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Bethany Presbyterian Abstract of Sessions 1829-1872
CB-/ 355 | erie ot 1 SNe a i . _tee Microfilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History inision of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh, North Carolina I Preseyiekion ; foned ania a yer COWT oe 3 BstRACT O i ESSjonN ee r . cH ie (PAGES | — MED © 19-6 -62 | ROWA NV aie Lf 1s BURY, ee BETHANY PRESBYTZRIAN CHURCH IREDELL COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Abstracts of Session Books co pied by Mrs.M.G.McCubbins October 19138 ROWAN PUBLIC LIBRARY SALISBURY, N. C. DIS RELARD PRELELOINE TARLET THELT tee Microfilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Bivision of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh, North Carolina Vf, YFARS : (929-1874 FILLED ° pcr | - (b-/8 Ge ROWAN atic LIBRARY Salis gury, N-C I preescyrersa on ; hued ae — yer COWT JOST RACT O fl ESSjoN wie one at A Wb YEARS | js Ay t . Rowan '2 et eee L 1S BURY, ae? BETHANY PRESBYT“RIAN CHURCH IREDELL COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Abstracts of Session Books copied by Mrs.M.G.McCubbins October 1918 ROWAN PUBLIC LIBRARY SALISBURY, N. C. BETHANY PRESBYTARTAN CHURCH IREDELL COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Abstracts of Session Books eo pied by Mrs.M.G.McCubbins October 1918 R © J A N PUGSLIC LIBRARY SALISBURY, N. C. 7AS37 ROV/AN PUGLIC LIBRARY SALISBURY, N. C. by CAE SA Dobson, J« HOLMES y 7AS37 ROWAN PUGLIC LIBRARY SALISBURY, N. C. wich etn ay 4 yy ond -_ Bethany 1s : 4 r 1 ns 1 1 ia To} Williem McConnel,John McConnel,Anarew “orri on,vonn T’creE John King, John Nysbet,Jacob Nichols, Georg Samuel Alexender Hall Thomas hunter John morrison John Nisbet James tharine Houpt s Hell rt McCorkle. Tots 1 s 4502 this . neev remer«cat or its manner of o; ommnunion all, who h anc obtains to preach meining vacant until the f Rev John M.Erwin, a licentiat PUBLIC LIBRARY er preaching to the congregation until the beginning of 1é< installed to the pastorel charge of Concord and bethany. Just about thé ak & f his ordination those two congregations were visit ebout 30 persons we Une vonn the Rev.Henry M.Pharr and the Rev-Williem A.Hall. From this time, according to the provisions of the call, the Rev.Stephen Frontis preached two thirds the Bethany and one third to that of Tabor. It should be inserted,perhaps, in this place that about the year 1800 a house of worship was buii called Tabor, situated 8 miles from Bethany in the ‘orth-east corner of the coggregation. At this place Dr.“all preached about once a month for the accommodation of such members bethe as lived in thet quarter. After having pr “hy it Tabor a few ars, D enized e reh a E place f which John M.Connell, Wiliiam Anderson end John Todd composed t ssion. 4hat church continued to be supplied s2Sionally by Dy.Hall thers until about e Us ttlement of Mr.frw in Bethan id Von: \ Previous to labor continu: the vear 18 4 wT £6 3 whe year On 4 NeVeL@V1IG WOUL Oo preacn north of the South Fork of the Yadkin to conn memoers Lebitious Vaither John Briley , yLomon Summers Shelaon Lemmon urove lomblinson Mrs.tuth Caldwell Milus Dobbins ‘John Tomblinson Aletiander Long John Cochran trong ‘ Notley Bethany p.5§ present were the Rev.Henry M.Pharr and the Rev.Williem A.Hall. From this time, according to the provisions of the eall, the Rev.Stephen Frontis preached two thirds his time to the congregation of Bethany and one third to that of Tabor. It should be inserted,perhaps, in this place that about the year 1800 a house of worship was buiit, called Tpbor, situated 8 miles from Bethany in the North-east corner of the cojgregation. At this place Dr.“ell preached about once a month for the accommodation of such members of bethany as lived in thet juarter. After having preached at Tabor a fe ars, Dr.4all organized M.Connell, William Anderson end John Tod Mpos he Session. that church + continued to be supplied occasionally by Dy.Hall and others until about the settlement of Mr.Frwin in Bethany and Vor ie Previous t@ this time Mr.An settlement of Mr.—Er these members of Tabor h: bor continued e churc!: in name Ly About the year 1822 the Kev.David Gould who was to preach et T bor statedly; living north of the South Fork of the to connect th his circumstence acc members oi Sethany ir.Gould organize foilowin WCities +4F-COUL ch oce “ould having entix OY wUs congregation of 1: Placibo Houston frencis Young Lebitious YVaither vohn Bailey Sheldon Lemmon urove Jomblinson bobbins ‘John Tomblinson Aleziander Long - John Cochran ‘ Notley Tomblinson ELS, oe RE Bethany p.6 The following was at that time the list of the communicants in Tabor: Catharine Andrews - Rebeccah Armstrong Hugh Andrews C ‘Amos oharp Mary Sharp ‘James Roln ther Holmes ‘Rebeccah Badger Abner F.Caldwelt Ruth Caldwell Le ‘Jam iH. ‘Betsy Hall Me Young ‘John McClellan lize McClelland Total <0. — ,ersons other churches - leaving on the ist oi # 1,1836, 42 communicants.l iring the ‘ seme period there were 19 be tisms - 2 of adult na 18 of infants.The present list of communicants is not here Amiawi#ad ennexea it properly belongs to parate ion Book which should be kept for labor - but is Kept on & Seal te p osed in thi ook. The present list of subscri¥ers to io! is in the haenas + + . + a y ‘Om + ye 12 + } ° tr rer of that c regation. Fro pril,1829,to April,1626, t $l ¥ “an 4 hit } 4 ary ye «+ + ~ + ¢ ontriodut D Or n ol Or I ] n Lon . oS . n -ommni ney fund; a+ fn tri Y Oo varic ry . r Y i ] i fh > >“) ‘ 3 - ¢ arr 4 ’ 4 5 + - } —— swing 1 l Ls¢ LON, nh 2 r 9 +0 ’ taxen 7X rong n s * or oO n mY i TL e fd c j x g mplish in le t t rs, at n f about © = sel On * : i ’ Y) y ~ + al ] y as - . os . ~ u + - nt allen othe - . . . . “a* a4 YY s Ss, % + Pas . n ne y 2 Li Lhe 5 ’ . . yOU ar i = Seem ; 4 s ahha 4 a i; “ + ; rn .4 eVill v Li , , ‘ Uli OO 4 44 26 + ‘ si fe v , ; Cu t Se ndul a D4 ’ « et 0 L I n - af « +an tar nt 4 . ‘ x y \ 4 i or t et ont or Vv C i . usce.UN Letdy+ 9 ° re ibscriber at Tabor ior of vidsor 9 iy : Y) n° 5 rt v riy Li t Liments.Un elyglO DO» Ve non I L r ; . . ) - . } ¢ . o, + . . 4 + re i on to tne peo a Or, ver £& & i in n ¢ i tor Cc I ven yearTrse ’ , y a4 } x ‘ } " 5 h iz ril,1loxs, t Veotephen F1 > tc thany, the followiz I u ne 0 Lid in the @ongt 10ns u fer 1 vonnh “Lilo Vy Lcna.r Abe i Yeorg Lison jam S.Johnston Al noer rr C % » . i EE Sa ae ATR a at NE . ~ 4 rf © . e } - nhenr é thom oe halt I rt Aall Bethany p.7 » John “orrison Anthony Houpt ‘John Houpt, Sr. William Bone ‘Samuel Kin ‘John Houpt,dr. & Pt, Y) Alexander Kilpatrick ff mes Freeland ‘Walter freeland 1} nin Knox seph Summer Thomas A.Bell cle Ss was formed afterwards iner a Junior ¢ an Association was formed for the composed of 24 hee tor and y there w installments. +) the Rev.Stephen Froiit be th 4 ple of Sethany. Having sustained the relation of Fastor any Les to pe9 them f or and prexched among them for eight years; the first year as a Stated lust seven as Pastor. The dissolution of this pastorial mutuah consent of Pastor and people; nothing having occurrec Cc to mnt ate tid VO rrupt of affection which from the commencement of that connexion KAK alwe een them. The principal cause of this dissolution west, which threater aine way,orcained abou lison,ordeined about 1310; Hall,ordained about 1810;died Oct.27,1353 in sarr,ordain about 18: » Thomas Allison, ordainec al mS i April 3,18. in Bethany Steel, ord ex vnurcen iennes illiom J.Johnston(recej from T d Vreek Church) Feb.2,1867(went to Fourth Creek in 1852) ec.<9,13866 in bethany 3cied June 22,1856 in Kethany. pbove is in Dr.Frontis! beautiful hand except there o denoteda otherwise. remaining elders are written by someone else.) if ll,or¢ ined in 13. 63di j May L5, 18 36 in SE voaany G.Archibeld,ordained in 1846;died in Lethany > L.Hill, ordained um K.iverett,orcein : r + y Vv Oo n 4 OTL , ordained 9 4 : “1% LECLy 2 | liam J.Johnston( A.8 l1l,or s A.Hill,ordained April >thany ‘ 12 in SC eKk7yt000 1N , : — + ai 19c¢ 3 wor ijoupt,Jr.,oruained Ap 5 ed June 22,1356 Bethany. above is i r ' b ul hand exce he o denotedz othe The remaining ell,ordained in 1846;died Mz pordained in 18463die ined in 18/,6;di¢« -Everett,ordained in 18 vo ienness % os 17.John C.Bell,previous to 1826; suspended 13.Jane Bell "Sdismissed Ja: Morrison,previous to ‘rison L : to 1326;dismis ept.10,1834;went to Tipton Co.,tenn. " 58.David stevenson,previous to 59.Robert H.Hill,admitted on ll,on examination previous Tipton County, tennessee vious to 1836(examination) yton County, +ennessee mination previou County, Tenn Bone, previou Kilpatrick, p gl.James Freeland,previous iaregaret Freel: t.18 mitted July 27,2828; AXKMXKKBA diemiss: H Co.4enn. 9.Sophia Hall, previous to 1826;dismissed Aug.31,18 35;went to Tipton Co., Tenn. flargaret Hall " " ;died July 2,1830,aged 86 yrs.;retict of Hugh Hall, mother of Richard Hall,etc. Ly) previous to 1826 Hall,previous to 1826 Hall,previous to 18263died April 18:2 izabeth Hall,previous to 1826 ne 1e Hall,admitte + Jan. 3,1330;now ecah Bas: Bethany pel5 smissed Sept.10,13834;went to Tipton Co.Tenn. peed + + LS; 1826;went to of the above heving both been any, in Te llinois) 5 FALROXAAS yy 1202 Aly Ono at C f Parents eee eee eflexander Hal ROWAN PUBLIC LicRARy SALISBURY, N. C. a ae ROWAN PUBLIC LiCRARY SALISBURY, N. C. Houpe M.Houpe - orrison thany Graveyars recopgsco; et oh ah vo ienn 3sed Nc Nov. 1&86€ be thany pea tevenson,edmitted Oct.12,1873 Oct.12,1873 on 4 snissea to Wilkes Co.12 Morrisson areh Ann,ditto. : 5 ns Seams, aa tevenson ine . ° eAALAZA MAO 34 ELIS Shy hai ere Bethany p.29 In the spring of 1837,J.W.(?)Wilson, a licentiate of Concord Presbytery,on invitation of Tabor and Bethany,visited the congregation and preached some mon ths to them. In the fall of the same year having received a call from these churches ani having signified his acceptance, he was ordained by the Presbytery and installed Pastor of the Church of Bethany(subsequently a short time he was shtstalled Pastor of the Church of Tabor). The Rev.Stepehen Frontis preached the ordination sermon; Rev.S. Paisley offerdd the prayer and delivered charge to the Pastor; Rev.H.N.Pharr deliv- ered the charge to the people. The Session et this time consisted of Thos.Allison, Geo.Allison, Richard Hall, Thos.A.Bell, James A.Hill and “ohn Houpt,Jr. The following: persons have been received on examination since 1837 and up to 1W0:viz.W.Ellis,Rebecca A.Morrison, Eneline N.Baggerly,Harriet Houpt,Prudence Houpt, Llizabeth Houpt,David Ellis, Rufus W.Gibson'See list of members).(Coloured persons not copied - M.G.McC.) The following persons have been received on certificate: Jane Stephenson, foom Fourth Creek; Mary C.Beli from back Creek; Mary Allison from ‘tabor. The following persons have been dismis ed: Yeorge V.& Margaret Reid to Tabor; Samuel King to “issippippi. Mr.Thomas all being awcused by public rumor of drunkeness, appearing before Session acknowledged the offence; whereupon, he giving no evidence of repentance, was suspended. Subsequently, he appeared before the Session giving satisfactory evidence of repentance was restored. Bethany Church Jany.12th 1841.According tam to previous notice the congregation held it annual meeting. Opened with prayer by the Pastor. The injunction of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in res.with reference to Deacons was considered and it was resolv d at that time to go into an election.A comnittee on nominations having been appointed reported a number of names of persons for the office anu the vote of the people being teken the following persons were decdared duly elected viz.: Major Stevenson, R.H.Hill,Richard Archibald, Franklin ell, H.R.Bell, John Steel, J.8.Gracey and Thomas Journey. Jany.19,1841.The Session of Bethany Church convened at the house of the Rev.J.W. Wilson constituted with prayer - Present Rev.J.W.Wilson,Moderator, Messrs Thomas Allison, Richerd Hall, George Allison, John H@upt,J.A.Hill,T.A.Bell for the purpose of taking into consideration the conduct of Mr.George Morrison a member of the church. Mr.T.A.Bell. for special reasons at his own request was excused by Session from acting in the case. After conustattion it appeared to the satisfaction of Session thatMr.liorrison ais tands charged by"public fame" in the use of the 12th Inst.of expressions unchristian and censurable; indicating feelings condemned by the emphatic law of Christ"Love the b rethren" "this is my commandment that you love one another" viz. In emversation Bethany p.30 with Mr.R.H.Hill he stated,in substance,"That he had been treated worse than 4 savage - was stabbed to his inmost soul every day that he came he¥e, and all to gratify the pride - the cursed pride of Baldy Bell". These words it appeared to Session were uttered under circumstances of such publicity and violence of manner as to be peculiarly offensive — Whereupon a committee was appointed to converse with Mrtorrison and to see whether the offence could not be removed and he brought to a suitable sense of his impropriety. Mr.T.Allison and J.A.Hill were appointed the committee and were required to report at an adjourned meeting of Session on the 27th of Jany. Bethany Church Jany.27th 1641. Session met according to adjourmment. Present the Moderator and all the members of Session.Tie committee appointed to confer with Mr. lerrison reported that they had an interview with Mr.““orrison and that he admitted the language as being such as he used, but justified himself in his conduct. Where- upon it was thought best before finally acting in the case to request Mr.“orrison to meet with us,in order,if possible to lead him to a proper view of the case.Mr. “orrison, at the request of Session,appeared and after a long and free conference on his conduct, together with all the circumstancea of the case continued to express himself as satisfied with his course and gave no evidence of repentunce. Whereupen it was resolved he be censured and adminished. Which act of discipline was aduinis— tered as required in Book of Viscipline and the whole concluddd with prayer. J.M.Wilson,“oderator.In Jgnuary 1840,Mr.Vincent E$XZ Reid was called on to give an account for absence from church; and also for violation of the Sabbath.His reasons were deemed tnsufficient by the session and he was solemnly censured and admonished to repent and amend his cause. In the first part of April 1841, the Session again took up the case of Mr.“eid. It appearing to them that he persevered in absenting himself from public wovship,notwithstanding tha former action of Session inm his case; and further that he stood accused by public rumor of unchristian conduct toward Mrs.-McRee a member of this church, in publishing certain letters containing state- ments highly injurious to her moral character, the the neglect of, and directly in Opposition to the command of Christ in Mat.18.15-17, the Session therefore cited him inregular manner to appear and argue the charge....On the day appointed Mr.“eid appeared before the Session and acknowledged his absence from church and also the publication of the letters as stated; but he thought that under the circumstances he was justified both in his absehce from worship am also in his conduct towards lirs.McRee. The Session having patienttyheard Mr.eid's defence finally decided unan- imously that his cohduct was so unchristian as to render him unworthy of church Membership; and he was accordingly decdared suspended from th. church until he would give evidence of repentance.Concluded with prayer. Mrs.Elvira Reid applied to the Session for a diamission without designating any church to which she wished to b , ® attached.The Session resolved that they could not grant her request as presented Betheny p-31 and explained to her the reason of the decision accompanying it with such admonition as was thought to be proper.Sometime subsequently the @ssion were informed on suff- icient testimony that she had comected herfelf with the Methodist Church whereupon it was resolved that her name be stricken from the list of members of this church. J.M.Wilson,Moderator Bethany Church,N.C.,May 22,1846. The “ession met » Conctituted with prayer. Present,J.S.McCutchan,Moderator,Richard “all, John Houpe, Richard G.Archibald,James A.Hill, Robert H.Hill,Williem R.Everett. The pastoral letter of the Synod of 4.C. was laid before the Session, and ordered by the Session to be read to the congregation this afternoon. A bundle of pamphlets being an address by Dr.Leland to the students of the Theolog&cal Seminary at Columbia,S.C., was delivered to the Session, accom panied by a letter from Mr.J.F.Phifer of Concord town who recently had said address republished. Mr.Phifer in his letter requested the adoption of systematic measures for securing the reading of said pamphlet by every member of the church.Whereupon it was resolved, That each Elder will take a copy of the pamphlet for examination with a view to some action thereon, on next Sabbath week. Mr.7T.A.Bell was appointed Clerk of the Session. Session had a recess until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. T.A.Bell, clerk. May 23. 