issuer, including this Bond, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation thereon. This Bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any benefit or security under the Resolution until this Bond shall have been authenticated by the execution by the Bond Registrar of the certificate of authentication endorsed hereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer, by resolution duly passed by its Board of Commissioners, has caused this bond to be manually signed by the Chairman of said Board and the Clerk to the said Board and its official seal to be impressed hereon, all as of the Ist day of August, 1997. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Stewart, to approve the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $22,180,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS SERIES 1997." VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. (Absent during vote: Commissioner Alice T. Fortner) REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TOTAL COST BID FOR WHEEL LOADERS FOR THE SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT: The county manager explained that in 1992 total contract purchasing was initiated at the landfill for heavy equipment. During that time, three loaders were purchased from Carolina Tractor & Equipment Co. An agreement was established as to how much the vendor would purchase the loaders back during a five to ten year period. It has been determined that it would be advantageous to retain one loader due to some recent major repairs. The other two pieces will be sold back to Carolina. The County desires to buy two new loaders under the same arrangement. A purchase price of $102,262 has been given for one loader. There is a guarantee of a repurchase price of $36,600 at the end of five years. The other loader is priced at $121,418 with a guarantee of $49,000 as a repurchase price (after five years). The total cost excluding the repurchase price is $157,840 ($170,000 was budgeted). MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the total cost bid for wheel loaders in the amount of $157,840. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF INTERSTATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (ROBERT A. COLLIER, JR.) FOR ASSISTANCE IN THE PAVING OF 0.90 MILE OF ROAD LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE STATESVILLE AIRPORT: Commissioner Johnson thanked the Statesvile Airport Commission Chairman, L.A. Parks, and the other members of the airport commission, for the work done in expanding the tax base of Iredell County and offering an industrial recruiting tool. Johnson explained that the County was now being asked to contribute $8,333.33 towards the paving of the new airport road from Bethlehem Church Road to the existing hangar access road. The City of Statesville and Interstate Development Corporation will also be asked to each fund $8,333. The NCDOT has estimated the total project cost to be $125,000. DOT officials have advised they will contribute $100,000 if $25,000 can be derived from other sources (City/County/Interstate Dev. Corp.). In addition to 14 Interstate’s road paving contribution, it has also agreed to pay the cost of an "attractive" entrance at Bethelehem Church Road. It is anticipated that Bill Elliot will construct a new racing facility adjacent to the airport. When this occurs, Johnson said the County will retrieve its monetary contribution back in two years or less. (This js not including any machinery located in the building.) Johnson said he thought the $8,333 investment was a good idea as it would expand the tax base and open up areas for investment in the future. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to initiate Budget Amendment #1 for the purpose of appropriating $8,333.33, to be derived from contingency, for the purpose in assisting in the paving of the new airport road. For clarification, Commissioner Stewart asked who should receive the money. Mr. Collier said DOT needed the money before the project began and that the check in the amount of $8,333.33 needed to be written to the N.C. Dept. of Transportation. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF EMS EMPLOYEE FOR AN INCREASE IN VACATION LEAVE ACCRUAL RATE (6.67 HRS. ACCRUAL PER MO. REVISED TO 12 HRS. PER MO. DUE TO PAST EMPLOYMENT WITH ANOTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY): The EMS Director advised during the briefing that his new operations manager (Paul Tamer) was seeking the approval of this request. Tamer began work with Iredell County on July 1, 1997. Prior to this, he worked approximately four years with the Forsyth County EMS and seven years with Mecklenburg EMS. Iredell County employees with 11 years of service fall into the current "10 but less than 15 years" accrual bracket. These employees are given 12 hours of vacation per month. Due to Tamer’s past governmental employment, it is requested that his monthly vacation accrual rate be 12 hours per month. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to grant Mr. Tamer’s request and increase his vacation accrual rate to 12 hours per month. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF JUNE REFUNDS/RELEASES: MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the following refunds and releases which were presented and recommended for approval by the Tax Assessor during the briefing session. RELEASES FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1997 $37,256.39 Breakdown of Releases: County 23,921.01 Solid Waste Fees 102.00 E. Alexander Fire #1 -0- Shepherds Fire #2 67.89 Mt. Mourne Fire #3 106.74 All County Fire #4 648.72 Statesville City 8,138.65 Statesville Downtown 803.40 Mooresville Town 2,762.76 Mooresville School 675.24 Mooresville Downtown -0- Troutman Town 29.73 Harmony Town eae Love Valley Town -0- REFUNDS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1997 $ 189.84 Breakdown of Refunds: County 161.10 All County Fire #4 10.74 Solid Waste Fee 18.00 VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. 15 JUL 15 1997 735 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR GRANT MONEY TO SUPPORT SUMMER SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITY & REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR ADDITIONAL WIC GRANT MONIES: Ray Rabe, the health director, previously explained (briefing session) that the environmental health division had the opportunity to apply for $988 in federal grant funds to support the inspection and monitoring of 19 summer food service program feeding sites in the Iredell-Statesville School System. The local board of health has approved this request, and the application needs to be in Raleigh by August 1. Also, Mr. Rabe had previously explained that approval is requested to receive an additional $860 from the WIC Grant. The $860 will be used in the Contracted Services line ($430 into Nutrition Education and $430 into Client Services). MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to issue Budget Amendment #2 which will approve these two requests, i.e., allow the environmental health department to apply for $988 in federal funds and allow the acceptance of $860 in additional WIC Grant Funding. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FY 97-98 HEALTH FEE SCHEDULE: Commissioner Stewart noted to the audience that few changes were made in the fee schedule. Commissioner Boone advised that over 90% of the fees remained the same. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to adopt the 1997-98 Health Fee Schedule as was approved by the Iredell County Board of Health. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. FEE SCHEDULE - FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 Effective 7/1/97 thru 6/30/98 PREVENTIVE HEALTH DIVISION FY°96-’97 FY°97-"98 CHILD HEALTH BT Ps CIR ec ce ce ic tc ent eweneseys $88.82 ... $88.82 I RRM gk eb ec ech eect esse ee eeeetesne ees S790 «sa Sree GIFT MIUTIIGN on ie cca cr ene ssaevesvaies S20 5.5. eee Periodic Screening 100% ........ 2. cece eee eee eee eeees Co.ar 5... Se ls case abate nee eaes tue ein dak ote ns eae Interperiodic Screening .......-- eee eee eee erect eee neeees 2.65 .... ho FAMILY PLANNING 100% Pay Pe a eA Fe re Ss ce Caer $152.75. . 3452.73 Pe ND ob re es eee a cee ee ew ees 1.55.5 OS ee nr rr rr rer eee er 79.16 ...5 Th eg re rr ee A328 .:+> Sane Depo-provera injection ....... ccc cece eee reeeseencens 20.6 sss ae Pee IE ae eae ere heen cele eas rs BAM ee ees 5.00 XIX Medicaid i eri ei ec eee Vee hee eh ee SOC $192.75: .. 3182.7 PE TN ik 6 dea Chic res age ee kta bende cheeks 96.50) ...3 Fae aan rare wera rea rer 7046 .s5s/ 00 ON WOE DOVES 6 ii ke wie eee e eee ies O28 i... 48 PE oo er iene keV esas cep an eases 504.90 ... 504.90 PO NE 6 hi caw ree heats caves eens 7.4): . 55 ah Norpiant Removal & Reintertion . 1... etre ener ncese 645.91 ... 645.91 ee ee rer 71. kao eee LABORATORY ho ay os be Fea 6 a A ee es ae ee $10.00 ... $10.00 Comes 2s Cees Bawiovens Gel). 5 5k. ek eect es ene 20.00 .... 20.00 eo eee ee rEeeR eee 20.00 .... 20.00 oe ee er err. errr er 151i i. .5 es 16 ry MATERNAL HEALTH BABY LOVE (Medicaid) FY’96-'97 FY’97-98 AAs PANU COUN COGIRRI gc kk bc ee bales ee ea Oia? .. Slee eee Vee rds wel e een ne ee ce SiO) oss s She i a ee Da.0a 3's Shee ee ee eek ee hea ee 8 ks ee Me I i ke rs a seeks, 54.606 .... 34.66 Wr I Oe heey cele esse reel Team .i+s TO CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH SERVICES ei i es ee ee $68.76. ... $68.76 WO ie ea eel a ee 60.76 .... 66.76 ADULT HEALTH IN as a a kd eo ins rs i es $20.00 ... $25.00 7 cee TOM CS 8. ei ie 6 ee Ge PUiee icc tee RE PRN FEO gos hes oe co eee ede ee eces jp tee ke ee 7.00 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (Medicaid) WO PE 5 eh er es ee Pe iii $40.99 ... $40.99 HIY Case Management (Unit rate:1§ min.) ............000cccccs 12 «3+, We PRENATAL (Medicaid) i oh ee ee ee $94.00 ... $94.00 iy ee ee oe ee a oe.14 2... 4 Post Partum Home Visit - Maternal Assessment. ................. 40.61 .... 4061 Post Partum Home Visit - Newborn Assessment ...............4- O07) 56s Oe es nab vee sdk hen wk caawceal “0.2? ...: Ge ie ic wie fe ee We .... 2 os ods iv a So peo kd eS acces bok 108.05 ... 108.05 IMMUNIZATIONS es ei eure vknec eee poae $10.00 ... $35.00 os ck bbb eR Oboe wei Oe kk es, 10.00 .... 10. Ne I OU i hohe kk ee 10.00 .... 20.00 (no charge for indigent patients) a oc sas 6 ee ek ee $8.00 .... $8.00 Po ke ok eb as ds ew ws ce eke ee ee es DO sss BO Pen CHIE CREUIONID ie ke hash eeaWanes ees. 1S ss HB RN oo oie ig ce ee ee Nahe a eee eers 40.00 .... 