HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-20-2021 1 July 20, 2021 IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PRE-AGENDA SESSION July 20, 2021 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in pre-agenda session on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 5:00 PM, in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room located in the Iredell County Government Center 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Board Members Present Chairman James Mallory Vice Chairman Melissa Neader Scottie Brown Gene Houpe Board Members Participating Remotely Marvin Norman Staff present: County Manager Beth Mull, County Attorney Lisa Valdez, Deputy County Manager Susan Robertson, Assistant County Manager Joe Pierce, Finance Director Deb Cheek, and Clerk to the Board Amy Anderson. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman James Mallory called the meeting to order. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: County Manager Beth Mull went over the following adjustments: Add Property Acquisition under Closed Session pursuant to GS 143-318.11 (a) (5) Chairman Mallory said the Appointment Before the Board will take place during pre- agenda. APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD South Iredell Fire Chief Jerry Starr presented a letter of appreciation to the Board from the South Iredell Fire Department’s Board of Directors. Starr thanked the Board for their leadership and support. Starr also introduced his son, Jacob Starr. Commissioner Brown said the Public Safety Task Force can be difficult because of the various ideas from the 19 fire departments. Brown asked about the paving at South Iredell Fire Department. Starr is adjusting the request so that it would fit in the parameters of funding. 2 July 20, 2021 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Request from Animal Services for approval of Budget Amendment #2 in the amount of $15,000 to implement a low cost spay and neuter program for Iredell County residents: Animal Services Director Kristian Hernandez requested approval of to allow for more low-cost spay neuter options for county residents. A clinic is Mooresville is behind, so if approved, the County will act as the middleman. Commissioner Brown asked how many spay and neuters can be done for that amount. Hernandez said 30 animals a month for one year. 3 July 20, 2021 This item was placed on consent. Request from Health Department for approval to use Medicaid Maximization funding for the purchase of a Mobile Health Unit to be utilized for COVID-19 response and the provision of other public health services in the community: Health Director Jane Hinson said on April 20, 2021, the department received approval from the Board of Commissioners to utilize COVID-19 grant funding from the NC DHHS, Division of Epidemiology, Communicable Disease Branch (Agreement Addenda 543) to purchase a Mobile Medical Unit and all associated equipment to provide COVID-19 testing, vaccinations and education along with other public health services within our community at large. When used for COVID-19 response, the Mobile Health Unit would make it much easier to mobilize and de-mobilize mass vaccination clinics. Refrigerators and point of dispensing boxes that weigh between 300 to 400 pounds would not have to be hauled to clinic sites. All vaccines and supplies would be kept on the Unit in a climate- controlled environment making it easier for staff to manage the vaccine during the clinic. Staff could also vaccinate on the Mobile Health Unit itself with two private examination rooms and an immunization room. The department initially received written approval from NC DHHS to purchase the Mobile Health Unit with tis grant funding on May 26, 2021. In a follow- up communication with NC DHHS on June 23, 2021 regarding the bid process, they were informed for the first time that final approval for the purchase of the Mobile Health Unit would have to come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) after 3 bids were received. Also, that it was not allowable for this COVID-19 grant funding to be used to provide clinical services. The COVID-19 grant stipulations from the CDC only allow the Unit to be utilized for COVID-19 purposes. Hinson initially thought about the purchase of a Mobile Health Unit for COVID -19 purposes when she saw that it was allowable grant expense. As staff researched Mobile Health Units and developed the specifications for the 42nd foot custom coach, they realized they could easily provide critically needed public health services in underserved communities on the Unit. Services could include Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic, Family Planning Clini c, Immunizations and Dental Clinic etc. Hinton said after learning that the Unit could not be used for clinical services, it seemed to be a waste of resources to purchase the Unit for COVID-19 response only. Instead, a better use of the Unit and resources would be to purchase it with Medicaid Maximization funding instead. The Mobile Health Unit could then be