10 o'clock A.M.Session met.Present as on yesterday with the addition of Mr.T.A.bell.Mrs.*lizabeth T.McCutchan presented a certificate of dismission from “ew Hope Church with a view to a connexion with this church.Which certificate was accepted and she accordinglt received as a member of Bethany Church.¥r.Jonn G. “ooge from Salem Church became a member of Bethany flay 24,1846.Mr.°amuel Freeman judged guilty of intoxication and is to be talked with July 5,1846. Mr.C.F.Rockwell presides Sept.1846. Nov. 30,1846. RMMXCXEXRAMKWMXX XEREMAAME. Sessiok met with the Rev.H.N.Pharr moder- ator.Constituted with prayer.Present Rev.H.N.Pharr,Moderator,R.Hall,R.H.Hill, Th.A. Bell ,H.R.Hall,J.Houpe,J.A.Hill,W.R.Everett,R.G.Archibald. S.Ulash(?) D.V.(?) Sacrament was administered by Rev.“lessrs Rockwell and H.N.Pharr.Anderson Ellis was admitted to the church. R.H.Hill delegate to Presbytery with R.G.Archibeld alternate “arch 28,1817. No records of baptisms from 1841 to 1847. Mey 15,18,7.Mrs.”ahe Johnston is not sustaining « good character and in the absence of a husband has something to account for.Miss “ebecca and “lizabeth Ellis admitted in Bethany Church.Rev.J.S.McCutchan becomes pastor of Tabor and Bethany churches.Presbytery to meet at Steel Creek July 14,1847.J.Houpe delegate with R.G. Archibald alternate.Misses Jane E.iverett and Mary Ellis admitted to church Oct.14, 1847, Dec. 51847 .John S.Hall, Edwin B.Hall, John M.Hill,Mary Nicholson,Mery Ann Curry, “erah Eneline Curry, William S.Houpe,Mary Emily Houpe,David F.Smith, Robert M.Bell, Bethany p.32 and Robert L.Beall were admitted to the church. David F.Smith and Robert L.Beall were baptized.On Dec-21,1847.Robert L.Beall applied for dismission to join the Presbyterian Church in Lexington.His request was granted.John Ellis and Martin Burnett apply for ddiamission Jan.30,1348 to leave bounds. Bethenay Feb.26,1848.Session met tnis day and in the absence of the moderator, the Rev.J.S.McCutchan,Mr.Richard Hall was appointed Moderator and Hugh R.Hall,clerk. Constituted with prayer. It being known to all the members of this session that Thomas A.Bell( a member of °ession) and Nancy C.Bell his wife(a member of our church) ace not living together as husband and wife to the ingjuyy of their christian chara- eter and of religion in the congregation, therefore, Resolved that the Session ao now and hereby it does institute inquiry into the matter and require tha parties to appear before the Session and show reasons why they should not immediately go to- gether according to their marriage vows. Owing to the indisposition of the Kev.J.S. McCutchan, the pastor of our church, it was resolved that the Rev.H.N.Pharr or the Rev.Mr.Rockwell be requested to attedn and preside as Moderator in the further investigation of the case.Tuesday the 7th day of “arch be appointed as the time for this investigation.It was further resolved that H.R.Hall andJ.A.Hill be committee to wait on the parties and request them to attend on that day with their witnesses. Vlosed with prayer,H.R.Hall,clerk.N.B. Present:R.Hall,J.Houpe,J.A.Hill,R.H.Hill, Wm. R. Everett, R.G.Arbhibdald. Bethany March 7,1848.Session met this day agreably to adjournment.The Rev.Henry N.Pharr attended as Moderator in compliance with the request of Session.Constituted with prayer.+he minutes of the lest meeting were read.The Comauttee appointed to wait on Mr.and Mrs.bell reported that they had performed the duty assigned them.Mr.%,_1l was present.Mrs.Bell was absent. The Committee were requested to give their views respecting the health and nervous system of Mrs.ell snd to state whether they thought she could in her pr»sent condition appear before Session and assign her reasons fm for living separated from her husband. They having given it as their opinion that she could not so appear before them, it was Resolved that H.R.Hall,R.H.Hill and “ohn Houpe be a Committee wo wait on Mrs.Bell at her rebidence, and take in writing her reasons for not living with her husband, which reasons should be read before Session. Session adjourned to meet on the 15th int.Closed with prayer,i.R.Hall, Clerk.Present: R.Hall,J.A.Hill,J.Houpe, Wm.R.Everett,R.G.Archibald,R.H.Hill “ethany March 1848.Session met according to adjournment.Constituted with prayer. P : resent H.N.Pharr,Moderator, Richard Hall,J.A.Hill,J.Houpe,R.H.Hill,W.F - Everett, R *G.Archibald.the minutes of last meeting were read. The commission appointed to wait on Mrs.bell ahd take her reasons for not living with her husband reported that they had performed the duty assigned them. Mr.%@ll was then called upon to give his reasons for not living with his wife, who assigned no other reason that he had bethany p.33 nad not an opportunity.The commission then presented Mrs.bells reasons,which are as follows.%eport of the Vommission,March 10,18/8.The undersigned having been appointed bythe Session of Bethany Church to obtain from Mrs.“ancy C.Bell her reasons for not living with her husband,Thomas A.Bell, according to her marriage vow met at her residence this day and proceedéig in the discharge of the duty assigned them. Mrs.Bell stated the following reasons for separating from her hus- band.That she was hurried into the engagement and marriage without being allowed to consult her friends. That she can make it appear by one of Mr.Bell's letters to her thet she was most earnestly requested not to consult them(friends or relations) until her mind was fully made up to marry him. That all she knew of their views on the subject was through Mr.Bell. That after her marriage she found that her children had the strongest aversion to the thought of going with her to Mr.Bell'g house. That her three oldest children could not have been persudded to go with her and that none of them would have been willing to or centented to live with her there. That the dufy she owed her husband and dns ae felt bouna to discharge to her children(all quaggters except the youngest* presenting themselves as standing in direct opposition would have been very embarassing under the most favorable cir- cimstances. But Mr.Bell's whole course of conduct from a few days after the marriage until she determindé to separate from him rendered her situation peculiarly so. That soon after the marriage Mr.5ell's conduct toward her became very different froa that before and a day or so after the marriage. That he was quite unhappy, and from some things he said to her, she could not help believing that his unhapp-— iness resulted in a great measure from her connection with him. That he said to her more than once that if he should take her children to his house he would be broken up in two years. That his family and hers would all starve together. That his conduct toward her, to say the least, was so strange that he must have been aware that it had made a deep impression on her mind, or he would not have re- quested her when she was go ng on a visit to Mocksville not to mention it to her brother. That after the most careful, and prayerful consideration of all the cir- Cumstances connected with the cunject she came to the determination of separating from her husband. That her mind has never wafered with regard to this determination ®xcept when in such a confused state that she had not the proper coumand of heréelf. That MX at all times when her mind is composed, she feels satisfied she has done right in the matter. She further states that she believes a different course from that she his taken would have sunk her very soon into her grave. That her mind found no relief until she had determined on the course she has taken. That since that time she has been somparatively cogfortable. Mrs.Bell says it is her wish that one of the commissioners,R.H.Hill, should manage her case before the Session. That with the foregoing statement of her reasons for the course she has taken she is bethany p.33 had not an opportunity.The commission then presented Mrs.bells reasons,which are as follows.%eport of the Vommission,March 10,1848.The undersigned having been appointed bythe Session of Bethany Church to obtain from Mrs.“ancy C.Bell her reasons for not living with her husband,Thomas A.Bell, according to her marriage vow met at her residence this day and proceedérig in the discharge of the duty assigned them. Mrs.Bell stated the following reasons for separating from her hus~ band.That she was hurried into the engagement and marriage without being allowed to consult her friends. That she can make it appear by one of Mr.Bell's letters to her thet she was most earnestly requested not to consult them(friends or relations) until her mind was fully made up to marry him. That all she knew of their views on the subject was through Mr.Bell. That after her marriage she found that her children had the strongest aversion to the thought of going with her to Mr.Bell'g house. That her three oldest children could not have been persudded to go with her and that none of them would have been willing to or centented to live with her there. That the dufy she owed her husband and dics tee felt bouna to discharge to her children(all qaggters except the youngest* presenting themselves as standing in direct opposition would have been very embarassing under the most favorable cir- cimstances. But Mr.Bell's whole course of conduct from a few days after the marriage until she determindd to separate from him rendered her situation peculiarly so. That soon after the marriage Mr.%ell's conduct toward her became very different froa that before and a day or so after the marriage. Thet he was quite unhappy, and from some things he said to her, she could not help believing that his unhapp- iness resulted in a great measure from her connection with him. That he said to her more than once that if he should take her children to his house he would be broken up in two years. That his family and hers would all starve together. That his conduct toward her, to say the least, was so strange that he must have been aware that it had made a deep impression on her mind, or he would not have re- quested her when she was go ng on a visit to Mocksville not to mention it to her brother. That after the most careful, and prayerful consideration of all the cir- Cumstances connected with the cunject she came to the determination of separating from her husband. That her mind has never wafered with regard to this determination xcept when in such a confused state that she had not the proper coumand of hergelf. That MX at all times when her mind is composed, she feels satisfied she has done Tight in the matter. She further states that she believes a different course from that she his taken would have sunk her very soon into her grave. That her mind found no relief until she had determined on the course she has taken. That since that time she has been somparatively cogfortable. Mrs.Bell says it is her wish that One of the commissioners,R.H.Hill, should manage her case before the Session. That with the foregoing statement of her reasons for the course she has taken she ig bethany p.33 had not an opportunity.The commission then presented Mrs.Belis reasons,which are as follows.Xeport of the Vommission,March 10,1843.The undersigned having been appointed by!the Session of Bethany Church to obtain from Mrs.“ancy C.Bell her reasons for not living with her husband,Thomas A.Bell, according to her marriage vow met at her residence this day and proceedérig in the discharge of the duty assigned them. Mrs.Bell stated the following reasons for separating from her hus— band.That she was hurried into the engagement and msrriage without being allowed to consult her friends. That she can make it appear by one of Mr.Bell's letters to her thet she was most earnestly requested not to consult them(friends or relations) until her mind was fully made up to marry him. That all she knew of their views on the subject was through Mr.Bell. That after her marriage she found that her children hed the strongest aversion to the thought of going with her to Mr.Bell'g house. That her three oldest children could not have been persudded to go with her and that none of them would have been willing to or centented to live with her there. That the dufy she owed her husband and won ae felt bouna to discharge to her children(all quayggters except the youngest* presenting themselves as standing in direct opposition would have been very embarassing under the most favorable cir- cimstances. But Mr.Bell's whole course of conduct from a few days after the marriage until she determindd to separate from him rendered her situation peculiarly so. That soon after the marriage Mr.5ell's conduct toward her became very different froa that before and a day or so after the marriage. Theat he was quite unhappy, and from some things he said to her, she could not help believing that his unhapp- iness resulted in a great measure from her connection with him. That he said to her more than once that if he should take her children to his house he would be broken up in two years. That his family and hers would all starve together. That his conduct toward her, to say the least, was so strange that he must have been aware that it had made a deep impression on her mind, or he would not have re- quested ier when she was go ng on a visit to Mocksville not to mention it to her brother. That after the most careful, and prayerful consideration of all the cir- cumstances connected with the cunject she came to the determination of separating from her husband. That her mind has never wa¥ered with regard to this determination *xcept when in such a confused state that she had not the proper coumand of heréelf. That KIX at all times when her mind is composed, she feels satisfied she has done right in the matter. She further states that she believes a different course from that she his taken would have sunk her very soon into her grave. That her mind found no relief until she had determined on the course she has taken. That since that time she has been somparatively cogfortable. Mrs.Bell says it is her wish that one of the commissioners,R.H.Hill, should manage her case before the Session. That with the foregoing statement of her reasons for the course she has taken she is bethany p.33 had not an opportunity.The commission then presented Mrs.bells reasons,which are as follows.eport of the Vommission,March 10,1848.The undersigned having been appointed bythe Session of Bethany Church to obtain from Mrs.“ancy C.Bell her reasons for not living with her husband,Thomas A.Bell, according to her marriage vow met at her residence this day and proceedérig in the discharge of the duty assigned them. Mrs.Bell stated the following reasons for separating from her hus- band.That she was hurried into the engagement and marriage without being allowed to consult her friends. That she can make it appear by one of Mr.Bell's letters to her thet she was most earnestly requested not to consult them(friends or relations) until her mind was fully made up to marry him. That all she knew of their views on the subject was through Mr.Bell. That after her marriage she found that her children hed the strongest aversion to the thought of going with her to Mr.Bell'g house. That her three oldest children could not have been persudded to go with her and that none of them would have been willing to or centented to live with her there. That the dufy she owed her husband and ‘nae felt bouna to discharge to her children(all quiggters except the youngest* presenting themselves as standing in direct opposition would have been very embarassing under the most favorable cir- cimstances. But Mr.Bell's whole course of conduct from a few days after the marriage until she determindéd to separate from him rendered her situation peculiarly so. That soon after the marriage Mr.%ell's conduct toward her became very different froa that before and a day or so after the marriage. Thet he was quite unhappy, snd from some things he said to her, she could not help believing that his unhapp- iness resulted in a great measure from her connection with him. That he said to her more than once that if he should take her children to his house he would be broken up in two years. That his family and hers would all starve together. That his conduct toward her, to say the least, was so strange that he must have been aware that it had made a deep impression on her mind, or he would not have re- quested ker when she was go ng on a visit to Mocksville not to mention it to her brother. That after the most careful, and prayerful consideration of all the cir- cumstances connected with the cunject she came to the determination of separating from her husband. That her mind has never wafered with regard to this determination xcept when in such a confased state that she had not the proper coumand of hergelf. That MXX at all times when her mind is composed, she feels satisfied she has done right in the matter. She further states that she believes a different course from that she his taken would have sunk her very soon into her grave. That her mind found no relief until she had determined on the course she has taken. That since that time she has been somparatively cogfortable. Mrs.Bell says it is her wish that one of the commissioners,R.H.Hill, should manage her case before the Yession. That With the foregoing statement of her reasons for the course she has taken she is bethany p.33 had not an opportunity.The commission then presented Mrs.Bells reasons,which are as follows.