40.00 CHILDREN SERVICES COORDINATION (Medicaid) Pe es ak ow Ow ic ck he ee ek ew es $86.43 ... $86.43 PROFESSIONAL INTERPRETER SERVICES Ce I kb ee valk ove ek bee we ebnse sc rei. $4.00 “TB Mantoux Administration - Suspected TB cases or contacts to TB cases are NOT charged. All State adjustments made to Medicaid charges will automatically be implemented in the County fee schedule. ALLIED HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH PROMOTION SERVICES FY°96-’97 "97. Services for Community Groups/Organizations Cholesterol Screening and Nutrition Education ................ $7.00 .. $7.00 NE ed oi cs abba eb bv kh ie has cou. eam wos oe Programs for Community Groups and Organizations es. ee ccd occlu: $3.00 .. $3.00 I og 3.00 ...3.0 Nk bic ec kvbbbakeviccc. 20/mo-.67/day (same) Community CPR Course oe ee ee ee le Infant/child CPR and First Aid Course...................... 30.00 .. 30.00 JUL 15 1997 737 Grocery Store Tour - Healthy Food Selection ..........--.---- Bt) «ss one Low Fat Ratings Weieht Management... ce tan 30... 500 Ce i eh weca see be ds eee ere ws 15.00 .. b.@ Beemas BONOTOG (2-8 UIE) ok ce ce hee ee en's 7-15.00 7-15.00 ee eae le eked case ee as 20.00 .. 20.00 Health Topic Seminars (for Health Professionals-excludes Iredell County staff) . . . 10.00 MEDICAID REIMBURSED CLASSES ee eka eee ee Pe es $87.00 . $87.00 PE I OS kW a ca ee eee en ee 92.38 .. 92.38 Co I Ok ee ee kee ee een een es 30.00 .. 30.00 MEDICAID REIMBURSED DENTAL SERVICES Dental Health Services (per visit - flat fee) er rarer earan rerinrer care $95.36 . $95.36 MEDICAID REIMBURSED NUTRITION SERVICES BOMeeer PEON PRIN DOE POND kn ccc cece le eee ween ccuees $40.61 ees CUENERET PUD POE CN ce hee chee cet nee wee es $38.00 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION User Fee Schedule Septic System Permit: Final Final Layout Inspection § Layout Inspection Type I or II System: (January 1, 1997) 75.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 (January 1, 1998) 100.00 75.00 100.00 75.00 Type III System 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 Type IV, V, or VI System 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Repairs to Malfunctioning Systems No Charge No Charge FY’96-"97 EY°97-98 Relayout of Improvement Permit Re bd es ine Cr een ee Oe ees 50.00 .. 50.00 Comprehensive Full Permit Fee Full Permit Fee Existing Septic System Inspection .........222eeeeceeescssccees 50.00 .. 50.00 THR Tn GR OD) on oi 5 oo ic cc eee teenie ses 25.00 .. 25.00 Installer Fee For Uncancelled Appointment ........-.. eee eeeeeeee 50.00 .. 50.00 ee rer ee rr ee ee 30.00 .. 30.00 Swimming Pool Permits (Operating < 8 months) ............0++e00: 50.00 .. 50.00 Swimming Pool Permits (Operating > 8 months) .........-..++e000: 75.00 .. 75.00 REQUEST FOR FINAL SALE APPROVAL OF HARTNESS ROAD PROPERTY (OLD HEALTH BUILDING) AND PERMISSION TO PROCEED WITH LEGAL DOCUMENTS: A recap of the proceedings so far on this item have been: June 3, 1997: Commissioners accepted Iredell Memorial’s offer of $625,000 for the old health building. It was stipulated that the proceeds from this sale be placed in the Capital Reserve Fund. June 8, 1997: Legal Notice Appeared in local paper advising of the offer and request for upset bids during the following ten days. (None were received.) 18 ry é 08 MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to issue Budget Amendment #3 which will allow the final sale of the old health building on Hartness Road and to authorize permission for the Chairman and Clerk to the Board to sign the legal documents. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR VOTING DELEGATE TO BE DESIGNATED FOR THE 1997 NCACC ANNUAL CONFERENCE (GREENSBORO, N.C.): Chairman Haire nominated Alice M. Stewart. Commissioner Johnson nominated Alice T. Fortner as an alternate voting delegate. Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and appoint Alice M. Stewart as the 1997 voting delegate to the NCACC Annual Conference and Alice T. Fortner as an alternate. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION IN REFERENCE TO WELFARE REFORM: Commissioner Boone said he felt most people would agree the present welfare system was a failure and had encouraged dependency. The N.C. House of Representatives has passed a plan that would give something similar to block grants to the counties. This would give some control over eligibility standards and benefit levels. Boone said that since some people feel this may impose unfunded mandates or extra work for counties; the resolution had been worded to say that support was given as long as additional mandates were not imposed. House Speaker Harold Brubaker is supportive of the plan along with House Representatives Cherie Berry (Catawba County) and Julia Howard (Davie County). The Senate has passed a plan that is endorsed by Governor Hunt. The two General Assembly bodies are now deadlocked. Commissioner Stewart said the House version stated that each county should have the duty to provide temporary assistance for its poor residents. This places the responsibility solely on the counties as an unfunded mandate. Stewart said the language could be interpreted as an entitlement. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the following resolution. RESOLUTION ON WELFARE REFORM WHEREAS, our goal should be that all able-bodied persons be off welfare and gainfully employed; and WHEREAS, the present welfare system has been a failure. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Iredell County Board of Commissioners, endorse legislation, such as the N.C. House Welfare Reform Plan, which would allow counties to set eligibility standards and benefit levels, provided that such legislation not impose additional unfunded mandates on the counties. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JUNE 17, 1997 (BRIEFING AND REGULAR) AND JUNE 23, 1997: MOTION by Commissioner Boone to approve the referenced minutes. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS FI JOARD (commissioner appointee): Chairman Haire nominated Alice M. Stewart. Chairman Haire moved that the nominations be closed and elect Stewart by acclamation as the commissioner appointee to this board. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. 19 5 1997 ws JUL 15 19 59 BRVICES ADVISORY BOARD (2 appts.): Chairman Haire ble these two appointments until the August 5 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. C WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD (2 appts.): Commissioner Boone nominated Mr. Ronnie Jones. Commissioner Boone moved that the nominations be closed, appoint Mr. Jones by acclamation, and table the other appointment until the August 5 meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. Johnso abl VOTING: Ayes - 4; Nays - 0. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT: The manager distributed copies of a report entitled, "The Iredell County Activity Report." These reports will be disseminated at the second meeting of the Board and will include a written manager’s report. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, August 5, 1997, 5:00 p.m. (Briefing) and 7:00 p.m., at the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Approved: < 51997 Qe au CNL G Clerk to the Board File: July.R.15 JUL 15 1997 20 4 00 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BRIEFING MINUTES AUGUST 5, 21997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Briefing Session on Tuesday, August 5, 1997, 5:00 p.m., in the South Wing Conference Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William Allison, Planning Supervisor Don Wall, DSS Director Evie Caldwell, Purchasing Agent Ron Weatherman, Solid Waste Director Steve Messick, Library Director Joe Ketchie, Tax Collector Brent Weisner, Tax Assessor Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. UPDATE ON TRANSMISSION TOWERS: William Allison shared proposed ordinance revisions involving cellular towers. He mentioned that it didn’t happen often, but that the board of adjustment could grant variances if hardships could be proven. UPDATE ON I-77/EXIT 33 STUDY: Allison briefed the group on a recent meeting he attended with Rick McLean, Town Manager of Mooresville; Erskine Smith, Mooresville Planning Director; Steve Davenport of Benchmark Consulting; and Chairman Haire about Exit 33. The Mooresville officials have asked that a planning employee serve on a study committee to assist in creating a long-range plan for this interchange. Chairman Haire indicated that she planned to serve on this 15-member committee and invited anyone interested to the meetings. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Commissioner Boone reminded the group that the State would soon need the annual TIP priority list. He asked if any progress had been made with the municipalities in achieving a unified list. Chairman Haire advised that she along with the county manager had met with Mayor Marshall of Statesville. Marshall indicated during the meeting that he was willing to discuss the "process." REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CAROLINA ACCESS: Don Wall, the Social Services Director, said this program was mandatory statewide, and August was the start-up month for Iredell County. Chairman Haire asked what was needed since the program was mandatory. Wall said he was seeking approval to hire a coordinator to act as a liaison between DSS clients and area physicians. Ray Rabe, the health director, distributed a handout that showed the potential loss in revenue ($100,000 estimate) that might occur in his department due to this progran. Rabe pointed out, however, that the health department could possibly create a contractual arrangement with the physicians for health department patients and thereby recoup lost revenue. Wall said the coordinator would serve as the "gatekeeper" between the clients and physicians. The estimated cost for this position, which is to be 100% funded by the N.C. Division of Medical Services, is $27,918. (The employee, however, will probably not be hired before September so this amount will be reduced to about $22,362.) The county will have to share in the cost of furniture, and this is estimated to be $635. AUG 05 1997 761 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLANNING PROPOSAL: Mr. Steve Messick, Iredell County Library Director, advised of the need to establish a library planning committee. He requested that a nine member ad hoc group be appointed. This group would meet for about ninety days and then disband. The mission of the committee would be to create general goals for the library -- not to plana new building facility. Commissioner Fortner said she was willing to serve as the commissioner representative for this committee. ADJOURNMENT : Chairman Haire adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p-m., for a break prior to the 7:00 p.m. regular meeting. Approved: ius L4, L447 ZL. © a YZ or 7 to the Board File: b.Aug.5 AUG 