used for COVID-19 pandemic response and other public health programs and services. The total expense for the purchase of the Mobile Health Unit including all medical equipment and supplies should not exceed $700,000. Hinson added that Medicaid Maximization funding is received by the health department as part of the Medicaid cost settlement process and is being saved for the potential construction of a new health department. On-going there will be expenses related to gas, maintenance and insurance for the Mobile Health Unit. Current staff would obtain their CDL license to be able to drive and work on the Unit. The services offered in the community would not replace or relocate current services but would instead expand their offering. The department anticipates being able to offer services in the community several times a month at regular sites. Being able to provide COVID-19 and public health services in the community could also increase service generated revenue. Hinson requested approval from the Board of Commissioners to utilize Medicaid Maximization funding for the purchase of the Mobile Health Unit instead of using COVID-19 4 July 20, 2021 Grant funding (AA 543) as initially requested. Once a bid has been secured through State contract, purchasing co-op, or formal bid process, a budget amendment will be requested prior to entering into a contract with a vendor. Hinson showed renderings of sample mobile units. Hinson said in the last 6-8 weeks, 98-99% of the individuals hospitalized with COVID are not vaccinated. One vaccine can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Staff realizes the expense related to the mobile unit but are very excited to have an opportunity to take services in the community where the people are. That is what public health is about. Chairman Mallory asked how much is in the Med-Max funding. Hinson said approximately $6.5 million. The County will receive additional funds in the Fall. Commissioner Houpe asked how the Cares Act Funds will be used. Hinson said staff is meeting tomorrow discuss further options to use Cares Act Funds. Staff planned on hiring more contracting staff to assist with the large vaccination clinics, however most of those happened in May when there was a large desire for vaccines. Since then, there has been a decrease in vaccines. Hinson cannot recommend to the Board or CDC to spend $700,000 on mobile unit to sit at the Health Department to be rarely used. Hinson gave a brief update on Covid. Chairman Mallory said this is an endemic situation. There are 70,000 Iredell Citizens out of 181,000 that have been vaccinated. There are another 20,000 who have had Covid and presumably have some natural immunity for some period of time. The multiple is 3 or 4 depending on who is looked at to say it represents only 25% of the actual Covid cases that were present in the community. There may be some overlap so the County may be sitting with approximately 140,000 with some type of immunity, be it natural or the vaccine. Which equals to a pretty low transmit factor. In the State, the transmit factor has gone up to 5%. The Delta variant is twice as contagious and constitutes 83% of cases in the United States. It is going to be the dominant variant and the ones at risk are the 30% of people who have not gotten the vaccine or had the virus. The numbers are not going up a lot, even if they do, it is a smaller group. Out of that group a large percentage will be infected, hospitalized, and unfortunately, there will be some deaths. The cost of that is enormous. Chairman Mallory said a claim of victory is made with each vaccine because they a re avoiding the risk to themselves and the economy in terms of extended hospital stays. Hospitalizations are preventable. No vaccines are bullet proof but it can keep people out of the hospital. The freedom of choice comes with consequences. Unfortunately, the consequences are not limited to the individual. It spills over to their families, friends, co -workers, economic health, and hospitals. The challenge will be when the 60,000 people that have Covid, but not gotten vaccinated begin to lose their natural immunity. When it happens, the number of at-risk individuals will double unless they are willing to get vaccinated. Chairman Mallory expressed sincere appreciation to Hinson and staff for their hard work. 5 July 20, 2021 Commissioner Brown suggested Hinson complete due diligence in regards to the purchase of the mobile unit. The proposed price is a good price. This item was placed on consent. Request from the Finance department for approval of a reimbursement resolution regarding the General Obligation Bond Projects to allow the County to be reimbursed from bond proceeds for preliminary expenditures: Finance Director Deb Cheek requested approval of a resolution regarding the GO Bond Projects for the County to be reimbursed from bond proceeds for preliminary expenditures. This is a resolution of the County of Iredell, NC declaring its official intent to reimburse expenditures under the US Department of Treasury regulations. This