%eport of the Vommission,March 10,18/8.The undersigned having been appointed bythe Session of Bethany Church to obtain from Mrs.“ancy C.Bell her reasons for not living with her husband,Thomas A.Bell, according to her marriage vow met at her residence this day and proceedérig in the discharge of the duty assigned them. Mrs.Bell stated the following reasons for separating from her hus- band.That she was hurried into the engagement and marriage without being allowed to consult her friends. That she can make it appear by one of Mr.Bell's letters to her thet she was most earnestly requested not to consult them(friends or relations) until her mind was fully made up to marry him. That all she knew of their views on the subject was through Mr.Bell. That after her marriage she found that her children had the strongest aversion to the thought of going with her to Mr.Bell'g house. That her three oldest children could not have been persudded to go with her and that none of them would have been willing to or centented to live with her there. That the dufy she owed her husband and Pe felt bouna to discharge to her children(all quyggters except the youngest* presenting themselves as standing in direct opposition would have been very embarassing under the most favorable cir- cimstances. But Mr.Bell's whole course of conduct from a few days after the marriage until she determindd to separate from him rendered her situation peculiarly so. That soon after the marriage Mr.5ell's conduct toward her became very different from that before and a day or so after the marriage. Thet he was quite unhappy, and from some things he said to her, she could not help believing that his unhapp- iness resulted in a great measure from her connection with him. That he said to her more than once that if he should take her children to his house he would be broken up in two years. That his family and hers would all starve together. That his conduct toward her, to say the least, was so strange that he must have been aware that it had made a deep impression on her mind, or he would not have re- quested her when she was go ng on a visit to Mocksville not to mention it to her brother. That after the most careful, and prayerful consideration of all the cir- Cumstances connected with the cunject she came to the determination of separating from her husband. That her mind has never wafered with regard to this determination ®xcept when in such a confused state that she had not the proper coumand of heréelf. That MAXX at all times when her mind is composed, she feels satisfied she has done Tight in the matter. She further states that she believes a different course from that she his taken would have sunk her very soon into her grave. That her mind found no relief until she had determined on the course she hes taken. That since that time she has been somparatively cogfortable. Mrs.Bell says it is her wish that one of the commissioners,R.H.Hill, should manage her case before the Session. That vith the foregoing statement of her reasons for the course she has taken she ig Bethany p.34 villing to submit her case to the wisdom and Christian charity of her brethren, feeling assured that they will do what they believe to be right. And that whatever may be the result of the matter as respects herself, she will try to be resigned. Commissioners Hugh R.Hall, R.H.Hill,John Houpe. Mr.%ell was then heard in explan- ation of Mrs.5ell's reasons, and to give him time to reduce these explanations to writing Session adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.S8djourned with prayer. H.R.Hall, Clerk. Bethany “arch 10,1848.Session met according to adjournment.Constituted with prayer.Present as on yesterday. The minutes of last meeting read. Mr.Bell presen- ted his explanations of the reasons of Mrs.Bell for not living with him, in writ- ing, which were read and are as foliows:"In answer to the reasons assigned by my wife for refusing to live with me i reply:lst,It is true that the precipitancy of our marriage was my doing more than hers, but owing to the opposition which arose in the case we agreed in the opinion, that if it was not then done there would be strong measures taken to prevent it altogether and she as well as I said it must go on-I went to see her on Monday and proposed having it done befroe the Meeting at Bethany which was to commence the ensuing Friday. She did not make the slightest objection provided I would go and see her brother the Rev.Wm.A.Hall. She also d@aid if she did not marry me she would be a miserable woman and that she believed it would take her life. It may be true that all she knew about the opinion of her relations in the matter was through me, I having gone at her request to see her brother William. I also proposed writing or even going to see her brother Sev. James D.Hall which she requested me not to do. 2nd.Mrs.Bell says that soon after the marriage my conduct towards her was very different from what it was before and & few days after the marriage, he was quite unhappy. It is true I was unhappy but it was not owing to any unkind feeling towards her but because I saw she was unhappy and told me end others that she had regretted our marriage, because I saw that things were taking an unfavorable turn — that the family were, displeased at me, because she told me there were a great many hard and unkind things said about me in my absence and about hor too because she had married me. I Saw then it was too late that we had run into difficulties(not originating with her however) that were likely to be unmanageable. I suppose it true I made some remarks about being unable to Support her children.There was such talk in whuch she participated and said to me more than once that she knew that we could not support both families; that her children had ample property to support themselves, and lamented there was no arrange men. made with regard to their boarding. But notwithstanding these difficulties I told her that I was willing to teke any of her children she could get without regard to compensation, end that my house should be open at all times for the Feception of the rest, that I would be glad to see them at any time PUBLIC LIBRARY Bethany p.34 yvilling to submit her case to the wisdom and Christian charity of her brethren, feeling assured that they will do what they believe to be right. And that whatever may be the result of the matter as respects herself, she will try to be resigned. Commissioners Hugh R.Hall, R.H.Hill,John Houpe. Mr.%ell was then heard in explan- ation of Mrs.5ell's reasons, and to give him time to reduce these explanations to writing Session adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.8djcurned with prayer. H.R.Hali,Clerk. Bethany “arch 10,1848.Session met according to adjournment.Constituted with prayer.Present as on yesterday. The minutes of last meeting read. Mr.Bell presen- ted his explanations of the reasons of Mrs.Bell for not living with him, in writ- ing, which were read and are as follows:"In answer to the reasons assigned by my wife for refusing to live with me i reply:lst,It is true that the precipitancy of our marriage was my doing more than hers, but owing to the opposition which arose in the case we agreed in the opinion, that if it was not then done there would be strong measures taken to prevent it altogether and she as well as I said it must go on.I went to see her on Monday and proposed having it done befroe the Meeting at Bethany which was to commence the ensuing Friday. She did not make the slightest objection provided I would go amd see her brother the Rev.Wm.A.Hall. She also daid if she did not marry me she would be a miserable woman and that she believed it would take her life. It may be true that all she knew about the opinion of her relations in the matter was through me, I having gone at her request to see her brother William. I also proposed writing or even going to see her brother Sev. James D.Hall which she requested me not to do. 2nd.Mrs.Bell says that soon after the marriage my conduct towards her was very different from what it was before and a few days after the marriage, he was quite unhappy. It is true I was unhappy but it was not owing to any unkind feeling towards her but because I saw she was unhappy and told me end others that she had regretted our marriage, because I saw that things were taking an unfavorable turn — that the family were, displeased at me, because she told me there were a great many hard and unkind things said about me in my absence and about her too because she had married me. I saw then it was too late that we had run into difficulties(not originating with her however) that were likely to be unmanageable. I suppose it true I made some remarks about being unable to Support her children.There was such talk in whuch she participated and said to me More than once that she knew that we could not support both families; that her children had ample property to support themselves, and lamented there was no arrange ment made with regard to their boarding. But notwithstanding these difficulties I told her that I was willing to take any of her children she could get without Pegard to Compensation, and that my house should be open at all times for the “sception of the rest, that I would be glad to see them at any tipe PUBLIC LIBRARY Bethany p.34 willing to submit her case to the wisdom and Christian charity of her brethren, feeling assured that they will do what they believe to be right. And that whatever may be the result of the matter as respects herself, she will try to be resigned. Commissioners Hugh R.Hall, R.H.Hill,John Houpe. Mr.%ell was then heard in explan- ation of Mrs.5ell's reasons, and to give him time to reduce these explanations to writing Session adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.Sdjourned with prayer. H.R.Hall, Clerk. Bethany “arch 10,1848.Session met according to adjournment.Constituted with prayer.Present as on yesterday. The minutes of last meeting read. Mr.Bell presen- ted his explanations of the reasons of Mrs.Bell for not living with him, in writ- ing, which were read and are as follows:"In answer to the reasons assigned by my wife for refusing to live with me i reply:lst,It is true that the precipitancy of our marriage was my doing more than hers, but owing to the opposition which arose in the case we agreed in the opinion, that if it was not then done there would be strong measures taken to prevent it altogether and she as well as I said it must go on-I went to see her on Monday and proposed having it done befroe the Meeting at Bethany which was to commence the ensuing Friday. She did not make the slightest objection provided I would go and see her brother the Rev.Wm.A.Hall. She also daid if she did not marry me she would be a miserable woman and that she believed it would take her life. It may be true that all she knew about the opinion of her relations in the matter was through me, I having gone at her request to see her brother William. I also proposed writing or even going to see her brother ev. James D.Hall which she requested me not to do. 2nd.Mrs.Bell says that soon after the marriage my conduct towards her was very different from what it was before and @ few days after the marriage, he was quite unhappy. It is true I was unhappy but it was not owing to any unkind feeling towards her but because I saw she was unhappy and told me and others that she had regretted our marriage, because I saw that things were taking an unfavorable turn — that the family were, displeased at me, because she told me there were a great many hard and unkind things said about me in my absence and about her too because she had married me. I saw then it was too late that we had run into difficulties(not originating with her however) that were likely to be unmanageable. I suppose it true I made some remarks about being unable to Support her children. There was such talk in whuch she participated and said to me more than once that she knew that we could not support both families; that her children had ample property to support themselves, and lamented there was no arrange ment made with regard to their boarding. But notwithstanding these difficulties I told her that I was willing to take any of her children she could get without Pegard to Compensation, and that my house should be open at all times for the reception of the rest, that I would be glad to see them at any time ve OTN PUBLIC LIBRARY Bethany p.35 regardto requesting her not to tell her brother of any thing unpleasant between us it was confined to a particular circumstance when she told me that her father- in-law had proposed to her to remain where she was, and I where I was that she had tought of doing so for 4 year. And further I tola her that I had met with a cold reception after several days absence. She made a satisfactory explanation of the matter and I said to her pleasantly that she need not tell her brother when she went to Mocksville that any thing unpleasant had occurred.She smiled and said I need not fear that.0 threw open my mind freely to my wife and told her all my secrets and all my troubles with the fullest confidence, supposing from her state- ments thet our troubles were one. T.A.Bell. Bome of the explanations appearing to weaken in some measure Mrs.Bell's reasons, Mr.R.H.Hall,who is Mrs.Bell's counsel,asked leave to introduce evidence to corrober- ate them. He asked for a commission to be appointed to take the depositions of H. Forsythe and Dr.Gage. Whereitpon H.R.Hell and R.G.Archibald were appointed to take the depositions of those men,Mr.“ell being present and apprised of the time and place.The “‘oderator dire€ted the clerk to cite any witnesses that Mr.5ell might wish to intoduce. Session then adjeurnedwith prayer to mest on the lst day of April at 10 o'clock.H.R.Hall,Clerk. Bethany April lst 1848.Session met according to adjourmmabtConstituted with prayer.Presant Henry N.Pharr,Moderator, Richard tiall,R.G.4rchibald,John Houpe,R.H. fall, J.A.Hill,Wm.R.Everett,R.H.Hill. the minutes of the last meeting were read. The Commission appointed to take the deposition of H.Forsythe and Dr.“age reported as follows: The Comaiesion appointed to take the deposition 6f H.Forsythe and Dr.Vage respectfully sumbit to Session the following report.The Commission agreed to meet at Mr.fortythe's on Saturday the 25th of March at the hbur of 9 o'clock to take his deposition,Mr.“ill not being informed MAXXKEXHE of the hour.Two days previous to the tine appointed, the chairman receiveda note from the “oderator of Session stat- ing teak it as his opinion that the action of Session ought to be suspended in as much as measures were being taken which it was hoped would result in the reconcil- lation of the parties. The chairman of the Commission then concluded to hold a con- Sul@étion with Mr.4ill and the other commissioner on Saturday morning, but before her note reached him, he,the other commissioner had left home and gone into Mr. For~ sythe's heighborgood the evening before. On the dey appointed Mr.Hill and the chairm man of the Commission went on to Mr.Forsythe's but Mr. .Archibald,the other Commiss- loner, had left before they arrived and no deposition was taken. The chairman of the Commi s omission not expecting that the de osition would be taken under the then existing ¢ ireunstances was unprepared to leave home at such en early hour es he had agreed on with the other, It was therefore after 12 o'clock before he end Mr-Hill arrived at 5 Mr.Forythe! s 80 that Mr.Archibald had left after waiting 3 or 4 hours. Subsequently Bethany p.35 regardto requesting her not to tell her brother of any thing unpleasant between us it was confined to a particular chreumstance when she told me that her father- in-law had proposed to her to remain where she was, and I where I was that she had tought of doing so for a year. And further I told her that I had met with a cold reception after several days absence. She made a satisfactory explanation of the matter and I said to her pleasantly that she need not tell her brother when she went to Mocksville that any thing unpleasant had occurred.She smiled and said I need not fear that.O threw open my mind freely to my wife and told her all my secrets and all my troubles with the fullest confidence, supposing from her state- ments that our troubles were one. T.A.Bell. Bome of the explanations appearing to weaken in some measure Mrs.Bell's reasons, Mr.R.H.Hall,who is Mrs.Bell's counsel,asked leave to introduce evidence to corrober- ate them. He asked for a commission to be appointed to take the depositions of H. Forsythe and Dr.Gage. Whereiipon H.R.Heall and R.G.Archibald were appointed to take the depositions of those men,Mr.