05 1997 76 eo IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1997 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, August 5, 1997, 7:00 p-mM., in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Present: Sara K. Haire, Chairman Steve D. Johnson, Vice Chairman David A. Boone Alice T. Fortner Alice M. Stewart Staff: Joel Mashburn, County Manager William P. Pope, County Attorney William Allison, Planning Supervisor Susan Blumenstein, Finance Director Jim Vernon, Support Services Director Don Wall, Social Services Director Joe Ketchie, Tax Collector Jean Moore, Clerk to the Board Chairman Haire called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: MOTION by Chairman Haire to adjust the agenda by the following: Delete: Discussion of Formula Based Funding System for VFDs Add: Closed Session Re: G.S. 143-318.11(a)(5) - Real Property Move: Surry-Yadkin Resolution/Agreement to earlier part of the meeting. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD MR. J.C. BYERS ON BEHALF OF THE BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS PROGRAM: Byers mentioned he approached the board of commissioners in 1993 for assistance in paying off the building used by BB/BS and that $5,000 had been given yearly since then. (The building was paid off in August of 1995.) Byers said he was now asking the commissioners to fund his program for another three years at $5,900 a year, because the BB/BS building (621 West Front St.) needs some renovations. Brooks Builders has given a cost estimate of $19,850 for the repair work. A local bank has agreed to prepare a loan with balloon payments. The county manager said the present board of commissioners could not bind another board -- as far as yearly appropriations; however, the commissioners could adopt this as their intent. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to continue with the funding of Big Brothers/Big Sisters at $5,000 annually for the next three budget years (1998-99, 1999-00, and 2000-01). VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REZONING REQUEST; KEITH R. MARTIN PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9707-1 (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL TO M-2 HEAVY MANUFACTURING) : William Allison, Planning Supervisor, advised that Mr. Keith Martin desired to rezone his property from RA, Residential Agricultural to M-2, Heavy Manufacturing District for the proposed usage of a "spec" 1 05 1997 warehouse. The location of the property (1.50 acres) is on Salisbury Hwy./70E across from John Long Road; more specifically identified as PIN#4763858661. On July 2, 1997, the planning board unanimously recommended approval by a 8-0 vote. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the rezoning request from RA to M-2 Heavy Manufacturing. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REQUEST TO AMEND THE LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN; REZONING REQUEST; LINDA F. HOLTHOUSER PROPERTY, CASE NO. 9707-2 (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT): Mr. Allison explained that Linda F. Holthouser was requesting to rezone her property from RA, Residential Agricultural to NB, Neighborhood Business District and amend the Iredell County Land Development Plan. The property (24.5 acres) is located at 1638 Mecklenburg Hwy., south of Langtree Road; more specifically identified as PIN#4655142968. The proposed use of the property is for goods and services (retailing). On July 2, 1997, the planning board unanimously (8-0 vote) recommended an amendment to the Land Development Plan and for the rezoning. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to amend the Land Development Plan to accomodate Case No. 9707-2. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to approve the request by rezoning the property from Residential Agricultural to Neighborhood Business District. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing session. REZONING REQUEST; LAURA SMITH PROPERTY (PORTION), CASE NO. 9707-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS TO RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL) : Allison stated the owner of this property, Laura Smith, was requesting that a portion be rezoned from GB, General Business to RA, Residential Agricultural District. The property is located at the corner of Charlotte Hwy/21S and Parkertown Road; more specifically identified as a portion of PIN# 4659340325. The proposed use of the property (1.73 acres) is for single-family dwellings. On July 2, 1997, the planning board unanimously (8-0 vote) recommended approval of this request. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to rezone this property from General Business to Residential Agricultural as was approved by the planning board. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF LETTER OF CREDIT (WATER’S EDGE PROPERTIES, INC., LLC) AND REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF LETTER OF CREDIT (TURNPIKE PROPERTIES, INC.): Mr. Allison explained that Water’s Edge Properties, LLC was requesting that Letter of Credit #97-904 be approved for the Windemere Island Subdivision and Bridge. The Letter, in the amount of $2,300,000.00, has been issued for the 2 a 04 completion of surveying, utilities, roadway, and bridge improvement plans. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve Letter of Credit #97-904 for Water’s Edge Properties, LLC in the amount of $2,300,000.00 as was reviewed and recommended for approval by County Attorney Pope. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Allison advised that Turnpike Properties, Inc., was requesting that Iredell County release Letter of Credit #93049 in the amount of $115,275.00. The developers have completed all of the necessary improvements, i.e., water/sewer system, street improvements, and surveying. MOTION by Commissioner Stewart to release Letter of Credit #97049 for Turnpike Properties, Inc., in the amount of $115,275 since the improvements have been accomplished. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REPORT ON TRANSMISSION TOWERS (CELLULAR) : Mr. Allison explained that in June of this year, the planning staff was asked to review the current guidelines for cellular towers. It has been determined that several changes could be made to improve the existing regulations. MOTION by Commissioner Boone to refer the amendments to the planning board for review and consideration. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF SURPLUS AMBULANCE BY THE NORTH IREDELL RESCUE SQUAD: Mayor John Ray Campbell, of the Town of Harmony, spoke to the board and shared a letter from the North Iredell Rescue Squad. The new squad is requesting the donation of surplus ambulance #410 to be used as a backup vehicle. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to donate surplus ambulance #410 “as is" to the North Iredell Rescue Squad, Inc. Commissioner Boone noted that the ambulance had high mileage and that it had relatively little monetary value. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST OF IREDELL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. FOR REFUND (REFINANCING) OF HOSPITAL BONDS: Arnold Nunnery, President of Iredell Memorial Hospital, congratulated the commissioners on the recent bond ratings achieved by the county. Nunnery mentioned that his advisors had indicated that now was an opportune time to issue/reissue bonds. Currently, the hospital is paying from patient receipts on revenue bonds issued in 1983. The bonds were refunded in 1987. Recently, the Local Government Commission deemed it appropriate to proceed with refinancing again. Nunnery advised that $14.6 million was currently outstanding with an interest rate of 5.9% to 6.5%. Hopefully, a new rate, upon refunding, will be 3.85% to 5.12%. A total dollar savings over the next 16 years will be around $1.1 million or about $72,000 per year. Commissioner Boone reiterated that the bonds were revenue bonds and that the county taxpayers were not liable for any default. Nunnery said this was correct, and that the bonds were insured and had a AAA rating. Mr. Nunnery also advised that the Local Government Commission recommended that the hospital look at its future capital equipment needs (e€.g., permanent MRI building and outpatient rehab center). Including these needs, the bond 3 AUG 05 1997 amount could increase by about $6.7 million. Attorney Pope said the hospital bonds were not general obligation bonds. He said he would insure that the bond documents stipulated in detail that the purchasers were not purchasing the taxing authority of the County, but merely buying bonds that had a revenue stream from hospital patients as the collateral along with insurance. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve Iredell Memorial Hospital’s request to initiate the bond refunding and for the capital equipment addition. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF JOINT MERGER RESOLUTION WITH THE SURRY- YADKIN MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY & REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO EXPAND THE CATCHMENT AREA OF SURRY-YADKIN AREA MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY TO INCLUDE IREDELL COUNTY AND RENAME THE AREA AUTHORITY: CROSSROADS BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE: In attendance were Ben Harding, Surry-Yadkin’s Attorney, and Hayes Goodrum, Assistant Director of the Surry-Yadkin Mental Health Authority. Harding said the resolution had been adopted and signed by the commissioners of Surry and Yadkin Counties. Also, the Surry-Yadkin Mental Health Authority had approved and signed the document. Harding pointed out that in Section 5.02 the pro-rated obligation of Iredell County was only for the year 1997-98. After FY 97-98, Section 7.01 states that all three counties will then "each retain complete authority and discretion in establishing, allocating and paying to Crossroads such county funds as each county deems appropriate for the support of mental health . ...