resolution covers the current GO Bonds approved but not yet issued for Iredell-Statesville Schools, Mooresville Graded School District and Mitchell Community College. These preliminary funds will be expended from a capital project fund and then reimbursed when bonds are sol d. There is no impact on the general fund budget. This item was placed on consent. Request from the Finance department for approval of Budget Amendment #1 to transfer funds from the Capital Improvement Plan in order to increase the shift differential pay: Finance Director Deb Cheek requested approval of Budget Amendment 1 to transfer funds from CIP to cover expense of increasing shift differential pay to $1 more per hour for half shift and $2 more per hour for full shift and to add $0.50 shift differential pay to employees that work peak hours. This is an increase in Salaries of $572,095 and is ongoing in future years. This item was placed on consent. Request from the Finance department for approval of Budget Amendment #3 to appropriate Intensive Intervention Services funding to Children's Hope Alliance through the JCPC program in the amount of $718,408: Finance Director Deb Cheek requested approval of budget amendment #3 to appropriate Intensive Intervention Services funding to Children's Hope Alliance through the JCPC program in the amount of $718,408. The money will be placed in the Special Revenue fund of the JCPC to be allocated to Children’s Hope Alliance. The following directive has been given by the NC Department of Public Safety for the use of Intensive Intervention Services funding in the amount of $718,408: • Juvenile court referred youth, between the ages of 10 and 17, or older youth remaining under juvenile court jurisdiction, who have received a Level II Disposition or Level III disposition; • Juvenile court referred youth that are high risk Level I adjudicated juveniles, with a Medium Risk or a Medium/High Needs Score; • Juvenile court referred Level III youth re-entering the community on community placement or Post Release Supervision (PRS); • Juvenile court referred Level II youth who are most at-risk of a commitment to a YDC; • Juvenile court referred Level III or Level II youth re-entering the community from a residential or out of home placement. This item was placed on consent. 6 July 20, 2021 Request from Administration for consideration and acceptance of highest offer for Bluefield Road Property and authorization to begin upset bid process: In March, 2021, the Board authorized staff to engage a real estate brokerage firm to list the Bluefield Road, Mooresville property to obtain the highest initial offer from which an upset bid process may be released. After releasing a request for Proposal process to identify firms, Alan Tate realtors was chosen. The firm began listing the property in June 2021 and has delivered six qualified offers, ranging from $325,000 to highest offer from Demeter Properties, LLC of $801,000.00. Demeter Properties, LLC is prepared to place the 5% bid deposit as required by general statute. If the Board accepts this highest bid offer, a resolution is attached for Board adoption authorizing staff to conduct the upset bid process. Demeter Properties, LLC will then be notified to post its bid deposit and, once received, the upset bid process can begin. Lail went over the next steps in the process. An ad will be placed in the local newspaper advertising the bid for upset, with instructions for how to post a qualifying upset bid. Sealed bids will be received for 10 days, after which they will be opened. If a higher bid is i dentified it, too, will be advertised for upset. This process will be repeated until no additional bids are received. The final, highest bid will then be reported to the Board, who has the option to accept or reject the bid. Lail recognized realtor Mary Palmes who was in attendance to observe the process. Commissioner Brown asked if there was a set minimum. Lail said $750,000 was the initial price. Chairman Mallory asked what qualifies as an upset bid. Lail said one percent of the first thousand and five percent of the remaindering amount. This item was placed on consent, acceptance of the $801,000 bid. Request from Administration for approval of Budget Amendment #4 to appropriate funds for the 911 Tactical Channel Assessment: Assistant County Manager Joe Pierce requested approval of budget amendment #4 to appropriate funds for the 911 Tactical Channel Assessment. In October 2020, at the Regional Communications Committee meeting, fire department representatives agreed that they would follow the protocol of switching to a tactical channel immediately after initial dispatch. After the tactical channel initiative became active in mid - January of this year, there have been discrepancies revolving around that dispatch protocol. Some of the volunteer fire department members have reportedly missed updates or cancellations because either they do not carry the radios furnished by Iredell County, or they do not yet have pagers capable of receiving information updates and cancellations. In