“ell being present and apprised of the time and place.The “‘oderator dire€ted the clerk to cite any witnesses that Mr.5ell might wish to intoduce. Session then adjeurnedwith prayer to mest on the lst day of April at 10 o'clock.H.R.Hall,Clerk. Bethany April lst 1848.Session met according to adjourmmabtConstituted with prayer.Presant Henry N.Pharr,Moderator, Richard fiall,R.G.Archibald,John Houpe,R.H. Hall,J.A.Hill,Wm.R. Everett, R.H.Hill. the minutes of the last meeting were read. The Comission appointed to take the deposition of H.Forsythe and Dr.“age reported as follows: The Commiesion appointed to take the deposition 6f H.Forsythe and Dr.\age respectfully sumbit to Session the following report.The Commission agreed to meet at Mr.fortythe's on Saturday the 25th of March at the hbur of 9 o'clock to teke his deposition,Mr.4ill not being informed MAXXKEIME of the hour.Two days previous to the tine appointed, the chairman receiveda note from the “oderator of Session stat- ing teak it as his opinion that the action of Session ought to be Suspended in as much as measures were being taken which it ~s hoped would result in the reconcil- lation of the parties. The chairman of the Commission then concluded to hold a con- Sulgétion with Mr.Hill] and the other commissioner on Saturday morning, but before her note reached him, he,the other commissioner had left home and gone into Mr. For~ Suthe' p heighborgood the evening before. On the dey appointed Mr.Hill and the chairm man of the Commission went on to Mr.Forsythe's but Mr.Archibald,the other Commiss- loner, had left before they arrived and no deposition was taken. The chairman of the “omission not expecting that the de osition would be taken under the then existing Ciroumstances was unprepared to leave home at such en early hour es he had agreed on With the other, It was therefore efter 12 o'clock before he end Mr-Hill arrived at 4 "r-Forythe! s So that Mr.Archibald had left after waiting 3 or 4 hours. Subsequently Sethany p.36 to that time the Commission agreed to take the deposition of H.Forsythe on Friday night on the 31st inst.Dr.“ege having gone to the north. On that night Mr.Hill, the chairman of the Commission, Mr.Bell and Wm.R.Everett Esq.met at Mr.Forsythe's. Mr.Archibeld being from home and not having received notice of the meeting.After mich deliberation it was agreed not to teke the deposition of H.Forsythe in hope thet a recoRciliation might be affected between the parties, and the following paper was drawn up and subscribed to by Mr.ell amd R.H.Hill as ce@unsel for Mrs. bell."We Thomas A.Bell anc R.H.Hill, as counsel for Nancy C.Bell, agree that Wm.R. Everett and .H.Hill will on tomorrow morning visit Mrs.°ell and propose to her an interview with her husband Thomas A.Bell. If she wish the interview, that she fix the time and place, end if such arrangement is entered into, that they agree for Session, to suspend its investigations at present. Signed March 31,1848, by T.A. Yell anc R.H.Hill. This report was accepted. The committee appointed to wait upon Mrs.Bell reported as follows - William R.Everett and R.H.Hill report that they called on Mrs.Bell this morning and proposed to her en interview with Mr."ell and she said she Believed she would rather not have an interview.The Commission pre- viously appointed to take Mr.Forsythe's deposition was continued and diected to take it before the next MMEMZNY meeting of the Session. Session then adjourned to meet on the 6th day of April. Adjourned with pr: yer.H.R.Reli,clerk. bethany April 6,18,8.Session met according to acjourment. Present H.N.Pharr, “oderator,R.Holl,R.G.Archibald,J.Houpe,R.H.Hill,J.A.Hill,H.R.Hall, Wm.R. Everett. Constitutec with prayer. Minutes of last meeting were reac. Commission appointed to take ceposition reported as follows: “hat they agreed to take the deposition of “r.torsythe on Tuesday of Court end on that Gay they in connection with Mr.Hill and Mir.5ell waited upon Mr-Forsythe anc that he declined attending to the business in as much as his time during the day would be taken up with his private afiairs. Mp.Hill and Mr.5ell then agreed to put Mr.Hill's questions into Mr.“orsythe's hands and let him examine them end write out answers and that he appear before Session at its Rext meeting and be sworn to those answers and enswer any questions which may be put to him by either party. H.R.Hall,R.G.Archibald,Comn. The hour having elepsed(see page 92 & 93)when Mr.Forsythe wes to have appeared before the Session anda not having arrived, by consent of parties the Rev.Wm.A.Hall Was introduced as a witness by Mr.bell and having been sworn testified as follows. westion lst, by Mr.5ell ~- Do you know why I did not file a petition for division of the negroes of the Gracey Estate at the Nov.court? Ans. You told me that you con- Sulted a lawyer and ascerteined that the division could not be made without putting them to Sale and you did not wish to do so as you knew it was contrary to the wishes of all the friends. Ques.2nd. Did I express or manifest any dissatisfaction in re- Grd to the lest written arrangement sbout the negro woman and board of the children? Bethany p.37 ins. I don't think you manifedted any dissatisfaction.**(Not evidence) .Ques 3rd. Did I not say that the board agreed on was higher than I had expected?Ans.I bel- jeve you did, but it was before the price of board fixed at $4.50 per month and papers signed. Ques.4th.Do you recollect how the board came to be fixed at $4.50 instead of $5.00 as had been previously agreed pn? Ans.It was at the suggestion of Mr.Bell. Quest.5th Lid I ever manifest any disposition to teke the management of affairs at Mr.“racey's? Ans. Not after old Mr.“racey showed opposition.Ques. 6th. Did not difficulties appear to meet us at every point?Ans.They were numerous Quest.7th.Why wes the board fixed per month instead of per year by the guardian? ins.I believe so that he might have power to remove them when he thought best. Quest.Sth.Did Mrs.Bell tell you we had appointed the Thursday week after you were there to remove? Ans.I can't say that she did, but the impression was dinstinctly made upon my mind that you intanded to remove her at that time. Ques.9th.Dic i mu notsay in presence of Mr.Forsythe that I would teke as many of her chiicren as xk she could get, without regard to compensation? Ans.I don't remember that you dia. Ques.l0th.Dic you not hear me say more than once that I woula do it? Ans.I heard you say twice that you had agreed to teke two of tiem ana once I heard you say you had agreed to take three of them on yout own hook.Ques lith.Dida it not always appear doubtful until the lest meeting we had whether Mrs. Bell would get any of her chilcren with her? Ans.I thought sol Cross exeminéd by Mr.Hill Quest.1.What was you understanding in regard to the first written agreement between Mr.end Mrs Sell and Mr.Forsythe about the children?Ans.I thought it referred to the appoint- ment of giardians and not to the location of the children.Ques.2d.Was the agreemm ment before the guardiens were appointed? Ans.It was before their appointment by Court of Nov.Session.Ques.3rd.How would you construe it now? Ans.It will bear the construction Mr.Forsythe puts on it as referring to the locelity of the children. wues.,th.What did you thing Mr.%ell meant by taking the children on his own hook? Ans.I thought he meant he would take them without compensation.Quest5th.At which of the meetings was it that Mr.Forsythe had the papers relating to the assignment of the property by Minor Gracey -—- deeds,etc.? Ans.Shortly after the merra&age at & meeting Mr.Forsythe hed several papers,deeds,sale list,etc.which he showed to Mr.5el]l.Quest. 6th. Did Mr.Bell express dissatisfaction at any of your meetings in *egard to the property? Ans.I think he did.Ques.7th.What effect has this marriage nd the difficulties out @f it had on your sister's health and stete of mind.Her general health has not been so good as it was before end her spirits have been very mich depressed.Quest.8th.Was her state of mind such that you did not mention the subject to her when she was at your house a week or some days ago? Ans.It was Goss ~exemined by Mr.Bell Ques.Did you discover an avaricious disposition in me in any thing connected with the pecuniary arrangements?Ans.I think not.Ques.Do you Bethany p.38 believe that I understood the first written agreement as relating to the appoint- ment of guardians and not the location of the children? Ans.I have reason to BAXX believe you did. Mr.torsythe having sent the answers to the questions put into his hands at Court by Mr.Hill and these questions ana answers having been read before Session by Mr. Bell's consent bewfore the Rev.Wm.A Hall was examined. Session ordered that Wm.R. Everett in connection wath the chairman of the commission previously appointed should have Mr.Forsythe's papers properly authenticated and give Mr.5ell an opp- ortunity of cross exemining him. The commission met at Mr.Fortythe's on the 8th day of April when My.Forsythe was sworn to the paper read before Sission end cross exemined by Mr.$ell. The paper and cross exemination es follows - Ques.1lst.Did you have a conversation with Mr.Thomas A.Bell respecting his marriage tbhth Nancy C “racey before the marriege took place,if so at what time end what was the sub- stance of that conversation? Ans.Yes.Mr.Bell came to my house I think the llth of Yctober and said he had called to give me a telk relative to his marriage with Mrs.“racey stating that he knew that I had the management of her business and family end to marry without my know! edge would not be right as he wished to con- tinue my friendship towards himself and widow and asked if she had apprised me of her intentions.I was reading her line at the time he rode up to my house making mown her intentions to margy the next day. I apprised Mr.“ell of the situation of my agency as to Uncle Gracey's settlement - that he was old and I found him hard to manage, that if he came there to live he would see trouble. Uncle is 83 or 84 by his stetements—— that his sons in Alabama and South Ceroline had certain Property there which would be protected.When property was named Mr.¥ell would wave the subject to their love impressicns, and steted if they were prevented marrying it would take their lives, that the old man was in a perfect rage, and thet him and others would put the widow out of notion — that he intended to go to Statesville — get the license and marry as soon as possible. I tola him I would have no hand in it. He left in haste. Ques.2d. How many children has Mrs.“racey alias Mrs.bell and what are their ages? Ans.She has 6 in number.The oldest was in & few months of sixteen,the 2d about 14 and down to about 5 years old at the mrriage.Ques.3.Are you the agent of Messrs.Graceys of S.C.?If so how did they instruct to apportian Mrs.Bell?7Ans.I have acted as the agent of J.S.Gracey,Admr. of Mrs.Bell's former husband ever since he qualified, and done the business, ex- Cept one sale he attanded. The property of the estate was all sold except the land and negroes to pay the debts of the estate which failed to do so(end some cupboard furniture) ‘Mr.and Mrs.had nothing to do but to file their petition for dower of land ang division of negroes in court.Mrs.Gracey gave her note for the articles She holds that were sold at sale. Quest,4th.You stated in your answer to the lst Bethany p.38 believe that I understood the first written agreement as relating to the appoint- ment of guardians and not the location of the children? Ans.I have reason to BAIX believe you did. Mr.torsythe having sent the answers to the questions put into his hands at Court by Mr-Hill and these questions ana answers having been read before Session by Mr. Bell's consent bewfore the Rev.Wm.A Hall was examined. Session ordered that wWm-R. iverett in connection with the chairman of the commission previously appointed should have Mr.Forsythe'g papers properly authenticated and give Mr.%ell an opp- ortunity of cross examining him. The commission met at Mr.Forsythe's on the 8th day of April when Mr.Forsythe was sworn to the paper read before Sission end cross exemined by Mr.Bell. The paper and cross exemination es follows - Ques.lst.Did you have a conversation with Mr.Thomas A.Bell respecting his marriage tbth Nancy C “yacey before the marriege took plece,if so at what time end what was the sub- stance of that conversation? Ans.Yes.Mr.Bell came to my house I think the llth of “etober and said he had called to give me a telk relative to his marriage with Mrs.“racey stating that he knew that I had the management of her business end family end to marry without my knowledge would not be right as he wished to con- tinue my friendship towards himself and widow and asked if she had apprised me of her intentions.I was reading her line at the time he rode up to my house making mown her intentions to margy the next day. I apprised Mr.“ell of the situation of my agency as to Uncle Gracey's settlement - that he was old end I found him hard to manage, that if he came there to live he would see trouble. Uncle is 83 or 84 by his stetements— that his sons in Alabama and South Cproline had certein property there which would be protected.When property was named Mr.¥ell would wave the subject to their love impressi ns, and steted if they were prevented marrying it would take their lives, that the old man wes in a perfect rage, and thet him and others would put the widow out of notion — that he intended to go to Statesville — get the license anc marry as soon as possible. I told him I would have no hand in it. He left in haste. Ques.2d. How many chilaren has Mrs.“racey élies Mrs.Bell and what are their ages? Ans.She has 6 in number.The oldest was in & few months of Sixteen,the 2d about 14 and down to about 5 years old at the marriege.Ques.3.Are you the agent of Messrs.Graceys of 3.C.?If so how did they instruct to @pportian Mrs.Bell?Ans.I have acted as the agent of J.S.Gracey,Admr. of Mrs.Bell's former husband ever since he qualified, and done the business, ex- cept one sale he attanded. The property of the estate was all sold except the land “nd Negroes to pay the debts of the estate which failed to do so(end some cupboard furniture) ‘Mr.and Mrg.had nothing to do but to file their petition for dower of 1 P| ‘ and and division of negroes in court.Mrs.Gracey gave her note for the articles she holds that were sold at sale. Quest,4th.You stated in your answer to the lst “ethany p.29 question relative to conveyed property by the Graceys of S.C. Please state the substence of the situaticn of said property in as few words as possible?Ans. Uncle Gracey cleims by settlement of his son John the plantetion that Mrs.Yracey married on end 3 negroes that his son Minor bought by agent, of Robert's estate, which pro- perty the fanily had use of — that is widow and children.The property of the estate of Mrs.Bell's former husband was sold and such property as was needed by the family was bid of myself and settled for by Mr.W.Gracey of Alatama who convey- ed by deed of gift as deed will show,either party can have a copy, to Uncle,widow andfemily,Uncle and N.C.Gracey holcing,as 1 understand it, life estate with the following condition"If in case the widow should die or marry at any time after the death of my perents, the property is to be sold or divided among her( their) living heirs or children". This conveyance was registered May 1845.I made out an estimate and showed to Mr."ell, by that calculation that it would amount to between three and four thousand dollars which property he could not take possession of or use without the consent of Uncle who was at that time opposed to him bringins his children into his house and still continued opposed. When Mr.Bell found out that he could not move into the femily and,using his own words, that his wife was fettered down ahd shaved until mm if he did not se& for his right he woulc get nothing be her and showed dissatisfaction.A written agreement was signed by Mr. & “rs.Bell shortly after their marriege"that the children of Mrs.