- + +e ® Commissioner Boone asked Attorney Pope about Iredell County’s liability exposure to any claims involving Surry-Yadkin prior to the merger. Pope said the probability of this would be very remote. Mr. Pope said the new mental health authority would be an entity within itself. Attorney Harding concurred with Pope. He mentioned the "Authority" would have independence from Iredell County. Also, the mentai health authority had liability insurance. Mr. Goodrum advised the "Authority" was sufficiently insured. He said he had been employed with the agency for 22 years and there had never been a legal action drawn against it. Commissioner Johnson stressed to Harding and Goodrum his desire to have an Iredell County Director as soon as possible. Mr. Harding said this was stipulated in the resolution. The position has already been extensively advertised. MOTION by Commissioner Fortner to approve the joint merger resolution with the Surry-Yadkin Mental Health Authority and the approval of the agreement to expand the catchment area of Surry~- Yadkin Area Mental Health Authority to include Iredell County and rename the area authority: CROSSROADS BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Joint Resolution of The Board of County Commissioners of Surry County, The Board of Commissioners of Yadkin County, The Board of Commissioners of Iredell County, and the Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Board WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Surry County and the Board of Commissioners of Yadkin County by Joint Resolution established an area mental health authority under the name of Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority ("Surry-Yadkin"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to this joint resolution, Surry-Yadkin is a presently existing Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority with a catchment area designated by the North Carolina Commission for Mental Health, Development al Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services consisting of Surry County 4 706 and Yadkin County; and WHEREAS, until June 30, 1997, Iredell County was a member of Tri-County Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority ("Tri-County") with a catchment area designated by the North Carolina Commission for Mental Health, Development al Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services consisting of Iredell County, Rowan County and Davie County; and WHEREAS, Tri-County was dissolved effective June 30, 1997, by the North Carolina General Assembly; and WHEREAS, the County Commissioners for Surry County, for Yadkin County and for Iredell County believe that it would be in the best interest of the citizens of their respective counties to expand the catchment area of Surry-Yadkin to include Iredell County and to rename the area authority as Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare pursuant to the terms and conditions of an agreement to be entered into among the parties to this joint resolution; and WHEREAS, the Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority believes that it would be in the best interest of the citizens of Surry County and the citizens of Yadkin County to expand the catchment area of Surry-Yadkin to include Iredell County and to rename the area authority as Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare. NOW THEREFORE, 1. Subject to the terms and conditions of that agreement among Surry County, Iredell County and the Surry-Yadkin Mental Health Authority, a copy of which follows, the terms and conditions of which are incorporated herein by reference; and 2. Subject to the North Carolina Commission for Mental Health, Development al Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services designating Surry County, Yadkin County and Iredell County as a new catchment area for mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services; and 3. Subject to the Secretary of the Department of Human Resources of the State of North Carolina approving the establishment of a new mental health authority consisting of Surry County, Yadkin County and Iredell County; and 4. Subject to Surry-Yadkin entering into an agreement with the North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (the "Division") concerning certain agreements by the Division relating to the expansion of the catchment area, BE IT RESOLVED JOINTLY BY THE BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SURRY COUNTY, OF YADKIN COUNTY, OF IREDELL COUNTY, AND BY THE SURRY-YADKIN AREA MENTAL HEALTH, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE BOARD AS FOLLOWS: i. Effective October 1, 1997, the catchment area of Surry-Yadkin is hereby expanded to include Iredell County and Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority is hereby renarned Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 122C-lI5(c) to provide mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services in Surry County, Yadkin County and Iredell County. 2. Surry-Yadkin hereby consents to the expansion of the catchment area of Surry-Yadkin to include Iredell County and hereby consents to the renaming of the area authority as Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare. 3. This joint resolution is subject to the terms and conditions of that agreement among Surry County, Yadkin County, iredell County and The Surry-Yadkin Area Menta! Health Authority, a copy of which is attached hereto and the terms and conditions of which are incorporated herein by reference. ADOPTED AND RATIFIED in four counterparts by the Boards of Commissioners of Surry County, Yadkin County, iredell County and the Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Board. AGREEMENT TO EXPAND THE CATCHMENT AREA OF SURRY-YADKIN AREA MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY TO INCLUDE IREDELL COUNTY AND TO RENAME THE AREA AUTHORITY CROSSROADS BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE This agreement dated as of the 5th day of August, 1997, by and among Surry County, Yadkin County, Iredell County, all counties of the State of North Carolina, bodies politic and subdivisions of the State of North Carolina and the Surry- Yadkin Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority ("Surry-Yadkin"), an area mental health authority existing under the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 122C-l5. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Surry County and the Board of Commissioners of Yadkin County by Joint Resolution established an area mental health authority under the name of Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority ("Surry-Yadkin"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to this joint resolution, Surry-Yadkin is a presently existing Area Mental Health, Developmental 5 AUG 05 1997 707 Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority with a catchment area designated by the North Carolina Commission for Menta! Health, Development al Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services consisting of Surry County and Yadkin County; and WHEREAS, until July |, 1997, Iredell County was a member of Tri-County Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority ("Tri-County") with a catchment area designated by the North Carolina Commission for Mental Health, Development al Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services consisting of Iredell County, Rowan County and Davie County; and WHEREAS, Tri-County was dissolved effective June 30, 1997, by the North Carolina General Assembly; and, WHEREAS, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, Surry County, Yadkin County, iredell County and the Board of Directors of Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health Authority all desire to expand the existing catchment area of Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health Authority to include Iredell County and to rename the area authority Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare. NOW THEREFORE, subject to the North Carolina Commission for Mental Health, Developmenta! Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services designating Surry County, Yadkin County and Iredell County as a new catchment area for mental health, development al disabilities and substance abuse services and subject to the Secretary of the Department of Human Resources of the State of North Carolina approving the establishment of a new mental health authority consisting of Surry County, Yadkin County and Iredell County, and subject to Surry-Yadkin entering into an agreement with the North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (the Division”) the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE | AGREEMENT TO EXPAND EXISTING CATCHMENT AREA AND TO RENAME THE AREA AUTHORITY CROSSROADS BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE SECTION I.0! Agreement to Expand Existing Catchment Area and to Rename Area Authority. Subject to approval by the Secretary of the Department of Human Resources of the State of North Carolina, and subject to Surry-Yadkin and the North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Development al Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (the "Division") entering into an agreement concerning certain actions to be taken by the Division, the Boards of County Commissioners of Surry County, Yadkin County and Iredell County agree to enter into a Joint Resolution to provide mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services in Surry County, Yadkin County and Iredell County. This Joint Resolution shall incorporate the terms of this agreement, and shall amend and restate the existing Joint Resolution between Surry County and Yadkin County creating the Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health Authority to expand the existing catchment area to include Iredell County pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 122C-I5(c) and shall rename Surry-Yadkin Area Mental Health Authority as Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare ("Crossroads" or the “Authority"). SECTION 1.02 Effective Date. The effective date of expansion of this new catchment area and authority shall be October |, 1997. ARTICLE Ii. STATUS, POWERS, AND DUTIES SECTION 2.01 Status, Powers and Duties. Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare shall be a local political subdivision of the State of North Carolina pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 122C-lI6 and shall have the powers and duties conferred by North Carolina General Statute 122C-II7 as it may be amended from time to time. ARTICLE Ill. AREA BOARD SECTION 3.0! Area Board to Meet Requirements of North Carolina General Statute 122C-1l8. The structure of the area board shall comply with the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 122C-iI8. SECTION 3.02 Composition of the Area Board. On the effective date, the present area board will be expanded to permanently consist of twenty-one (2I) members. The Board of Commissioners of Surry County shall permanently have the right to appoint seven (7) members to the area board. The Board of Commissioners of Surry County shall permanently have the right to fill all vacancies which may occur from time to time among the seven (7) member slots on the area board allotted to be appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Surry County. The Board of Commissioners of Yadkin County shall permanently have the right to appoint seven (7) members to 6 768