late May 2021, the Board for the County Manager to engage a consultant to assess and provide feedback on the recommended operation of tactical channels. Winbourne Consulting, LLC has submitted a proposal to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current fire and EMS dispatching operations, including use of tactical channels and assessment of current contracts for dispatching. In addition, the consultants will look at the training policies, procedures, practices in ECOM and the use of daily duties. The total project prices including time and materials necessary for full completion of this assessment within the project time frame, as outlined in the project proposal, are $173,340 for the study and $8,800 for estimated expenses. The total is $182,140. 7 July 20, 2021 Chairman Mallory said the consultant has a timeline of almost 8 months. The Board is looking for a decision point earlier than that. Mull spoke with the consultant firm. Initially, they proposed an 8-month process because they were asked to interview all of the fire departments and internal agencies. However, the consultant altered that and is offering a new timeline of no more than three-month period for performance. Upon Chairman Mallory’s request, information regarding ECOM’s training policies, procedures, and practices was added. With that, the consultant is estimating a two-month period. So, the tactical channel would be no more than three months and a review of training would be a two-month period. Commissioner Brown asked if the timelines being presented are added together. Mull said the original intent of engaging the consulting firm was to render a neutral third - party opinion on tactical because things were going in a lot of different directions. That assessment is separate from the review of the training. Mull said there are some things in the consultant’s data for the tactical channel recommendation that will be redundant but it is also a very separate path. There may be two different teams working on the reviews. Mull said worse case scenario woul d be five months. Vice Chair Neader asked if the price remains the same and if more staff was added to shorten the timeline. Mull said more time less staff equates and more staff less time equates to the same numbers. Commissioner Houpe said the study is a waste of time if it focuses only on the tactical operations. Part of the whole process was to look at turnover, training process and protocol. This looks to be based on dispatch protocol to give the Board some type of leeway to address the dispatching process with the fire departments and end-users. The Public Safety Task Force agrees without any hesitation that if everyone can agree on one process it makes more sense, but getting there is the problem. Houpe suggested the consultant dive into why mistakes are being made and why the turnover. Time is of the essence. Chairman Mallory said there are multiple different opinions about what the best tactical channel use could be. After a lengthy series of meetings, a decision could not be agreed upon. Without being able to reach a conclusion that is the purpose of having the tactical channel review so that an unrelated professional with the technical know-how can recommend the best route. Commissioner Houpe said that is a big part. There is some equipment put on hold until this process is over. Houpe said the consultant needs to look at the process from all parameters, but does not need to focus only on dispatch protocols. Chairman Mallory said that is included. Mull said the emergent issue was not having a concrete decision regarding tactical channel usage. There are some departments requesting ECOM to dispatch them different ways. Staff asked all of the departments to work the County to achieve one consistent way o f being dispatch regarding the tactical channel usage for the fire departments and allow time for the consultant to 8 July 20, 2021 come in and render a decision with the understanding that 70% fire department calls run are medical calls, which in turn involves ECOM. That was the original intent. The Board also talked about doing the employment engagement survey, which is a process that is already in place. Mull added this piece is continuing on. Mull explained that Chairman Mallory requested the proposal be amended to include a review of ECOM’s training policies, procedures, and practices. This is in addition to the tactical channel assessment. This item was placed on consent. Request from Tax Administration for approval of June 2021 Refunds and Releases : This item was placed on consent. Request from Clerk to the Board for approval of the minutes from the meetings on May 4 & 18 and June 1 & 15: There were no corrections or additions. This item was placed on consent. County Construction Projects Update: Project Manager David Saleeby gave an update on current county constructions projects. • Project 2U (Government Center) – Slight delay due to fabrication delivery of the precast concrete storm water boxes. Demolition is 99% completed. • Library ERV Project – Going well. There was a delay because of the City of Statesville Design Review Committee, but are now moving along with the project. • Jennings Park – Board recently approved contract with Stewart Engineering. Project is moving along well. Concession stand is almost complete. The design work for restrooms cannot move fast until it is determined how much property there is to work with and the type system that is suitable. Jones noted connecting Jennings Park to the City of Statesville sewer is allowable through ARP Funds. The Board agreed to proceed with the design of a gravity sewer solution to connect to the City of Statesville for the Jennings Park project. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF VACANCIES OCCURING ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS (None) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Chairman Mallory asked Mull to summarize the following appointments. Farmland Preservation Advisory Board - 1 appointment Ken Robertson volunteered to serve again. Planning Board - 3 appointments Chris Carney, Doug Holland, and Jerry Santoni have volunteered to serve again. 9 July 20, 2021 Mitchell Community College Board of Trustees - 1 appointment Michael Haire has volunteered to serve for the first time. OLD BUSINESS (None) NEW BUSINESS (None) COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT County Manager Beth Mull provided an update on the following: • Employee & Retiree Recognition Breakfast, Thursday, July 29 at 8am at the Statesville Civic Center. • Board’s Summer Workshop, Tuesday, July 27 at 2:30pm. Followed by the Report to the People at 6pm at Cooperative Extension. CLOSED SESSION The Board entered into Closed Session at 6:28pm. IREDELL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MINUTES July 209, 2021 The Iredell County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM, in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room of the Iredell County Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. Board Members Present Chairman James Mallory Vice Chairman Melissa Neader Scottie Brown Gene Houpe Board Members Participating Remotely Marvin Norman Staff present: County Manager Beth Mull, County Attorney Lisa Valdez, Deputy County Manager Susan Robertson, Assistant County Manager Joe Pierce, Finance Director Debra Cheek and Clerk to the Board Amy Anderson. CALL TO ORDER by Chairman Mallory. INVOCATION: Chairman Mallory asked everyone to bow their heads for a moment of silence or reflection. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Chairman Mallory. 10 July 20, 2021 ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA County Manager Beth Mull went over the following adjustments: Add Property Acquisition under Closed Session pursuant to GS 143-318.11 (a) (5) MOTION by Commissioner Houpe to approve the agenda as presented. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 Chairman Mallory noted that Commissioner Norman is participating remotely. PRESENTATION OF SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS & AWARDS (None) APPOINTMENTS BEFORE THE BOARD Chairman Mallory explained during the pre-agenda meeting, South Iredell Chief Jerry Starr presented the Board with a letter of appreciation from the department’s Board of Directors for the support to the organization. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearing to consider a request from landowner/applicant, Michael “Dean” Richon, to rezone approximately 2 acres of a 7.7-acre tract along Beulah Road: Planning Director Matthew Todd said the property is located close to the corner of Beulah Road and Old Mountain Road, near the interchange of I-40. The property is currently zoned Residential Agricultural and adjacent to commercial and residential uses. Although, the PIN number is on both the north and south of Beulah Road, the applicant is requesting to rezone only the north portion. For reference, the applicant and potential buyer of the property lives directly across from the site. Staff supports the rezoning request to Highway Business because it lies within the 2030 Horizon Plan Employment Center Industrial Flex Office designation, the property is adjacent to existing commercial uses, and the protected watershed restrictions should limit the development to a smaller scale. Chairman Mallory opened the public hearing. No one wished to speak. Chairman Mallory closed the public hearing. MOTION by Vice Chair Neader to approve the zoning map amendment, and to make a finding that said approval is reasonable and in the public interest because the property lies within the 2030 Horizon Plan Employment Center – Industrial/Flex/Office designation, it is adjacent to various existing commercial uses, and protected watershed restrictions should limit development to smaller-scale HB uses into the future. MOTION by VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 11 July 20, 2021 Iredell County PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT PLANNING STAFF REPORT REZONING CASE # 2106-1 STAFF PROJECT CONTACT: Leslie M. Meadows EXPLANATION OF THE REQUEST