“ell should be con- tinued in the same was as it has been." Uncle pressed that Mrs,Bell should remove from the house with what property the law allowed her.After cammsultation Rev. Wm. Be)) being present Mr.5el] was permitted or allowed to come and see his wife if she remained and if she went to Mr.Bell's that she was to visit her family at plea~ sure until Nov.court, at which time I understood Mr.Sell would seek for his rights Court ceme and passed and he filed no petitions that I ever heerd of.This errange— ment not working well Mr.Bell and myself had another meeting.He appeared in distress of mind in the way he was living with his wife and spoke of a difficulty about to arise between him and his wife and if such took place it would take his life and that if his wife was farced to leave her children that # would takehher life - that she ond he never slept a wink the last night they were together - that his wife said she did not expect to live long and asked my aid as a friend to do some thing for their distressed situation.As the Rev.Wm.A.Hall had been called in -xwKKA Counsel he was wrote to at least he attended cur meeting and we went into other Writings which he witnessed.Mr.Bell was to receive a negro woman and four dollars and fifty cents per month for the children that his wife teok back,clothing found by cuardien.After these articles were Signed he appeared dissatisfied and stated that, he had not put the board of the children at that price.Mr.Hall and family left am every thing ready to move right on the spot by agreement.He came to me as I “ethany p39 question relative to conveyed property by the Graceys of S.C. Please state the substence of the situation of said property in as few words &s possible?Ans. Uncle Gracey claims by settlement of his son John the plantetion that Mrs.“racey married on end 3 negroes that his son Minor bought by agent, of Robert's estate,which pro- perty the fanily had use of — that is widow and children.The property of the estate of Mrs.Bell's former husband was sold énd such property as was needed by the family was bid of myself and settled for by Mr.W.Gracey of Alabama who convey- ed by deed of gift as deed will show,either party can have a copy, to Uncle, widow andfemily,Uncle and N.C.Gracey holcing,as 1 understayd it, life estate with the following condition"If in case the widow should die or marry at any time after the death of my parents, the property is to be sold or diviced among her( their) living heirs or children". This conveyance was registered May 1845.I made out an estimate and showed to Mr.ell, by that calculetion that it would amount to between three and four thousand dollers which property he could not teke possession of or use without the consent of Uncle who was at that time opposed to him bringins his children into his house and still continued opposed. When Mr.Bell found out that he could not move into the femily and,using his own words, that his wife was fettered down ahd shaved until mm if he did not sek for his right he would get nothing be her and showed dissctisfaction.A written agreement was signed by Mr. & “rs.Bell shortly after their marriege"that the children of Mrs.“ell should be con~ tinued in the same was as it has been." Uncle pressed that Mrs,Bell should remove from the house with what property the law allowed her.After camsultation Rev.Wn. “all being present Mr.5ell was permitted or allowed to come and see his wife if she remained and if she went to Mr.Bell's that she was to visit her family at plea~ sure until Nov.court, at which time I understood Mr.Sell woula seek for his rights Court ceme and pessec and he filed no petitions that I ever heerd of. This errange- ment not working well Mr.Bell and myself had another meeting.-He appeared in distress of mind in the way he was living with his wife and spoke of a difficulty about to arise between him and his wife and if such took place it would take his life end that if his wife was farced to leave her children that & would takehher life ~ that she end he never slept a wink the last night they were together - that his wife said she did not expect to live long and asked my aid as a friend to do some- thing for their distressed situation.As the Rev.Wm.A.Hall had been called in 4xanEx Counsel he was wrote to at least he attended our meeting and we went into other wWitings which he witnessed.Mr.Bell was to receive a negro woman and four dollars and fifty cents per month for the children that his wife took back, clothing found by guardien.After these articles were signed he appeared dissatisfied and stated that he had not put the board of the children at that price.Mr.Hall and family left end every thing ready to move right on the spot by agreement.He came to me as I “ethany p.40 was about to leave and stated that Mrs.Bell wished to Stay to make a dress for her daughter before she returned to Salem. I went back and told her I would have it made.They EMAWXA showed no signs of removing or packing the first things or one word about it in the house,both appeared at a loss. After I had left some fifty stepsfrom the house Mr.°ell fodlowed me.We had another tplk,from what he said I was satisfaied he never would move her without certain propel ails I have never urged the subject of their removing since to either. His reasons for not teking my wards to his house with their mother was reasonable and satisfactory to me which was the three oldest children of Mrs.4ell.I wrote John and Minor Gracey for whom Tact as agent concerning my impressions of Bells intentions and that I considered her removal about an end. In John's letter she is left to her discretion to go of stay, that if she expects to be Supported by the arrengement she has Bell to discard which letter she hes read I presume.Of recent date 1 an further instructed by then to protect the old man and property converyed to him.Ques.5.Did you ever hear Mr. Bell express himself in a way calculeted to create Suspicions in Mrs.5.¢ll that he was dissatisfied with her property arrangement in her presence? Ans.I did. Ques.6. Sed Mrs.Bell enjoyed ordinary health up to the time of her late marriage and what effect has her late marriage with the circumstances connected to it had? Ans.As to the first part of the question her generel health has been good, ~ as little con~ fined as any of her neighbors women so far as I know.Since go much has been sterted about her late marriage I have scen her Several times in the lest month in what I considered distressed situations Quest.7, Dic Mr.“ell propose to take the “racey children without coupensation?Ans.He did not, for he failed to take them at $4.50 per month and a negro woman to wait on them. Ques.&.Have you and Mr.“ell heretofore been on terms of friencship?Ans.I know nothing to the contrary, says he looks upon me és @ friend.Cppss—examined by Mr.°ell Quest.1,Did the late J.B.Gracey leave a will?aAns. Not that I ever saw.Ques.2d.For how much land did J.B.Vracey have a deed or deeds in fee Simple at his death?Ans.You can have access to the deeds in my Possession and make the calculations.Quest.3, Do you not believe that Mrs.5ell was advised Pot to live with me? Ans.I do not know whether she wes or not.Quest.<th, fas she not been edvised to persevere in her determination of not living with me? 4ns.All the advice that has been given he on the subject,that I know of, is contained in letters from the Graceys in which I think it left pptionary with her, but if she expected to enjoy jhe property or aid fmm them she had Bell to discard. Ques.5.Dig I ever manifest any desire to move to the Gracey place? Ans.Nothing more than saying it was your calculation. Ques.6.What was the date of the letters of the Graceys referred to in which they spoke of Mrs.Bell's deriving benefit from the Uracey *reperty or their aid?sns.They are dated in Jan.Feb.and “arch. (Deponent saith that all papers referred to in the deposition in his possession can be seen at any time an “ethany p.40 was about to leave and stated that Mrs.Bell wished to stay to make a dress for her daughter before she returned to Salem, I went back and told her I would have it nade-They SMMWXA showed no signe of removing or packing the first things or one word about it in the house,both appeared at a loss. After I had left some fifty stepsfrom the house Mr."ell foblowed me.We had another tplk,from what he said I urged the subject of their removing since to either. Hig reasons for not teking my wards to his house with their mother was reasonable and satisfactory to me which was the three oldest children of Mrs.ell.1 wrote John and Minor “racey for whom I act as agent concerning my impressions of Bells intentions and that I considered her removal about an end. In John's letter she is left to her discretion to go of stay, that if she expects to be Supported by the arrangement she has bell to discard which letter she hes read I presume.Of recent dete I am further instructed ty them to protect the old man and property converyed to him. Ques.5.Did you ever hear Mr. Bell express himself in a way calculated to create suspicions in Mrs.5ell that he was dissatisfied with her property arrangement in her presence? Ans.I did. Ques.6. "ad Mrs.Bell enjoyed ordinary health up to the time of her late marriage and what effect has her late marriage with the circumstances connected to it had? Ans.As to the first part of the question her generel health has been good, = as little con- fined as any of her neighbors women so far as I know.Since go much has been started about her late marriage I have seen her severel times in the last month in what I considered distressed situations Quest.7, Dic “r.“ell propose to take the “racey children without conpensation?Ans.He did not, for he failed to take them at $4.50 per month and e negro woman to wait on them. Ques.8.Have you and Mr.“ell heretofore been on terms of friendship?Ans.I know nothing to the contrary, says he looks upon me as 4 friend. Cppss—examined by Mr.°el] Quest.1,Did the late J.B.Gracey leave a Will?Ans. Not that I ever saw.Ques.2d.For how much land did J.B.Vracey heve a deed or deeds in fee Simple at his death?Ans.You can have access to the deeds in my Possession and make the calculations.Quest.3, Do you not believe that Mrs.%ell was advised ot to live with me? Ans.I do not know whether she was or not.Quest.dth, Has she Not been edvised to persevere in her determination of not living with me? 4ns.All the advice that has been given he on the subject, that I know of, is contained in letters from the Graceys in which I think it left pptionary with her, but if she *xpected to enjoy the property or aid from them she had Bell to discard. Ques.5.Dig I ever manifest any desire to move to the Gracey place? Ans.Nothing more than saying it was your calculation. Ques.6.What was the date of the leteers of the Graceys referred to in which they spoke of Mrs.Bell's deriving benefit from the “Uracey Property or their aid?Ans.They are dated in Jan.Feb.and “arch. (Deponent saith that all papers referred to in the deposition in his possession can be seen at any time am Sethany p.4l and the fects are states according to the best of his knowledge and belief. sworn and subscribed in presence of “ugh R.Hell and Wm.R.Everett April 8,1848. H. Forsyth. ) Mr.Richard Hall offered the fellowing resolution,Resolved that this case be referred to Presbytery at its next regular session for final adjucation and that the clerk of Session make out all the papers connected with it and also the rea- sons for th reference,wich resolution was unanimously adopted." Mr.R.H.Hill offered the following res@lution,Resolved that the thanks of Session be presented to the Rev.-Henry N.Pharr, for the impartiality, dignity, and ability,with which he has presided over its deliberetions during this investigation,whish was adopted. “ession then adjourned with prayer.H.R.Hall,clerk.The reasons fa the reference are as follows: Ist,*hat every member of Session is nearly related to one or other of the parties.2d.That it has become an exciting subject in the churéh and if Session were to decide it however jusicious and impartial their decision might be, it could not meet the approbation of all parties.R.H.Hall, clerk. 4; committee of review on this book ~ beg leave tem sumbit the fellowing report. mneétings viz that the MMMZM¥Xof the “ession of “ethamy Church have heen constitutionally held and that its records are correctly kept and recommend their approval up to page 102.4nd further rocommend that the resolution of the “ession aforesaid found on pege 101 referring the case of Mr.and Mrs.¥el] now before their Session to this fresbytery for adjucation - be referred back to the Pession of that church for their reconsideration - and for the following reason viz(over leaf) “hat in refer- ence of this case no charges are preferred against the aforesaid Mr.and Mrs.5ell anc therefore its informality —- all of which is respectfully submittea ~James F.W.* reeman,J ohn F.McNeely.fxamined and approved théc far .Rocky River, N.C.,April 18,1848.R.H.L@fferty Moderator. “ethany,August 5,1848.The “ession of Bethany met this day the Rev.H.N.Pharr, by request,as moderator.¢ie following members were present:Richard Hall,John Houpe, James A.Hill,Robert H.Hill,Wm.R. Everett and H.R.Hell.Constituted with prayer.On motion of Richard Hall the case of Mr.and Mrs.¥ell ws taken up. On metion of the Same the case was unamimously referred again to Presbytery at its next meeting for final adjuca ion and for the followigg reasons: viz. The novelty, importance,delic: cy and difficulty of the cawe.Its novelty at least to this Session.Its importance in this,that a public sentiment is forming against the sanctity and religious nature anc binding abligations of the marriege relations which calls for the solemn decision of a higher court than that of a church Session to correct and counteract,. Ite delicacy in the fact that every member of Session is a near relative of one or other of the parties.Its difficulties in this that it has become an exciting subject in the church and it the Session were to decide the case,however Judisiou§ end im. Sethany p.4l and the facts are states according to the best of hig knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed in presence of “ugh R.Hell ana Wm.R.Everett April 8,1848. H.Forsyth. ) Mr.Richard Hall offered the fellowing resolution,Resolved that this case be referred to Presbytery at its next regular session for final adjucetion and that the clerk of Session make out all the papers connected with it and also the rea- sons for th reference,wich resolution was unanimously adopted." Mr.R.H.Hill offered the following resOlution,Resolved that the thanks of Session be presented to the Rev.Henry N.Pharr, for the impartiality, dignity, and ability,with which he k has presided over its deliberations during this investigation,whish was adopted. “ession then adjourned with preyer.H.R.Hali,clerk.the reasons fo the reference are as follows: lst, *hat every member of Session is nearly related to one or other of the parties.2d.That it has become an exciting subject in the churéh and if Session were to decide it however jusicious and impartial their decision might be, it could not meet the approbation of all parties.R.H.Hall,clerk. +he committee of review on this book - beg leave te sumbit the fallowing report. meétings viz that the MHAIWEXof the -ession of “ethary Church have been constitutionally held and that its records are correctly kept and recommend their approval up to page 102.And further rocommend that the resolution of the “ession eforesaid found on pege 101 referring the case of Mr.and Mrs.%ell now before their Session to this *resbytery for adjucation - be referred back to the Session of that church for their reconsideration - and for the following reason viz(over leaf) that in refer ence of this case no charges are preferred against the aforesaid Mr.and Mrs.Bell anc therefore its informality — all of which is respectfully submittea —James F.W.* reeman,J ohn F.McNeely.ixamined and approved this far Rocky River,N.C.,April 18,1848.R.H. Léfferty Moderator. “ethany, August 5,1848.The “ession of bethany met this day the Rev.H.N.Pharr, by request,as moderator. the following members were present:Richard Hall,John Houpe, James A.Hill,Robert H.Hill,Wm.R. Everett and H.R.Hell.Constituted with prayer.On motion of Richard Hall the case of Mr.and Mrs.