HomeMy WebLinkAboutC.054.93009_1681 (2)PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing. PROPOSED EXTENSION OF MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TOWER PERMITS: Chairman Haire announced that the purpose of this hearing was to receive public comments regarding the tower moratorium issued on October 21, 1997, and a possible extension. Judy Cline: (.Advocate of Moratorium) stated she wanted to make two points (1) Towers can be aligned together thereby eliminating other site areas (2) Urged that towers not be permitted near private airstrips. Richard Shaver: (Advocate of Moratorium) also wanted protection of private airstrips. He mentioned he had studied the Telecommunications Act and came to the conclusion that counties could protect the airstrips. He mentioned new legislation that would give authority back to state and local governments on the governance of tower& Jim Cody: (Advocate of Moratorium) stated he was a past air traffic controller and felt that towers near roads/highways were dangerous. He said helicopters trying to assist in rescue efforts were in danger from the towers. No one else spoke in favor or opposition. Chairman Haire adjourned the public hearing. MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to extend the moratorium on wireless communication tower permits for 90 days effective this date. VOTING: Ayes - 5; Nays - 0. Chairman Haire declared the meeting to be in public hearing. NON -OWNER REZONING; SCOTTS CREEK ROAD AREA, CASE NO. 9710-1: Mr. Allison advised that several property owners in the Scotts Creek Road area had petitioned to have their property and other property in a designated area rezoned from RA, Residential Agricultural to R-20, Single Family Residential District. The designated area runs along Scotts Creek Road east of Stevenson Farm Road to Taylorsville Hwy/NC90 and beyond to US Hwy/64. Allison mentioned that 81% of the owners (139 of l 71) had signed in favor. The staff has found the request in order and on October 1, 1997, the Iredell County Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. Recently, two property owners came forward to retract their names from the petition. Thiswillmake the petition at 80 percent. Ernest Rumpe: Opposition to the Rezoning. Runge said he was in opposition to this petition in regard to 70 acres bordering Hwy 64. He asked that this property be deleted from the rezoning. Mr. Runge said he had problems with some of the names on the petition. Leer n' a.dePavng:AdvocateoftheRezoningandaresidentofScottsCreekRoad. Mentioned the area was in transition with much uncontrolled growth. Encouraged the board to follow the planning board's recommendation and approve the rezoning. David Spurrier: Mentioned he didn't have a problem with controlled growth. He said he felt the names on the petition needed to be verified. Suggested that a forum be established concerning manufactured housing. Spurrier said he would be happy to assist in this type of forum and wanted to hear public concerns about mobile homes. Sara Hedrick Warren: Advocate of the Rezoning. She said she knew for sure that the people on Odell Road were united in the rezoning request.