This is a request to rezone approximately 2 acres of a 7.7 acres tract of land, along Beulah Road off Old Mountain Road, from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Highway Business (HB). This is a conventional rezoning request, with no conditions proposed at this time. OWNER/APPLICANT OWNERS: Michael “Dean” Richon & Janet H. Fox (Siblings) APPLICANT: Michael “Dean” Richon PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS/LOCATION: Directly across from 129 Beulah Road; more specifically, the northern portion of PIN#: 4704801287.000. SURROUNDING LAND USE: In close proximity to this site, to the north, northeast, and northwest, are a variety of commercial uses; primarily HB and M-1 Light Manufacturing operations. Properties directly to the east, south, and west are still residential in nature. SIZE: The total acreage to be rezoned includes approximately 2 acres. EXISTING LAND USE: Currently, vacant lot. ZONING HISTORY: The property has been zoned, Residential Agricultural (RA) since county-wide zoning was established in 1990. OTHER JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION: This area is considered entirely the County’s jurisdiction, and lies just outside of the City of Statesville’s Long-Range Urban Service Area. OTHER SITE CHARACTERISTICS: This property is located within the regulated WS-IV-PA Protected Watershed Area for Catawba/Lake Norman. Proposed new development will be limited to the Non-Residential Low Density Option for 24% built-upon area with curb and gutter, or up to 36% built-upon area without curb and gutter. The Non-Residential 12 July 20, 2021 High Density Option could be applied for via the Board of Commissioners at this site; for up to 70% built-upon area. The property is not located in a flood hazard zone. UTILITIES: This site is currently served by West Iredell Water Cooperation and septic. IMPACTS ON LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND/OR FACILITES TRAFFIC: Beulah Road is considered a secondary road, not currently covered by the CRTPO Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The closest and most recent NCDOT traffic count, was just west of this property along Beulah Road, having a traffic count of 1,600 vehicles per day in 2015. Overall traffic capacity for Beulah Road is currently unknown. The speed limit along this section of Beulah Road is 45 mph. SCHOOLS: This is a commercial rezoning and should have no implications on local schools. EMERGENCY SERVICES: This proposal has been reviewed by the Iredell County Fire Marshal’s Office and Iredell County EMS. Neither office addressed any concerns regarding the request. REQUIRED REVIEWS BY OTHER AGENCIES LOCAL: The applicant/developer must provide a site plan to the Planning & Development Department for review to develop the property. Zoning requirements such as parking, landscaping, and buffering will be reviewed at such time. Erosion & sedimentation control standards will also be reviewed for compliance. STATE: Other than building code, there should be no formal state agency review at this time. FEDERAL: None at this time. STAFF AND BOARD COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant, Michael “Dean” Richon, is co-owner of the property in question, alongside his sister, Janet H. Fox. In attempts to sale this portion of the larger property in question, the applicant is requesting a commercial HB rezoning due to the fact that potential buyer, Keith Slaughter, who happens to live directly across from the site in question, would like to purchase the property for a commercial use. It is also felt that the site is no longer as favorable/attractive for residential purposes because it adjoins other HB parcels and is in close proximity to a variety of Light Manufacturing (M - 1) uses. The property directly to the east, at the intersection of Old Mountain Road, currently serves as the over-flow parking lot for Beulah Baptist Church of Statesville. It is noted that the smaller lot size and the Catawba/Lake Norman WS-IV-PA Protected Watershed restrictions in this area should limit or help control HB development at this site. Being relatively close to the on/off ramp for I-40, along Old Mountain Road, the parcel in question is inside what the 2030 Horizon Plan calls an Employment Center - Industrial/Flex/Office designation. The Employment Center – Industrial/Flex/Office areas 13 July 20, 2021 are intended for development of industrial, flex space, and office uses including light manufacturing and assembly, research and development, warehousing, and building trade showrooms and offices. These lands are either currently served or are planned to be served in the future by public or private water or sanitary sewer systems. Development should provide adequate transitions to adjacent lower intensity uses, such as residential and commercial uses, in the form of vegetated buffers, landscaping, setbacks, and building heights. The Planning staff can support the proposed rezoning request based on the following: The property lies within the 2030 Employment Center – Industrial/Flex/Office