¥ell wes taken up» On metion of the Same the case was unamimously referred again to Presbytery at its next meeting for final adjuca ion arid for the followigg reasons: viz. The noveity, importance, delic: cy and difficulty of the cawe.Its novelty at least to this Session.Its importance in this, that a public sentiment is forming against the sanctity and religious nature and binding abligations of the marriege relations which calls for the solemn decision of a higher court than that of a church Session to correct and counteract, Its delicacy in the fact that every member of Session is a near relative of one or other of the parties.Its difficulties in this that it has become an exciting subject in the church and it the Session were to decide the case,however Jucdisiou§ and im. Bethany p.42 partial the decision may be, it would not meet the approbation of all.We hope the Presbytery will consicer this case of sufficient importance to the interests of religion and the gooc order and peace of the church to claim from them their high and solemn cecésion.Mr.Robert H.Hill(counse i for Mrs.Bell) requested of Session that a commission be appointed to take the deposition of Dr.Gage which he had been prevented fromtaking before the former reference to Presbytery,which request was refused to him on the grounds that it wes irregular to take depositions after the taking of evidence had been closed and the case referred to Presbytery Adjourned wik with prayer.H.R.Hall,Clerk. Dethany, August 12,1848.Session met this day.Rev.F.F.Rockwell acting as moderator. vith seme elders.James Everett,John Gray ,James Ellis,and Yohn K.Potts were admitted to church.James “llis was beptized Aug.13.Mr.John Currie and wife from Tabor admitt- ed Aug.13,1848. Aug.16,1848.Same elders.Mr.Thomas A.Bell appeared before Session ad requested th that nis case be taken up with a view of permitting him to introduce additional testimony before the case be referred which request was refused to him in as much as the reference had already been made.Mr.Wm.R. Sverett was appointed as a delegate th next meeting of Presbytery, and Mr.James A.“ili his alternate. Oct..2,16/8.Robert H.Hill was appointed clerk temporarily.Rev.John S.McCutchan lead.At the meeting “arch 18,18/9.Mr.Thomas A.Bell sends a letter of inquiry. lay 12,1849 Rev.Thomas E.Davis is made moderator.Messrs.Richard A.Nisbet and William D.Hill admitted to church.On motion it was unanimously resolved That Mr. Thomas A.Bell be recognized as recommended :n the Yresbyterial paper above ment- Loned." Report of the Judicial Com.on th petition of Mr.Thomas A.Bell.Concord Church, {redell County,N.C.,Friday April 6,1848.A petition of Mr.Thomes A.Bell of Bethany Church in reference to the difficulties between himself and his wife Mrs.Nancy C. sundry other papers, an’ the minutes of the -ession 66 Sethany Church in to the case having been referred to the Judicial Committee, after a care- perusal of said papers the Committee reports as follows. “his is a case which hx 48 twice been referred to Presbytery, and in both instances sent back to the “ession of the church becasue essentially inforual.Our Book of Discipline requireg that a reference from a Session to Presbytery shall contain a Specific charge tabled in due form, and the testimony of witnesses properly taken, to sustain the accuséionn.In the records of the °ession of Sethany church we find no regular charge tabled against either of the parties,except the statement of the fact of their not having lived together.The testinony which does appear in the minutes is confined chiefly to the statements of the parties themselves or of their friends.As & r sult of this vague and informal action of the "ession, the case of Mr. Thomas Pethany p.43 A.Bell is a peculdar and tryigg one. He complains that he is virtually suspended from the privileges of the church and his office of Ruling Elder,without any regular trial or opportunity of defence.As the measures adopted by Presbytery at its last Stated Session to reconcile the parties failed, and as on of them has been recently removed by death, the committee recommends to ‘resbytery to dispose of the whole case by adopting the following resolutions: 1.4hat the Session of Bethany church be adjourned, that if they have any charges against the Christian Vneracter of Mr.Thomas A.5e11 to make them out in due form, and proceed to his trial according to the Discipline of our church. 2.That it be solemnly recomnended to said Session that if they find no such ground of Vharge that they recognize his standing es regular in the churd, ani the office of Ruling Elder. 3.Resolved, that in the estimation of Presbytery anything which appears in the minutes of the “ession,up to this time,or in the papers laid before if should not destroy Mr.“ell'. regular comection with the church.4.Resolved ~ that in view of recent dispensations of Divine Providence and the peace and prosperity of the church,all the parties concerned be daminished to cultivate a spirit of forgiveness, and mutual forebears ance and brotherly love.R.H.Thomson,chair of comm. Kesolved that a copy of this report be sent to Bethany church,and recorded in their session book.The above is a true copy extract from the minutes of Concord *resby tery .R.H.Léfferty, clerk. *he following is a paper adopted by Session in relation to th case of Mr.thomes A. “ell and his late wife Mrs.Nancy C.Bell.Bethany Chucrh May 12,1849. "In complying with the reolusiotn of “resbytery by recording in our Session Book the “eport of the Judical Committee,adopted by Presbybery at its last Session at Cooncord Church in relation to the case of Mr. Thomas A.Bell and his late wife Mrs. Nancy C.Bell,Session feel bound in justice to themselves to male the following Statement of facts and dec laration,/hat the case was taken up and investigated at the request of Mr.5ell.That the testimony in the case was closed at his instance..+at “hat owing to the very nature of the case she testimony was confined to the state~ ments of the parties themselves, an their immediate friends.That the testimony connected with the case was taken in a proper manner.And that it was the deliborate opinion of out late Pastor that the case,when the facts were found, should be refered toPresbytery fa traial.In which opinion Session cuncurred.That after the receipt of a paper sent to us by order of “resbytery last fall, and certified by the “tated Vlerk as a true extract from the minutes of Presbytery fns respecting the cuse,we did not feel at liberty to do anything in the metter,until Presbytery would désown the 3rd Res@lution in that pater ~ which was not done until Presb; tery met at Concord church this spring.That taking into view all th circumstances connected with this case, we do not believe we were justly liable to be singled out as the proper Bethany p44 subjects fora lecture on the sacredness of the marriage relation.Resolved p that we do not intend any disrespect to Presbytery by the above statement and declaration, and that the papter together with Mr.5ell's petition to Presbytery presented at Herganton and the paper(report of Jud.Co.) sent to us by the Stated Slerk after that meeting, be altered on our minutes.H.R.Hall,clerk. Mr. Thomas A.Bell's petition.To the Presbytery of Concord about to meet at Morgan- ton. Sept.7,1848-In the case sent up to the spring meeting of Presbytery by the Session of Yethany church, remanded back to Session, and now referred by them again to Presbytery,your petition is most deeply interested.And feeling that great pre- judice has been done to him in the course the matter has ta<en, he is constrained to make the foll\fjin,, representation, and request lst,That when the case Was before the Session in the spring he declined to introduce much testimony procurable to his case, through an unwillingness to throw any obstick in the way of a reconciliation which he most ardently desired, and continued to desire,and which he has made re- peated efforts to effect, but without success.2d.“hat your petitioner his not seen the record of the proceedings of ‘resbytery,Sending the case pack to the ~ession, but always understood that there was to be a reconeidéréiann of the whole matter by the Session.The matter remainde untouched till the Saturday before the camp meeting at Bethany in August.When the Yession appointed a meeting of which he was informed by the clerk three days before hand, but on the day before he was told by a member of the Session who said he had been consulted with one other, that it was not thought necessary for you petitioner to attend the meeting, as it was supposec no triel would be held. He was on the ground, however, preparing his tent during the meeting of Session.In his absence they decided to refer the case back to Yresbytery.Another meeting was called at his request on the day the camp meeting closed.The “ession bo k was not present.He then called for a new trial,if they hed any charges against him - an opportunity to defend himself - orto introduce new testimony.He was then told that the case was entirely out of their hancs, and that they could not touch it. And so he has failed of an opportunity to introduce at this time testimony which he declined to use before; and also much new anc very important testimony that has come to light since spring.Now your petitioner in view of these circumstances 4nd facts hereinto set forth prays and requests *r sbytery to send the case back to “ession and appoint am gommission of your body lst to go make & other effort for p aceful adjustment of the difficulties which your petitioner earnestly desries » or, failing this 2nd.to go into a full investigation of the whole matter.Your petit- ioner also requests that Rev.=.F.Rockwell be appointed to attend his case atPresby- tery, an? until it is decided.Betheny Sept.4,18,9.Signed.T.A,Bell.the foregoing is a true copy of the original paper which waslaid before the Presbytery of Vonecord during its recent meeting in Morganton. Nov, 4,1848.R.H-Lafferty, Stated Clerk. Bethany p.44 subjects fora lecture on the sacredness of the marriage relation.Resolved » that ve do not intend any disrespect to Presbytery by the above statement and declaration, and that the papter together with Mr.5ell's petition to Presbytery presented at Morganton and the paper(report of Jud.Co.) sent to us by the Stated Blerk after that meeting,be altered on our minutes.H.R.Hall,clerk. Mr.Thomas A.Bell's petition.To the Presbytery of Concord about to meet at Morgan- ton.Sept.7,1848.In the case sent up to the spring meeting of Presbytery by the Session of “ethany church,remanded back to Session, and now referred by them again to Presbytery,your petition is most deeply interested.And feeling that great pre- judice has been done to him in the course the matter has taken, he is constrained to make the follifjin, representation, and request lst,That when the case was before the Yession in the spring he declined to introduce much testimony procurable to his case, through an unwillingness to throw any obstick in the wey of a reconciliation which he most ardently desired, and continued to desire,and which he has made re- peated efforts to effect, but without success.2d. “hat your petitioner his not seen the record of the proceedings of F resbytery, Sending the case back to the “ession, but always understood that there was to be a reconsidéraionn of the whole matter by the Session.The matter remainde untouched till the Saturday before the camp meeting at Bethany in August.When the Session appointed a meeting of which he was informed by the clerk three days before hand, but on the day before he was told by a member of the Session who said he had been consulted with one other, that it was not thought necessary for you petitioner to attend the meeting, as it was supposed no trial would be held. He was on the ground, however,preparing his tent during the meeting of vession.In his absence they decided to refer the case back to Presbytery.Another meeting was called at his request on the day the camp meeting closed.The “ession “o k was not present.He then called for a new trial,if they had any charges against him - an opportunity to defend himself ~ orto introduce new testimony.He was then told that the case was entirely out of their hancas, and that they could not touch it. And so he has failed of an opportunity to introduce at this time testimony which he declined to use before; and also much new and very important t sstimony that has Come to light since spring.liow your petitioner in view of these circumstances and facts hereinto set forth prays and requests ‘r sbytery to send the case back to “ession and appoint am gommission of your body lst to go make aother effort for Pp aceful adjustment of the difficulties which your petitioner earnestly desries » or, failing this 2nd.to go into a full investigation of the whole matter.Your petit~ loner also requests that Rev.£.F.Rockwell be appointed to attend his cage atPresby~ tery, an’ until it is decided.Betheny Sept.4,18,9.Signed.T.A,Bell.The foregoing is & true copy of the original paper which waslaid before the Presbytery of Voncord during its recent meeting in Morganton.Nov,4,18/8.R.H.Lafferty,Stated Clerk, Bethany p.45 Report of the Yudicial Committee of th case of Mr.and Mrg.Bell,adopted at Morganton “ept.1348-A reference from the “ession of “ethany Church in the case of Mr.Thomas A.Bell and his wife Mrs.Nancy C.Bell having been presented to Presbyterg, and said reference withmm otner pepers connected with it having been placed in the hands of the “udicial Committee, said YVommittee after carefully examining all the records of the Yession of bethany woul present the following report:This case has been laid before Presbytery without thet formality or testimony which would justify a correct and judicious judgment.There is no specificmkkum charge against eigher of the parties except the general fadt of their not living together.It is impossible for Presbytery to decide which party is guilty in the °eparation, or how far both may be guilty in t the absence of testimony.The ny which appears upon the minutes of the -ession is confined to th statesment of the parties themselves, or their immediate friends, and in absence of all specific proofs of guilt it would appear unconstitutional for *resbytery to proceed to the final adjucication of a case demanding definite evi- cence, and involveing questions of law, and the peace of famnilies.the comnittee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution: lst That the refer- ence be returned to the “ession of Gethany Church as too indefinite and informal for trial by Presbytery; 2d. That a Commission of three ministers and six rehing elcers be sent to said church to use all the prudent and Christian means to effect a@ reconciliation between the parties,and ZH an amicable settlement of the whole matter. 3rd.In case said commission should fail to reconcile the perties, that they be authorized and directed to meeta on their own adjournment, anc try the case befroe the next reagular session of Presbytery. “he following persons were appointed ax commission to visit Bethany church viz. Rev.dk.H.Morrison,).D.,Revd. Messrs W.S. Pharr and D.A.Pinick,with Messrs.J.Krider,Col.Thomas A.Allison,John “teel,Col.J.F.McCorkle, Ehenezer Mceely and R.N.Roseboroggh.Here come in the min- utes adopted by the Presbytery on the Sacredness of the marriage relation.Comnen- cing thus - In connection with the case ani for the information of all the parties concerned,etc.After writing out the minutes on the marriage relation p the clerk says -~ A true copy from the minutes of Concord Pr sbytery.R.H.Lafferty, Stated Clerk(Note -The Commission appointed by Presbytery to visit Bethany were to have met at the church on the 17th Oct.1848.None attended with the exception of Rev. W.S.Pharr andMessrs,J.F.McCorkle and E.Mc‘eely) June 24,1848.Preaching to be held at the house of Mr.William Allison"intermediate between Bethany and Tabor". Oct.6,1849.Richard Hell presented a verbal request of James F.Bell and wife asking to be dismissed from “ethauy church to jo’n the church of Fifth Creek. The Clerk of Session presented a similar request in writing from Wm.R.iverett & member of session, for himself, his wife and son James. It was moved by Richard Hall that the request not be granted. After an expression of views by members of session Bethany p.46 upon the suggestion of Mr.B#XX Thomas A.Bell the consideration of the metion was defered for the present and a Committee appointed to confer with those persons and report to the first meeting of session after they shall have conversed with those persons. Said Committee consisted of the Moderator of Session, Thomes A.Bell and Richard G-Archibaid. Session then took a recess. Saturday evening,Oct. "ession met. On motion Thomas A.Bell was appointed a delegate to attend the Fall Sessions of Pres~ bytery at Poplat Tent and Richard G.Archibald his alternate.Session then took a recess Sabbath morning.°ession met. HH Monday 8 of October.Mr.P.H.Dalton was nominated and elected ae pestor Oct.10th.Session met.The committee appointed to confer with Mr.%ell and Everett reported throggh their Chairman, that after a conference with themthey withdrew their request at present, but feel themselves at liberty to meke a renewal of that appli- cation, at some future period should they feel it to be their duty.Adjourned with prayer. H.R.Hall. Feb.14th 1850.Session met this day.Constituted with prayer by the Rev.Mr. Dalton. “embers presentsRichard “all, Thomes A.Bell,H.R.Hall,John Houpe,Richard Archibald. Mr.iverett and Mr.James F.Bell renewed, through Mr.Thomas A.Bell,their epplication for dismission to join Fifth Creek Church.The vote of Session was taken and it was decided that they receive certificates of fismission./djourned.H.R.Hall,Clerk. Bethany Church 25th May,1850.Session met this day.Constituted with prayer by Rev. Mr.Frontis.Members present:Richard Hall,Thomas A.Bell,John Houpe,James nn. H.Hil1,R.G.Archibald.Mr.Franklin W.Houpe and Miss Sareh E.Gray applied for admission to the privileges of the church,who after due examination as to their experimental acquaintence with religion were admitted. Oct.9,1850.Mrs.F.Hall presented a certificate of dimissal from the church et Lexing- ton,N.C., amc was received in Sethany.Mrs.Agness Clarke joined.The sacrement was admin- istered by the Rev.Mr.T.E.Davis and Mr.B.L.Beall attended and pheacheca, Sugust 1,1851 Misses Martha Houpe and Laura J.Hall joined the church. KifIn August 1852 John M.Steele,John W.Stephenson,William F.Cowan,James K.Hall and Rufus Gibson were elected to be Ruling Elders as Mr.Richard Hell wes deed and a number had moved away.On April 1853 Mssrs John W.Stephenson and “ohn M.Steele declined to accept the honor.On Oct.1854 Mary S.Cowan, Major Jemes Clark and Jane A.Cowan applied for admission and were accepted.Sacrament administered by Rev.B.L.Beall Aug.185i. Mrs.Mary L.Potts admitted April 6206s dahenen Nar A.Stevenson and “gry Ann Hall Sdmitted Aug.6,1855 and a child of Mr.%anes and Agness Clarke was baptized. On Sept.2,1855 steps to ordain Mr.B.S.Krider as an evangelist were underteken by Tabor Church and Bethany assisted.Rev.S.B.0.Wilson presided at the meeting.On Oct. 19,1855,Mary the infent of Rev.Mr.and Mrs.Krider and Mery Isabel the infant of Mr. John K.and Mary L.Potts were baptized.Rev.R.A.Yaldwell resigned charge March 22,1871. Pethany p.47 Rev-E.F.Rockwell began his labor at Bethany Church Sept. 32,1871 W.R.McLelland began his labor at Bethany as Stated “upply in Hay 1886.ami has an- tinued to serve the churéh in this relation until this date.- Sept.1901. On April 26,1856,Session consisted of B.Scott Krider,Moderator,John Houpe,James Hill,R.H.Hill,H.R.Hall,W.F.Cowan and Rufus Gibson.Miss Elizabeth Hall applied for ad- nission.Mrs.Martha J.Bass was received from Prospect Church on certificate.July 13, 1856 Session had lost two of its Ruling Elders:Messrs H.R.Hall,clerk and John Houpe. Mr.R.H.-Hill elected clerk in place of Mr.Hall.Mr.Andrew Gray was recommended and on July 27 was elected. Mr.Gray having beenordained to the office of Ruling “lder in the Church of Unity ,Rowan County,4.C., and signifying his acceptance of this office in this church,was installed accordingly August 23rd 1856. Mr.Thomas Murdock and wife, Mrs.Jemima Murdock to go to Kentucky and apply for certificate.Mrs.’anthea Allison applied for same to go to Iowa, ept.1856.0n Sept.28,1856 James S.Allison, Franklin W. +llis,William M.Allison, Elizabeth R.Hall,William D.Summers,Francis C.Nicholson were admitted to bethany Church.On Oct.25,1856 Dovey C.Nicholson,*arah F.Summers,“ary F. Cmers,Jane F.Caney applied for admission. Nov.29,1856,“isses Sarah V.Crawford and M.J.Allis applied for admission. June 12,1857,Mr./aniel Rumple and wife,Mrs.Levina Rumple,applied for admission through certificate from Prospect Church. bec.12,1857,Mr.Andrew Morrison of the “ethodist Church applied for admission. On “une 13 Rev.B.S.Krider is released as pastor of Bethany. Mrs.Jane J.Maxwell wished to be dismissed that she might join Bethlehem Mr.John S.(?)Hall and wife,Mary M.Hall wished to get dismissal to join in Mississi- ppi where they had moved. Dec.15,1857,Miss Mary C.Gray applied for admission.Mr.William W.Pharr of Taylors- ville preached, April 30,1858 Mr.“eorge A.Gray applied for admission. May 2,1858,Miss Jane 4+sabella Chipley applied. Nov.5,1858 Misses Rebecca,ary and Martha J.Ellis applied for certificates as they were to move to Alabama. Dec.1858,the trustees of the congregation were William D.Summers,dames A. (Cray ford, William M.Allison,James A.Allison,Jeames Clark. Merch 2,1859,Mr.’ames Ellis having moved to Georgia applied for admission. May 21,1859.Mrs.“lizabeth M.Rich applied for certificate to Tabor.Mr.Adlai A. “ampton and wife,Mary R., and sister Rebecca Hampton of Fourth Creek applied for acnission.Also Dr.William ).Hill of Thyatira Church. Sabbath morning Miss Jane T. Sumers applied for admission, reveived. July 3,1859 Mrs.laura J. Smith applied for CeStificate as she had moved to Louisiana, July 23,1859 Rev.William A.Wood accepted the calls of Bethany,Tabor and Fifth ROWAN Pie LIBRARY Bethany p.48 Creek congregations. Nov.19,1859"The following persons applied to Session for admission io the privi-~ leges of the Church - to wit - Mrs.Elizabeth Ann Somers,Miss Margaret Cochran, Nethan ¢,Somers,James A.Reid and William M. Gray.Mrs.°omer and Mrs.N.C.Somers having never peen baptized it was ordered that ordinance be administered to them this evening. (otesMrs-must have been ledt out before Nathan . M.G.McCubbins) May 6,1860.Mrs.Jane J.Maxwell presented a certificate from Bethlehem Church and wished to be united with Bethany. hug.9,1860(or 19) .Mrs.+lizabeth McCutchan wished a certificate that she might join church at Fayeteville. Sept.9,1860.Mrs.“lary L.Potts wished a certificate that she might join Sethesda Church. Nov.10,1860.Miss Sarah Ann Reid applied for admission to church. Aug.24,,1861.Mr.J.S(?)S(?)Stevenson,Mrs.Jane J.Maxwell end Mrs.“‘ary Ann Lazenby wish their children baptized.Mrs.” eremiah A.Murdock applied for certificete of ad- mission to Fourth Creek Church.Aug.25,1861.Mr.James A.Gray applied for admission. Sept.27,1862 Mrs.“ery S.Long wished her chil baptised.March 22,1863 Mrs.Nancy Allison having moved with her husbend in 1856 to Mississippi applied for certificate of good standing.Granted. April 25,1863.J.W.Stevenson,Mrs.Jane Maxwell,Mrs.Mary A.Gerrison and Mrs.Mary Ann “ezenby wish their children baptized. Sept.26,1863 Mrs.Teaster,Samuel Moore and “mma Summers applied for admission to church(Note: - They are mentioned as"young friends") .Oct.2z9,“argaret A.Long wishes to Join with them so all are required to meet on 4th Sunday of Oct.at Fifth Creek (l.5.Mrs.Teaster ~ Semuel Moore were received at Fifth Cr ek.Margaret A.Gray at ms 4 Fifth Creek on account of tetheny.Miss Imma Summers did not meet the session et sickness in family.) June 5,186..Misses Francis, ame Summers and Elizabeth Jane “tevenson applied for admission. -ept.4,186,.Robert Hall Gray applied for admission and Mrs.Betsy Ann Roseman having lived away for 25 or 20 years wishes a certificate that she may join Concord Church in Iredell County. MissJane E.Gibson,Sarah G.Gibson and Thomas B.Owings applied for admission ~~ 40,1865. May 21,1865. Five were received into church : William F, Kilpatrick and William Chambers. Sept.23,1865.Louisiana A.Hill,Mergaret A.Hill and Angelina M.Stevenson applied for admission. ~ept.2/,1865.Joseph G.Grey and Yane &.Chambers applied for admission. Sept.23,1866.Miss M.B.Houp,Tnomas B.Owings and ‘ames A.G@ray apply for certificates &S§ they are going west in 4 short time.They want to become members and receive certi- Bethany p.49 fic tes of good standing. April 14,1867.E.B.Hall,Mrs. Sarah A.Hill,and William D.Rill want certificates that they may join church at Macon, Tennessee. May 24,1867.Ruling Elder James A.Hill is dead.He was born Nov.14,1800, ordained nember of Seession April 11,1835 end died Dec.29,1866 in 67th year.In bss than 10 years Messrs John Houpe,Hugh R.Hall,Robert H.Hill(brother of James A.Hill) have bee taken from their number. May 26 Mrs.M.&.Hempton was received on certificate from Concord Church Oct.5,1867 Miss “ary Jone Vlark applied for edmission. “Merch 22,1868 Joseph G.Gray wishes a certificate that he may join churéh of Mt. Lebanon,Tipton County, Tennessee, May 8,1863 Miss “arriet Clarke and Miss Hetty E.Love apply for admission. y 9,1868 Miss ‘largaret S.P.Gibeon is accepted and James A.Gray presented certifi- te from Mt.Carael,Tenn. (from or to) June 28,1868 Mrs.+lizabeth Gray wants certificate to go to Mt. 4t.Carmel, Tenn. Oct.24,1863 Miss Florah E.Curry and Ruth L.Rumple anply for admission. May 22,1869 Miss Prucilla P.Summer,“iss “aura A.Rumple and “nme M.Hall apply for admission. Sept.13,1869 R.H.Gray wants certificate to go to Tenn. vept. 50,1869 Mr.W.A.Moore wants MAKKXXXGAEE to goin Sethany. larch 6,1870 Mrs.frances E.Sumners wants c: rtificate to join Wilkesboro,N.C., May 1870 Miss Frances R.Leckie,Mrs.“lary J.Stoker and “iss uma Bags apply for nembership.Next day, Suudey Mr." oseph and Mrs.leanor welch apply for membership but oi going mat west. Yct.14,15,16,187 JMr.Rufus W?Gibson and dauzht “ergaret J.S.Gibson apply to join Concord Church as they have moved into that eighborhood. March 19,1871 Ro} dwell resigns pastorate. Rev.8.L.Beall is Mod. vator.Mrs.dane Ste venson, Mrs." h €@.Stevenson wish certificates to join Fourth Creek at Ste tesville. June 11,1871.Miss Mery [.EXGH6K Houp and Mr.J.B.Gray apply for admission. “ept.3,1371 W.S.Houp having moved to Tennessee wishes certificate. vept.</,,1371.Miss “ane E.Chambers is in trouble. Oct.11,1371.Mrs.Agness ‘loore and Mrs.°grah Gray apply for admi ision.Mr.Robert H. ray, farm: rly a member,wished to be readmitted and ‘irs.Margaret Summers of Fifth “reek Presents her certificate. “Ov.26,1871.Mrs.Mary J.Stoker wishes her certificate"to connect herself with the Presbytent . 1 a an : , : . Tesbyterian Church where ever God in his providence may cast her iot".Mr.John F, &nq17 . : , * : Oilandand wife,ary Locke Hollend,of Fourth Creek church present certificates. Bethany p.50 Dec-1,1872.Mrs.5.C.Allison applies foradmission to church and Mr.G.) Montgomery resents his certificate from Fifth Creek. P April 6,1873.A.A.Hampton and wife,Marthe E,Hampton, and “liss Rebecca L.Hempton wish certificates to join Fourth Creek at Statesville. Oct.10,11,12,1873.Mrs.A.=.Summe rs,Misses M.J. and Pricilla P.Summers and Mrs.’arah g.Beard wish certifi@ates to join Fifth Creek Church.Mrs.“ary Ann Garrison wishes certificate to join Fourth Creek Church. “ct.12,1873.Mrs.flizabeth “oward Bléomfield,Mills Thomas, G.(or S.)Gray,James D. ¥.Stevenson, Susan,Anabella Gray, Florence, Lula etevenson,Lilly Lenora Stevenson, Alice Elizabeth Stephenson apply for admission to church. Oct. .3-4-5,187/,.Mrs.“ugenia C.Crawford and children Fred “inonton Crawford and Jonn Clifton Crawford,mambers of Fourth Urek apply for admission.Dec.25,1874 Mrs. ierine Dunlep,“iss “ary Ann Crawford,iliss Rebecca Dunlep,“tiss Clementina Morrison, Magnolia Murdock,Florence A.Morrison,Maggie White,Mertha ».Morrison,ertrude Smith, “ela Smith,Laura “orrison,Adelia Bass,Robena Moore,Jane Hatchet,4sabella we zenby,A.P. Murdock,J.W.Houpe,M.G.Morrison, £.A.Hall,M.N.Hall,W.H.Cra. ford,W.L.Dunlap apply for acnission. Dec. 26,187.,.lirs.Amanda McCulloc Hall,Mrs.Margaret Matilda Mur ock,Miss Aspasia Clarke,Mrs.Dovy Mmeline Morrison,Mr.Henry W.Dearman,Mr.Yames Clark apply for admission. Mr.Janiel Rumple accused of profanity. March 29,1872.Dr.i.A.Hall,M.G.Morrison and A.P.Murdock are elec of Bethany Church. inished by Mamie G.McCubbins for genealogical purposes. Oct.12,1918 under very trying cogditions. Bethany p.50 Dec.1,187<.Mrs.B.C.Allison applies foradmission to church and Mr.G.\.Montgouery resents his certificate from Fifth Creek. scca L.H April 6,1873.A.A.Hsmpton and wife,Marthe E,Hampton, and ‘tiss Rebe join Fourth Creek at Statesville. 2 wish certificates to Oct.10,11,12,1873.Mrs.A.".Summers,Misses M.J. and Pricilla P.Sumers and Mrs.°arah -Beard wish certifiéates to join Fifth Creek Church.Mrs.“ary Ann Gerrison wishes 4 a certificate to join Fourth Creek Church. “ct.12,1873.Mrs.2lizabeth “oward Bléomfield,Mills Thomas, G.(or S.)Gray ,James D. W.Stevenson,Susan,Anabella Gray,Florence,lula Stevenson,Lilly Lenora Stevenson, Alice Elizabeth Stephenson apply for admission to church. Wd ana Oct. .3-4-5,187/.Mrs.“ugenia C.Crawford and children Fred Pimonton Crawford awford,mambers of Fourth Urek apply for adinission.Dec.25,1874 Mrs. Jonn Clifton Crawf Rebecca Dunlap,‘liss Clementina Morrison, 4 Catherine Dunlap,“iss “ary Ann Vrawford,iMiss ison,“ertrude Smith, Magnolia Murdock,Florence A.Morrison,Maggie White,Mertha *.Mor Cra.ford,W.L.Duniap apply for “ela Smith,Laura “orrison,Adelia Bass, Robena Moore,Jane Hatchet,tsabella “azenby,A.P. Murdock ,J.wW.Houpe,M.G.Morrison, £.A.Hall,M.N.Hall,W.H. admission. Dec.26,1874.Mrs.Amanda McCulloc Hall,Mrs.Margaret Matilda Mur ock,Miss Aspeasia Clark apply for admission. Clarke,Mrs.Dovy Mueline Morrison,Mr.Henry W.Dearman,Mr./ames Mr.Janiel Rumple accused of profanity. are Ruling Llders larch 29,1872.Dr.£.A.Hall,M.G.Morrison and A.P.Murdock ar of Bethany Church. Finished by Mamie G.McCubbins for genealogical purposes. Oct.12,1918 under very trying cogjditions. jlexander,Abijah p.2 {llison,Agaes p.10 Mrs.B.C.p.21, 50 Mrs-Battie p.27 Carrie p.27 Delene p.18 KXTEMEEN Elizabeth p.23 George Peds .56,9,10,16,17,18, 19,22,29 James A.p.23,47 James S.p.25,47 Joseph p.2,4,8 16 Martha p.10 Martha A.p.19,22 Mary pe10,19,22,29 Mary Levinia p.17 Nancy p.10,15,23,48 Panthia p.10,17,19,22,47 Thommae p.27 Thomas p.2,4,6,10,17,29, 30 Col.Thomas A.p.45 Thomas Johnston p.27 William p.2,27,45 William M.p.25,47 Anderson, William p.5 indrews,Catharine p.6 Hugh Pedy 394959 O99 John p.5 Archibalg,Mr.p.5 Elizabeth p.2,11,27 James p.2,8 James Barnet p.17 John p.1,2,9 Josish Burton p.17 Martha p.e2 Richard p.27,28,29, 31 Richard Baxter p.27 Richard G.p.10,1/4,17,20,23, 27 y 3532535, 36, Lo Sarah p.17 Parag Ann p.15,20,23 Thomas p.1,7,11,16 William p.l William Thomas p.28 Arastrong,Mr.p.5 Rebeccah p.6 Everette,Rachel p.1l William p.ll Averette see also Everett badger,Rebecca p.6 Baggerly,N.Emeline p.15,29 Bailey,Isabell p.1 Jane p.23 John p.5 Barr, AJexander p..,,6,9,13,16 Melissa p.13 Nelson p.13 Sophia p.13 William p.13 Bass,Adelia p.50 Kama p49 Rama Cornelia p.26 Jane p.27 Bass,Maggie O'Neal p.27 Mrs.Martha J.p.25,47 Nancy C.).26 Rebeccah p.14,17 William p.26 Beall,Robert Lamar p.24,31,32,46,49 Walter p.5 Beard,Mrs.Sarah E.p.21,50 Beaty, Bavid p.l Thomas pel Bell, Baldy p.30 Clarissa p.11,17 Elizabeth p.ll Franklin p.29 HoReped Harriet Jane p.17,23 James p.2m3mimn9 Yames or. p.7 James Jr.p.7 Yames A.p.1l James ‘ranklin p.12,14,23,45,46 James Ydell p.11,22 James “amuel p.27 Jane p.ll John C.p.1l Mary C.p.15,23,29 Mrs.Nancy C.Gracey p.32 thru 45 Nancy Mmeline p.138 Robert McNeely p.18,24,31 Samel p.1l Susan C.p.19 Theresa p.15 Thomas pel,4 Thomas A.p.7,3,10,17,13,19,22,23,27,29,and 31 thru 46 Black,Mr.p.1 Slackwelder, Lilly Bell p.27 Mary p.27 Neel Frank p.27 William p.27 Sloomfield Mrs.tlizabeth Ho Bone, lizabeth p.12 John p.l Thoms pel William p.1,4,7 William Sr.p.2 William Jr.p.2 Mrs. Will iam _ Ppesn Sowman,John pra brawley,MaMMXpAANancy Alexander p.26 Burnett, Martha p.19,22 Calahen,John per Calahen see also Cailahen Caldwell, Abner F.p.4,5,6, Andrew p.2 David p.l R.A.p.46 Rev. R.H.p.49 Ruth p.5,6, Septimus p.14 Callahen,’ ames p.2 Callahen see also Calahen Caney Jane F.pe47 Chambers,Jane E.p.21,27,48,49 John Milton p.27 William p.48 William A.p.21 Chipley ,Jane Isabelle p.20,47 Clark(e) ,Mrs.Agness p.24,26,46 Aspasia p.26,50 Elizabeth Alison p.26 Harriet p.21,26,49 James p.24,26,46,47,50 James Jr.p.26 Jane p24 Mary p.26 Mary Jane p.21,49 Mary S.p.24 Clifton,John p.28 Cochran,John p.2,4,5, Margaret p.20,48 Thomas p.5 Connell, John M.p.5 Cooper,John p.l Cowan, Jane A.p.46 Mary S.p.46 Thomas p.25 William F.p.10,24,26, 46,47 Crawford, Esther p.12, 23 Mrs.Bugenia C.p.22,50 Fred Simonton p.50 J.p.16 James p.4,7 James A.p.7 Jerusha p.24 John Clifton p.50 Mary Ann p.50 Serah V.p.25,47 WeH.p.50 Culver Mary Ann p.23 Ruth p.23 Currie(Curry),Florah E.p.21,49 Jane J.p.21 John p.24,,42 Mary Ann p.24,31 Sarah Eneline p.2/4,31 Dalton,P.H.p.46 Davis,Rev.Thomas E.p.42,46 Dearman,Henry W.p.50 Dobbins, John p.l Milus p.5 Rebecca p.15 Dobson, John p.2 Joseph p.l Dunlap, Alexander p.2,4,7,13 Mrs.Catherine p.50 David p.13 Elizabeth p.13,19,22 Nancy p.13,23 Rebecca p.50 W.L.p.50 Index p.2 Ellis,Anderson p.31 David p.15,29 Elizabeth p.23,31 Franklin W.p.25,47 James Pe24,42,47 John p.23,32 Langdon p.14,17 Martha J.p.25,47 Mary p.23,31,47 Rebecca p.23,31,47 Samuel W.D.K.A.p.2 Thomas p.23 Wep.29 William p.15 Zephania p.2 Erwin, Rev.John M.p.3,9 Everett,James p.42,45 Jane p.24 Jane Elizabeth p.24,31 Rachel p.11,19,22,23,24 William R.p.10,11,19,22,23,24, 31, 32,35, 36, 41,42,45,46 Ewing,Sophia p.4 Fitzgerald,Rebeccah p.11 Foot,Mrs.Jane A.Cowan p.2i Forsythe,“lizabeth p.19,22 Mr.H.p.35, 36, 37,38 Freeland,Ann p.4 Elizabeth Julia p.14,19,22 James p.4,7,13 “argaret p.13,19,22 Nancy p14 Samuel p.4,7,13,19,22 Walter p.4,7,13 Freeman,James F.W.p.41 Samuel p.31 Frontis,Mrs.Martha p.15,18 Martna Dews p.138 Rev.Stephen p.l,4,5,6,7,3,9,13,29,46 Gage, Dr.p. 355 36,42 Gaither,Mrs.Amelia p.5 Lebitious p.5 Galloway,Elizabeth p.11 Jean(or Jane) p.23 John p.4,6,9,10 Garrison,A. p.26 John Milton p.26 Mrs.Mary Ann p.26,48,50 Robert Alexander p.26 Gibson,Mr..