designation, it is adjacent to various existing commercial uses, and protected watershed restrictions should limit development to smaller-scale HB uses into the future. SITE REVIEW COMMITTEE: Staff performed a site visit on May 14, 2021, to post property and take photo documentation. Staff was accompanied by Planning Board member Ronda Hoke. PLANNING BOARD ACTION: On June 2, 2021, the Planning Board held a public meeting to hear the rezoning request. The applicant/land owner and prospective buyer/developer were present for questioning. No neighboring landowners attended in opposition. The board voted 8-0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. • Public hearing to consider a request by Gordon Johnson to release zoning and subdivision jurisdiction to the Town of Mooresville: Planning Director Matthew Todd said the applicant is requesting release to the Town of Mooresville. The proposal is for a mixture of single-family detached homes and town homes. Within the last few month, other properties in the area have been release to Mooresville. Commissioner Brown asked if there has been any comments on the request. Todd said no. Chairman Mallory opened the public hearing. No one wished to speak. Chairman Mallory closed the public hearing. MOTION by to approve the request for a release of zoning and subdivision jurisdiction to the Town of Mooresville by Gordon Johnson. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 IREDELL COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT PLANNING STAFF REPORT Release of Zoning & Subdivision Jurisdiction Staff Project Contact: Rebecca Harper 14 July 20, 2021 EXPLANATION OF THE REQUEST Gordon Johnson, with Century Communities, has requested release of the zoning and subdivision jurisdiction of 74.83 acres to the Town of Mooresville. The proposed use of the property is a development with a mixture of single-family detached homes and townhomes. OWNER/APPLICANT APPLICANT: Gordon Johnson Century Communities 7401 Carmel Executive Park Dr, Suite 310 Charlotte, NC 28226 OWNERS: William F Stewart Brian Newman 766 Teeter Rd PO Box 451 Mooresville, NC 28115 Mooresville, NC 28117 Saint Luke Greek Orthodox Church 134 Talbert Pointe Dr Mooresville, NC 28117 PROPERTY INFORMATION LOCATION: Charlotte Highway in Mooresville; more specifically identified as PIN #s 4658783599, 4658788458, 4658783218, 4658680227, 4658782092, 4658771796, 4658687910, 4658784911 and 4658678561. DIRECTIONS: Charlotte Highway across from Shinnville Road SURROUNDING LAND USE: This property is surrounded by residential and some commercial uses. SIZE: The properties total 74.83 acres. EXISTING LAND USE: The property currently has some homes on it and the rest is vacant. ZONING HISTORY: This property has been zoned RA since County-wide zoning in 1990. OTHER JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION: This property is located inside Mooresville’s short- range USA boundary. The properties to the north, east, and west are already in the Town’s jurisdiction. This property is located in Tiers 1 & 2 on the Tiered Growth Map, which was adopted as part of their Mooresville One Plan on September 16, 2019. This area has been identified on Mooresville’s Future Character and Land Use Map as Neighborhood 15 July 20, 2021 Residential and Mixed Use Corridor, which is intended to provide traditional blocks, urban villages, clustering, and well connected subdivisions and a mix of retail, office, commercial, and multifamily development, either vertically or horizontally mixed. OTHER SITE CHARACTERISTICS: This property is located in the WSIV-PA water supply watershed. IMPACTS ON LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND/OR FACILITES TRAFFIC: The most recent traffic count for this section of Charlotte Highway was completed in 2017 and was 19,000 vehicles per day. SCHOOLS: The proposed use is a development with a mixture of single-family detached homes and townhomes. STAFF COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS: From a Planning perspective, this request meets the criteria for release of zoning and subdivision jurisdiction. The Town Planning staff has provided a letter that states the property is located in Tiers 1 & 2 of their Tiered Growth Map. The 2030 Horizon Plan recommends Medium Density Residential uses for this area. The Town of Mooresville has regulations in their code to require a Traffic Impact Analysis to try to mitigate that impact. The Planning staff recommends in favor of this request. Public hearing to consider a request by Katie Bradley to release zoning and subdivision jurisdiction to the Town of Mooresville: This request was withdrawn by the applicant. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS County Manager Beth Mull summarized the following Administrative Matters during the Pre-Agenda meeting held at 5pm: • Request from Planning & Development to consider calling for a public hearing on August 3, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in regard to a request by Sandra Johnson and Gary Bowles to release zoning and subdivision jurisdiction to the Town of Mooresville. • Request from Animal Services for approval of Budget Amendment #2 in the amount of $15,000 to implement a low cost spay and neuter program for Iredell County residents. • Request from Health Department for approval to use Medicaid Maximization funding for the purchase of a Mobile Health Unit to be utilized for COVID -19 response and the provision of other public health services in the community. • Request from the Finance department for approval of a reimbursement resolution regarding the General Obligation Bond Projects to allow the County to be reimbursed from bond proceeds for preliminary expenditures. • Request from the Finance department for approval of Budget Amendment #1 to transfer funds from the Capital Improvement Plan in order to increase the shift differential pay. • Request from the Finance department for approval of Budget Amendment #3 to appropriate Intensive Intervention Services funding to Children 's Hope Alliance through the JCPC program in the amount of $718,408. 16 July 20, 2021 • Request from Administration for consideration and acceptance of highest offer for Bluefield Road Property and authorization to begin upset bid process. • Request from Administration for approval of Budget Amendment #4 to appropriate funds for the 911 Tactical Channel Assessment. • Request from Tax Administration for approval of June 2021 Refunds and Releases. • Request from Clerk to the Board for approval of the minutes from the meetings on May 4 & 18 and June 1 & 15. • County Construction Projects Update. The Board agreed to proceed with the design of a gravity sewer solution to connect to the City of Statesville for the Jennings Park project. MOTION by Commissioner Brown to approve the consent agenda. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF VACANCIES ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS County Manager Beth Mull summarized the following appointments. Farmland Preservation Advisory Board - 1 appointment Ken Robertson volunteered to serve again. MOTION by Vice Chair Neader to appoint Ken Robertson to the Farmland Preservation Advisory Board. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 Planning Board - 3 appointments Chris Carney, Doug Holland, and Jerry Santoni have volunteered to serve again. MOTION by Commissioner Houpe to appoint Chris Carney, Doug Holland, and Jerry Santoni to the Iredell County Planning Board. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 Mitchell Community College Board of Trustees - 1 appointment Michael Haire has volunteered to serve for the first time. MOTION by Commissioner Brown to appoint Michael Haire to the Mitchell Community College Board of Trustees. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 Chairman Mallory thanked the applicants for their willingness to serve their community for providing much appreciated input from different perspectives for the boards and committees. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (None) 17 July 20, 2021 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD (None) NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Houpe asked the community to remember the family of Alexander County Commissioner Dr. Jeffrey Peel that was killed in a car accident. Commissioner Houpe also asked the community to continue praying for the families that were impacted by the recent shootings in the southside of Statesville. COUNTY MANANGERS REPORT County Manager Beth Mull provided an update on the following: • Employee & Retiree Recognition Breakfast, Thursday, July 29 at 8am at the Statesville Civic Center. • Board’s Summer Workshop, Tuesday, July 27 at 2:30pm. Followed by the Report to the People at 6pm at Cooperative Extension. CLOSED SESSION Chairman Mallory said a Closed Session was held immediately after pre-agenda. MOTION by Vice Chair Neader to call for a public hearing on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 7pm to consider an economic development incentive for Project Return in the amount of $85,844 over a five-year period based on the company’s investment of up to $5.2 million. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 MOTION by Commissioner Brown to call for a public hearing on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 7pm to consider an economic development incentive for Project Keel in the amount of $89,665 over a five-year period based on the company’s investment of up to $5.1 million. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Commissioner Brown to continue the meeting at 8:12pm. The Board will conduct a Summer Workshop on Tuesday, July 27 at 2:30pm in the Human Resources Conference Room, Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. VOTING: Ayes – 5; Nays – 0 18 July 20, 2021 The Board will meet for a regular meeting Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 5pm in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Government Center, 200 South Center Street, Statesville, NC. __________________________________ ___________________________________ Date Approved Amy B. Anderson, Clerk