-+eD.15 Harvey Blanch p.26 James Calvin p.26 Jane E.p.20,48 John Harvey p.27 McCamey Wilson p.26 Margarct J.S.p.21,49 Margaret S.P.p.49 “ary p.23,28 Rufus WeP 02392627 528529, 4647549 Sarah p.20 Sarah G.p.48 Sarah Louisa p.23 William p.4,16 William Rufus p.10 ROWAN PUBLIC LIBRARY SALISBURY, N. ¢. Oe Oe i oe cease Gill, Allen p.5 Henry p.5 Gould, Rev.David p.5,6, J.S.p.38,40 James B.p.11,18,19,29 John p- 39,40 Martha Ann p.19 Mary Elizabeth p.13 Minor p.37,39,40 N.C.p.39 Nancy C.p.23 Prudence p.1l Rebecca Athalinda p.138 Robert p.2,4,7,10,19, 22, 39 Uncle...+p.88, 39 W.p.39 Gray, Albert p.10 Andrew p.10,25,47 Mrs.Clementine Hall p.11-16 ? Cora Lee p.27 Mrs. Elizabeth p.19,22,49 Eugenia p.27 G.p.50 George A.p.20,47 George Ernest p.27 George Tyrrel p.17 J.B. p.11-16?, 49 James p.27 James A.p.20,48,49 James Gillespie p.27 John p.42 John Pinckney p.17 Joseph G.p.20.18,49 “argaret A.p.20,48 lary p25 Mary C.p.20,47 Robert Hall p.20,48,49 S.p.50 Sally p.27 “arah p.18,21 Mrs.Sarah E.p.24,49 “useh Anabella p.21,50 Thomas C.p.21 William p.27 William M.p.20,43 Willie Burton p.27 fague,Jane p.1l Julia King p.18 Moses S.p.4,7,11,18 Hale, Eugenious p.10 Hell, Adeline p.14,17 Adeline Maude p.18 Alexander p.3,7,11,17,18 Alexander Sr.p.4,13 Alexander Jr.p.4,16 Mrs.Amanda McCulloc p.50 Ann p.11,13,17 Azenath Louisiana p.25 Betsy p.6 Cecilia Athalinda p.17 Claudite Buchanan p.17 Clementine p.12 Edwin B.p.16,24,31,49 Edwin Sidney p.18 Eliza p.17 Eliza M.p.6 Elizabeth p.13,14,17,47 “lizabeth M.p.23 Elizabeth P.p.14 Elizabeth R.p.25, 47 Rmma p.27 Index p.3 Hall, mma M.p.21 Ermina p.18 Eugenious Alexander p.10,26,50 Fergus p.3 “ergus A.p.12 Mrs.Francis p-24,46 Frontis Sloane p.17 Harriet Jane p.18 Harriet Newell p.17 Henrietta p.18 Henry Nash p.17 Hugh p.1,2,9,14 Hugh H.p.17 Hugh M.p.4,7,13,18 Hugh R.p.10,13,17,23,26,27, 325345355 36, 415 42544546547,49 James p.1,2,3,9,17 James Sr.p.7,13 James A.p.25,46 James D.p.34 James F.p.6,12 James G.p.13 James H.p.2,4,5,6,23 James K.p.10,26, 46 James Robert Anthon p.26 James Roddy p.138 James T.p.3,4,8,16 James Wilson p.25 Zesse “ee p.26 Jom p.17,18,27 John Jr.p.18 John J.p.15 John Madison p.27 John ©.p.24,31,47 “aura J.p.24,26,46 Levia C.p.13 Lewis William p.18 “lergaret p.13,16 “argaret A.p.11 “argaret Melissa p.17 Martha p.14,17,19,25 “ertha Prudence p.18 Mary p.13,14,17,18,23,27 Mary fan p-17,24,25,46 Mary C.p.23,26 Mary Ermina p.18 Mary M.p.13,20,22,27 Matilda p13 Miles Nisbet p.26,27,50 Prudence p.13 Prudence Emeline p.18 R.H.p.16, 26, 30, 32, 23, 35 “achel p.1z *“ebecca “lizabeth p.25 Richard p.3,6,9,14,15,16,19, 22,29, 31, 32 35,41,45,46 Richard Brevard p.26 Robert p.6,17,18 Robert A.p.25 Robert 5.p.7,11,15,16,18 Rufus “owland p.25 Samuel p.47 Samuel Dwight p.17 Sarah pels Mrs.Sareah A.p.49 Marah Llizabeth p.17 "arah Matilda p.18 Sophia p.14 Thomas Del, 3,7,13,17,18,23,25,27,29 Thom s D.p.12 Thomas 8.p.6,12,18 Washington Augbern p.18 William p.1,3 Rev.William A.p.5,13, 34, 36, 36, 38, 39 William Drayton p.4,7,13,16,17,13,20, 49 Halsey ,Mr....spel Hampton, Adlai A.p.20,26,27,47, 50 David Amzi p.26 Laura Augusta p.27 Mrs.Martha E.p.20,21,27,49,50 Mix Mary R.p./7(Mrs.) Mary Rebecca p.27 Matissu Giselce p.27 Rebecca L.p.20, 7,50 Harden,Robert p.1 Hatchet,Jane p.50 Senry,lavid p.2,9 Hill,Abraham p.7,11 Mrs.Adeline Hall p.14,26 Azeneth Louisiana p.19,21 Caroling p.12 Daniel Lindley p.18 Dorcas p.ll Elisa p.12 Elizabeth p.12 Slizabeth C.p.15 Elvira p.11,17 Harriet Elvira p.2 Sugh p.26 Sugh Andrews p.1s Isabella Almpeda p.27 Isabella Wallace p.18 James p.12,17,18,47 Index p.4 Houpt(e) ,farriet p.29 I.p.16 J.W.p.50 Jane p.15 Yane Frudence p.20,22 Jun p.4,17,18,19,22,29, 31, 32, 34,35, 41,46,47,49 John Sr.p.7,12 John Jr.p.29 “aura Lavinia p.17 Miss M.E.p.48 Margret p.12,19 Martha p.2/,46 Martha Adeline p.18 “ary p17 Mary A.p.49 “ary Athalina p.17 “ery Emily p.18,24,31 4ancy p.le Prudence p.15,29 Marah p.12,23 "usannah p.12,17 William Stevenson p.10,17,24,31,49 Houston, Betsy p.6 Placibo p.6 Howard,Mrs.tlizabeth p.2i Mrs."ary A.p.49 Mrs.*’ary A.Stephenson p.2/ Mrs.Mary Ann Hell p.24 Janes A.p.7,8,10,11,18,19,22,28,29, 30, 31, 32,35, 36,41,42,49 Hunter,Thomas p.3 James “dwin p25 Yames “ilson p.19 John p.12 “ohn Hall p.18 John M.(or W.) p.24,31 Louisiana A.p.21(29) or 19,48 ‘dsrgaret p.12,1/ Margaret A.p.20,28,48 “ary S.p.15 Phoebe Ann p.25 Prudence p.1l RichardSherman p.25 Robert p.14,,18,25,26 Robert Clinton p.13 Bh, 35m36, 41,42, 46, , Robert L.p.1o Rufus “owland p.19 Samuel p.14 “arah Adeline p.19,22 “arah Louise p.17 Susan p.28 Susan C.p.19,22 Thomas H.p.12 William D.p.20,24,42,47 Holland,Enola Gertrude p.27 “ohn F.p.21,27,49 Mrs.“‘ary Locke p.21,27,49 Holmes, =sther p.6 Francis p.1 James p.i,5,6, Nathaniel p.5 Hooker,Kesiah p.1l loupt(e), Anthony p.4,7,12,17 Catherine p.3 Daniel p.15 Elizabeth p.15,29 Elizabeth A.p.26 “lizabeth M.p.20,22 F.p.26 Franklin W.p.24,26 Jacob,Jack pel6 Yohnston,Caroline p.13 Yames p.15 Yane p.19,22,31 Yohn F.p.1/ Mary p.13 Mortimer p.13 Robert A.p.14 Thomas H.p.14 Thomas Pinckney p.8 William p.13 William J.p.10 William S.p..,6,13,16 Ty ‘9 Journey,Thomas p.23,29 Kilpatrick,Mr....spe2,4, Andrew p.2,3,4,7,9,12 “lizabeth p.13 “ane p.27 “oseph p.3 “aggie Jane p.27 William p.27 William F.p.20,48 King,James p.2,3 John p.2,3,9 Junius p.1l4 “ery pll Richard p.3 Richard Jr.p.2 Robert p.1,2,9 Samuel p.3,4,7,10,29 Knox, Benjamin p.4,7,12,16,17,18 “lizabeth Martha Ann p.18 “oseph Kilpatrick p.17 Mary M.p.15 "arah p.12,17 Thomas H.p.14 Krider,B.S.p.26, 46,47 J op-45 krider, Mary p.46 Mary Little p.26 lafferty, R.H.p.41,42,44,45 Lazenby, Bethsay Ann p.14(7) Isabella p.50 James p.15,18 Margaret Ann p.15 Mrs.Mlary Ann p.26,48 R.W.p.26 Robert p.7 Robert Alexander p.26 Parah p.ll Solomon Carmey p.18 Thomas p.2,4,11 XAWKH William Franklin p.26 “eckie, Francis h.p.21,49 4eland, Dr.eeeepe3l Lemmon, Sheldon p.§ Locke, Francis p.4 George p.2 “eorge Sr.p.2 “eorge Jr.p.2 ames p.4 “ogan, David p.l Long, Alwxender p.5 Anna Lula p.26 “ohn p.26 Margaret A.p.48 Mrs.Mary S.Cowan p.24,48 “ove, Hetty E.p.21,49 Pamiel p.1,3 McClelland, Zliza p.6 John p.5,6 McClelland see also McLelland BcConnel,John p.2(5?) William p.2 McCorkle,Col.J.F.p.45 James p.2, 3,59 Robert p.3 McCutchan,Mrs.“lizabeth &.p.23,31,/8 John S.p.31, 32,42 Robert G.p.14 McGuire,John p.2 Mctargue,Jomes p.2 McIver,Allen E.p.1/4,17 McLelland, W. . «PD. bi MeLelland see also McClelland McMurdey,Mr...+-P-1 Mc‘eely, Ebenezer p.d5 John F.p.41 McReary ,Mr.....p.1 James p.1,2,3,9 John p.2 McRee, Rev. Dr. eee ope Mrs. Elvira p.14,30 MeWhorter, Dr..+++pel John p.2 Index p.5 Maxwell,Mrs.ane C.p.20 Mrs.“ane J.p.47,48 John Alexander p.26 Margaret Yane p.26 Roxanna p.26 William R.p.26 Mills, Bloomfield p.21 Montgomery ,G.W.p.21, 50 James p.14 Moore,Mrs.Agness p.21,27,49 ¥redie Gampton p.27 Robena p.50 “amuel p.48 William A.p.21,27,49 Moose{ or Moore) John J.p.23,31 Mordah,John p.4 “ordah see also Murdock Morrison, Adeline p-20,23 Andrew p.2,4,25,47 Clementine p.50 Mrs.Dovey Emeline p.50 Elizabeth p.12 Klizabeth Miranda p.20,23 Florence A.p.50 George p-4,7,12,19,22, 29, 30 Harriet p.20,22 Henry p.4,6,12,16,17 Yohn p.2,3,4,6,12 Laura p.50 “argaret Athalinda p.17 “artha p.12,19 “artha E.p.50 Mary p.12,19,22 Mary Aep.14,20,23 Milton A.p.10,50 Miranda E.p.14 Rev.R.H.p.45 Rebecca Athelia p.16,20,23,29 “yfus M.p.1, Sarah p.1z2 Sarah Clementine p.1l, Thomas p.3 William p.3 Murdock, A.P.p.50 Mrs.Jemima A.p..7,48 Magnolia p.50 “argaret Matilda p.50 Thomas p.23524,27,47 William Augustus p.27 Murdock see also Mordah Nichols,*acob p.2,9 Yohn p.2 Joshua p.2 Nicholson, Arabella C,p.25 Dovey C.p.47 Francis C,p.47 Mary p-24,32 “ancy J.p.25 Nisbet(Nesbit)Alexander p.4,6,12,19,22 Dorcas p.12,19,22 Elizabeth p.27 Jane p-20,23 “ohn p.2,3 Mary p.1l2 Prudence p.20,22 Richard A.p.24,27,42 Richard Jasper p.27 Sarah H.p.14 krider, Mary p.46 Mary Little p.26 lafferty,R.H.p.dl, 42,44,45 Lazenby, Bethsay Ann p.14(7) Isabella p.50 James p.15,18 Margaret Ann p.l Mrs.“ary Ann p.2 R.W.p.26 Robert p.7 Robert Alexander p.26 Parah p.ll Solomon Carmey p.18 Thomas p.2,4,11 XeRMOH 3 6,48 William Franklin p.26 “eckie, Francis R.p.21,49 teland, Drees ep. 3l Lemuon, Sheldon p.5 Locke, Francis p.4 George p.2 “eorge Sr.p.2 “eorge Jr.p.2 anes pe4 “ogan, David p.1l Long, Alexander p.5 Anna Lula p.26 “ohn p.26 Margaret A.p.48 Mrs.Mary S.Cowan p.24,48 “ove Hetty E.p.21,49 “amuel p.1,3 McClelland, Zliza p.6 John p.5,6 McClelland see also McLelland BcConnel,John p.2(5?) William p.2 McCorkle,Col.J.F.p.45 James Pedy 3599 Rober, p-3 McCutchan,Mrs.“lizabeth &.p.23, 31,48 John S.p. 31, 32,42 Robert G.p.14 AcGuire,John p.2 “clargue,Jemes p.2 McIver,Allen E.p.14,17 McLelland,W.R.p.47 McLelland see also McClelland McMurdey ,Mr. eee -P-1 Mc‘eely, Ebenezer p.45 John F.p.4l1 McReary,Mr....sp.l James p.1,2,3,9 John p.2 McRee, Rev. Dr. eee opeL Mrs.Elvira p.14,30 McWhorter, Dr...-«pel John p.2 Index p.§ Maxwell,Mrs."ane C.p.20 Mrs."ane J.p.47,48 John Alexander p.26 Margaret Yene p.26 Roxanna p.26 William R.p.26 Mills, Bloomfield p.21 Montgomery ,G.W.p.21, 50 James p.14 Moore,Mrs.Agness p.21,27,49 "redie Gampton p.27 Robena p.50 Samuel p.48 William A.p.21,27,49 Moose({ or Moore) John J.p.23,31 Mordah,John p.4 “ordah see also Murdock Morrison, Adeline p-20,23 Andrew p.2,4,25,47 Clementine p.50 Mrs.Dovey Emeline p.50 Elizabeth p.12 Elizabeth Miranda p.20,23 Florence A.p.50 George p-4,7,12,19,22, 29, 30 Harriet p.20,22 Henry p.4,6,12,16,17 Yohn p.2,3,4,6,12 Laura p.50 “argaret Athalinda p.17 “artha p.12,19 “artha E.p.50 Mary p.12,19,22 Mary Aep.14,20,23 Milton A.p.10,50 Miranda E.p.14 Rev.R.H.p.45 Rebecca Athelia p.16,20,23,29 “fus M.p.14 Sarah p.1z Sarah Clementine p.1, Thomas p.3 William p.3 Murdock, A.P.p.50 Mrs.Jemima A.p.47,48 Magnolia p.50 “argaret Matilda p.50 Thomas p.23524527,47 William Augustus p.27 Murdock see also Mordah Nichols,%acob p.2,9 # ohn Pez Joshua p.2 Nicholson, Arabella C,p.25 Dovey C.p.47 Francis C,p.47 Mary p-24,31 “ancy J.p.25 Nisbet(Nesbit)Alexander p.4,6,12,19,22 Dorcas p.12,19,22 Elizabeth p.27 Jane p.20,23 “ohn p.2,3 Mary p.1l2 Prudence p.20,22 Richard A.p.24,27,42 Richard Jasper p.27 Sarah H.p.14 Index p.6 Qwings, Elizabeth p.27 Sharp,Yames p.3 John Eldridge p.27 Mary p.6 Sophia(?) p.4 Silas p.3,l1 Thomas B.p.20,27,48 William p.2,3 Paisley, Rev.S.p.29 Simonton, Adam p.2 Rev.William p.4 Smith,Charles W.p.10, 21,26, 27 Pharr, Rev.Henry M.p.5,29, 31, 32, 35, Charles Mims p.27 36,41 David Frontis p.24,31, 32 W.S.ped45 Elenor Gertrude p.26 William W.p.47 Eugene Hunter p.27 “ertrude p.50 Phemster,Harvey Pinkney p.27 Hugh Alfred p127 Sarah L.p.27 “aura J.p.27,47 Walter Columbus p.27 “ela p.50 Robert p.2 Phifer, J.F.p.31 Somers see Summers Pinick,D.A.p.45 Steel(e),Llizabeth p.23,27 Pomeroy, Mr...espol Senry p32, 4,6,10,11,16,19, 22,28 Henry Franklin p. 13° Potts,Henry p.2 James ped, Yane p.l7 Jane p.19 Yane Ann p.18 “ohn p118,27,29,45 John p.26 Yohn M.p.14,23,46 John K.p.42 4illes p.28 ‘largaret Colista p.17 Mary A-p.28 Mary Slizabeth p. 1 7MAGEXXHAMAXXAXZEXKR Ninian p.2,4,28 Mary Iss.bel p.26,46 Samuel py F.p.. Mrs.Mary L.p.24,46,48 Sincleir Preston p.27 Milus p.6,17,18 Susen C.p.14 Milus Lusk p.18 Nancy p.12,17 Stephenson, Alice Elizeneth p.50 Sarah Elizabeth Salina p.18 Jane p.15,29 William p.7,11,17 John W.p.46 Mary Ae Pe24 Reid(Reed) ,Adelina p.23 “tephenson see also Stevenson Andrew p.1,2,9 David p.4,7,10,16,22 Stevens,Colin p.15,18 Flora p.10 Sennah p.15 George p.2 Jeremiah Wesley p.18 “Veorge Vincent p.14,29 Yohn W.p.23 Yames A.p.20,/8 Pinckney p.18 “ane p.10,19,22 Rebecca Francis p.15 ¥ ohn pe2 Serab Theresa p.18 Lemirah p.6,23 *homas “spy p.18 Margaret p.29 Mary Adalina p.15 “tevenson,Alice Elizabeth p.21,50 Melissa ¢.23 Sarah Ann p.48 Vincent p.15,30 Rich,Mrs.llizabeth M.p.47 Roby Leonard p.3 Tobias p.2 Rockwell, Rev.C.F.p.31, 32,42,44 E.F.p.47(7) Roseborough,John p.2 ReM.ped5 William p.2 Roseman,Mrs.Betsy Ann p.i8 Rumple,D.p.26 Daniel p.47,50 Laura E.p.21,49 Mrs.Lavina p.47 Ruth L.p.21,49 “arah Llizabeth p.26 Saunders,Margaret p.10 Angeline M.p.20,48 Bar.Howard p.26 Catherine p.24,27 David ps »12,16,22,26 ¥avid “eonidas p.27 “avid Me De. sels 19, 25,<7 Egenius M.W.p.25 blizabeth Jane p.20,27,48,49 “ergus M.C.p.25 Florence p.26 Florence Sula p.21,50 Francis Marion p.26 J.S.S.p.48 James D.W.p.50 “ane. p-19,22 Mirg."ane p.49 John ’M.p.27 John Thomas p.27 John W.p.26,27,48 “illy Lenora p.21, 50 Maggie Towane p.26 Ma joresespXD Martha A.p.14 Mary A.p.25,46 Marah Jane p.27 Thomas J.W.p.25 William L.L.p.25 Sharp, Amos p.2,4)556 Stevenson see also Stephenson Index p.6 Owings, Elizabeth p.27 Sharp,tames p.3 Sophia(?) p.4 Silas p.3,11 Thomas B.p.20,27,48 William p.2,3 Paisley, Rev.S.p.29 Simonton, Adam p.2 Rev.William p.4 Smith, Charles Wep.10,21,26, 27 Pharr, Rev.Henry M.p.5,29, 31, 32, 35, Charles Mims p.27 36, 41 David Frontis p24, 31, 32 W.S.p045 Elenor Gertrude p.26 William W.p.47 Eugene Hunter p.27 “ertrude p.50 Phemster,Harvey Pinkney p.27 Hugh Alfred p127 Sarah L.p.27 “aura J.p.27,47 Walter Columbus p.27 “ela p.50 Robert p.2 Phifer, J.F.p.31 Somers see Summers Pinick, D.A.p.45 Steel(e),Llizabeth p.23,27 Pomeroy, Mr....p.l Henry p32,4,6,10,11,16,19, 22,28 Henry Franklin p.18 Potts,Henry p.2 James p.d, Yane p.l7 Jane p.19 *ane Ann p.18 John p118,27,29,45 John p.26 “ohn M.p.14,23,46 John K.p.42 4illes p.28 “largaret Colista p.17 “ary A.p.28 Mary Slizabeth p. ]7MRGEEXXMAMAXX RXR KE Ninian p.2,4,28 Mary Isabel p.26,46 Samuel py F.p.., Mrs.Mary L.p.24,46,48 Sinclair Preston p.27 Milus p.6,17,18 Susan C.p.1, ‘“ilus Lusk p.18 Nancy p.12,17 Stephenson,Alice Elizeneth p.50 Sarah Elizabeth Salina p.18 Jane p.15,29 William p.7,11,17 John W.p.46 Mary A.p.24 Reid(Reed) ,Adelina p.23 “tephenson see also Stevenson Andrew p.1,2,9 David p.i,7,10,16,22 Stevens,Colin p.15,18 Flora p.10 “ennah p.15 George p.2 Jeremiah Wesley p.18 Meorge Vincent p.14,29 Yohn W.p.23 “ames A.p.20,48 Pinckney p.18 “ane p.10,19,22 Rebecca Francis p.15 “ohn p.2 Sarah Theresa p.18 Lemirah p.6,23 “nomas “spy p.18 Margaret p.29 Mary Adalina p.15 “tevenson,Alice Elizabeth p.21,50 Melissa p.23 Angeline M.p.20,48 Sarah Ann p.48 Bar.Howard p.26 Vincent p.15, 30 Catherine p.24,27 David p.12,16,22,26 hich,Mrs.£lizabeth M.p.47 Yavid “eonidas p.27 “avid 4.).1,7,19,25,27 Roby, Leonard p.3 Egenius M.W.p.25 Tobias p.2 Blizabeth Jane p.20,27,48,49 ergus M.C.p.25 Rockwell, Rev.C.F.p.31, 32,42, 44 Florence p.26 E.F.p.47(?) Florence 4ula p.21,50 Francis Marion p.26 Roseborough,John p.2 J.S.S.p.48 R.M.p-45 James L.W.p.50 William p.2 ane p.19,22 Mrs. ane p.49 e a Ded John ’M.p.27 Roseman,Mrs.Betsy Ann p.i8 Zoi Thomas p.27 Rumple,D.p.26 ohn W.p.26,27,48 " ’ Daniel p+47,50 “illy Lenora p.21, 50 Laura E.p.21,49 Maggie Towane p.26 Mrs.Lavina p.47 Me joreseeDe QD Ruth L.p.21,49 Martha A.p.14 Parsh Elizabeth p.26 Mary A.p.25,46 a sqpe ae g , ‘ omas J.W.p. a or William L.L.p.25 Sharp, Amos p.2,4,5,6 Stevenson see also Stephenson Stoker,Mrs.Mary J.p.21,49 Suumers,Mrs.A.E.p.50 Benjamin Franklin p.17 Mrs.E.A.p.21 Elizabeth Ann p.20,47 Euma p.48 Mrs.Frances E.p.49 Frances “mma p.20,26,48 Hiram Chancellor p.27 James D.W.p.21 Yane T.p.20,47 “oseph p.7 M.J.pe21, 50 Margaret p.20,27,49 Mrs.“tary p. 15,23 Mary Ann p.l4 Mary F.p.47 Mary Jane p.25 Nathan C.p.20,48 Mrs.Nathan C.p.48 Precilla Price p.21,27,29,50 Sarah E.p.25m47 Solomon p.5 William D.p.25,47 Zech. p.16 Tate, MyeeeeeDel Teaster,Mrs.p.48 Templeton,Harvey p.27 Richard Franklin p.27 “amuel p.11 Sanuel D.p.7 Thomas,Mills p.50 Thompson,Mr....+p.l Thomson, R.H.p e 43 Todd,John p.5 “ethan p.2 Tomblinson,Grove p.5 Humphrey B.p.2 “ohn p.5,16 Notley p.5 “ravis,“ary p-3 Vandover,Mr...+«p.17 Vann,Mrs.Rebeccah Fitzgerald p.11 “addle, David p.2 flasson,Joseph p.1,2,9 Samiel p.3 Welch, Mrs.Eleanor p-21,49 ,o8eph p-21,49 White,George p.4 Maggie p.50 Wilson,Rev.Hugh p.8 J.W.-(or M.) p.29,30 Dr.4ewis F.pe259 S.B.0.p.46 Witherspoon, Dr.....p.1 Wood,Rev.William A.p.47 Woodside,John p.2 Young, Francis p.5 John M.p.5,6 Mary p.6 Pamel p.5 Sarah p.6 Stoker,Mrs.Mary J.p.21,49 Summers,Mrs.A.E.p.50 Benjamin Franklin p.17 Mrs.E.A.p.21 Elizabeth Ann p.20,47 Roma p.48 Mrs.Frances E.p.49 Frances “mma p.20, 26,48 Hiram Chancellor p.27 James D.W.p.21 Jane T.p.20,47 Yoseph p.7 M.J.p.21, 50 Margaret p-20,27,49 Mrs.“ary p.15,23 Mary Ann pl4 Mary F.p.47 Mary Jane p.25 Nathan C.p.20,48 Mrs.Nathan C.p.48 Precilla Price p.21,27,29,50 Sarah E.p.25m47 Solomon p.5 William D.p.25,47 Zech. p.16 Tate, Myeee eepel Teaster,Mrs.p.48 Templeton,Harvey p.27 Richard Franklin p.27 Pamuel p.1ll Samuel D.p.7 Thomas,Mills p.50 Thompson,Mr....spel Thomson, R.H.p.43 Todd,John p.5 Sethan pe2 Tomblinson,Grove p.5 Humphrey B.p.2 Yohn p.5,16 Notley p.5 “ravis,“ery p.3 Vandover,Mr..+++p-17 Vann,Mrs.Rebeccah Fitzgerald p.11 “addle, David p.2 Wasson,Joseph p.1,2,9 Samiel p.3 Welch,Mrs. Eleanor p-21,49 ,o8eph p-21,49 White,George p-4 Maggie p.50 Wilson,Rev.Hugh p.8 J.W.(or M.) p-29,30 Dr.Lewis F.p.259 S.B.0.p.46 Witherspoon, Dr....+p-+l Wood,Rev.William A.p.47 Woodside,John p.2 Young,Francis p.5 John M.p.5,6 Mary p.6 Semel p.5 Sarah p.6 END OF REEL